Zacharias aka "Zach" - Original + SR5 Conversion (no gear yet)

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« on: <01-24-11/1140:45> »
400BP - Orc adept - smuggler from Wild East
« Last Edit: <08-05-13/1255:53> by Sichr »


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« Reply #1 on: <01-25-11/1307:22> »
Magic 6 is always a tough sell for me.  So many other things to do with those points.  personally I don't find Combat Sense in 4th Edition to be nearly as sexy as it was in 3rd edition.  the extra defensive dice are nice, to be sure.

Smuggler would probably have a few points spent on contacts on each side of the respective border.
Same with fake SINs for each side.  Particularly with a Criminal SIN.
Unless you start out effectively Hung out to Dry.

If that is your smuggling bike, then it might be wanting some sort of upgrades / modifications / accessories just what I am thinking.  And if you are smuggling on a bike, that makes me think small package courier. 

rules - you have 8 points of capacity used in your goggles, maximum should be 6

Weapon Focus Ceramic Knife - 20,000 that is 4 build points, plus the 2 to bind it - at that point I would say you have a knife fighter here, and I would put more focus into that.  (although I would also think that a Weapon focus is going to be a little too astrally active for a smuggler).


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« Reply #2 on: <01-25-11/1453:30> »
I'm pretty sure that you need spellcasting/conjuring capability to have a Mentor Spirit.  And Astral Chameleon only matters when you're casting spells and not bothering to clean up after yourself (or can't because you don't have astral access.)  Adepts can't cast or summon, so neither quality should matter, but mystic adepts do and would benefit from both.  It might be worth it to bump the guy up to an MA, if only to get access to Counterspelling.  Nothing stops detection spells like a good bit of Counterspelling.  You'd have to sacrifice a PP for summoning/casting, but it'll totally open up a world of options for you.

Shadowing 3 + Infiltration 3 + Disguise(camo) 1 = 12bp + 12bp + 6pb = 30bp for 3 dice on three tests.
Stealth Group 3 = 30 bp for 3 dice on those same 3 tests and 3 dice on palming, which is how you slip concealed items past a pat down. 
There's no reason not to take the group.  You can still benefit from the Improved Ability without breaking up the group into parts. 
« Last Edit: <01-25-11/1502:55> by Kontact »


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« Reply #3 on: <01-25-11/1556:04> »
yep, adepts can take a mentor spirit, although in this case it would just apply a +2 dice for either Gymnastics or infiltration (no bonus to the spellcasting of illusions)

echo kontact's advocation for the Stealth group.

just checked, nothing from the Digital Grimoire that seems to fit.


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« Reply #4 on: <01-26-11/1705:11> »
Metatype (20BP) : Ork
Adept (5BP)

Cache: 10850Y
Debt: 0Y
Karma: 2
Karma total: 50
Lifestyle: Low, 1Month

Corps Sec: 1

Street Cred: 1

SIN: Greg Maninov
   Fake SIN 6
Licences (6)
   2x HK 227
   Chameleon suit
   Driving licence

Attributes (160 + 50 BP):
Body:       4
Agility:       4
Reaction:    5 (7)
Strength:    4
Charisma:    2
Intuition:      4
Logic:       3
Willpower:    3

Edge:       2
Magic:       6
Initiative:    11/ 3 IP
Essence:    6
Powers :
Attribute Boost (Level 1) - Agility
Attribute Boost (Level 1) - Strenght
Improved Ability : Other Skill (Level 2) - Infiltration
Improved Reflexes (level 2)
Counterstrike (Level 1)
Combat Sense (Level 2)
Motion sense
Nimble fingers

Knowledge Skills:
Or'zet :                             N
Cantonese :                          3
Russian :                          3
German :                            1
English :                          1
Security Procedures :       2
Security Design :                  2
Smuggling routes (Seattle):               3(5)
Vory :                             2
Parazoology :                  2
Safe Houses (ORCA):       2
Active Skills (160 BP):
Disguise :                          3
Inflitration :                          3
Palming :                          3
Shadowing (Tail Evasion):                  3(5)
Navigation (Urban) :                  2(4)
Survival (Urban) :                  2(4)
Tracking :                           2
Blades (Knives) :                        4 (6)
Automatics (Submachine Guns) : 4 (6)
Gymnastics :                         3
Perception :                          4
Climbing :                          2
Hardware :                           2
Electronic Warfare :                  2
Pilot Ground Craft (Bike) :               4 (6)
Etiquette (Smugglers)      2(4)

