Technomancer Decker/Rigger: How to build and play?

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« on: <06-28-14/0030:54> »
Hey Chummers.

I have played older editions of Shadowrun, dabbled in 4th and I am going full bore with 5th, especially in Missions. In that time, I have never played with a Technomancer. Briefly, I played with one during a Missions game, but I never really got to understand how they do their job.

I am interested in playing a Technomancer, but in order to play one I must first understand how one it played. If anyone can help me out, I would appreciate it. What stats are more important besides Logic? Skills besides the Resonance specifics? How would a Technomancer do a deckers job and how would they do it better? Same question for a Technomancer playing a Rigger role?

1) Build me a Human Technomancer using the standard Priority Build and assuming 25 Karma Negative Qualities.

2) Scenario 1: The Crew needs to get into a lightly guarded facility at night to steal information for their Johnson. They will get extra money if they are undetected. The Technomancer understands that he is up against a Rating 4 Host (using example on SR5 core pg 247 under Host Attributes). What would he have to do to avoid being detected by GOD, get admin on the Host and control cameras, elevators and door locks?

3) Scenario 2: Technomancer really doesn't like someone and he want to hack their system to drek them up. How would he hack a Rating 6 Commlink and get control of their Cyberware or Drones? How would he do that with a Sprite?

4) Scenario 3: The Crew is in a bind and they need a get away vehicle. There is some handy Professional SUVs owned by your opponents. How would you get control of them and jump into it?


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  • Chummer
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  • Johny Walker, the street name Booze came by itself
« Reply #1 on: <06-28-14/0442:46> »
Ok, my way may seem a little bit unrthodox, an I'm pretty sure some more expirienced Mancer players will discourage [ie Mirikon, Firebug] [or I'm just over reacting ;) ]

1) Give me a moment to build it up.
2) Using Resonance Action, Threading Complex Forms and Compiling sprites will not rise your OS. If you have Focused Concentration Qualitiy on RTG 1, and some Edge you could sustain complex form like Difiusion of Data Procesing To bypass limit, 'cast it' on Level 1, and sustain it with no drawbacks. You could command your Sprites to do it for you, but this is rather expensive.

This was the 'entry point'. Use Diffiusion of DP on host [reduces chances to detect you, as it affects Pool and Limit for Matrix Perception], infiusion of Sleaze on you could help, but requires high Level. Use your sprites as they can teamwork with all that you do on matrix [that would be matrix actions and threading, no help on compiling thou]. Use their powers a lot. This is your only real advantage over decker. They have Agents ofcourse, but Sprites are more ela
stic if used properly.

How to get on the host? If you have high skill just Hack on the Fly, If you have better Resonance, use Puppeter to make the host invite mark on you. But this is rather bad solution. Use data tap and just tap into simple device, jast like regular Hacker, and than hack on the fly against lover stats ;)

If you have 3 marks, you need nothing more. Just get into the host and You are linked up to all diveces directly now. Matrix search for paydata, maps, layouts, security harmonogram... Command Device will do the rest. Static veil, Resonance veil, are both good solution for hiding if you get hot.

3) Simple, Diffiusion of DP, teamworked with sprite of course, than What ever you want... [why not firewall? of course you could simply difiuse his firewall same way and use data spike, and it should do the job, but: ] When target has low DP,  Pupeteer, comand it to format xD... Or if it is streetsam, use his cyberlimb to face palm his head off,... 8)

4) Hmmm,... Easiest would be hack on the fly... 2 marks is all you need. Potentially you could use Pupeteer but this will case you to resist Fade a lot! As substituting it for command all the time [once each combat turn] is just ineffective. But:

Pupetter to just open it, than get in and data tap it! This will be the easy way ;)

5) Dronomancer,...? That is tricky. For now only thing you can do about it is Man in Machine echo that is a substitute for Control Rig. So You can jump in, but forget about army of drones, as you will not use RCC. RCC generates Persona of its own, so this is call between your living persona, and rigging Persona with out complex forms nor sprites. One thing you could think about is resonance link. Quite usefull for distance action, especially with Focused Concentration exploit. But! be aware! Biofeedback is a Bi7ch, and you will take a lot of in while jumped in, and forget about RCC taking it on itself nor firewall programs. This is risky. So consider A sniper drone [if you have proper echo, you simply get +4 to use a vechicle while jumped in (+2 HotSim, you are a mancer after all, +1 ControlRig, +1 Jumped in)], and it is for all vechicle actions, including shooting with gunnery. Use a Machine Sprites Diagnostic power on vechicle, that is yet another Teamwork that will give you another bonus. If you are prepared, you can get a dice pool of juicy 22 on CarGen [not exacly, you need the echo still to jump in, so this would be the first 13 karma expense] on 'shootin' 'n' 'drivin' 'n' stuff...

