
Shadowrun Play => Character creation and critique => Topic started by: Baron Samedi on <04-07-12/1145:33>

Title: Face healer with regeneration
Post by: Baron Samedi on <04-07-12/1145:33>
Hi all, i'm new to the board so first i'd like to say i'm quite impressed by the amount of knowledge displayed. :o I'm sorry if my english is bad but i'm not a native speaker.

I've been trying to make a character that suits me and i fail to make it really viable, i'm asking for advice.

I'm trying to make an adept (possibly a mystical adept) that would fullfill the role of healer (with first aid, empathic healing and regeneration) and of face while being able to do something in fight (i was thinking mostly commanding voice + a backup against drone or so)

I noticed it's quite hard to get regeneration, you're either shapeshifter or infected. I'm not really into the shapeshifters as they're dual natured, i feel like they are only viable as mage. So i was trying to make  something out or the banshee which in my eyes seemed like the easier infected race to play.

The campain is quite far but i already know we're suppose to work for some kind or corporation related to horizon which deals with medecine. The GW specified we had to have some kind of background that makes us dependant on the corpo, i though they could provide blood and possibly essence drain so it seemed like a good idea.

How would you make the character blend easily ? i thought maybe Alleviate Allergy, Heal, improved reflexe and improved charisma seemed like nice spells for this char?

Do you have any ideas on how i could make such an expensive option viable ?

Title: Re: Face healer with regeneration
Post by: Blue_Lion on <04-07-12/1233:38>
Regeneration is a self only power only a few ways to get it all with big down side. Magical healing with spells may be a option.
Title: Re: Face healer with regeneration
Post by: UmaroVI on <04-07-12/1237:50>
So, infected are very, very hard to make work well because they are so expensive.

I can give you advice but I want to make sure it's pointing in the right direction, because I'm not really sure what your priorities are.

Banshees pay through the nose for some very small stat boosts, some very, very serious drawbacks, and a few very good abilities (Fear, Mist Form, Essence Drain, and Regeneration). Note that you're also capping your Magic one lower to be one which is a serious hit. That said, they are just weak, not awful, and you can make a playable Banshee. But it sounds like you picked Banshee as something that met some criteria, rather than because you specifically wanted Banshee, so I want to warn you about this.

If you do want to play an Infected, I would think about Nosferatu. They look more expensive, but actually aren't; including the difference between Human and Elf base, they pay 55 more points, but get 80 more points of stats, and on top of that they get some notably better powers. The big thing is that unlike Banshees, a Nosferatu can lean almost completely on their innate powers to be effective.

If you just want Regeneration, a generally better (and less wierd) option is to be a Possession mage, get Invoking and Channeling ASAP, and have a Great Form Plant Spirit possess you. This gives you Regeneration, among other things. It does have the drawback of not kicking in a few adventures down the road when you can afford the two initiations, but it's got a lot less drawbacks than Infected and doesn't require as much screwy stuff.

There's also a funky option where you make a mage (either Materialization or Possession), pick a tradition that gets Plant, plus one of Guardian, Man, or Task, Invokes a great form Plant and a great form Guardian/Man/Task spirit, has the second spirit Endowment the Endowment power to the plant spirit, and then has the Plant spirit Endowment its Regeneration power. This is harder to pull off - you have to be able to get Great Form spirits of two types, which means you can't just lean on Specialization - but it doesn't make you Possession-dependent, and it has the side effect that you can actually grant Regeneration to a bunch of people, not just yourself, which is nifty.
Title: Re: Face healer with regeneration
Post by: Glyph on <04-07-12/1252:35>
I think what he wants to do is use empathetic healing, then regenerate the transferred damage.  Which may or may not work, depending on whether the GM considers the transferred damage to be "magical" or not (since regeneration can not heal magical damage).  I would carefully sound out the GM about this - some GM's would consider this exploiting the rules, and if they do, I would not take it.  An effective combo is not worth getting on the GM's hit list.

