Mana Storms and the "Land Down Under"

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Pure Mongrel

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« on: <10-29-10/1737:25> »
The info I have on Mana Storms is very limited and vague.

I understand that Sydney Australia is constantly surrounded and battered by Mana Storms.

What would this mean to the city and its populous? Is it still a functioning city? Is it completely cut off from the rest of the world, fending for itself or has it been altered by the storms?

If some one want to get through a Mana Storm, could they do it? If so what are the dangers?

Thanks in advance,


Nomad Zophiel

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« Reply #1 on: <10-29-10/1749:08> »
The following is based on Street Magic pg 122

Mana Storms don't look completely unbeatable, just nasty. A vehicle with a good autpilot and more armor than the force of the storm will ignore the illusions and not be in danger from the damage of the storm's magic. Then it just has be have a good enough autopilot to make it through the mundane storm. The people inside might have a little trouble with the illusions until they get through but they'll probably survive intact.

Based on that, Sydney is not cut off but the import/export business is going to be a lot more expensive.

The Cat

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« Reply #2 on: <10-30-10/0029:13> »
Sidney has had over 60 years to adapt.  Beyond that, it's also a Corp owned city with a population of 10 or 11 million people, so it can't be too hard to move people and supplies in and out on a regular basis, the storms kicking it up a few notches on occasion notwithstanding.  The supply of food and water alone for 11 million people on a daily basis is staggering, not to mention raw materials for industry, outgoing products to keep the corps in the chips and so on.

Given what is published about Sidney, I'd say it's no real big deal.

Pure Mongrel

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« Reply #3 on: <10-30-10/0211:01> »
So what does a Mana Storm do exactly and what Corp owns Sydney?

Nomad Zophiel

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« Reply #4 on: <10-30-10/0222:56> »
Short form - A mana storm is a big thunderstorm that randomly throws out illusions and direct damage spells based on its rating. Kind of like Tir Na nOg's veil, if you have access to the sourcebook.

The Cat

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« Reply #5 on: <10-30-10/0345:32> »
Short form - A mana storm is a big thunderstorm that randomly throws out illusions and direct damage spells based on its rating. Kind of like Tir Na nOg's veil, if you have access to the sourcebook.

Basically this.  Mana storm are big, wild, dual-natured storms that not only act like conventional storm but also sling off spells. There are also Mana Storms with almost no physical effects at all (they still toss off the spells but they're not present visually). All of them can toss out any spell on the books and any not on the books as well, but most only have one "type" of spell they cast (so the storm would be one that casts Combat magic, for instance) but that's not a hard and fast rule, it's suggested they also change their type to keep them strange and mysterious.  IIR, in Target: Awakened Lands, one mana storm turned the entire population of a town into dingos and rabbits, and the dingos promptly ate the rabbits.  Then it wore off.  Then people needed shrinks.  Things like that are apparently common.

They can be tiny like localize rain showers or large multi-mile storm fronts.  They don't follow conventional rules of meteorology either.  They form when and where they "want" to, move how they "want" to and end when they "want" to (I say "want" but they, so far, don't seem to have intelligence).  Most are extremely destructive in their "active" phases but some don't seem to do anything at all.  With the exception of the Sydney storms (and maybe a few others) they don't usually last long (under an hour).  they also attract something called a Storm Wraith which usually shows up with them and they hare people with a passion.

The Sydney storms are apparently a giant aberration.  They've lasted a long time and wax and wain randomly, hence their having active and inactive cycles.  My guess is they're intended to be in a random cycle between "normal" storms and Mana Storms that pop up over and over in fairly rapid succession.

In my experience, most GMs who use Mana Storms (and GMs that do seems fairly rare in the States) usually swapped them up a good bit with their effects, with conditions varying inside the storm.  In one area it was raining fire and had stunbolt lightning and deeper in there were illusions and acid rain, and in another part of the storm it was freezing cold, raining and turning people into wombats, that sort of variance.  Basically, whatever magical effect the GM wanted to throw at you, the storm could do without real regard to rhyme or reason so long as the effect was big and powerful.

As for who "owns' Sydney.  It's not quite the same as Manhattan is owned.  When Sydney basically told the rest of Australia where they could stick it a few Corps stepped in to pick up the pieces and rebuild Sydney.  Over time, they've become the defacto government though there are still at least elected officials who are figureheads at best.  IIR (and again, no book, all this is from memory, so grain of salt here) Ares, Wuxing, the Azzies and Renraku are in along with a few others and basically make up the governmental leadership of the city.

Pure Mongrel

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« Reply #6 on: <10-30-10/0541:37> »
Thanks for the info guys.  ;D

So is the city of Sydney constantly covered by the storm, or is it more like a curtain that surrounds it (walls it off as it were)?

Being a coastal city, does the storm go out to sea as well or is that the best way in to Sydney by boat?

The Cat

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« Reply #7 on: <10-30-10/1438:15> »
Thanks for the info guys.  ;D

So is the city of Sydney constantly covered by the storm, or is it more like a curtain that surrounds it (walls it off as it were)?

Being a coastal city, does the storm go out to sea as well or is that the best way in to Sydney by boat?

While I don't recall if it is said in the T:AW book or anywhere else, I've always assumed Sidney was surrounded.  The storms apparently mostly stay outside the city though there was a building or arcology that billed itself as the safest place form the storms, so I imagine the magical parts of the storms do make brief encroachments on the city on rareish occasions.

Pure Mongrel

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« Reply #8 on: <10-30-10/1830:18> »
Thanks Cat  :)


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« Reply #9 on: <12-07-14/0024:47> »
Hmm. I wonder what effect they would have on CFD victims. Seems like a difficult, dangerous, and morally questionable experiment to arrange... the sort of thing one wold hire runners to attempt. *nod nod wink wink*