Positive Qualities (15BP):
Mentor Spirit (Cat, +2 infil)
Negative Qualities (-35BP):
SINner Criminal
Hung Out to Dry
Enemy 3 - Vory v zakone
GEAR  (14 BP +2 +4,938):

Ceramic Knife
Hidden Gun Arm Slide
Weapon Focus (Rating 2)
   Personalized grip (+1Die)
   Gecko grip
   Chameleon coating
Cougar Fineblade Knife Long Blade
          Quick-Draw Holster
          Personalized grip
          Gecko grip
2x HK-227X
        Retractable Stock (+1RC)
        Smartgun - external
        Sound suppressor
        Gas-Vent 3 (+3RC)
        Foregrip (+1RC)
        Concealable holster / Sling (+1RC)
        Personalized grip (+1RC)
        Extended clip stdt   
        Extreme environment mod. 1    
8x spareclips
70/35(c)  Regular ammo
65/35(c)  ExExplosive            
98/35(c) APDS

HK XM 30
Accessories:External Smartgun, Shock pad, spare clips.
Mods: Under barrel grenade launcher, Foregrip, extended standard clip, Metahuman Customization, Gas Vent 3, Melee Hardening, Sound supressor.

DV:6P RC:4 AP:-1 ranges:50/150/350/550  Ammo cap: 38(c)

160/38(c) regular ammo

4x Thermal smoke / 4x Smoke / 4x CS/Tear gass/ 4x EMP/ 4x FlashBang

Chameleon Suit
Nonconductivity (Rating 4)
Thermal Dampening (Rating 4)
Camouflage Suit
Fire Resistance (Rating 3)
Insulation (Rating 3)
Bike Racing Helmet
Lined Coat
Harley Scorpion (Chopper)
   Off-road suspension
   Run-flat off-road tires

   Additional fuel tank
   Lock-On Countermeasures
   Chameleon coating
   Smuggling compartment (Shielded – microwave radar)
         Improved Suspension
         Racing RunFlat Tires

Lonestar iBall(Offensive) Minidrone
+Camera: Thermographic, Flare compensation, Imagelink
+Microphone: Spatial recognizer
+Motions sensor

Lena, Shiawase Kanmushi (Micro Crawler Drone)
Handling   Accel   Speed   Pilot   Body   Armor   Sensor   Availability   Cost
1   2/10   10   3   0   0   Upg. R3/S4   8   900Ą/5150Ą
Electronic Warfare 3
Covert Ops 3
Clearsight 3
Chameleon Coating
Amphibious Operation I
Signal Upgrade 4
Improved Sensor Array
+ Ultrawideband Radar R4
+ Camera R6
++ Vision Enhancement 3
++ Low-Light
++ Thermographic
++ Ultrasound

Luka, Shiawase Kanmushi (Micro Crawler Drone)
Handling   Accel   Speed   Pilot   Body   Armor   Sensor   Availability   Cost
1   2/10   10   3   0   0   Upg. R3/S8   8   900Ą/5150Ą
Electronic Warfare 3
Covert Ops 3
Clearsight 3
Fuzzy Logic
Chameleon Coating
Satellite Communication
Improved Sensor Array
+ Laser Microphone R6
++ Select Sount Filter 1
+ Camera R6
++ Thermographic
++ Vision Enhancement 3
++ Low Light
++ Ultrasound
+ Microphone R6
++ Audio Enhancement 3
++ Select Sount Filter 1

Sylwia, Dragonfly
Handling   Accel   Speed   Pilot   Body   Armor   Sensor   Availability   Cost
1   3/15   30   3   1   1   2   12   2250Ą/10420Ą
Targetting 4 (C12, High-Explosive)
Electronic Warfare 3
Covert Ops 3
Clearsight 3
Personality Software
Signal Upgrade 5
Fuzzy Logic
Chameleon Coating
Gecko Tips
Improved Sensor Array
+ Camera Neutralizer R6

Commlink : Novatech Airware
Response Upgrade (2)
White Noise Generator (Rating 6)
Holo Projector

Mapsoft (Rating 5)
Browse (Rating 5)
Edit (Rating 5)
Decrypt (Rating 2)
Firewall (Rating 5)
System (Rating 5)
Scan (Rating 6)
Sniffer (Rating 2)
Command (Rating 5)       

