
Shadowrun Play => Play-by-Post => Topic started by: Kouryuu on <01-13-12/0253:50>

Title: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-13-12/0253:50>
this game is played using the Horizon Adventure A Fist of Creditsticks scenario. If you ever intend to play it we recommend NOT to read this game any further.

So this will work for us as our chat and discussion room, I would like to see the rolls here as well, but you can have them masked as text in the IC as well.
Currently Playing:

AalithHUH (;u=33713) as Eddy (
Caramelle (;u=36343) as Freya (
Farothel (;u=20488) as Black Panther (
Pyromaster13 (;u=25428) as Mr Andersen (
Sentinemodo (;u=13515) as CareTaker (
Xzylvador (;u=20311) As Rafa (
Sparkling Dragonfly (;u=65304) As Ahuechei (

It would help if all of you could post here the runner current sheets here or in the Black-book, so i can make a Link to them for everyone to see.

IC coming up when all characters have finished the creation.

And Last but not Least, Let's have fun.  ;D
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-13-12/1534:33>

{Health: 2 / 10P and 0 / 11S damage, NO Wound penalty, NO Stun penalty} | {Edge: 2/ 2} {Defense: 7; Initiative: 7; IP's: 1} |
{Ballistic Armor: 10; Impact Armor: 8 ; Mods : Biomonitor; Nonconductivity 6; Fire Resistance 3; Chemical Protection 6} |

[spoiler]Trigram, F4 Fire Spirit, Fear 4 services
F+1 F+2 F+3 F–2 F F F F F F F (Fx2)+3  2
Astral INIT/IP: F x 2, 3
Movement: 15/40 (flight)
Skills:  Assensing, Astral Combat, Dodge, Exotic Ranged Weapon,
Flight, Perception, Unarmed Combat

Powers: Accident, Astral Form, Confusion, Elemental Attack,
Energy Aura, Engulf, Materialization, Sapience

Optional Powers: Fear, Guard, Noxious Breath, Search
Weaknesses: Allergy (Water, Severe)

Professor, F4 Man Spirit, Increase Reflexes 7 Services
F+1 F F+2 F–2 F F F F F F F (Fx2)+2 2
Astral INIT/IP: F x 2, 3
Movement: 10/25
Skills:  Assensing, Astral Combat, Dodge, Perception, Spellcasting,
Unarmed Combat

Powers: Accident, Astral Form, Concealment, Confusion,
Enhanced Senses (Low-Light, Thermographic Vision), Guard,
Influence, Materialization, Sapience, Search.

Optional Powers: Fear, Innate Spell (any one spell known by the
summoner, Force is limited to the spirit’s Magic), Movement,

Right clip: Regular ammo 19 + Tracer 9 (every third)
Left clip: Ex-ex 19 + Tracer 9

FN 5-7c
Clip: Stick 25

1, R 41  Ex 11  S 30 T 22
2, S 5 Ex 30[/spoiler]

Street Name: Eddy
Name: Jiiro Kenichi
Movement: 10/25, Swim: 5
Karma: 5
Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 0
Public Awareness: 0
Human Male Age 26
Height 178 cm Weight 68 kg
Composure: 8
Judge Intentions: 7
Lift/Carry: 5 (15 kg/10 kg)
Memory: 10
Nuyen: 160 + 1000 credstick

== Attributes ==
BOD: 4
AGI: 3
REA: 3
STR: 1
CHA: 3
INT: 4
LOG: 5
WIL: 5
EDG: 2
MAG: 5

== Derived Attributes ==
Astral Initiative:......8
Astral IP:.................3
Matrix Initiative:.......8
Matrix IP:..................2
Physical Damage Track:     10
Stun Damage Track:         11

== Active Skills ==
Automatics.....[One-handed]...............: 4  Pool: 9 (11) smartlink included
Binding....[Spirits of Man].....................: 6  Pool: 11 (15)
Counterspelling.....................................: 4  Pool: 9
First Aid....................................................: 4  Pool: 9
Gymnastics.............................................: 4  Pool: 7
Negotiation..............................................: 4  Pool: 7
Perception...............................................: 2  Pool: 8 +3
Spellcasting....[Manipulation]...............: 4  Pool: 9 (11)
Summoning....[Spirits of Man]..............: 4  Pool: 9 (13)

== Knowledge Skills ==
Awakened Creatures.............................. : 3    Pool: 8
Biology.............[Metahuman anatomy]   : 3    Pool: 8 (10)
Chemistry.................................................  : 3    Pool: 8
Chinese...................................................   : 4    Pool: 8
English.....................................................   : 4    Pool: 8
Firearms...[Automatic weapons]........    : 2    Pool: 6 ( 8 )
Japanese...............................................    : N    Pool: 0
Magical Theory......................................    : 3     Pool: 8
Mythology...............................................     : 3     Pool: 8

== Contacts ==
Georgy (1, 5)

== Qualities ==
In Debt (5,000¥)
Media Junkie (Mild)
Mentor Spirit (Owl)
Mystic Adept
Prejudiced (Common, Biased) (Day people)
SINner (Standard) (Jiiro Kenichi)
Spirit Bane (Guideance)

== Spells ==
(Tradition: Chaos Magic, Resist Drain with WIL + LOG (10))
Control Thoughts (Manipulation) DV: (F÷2)+2
Increase Reflexes (Health) DV: (F÷2)+2
Levitate (Manipulation)    DV: (F÷2)+1
Shapechange (Manipulation) DV: (F÷2)+2

== Lifestyles ==
High  1 months

== Armor ==
Form-Fitting Half-Body Suit4/1
   +Nonconductivity 6
SecureTech Forearm Guards 0/1
Urban Explorer Jumpsuit   6/6
   +Chemical Protection 6
   +Fire Resistance 3

== Weapons ==
FN 5-7C
   +Flashlight, Infrared
   +Gas-Vent 3 System
   +Hidden Gun Arm Slide
   +Smartgun System, Internal
   +Advanced Safety, Electro Shocker
   +Camera Upgrade, Low Light
   +Camera Upgrade, Thermographic
   +Custom Look Rating 2
   +Extended Clip
   +Sound Suppressor
   DV: 4P   AP: -   RC: 4
Grenade: Flash-Pak
   DV: nem számS   AP: -   RC: 0
Grenade: Thermal Smoke
   DV: (10m Radius)   AP: -   RC: 0
HK 227-X
   +Concealable Holster
   +Flashlight, Infrared
   +Gas-Vent 3 System
   +Additional Clip
   +Camera Upgrade, Low Light
   +Camera Upgrade, Thermographic
   +Heavy Barrel
   +Personalized Grip
   +Smartgun System
   +Sound Suppressor
   DV: 5P   AP: -   RC: 7
Unarmed Attack
   DV: 1S   AP: -   RC: 0

== Commlink ==
Novatech Airware (3, 3, 3, 3)
   +Sim Module (Cold)
   +Iris Orb
   +Suite: Pro User [Analyze 4, Browse 4, Command 2, Edit 4]
   +Biometric Lock
   +Hardening Rating 6
   +Customized Interface
   +Armor Case Rating 2

== Gear ==
Agent Rating 3
   +Copy Protection Rating 3
   +Analyze Rating 3 [Copy Protection 3, Registration]
Ammo: EX-Explosive Rounds (Submachine Guns) x30
Ammo: EX-Explosive Rounds (Machine Pistols) x30
Ammo: Regular Ammo (Submachine Guns) x60
Ammo: Stick-n-Shock (Submachine Guns) x30
Ammo: Stick-n-Shock (Machine Pistols) x30
Ammo: Tracer (Submachine Guns) x40
Binoculars, Optical
Contact Lenses Rating 3
   +Vision Enhancement Rating 3
   +Image Link
   +Flare Compensation
Earbuds Rating 3
   +Audio Enhancement Rating 3
Fake SIN Rating 4 (Fred Alstrin)
   +Fake License Rating 4 (Magical Investigator)
   +Fake License Rating 4 (Concealed Carry)
Gas Mask
Goggles Rating 4
   +Image Link
   +Low Light
   +Vision Magnification
Grenade: Flash-Pak x2
Grenade: Thermal Smoke x5
Handheld Sensor
   +Ultrawideband Radar Rating 4
   +Directional Microphone
Jazz x2
Medkit Rating 6
Medkit Supplies x3
Micro-Transceiver Rating 6
Psyche x3
Spirit Binding Materials Rating 4 x0
Stimulant Patch Rating 3 x3
Survival Kit
Sustaining Focus (Manipulation) (bonded) Rating 3

Contact: Georgy (Hermetic street doc)

Active Skills: Sorcery skill group 3, Conjuring skill group 2, First Aid 4, Medicine 5,
Negotiation 2, Perception 3
Knowledge Skills: Biology 4, Medical Advances 3, Mystical Healing 3, Psychology 3, Smugglers 2, Magical Goods 3

[spoiler]Jiiro was an only child in an average wageslave family. He got tested for magical talent in his early years of puberty and was granted a scholarship in the Toyama University later on. After a few unsuccessful attempts to find out the nature of his talent, the lead mage stated that his magic is still fluctuating and he was placed into a mundane research group studying the internal processes and genetic traits of metahumans.

Frustrated by loosing what he thought made him special (although he gained plenty of  acknowledgment for his quick and innovative thinking) he rallied a group of students from his former class to summon a great guidance spirit which - he thought - could help him find his Way.

The ritual was good, they've done their research, but unfortunately something has gone horribly wrong, killing almost everybody but him and George Steinfield, an international scholarship student whose great spirit Bear protected him and the one closest to him - Jiiro.

George was a kind, caring young man even back then, and he never blamed Jiiro for the death of the others, in fact, they helped each other get through it, although both were scarred by the tragedy.

Jiiro was expelled from the university but he didn't mind it. Despite Georgy's best attempts, he still blamed himself and he was convinced that the ritual went wrong because they weren't prepared well enough. From then forward, he was obsessed with knowledge and searched for it wherever he suspected he can find some. He chose Owl for his mentor and found a Way that was in harmony with his talent - the Way of Chaos, a kind of middle ground between the Old and New.

He became a shadowrunner by chance, when he tried to acquire a formula other people wanted too. He sold it to them once he learned everything he could from it and the payment was so good he considered doing it for a living. He took the scientific approach, trained his body with high tech methods instead of brute force and he also found his wild side - it seemed that automatic weapons worked well with him, which helped in situations where magic just wasn't enough.

He drifted through Japan, then parts of China and finally the UCAS. He became an established runner, if somewhat a loner - he trusted his spirits to gather information and through information he knew about potential run opportunities and targets. He has outdone runners in several occasions by himself, snatching information before they arrived, leaving no clue behind. The only person he remained in touch with was Georgy, who became a successful hermetic doctor and helped him out with supplies (medical or magical) if needed. In turn Jiiro, or Eddy in the shadow world, sent him information about advanced medical procedures, chemicals and technologies.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-13-12/1544:37>
So he's an other feathered one: Owl.
And starting money:
Starting money 14 000 (
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <01-13-12/1612:52>
it's mentioned he's a mystical adept, but I don't see any adept powers listed.  Are they forgotten or are we not allowed to know?  8)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <01-13-12/1628:25>
Seems like he is a standard mage without assense and astral projection which allowed him to save 10 BP.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-13-12/1645:24>
Mystic adepts are mages who sacrificed control over the astral for better control on the physical world. Or something like that was said in the book. I don't really like astral, projecting is dangerous for more than one reason and there is nothing you can do that a good spirit cannot do (maybe even better). Astral combat without a weapon focus against a spirit or an astral entity is almost suicide. Even assensing (which is an awesome thing) can be dangerous: my favorite tactic is to summon a powerful spirit and a few watchers and if I see a mage I send them to him over the astral. It takes a split second to arrive and when he (and he will, because it's awesome) assenses he'll become dual natured and they rip him a new one.
And I didn't save 10 BP, more than that, because projecting and assensing is worthless without the skill which is rating*4 BP saved. If you want astral combat, then more.
Lastly, this way I have room for improvement in both ways. If I use magic mostly, I can improve on that road (and you know what is a good thing to boost your spellcasting and summoning skills beyond 6? Improved non-combat ability adept power) or I can be faster, meaner or just sense astral with adept powers. (and thermo vision and improved hearing and improved gymnastics and magic sense and many more) :)

It's a long term investment :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <01-13-12/1650:20>
I hadn't looked at it like that.  We'll just have to see how it works out, but not a bad idea.  :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <01-13-12/1733:30>
Here's my character.  I've put her in the big black book of runners.  Link below. (
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <01-13-12/1818:23>
{Health: 0 / 10P and 0 / 9S damage, NO Wound penalty, NO Stun penalty} | {Edge: 5/ 5} {Defense: 4; Initiative: 10; IP's: 3} |
{Ballistic Armor: 11; Impact Armor: 9 ; Mods : Nonconductivity 6; Ruthenium Polymer Coating; Thermal Damping 6} |


Freya is an extraordinarily charming and quite open-minded personality, very elegant, well-educated and deeply interested in dance, acting, art, history, literature. Due to her early life experience, she is very knowledgeable in etiquette, social skills, party hosting and lots more. She is closely bounded with nature and needs from time to time stay in clean and beautiful places, remote from public and noise, otherwise she might get sick or at least physically weak and petulant.


Name: Annabelle Fergusson
Alias: Freya Race: Dryad
Sex: Female   Age: 32 (Looks like 19)
Nationality: UCAS
Rose Garden Cottage - High Lifestyle(1 month paid)
Karma Spent/Total Karma: 0/0Nuyen: (Left after chargen= 1200¥ Starting Nuyen= 8.000 (¥ - 30.000 ¥ In Debt - 3505 New Gear = -19.505 On Hand 495¥
Motto: Given proper motivation people will believe any lie either because they want it to be the truth, or because they fear it is the truth.
Street cred: 0
Factions relations (this will give you a bonus dices to any social roll with members of that faction):


Freya was born as the only child in a very wealthy family and spent her childhood carelessly in the countryside family mansion. Her parents run their own business connected with art (auctions, trade, collection etc.) and usually were not present at the mansion. They came here just for some social events. Freya was brought up mostly by her nanny and private teachers. Nanny was her closest person, almost her mother. She was a life-wise elf woman of Swedish descent who told Freya a lot about mythological and historical events, different species and in the end about dryads as well. Nanny’s stories have caused Freya’s prejudices on trolls. She still can’t stand them and feels very uncomfortable when needs to contact them as she is convinced they represent lower and non-intelligent species. Unfortunately nanny was killed in unknown circumstances during Freya’s study years. Freya is still blaming her parents for letting it happen.

Freya acknowledged her special power over others quite early – playground mates followed her so easily, household staff fulfilled almost all her wishes. She started to realize that she is different and wanted to know more and understand herself better, what she did over the years with the help of her nanny. Over the years she learned how to use her powers for her own advantage and how to manage her dependency on home and close bounds with environment.

When she was already an adolescent she accidentally found out her parents’ business was not just an ordinary art sales company, but a firm which performed special secret activities, owned spies and infiltrators, used their social status as a cover for task fulfillment. She understood she has never known her parents; they turned out to be almost complete strangers to her as the family life in mansion was just another cover for her parents’ work needs. Freya felt betrayed as she understood her life has been a fake and she has been used. So she started to learn secretly all she could about her parents’ work, she tried to find out as much as possible about everything connected with security matters, infiltration, weapons, newest technologies etc.. She had the feeling (intuition) all this knowledge might save her life one day. And she was very careful not to let her parents know about her secret studies, which was not that hard actually because of her acting skills and the fact that parents were home so rarely.

She left her parents’ home as she started to attend Yale University where she studied art and literature which was her parents’ wish – education suitable for a girl from higher society contrary her own wish to become a dancer and actress. In Yale she met Philip Lewis (Phil) who later became one of the highest ranking executives of Horizont. They still keep in touch and try to meet as often as possible. Phil names Freya as Belle and they still have kept some romantic interests towards eachother. Phil is informed about Freyas connection to Shadow business and they both benefit from this.

During her study years after nanny’s death she decided not to return to her parents and start to live her own life, which is why she started to save money parents gave her for “small expenditures” and to learn to live on lower level to cut her expenses which still is hard enough as Freya loves comfort, beautiful things, expensive clothes and excellent food.

After graduation she was moving from one city to another and testing different cover scenarios to hide from her parents who wanted her back as she had been considered as a good investment in their company’s future. Finally she found a suitable and for now safe place for living in Seattle. As she couldn’t work as an actress or dancer which would drag too much public attention, she decided to join shadow runners to earn some money for living. Anyway dancing and acting is still Freya’s dream.


5568/10 IP 1/3

Positive Qualities
Low-Light Vision
The Speaker's Way

Negative Qualities
Distinctive Style
In Debt (20,000¥)
Prejudiced (Common, Biased) (Troll)
SINner (Standard) (Annabelle Fergusson)

Active Skills
Influence skill Group4
Stealth Group3
Pistols [spec. in SA]1
Dodge 1

Knowledge Skills
Security Tactics2

Language Skills

Adept Powers
Facial Sculpt3
Improved Reflexes2
Melanin Control-

Form-Fitting Body Armor Full-Body Suit6/2Nonconductivity 6; Ruthenium Polymer Coating; Thermal Damping 6
Mortimer of London: Berwick Suit Jacket (Ensemble)5/3none
SecureTech Arm Casings0/1none
SecureTech Helmet0/2none
SecureTech Leg Casings0/1none
Zoé: Moonsilver Evening Gown4/1none
CommlinkRe/Si/Fi/SyOperation SystemMods
Aunt Mildred4/4/4/4Mad Cat(custom)Biometric Lock, Armor Case 5
Commlink Soft-, hardwarepriceNotes
Analyze R4125Pro User suite - soft
Browse R4125Pro User suite - soft
Command R2125Pro User suite - soft
Edit R4125Pro User suite - soft

Fake SIN (Katheline van der Noot)                 (4)  4000¥Fake System Identification Number - Katheline van der Noot
x Fake License  R41200¥(concealed and carry) - Katheline van der Noot
ThorYamaha PulsarMelee Hardening, Skinlink, Smartgun System, Personalized Grip, Chameleon Coating
Concealable Holsteraccesory75¥
50x Taser Dart 250¥ammo
2x Spare Clips 10¥accesory
BrownyBrowning Ultra-PowerAdditional Clip(Pistol); Custom Look Rating 2; Personalized Grip; Skinlink; Smartgun System
Concealable Holsteraccesory75¥
30x Stick-n-shock 250¥ammo
30x Ex-explosives ammo 250¥ammo
2x Spare Clips 10¥accesory
Sensory enchanmentspriceNotes
Contact Lenses150¥
   -Flare Compensation           50¥No modifers from blinding flashes, glare and heat flashes.
   -Image Link           25¥displays visual information in the field of vision or user’s retina
   -Smartlink           500¥interacts with a smartgun system for visual aid
Earbuds Rating 3150¥
  Audio Enhancement Rating 3  50¥
B&E GearpriceNotes
14x Laes cigarette     250¥
9x Scent masking cigarette     90¥


Phillip Lewis (Phil), Horizont High Exec, university period friend, Human early 30'ties
Connection Rating: 5 Loyalty: 3
Uses: Way into high society events, Connections, Buissness connected to Horizont.
Places to Meet: Los Angeles; New York - depending on current assignment
Contact: Commlink

Hikaru Ehara “Silver”
, Seattle Ganger, Elf Male
Connection Rating: 2 Loyalty: 1
Uses: Seattle going on's, all arround support, small time fixer.
Places to Meet: Downtown Clubs
Contact: Commlink

Jack the Ripper,Proffesional Hacker, Human Male with the fasciantion of the Victorian era
Connection Rating: 1 Loyalty: 2
Uses: Fake SINs and licenses, support, Hacking jobs and data searches
Places to meet: Downtown; Shadow  BBS
Contact: Commlink

Quote from: Edge Log
5 start
5 left in Total
Quote from: modifiers and Changes
Normal - very peacefull and good feeling from being in a rural home
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-14-12/1019:55>
Everything looks good so far. The character interesting the player keen to start, with the exception of Pyromaster13 we are ready to go

Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-15-12/0528:33>
Looks like everyone ready, so we are about to start.  :D
Sent can post his shaman any time and Pyro's char on the first look was Ready to go as well, tonight will do the in depth check but there could be only minor changes. so we are about to embark on a journey together people, let's strap down and enjoy the ride.

If you Want you can introduce yourself as well, if you feel like it that is.

Me, i am who i am, bit over thinking, good spirited, but i can get mean if  you step on my toes one time to many.
I like a free living world, so you can improvise outside the box, if it makes sense i will allow it most of the time, but the time will not stop just because you took up extra tasks.

Latvia, so GMT+2, just you know when to expect me to be online.  Using a handheld to post most of the time and a PC to do the rolls, meaning i will not always be able to post a response even if i am online.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <01-15-12/0656:41>
Latvia, so GMT+2, just you know when to expect me to be online.  Using a handheld to post most of the time and a PC to do the rolls, meaning i will not always be able to post a response even if i am online.

I'm in Belgium, so GMT+1.  We should be online most of the same hours then.  Usefull, that is, hmm.  :D

As for my character, she's a combat hacker (getting into systems and if she's found out, she simply splats the spider unconscious and then goes about her business), but she can do stuff in the meat world as well.  For looks, it's easy: think Storm from the X-men movies.
I've seen our face has a hacker contact, so maybe that contact knows her.
@Kour: maybe a way to get the two of us together.  A friend of a friend (I'm not sure what you had planned, but it can be a way should you need one).
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-15-12/0953:06>
@Kour: maybe a way to get the two of us together.  A friend of a friend (I'm not sure what you had planned, but it can be a way should you need one).

Good idea, you can do that if you wish, it will make the RP easier i think, at least you would be no complete strangers.
If anyone else agrees to this you can even state that you have been working previosly. but this depends on the players so decide it yourself.
Might even be the team and one or two freshman.  ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-15-12/1237:48>
I'm +1 too! Not bad. As for my character, in IC I'll do a full appearance and a little personality check.

About me: just one thing for starters. I can sometimes sound mean or criticizing or it may look like I'm trying to offend people. I'm not! It's because there is no tone in writing, so sometimes written word can look that way. If I have a problem with someone, I believe telling them straight is the best thing - so unless I tell you otherwise, please assume I meant it in a respectful, constructive way and I'm new to foruming so maybe I forgot to add that smiley face :)

Looking forward to run in the shadows with you!

P.S.: Sen! I'm relieved you chose to be a shaman! There can't be enough magic in a team!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-15-12/1246:11>
Pyro! Who's gonna be your character? I mean archetype? I see we have a shaman, a face, a hacker and my m.a. It would be funny if my character would be the "muscle" in the team with his scrawny Strength 1:) If I'm correct he has the highest weapon skill for now, but don't expect him to be the "tank"!  ;D 
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <01-15-12/1252:25>

I've seen our face has a hacker contact, so maybe that contact knows her.
@Kour: maybe a way to get the two of us together.  A friend of a friend (I'm not sure what you had planned, but it can be a way should you need one).

I like your idea! Did you mean something specific like earlier cooperation in SIN faking?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <01-15-12/1313:54>

I've seen our face has a hacker contact, so maybe that contact knows her.
@Kour: maybe a way to get the two of us together.  A friend of a friend (I'm not sure what you had planned, but it can be a way should you need one).

I like your idea! Did you mean something specific like earlier cooperation in SIN faking?

To be honest I thought more that the team needed a hacker and your contact contacts my ID manufacterer contact and he contacts me for the job.

Another option is that both contacts are part of the same ID manufacturing group, as those things are according the source books always done by crime syndicates or other groups (as one person doesn't have the resources to go into all those databases, especially for the high quality fakes).

It also depends on what exactly we're going to do, how the team will be contacted.  So probably option one is the best.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <01-15-12/1432:53>
To be honest I thought more that the team needed a hacker and your contact contacts my ID manufacterer contact and he contacts me for the job.

Another option is that both contacts are part of the same ID manufacturing group, as those things are according the source books always done by crime syndicates or other groups (as one person doesn't have the resources to go into all those databases, especially for the high quality fakes).

It also depends on what exactly we're going to do, how the team will be contacted.  So probably option one is the best.

What do you think about this - We may have worked together once and we have met through my hacker contact. As we need a hacker for this assignment, I may have mentioned I' ve worked with you and that was ok. :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <01-15-12/1457:51>
To be honest I thought more that the team needed a hacker and your contact contacts my ID manufacterer contact and he contacts me for the job.

Another option is that both contacts are part of the same ID manufacturing group, as those things are according the source books always done by crime syndicates or other groups (as one person doesn't have the resources to go into all those databases, especially for the high quality fakes).

It also depends on what exactly we're going to do, how the team will be contacted.  So probably option one is the best.

What do you think about this - We may have worked together once and we have met through my hacker contact. As we need a hacker for this assignment, I may have mentioned I' ve worked with you and that was ok. :)

Sure, good idea.  We're both elves, so that might also help.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-15-12/1502:22>
:) You guys maybe overcomplicate it a little. :) Man, I cannot wait to start the game already! Where's the "excited" smiley?

Anyways, my character is a media junkie like Laura, and Unwired says they are obsessed with news, information and social networking sites. Maybe Eddy and Laura could have met on one of those sites and exchanged some information? Better yet, Eddy is all about knowledge, paying for information with information, so, if you agree, maybe Laura gave him some good scoop about a corp Ares worked with in the past and it helped Eddy greatly get what he wanted, then he shared. Now when she's contacted about a mayor job, she can recommend a trustworthy fella with some good skills maybe worth checking out.

Just throwing ideas around :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-15-12/1506:23>
I love you guys  ;D
this will be great, at least for now I am under a very good impression.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <01-16-12/0714:40>
We can get the group together like this.  Person A knows person B who in turn knows person C and D and C knows E, and so on...

We should be able to come up with a way to get everybody in this system.  We might not know everybody, but at least you know (or have heard about) one or two people.  That can give us a quicker group cohesion than a random group of strangers.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <01-16-12/0725:02>
We can get the group together like this.  Person A knows person B who in turn knows person C and D and C knows E, and so on...

We should be able to come up with a way to get everybody in this system.  We might not know everybody, but at least you know (or have heard about) one or two people.  That can give us a quicker group cohesion than a random group of strangers.

Sounds good to me! :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-16-12/0855:38>
That's what I had in mind too! This way we don't need to do the "I don't know you and you don't know me but we agree we don't trust each other" game in the beginning! :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Pyromaster13 on <01-17-12/0505:41>
Sorry all about a late response.  I'm essentially going a bio street sam.  Not tough but can deal a lot of damage if given an opportunity.

I typically only check the 'new replies' and since I didn't post on this thread I didn't get updates  :-[

I don't mind the 'everyone knows each other' system.  But everyone needs to just pick a relationship and stick with it, I've seen a lot of time wasted on things like these because people didn't want to affiliate themselves with specific others.

I'll be more prudent to keep an eye out on the threads regardless, but to Kour, I'm just going to go with the sheet I sent you as is. Would you like me to post it on this thread?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <01-17-12/0512:10>
It unlikely that any of you might know Caretaker, I am fairly new to town.

Pyro, you can subscribe to thread, even if you don't post in it, so you would get emails about new replies.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-17-12/0552:16>
So everyone's ready? Character wise?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <01-17-12/0600:34>
I am almost - I am missing contacts, but I can finish that today.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-17-12/0644:58>
So we are ready.

Sent - would be nice. To see your charsheet and backstory as a link from black book or just here in this thread

Pyro - still waiting for the story. Ok as players want to start we can keep the current version of you character, but I doubt your decidion not to take up dodge, more so if you are a Sammy.
Think on it while you still can.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <01-17-12/0650:54>
I'll post it tonight probably
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-17-12/0658:14>
I'll post it tonight probably
That means await the [IC] TONIGHT or early tomorow.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-17-12/1400:05>
Okay, so Sen uploaded Caretaker, but unfortunately it's not just contacts he's missing. Interesting and scary character so far! The unusual looks (black bald dwarf with white tattoos) and Wanted will bring some trouble I'm sure..  :o

But Sen! How did he pissed off Fire Spirits? I didn't find anything about that in the background.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <01-17-12/1429:22>
the rest is done. I just haven't more time for the conversion. will finish in two hours of so. the missing piece of background is done also.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-17-12/1436:56>
Yay! Then we are all set! K! Make that IC, if you would be so kind :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <01-17-12/1440:27>
you meant black book?  there is no ic thread as of yet.

i'll do so as soon as i get to computer. i don't have chummer on the tablet and sadly i've yet to setup remote desktop properly.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-17-12/1449:38>
Yay! Then we are all set! K! Make that IC, if you would be so kind :)
Sorry you will have to wait a bit i am not at my PC as well, but.....

Everyone can start to think,  what they would like to do in a week befor the run, you have time to summon spirits and do some shoping for the money you got as staring cash.  ;D

so go nuts.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-17-12/1510:14>
Awesome! Individually or we can interact with each other?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-17-12/1525:01>
Yay! Then we are all set! K! Make that IC, if you would be so kind :)
Sorry you will have to wait a bit i am not at my PC as well, but.....

Everyone can start to think,  what they would like to do in a week befor the run, you have time to summon spirits and do some shoping for the money you got as staring cash.  ;D

so go nuts.
Awesome! Individually or we can interact with each other?
As you wish.
if you know each other you can do somthing togheter as well.  ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <01-17-12/1856:18>

I've completed the conversion to blackbook format.
As far as the contacts go I went for single group contact of carribean pirates. if you think I should instead go for few local contacts, to help you with hooking him up into the run, just PM me.

I'll be thinking on the week worths of action. I'll probably go for spirit bringing and bounding.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <01-18-12/0154:10>
Nice character Sentinemodo.  :)  With his negative qualities he has the survivability of a juicy seal in the annual shark convention, but to me it looks like one giant plot hook (and I know that GMs love those)  ;)

As for getting your character into the group, using the friend of a friend method, I have a smuggler contact that can serve as your point of entry if you wish.

As for what my character will do during the week.
-watch news sites for new developments
-maybe chat with some friends on said sites (Eddy?)
-go to a wine tasting event organised by one of the sites about wine she's subscribed to.
-see if JJ (my smuggler contact) is in town and if he is, invite him to go to a club (OOC: keep his loyalty rating up).
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-18-12/0333:58>
I'll go do some shopping, bind spirits like crazy and definitely will call Laura, because I have some matrix programs I want to buy and she's maybe able to help me with those.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-18-12/0344:16>
As for getting your character into the group, using the friend of a friend method, I have a smuggler contact that can serve as your point of entry if you wish.
this is great way to circumvent the need for a fixer for Caretaker, Lauras fixer can get Caretakar on this as well, if you are OK.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-18-12/0350:20>
Sen, just a few things, I hope you don't mind: :)

Why do you have so much fetishes? 9 fetish for 9 spells? All of your spells are limited? You know if you loose those, you cannot cast spells, right?

You have 4 Binding Materials, but at what rating?

Audio Enhancement costs 1 capacity per rating, so an earbud can only have a rating 3 A. E. and nothing more. I don't know why, it's not consistent because Visual E. costs 1 Cap no matter the rating.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-18-12/0353:52>
As for getting your character into the group, using the friend of a friend method, I have a smuggler contact that can serve as your point of entry if you wish.
this is great way to circumvent the need for a fixer for Caretaker, Lauras fixer can get Caretakar on this as well, if you are OK.

And I don't have a fixer, originally planned to get the info of the run from spying spirits and offer my services, but that may not be the best idea, so in the week, I'll chat with Laura (she seems to be the center here) and maybe she could drop a morsel about the run??? LAURA??? :)

So we go to the meeting and after that we have a week to prepare, or we have a week before we are contacted?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <01-18-12/0402:50>
Freya is going to spend a couple of days in the nature reserve not far from her home to get herself ready for the run. Later on will see, maybe some shopping or so...
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-18-12/0403:24>
So we go to the meeting and after that we have a week to prepare, or we have a week before we are contacted?
You have the week before you are contacted

P.s. just a small preposition
you all can attend a party in this week and meet this Fixer in it, and later you get the job trough him, would that work for you Fixer less people?  ???
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-18-12/0447:11>
Paaaartyyy! Great way to meet contacts!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <01-18-12/0501:15>
good idea faro - I could have been smuggled by your friend or a friend of your friend

as far as the money part - I have a mere 3d6*50=500 ( nuyen

I'll spend the time to summon an bronze warrior of Ogoun - Loa of Iron and War (Force 4 guardian spirit)
(up to Force 2 it would be copper warrior, Force 3-4 bronze, Force 5-6 iron, Force 7-8 steel, above are named Loas from Ogoun family)

Summoning -> Magic(5) + Summoning(5) + Summoning Focus(2) -> 12d6.hits(5)=2 (
Spirit resists Force(4) -> 4d6.hits(5)=1 (
Drain Value of 2 - soaked without problems on buying hits
Ogoun has came, but since the grip was to weak Caretaker releases him

Summoning -> Magic(5) + Summoning(5) + Summoning Focus(2) -> 12d6.hits(5)=2 (
Spirit resists Force(4) -> 4d6.hits(5)=2 ( -> DV 4
Drain resistance -> Charisma(5) + Intuition(4) -> 9d6.hits(5)=2 ( -> 2S taken
Ogoun has came, but since the grip was to weak Caretaker releases him again

Summoning -> Magic(5) + Summoning(5) + Summoning Focus(2) -> 12d6.hits(5)=6 (
Spirit resists Force(4) -> 4d6.hits(5)=1 (
Drain Value of 2 - soaked without problems on buying hits
Finally the Ogoun came and the grip was sufficient -> 5 services

Resting for one hour to recover from the 2S damage (buying hits Body(3) + Willpower(5))
Binding -> Magic(5) + Binding(4) -> 9d6.hits(5)=1 (, ritual takes 4 hours
Spirit resist Force(4) + Force(4) -> 8d6.hits(5)=3 ( -> DV 6, binding unsuccessful
Drain resist -> Charisma(5) + Intuition(4) -> 9d6.hits(5)=1 ( it's a glitch, I'll take 1P and 4S instead of 5S

Resting another 2 hours before another try (attempting at 1P) (buying hits Body(3) + Willpower(5))
the time before sprit escape is down to 4 hours so it's the last try with this one.
Binding -> Magic(5) + Binding(4) -> 9d6.hits(5)=4 (, ritual takes 4 hours
Spirit resist Force(4) + Force(4) -> 8d6.hits(5)=4 ( -> DV 8
I'll use Edge to reroll missess on the binding roll -> 5d6.hits(5)=2 ( bind successfull, materials used up, 1 additional service to a total of 6
Drain resist -> Charisma(5) + Intuition(4) -> 9d6.hits(5)=3 ( 5S to a total of 1P and 5S.

I'll spend next day on recuperating the physical wound (Body(3) + Body(3)) -> 6d6.hits(5)=3 (

I'll spend rest of the week looking for haitian or at least vodoo believers in the plex, looking for work and preaching voodoo on the streets.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Pyromaster13 on <01-18-12/0502:33>
I'll bring the party favors! What's everyone's favorite Synthahol!

Who am I acquianted with anyhow?  My character's eccentric though so he wouldn't be hard to meet..
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <01-18-12/0507:26>
Sen, just a few things, I hope you don't mind: :)

Why do you have so much fetishes? 9 fetish for 9 spells? All of your spells are limited? You know if you loose those, you cannot cast spells, right?

You have 4 Binding Materials, but at what rating?

Audio Enhancement costs 1 capacity per rating, so an earbud can only have a rating 3 A. E. and nothing more. I don't know why, it's not consistent because Visual E. costs 1 Cap no matter the rating.

Welcome :D

1. Fetishes - I took fetishes, since they are cheap :) Haven't yet decided with going limited. I was thinking about limiting some of the spells for flavor - specialy control actions, animate and orgy
2. Binding Material - since they are using up, I assume they are just 500 nuyen per point, but if that's important I am taking 1 bag of rating 4.
3. Audio enhancements - generated by chummer (took a basic pacakge). Select sound filters takes 1 regardless of rating? if so I'll reduce the audio enh to keep the select sound filter in.

Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-18-12/0510:44>
If there's some nice chicas to be found there, Rafa just might show up!

-- Kour: Had a fire in my apartment yesterday afternoon, might be a bit slower on updating Rafa than I had hoped, sorry. (In 3 weeks time: A burglary, 2 dead grandparents and a fire, this new year is taking off very well for me.)
Please do PM comments and critique on him (or tell me he's okay as is). The changes I'll do to him probably won't be a lot more than maybe add Blandness or Human Looking and/or change some other qualities and contacts. I -might- change his weapon skill, Longarms seem just so damned crappy compared to the rest :(

Don't think he'll do much that week other than wait for a call, he needs work, badly.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-18-12/0525:40>

Welcome :D

1. Fetishes - I took fetishes, since they are cheap :) Haven't yet decided with going limited. I was thinking about limiting some of the spells for flavor - specialy control actions, animate and orgy
2. Binding Material - since they are using up, I assume they are just 500 nuyen per point, but if that's important I am taking 1 bag of rating 4.
3. Audio enhancements - generated by chummer (took a basic pacakge). Select sound filters takes 1 regardless of rating? if so I'll reduce the audio enh to keep the select sound filter in.

Just remember, you have to decide when learning the spell. Limit those which have high drain, but leave a few unlimited in case of emergency - in some adventures (more than not :) ) you're stripped of your possessions - jail, other captivity, stealing, chase and you had to leave them behind etc. Even if they are implanted into your skin (but that's not free, so cos.mod. I think with cost GM decided) creative GM-s usually find a way to take them if they want. Implanting is much safer then wearing, but still, there always must be a plan B for when the drek hits the fan. (it would be good to take unarmed combat, escape artist and such, unfortunately mages are not BP friendly, all rounded characters :( )
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-18-12/0534:59>
I'll bring the party favors! What's everyone's favorite Synthahol!

Who am I acquainted with anyhow?  My character's eccentric though so he wouldn't be hard to meet..
still waiting for the Background by the way.  :-\
If there's some nice chicas to be found there, Rafa just might show up!
Laura and Freya are quit the lookers, but not sure who is attending and who not,
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <01-18-12/0538:06>
If there's some nice chicas to be found there, Rafa just might show up!

-- Kour: Had a fire in my apartment yesterday afternoon, might be a bit slower on updating Rafa than I had hoped, sorry. (In 3 weeks time: A burglary, 2 dead grandparents and a fire, this new year is taking off very well for me.)
Please do PM comments and critique on him (or tell me he's okay as is). The changes I'll do to him probably won't be a lot more than maybe add Blandness or Human Looking and/or change some other qualities and contacts. I -might- change his weapon skill, Longarms seem just so damned crappy compared to the rest :(

Don't think he'll do much that week other than wait for a call, he needs work, badly.

Xzyl, you used up I hope that bucket of disasters for that year already? A fire now? what next? a crappy roll?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <01-18-12/0540:40>

Welcome :D

1. Fetishes - I took fetishes, since they are cheap :) Haven't yet decided with going limited. I was thinking about limiting some of the spells for flavor - specialy control actions, animate and orgy
2. Binding Material - since they are using up, I assume they are just 500 nuyen per point, but if that's important I am taking 1 bag of rating 4.
3. Audio enhancements - generated by chummer (took a basic pacakge). Select sound filters takes 1 regardless of rating? if so I'll reduce the audio enh to keep the select sound filter in.

Just remember, you have to decide when learning the spell. Limit those which have high drain, but leave a few unlimited in case of emergency - in some adventures (more than not :) ) you're stripped of your possessions - jail, other captivity, stealing, chase and you had to leave them behind etc. Even if they are implanted into your skin (but that's not free, so cos.mod. I think with cost GM decided) creative GM-s usually find a way to take them if they want. Implanting is much safer then wearing, but still, there always must be a plan B for when the drek hits the fan. (it would be good to take unarmed combat, escape artist and such, unfortunately mages are not BP friendly, all rounded characters :( )

That's why I haven't yet decided on that - doesn't really matter yet. I might as well keep them in suticase for sell and bacame a travelling talismonger. I only need a fresh supply of bones *hint*
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <01-18-12/0547:57>
If there's some nice chicas to be found there, Rafa just might show up!

-- Kour: Had a fire in my apartment yesterday afternoon, might be a bit slower on updating Rafa than I had hoped, sorry. (In 3 weeks time: A burglary, 2 dead grandparents and a fire, this new year is taking off very well for me.)
Please do PM comments and critique on him (or tell me he's okay as is). The changes I'll do to him probably won't be a lot more than maybe add Blandness or Human Looking and/or change some other qualities and contacts. I -might- change his weapon skill, Longarms seem just so damned crappy compared to the rest :(

Don't think he'll do much that week other than wait for a call, he needs work, badly.

Hey, long time no see.  I hope things will get better soon.

I must say that I find longarms not bad, as I often give characters a shotgun.  I almost never use long bursts (unless it's vehicle mounted weaponry, but that falls under gunnery), so a shotgun with BF capacity is more then enough (and most fights are close enough that full assault rifles are not necessary).  I prefer the enfield AS-7, but with the laser removed and a smartlink installed.  Other mods I put in are powered folding stock, sling, foregrip, personilsed grip.  That takes care of almost all of the recoil (and all those mods can be stacked).

@Kour: I'll be at the party, no probs.
@pyro: we'll have to see with your background and contacts.  As our characters are already posted, try to work something in.  It doesn't have to be much and I'm sure there's always a way.  8)
@Senti: JJ sometimes smuggles people, so that's okay for me.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-18-12/0555:02>
We use the "Strength and Recoil Compensation" rule from Arsenal? (p163)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-18-12/0558:44>
We use the "Strength and Recoil Compensation" rule from Arsenal? (p163)
i do not see a reason not to use it.

If some one has a reason the you can speak up.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-18-12/0607:20>
Other than "It's an optional rule"... I have to say the rule makes a lot of sense to me.

We using all the "advanced rules" then? (They add a lot of fluff and realism, but make some things a bit more complicated too.)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-18-12/0610:42>
Other than "It's an optional rule"... I have to say the rule makes a lot of sense to me.

We using all the "advanced rules" then? (They add a lot of fluff and realism, but make some things a bit more complicated too.)
not really, just some exceptions like 2xcha for free contacts and this one for now, if you have some ideas we can talk about it, but i think sticking to the basics would make my first game much more easier, and i am not sure how well i will be following all the rules we set up.  :-\
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-18-12/0649:41>
That's why I haven't yet decided on that - doesn't really matter yet. I might as well keep them in suticase for sell and bacame a travelling talismonger. I only need a fresh supply of bones *hint*

Opening longcoats "Hey, sexy, do you want some fetishes?" I guess it's normal in the Sixth world :) :) Not sure about the first part - you have to decide, because we are starting the game! You cannot limit or unlimit  a spell later unless you learn it again for hard karma!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-18-12/0711:14>
And speaking of which: making first incision! Breaking the IC (ice) in IC  :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <01-18-12/0752:03>
Speaking of IC: what sort of class is that restaurant?  I'm willing to roll, but I guess from the public node I can get enough information to see if I have to wear my best suit or if t-shirt and jeans is ok?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <01-18-12/0758:07>
Speaking of IC: what sort of class is that restaurant?  I'm willing to roll, but I guess from the public node I can get enough information to see if I have to wear my best suit or if t-shirt and jeans is ok?

I have the same concerns :) Freya is willing to attend the party, but it would be nice to have some details about the event - dresscode, place, possible public (I mean what kind of persons) etc.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-18-12/0801:29>
Speaking of IC: what sort of class is that restaurant?  I'm willing to roll, but I guess from the public node I can get enough information to see if I have to wear my best suit or if t-shirt and jeans is ok?
the party is your thing, Laura, Freya can organise it, Laura would be the most suited i guess she is becoming the connection for most of the team.

The Gray Line
The Gray Line looks like a ferry tied up to Pier 63. You have to walk a gangplank to get to the upper deck, where six tables form the upper portion of the restaurant. Parabolic heat lamps and subdued lighting give customers a romantic view of the harbour even on chilly nights. When the fog rolls in, however, most customers head to the more popular lower deck. The lower deck has a fantastic view with three-meter-tall windows arching along the width of the restaurant. The dining room is over twenty meters wide with recycled wooden deck and nylon rope railing. Lighting along the bottom of the harbour gives the customers a better view of the sea life, with some that are occasionally on the menu. Ten tables seat an additional forty five people. Everything has nautical terms, such as “galley” for the kitchen and “heads” for the restrooms. Meals cost around fifty nuyen, and the menu specializes in seafood. On the non-window walls hang a few bronze porthole window fixtures used as frames for mirrors and watercolour paintings depicting harbours and marine life. The restaurant has a casual atmosphere.

Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <01-18-12/0934:13>
Speaking of IC: what sort of class is that restaurant?  I'm willing to roll, but I guess from the public node I can get enough information to see if I have to wear my best suit or if t-shirt and jeans is ok?
the party is your thing, Laura, Freya can organise it, Laura would be the most suited i guess she is becoming the connection for most of the team.

I don't see myself organising a party.  Maybe going to a club and there meeting some people you've seen once or twice (or met online) no problem.  So if we do a party it would be in a club or something during their regular opening hours.

As for me becoming the connection of the group, it is kinda logical.  As smuggler she got around, so she knows people ... who know people ... etc.  As hacker she serves the same role on the matrix.

Or OOC I'm the one coming up with the crazy schemes to get people together.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-18-12/1609:46>
I hate Inv. Castle. I hate it with passion. With a vengeance!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <01-18-12/1622:54>
I hate Inv. Castle. I hate it with passion. With a vengeance!

That's nothing.  I've managed to get two bad rolls for ID checks in another PbP, plus a glitch on an assensing test in a warded surroundings.

another question: are we going to play out the week before or not?  I've already started at the restaurant, but I can add a flashback if you want to.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-18-12/1636:40>
I hate Inv. Castle. I hate it with passion. With a vengeance!

That's nothing.  I've managed to get two bad rolls for ID checks in another PbP, plus a glitch on an assensing test in a warded surroundings.

another question: are we going to play out the week before or not?  I've already started at the restaurant, but I can add a flashback if you want to.
not really needed, but if you like to have a flashback, i am for it. while we wait for pyro.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-18-12/1642:07>
another question: are we going to play out the week before or not?  I've already started at the restaurant, but I can add a flashback if you want to.

I asked:
Me: "So we go to the meeting and after that we have a week to prepare, or we have a week before we are contacted?"

K, alias GM: "You have the week before you are contacted"

That's why I'm playing the week, purchasing, rolling zero hits from 7 dice etc. :(

But staying positive, now Jiiro has a STRONG reason to look for work :) (160 or so Nuyen left...)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-19-12/0149:07>
anyone else wants to use the same negotiation system Aalith used. her it is

Av. 0-5 No threshold
      6-10 1
      10-12 2
       12+    3
Restricted +1 and only if you have some license to justify
Forbidden - nix. Cannot buy forbidden things in online stores, must use contacts.

