Reaping Wild Oats

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« on: <02-17-17/1619:26> »
You gotta reap what you sow, right? Well, sometimes that is easier said than done, especially when the Red Samurai get involved. Got your attention? Right, wonderful. Scan this...

There's a wealthy pimp in the Puyallup Barrens who is currently feeling quite put out. One of his girls is pregnant, and he wants to track down the man responsible to shake him down for whatever passes for child support in the barrens. Unfortunately, the guy he's after has skipped town and somehow found his way to Berlin (blissfully unaware of the joygirl's pregnancy, mind you). That's where you come in, chummers. You've been hired to extract a paranoid, traumatized, drug-addicted decker who wants nothing more than to tears Deus apart with his bare hands (or the matrix equivalent  thereof).

You see, the guy you're after is an elf in his late 50's who was one of the few people to survive the shutdown of the Renraku arcology in Seattle ten years ago. His wife and child, however, did not. He left Renraku to hunt Deus and the A.I.'s allies, and took all of the knowledge and paydata he gathered during his tenure at Renraku with him. Understandably, Renraku is not happy about this, and has tasked the Red Samurai with finding "Mod", and dragging him back. They want him alive, but he has no intentions of letting that happen.

Cue shenanigans.
It is better to be crazy and know it, than to be sane and have one's doubts.

"Nothing is wrong if no one can stop you."

Remember, you're only a genius when they need you. The rest of the time you're just an asshole.

Well, drek. Looks like Timmy fell into the Dissonance Well again.


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« Reply #1 on: <02-17-17/1629:14> »
Cast of Shadows

Tatsuo "Mod" Mashinnisunde:
        Mod is an elven decker in his late 50’s who has little to live for anymore. He once worked for Renraku at their arcology in Seattle. Yes, that arcology. He was one of the few to survive the horrific events of the arcology shutdown, but his wife and daughter were not. Witnessing his wife’s death in the Labyrinth (where he also lost his lower left arm), and having to identify his daughter’s mangled and decomposing body for authorities after the arcology was finally released left Mod deeply, deeply traumatized. His undying hatred of Deus, the sweet yet temporary relief granted to him by his near-constant use of eX, and the warm embrace of many a joygirl are the only things that keep him going these days.
   Mod left Seattle after being pursued by Red Samurai for years, using his skills as a decker and the vast amounts of paydata he took with him after leaving Renraku to barter safe passage to Berlin. He fell in with a new team of shadowrunners calling themselves the Havoc Team. He doesn’t yet trust a single slotting one of them, but he won’t betray them either. Until the players find him in Berlin, he is completely unaware of Tara’s pregnancy or his responsibility for that fact.
   Physically, there’s not much about Mod that sticks out. He is clearly Asian, though an astute player may notice that his features are distinctly Japanese. He has straight, shoulder-length black hair that he usually keeps tied back with a neon green ribbon. He still has his natural brown-black eyes, but there is a decidedly unnatural glint of cold-blooded hatred blended with a deep and unending grief. He still refuses to get a smartlink or any other eyeware implanted. The reason for this is as simple as it is heartbreaking. Deus “marked” his otaku, including Mod’s daughter, by giving them green cybereyes. Ever since then, the idea of eye surgery has freaked Mod out.
   Mod is average height and weight for an elf, and is augmented with alphaware, courtesy of Renraku during his tenure there as a system moderator. He keeps his ‘ware maintained but rarely upgrades it. Even the obvious, matte black cyber replacement for his lower left arm is still the original one he got almost immediately after his escape, despite multiple opportunities to upgrade to a synthetic or cultured replacement. The only upgrade to it was the addition of a reloading slide. His only other obvious ‘ware is the two shiny chrome datajacks in his right temple.
   Mod has no fear of death, and a deep, seething hatred for the rogue A.I. that ripped everything from him. He is also a man who has done terrible things in his pursuit of Deus and those who follow the A.I. He is a haunted, broken, and exceptionally dangerous man who desperately wants to do the right thing for the first time in a decade. Make no mistake, Mod may be a psychologically traumatized drug addict, but he has still managed to elude the Red Samurai for ten years. He possesses a terrifying intellect, and is really fragging good at what he does, which mostly consists of using the Matrix as his personal hunting grounds. Under no circumstances should he be underestimated. Don’t say I didn’t warn you, omae.