UmaroVI is correct about nosferatu being a better buy than banshees.  So are vampires, actually.  If you are getting banshee because you want to play an elf for the Charisma bonus, then look at the infected stat modifiers again - banshees don't get any additional Charisma, but vampires and nosferatu both get +2 Charisma.  So a human vampire or nosferatu has the same Charisma advantage that an elven banshee does.  Despite costing a net 10 more points than a vampire (when you figure in the attribute modifiers), a nosferatu might be a better choice for a healer/face, since they also get that bonus to their Logic attribute.
Title: Re: Face healer with regeneration
Post by: Blue_Lion on <04-07-12/1326:22>
The banshie and vampire can drain essence witch can used to boost stats including magic (tempory but if you feed on allot of essense you could if you wanted push your magic up to 9 for a day.)
The best way to get regeneration i think whould be one of the shape shifters. Cost a bit more than the goblin, most have stat changes but does not have loss of essence. The other ones eat up allot of points pluss shape shifters dont need to kill people to live. The abilty to turn into a animal is also a pluss. Eagle mages nasty snipers. Ask abouta  owl and use low light instead of vision mag. The bear is the high end with a starting bod of 7 13 max lots of dice to regen with. But low agi and reaction along with most mental stats. Fox low end has to many physcal penitlies for an adept.  Wolf may be a better choice at 55 points but no stat schanges. 60 points eagles get vision enhancment 2 vision mag and bonus to cha. I whould look at shape shifters before infected.
Title: Re: Face healer with regeneration
Post by: Baron Samedi on <04-07-12/1445:44>
@Blue_Lion well the idea was to stack different sources of heal : first aid, heal spell, empathic healing (+ eventually painkiller) and then regain the lost life with my regeneration.

I might be mistaken but i really thing the dual nature of shapeshifter make then too susceptible to astral combat.

@Glyph  I know this combo is subject to interpretation, i'll talk about it to my GM don't worry, i'm not that kind of player.

@ UmaroVI : I'm definitly considering  your last option which is simply awesome,I would never have thought of it alone,  in this last case i guess there's no point to keep empathic healing if i can provide the whole team with regeneration...

I'm gonna try to build something around this idea, Thanks again, i'll post a draft af the character later.

Title: Re: Face healer with regeneration
Post by: CitizenJoe on <04-07-12/1459:10>
I might be mistaken but i really thing the dual nature of shapeshifter make then too susceptible to astral combat.
Infected are also dual.

I want to say the only non-dual regenerating is a rock worm.
Title: Re: Face healer with regeneration
Post by: blackangel on <04-07-12/1504:36>
Sorry for my english, it's not my NL too  ;)

In fact, conjuring an ally with endowment and regeneration will nearly solve the problem.

For a possession tradition you need channeling to have another kind of boost.

Title: Re: Face healer with regeneration
Post by: Blue_Lion on <04-07-12/1517:36>
True you can be attacked in astral combat but the essence loss is a big isssue. Read shadow run 20th anv pg 68 Essence - charters with magic  or resonance atributes are subject to penilties if they have a essence lower than 6. for each point of essence below 6, the charter looses 1 full point from her essence and a full point of magic. So with essence loss you run the risk of loosing magic atribute. In addition there are great social risk to be an infected. Depending on how your gm runs things he might even use the rule from the old sr4 main book where any essence loss is loss of magic.

Roll playing wise infected are often hunted down, more so than shapeshifters. In adtion there are other penilites, such as needed to attack other mettahumans to live.
Daul natured suffer no penilty for beein on both planes, and can see on both planes allowing your face to see the aura of the people he is talking to see there curent state. Also you can see what is on the astral plane and may even be able to fight it with normal unarmed.  Both have there draw backs but as long as you have the training for astral fight or have a mage with a spirt watching over you, beeing attacked from astral plane is the lesser of the two. As an adept you can also use say a weapon focus to help you out.
Then there is a matter of points, you can quickly fall short with spending 150 to make a human into a vampire. After 200 for base stats that is 50 for skills gear and what not.(magic is not part of the 200 point cap) so if you then need first aid, and medical training socail skills such as negation, and etttiicet. does not leave much left over combat skills gear let alone contacts. As regen works off body, and magic you whould want them both high to start with. then as a face you need a high chasma so even only rasing each 4 times that is 120 points spent on stats then you will need logic of what 3 raises so that puts you at 150 l(110 if you dont count magic) you will need intution to use perception to see what is going on so that is at least 2 raises 170 now will whould be nice to have so 2 raises on that 190 agilty to it 1 raise, 200 reaction 1 raise 210, str 1 raise 220(180 not counting magic) that leaves you 30 points for skills so negoation 3, etticet 3, that is 24 points gone placing you at 6 points for medicen contacts and gear. Not realy allot to work with.
Title: Re: Face healer with regeneration
Post by: Blue_Lion on <04-07-12/1519:59>
I might be mistaken but i really thing the dual nature of shapeshifter make then too susceptible to astral combat.
Infected are also dual.