Every net hit gives 5%.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-19-12/0415:43>
For online negotiation :)

But I was a little dumb when I sketched that :) It's either 6-9 10-12 or 6-10 11-12.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-19-12/0901:54>
Okay, that was my last IC on the free week topic. Sen and Farothel made an IC already - any word on Pyro and Caramelle?

Questions (additional ones):

K! Caretaker and Eddy used Edge on binding. At the end of the week, can we get those back? And in general, what's the Edge replenishment policy in the game? Just to know how "liberal" can we get with those (I mean we have to span those through the whole job, they replenish every day, week, month, after major combats, on critical successes, or anything I didn't mention?)

Farothel! I made Eddy go to a party and incorporated Black Panther in the story. I hope you don't mind, it's at the end of my last IC, if you don't like it I can edit, just say the word!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-19-12/0926:04>
K! Caretaker and Eddy used Edge on binding. At the end of the week, can we get those back? And in general, what's the Edge replenishment policy in the game? Just to know how "liberal" can we get with those (I mean we have to span those through the whole job, they replenish every day, week, month, after major combats, on critical successes, or anything I didn't mention?)

Replenishing 2 edge points after any major event. thinking of making new IC at that point as well, but the events will be shorter then the missions so it should work out good.

As well as critical success, good role-play and al around good play could earn you some karma and edge replenishing.  ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-19-12/0937:46>
Okay, then give the world when we get ours back.

As I mentioned, I'm done until we go to the Gray restaurant, ready to start the run, waiting to others to catch up. Are all the characters ready (BP, backround, contacts wise)?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <01-19-12/0944:13>
I'm already in the restaurant.  But I'll make a post on the previous week and the party (I'll try to do that tonight or tomorrow).  I'll delete the post I've written and add it at the end of the one about the party to keep the timeline a bit consistent.

Aalith: no prob on the party thing.  I'd rather not have you go any further, but in a background story a mention like that is no problem.  I'll probably have to do the same in my post.

@Caramelle: I'll probably mention your character as well, but just as being present.  Nothing more.

@others: we can see when we get together in the restaurant.  If you were at the party, we might recognise each other (I mean, quite a lot of our characters are quite distinct).
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-19-12/1011:11>
Okay, then give the world when we get ours back.

As I mentioned, I'm done until we go to the Gray restaurant, ready to start the run, waiting to others to catch up. Are all the characters ready (BP, backround, contacts wise)?
Pyro and Xzy Have to post, but both look ready. so it will not be long  ;D
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-19-12/1022:16>
I'm already in the restaurant.  But I'll make a post on the previous week and the party (I'll try to do that tonight or tomorrow).  I'll delete the post I've written and add it at the end of the one about the party to keep the timeline a bit consistent.

Aalith: no prob on the party thing.  I'd rather not have you go any further, but in a background story a mention like that is no problem.  I'll probably have to do the same in my post.

I tried to be as vague as possible, so everyone can translate it to their characters if they like. Without contacts and with the need to somehow connect the characters as discussed, this was the best idea I managed to come up with. Have you not liked it, I would have written you've sent an invitation, mentioning that you might or might not be there.
But of course, this is just one party, if someone wants to create their own (there's lots of parties in a city like Seattle in a week) I would be more than happy to attend. :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-19-12/1146:08>
Working as quick as I can, but believe it or not, at the moment I've actually got more time to play at work than I do while I'm at home. Unfortunately I don't have books or chummer at work, so I'm active here but can't get much done in charbuilding. Doesn't mean my mind's not working on it!

I'm actually considering throwing Rafa around and changing him into... a European or something. "Vat about ma  outrrrrrrrageous frrrench accent?!"
Is there a European Gang in Seattle? Maybe even multiple, could be doing the whole France vs. England 100 year war again! ;)
Sacrebleu, c'est fantastique! Imagine zhe possibilities!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-19-12/1715:30>
Heey! "Looked lost or something" ? "Wasn't Panther's type at all" "She saw his picture but he didn't saw hers"? (Who said anything about not using a matrix persona?)
We haven't even started the game yet, and two women called my character unattractive. Not cool! I don't want the characters to be romantically interested in each other, so you can stop emphasizing how they are not attracted to him, OK? If you include my character in your posts, at least say nice things about him! I did. :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <01-19-12/1743:36>
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Pyromaster13 on <01-19-12/2159:39>
Okay here's my character:

He's a transporter-esque type of character.  Prefering driving manual rather than rigging, but also a capable street sam.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <01-20-12/0150:34>
Heey! "Looked lost or something" ? "Wasn't Panther's type at all" "She saw his picture but he didn't saw hers"? (Who said anything about not using a matrix persona?)
We haven't even started the game yet, and two women called my character unattractive. Not cool! I don't want the characters to be romantically interested in each other, so you can stop emphasizing how they are not attracted to him, OK? If you include my character in your posts, at least say nice things about him! I did. :)

I just said he wan't her type.  That doesn't mean he's ugly.  :)  And both females are elves, so we do have standards. ???
And we had to find a way to actually recognise each other, so one of the two should now the other's face.  And Panther is the better matrix user, so she can hide herself better and can dig out things about others much faster than Eddy.  And I said she thoguht he hadn't seen her picture.  :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <01-20-12/0220:47>
Heey! "Looked lost or something" ? "Wasn't Panther's type at all" "She saw his picture but he didn't saw hers"? (Who said anything about not using a matrix persona?)
We haven't even started the game yet, and two women called my character unattractive. Not cool! I don't want the characters to be romantically interested in each other, so you can stop emphasizing how they are not attracted to him, OK? If you include my character in your posts, at least say nice things about him! I did. :)

I didn't say you're ugly or something! Freya is a bit freaky elf, so you'll have to live with that!  8) She just has her own considerations about people and things, so don't take it too close to your heart!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-20-12/0503:35>
OK looks like we are ready to move on,
Xzylvador, you can join in while they are negotiating, it's better to be late then not to be at all. right?  :)

Not meaning you have to hurry or anything, just letting others start the nego, more simpler said they will work so you get paid. ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-20-12/0506:32>
Who sez I wudn't at the party, huh? May be I wuz there and y'all jus didn't notice.

Edit: Bah, I really suck at accents. *sigh*
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-20-12/0522:17>
Who sez I wudn't at the party, huh? May be I wuz there and y'all jus didn't notice.

Edit: Bah, I really suck at accents. *sigh*
there is a lot of place the description of the pary is so foggy that you can take any part and go from there.

Might be you were the one panther chose to go to after the party.  ::)
but not my decision.  ;D

BTW How is Rafa Doing?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-20-12/0538:20>
*Hopefully* I can get him finished tonight... hopefully.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-20-12/0547:11>
Thank you for the comforting words 'girls'  ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-20-12/1150:12>
[spoiler]Yes, it works like a cyberware scanner :)

Then the watchers stay outside and stand guard.

Rolling firearms k. skill (6d6.hits(5)=1) ([/spoiler]

It's one of the popular models, but it has been modified so, it's on the tip of your mind treshhold of 2, if you really want to know reroll at -2 penalty[
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-20-12/1354:02>
It's fine, I'll let the game roll.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-20-12/1838:17>
Name: Rafael Ruiz
Alias: Rafa
Race: Ork
Sex: Male
Nationality: No official SIN. Lives in Seattle.
Lifestyle: Low
Karma: Spent 17, Unspent 3 (Edge+1, Unarmed Combat Spec.)
Physical Description:
Rafa probably is the most average looking ork you've ever seen. Despite his life in a gang and in prison, he never got the tattoos that usually come with those lifestyles. He knew they'd make him stand out in a crowd, where he wants to blend in and stay unnoticed. There's a lot more to him than meets the eye, but he keeps it hidden because he understands that being underestimated is a very good thing in his line of work. The only visible cyberware on him are his cyberfeet, but those are easily concealed with socks or shoes.

Personality/background Rafa's parents smuggled between South America and Seattle until they were set up and killed for their goods in front of his eyes when he was 8 years old. He was picked up by the Chulos, a Latino Gang in Seattle and they became his new family. Being new and weaker than the kids who'd grown up there, Rafa learned the importance of staying unnoticed, it was better than being beaten. But over the years he learned how to fight, too; through developping his own style, he ate, lived and breathed ninja-trids and practiced the style endlessly, with success. He always got back at the guys who beat him when they least expected it, ambushing or sneaking up on them. In fights against other gangs, he made a reputation for being an excellent shot with a shotgun or rifle.
He made a name for himself and rose through the gang's ranks, got increasingly larger jobs and cuts. That money he used to buy 'ware from a Doc he'd bailed out of a tough situation earlier instead of spending it on booze and putas. And he trained and fought and gained experience.
So Rafa quickly outgrew being a simple ganger and started working jobs more rewarding but riskier than those of the average ganger. Word got around and he started getting job offers. Many of them by the Doc -who put in his 'ware and employed Rafa to ensure the packages sent to him by an international group of organleggers called Tanamous arrived safely- or the Chulos' weapon dealer, for the same reason.


5 (6)5 (8)3 (6)6 (9)
Edge (Left)Magic/ResonanceEssenceInitiative
3 (3) / 0.39 7 (10), 3IP

Physical TrackDamage (Mod)Stun TrackDamage (Mod)

Positive Qualities
Biocompatability (Cyberware)
First Impression
Low-Light Vision (Racial)
Restricted Gear (Suprathyroid Gland)
Negative Qualities
Buggy 'Ware 1 (Cybereyes)
In Debt, 10.000Y (15.000Y left)
Poor Self Control (Combat Monster)
Prejudiced (Common, Biased vs Wageslaves)

Active Skills
Athletics Skill Group3
Stealth Skill Group3
Influence Skill Group1
(Agi) Archery07
(Agi) Automatics07
(Agi) Blades07
(Str) Climbing315 (+2 Grip Feet, +1 Balance Augmenter)
(Agi) Clubs07
(Cha) Con13 (+2 First Impression)
(Int) Disguise37 (+1 Men's Loafers)
(Bod) Diving05
(Rea) Dodge05
(Agi) Escape Artist07
(Cha) Etiquette13 (+2 First Impression)
(Agi) Gunnery07
(Agi) Gymnastics314
(Agi) Heavy Weapons07
(Agi) Infiltration312
(Cha) Leadership13 (+2 First Impression)
(Agi) Longarms412
(Cha) Negotiation13 (+2 First Impression)
(Agi) Palming311
(Int) Perception18 (+3 Visual or Sound)
(Rea) Pilot Ground Craft17
(Agi) Pistols07
(Str) Running315
(Int) Shadowing37
(Agi) Swimming315
(Agi) Throwing07
(Agi) Unarmed Combat (Martial Arts)6(8)14(16)

Knowledge & Language Skills ( [Logic + Intuition] x 3 free points)
English (Speak)3(5)7(9)
Security Tactics35
Security Design26
Parazoology (N. America)1(3)3(5)
Art (Photography)1(3)3(5)

Adrenal Regulator
Attention Coprocessor Rating 3
Bone Density Augmentation Rating 3
Cyberears Rating 2
  +Ear Recording Unit
  +Sound Link
  +Balance Augmenter
Cybereyes Basic System Rating 3
  +Eye Recording Unit
  +Image Link
  +Vision Magnification
  +Protective Covers
  +Thermographic Vision
  +Flare Compensation
  +Low-Light Vision
  +Ultrasound Sensor
  +Eye Laser Microphone Rating 3
Gecko Hands
Muscle Augmentation Rating 2
Muscle Toner Rating 2
Obvious Foot (Left)
  +Nanohive Rating 1
  +Grip Feet
Obvious Foot (Right)
  +Grip Feet
Suprathyroid Gland
Synthacardium Rating 3
Wired Reflexes Rating 2
Oxyrush Rating 5

Ballistic 17, Impact 12
Ballistic Mask2/1
Form-Fitting Full-Body Suit9/3
+Fire Resistance 1
+Insulation 1
+Thermal Damping 6
Victory: Globetrotter Camouflage Jumpsuit5/3
+Massaging Liners
+Nonconductivity 5
+Ruthenium Polymer Coating
+Shock Frills
+YNT SoftWeave
SecureTech Arm Casing0/1
SecureTech Forearm Guard0/1
SecureTech Leg Casing0/1
SecureTech Shin Guard0/1
SecureTech Vitals Protector1/1
Strict-9 Jacket (Holowear)4/1

Mannlicher Wildhüter (Pool: 14)
   +Imaging Scope
   +Shock Pad
   +Silencer (-6 Disguised)
   +Smartgun System, External
   +Additional Clip
   +Chameleon Coating
   +Easy Breakdown, Manual
   +Firing Selection Change, Small Mod (SA)
   DV: 8P   AP: -1   RC: 1
Hardliner Gloves ("Silver") (Pool: 14)
   +Custom Look Rating 2
   DV: 6P   AP: -   
Shock Glove (Pool: 14)
   DV: 5S(e)   AP: -half   
Unarmed Attack (Pool: 14)
   DV: 7P   AP: - 
Grenade: Flash-Bang (Pool: 7)
   DV: 6S (10m Radius)   AP: -3
Grenade: Flash-Pak (Pool: 7)
   DV: Special   AP: - 
Grenade: Fragmentation (Pool: 7)
   DV: 12P(f) (-1/m)   AP: +5 
Grenade: Gas (Pool: 7)
   DV: Chemical (10m Radius)   AP: -   
Grenade: High Explosive (Pool: 7)
   DV: 10P (-2/m)   AP: -2 
Grenade: Smoke (Pool: 7)
   DV: (10m Radius)   AP: -
Grenade: Thermal Smoke (Pool: 7)
   DV: (10m Radius)   AP: - 

Martial Arts
  +1 die for Gymnastics Dodge
  +1 die on Infiltration Tests
Tae Kwon Do
  +1 on Attacks to Knockdown
Finishing Move

Novatech Airware (3, 3, 3, 3)
   +Subvocal Microphone
   +Iris Orb
Analyze Rating 6
   +Copy Protection Rating 6
   +Optimization Rating 3
Lip Reader Rating 6
   +Copy Protection Rating 6
   +Optimization Rating 3
Contact Lenses Rating 3
   +Vision Enhancement Rating 3
Earbuds Rating 3
   +Select Sound Filter Rating 3
   +Audio Enhancement Rating 3
Endoscope Rating 1
Handheld Sensor
   +Motion Sensor
   +Ultrawideband Radar Rating 4
Headphones Rating 1
   +Spatial Recognizer

Ammo: Capsule Rounds (Sports Rifles) x40      -1 (Stun), +2AP Impact
   +Narcoject        Power 10, Penetration 0, Contact, Injection. Stun damage.
Ammo: EX-Explosive Rounds (Sports Rifles) x40      +1DV, +1AP
Ammo: Regular Ammo (Sports Rifles) x60
Ammo: Silver Bullets (Sports Rifles) x20
Ammo: Stick-n-Shock (Sports Rifles) x50          6S(e), half Impact
Ammo: Subsonic Rounds (Sports Rifles) x60          +2AP
Ammo: Gel Rounds (Sports Rifles) x 103          -1 (Stun), +2AP Impact -> Body-2 for Knockdown
Grenade: Flash-Bang x3
Grenade: Flash-Pak x2
Grenade: Fragmentation
Grenade: Breathtaker Gas x6
Grenade: High Explosive
Grenade: Smoke x3
Grenade: Thermal Smoke x3
Spare clip x20
Backpack (-6 conceal)
Butt Pack (-6 conceal)
False-bottomed Attaché Case (-6 conceal)
Adhesive Rating 6 x6
Adhesive Solvent Rating 6 x6
Fake License Rating 4 x3
Fake SIN (Angelo Pequeño) Rating 4
Gecko Tape Gloves
Glue Sprayer
Grapple Gun
Infrared Film (25 shots) x3
Macro Lens
Men's Lux Loafers
Microwire (100 m)
Professional Camera
Rappelling Gloves
Respirator Rating 6
Scent-masking Cigarette x5
Standard Rope (100 m)
Stealth Tags x20
Survival Kit
Tag Eraser
Telephoto Lens
Wildlife Spotter Software Rating 6
Wire Clippers

MONEY:  12604Y

Yamaha Growler (Off-Road Bike)
+Morphing Licence Plate
+Off-Road Suspension
+Spoof Chip
+Vehicle Sensor
115/401501661 (Signal: 5)07.000¥ Total

'Doc Butcher', 'Ware Doc w/ Tanamous ConnectionsC4 L4
Ricardo Dias, Arms Dealer/SmugglerC3 L2
Desperado - Works for Slade/Charisma Associates?C3 L1

Karmalog 20:
Mission 1: Lights,, camera, action: 1+3+15+1 = 20
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <01-20-12/1849:44>
Armor 17?
Remind me to ALWAYS stay behind you.

anyway - regarding your link -> with Response 3 it limits system to 3 (already aplied with the OS you get) -> but System 3 limits programs to 3, so that analyze 6 you get will not work. or if anythign at rating 3 until you upgrade the hardware and OS
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-21-12/0259:08>
+Optimization Rating 3

Allows a program to be run above the System's rating.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-21-12/0304:11>
So, ehm, for an insert... do I know any of you guys?
Rafa's a really friendly guy, so he doesn't have to... *beam*
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <01-21-12/0630:23>
you don't have to.  We've estatblished previous connections between some members, but not between all.  And these connections are more like 'they've seen and talked to each other a couple of times', maybe one job together, nothing more.  So one or two total strangers is not a biggy.  Of course, if you want I'm sure a creative group like this can figure something out to have you connected to at least one other member.  :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <01-21-12/0643:22>
So, ehm, for an insert... do I know any of you guys?
Rafa's a really friendly guy, so he doesn't have to... *beam*

Rafa may have seen Freya once or twice when she was chatting with Silver in some of the downtown clubs. Silver is one of her contacts, a ganger as well from Siettla. That' s just an idea... :) I have no idea, if he liked her or no, if you want to use this idea, you may figure it out  :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-21-12/0649:24>
So, is Storm -I mean Panther! :p- into Orks? >:)

With your connection to smugglers, it's possible Rafa heard of you (your distinctive style is quite, uhm, distinctive) and he might have chatted with you at the party. But he's just so bland and average, it probably wasn't really worth remembering.

Edit: post intercepted by Caramelle.
He might have tried to get lucky with both of you ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <01-21-12/1416:44>
Edit: post intercepted by Caramelle.
He might have tried to get lucky with both of you ;)

That would have been a huge luck, babe!  :P
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-21-12/1444:21>
Edit: post intercepted by Caramelle.
He might have tried to get lucky with both of you ;)

That would have been a huge luck, babe!  :P
And Mr Andersen has the Edge 8 and the lucky quality.
So he would know it first  ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-22-12/0541:38>
Caretaker entered the place, asked for a Slade as he was instructed. And was directed to the table.
Good evening.

I'll look closely at the people gathered.

On assenssion I got 2 hits on buying hits, unless Slade or any of you is hiding his aura.
I should be able to see you emotional state or health. I should know your awaken status and find a cyberware presence.

I'll make a standard perception roll against Slade.
Intuition(4) + Perception(4) + Mentor Spirit(2) + Actively Looking(3) + Visual Enhancement(3) -> 16d6.hits(5)=6 (

Is there anything curious about his behaviour (psychology knowledge, boosted by the astral perception)

Since I don't know him, I'll be carrying an Analyze Truth spell @ Force 4
Magic(5) + Spellcasting(5) ->  10d6.hits(5)=4 (
I got 2 DV to soak which I get over with buying hits.
not really, he does not strike you as a Johnson usually does, not other motives then just to get his stuff some good protection and he is not lying, not yet that is.
he is in a good mood. bit nervous.
Slade is a Caucasian elf male, he speaks with a southern drawl, and his fashion style is Western, complete with hat, belt buckle, and boots; he’s kind of an elvish John Wayne/Marlboro man.

doubt sent needs a list of cyberas he can look it up in the sheets, but like Xyzlavador you could post emotional state, you also are welcome to try to resist it, Counterspelling + willpower. or willpower alone at a -1
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <01-22-12/0614:59>
nego (

As I don' t know, how you usually do the negotiations, I' m posting my roll for it so that you can continue.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-22-12/1155:18>
Caretaker entered the place, asked for a Slade as he was instructed. And was directed to the table.
Good evening.

I'll look closely at the people gathered.

On assenssion I got 2 hits on buying hits, unless Slade or any of you is hiding his aura.
I should be able to see you emotional state or health. I should know your awaken status and find a cyberware presence.

I'll make a standard perception roll against Slade.
Intuition(4) + Perception(4) + Mentor Spirit(2) + Actively Looking(3) + Visual Enhancement(3) -> 16d6.hits(5)=6 (

Is there anything curious about his behaviour (psychology knowledge, boosted by the astral perception)

Since I don't know him, I'll be carrying an Analyze Truth spell @ Force 4
Magic(5) + Spellcasting(5) ->  10d6.hits(5)=4 (
I got 2 DV to soak which I get over with buying hits.
not really, he does not strike you as a Johnson usually does, not other motives then just to get his stuff some good protection and he is not lying, not yet that is.
he is in a good mood. bit nervous.
Slade is a Caucasian elf male, he speaks with a southern drawl, and his fashion style is Western, complete with hat, belt buckle, and boots; he’s kind of an elvish John Wayne/Marlboro man.

doubt sent needs a list of cyberas he can look it up in the sheets, but like Xyzlavador you could post emotional state, you also are welcome to try to resist it, Counterspelling + willpower. or willpower alone at a -1

K! That's just willpower, because it's a resisting roll, not skill defaulting (you cannot default on counterspelling). So they roll willpower if they don't want to subjected to magic. (Unfortunately, you cannot resist assensing, just when you have masking)

I will roll counterspelling, nevertheless, it may be good if that sec mage tries to illusion us without noticing or something.

Counterspelling pool (9d6.hits(5)=2) (

Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-22-12/1205:24>
Caretaker entered the place, asked for a Slade as he was instructed. And was directed to the table.
Good evening.

I'll look closely at the people gathered.

On assenssion I got 2 hits on buying hits, unless Slade or any of you is hiding his aura.
I should be able to see you emotional state or health. I should know your awaken status and find a cyberware presence.

I'll make a standard perception roll against Slade.
Intuition(4) + Perception(4) + Mentor Spirit(2) + Actively Looking(3) + Visual Enhancement(3) -> 16d6.hits(5)=6 (

Is there anything curious about his behaviour (psychology knowledge, boosted by the astral perception)

Since I don't know him, I'll be carrying an Analyze Truth spell @ Force 4
Magic(5) + Spellcasting(5) ->  10d6.hits(5)=4 (
I got 2 DV to soak which I get over with buying hits.
not really, he does not strike you as a Johnson usually does, not other motives then just to get his stuff some good protection and he is not lying, not yet that is.
he is in a good mood. bit nervous.
Slade is a Caucasian elf male, he speaks with a southern drawl, and his fashion style is Western, complete with hat, belt buckle, and boots; he’s kind of an elvish John Wayne/Marlboro man.

doubt sent needs a list of cyberas he can look it up in the sheets, but like Xyzlavador you could post emotional state, you also are welcome to try to resist it, Counterspelling + willpower. or willpower alone at a -1

K! That's just willpower, because it's a resisting roll, not skill defaulting (you cannot default on counterspelling). So they roll willpower if they don't want to subjected to magic. (Unfortunately, you cannot resist assensing, just when you have masking)

I will roll counterspelling, nevertheless, it may be good if that sec mage tries to illusion us without noticing or something.

Counterspelling pool (9d6.hits(5)=2) (
this was for analyse truth, and Aalith is right just the Willpower if you do not have counterspelling, most of you do not!  :P
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-22-12/1205:38>
nego (

As I don' t know, how you usually do the negotiations, I' m posting my roll for it so that you can continue.

Simply just make a point towards what you want to achieve (in IC). More money, some help, more information etc. I'd offer to help with my negotiation skill, but 8 sux seems enough :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-22-12/1208:29>

this was for analyse truth, and Aalith is right just the Willpower if you do not have counterspelling, most of you do not!  :P

Oh. It looks like I'm really tired. But it's okay, analyze truth is directional, so he must focus on one person at a time (I think he's onto Rafa), and I'm not even speaking, so disregard that roll :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-22-12/1209:58>
nego (

As I don' t know, how you usually do the negotiations, I'm posting my roll for it so that you can continue.

Simply just make a point towards what you want to achieve (in IC). More money, some help, more information etc. I'd offer to help with my negotiation skill, but 8 sux seems enough :)

I can assume you are making the points and Freya battles it out as well, but it would be nice to see an Ic about just how you want it done and why you need more cash, this could mean modifers

P.s. Rulling here 20 dice max, exception is rolls with edge. are you OK with this? or would you favour an all out approach?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-22-12/1321:16>
Analyse truth vs. Rafa? Not going to bother resisting, don't know what he'd be lying about right now...
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <01-22-12/1327:42>
P.s. Rulling here 20 dice max, exception is rolls with edge. are you OK with this? or would you favour an all out approach?

no problem for me, as I don't have any dicepool that reaches 20 for now and for the forseable future.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <01-22-12/1330:08>
Wasn't really analyzing truth. Just an additional effect of the eyes piercing to the soul.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-22-12/1540:34>
P.s. Rulling here 20 dice max, exception is rolls with edge. are you OK with this? or would you favour an all out approach?

no problem for me, as I don't have any dicepool that reaches 20 for now and for the forseable future.

I may have a dice pool of 20...If I roll twice :)

"Wasn't really analyzing truth. Just an additional effect of the eyes piercing to the soul. "

That's just pure scary  :o If I can tell you the truth, Caretaker's appearance and his name somehow always brings up a gravedigger in my mind. I don't know why, I think there was a comic back then...or something...
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-22-12/1625:36>
iirc, when aiding, the hits of the one doing the aid are added to the dicepool, not added to hits.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-22-12/1627:35>
iirc, when aiding, the hits of the one doing the aid are added to the dicepool, not added to hits.
i know, but in this case i did roll for Freya the 3 dice, 2 hits, would you prefer to wait a day until she does it herself?
if so we can do that as well,
just i wanted to speed things up.  :-[
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-22-12/1631:32>
no no, from AAlith's post I just thought they were taken as extra hits... Not that I'd mind that the good guys getting more money ;)

so the pay is now 1000 a day? 1000 paid up front?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-22-12/1635:40>
no no, from AAlith's post I just thought they were taken as extra hits... Not that I'd mind that the good guys getting more money ;)

so the pay is now 1000 a day? 1000 paid up front?
1000 up front each
basicaly you get your pay before you do the job the first day, if your services will be needed more then one day you get a additionall 1K each
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <01-22-12/1817:50>

"Wasn't really analyzing truth. Just an additional effect of the eyes piercing to the soul. "

That's just pure scary  :o If I can tell you the truth, Caretaker's appearance and his name somehow always brings up a gravedigger in my mind. I don't know why, I think there was a comic back then...or something...

Actually Ghede the Undertaker - Lua of the Voodoo that Caretaker is preaching of is usually depicted like a gravedigger in a suit with a cylinder and a cigar. He is a master that leads after death. He digs the graves to free them not bury them though. He is also master of life pleasures - sex, alcohol and cigar.

and he was mentioned in several movies/comic books also. look for Ghede or Guede.

and if I did give that appearance, then my goal is achieved.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <01-23-12/0756:05>
There's one thing I still want to do, and that's to look up those names you've given.  I have media junkie, a media sites knowledge (so a good idea on where to look) plus probably the most dice on matrix searches.  I'll do my rolls tonight, but if you can already tell me  the interval, I know if I can do it in the restaurant or if I have to do it at home.  If those people are well-known (equivalent to national or international fame) finding the basics shouldn't be too difficult.  Digging deeper might be of course.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-23-12/0907:42>
There's one thing I still want to do, and that's to look up those names you've given.  I have media junkie, a media sites knowledge (so a good idea on where to look) plus probably the most dice on matrix searches.  I'll do my rolls tonight, but if you can already tell me  the interval, I know if I can do it in the restaurant or if I have to do it at home.  If those people are well-known (equivalent to national or international fame) finding the basics shouldn't be too difficult.  Digging deeper might be of course.
if you can buy a hit, you will have the basic information as they are Trid stars information is everywhere.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <01-23-12/0944:44>
There's one thing I still want to do, and that's to look up those names you've given.  I have media junkie, a media sites knowledge (so a good idea on where to look) plus probably the most dice on matrix searches.  I'll do my rolls tonight, but if you can already tell me  the interval, I know if I can do it in the restaurant or if I have to do it at home.  If those people are well-known (equivalent to national or international fame) finding the basics shouldn't be too difficult.  Digging deeper might be of course.
if you can buy a hit, you will have the basic information as they are Trid stars information is everywhere.

I can buy 1 hit on my knowledge skill (media sites) to know where to look, and I can buy 3 hits on my search (if I quickly pop in VR) or 2 if I can't.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-23-12/1238:52>
“BIG BEN” Howard
Benjamin Howard was born in 2028 in Sacramento, California Free State. Benjamin, also known as “Big Ben,” grew up with a fascination with biology. Later that fascination focused on sims and recorded senses and emotions. He got his Master’s in biochemistry at 23 at University of Southern California, and then continued there to study film. Graduating with a second Master’s degree in fine arts, he began a career with Pathfinder Multimedia. At thirty-one he directed back-to-back hits: Ghosts of 2012, a documentary on the rise of magic, which included some neverbefore-seen enhanced security camera footage from those days, and Yomi, a tear-jerking drama of a Japanese ork growing up fighting prejudice and gang pressures. Most of his films since then have been stunning documentaries or emotionally strong dramas, and he has won Oscars for best documentary and best picture of the year. There has been some controversy over some of the facts he’s presented in a few films, including the European-banned drama, NightWraith and the still-controversial trid documentary Anguish, based on events of the Night of Rage. His current film, A Fistful of Credsticks moves him into the action genre with heroine Jenny Freelance battling a faceless corporation tangled up in the recovery of the lost city of Atlantis.

Pandora is a sim star for Pathfinder Multimedia. Her real name is Rebecca Oswick, and she was born in 2034 in Juneau, Athabaskan Council. Her parents are marine biologists. Her mother is from Quebec, so she learned some French. At the age of seventeen, she headed to San Francisco to look for acting work and hopefully build a career for herself. She worked as a hotel maid and as a courier until her big break at eighteen. Director Allan Ford took a chance, casting young Ms. Oswick as lead actress in a series adapted from classic Star Wars literature. The series was a huge success, and her talent was recognized. Rebecca changed her name to Pandora and continued to play strong female heroines. She’s broken out of the typecasting with the occasional drama and suspense-themed films . Her current film is A Fistful of Credsticks, a fantasy action film, where her character must find the artifacts that will lead her to the lost city of Atlantis before some corporation plunders it.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-23-12/1244:49>
I've planned to do a search myself, still going to, just to be legit.
Tear jerking, Japanese Ork? He's my guy, I have a few Japanese Ork characters of my own and prejudice is a biatch for them.

Oh, and thanks for the kind thoughts from Freya, now my hurt feelings are healed!  ::)   ;D
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <01-23-12/1617:08>
Kour, was the guy lying at any point?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-23-12/1637:47>
Kour, was the guy lying at any point?
No, he has not. he has been open and earnest with you, and he wants some smart thinking protectors not the rubbish from beat cop, so he pays a bit extra and gets Shadow economy flowing, and possibly some favours in there for him as well. but he does not think some one would be dumb enough to try to get inside the shooting or attack a shadow-runner team to get his stuff.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-24-12/0240:39>
Looks like every one agreed so we move on.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-24-12/0455:02>
I'll roll ini to see who's acting first. Presumably, I'll not be me, so if anyone does anything game-changing, I'll edit.

Ini (7d6.hits(5)=1) (

So it's 8.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-24-12/0502:31>
Anyone who want to do something before this event you ar welcome to post it and INI would be nice.

P.s. I am going by the book here until i feel more sure of myself and can go more free form, so this is the next scene, but if you want to do something in between like using the 1k you got from Slade to buy somthing or have a chat with Big Ben, or whatever just say so, i am here to please you and myself, not only me.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-24-12/0507:55>
Init (10d6.hits(5)=1) ( Total Init: 11

Yesterday: Rafa spends some money on gel rounds. Since they'll be protecting stuff most likely near a lot of witnesses and camera's, they might come in handy.
(Almost feels cheesy buying them now, after seeing  we're being swarmed by a mob, but I could swear I bought them for Rafa, apparently didn't.)

As for actions on set: I'm imagining a movieset, which usually has tons of girders and other stuff high in the air with lightning and all kinds of technical stuff in it. Could Rafa find a spot anywhere up there with a good overview? Don't care how hard it is to climb, he'll manage. Rafa will keep his eyes on the gear and nothing else, he doesn't care about some damned movie anyway.
Can we get gear inside? I imagine smuggling in weapons won't be difficult considering we're carrying cases full of movie equipment and I don't think sensors can really differentiate between top-grade props and actual weapons.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-24-12/0533:03>
I'll roll ini to see who's acting first. Presumably, I'll not be me.

Ini (7d6.hits(5)=1) (

So it's 8.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <01-24-12/0603:44>
Init 5 (yes that's five) -> 5d6.hits(5)=1 ( that is total of 6 but with a glitch. so I'm either completely surprised or just last regardless of init.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <01-24-12/0605:22>
Anyone who want to do something before this event you ar welcome to post it and INI would be nice.

P.s. I am going by the book here until i feel more sure of myself and can go more free form, so this is the next scene, but if you want to do something in between like using the 1k you got from Slade to buy somthing or have a chat with Big Ben, or whatever just say so, i am here to please you and myself, not only me.

There are a couple of things I'd like to do before we start the job:
-set-up a secure network between us
-ask Big Ben to be put on the network of the security, so we know what's going on.

initiative: init 8 (8d6.hits(5)=2) (, so initiative 10 in total, 2 IP
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-24-12/0659:25>
Anyone who want to do something before this event you ar welcome to post it and INI would be nice.

P.s. I am going by the book here until i feel more sure of myself and can go more free form, so this is the next scene, but if you want to do something in between like using the 1k you got from Slade to buy somthing or have a chat with Big Ben, or whatever just say so, i am here to please you and myself, not only me.

There are a couple of things I'd like to do before we start the job:
-set-up a secure network between us
-ask Big Ben to be put on the network of the security, so we know what's going on.

initiative: init 8 (8d6.hits(5)=2) (, so initiative 10 in total, 2 IP
So we are holding up this situation but still roll INI until all preparations are done.
will you have the time to bring the connection up just in a few hours?

and more importantly do you think everyone would agree to that, as this job seems easy and until now there is no indication that you will be working together for a period of time.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <01-24-12/0717:31>
So we are holding up this situation but still roll INI until all preparations are done.
will you have the time to bring the connection up just in a few hours?

and more importantly do you think everyone would agree to that, as this job seems easy and until now there is no indication that you will be working together for a period of time.

As far as I know I don't even have to go on the other commlinks.  It's more like a teleconference thing, where everybody subscribes to a utility (run on my commlink I assume, as it's the best one) and they simply hear what the other say.  I use it almost every day in RL at work (with a normal phone of course) and it's just a number to call and a password to enter and you're in (I can provide them with the password to access the utility, it won't let them access anything else).  I was planning on setting this up anyway, just in case during our guard duty a couple of people were in a different room (or patrolling outside of a warehouse), so we can still talk to them easily.  Give me five minutes and it's set-up (I even assume that I still have something like that on my commlink from my smuggling days as they would also use a thing like that).

It doesn't have to be super encrypted, that's indeed something to set-up later (with encryption keys changing at irregular intervals and stuff like that).

As for me going on the teleconferencing utility of the security people, if they say no, it's no.  I'm not going to hack them (at laest not now, maybe later to review the logs and see why they weren't there).
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-24-12/0720:14>
How would you set up a secure network? What are the steps involved?

And for the record (I tried to suggest that in IC, but it changed a little) Eddy starts every day the same: wake up, breakfast, summoning spirit. Until I change it, that will be a F6 Man spirit with Increase Reflexes and Shapechange. We had plenty of time between the meeting with Slade and the meeting with BB, so I assume Eddy could summon the spirit and treat any wounds he got from it. I'll do a few rolls in advance and use it either in every morning or maybe at night, if I feel protection is needed (Summon, Resist, Resist Drain and First Aid if needed):

Summoning Spirit of Man X4 (13d6.hits(5)=5, 13d6.hits(5)=6, 13d6.hits(5)=1, 13d6.hits(5)=1) (

Summoning Spirit of Man X4 resits (6d6.hits(5)=3, 6d6.hits(5)=3, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=3) (

Summoning Spirit of Man X4 drain resit (10d6.hits(5)=4, 10d6.hits(5)=5, 10d6.hits(5)=4, 10d6.hits(5)=2) (

First try: 2 services, 2P drain, easily healed by first aid
Second try: 3 services, 1P drain, same
Third: no spirit, no drain
Fourth: no spirit, 4P drain, first aid when the situation comes
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-24-12/0732:05>
Farothel, there is no really necessary to get a conference call going as a preparation it simple happens, you might just suggest every subscribes to it.
other thing would be if you wanted to slave their links to yours so they would enjoy your protection.

Aalith, just one unbound spirit is possible, so keeping the first one.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-24-12/0747:55>
Just a confcall seems good for now... Rafa for one won't agree to open his link to anyone yet.

Kour, can Rafa find a spot? I know we've been designated a place to stand, but he'll just vanish and climb up, hiding himself above the set or anything nearby.

Infil + Agi + Ninja, once for getting away from the designated spot (if required), second for hiding above (12d6.hits(5)=5, 12d6.hits(5)=6) (
First probably gets a some modifiers to be spotted because of being crowded & blandness and after a couple of meters, chameleon.
Spotting the second probably gets penalties for chameleon gear and other possible mods (dark up while bright below?).

Some climbing dice: Skill 6, Str 9, Feet 2, Assisted (gecko) 2 (19d6.hits(5)=10, 19d6.hits(5)=3, 19d6.hits(5)=8, 19d6.hits(5)=6, 19d6.hits(5)=8) (

Will narrate IC when I know what he can/can't pull off.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <01-24-12/0749:41>
Farothel, there is no really necessary to get a conference call going as a preparation it simple happens, you might just suggest every subscribes to it.
other thing would be if you wanted to slave their links to yours so they would enjoy your protection.

Aalith, just one unbound spirit is possible, so keeping the first one.

OK, then there's not much in preparation I'm doing.  Slaving the links will have to wait.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-24-12/0759:24>
Farothel, there is no really necessary to get a conference call going as a preparation it simple happens, you might just suggest every subscribes to it.
other thing would be if you wanted to slave their links to yours so they would enjoy your protection.

Aalith, just one unbound spirit is possible, so keeping the first one.

Oh, okay, I was just preparing ahead, but I'm happy if I can drop the last two rolls (along with the second very good one). Then it's just the first roll, meaning two services.

I'll make IC when the two people before me acted.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-24-12/0802:55>
Just a confcall seems good for now... Rafa for one won't agree to open his link to anyone yet.

Kour, can Rafa find a spot? I know we've been designated a place to stand, but he'll just vanish and climb up, hiding himself above the set or anything nearby.

Infil + Agi + Ninja, once for getting away from the designated spot (if required), second for hiding above (12d6.hits(5)=5, 12d6.hits(5)=6) (
First probably gets a some modifiers to be spotted because of being crowded & blandness and after a couple of meters, chameleon.
Spotting the second probably gets penalties for chameleon gear and other possible mods (dark up while bright below?).

Some climbing dice: Skill 6, Str 9, Feet 2, Assisted (gecko) 2 (19d6.hits(5)=10, 19d6.hits(5)=3, 19d6.hits(5)=8, 19d6.hits(5)=6, 19d6.hits(5)=8) (

Will narrate IC when I know what he can/can't pull off.
with this you could bet up on a support beam and have a better oversight, but you would have to decide witch direction to face, the elevator or the stairs, your stuff is on the stair side, but most action happens by the elevator, and who these days use stairs anyway.
and it would not hurt to notify the team of your disappearance.  ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-24-12/0837:42>
If the team hadn't noticed, they really need to get better at their jobs >:)

Was hoping that I'd be sitting above the panels they put up to divide the studio in pieces, but if that's impossible: like i said, Rafa's watching the gear first and foremost.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-24-12/0909:50>
Okay, since you guys enjoy chatting in OOC, I'll go ahead and make my IC post :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-24-12/0912:48>
Waiting on the rest to post their reaction to the new events, there's more than the 3 of us ya know :p
Writing a "before" post in another window. (Buying ammo and finding my spot etc)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-24-12/0936:01>
I'm just jumpy :) Some action already! I'll edit if someone reacts before me and steals my moment :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <01-24-12/1537:21>
I've posted my first IP.  Unless something comes up, I'll be using my second IP to continue what I'm doing.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-24-12/1600:26>
Good idea Farothel.

Appearance and equipement for Eddy:

Usually (like now) he'll wear his "dark" clothes, the longcoat and jumpsuit described earlier.
He has the machine pistol in his sleeves with the slide, and the SMG in the concealable holster in the small on his back. Most of his stuff is with him, 2 flash pack, 2 thermal grenades - the biggest thing he's carrying is the medkit and that's not so big either.
What's not with him: survival kit, medkit supplies, binding materials, binocular. These are in the backpack, in the trunk of his car.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-24-12/1625:56>
Stuntmen wearing armor? Thought Rafa was guarding crates... lemme re-read.
Ah okay, they were getting dressed. But they're still inside the room Rafa's guarding, right? How many entrances/exits to that place? And while I'm at it, how far up is Rafa, might be useful he needs to jump down...

Reasoning behind Rafa's plan is that those stuntmen might get lost in a crowd or run in different directions forcing us to split up, but if we stay on the spot we can group and guard. He's guessing fans will go after the star of the show, not after some props.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <01-25-12/0150:03>
Stuntmen wearing armor? Thought Rafa was guarding crates... lemme re-read.
Ah okay, they were getting dressed. But they're still inside the room Rafa's guarding, right? How many entrances/exits to that place? And while I'm at it, how far up is Rafa, might be useful he needs to jump down...

Reasoning behind Rafa's plan is that those stuntmen might get lost in a crowd or run in different directions forcing us to split up, but if we stay on the spot we can group and guard. He's guessing fans will go after the star of the show, not after some props.

I assumed that they were all ready as the scene had started and they would have to be in it, but they can cut and continue a bit later I guess.  That's up to the GM.  I doubt they will run far and if they do, they should be easily trackable.  Red Samourai armour is kinda visible.  I had even thought of having them show up on stage.  A group of Red Samourai might give the mob a little pause.

As for my evac suggestion, she used to be a smuggler.  Their first reaction is to scatter and run.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-25-12/0323:35>
Posted the map and hopefully answered most of the questions i saw, if there are some you still want me to answer please ask them again.

Happy you want to play this, be we just cant make a post frenzy right now
but for now we cant start as Freya has to roll her 10+ ini and MR Andersen also has 14 + ini
they could be way ahead of most of you, Rafa might beat Freya if she gets unlucky
Sent, glitch - you go last, if you do not mind. i could think of something more evil as well.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <01-25-12/0326:56>
I'm just jumpy :) Some action already!

nothing liven up a game more than few deaths ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-25-12/0338:10>
Rafa sitting on a support beam above the green wall approximately 3.5 m above ground -  if you are OK with that, perception Modifier for Rafa is -2 for filming side +2 for green wall area, if you want make one roll with +2 and i dill dismiss 4 dice for the opposite side.
I roll what now?
nothing liven up a game more than few deaths
Death?? And there I am with gel rounds loaded....

@Kour: Any gear you say would have been very hard/impossible to smuggle in?
Rafa's wearing his gloves again by the way, still without shoes though!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-25-12/0346:25>
I'm just jumpy :) Some action already!

nothing liven up a game more than few deaths ;)
At the foot of the tower a car exploded and it's tire was thrown to the skies, if must have been real unlucky that Eddy did not have an edge of 8 because it landed right on his forehead killing him instantaneously, and leaving a mark of the tire protector.
[spoiler]just joking  ;D[/spoiler]

Rafa sitting on a support beam above the green wall approximately 3.5 m above ground -  if you are OK with that, perception Modifier for Rafa is -2 for filming side +2 for green wall area, if you want make one roll with +2 and i dill dismiss 4 dice for the opposite side.
I roll what now?
nothing liven up a game more than few deaths
Death?? And there I am with gel rounds loaded....

@Kour: Any gear you say would have been very hard/impossible to smuggle in?
Rafa's wearing his gloves again by the way, still without shoes though!
just in case you decide to do perception you roll your normal perception +2
and at the moment it's crowd control, shooting Fans with live ammo would not bring you on good terms with KE and anyone else.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <01-25-12/0453:37>
That's something Freya can do, try to talk to those idiots... euh, fans.

For the IC I'll wait until it's the second IP, no problem.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-25-12/0522:31>
Like so? Skill 1 + Int 4 + Attention Coprocessor 3 + Enhancement 3 + Actively Looking 3 + Location 2 (15d6.hits(5)=4) (
He's looking and waiting I guess. Rafa doesn't really care all that much about the actress and the crowd; he is alert because he thinks it might be an organized distraction.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <01-25-12/0548:58>
Like so? Skill 1 + Int 4 + Attention Coprocessor 3 + Enhancement 3 + Actively Looking 3 + Location 2 (15d6.hits(5)=4) (
He's looking and waiting I guess. Rafa doesn't really care all that much about the actress and the crowd; he is alert because he thinks it might be an organized distraction.

I agree, that's why Freya is going to Pandora and the other one. She can try to get some control over the crowd thus keeping safe the actress. And that's why she is hoping that at least somebody will keep his eye on armour.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-25-12/0603:43>
After Eddy startled the herd a little, his next action is to go to the armors. It's our objective and of course it's suspicious that a whole elevator full of fans could make it up here...Since even we were checked, ID and such.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <01-25-12/0605:53>
Freya's roll for INI (
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-25-12/0617:05>
all ini in let's get this thing going, first ip

Quote from: Initiative
Initiative CT1 IP1
[Mr Andersen 18][Freya 15][Rafa 11][Big Ben 11] ([Panther 10][Eddy 8][Pandora 7] ([Mob 6] ([Tehnical personal 6] ([Caretaker6]

Pyro post stands, just need to know his action output, movment - free, Perception - simple anything i have forgoten?, let's see caramelle and others will then say if they keep their's, and sorry to say but there is no spirit yet Aalith turn only.
so pyro you can edit it out.

