AI, Sprites and Assensing. Oh My!

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« on: <04-28-19/0938:13> »
Following the discussion concerning triggering contact preps. I've been considering the magical implications of something being alive and sapient in the cosmology of SR. In particular AI and Sprites. So to me if something is alive and is sapient then it must have an aura. Now what exactly the means in terms of systematic interaction is really the point this conversation, and I hope it will develop into an interesting plot for an up coming campaign. All that said to be very clear and up front this whole thread should be strictly considered as a house rule and have no bearing on RAW or RAI.

So first my basic assumption is AI and sprites have always had auras, but magic researches at MIT&T have only just discovered how to see them, as they appear in a different spectrum or wave length then is normally visible to astral perception. While this theory was purposed by Chaos magic thaumaturges almost decade ago, it was only recently confirmed when a spell was created to enhance the spectrum seen by astral perception.

That said Assensing AI to date has yet to provide meaningful data on anything or then individual basis, as it appears AI thought process and emotions do not correspond to base line assensing techniques, and each individual AI thought process/Emotion appears to be unique to the individual, or the simple size has just been too small to establish a meaningful base line. 

Doubters claim the spell created is simply an AI detection spell, and researchers are being fooled by the AI volunteers, as just another step in the AI's plot to overthrow and enslave humanity aided by their technomancer servants. 

So, what if any systematic consequences do you see coming from employing this house rule? Any particular plot suggestions that occurs to you based upon this house rule?

In a mostly unrelated note I finished cleaning up my wand style. Any Comments on that? I do want to try and run a season of Wizard's Duel as a game sometime. But trying to figure out more specifically the system for accomplishing it.

Olwa Túrë or Wand Mastery
The newest craze in the magic subculture is wand dueling enabled by a new martial art style: Wand Mastery or Olwa Túrë for the Sperethiel speakers among us. While its detractors often refer to its practitioners as twig jocks. The Style's techniques have been shown to increase physical combat spell effectiveness when channeling spells through a combat wand. The style has been popularized by the hit Trid Show Wizard’s Duel (Now on Season 3!). In the show contestants attempt to disarm their opponent's combat wand, generally after a great many showy magical effects of course. The overall winner receiving a powerful wand dubbed a Master Wand. To use this school practitioners must have a "Combat Wand". (A Combat Wand is defined as an Active Combat Spell Focus that is a wooden wand.)

Available Techniques:
Wand Precision. By changing the origin point for a spells from the eyes or other body party to the combat wand tip, the caster achieves greater precision. When casting an indirect combat spell with the range of LOS using their combat wand, the spellcaster adds +1 die to the Spellcasting+Magic [Force] vs Intuition+Reaction opposed test.

Mana Mastery. As an Initiate or Istar increases their mastery of Olwa Túrë, they learn to over channel mana through their combat wand increasing their spells effectiveness.  When casting an indirect combat spell with the range of LOS using their combat wand the spell has +1 DV this also raises the drain difficulty by 1. 

Bending of the Wand. Olwa Túrë teaches that the best way to defeat your enemy is to avoid their attack. The Istar practices dodging while continuing to aim their wand combat . (See R&G Page 135, Bending of the Reed, +1 die when using the dodge interrupt action.)

Wandjutsu. Through constant, repeated drilling an Istar masters drawing their wand with lightning speed. (It also helps that Olwa Túrë teaches its practitioners to carry their wands in their sleeves.) A Caster may draw a wand that is sheathed up their sleeve as a free action when taking the casting complex action.

Diswanding. The True Master of Olwa Túrë known as a Curunír have achieved such precision that they can disarm their opponents while otherwise leaving them unharmed. Mastery of this technique allows the caster to attempted a Blast out of Hand called shot when using any indirect Combat Spell with ranged LOS, and reduces the called shot penalty by -1 (Becomes a -3 Penalty, see SR5 Core Page 195.) Regardless of success or failure the spell causes no damage. (This Technique can only be learned by the martial artist after they have mastered all other techniques in this style.)

Thanks for reading!