Autopicker (Rating 4)
Sequencer (Rating 3)
Wire clippers
3x Microwire (per 100 m)
Rappeling Gloves

Respirator (Rating 4)
Hamzat Suit

Climbing Gear
Grapple Gun
Catalyst Stick
3x Stealth Rope (per 100 m)

Handheld Sensor / Minidrone
+ Directional Microphone
+ MAD Scanner (Rating 3)

Handheld Sensor / Minidrone
+ Atmosphere Sensor (Rating 3)
+ Radio Signal Scanner (Rating 6)
+ Geiger Counter

Contact Lenses
+Image Link
+Thermographic Vision

+Flare Compensation
+Image Link
+Vision Enhancement (Rating 3)
+Vision Magnification
+Ultrasound Vision

+ Audio Enhancement (Rating 3)
+ Spatial Recognizer
+ Select Sound Filter (Rating 3)

3x Plasteel Restraint
10x Light Stick
Micro Flare Launcher
4x Micro Flares
Sleeping Bag
Tool Kit
Survival Kit

Dr. Watson               L1/C4
Dustin Menugian         L2/C3

             My home was located at one of many Ural tribes. Our Elders were forced to accept EVO security contract to the ensure the safety  of our people. Price was our independence, knowledge of Awakened Taiga and our freedom and the ways of living.
             Something I shouldn`t live with.
             I became a smuggler and a Stalker in the wastes of awakened tundra. Lately, when working for Vory, I`ve discovered, that EVO paid those vile Vory bastards to step-up oppressive campaign against my people, that forced our leaders to accept EVO offer for security deployment.
             With this knowledge and proofs, I became the THORN IN THE ASS, diverting some of their operations before they found out it was me. From that moment until forever, I am on the run...and Vory never forget..or forgive...
             O.R.C.A. had helped me to leave Vory amd cross Berring to Alaska. Until then, I travel along the coast, until today, when I reached Seattle. I ve heard of some ork tribes near Cascade mountain so I hope to find some info or contact with them. But the first thing I need a long shower and a fast hooker and a good mechanic to check my I need some money, because Im almost out of geld.
Yeah...and my english is at the beginner level, so I`m looking for china town...

Physical aprearance:
Tall sinewy man with permanent sarcastic grin on his face, his tusks made this apearance a bit...disturbing.... Nearly half of his face almost constantly hiden by googles, leaving the rest unprotected. Skin on his face is far from smooth, covered by dozen of scars, burned both by sun and by frost it is a skin of an ork who spent at least 10 years cruising Siberia and Gobi desert on his chopper. He also has a respirator hanging freely on shis neck...
He is dressed in camouflage suit, from his knees up his body is protected by heavy lined coat, scratched, but oiled and regularly cleaned. Big survival knife, almost machette, holstered on his left thigh and two weapon straps crosses on his chest, however weapons remain hidden under the coat.
His bike has a story of its own. Hardened piece of heavy metal that seems pretty unstopable, carying whole Zak`s life on a few luggage carriers. Big multi-purpose axe with much-handled handle is strapped to the chopper body. Paintings remotely resembles wild cat in a leap, but looking at it directly brings you only cofusion, seems like the surface is liquid. So don`t stare at my bike...
« Last Edit: <05-27-13/1540:45> by Sichr »


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« Reply #5 on: <01-27-11/0817:03> »
Well, if you're going to move into MA territory, that opens up some other options.  Just being able to put points in counterspelling is great, but there are other things to look at as well.

For instance, you've got Improved Reflexes 2, which is 2.5 PPs.  Pretty heavy, but not crushing.
But, now you're a spellcaster.  That means you could get a R3 Sustaining Focus and cast Increase Reflexes for the same IP/Init boost.  Though do remember you'll lose that straight up reaction boost for when it comes time to drive your bike or dodge bullets.  You'll also need to invest in spellcasting and probably a power focus, which would change the layout considerably.

It would change a lot about this build (and foci are not easy to hide, so they'd be a liability for a smuggler.)
I'll post a more mystical MA build in Chrona's 400bp thread.


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« Reply #6 on: <01-27-11/0905:06> »
I`ve posted this char also on Skype to my fellow runners, and then one of them told have Counterspell3, but you have alll PP allocated to Physical adept skills, so you cannot use this skill. So I`ve removed the Counterspell and distribute those 12 points to other skills. Now, I`m reconsidering the MA status also, because it had no effect until I gain enought karma to raise my Magic...So I think I will set it back to Adept.