I want to say the only non-dual regenerating is a rock worm.

Ummm no they use to be but lost that in 4th ed. Think now only the ghoul is doul natured.
Title: Re: Face healer with regeneration
Post by: Blue_Lion on <04-07-12/1521:20>
Sorry for my english, it's not my NL too  ;)

In fact, conjuring an ally with endowment and regeneration will nearly solve the problem.

For a possession tradition you need channeling to have another kind of boost.

That whould work but he wants regen for a charter at start that will take a few runs to set up. karma cost and all.
Title: Re: Face healer with regeneration
Post by: Baron Samedi on <04-07-12/1528:46>
I might be mistaken but i really thing the dual nature of shapeshifter make then too susceptible to astral combat.
Infected are also dual.

I want to say the only non-dual regenerating is a rock worm.

Well all infected are not dual sir :) Banshee is not, nor is Vampire.

@Blue Lion I see you advocate the shapeshifter quite a lot, i'll give a second look  ;)
Title: Re: Face healer with regeneration
Post by: Blue_Lion on <04-07-12/1535:11>
I might be mistaken but i really thing the dual nature of shapeshifter make then too susceptible to astral combat.
Infected are also dual.

I want to say the only non-dual regenerating is a rock worm.

Well all infected are not dual sir :) Banshee is not, nor is Vampire.

@Blue Lion I see you advocate the shapeshifter quite a lot, i'll give a second look  ;)

Np all is good people can disagree i just think spending over 100 points on race when I am always having trouble with getting the last few things as is could be bad handicap.
Title: Re: Face healer with regeneration
Post by: JustADude on <04-07-12/1652:47>
Somethng else to think on: Nosferatu have special abilities that give them a 3x Natural cap on their drained Essence (normal is 2x), and raises their Essence Loss interval to 1 every 6 months (normal is per month). So, bigger essence reserves and longer to burn through them, plus great stats and powers. What's not to like?

Also, since you're doing Logic skills and the Mystic Adept thing anyway, you can take Mind Over Matter to replace you Agility with your Logic in tests, saving more points.
Title: Re: Face healer with regeneration
Post by: Blue_Lion on <04-07-12/1858:00>
Somethng else to think on: Nosferatu have special abilities that give them a 3x Natural cap on their drained Essence (normal is 2x), and raises their Essence Loss interval to 1 every 6 months (normal is per month). So, bigger essence reserves and longer to burn through them, plus great stats and powers. What's not to like?

Also, since you're doing Logic skills and the Mystic Adept thing anyway, you can take Mind Over Matter to replace you Agility with your Logic in tests, saving more points.
The 50 points for magic edge and skills if you max out the base stats point allot ment. As an adept he will need magic. He needs the skills etticet, negoation, medicen and first aid to make the charter the way he wants so it limits him to much on points for skills. He could take realy crapy stats but he needs 3 high stats to be good at what he wants to do. i think my estimet was bas stat mod to make it work was 180 + say 30-for magic that is 210 and that is with no edge change. Then throw in race 360 adept is 5 points so you are sitting at around 365 now if you max out negitive qualites with no other positive that is 65 for gear, skills and contacts. now he needs at least 4 skills if he made them all say level 4 that 64 points and he still does not have any skills to help in combat. Why bring him, he is only good as suport and worthless during the actual run. oh wait is mystic adept 5 or 10, and he still had sno spells.
Title: Re: Face healer with regeneration
Post by: UmaroVI on <04-07-12/2054:42>
What you're forgetting is that, while Nosferatu pay 150 points for the Infected quality, they get 120 points of stats as part of that. So if a human would need 180 points of stats, a Nosferatu would need 60. The two big drawbacks to Nosferatu are that the Sunlight allergy (best dealt with by using an Alleviate Allergy sustaining focus), and the whole "bloodsucking monster" deal.

The reason not to be a Nosferatu is because you don't want to be a diseased monster that most people will be prejudiced against, not because you can't make an effective one.
Title: Re: Face healer with regeneration
Post by: Blue_Lion on <04-07-12/2113:38>
What you're forgetting is that, while Nosferatu pay 150 points for the Infected quality, they get 120 points of stats as part of that. So if a human would need 180 points of stats, a Nosferatu would need 60. The two big drawbacks to Nosferatu are that the Sunlight allergy (best dealt with by using an Alleviate Allergy sustaining focus), and the whole "bloodsucking monster" deal.

