IC: The Old Smoke, Scawire

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« Reply #45 on: <07-01-13/1339:40> »
"I will attempt your command"
[spoiler]Pilot ground vehicles [3] test please!
Roll for initiative!!!, roll for manny as well. where is he btw? following you in astral space or back on the riverside?[/spoiler]


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« Reply #46 on: <07-01-13/1424:00> »
Mantis does his best to keep his bike from running into anything as he tries darting around the 3 cars.

Piloting Ground Craft (bike) 1(3) + REA 3 = 6 o hits
USING EDGE re-roll all non hits 2 hits

Initiative 5 (2 passes) + roll 2 hits SO 7 INITIATIVE

Manny's Initative (Fx2) +2 = 8 with 2 passes 2 hits SO 10 INITIATIVE


(OOC the spirit should be fallowing in astral)

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« Reply #47 on: <07-01-13/1441:03> »
You desperately try to close the distance as the van rounds the corner ahead of you.
Pedestrians start to cross the road as you accelerate hard and the car ahead of you brakes harder than you bargained for.
Your bike ploughs down the inside as you duck and weave through the traffic, colliding with the kerb-side passenger door as you misjudge the distance needed.
The noise is horrendous and the glancing hit knocks you off-balance as the wing mirror catches your handle

Crash test please!! (remember modifiers for handling and gyro)


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« Reply #48 on: <07-01-13/1533:16> »
Oh Drake!!!!!

I haven't done alot of vehicle rolls so If I get this wrong opps

Pilot Ground Craft (Bikes) 1(3) + reaction 3 + Gyro 2 + handling 1 = 9 4 hits

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« Reply #49 on: <07-01-13/1743:27> »
The wing mirror is lifted off with a smash, flying up and impacting into your right shoulder as your left leg smacks into the metal barrier separating the traffic from the pedestrians near the junction.
The gyroscope strains against the will of the bike, keeping it upright despite two heavy impacts
[spoiler]Resist 5P with BOD and half impact[/spoiler]
Angry horns blare at you and pedestrians scream and dive out of your way as you hurtle through the busy intersection, haring after the van round the left hand bend.
You see the van hard on his brakes up ahead; a bus had decided to pull away from it's stop, temporarily blocking the flow of traffic. It has slowed long enough for you to get a reading on its numberplate: HV63 ZKN.
but the driver obviously spots your damaged bike hurtling up the road towards him  [spoiler]perception at -2 for distraction (12d6.hits(5)=2)[/spoiler] and blindly pulls out into oncoming traffic and out around the moving bus.
A oncoming car blares its horn, mounts the kerb and impacts into a derelict shop front, you can see the bloodied driver reeling from the impact as you approach at speed. Now the van has another advantage; a slow moving bus blocks your pursuit.
[spoiler]Vehicle test with full modifiers (don't forget any wounds), then state your action: continue pursuit by slicing between bus +traffic or emergency braking test to avoid hitting back of bus[/spoiler]
« Last Edit: <07-01-13/1749:32> by Csjarrat »


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« Reply #50 on: <07-02-13/1228:55> »
Mantis does his best to shake of the effects of almost graveling himself and his bike.

Armor Imp 10 + Body 4 = 14 4 hits


With some pain flowing through Mantis's body he rounds the corner happy to find his target and a bit of intel on the license. Before he has any time to be grateful for his new find the van tears away leaving Mantis with the crazy traffic to deal with. In a split second Mantis decides to stop the car chase he just doen't have the skill of a rigger to keep it up but he does have a few other tricks most riggers don't. So he tries to stop his bike behind the bus but also pulling it to the side in case he can't stop in time.

Being new at Vehicle test let me know If I do something wrong add dice to the end or take dice off the end if I roll the wrong number

Pilot GC (bike) 1(3) REA 3 + Handling 1 = 7 3 hits

Once Mantis is stopped he first uses his last command on his spirit "Manny" Manny I need you to fallow the truck I was chasing continuously reporting back to me where they are until you see them stop and unload cargo from the van, at that time give me another report on the location the cargo was unloaded With a new hopefully safer plan in the works Mantis hopes that the license and a few more bits of intel will be all that Greenwood needs.