P.s. i encourage people to register in InCa and give me notes in the rolls, like now i am not sure if Pyro is obsering in detail or not

one more thing

weapons larger then SMG would not be allowed in the needle even if you are sec detail for the stuff.
SMG is still ok, just to be precise.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-25-12/0652:42>
SMG - light, concealable yet stings like a thousand bees made of steel! :) My favorite.

And sorry for the confusion with the spirit, in the next turn I'll restrain myself and post only after people with better IP then me.

Maybe we should use the tactic when everyone makes a few INI rolls (5, 10) ahead so in every turn we know who follows who and we don't have to wait for the roll and then the post separately.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-25-12/0655:28>
one ini in advance? would work but hackers and mages if they change to VR or Astral would have to do these as well, will think about it  ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-25-12/0716:30>
Mr Anderson does not see any pipes, but he notices that the table in the restoran are quite robust, he could use one as a shield between Pandora and the mob, at least as a obstacle they would have to get around.

should i post reaction to freya or wait for pyro?
will wait a hour or two then putting it up as a held action.
any objections?
Rafa is next, only perception?
this IP? or is there something else you would do instead, or you are waiting for the results?
not sure how we stand as this was posted before time, and Panther can think on her actions as well.

a note on the sec force and matrix side
there are no guards in the room, but you might pick up their com nodes from this floor, if they are on the observation deck. or any near enough places.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-25-12/0727:03>
Rafa would've tried to smuggle his rifle in by breaking it down and hiding the parts in the false bottomed suitcase (smuggled in among the cases of equipment they brought in).
Not really sure if broken down sporting rifles are larger or smaller than SMG's.

Rafa will just look and be alert for now, he wants to stay hidden, hopefully to get the drop on anyone thinking the gear is unguarded.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-25-12/0948:20>
@Caramelle: Don't want to tell you how to make your character, but you might want to have a look at Commanding Voice to get in the future. In situations like this, you might've put all of 'em back in the elevator ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-25-12/1011:05>
@Caramelle: Don't want to tell you how to make your character, but you might want to have a look at Commanding Voice to get in the future. In situations like this, you might've put all of 'em back in the elevator ;)
[spoiler]not even that would work on them, small GM spoiler,  :P[/spoiler]
tonight will check the books, to see what you have to roll to smuglle it in.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-25-12/1134:04>
It depends up to you really...
Rafa's guess is that his case would be just one of the many cases brought in today, the team's got the badges saying they're supposed to be there and supposed to be delivering props and they are expected there. So he guessed that after the badges check out, security won't really be very suspicous anymore. IF they decide to check the cases, there's enough metal in all the cases there to make MAD scanners go off anyway, if they pick out some cases at random and pop them open to check the contents, pretty much all of them will contain exactly what they're supposed to contain. If they pick out Rafa's case it will contain some random useless crap and his lunch kit. There's a hidden compartment (see the False bottomed attache's case in Arsenal, only with -6 to their perception instead of -2).
But well, to be honest, from the description of our arrival, security didn't seem -that- tight.
If Rafa spotted such a heavy security check, I guess he would have tried to find another way, if that seemed too risky to pull of, he would just leave his gun outside... it not like he's defenseless without it. For him, his rifle's just an easier way to NOT kill compared to being unarmed.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-25-12/1146:53>
Rafa would've tried to smuggle his rifle in by breaking it down and hiding the parts in the false bottomed suitcase (smuggled in among the cases of equipment they brought in).
Not really sure if broken down sporting rifles are larger or smaller than SMG's.

Rafa will just look and be alert for now, he wants to stay hidden, hopefully to get the drop on anyone thinking the gear is unguarded.

for the rifle
you have to give me a palming+Agility roll
and at that you could give me the modifiers of the rifle and case as well as i am not able to check them right now.

Rafa notices the confusion of the stuntman, the seem suppriseed by the sudden approach of fans in the needle, just as Rafa  wanted o turn to have a look over his shoulder he noticed that the door to the stairs is open in a small gap and the maglock is not enged, but quick look around the room does not reviel anyone who does not belong there.

you will have a heavy modifier bunch in your favor i think, even might happen that they take all of the opposing dice pool away, but still there are opportunity to glitch here ;)
Lax security gives them -3 your case -6, some other modifier and i will not have to roll at all
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-25-12/1221:44>
Agi + Palming (11d6.hits(5)=6) (
OOoh, nice roll.
TBH though (and this is against myself, I should shut up), I think Palming is more for concealing stuff on your body... For hiding things maybe disguise(camouflage) would be better...
Anyway, AFB, so can't post the rest now.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-25-12/1227:32>
Agi + Palming (11d6.hits(5)=6) (
OOoh, nice roll.
TBH though (and this is against myself, I should shut up), I think Palming is more for concealing stuff on your body... For hiding things maybe disguise(camouflage) would be better...
Anyway, AFB, so can't post the rest now.

these 6 diece brings me in the negative, so you are sure to get your rifle inside, and no glitch either  :-\
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-25-12/1429:20>
Ah, k, cool then! Carry on! :)

The open door: How quick could he get to it? (Sorry, can't seem to find the door to the stairs on the map...)

And Rafa can see (and thus attack, or better yet, lob a gas grenade) to the filming side? fun!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-25-12/1441:17>
Ah, k, cool then! Carry on! :)

The open door: How quick could he get to it? (Sorry, can't seem to find the door to the stairs on the map...)

And Rafa can see (and thus attack, or better yet, lob a gas grenade) to the filming side? fun!
i assumed the stairs are on the opposite side of the 6-angel so the door Rafa sees as half open would be to the kitchen with according to the Movie crew/shooting staff is not in use.
sorry if i missteped there, but the idea is that it is open and you can easily get to the stairs trough there.  :P

1 CT walking or IP running to reach it
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-25-12/1457:14>
*sits tight, happy he managed to get his rifle inside*

Probably too late to glue or weld the door shut, since it's been opened already *grin* Just playing with the thought :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-25-12/1501:06>
*sits tight, happy he managed to get his rifle inside*

Probably too late to glue or weld the door shut, since it's been opened already *grin* Just playing with the thought :)
at least you are in the position to see it and take a shot at it. but you still have to get the gun put together right, and do you have it with you up there?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-25-12/1520:12>
Quote from: Myself, IC
He quietly started assembling his rifle, loaded one mag of gel rounds and another with live ammo and double checked the location of his grenades. <snip>.
He left the group and crawled to the ceiling pretty soon after the team got pointed to their places because it was a crappy place from which to guard the armors. Since then almost an hour has gone by.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-25-12/1703:41>
Quote from: Myself, IC
He quietly started assembling his rifle, loaded one mag of gel rounds and another with live ammo and double checked the location of his grenades. <snip>.
He left the group and crawled to the ceiling pretty soon after the team got pointed to their places because it was a crappy place from which to guard the armors. Since then almost an hour has gone by.
i stand corrected, my hat goes to you, dear Sir.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <01-26-12/0433:27>
Kour: I'm going to keep the action I've posted in IC above.  Maybe depending on what the mob does I'll do something different the second IP.  And besides, Freya alone with a taser is probably not going to make that much impact (although with her dicepools you never know), so some extra backup might be nice.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-26-12/0451:35>
a lot of held actions creeping up on me.
would be nice if when posting you would ad the



so i can follow easily, as you have actually announce you are holding a action. but i can understand that if you do perception you would want to know the results before proceeding.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-26-12/0458:05>
Will add *ready weapon* as Rafa's simple action to save you one held action ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-26-12/0502:45>
Will add *ready weapon* as Rafa's simple action to save you one held action ;)
Thank You my Saviour of HeldDOOM.  ;D
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-26-12/0726:51>
Aalith, you keep your summoning action or?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-26-12/0954:53>
Of course! But it startles the crowd a bit, yes? I mean a giant flaming pyramid appears, the crowd bound to stop at least for a few seconds (say, 3, 1 combat turn?)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-26-12/1054:43>
Of course! But it startles the crowd a bit, yes? I mean a giant flaming pyramid appears, the crowd bound to stop at least for a few seconds (say, 3, 1 combat turn?)
who knows
But if you summon/call spirit, roll it's initative, and be warned i will be playing the spirit acording to your command.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <01-26-12/1128:37>
I am not sure magic rules are still foreign language to me, BUT I think that once you spend you complex action to summon the spirit (or simple to call it from astral). it will act on the NEXT initiative pass, and it's first complex would be to materialize (though you have written something about it manifesting not materializing, so not sure about that)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-26-12/1140:15>
I am not sure magic rules are still foreign language to me, BUT I think that once you spend you complex action to summon the spirit (or simple to call it from astral). it will act on the NEXT initiative pass, and it's first complex would be to materialize (though you have written something about it manifesting not materializing, so not sure about that)
true, spirrit called in the 1st ip will only get actions in the second.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-26-12/1213:03>
I think that's the case with summoning. But it's a binded spirit, so I just called him through the metaplanar shortcut, that's why it's a simple action. I think there's a rule somewhere that in these situations, spirits act on the summoners INI. I'm gonna check the books, if it's that complex, I'm doing something else.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-26-12/1227:13>
I think that's the case with summoning. But it's a binded spirit, so I just called him through the metaplanar shortcut, that's why it's a simple action. I think there's a rule somewhere that in these situations, spirits act on the summoners INI. I'm gonna check the books, if it's that complex, I'm doing something else.
calling is simple or even free, but the spirit will not be able to materilize in the same ip as called
Will reread that too, nut had a lot of mages in my day.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-26-12/1240:13>
Tell me if you find anything. Calling a spirit is a simple action for me, not the spirit. And then he appears and ready to go. I didn't find anything in the books or the net, but here's how I imagine it:

Summoning: you take your complex action, which usually costs you a combat turn, and when you are finished, the spirit appears. At the end of the turn, so he doesn't just stand blindly there with mouth open.

Calling: you snap your fingers and the spirit, which was waiting, appears. He's ready to take action with your initiative score (I swear I read this somewhere).

Example: guard goes to the bathroom. Fighting erupts while he is in there. Anderson and Rafa acts, then the guard (with 2 IP) opens the door (takes a surprise test - success) and jumps into the fight. Now he may roll INI, but if he rolls greater then Rafa, can he act before him? No, because he just now joined the fight. Does the guard needs to stand there with his 2 IP-s, watching us running around, with no chance to act before the Mob does, even if he has augmented reactions?

And spirits have 3 IP-s while in astral, meaning they are 3 times faster to react then a person.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <01-26-12/1322:37>
Tell me if you find anything. Calling a spirit is a simple action for me, not the spirit. And then he appears and ready to go. I didn't find anything in the books or the net, but here's how I imagine it:

Summoning: you take your complex action, which usually costs you a combat turn, and when you are finished, the spirit appears. At the end of the turn, so he doesn't just stand blindly there with mouth open.

Calling: you snap your fingers and the spirit, which was waiting, appears. He's ready to take action with your initiative score (I swear I read this somewhere).

Example: guard goes to the bathroom. Fighting erupts while he is in there. Anderson and Rafa acts, then the guard (with 2 IP) opens the door (takes a surprise test - success) and jumps into the fight. Now he may roll INI, but if he rolls greater then Rafa, can he act before him? No, because he just now joined the fight. Does the guard needs to stand there with his 2 IP-s, watching us running around, with no chance to act before the Mob does, even if he has augmented reactions?

And spirits have 3 IP-s while in astral, meaning they are 3 times faster to react then a person.

If the guard sucess in the surprise than he rolls ini and can act before Rafa. it is normal combat. If he appear mid combat turn (eg after first IP, which usually is a case with summonned spirits/sprites) he would act on next IP, but there is no need to roll surprise then.

as for the snapping finger case - this would assume that the spirit is with you (only in astral, not materialized) he rolls his init normally (using his own attribute) and delay if he rolls more than you. as soon as you use your action on simple(to call him) or free (to tell him) or even without (if he was ordered to defend you, and recognize a threat) he acts. But if he is sent away and need to appear, than he will spend his action on the appearance, and can materialize on his next IP. At least that is how I understand it. 
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-26-12/1335:16>
Calling a spirit is a simple action for the mage... And then the mage will probably use a second simple action to give it a command.
Anything after that is up to the spirit afaik, on the spirit's initiative.

So it rolls initiative and in the next IP can manifest (simple action) or materialize to the physical plane (complex action), or immediately do something in the astral if there's something to do there.
It still has a free action in the pass it materializes, but it can't do other actions yet.

That's how I understand it anyway.

Ninja'd by Sent.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-26-12/1421:48>
I've meant the guard steps into the fight after two persons already acted. Then what? he just stays there and cannot act until the next IP? What if someone from the slower characters decide to shoot at him? He cannot shoot back, only in the next IP? And he needs to make a surprise test to react because then he just freezes from the sudden scene of violence if he sees it :)

Anyway, I'm cool with the spirit acting next IP, if everyone sees it this way, but then my IC is useless (the spirit appearing after the mob moved), so I'm going to modify it.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-26-12/1429:42>
Modified, on the next IP Professor will cast Increased Reflexes on me then sustain it until I say otherwise.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-26-12/1503:58>
I've meant the guard steps into the fight after two persons already acted. Then what? he just stays there and cannot act until the next IP? What if someone from the slower characters decide to shoot at him? He cannot shoot back, only in the next IP? And he needs to make a surprise test to react because then he just freezes from the sudden scene of violence if he sees it :)

Anyway, I'm cool with the spirit acting next IP, if everyone sees it this way, but then my IC is useless (the spirit appearing after the mob moved), so I'm going to modify it.
in this example of the guard i would say he uses his first IP to appear, movement at least, opening the door looking around that's a full IP in my book, just as the spirit coming from his plane, plane change is complex action just like materialization, no?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-26-12/1519:28>
That's where the book is vague. It says that you can put a spirit to "stand by" (the book uses this term) and call them with a simple action. And the spirit just appears...magically. It's like saying when you summon a spirit, is it a complex action for him to appear? I think, the magician "pays" for the action - otherwise a simple "come here and do this" through their shared link would be enough (free action) you wouldn't have to waste two simple action - one calling the spirit, one commanding it. So if the spirit uses up an action just to appear when I call it, then I'd like to call it without sacrificing a simple action :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-26-12/1545:48>
That's where the book is vague. It says that you can put a spirit to "stand by" (the book uses this term) and call them with a simple action. And the spirit just appears...magically. It's like saying when you summon a spirit, is it a complex action for him to appear? I think, the magician "pays" for the action - otherwise a simple "come here and do this" through their shared link would be enough (free action) you wouldn't have to waste two simple action - one calling the spirit, one commanding it. So if the spirit uses up an action just to appear when I call it, then I'd like to call it without sacrificing a simple action :)
RL example of my logic
if you say something over the phone, the person on the other end has to listen to it, the time you both have the phone at your ear is the same thou the peron only listens to you.
the spirit must hear the call before deciding to come.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-26-12/1631:44>
It's okay, I've accepted it, so two simple actions spent, end of turn for me. Now there's nothing I can do, but wait for prof to cast.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <01-26-12/2025:49>
I hope you aren't mad at me? I am GMing a game on my own, with a real magic combat yet to come, but I had a magic users; I've witnessed a combat with spirits in a game with Kontact as a GM (and I believe that he knows the rules as  throughoutly as inhumanly possible - this guy a goddamn rule machine) -> and after all of this I am still guessing, and trying to understand....
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <01-27-12/0244:58>
As to this part from IC:
"Pandora was frightened by the display of brute force by the fans. the term crazy Fan got a whole new meaning for her it seems, "What the hell?" rolls over her lips while making a few steps back, closely followed by "Watch out!" but it is too late from the Mob two stun button swings are coming, one toward Freya the other to Mr Anderson.
Spoiler (hover to show)
Freya Roll meele Dodge to beat attack on Freya(1)" ( - seems to me that Freya survived this time :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-27-12/0330:39>
Freya Roll meele Dodge to beat attack on Freya(1)" ( - seems to me that Freya survived this time :)
yep she did
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-27-12/0818:32>
Sent, you sustaining on yourself or Foci or spirit?
as far i understand it has to be sustained.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <01-27-12/0827:22>
On myself.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-27-12/0831:43>
Don't want to tell you all how to play the game, but it might be helpful to have this pointed out:
Rolling with exploding dice (spending edge at the same time as skill+attribute) is almost always statistically worse than spending edge to reroll misses.
(I could probably come up with a table saying at what number of dice and edge it would be better, but suffice to say that for our group, the only one who might sometimes want to roll exploding dice is Mr. Lucky with 8 edge. The rest of us, not so much.)

Let's take Sent's roll as example.
His dicepool without edge would have been 13 (Spellcasting 5 + Magic 5 + Focus 3). This gives an average of 4.33 hits.
Edge reroll will roll 8.66 dice. This gives 2.88 hits on average.
Adding those up (rolling and then rerolling misses) would give you 7.21 hits on average.

Do the same calculation with exploding dice and 3 edge:
16 exploding dice give 5.33 hits on first roll. Half of those are 6's, reroll: 0.88 hits. Half of those are 6's, reroll: 0.148 hits, half of those are 6's: 0.024 hits.
Add those up: 6.598 hits.

So exploding dice give less hits on average (and with larger normal dicepools, the difference is a lot larger). And with edge reroll, there's the added advantage that you can decide -after- the roll if you need it or not. If you get a lucky roll (6 hits on 13 dice for example), you can just keep your edge for a rainy day. And if you get a really crap roll, you can still use edge to turn your 0 hits into a normal number or to buy off a glitch.

The only exception to this is with really low dicepools or with really high edge.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <01-27-12/0853:36>
Nice analysis.I was wondering about it at some point, but then again, I almost never count dices before acting (you've seen my lousy attempt to dispatch the rail drone in the Kontact's game)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <01-27-12/0943:25>
1. you seem to be rolling Agility(2) + Counterspelling -> it should be strength so each of those guys you probably have one more dice to roll if they have strength 3
2. one second has passed, how many people could have rolled out of the elevator doors during that time? even if they all could move this is not a drilled army company to move in a single rythm step, most probably some of them would have to wait (or at least delay until next IP/CT). and then if the first rank will be slowed
3. last but not least, how large is that elevator? 25 people inside?

Guys, I don't know if you noticed, but there is some serious counterspelling in place.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <01-27-12/0949:57>
Hmm, I should have been thinking earlier :/
If those guys failed to listen to Freya, they must have been controlled. I'll be acting to late for this, but any of the mages could figure this out by now. if there is control mob spell in place, a counterspelling on that would be all that is needed, to have them contained.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-27-12/1024:17>
^ That's pretty much what I was thinking, mob control or mob mood, something like that. But would've been kinda metagamey to say that. *shrug*

I'm really trying to resist the urge to just stun gas the entire room *grin* Luckily Rafa thinks you guy can easily control the situation yourselves. Still, just out of curiosity, any of you got gas protection?
Also funny: This must be the first game I've seen where the mage doesn't have stunball, and look what happens, the ideal situation for that spell!

, a counterspelling on that would be all that is needed, to have them contained.
Or of course, the non-magical runner's "Plan A" when facing magic: Geek the mage!

And for the elevator, if it's like the kind we have here at work, 25 people can easily get in it and out of it without really getting into each other's way. For a superdeluxe place like this, it wouldn't surprise me if they had elevators of similar size to ensure their rich&wealthy clients wouldn't feel cramped or claustrophobic inside the elevator with their entourage.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <01-27-12/1042:50>
I'm not quite sure if it would be working well with Counterspelling of 5 at least not a single one. And I tried very much to avoid increased reflexes and stunbolt/ball. Having them is too tempting to not solve all the problems with single minded approach.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-27-12/1103:43>
I know, understand and feel the same way about stunball... just thought it was funny and slightly ironic. ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <01-27-12/1138:50>
In reply to the part of IC - strenght 2 + counterspelling 0
Freya' s roll (
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-27-12/1154:22>
1. you seem to be rolling Agility(2) + Counterspelling -> it should be strength so each of those guys you probably have one more dice to roll if they have strength 3
2. one second has passed, how many people could have rolled out of the elevator doors during that time? even if they all could move this is not a drilled army company to move in a single rythm step, most probably some of them would have to wait (or at least delay until next IP/CT). and then if the first rank will be slowed
3. last but not least, how large is that elevator? 25 people inside?

Guys, I don't know if you noticed, but there is some serious counterspelling in place.
Agi and Str are both 2 so no changes,
as Xyz said these elevators are XXL; America you know  :P

As for the 1 Sec thing, you have just 1 IP - meaning your action fills the whole 3 sec CT, Freya and Anderson used up only a sec to do theirs

Not gona assume you move as fast as them and then decide to take a 2 sec time out. or should i?

Meta game.
[spoiler]Mob Control, Mob Mood, geeking a mage, - my my, the problem is no one of you has taken a close look at the mob, Rafa got 2 hits looking over the shoulder, but that's about it, Anderson looked for something to stop the mob, not the mob itself.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-27-12/1449:53>
Professor INI (10d6.hits(5)=3) ( for the next IP.

He has 3 IP in astral, two in material.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-27-12/1515:25>
'bout Freya & Counterspelling: I think one of our mages can help with that...

*checks charsheets, cursing the slow, slow forum*
Caretaker has counterspelling 2, if he's casting a spell with his allies in the radius, him trying to decrease the effect on you doesn't seem too far fetched.
Eddy has 4 counterspelling, not sure if he's trying to protect everyone though (hasn't been mentioned).
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-27-12/1527:44>
Eddy was going for the Armours, but Counterspelling has to be announced, and this is a area spell, meaning it covers a area where everyone is affected you are lucky the Radius was only 5m  :P and if counterspelling would be used Care taker would have to have a delayed action.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-27-12/1550:58>
Counterspelling doesn't take up an action, not even a Free one.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-27-12/1607:50>
Counterspelling doesn't take up an action, not even a Free one.
nope the counterspelling itself does not, but the declariation does.

Quote from: SRA 185
A magician can use Counterspelling to defend herself and others
against a spell being cast. To do this, the magician must spend a Free
Action and declare who she is protecting. If Counterspelling was not
declared in advance, it may not be used to defend others, unless the
magician has delayed her action
(see Delayed Actions, p. 145). A protected
character must also stay within the magician’s line of sight in
order for Counterspelling to be used. Note that a magician can always
use Counterspelling to defend herself, unless surprised.

Now we can argue that Someone was expecting a spell to be thrown any time prior to the mob or he himself was the spell-slinger so he new, but the point is, it was not announced.  :P
Be happy, Freya can still move, her Agility is 5, Mr Anderson has Agility of 8 and strength 3;
Panther is the only one affected that might get hold down as her strength is 2 and Agility 4,
The spell Caretaker cast is a good one, you are holding the mob at bay with it.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-27-12/1626:04>
When's the next IP going to start? And since Eddy is looking at the armors, can he see the snitches coming through the opened door?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-27-12/1632:32>
When's the next IP going to start? And since Eddy is looking at the armors, can he see the snitches coming through the opened door?
Nope, they are around the corner, Rafa sees them because of his positioning, but just barely.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Pyromaster13 on <01-27-12/1644:38>
My AGI was lowered by 1, so I'm AGI 7, but going full defense so it's not a problem.  It was mentioned that the mobs devotion seems a little supernatural, did anyone assense the mob for any existing spells?  I'd rather the spell be countered and done with than take down 11 people.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-27-12/1655:40>
My AGI was lowered by 1, so I'm AGI 7, but going full defense so it's not a problem.  It was mentioned that the mobs devotion seems a little supernatural, did anyone assense the mob for any existing spells?  I'd rather the spell be countered and done with than take down 11 people.
the mob itself is not the bigges problem you face, as people have guessed it's only a distraction, but a effective one, would you not say?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-27-12/1720:19>
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-27-12/1734:19>
thanks for reminding, could have gotten ugly  :-[
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-28-12/0609:36>
Two questions:
1. Does Rafa see Eddy approach?
2. Is it too late to tell him not to come closer and back away?
(Since he's only moved 1/3rd of the distance he can walk in a turn, but already spent his actions, can he still "redirect" his movement?)

*anxiously awaiting his turn*
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-28-12/0637:33>
Two questions:
1. Does Rafa see Eddy approach?
2. Is it too late to tell him not to come closer and back away?
(Since he's only moved 1/3rd of the distance he can walk in a turn, but already spent his actions, can he still "redirect" his movement?)

*anxiously awaiting his turn*
he did not move, he indicated the he would, by turning, but all his actions were spent on other things.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-28-12/0833:36>
Okay then, great!
Just one thing though: movement isn't an action.
You can walk while doing your free and 2 simple/1 complex action.
Running takes a free action.
Sprinting takes up a simple action.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-28-12/0856:05>
Okay then, great!
Just one thing though: movement isn't an action.
You can walk while doing your free and 2 simple/1 complex action.
Running takes a free action.
Sprinting takes up a simple action.
got me, i thought that they both are free action, but guess i was wrong,
so we have to ask Aalith if he went that way?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-28-12/1256:58>
I know that walking isn't an action and originally planned to walk to the armors, but since "operation: flaming pyramid" failed, I'm now waiting for professor to make me fast. From my position, I can see both the mob and the armors, and that's good enough for me until I get more IP.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-28-12/1824:53>
sorry to say that Freya did not see anything new, you may go on posting

[spoiler]"Professor! I need time! Make it so, then go back to the ward and wait there!
not really sure how to interpret this command.

Aalith giving you a advice, your command to the spirit is somwhat interesting, i as a spirit would not understand what do you need from me, actually having that problem as a gm  :-\
How should a spirit give you time?
you can still edit it, while i have not done anything but delay the action.

i see the spirit as a NPC, so i follow your command, and some time try
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-29-12/0821:13>
I think this does not apply to this, but just in case it does, pleas voice your opinion.
Multiple Targets (SRA page 152)
If a character attacks multiple targets within a single Action Phase, he
takes a –2 dice pool modifier per additional target. For example, if a
character engages two targets with burst fire, he receives a –2 modifier
for the second target.

And roll surprise as well, but they are expecting resistance so they will roll with a +3

And starting next IP will give you extra Recoil
as your stance cant really be stable sitting on a 20-30 cm support and firing a rifle in SA
what do you say?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-29-12/1050:03>
It applies, but for some reason I thought it was only -1. (See n comments in invisible castle)
The second roll was: 14d6.hits(5) → [5,5,3,2,4,2,4,4,1,2,6,1,3,6] = (4). I removed the last die, so mentioned only 3 hits instead of 4. Removing the 2 last dice still gives 3 hits on the second attack.

Surprise roll: Surprise: Init 10 + Surprise 6 (16d6.hits(5)=7) (

Extra recoil: Sure, no problem, how much? (And feel free to withdraw them from these shots too, you're the GM, you get to decide on modifiers :) )
To be honest, Rafa's concept is pretty much a character who doesn't really see much difference between horizontal, vertical or upside down, high or low, wide or narrow. (I forgot 2 dice on his climbing test last time, he'd normally roll 21 dice for climbing I think, balancing maybe a few less, but still enough to shrug at anything performed in Cirque Du Soleil.)
Maybe a Balance test vs. some threshold (depending on the situation) every hit below the threshold giving a -1 to all physical actions? Though that might be me being cheesy again :p He can probably buy 4-5 hits in most conditions, so unless hanging upside down on a slippery smooth surface in bad weather, it won't matter much....
So yeah, how much recoil are we talking about? If it's real bad, he'll just jump down and fight on the ground.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-29-12/1251:31>
It applies, but for some reason I thought it was only -1. (See n comments in invisible castle)
The second roll was: 14d6.hits(5) → [5,5,3,2,4,2,4,4,1,2,6,1,3,6] = (4). I removed the last die, so mentioned only 3 hits instead of 4. Removing the 2 last dice still gives 3 hits on the second attack.

Surprise roll: Surprise: Init 10 + Surprise 6 (16d6.hits(5)=7) (

Extra recoil: Sure, no problem, how much? (And feel free to withdraw them from these shots too, you're the GM, you get to decide on modifiers :) )
To be honest, Rafa's concept is pretty much a character who doesn't really see much difference between horizontal, vertical or upside down, high or low, wide or narrow. (I forgot 2 dice on his climbing test last time, he'd normally roll 21 dice for climbing I think, balancing maybe a few less, but still enough to shrug at anything performed in Cirque Du Soleil.)
Maybe a Balance test vs. some threshold (depending on the situation) every hit below the threshold giving a -1 to all physical actions? Though that might be me being cheesy again :p He can probably buy 4-5 hits in most conditions, so unless hanging upside down on a slippery smooth surface in bad weather, it won't matter much....
So yeah, how much recoil are we talking about? If it's real bad, he'll just jump down and fight on the ground.
+2 recoil, not too much, even considering your grip feet i will lower it to +1
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-29-12/1259:55>
He's got 1 Recoil Compensation from the gun and 1 from strength... Or do you just want to make it a dice pool modification (uncomfortable position) so it doesn't get RC?
If if can be compensated, the attacks were 7 and 3 hits.
If it can't be compensated, it's 6 and 3 hits.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <01-29-12/1552:09>
Freya wants to shoot at the one who tries to attack Mr.Anderson as she hasn' t noticed anything suspicious among the mob.

Attacked 3 hits (

Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <01-29-12/1613:41>
I've already posted my action, even though Rafa's isn't resolved yet.  Mine and his actions are not interfering with each other and that way things move a bit faster.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-29-12/1624:08>
I've already posted my action, even though Rafa's isn't resolved yet.  Mine and his actions are not interfering with each other and that way things move a bit faster.
resolve coming as soon as I get home
and good thinking
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-30-12/0304:36>
sorry to say that Freya did not see anything new, you may go on posting

[spoiler]"Professor! I need time! Make it so, then go back to the ward and wait there!
not really sure how to interpret this command.

Aalith giving you a advice, your command to the spirit is somwhat interesting, i as a spirit would not understand what do you need from me, actually having that problem as a gm  :-\
How should a spirit give you time?
you can still edit it, while i have not done anything but delay the action.

i see the spirit as a NPC, so i follow your command, and some time try

Since they know each other with the Professor well and since the mind link between them enables word, thought, emotional transfer, I assume Professor knows what to do. I automatically thought I was playing with him (can I) so it wasn't a problem, just it's kinda lame saying "Professor, cast Increased Reflexes on me then..."

I wanted to write "Time seems to slow down when the Professor touches Eddy, as his reflexes kick into overdrive..."

I think the spirit must materialize before he can cast a physical spell on me, so Complex action now, and in the next IP, cast Reflexes (please insert him into the next IP round as well)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-30-12/0912:14>
sorry to say that Freya did not see anything new, you may go on posting

[spoiler]"Professor! I need time! Make it so, then go back to the ward and wait there!
not really sure how to interpret this command.

Aalith giving you a advice, your command to the spirit is somwhat interesting, i as a spirit would not understand what do you need from me, actually having that problem as a gm  :-\
How should a spirit give you time?
you can still edit it, while i have not done anything but delay the action.

i see the spirit as a NPC, so i follow your command, and some time try

Since they know each other with the Professor well and since the mind link between them enables word, thought, emotional transfer, I assume Professor knows what to do. I automatically thought I was playing with him (can I) so it wasn't a problem, just it's kinda lame saying "Professor, cast Increased Reflexes on me then..."

I wanted to write "Time seems to slow down when the Professor touches Eddy, as his reflexes kick into overdrive..."

I think the spirit must materialize before he can cast a physical spell on me, so Complex action now, and in the next IP, cast Reflexes (please insert him into the next IP round as well)
just this is the problem, I see service = command, if you command him to cast a Reflex spell on you you lose one service, but if you command for example him to help you win this combat, he can increase your reflexes, assense the situation geek the mage, basicaly anything. I just want to cut the problem at the stem where players command the spirit to stop the crowd and then say that the best way to do it would be if he cast reflexes on the mage, wasting a whole IP, away from it's task.
it is tempting to coordinate spirit and Character, but the spirit is NPC, as are drones, when the rigger is not jumped in, you can still roll for them if you like but they are sentient so they decide what to do themselves, the best approach to full-fill his orders.

You can describe what are your feelings what are your thoughts, and how do you put the command to the spirit. But the command has to be something more then {Abstract} use this service for this and that and that.

Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-30-12/0922:15>
Kour! I'm hurt! I would never do something like that :) I play by the rules, sometimes I can be a little literal, but still...

So let's say in IC I say what I say, in OOC, I tell you, his actions in order:

This IP: Complex - Materialize
Next IP: Cast I. Refelxes on me and sustain until said otherwise

Then his IP-s for this combat turn is done.
Next turn: back to astral and fly back to hotel room ward.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-30-12/1015:22>
Kour! I'm hurt! I would never do something like that :) I play by the rules, sometimes I can be a little literal, but still...

So let's say in IC I say what I say, in OOC, I tell you, his actions in order:

This IP: Complex - Materialize
Next IP: Cast I. Refelxes on me and sustain until said otherwise

Then his IP-s for this combat turn is done.
Next turn: back to astral and fly back to hotel room ward.

leplaying Spirits and Services
Gamemasters and players are encouraged to treat spirits like actual
NPCs, rather than just tools with no personality of their own. The
exact relationship between a spirit and magician will depend largely
upon the character’s tradition. Hermetic mages typically view their
elementals as servants to be commanded and ordered about, whereas
shamans typically treat spirits as equals—if not gods or venerated
elders—and so implore them for assistance or strike bargains for their
aid (returning the favor with such tasks as ecological cleanup, gardening,
animal tending, worship, and so on). A spirit’s personality should
be appropriate to the summoner’s tradition, and may range from that
of semi-intelligent beast or a distinctly nonhuman outlook to a very
human personality (perhaps based on someone the summoner knows,
or a reflection of the summoner herself ).

The thing is i would like to treat the spirit as a NPC, meaning he is following your command, but not in a way you would like -  not your OOC IP descriptions.
Comand Examples
Help ME protect the armours - Spirit would be more support then actual combatant and would assist Eddy by increasing reflexes  casting armour and so on.
Protect the armours - He would act with no big regards to any of the PC's even Eddy, and would probably start by checking the situation assensing the danger then eliminating it.

P.s. Not accusing you, more myself in that regard, but you know it better. Right "PT"?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-30-12/1109:23>
Kour, while you're right that the spirit is his own personality and all that, and that it'll make its own decisions on how to carry out its orders; you should also keep in mind the close bond between the two (often, a spirit takes over some personality traits of the one who summoned it, good or bad) and the fact that a spirit has intelligence equal to its force, so quite often is actually smarter than most humans. (except for watchers, who are basically dog-brained).
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-30-12/1143:05>
OK, I'm not sure I see the problem here. Kour, you're giving me more than I even asked for!
I wanted only one spell cast at me and sustained, in exchange of one service. But I can do more?
So if I say "Help me protect the armors", he'll cast the spell on me, fight for protecting the armors for one service as long as the mission goes (we are protecting the armor for a few days)?

And you are explaining to me this why? Should I do something? Modify IC, OOC or something else?

Damnit, give me orders! :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-30-12/1146:35>
OK, I'm not sure I see the problem here. Kour, you're giving me more than I even asked for!
I wanted only one spell cast at me and sustained, in exchange of one service. But I can do more?
So if I say , he'll cast the spell on me, fight for protecting the armors for one service as long as the mission goes (we are protecting the armor for a few days)?

And you are explaining to me this why? Should I do something? Modify IC, OOC or something else?

Damnit, give me orders! :)
that was the idea, that you make the order a bit precise and can even make it broader, you are free to RP the spirit, but when combat breaks out i am in charge.
OK "Help me protect the armours" it is, support role.  ;)

you are free to edit the Post where you give the order, but it is already so far back that there is no pint i think. will finish the Char for your game and then make the IC in this. been to long already in both.  :(
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-30-12/1203:18>
Both is appreciated :)
And I think too, that the best is to leave things as they were. I told him to make me fast and then go home. It's simple and straight enough for my first command. Next time, I'll try to be more precise with what I want from my spirits.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <01-30-12/1213:20>
So if I say "Help me protect the armors", he'll cast the spell on me, fight for protecting the armors for one service as long as the mission goes (we are protecting the armor for a few days)?

you can't because non-bound spirits dissapear at sunset or sunrise, no matter how many services you still have.  With bound spirits you can do this (I don't remember if he's bound or not, and too lazy to look it up).  :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-30-12/1214:30>
He's bound, I have a section where I keep notes on all my spirits.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Pyromaster13 on <01-30-12/2332:51>
Is the mob still crazy after us even though one of the intruders is now unconscience?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-31-12/0049:45>
Is the mob still crazy after us even though one of the intruders is now unconscience?
yes the mob is still crazy, and the one unconsciousness is in the green walled room Only Rafa sees them.
you probably do not even know that there are some intruders there, as rafa as not told you about them.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-31-12/0305:48>
Professor comes after Freya just like in the previous IP. And he may finally cast that spell :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-31-12/0817:37>
Professor comes after Freya just like in the previous IP. And he may finally cast that spell :)
Next CT
AS far as i understand the rules he can go physical only in the 1st and 2nd IP, astral he gets the 3rd as well, but to cast he needs to be materialized.

Quote from: SRA page 145
Initiative Passes
Some characters may have magic or implants that allow them to act more than once in a Combat Turn. When this occurs, the Combat Turn is divided into Initiative Passes. Everyone gets to act during the first Initiative Pass (in order according to their Initiative Score), characters with two actions get to go again during a second Initiative Pass, characters with three actions get a third action during a third Initiative Pass, and so on. Most characters may not act in more than 4 Initiative Passes in a Combat Turn (even if they spend Edge). If a character does not get an action that allows him to act during an Initiative Pass, he can do nothing; he must bide his time until the next turn. The character also gets no Free Actions during those extra Initiative Passes; he may, however, still dodge and defend against attacks.
The same Initiative Score is kept for the entire Combat Turn—do not re-roll it for each Initiative Pass. The only way to affect an Initiative Score during the Combat Turn is with wound modifiers. The number of Initiative Passes in which a character gets to act during a Combat Turn should be noted on his character sheet.

Switching Initiative
In some cases, a character’s Initiative or Initiative Passes may change in the middle of a Combat Turn due to the use of certain gear, spells, or abilities (turning on your wired reflexes, for example, or a magician re-entering his body from astral space). If a character’s Initiative attribute changes, immediately apply the difference as a positive or negative modifier to the character’s Initiative Score. This new Initiative Score applies for any subsequent actions in that Combat Turn. So a character with Initiative 8 and an Initiative Score 11 who activates an implant that changes his Initiative to 10 (+2) immediately raises his Initiative Score to 13 (11 + 2). If the number of Initiative Passes available to a character increases, that character does not gain the extra Initiative Passes for that turn. So a magician with 1 IP who takes his first action to astrally project (+2 IP) does not gain any extra actions that turn, but he will have 3 IP for the next turn.
If the number of Initiative Passes available to a character decreases, then that character immediately loses any extra Initiative Passes for that turn he might have had. So when that same magician returns to his body, he immediately loses 2 IPs on that turn.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-31-12/0917:12>
I know, but he joined the fight in the second IP, so that was his first action (materialize) and now comes the second action, casting. Thats two IP-s.

I mean combat turn is just a game term, in the combat, he only acted once so far, now why would he need to wait until the next combat turn with the casting? He has 3 IP in astral and 2 IP in physical.

I think the "if the character does not get an action.." part is relevant, when you are actually IN the fight. I called him in the first IP, you said he must wait with his action until the next IP, now please don't punish the spirit more by only allowing 1 action in the combat turn when he was summoned! :(
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-31-12/1041:52>
Sorry but this is just the way i understand the IP system,
and in numbers of the CT - we say that the CT is 12S long, each IP takes up a proportion of the 12S according to the number of IP's the character has.
1 IP takes up 12S
2 IP's take each 6S
3 IP's take each 4S
4 IP's take each 3S

just because he joined after the first IP when the 3S from max 12 s had passed he can not fit the 2x6S into the remaining 9S space of the CT

Just to be logical more IP's mean you can do more in the same time, it does not mean your character moves for a short while and then waits standing still, even if the Turn based structure of the game makes it look so.

and as i see it, your spirit should have appeared after you have finished your only IP, so that would mean in CT2, but whatever, he still got the materializing.

OK everyone, voice your opinion and we go with the majority.  ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-31-12/1057:52>
Hey, your game, your rules. I'm just saying that this way (by not letting the spirit act in the IP he was summoned, then saying because he couldn't act in the first IP, he looses an IP-s worth of action) you limited the spirit to 1 action. Normally he would have at least two or three actions per turn. Now the spellcaster wasted his actions on calling and commanding the spirit, the spirit wasted his action by not acting in the first IP then materializing - meaning I effectively cannot do anything in the first turn of the combat if I want a spirit by me.

No to mention if he casts the Improved Reflexes in the next CT, that will not take effect until the turn after that (because of the rule of gaining IP), so this whole thing was effectively useless, because in the third turn, the fight will most likely end this way (with every other character acting 2-3 times per turn, the mob is diminished, Rafa headshots the intruders)

But I can adapt, so just say what's your ruling and next time I'm not summoning a spirit, just cast spells. :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-31-12/1127:05>
Hey, your game, your rules. I'm just saying that this way (by not letting the spirit act in the IP he was summoned, then saying because he couldn't act in the first IP, he looses an IP-s worth of action) you limited the spirit to 1 action. Normally he would have at least two or three actions per turn. Now the spellcaster wasted his actions on calling and commanding the spirit, the spirit wasted his action by not acting in the first IP then materializing - meaning I effectively cannot do anything in the first turn of the combat if I want a spirit by me.

No to mention if he casts the Improved Reflexes in the next CT, that will not take effect until the turn after that (because of the rule of gaining IP), so this whole thing was effectively useless, because in the third turn, the fight will most likely end this way (with every other character acting 2-3 times per turn, the mob is diminished, Rafa headshots the intruders)

But I can adapt, so just say what's your ruling and next time I'm not summoning a spirit, just cast spells. :)
As the spirit looks like to be faster then Eddy he will have cast the spell before Eddy starts the CT ,meaning before he can act. so you will get even 4 IP's next CT if the spirit does not glitch on the spell casting.
you OK with that?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <01-31-12/1138:22>
i try not to be over realistic in combat. going with your scheme Kour you'd need to resolve the actions in the sequence of ending actions, meaninv that I'd act as the last one in the combat turn not as last one in the inig pass.

I am quite ok with act in first second of the combat turn and stare stupidly for the next two. I go with your method only for calculating distances of moves.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <01-31-12/1156:27>
It's okay for me :). It seems like the problem is always with me somehow and I can connect the dots...I don't wanna argue on every step, so I'm ceasing fire and try not to cause problems for a while :) We are here to play a game, after all!

So who's up in IC? Let's kick their collective asses!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <01-31-12/1159:15>
its pyro now.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-31-12/1204:27>
i try not to be over realistic in combat. going with your scheme Kour you'd need to resolve the actions in the sequence of ending actions, meaninv that I'd act as the last one in the combat turn not as last one in the inig pass.

I am quite ok with act in first second of the combat turn and stare stupidly for the next two. I go with your method only for calculating distances of moves.
the action is starting at the start of the IP, as your spell, for example, but the time spent to preform it is the whole IP,
in other words the IP take effect at the IP start, but you still do the same action or are in the and of the action when something happens to to you, for example Freya is still holding her Taser aimed at Sanchez, when Utha attacks her, this is the most realistic we can have. i think.

so basic we have the same system as in your game(mission 2). but the IP changes have to be in the take effect only next CT with the exception the Char has not yet moved or had more then one IP to start with and could have 2 IP if the IP boost is up to 4

hope this clears it up, so even if the spirit boosted Eddy's IP's he would have none extra ip this CT, but as the spirit will boost them before he acts next IP he will recieve extra IP's.  ;)
Hope everybody happy with this
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-31-12/1206:10>
its pyro now.
Pyro and Caramelle roll dodge and soak if needed and Pyro has his 3rd IP
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-31-12/1216:25>
Kour, you're confusing the "time" of CT and IP.

One Combat Turn is 3 seconds. Always.*
Then you just look at how many IP's the people in the combat have. In this case, the highest number is 3, so every IP takes 1 second.

A person with only 1 IP can take one complex action or two simple actions + a free action. The first chance he gets to take that action is when his initiative number comes up, but he can choose to delay one or more actions and use them in the later IP's. (Though he must have used them by the time the last IP has passed, he can't delay them into a 4th Initiative Pass)

A person with 3 IP's can take 1 complex (or 2 simple) action every pass. If he chooses to delay and takes actions into a Pass, his others from that IP are lost. This way, he can't hold his actions from IP 1&2 and do 3 complex actions in the 3rd IP. (And same as before, he must take them up before the end of IP3, he can't force a 4th IP to be created)

Things get a bit weird when inserting new combatants/spirits or taking initiative-changing actions (read: Increased Reflexes spell) halfway in combat. The general rule seems to be that new persons should be considered to act like they already were in the initiative, they just didn't know it. So if guard-with-3-IPs opens the door and steps into combat on the second IP, he can still act once in IP3; he does not get 3 passes because "he hasn't had any actions yet".
Things that add initiative or passes usualy only come in play during the next CT (NOT IP). So a 1-IP-mage that gets 2 extra IP's from a spell, gets those extra actions only in the next combat turn, not this one.
Things forcing a loss of actions however, get activated immediately. If a increased-reflexes-pumped-mage gets dispelled in the first IP, he doesn't get actions in IP2. If a spirit loses actions because of materializing (and drops from 3 to 2 passes), he doesn't get to act in IP3.

(* Well, for normal combat anyhow, chase combat with vehicles is different but not important now.)

The only question which remains is if a spirit being pulled out of standby uses an action to show up. Personally, I don't think this is so and I think Eddy could have called the Professor in IP1; the Professor could have then used his IP1 action to materialize and could cast a spell in IP2.
If Eddy had called the prof in the second pass however, the spirit couldn't have done all this in time.
But it's not too far-fetched to assume that a spirit takes at least some time & effort to transfer from its metaplane to this one, so it's your call.

Edit: Ick, Ninja'd 4 times while writing this, no time to catch up now.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <01-31-12/1432:08>
Avioding damage (5) (
No Soak needed.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-31-12/1442:38>
Avioding damage (5) (
No Soak needed.
Nice dodge, now only have to wait for Pyro to take the action further
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Pyromaster13 on <01-31-12/1536:47>
Still maintaining full defense, full block.  9 REA+3 unarmed skill+3 unarmed skill 15d6.hits(5)=4 ( Not sure what the threshold was.