The reason not to be a Nosferatu is because you don't want to be a diseased monster that most people will be prejudiced against, not because you can't make an effective one.
so yout idea is that stats some of witch are not in ones he needs counters the cost. To pull it off he needs high body and chra, with int for other skill
so say 4 in each of those that is 120 points gone. now now to where decent armor he needs a boady of at least 3 so there is another point. so he is at 130 now to dodge hits he might ant reaction and to hit things with adj so that is 2-3 points so now he is at 150-160 and none of his stats are maxed. but to realy be efective at hitting things he whould want his adj at 5+ so that whould be 3 points in it self so he is sitting at 170-180 now lets see magic rase it 3 times so it is 210 damn still not enofe points.

You min maxing is leaving him with sub par stats to do the job with. lets see what to do with your 60 points for stats that whould be what 2 raises in each of his main stats seams kinda like you half doing it with a over charged race. And if you going to keep up a sustaining fucus, why not just be daul natured. Not using all the points for stats realy you are nerfing the efective level of the race. (not some shape shifters cost 75 and have 120 points in stats sounds like a better buy for your arguement.)

So he you want a bald face with pronoced incisors and pale skin to do the talking. What happens when the johnson figures it out.

This is not going any where you are realy focused on it, and not going to change your mind so i am done, have a nice day.
Title: Re: Face healer with regeneration
Post by: JustADude on <04-08-12/0118:12>
Somethng else to think on: Nosferatu have special abilities that give them a 3x Natural cap on their drained Essence (normal is 2x), and raises their Essence Loss interval to 1 every 6 months (normal is per month). So, bigger essence reserves and longer to burn through them, plus great stats and powers. What's not to like?

Also, since you're doing Logic skills and the Mystic Adept thing anyway, you can take Mind Over Matter to replace you Agility with your Logic in tests, saving more points.
The 50 points for magic edge and skills if you max out the base stats point allot ment. As an adept he will need magic. He needs the skills etticet, negoation, medicen and first aid to make the charter the way he wants so it limits him to much on points for skills. He could take realy crapy stats but he needs 3 high stats to be good at what he wants to do. i think my estimet was bas stat mod to make it work was 180 + say 30-for magic that is 210 and that is with no edge change. Then throw in race 360 adept is 5 points so you are sitting at around 365 now if you max out negitive qualites with no other positive that is 65 for gear, skills and contacts. now he needs at least 4 skills if he made them all say level 4 that 64 points and he still does not have any skills to help in combat. Why bring him, he is only good as suport and worthless during the actual run. oh wait is mystic adept 5 or 10, and he still had sno spells.

Thing is, if he takes Mind over Matter then he can leave his Agility and Strength at the minimum of 2, since he uses Logic for all his Agility tests. He can also get by with Body at 3 just fine, since he's not a front-line fighter. Reaction 4 and Intuition 4 should be plenty since he gets a bonus +3 to his Initiative for being a Nosferatu. Now, soft-cap his core Attributes of Willpower, Charisma, and Logic and you end up with 150 BP spent.

You could probably get by with a Logic of 5 if he wants to take a Charisma-based Tradition (Black Magic, much?) instead of Logic and save 20 points there. Do that, add in Mystic Adept and soft-cap his magic, then factor his Racial cost, plus -35BP of Neg Qualities, and you end up with a slim, but workable, 115 BP for spells and skills. If he just wants to go Adept and rely on Empathic Healing, he'd have even more points and less to spend them on.

Assign 3 points to Adept Powers and you have enough for Emapthic Healing, Kinesics 2, and Mind over Matter, which is basically all he needs (okay 1 more point to get to Kinesics 3 would be a good idea), since most everything else he wants to do he can do with spells or his innate powers.

He's not going to be super-great at the start, since he's trying to cover too many bases, but he's got the potential to be a real monster (pun intended) once he gets some Karma under his belt.
Title: Re: Face healer with regeneration
Post by: Blue_Lion on <04-08-12/0129:41>
Umm i am done with this but do yourself a favor read the 2 stats for regen.
Title: Re: Face healer with regeneration
Post by: JustADude on <04-08-12/0131:28>
Umm i am done with this but do yourself a favor read the 2 stats for regen.