Otherwise it will be completely different character from what I`ve on mind when I`ve started before :)

And thanx for notifying me, that Improved reflexes cost less in SR4A eddition, I`ve counted 3 PP. I`ll have to customiuze my chargen. Does anyone knows, is there some up-to-date version of Daegans SRCG? I`ve also tried DaisyBox, it is good to build weapons and vehicels, but that bloody program counts wrong BP on Skills and Attributes, and as such is useless. And it has been a long time ago I`ve created my character just with pen and paper :)


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« Reply #7 on: <01-27-11/1510:16> »


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« Reply #8 on: <01-28-11/0108:21> »
And thanx for notifying me, that Improved reflexes cost less in SR4A eddition, I`ve counted 3 PP. I`ll have to customiuze my chargen. Does anyone knows, is there some up-to-date version of Daegans SRCG? I`ve also tried DaisyBox, it is good to build weapons and vehicels, but that bloody program counts wrong BP on Skills and Attributes, and as such is useless. And it has been a long time ago I`ve created my character just with pen and paper :)

I like Damien Knight's build of the old blakkie spreadsheet.  It's got all the up to date rules and errata except for War.
It does have some problems with gear being the wrong price here and there though..  and you have to turn off a bunch of house rules stuff in the settings tab.


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« Reply #9 on: <02-28-11/1236:29> »
Initial version SRA, 400BP

Metatype (20BP) : Ork
Adept (5BP)

Starting Cache: 1d6+3x10Y= 1d6+3=9 =90Y

Attributes (160 + 50 BP):
Body:       4
Agility:       4
Reaction:    5 (7)
Strength:    4
Charisma:    2
Intuition:      4
Logic:       3
Willpower:    3

Edge:       2
Magic:       5
Initiative:    11/ 3 IP
Essence:    6
Powers :
Attribute Boost (Level 1) - Agility
Attribute Boost (Level 1) - Strenght
Improved Ability : Other Skill (Level 2) - Infiltration
Improved Reflexes (level 2)
Counterstrike (Level 1)
Combat Sense (Level 2)

Knowledge Skills:
Or'zet :                             N
Cantonese :                          3
Russian :                          3
German :                            1
English :                          1
Security Procedures :       2
Security Design :                  2
Smuggling routes :               3
Vory :                             2
Parazoology :                  2
Safe Houses (ORCA):       2
Active Skills (160 BP):
Disguise :                          3
Inflitration :                          3
Palming :                          3
Shadowing :                          3
Navigation :                          2
Survival :                          2
Tracking :                           2
Blades (Knives) :                        4 (6)
Automatics (Submachine Guns) : 4 (6)
Gymnastics :                         3
Perception :                          4
Climbing :                          2
Hardware :                           2
Electronic Warfare :               2
Pilot Ground Craft (Bike) :    4 (6)
Etiquette (Smugglers)      2

Positive Qualities (15BP):
Mentor Spirit (Cat, +2 infil)
Negative Qualities (-35BP):
SINner Criminal
Hung Out to Dry
Enemy 3
GEAR  (14 BP +2 +4,938):

Ceramic Knife
Hidden Gun Arm Slide
Weapon Focus (Rating 2)
   Personalized grip
   Gecko grip
   Chameleon coating
Cougar Fineblade Knife Long Blade
          Quick-Draw Holster
          Personalized grip
          Gecko grip
2x HK-227X
        Smartgun - external
        Sound suppressor
        Gas-Vent 3
    Shock pads
        Concealable holster
        Personalized grip
        Extended clip stdt   
       Extreme environment mod. 1    
4x spareclips
70x Regular ammo
70x ExExplosive            