6) So Tips on how to use mancer:
-Sprites are your friends, will gladly teamwork on most of your job.
-Did I mentioned that sprites are your friends? You need to use a device in meat world, Machine sprite diagnostic. You need help in combat, there is a proper sprite. And so on. Just remember that limit for your sprites is LOG not CHA [errata].
-You are not a combat Hacker, when a fight starts, and you are not prepared for it, you will die! Decers & ICs will have better dice pool. You should avoid combat at all cost. If it starts it should be with your ambush on them. Using your sprites. Consider it a ninja tactic. Oh, than Resonance Spike would be your Ninja Dart, as Resonance action it does not rise OS and does not get you spotted by non resonance users. That would be hosts and deckers ;) You could potentialy Tatalite a Spider, just with 1 os rating, from than on his OS will rise, but he will not notice it as he would never use BabyMonitor on his host, right? ;) just wait until he will rise his OS really high.
-Consider sacrificing one essence [that would be resonance] for synaptic booster [that bioware with +RTG to LOG] as you will be using LOG on all non resonance software dicepool, that will be a lot.
-Alwso consider Pain Editor. It is a High End stuff, but if you will lay your hands on it consider: +1 WIL [resist fade & BIofeedback], and no negative modyfiers for wounds. That will alwso do a lot. As you will need to thread high Level complex forms as you will be sourounded by High Device rating devices. Stupid rtg 4 commlink have 8 dices for defence against all your complex forms! rtg 6 will have 12. That is on avrage 3 Hits, so you will need at least 4 or 5 to have net hits. That means you will need a atleast level 4-5 complex form to hack a ordinary commlink! Of coure you could use help of your sprites, to team work the roll... but level will still be your limit. 
-Or you can take the nasty combo RES 7 EDG 8 if zou want to be human... This is creazy $hit you know. 8 Rolls with no limit and +8 to roll...? Per game session? On regular run you will roll like 10 times at all, [and few for your sprites]. And 7 RES? For a nice dicepool in Complex forms and nice Sprites... Consider Registering a sprite of LV 14, just for fun ;) and really heavy support.
-Don't bother about team gadgets. You can do nothing about it. Your persona can not slave anything, so you can not share your high matrix attributes...
-...about matrix attributes if you have mage in the team,... let him boost all of yours. You will need LOG [Data processing and standard hacking], WIL [resist Fade and biofeedback], INT [Sleaze,... Sleaze,... Sleaze ninja ;) ], CHA [only limit on Attack, no dice pool related (yea,... data spike, really? When you can use Resonance spike, for more effort, and Damage from marks bypass that limit anyway, right?] In that order.
-So Good priorities are Attributes, Skills, Resonance, Race, Resources. Alwso in this order. Attributes, you might want: 20 in mental stats... WIL 5 LOG 6 INT 5 CHA 4, and buy for 30 karma 3 physical attributes to rise them up to 2, and leave one on 1. BOD 2, AGI 2, REA 2, STR 1. Body for damage track, Agility for defence, Reaction for pilot, and str,... to mule all your heavy gear including HMG and UBERDECK!!!,... lol nope

Sorry for wall of text, soon I'll build up a Mancer around this idea.
Booze's VU93 Profile
Im From EU, so my time zone is +7 from forum time, when you sleep I read ;)


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« Reply #2 on: <06-28-14/0518:58> »
So, drone rigging with a Technomancer is possible, but not really feasible since I would not be able to have a fleet like a normal Rigger.

But would it be easier to take over another Rigger's drone and turn it against them?

I think I understand the Decking aspect of the Technomancer. I would probably need more example scenarios, but I think I get it. The Technomancer has complex forms which by pass the all seeing eye of GOD.


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  • Johny Walker, the street name Booze came by itself
« Reply #3 on: <06-28-14/0556:50> »
Yes, yes, and yes.