Either way, that's my action for IP 3
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-31-12/1556:12>
Gonna post Rafa's actions already, can't really think of much Freya will do to change it; though if something weird does happen, discard them.
Laziness again, second roll is 12 dice. (Both might also be 1 die less, depending on the whole balance thing) (14d6.hits(5)=5, 14d6.hits(5)=5) (
14d6.hits(5) → [1,6,2,2,2,6,5,2,2,6,1,3,5,4] = (5)
14d6.hits(5) → [5,3,6,2,5,3,2,6,5,4,4,2,2,2] = (5) --> With 2 less dice, still 5 hits.
If the extra recoil for Rafa's uneasy position isn't compensated by Str + RC, still 5 hits on both.
First attack is on the one that hasn't been shot yet (Rafa just shot 'em left to right). The second shot is back to the guy he shot second, the Ork that stayed on his feet. (8+ body, he's impressed!)
Feel free to narrate if you're quicker than me ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <02-01-12/0103:05>
Freya is shooting SA mode, the first is a called shot (+2) to the head of Freya' s attacker and the second one goes to the other attacker.

Sanchez(5) and Utha(0) (

Still maintaining full defense, full block.  9 REA+3 unarmed skill+3 unarmed skill 15d6.hits(5)=4 ( Not sure what the threshold was.

Either way, that's my action for IP 3

Thanks God we' ve got Rafa as the sammy seems to act like a rabbit or something!!!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-01-12/0202:35>
Thanks God we' ve got Rafa as the sammy seems to act like a rabbit or something!!!
yep, our Pistol expert seems to be a pacifist.  ;D
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <02-01-12/0518:58>
INI (7d6.hits(5)=3) ( Eddy

INI (10d6.hits(5)=1) ( Professor

Casting reflexes (8d6.hits(5)=2) (
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <02-01-12/0606:52>
INI for Freya (  ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <02-01-12/1225:50>
initiative 8 (8d6.hits(5)=2) (
so initiative 10 for Panther this round.  2IP (as I'm NOT going into VR with a mob in front of me).
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <02-01-12/1709:59>
Caretakers init - 6 + 6d6.hits(5)=2 ( -> 8 no glitch for a change.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-01-12/1719:38>
pyro roll ini and if you are first you are free to post.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Pyromaster13 on <02-02-12/0501:41>
14d6.hits(5)=1 ( 14=1 Initiative 15. So I guess I go after Rafa. I'll post something anyways to keep things moving.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <02-02-12/0847:55>
Kour, not that I really mind the guy still standing, but you rolled one die too many.
He takes another -1 because it's his second defense... 2 hits on defense would mean the attack hits.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <02-02-12/0947:01>
Before I act (somewhere in the future) I'd like to know what I see. How many of the mob standing? How many meters are they away from me. Are there heavy objects around? Can I see the guns? How many? Or who holds them? (I mean you don't have to take Observe in detail for seeing, and I pretty much just stood there this entire time, watching :) )
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-02-12/1136:28>
Kour, not that I really mind the guy still standing, but you rolled one die too many.
He takes another -1 because it's his second defense... 2 hits on defense would mean the attack hits.
:-[ True.

Will edit right away.
Sorry  :-[

p.s. somewhere in my memory it was successfully full-defence gets a -1 modifier if you get hit then not, just from where?  :-\
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-02-12/1146:19>
Before I act (somewhere in the future) I'd like to know what I see. How many of the mob standing? How many meters are they away from me. Are there heavy objects around? Can I see the guns? How many? Or who holds them? (I mean you don't have to take Observe in detail for seeing, and I pretty much just stood there this entire time, watching :) )
you can identify Utha, but the mage is only visible to Mr. Anderson or someone who scores 2 hits on perception.
there are tables, and chairs, and stuff it's a restaurant. not to mention filming equipment
most of the mob is hold in place by the spell just about dozen are still moving forward, but this has lead to revealing of the enemies inside the crowd lowering the threshold to see it.
The way you could know who the mage is, would be if Mr. Andersen tags him, panther tags all the comlinks she thinks are in that group, or you make a successful perception.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <02-02-12/1218:16>
iirc, you get a -1 per attack you defend against, regardless of its success.

If there's 20 guys shooting at you, no matter how lousy shots they are and how good you can dodge, a couple of bullets are bound to hit you.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <02-02-12/1224:06>
Just a hint to pyro: If you don't want to use your lethal ammo, you can do unarmed attacks... though with your low str you might want to invest in Shock Gloves in the future.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <02-02-12/1632:44>
re: dodging - there is -1 per succesful dodge, once you get hit, the counter starts anew (at least that's the way I always played it out)
re: found mage, can anybody invest a free action into informing the rest of us of what is happening (like stalkers for the armors, and identified hostiles in the mob)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <02-02-12/1653:47>
Defense Modifiers Table, SR4A 159:
Defender has defended against
previous attacks since last action
–1 per additional defense

Defender Has Defended Against Previous Attacks
If a character has defended against at least one other attack (melee or
ranged) since his last action, apply a –1 cumulative modifier for each
additional defense roll.

Nothing about hits or misses there.

--- Just pointing out rules as I know 'em, I don't have anything against houserules or whatever the GM decides other than "Rafa suffers from a massive stroke and dies. The end." ---

"re: found mage, can anybody invest a free action into informing the rest of us of what is happening (like stalkers for the armors, and identified hostiles in the mob)"
Was playing with the idea of having Rafa simply do a UWB pulse next round, then just send the location of all weapons in the neighborhood to the team. Should give a pretty clear idea of who's an enemy and who's just people.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <02-03-12/0945:43>
Quote from IC
"Nice one Freya -  ;D , but Anderson helped i guess"

Yap! :) Seems to me Mr.Anderson did the best part in neutralizing Utha, Freya just put a lovely final touch :P
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <02-03-12/1309:25>
posted my action.  Sorry for the delay, but I've only just gotten home.  5 cm of snow and suddenly nobody in this country knows how to drive anymore.  Took me almost 3 hours to do a 35 minute trip.  :(  :o  Well, at least I'm home.  there are right now still more then 1000 km of traffic jams.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-03-12/1427:21>
posted my action.  Sorry for the delay, but I've only just gotten home.  5 cm of snow and suddenly nobody in this country knows how to drive anymore.  Took me almost 3 hours to do a 35 minute trip.  :(  :o  Well, at least I'm home.  there are right now still more then 1000 km of traffic jams.
Metagame here,
#1 Comlink is at Sanchez pocket, but the 4 nodes near him become corrupted when he was put on ice by Freya, so you have at least one free simple action, but i think that you can have even two, as you saw it happening anyway.

Sorry for not thinking of including matrix view in the narrative.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <02-03-12/1536:23>
I've adapted it that I'm following a connection from the node I've just scanned.  If I recall correctly there were two connections, so the other should still be open.  If I've seen one drop, I'll keep the rolls and take the other.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <02-03-12/1549:58>
posted my action.  Sorry for the delay, but I've only just gotten home.  5 cm of snow and suddenly nobody in this country knows how to drive anymore.  Took me almost 3 hours to do a 35 minute trip.  :(  :o  Well, at least I'm home.  there are right now still more then 1000 km of traffic jams.

You' re still quite far from us :D We' ve got some 30cm of snow and -30Celsius  :P
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <02-03-12/1813:49>
Belgium really is quite pityful when it comes to snow and ice...  going to be a very quiet week in the store.

Anyhow, here's me posting on my new Asus Transformer Prime!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <02-05-12/0155:02>
Anyhow, here's me posting on my new Asus Transformer Prime!

Congrats!!!  ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <02-05-12/0402:50>
Anyhow, here's me posting on my new Asus Transformer Prime!

Congrats!!!  ;)

double congrats :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <02-05-12/0551:51>
Of course, with a toddler in the house it'll soon be confiscated to use for talking animals and get all sicky and stuff... :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <02-06-12/1206:52>
who's next?  :D
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-06-12/1257:52>
who's next?  :D
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <02-08-12/0334:56>
I'm here! RL catching up to me. :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <02-08-12/0629:18>
As I've understood, Freya and whoever else are somewhere in the mob, so probably Eddy's table will hit them too...  ??? Have I misunderstood something?

Anyway, I like his way of thinking about his probable uselessness :P
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-08-12/1635:41>
I'm here! RL catching up to me. :)
Hope you back for good.  ;)
But i doubt your team mates will be happy about the Attack on them.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <02-09-12/0126:50>
They won't.  First a spell, now this.  :)
BTW: is the spell still active?  It's important for my dodge roll (should I get one).
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-09-12/0233:33>
They won't.  First a spell, now this.  :)
BTW: is the spell still active?  It's important for my dodge roll (should I get one).
The maqe released a the mob spell, but Eddies Levitate - everyone who is in the crowd needs to roll. levitate is sustained, but i do not see how it could be important for you? and yes you cold make the dodge rolls if there are no more Q's
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <02-09-12/0400:19>
What attack on them??? I didn't attack them, I wrote that he's careful so he doesn't hit his teammates. I used the map you draw and they are standing between the star and the mob, meaning from the back or the sides I can hit the mob without hitting them.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-09-12/0437:01>
What attack on them??? I didn't attack them, I wrote that he's careful so he doesn't hit his teammates. I used the map you draw and they are standing between the star and the mob, meaning from the back or the sides I can hit the mob without hitting them.
yes they are between the mob and the Stars - meaning they are holding the Mob of the Stars in the Word HOLDING is the whole meaning. Panther is already surrounded by the mob, but as she went in AR they are just passing her, Freya and Mr. Anderson are one one side, they got even attacked meaning they are in Melee range.

Levitate is not Fling, so it is not as precise. For this i would use the grenade example, Levitate is as precise as throwing a grenade, and fling would be shooting a firearm, if you disagree name a good reason for two similar spells to exist.

Secondly you said you would use the heaviest thing you could - this means it's big as well. Something like 4x3x2m and 60Kg
Combination of the two brings me to think that you would endanger them anyway.
The other option is hitting the people who are bound by Caretakers spell and are neutralized anyway?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <02-09-12/0539:03>
They won't.  First a spell, now this.  :)
BTW: is the spell still active?  It's important for my dodge roll (should I get one).
The maqe released a the mob spell, but Eddies Levitate - everyone who is in the crowd needs to roll. levitate is sustained, but i do not see how it could be important for you? and yes you cold make the dodge rolls if there are no more Q's

I'm sorry, I haven't been clear with my explanation.  :(
I wanted to ask is the spell that dropped my agility still active, because I thought dodge was under agility.  I've checked and it's under reaction, so it doesn't matter.  My fault.  I'll do my rolls tonight
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <02-09-12/0548:04>
Yes. it's still active.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-09-12/0648:13>
Sent, you are one ....  ;D
Good one, now i ave to roll when i am home and maybe we wrap it up.

P.s. if this does not work, the perception threshold is lowered to 2, as Cartaker Walked up to some one in the group.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-09-12/1229:54>
my dodge on the table. I'll put something cynematic in writing when it's my next turn to act.

intuition 4 + perception 2 + goggle enhancement 2 =8 (8d6.hits(5) =5) (
I think I see the incoming

reaction 4 + dodge 2 =6 (6d6.hits(5) =3) (
And I dodge the incoming.
meant here I think
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <02-09-12/1305:38>
my dodge on the table. I'll put something cynematic in writing when it's my next turn to act.

intuition 4 + perception 2 + goggle enhancement 2 =8 (8d6.hits(5) =5) (
I think I see the incoming

reaction 4 + dodge 2 =6 (6d6.hits(5) =3) (
And I dodge the incoming.
meant here I think

Sorry, I've seen rolls in IC and OOC and I wasn't sure where to post them.  I've removed the IC post.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-09-12/1308:38>
my dodge on the table. I'll put something cynematic in writing when it's my next turn to act.

intuition 4 + perception 2 + goggle enhancement 2 =8 (8d6.hits(5) =5) (
I think I see the incoming

reaction 4 + dodge 2 =6 (6d6.hits(5) =3) (
And I dodge the incoming.
meant here I think

Sorry, I've seen rolls in IC and OOC and I wasn't sure where to post them.  I've removed the IC post.
IC only in spoilers, but if you have nothing to say, then better in OOC.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <02-09-12/1358:50>
What attack on them??? I didn't attack them, I wrote that he's careful so he doesn't hit his teammates. I used the map you draw and they are standing between the star and the mob, meaning from the back or the sides I can hit the mob without hitting them.
yes they are between the mob and the Stars - meaning they are holding the Mob of the Stars in the Word HOLDING is the whole meaning. Panther is already surrounded by the mob, but as she went in AR they are just passing her, Freya and Mr. Anderson are one one side, they got even attacked meaning they are in Melee range.

Levitate is not Fling, so it is not as precise. For this i would use the grenade example, Levitate is as precise as throwing a grenade, and fling would be shooting a firearm, if you disagree name a good reason for two similar spells to exist.

Secondly you said you would use the heaviest thing you could - this means it's big as well. Something like 4x3x2m and 60Kg
Combination of the two brings me to think that you would endanger them anyway.
The other option is hitting the people who are bound by Caretakers spell and are neutralized anyway?

Drek. Can I at least use my free action to warn them? Rules say that I can use that "In addition, each
character may take one Free Action at any point in the Initiative Pass
(either during his own Action Phase or at any later time)"

I didn't know I may hit them, so please let me warn them! Please! I don't want my teammates to hate me!

Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-09-12/1401:51>
What attack on them??? I didn't attack them, I wrote that he's careful so he doesn't hit his teammates. I used the map you draw and they are standing between the star and the mob, meaning from the back or the sides I can hit the mob without hitting them.
yes they are between the mob and the Stars - meaning they are holding the Mob of the Stars in the Word HOLDING is the whole meaning. Panther is already surrounded by the mob, but as she went in AR they are just passing her, Freya and Mr. Anderson are one one side, they got even attacked meaning they are in Melee range.

Levitate is not Fling, so it is not as precise. For this i would use the grenade example, Levitate is as precise as throwing a grenade, and fling would be shooting a firearm, if you disagree name a good reason for two similar spells to exist.

Secondly you said you would use the heaviest thing you could - this means it's big as well. Something like 4x3x2m and 60Kg
Combination of the two brings me to think that you would endanger them anyway.
The other option is hitting the people who are bound by Caretakers spell and are neutralized anyway?

Drek. Can I at least use my free action to warn them? Rules say that I can use that "In addition, each
character may take one Free Action at any point in the Initiative Pass
(either during his own Action Phase or at any later time)"

I didn't know I may hit them, so please let me warn them! Please! I don't want my teammates to hate me!
Edit it in your post and everybody recieves a +2 but let it be a Com message so only team get's it OK?  ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <02-09-12/1409:02>
OK. But are you sure a plassteel box flying with 90 km/h will do 3S damage? Just saying... ::)

Edited :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-09-12/1508:55>
OK. But are you sure a plassteel box flying with 90 km/h will do 3S damage? Just saying... ::)

Edited :)
the rules say 1-20 m/sec = 1/2 body in damage
F7 levitate is 14m/s and box is 6 body so 3S

yep pretty much so looks not much but is so.

Looked up ramming and structure. and the levitate and fling spells

p.s. "duck!! box incoming " would a much better advice. ;)

Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <02-09-12/1513:11>
OK. But are you sure a plassteel box flying with 90 km/h will do 3S damage? Just saying... ::)

Edited :)
the rules say 1-20 m/sec 1/2 body
F7 levitate is 14m/s and box is 6 body

looks not much but is so.

Looked up ramming and structure. and the levitate and fling spells

Even if it doesn't do much damage, it can still hamper people in other ways.  If the box lands on you, no matter what damage you take, you're going to spend some time getting from underneath it.  Or it's in the way when you try to walk around.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <02-09-12/1536:24>
OK. But are you sure a plassteel box flying with 90 km/h will do 3S damage? Just saying... ::)

Edited :)
the rules say 1-20 m/sec = 1/2 body in damage
F7 levitate is 14m/s and box is 6 body so 3S

yep pretty much so looks not much but is so.

Looked up ramming and structure. and the levitate and fling spells

p.s. "duck!! box incoming " would a much better advice. ;)

actually the rules for levitate says:
Movement rate equal to the spell’s Force x net Spellcasting hits in meters per turn.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-09-12/1543:08>

Even if it doesn't do much damage, it can still hamper people in other ways.  If the box lands on you, no matter what damage you take, you're going to spend some time getting from underneath it.  Or it's in the way when you try to walk around.
as i understand he has to drop it then, an that would be one more roll for the timing and free action
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <02-09-12/1624:09>
Dammm, Freya has no reason to insult Eddy!  >:(

8d6.hits(5)=3 (
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-09-12/1635:04>
OK. But are you sure a plassteel box flying with 90 km/h will do 3S damage? Just saying... ::)

Edited :)
the rules say 1-20 m/sec = 1/2 body in damage
F7 levitate is 14m/s and box is 6 body so 3S

yep pretty much so looks not much but is so.

Looked up ramming and structure. and the levitate and fling spells

p.s. "duck!! box incoming " would a much better advice. ;)

actually the rules for levitate says:
Movement rate equal to the spell’s Force x net Spellcasting hits in meters per turn.
true so it seems more like 30km/h,not as impressive but still effective, and it does not change the damage anyway.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-09-12/1643:37>
Pusher has seen the wisdom in Care takers words and is surrendering(2) (

with the next CT we end combat, but you actually do not know that yet, would you like to play it out, or do we just end it here with a longer post from me?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <02-09-12/1946:05>
Sorry... :p
I actually first wanted to have Rafa shout something about his pals already being down and that he didn't stand a chance, but then remembered Combat Monster.
First wanted to jump at the mage and punch him, but jumping kinda sucks in SR and Rafa doesn't want to give him the chance to surrender.
After posting, I realize that with an Adrenalin Regulator, the threshold is actually 0...  So I'd have to glitch to fail composure. But that's just kind of cheesy and not fun at all.
So yeah. Ten hits baby!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-10-12/0201:13>
Another gel round escaped Rafa's rifle, his smartgun AR shows a blinking red "1" on his ammo counter. The other magazine in the rifle contained lethal ammo, if this guy didn't give up quickly his day would be getting a whole lot worse pretty soon.
what kind of lethal ammo you got?

Pusher reacting to the shot(0) (
Soaking 4P (
8P + 10 net hits +/-ammo modifiers,  thinking Lethal ammo here i make a educated guess that He is dead or bleeding out.

Warping up seems to be the agenda to the day,

Fair warning, will be out of reach for 2 days starting later today, so would love to make this a time where you can think what you do in the short downtime. :D
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <02-10-12/0421:31>
Fair warning, will be out of reach for 2 days starting later today, so would love to make this a time where you can think what you do in the short downtime.

For me that will be easy.
-Trying to get an autograph from Pandora
-Get those idiot's commlinks and get all the information out of it I can get out.

I'll do the rolls when you're back, but this way you can think a bit about it wherever you're going (provided you will have time of course, RL can take a lot of that unfortunately).
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-10-12/0424:05>
Fair warning, will be out of reach for 2 days starting later today, so would love to make this a time where you can think what you do in the short downtime.

For me that will be easy.
-Trying to get an autograph from Pandora
-Get those idiot's commlinks and get all the information out of it I can get out.

I'll do the rolls when you're back, but this way you can think a bit about it wherever you're going (provided you will have time of course, RL can take a lot of that unfortunately).
making my Parting gift, Rather large IC giving you all possibilities to do something.  ;D
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <02-10-12/0441:36>
Wait, no! Rafa's rifle has/had two magazines: Gel Rounds in one, regular ammo in the other.
He emptied the one with gel rounds, but reloaded it (Free & Simple action), so the shot was stun damage, not physical.
Sorry, shoulda been more clear. These guys did't really seem worth killing.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-10-12/0501:07>
Wait, no! Rafa's rifle has/had two magazines: Gel Rounds in one, regular ammo in the other.
He emptied the one with gel rounds, but reloaded it (Free & Simple action), so the shot was stun damage, not physical.
Sorry, shoulda been more clear. These guys did't really seem worth killing.
OK editing IC but this means you can only shoot on the 3rd IP, as filling the clip takes time, and reloading too.
or did you have a spare clip with gel? did no see them in sheet, might have missed thou

Fill Clip - Complex Action - Insert (Agility) rounds into clip
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <02-10-12/0525:52>
Spare clip... who doesn't go to a gunfight without them?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-10-12/0538:29>
Spare clip... who doesn't go to a gunfight without them?
it seems that you, rechecked the Chummer file you sent me and the post with your character, no spare clips there.  :-\
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <02-10-12/0547:02>
Wait, no! Rafa's rifle has/had two magazines: Gel Rounds in one, regular ammo in the other.
He emptied the one with gel rounds, but reloaded it (Free & Simple action), so the shot was stun damage, not physical.
Sorry, shoulda been more clear. These guys did't really seem worth killing.

What a waist! Dead Pusher with his brain all over the area was such a cute scene...  8)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <02-10-12/0718:20>
Spare clip... who doesn't go to a gunfight without them?
it seems that you, rechecked the Chummer file you sent me and the post with your character, no spare clips there.  :-\

It's often forgotten.  People buy ammo, but forget to buy extra clips.  I make that mistake also more than half of the times.  And it's not that they cost all that much (I think 5 nuyen a piece, which is nothing basically), but for some reason the 'buy extra ammo' reflex is there, but the 'buy extra clips' is not.  :)

I'll post something IC tonight (taking a few commlinks, nothing else).  Hacking them will have to wait until the downtime.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-10-12/0739:29>
Spare clip... who doesn't go to a gunfight without them?
it seems that you, rechecked the Chummer file you sent me and the post with your character, no spare clips there.  :-\

It's often forgotten.  People buy ammo, but forget to buy extra clips.  I make that mistake also more than half of the times.  And it's not that they cost all that much (I think 5 nuyen a piece, which is nothing basically), but for some reason the 'buy extra ammo' reflex is there, but the 'buy extra clips' is not.  :)

I'll post something IC tonight (taking a few commlinks, nothing else).  Hacking them will have to wait until the downtime.
will see, might have been put in the false place, Xyz, has time to look it up, and everybody has time to do whatever they think they want if he has to reload, he still has some IP to act.

Karma For this part + edge refresh 2 points
+1 No civilian casualties
+3 Armour is safe

is now a C3 L1 Contact of yours

One more thing, as this adventure is not a long one and I like see character develop, so the time for learning skilss is reduced single skill a whole day is needed, and a group can be learnt in one week, or 3 days when rushing.
here ( is a interesting idea how to get some extra Karma - All the rights to this idea go to Chrona

The idea is simple, everyone decides what they think was worth some Karma and give the award, i decide to give it 0-3 karma, mostly concerning RP, but also Character creation this time only as it is the starting point and not much time for characters have been to shine, Panther for example had not time to shine.

I go first with some examples, would welcome Xyz and Farothel to show how they do it as well as I know they know it!

Kouryuu's award of FUN and WEIRD
AalithHUH as Eddy - the srange guy who looks lost ;D +2
Caramelle as Freya - Charming and dangerous, Trolls watch out, she's in town +2
Farothel as Panther - the courage to get surrounded by the mob - while checking around in the matrix - the nerve +2
Pyromaster13 as Mr. Andersen - Just because he is one Lucky Bastard - 8 edge on one Character - mindbogglingly +2
Sentinemodo as CareTaker - Black Dwarf with white skull tattoos - too scary to imagine +2
Xzylvador As Rafa - Smartgun beeping like a sinking sub? really? - awesome PR  (not to say the obvious one  :P) +2
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <02-10-12/1020:14>
Yeah.... never thought extra clips actually needed to bought. At that price, it could just be part of lifestyle,no?
If you allow, I'll just buy 20 or so with my starting money.

Will post credits later.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-10-12/1115:42>
Yeah.... never thought extra clips actually needed to bought. At that price, it could just be part of lifestyle,no?
If you allow, I'll just buy 20 or so with my starting money.

Will post credits later.
ok will do the edit when back, only if you insist on it. RP wise it's important, right?
Sitting on ship, and going out to sea,.
See you in 2
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <02-10-12/1414:17>
If I insist on it?
You're the boss. It's just an honest mistake, can't say I recall ever seeing a charsheet where people buy spare clips. It's one of those things you just assume a char to have when it's got lots of bullets you know. And considering their cost I don't really think it'll have any major impact on chargen to assume it's part of lifestyle. *shrug* I also didn't list underwear, but I swear Rafa isn't going commando. ;)
If you say: "Nope, you didn't buy 'em so you don't have 'em.", that's your call and I'll accept it (and run to the store asap) but then please allow Rafa to do something else, he really doesn't want to blow the guys brains out.

Want to post an IC with some kind of aftermath for Rafa... he's really not gonna have them forget that he took out 4 guys by himself in the same time the five of 'em took out 2. But gonna wait to see how you want to do this.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <02-10-12/1420:27>
it's starting to look like Gimli vs Legolas dues, but I did take out 15 or so :P

"That olifant still count as one"
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-10-12/1712:48>
If I insist on it?
You're the boss. It's just an honest mistake, can't say I recall ever seeing a charsheet where people buy spare clips. It's one of those things you just assume a char to have when it's got lots of bullets you know. And considering their cost I don't really think it'll have any major impact on chargen to assume it's part of lifestyle. *shrug* I also didn't list underwear, but I swear Rafa isn't going commando. ;)
If you say: "Nope, you didn't buy 'em so you don't have 'em.", that's your call and I'll accept it (and run to the store asap) but then please allow Rafa to do something else, he really doesn't want to blow the guys brains out.

Want to post an IC with some kind of aftermath for Rafa... he's really not gonna have them forget that he took out 4 guys by himself in the same time the five of 'em took out 2. But gonna wait to see how you want to do this.
You can have them, but editing is rather difficult on the small handheld device and my troll fingers, so I will do it only sunday afternoon.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <02-10-12/1724:59>
I did LOVE the description, kind of a pity really. But with so many camera's and witnesses about, and security around somewhere nearby, blowing someone's brains out just doesn't seem like a good idea.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <02-13-12/1302:34>
Freya' s roll for nego, just to get a bit more money - 2500 per day would be decent taking into account level of dangers (inner and outer)  8)  And if it' s possible, some other benefits, it' s Hollywood for God' s sake!  ;)

17d6.hits(5) → [2,6,1,4,1,6,5,2,1,6,5,1,5,2,1,1,6] = (7)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-13-12/1320:34>
Freya' s roll for nego, just to get a bit more money - 2500 per day would be decent taking into account level of dangers (inner and outer)  8)  And if it' s possible, some other benefits, it' s Hollywood for God' s sake!  ;)

17d6.hits(5) → [2,6,1,4,1,6,5,2,1,6,5,1,5,2,1,1,6] = (7)
Nego(6) (
-2 for thinking he is in your debt.
at the moment you get 2300, some of you might want to give Freya a hand to rise it, or Freya might use edge to re roll the misses.  ;)

Also still waiting for the Awards, or do we scrap the idea and go on?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <02-13-12/1356:08>
Quote from: Kouryuu
Nego(6) (
-2 for thinking he is in your debt.
at the moment you get 2300, some of you might want to give Freya a hand to rise it, or Freya might use edge to re roll the misses.  ;)

Also still waiting for the Awards, or do we scrap the idea and go on?

 Reroll missed, I' ll buy the necesary 2 hits.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <02-13-12/1424:07>
I think you don't need my help on this one then. :)

About the awards, I don't understand it completely. Maybe I'm a little slooow  ???
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-13-12/1440:17>
I think you don't need my help on this one then. :)

About the awards, I don't understand it completely. Maybe I'm a little slooow  ???
nope i might have explained it a bit too difficult.

It's a good bonding experience and means that the more everyone enjoys the game, the bigger the reward!

And list what you think was karma worthy, I'll decide the amount 0-3! Yes you can nominate yourself.

As a example.

Caramelle really loved the escription how eddy summoned the Proffesor spirit and the whole hotel scene in all, then i think how much i liked it and depending on it award Karma for that part of the Game

Caramelle[just as example ]
Eddy enjoying all the benefits of the hotel and going shopping, - cool scene +2 Karma Kouryuu

If everyone makes some observation on the RP or character creation, in this case.

Yes it's possible to get a lot of Karma this way.  ;)
Give and be given, but if you do not like it, we can get on with things, as soon as we have all the players posted the last CT in the IC
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <02-13-12/1538:12>
I don't mind doing it.  I thought of doing it this week-end, but things came to screw up the  plans.  So here it is.

AalithHUH as Eddy - For throwing things to stop the mob... and almost squishing his own team mates
Caramelle as Freya - A dryad in the big city.  Sounds like a fairy tale, but it's probably not going to end happily ever after
Farothel as Panther - for grabbing some stuff that might give some leads, and leaving the rest where it was
Pyromaster13 as Mr. Andersen - for making at least one surrender.  Not that it really mattered with Rafa on the job.
Sentinemodo as CareTaker - for stopping most of the mob ... and some of his own team mates.
Xzylvador As Rafa - For stating the obvious in the restaurant (next you tell me it's going to be an easy job) and having the highest body count (if he used lethal ammo)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-13-12/1545:15>
I don't mind doing it.  I thought of doing it this week-end, but things came to screw up the  plans.  So here it is.

AalithHUH as Eddy - For throwing things to stop the mob... and almost squishing his own team mates +3
Caramelle as Freya - A dryad in the big city.  Sounds like a fairy tale, but it's probably not going to end happily ever after +2
Farothel as Panther - for grabbing some stuff that might give some leads, and leaving the rest where it was +2
Pyromaster13 as Mr. Andersen - for making at least one surrender.  Not that it really mattered with Rafa on the job. [ this was Caretaker I think]
Sentinemodo as CareTaker - for stopping most of the mob ... and some of his own team mates. +3
Xzylvador As Rafa - For stating the obvious in the restaurant (next you tell me it's going to be an easy job) and having the highest body count (if he used lethal ammo) +3
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <02-13-12/1611:32>
I don't mind doing it.  I thought of doing it this week-end, but things came to screw up the  plans.  So here it is.

AalithHUH as Eddy - For throwing things to stop the mob... and almost squishing his own team mates
Caramelle as Freya - A dryad in the big city.  Sounds like a fairy tale, but it's probably not going to end happily ever after
Farothel as Panther - for grabbing some stuff that might give some leads, and leaving the rest where it was
Pyromaster13 as Mr. Andersen - for making at least one surrender.  Not that it really mattered with Rafa on the job.
Sentinemodo as CareTaker - for stopping most of the mob ... and some of his own team mates.
Xzylvador As Rafa - For stating the obvious in the restaurant (next you tell me it's going to be an easy job) and having the highest body count (if he used lethal ammo)

Wow, this is so good, I honestly cannot think of a better way to award. I'll try, but first:

Farothel as Farothel - for making an awesome list, see above. :)

AalithHUH as Eddy - for the hotel scene and for being rejected by both Freya AND Panther before he could even hit on them :) (in the event Aalith made up - double fail!!!!!!) :D
Caramelle as Freya - for telling everybody "what's real", you know what I'm sayin'?
Farothel as Panther - may she keep her cool head at all times. For hacking while under a net spell and facing an angry mob. :)
Pyromaster13 as Mr. Andersen - You feelin' lucky, punk? He doesn't shoot often, but he makes that count!
Xzylvador As Rafa - What can I say? Single handedly shooting down the bad guys WITHOUT shoes on! :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <02-13-12/1614:44>
quick question: what was the monetary award again?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-13-12/1624:13>
quick question: what was the monetary award again?
1k pre day, so you have your 1k for today, but as the shoot was interrupted and you will have to go to Hollywood if you accept it will increase to 2.5k
the 1k was up front.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <02-13-12/1632:45>
Summa summarum: we have 1k :) And we go to Hollywood!

And I have a bad feeling that the "throws stuff at his teammates" will stick... :o Didn't mean it guys, honestly.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-13-12/1649:52>
Summa summarum: we have 1k :) And we go to Hollywood!

And I have a bad feeling that the "throws stuff at his teammates" will stick... :o Didn't mean it guys, honestly.
don't get upset, it fun to have here, not being afraid of some mis-haps, these are the most fun to remember and this way the game became memorable.
If Freya had crit. glitched on a shot and hit Big Ben then just added "he's a troll, serves him right" you might be out of the Contract but it would be one fun story all by itself.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <02-14-12/0224:32>
And I have a bad feeling that the "throws stuff at his teammates" will stick... :o Didn't mean it guys, honestly.

Of course it will stick, that's what makes roleplay fun  :)
But really, it's a minor thing actually.  In my 14 year carreer as a roleplayer (if only I could make a carreer out of it) I've seen a lot of things thrown at team mates by other people in the same group:
-other team mates (don't ask)
-various pieces of expensive equipment

So a flightcase is not all that bad.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <02-14-12/0310:28>
I don't mind doing it.  I thought of doing it this week-end, but things came to screw up the  plans.  So here it is.

AalithHUH as Eddy - For throwing things to stop the mob... and almost squishing his own team mates
Caramelle as Freya - A dryad in the big city.  Sounds like a fairy tale, but it's probably not going to end happily ever after
Farothel as Panther - for grabbing some stuff that might give some leads, and leaving the rest where it was
Pyromaster13 as Mr. Andersen - for making at least one surrender.  Not that it really mattered with Rafa on the job.
Sentinemodo as CareTaker - for stopping most of the mob ... and some of his own team mates.
Xzylvador As Rafa - For stating the obvious in the restaurant (next you tell me it's going to be an easy job) and having the highest body count (if he used lethal ammo)

Wow, this is so good, I honestly cannot think of a better way to award. I'll try, but first:

Farothel as Farothel - for making an awesome list, see above. :)

AalithHUH as Eddy - for the hotel scene and for being rejected by both Freya AND Panther before he could even hit on them :) (in the event Aalith made up - double fail!!!!!!) :D
Caramelle as Freya - for telling everybody "what's real", you know what I'm sayin'?
Farothel as Panther - may she keep her cool head at all times. For hacking while under a net spell and facing an angry mob. :)
Pyromaster13 as Mr. Andersen - You feelin' lucky, punk? He doesn't shoot often, but he makes that count!
Xzylvador As Rafa - What can I say? Single handedly shooting down the bad guys WITHOUT shoes on! :)

Guys, this already is perfect! :) But I'll try to something too...

Xzylvador As Rafa - well - I suppose there is no need for comments, Rafa did a splendid job!
AalithHUH as Eddy - for trying to do something so others don't think he's useless :D
Farothel as Panther - for being cool and calm and trying to take every chance she could (hacking while being under spell, collecting others' belongings)
Pyromaster13 as Mr. Andersen - for keeping himself safe while others hectically were trying to something :D
Sentinemodo as CareTaker - for his scary looks and talking practice :) He's really eerie!
Caramelle as Freya - for being kind of a Femme Fatale with sharp tongue. Freya's ability to put down somebody was a bit of a surprise. ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <02-14-12/0321:44>
Quote from: Kouryuu
don't get upset, it fun to have here, not being afraid of some mis-haps, these are the most fun to remember and this way the game became memorable.
If Freya had crit. glitched on a shot and hit Big Ben then just added "he's a troll, serves him right" you might be out of the Contract but it would be one fun story all by itself.

Actually I have thought of that!  ;D But probably that would have ruined the game... :P
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <02-14-12/0336:04>

Going to be really, really busy the next couple of days, reconstructing an appartment that's in pretty bad shape. So posting will be less than usual.

Sentimodo/Caretaker for an enormously cool character concept. Can't wait to see more of your voodoo stuff. Sorry for not going into the whole weird eye thing. Will try to make up for it later ;p (Also, loved the spell and how you used it, very flavorful spell selection!)
Pyro/Mr. Anderson for just standing in the way of the crowd, simply using your body to protect Pandora while dodging attacks. I thought it was a very in character thing to do and showed quite some self control. That said, I'd advice buying some non-lethal ammo and get shock gloves to go with that unarmed skill.
Farothel/Black Panther: Just admit you got a thing for Halle Berry.  Also mid-combat hacking takes some nerve.
Caramelle/Freya: Making that guy's bag of flashbangs explode. Also, keep up those negotiation rolls!
Aalithhuh/Eddy: Did you just transform some guy into an animal???
Rafa: For being the only guy actually watching the package instead of drooling over some movie star! :p
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <02-14-12/0439:17>

Pyro/Mr. Anderson for jumping around and soaking shots that would otherwise be directed at rest of us.
Farothel/Black Panther: for being true to his media junkiness and recording movie stars
Caramelle/Freya: it's been a while since I played with someone who played female really good, you might be even real one
Aalithhuh/Eddy: for a cool idea of flaming piramid called proffessor
Xzylvador/Rafa: for being second in body count of incapacitated enemies :P
Sentimodo/Caretaker for not using an Orgy spell with movie stars around
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <02-14-12/0855:02>
Farothel/Black Panther: Just admit you got a thing for Halle Berry.  Also mid-combat hacking takes some nerve.

Guilty as charged.  ;)  And you know panther is a concept I've used before, although she's a bit modified since last time.  :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Pyromaster13 on <02-15-12/0259:54>
Xzylvador As Rafa - Good job for taking them out so well. Good idea slipping out early.
AalithHUH as Eddy - Better to try and lose than to never try at all! (as long as it doesn't get you killed)
Farothel as Panther - Nice hacking, extra props for the combat hacking
Pyromaster13 as Mr. Anderson - For choosing the name Anderson with an 'o', and not complaining when everyone mispells it.
Sentinemodo as CareTaker - Great assist!... on everything!
Caramelle as Freya - You're character is very attractive. I'm surprised nobody has tried to recruit you for modeling. ;D
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-15-12/0503:58>
So putting it all togeter
Farothel as Farothel - for making an awesome list, see above. :) +1 to farothel
AalithHUH as Eddy - for the hotel scene and for being rejected by both Freya AND Panther before he could even hit on them :) (in the event Aalith made up - double fail!!!!!!) :D +2
Caramelle as Freya - for telling everybody "what's real", you know what I'm sayin'? +1
Farothel as Panther - may she keep her cool head at all times. For hacking while under a net spell and facing an angry mob. :) +2
Pyromaster13 as Mr. Andersen - You feelin' lucky, punk? He doesn't shoot often, but he makes that count! +2
Xzylvador As Rafa - What can I say? Single handedly shooting down the bad guys WITHOUT shoes on! :) +3 shoe-less sniper  ;D
Xzylvador As Rafa - well - I suppose there is no need for comments, Rafa did a splendid job! been already in many forms +1
AalithHUH as Eddy - for trying to do something so others don't think he's useless :D +1
Farothel as Panther - for being cool and calm and trying to take every chance she could (hacking while being under spell, collecting others' belongings) +1
Pyromaster13 as Mr. Andersen - for keeping himself safe while others hectically were trying to something :D +2
Sentinemodo as CareTaker - for his scary looks and talking practice :) He's really eerie! +2
Caramelle as Freya - for being kind of a Femme Fatale with sharp tongue. Freya's ability to put down somebody was a bit of a surprise. ;) +3 Character surprising crator is a rare thing  ;D
Sentimodo/Caretaker for an enormously cool character concept. Can't wait to see more of your voodoo stuff. Sorry for not going into the whole weird eye thing. Will try to make up for it later ;p (Also, loved the spell and how you used it, very flavorful spell selection!)+3
Pyro/Mr. Anderson for just standing in the way of the crowd, simply using your body to protect Pandora while dodging attacks. I thought it was a very in character thing to do and showed quite some self control. That said, I'd advice buying some non-lethal ammo and get shock gloves to go with that unarmed skill. +3
Farothel/Black Panther: Just admit you got a thing for Halle Berry.  Also mid-combat hacking takes some nerve. +3
Caramelle/Freya: Making that guy's bag of flashbangs explode. Also, keep up those negotiation rolls! +3
Aalithhuh/Eddy: Did you just transform some guy into an animal??? +3
Rafa: For being the only guy actually watching the package instead of drooling over some movie star! :p+3
Pyro/Mr. Anderson for jumping around and soaking shots that would otherwise be directed at rest of us. +2
Farothel/Black Panther: for being true to his media junkiness and recording movie stars +3
Caramelle/Freya: it's been a while since I played with someone who played female really good, you might be even real one +3
Aalithhuh/Eddy: for a cool idea of flaming piramid called professor +3
Xzylvador/Rafa: for being second in body count of incapacitated enemies :P +2
Sentimodo/Caretaker for not using an Orgy spell with movie stars around +3
Xzylvador As Rafa - Good job for taking them out so well. Good idea slipping out early. +1
AalithHUH as Eddy - Better to try and lose than to never try at all! (as long as it doesn't get you killed) +2
Farothel as Panther - Nice hacking, extra props for the combat hacking+1
Pyromaster13 as Mr. Anderson - For choosing the name Anderson with an 'o', and not complaining when everyone mispells it.+3
Sentinemodo as CareTaker - Great assist!... on everything! +2
Caramelle as Freya - You're character is very attractive. I'm surprised nobody has tried to recruit you for modeling. ;D+2

AalithHUH as Eddy - For throwing things to stop the mob... and almost squishing his own team mates +3
Caramelle as Freya - A dryad in the big city.  Sounds like a fairy tale, but it's probably not going to end happily ever after +2
Farothel as Panther - for grabbing some stuff that might give some leads, and leaving the rest where it was +2
Pyromaster13 as Mr. Andersen - for making at least one surrender.  Not that it really mattered with Rafa on the job. [ this was Caretaker I think]
Sentinemodo as CareTaker - for stopping most of the mob ... and some of his own team mates. +3
Xzylvador As Rafa - For stating the obvious in the restaurant (next you tell me it's going to be an easy job) and having the highest body count (if he used lethal ammo) +3

Kouryuu's award of FUN and WEIRD
AalithHUH as Eddy - the srange guy who looks lost ;D +2
Caramelle as Freya - Charming and dangerous, Trolls watch out, she's in town +2
Farothel as Panther - the courage to get surrounded by the mob - while checking around in the matrix - the nerve +2
Pyromaster13 as Mr. Andersen - Just because he is one Lucky Bastard - 8 edge on one Character - mindbogglingly +2
Sentinemodo as CareTaker - Black Dwarf with white skull tattoos - too scary to imagine +2
Xzylvador As Rafa - Smartgun beeping like a sinking sub? really? - awesome PR  (not to say the obvious one  :P) +2

Karma For this part + edge refresh 2 points
+1 No civilian casualties
+3 Armour is safe

Karma from awards
Anderson - 14
CareTaker - 15
Eddy - 16
Freya - 16
Panther - 14
Rafa - 15

You have 3 days, meaning you can make some upgrades on the characters and do whatever you please.
submit changes for approwal and list of things you take with you.

See you all in HollyWood
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <02-15-12/0620:44>
What is the amount of nuyen to spend?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-15-12/0636:47>
What is the amount of nuyen to spend?
5k up front and  the rest of your starting cash + 1k you got up. Front here.
IC will be there soon.

And I think we will have to scrap the improvment time if we want have character growth in the comon sense, as the downtime here mostly willbe a day or two, or non at all.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <02-15-12/0821:28>
Ohohoh, I feel like Christmas! Second best part after character creation - character advancement!  ;D 8)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <02-15-12/0828:38>
I'd like to buy two formulas (Influence and Mob Mind) and learn those spells. All other Karma spending will be on specializations, taking no time. Can I do so within the downtime?
I'll be buying binding materials also and summoning one more spirit.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-15-12/0916:14>
I'd like to buy two formulas (Influence and Mob Mind) and learn those spells. All other Karma spending will be on specializations, taking no time. Can I do so within the downtime?
I'll be buying binding materials also and summoning one more spirit.
Sure why not, if you have the conntact who can get it.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <02-15-12/0945:25>
I don't. Guys, any of you have talismonger or any other contact that could help?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-15-12/1003:33>
I don't. Guys, any of you have talismonger or any other contact that could help?
you could ask Aalith, but in worst case scenario you could ask Slade if he knows someone or he can get you the stuff you need.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <02-15-12/1049:52>


assuming, that buying binding materials isn't a problem, rolls for summonning a Force 6 Spirit of Man
Magic(5) + Summoning(5) + Mentor Spirit(2) -> 12d6.hits(5)=3 ( + Summoning Focus(2) -> 2d6.hits(5)=0 ( -> total 3 hits
Force(6) -> 6d6.hits(5)=2 (
DV 4P -> 9d6.hits(5)=5 ( fully soaked

Magic(5) + Binding(4) + Specialization(2) + Mentor Spirit(2) -> 13d6.hits(5)=5 (
Force(6)+Force(6) -> 12d6.hits(5)=4 (
DV 8P -> 9d6.hits(5)=2 ( + reroll missess 7d6.hits(5)=2 (

At the cost of 1 point of Edge, 3000 nuyen and 4P damage, I've got a Force 6 Spirit of Man bound with 2 services.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-15-12/1058:04>
he has a hermetic street Doc Contact, but Slade can get you ane 1/1 talismongr con at least.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <02-15-12/1207:16>
If you say it can be done, then go ahead. I don't know about formulae but binding materials is a certain. If you want I can get that for you, maybe even with a discounted price (high loyalty + good nego). You have the ball K, is the formulae OK too or just the "stuff"?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <02-15-12/1209:10>
I'll post my buying (both Karma and materials) tomorrow, tonight I won't be home.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <02-15-12/1319:30>
I want the following:
shotgun specialisation on longarms
perception from 2 to 3
the rest of the karma I keep to buy my groups up later
money I keep for now (I want an encephalon II eventually)

Question: what with taking weapons?  I understand you can't take them in the plane, but what about the luggage?  If not, can I ask my smuggler contact to bring some of my gear to LA (and for a fee, some of the gear for the rest of the team)?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-15-12/1443:44>
I want the following:
shotgun specialisation on longarms
perception from 2 to 3
the rest of the karma I keep to buy my groups up later
money I keep for now (I want an encephalon II eventually)

Question: what with taking weapons?  I understand you can't take them in the plane, but what about the luggage?  If not, can I ask my smuggler contact to bring some of my gear to LA (and for a fee, some of the gear for the rest of the team)?
Weapons larger then a Hpistol will have to be brought in by smugling or bought/loaned on location.

we will RP the 3 days!
so start posting.
you have comlinks, hostage. and time. ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <02-15-12/1526:04>
I want the following:
shotgun specialisation on longarms
perception from 2 to 3
the rest of the karma I keep to buy my groups up later
money I keep for now (I want an encephalon II eventually)

Question: what with taking weapons?  I understand you can't take them in the plane, but what about the luggage?  If not, can I ask my smuggler contact to bring some of my gear to LA (and for a fee, some of the gear for the rest of the team)?
Weapons larger then a Hpistol will have to be brought in by smugling or bought/loaned on location.

we will RP the 3 days!
so start posting.
you have comlinks, hostage. and time. ;)

Sorry to keep bothering you, but I'd like to know a couple of things, so I can make one large post.
-What's the interval for me to go through the commlinks (AR and VR, so I can choose whichever is the most efficient).
-What will it cost to have my gear smuggled into LA (a shotgun, a couple of smaller drones and some small stuff).  Most other things can pass through security (programs on a commlink don't give off any alert and I have a medical licence for my wired reflexes).  I have a loyalty 3 smuggler contact.