Chameleon Suit
Nonconductivity (Rating 4)
Thermal Dampening (Rating 4)
Camouflage Suit
Fire Resistance (Rating 3)
Insulation (Rating 3)
Bike Racing Helmet
Lined Coat
Harley Scorpion (Chopper)
   Off-road suspension
   Run-flat off-road tires
   Additional fuel tank
   Lock-On Countermeasures
   Chameleon coating
   Smuggling compartment (Shielded – microwave radar)
Commlink : Novatech Airware
Response Upgrade (2)
White Noise Generator (Rating 6)
Mapsoft (Rating 5)
Browse (Rating 5)
Edit (Rating 5)
Decrypt (Rating 2)
Firewall (Rating 5)
System (Rating 5)
Scan (Rating 6)
Sniffer (Rating 2)
Holo Projector
Autopicker (Rating 4)
Sequencer (Rating 3)
Wire clippers
3x Microwire (per 100 m)
Rappeling Gloves
Grapple Gun
Catalyst Stick
3x Stealth Rope (per 100 m)
Respirator (Rating 4)
Hamzat Suit
Handheld Sensor / Minidrone
+ Directional Microphone
+ Motion Sensor
+ MAD Scanner (Rating 3)
Handheld Sensor / Minidrone
+ Atmosphere Sensor (Rating 3)
+ Radio Signal Scanner (Rating 6)
+ Geiger Counter
Contact Lenses
+Image Link
+Thermographic Vision
+Flare Compensation
+Image Link
+Vision Enhancement (Rating 3)
+Vision Magnification
+Ultrasound Vision
+ Audio Enhancement (Rating 3)
+ Spatial Recognizer
+ Select Sound Filter (Rating 3)
5x Plasteel Restraint
10x Light Stick
Micro Flare Launcher
4x Micro Flares
Sleeping Bag
Tool Kit
Survival Kit

Total nuyen spend:
94.675 Y

Total BP spend (without gear):

             My home was located at one of many Ural tribes. Our Elders were forced to accept EVO security contract to the ensure the safety  of our people. Price was our independence, knowledge of Awakened Taiga and our freedom and the ways of living.
             Something I shouldn`t live with.
             I became a smuggler and a Stalker in the wastes of awakened tundra. Lately, when working for Vory, I`ve discovered, that EVO paid those vile Vory bastards to step-up oppressive campaign against my people, that forced our leaders to accept EVO offer for security deployment.
             With this knowledge and proofs, I became the THORN IN THE ASS, diverting some of their operations before they found out it was me. From that moment until forever, I am on the run...and Vory never forget..or forgive...
             O.R.C.A. had helped me to leave Vory amd cross Berring to Alaska. Until then, I travel along the coast, until today, when I reached Seattle. I ve heard of some ork tribes near Cascade mountain so I hope to find some info or contact with them. But the first thing I need a long shower and a fast hooker and a good mechanic to check my I need some money, because Im almost out of geld.
Yeah...and my english is at the beginner level, so I`m looking for china town...

Physical aprearance:
Tall sinewy man with permanent sarcastic grin on his face, his tusks made this apearance a bit...disturbing.... Nearly half of his face almost constantly hiden by googles, leaving the rest unprotected. Skin on his face is far from smooth, covered by dozen of scars, burned both by sun and by frost it is a skin of an ork who spent at least 10 years cruising Siberia and Gobi desert on his chopper.
He is dressed in camouflage suit, from his knees up his body is protected by heavy lined coat, scratched, but oiled and regularly cleaned. Big survival knife, almost machette, holstered on his left thigh and two weapon straps crosses on his ches, however weapons remain hidden under the coat.
His bike has a story of its own. Hardened piece of heavy metal that seems pretty unstopable, carying whole Zak`s life on a few luggage carriers. Big multi-purpose axe with much-handled handle is strapped to the chopper body. Paintings remotely resembles wild cat in a leap, but looking at it directly brings you only cofusion, seems like the surface is liquid. So don`t stare at my bike...
« Last Edit: <08-05-13/1256:42> by Sichr »


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« Reply #10 on: <03-16-11/0007:08> »
By the way, if there isn't a Zecharia Sitchin reference somewhere in here, there should be.  What with Sichr making a character named Zacharias..

It's pretty SR appropriate material, the 12th planet...


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« Reply #11 on: <03-18-11/1706:47> »
Thanx for info, ill look into it. Never heard of him before, thought.. :)


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« Reply #12 on: <08-04-13/0441:32> »
SR 5 Version - In progress

Metatype (20BP) : Ork
Adept (5BP)

Cache: 10850Y
Debt: 0Y
Karma: 11
Karma total: 61
Lifestyle: Low, 1Month

Corps Sec: 1

Street Cred: 6

SIN: Greg Maninov
   Fake SIN 6
Licences (6)
   2x HK 227
   Chameleon suit
   Driving licence

Attributes (160 + 50 BP):
Body:       4
Agility:       4
Reaction:    5 (7)
Strength:      4
Willpower:    3
Logic:       3
Intuition:      4
Charisma:    2

Edge:       2
Magic:       5+1
Power points: 7
Initiative:    11+3d6
Essence:    6