[Edit changed life to sapient life must have an aura.]
« Last Edit: <04-28-19/1057:18> by Marcus »
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Stainless Steel Devil Rat

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« Reply #1 on: <04-28-19/1050:55> »
I don't see how A.I.s have any connection to the Astral whatsoever, much less have an aura. I think it's abundantly clear you can see a drone (or rather its reflection) in astral, but if there's an A.I. running on that drone it's utterly unconnected to all magic and untouchable by all magic. The drone itself could be assensed or targeted, but the A.I. simply is a non-entity with regards to magic. You can't do anything to an A.I. with magic any more than you can hack a magical effect.  There's just no connection between those two of Shadowrun's worlds.  But for argument's sake, let's presume I'm wrong and think about this.

In order to have an aura, a matrix construct must first exist in astral.  Living or unliving; because then the living matrix constructs would arguably have auras.  And unliving matrix constructs would have "reflections", like physical non-living objects. That would mean you can not only assense a drone or target it with a spell, but also its Matrix device icon.

If you can find any sort of example of a matrix icon such as a persona or file being subject to a spell, critter effect, or any magical phenomenon whatsoever, then maybe there's an argument to be had that a living matrix construct could have an aura.

I'm 99% sure there's never been one, but am prepared to stand corrected.
« Last Edit: <04-28-19/1104:36> by Stainless Steel Devil Rat »
RPG mechanics exist to give structure and consistency to the game world, true, but at the end of the day, you’re fighting dragons with algebra and random number generators.


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« Reply #2 on: <04-28-19/1120:41> »
I'm not debating my assumption SSDR, it my house rule. To me Dimensional connection are universal as I see it, in the same way that something is 3 dimensional it can also be 5th or 8th dimensional etc.  I think a sapient living creature has a aura, representing a soul, which can also be considered a connection to the astral, debating the religious elements in reasonable. But not really relevant to this thread. 

But your point that they would then trigger contact trigger is relevant. Though more exactly their aura around whatever computer they are living in would trigger contact triggers. But yes that would mean AI living in a drone would have an aura and would trigger them. Now sure it's not dual natured or anything its aura in the same way a normal human has an aura.

Deep resonance could very well be some kind astral meta-realm. The rules does stat any information can gotten from there, which also a fact about astral questing. Now as I have already emphasized that's all a house rule concept, and your view is correct in RAI and RAW as I understand it. But for my purposes it's very interesting and a strong element, for that plot idea.

Now we are seeing host of technologies that effect magic, it's extremely like such a development would cause a reaction in that other direction. 
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« Reply #3 on: <04-28-19/1941:03> »
I don't recall which books reference it, but using the astral gateway power, technological devices become naturalized equivalents (a drone may become an animal companion, for example). That gives official precedence for technological interaction, through transformation, with technological devices.

The auras of AIs and Sprites could have been previously misinterpreted as emotional impressions on objects. Being transitory matrix entities who reside in potentially distributed systems (such as a datacenter), it may be that their auras are faint and stretched. Perhaps detectable with an increased threshold.

To spin the idea around, do you intend to make magical auras detectable via the matrix, like using calibrated sensors to detect vague magic presences a la Ghost Hunters or similar?


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« Reply #4 on: <04-28-19/2204:08> »
I don't recall which books reference it, but using the astral gateway power, technological devices become naturalized equivalents (a drone may become an animal companion, for example). That gives official precedence for technological interaction, through transformation, with technological devices.

The auras of AIs and Sprites could have been previously misinterpreted as emotional impressions on objects. Being transitory matrix entities who reside in potentially distributed systems (such as a datacenter), it may be that their auras are faint and stretched. Perhaps detectable with an increased threshold.

To spin the idea around, do you intend to make magical auras detectable via the matrix, like using calibrated sensors to detect vague magic presences a la Ghost Hunters or similar?

I like that a lot. I do want to make it work both ways, but i haven't fully worked my head through how to go about it yet. But the idea of a vague uneasy feeling, make it run of a different scene is conceptually very interesting.

Back in the old days, there were a couple mods that had cyber characters become sort windup machines.
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« Reply #5 on: <05-01-19/1549:02> »
Well it's fairly clear nothing meaningful is gonna happen for a good while. So I think I'm out until 6 Release. Feel free to PM me if I can help. I'll probably be haunting the MCDM Reddit. Until 6th then. Best of Luck!
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