Also, if other people want some gear smuggled in, I can arrange this.  Probably not entire cars, but weapons and stuff should be doable.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <02-15-12/1530:01>
How about a wanted criminal *innocent whistle*?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-15-12/1637:54>
How about a wanted criminal *innocent whistle*?
either smuggled/ a good fake sin and a lot of luck/ big bribe/ combination of the few.

p.s. Freya has a 5/3 contact, he might come in handy.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-16-12/0219:31>

Sorry to keep bothering you, but I'd like to know a couple of things, so I can make one large post.
-What's the interval for me to go through the commlinks (AR and VR, so I can choose whichever is the most efficient).
-What will it cost to have my gear smuggled into LA (a shotgun, a couple of smaller drones and some small stuff).  Most other things can pass through security (programs on a commlink don't give off any alert and I have a medical licence for my wired reflexes).  I have a loyalty 3 smuggler contact.

Also, if other people want some gear smuggled in, I can arrange this.  Probably not entire cars, but weapons and stuff should be doable.
Probing system
If you have the time to properly case your target, your hacking attempt is more likely to be successful and unnoticed. Using this method, you discreetly probe your target over an extended time frame, identifying system flaws that can be exploited for access.

Probing is a Hacking + Exploit Extended Test with a threshold equal to the target’s System + Firewall. The interval of the test is 1 hour if done in VR, 1 day if done by AR. Once you reach the threshold, you have found a crack in the system’s defenses that you can exploit to gain access. You do not automatically gain access; you have found the chink in the armor, but have not used it yet. These exploits do not remain forever, and can be removed if found by the node’s security or if the node is rebooted. As long as it remains in the node, you may use a Log On action to use your hacked account. This process grants you a user account. If you want a security account, increase the threshold by +3; for an admin account increase it by +6.

The target node gets one free Analyze + Firewall (hacker’s Stealth) Test when you first log on with the hacked account. If the node detects you, an alert is triggered (Alerts, p. 238).


So VR interval is 1h and AR is 1 day the treshhold to reach is
System +Firewall = 10 +0(user) or+3(security) or +6(Admin)

On logon
Sanchez com analyze (4) ( if it finds you his come treshhold is set to increased by 4
Sanchez com analyze (1) (


Gear only is cheap - if you use a mule to get it across you risk a 10% chance he gets cought but it will cost you 200 $ you can pay a smuggler to get it across and it will cost 1k one way
Smuggling you across is rather more difficult - By T-Bird/Plane it would be around 2k one way, by ship 1k, but you would have to leave 1 day earlier.

Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <02-16-12/0227:54>
Freya's updates:
- dodge from 1 to 2
- perception from 1 to 2
- pistols from 1 to 2

12 karma spent, 8 karma I'm keeping for later.

As to money, suppose to keep it for later as well. But will see, maybe Freya will go for a shopping and get some new clothes :P
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <02-16-12/0526:42>
Before I jump in, I have questions.

1, Indirect combat spells are dodged by reaction (+counterspelling)? The book says so, I'm just curious if there is a rule that you can go full defense against them and roll reaction + dodge + cs? Because that would suck and I'd never learn an indirect spell :)

2, How are we feeling about emp? It can short out non-hardened electronics, or just old, non-optic ones (like 20th century stuff) ? What does it do with 'links and drones? (it's controversial, because you can burn out RFID tags with the T. Eraser and it mentions that it cannot be used on fine electronics like 'links because it would bur out them too.)

-Can I initiate someplace in the adventure?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <02-16-12/1432:28>
I have a smuggler contact (L3/C4), so anybody who needs some gear (within reason, we're not going to smuggle large combat drones across the border) to LA without security being aware, you can come to me.  I'll offer this to the group.  We get a group package and everybody who put gear in it pays an equal share.  That way we can pay a bit more in total to have it done quickly and above all, safely.

Kouryuu: OK with this?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-16-12/1452:57>
I have a smuggler contact (L3/C4), so anybody who needs some gear (within reason, we're not going to smuggle large combat drones across the border) to LA without security being aware, you can come to me.  I'll offer this to the group.  We get a group package and everybody who put gear in it pays an equal share.  That way we can pay a bit more in total to have it done quickly and above all, safely.

Kouryuu: OK with this?
Group Deal - 2k/paricipants the more you are the cheaper it gets.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-16-12/1501:29>
My perception today is about -5, sorry for the late answear.
Before I jump in, I have questions.

1, Indirect combat spells are dodged by reaction (+counterspelling)? The book says so, I'm just curious if there is a rule that you can go full defense against them and roll reaction + dodge + cs? Because that would suck and I'd never learn an indirect spell :)
yes you roll Reaction+Dodge - it's just a projectile made up from ice fire or anything else

2, How are we feeling about emp? It can short out non-hardened electronics, or just old, non-optic ones (like 20th century stuff) ? What does it do with 'links and drones? (it's controversial, because you can burn out RFID tags with the T. Eraser and it mentions that it cannot be used on fine electronics like 'links because it would bur out them too.)
It must be a very strong field, so if you do not bring with you a 200kg generator to produce one, i will rule it to weak to have a range greater then a few meters, jamming is much more useful - jamming on the fly or smart jammer.
-Can I initiate someplace in the adventure?
Doubt i will allow it, at least not until we are back. and what happen then is up to me.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <02-16-12/1515:58>
So no, no and no? Man, that's cold. I was thinking the Pulse spell, but if it's completely useless and cannot short out anything but the most outdated electronics, then it's got no use for me. I just don't know then, why an EMP grenade is 16F?

 h   ough most electronics in 2070 are optical based,
an EMP blast can still af  ect power supplies, anything linked to an
antenna or electric cable, or older/cheaper devices with integrated
circuits, transistors, inductors, or silicon chips. Most cyberware is
also unaf ected; RFID chips, however, are extremely vulnerable
to EMP attacks.
h  e gamemaster determines what devices are af ected. Each
af   ected device within a 10-meter radius makes a Device Rating x
2 (3) Test; reduce the threshold by 1 for 2 meters outside of that
radius. Items that fail the test burn out, have their data erased, and
may even catch on i re or explode from the power surge. At the
gamemaster’s discretion, even optical devices like commlinks will
lose 3 points of Signal rating as their antennae are af ected

I'll look for something else :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-16-12/1521:37>
So no, no and no? Man, that's cold. I was thinking the Pulse spell, but if it's completely useless and cannot short out anything but the most outdated electronics, then it's got no use for me. I just don't know then, why an EMP grenade is 16F?

 h   ough most electronics in 2070 are optical based,
an EMP blast can still af  ect power supplies, anything linked to an
antenna or electric cable, or older/cheaper devices with integrated
circuits, transistors, inductors, or silicon chips. Most cyberware is
also unaf ected; RFID chips, however, are extremely vulnerable
to EMP attacks.
h  e gamemaster determines what devices are af ected. Each
af   ected device within a 10-meter radius makes a Device Rating x
2 (3) Test; reduce the threshold by 1 for 2 meters outside of that
radius. Items that fail the test burn out, have their data erased, and
may even catch on i re or explode from the power surge. At the
gamemaster’s discretion, even optical devices like commlinks will
lose 3 points of Signal rating as their antennae are af ected

I'll look for something else :)
i would say they push the com's to reboot, but nothing more, no damage if their rating is above 3
meaning no advantages from gear like smart-gun vision magnification and commanding drones for 1 CT
nothing more - will read up and maybe change something, but for now do not expect it.

Quote from: UW page 105
An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is detrimental, if not destructive,
to the operation of electronics. An EMP erases standard
RFID tags but not optical-based storage media like datachips. Any
non-optical and non-hardened electronic circuits within the area of
effect will also be disrupted or damaged. Most “electronics” in 2070
are optical-based, but interfaces, power systems, and the like may still
be vulnerable, especially on archaic systems. Affected systems may
suffer data loss, power outages, or burn out entirely at the gamemaster’s
discretion. Wireless reception and radio communication will
also be disrupted for a brief instant, which affects any wireless-only
nodes, commlinks, and technomancers in the area.
EMPs have a rating that determines their intensity and area of effect.
To determine the damage to a specific device, make an Opposed
Test between the EMP’s rating and the Device rating (see Device
Rating, p. 213, SR4) of the vulnerable electronic device. If a character
is aiming the EMP at a specific device, add the character’s Electronic
Warfare skill to the EMP’s rating when making the Opposed Test.
Use the number of hits garnered to gauge the damage done to the
device. Compare the EMP’s rating to the Signal Rating Table on p.
212 of SR4 to determine the area of effect. Flying drones and vehicles
affected by an EMP may also crash (see Crashing, p. 161, SR4).
The moment of wireless disruption is not sufficient to drop an
icon from the Matrix; it lasts less than a second in real-time. However,
the affected icons cannot act (or be affected) during the Combat Turn
that the pulse hits. Many older cyberware implants and vehicles are
vulnerable to EMPs and should test for damage. Individuals and devices
within a Faraday cage (a metal box or wire mesh that completely
surrounds the character or device) are completely protected from an
electromagnetic pulse; a cyborg’s CCU is thus completely protected,
but the drone body it drives may not be. If an individual or device is
in a volume surrounded by wireless-inhibiting paint or wallpaper, add
dice equal to their rating to the Device rating on the Opposed Test.
using these rules !!!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <02-16-12/1538:24>
Changes so far (if allowed):

-bargaining spec
-gymnastics - jumping spec (to jump out of harms way...and bullets :) ) 
-first aid - awakened spec
- spell - reinforce

Total: 11K 9 remaining. Planning to learn 1 more spell, just not finding a good one.

I'm fretting over Elemental Wall. I noticed that it uses Force, but the spellcasting test has no meaning? 1 hit is as good as 6? Or it's increasing the damage? Can I use the spell offensively? Casting the wall ON somebody, or a dome AROUND sby, capturing them? It's LOS, so I can cast it where I can see, and if I can see an enemy.....? Is that where you can use a spellcasting test? Cred for creativity?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <02-16-12/1601:20>
Hmm, so Pulse can disrupt wireless, crash flying drones and vehicles, damage power sources and halt hackers...interesting. And 1 CT without smartgun or visual aids like that can go long ways...What would I use instead of E. Warfare? Spellcasting test?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-16-12/1607:03>
Changes so far (if allowed):

-bargaining spec
-gymnastics - jumping spec (to jump out of harms way...and bullets :) ) 
-first aid - awakened spec
- spell - reinforce

Total: 11K 9 remaining. Planning to learn 1 more spell, just not finding a good one.

I'm fretting over Elemental Wall. I noticed that it uses Force, but the spellcasting test has no meaning? 1 hit is as good as 6? Or it's increasing the damage? Can I use the spell offensively? Casting the wall ON somebody, or a dome AROUND sby, capturing them? It's LOS, so I can cast it where I can see, and if I can see an enemy.....? Is that where you can use a spellcasting test? Cred for creativity?
you can use it offensively, and the net hits will increase the damage but it's sustained so if you want a pure offensive spell you can get one with no -2 one every roll.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <02-16-12/1726:11>
Well, it's more versatile, but it has a drawback. I take it! -5 Karma. Can I get the formula from my contact? Also, for Sen?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-17-12/0246:41>
Hmm, so Pulse can disrupt wireless, crash flying drones and vehicles, damage power sources and halt hackers...interesting. And 1 CT without smartgun or visual aids like that can go long ways...What would I use instead of E. Warfare? Spellcasting test?
it's both teams and you still add Electronic Warfare to the pulse spell - you have to know how the pulse works to use it properly.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <02-17-12/0337:00>
Then it's good I've chosen Elemental Wall, Electricity :) How about the formula for the spells? Sen had two I think and I have two + some binding materials. Can I get those through Georgy?

And Material Purchases:

6 spare clip
30 ex-ex rounds (SMG)
10 tracer (SMG)
10 SnS (SMG)
40 SnS (machine pistols)

+ formula and binding materials through Georgy if allowed.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-17-12/0811:08>
Then it's good I've chosen Elemental Wall, Electricity :) How about the formula for the spells? Sen had two I think and I have two + some binding materials. Can I get those through Georgy?

And Material Purchases:

6 spare clip
30 ex-ex rounds (SMG)
10 tracer (SMG)
10 SnS (SMG)
40 SnS (machine pistols)

+ formula and binding materials through Georgy if allowed.
you will have to roll avalibility or ask him to fence it, standart rules apply, if you call slade upon this he can have gear prepared for you on arrival  ;)

p.s. can you post control thought in here as i have only few pdf's with me right now. at least i did not find it in the core
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <02-17-12/1148:16>
"The caster seizes control of the target’s mind, directing everything the
target does. The caster mentally gives commands with a Simple Action
and the target is compelled to obey."
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <02-17-12/1644:25>
Going to be usy at weekend, as usual, post number will drop a little. I think I'll let him go, though or turn in. Will make IC tomorrow. And just a minor thing: resistance roll is every [Force] Combat Turn, which was 5 I think. 1 resistance every 15 seconds, resisted at the 5th try = 90 seconds (first try is after the first 15 sec elapsed). Or something like that, it's not important now, but maybe later it will be. :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-17-12/1650:30>
Going to be usy at weekend, as usual, post number will drop a little. I think I'll let him go, though or turn in. Will make IC tomorrow. And just a minor thing: resistance roll is every [Force] Combat Turn, which was 5 I think. 1 resistance every 15 seconds, resisted at the 5th try = 90 seconds (first try is after the first 15 sec elapsed). Or something like that, it's not important now, but maybe later it will be. :)
Sorry my bad, but ha was not quick-speaking either :P
You still can ask him whatever you like but throwing him out naked might get you in trouble with the hotel, would you not say? or is it not a homophobic one?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <02-18-12/0537:14>
15 Karma -> Raise Edge from 2 to to 3.
2 Karma -> Spec Unarmed Combat
A little cash removed to get 20 spare clips and restock gel rounds.

Smuggling: Who's signing up for Farothel's smuggler contact? This one doesn't have the risk of losing your gear, right?
Rafa'll want his gear. He doesn't really have anything that impressive, just his rifle, ammo and a bunch of 'nades.
He's got a weapon's smuggler contact too, but I figure pooling in for one smuggler is better. He'll send word to the Doc and the Smuggler that he'll be out of town for work for a while.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-18-12/0553:17>
15 Karma -> Raise Edge from 2 to to 3.
2 Karma -> Spec Unarmed Combat
A little cash removed to get 20 spare clips and restock gel rounds.

Smuggling: Who's signing up for Farothel's smuggler contact? This one doesn't have the risk of losing your gear, right?
Rafa'll want his gear. He doesn't really have anything that impressive, just his rifle, ammo and a bunch of 'nades.
He's got a weapon's smuggler contact too, but I figure pooling in for one smuggler is better. He'll send word to the Doc and the Smuggler that he'll be out of town for work for a while.
all approved
and +1 for the Awesome Post
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <02-18-12/0631:13>

Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-18-12/0637:44>

 just do not forget to make a Karma log in the char sheet
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <02-18-12/1259:49>
Smuggling: Who's signing up for Farothel's smuggler contact? This one doesn't have the risk of losing your gear, right?
Rafa'll want his gear. He doesn't really have anything that impressive, just his rifle, ammo and a bunch of 'nades.
He's got a weapon's smuggler contact too, but I figure pooling in for one smuggler is better. He'll send word to the Doc and the Smuggler that he'll be out of town for work for a while.

So far only you, but I assume the others will also have some gear that they need transported discreetly.  C'mon guys, let me know so we can get the final price arranged.  :)  The more the merrier (cheaper in any case).  ::)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <02-18-12/1323:40>
One thing at a time. I'm still trying to deal with the PoW situation, then I want to IC my free day. And no, I won't throw out the guy naked, in fact I'd prefer if no one could see a wanted criminal exiting from my room, so I had a plan from the start (I always have a plan, just not always the best one) :)

Too many things to do! I can't believe I'm saying this, but the game is going too fast for meeeee! Things are getting heated in RL, which is pretty good, but drops my post-count. Please give me a little patience, if you can, after the weekend, things will be a little slower. :)

Found this:
"For  most  magicians  (especially  mages),  the  archaic  master-ap-prentice model of learning a spell has largely passed by the wayside. Given the proliferation of magical information on the Matrix, learning from formulae has become the default method of learning new spells. Finding a spell formula is as easy as checking the Matrix."
"Magicians of the same tradition can share a magical lodge"

What if I download the formula and use Georgy's lodge (although he's hermetic, but close enough? Or I ask him to find a Chaos Mage, or I find one on the Matrix? You can rent whole alchemy shops, I doubt there isn't a C.M. on the Matrix who doesn't want to get a little extra cash.) Chaos mages are all about modern technology (digital grimoires, ARO for formulae)  and manipulation spells are not Forbidden, just Restricted (and I have permits).
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Pyromaster13 on <02-18-12/1649:11>
I'll go ahead and sign up for farothel's smuggling contact. Was it 2k if I remember correctly?
For the smuggler, I'm just going to smuggle all my guns and armor, everything else I own can be legally brought aboard the transport.

On a seperate note, Mr. Anderson will try to acquire:
30 gel rounds (Light Pistols)
20 gel rounds (Heavy Pistols)
Shock Gloves
Hardliner Gloves

All are low availiability so it should be able to be acquired through my fixer.

I'll save the karma for now.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <02-18-12/1750:41>
If I understood correctly, the cost is 2k total. So the more people sign up, the cheaper it gets per person.

Kour, the job we're being hired for now, does Mr. Fermin give any indication (when asked) as to how long he's expecting this job to take?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-18-12/1919:00>
If I understood correctly, the cost is 2k total. So the more people sign up, the cheaper it gets per person.

Kour, the job we're being hired for now, does Mr. Fermin give any indication (when asked) as to how long he's expecting this job to take?
few at least 3 weeks
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <02-20-12/0421:55>
Khm. I locked away all his stuff, including his comm. It can have some valuable info. And nosehair...yak. :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-20-12/0524:32>
Khm. I locked away all his stuff, including his comm. It can have some valuable info. And nosehair...yak. :)
you never mentioned whatexactly is lokced away and what you give him back. so will edit com out.
you roll INI with a +3  as he expects to be attacked there is no sruprise.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <02-20-12/0648:33>
Kour: what is there in the news on the attack in the Needle?  We have two media junkies here who will be very interested in this item.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <02-20-12/1044:42>
Okay, just don't forget that Matriarch is under standing orders to protect me from harm...

Ini 7 + 3 (10d6.hits(5)=3) (

INI 13
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-21-12/1044:38>
Kour: what is there in the news on the attack in the Needle?  We have two media junkies here who will be very interested in this item.
It looks like the attack is hushed up, but a few not so legal new sites and fan sites the rumour of an attack is spreading, even about gun fire, they, of course, are overblown with fantasy, naming even a 100 men - special force types - attacking and Pandora killing a dozen of them before going down. the military coming to rescue, just to name a few, but no real evidence or proof for any of them is to be found, until now that is  ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <02-22-12/0154:59>
Kour: what is there in the news on the attack in the Needle?  We have two media junkies here who will be very interested in this item.
It looks like the attack is hushed up, but a few not so legal new sites and fan sites the rumour of an attack is spreading, even about gun fire, they, of course, are overblown with fantasy, naming even a 100 men - special force types - attacking and Pandora killing a dozen of them before going down. the military coming to rescue, just to name a few, but no real evidence or proof for any of them is to be found, until now that is  ;)

Not posting anything on those sites yet.  Just made a post on sucking the commlinks dry.  I'm sorry I haven't been posting a lot lately, but we have an audit at work and it's been rather busy.  >:(
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <02-23-12/0523:35>
You want an IC post even if Rafa doesn't do anything much? He's not going to party, he doesn't really think the others have all that much to celebrate. Beyond buying ammo, he's not really going to do anything.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-23-12/0552:06>
You want an IC post even if Rafa doesn't do anything much? He's not going to party, he doesn't really think the others have all that much to celebrate. Beyond buying ammo, he's not really going to do anything.
no not really, still compiling the travelling costs and the interrogation is coming to a close as is the Shopping that you will see in a short while  ::)
next week we should arrive in LA
ready or not  :-\
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: AalithHUN on <02-23-12/1458:59>
I get the feeling you hate my carpet...:)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-23-12/1715:47>
I get the feeling you hate my carpet...:)
Not in the least, just did a LOL imagining Eddy cleaning the mess.  ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <02-26-12/0248:32>
I'm not feeling well.  I'm going to the doctor in about an hour, but it might be that I have to go to the hospital for a couple of days (depending on the fact that I have what I think I have or not).  Anyway, it might be that I'm not online much in the coming days.  :(
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <02-26-12/0959:59>
I'm not feeling well.  I'm going to the doctor in about an hour, but it might be that I have to go to the hospital for a couple of days (depending on the fact that I have what I think I have or not).  Anyway, it might be that I'm not online much in the coming days.  :(

Luckily it's not as bad as I thought, so no hospital necessary.  I will be less online though, still pretty tired.   :(
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <02-26-12/1001:19>
I'm not feeling well.  I'm going to the doctor in about an hour, but it might be that I have to go to the hospital for a couple of days (depending on the fact that I have what I think I have or not).  Anyway, it might be that I'm not online much in the coming days.  :(

Luckily it's not as bad as I thought, so no hospital necessary.  I will be less online though, still pretty tired.   :(

Good to hear hospital is not necessary! Take some rest! ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <03-02-12/0542:15>
So yeah, still here. The gear I sent with Panther's smuggler contact arrive safely?
Some explanation 'bout P2.0'd be welcome to (or a reference to where I can find out just how it works)... I get it's some kind of social network thing, but I really don't understand how you can Shadowrun or something while everyone (including security and law enforcement) can watch your every move...
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <03-02-12/0555:32>
the book corporate enclaves has a part on P2.0 (p18).
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <03-03-12/1413:14>
So, uhm, 3 men down, 3 left?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <03-06-12/1820:12>
assuming, that buying binding materials isn't a problem, rolls for summonning a Force 6 Spirit of Man
Magic(5) + Summoning(5) + Mentor Spirit(2) -> 12d6.hits(5)=3 ( + Summoning Focus(2) -> 2d6.hits(5)=0 ( -> total 3 hits
Force(6) -> 6d6.hits(5)=2 (
DV 4P -> 9d6.hits(5)=5 ( fully soaked

Magic(5) + Binding(4) + Specialization(2) + Mentor Spirit(2) -> 13d6.hits(5)=5 (
Force(6)+Force(6) -> 12d6.hits(5)=4 (
DV 8P -> 9d6.hits(5)=2 ( + reroll missess 7d6.hits(5)=2 (

At the cost of 1 point of Edge, 3000 nuyen and 4P damage, I've got a Force 6 Spirit of Man bound with 2 services.

on top of that I'll learn Influence, Mob mind spell and buy binding materials, I hope that the 500 nuyen I am left with is enough to get me on to LA with the smuggler group deal.
sheet in the black book updated
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <03-07-12/0201:34>
assuming, that buying binding materials isn't a problem, rolls for summonning a Force 6 Spirit of Man
Magic(5) + Summoning(5) + Mentor Spirit(2) -> 12d6.hits(5)=3 ( + Summoning Focus(2) -> 2d6.hits(5)=0 ( -> total 3 hits
Force(6) -> 6d6.hits(5)=2 (
DV 4P -> 9d6.hits(5)=5 ( fully soaked

Magic(5) + Binding(4) + Specialization(2) + Mentor Spirit(2) -> 13d6.hits(5)=5 (
Force(6)+Force(6) -> 12d6.hits(5)=4 (
DV 8P -> 9d6.hits(5)=2 ( + reroll missess 7d6.hits(5)=2 (

At the cost of 1 point of Edge, 3000 nuyen and 4P damage, I've got a Force 6 Spirit of Man bound with 2 services.

on top of that I'll learn Influence, Mob mind spell and buy binding materials, I hope that the 500 nuyen I am left with is enough to get me on to LA with the smuggler group deal.
sheet in the black book updated
Counting our loses and moving forward I think, 4 players should be enough, and if someone finds the time to be back  they still can jump in.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <03-07-12/0422:21>
Rafa's here, though I have to admit I still gave to read about P2.0. I know what it is, I just don't see how you can use it while, you know, being a criminal.

Will try posting later today.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <03-07-12/0911:35>
Rafa's here, though I have to admit I still gave to read about P2.0. I know what it is, I just don't see how you can use it while, you know, being a criminal.

Will try posting later today.
Not so much criminal, as guard. :D
Will make a P2.0 Post later today as well.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <03-07-12/0925:51>
sorry, for being a hold up, who else is still around? I've seen large posts from Faro and caramell and xzyl though I haven't had the time to read them yet in full. (tried multiple times, but they were so  awesome, that I could just skim them over, and ended up in the dark on what has happened since last page of posts. I'll catch up I promise.

Everybody else dropped?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <03-07-12/1250:14>
Rafa's here, though I have to admit I still gave to read about P2.0. I know what it is, I just don't see how you can use it while, you know, being a criminal.

Will try posting later today.

A lot of LA shadowrunners are in on it.  But I assume it will be used mostly by Panther and Freya, who are the cutest of the bunch (and can alraedy put someone with a good rating in the network).
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <03-08-12/1717:18>
According to coorporate guide, there ain't that many runners on it... network`s nearly impossible to hack and invitations are hard to find. But anyway, I thought it was an always-on thing but it's not, so no problem, you can still choose what info to share.
Cool thing: authentic invitations come with 6 invitations you can extend to other people... and these things sell for 15k a piece on the black market. $$$!
So yeah, Rafa wants in.  Will add to/edit my post once it's clear who's still in... besides, one of the social people should probably act before Rafa.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <03-09-12/0130:57>
I've already put myself in.  I'll see to make a post this week-end about picking up our gear from the smuggler (and Caretaker).  After that we wait for something to happen, unless we already know where we have to be.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <03-10-12/1438:13>
Edited my last post (can't talk to someone who ain't there, right?) and added a new one.

How much money do I have to take out of my charsheet to pay for the smuggling?
And did we get Slade or Fermin or Pandora or anyone else as a contact earlier? Seem to recall something like that but might be mistaking it with Desperado... he'd be a fixer contact, right?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <03-14-12/0320:20>
let's see if we can get the show back on the road.

@Kour: how much was it again for the smuggling (per person)?  I keep forgetting.  :-[

already an heads-up: I won't be online from April 7 to April 14.  I'll post something closer to that date, but so you already know.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <03-14-12/1131:36>
Lost my post, not really time to search it up.
the group deal on equipment was 2k altogether, As the meta is small a dwarf no less, 1k additionally.
so 3K
If i am not mistaken Freya has nothing to be smuggled
so 666$ each and +1k for Caretaker
Panther, Rafa and Caretaker are using this service, maybe ore if they show themselves soon.

We are moving forward then, yes?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <03-14-12/1202:39>
Can't wait... though you're kind of giving me the feeling we're missing something important which will blow up in our face.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <03-14-12/1207:43>
Can't wait... though you're kind of giving me the feeling we're missing something important which will blow up in our face.
Really?  ::)
At the moment i have no idea what you are speaking about, but we will see.
tonight there will be one more long IC and we move.  ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <03-14-12/1829:43>

Some basic on it.

P2.0 is a win-win-win development for Horizon. Subscribers pay to create their own show, be it a video blog, documentary, edits of security footage, etc. Viewers then pay a smaller fee to access the user-created content. Finally, corporations pay for advertising time on the more popular shows. All Horizon has to do is maintain the system. This, of course, is a simplified management view of P2.0. The network has other user bells and whistles for users such as photo and video tagging, awards, and a ranking system (see Corporate Enclaves, p. 18). P2.0 is as fundamental to media etiquette in the CalFree State as a suit and tie is for business. The CMS ranking system has become a measure of the new media aristocracy. Those who don’t have P2.0 are merely subscribers/subjects and unworthy of conversation.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <03-15-12/0345:07>
Lost my post, not really time to search it up.
the group deal on equipment was 2k altogether, As the meta is small a dwarf no less, 1k additionally.
so 3K
If i am not mistaken Freya has nothing to be smuggled
so 666$ each and +1k for Caretaker
Panther, Rafa and Caretaker are using this service, maybe ore if they show themselves soon.

We are moving forward then, yes?

All Freya's belongings are legal! ;) And I really want to move on with this story!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <03-15-12/0423:32>
Kour, what are the plans for the first evening in LA? Free time of do we have something planned?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <03-15-12/0819:52>
Kour, what are the plans for the first evening in LA? Free time of do we have something planned?

Getting our big bang-bangs, although that doesn't apply to you I guess.  :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <03-15-12/0839:58>
Kour, what are the plans for the first evening in LA? Free time of do we have something planned?

Getting our big bang-bangs, although that doesn't apply to you I guess.  :)

After Gettng your stuff, what you actually can do right now, you will have a looka at the set.
thats the program for the day, at leats for now  ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <03-16-12/0254:29>
Did a post on getting the equipment.

@Xzy: just put Rafa there as well.  I assume he will join as his material is also on that flight.  If not, let me know and I'll edit the post.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <03-16-12/0437:38>
As for P2.0... not certain how intensely you want in RP'ed or how important (if at all) it's really going to be. But contacting people like Slade (employer), Pandora (he didn't speak to her, but she does know he took out most enemies on her set) and Fermin and uploading his own footage of the fight (including slo-mo close-ups of his targets being hit and knocked out) is part of his plan.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <03-16-12/0514:01>
As for P2.0... not certain how intensely you want in RP'ed or how important (if at all) it's really going to be. But contacting people like Slade (employer), Pandora (he didn't speak to her, but she does know he took out most enemies on her set) and Fermin and uploading his own footage of the fight (including slo-mo close-ups of his targets being hit and knocked out) is part of his plan.
P2.0 s more a tool to show how well you are connected in LA, but is may have other uses later as well, as this is something very hip n LA
Panther having a blog will be a big boost
Freya having a high-ranking Horizon CEO is already on the next connectivity level

Freya and Panther make Edge+Charisma roll to get Pandora as a connection TRH is 3 >Pandora C5L1<
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <03-16-12/1305:36>
As for P2.0... not certain how intensely you want in RP'ed or how important (if at all) it's really going to be. But contacting people like Slade (employer), Pandora (he didn't speak to her, but she does know he took out most enemies on her set) and Fermin and uploading his own footage of the fight (including slo-mo close-ups of his targets being hit and knocked out) is part of his plan.
P2.0 s more a tool to show how well you are connected in LA, but is may have other uses later as well, as this is something very hip n LA
Panther having a blog will be a big boost
Freya having a high-ranking Horizon CEO is already on the next connectivity level

Freya and Panther make Edge+Charisma roll to get Pandora as a connection TRH is 3 >Pandora C5L1<

edge 2 + charisma 5 =7 (7d6.hits(5)=2) (
I guess I don't then.  I still hope she's going into my P2.0 network.

And talking about those, I'm going to mention it in my posts.  I have the media junkie negative quality, so it's right up my alley.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <03-20-12/1825:31>
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <03-21-12/0348:40>
Freya and Panther make Edge+Charisma roll to get Pandora as a connection TRH is 3 >Pandora C5L1<

Freya's roll - 12d6.hits(5) → [3,5,6,6,3,6,2,6,4,4,4,4] = (5) (

Do Freya get Pandora as a contact? A little contact perhaps?  ???
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <03-21-12/0602:12>
Freya and Panther make Edge+Charisma roll to get Pandora as a connection TRH is 3 >Pandora C5L1<

Freya's roll - 12d6.hits(5) → [3,5,6,6,3,6,2,6,4,4,4,4] = (5) (

Do Freya get Pandora as a contact? A little contact perhaps?  ???

you got it.

IC on it's way.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <03-23-12/1734:33>
Hoping we haven't lost Sent :(
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <03-24-12/0546:04>
Hoping we haven't lost Sent :(

he gave a notice of absence few weeks ago, that was one of the main reasons for steping on the breaks, but it seems we better move on, or we might lose ourselves as well.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <03-24-12/1210:10>
I'm here. Just not able to focus on forums.
I really hope to get back. But as of today I am on canaries.  My wife finally took me by the ears away from the computer and grab my sorry ass for vacation. I am getting back today so please bear with me.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <03-24-12/1656:34>
I'm here. Just not able to focus on forums.
I really hope to get back. But as of today I am on canaries.  My wife finally took me by the ears away from the computer and grab my sorry ass for vacation. I am getting back today so please bear with me.
glad to hear that.  :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <03-24-12/1839:18>
Ahaaha, pretty lady goes rat hunting, this is great! ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <03-25-12/0501:01>
Ahaaha, pretty lady goes rat hunting, this is great! ;)
guess she can always ask you to do it for her  ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <03-25-12/0509:05>
Don't give 'em ideas!

Did panther check for tags and did the ladies check who else has got access and/or permission to check out the rest of the storage. Or didn't they have time to do so?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <03-25-12/0711:28>
Ahaaha, pretty lady goes rat hunting, this is great! ;)

Pretty lady is going to arrange something so she doesn' t need to shoot rats...  8)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <03-25-12/1651:45>
Man, caretaker really weirds me out :p

He going around to watch and socialize, or sticking with Rafa?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <03-25-12/1655:21>
I planned to do some astral recon, not really sure we are to watch over slade's gear or over that actress, been a while

I could stick with Rafa, if you promise not to drop any grenades on me :p
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <03-25-12/1705:55>
He did warn you :p

We're hired to watch the gear. Rafa will understand if you prefer to watch pretty ladies though :) I suppose the only reason the gear is important is because of the movie though, so I'm guessing if we let bad things happen to the movie our boss won't be happy either.

Kour: just realised something. Am I wrong thinking we're inside a humongous building which has other buildings inside? If so, Rafa might want to find a way to get to the ceiling. He's kind of like a cross between a monkey and a gecko, you know...
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <03-25-12/1711:09>
He did warn you :p

can't afford the gas mask, maybe tommorow I'll buy one.

I have round symetric zero of nuyens :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <03-25-12/1741:16>
Didn't we get paid?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <03-25-12/1743:42>
yep, and I spent ALL on new spells, and on bindign materials.

You want to see me possessed by Force 6 spirit? ain't a pretty sight
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <03-26-12/0707:17>
Ahaaha, pretty lady goes rat hunting, this is great! ;)

Pretty lady is going to arrange something so she doesn' t need to shoot rats...  8)

Cara, I've just read your post.  Very nice idea.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <03-26-12/0717:35>
Yep. Lol.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <03-26-12/0724:49>
Yeah... good idea, xept that, well... N/M I'll post it in IC, if Rafa knows what's going on. (Does he?)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <03-26-12/0728:23>
Also, don't think there's any ammo for it. Needs a power satchel and special ammunition...

Loved the idea though!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <03-26-12/1435:37>
Kour: just realised something. Am I wrong thinking we're inside a humongous building which has other buildings inside? If so, Rafa might want to find a way to get to the ceiling. He's kind of like a cross between a monkey and a gecko, you know...
yep, you are right, it's a hangar type building with ceilings about 20m above the ground, one and of the hangar consists normal rooms in 6 stories taking up the whole wall, mostly storage areas - your stuff is here as well; cafeteria and Biro are located here, then main area consists of room imitations, as well as green-walled nature imitations.
The room is for your use only, no other stuff is there and the walls are reinforced. The room looks safe, as safe it could be if you consider that even Bank vaults can be broken into nowadays given the time and the equipment. If you wish to take a walk on the underside of the roof you defiantly can do that, but remember falling 20m is quite lethal.  ;)

You set up your tags.
There are stealth tags on the items but they are Slade's, at least they should be according to Desperado.

Even after Long searches on the Nodes you do not find a trace of a hacker, it seems as there is none, but he might also be very skilled.
What do you do? what actions exactly you make?

Caretaker checks the Cases but can not pierce them astrally, there seem to be something living in the walls of them.
while assensing you can see that the whole studio lot is warded and the most important rooms have wards as well, the halls are patrolled by watchers, one guardian spirit, who looks like your everyday Bodyguard. by looking at the studio in detail you find a curios Spirit in the office halls.
Do you investigate it or ask around?

Doing IC as well, hopefully today.  ::)

Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <03-26-12/1500:48>
Caretaker checks the Cases but can not pierce them astrally, there seem to be something living in the walls of them.

while assensing you can see that the whole studio lot is warded and the most important rooms have wards as well, the halls are patrolled by watchers, one guardian spirit, who looks like your everyday Bodyguard. by looking at the studio in detail you find a curios Spirit in the office halls.
Do you investigate it or ask around?

Doing IC as well, hopefully today.  ::)

I can't pierce the cases astrally, but does it mean that i cannot pass through them if astrally projecting?
Did anybody checked the inside of the cases? the items we are guarding are really inside the cases, or we guard boxes that should contain the inventory listed.

also what does it mean curious? Of course I investigate.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <03-26-12/1511:41>
Caretaker checks the Cases but can not pierce them astrally, there seem to be something living in the walls of them.

while assensing you can see that the whole studio lot is warded and the most important rooms have wards as well, the halls are patrolled by watchers, one guardian spirit, who looks like your everyday Bodyguard. by looking at the studio in detail you find a curios Spirit in the office halls.
Do you investigate it or ask around?

Doing IC as well, hopefully today.  ::)

I can't pierce the cases astrally, but does it mean that i cannot pass through them if astrally projecting?
Did anybody checked the inside of the cases? the items we are guarding are really inside the cases, or we guard boxes that should contain the inventory listed.

also what does it mean curious? Of course I investigate.

The armour should be there, as I just put tags on them.  :)
Of course, I don't know the difference between real and fake red samourai armour, but then again, I assume none of us know that difference.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <03-26-12/1646:47>
Caretaker checks the Cases but can not pierce them astrally, there seem to be something living in the walls of them.

while assensing you can see that the whole studio lot is warded and the most important rooms have wards as well, the halls are patrolled by watchers, one guardian spirit, who looks like your everyday Bodyguard. by looking at the studio in detail you find a curios Spirit in the office halls.
Do you investigate it or ask around?

Doing IC as well, hopefully today.  ::)

I can't pierce the cases astrally, but does it mean that i cannot pass through them if astrally projecting?
Did anybody checked the inside of the cases? the items we are guarding are really inside the cases, or we guard boxes that should contain the inventory listed.

also what does it mean curious? Of course I investigate.
you can roll magic knowlage(2) to see if you know this.
spirit - assense it, different results on different level.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <03-27-12/0633:27>
Yeah... good idea, xept that, well... N/M I'll post it in IC, if Rafa knows what's going on. (Does he?)

I suppose Rafa doesn't know about rats or Freya talking to Slade yet because he is climbing shelves in the storage room... He didn't want to socialize, if I've understood correctly.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <03-27-12/0826:35>
Yeah, he's playing around working out in the storage place. Just was wondering if we're all sharing comms or not.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <03-27-12/0829:46>
Yeah, he's playing around working out in the storage place. Just was wondering if we're all sharing comms or not.

You mean, if we hear each others conversations? Don't know about that...  ??? Actually haven't thought about that...
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <03-27-12/0926:01>
Yeah, he's playing around working out in the storage place. Just was wondering if we're all sharing comms or not.

You mean, if we hear each others conversations? Don't know about that...  ??? Actually haven't thought about that...
good solution is open Channel on mute
you have connected but one let them hear what you want them to hear.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <03-27-12/0940:53>
"Ohh that one, funny story about that, actually i am about to sell it, just a buyer is missing. So if he is interested we can make a deal or not depending, but a few test shots  can arrange. Desperado should have at least a few clips ready, as Ben wanted to see if he can film it firing real ammunition." Slade thinks a bit, then puts a pitching line in the end "300 nuyen a hour for testing and 10% discount on buying, to boot this team mate of yours can get it out of his pay, there are a few days of shooting ahead of you so there should be enough time to make the sum he needs."
*muffled sounds of pain and agony*
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <03-27-12/0945:25>
"Ohh that one, funny story about that, actually i am about to sell it, just a buyer is missing. So if he is interested we can make a deal or not depending, but a few test shots  can arrange. Desperado should have at least a few clips ready, as Ben wanted to see if he can film it firing real ammunition." Slade thinks a bit, then puts a pitching line in the end "300 nuyen a hour for testing and 10% discount on buying, to boot this team mate of yours can get it out of his pay, there are a few days of shooting ahead of you so there should be enough time to make the sum he needs."
*muffled sounds of pain and agony*
{and a evil GM grin}
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <03-27-12/1029:25>
Don't suppose I can convice you to suddenly say "Oops, I was mistaken, it's actually a Barret"? *beam*

Really, you're just cruel :p
Now to find loads and loads of karma for buying Firearms skill group.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <03-27-12/1241:16>
you can roll magic knowlage(2) to see if you know this.
spirit - assense it, different results on different level.

I'm not really proficient in magic, just religions. But I'll try defaulting if possible.
Logic(4) -defaulting (1) -> 3d6.hits(5)=1 (

Assense(4)+intuition(4)+mentor spirit(2) - >10d6.hits(5)=4 (
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <04-02-12/1651:27>
Lol, forgot about that thing about manifesting :p
Anyhow, you can't respond, you went through the wall already!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <04-02-12/1654:24>
Lol, forgot about that thing about manifesting :p
Anyhow, you can't respond, you went through the wall already!

For the sake of fun let's assume you started talking while I was going inside, and I left an ear at this side of the wall.
You ain't affraid of no ghosts, You ain't ghostbuster?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <04-02-12/1656:30>
plus I kind of expected you to start mumbling to yourself about useless mages and their stupid pranks :P
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <04-02-12/1729:23>
Mages aren't useless... just kind of, you know, weak :p
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <04-02-12/1805:45>
And I'm weaker than most.
Good to have you by my side.   ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <04-03-12/0859:48>
sent roll perception and if you want to speed up things a few assensing roll as well :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <04-03-12/0911:22>
you may roll assensions/perceptions for mein the future or use buying hits (4 hits on buing perception, 2 hits on buying assension), even feels better that way, but anyway.
btw. can I add +3 for observe in detail to the assension rolls?

Perception visual -> Intuition(4) + Perception(4) + Mentor Spirit(2) + Observe in Detail (3) + Visual Enhancement(3, binoculars) -> 16d6
16d6.hits(5)=7, 16d6.hits(5)=3, 16d6.hits(5)=8, 16d6.hits(5)=4, 16d6.hits(5)=4 (

Perception audio -> Intuition(4) + Perception(4) + Mentor Spirit(2) + Observe in Detail (3) + Audio Enhancement(3, earbuds, handheld directional microphone, select sound filters) -> 16d6
16d6.hits(5)=6, 16d6.hits(5)=6, 16d6.hits(5)=5, 16d6.hits(5)=5, 16d6.hits(5)=5 (

Assension -> Intuion(4) + Assension(4) + Mentor Spirit(2) ->  10d6
10d6.hits(5)=2, 10d6.hits(5)=3, 10d6.hits(5)=1, 10d6.hits(5)=3, 10d6.hits(5)=5 (
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <04-03-12/0914:42>
You see, Ghede the Caretaker is a Lua that weight your sins before he digs your grave and allow your souls to leave this plane and join the eternal joy. Emmanuel hence must be pretty observant and thanks to the spiritual aid there is not much he missess when observing.

You can pretty much assume, that be it a mage in a crowd or a rat in dark warehouse or Rafa mumbling to himself, Emmanuel will spot it.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <04-03-12/1457:14>
And I'm weaker than most.
Good to have you by my side.   ;)

Says the guy with a body that can't be harmed by any physical means... rofl :p
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <04-04-12/1253:00>
Just and FYI, I'll be off on holiday from April 7th until April 15th, without internet access (It's difficult to get on a boat in the middle of the Red Sea).  I'll try to make a post before I leave.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <04-05-12/1707:15>
Parazoology (5d6.hits(5)=2) (
Rafa actually knows stuff about parazoology!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <04-06-12/0128:04>
He has probably seen devil rats before  :)

EDIT: added a big post in the IC to keep myself busy while I'm not there.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <04-06-12/0820:44>
He has probably seen devil rats before  :)

EDIT: added a big post in the IC to keep myself busy while I'm not there.

Indeed devil rats, :)
+1 hit tells you that one of them is the Alpha male so he will be a bit more chalanging, no wonder the Sec guard was overwhelmed, freya would be too. :D

You leave me much to do, have some good time in your holidays ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <04-06-12/1001:42>
They hadn't spotted Rafa yet... can he shoot them (albeit at a -6 penalty?)
Or are they behind stuff the UWB sees through?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <04-06-12/1030:27>
don't kill the alpha
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <04-06-12/1040:28>
... but.... but.... awwwww!

That said, tell Rafa, 'cuz otherwise he will try to.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <04-06-12/2000:22>
They hadn't spotted Rafa yet... can he shoot them (albeit at a -6 penalty?)
Or are they behind stuff the UWB sees through?
UWB is a penalty -2 but you see it. :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <04-07-12/1422:14>
Uhm, how are we handling this? Rafa shooting one of the big rats and Caretaker's possession thing?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <04-10-12/0641:23>
sorry the Possession of the Alfa-male failed, 8d6.hits(5)=4 (
no edge on both sides i think is fair

you can try again with other devil-rat, the same with -2 dice pool
i liked the idea, would be a waste to see it not used :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <04-10-12/0814:55>
Kour, can we coordinate this so we act together or did the failed attempt botch that?
If Rafa knows about the failed attempt he'll try to take out the big one, if he doesn't he'll try to blow the brains out of one of the smaller two.
Already rolled an unused initiative earlier: 10+3 hits = 13.
Shot(s) for IP1:
Skill + Agi + Smartgun = 14, -4 for +4DV Called Shot. (10d6.hits(5)=4, 10d6.hits(5)=0) (
First shot should have Take Aim actions (takes 1 second to get +2): No extra hits. (
Second shot is a critical glitch... either spend edge to negate or to reroll and hope it's good enough... Going for the second option: Reroll misses. (10d6.hits(5)=3) (   
1 out of 3 edge spent.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <04-10-12/0821:49>
it's up to you, ether you shoot the other 2 or the big one, but the possession failed,
do you act the same time he tries to posses the alfa male?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <04-10-12/0912:56>
Can I spend my edge on The reroll?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <04-10-12/1012:31>
Can I spend my edge on The reroll?
I like to think of spirits like sentient beings, meaning a NPC from player perspective.
If you give me a good enough reason why it should feel like going there with 150%, then you can ad edge,  but so wll the Rat, in that case. :)

roll it, by the way, this time you will get it, because i intend to get it rolling again :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <04-10-12/1350:09>
Rafa was ready to shoot the smaller ones the second he notices something weird going on with the rats... So he'll probably shoot (at least one of) them the moment he does. When that happens depends on when he notices caretaker's magic.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <04-11-12/1358:05>
Sorry for the delay.