       How do I put this gently? Tara is a joygirl. That’s a slightly more polite word for “whore” for those of you who have been living under a rock. Tara is a tiny, adorable elven woman in her early 20’s with curly, fire red hair, friendly green eyes, and freckles galore covering her alabaster skin. Put more simply, Tara looks like pure, distilled Tir na nOg (Despite never having actually set foot there). She is also not the sharpest tool in the shed, which makes her easy to trick or take advantage of. She used to be a mild eX addict, but recent events have forced her to dry out. Oh yea, Tara is also pregnant and fragging terrified.
   Despite her name and appearance, Tara was born and raised in the Puyallup Barrens in Seattle. Her mother was also a joygirl who died of a drug overdose a few years ago, and her father was a shadowrunner who disappeared shortly before her birth. She believes he was probably geeked (An accurate assumption). History just loves to repeat itself, doesn’t it, chummer?

        Glutton, alcoholic, sex addict, and completely incapable of shutting the hell up, Tara’s pimp is a right bastard who earned his handle exactly the way you’re thinking. An unapologetic hedonist, Dionysus’ only redeeming quality is that he actually cares about his joygirls on a level that is almost creepy. So when Tara came to him in tears to say she was pregnant, he immediately went on the hunt for the father to shake him down for whatever passes for child support in the barrens.
   Dionysus is a reasonably attractive human in his late 40’s, and is in decent physical condition despite his age and breathtakingly unhealthy habits. He attributes his good health to a “strenuous workout regimen to keep up his stamina” (You can cringe, it’s ok). His thick black hair is just starting to grey out at the temples, adding a bit of dignity to his appearance. His cognac-colored eyes dart around his surroundings as he observes and carefully catalogues everything going on around him at any given moment.
   Oh, and did I mention he’s a Chaos Mage with the Seducer mentor spirit? He spends far too much time partaking in carnal pleasures to focus any great deal of effort on honing his talent, but he is still powerful enough to be scary if he or his girls are threatened. He’s not an easy man to listen to either. He’s unbelievably full of himself, and his trains of thought take a far longer route to the station than can possibly be considered reasonable. He is not stupid, however, and can offer some truly enlightening insights if you have the patience to listen to him fluff his own ego first.
   It should be mentioned that Dionysus doesn’t have anything personal against Mod. He just wants to make sure his girl is taken care of. Unfortunately, his loose lips have alerted some of Mod’s old enemies, who neither Dionysus nor Tara are equipped to deal with. Oopsie.
It is better to be crazy and know it, than to be sane and have one's doubts.

"Nothing is wrong if no one can stop you."

Remember, you're only a genius when they need you. The rest of the time you're just an asshole.

Well, drek. Looks like Timmy fell into the Dissonance Well again.


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« Reply #2 on: <02-17-17/1631:18> »
I like this, but I'd like to say that the people who a Seattle pimp would pay to find one of his girl's baby daddy and the people who can take on Red Samurai are probably not an overlapping group.

Plus I imagine the money to get the runners into Berlin would be difficult for a street pimp to come up with (or might just make the potential child support not be worth it).

I do like the setup of "find a guy to muscle into paying for his illegitimate child" combined with "that guy's an expert with some heat on him to complicate things".  Would be fun to play, assuming it went smoothly.
I'm Madpath Moth on reddit (and other sites).  Feel free to PM me errata questions!
Jeeze.  It would almost sound stupid until you realize we're talking about an immortal elf clown sword fighting a dragon ghost in a mall.


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« Reply #3 on: <02-17-17/1653:13> »
I like this, but I'd like to say that the people who a Seattle pimp would pay to find one of his girl's baby daddy and the people who can take on Red Samurai are probably not an overlapping group.

Plus I imagine the money to get the runners into Berlin would be difficult for a street pimp to come up with (or might just make the potential child support not be worth it).

I do like the setup of "find a guy to muscle into paying for his illegitimate child" combined with "that guy's an expert with some heat on him to complicate things".  Would be fun to play, assuming it went smoothly.

The mission starts in Berlin. The pimp only has to transport himself there, and bring Mod back with him (he's not quite rich enough to transport an entire team, so he hires a team that is already in Berlin). As for the Red Samurai, they will tread carefully. If they at any point make it look like Mod is about to be captured, they know he'll give himself a terminal case of high-velocity lead poisoning. Mod and Dionysus end up pooling their resources to get the team to Seattle to fight the Red Samurai who have nabbed Tara. Mod flat out tells them "Let me worry about them, just get the girl to safety. I'll catch up with you later. If I don't, then assume I'm dead."
It is better to be crazy and know it, than to be sane and have one's doubts.

"Nothing is wrong if no one can stop you."

Remember, you're only a genius when they need you. The rest of the time you're just an asshole.

Well, drek. Looks like Timmy fell into the Dissonance Well again.