Yeah, and he'll still heal back to full in about a minute rolling 7 dice every 3 seconds of game-time. Combat doesn't generally last long enough for it to matter about in-combat healing since it's only once per Combat Turn.
Title: Re: Face healer with regeneration
Post by: Baron Samedi on <04-08-12/0846:57>
[spoiler]Metatype : Elf
Mystical Adept (aztec tradition)

Body: 5
Agility: 2
Reaction: 3
Strength: 1
Charisma: 7
Intuition: 2
Logic: 5
Willpower: 5

Edge: 2
Magic: 5
Initiative: 8
Essence: 6
Knowledge Skills
: N
Active Skills
Negotiation : 6
Leadership : 4
Con : 1
Etiquette : 1
First Aid : 4
Spellcasting : 4
Counterspelling : 4
Summoning : 4
Binding : 4
Perception : 1
Positive Qualities
Mentor Spirit (Sun +2 health spells +2 guardian spirits drawback : 2 edge to negate glitch)
Negative Qualities
In Debt 6
Pacifist 1
Form-Fitting Body Armor Full-Body Suit
Executive Suite Line Skirt/Trousers
Executive Suite Line Long Jacket
PPP-System Vitals Protector
PPP-System Shin Guards
PPP-System Leg and Arm Casings
PPP-System Forearm Guards
Commlink : Novatech Airware
Analyze (Rating 6)
Encrypt (Rating 6)
Firewall (Rating 6)
OS : Mangadyne Deva
Empathy Sensor Software (Rating 6)
Fake License (Rating 4)
+Ultrasound Vision
+Vision Enhancement (Rating 3)
+ Audio Enhancement (Rating 3)
+ Spatial Recognizer
Contact Lenses
+Flare Compensation
+Image Link
Gas Mask
Medkit (Rating 6)
Medkit Supplies
Stimulant Patch (Rating 6)
Antidote Patch (Rating 6)
Latex Face Mask
Trauma Patch
Fake Sin (Rating 4)
Micro Sensor
+ Motion Sensor
Sustaining Focus (Rating 3)
Increase Reflexes
Kinesics (level 3)
Empathic Healing
Talismonger (L:1 C:4)

I think I'll try something like that, the more i think about it the more i believe being a nosferatu face is a bad idea. I'll try go the "mage way" to get regeneration with plant spirit and guardian  in great form in the long run. Before that i'll be a competent healer with first aid (9dice +medkit rating) + heal spell (11 dice) + empathic healing (7dice) + first aid on me and an ok face with 14 dice in negotiation and leadership, 20 with empathic software (not sure Gm will allow it I'll ask).

I'll rely heavily on commanding voice and spirit in combat to begin with and I'll buy more spells later on what do you think ? not really sure about the bp i might be 404 or so...

Mind over matter is not an option as I think my GM won't allow WAR! content (he doesn't have the splatbook)

Edit : pump up logic for first aid.
Edit 2 : spoiler and correction.
Title: Re: Face healer with regeneration
Post by: UmaroVI on <04-08-12/1242:47>
Not half bad. It will take some time to get Invoking online, but Invoking is really useful anyways. Let me offer some pointers:

Intuition 2, Reaction 3 is going to suck in combat, because it leaves you with very low Initiative. Reaction in particular would be good to have more of.

Logic is helping only your First Aid, nothing else. I don't think 5 is worth it. I understand wanting to be good at first aid, but I'm going to suggest shenanigans instead (see below) and dropping to Logic 3.

Buying your social skills piecemeal is not a good plan - get Influence 4. You can't control what social skill you need very well, and it's worth being good at all of them. You also want to free that 6-skill up. Right now you're paying 48 points; you can pay 40, get all of them at 4, and bump a different skill to 6. I recommend Spellcasting, but there is an argument for Binding depending on how enthusiastic you are about the Invoking route.

You appear to have forgotten the Mystic Adept quality :P I'm not sure if you charged yourself 10 points for it or not.

Your commlink has a problem - you can't run those programs because your Response is too low, and it's very expensive to fix this. You can put Optimization on your Analyze and Encrypt to run them anyways, but not on Empathy Software. Empathy Software is frequently banned, but if your GM allows it you want ES 5 for sure, and it's worth getting Response 5 for, then Optimize your Analyze and Encrypt so they still work. Also, pick up the Commlink modification "Optimization" for Empathy Software (see Unwired). Lastly, if you're concerned about Matrix security, you may want an Agent to run this stuff for you (ie, sit on your commlink and spam Analyze on anyone it sees). They are kind of expensive, though, so it may not be a priority.