Can I spend my edge on The reroll?
I like to think of spirits like sentient beings, meaning a NPC from player perspective.
If you give me a good enough reason why it should feel like going there with 150%, then you can ad edge,  but so wll the Rat, in that case. :)

roll it, by the way, this time you will get it, because i intend to get it rolling again :)

Well, if I'll be dealing with PC I'd just tell him. Rafa, reroll with edge. and it would be sufficient.
There is no other reason then to make your action successful and there is no point in being lucky if you don't use your luck.

Anywya - not sure what I need to roll.
So I'll make a a reroll (7d6),  roll another attempt (10d6), reroll with edge (15d6 exploding dices).

7d6.hits(5)=2 (
10d6.hits(5)=4 (
15d6.hitsopen(5,6)=9 (

On any turn. Unless the reroll is made, I give another command in my second IP to retry using another service. If Rafa kills or severely injure alpha rat, I'll ask the spiriti to possess the lesser rat.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <04-12-12/0436:52>
Seeing I had to spend edge just to make sure the second shot wasn't in Rafa's own foot, it'd kinda be cheating to say it never happened. Targeting the second rat instead, -1 die because of second target doesn't really change the result of the first or the re-roll., so 3 hits.
Would activating the Flash Pak on Rafas shoulder be a free action (eg. it having signal 0 and thus it's a simple thought to turn it on) or a simple action (flipping a switch/pressing a button). If it's the second, turn it on, the bright lights might bother the rats. If not, Rafa will hope his armor is tough enough to hold out for a while, and the shock frills should give common rats a fun surprise. *grin*
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <04-14-12/0508:51>
5 more? Nice....
Kind of lost on the situation at hand though. What's the effect of the normal rats, some kind of dice pool modifier? The incoming devil rats, does he have LOS to them yet? Can at this moment only shoot the second rat (and the possessed Alpha)?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <04-14-12/0537:18>
5 more? Nice....
Kind of lost on the situation at hand though. What's the effect of the normal rats, some kind of dice pool modifier? The incoming devil rats, does he have LOS to them yet? Can at this moment only shoot the second rat (and the possessed Alpha)?
the normal rats - They are just there, making it hard for you to move surrounding you.
The incoming DevilRats are in the sewers, some 50m away, but closing fast.
you can shot the small ones and the surviving Devilrat, and of course the Apha male as well.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <04-14-12/0618:25>
I am thinking on my next move. But the possessed alpha have on his. Disposal command rats and confusion powers. He can eiither use it against five incoming devil rats or command the ordinary ones to fight among themselves.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <04-15-12/0315:35>
You leave me much to do, have some good time in your holidays ;)

It was a good holiday, unfortunately too short.  I'm still moving a bit like I'm on the boat (land sickness they call it apparently) but I'm back.  I'll try to catch up as soon as possible.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <04-18-12/0155:36>
Xzy: I'm not sure what Rafa is carrying in the way of weapons, but if it has full auto, maybe do covering fire.  It's only the weapon's base damage, but every rat in the target area should test and I doubt they have that much body.  You should be able to put down a lot of them within a couple of turns.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <04-18-12/0229:58>
Kicking and crushing rats underfoot, Rafa made a short sprint and leaped on top of the crates in the corner. Being stuck in a corner when heavily outnumbered wasn't usually good strategy, but in the center of the room they could easily surround him while in the corner they might get in each others way and at least couldn't attack him in the back.
"Pudding, huh? You really could do that? Think you could do it to me in a tub and then hocuspocus the two girls to have 'em wrestle in it?" He laughed loudly, aiming his rifle in the direction the rats would be coming from. "Man, sure wouldn't mind being smeared all over Freya's body..."

Just hope this is not on the open line, then the rats would be the smallest problem for the Rafa if it was,
i think  ;D
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <04-18-12/0343:46>
Hey, 's just two guys talking! Well... a guy and a ghost. Close enough.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <04-18-12/0350:01>
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <04-18-12/0350:46>
and btw. what's the alpha doing?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <04-18-12/0356:27>
Think he gets to act starting next turn... no?

@Farothel: Yeah, Full Auto would be nice, but Rafa's only got a rifle which even if it could fire that fast, doesn't even hold enough bullets ;) Flash Pak should annoy them though... considering dropping a smoke grenade too, though I'm wondering how that would work in combination with the flashpak. White flashing cloud might work as much against Rafa than it does against the rats... *shrug*
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <04-18-12/0419:29>
Think he gets to act starting next turn... no?

Possession take one IP (or maybe two considering botched attempt).
Spirits have 2 IP in physical, so it should be in after first turn, and you're already past second.

Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <04-18-12/0607:33>
Think he gets to act starting next turn... no?

Possession take one IP (or maybe two considering botched attempt).
Spirits have 2 IP in physical, so it should be in after first turn, and you're already past second.
you will start using the rat in the 2nd CT
allowed the Edge, but looked at it as an automatic glitch so double the possesion time
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <04-18-12/0702:01>
flashpack might work.  I assume you have flare compensation, so you're not too much affected.  The rats will probably scatter.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <04-18-12/0721:27>
Flashpak is stuck to his shoulder; you only get penalties when facing the pak so Rafa's safe.  And yeah, he's got flare comp just in case. It's already lit; rats don't scatter because of the strobe though... wasn't really expecting them.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <04-19-12/0441:39>
no, it can only get me detected for little gain.
It disconnects and resets then reconnects, so you lose all your progress in aquiring the Admin privilages, you might try to get User ones with less problems ;)

And thanks for the advice,
as  said this is the first game i GM so i can do stupid stuff, and have to reread the rules a lot but i hope i make it a bit fun for you at least :)

Does Rafa still does not have a action?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <04-19-12/0545:23>
Was kind of waiting for you... don't think the other big rats are in range yet, so leaping onto the crates, squishing some small rats and talking to the phantom of the studio's while waiting for them to come in range is about all he'll do.

To hurry things along, what happened to that spirit Caretaker spotted? Maybe want to play out both timelines simultaniously, unless one affects the other of course.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <04-19-12/0550:28>
no, it can only get me detected for little gain.
It disconnects and resets then reconnects, so you lose all your progress in aquiring the Admin privilages, you might try to get User ones with less problems ;)

No problems.  I'll just track them and then have a little chat in person (or have Predator do the talking).  Might be more interesting.  Besides, I still need 10 hits to get user access and they need 5 to go through my stealth (with 16 dice) so I doubt I will get through.  Heavy systems I must say.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <04-19-12/0600:58>
no, it can only get me detected for little gain.
It disconnects and resets then reconnects, so you lose all your progress in aquiring the Admin privilages, you might try to get User ones with less problems ;)

No problems.  I'll just track them and then have a little chat in person (or have Predator do the talking).  Might be more interesting.  Besides, I still need 10 hits to get user access and they need 5 to go through my stealth (with 16 dice) so I doubt I will get through.  Heavy systems I must say.

As soon as i have finished reading trace you will get your answer :)
then i think you will understand it all a bit better :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <04-19-12/0601:16>
Yay, 2k posts!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <04-19-12/0613:46>
Yay, 2k posts!
congrats!  :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <04-19-12/1359:47>
"He laughed loudly, aiming his rifle in the direction the rats would be coming from. "Man, sure wouldn't mind being smeared all over Freya's body...""

It's a pity Freya didn't hear that - I bet she would have said or arranged something extremely "good" for you!  :P
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <04-20-12/0335:51>
So uhm... time for new ones? Initiative (10d6.hits(5)=0) (
That roll kinda sucked.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <04-20-12/0433:01>
Will have to take a closer look to Pessesion INI of 27, that's  Insane  :o
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <04-20-12/0513:08>
Rats Rea + Spirit Force + Int + Spirit force = 27?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <04-20-12/0517:00>
Rats Rea + Spirit Force + Int + Spirit force = 27?
Rats R5+Force5 and Rats Int5+Force5
New INI 20 + 7 hits from ini roll  :-X
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <04-20-12/0520:44>
i think, it is only Rea + Spirit force + Int

only physical attributes gets boosted.

on anyway. you can go on with description, I am not going to interfere with anything else then witless remarks and if I decide to act I'll be last anyway.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <04-20-12/0541:11>
Remind me to ask Caretaker to take the spirit out of the rat before Rafa tries wringing its neck. :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <04-24-12/1106:48>
Sooooo.... to quote a rabbit: "What's up, doc?"
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <04-24-12/1142:19>
me waiting too
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <04-24-12/1229:37>
To be honest: same here.  I'm waiting for the result of my trace on those supernodes.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <04-24-12/1240:44>
sorry, as soon i am home will update  :-[

BTW, faro You can roll perception with a -2 to make things faster.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <04-24-12/1446:20>
sorry, as soon i am home will update  :-[

BTW, faro You can roll perception with a -2 to make things faster.

I assumed a visual perception here.  If it's matrix perception, let me know and I'll roll that.
intuition 4 + perception 3 + vision enhancement 2 -2 =7 (7d6.hits(5) =3) (
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <04-25-12/0733:47>
Your rats may have some more dice. Not sure how you get to -7... I'm guessing you counted -4 flashpak, -2 positioning and -1 reach?
- They get +3 for 'Friends in melee'
- Positioning apparently only adds dice to my own attacks but doesn't decrease their attacks or improve my defense (weird, imo...)
- Reach I'm not sure, it says "+1 per point of net reach"; so I'm not sure that it becomes a -1 if you reach is negative...
- They might get a +2 or +3 for charging too.
Not that I'm complaining! You decide what to do with it.

Rules thing: Rafa will drop his rifle (it's on a sling, so it'll just hang), go full defense and throw in the Throw maneuver (pun intended). Would the maneuver cancel his Full Defense?
If not, he'll use it against the 1st rat and throw it towards the rest that's racing towards him, hoping to maybe trip some of them to slow their approach and deal with them one/two at a time.
If it does cancel his Full Defense, he'll use it against the 3rd rat and try to toss it towards the 4th.

Rafa's Full Defense (Block): Rea 6 + 2xUnarmed 6 + Spec 2 = 20
Full Defense 1 (20d6.hits(5)=6) ( First one misses. (Unless you add dice and roll incredibly good.)
Full Defense 2 (19d6.hits(5)=6) ( Second one misses. (Unless you add dice and roll very good.)
Full Defense 23 (18d6.hits(5)=8) ( Third one misses. (Unless you add dice and spend edge.)
Full Defense 4 (17d6.hits(5)=5) ( Fourth misses. (...)
Defense if fourth reaches him and full defense is cancelled. (Skill 6 + Rea 6 + Spec 2 - 3) (11d6.hits(5)=3) (

Rafa's throw attack: Strength + Unarmed Combat Opposed Test (Arsenal p160 for full effect) --> Str 9 + Unarmed 6 + Spec 2 + Position 2 + Reach 1 (20d6.hits(5)=12) ( Holy cr@p!
Edit: In case you want a Throwing roll to see how well Rafa aims with his Rat-Tossing-Attack: Throwing: Agi 8 - Defaulting 1 (7d6.hits(5)=0) ( Rofl... critglitch. Guess I'll hope you don't need a Throwing roll ;) In my defense: it's not called for anywhere in the book! :p (If the previous roll grants me some bonus edge for critical success, I promise I'll spend it to negate!)

Will throw some soak dice just in case they're needed:
Body 6 + Impact Armor 12 + Bone Density 2 (20d6.hits(5)=4, 20d6.hits(5)=8, 20d6.hits(5)=5, 20d6.hits(5)=9) (

-- Sorry for the load of dice, just been so long since I got to roll, I'm getting all I can out of it! --
Feel free to narrate, otherwise I'll be more than happy to do so myself!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <04-25-12/1057:31>
Sorry for the lack of speed and accuracy. Posting from phone and the first time made the rolls on the phone as well. Let me say, - F**k, is this complicated.
As for the dice rolls, i will let them stand. Did not had anytime to check book, so I might have missed a few modifiers.
Doing a lot of traveling lately, and phone is not a pc, witch makes it hard to post quality posts.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <05-04-12/1105:57>
Sorry for the slow pace, my only excuse could be my workload, but to be honest if i really had the iron will to do it even thou tired it would have been up sooner.
Will try to be faster.

[spoiler]This time you did not even have to ask for a post :)
and  am happy that this shame has not come on me...[/spoiler]
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <05-04-12/1414:47>
Any/all of the rats in melee range? And how many prone, how many not?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <05-04-12/1420:04>
Any/all of the rats in melee range? And how many prone, how many not?
D-Rat 3 is on the other side of the room engaged by Alpha male
D-Rat 4 you threw way across the room near the Alpha.
D-Rat (5-7) are in meele range and the ones who have stun damage are prone :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <05-04-12/1422:00>
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <05-04-12/1439:28>
Hope you do not mind my interpretation of the events :)

But i love if you narrate Rafa, that's something to be seeing to :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <05-04-12/1448:33>
Rafa's having a blast! :)

Also, I suck at math. N/M the 1 die, got lucky enough with the rolls as is.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <05-06-12/1035:40>
Rafa's attack was the last action this CT, he's at 14 initiative for the next: Init. (10d6.hits(5)=4) (
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <05-12-12/1418:08>
.... ? :(
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <05-12-12/1429:27>
Kour seems to be having tough time :(
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <05-12-12/1438:36>
Kour seems to be having tough time :(

RL is like that at times.   :(
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <05-12-12/1508:30>
Well... I'm expecting a new kid any day now, so I shouldn't be complaining I guess. Not long from now you'll be complaining about my slow pace :p
No problem Kour, take your time, just wanted to let ya know we're still here! ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <05-21-12/0841:12>
ping.... ping.... somebody commlink is making an irritating chirp requesting attention ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <05-21-12/0855:43>
Well... I'm expecting a new kid any day now, so I shouldn't be complaining I guess. Not long from now you'll be complaining about my slow pace :p
No problem Kour, take your time, just wanted to let ya know we're still here! ;)
Dear Sir/Madam

I formally apologize for the lack of my presence and the lack of my posts recently. I know this is not how it be, but at the moment I find myself in a difficult possition. I do not want to drop out of games, or end this one. But on the other hand as you see I am not here offten, so I ask to be patient with me for a while longer. I wouldn't like to drop anything i do here.

Wishing best luck,
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <05-21-12/0900:43>
ping.... ping.... somebody commlink is making an irritating chirp requesting attention ;)
No fair!
Typd 5 hours the response under the table, and you made it look like a response :(
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <05-21-12/1044:24>
ping.... ping.... somebody commlink is making an irritating chirp requesting attention ;)
No fair!
Typd 5 hours the response under the table, and you made it look like a response :(

NInja'd :D
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <06-06-12/0740:24>
ping - the game is still on when at least on of its threads is on the first page :)
Kour, and we're here and we'll be here ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <06-06-12/1445:18>
ping - the game is still on when at least on of its threads is on the first page :)

Yep. I suggest we start working out a plan on how to get Freya and Panther into a bath filled with pudding...
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <06-06-12/1649:35>
ping - the game is still on when at least on of its threads is on the first page :)

Yep. I suggest we start working out a plan on how to get Freya and Panther into a bath filled with pudding...

That would at least get our P2 rating up, especially if we can get Pandora to join in.  ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <06-20-12/0323:20>
I remain hopeful as long as you keep logging in Kouryuu.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <06-30-12/2018:12>
OK Where were we?
Ohh right the DevilRats :) Micro-drone and of course some cosmetics :)


[spoiler]Guessing the rats in melee range are close to each other seeing they all came from the same direction. Attacking multiple targets by splitting dicepool, add modifiers after splitting:
Agi 8 + Skill 6 = 14.        14 / 3 = 4.6666666.
No clue if rounding is up, down or mathematical, will round down to be safe, 4 dice.
Rat 5: 4 Attack + 2 Spec + 1 Tae Kwon Do + 2 Position + 3 Prone = 11d6.hits(5)=4 ( Defends at -2 for prone.
Rat 6: 4 Attack + 2 Spec + 1 Tae Kwon Do + 2 Position + 3 Prone = 11d6.hits(5)=6 ( Defends at -3 for prone+wound.
Rat 7: 4 Attack + 2 Spec + 1 Tae Kwon Do + 2 Position = 9d6.hits(5)=4 (
Damage is Stun 'cuz of Knockdown attack. 7S + NetHits vs Impact.[/spoiler]
The spin kick comes as a suprise th the beasts and they do not manage to get out of the way of the incoming kick. All 3 of them are thrown to the wall by the force of the attack and just one barly manages to get back in it's feet, it does not look like it wants to fight any more :)
[spoiler]i will differ to your math., in my book spec and "Tae Kwon Do" go into the split dice pool, but as you rounded down you lose only one dice on each roll. :)
still massive damage :)

3x8d6.hits(5) - DR5 = (4); DR6= (1); DR7= (1)
DR5   4-2 = 2 VS 4 -> 9S Damage
DR6   1-3 = 0 VS 6 -> 13S Damage
DR7   1-0 = 1 VS 4 -> 10S Damage
3x2d6.hits(5)  = (1); = (1); = (1) (
Only DR7 lives to see another attack :)[/spoiler]


You still have the data of the GPS coords, so you easily find them all, some are harder to get to, but you are able to collect all 7 remaining drones.
How will you proceed?


The cosmetics woman is not there, as is not the Actress of the side role, Pandora and Big Ben are starting to get nervous as the shooting has been already delayed a lot, they have deadlines to upkeep. Will you volunteer to do the shooting?

Quote from: Initiative
Initiative CT2 IP1
[AphaDevilRat 27]  ([DevilRat3 16]  ([DevilRat6 15] ([DevilRat4 14] ([DevilRat5 13] ([DevilRat7 13] ([Rafa 10][Caretaker ?]

Initiative CT2 IP2
[AphaDevilRat 27]  ([Rafa 10]

Initiative CT2 IP3
[Rafa 10]

Quote from: Damage so Far
DevilRat 1 10/10P 0/10S __-_ Dead
DevilRat 2 10/10P 0/10S __-_ Dead
DevilRat 3 4/10P 2/10S __-_ -1 penalty
DevilRat 4 3/10P 5/10S __-_ -2 penaly
DevilRat 5 4/10P 10/10S __-_ Not moving ...
DevilRat 6 5/10P 10/10S __-_ Not moving ...
DevilRat 7 0/10P 9/10S __-_ -3 penalty...
Rats 2/10P 2/10S __-_ ...

Roll ini :)

Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <07-01-12/0429:41>
We're back in business  :)  :)
I'll try to reply this evening in the IC topic.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <07-01-12/0517:20>
Rafa's attack was the last action this CT, he's at 14 initiative for the next: Init. (10d6.hits(5)=4) (

i will differ to your math., in my book spec and "Tae Kwon Do" go into the split dice pool,
Whatcha mean? You don't interpret them as Dice Pool Modifiers, or you mean Dice Pool Modifiers don't get added after the division? Just checking for the future.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <07-01-12/0601:03>
i will differ to your math., in my book spec and "Tae Kwon Do" go into the split dice pool,
Whatcha mean? You don't interpret them as Dice Pool Modifiers, or you mean Dice Pool Modifiers don't get added after the division? Just checking for the future.
I mean that these two things are not a modifier in my book, they are addition to the dice pool.

Skill; spec and additional quality are in the dice pool, they do not change as you make the rolls ever,
but the modifiers change, like being prone, have superior position, having smart gun on, so on, theses can be and can not be, depending on the situation. :)

hope i explained it somewhat comprehensible :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <07-01-12/0638:18>
hope i explained it somewhat comprehensible :)

Yep. Got you loud and clear.

Welcome back, by the way :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <07-01-12/1419:05>
I've done my reply in the IC topic.  I'm assuming that they have Faraday cages somewhere in that building.  Also, I'm leaving it to you to see where in the conversation between Freya and Pandora I'm showing up.
thirdly, I'll be out of touch from Thursday 5th of July until the 9th of July, for reasons of holiday.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <07-02-12/1539:45>
My baby girl has just been born. I will post but the response might be slightly reduced.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <07-02-12/1549:27>
Congratulations to you new parents and best wishes and lots of health and happiness for the little girl!

(Mine's a month old now... Doesn't really do much but sleep, eat, poop and throw up milk, but she does so in the cutest way possible ;) )
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <07-03-12/1218:42>
It falls a bit bad at the moment, but I will be out of touch from July 5th until July 9th.  Taking a long week-end in the UK with some friends.  We might have internet, but I doubt it, so don't count on many posts from me in this period.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <07-03-12/1938:11>
It falls a bit bad at the moment, but I will be out of touch from July 5th until July 9th.  Taking a long week-end in the UK with some friends.  We might have internet, but I doubt it, so don't count on many posts from me in this period.
Do not worry i am getting back in posting myself so i guess i am far from post frenzy yet :D
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <07-04-12/1440:38>
Kour, you just busy or are you waiting for something/someone to advance combat with the rats?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <07-04-12/2106:09>
Kour, you just busy or are you waiting for something/someone to advance combat with the rats?
tomorrow, first thing after doctor visit :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <07-09-12/0730:16>
Kour, you just busy or are you waiting for something/someone to advance combat with the rats?
tomorrow, first thing after doctor visit :)
well it took a bit longer :S but there it is ...

by the looks of the survival rate of the rats the combat will end very soon so Panther can start parallel working on the drones as there will be a few free hours after this.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <07-09-12/1027:16>
I'm back, catching up right now.  will post today or tomorrow.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <07-09-12/1222:03>

I'm not going to act in this CT, so don't wait for my init. IF there will be need to do so consider me delaying my action so I'll act first on the next round, but I honestly don't expect it.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <07-09-12/1225:39>
Might wanna do something about your spirit in that rat... Don't know if you can get the rat to kill itself, if you can, great. If you can't, probably best to pull the spirit out before Rafa has a go at it.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <07-09-12/1227:47>
I'm going to keep him. The spirit is bound. And I like to have such familiar :D
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <07-09-12/1246:46>

I'm not going to act in this CT, so don't wait for my init. IF there will be need to do so consider me delaying my action so I'll act first on the next round, but I honestly don't expect it.
i almost knew this would be the case,

BTW, your Rat familiar wants you to cuddle your newest family members, he would do it on his own, but you know how children are around grim reaper Rats.  :-\
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <07-10-12/1747:25>
Just fun
New smilies for SR
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <07-11-12/0727:01>
Think we lost Freya :(
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <07-11-12/0749:56>
Think we lost Freya :(

Hopefully it's just a holiday she forgot to mention. :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <07-11-12/1110:40>
Think we lost Freya :(

Hopefully it's just a holiday she forgot to mention. :)

Last Active:     May 08, 2012, 06:15:13 PM

Wish I could take holidays as long as that  :-\
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <07-11-12/1701:48>
Think we lost Freya :(
i know her real life, will ask if she get back in .
I at least Hope so  ::)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <07-11-12/1836:55>
Rafa will be happy to hear! :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <07-11-12/1906:34>
Rafa will be happy to hear! :)
Anyway, i have her chummer file, so i can NPC her :D
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <07-12-12/1103:04>
Boring?! Rafa completely kicked the crap out of half a dozen awakened critters about as many 6 seconds!
Caretaker's got ADHD? :p
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <07-12-12/1115:42>
I could have done in 1 :P
Caretaker has 3 IP as well, he is moving with a speed of thought, and those 6 seconds felt like two months or so :P
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <07-18-12/0902:29>
Yikes, both thread again behind first page.

We're still alive so Caretaker comes to the rescue...

Kour, where are you again...
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <07-18-12/0920:02>
Yikes, both thread again behind first page.

We're still alive so Caretaker comes to the rescue...

Kour, where are you again...

Trying my best to get Freya back, but looks like i will have to npc her. :(
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <07-18-12/0921:25>
Post on Messy Biz too, darnit! :p
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <07-18-12/0923:37>
actually get a grip on yourself... I got a two weeks old baby and I post more often ...

ponder ....

ponder ....

hmm, that's actually bad I think ....
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <07-18-12/1030:31>
Post on Messy Biz too, darnit! :p
as I often get bot checks i do not post from phone any IC anymore, as they tend to get big. also this one needs me to dig up the old sheet i made by hand. As i have to showcase kouryuu. Will get the post tonight thogh. :D
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <07-20-12/1005:54>
Yikes, both thread again behind first page.

We're still alive so Caretaker comes to the rescue...

Kour, where are you again...

Trying my best to get Freya back, but looks like i will have to npc her. :(

After this weekend we will know if Freya is back, caramel promised to take atleast a look, if not post :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <07-22-12/1513:11>
Hey, guys! I'm sorry for my absence! Just louds of out-of-work work...  :-[ I hope I'll manage to deal with everything from now on... Can' t promisse, but I'll do my best!  ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <07-22-12/1520:26>
Glad you're back :)

How's the situation with the rats?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <07-22-12/1632:40>
I don't know :D
I got one with me and I was diagnosed with ADHD.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <07-22-12/1637:25>
Bah, you one-shotted the toughest rat of the bunch, there's just no fun in it :(
If you continue allying yourself to Rafa's enemies, blood will flow!
(Considering the mad stats of possessed things, probably Rafa's.)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <07-22-12/1641:26>
how being-cool is no-fun? :P

in the OOC I could admit, you're doing amazing job down there, :D

I just took the best prize form that and moved away.
btw you could check what's in those boxes...
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <07-22-12/1644:41>
Kind of torn between having a look at what's down there or, you know, going back to the reason we're actually there: guarding some pretty awesome equipment!

Might have to flip a coin ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <07-22-12/1645:50>
I'm not watching, nobody is watching ...
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <07-22-12/1650:24>
Nobody is watching..
 You talking about the cellars, or the stuff we're supposed to be watching? :D

The fact that I have to ask is pretty alarming!

Wait, more alarming thought:
All we have now is a trideo feed of the storage room, right? Now we know there's people with pentagon-grade snooping around the place, how confident are we our feed is reliable?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <07-22-12/1657:09>
I left there a spirit ... I'm quite confident I'd know if anything happened there.

And I'm talking about cellars.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <07-23-12/0223:45>
Nobody is watching..
 You talking about the cellars, or the stuff we're supposed to be watching? :D

The fact that I have to ask is pretty alarming!

Wait, more alarming thought:
All we have now is a trideo feed of the storage room, right? Now we know there's people with pentagon-grade snooping around the place, how confident are we our feed is reliable?

You had to get the rats out of the cellar and in a way you did it with the exception of one :D

as for the trideo feed from the drones,
it's something you will have to investigate :P
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <07-23-12/0309:05>
Kind of torn between having a look at what's down there or, you know, going back to the reason we're actually there: guarding some pretty awesome equipment!

If I do remember correctly, Panther put some gadgets on those costume boxes, which would give her an alert if something is wrong there... And I' m sure she wouldn't keep that a secret and call all of us to the place instantly...   ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <07-25-12/1043:27>

it was a while,
how much do we earn per day?
If we have some hours left, I could do some small shopping.

Order a pizza or something ;P
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <07-25-12/1044:29>
and generally, can we move on with the run? or are we waiting for somebody?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <07-25-12/1349:26>
I'm done.  I need about a half-day of free time to check out those drones, but that can wait.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <07-25-12/1413:01>
I could search for 'male ork in shower' pictures...

But if everyone's fine just using their imaginations, I'm ready too!
(Back to working out in the storage room... or maybe just outside the door, hoping for pretty girls to walk by.)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <07-25-12/1855:52>
Waiting for the girls, but next time I am at a pc with some 5 min to spare i will move the story into chapter 3.

Be ready the warm up missions have ended and this will start to get serious from now on :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <07-25-12/1859:26>
Is there like a reward for killing Devil Rats? An amount per tail for pest control?
If so... I might want to cut a small piece off of voodoo-guys new best friend *evil grin*
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <07-26-12/0124:59>
Waiting for the girls, but next time I am at a pc with some 5 min to spare i will move the story into chapter 3.

Be ready the warm up missions have ended and this will start to get serious from now on :)

Do I have time to check the drones in between?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <07-26-12/1646:17>
Etiquette roll for Freya - not a nice one :(

17d6.hits(5) → [6,2,1,1,3,1,6,3,3,1,3,3,3,4,1,3,1] = (2) (
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <07-26-12/1652:41>
if it's important, edge - and reroll misses
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <07-26-12/1705:04>
if it's important, edge - and reroll misses
Her acting career is depending on it :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <07-26-12/1706:07>
Do I have time to check the drones in between?
you do, but you will have to be lucky to get some info out as it's only 3h till the end of the day.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <07-27-12/0545:11>
Do I have time to check the drones in between?
you do, but you will have to be lucky to get some info out as it's only 3h till the end of the day.

Then I'll just put them somewhere safe where they can't do anything (switched off in a faraday cage) and I'll do it later.  Based on the monster firewall on the drones, I'm going to need more time.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <07-27-12/0910:31>
Egads man! Who's to say they aren't tiny little trojan horses, chock full of disassembler nanites?!
Think of the children!

Ehm... yeah...
I'll go lie down now.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <07-31-12/0355:41>
Only the girls? We fought (well, Rafa did most of the fighting! :p) to save her from an enraged mob and a bunch of 'runners threatening her and/or her movie.
But that's not enough to at the very least get her "endorsement" on Pito? You have to suck up and be BFF-like too? Damned, Rafa's rapidly becoming more and more disgusted by this city...
How many 'runs we supposed to stick around here? (Without murderering a bunch of snobs?)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <08-01-12/0759:27>
Quote from: myself, earlier
Sure, fine, whatever! I'm sure the girls manage to convince Rafa :)
We got any more money up until now?
Would Auctioneer Business Clothesbe better <edit: than Rafa's Victory Globetrotter Camouflage Jumpsuit> and could Rafa get them in time (maybe with some help of our high-society girls?)? If so, I'll scratch off 1500Y.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <08-01-12/0826:10>
Quote from: myself, earlier
Sure, fine, whatever! I'm sure the girls manage to convince Rafa :)
We got any more money up until now?
Would Auctioneer Business Clothesbe better <edit: than Rafa's Victory Globetrotter Camouflage Jumpsuit> and could Rafa get them in time (maybe with some help of our high-society girls?)? If so, I'll scratch off 1500Y.
You can add 500 for the rat elimination :)
250 each, not much, but i think you have nothing to complain, was not the hard work i had imagined and you are paid handsomely anyway, if not for this part but in total and i do not remember anyone asking what they would get.
Panther the same add 500 to your sheet, as you worked alone no need to split it.

other then that nothing since the first days pay up front, if You feel like you could try to ask for your pay up front for the free day as well :)

Auctioneer Business suite would be considered good enough i guess, most thou would have better cloths on. :/ and you have a free day, any mall has a shopping for cloth available, so i see no problem getting yourself one, that is if you do not intended to spend the whole day on the beach :D
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <08-01-12/1308:38>
I'll use the 500 to buy a purse that goes with my cocktail dress, as those have not many pockets.  ;)

@Freya: didn't you have a limo with driver from your exec friend?  If so, we can use that to go to the party, just to arrive in style.  8)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <08-01-12/1419:55>
I would like to have the rolls please  ::) at least for the first drone.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <08-01-12/1440:55>
I would like to have the rolls please  ::) at least for the first drone.

How many do you want?  I check every piece of software and every file present, plus the firewall.

PS: this is on the second drone that I'm working.  I've put the first one to the side for now, unless I've missed something.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <08-01-12/1558:53>
I would like to have the rolls please  ::) at least for the first drone.

How many do you want?  I check every piece of software and every file present, plus the firewall.

PS: this is on the second drone that I'm working.  I've put the first one to the side for now, unless I've missed something.

20 should do -  not all rolls will be used but still i will know if you did well or failed on rolls that determine the end result.
and point out the priority of the perception - what you  start with.

when entering the drone as admin submit precise order of events, what when and for how long, so know to cut you of in a stage of events :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <08-01-12/1649:07>
Strict-9 Jacket from Attitude. Supposedly it's all the rage nowadays.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <08-02-12/0157:02>

20 should do -  not all rolls will be used but still i will know if you did well or failed on rolls that determine the end result.
and point out the priority of the perception - what you  start with.

when entering the drone as admin submit precise order of events, what when and for how long, so know to cut you of in a stage of events :)

I've modified my post (it won't show up as a new one when you use modify) and added some rolls into the spoiler part.  If you need more let me know.  If I made a mistake with the skill or program I had to use for the two I felt were also needed, it's not a big problem as I roll the same amount of dice on all except exploit (I have 1 more there).

PS: how often do we refresh edge?  It's starting to get important for me now.  :) (note to self: improve edge)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <08-02-12/0645:43>
PS: how often do we refresh edge?  It's starting to get important for me now.  :) (note to self: improve edge)

Basically there are 10 Databombs on the drone, you fail to defuse one and the whole drone goes up in flames. Also after a set time of failed check-ins the same will happen.

as i said these drones are Hardcore, from a Subplot a friend made when he personalized the adventure, it's one of the better subplots, but i am not sure that you are ready to face it, though Rafa could kick some ass and maybe meet even a challenge there :)

Edge refreshes after each chapter 2 points like when you arrive to the party you will get 2 points back :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <08-02-12/0652:07>
Faro - remove the physical self destruct item with a hardware skills. Caretaker wil ltake care of your soul if the drone will explode in your hands :D  if you survive destroy the databombs from AR and don't worry,
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <08-02-12/0656:11>
Faro - remove the physical self destruct item with a hardware skills. Caretaker wil ltake care of your soul if the drone will explode in your hands :D  if you survive destroy the databombs from AR and don't worry,
Do you not think it's rigged to explode if removed?  ???
but at least the soul will be safe ;D

Your decidion  ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <08-02-12/0718:12>
I'm not going to tangle with those drones anymore, but I do have a question: how can it be sending out signals when it's in a faraday cage.  I specifically put it there to avoid it sending out signals (p62 of Unwired).  The only connection it has is a physical connection by fiber optic cable to my commlink, and as there are no exploit programs on the drone, it can't have hacked into my commlink (and even then I have a good analyse program running at all times).
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <08-02-12/0723:39>
I'm not going to tangle with those drones anymore, but I do have a question: how can it be sending out signals when it's in a faraday cage.  I specifically put it there to avoid it sending out signals (p62 of Unwired).  The only connection it has is a physical connection by fiber optic cable to my commlink, and as there are no exploit programs on the drone, it can't have hacked into my commlink (and even then I have a good analyse program running at all times).
It tries to send a message, do a check in, but failing.

The call is separate, direct to your comlink.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <08-02-12/1516:04>
Stop messing with people behind milspectech equipment already, damn you! :p
We're already about to mess with a deltaware-level guy in one PbP (and another char o'mine is hanging 200m high in the air, supported by a F2 levitate spell in a place full of BC)... I'd very much like a chance to stay alive in at least one game!
Rafa will kill you if you blow him up!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <08-02-12/1626:53>
Stop messing with people behind milspectech equipment already, damn you! :p
We're already about to mess with a deltaware-level guy in one PbP (and another char o'mine is hanging 200m high in the air, supported by a F2 levitate spell in a place full of BC)... I'd very much like a chance to stay alive in at least one game!
Rafa will kill you if you blow him up!

So you don't want your part of the money then?  :o
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <08-02-12/1655:22>
Money... always wins the argument.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <08-14-12/0143:39>
heads up: I will be off next week from the 23rd to the 28th for the bi-annual Discworld convention.  While there is internet in the hotel, I won't have the time to check (In fact, some days it will even be difficult to eat  :( )
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <08-22-12/1409:49>
I'll be out from tomorrow until next Tuesday without internet access (I can have access, but I won't have time for it).
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <08-22-12/1623:08>
nothing is happening here also :D
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <09-01-12/0322:36>

@Freya: didn't you have a limo with driver from your exec friend?  If so, we can use that to go to the party, just to arrive in style.  8)

Yes, I suppose Freya can get a limo with a driver. The car she got for everyday use is not a limo, but she could arrange it for the evening needs. I suppose it's just one phonecall away  8)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <09-02-12/0347:12>
Sounds like fun.  I've done everything I wanted to do, so as far as I'm concerned, we can jump to the party.
Kour: just let me know if there's more money forthcoming.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <09-04-12/1228:17>
I trust (one of) the girls will help Rafa select a good projection for his holo-wear?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <09-04-12/1632:03>
I trust (one of) the girls will help Rafa select a good projection for his holo-wear?

I suppose Freya can take care of this - she just will not go out with someone inappropriately looking :P That's impossible...
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <09-14-12/0204:02>
I trust (one of) the girls will help Rafa select a good projection for his holo-wear?

I suppose Freya can take care of this - she just will not go out with someone inappropriately looking :P That's impossible...

You can get that right.  So, Party Time?  ;D
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <09-23-12/1447:59>
Really liked playing this character and the interaction with the rest of you...
Kind of toying with the idea of trying to find a GM to take over the game. Since it's a pre-made adventure it should be possible...
Or is that like, completely not done?


PS: Probably lost Caramelle?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <09-23-12/1548:37>
Really liked playing this character and the interaction with the rest of you...
Kind of toying with the idea of trying to find a GM to take over the game. Since it's a pre-made adventure it should be possible...
Or is that like, completely not done?


PS: Probably lost Caramelle?

I would really love to continue as I like my character and the story as well... But I' m no skilled and experienced enough to become GM. So, I'm in, but only as a player :)

Have fun,
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <09-23-12/1553:05>
I'm still around and willing to play.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <09-24-12/0215:43>
I'm still here and willing to play.  I don't know why Kour went offline all of a sudden (he has over 2000 posts).  Maybe a holiday he forgot to mention or an emergency.  Those things, unfortunately, happen.

Maybe if someone can contact him other than via this forum, see if he's still willing to continue.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-09-12/1350:14>

If you are still around and willing to move on a bit i would like to pick this up,


Sorry for being absent for a while


Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-09-12/1503:16>
Song title says it all! (
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <11-10-12/0409:27>
I'm still here, ready to rock and roll.  I think we were about to go to a party something or other.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <11-10-12/0925:29>
I'll play.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <11-11-12/1410:39>

If you are still around and willing to move on a bit i would like to pick this up,


Sorry for being absent for a while


I'm still there ;)  waiting for your post...
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-12-12/1321:13>
Alright! That means we're complete!
Let's dance!
We were going to a party, it fits!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-12-12/1506:20>
Alright! That means we're complete!
Let's dance!
We were going to a party, it fits!
Post in works :)
need to finish the read up first though, as i do not want to make any mistakes :(
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-12-12/1525:18>
That's okay, just award us 2 karma for every mistake you make and we'll forgive you for them.

(I'm willing to negotiate this down to 1 karma and 1000 nuyen, but that's as low as I'll go!)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-12-12/1552:05>
That's okay, just award us 2 karma for every mistake you make and we'll forgive you for them.

(I'm willing to negotiate this down to 1 karma and 1000 nuyen, but that's as low as I'll go!)

I see Negotiation skill rival to Silk here.  ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <11-12-12/1604:26>
That's okay, just award us 2 karma for every mistake you make and we'll forgive you for them.

(I'm willing to negotiate this down to 1 karma and 1000 nuyen, but that's as low as I'll go!)

I really love your way of thinking :D Freya will do some good with extra karma...
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-12-12/1630:03>
I see Negotiation skill rival to Silk here.  ;)

If my own personal skill were anything near hers, I'd have found a way to manipulate you into suggesting it yourself ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-12-12/1750:27>
summery up, start of the next Part coming in a few min :)
if you have some conversations to have you can do after the next post or i will move it afterward :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-13-12/1358:51>
Completely forgot about the whole Pito thing until after I posted, but couldn't correct it immediately at work.
Rafa's not streaming video from the who event, only some pictures and posting his thoughts about it (the whole self-important snobs who don't live in the real world thing).
He's not really trying to upset people, but he figures he doesn't stand a chance pretending to belong -at least not without vomiting- and figures a fresh breath of air instead of the somanieth "I like all the crap you like" might actually get him better ratings.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-13-12/1441:29>
Completely forgot about the whole Pito thing until after I posted, but couldn't correct it immediately at work.
Rafa's not streaming video from the who event, only some pictures and posting his thoughts about it (the whole self-important snobs who don't live in the real world thing).
He's not really trying to upset people, but he figures he doesn't stand a chance pretending to belong -at least not without vomiting- and figures a fresh breath of air instead of the somanieth "I like all the crap you like" might actually get him better ratings.

Being as nice as always i see :D
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-13-12/1444:22>
Bunch of snobs will probably figure that it's better to be talked about badly than not being talked about at all. They're getting attention, that's all that matters.
Hollywood, yay! :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-13-12/1447:57>
Bunch of snobs will probably figure that it's better to be talked about badly than not being talked about at all. They're getting attention, that's all that matters.
Hollywood, yay! :)
O so true.

Would have given you +1
but that's not there anymore  :'(
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-13-12/1451:29>
Would have given you +1
but that's not there anymore  :'(

Karma rewards are valued, also :p

They should've kept the rep system's +'s and simply have removed the -'s to prevent abuse. Ah well.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-13-12/1622:56>
Would have given you +1
but that's not there anymore  :'(

Karma rewards are valued, also :p

They should've kept the rep system's +'s and simply have removed the -'s to prevent abuse. Ah well.
thank god you are not silk, or you would swim in karma already :P
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-13-12/1640:10>
Why do some people keep assuming I'm joking?! :(
It's a curse, I tell you! A curse!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <11-14-12/0428:21>
I forgot how good Caretaker was with looking at people :)
With 7 hits, he should be able to tell if the guy had sex yesterday and if he liked being handcuffed at that
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-14-12/0516:19>
Please, do share that out loud IC ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-14-12/1846:36>
Please, do share that out loud IC ;)
No he did not have sex yesterday, or today , he had no time, he even skipped all of his meals and is starving before your eyes :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-16-12/0756:46>
If no one has further questions...
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-17-12/1407:14>
Freya and Panther make Edge+Charisma roll to get Pandora as a connection TRH is 3 >Pandora C5L1<
Desperado is a Automatic connection C3L1 everybody gets,

just for notice as i needed to give the numbers to Dragonfly and could not find them on the sheets :)

waiting for her firs post :) tonight should it be :)

Also Roll Perception for exiting the Club  :) CareTaker counting on you  ;D
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-17-12/1423:58>
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-17-12/1438:56>

not sure how i got the "s" at the end , but thanks for pointing out my Typo and .........

NO i will not give Karma For it :P
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-17-12/1542:48>
matrix perception on the new guy's commlink:
matrix perception: computer 4 + analyse 6 =10 (10d6.hits(5) =3) (
I want firewall, response, system
5, 5 and you guessed it 5
all three of them :) with the assumption it's not hidden :)

Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <11-17-12/1720:54>
matrix perception on the new guy's commlink:
matrix perception: computer 4 + analyse 6 =10 (10d6.hits(5) =3) (
I want firewall, response, system
5, 5 and you guessed it 5
all three of them :) with the assumption it's not hidden :)

Otherwise I'll look for it first.  It's what, 10 hits.  Give me a minute and I'll have it, even with buying hits.  :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <11-17-12/1722:56>
Also Roll Perception for exiting the Club  :) CareTaker counting on you  ;D

hope you're satisfied with the outcome ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-17-12/1726:59>
Also Roll Perception for exiting the Club  :) CareTaker counting on you  ;D

hope you're satisfied with the outcome ;)

Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sparkling Dragonfly on <11-17-12/1758:14>
Sooo.... I have finally surrendered to the insurpassable charms of and have let myself be lured in the ShadowRun world. Will do my best to get my bearings as soon as possible!

My first post ever on this site is done, and now, let me introduce you to Ahuechei:

{Health: 0 / 11P and 0 / 11S damage, NO Wound penalty, NO Stun penalty} | {Edge: 5/ 5} {Defense: 5; Initiative: 10; IP's: 4} |
{Ballistic Armor: 13; Impact Armor: 13 ; Mods : None} |

Adept - Close combat specialist/Combat Medic

Querian's an average-looking elf, the only distinctive features about him being his red hair and his tribal tattoos. Having a grandmother who comes from the indigenous population, can do that. Not too talkative, he prefers action to long discussions, and is used to see every living thing as a potential enemy, or target. His green eyes are always watching his surroundings for an imminent danger. He's not a demanding person in material matters, but has a set of golden bracelets and an amber ring that have a special meaning to him.
Querian wears a suit when working, and is very happy to get out of it when off-duty and back to his comfortable military-style wear.
While in army, his call-sign was Ahuechei, which he kept when moving to LA.


Name: Querian del Tehushén
Alias: Ahuechei Race: Elf
Sex: Male   Age: 36
Nationality: Brazilian
Karma Spent/Total Karma: 0/0
Nuyen: (Left after chargen= 1255¥ Starting Nuyen= 8000¥+6000 ( - 30,000¥ In Debt=- 16k¥ On Hand 14k¥
Street cred: 0
Factions relations:

Querian has always been the average elf - not coming even close to his elder brother who was the pride of their parents: the beautiful and smart kid everybody expected to achieve a better life.
Born in the war-torn city of Bogotá, both brothers used to spend more time around battle groups than at school. While Querian found learning actual combat skills and weapons usage fascinating, his brother spent his time making contacts and soon was treated as a local in the command centres.
As the Ghost Cartels solidified their positions, Querian's brother got tempted by an easy money and life, which his family was completely unaware of. Querian, on the other hand, joined the regular army and was enlisted in special ops. Lack of field medics made him add First Aid to his field of expertise. Involved in active military, he never married.
It was only after an especially devastating attack from AZT that hit several key points of the Ghost Cartels operations during which Querian's brother and most of their family was killed (it had been a family reunion in one of the restaurants the Cartel owned), did it come out that he had been involved in drug trafficking, had fallen in debt, and now the Cartel, seeking to rebuild, placed the responsibility to repay those debts on the remaining family - Querian, his grandmother, and the youngest daughter of his brother.
Those attacks had also cost the lives of the majority of Querian's battle group. So when being reformed, Querian asked to be decommissioned, until he'd pay his brother's debts. That's how he ended up in LA, having found a bodyguard's position.
Having left the only females he calls family under the care and protection of an old friend and teammate - El Coyote - Querian moved to LA several months ago.


