
Shadowrun Play => Rules and such => Topic started by: Bastwolf on <06-19-12/1051:31>

Title: Questions about AR
Post by: Bastwolf on <06-19-12/1051:31>
OK so currently my team is on it's way to Russia and with all the Arctic hazards there was a couple of things I wanted to know about AR that could help us traverse the terrain.

1) If I were to blindfold myself, would turning on AR allow me to "see through" the blindfold?

2) Is it possible to change the tint of AR (eg. see in pink/ blue/ red/ yellow/ etc.)?
Title: Re: Questions about AR
Post by: KarmaInferno on <06-19-12/1124:41>
1) Yes. Though technically I suppose it might not be called "augmented reality", as it's not augmenting your normal sight, it this case it's replacing it. You do have a camera that would be providing the AR data, yes?

2) Sure, why not. You can have pink virtual elephants flying around your field of view too.

Title: Re: Questions about AR
Post by: TheNarrator on <06-19-12/1753:57>
If your eyewear or eyeware includes flash compensation, then that should help prevent being blinded by reflections off the snow, just like how it reduces the effects of a flash pack.

1) If I were to blindfold myself, would turning on AR allow me to "see through" the blindfold?

Well, the blindfold would have to be over your AR display device (glasses, goggles, etc.) so that you could still see it. And there would need to be a camera somewhere on your person, uncovered, to provide the video feed.
Title: Re: Questions about AR
Post by: Neongelion on <06-19-12/2045:13>
This might be a bit off-topic, but I didn't think it warranted its own thread. But while we're on AR and commlinks:

A friend of mine, who is completely new to the world of Shadowrun, asked if you have an implanted commlink, do any viruses it gets affect your brain? I would think no, but I'm still getting around the concepts of the Matrix myself so I have no clue.
Title: Re: Questions about AR
Post by: _Pax_ on <06-19-12/2048:45>
The rules for malware are in Unwired.  I don't recall any that had Black IC-like ffects.  But that is certainly a possibility.

Which means, a good antivirus program (Analyse and Purge, both with the Viral Resistance program option, at the highest rating you can cram into the commlink) is an EXTREMELY good idea.
Title: Re: Questions about AR
Post by: Bastwolf on <06-23-12/1136:20>
Actually I would think that it would be impossible for malware to effect your brain even if you had an implanted comlink. The rules for malware state that technomancers are not effected and since technomancers essentially use their brains to hack, it would be the same if you used an implant.
Title: Re: Questions about AR
Post by: _Pax_ on <06-23-12/1246:02>
Actually I would think that it would be impossible for malware to effect your brain even if you had an implanted comlink. The rules for malware state that technomancers are not effected and since technomancers essentially use their brains to hack, it would be the same if you used an implant.
No, it would absolutely not be the same.

For one, Technomancers can't have malware put into their head, because their biological node does not use computer programs at all.

For two: IC-like malware would work the same way actual IC works: by suborning your simsense module.  ("Suborning" means "taking over by deceptive means".)  That module - indeed, your whole comlink, IMPLANTED OR NOT - would no longe be responding to your own commands.  The malware would be in control, and it could do nasty, nasty things to you.

And in fact, there is a by-the-book, RAW example of malware that uses black IC:

Deathworms are IC-like weapons designed to knock users offline or even stun/kill hot sim VR users.
Programs: Attack, Black Hammer or Black Night, Exploit, Stealth
Autosoft: Replicate

(Unwired p123)
Title: Re: Questions about AR
Post by: lurkeroutthere on <06-23-12/1428:01>
The proper answer is this: There is no inherently higher risk from having mal-ware or viruses affecting/infecting your brain from an implanted link then any user using any kind of DNI (trodes, cyberjack, implanted link) or if the virus was psychotropic in nature any kind of full VR experience (Goggles, all of the previous). What i feel constrained to point out is anything that could affect people like that wouldn't be a run of the mill computer virus. If something of that nature were to be introduced in SR we're talking major game world altering threat scenario. It would have to be the evil baby of Deus and the Jorgumund worm to really fit the setting. In short if it happens it's essentially because the GM has chosen to move the plot in that direction, not because something like that is currently feasible under the tech level.
Title: Re: Questions about AR
Post by: Blue_Lion on <06-23-12/2100:25>
If your eyewear or eyeware includes flash compensation, then that should help prevent being blinded by reflections off the snow, just like how it reduces the effects of a flash pack.

1) If I were to blindfold myself, would turning on AR allow me to "see through" the blindfold?

Well, the blindfold would have to be over your AR display device (glasses, goggles, etc.) so that you could still see it. And there would need to be a camera somewhere on your person, uncovered, to provide the video feed.
I thaght flash compesation was to stop suden changes, nornal polorization and uv protecting eye where stops snow blindess.
Title: Re: Questions about AR
Post by: Dragoon on <06-23-12/2209:48>

I thaght flash compesation was to stop suden changes, nornal polorization and uv protecting eye where stops snow blindess.
  It actually does both, flare compensation from the main rulebook says it protects from both blinding flashes of light and glare.
Title: Re: Questions about AR
Post by: _Pax_ on <06-23-12/2211:54>
I thaght flash compesation was to stop suden changes, nornal polorization and uv protecting eye where stops snow blindess.
Flare compensation is, in essence, "on demand" tinting / polarisation / etc.

It's good against constant flares, as well as sudden ones.
Title: Re: Questions about AR
Post by: Blue_Lion on <06-23-12/2218:05>
I thaght flash compesation was to stop suden changes, nornal polorization and uv protecting eye where stops snow blindess.
Flare compensation is, in essence, "on demand" tinting / polarisation / etc.

It's good against constant flares, as well as sudden ones.
Good to know but even that but even without it normal sunglasses or poloized gogles can do it as well agaist constant without using a slot in the eye ware. So it is good to have to ward of snow blindness.

(also some one else said flash compensation witch is a sudden flare up not the same as flare compensation.
Title: Re: Questions about AR
Post by: _Pax_ on <06-23-12/2305:12>
Good to know but even that but even without it normal sunglasses or poloized gogles can do it as well agaist constant without using a slot in the eye ware. So it is good to have to ward of snow blindness.
  In 2073, "normal sunglasses" are glasses (or contacts) with Flare Compensation.

(also some one else said flash compensation witch is a sudden flare up not the same as flare compensation.
Think about what you just said: "a sudden flare up".  :)
Title: Re: Questions about AR
Post by: Blue_Lion on <06-25-12/1141:07>
Good to know but even that but even without it normal sunglasses or poloized gogles can do it as well agaist constant without using a slot in the eye ware. So it is good to have to ward of snow blindness.
  In 2073, "normal sunglasses" are glasses (or contacts) with Flare Compensation.

(also some one else said flash compensation witch is a sudden flare up not the same as flare compensation.
Think about what you just said: "a sudden flare up".  :)
Yes but flash compasation and flare compesation are not always the same. Old school flash compensation was something that reduced incoming light quickly to avoid beeing blinded by a flash grenade. The Bio  ware version was high speed iris to reduce the suden light, the cyber eye one wored the same way. So they did nothing to help agaist prolonged glare.
Title: Re: Questions about AR
Post by: raggedhalo on <06-25-12/1420:30>
There was, IIRC, no such thing as Flash Compensation back in the day. Flare Comp has always operated much as it does now, at least by RAW.