GM Running in Winnipeg (New to Shadowrun)

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« Reply #15 on: <05-27-11/0919:02> »
Hey, welcome fellow Winnipegger!  I've also been trying to get a group going, and we've also ran through Food Fight to get familiar with the mechanics.  I wouldn't say the players clued quite so well as yours, but there will hopefully be plenty more opportunities for them to shine.

We haven't been able to organize and get together again since, but I'm still hoping we will.  I wish you the best of luck in the same!  It sounds like you have a good thing going.

I'll also add my name to the list of Winnipeggers looking to play - I'm also new to the system and rules, and was hoping to have a bit more experience before GMing.  Sometimes you just don't get that option, though.  When you're the only one with books....


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« Reply #16 on: <05-27-11/1240:43> »
Howdy EmperorPenguin,

I know exactly what you mean *shakes fist*.  I can't blame them too much, I have a history of skittering from one interest to another; but I'm also the only one with books, bawls and an interest in GMing!

Good luck in whipping your folks into shape.  I'm hoping to get the characters done sometime next week, and maaaybe playing by next weekend.

Do let me know how things work out!


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« Reply #17 on: <06-03-11/1608:50> »
Hey guys,

I am an old SR2-SR3 and many other game RPing GM. I have SR4 and have played it some.
I am new to Winnipeg and trying to find players and boardgamers.



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« Reply #18 on: <06-03-11/2030:01> »
Hey hombre,

As stated, my group's abit timid about playing with anyone else just yet.  I think there is a thread on the Group section that's Winnipeg gamers (I didn't believe there were any :p).  The only tabletop games I play frequently are Warhammer and (soon to be) Shadowrun.

Once my group is a bit more confident in roleplaying with eachother, I'd be interested in maybe mixing in some new fellas!


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« Reply #19 on: <06-05-11/2147:49> »
Making my first few characters to get the hang of it, since we should be doing characters tomorrow (finally!).

However!  Am I doing something wrong?  I'm at the resources section now for my adept.  I bought him a fancy bike and a weapon foci sword (force 2), thinking I should be getting close to the limit.  But, looking again, I have 28 BP left; so I have a grand total of 140 000 nuyen to spend?  I think I'm going to run out of wishlist stuff!  Am I somehow reading or calculating this wrong, or do you really start out with this many funds?  With 140k I should be able to buy a fancy house and settle down without having to 'run again!

What am I doing wrong!
Sorry if this is an awful question!


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« Reply #20 on: <06-06-11/0742:58> »
Remember, you can also put build points into Contacts, which eat up a lot of BPs as well. Also, have you bought other stuff like a Commlink, Armor, fake SINs or any other gear you might need?


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« Reply #21 on: <06-06-11/1157:30> »
Bought two contacts as well, a 3/3 and a 2/3.  I suppose I'll look back at the drawing board and put some points into skills or something if I find I have too much money.  I haven't looked at other things yet because I got afraid.  How many BP are common for someone to invest into gear?  Is throwing 28 at it way too much?

Thanks again!


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« Reply #22 on: <06-06-11/1239:30> »
The nuyen actually goes pretty quick when you start buying stuff up. Another thing to check is the Weapon Focus. Remember, it costs only 2BP to bond it, but it still costs 20,000¥ to purchase it (another 4 BP). You probably already have that taken into account, but I figured I'd better mention it.

You'll need a gun. EVERYONE needs a gun, even if you never use it (~500¥). With that comes ammo (~100¥). And some armor (500-2,000¥) and clothing (100-500¥). A good commlink (~1,500¥) with a good OS (~1000) and the tools to use it since you don't have 'ware (gloves, contacts, etc. ~500¥). And then you'll need the Fake SIN (~4,000¥) and licenses (~400¥). Of course, if you're getting the contacts for the AR, you might as well enhance them (~500¥) and get enhanced earbuds as well (~500¥). Since you got the dough, I'd go with a DocWagon™ contract, preferably gold (25,000¥). Pick up some other gear stuff (light sticks, Tag Erasers, etc. ~500¥). You said you'd have a nice bike (~5,000¥), if you go through Arsenal, you can pick up some nice mods for it (Anti-theft, Armor, GridLink™ Override, etc. 5,000-10,000¥). That's around 45,000-55,000¥.

Of course, if *I* were you and had that many BPs left, I'd check with the GM and see if I could take Restricted Gear from Runner's Companion (p. 101) for 5 BP and use it to up the Weapon Focus to a Rating 4-6 (depending on your Magic Rating). That adds between 20,000-40,000¥ to the total. Maxing it out, you've spent 95,000¥, leaving you with 25,000-35,000¥ for Lifestyle (higher Foci rating means more BPs spent to bond it). That's three months of High living, or 5-7 months of wageslaving.