5568/11 IP 1/4

Positive Qualities
Low-Light Vision
The Warrior's Way

Negative Qualities
In Debt (25.000¥)
Poor Self Control (Combat monster)

Active Skills
Close combat skill Group4
Firearms skill Group1
First Aid6
Dodge 2
Pilot Ground Craft1
Pilot Aircraft1

Knowledge Skills
First Aid Presegures3

Language Skills

Adept Powers
Elemental Strike (Electric)
Critical Strike R1
Improved Reflexes 3
Killing Hands
Mystic Armor R2

Form-Fitting Body Armor Full-Body Suit6/2none
Bike Racing Armor4/7Thermal Dampening(4), Nonconductivity(4)
Bike Racing Helmet1/2Flare Compensation; Image Link
SecureTech Arm Casings0/2none
SecureTech Forearm Guards0/2none
SecureTech Helmet0/2none
SecureTech Leg and Arm Casingst0/2none
SecureTech Leg Casings0/2none
SecureTech Shin Guards0/2none
SecureTech Vitals Protector0/2none
CommlinkRe/Si/Fi/SyOperation SystemMods
Custom Commlink5/5/5/5Custom OSTrodes;Biometric Reader; Sim Module (Cold)
Commlink Soft-, hardwarepriceNotes
Stealth R4Pro userSoft
Analyze R4Pro usersoft
Browse R4Pro usersoft
Command R2Pro usersoft
Edit R4Pro usersoft
Subvocal Microphone           50¥–4 dice pool modifier to be heared in an audio Perception Tests     
Fake SIN (Antonio Gomez)  R4  4000¥Fake System Identification Number - Antonio Gomez
2x Fake License  R41200¥(Body guard; Driving) - Antonio Gomez
Heavy PistolAres Predator IV Spare Clips; Advanced Safety, Immobilizer; Chameleon Coating; Melee Hardening; Personalized Grip; Skinlink; Smartgun System
Concealable Holster75¥accesory
20x EX-Explosive Ammunition 200¥ammo
20x Gel Ammunition 60¥ammo
20x SnS Ammunition 160¥ammo
4x Spare Clips 25¥accesory
Sensory enchanmentspriceNotes
   -Vision Enhancement      R3  300¥adds 3 dice to visual Perception Tests
   -Vision Magnification           100¥zoom magnifies vision by up to 50 times(optical or electronic enhancement)
   -Smartlink           500¥interacts with a smartgun system for visual aid
earbuds 50¥
   -Audio Enhancements       (3)300¥adds 3 dice to Listening Perception Tests
   -Select Sound Filter      (3)600¥allows the to block out background noise and focus on specific sounds, 3 groups
   -Spatial Recognizer100¥receives +2 dice pool modifier Perception Tests to find the source sound.
Additional itemspriceNotes
Medkit Rating  (6) 600¥heals wounds
Medkit supplies  (1) 50¥gives uses to medkit


Silva, Forensic medicine expert - PCC.
Connection Rating: 3 Loyalty: 3
Uses: Medical questions, PCC related questions.
Places to Meet: at home LA Downtown
Contact: Commlink

El Coyote, Bogotá fixer, smuggling ring connection
Connection Rating: 4 Loyalty: 2
Uses:Stuff to buy and smuggling South and Middle America.
Places to Meet: Bogotá Z1
Contact: Commlink

Desperado, Fixer / Smugging / Runner / Vault diving
Connection Rating: 3 Loyalty: 1
Uses: Black market, Smuggling, Support on Runs.
Places to meet: Hollywood LA
Contact: Commlink

Quote from: Edge Log
5 start
5 left in Total

Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-18-12/0547:44>
Forgot the perception Skill 1, Int 4, Att Cop. 3, Actively looking 3, Enhanced 3 (14d6.hits(5)=6) (, but I guess that was for the "@Sent" comment so unimportant now.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-19-12/0349:01>
Gang knowledge (7d6.hits(5)=3) ( to see what, if anything, Rafa knows about the A-Kidz Gang or Bacchus. Might be he's heard about 'em.
Looking at their P2 profile and history too.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <11-19-12/0414:12>
I'm going to be completely useless during the legwork if you don't mind :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-19-12/1348:30>
I'm going to be completely useless during the legwork if you don't mind :)
your perception made you shine in the tonight on the way outside, but we are still inside, still talking,  so you will hear as the group leaves the building :)

Say when you are so far, then i will lead it all back to the hotel :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <11-19-12/1619:30>
Freya's rolls for the information collecting in the party:
17d6.hits(5) → [4,3,3,5,2,3,5,3,3,2,4,4,5,1,2,5,2] = (4)
17d6.hits(5) → [2,4,1,6,4,4,2,5,2,4,5,4,5,5,2,1,6] = (6)
17d6.hits(5) → [1,2,6,2,5,5,4,2,3,6,5,6,5,2,2,1,4] = (7)
17d6.hits(5) → [3,1,3,2,4,3,5,1,4,2,6,2,2,4,2,3,3] = (2)
17d6.hits(5) → [5,4,1,2,3,4,2,6,6,6,2,5,4,5,1,5,4] = (7)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-19-12/1834:38>
Our Dear Friend the Body guard brings some info on Andre and Miss Daee
[spoiler]Ahuechei - Really have had this alias to work on for a week almost and still have to check how the hell it's correct to type :D[/spoiler]


>>Before Charisma Associates, he worked for the Actor’s Guild in Hollywood in the 2050s. For six years he was a bodyguard, and he has the scars to prove it.

>>He then cashed in on a few favors and became a manager. He didn't do it for the money; he did it because, as a bodyguard, he saw that many stars didn't have the brains to protect themselves from their own weaknesses. They often created problems that, as a bodyguard, he had to pull them out of.

>>As manager, he was militant in the skills he wanted his stars to learn, and he helped his clients make fewer mistakes. His background as a bodyguard also came in handy in those times when he had to body-check a crazed fan or nosy camera drone.

>>After Charisma Associates hired Guiles, they immediately matched him up with Christy Daee. His discipline did wonders to shape up Daee into a novastar. As she shot up in fame, his years of experience have kept the paparazzi away from her private life.

>>He knows of Daee’s history of BTLs, but will did not divulge the information to the runners, nor would he allude to any problems she might have with drugs or alcohol. He wanted present Daee to the runners as the media presents her: a normal, happy, young woman who was an unfortunate and unwilling victim. He did not think that this information would help to find the Data chip in any way.


>>She is well mannered and speaks softly. She is uncomfortable with unfamiliar faces off stage and tries to avoid the fans unless her manager is there. With those she knows, she is very friendly and playful.

I'm not sure if it's applicable, but I have matrix gangs knowledge.  They do have a heavy matrix presence, so it might be.  Kour, your call
intiution 4 + matrix gangs 2 =6 (6d6.hits(5)=1) ( (not that I will know much).

Searching on the matrix (datasearch).  I don't know the interval, but I'm not going to be looking for more than about 1 hour or so, at least at the moment.  Let me know the interval and I'll do some extra searches back in the hotel.
electronics (group) 4 + browse 6 =10 (10d6.hits(5)=5, 10d6.hits(5)=2, 10d6.hits(5)=3, 10d6.hits(5)=2, 10d6.hits(5)=2, 10d6.hits(5)=4, 10d6.hits(5)=4, 10d6.hits(5)=4, 10d6.hits(5)=1, 10d6.hits(5)=4) (
the interval is 15 min and after 90 min you have collected some more bit's of information on Bacchus and A-Kidz

>>Bacchus used to be on A Gang’s Life with the other A-Kidz gang, but he rebelled and tried to make his own show in competition to A Gang’s Life, called LA Gang Life.

>>Bacchus is talking about something big to add to his show. So far the only thing he’s tried to add is rap.

>>Artificial Kidz, a.k.a. A-Kidz, are highly augmented corporate brats and rich-kid runaways who have put together a booster gang.

>>The A-Kidz hang out at Club K when not causing mayhem.

>>All of them Post almost every thing they do on their Shows right now they are making fun of a fathomless person in the back-alley of Club K

Freya's rolls for the information collecting in the party:
17d6.hits(5) → [4,3,3,5,2,3,5,3,3,2,4,4,5,1,2,5,2] = (4)
17d6.hits(5) → [2,4,1,6,4,4,2,5,2,4,5,4,5,5,2,1,6] = (6)
17d6.hits(5) → [1,2,6,2,5,5,4,2,3,6,5,6,5,2,2,1,4] = (7)
17d6.hits(5) → [3,1,3,2,4,3,5,1,4,2,6,2,2,4,2,3,3] = (2)
17d6.hits(5) → [5,4,1,2,3,4,2,6,6,6,2,5,4,5,1,5,4] = (7)

>>Even if her beauty and voice rivals Eleven ones, she still is just human, according to official and unofficial data

>> She is like two different persons when she is around her manager and when not.

>>Christy Daee had a natural talent for singing since she was a child. Born in 2048 in Seattle, she was an early star, beginning at age fourteen when she was a singing star on a teen pop trid, High School Musical, the Series.

>>Four years Later, her contract was bought out by Pathfinder Multimedia and her family moved to California.

>>Pathfinder found that Christy Daee had been hiding a drug problem that was getting worse, but they managed to keep that out of the media with the help of Andre Guiles from Charisma Associates. Pathfinder took the time to get her straightened out and trained before putting her back in the spotlight.

>>After a one-year hiatus from the trid, Christy Daee came back in 2066 as a classic pop singer, and her first album, Dancing with Fireflies, which included hit music sung for High School Musical, was a huge hit. The album’s variety of songs displayed her new vocal maturity and showed off her talent well.

>>She won five awards that year, including album of the year, singer of the year, and song of the year. She continued to win at least one award every year and make global tours. Last year’s album, Rainy Daee, built on her success, with her songs heard everywhere from commercials to trideos.

>>Her only competition to date is the Japanese singing sensation Teiko.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-19-12/1908:49>
Both your Legwork took approximately 1 to 1.5 hours, the party is also coming to an end, a few of the the best known guests are starting to leave, others will soon follow suite.

The girls know that staying last will generate only Bad Rap, so this is the time to leave, Boys, if they are still around, leave too.

>> The Feed from Bacchus is silent for a few hours, the last entry is from a Coffin motel downtown on Salt Lake Avenue called Ghouls nest
You can camp out waiting for him, but from what you see in the feed from today and the day before, first thing he will do, when he wakes up, is post something on the feed.

So i will let you decide yourself when you are ready to leave, but every one who had 4+ on perception roll, will notice a Drone among the paparazzi ones not making pictures, and following you.  7+ Hits, you notice also a Dalmatian drone circling above in the sky, following you to the hotel

Narrate it as you like, you can also try to lose it, but then you will have to leave the Night-Sky, as that car is not yours and the Driver is not really happy about risking it :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <11-20-12/0152:23>
Unless these are Zurich-Orbital drones like the others, I can probably 'convince' them to go play somewhere else.  I'll do it tonight when I get back from work (I have to look up the drone rules and I don't have my books at work).
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-20-12/0338:48>
Well, guess it's already decided we stick around for another hour and a half or something. :p
Damned women never listen to sensible men!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-20-12/1405:11>
Yay, a taker! You score extra points with Rafa! ;) They're worth way more than 100 nuyen, it's a bargain!

Gonna roll here in case it's completely impossible... if it's possible, Kour can narrate the outcome:
Agi 8 + Skill 8 + Take Aim 3 - Called Shot for Extra Damage 4 (15d6.hits(5)=5) ( Damage = 11P + Nethits.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <11-20-12/1426:13>
I hope you give me the time to have a quick look at it.  Also, as Sent is the only one who has seen the other drone, I hope he'll tell me so I can do the same thing with that one.  :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-20-12/1440:09>
the Fact that you chose to attack the small drone made this a bit different then i expected :)
i guess we can jump to you all leaving the Club right?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <11-20-12/1444:31>
Sure! I suppose we are already leaving...
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <11-20-12/1446:25>
One more thing - I really don't want to do any harm to the posh car!!! We'll never get enough money to pay for any damages!  ???
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-20-12/1447:53>
the Fact that you chose to attack the small drone made this a bit different then i expected :)
i guess we can jump to you all leaving the Club right?
Hey, anyone wanna follow Rafa, just ask him or subscribe to his Pito!
Don't go sneaking up on him and then be surprised if he doesn't like it. =p

Actually, he'll post that on his Pito, along with the footage of the drone exploding in pieces! 
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-20-12/1452:15>
I hope you give me the time to have a quick look at it.  Also, as Sent is the only one who has seen the other drone, I hope he'll tell me so I can do the same thing with that one.  :)
Did you even spot it before Rafa smashed it? :p
I know Caretaker did (he also spotted the other drone high up in the air, Rafa didn't)
Rafa's not pointing at it or anthing, he wants to kick the damned thing into pieces before it can fly up and get away.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-20-12/1504:12>
Hm, looking back, I suppose Rafa could have plucked it out of the air and messed around with it for a bit, before stomping on it or letting it go depending on what Panther found.
 But I'm guessing Kour is already writing what happened, not gonna make him do all that work for nothing. And that would have made Rafa lose the bet! :p
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <11-20-12/1507:05>
Hm, looking back, I suppose Rafa could have plucked it out of the air and messed around with it for a bit, before stomping on it or letting it go depending on what Panther found.
 But I'm guessing Kour is already writing what happened, not gonna make him do all that work for nothing. And that would have made Rafa lose the bet! :p

Yeh, right! Rafa would never lose a bet!  :P Especially to one of the girls... It's a pity, maybe Panther would have found something useful in that bug...
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <11-20-12/1513:43>
Hm, looking back, I suppose Rafa could have plucked it out of the air and messed around with it for a bit, before stomping on it or letting it go depending on what Panther found.
 But I'm guessing Kour is already writing what happened, not gonna make him do all that work for nothing. And that would have made Rafa lose the bet! :p

If you're first putting down bets after telling that there is a drone, I assumed I had time to have a look at it.  And you can still shoot it after I've found out all I can.  In fact I prefer you shoot it down as they can't trace me with a bunch of charred electronics.  :)

I just couldn't write my part down this morning as I was at work.  But let's see what Kour says.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-20-12/1522:47>
Hm, looking back, I suppose Rafa could have plucked it out of the air and messed around with it for a bit, before stomping on it or letting it go depending on what Panther found.
 But I'm guessing Kour is already writing what happened, not gonna make him do all that work for nothing. And that would have made Rafa lose the bet! :p

Nope, still at assembling the whole adventure for you guys :) so this is decision time, what do you do?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <11-20-12/1527:40>
Hm, looking back, I suppose Rafa could have plucked it out of the air and messed around with it for a bit, before stomping on it or letting it go depending on what Panther found.
 But I'm guessing Kour is already writing what happened, not gonna make him do all that work for nothing. And that would have made Rafa lose the bet! :p

Nope, still at assembling the whole adventure for you guys :) so this is decision time, what do you do?

If they give me one round of game time, I can do what I put in the IC topic.  Depending on what I find, I either want to hack in and look more in dept and then let Rafa have his fun, or he can have his fun immediately.  :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-20-12/1552:33>
Well, Rafa has to wait for someone to take the bet and he takes aim for at least another second and half... probably longer as he has to wait for the drone to fly on a path he can intercept by hand/feet.  I suppose that takes at least a couple of seconds.
But since noone is voicing an objection, he will try to smash it to smithereens. Not losing that bet!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <11-20-12/1555:47>
Well, Rafa has to wait for someone to take the bet and he takes aim for at least another second and half... probably longer as he has to wait for the drone to fly on a path he can intercept by hand/feet.  I suppose that takes at least a couple of seconds.
But since noone is voicing an objection, he will try to smash it to smithereens. Not losing that bet!

Rafa has his gun with him? And none of the venue guards noticed that, when let him in the house full of "very important" people?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-20-12/1601:07>
No. Like I said: Snapshots taken from straight above just aren't pretty, nor do they show enough detail such as clothing, faces etc... stuff that's important for "paparazzi".
I picture these drones flying at low altitudes and sweeping in close and far and all around, getting every angle possible... So he'll punch/kick at it when it comes in range and he believes he can reach it before it can react (possibly with a jump or sprint or something, he can jump and sprint pretty good!), not shoot at it!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <11-20-12/1616:21>
No. Like I said: Snapshots taken from straight above just aren't pretty, nor do they show enough detail such as clothing, faces etc... stuff that's important for "paparazzi".
I picture these drones flying at low altitudes and sweeping in close and far and all around, getting every angle possible... So he'll punch/kick at it when it comes in range and he believes he can reach it before it can react (possibly with a jump or sprint or something, he can jump and sprint pretty good!), not shoot at it!

I assume this is before we move into the limo then.  In that case, go ahead, as kicking it will probably not destroy it completely, so Panther can still do her thing.  FYI: Panther did voice an objection (well, not really an objection, just a request to wait some time so she can see who it belongs to, after that he can do whatever with it).  :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-20-12/1627:29>
In that case, go ahead, as kicking it will probably not destroy it completely, so Panther can still do her thing.

Man, Panther better not say that to Rafa in character! :p
Did you miss where I said "11P + Nethits" damage... what kind of firearms are you used to?! :p

Edit: Also, sorry for spamming the thread. I should probably take it slower and let other people post :( Just so anxious finally being able to play again!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-20-12/1648:48>
No. Like I said: Snapshots taken from straight above just aren't pretty, nor do they show enough detail such as clothing, faces etc... stuff that's important for "paparazzi".
I picture these drones flying at low altitudes and sweeping in close and far and all around, getting every angle possible... So he'll punch/kick at it when it comes in range and he believes he can reach it before it can react (possibly with a jump or sprint or something, he can jump and sprint pretty good!), not shoot at it!
One more thing to take notice of, this is a Club for the rich and Paparazzi are not tolerated so the drones do not come near the building as the Guard drones are programmed to shoot them down, you can safely assume that this drone is some 30m from the building, enough time to notice it and try to hack it.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-20-12/1700:12>
Oh, then Rafa can probably not attack it at all. (Not going to assemble a rifle here.)
Damned! Missed out on 100 nuyen!

Unless... Rafa could inconspiciously approach it, pretending to be going there to take a leak in the bushes. Completely not done at a place like this, I know, but let's face it, this is Rafa we're talking about... and 100 nuyen! he'd just be pretending anyway, no PG-18 stuff, I swear!

Oh, spamming again.
Bah, you make the call :p
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-20-12/1733:16>
Oh, spamming again.
Bah, you make the call :p

You might get a attack, but with that roll you would probably not hit it though, as it's a small drone and it gives you a -4 dice but you can try :)

Just remember there are paparazzi drones all around, you would be a front page news taking a leak in the club premises, even if you only pretended, what a boos to your Ranking :D
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-21-12/0210:24>
-4 dice is still 4 hits. What kind of ninja drone is this?!
And he wouldn't even be pretending to take a leak, just using it as an excuse to walk over to the side where the drone(s) are!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-21-12/0255:12>
-4 dice is still 4 hits. What kind of ninja drone is this?!
And he wouldn't even be pretending to take a leak, just using it as an excuse to walk over to the side where the drone(s) are!
Depending on the rigger, my dear Rafa, all depends on the rigger, a few dice less then the drone on the roll. I dont think that you have to fear this small one, but ... there might be, more or not, :D

So we move ahead :) preparing the post


First, I'm not sure if it's needed, detect hidden node.  According to p230 it's a electronic warfare+scan (4) test if I know where it should be (and I do, as I can see it).
electronic warfare 4 + scan 6 =10 (10d6.hits(5) =4, 10d6.hits(5) =1, 10d6.hits(5) =2, 10d6.hits(5) =4) (
I have it after the first roll.

matrix perception (I'm going to look for 4 simple actions):
computer 4 + analyse 6 =10 (10d6.hits(5)=2, 10d6.hits(5)=4, 10d6.hits(5)=3, 10d6.hits(5)=7) (
With in total 16 hits, I think I can know just about anything there is to know without actually hacking in.  Mostly I'm interested in it's 4 matrix attributes, the access ID of any users or independent agents, programs running, whether it's encrypted or not
All attributes are 5
I'ts running Stealth and a few autosofts - Defense, target, clearsight.
it's running Pilot R5
If i have forgotten something just ask.
Edit: Also you got the ID of the rigger :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-21-12/0553:00>
Ah damnit :(
Was really hoping to sneak up on the thing! By sneaking I don't mean not being seen, just not alerting it to the fact that I'm about to attack until it's too late to dodge.
Anyhow, is the thing fast enough to get out of jumping range that quickly?
And what's attacking Rafa, rifle, canon, grenade? Gymnastic Dodge 7 + Rea 6 (13d6.hits(5)=5) ( Hah! Dodged! Take that you stupid dalmatian!

Suppose it's too much to hope for someone nearby borrowing Rafa a rifle? :p
Anyhow, he's pissed... and down 100 nuyen!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-21-12/0724:58>
Ah damnit :(
Was really hoping to sneak up on the thing! By sneaking I don't mean not being seen, just not alerting it to the fact that I'm about to attack until it's too late to dodge.
Anyhow, is the thing fast enough to get out of jumping range that quickly?
And what's attacking Rafa, rifle, canon, grenade? Gymnastic Dodge 7 + Rea 6 (13d6.hits(5)=5) ( Hah! Dodged! Take that you stupid dalmatian!

Suppose it's too much to hope for someone nearby borrowing Rafa a rifle? :p
Anyhow, he's pissed... and down 100 nuyen!

The Dalmatian has a mounted sniper-rifle, you got lucky, this could have ended badly, if it connected would the holowear be much of a help. The spy drone is on the run, you still have a chance to hit it, but as it is almost out of reach with jumping, you will get a negative dice pool -3, but you can make a strength + edge roll, each hit negates one negative dice, if you get 4+ hits, i will count them as a positive addition to the dicepool.

About guns, you can ask around, pistols were ok, so there might be some around, but discharging a weapon on clubs premmises has a hefty fine.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <11-21-12/0920:53>
for future reference. If anything is known to me due to my awesome perception, I share that information with rest of the team the fastest possible way. I'll ofcourse not talk with them in front of negotiated person, but will share the info when he left. if there is a time pressure like in combat, I'll reserve myself right to decide whether I spend the free/simple action on talking/signalling, but otherwise, my knwoledge is theirs (and this is true regardless of any internal quarells we might have).

secondary, you're correct, I've got no dodge skill.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <11-21-12/1012:53>
No. Like I said: Snapshots taken from straight above just aren't pretty, nor do they show enough detail such as clothing, faces etc... stuff that's important for "paparazzi".
I picture these drones flying at low altitudes and sweeping in close and far and all around, getting every angle possible... So he'll punch/kick at it when it comes in range and he believes he can reach it before it can react (possibly with a jump or sprint or something, he can jump and sprint pretty good!), not shoot at it!

I assume this is before we move into the limo then.  In that case, go ahead, as kicking it will probably not destroy it completely, so Panther can still do her thing.  FYI: Panther did voice an objection (well, not really an objection, just a request to wait some time so she can see who it belongs to, after that he can do whatever with it).  :)

Faro, I guess, this is still part of your side plot - that pilot 5 itself cost 12,5k, with defence 4 and target and clearsight this get boosted by another 12k and stealth add another 5k (not to mention 10R availability for stealth and 15 for pilot),
since it doesn't have any of the typical papparazzi skillsofts (chaser, cover ops) it looks like military drone, and probably have some weapon loaded (why target otherwise) making it at 5k -10k drone , then add the response/signal upgrades another 5k and at least 5k on system/firewall (though probably more, as I can't find the costs of 5/5 os) that means this drone, even without any program options nuyen or data on it is worth 50k. if the dalmatian is similarly equipped, someone just set us up against 100k nuyen in hardware. that's pretty much an overkill...
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-21-12/1031:13>
for future reference. If anything is known to me due to my awesome perception, I share that information with rest of the team the fastest possible way. I'll ofcourse not talk with them in front of negotiated person, but will share the info when he left. if there is a time pressure like in combat, I'll reserve myself right to decide whether I spend the free/simple action on talking/signalling, but otherwise, my knwoledge is theirs (and this is true regardless of any internal quarells we might have).

secondary, you're correct, I've got no dodge skill.
I assumed as much or Rafa would have been surprised, nasty bullet shaped surprise.
About the dodge, I was a bit surprised, had forgotten it. :p good that Rafa Decided to play drone-ball, not you :D

Overkill, maybe ::), but that is all part of something bigger. Also this will not be your fight, the club security is already sending out It's drones for a firefight in the sky, you can stick around or use the following confusion to leg it.

Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <11-21-12/1036:41>
Ii need to Focus on spotting and capturing drones.  We can  earn much more Than in The main job on selling them
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sparkling Dragonfly on <11-21-12/1051:49>
I'm sorry, but I somehow missed:
* when did we leave that room?
* did we all leave it at once?
* how much time did the legwork take, and while the ladies have apparently been at it, what did the rest of the team do?
* are we inside, or outside now? In a garden?

kouryuu, can you polease clear those details up? :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-21-12/1102:22>
I'm sorry, but I somehow missed:
* when did we leave that room?
* did we all leave it at once?
* how much time did the legwork take, and while the ladies have apparently been at it, what did the rest of the team do?
* are we inside, or outside now? In a garden?

kouryuu, can you polease clear those details up? :)
We are in the garden, the legwork was 1.5h long, how we came. To the garden is not determined, but i asumed all at once after the party was starting to end. And while the ladies did legwrking you might just enjoyed the party chatted amoungyourselves, Rafa did a crazy dance. :)

Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-21-12/1114:31>
Crazy? That was dancing like the pro's do it!

Anyone with legal knowledge know if we can sue the club for being shot at while on their grounds? *grin*

Trying to pluck the drone out of the sky: 9 Str + 3 Edge :: Agi 8 + Skill 8 + 2 Subdual Unarmed attack (Attacking for subdual -> grabbing the target) <-- May need dice pulled, dependig in result of 1st roll. (12d6.hits(5)=4, 18d6.hits(5)=7) (
So I make the test to reduce the jump penalty.
7 Hits to grab the eyeball drone. (I'm really hopinh this thing doesn't have enough lift to fly off with Rafa hanging from its side!!!)

I'll narrate if you give me the result... or you narrate, as you wish :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-21-12/1227:35>
Anyone with legal knowledge know if we can sue the club for being shot at while on their grounds? *grin*

They actually can sue you for breaking the peace, they can argue that attacking the small drone provoked the shot :P

Trying to pluck the drone out of the sky: 9 Str + 3 Edge :: Agi 8 + Skill 8 + 2 Subdual Unarmed attack (Attacking for subdual -> grabbing the target) <-- May need dice pulled, dependig in result of 1st roll. (12d6.hits(5)=4, 18d6.hits(5)=7) (
So I make the test to reduce the jump penalty.
7 Hits to grab the eyeball drone. (I'm really hoping this thing doesn't have enough lift to fly off with Rafa hanging from its side!!!)

So the run down:

Mini Target
Quote from: Mini Target (AR 161)
Mini targets include minidrones, very large insects, small rodents, and similar small animals. Apply a –4 dice pool modifier.

Also  i am confused about that :
Agi 8 + Skill 8 + 2 Subdual
did not find it in rules :S but you can check the result and narrate the event the drone defense is here, if i have forgoten something just say so :)

Full Melee Defense
Pilot 5 + Defense 4 + Defense 4 + 2 Running  15d6.hits(5) = 6 (
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <11-21-12/1258:34>
All attributes are 5
I'ts running Stealth and a few autosofts - Defense, target, clearsight.
it's running Pilot R5
If i have forgotten something just ask.
Edit: Also you got the ID of the rigger :)

If it's encrypted or not, but from all this I assume it is.

Also did Rafa manage to capture the drone or not?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-21-12/1330:28>
All attributes are 5
I'ts running Stealth and a few autosofts - Defense, target, clearsight.
it's running Pilot R5
If i have forgotten something just ask.
Edit: Also you got the ID of the rigger :)

If it's encrypted or not, but from all this I assume it is.

Also did Rafa manage to capture the drone or not?
it depends on the +2 with them he still has 7on6 without them it's 5on6
as far as i know subdual you do not get extra dice, but maybe he has some.
according to his sheet he should have only 16 dice not 18, but will see when he comes back :)
i trust he knows his math :D
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <11-21-12/1346:42>
shouldn't there be  -1 for succesful defense in previous attack? (been a while since I knew the rules by heart)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-21-12/1402:06>
shouldn't there be  -1 for succesful defense in previous attack? (been a while since I knew the rules by heart)
The dalmatian Did not use SA firing yet,
Rafa is on IP 3 so he has the new move and the defense has ended :) he can make a new interrupt :)

Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-21-12/1402:26>
Drone and Rafa both got 3IPs, so that should've reset.
The +2 is from Gecko Hands.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-21-12/1414:32>
Drone and Rafa both got 3IPs, so that should've reset.
The +2 is from Gecko Hands.

For holding, but you have to catch it first, so a normal unarmed attack
Agi + Unarmed attack ir required :)

Quote from: Subd uing (Melee Only) 20th 161
Sometimes, characters will find it necessary to subdue an opponent without beating him into unconsciousness. To do so, the attacker must engage in subduing combat.To subdue a character, resolve melee combat normally. If the attacker successfully hits, compare his Strength + net hits to the defender’s Body. If the attacker’s total exceeds the defender’s Body, the attacker grapples and immobilizes the defender. This subduing attack causes no damage to the defender.
and i think the +2 goes onto the second roll not the first. :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-21-12/1433:08>
That seems really weird... for a number of reasons:
- if the first attack isn't the test to see if you can get a grip (grapple) then why doesn't it do damage?
- if it doesn't do damage and is not a grapple test, then it's a test to see if I touch it... so I'd get a +2 touch-only attack modifier! :p
- the Gecko Hand says it gives a +2 dice pool modifier... only the first test is a roll requiring a dice pool. The second is simply Str+nethits vs body, just an amount vs an amount, no dicepools here.

In any case, you're the GM, your call is final!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-21-12/1444:31>
That seems really weird... for a number of reasons:
- if the first attack isn't the test to see if you can get a grip (grapple) then why doesn't it do damage?
- if it doesn't do damage and is not a grapple test, then it's a test to see if I touch it... so I'd get a +2 touch-only attack modifier! :p
- the Gecko Hand says it gives a +2 dice pool modifier... only the first test is a roll requiring a dice pool. The second is simply Str+nethits vs body, just an amount vs an amount, no dicepools here.

In any case, you're the GM, your call is final!
as understand it is if you get the touch, but the gecko hand do not help in any way to be more precise or the do not make your reach bigger, the just simply help you hold on to something,  but your point on the dice pool in the text is valid so you get the +2 :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-21-12/1459:39>
Though I'm kind of starting to doubt whether Rafa grabbing the thing is actually a good thing.  :-\

You doing the IC?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-21-12/1511:30>
Though I'm kind of starting to doubt whether Rafa grabbing the thing is actually a good thing.  :-\

You doing the IC?
Remember what hapened what happened when you did some thing to the small drone, the last time, then you were left alone for a IP, now ...

your IC :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <11-21-12/1639:43>
Great, the same guys.  I assume nothing on my trace then?  :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-21-12/1650:25>
Great, the same guys.  I assume nothing on my trace then?  :)
Sorry it slipped my mind with the combat going on.

Actually you trace it to a empty plot  just a few hundred meters away, but it was so easy that it seems almost as if they wanted you to find it

and yes i forgot the encryption 4 on both drones also it's again one of the all 5 drones they seem to love but there is a slight hiccup the drone you seem to have found is actually a rotor-drone not the Dalmatian you saw.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-21-12/1653:56>
So I need to resist the 10S(e), or was it a small warning discharge and is the countdown giving me three seconds to let go of the thing?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-21-12/1657:11>
So I need to resist the 10S(e), or was it a small warning discharge and is the countdown giving me three seconds to let go of the thing?
Nope it was the full one, but there is still a warning to what, i think you can guess
they do not seem to want to do much harm to you, but they do not shy away from it either, at least that's what it looks like.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-22-12/0406:02>
Could someone make 2 10d6 rolls for me, then we can se what the drones do. And most likely  will leave. The club.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <11-22-12/0413:31>
Here you go:
10d6.hits(5)=4, 10d6.hits(5)=3 (
no glitches
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-22-12/0422:37>
Here you go:
10d6.hits(5)=4, 10d6.hits(5)=3 (
no glitches

Thanks,  you helped a lot.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-22-12/1432:02>
Kour, you doing an IC for us getting out of there and into the car, or can we just continue?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-22-12/1442:16>
Kour, you doing an IC for us getting out of there and into the car, or can we just continue?
We need to see how you manage to see Dragonfly's char again
you did not even discus how you will do the job :S
or do you meet up in the hotel? where to have i bring you all ?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-22-12/1532:23>
I was kind of assuming he'd just join us into the limo where we'd talk about where to go.
If it's up to Rafa, we start work on this immediately... Though right now, really hoping to get some help from our new medic first.

If we get in the car though, and Panther says what she just said... Rafa will reaaaly want to have some words with her.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-22-12/1539:20>
Oh, well, suppose I better check if you're okay with this though:
Rafa's immediate instinct will be to attack her. I know farothel can take me doing this IC, but if you have a problem with it, I'll find another way to react.
Not going to do damage, will be another subdual attack...
But really, he's just been publicly humiliated, shot at by a high caliber sniper rifle and zapped near unconcious by -quote panther- "above military grade" drones, something which probably would not have happened had panther said something like "Oh, by the way, we're being watched by drones more advanced than what the military's got and chances are our communication channels have been compromised" instead of keeping it for herself...
So yeah, he's P.O.'ed.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <11-22-12/1609:58>
Oh, well, suppose I better check if you're okay with this though:
Rafa's immediate instinct will be to attack her. I know farothel can take me doing this IC, but if you have a problem with it, I'll find another way to react.
Not going to do damage, will be another subdual attack...
But really, he's just been publicly humiliated, shot at by a high caliber sniper rifle and zapped near unconcious by -quote panther- "above military grade" drones, something which probably would not have happened had panther said something like "Oh, by the way, we're being watched by drones more advanced than what the military's got and chances are our communication channels have been compromised" instead of keeping it for herself...
So yeah, he's P.O.'ed.

Do what you want, but don't kill her off.  But do keep in mind that she's a very good hacker and can do all kinds of things to you without lifting a finger (adding you to the PCCs most wanted list or things like that  :) )

It's my assumption that  it's the same group, although probably not all that wrong.  :)  And I didn't know that these were the same type of drones before Rafa charged after them.  Rafa was gone before I had the chance to look them over and tell about them, so it's not my fault that Rafa got zapped.  Next time wait a bit (and she will tell him that if he bitches about it).  ;)

I have a feeling we just got our medic at the right time.  :-[
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-22-12/1633:11>
Hey, I know all about that :p

Just saying that it seems like Rafa would flip out about something like this, for reasons mentioned above.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sparkling Dragonfly on <11-22-12/1639:52>
We'll see what we can do to get you back on your feet again! ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-22-12/1641:09>

It's my assumption that  it's the same group, although probably not all that wrong.  :)  And I didn't know that these were the same type of drones before Rafa charged after them.  Rafa was gone before I had the chance to look them over and tell about them, so it's not my fault that Rafa got zapped.  Next time wait a bit (and she will tell him that if he bitches about it).  ;)

We were quite quick in this combat, some players did not even manage to post anything on it, and when you were already engaged it was too lat to stop you - Combat Monster - Right?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-22-12/1646:42>
Lol, forgot about that altogether. Once I get in Rafa's head, quitting a fight's almost impossible, with or without that quality ;)
But anyhow, that's all out of character knowledge. In character I just don't know how Rafa (or anyone really) can't be pissed about Panther not mentioning this earlier. it's just slightly worse for Rafa 'cuz well, yeah. Ouch! :p

Aaanyhow, I realise I'm posting way too quick. Sorry... graphic card's becoming outdated and lost half my RAM to some power surge or something so can't run games until I get new ones...
I'll have Rafa not answer and wait to see how the rest wants to react to this... He's probably got a serious headache and will take Hue... the new guys offter. (seriously, I can't for the life of me remember how to pronounce -let alone spell- that blasted name!)

Next time I'm posting too quick, please say so.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-22-12/1653:06>
Next time I'm posting too quick, please say so.
We both  :-[
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <11-22-12/1655:21>
Lol, forgot about that altogether. Once I get in Rafa's head, quitting a fight's almost impossible, with or without that quality ;)
But anyhow, that's all out of character knowledge. In character I just don't know how Rafa (or anyone really) can't be pissed about Panther not mentioning this earlier. it's just slightly worse for Rafa 'cuz well, yeah. Ouch! :p

Aaanyhow, I realise I'm posting way too quick. Sorry... graphic card's becoming outdated and lost half my RAM to some power surge or something so can't run games until I get new ones...
I'll have Rafa not answer and wait to see how the rest wants to react to this... He's probably got a serious headache and will take Hue... the new guys offter. (seriously, I can't for the life of me remember how to pronounce -let alone spell- that blasted name!)

Next time I'm posting too quick, please say so.

Don't worry about it, I also have this urge to post every day.  Just post what you want and I'll reply to it.  Might even be quite some fun, arguing with each other.  :)
All shadowrunners have their little quirks, even Panther (especially Panther)  :o  Besides, we still have to discuss what we're going to do next.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-22-12/1709:45>
's okay, found an IC way to "miss" what Panther said somehow :p
Yeah, we need to discuss, but at the pace we're posting, the rest won't be able to share their thoughts on the plan or on Panther's new information... So Rafa's gonna snooze a little until a bit more gets posted.

OOC: Rafa will probably suggest to head straight to <quote Andre>  "Robertson Boulevard in a dive of a motel called the Cinderblock"</quote>. That's where she was found unconcious and an area where bacchus hangs out, so it's probably our best lead. Unless we want to go straight to the gang by finding out where they are through pito or something...

Edit: oh, was only checking the IC for info... forgot we already know where the gang is:  "Coffin motel downtown on Salt Lake Avenue called Ghouls nest", last update from the gang's pito. In any case, if they always update Pito, they'll be easy to find, while the trail of whatever went down at Cinderblock hotel gets colder every hour.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-22-12/1718:18>
's okay, found an IC way to "miss" what Panther said somehow :p
Yeah, we need to discuss, but at the pace we're posting, the rest won't be able to share their thoughts on the plan or on Panther's new information... So Rafa's gonna snooze a little until a bit more gets posted.

OOC: Rafa will probably suggest to head straight to <quote Andre>  "Robertson Boulevard in a dive of a motel called the Cinderblock"</quote>. That's where she was found unconcious and an area where bacchus hangs out, so it's probably our best lead. Unless we want to go straight to the gang by finding out where they are through pito or something...

Here :)

>> The Feed from Bacchus is silent for a few hours, the last entry is from a Coffin motel downtown on Salt Lake Avenue called Ghouls nest
You can camp out waiting for him, but from what you see in the feed from today and the day before, first thing he will do, when he wakes up, is post something on the feed.

Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-22-12/1726:25>
^Yeah, I found that too, edited it in ;)

First aid is threshold 2, heal nethits. So 6 hits heal 4 damage. Got 3 left.

Thanks for the heal, Dragonfly :)
For the record: My only skill in Spanish is Google Translate.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-22-12/1748:31>
forgot we already know where the gang is:  "Coffin motel downtown on Salt Lake Avenue called Ghouls nest",
actually just Bacchus as he broke away from A-Kidz :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <11-23-12/0737:52>
FYI: I 'll probably not be online much this weekend.  There's a boardgame fair where I'm going to, and our tabletop roleplay group is also meeting.  Don't expect much from me before Sunday evening
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-23-12/0904:37>
FYI: I 'll probably not be online much this weekend.  There's a boardgame fair where I'm going to, and our tabletop roleplay group is also meeting.  Don't expect much from me before Sunday evening
I think this weekend will be planing phase. But if we are fast. You can add something now or afterwards.

Also I will move you to the hotel in a hour.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <11-23-12/0916:17>
IDN, Care will just move along. As a toursits in big city he just stare at things, and do what he sees fit.
Then again if asked for opinion, he would just move along at either of the addresses.
1. (longer way) grab this bachus, spank his ass and get some entrance to their club
2. (shorter way) go to the club, guns blazing, and grab the thing

I am up for whatever
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-23-12/1729:07>
Does enough time pass in the car and the hotel -and is it calm enough- to give Rafa a chance  to get rid of some more headache?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-23-12/1820:35>
Does enough time pass in the car and the hotel -and is it calm enough- to give Rafa a chance  to get rid of some more headache?
One roll :)

and i will do a quick edit :)
forgot one thing -
done :)

Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-23-12/1824:53>
Body + Willpower (10d6.hits(5)=4) (
Yay, healed!
Also, whilst trying to find if I had 'ware to boost my healing, I found I missed 3 dice on damage resistance. Must remember! Health = good!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-23-12/1826:07>
Body + Willpower (10d6.hits(5)=4) (
Yay, healed!
Also, whilst trying to find if I had 'ware to boost my healing, I found I missed 3 dice on damage resistance. Must remember! Health = good!
Defiantly, and i think that Ware makes healing more difficult givin negative dice mod, will look it up :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sparkling Dragonfly on <11-23-12/1922:08>
Sorry for having questions again!

Regarding the hotel, is everybody having their own rooms? Is that where they're heading? If so, and everybody's taking some time off to rest, Ahuechei will hapily go home and change out of his suit, at least. If they have a reunion to talk their plans, please invite him along!

Anyway, I need to know what exactly is happening :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-24-12/0243:17>
Afaik, we're just going there to get back our gear and into our running outfits... no sense going to gangland, looking for trouble, while wearing a Zoé evening dress.
But after that, it's time to get to work. Deadline's only a bit more than half a day away, no?
Since Ahuechei's not coming along in the limo, I suppose we'll invite him as a guest in one of our rooms and discuss our 'plan' there? But bf he needs to pick up his gear at his home first or has a goldfish to feed or something, have him do so. :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <11-24-12/0459:37>
Sorry for having questions again!

Regarding the hotel, is everybody having their own rooms? Is that where they're heading? If so, and everybody's taking some time off to rest, Ahuechei will hapily go home and change out of his suit, at least. If they have a reunion to talk their plans, please invite him along!

Anyway, I need to know what exactly is happening :)

Yes, we all have rooms in the hotel - shaped by our own wishes. Somewhere in te beggining there is some description of that. :) And surely we will invite Ahuechei to join us for planning session. ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <11-25-12/1231:37>
Sorry to the new guy, but this is some money from before you joined (from some drones we found at the studio).  In fact, the others also didn't know about that one, at least nothing more than me telling I had done some drone hunting while at the studio (I did tell that over the comms).
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <11-25-12/1311:21>
Sorry to the new guy, but this is some money from before you joined (from some drones we found at the studio).  In fact, the others also didn't know about that one, at least nothing more than me telling I had done some drone hunting while at the studio (I did tell that over the comms).

Nice from you to share with it! :) How much there will be for each?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <11-25-12/1322:55>
Sorry to the new guy, but this is some money from before you joined (from some drones we found at the studio).  In fact, the others also didn't know about that one, at least nothing more than me telling I had done some drone hunting while at the studio (I did tell that over the comms).

Nice from you to share with it! :) How much there will be for each?

10K.  It's 40K in total, split four-ways.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-25-12/1351:56>

the Chip has quite strong encryption 
interval 1h (20)

nothing new on Bacchus feed, but the A-Kidz he split from are still lose in the streets of LA.

If you want to find them you will have to cross-reference the feed with your map interval 5 min (10) or analyze the feed for information without the map interval 10 min (20)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <11-25-12/1413:29>
Sorry to the new guy, but this is some money from before you joined (from some drones we found at the studio).  In fact, the others also didn't know about that one, at least nothing more than me telling I had done some drone hunting while at the studio (I did tell that over the comms).

Nice from you to share with it! :) How much there will be for each?

10K.  It's 40K in total, split four-ways.

Cool! I love this!  :P
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <11-25-12/1428:08>

the Chip has quite strong encryption 
interval 1h (20)

nothing new on Bacchus feed, but the A-Kidz he split from are still lose in the streets of LA.

If you want to find them you will have to cross-reference the feed with your map interval 5 min (10) or analyze the feed for information without the map interval 10 min (20)

I'll set my agent on decrypting (it will take longer, but that doesn't really matter).  The map feed I'll start as soon as we decide what to do.

rolls for my agent (decrypt is limited to rating 3 as agent rating limits program rating.
agent 3 + decrypt 3 =6 (6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=4, 6d6.hits(5)=0, 6d6.hits(5)=1, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=3, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=1, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=4, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=5, 6d6.hits(5)=1, 6d6.hits(5)=1, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=1) (

No glitches.  If I have calculated correctly, it will take the agent 11 hours to decrypt the chip.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-25-12/1624:17>
May not have acted much like it so far, but discretion really IS something Rafa is good at!
He's really bland to look at, just like your average ork with no visible augmentation and is wearing clothes from a popular line of sportswear.

Sorry if Rafa may be saying a lot at once, but if we're going to be having conversations one line at a time, we'll still be sitting in this lobby a month from now...
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-25-12/1632:38>
May not have acted much like it so far, but discretion really IS something Rafa is good at!
He's really bland to look at, just like your average ork with no visible augmentation and is wearing clothes from a popular line of sportswear.

Sorry if Rafa may be saying a lot at once, but if we're going to be having conversations one line at a time, we'll still be sitting in this lobby a month from now...
I know how it is
sent too
in his game we did like 2 months planning and 1 week doing :D
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <11-25-12/1703:05>

the Chip has quite strong encryption 
interval 1h (20)

nothing new on Bacchus feed, but the A-Kidz he split from are still lose in the streets of LA.

If you want to find them you will have to cross-reference the feed with your map interval 5 min (10) or analyze the feed for information without the map interval 10 min (20)

I'll set my agent on decrypting (it will take longer, but that doesn't really matter).  The map feed I'll start as soon as we decide what to do.

rolls for my agent (decrypt is limited to rating 3 as agent rating limits program rating.
agent 3 + decrypt 3 =6 (6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=4, 6d6.hits(5)=0, 6d6.hits(5)=1, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=3, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=1, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=4, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=5, 6d6.hits(5)=1, 6d6.hits(5)=1, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=1) (

No glitches.  If I have calculated correctly, it will take the agent 11 hours to decrypt the chip.

Faro, I don't think we have 11 hours ...
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-25-12/1748:00>
Quote from: Caretaker
I believe we have the time, to check a Cinderblock motel, but we're bound to go to the A-Kidz and spanking them long enough to get the recording back. Caretaker

I could be missing something, but I don't see how the A-Kidz are involved in this... Bacchus broke with them. Why would they have the recording?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-25-12/1831:17>

the Chip has quite strong encryption 
interval 1h (20)

nothing new on Bacchus feed, but the A-Kidz he split from are still lose in the streets of LA.

