Building the Library

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« on: <05-16-15/1050:43> »
I'm an old school runner, played since second edition. 
The only gaming books I currently own are the 2nd and 4th ed Core book(and a lot of Battletech).
I've decided that since most of my gaming library had been depleted in the past couple years it was time to rebuild it.
The game I've decided to focus on is Shadowrun 5th edition.
It's gong to be slow going to get all the books but I'm committed, someday I might actually get to play again, lol.

I have a couple questions for the forums.
#1 is 6th edition coming any time soon?  I'd hate to drop a lot of Nuyen then have the new edition come along and make my collection old hat.

#2 I know the core book will be my first purchase but from there where should I go?  Does anyone have any recommendations for books and modules that I absolutely must get or any that can easily wait?

#3 How are the novels?  I wanted to devour the fiction as well as the game itself.  Are there any MUST READ novels or are they standard gaming novel quality? 

I'd love to be able to sit back and see a beautiful completed Library of SR books, both gaming and fiction novels, adorning my shelf.
Any advice you can give me on a good order to proceed in would be greatly appreciated. 

Catalyst is set to make a depressing amount of money off of me in the next couple years, lol.
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I paint the pavement.  It's what I do.  Check it out on Instagram, @Chalkarts


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« Reply #1 on: <05-16-15/1700:55> »
Welcome!! Answers, in order as follows:

1 - no plans for 6e on the radar as far as I know...still in the process of building out the rest of the core books for 5e, with Data Trails (Matrix) due to hit for Origins and Chromed Flesh on track for this fall (maybe even GenCon).

2 - For next purchases, depends on whether you want to go for expansions or settings...I'd pick up Lockdown and Stolen Souls to get a sense for "what's happening" in the setting and then get the expansions next. There's also a pretty solid selection of digital-only releases that let you pick and choose your topics a little more precisely. I suggest you head over to DTRPG where you can find a listing of all the releases.

3 - I'm a huge fan of the fiction as well. To start, I'd suggest Spells & Chrome...a great anthology of short stories that came out a while back. There's also some excellent short stories (Enhanced Fiction) for sale as well as a new range of novels that launched last fall.



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  • Omae
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  • Posts: 366
  • I'm a Street Painter in South Georgia.
« Reply #2 on: <05-16-15/2015:21> »
Thanks for the info.
Good to know 6e isn't going to catch me off guard any time soon.

I was actually eyeballing Spells and Chrome, glad to know my head was in the right place.
I like the DTRPG selection, i'll have to snap up the digital only stuff but for the rest I'm a bit of a luddite.  I prefer hardcopies lol.  I know its weird considering the setting we're discussing but I want to be prepared for the Crash.  I envision a dystopian future devoid of readily available power and little to no computing ability.  A world in which I and a small band of entertainers and artisans will travel from town to town with a horse drawn cart loaded with various forms of entertainment and information, letters from afar, musical instruments, art supplies, and my huge collection of Shadowrun books.  We find a town where the survivors have congregated and in exchange for their hospitality and a few supplies we spend the week bringing joy and levity to their lives and then we move on to the next town. 
Digital downloads will not feed me after the crash, lol.

But seriously,
I really want the physical library, digital download is cheaper and I'd be able to collect the set much faster but I'm old school.  There's no greater gaming joy than sitting at my table with scattered character sheets and heaps of tomes surrounding me as I create the next thing which will doom my GM or the Players, depending on which side of the Game screen I'm on.

This is going to be expensive.  I don't know how I'm going to explain it to my wife, lol.
I paint the pavement.  It's what I do.  Check it out on Instagram, @Chalkarts


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« Reply #3 on: <05-17-15/0420:44> »
No worries...I've got hard copies of everything as well... ;D I like DTRPG as they list all the SR way to see what is available...the. You get to chose where to find your hard copy ;)