DroneMancig is risky and ony for one drone at once. But: Till the rigging book will come out, You need REA to Pilot drones on distance. This is Phisical stat so it would be yet another demand for attributes. About 'shootin' this is LOG, or AGI depending on interpratation.

Easier to take over a drone? Hmmm... If rigger jumped into the drone, there is no much possible solutions to taking over such drones. You could possibly use pupeteer to Jack him out [yea, best difrance between comand and pupeteer is that you do not need marks,... and you can force owner only actions, like jack out ;)]

Fightin a rigger in Matrix is really tricky. It is a race, between his drone hunting you wetware, and you,... Trying to turn his hardware against his wetware... So what you really want to do is boot his RCC, that will couse him a headake... as dumpshock hurts, and RCC will need few turns to reboot. This is the time when all of those juice drones are on wireless with pilot and some puny defencive rolls of 6 against your matrixFu... this is when you want to take over a drone. Still youl will need to lower DP of RCC and you could use some help of any of your sprite.

Booze's VU93 Profile
Im From EU, so my time zone is +7 from forum time, when you sleep I read ;)


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  • Johny Walker, the street name Booze came by itself
« Reply #4 on: <06-28-14/0848:39> »
A Resonance [6, 5 Forms, 2*5 Res Skills]
B Skills [36/5]
C Metatype [Human 5]
D Attributes [14]
E Resources [6,000Y]


* +1*3 For 10 karma each
**You will have to trust your Resonance Spike

Cracking5Skill Group
Software6A complex Form
Computer3Matrix Perception
Pilot GC?Wheeled

? There is 36 points to distribute... Try to take as much specialities as possible. Software is all about Threading. Computers are for matrix Perception, hardware...? You have machine sprite to help you with hardware. Pilot GC is most common, Gunnery will make you capable shooter, IF weapon is mounted on somthing, IE smart firing platform ;) So there is 20 points left. Rememeber that you have high LOG, INT and WIL, so it might be good be a engeeneer/armorer/artistian... and so on.

If you dont have a skill dont worry, use edge [+7 to roll with reroll]

Knowledge Skills
LOTS... 22 points to spend at will. Consider puting those points in engeeneeirng and mechanics, if you want to be the master builder ;) Matrix security is nice too... Watever it is, you will have high dicepool on it

Resources [6000 Y]
Maybe Drone.... like dobermann xD lol nope
You dont need stuff, really ;)

Qualities: Negative: [+25 karma]
Severe Addiction Hot Sim +20 [you have bonus dices to resist this, high willpower, and so on. And,... you use it a lot. that is fun!]
Mild Allergy Wi-Fi Sensitivity +5 [Remember, you will have this under effect if you loose conection!

Qualities: Positive: -14
Focused Concentration rtg 1 -4 [remember about exploit]
Natural Hardening -10 [could be changed for Juririgger or Gearhead, as you will try to avoid combat at all cost, or just buy 2 more complex forms]

Compex Forms [5]
Diffiusion of Dataprocessing
Resonance Spike

[Infiusion of sleaze (for means of targetin complex forms, persona counts as devices, so you can boost yourself)]
[Resonance Veil (You need to talk to your GM, How he interprets this CF, as it is higly vunerable to interpretation ;P )]
Tatalate, Transcended Grid, Difiusion of Firewall, Resonance Channel, Static Link, Static Veil, Pulse storm, These are those zou want to take next.

Total Karma Expense
25 Starting
+25 Negative Qualities
-14 Positive Qualities
-30 Attributes progresion
Kept for after CarGen: 6*
*You can keep up to 7, this is 6 points closer to submersion, so closer to man in machine echo, and dronomancing.

It is not possible to make a PC with EDGE 8 and RES 7, on standard rules, becouse Luckz is 12 karma, and Exceptional Attribute is 14, that makes qualities worth 26 points, 1 point above the limit. Making only one of those on max ie EDGE 7 and RES 7 would require you to take Race priority A Human 9, and C on Resonance 6, to avoid losing 1 SAP. You could consider takin Elf, with human looking trairt ;) EDGE 6 RES 6 and 3 more regular attribute points, for you it means aditional 20 karma ;)
Booze's VU93 Profile
Im From EU, so my time zone is +7 from forum time, when you sleep I read ;)


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« Reply #5 on: <06-28-14/1508:36> »
Triskavanski made a guide for technomancers, I think its worth a look :)