Mental:    4
Physical:      6
Social:    4

Powers :
Light Body (Level 2, Mentor-granted)
Attribute Boost (Level 1) - Agility
Attribute Boost (Level 1) - Strenght
Improved Ability : Other Skill (Level 1) - Sneaking
Improved Reflexes (level 3)
Combat Sense (Level 3)
Danger sense (Level 2)
Mystic armor (Level 2)

Knowledge Skills:
Or'zet :                             N
Cantonese :                          4
Russian :                          4
German :                            3
English :                          3
Security Procedures :       4
Security Design :                  4
Smuggling routes (Seattle):               4
Vory :                             3
Parazoology :                  3
Safe Houses (ORCA):       3

Active Skills:
Disguise :                          4
Sneaking:                          9
Palming :                          4
Navigation (Urban) :                  3
Survival (Urban) :                  3
Tracking :                           3
Blades (Knives) :                        9
Automatics (Submachine Guns) : 9
Gymnastics :                         7
Perception :                          7
Hardware :                           3
Electronic Warfare :                  3
Pilot Ground Craft (Bike) :               7
Etiquette (Smugglers)      3
Running                             1
Throwing wepons             1
Pilot Aircraft                      1

Positive Qualities (15BP):
Mentor Spirit (Cat, +2 infil)
Quick Healer
Negative Qualities (-35BP):
SINner Criminal
Hung Out to Dry
Enemy 3 - Vory v zakone
GEAR  (14 BP +2 +4,938):

Ceramic Knife
Hidden Gun Arm Slide
Weapon Focus (Rating 2)
   Personalized grip (+1Die)
   Gecko grip
   Chameleon coating
Cougar Fineblade Knife Long Blade
          Quick-Draw Holster
          Personalized grip
          Gecko grip
2x HK-227X
        Retractable Stock (+1RC)
        Smartgun - external
        Sound suppressor
        Gas-Vent 3 (+3RC)
        Foregrip (+1RC)
        Concealable holster / Sling (+1RC)
        Personalized grip (+1RC)
        Extended clip stdt   
        Extreme environment mod. 1    
8x spareclips
70/35(c)  Regular ammo
65/35(c)  ExExplosive            
98/35(c) APDS

HK XM 30
Accessories:External Smartgun, Shock pad, spare clips.
Mods: Under barrel grenade launcher, Foregrip, extended standard clip, Metahuman Customization, Gas Vent 3, Melee Hardening, Sound supressor.

DV:6P RC:4 AP:-1 ranges:50/150/350/550  Ammo cap: 38(c)

160/38(c) regular ammo

4x Thermal smoke / 4x Smoke / 4x CS/Tear gass/ 4x EMP/ 4x FlashBang

Chameleon Suit
Nonconductivity (Rating 4)
Thermal Dampening (Rating 4)
Camouflage Suit
Fire Resistance (Rating 3)
Insulation (Rating 3)
Bike Racing Helmet
Lined Coat
Harley Scorpion (Chopper)
   Off-road suspension
   Run-flat off-road tires

   Additional fuel tank
   Lock-On Countermeasures
   Chameleon coating
   Smuggling compartment (Shielded – microwave radar)
         Improved Suspension
         Racing RunFlat Tires

Lonestar iBall(Offensive) Minidrone
+Camera: Thermographic, Flare compensation, Imagelink
+Microphone: Spatial recognizer
+Motions sensor

Lena, Shiawase Kanmushi (Micro Crawler Drone)
Handling   Accel   Speed   Pilot   Body   Armor   Sensor   Availability   Cost
1   2/10   10   3   0   0   Upg. R3/S4   8   900Ą/5150Ą
Electronic Warfare 3
Covert Ops 3
Clearsight 3
Chameleon Coating
Amphibious Operation I
Signal Upgrade 4
Improved Sensor Array
+ Ultrawideband Radar R4
+ Camera R6
++ Vision Enhancement 3
++ Low-Light
++ Thermographic
++ Ultrasound

Luka, Shiawase Kanmushi (Micro Crawler Drone)
Handling   Accel   Speed   Pilot   Body   Armor   Sensor   Availability   Cost
1   2/10   10   3   0   0   Upg. R3/S8   8   900Ą/5150Ą
Electronic Warfare 3
Covert Ops 3
Clearsight 3
Fuzzy Logic
Chameleon Coating
Satellite Communication
Improved Sensor Array
+ Laser Microphone R6
++ Select Sount Filter 1
+ Camera R6
++ Thermographic
++ Vision Enhancement 3
++ Low Light
++ Ultrasound
+ Microphone R6
++ Audio Enhancement 3
++ Select Sount Filter 1

