Direct Combatant + ? (Medic? Bounty Hunter? Other?)

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« Reply #15 on: <03-01-15/1237:46> »
Okay then, does Cyber/bio ware leave a pc more vulnerable to CFD? and Does being mundane eventually limit character progression?  The main reasons I always liked Adepts is the perception of more opportunities to spend karma (even though it does accumulate slowly) and fewer healing tests.

Okay and here is a really odd and humorous thought:  Could a pixie make a good Combatant? (and would there be reduced damage on pixie sized Guns?)

CFD is a plot device and not something you need to worry about unless your GM is running a CFD based game. Theoretically you will run out of progression, but there is plenty of room to bring skills to 12/13 and plenty of essence to pump full of delta ware, but yes in super high level play you will hit a ceiling.

Pixies can make combatants but they are hotly debated now. Currently RAW does not limit the damage their guns do, and there is always the trusty nerve strike or monofiliment whip route. Just run the ideas past your GM first. There is a lot of pixie hate going around now. 
No trees were harmed in the creation of this message, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.

"normal speech" thought "Matrix"   whisper "Subvocal" "Foreign Language"


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« Reply #16 on: <03-01-15/1325:30> »
I suppose this question could be better off in the rules section but:  what are people's thoughts on house ruling that metanuman and metasapient, and shifter characters be allowed to exceed the negative karma limit for negative qualities?  I remembered that in sr2 there was the option to get up to 5 Attribute, Skill, or Force points or some extra nuyen for taking an optional allergy...


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« Reply #17 on: <03-01-15/1327:15> »
I'm pretty sure (although I haven't checked those rules for a while) that the innate negative qualities from the metasapients and shifters don't count towards your negative quality limit. You can still buy them off, but you don't get extra Karma from them, so I don't think it counts towards the negative limit.


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« Reply #18 on: <03-01-15/1346:05> »
I'm pretty sure (although I haven't checked those rules for a while) that the innate negative qualities from the metasapients and shifters don't count towards your negative quality limit. You can still buy them off, but you don't get extra Karma from them, so I don't think it counts towards the negative limit.

okay, fair enough, but I am not talking about their already exisiting innate negatives.  I am talking about ressurecting as a house rule, the option for a Meta human to take an optional Allergy to get some extra Karma (or direct attribut/skill points).  Now this was an option in sr2 because to be metahuman you had to give meta type Priority A....  Also this is just a very 'young' idea right now.


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« Reply #19 on: <03-01-15/1352:56> »
I wouldn't allow direct Attribute/Skill Points from negative qualities, but it's not a house rule if you let them take a negative quality for Karma. That's the standard rule. It doesn't matter what the negative quality is, Allergy or something else.


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« Reply #20 on: <03-03-15/0347:15> »
okay been thinking for a bit and while I like the idea of a good first aid skill and some mechanical skills to help the rigger out, what other Miscellaneous support options are there that should be present on the team that could be paired with Direct Combatant?  note I am using direct combatant and miscellaneous supoort in the context of the team building section of run and gun....


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« Reply #21 on: <03-03-15/2254:35> »
Okay, if I were to refine things to say I want a Direct combatant primary with some sort of Miscellaneous support secondary and that I prefer a character optimized for being able to hit, and prefer avoidance to mitigate damage over simply soaking, what Metatype/magic or tech augmentation/build mehtods would be recommended?