Magic uses higher laws to over come lower laws.


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« Reply #51 on: <07-02-13/1237:06> »
[spoiler]Corrected test: 3 hits corrected damage resistance test (9d6.hits(5)=3) take 2 physical boxes
bike resistance (10d6.hits(5)=4) bike takes 1 box of damage[/spoiler]

Your left leg takes the worst of the impact against the metal railings and you feel a blinding pain erupt from your thigh, and a dull ache in your right shoulder from the wing mirror.
A quick glance at your leg as you round the corner at speed shows you it's as bad as it feels. A section of your armour has been torn away with a chunk of flesh, you know that after this run you are gonna need some serious patching up, as will your suit.
The pain as you manage the clutch is intense, but immediately forgotten as you slam on the brakes as hard as you can.
The bike twitches and bucks under the heavy braking, the rear wheel decelerating slower than the front. The bike slides sideways; dumping you into the tarmac onto your right leg,  ripping yet more ablative panels from your armour and coming to rest  in the middle of the road as the bus pulls away. The sky and the road rotate and swap places several times, mocking your sense of up and down. Your whole body screams, especially your arm, and you realise as you lay in the road you're in a pretty fucked up state.
The traffic grinds to a halt around you, dazed pedestrians staring at the scene in disbelief.
In your desperation to catch the thief you drive Manny to complete the chase but he refuses, "the severity of your wounds is too high awakened one, you would not survive. I will stay here and preserve your life. I feel your cause is a noble one, one worth seeing through to the end."
Your arm begins to feel warmer and the sound of sirens is the last thing you remember hearing.

« Last Edit: <07-02-13/1419:18> by Csjarrat »


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« Reply #52 on: <07-02-13/1427:46> »
A rythmic slow *beep* *beep* *beep* punctuates your foggy dream. You are on a foggy hillside, staring down a scope with a sense of unease as the dream lifts and you begin to wake.
Everything is black and your whole body aches.
You struggle to open your eyes, only your right eye lid conforms to your command and you see a blurry version of a pristine white medical room.
A blurry outline of a familiar face is sat at the bottom of the bed.

"Mantis, I've seen you looking better mate. Can you hear me alright? You're pretty fucked up mate, coppers are outside. want you in relation to a multi vehicle accident.
I've had to pay off a few witnesses. they'll back the story that the van driver came out of nowhere, that he hit you and you're as much a victim as anyone else yeah? stick to that and you should be alright, but you fucking owe me one.

He stands and moves closer to you, and your neck is absolute agony trying to orient yourself better to see him, though you can't really make out the face, you know from his voice that its Greenwood.
No not one, more like two and a half. Now what did you get for me on that job??

Chapter 1 Ends for Scawire!!!
-total karma earned 4
-total cash earned 1500

Well done!!!!
« Last Edit: <07-02-13/1430:35> by Csjarrat »


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« Reply #53 on: <07-02-13/1438:47> »
Mantis lays there hazed by the experience, when Greenwood asks what he was able to gather about the bandit. At first Mantis's head was in too much of a hazed and shock to recall anything but before he could drop the bad news on Greenwood's lap a small fact was there the license plate. I wasn't able get an idea on the bandit since he was cloaked in an invisibility spell and a stealth spell, if you head down to the docks you might still luck out and get an astral signature of his spell, or if another robbery happens check for astral signatures that is one area you as a mage should be able to get a lead from. Also the only real pay dirt I got was the license of the van HV63 ZKN After he gives Greenwood the license he does his best to describe the van in order to aid him in finding the bandit. If not too much time has passed since the robbery the best lead will be that the mage had cast a few spells and since he was being chased by Mantis he shouldn't of had time to erase his astral signature. I hope that info can help you start running down leads since I need to take a nap for a few days.

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