You really want a few more magic powers. First, you don't actually have Commanding Voice, and it's really, really good. Second, you should check with your GM if they allow Heightened Concentration (Digital Grimoire) and how they think it works eg does it let you sustain one or more spells all the time without penalty. I'm assuming no, but if it's allowed you should have it.

You could either go up to PP 3/Casting 2 to pick up Commanding Voice (if you do that, I suggest grabbing some other useful social-adept powers like Voice Control [combines nicely with Commanding Voice] or Linguistics. Alternatively, you could drop to Kinesics 2. CV is totally worth it either way.

Second, you really need at least a bit more spells. I suggest Increase Logic, which has a myriad of uses - including first aid. You can swap to Increase Logic in your sustaining focus when you need to play medic; you can also cast it on someone else and sustain it while they use first aid (might be better under some circumstances). It has plenty of other uses; getting noncombat Logic skill stuff done better/faster (eg, Hardware, building/repairing stuff, etc).

You also should really have something you can do about drones/vehicles besides implore them not to murder you. I suggest Frost as a good spell for that.

A last thing: for all spellcasters, it's a good idea to take Restricted Gear and get a Force 4 power focus. This is because of the loopy way bonding foci with BP vs. Karma works; it costs 29 BP at chargen (including cash and binding and the quality), or 100,000Y and 32 karma in game to buy and bind. It's also a huge upfront power boost that helps with nearly everything. You will have trouble freeing up the points, but if you can manage it, it is worth it.

Things you can cut if necessary:
You can have less Summoning. Because of the way Summoning/Binding works, you need to be able to succeed at Summoning, but Binding is more important to be awesome at. If you fail to Summon, you take some drain and have to retry. If you fail to Bind, you take a much larger amount of drain (especially if you were trying to Invoke), and you also lose the binding materials, which sucks.

You can cut Counterspelling. Why? Guardian spirits provide this, so you can lean on them to provide your team Counterspelling.

Any gear you don't desperately want at Chargen: you don't have or want 'ware, so you have less money sinks than a street samurai. You do have in debt, and you also will need money to get Binding going, but you still probably want BP more than cash.

Title: Re: Face healer with regeneration
Post by: Baron Samedi on <04-08-12/1412:33>
Wow this answer is really extensive thank you !

ntuition 2, Reaction 3 is going to suck in combat, because it leaves you with very low Initiative. Reaction in particular would be good to have more of.

Logic is helping only your First Aid, nothing else. I don't think 5 is worth it. I understand wanting to be good at first aid, but I'm going to suggest shenanigans instead (see below) and dropping to Logic 3.

Sure I have to find room for more reaction and dodge or gymnastics (I don't see any advantages on gymnastic here as i don't plan to use 'ware)

Buying your social skills piecemeal is not a good plan - get Influence 4. You can't control what social skill you need very well, and it's worth being good at all of them. You also want to free that 6-skill up. Right now you're paying 48 points; you can pay 40, get all of them at 4, and bump a different skill to 6. I recommend Spellcasting, but there is an argument for Binding depending on how enthusiastic you are about the Invoking route.

You appear to have forgotten the Mystic Adept quality :P I'm not sure if you charged yourself 10 points for it or not.

I paid for the mystic Adept I just forgot to copy it fortunately :)

Well I guess I can loose 2 on negotiation it's not that bad, maybe i can take spellcasting 6 and change my mentor spirit to Gryphon ( +2 binding test +2 leadership)

Your commlink has a problem - you can't run those programs because your Response is too low, and it's very expensive to fix this. You can put Optimization on your Analyze and Encrypt to run them anyways, but not on Empathy Software. Empathy Software is frequently banned, but if your GM allows it you want ES 5 for sure, and it's worth getting Response 5 for, then Optimize your Analyze and Encrypt so they still work. Also, pick up the Commlink modification "Optimization" for Empathy Software (see Unwired). Lastly, if you're concerned about Matrix security, you may want an Agent to run this stuff for you (ie, sit on your commlink and spam Analyze on anyone it sees). They are kind of expensive, though, so it may not be a priority.

