
Shadowrun Play => Rules and such => Topic started by: Thrass on <02-03-12/0547:46>

Title: Bio Drones
Post by: Thrass on <02-03-12/0547:46>
related to the AI Troll Post in the Character Section:
When rigging a BioDrone (think of either a rigged Metahuman(Troll most likely) or a rigged Monkey).

1. I think Gunnery should be the skill to use guns like it is mentioned for Cyberzombies. Do you feel this is correct? And what to roll? Response+Gunnery?Sensor+Gunnery?
2. Perception what is the Sensor rating? What to roll for perception? Cyberzombies roll Perception + Sensor/Intuition (whichever is lower) so should I just use Intuition since there are no "sensors"?
3. Do I use the Drones Agility for anything or is it completely overwritten by Response?
4. Can I just Clone Type-O cells (or whatever genetical material I have) and implement a Stirrup/Move-By-Wire system and rigg it? Or does it need to be Vat-something?
5. Is anything limited to the Skillwire rating except for skillsoft?
6. What about IPs while rigging? limited by my Matrix IPs only? or does the Move-By-Wire System come into play?
7. How does Melee work? Do I need to compute a Drone-Body Attribute for damage purposes or do I just use the Strength Attribute?
8. Does Maneuvering replace Athletics? (running,climbing,gymnastics,swimming)

thats it for now, thanks for any clarification

9. what about an encephalon in the biodrone? A Math SPU