Need new total combat monster build

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« Reply #15 on: <09-13-19/2025:51> »
Summoner / Face

Metatype   D   Elf 4
Attributes   B   16
Skills   A   32
Magic   C   2 Mystic Adept
Resources   E   6000

S   2
A   2
R   2
B   2
I   4
L   2
C   8
W   5

Edge           1   
Magic   6   

Focused Concentration 3      36
Impaired Logic 3             -24
Bad Debit                                0
Impared Str 3                       -24
SINner                              -8

Skill   Rank   Specialization   Expertise   Karma
Stealth   5   Sneak                       5
Influence   5   Negotiation               5
Astral   5   Combat                       5
Sorcery   5   Health                       5
Conjuring   6   Air                               0
Con   5           Acting                       5
Athletics   1                                   5
         Logic +1                           10
         Str +1                           10
         Reaction +1                   10
                        Nuyen                       5
                        Bonus Karma             -20
                      Total                                 45

Adept Powers
Improved Ability (Influence)  +2   Or   Astral Perception

Could be a full mage and skip the PP. (Edit and flip D/C Magic/Meta and pick up 5 Benefit Points/4 net stat and Edge points)  Fiddle with the Karma and pick up a Mentor Spirit maybe.

The Decker would be similar.  Flip Charisma and Logic.  Swap out Social Skills for Matrix Skills.  More Bad Debit. 

« Last Edit: <09-13-19/2234:58> by Hobbes »

Michael Chandra

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« Reply #16 on: <09-14-19/0233:52> »
Mystics cannot buy PP, as per errata.

p. 66

"They fist purchase adept powers up to a maximum of their Magic attribute then multiply the
remaining Magic by 2 to determine their starting
number of spell choices. Again, this uses the Magic value in the Priority table, not as adjusted with
Karma or adjustment points."

So, buy 1 PP with the 2 Magic, and then buy 2 Spells.  Spend the 1 PP on Improved Ability for +2 on whatever.
Ah. Yeah that's not something I would ever call 'buying'.
How am I not part of the forum?? O_O I am both active and angry!


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« Reply #17 on: <09-14-19/0854:17> »
It uses the word "Purchase" right in the text.  "Buy" seemed like the correct verb, but I'm willing to change   ;D


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« Reply #18 on: <09-14-19/0904:13> »
Mystics cannot buy PP, as per errata.
"They fist purchase adept powers up to a maximum of their Magic attribute
Ah. Yeah that's not something I would ever call 'buying'.


that's not... 'buying'.

Edit - damn, Hobbes beat me to it
« Last Edit: <09-14-19/0919:27> by penllawen »