You really want a few more magic powers. First, you don't actually have Commanding Voice, and it's really, really good. Second, you should check with your GM if they allow Heightened Concentration (Digital Grimoire) and how they think it works eg does it let you sustain one or more spells all the time without penalty. I'm assuming no, but if it's allowed you should have it.

You could either go up to PP 3/Casting 2 to pick up Commanding Voice (if you do that, I suggest grabbing some other useful social-adept powers like Voice Control [combines nicely with Commanding Voice] or Linguistics. Alternatively, you could drop to Kinesics 2. CV is totally worth it either way.

Second, you really need at least a bit more spells. I suggest Increase Logic, which has a myriad of uses - including first aid. You can swap to Increase Logic in your sustaining focus when you need to play medic; you can also cast it on someone else and sustain it while they use first aid (might be better under some circumstances). It has plenty of other uses; getting noncombat Logic skill stuff done better/faster (eg, Hardware, building/repairing stuff, etc).
hum i guess i'll have to fix that commlink i'll wait for my GM to confirm he allows Empathic software before i make a decision.

I don't feel like loosing one more magic on the "mage side" in order not to suck too much at invoking, for power I forgot the commanding voice  :-[  It's in my draft but you know... I was thinking kinesics2 / empathic healing/ commanding voice/improved negotiation

Heightened concentration would most likely be allowed but it would remove only a single penalty from sustain so I don't think it's worth is.

Increase logic spell is a good catch once again,  I was planning to get physical mask/stunbolt/stunball/Laser as soon as possible but I'm really short on BP.

With what you mention on guardian spirit being able to use counterspell, it makes things much easier, but not to the point I can get 29 BP for the Power focus I guess. Anyway usually the GM provides free contacts and often gives free skills as he's fed up not to find them on his players (like pilot, perception..) so I might find space depending on the creation rules.

Things you can cut if necessary:
You can have less Summoning. Because of the way Summoning/Binding works, you need to be able to succeed at Summoning, but Binding is more important to be awesome at. If you fail to Summon, you take some drain and have to retry. If you fail to Bind, you take a much larger amount of drain (especially if you were trying to Invoke), and you also lose the binding materials, which sucks.
I guess I can cut summoning to 1 if I  get the Power focus. The more I think about it the more I find it a good idea.

I'll modify the character and I'll post it later thank you
Title: Re: Face healer with regeneration
Post by: Baron Samedi on <04-08-12/1622:19>
[spoiler]Metatype : Elf

Body: 5
Agility: 2
Reaction: 5
Strength: 1
Charisma: 7
Intuition: 2
Logic: 3
Willpower: 5

Edge: 2
Magic: 5
Initiative: 7
Essence: 6
Knowledge Skills
English : N
Sperethiel : 4
Elven Society : 4
Spirits (Guardian Spirits) : 6
Biology : 1
Active Skills
Con : 4
Etiquette : 4
Leadership : 4
Negotiation : 4
First Aid : 4
Spellcasting : 6
Summoning : 1
Binding : 4
Perception : 1
Positive Qualities
Mentor Spirit
Restricted Gear
Mystical Adept
Negative Qualities
In Debt 6
Pacifist 1
Form-Fitting Body Armor Full-Body Suit
Executive Suite Line Skirt/Trousers
Executive Suite Line Long Jacket
PPP-System Vitals Protector
PPP-System Shin Guards
PPP-System Leg and Arm Casings
PPP-System Forearm Guards
OS : Vector Xim
Commlink : Meta Link
Medkit (Rating 6)
Sustaining Focus (Rating 3)
Power Focus (Rating 4)
Fake Sin (Rating 3)
Increase Reflexes
Increase [Attribute]
Empathic Healing
Kinesics (level 2)
Commanding Voice
Improved negotiation
Talismonger (L:1 C:2)

If I counted right this one is really 400BP, I really had to cut the equipment but I guess that's ok i could fit in the power focus !

Let me know what you think about it !
Title: Re: Face healer with regeneration
Post by: UmaroVI on <04-08-12/1749:47>
Gryphon is an excellent choice of Mentor spirit, good call. Leadership is great for Commanding Voice and +Binding means it helps you with both types you want to Invoke.

That focus is totally worth it. Summoning 1 + Focus 4 is better than Summoning 4.

Title: Re: Face healer with regeneration
Post by: Blue_Lion on <04-08-12/2354:50>
Glad you where able to get a charter playble out of all this.