
Shadowrun Play => Looking for Games => Topic started by: AffreuxLex on <12-07-12/2127:35>

Title: Looking for game over Skype or other online
Post by: AffreuxLex on <12-07-12/2127:35>
I'm looking to join a game online.  I can get Skype, roll20, or whatever is being used.  Don't mind being a GM if it's on a rotating basis.  I haven't played in awhile so full time GM would probably not workout well. 

Prefer either Friday evenings or during weekend.  I can also make any character to fit a group with the exception of a hacker or technomancer.  I don't fully understand the matrix and to be perfectly honest, I'm not all that thrilled about learning it either.

I'd rather not join a game restricting which core books are used.  Not that I have a preferred setup, I just don't like the restriction.  If I wanted authoritarian repression then I wouldn't be a lawbreaking Shadowrunner now would I? ;)

edit of the edit:
I forgot to mention, I travel ALOT for work.  My work hours don't change but my time zone might change by an hour or two at most. I am currently on CST but my availability hours are consistent so it would not affect gaming times.

edit of the edit of the edit:
I should have probably organized all my thoughts before posting...
Given a choice, I'd like to play a magician specializing in illusions.  Just something I'd like to try out.

I just saw this button and wanted to push it.  This is unrelated to my post.
Title: Re: Looking for game over Skype or other online
Post by: AffreuxLex on <12-08-12/1809:51>
Someone? Anyone?  Surely somewhere out there in 2070 there is some Barrens bum who needs a good punch to the face, bullet to the gut, knife in the back, or swift kick in the ass along with someone willing to pay a few cred for someone to do said punch bullet knife assing.  Come on omae, I've got kids to feed and they're getting tired of water soup.
Title: Re: Looking for game over Skype or other online
Post by: Kat9 on <12-08-12/1916:43>
Someone? Anyone?  Surely somewhere out there in 2070 there is some Barrens bum who needs a good punch to the face, bullet to the gut, knife in the back, or swift kick in the ass along with someone willing to pay a few cred for someone to do said punch bullet knife assing.  Come on omae, I've got kids to feed and they're getting tired of water soup.

Might give it more than a day for a reply.
Title: Re: Looking for game over Skype or other online
Post by: AffreuxLex on <12-08-12/1920:33>
I didn't take patience as a quality.
Title: Re: Looking for game over Skype or other online
Post by: nullnostalgia on <12-08-12/2144:08>
I didn't take patience as a quality.

I legitimately laughed at this.
Title: Re: Looking for game over Skype or other online
Post by: I_V_Saur on <12-17-12/2232:14>
Still looking for players? The crew I've been RPing with is starting to flake off, so I'd like to bring the remainder in - me, two others.

I'm pretty experienced, in Pathfinder, DnD, and Shadowrun. Even ran games for all three as a GM. Haven't been playing in a while, I'd like to get back to that, but if nobody else wants to run it, I'll pick up there.

One of the other guys is a touch of a newb, but enthusiastic about learning. Soaks things up like a sponge. The other guy's been RPing longer than I've been alive, but he's still getting used to the system.

In short, we'd be interested in a game that's lighter on rules, focusing more on RP and Rule-Of-Cool. Can still be a serious, gritty game, but streamlining some of the mechanics would put the other two right at home. If you don't want to run, that'd be the sort of game I'd have set.
Title: Re: Looking for game over Skype or other online
Post by: AffreuxLex on <12-17-12/2253:20>
Yeah, I'm down for some gaming like that.  I'm even willing to GM once in awhile I just don't want to do it every week partly because of a lack of time to prepare beforehand sometimes and I'm a bit shaky on some of the matrix stuff.  Let me know around what day & time you guys think can work for you.  I've only really got Saturday or Sunday for a game assuming my crew stops in a town with internet (which is 97% of the time).  If that's all right with you, drop me a line.
Title: Re: Looking for game over Skype or other online
Post by: Katrex on <01-12-13/1414:43>
id be interested in that too, though my times are a little restricted, Friday early evening or sunday after lunch
Title: Re: Looking for game over Skype or other online
Post by: I_V_Saur on <01-12-13/1845:14>
It sounds like we're looking at Saturday, gameplay wise. I'd love to have you, if you could manage to swing that. If we swap times to the ones you mentioned, I'll drop a line.

We'll be starting soon, but I don't think latecomers will be too much of an issue, if anyone else finds this thread.
Title: Re: Looking for game over Skype or other online
Post by: Katrex on <01-17-13/0736:08>
Saturday is dark herresy night, cus all my shadowrun games fell through. Now im getting really in to it. :)
Title: Re: Looking for game over Skype or other online
Post by: haiiro_okami on <01-17-13/0922:42>
Saturday for me is doable, especially since my original skype campaign fell through me if you'll have me.
Title: Re: Looking for game over Skype or other online
Post by: yellowsnow666 on <01-17-13/2206:23>
hey guys im quite intrested in getting in on his im willing to gm a run or too the only problem is i dont know anything about sr 4th edition due to the fact i dont like the rule changes
Title: Re: Looking for game over Skype or other online
Post by: I_V_Saur on <01-18-13/1646:32>
Honestly, I hadn't heard of SR before 4th. I don't know any of the rules to any earlier editions, and it sounds like I'll be GMing. I can swing five players, if you're okay with 4th ed - what bothers you about it, anyways? I've been known to house-rule things, or otherwise accommodate my players.
Title: Re: Looking for game over Skype or other online
Post by: yellowsnow666 on <01-20-13/1654:42>
i prefer the original karma rules instead of edge and some of the attributes have been split into 2 differemt groups 4th edition really just made combat alot more deadly but could have been done in 3rd without all the new rule changes ill play 4th edition i just need to read the rules and get them down pat
Title: Re: Looking for game over Skype or other online
Post by: AffreuxLex on <01-20-13/1823:11>
So you'll learn to love 4th edition just in time for the 5th eh?  :P
Title: Re: Looking for game over Skype or other online
Post by: yellowsnow666 on <01-20-13/1844:50>
when does 5th come out?
Title: Re: Looking for game over Skype or other online
Post by: thelost0 on <01-22-13/1930:30>
hay love to join if you  have room i have played 4th but welling to learn other eds
Title: Re: Looking for game over Skype or other online
Post by: Inconnu on <01-22-13/2003:06>
I could join. I have a slightly munchkinny build that i've cooked up that i could use against a runner team, so i could be a security guard that they somehow keep running into. Or maybe Lone Star...
Title: Re: Looking for game over Skype or other online
Post by: juanitopop on <02-08-13/2332:10>
ive only played first and second ed and that was years ago but ive been rereading it slowly ill play any edition as long as no one minds ill be relearning as we go
Title: Re: Looking for game over Skype or other online
Post by: Inconnu on <02-11-13/1749:06>
Update:My build is not a minmax. If anything, it is balanced but useful. For one, it has a vehicle and pilot ground. For another, it has 10 pistols and can use 4 at once(five if he figures out how to use a pistol with his mouth perhaps a Prehensile Tongue surge thing? ;D) and has a huge amount of gun accessories for the rest of y'all if i ended up on your side.
Title: Re: Looking for game over Skype or other online
Post by: Basic on <03-01-13/1208:00>
Hey I am willing to run a skype game for you. Just send message if you are still looking for a GM.