Sylwia, Dragonfly
Handling   Accel   Speed   Pilot   Body   Armor   Sensor   Availability   Cost
1   3/15   30   3   1   1   2   12   2250Ą/10420Ą
Targetting 4 (C12, High-Explosive)
Electronic Warfare 3
Covert Ops 3
Clearsight 3
Personality Software
Signal Upgrade 5
Fuzzy Logic
Chameleon Coating
Gecko Tips
Improved Sensor Array
+ Camera Neutralizer R6

Commlink : Novatech Airware
Response Upgrade (2)
White Noise Generator (Rating 6)
Holo Projector

Mapsoft (Rating 5)
Browse (Rating 5)
Edit (Rating 5)
Decrypt (Rating 2)
Firewall (Rating 5)
System (Rating 5)
Scan (Rating 6)
Sniffer (Rating 2)
Command (Rating 5)       

Autopicker (Rating 4)
Sequencer (Rating 3)
Wire clippers
3x Microwire (per 100 m)
Rappeling Gloves

Respirator (Rating 4)
Hamzat Suit

Climbing Gear
Grapple Gun
Catalyst Stick
3x Stealth Rope (per 100 m)

Handheld Sensor / Minidrone
+ Directional Microphone
+ MAD Scanner (Rating 3)

Handheld Sensor / Minidrone
+ Atmosphere Sensor (Rating 3)
+ Radio Signal Scanner (Rating 6)
+ Geiger Counter

Contact Lenses
+Image Link
+Thermographic Vision

+Flare Compensation
+Image Link
+Vision Enhancement (Rating 3)
+Vision Magnification
+Ultrasound Vision

+ Audio Enhancement (Rating 3)
+ Spatial Recognizer
+ Select Sound Filter (Rating 3)

3x Plasteel Restraint
10x Light Stick
Micro Flare Launcher
4x Micro Flares
Sleeping Bag
Tool Kit
Survival Kit

Dr. Watson               L1/C4
Dustin Menugian         L2/C3
Dannyboy, Marine Veteran      L4/C3

             My home was located at one of many Ural tribes. Our Elders were forced to accept EVO security contract to the ensure the safety  of our people. Price was our independence, knowledge of Awakened Taiga and our freedom and the ways of living.
             Something I shouldn`t live with.
             I became a smuggler and a Stalker in the wastes of awakened tundra. Lately, when working for Vory, I`ve discovered, that EVO paid those vile Vory bastards to step-up oppressive campaign against my people, that forced our leaders to accept EVO offer for security deployment.
             With this knowledge and proofs, I became the THORN IN THE ASS, diverting some of their operations before they found out it was me. From that moment until forever, I am on the run...and Vory never forget..or forgive...
             O.R.C.A. had helped me to leave Vory amd cross Berring to Alaska. Until then, I travel along the coast, until today, when I reached Seattle. I ve heard of some ork tribes near Cascade mountain so I hope to find some info or contact with them. But the first thing I need a long shower and a fast hooker and a good mechanic to check my I need some money, because Im almost out of geld.
Yeah...and my english is at the beginner level, so I`m looking for china town...

Physical aprearance:
Tall sinewy man with permanent sarcastic grin on his face, his tusks made this apearance a bit...disturbing.... Nearly half of his face almost constantly hiden by googles, leaving the rest unprotected. Skin on his face is far from smooth, covered by dozen of scars, burned both by sun and by frost it is a skin of an ork who spent at least 10 years cruising Siberia and Gobi desert on his chopper. He also has a respirator hanging freely on shis neck...
He is dressed in camouflage suit, from his knees up his body is protected by heavy lined coat, scratched, but oiled and regularly cleaned. Big survival knife, almost machette, holstered on his left thigh and two weapon straps crosses on his chest, however weapons remain hidden under the coat.
His bike has a story of its own. Hardened piece of heavy metal that seems pretty unstopable, carying whole Zak`s life on a few luggage carriers. Big multi-purpose axe with much-handled handle is strapped to the chopper body. Paintings remotely resembles wild cat in a leap, but looking at it directly brings you only cofusion, seems like the surface is liquid. So don`t stare at my bike...
« Last Edit: <01-16-14/1239:13> by Sichr »