Again, this all depends on the character build. You might have missed something elsewhere in Attributes or Skills that would effect stuff. If you post it up here on the site (over here), we can check your character out and make sure the math all adds up.


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« Reply #23 on: <06-06-11/1657:09> »
Hey again,

Much appreciated for the points!  I've been taking a look at it again since from the sounds of it I did do the math right and I do get that much to spend.  I've started spending some monies now, I think I'm up to about 30 000 but beginning to run low on other things necessary.  I'll have to see if the local store carries Arsenal or Runner's Companion quickly so I can get into some of that stuff!

Tomorrow is set for characters and everyone has confirmed so far!  I'll post up what we've come up with in this thread (since I'll be GMing, giving anyone interested an idea with what I'll be workin' with), and my own character in the character thread for you to take a looksie at.

Any final advice before we start the character madness tomorrow?  I'm the only one who's read the book so far. :/

I'm having a hard time grasping how the matrix and astral projection work roleplaying wise.  If someone is beamed into VR are they actually strutting around in a world-like setting (similar to The Matrix movies)?  There's a paragraph that references using the gunnery skill when shooting from a helicopter in the matrix.  I understand the meat body is limp, but are they actually strutting around like Neo? (I really hate to reference a movie for an example, but bare with me!).  Same with Astral Projection.  Is the entire meat body disappearing and going into this world, or just the spirit?

I've read through most of the rulebook sections on these, but because I've been in such a rush to get it finished its very possible I've missed it.  If this is a bad question I most apologize!


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« Reply #24 on: <06-06-11/2148:36> »
When you Astrally Project or go into Full VR (As opposed to farting around in Astral Perception or Augmented Reality Vision), your body ragdolls and drops.  With some practice, you can do it sitting up, usually leaning drunkenly against a buddy.  (An early novel has a character trying this for the first time and face-planting into his soup in the deli, IIRC.).

With Riggers, they become the machine they're in.  They see with the cameras, feel with the touch sensors on the metal, smell the radar, and so on.  It's like being the Machine.  They just get a new body.

With Deckers/Hackers, you're in The Matrix, which has NOTHING to do with that movie.  Think more Snow Crash (If you've read it), or Johnny Mnemonic when Johnny is making "A phone call".  What you see is a virtual world of (mostly) photo-realistic objects that do not obey the laws of physics.  An Adobe Fortress (Like the Alamo) floating in the air with cannons all around would be the Lone Star Site, for example.  Or a Stepped Pyramid for Aztechnology.  Don't forget lots of glowing things and "Neon-like effects" on everything, even if they don't fit.  MC Escher could have designed real buildings in the Matrix.  Every place has a different style or setting.  Seattle, for instance, known as the Emerald City, has a lot of green effects, and their government buildings are right out of The Wizard Of Oz, with "Guest" users using public terminals (Payphones, and about as easy to find as they are today!) being generic non-sexual green "Golems".

With Magicians, you're actually stepping beside the frame of reality, and entering a world that has more in mind with emotions and souls than with physical natures.  You see people's auras (And, with training, can learn to recognize them like you would a person's face.).  You don't see words on signs for example, but you see the emotional impact that people have affiliated with the signs (A street sign would show up as nothing as no one invests any emotion into it, but a sign for a strip club would show a bit of lust.).  This is a very alien place and very different than any kind of human perception (The VR stuff of Riggers and Deckers/Hackers were built with Humans in mind, the Astral Plane wasn't.), and has to be experienced and cannot be explained easily.  That's not a cop-out, it's how it is.  Keeps magicians mysterious and keeps them able to ask for a higher wage than the rest of the team.  (That, and being able to think people dead.  Always a handy skill.).

So, to sum up:  AR/Astral Perception you're walking around like any other John Q. Wageslave on the street.  VR/Astral Projection, you're sprawled out on the floor, your body helpless while your brain is busy elsewhere.  A common statement about doing something while in this state is, "Watch my shoes" or "Watch the meat", meaning the body.

Now, as for the character creation...  I'd suggest reading through the character creation examples with people before starting, and making sure that people have a good idea of what they want to start with before they begin.  It's an open and points-based system, you can create anything you want, so there's lots of options and getting distracted can easily be done, and you don't have to "See how I rolled" to figure out your character.
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« Reply #25 on: <06-15-11/2217:47> »
Bit of a coincidence, but me and the group also happen to be Warhammer players first and roleplayers second.  I don't know how we ever found the time to balance both last time... but we're trying to again!

I still have one guy who needs to finish his character, then maybe the actual playing can begin.  We're going to run through Season 1 of Shadowrun: Missions.  The SR3 to SR4 conversion is forcing me to dig through the rules, which never hurts (except maybe in time).

Best of luck to you!