If you want to find them you will have to cross-reference the feed with your map interval 5 min (10) or analyze the feed for information without the map interval 10 min (20)

I'll set my agent on decrypting (it will take longer, but that doesn't really matter).  The map feed I'll start as soon as we decide what to do.

rolls for my agent (decrypt is limited to rating 3 as agent rating limits program rating.
agent 3 + decrypt 3 =6 (6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=4, 6d6.hits(5)=0, 6d6.hits(5)=1, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=3, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=1, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=4, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=5, 6d6.hits(5)=1, 6d6.hits(5)=1, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=1) (

No glitches.  If I have calculated correctly, it will take the agent 11 hours to decrypt the chip.

Faro, I don't think we have 11 hours ...

This is the military drone stuff ...
you can do as you like, but you also can do it yourself, the description is an automated process and the agent can do the searches :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <11-26-12/0150:03>

the Chip has quite strong encryption 
interval 1h (20)

nothing new on Bacchus feed, but the A-Kidz he split from are still lose in the streets of LA.

If you want to find them you will have to cross-reference the feed with your map interval 5 min (10) or analyze the feed for information without the map interval 10 min (20)

I'll set my agent on decrypting (it will take longer, but that doesn't really matter).  The map feed I'll start as soon as we decide what to do.

rolls for my agent (decrypt is limited to rating 3 as agent rating limits program rating.
agent 3 + decrypt 3 =6 (6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=4, 6d6.hits(5)=0, 6d6.hits(5)=1, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=3, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=1, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=4, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=5, 6d6.hits(5)=1, 6d6.hits(5)=1, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=1) (

No glitches.  If I have calculated correctly, it will take the agent 11 hours to decrypt the chip.

Faro, I don't think we have 11 hours ...

This is the military drone stuff ...
you can do as you like, but you also can do it yourself, the description is an automated process and the agent can do the searches :)

@sent: The chip is not linked to the current issue with those A-kidz (at least not directly), so the decrypt can run in the background while I do other stuff.  It won't interfere, as it can run on my secondary commlink.

@Kour: if I can run the decrypt with only the program, I'll do that.  The dicepool is the same (the program is rating 6 but was capped due to the agent rating), so we can keep the above rolls.  Then I can put my agent in search of the A-Kidz.  I'll do the necessary updates tonight at home.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-27-12/1838:16>
"Bike's in the parking lot, be with you in a second.", Rafa said. "Rest will probably take the Rover... Unless one of you girls want to sit on my back seat? Let you grab me real tight."
If i remember correctly no transportation was allowed on the plane and you did no smuggle the bike, so sorry you will have to edit the last post :( would have loved a race scene though :)
Smuggling: Who's signing up for Farothel's smuggler contact? This one doesn't have the risk of losing your gear, right?
Rafa'll want his gear. He doesn't really have anything that impressive, just his rifle, ammo and a bunch of 'nades.
He's got a weapon's smuggler contact too, but I figure pooling in for one smuggler is better. He'll send word to the Doc and the Smuggler that he'll be out of town for work for a while.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sparkling Dragonfly on <11-27-12/1930:28>
We can still have a race - just grab the wheel Rafa! ;)
Let the ladies squeal!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-27-12/1958:49>
We can still have a race - just grab the wheel Rafa! ;)
Let the ladies squeal!
I love the idea, :D

Both roll pilot ground-craft :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-28-12/0253:27>
Hm... A single person on a racing bike (? can't find it on the charsheet...) vs 4 people and a rat in a rover?
'sides, the girls would probably kill Rafa, or drive him mad.

So, yeah... You lead :p
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-28-12/0411:45>
Hm... A single person on a racing bike (? can't find it on the charsheet.
have it in chummer at least, will ave to update the sheet.

It's Suzuki Mirage
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-28-12/0510:34>
Yeah... NOT racing that :p
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-28-12/0515:24>
Yeah... NOT racing that :p
¦] so you simply drive there. Boorinig :D
Rafa still thr driver, or?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-28-12/0558:53>
*shrug* I don't know. If noone else steps in the driver seat, he will.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <11-28-12/1101:34>
Ufff... that race would have been fun! But you're right - girls most likely would have killed Rafa after that :D
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-28-12/1139:54>
Anyone want to try out an alternative to Invisible Castle, at least until it's back up?
Go to, you can join a Dice Room, I started one called Horizon.
To roll dice in shadowrun style, type ##d6e5 (so for 14 dice, 14d6e5).
I just rolled for Rafa's perception, but I'm on my tablet so not all features work.
Can anyone check to see if they can see the roll?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <11-28-12/1308:30>
I can see it if I go into the room and check the room log.  I've added my perception roll:
10D6E5=> 3 | ones: 4
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-28-12/1359:28>
You can see the separate dice by hovering over the result.
Copy/paste isn't as easy as VisCast and hovering doesn't work on tablets/smartphones, but it's as good an anti-cheat roll log as VisCast.
There's a "Click here to see the room's log" link to see all past events. It also allows chatting and adding messages to rolls (to explain rolls).
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-28-12/1436:34>
i hope again on Caretaker and his perception to reveal the most, so until he gets back on the roll i will wait on giving what you see :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <11-28-12/1613:08>
I'm only looking for cameras to hack into and see what they saw.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-28-12/1623:09>
Dragonfly: aren't we there already?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sparkling Dragonfly on <11-28-12/1632:39>
... you are given access to the room where Daee was found.

Kour never said we were already in the room.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-28-12/1714:41>
Oh, sorry, I thought we were fast-forwarded there.

6 hits and nothing on perception?! That's as good as Caretaker's average!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-28-12/1715:29>
Oh, sorry, I thought we were fast-forwarded there.

6 hits and nothing on perception?! That's as good as Caretaker's average!

2012-11-29 03:58:53      Rafa: 10D6E5 => 2 | ones: 2 #Just a test, ignore the roll.

When did you roll?
did not notice :)

and still there is no log

Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-28-12/1721:34>
On the thing I posted about.
Log into the Horizon room, then click the "Click here to see the room's log ", it's in the upper right of the screen.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-28-12/1722:35>
On the thing I posted about.
Log into the Horizon room, then click the "Click here to see the room's log ", it's in the upper right of the screen.

No roll there :S

2012-11-29 01:36:16      Rafa: Rafa@ has joined the room.
2012-11-29 01:36:30      Rafa: 14D6E5 => 6 | ones: 4
2012-11-29 01:43:38      Test: Test@ has joined the room.
2012-11-29 03:05:16      Panther: Panther@ has joined the room.
2012-11-29 03:08:10      Panther: 10D6E5 => 3 | ones: 4
2012-11-29 03:52:58      Rafa: Rafa@ has joined the room.
2012-11-29 03:58:53      Rafa: 10D6E5 => 2 | ones: 2 #Just a test, ignore the roll.
2012-11-29 04:34:16      Kouryuu.LV=GM: Kouryuu.LV=GM@ has joined the room.
2012-11-29 04:34:46      Kouryuu.LV=GM: 150D6E5 => 38 | ones: 25
2012-11-29 04:35:18      Kouryuu.LV=GM: I win :D
2012-11-29 07:13:53      Rafa: Rafa@ has joined the room.
2012-11-29 07:16:29      Kouryuu.LV=GM: Kouryuu.LV=GM@ has joined the room.

Ok noticed it, a bit earlier, then expected :(
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-28-12/1823:57>
Wires leading up to the roof? No second story on the building or something?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-28-12/1909:02>
Wires leading up to the roof? No second story on the building or something?
Single story building
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <11-29-12/0041:36>
If there is still some need of perception roll...

8d6.hits(5) → [4,6,6,4,2,3,2,1] = (2) (
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <11-29-12/0205:19>

No roll there :S

2012-11-29 01:36:16      Rafa: Rafa@ has joined the room.
2012-11-29 01:36:30      Rafa: 14D6E5 => 6 | ones: 4
2012-11-29 01:43:38      Test: Test@ has joined the room.
2012-11-29 03:05:16      Panther: Panther@ has joined the room.
2012-11-29 03:08:10      Panther: 10D6E5 => 3 | ones: 4
2012-11-29 03:52:58      Rafa: Rafa@ has joined the room.
2012-11-29 03:58:53      Rafa: 10D6E5 => 2 | ones: 2 #Just a test, ignore the roll.
2012-11-29 04:34:16      Kouryuu.LV=GM: Kouryuu.LV=GM@ has joined the room.
2012-11-29 04:34:46      Kouryuu.LV=GM: 150D6E5 => 38 | ones: 25
2012-11-29 04:35:18      Kouryuu.LV=GM: I win :D
2012-11-29 07:13:53      Rafa: Rafa@ has joined the room.
2012-11-29 07:16:29      Kouryuu.LV=GM: Kouryuu.LV=GM@ has joined the room.

Ok noticed it, a bit earlier, then expected :(

I also put my perception roll there.

@Caramelle: you got invisible castle to work again?  I still can't get in.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <11-29-12/0426:28>
it's on and off today
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-29-12/0946:58>
it's on and off today
noticed that too
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <11-29-12/1338:57>
@Caramelle: you got invisible castle to work again?  I still can't get in.

It worked early in the morning, before I left for work. And seems that it works now as well... :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-29-12/1423:24>
As Rafa Scales the Roof, he finds the cables bundled into a PVC pipe on the roof. The pipe goes across the roof, ending at a laser repeater device pointed to the east, somewhere in the direction of the Robertson Blvd. Checking all the roofs for the receiver would be very time-consuming and defiantly not doable half a day, you are left with.
These things point in a very specific direction though, no? Can't he use something (let's say, his rifle) and align it with the laser pointer to see where it's pointing?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-29-12/1427:14>
As Rafa Scales the Roof, he finds the cables bundled into a PVC pipe on the roof. The pipe goes across the roof, ending at a laser repeater device pointed to the east, somewhere in the direction of the Robertson Blvd. Checking all the roofs for the receiver would be very time-consuming and defiantly not doable half a day, you are left with.
These things point in a very specific direction though, no? Can't he use something (let's say, his rifle) and align it with the laser pointer to see where it's pointing?
That's the way you got the area approximattly right. laser beam must have a exact receiver, but over long distances it's hard to tell exact :)

The distance is over 15 Km, no way you can see where exactly it is :) but as all the rooms seem to be bugged the owner should know something, just hope the manager does too :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <11-29-12/1445:36>
Is there some kind of a hotel manager Freya could talk to? I've missed this info...
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-29-12/1500:41>
Is there some kind of a hotel manager Freya could talk to? I've missed this info...
there is Sancho, you Saw Ahuechei speak to. he was the one taking the money and giving the keys :)
the receptionist, if there is a actual manager on spot, doubtful
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <11-30-12/0147:11>
I'll reply to both requests tomorrow, as I'm going to be in meeting the whole day, and I need to roll some dice for this (and look up a couple of things.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-30-12/1253:37>
I'll reply to both requests tomorrow, as I'm going to be in meeting the whole day, and I need to roll some dice for this (and look up a couple of things.

So panther has some work cut out for her, Ahuechei's Contact will get back to him in 30 min, but what do the others do now?

Do you stay the night there?

Do you go to Bacchus hotel and start a steak out?

Do you get some sleep at your Hotel?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-30-12/1357:27>
For me, it depends on what Panther says. If she can find where the laser is sending, or pin it down to a "searchable" area, that's good.
Half an hour to find out who/where the manager is also seems like a short time to go to sleep in the meanwhile.
So I figure Rafa's just sticking around until someone finds someone/something to point him at.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sparkling Dragonfly on <11-30-12/1621:43>
We might just as well wait that half an hour. And then decide what to do next, depending on the news (if there is anything useful).
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-30-12/1654:49>
We might just as well wait that half an hour. And then decide what to do next, depending on the news (if there is anything useful).
want to see if Panther can track the manager first, as it would play out better if the call is after you have left to somewhere already

@ Rafa, you have a approximate region the laser points to, like 2 square miles of town, you can head that way  as well
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-30-12/1715:14>
Don't have a bike, can't leave the girls behind, eh?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-30-12/1717:11>
Don't have a bike, can't leave the girls behind, eh?
Why not? you should have enough nuyen to have bought a bike if you want one and the girls will be ok in a seedy motel like this, even though there will be interesting questions asked :D
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <11-30-12/1728:31>
Enough nuyen? Rafa's in debt!
Besides, even with a bike, he could hardly leave those poor defenseless girls behind!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sparkling Dragonfly on <11-30-12/1729:27>
Don't worry, Ahuechei will take real good care of the girls ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <11-30-12/1731:11>
Don't worry, Ahuechei will take real good care of the girls ;)

Will he lend Rafa his bike? :D
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <12-01-12/0449:44>
Enough nuyen? Rafa's in debt!
Besides, even with a bike, he could hardly leave those poor defenseless girls behind!

I've given you a credstick with 10K on it.  That should at least buy you a basic bike.  :)

EDIT: done my post.  My rolls weren't bad, I must say.  Depending on the replies I'll try to hack in to see what footage they have on that system, or if it turns out to be either Bacchus or the gang, we now have a location.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <12-01-12/0536:23>
I'd assume the laser system to be one-way, just sending the footage somewhere.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <12-01-12/0540:48>
I'd assume the laser system to be one-way, just sending the footage somewhere.

There has to be limited two-way communication if you want to control the cameras.  And if it's one-way, I can still follow it to a location and trace another path through the matrix to that same location.  In VR I'm like a mage on the astral.  I can go wherever I want and come back via another way.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <12-01-12/0752:48>
I'd assume the laser system to be one-way, just sending the footage somewhere.

There has to be limited two-way communication if you want to control the cameras.  And if it's one-way, I can still follow it to a location and trace another path through the matrix to that same location.  In VR I'm like a mage on the astral.  I can go wherever I want and come back via another way.
Xylvador is. Correct, this is a one way trip, also you count at least 16 cameras pre room,  using modern editing software you can put together a usable footage. Your trace on the footage gives no results, most likely the node on the other end has no matrix connection.

The other trace on the comecode is a hit. The owner is in the downtown right now. More and about Ahuechei's contact, when I get back home.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <12-02-12/1449:52>
That club in the address list. Is it per chance the same club as the akidz location?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <12-02-12/1529:44>
That club in the address list. Is it per chance the same club as the akidz location?

Sorry to say, but it's not.

Anyone has any ideas what to do

the short summary:

We have the address of the man owning the Cinderblock. also we have got a lot of address of his buildings. Until now we have no proof that he knows about the tap on his hotel, he should, as it's in all rooms, but you can never be sure.

We have the managers/owners comecode - his exact location ( Beverly Hills )

We also have Bacchus, we know where he is, also we know that he knows the materials for sure
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <12-03-12/1612:02>
We know where the building owner is, or just have his address... also, it's about 4:30 at night now.
Majority seems to want to go for Steve Schultz, do we wake him at night? Break in? What if he's not at home but is alarmed by us showing up there?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <12-03-12/1639:02>
We know where the building owner is, or just have his address... also, it's about 4:30 at night now.
Majority seems to want to go for Steve Schultz, do we wake him at night? Break in? What if he's not at home but is alarmed by us showing up there?

Yeah, and imagine if this Schultz fella is the neighbor of the likes of Big Ben, Pandora and other Big-Shots, the security will be tight as well.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <12-03-12/1652:28>
Wasn't this a really, really sleazy hotel?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <12-03-12/1743:41>
Wasn't this a really, really sleazy hotel?
it was, but the owner lives in the best of places in LA, right next to all that important lot. he is a rich man after all.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <12-04-12/0611:25>
We know where the building owner is, or just have his address... also, it's about 4:30 at night now.
Majority seems to want to go for Steve Schultz, do we wake him at night? Break in? What if he's not at home but is alarmed by us showing up there?

Let's do it so he won't. That would be the easiest way.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <12-04-12/1210:49>
*blush* will have to check chummer when I get home, but looks like I completely forgot to buy Hardware for Rafa...
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <12-04-12/1215:13>
*blush* will have to check chummer when I get home, but looks like I completely forgot to buy Hardware for Rafa...

I don't have much either, only computer stuff.  Of course, maglocks can be hacked and opened that way, but I don't have any B&E gear either.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <12-06-12/0516:07>
@faro the search will have a interval of 1 hour, so I will post it acording to IC timeline.
About P2, what information you are looking at exactly? Taking Facebook as example.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <12-06-12/1024:58>

Schultz was traced to his home by panther by the number Freya got. So he is not at the hotel, at least his com is not.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <12-06-12/1034:07>
is this home, in range of the laser redirector area?

I'll edit the post anyway.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <12-06-12/1038:16>
is this home, in range of the laser redirector area?

I'll edit the post anyway.
no, but the location is the same as the traced comcode
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <12-06-12/1707:07>
@faro the search will have a interval of 1 hour, so I will post it acording to IC timeline.
About P2, what information you are looking at exactly? Taking Facebook as example.

Just his profile, and everything I can access on that (like blogs, me-feeds, things like that).  I'm not sure how much is private and how much is public.  I can't compare with facebook, as I don't do facebook.  :o  ???
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <12-06-12/1710:38>
post edited.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <12-06-12/1826:51>
@faro the search will have a interval of 1 hour, so I will post it acording to IC timeline.
About P2, what information you are looking at exactly? Taking Facebook as example.

Just his profile, and everything I can access on that (like blogs, me-feeds, things like that).  I'm not sure how much is private and how much is public.  I can't compare with facebook, as I don't do facebook.  :o  ???
he is not active in these kind of things, but taking a look on his friends, you see many names you know, or rather have heard of, Big Ben and Pandora just as a example. Bacchus is there too.


Linked to black mail means as well that it has happened in his property, just like this time :P
but i am all for you going there :D at least you have something to do :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <12-07-12/0606:44>
Sorry if I was a bit less involved, will probably be a less active for the next couple of days too. Wife had a car accident, she should heal fine (the car's total loss though :( ) but for the moment taking care of her and the kids and busy-busy-december-work take a lot of my time/energy.
Will try to check in and roll/act when neccesary but I'll be a it less pro-active and in-your-face than usual.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <12-07-12/0609:22>
...Wife had a car accident,...

Oh damn... sorry to hear that pal.
For what it is worth give her my best wishes
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <12-07-12/0642:38>
Sorry if I was a bit less involved, will probably be a less active for the next couple of days too. Wife had a car accident, she should heal fine (the car's total loss though :( ) but for the moment taking care of her and the kids and busy-busy-december-work take a lot of my time/energy.
Will try to check in and roll/act when neccesary but I'll be a it less pro-active and in-your-face than usual.
Sorry to hear that. Take all the time you need. Family always come first, so do not worry. :)
All the best to you and your wife.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <12-07-12/1048:50>
Sorry if I was a bit less involved, will probably be a less active for the next couple of days too. Wife had a car accident, she should heal fine (the car's total loss though :( ) but for the moment taking care of her and the kids and busy-busy-december-work take a lot of my time/energy.
Will try to check in and roll/act when neccesary but I'll be a it less pro-active and in-your-face than usual.

Wish her well from me.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <12-08-12/0703:27>
When you are ready to go, do so state who is driving :D where is driving, if for example you do the two side, 2 group approach.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <12-08-12/0709:38>

@sent: The chip is not linked to the current issue with those A-kidz (at least not directly), so the decrypt can run in the background while I do other stuff.  It won't interfere, as it can run on my secondary commlink.

@Kour: if I can run the decrypt with only the program, I'll do that.  The dicepool is the same (the program is rating 6 but was capped due to the agent rating), so we can keep the above rolls.  Then I can put my agent in search of the A-Kidz.  I'll do the necessary updates tonight at home.

you forgot to post the rolls of the second data search, if you are doing it :)

Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <12-08-12/0718:26>
datasearch 4 + browse 6 =10 (10d6.hits(5) =3) (

Sorry, forgot  :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <12-08-12/0736:46>
datasearch 4 + browse 6 =10 (10d6.hits(5) =3) (

Sorry, forgot  :)

OK, by the time you are now, you could have just bought the hits, so i can tell you that the A-Kidz are near Club K, way out of your way, if you are going to the Derma club.

Derma Club being the place Owned by Schultz and in the area the Laser is pointing at.
there are also 5 Apartment houses.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <12-08-12/0754:34>
Wait... musta missed something, what's club derma?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <12-08-12/0813:21>
Wait... musta missed something, what's club derma?
the club Owned by Schultz in the are the repeater is pointing at, as far as i understood from Sent's IC he wants to go there :D

BTW, i forgot to say that in the post and made some changes :D
still some one was fast enough to notice it :D
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <12-08-12/0815:11>
sounds like a plan to me.  I'd rather not go to Schultz' house at the moment as long as there are other targets with less security available.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <12-08-12/0822:32>
sounds like a plan to me.  I'd rather not go to Schultz' house at the moment as long as there are other targets with less security available.
Less Security in deed.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <12-08-12/0837:22>
Ah, k. Definately missed that. Will edit Rafa's post.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <12-08-12/0840:01>
I wanted to go to The club. Edited to home. Ill edit back ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <12-08-12/0855:21>
I wanted to go to The club. Edited to home. Ill edit back ;)
At first you had one location and person, now  it's hard to decide what to do :D
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <12-11-12/1218:01>
I must say I'm surprised by LA.  Normally the average node is rating 3 and I haven't seen any below 5 (except some of my fellow runners).  I can understand it's like that for the nodes that run the P2 software (you'd rather not have people mess with that), but that a club node has a firewall like a basic military system.  Makes my job a bit harder I must say.  :(

Makes me wonder who exactly we're trying to piss off.  :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <12-11-12/1235:58>
I must say I'm surprised by LA.  Normally the average node is rating 3 and I haven't seen any below 5 (except some of my fellow runners).  I can understand it's like that for the nodes that run the P2 software (you'd rather not have people mess with that), but that a club node has a firewall like a basic military system.  Makes my job a bit harder I must say.  :(

Makes me wonder who exactly we're trying to piss off.  :)
Freya's contact mentioned that he is a security nut-job. :D
Imagine Modern-day Paparazzi does not need a camera if he can use security footage of clubs with average matrix security, and LA is all about personal image, would you go to a Strip-club where a better then average hacker could put a end to your career? you are welcome to do some more rolls as you are in the node there are some possibilities open to you, like seeing icons- IC or Spider ones so on.

Not sure if you already use it, but i find this quite helpful :)
[Resource] [Game Aids] Hacking 101 - Step-by-Step Basics of Hacking Guide (
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <12-11-12/1341:21>
No, I've made my own (it's a bit different and making it has improved my understanding of matrix actions as well).  It's posted somewhere here as well, but I don't know where exactly anymore.

As soon as we have a couple of days I think my character is going to go looking for some footage.  :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <12-11-12/1402:55>
No, I've made my own (it's a bit different and making it has improved my understanding of matrix actions as well).  It's posted somewhere here as well, but I don't know where exactly anymore.

As soon as we have a couple of days I think my character is going to go looking for some footage.  :)
I see someone wants a bit higher P2 rating :D

I know you had some hard nodes to crack, but If you want some easy nodes, you can just stop on your way in a stuffer shack or something like that for the thrill of a easy hack :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <12-11-12/1430:48>
Free drinks and SnackySoySugarBOMBbars (tm) will earn you major points with Rafa ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <12-12-12/0952:06>
One thing I seem forgoten in the IC, the Derma club is open till 9AM.
So you have the time to prepare.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <12-12-12/1310:37>
I dont think we need any more preparation. 
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <12-12-12/1400:53>
I think we left the hotel prepared because we didn't know what to expect at cinderblock motel.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <12-12-12/1515:05>
I dont think we need any more preparation.
good, then we are all set to go there and of course you can stop at a stuffershack.
You have the stage.  Just post the driving - Driver responsebility
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <12-12-12/1542:25>
Wow! Rafa drives like a pro! Driving 1 + Rea 6 + Handling 1 (8d6.hits(5)=5) (
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <12-12-12/1613:09>
Wow! Rafa drives like a pro! Driving 1 + Rea 6 + Handling 1 (8d6.hits(5)=5) (

Not really necessary for scene change, but good to know

he might need it sometime :)

And by "post the driving" i meant IC, or we will be in the Hotel for all eternity :)

Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <12-12-12/1742:17>
Kay then.
Let my good roll go to waste.
See if I care.

Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <12-12-12/1759:03>
Kay then.
Let my good roll go to waste.
See if I care.

you can make some mad driving with it though.

In standard i would love to have driving like this:

*You say you start driving to somewhere
*I decide if you are attacked by crazy bunch of zombies on Motorcycles.
>if that is the case i ask you to make rolls, and i post the exposition
>if not you arrive one the new location on the next post i make

you OK with this? :)
For this i will have Ahuechei arrive first as you planned and have her make the first move before you guys arrive. you are allowed to post that you arrive as well this once :D[/spoiler]
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <12-17-12/0507:34>
*nudge Dragonfly*
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Red Queen on <12-19-12/0310:14>
I'm new to the forum but not Shadowrun! I am looking to join a game and can't ever tell if a game is open availability or not. Let me know if you have room for one more player and I would love to join this campaign. I have read the premise of the story and have even caught up on current events.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <12-19-12/0443:45>
*nudge Dragonfly*
2nd this initiative
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <12-27-12/0812:24>
I'm sorry but i am having way too much works dumped on me, so i will not be able to post today and probably not tomorrow as well, still hope that i can get the IC up until new year.

Wishing you all great time and all the best for this time of year!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-02-13/0858:36>
Yay! A post! Happy new year!

Like I said earlier: Rafa wants to check out the roof for IR-equipment and (hopefully) find out where they lead to. He's got chameleon clothing, infiltration skillz and can climb walls easier than most people walk.
We free to act or first waiting for Ahuechei to act (or wait)?
If act: tell me what's possible and what rolls you need.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-02-13/0910:22>
Yay! A post! Happy new year!

Like I said earlier: Rafa wants to check out the roof for IR-equipment and (hopefully) find out where they lead to. He's got chameleon clothing, infiltration skillz and can climb walls easier than most people walk.
We free to act or first waiting for Ahuechei to act (or wait)?
If act: tell me what's possible and what rolls you need.
free to act, all the info from inside the club you already got, now you do as you please :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-02-13/0933:42>
Yeah, but I'm talking outside: climbing to the roof, checking for transmiters/receivers and seeing if Rafa can find out (or at last narrow down) where we need to be.

Climbing, Active Perception, Infiltration (18d6.hits(5)=9, 14d6.hits(5)=7, 13d6.hits(5)=1) (

Ick, that infiltration roll is nasty. 5 ones! Anyhow, at night, with camo stuff and in a shitty neighborhood, yeah... there ya go...
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-02-13/0945:41>
Yeah, but I'm talking outside: climbing to the roof, checking for transmiters/receivers and seeing if Rafa can find out (or at last narrow down) where we need to be.

Climbing, Active Perception, Infiltration (18d6.hits(5)=9, 14d6.hits(5)=7, 13d6.hits(5)=1) (

Ick, that infiltration roll is nasty. 5 ones! Anyhow, at night, with camo stuff and in a shitty neighborhood, yeah... there ya go...

You get to the roof, if you want, there are 2 guards smoking, from what they wear, you see that there are returning inside once they are finished, you can narrate or do you want me to do it?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-02-13/1221:08>
If at all possible, Rafa will fall back slightly and stick himself (gecko hands and gear) to a wall or some other place people would consider unlikely to find a person, then wait there until the guys go back inside. (Can he listen to possible conversation between them?)
Not gonna make a mess as long as it doesn't seem to be neccesary.

Narration: very little time myself; maybe tonight, more likely tomorrow night. If you beat me to it and don't mind, feel free to.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-06-13/1501:50>
Kay then.
 Kour, they walking close enough together for Rafa to attack 'em at the same time with split dicepool?
If so: he'll try to sneak up behind them and attack 'em both at the same time. Not including "charge" bonus since I'm trying to be sneaky. If I can charge while sneaking, should be two extra dice on both attacks.
Infiltration, 2 x Melee + Agi 16. Split to 8, +1 knockdown (martial arts). DV = 7S+Nethits vs Impact (12d6.hits(5)=4, 9d6.hits(5)=2, 9d6.hits(5)=3) (

Hoping for surprise so they can't defend. If both attacks hit: taking a follow-up attack, sacrificing Rafa's next action:
Split melee attack 16/2 = 8 + 3 opponent prone (11d6.hits(5)=3, 11d6.hits(5)=7) (
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <01-06-13/1516:37>
@Sent: who's commlink?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-06-13/1523:55>
Kay then.
 Kour, they walking close enough together for Rafa to attack 'em at the same time with split dicepool?
If so: he'll try to sneak up behind them and attack 'em both at the same time. Not including "charge" bonus since I'm trying to be sneaky. If I can charge while sneaking, should be two extra dice on both attacks.
Infiltration, 2 x Melee + Agi 16. Split to 8, +1 knockdown (martial arts). DV = 7S+Nethits vs Impact (12d6.hits(5)=4, 9d6.hits(5)=2, 9d6.hits(5)=3) (

Hoping for surprise so they can't defend. If both attacks hit: taking a follow-up attack, sacrificing Rafa's next action:
Split melee attack 16/2 = 8 + 3 opponent prone (11d6.hits(5)=3, 11d6.hits(5)=7) (

Will do the rolls tonight.

Seems Sent's out for blood :D it's been long since we had a real battle.

How many services are left for Tipsy?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <01-06-13/1557:57>
SpiritForceServices leftNotes
Tipsy - Spirit of Man55bound, optional power Psychokinesis
Guardian Spirit46bound, optional power Elemental Attack
Spirit of Man62bound, optional power Fear, Movement
Guardian Spirit45unbound, optional power Concealment

I think we are past one sunset or dawn since the summonning so the unbound one was freed. But I need to check the posts on that
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <01-06-13/1601:38>
@Sent: who's commlink?

guards of course,
you can try to pinpoint one and use it's access id for sniffing communication passively
given more time it would be good if you could take over one of them.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-09-13/0731:31>
I am sorry for tje lack of posts recently. Got hired on a second part-time job, so my free time is almost none-existing, but i promise to finish preparing the map and resolve any rolls/situations tonight.

Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-09-13/0748:40>
Hope you're making good money, at least!
Waiting with anticipation.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-13-13/0611:04>
Xzy. gets the first others will follow soon


Kay then.
 Kour, they walking close enough together for Rafa to attack 'em at the same time with split dicepool?
If so: he'll try to sneak up behind them and attack 'em both at the same time. Not including "charge" bonus since I'm trying to be sneaky. If I can charge while sneaking, should be two extra dice on both attacks.
Infiltration, 2 x Melee + Agi 16. Split to 8, +1 knockdown (martial arts). DV = 7S+Nethits vs Impact (12d6.hits(5)=4, 9d6.hits(5)=2, 9d6.hits(5)=3) (

Hoping for surprise so they can't defend. If both attacks hit: taking a follow-up attack, sacrificing Rafa's next action:
Split melee attack 16/2 = 8 + 3 opponent prone (11d6.hits(5)=3, 11d6.hits(5)=7) (


perception of the guards ( = 1 and 2

You are able to sneak up on then halfway to the door downstairs, so you roll surprise, Pending your surprise roll the guards are yours to narrate :)

They defend but not full defense, not yet.

Guard suprise ( = 13 and 16

Guard dodge if not suprised ( = 4 and 7

Soak when needed ( = 2 for both
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-13-13/1013:18>
Sorry, didn't realize this'd need surprise since Rafa is well aware of their presence but they not of his (they failed perception). I guess I get the +6?
Surprise, 10 + 6? (16d6.hits(5)=5) (
Puts Rafa at either 14 (10 dice) or 15 (16 dice). Rerolling with edge since Rafa really wants the element of surprise for the team and wants 'em down before they can call .
Edge in case of 10 dice.(6d6.hits(5)=1) ( 15 surprise (10 dice)
Edge in case of 16 dice. (11d6.hits(5)=3) ( 18 surprise (16 dice).

So, well, up to you; attack rolls already made in the first post. I'm kind of stuck on the damage dealing and need GM ruling for it.
Rafa deals P damage on melee attacks and S damage on a knockdown attack. He doesn't want to kill these guys, so the first (split) attack he'll do as knockdown.
There's nothing saying knockdown attacks can't be done on someone who's prone, so I could just say "second knockdown attack" and be done with it, but I don't know if you'd have problems with that. If you do, is there a way for Rafa to deal non-lethal damage with his melee attacks by holding his punches or trying to hit non-lethal locations?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-23-13/1214:21>
*bump* :(
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <01-23-13/1331:25>
*bump* :(

I'm waiting for the results of my looking into the guard's commlink.  But Kour is from latvia, and with the temperatures there his computer is probably frozen  :) (pun intended).  :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-23-13/1345:36>
No way! They even work faster when colder!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-24-13/1623:10>
*bump* :(

I'm waiting for the results of my looking into the guard's commlink.  But Kour is from latvia, and with the temperatures there his computer is probably frozen  :) (pun intended).  :)

Sorry, i am burried in work, littirary, it seems i have 17-18 hour working day at the moment, but i hope to have something doen soon, my big post is almost complete, not sure though if rafa is able to kill off both of the guards in one attack will see later tonight, that is still one thing i have to resolve,
Panther has got the signal and sent, well i would wish he could as easily kill me of RL as he did in SR, so i had a few free days :D
everything else coming soon.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <01-24-13/1701:25>
some moves are easier than others, all have their prices attached though
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-25-13/1315:09>
Xzy. gets the first others will follow soon


Kay then.
 Kour, they walking close enough together for Rafa to attack 'em at the same time with split dicepool?
If so: he'll try to sneak up behind them and attack 'em both at the same time. Not including "charge" bonus since I'm trying to be sneaky. If I can charge while sneaking, should be two extra dice on both attacks.
Infiltration, 2 x Melee + Agi 16. Split to 8, +1 knockdown (martial arts). DV = 7S+Nethits vs Impact (12d6.hits(5)=4, 9d6.hits(5)=2, 9d6.hits(5)=3) (

Hoping for surprise so they can't defend. If both attacks hit: taking a follow-up attack, sacrificing Rafa's next action:
Split melee attack 16/2 = 8 + 3 opponent prone (11d6.hits(5)=3, 11d6.hits(5)=7) (


perception of the guards ( = 1 and 2

You are able to sneak up on then halfway to the door downstairs, so you roll surprise, Pending your surprise roll the guards are yours to narrate :)

They defend but not full defense, not yet.

Guard surprise ( = 13 and 16

Guard dodge if not suprised ( = 4 and 7

Soak when needed ( = 2 for both

using the old rolls, as they did not get a chances to react to the surprise and are in a state of shock they did not do a full defense, so i use the rolls i made then.

Both are surprised, they take the full damage, Guard1 is left at 9S and guard2 is left at 8S both are prone,

On the second attack they defend G1 saves himself
Guard dodge if not suprised ( = 4 and 7
-2 for prone - 3 for damage = still 3 hits for dodge, so he is touched, but the attack misses.

but G2 takes 11S damage, and soaks only 4, so he is out of play.
Soaking 4 ( - still out for a while :) 10S 5P

Hope i did not make any mistakes,

i assume Rafa has not the shock gloves on, as Xzylvador gave me the unarmed attack damage not the shock glove one.

Also, just to speed things up a bit,


Could you make roll your Edge, or the one of your watcher, you need one hit.

Starting putting the finishing touches on the IC post.

Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <01-25-13/1428:31>
not sure if I got you correctly:
if you asked for my Edge + Edge roll it's here -> 6d6.hits(5)=4 (
if you asked for my watcher edge it's here -> 2d6.hits(5)=0 (
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-25-13/1608:56>
I'm not really certain they can defend...
"During the first Initiative Pass, however, characters are considered surprised by any other characters who scored more hits than they did on the surprise Initiative Test. A character who is surprised may not directly act toward or react to characters who have surprised him. <snip> Only counts in the first Initiative Pass <snip>"
Since both of Rafa's attacks are done in the same pass (made possible thanks to the follow-up attack maneuver)...

Your call.
Sure hope he's down. If not, I think it's his move, Rafa sacced his action to make the second attack.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-26-13/0743:33>
I'm not really certain they can defend...
"During the first Initiative Pass, however, characters are considered surprised by any other characters who scored more hits than they did on the surprise Initiative Test. A character who is surprised may not directly act toward or react to characters who have surprised him. <snip> Only counts in the first Initiative Pass <snip>"
Since both of Rafa's attacks are done in the same pass (made possible thanks to the follow-up attack maneuver)...

Your call.
Sure hope he's down. If not, I think it's his move, Rafa sacced his action to make the second attack.

Reread the finishing move maneuver,
it's the same action phase, so they do not defend :S , and they both are down.
Congrats, Rafa!!!

i find it a bit odd to use finishing move on 2 opponents at the same time, the wording is in singular, but i have never been a big grammar nazi, so this one stays as it is done now. :D
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-26-13/0942:21>
The way I figured is that the half dicepool attacks are the same attack action...
And even if they're not, maybe Rafa could have triggered Finishing Move once for each attack, sacrificing his two next actions. Result would be the same.
But hey, no prob if you'd ruled differently. I'm flexible that way!

Kinda glad those guys are down though... 6 Rea + 7 Skill? Wow, Rafa really underestimated these guys... I'm guessing that since they went down before they could react, Rafa has no clue as to how good these guys are?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-26-13/1605:49>
It stands.

Kinda glad those guys are down though... 6 Rea + 7 Skill? Wow, Rafa really underestimated these guys... I'm guessing that since they went down before they could react, Rafa has no clue as to how good these guys are?

Says the one who took 2 of them down.

Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-26-13/1646:11>
Ah, but that's just good tactics and a generous GM ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <01-30-13/0300:28>
I'm in another guards commlink (at least I think so, I'm still waiting for the results of my hacking :) ), so I can follow from there as well.

PS: I'm home with the flu, so my response rate might not be what it normally is.  :(
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-30-13/0315:38>
PS: I'm home with the flu, so my response rate might not be what it normally is.  :(
It`ll be higher? ;)
Veel beterschap.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-30-13/0856:28>
I am sorry that it took so long for the post.

Will do my best to gain some speed,but i can not promise a fast paced PbP as it used to be. :(

Wish you well Farothel, may the Cure fairy visit your home and bring you back to good health.


you all are up. :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <01-30-13/0908:38>
I am sorry that it took so long for the post.

Will do my best to gain some speed,but i can not promise a fast paced PbP as it used to be. :(

Wish you well Farothel, may the Cure fairy visit your home and bring you back to good health.


you all are up. :)

I hope so, or at least I hope they stop calling me from work  :(
@Sent: I just reread your last post.  you can actually rip out part of an aura to make a watcher spirit? Nice  ???
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <01-30-13/0920:54>
that's just a fluff :) But I find it climatic as it deeply hate in sr4 that matrix rules are vague and storytelling as opposite to magic which is boring like a phonebook.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <01-30-13/0933:58>
Kour, I little confused I am :D
You said that watcher found dog (singular), yet you marked two on the map (though this is consistent with what the guards were saying).
Under the backstage means that the area around the T-like things is a backstage.
Does it mean there is a cellar or that the stage is  like one meter tall and there is something below.

also where are we (where's the bar) and how the rooms to the east (near the main entrance) are accessed?

and how many other people are around - is it crowdy, or there are just we and the guards?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <01-30-13/0934:37>
Anything on the Freya/Caramelle side? haven't heard form here for a while.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <01-30-13/0955:29>
also I might have missed it ... how tall is that building, this is one story plus a roof, or two story building?

From the current outline, it looks like the rooms to the left are just private bootches, or guards rooms (Sprkling, could tell us that if it looks like guardrooms). also where is the staris/entrance to the second floor/roof (apart the one Rafa used - I am not good at climbing)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-30-13/1027:37>
Kour, I little confused I am :D
You said that watcher found dog (singular), yet you marked two on the map (though this is consistent with what the guards were saying).
Under the backstage means that the area around the T-like things is a backstage.
Does it mean there is a cellar or that the stage is  like one meter tall and there is something below.

also where are we (where's the bar) and how the rooms to the east (near the main entrance) are accessed?

and how many other people are around - is it crowdy, or there are just we and the guards?

Sorry, the making of this was stretched too long, so i myself am a bit in over my head, in adjusting it.

My mistake in English, There are 2 dog-like creatures inside the club, and a few stray dogs outside :D

The area that is blanked out to the right of the t-like things on witch girls dance is the backstage, at least girls come and go trough the 2 doors there.
Also doors are the white rectangle spaces in the walls. there is no basement, the dogs are around, not under, meaning you do not know the exact layout of the backstage.

The two round-things top and bottom of the map are the Bars. there are 2  drinks can be consumed at the bar or taken to the seating at the T shaped stages

At the moments the map only shows the rooms you have been in, the whole second floor is blanked out as well as many rooms in the first floor. :D

You can start investigating :D

2 stories, with a roof access.

Simple perception test should let you see the door markings, toilets stairs and such :)

Waiting to see what you all do :)

Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <01-30-13/1035:32>
perception test buying hits, will gvie a 3 hits or so
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <01-30-13/1044:42>
good call on that facial video check Faro.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <01-30-13/1220:37>
Question: with sniffer I can just capture signals and not send something.  As I'd rather not hack into their system (those rating are very high for a club), can I use spoof to sent a text message of some sort to the central system?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-30-13/1226:49>
That's what I was going for, really.
Use Edit to create a soundbyte and Spoof to make it look like it belongs on the channel.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <01-30-13/1507:26>
also where is the staris/entrance to the second floor/roof (apart the one Rafa used - I am not good at climbing)

If you wanted to come up, I'm sure Rafa could easily pull up your midget Oops leprechaun damnit! dwarf.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <01-30-13/1515:07>
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <01-30-13/1601:12>
That's what I was going for, really.
Use Edit to create a soundbyte and Spoof to make it look like it belongs on the channel.

If you have their comms active, you can just approve a subsciption by me on them and I can do this without hacking.  Makes it easier and safer.  I can also pull the building plans and things like that off there.  :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <01-31-13/1914:03>
Does not anyone roll security tactics or relevant knowledge skills?
Also if you have any animal knowledge that could bring some light in the plant dog  thing :D
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <02-01-13/1103:44>
Edited Rafa's post about having their comms.
Rolls: Int 4, Radar 4, Attention Coporc. 3 --- Knowledge Parazoology (North American) --- Security Design --- Security Tactics (11d6.hits(5)=6, 5d6.hits(5)=1, 6d6.hits(5)=1, 5d6.hits(5)=0) (
So the perception test with UWB gets 6 hits, yay!
Only a single hit on both parazoology and security design.
No hits on security tactics... though come to think of it, I don't even know what that roll'd be for ;)

Anything on Panther being able to spoof a message to their comms?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <02-01-13/1108:53>

Oh, Sent, you sharing info on that "plant dog" thing?

Kour: Kind of got distracted, but depending on the results of Rafa's UWB scan, if it doesn't deliver something good, can he see the receiving equipment and possibly see where the wiring leads?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <02-01-13/1116:33>
Info on dogplants shared off course
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <02-01-13/1341:11>
I just hate months of RL planning :P

I hope you aren't too mad at me
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-01-13/1356:26>
I just hate months of RL planning :P
Kinda remember that.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <02-01-13/1356:59>
and by the way that wasn't free call it costed me 1000 nuyen in binding materials, grenade might hae been cheaper but louder also
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <02-01-13/1416:30>
Well.... it was free for Rafa ;)
In the end, isn't that all that matters? :p

Not mad at all, no worries! If things get ugly though, Caretaker and Panther fleeing and leave Rafa + Spirit to get their hands dirty?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <02-01-13/1423:05>
By the way, Rafa's loaded Capsule Rounds in one mag, Ex-Ex in the other.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <02-01-13/1503:31>
Actually two spirits. And I think I can handle the exit road.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <02-01-13/1840:59>
Not saying you can't. Just checking, you know, so we don't spend months of RL planning :p
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-04-13/1238:58>
looks like i have to give  Dragonfly and Caramel a push :D
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-13-13/1639:31>
looks like i have to give  Dragonfly and Caramel a push :D
talked to Caramel yesterday, she promised to post something when she catches up, Dragon the same, but we can push forward if you like?
what do you say?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <02-14-13/0127:14>
sure, no problem.

FYI: Be advised that I will be away from March 13th to March 28th without any internet access.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <02-15-13/0726:08>
looks like i have to give  Dragonfly and Caramel a push :D
talked to Caramel yesterday, she promised to post something when she catches up, Dragon the same, but we can push forward if you like?
what do you say?

Caramelle: Last IC Post, December 13th
Sparkling Dragonfly: Last IC Post, December 20th
I don't know what you want me to say.
I know they're your RL friends and all, and if you want to run a game with them, you should, so much the better for all of you. You've certainly got every right to and I'm grateful just to have a game to play and a good GM running it.
But honestly, I really don't think a PbP with bi-monthly updates will go anywhere, have much involvement or be much fun.
Hey, I'm around, if somehing happens in IC, I'll have Rafa act. But I can't say I'm enoying this as much as I did when it got started :(

edit: Sorry to come across like a dick... I really don't mean to. I'm just kind of sad seeing these games dying all the time.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-15-13/0806:20>
edit: Sorry to come across like a dick... I really don't mean to. I'm just kind of sad seeing these games dying all the time.

I am the one who should be apologising not youand every one else who is daily on the fourum and wating for things to resolve..

I'm Sorry that it is so slow.

So that's a done deal now as long as they are not in IC we count them out. update tonight, or tommorow morning depending how long the session tonight will be.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <02-15-13/1244:58>
No man, you really don't need to apologise.
You're willing to spend time and effort to entertain a bunch of random internet-people and I really am grateful for it, even if I don't show it, whining about the pace.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-16-13/1740:58>

Ougoun I need your services. Above, at the end of the corridor are four guards. One closer, two patrolling it and one at the farther end. When the two patrolling guards turn adn start moving toward the closer guard poses the one that is standing there, signal when you do and drop the two guards simultaneusly using non-lethal attacks.

Quote from: ooc
The plan goes as follows:
Spirit (Force 4, 5 services, concealment additional power) possess the guard, using his enhanced stats and splitting dicepools. as soon as the spirit let me know he possessed the guard I'll signal Rafa.
The guard by the doors should observe the situation, but before he'll be able to react he'll be downed by Rafa (he should be distracted makign it even easier for him to be sneaked upon).

the above will cost me two services (one to possess the guard and one to disable them), the guard will get stat boost because of possession.
as previously on unsuccessful attempt I'd like him to retry

we'll see afterwards, it will take at least a minute probably before the guards be in position, giving time to Panther for making additional hacking is possible.

Quote from: SM Page 101
If the possession fails or the spirit is banished, the critter may not attempt to possess that vessel again until the sun next rises
or sets.
if you fail on the first guard, witch i doubt you need only 2 hits, you can attempt to posses the other.

Possession roll please(2) (

Everyone roll initiative as the possession will defiantly trigger a response and we will go into CT's when it starts.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <02-16-13/1807:31>
possession attempt - Force (4) + Force(4) -> 8d6.hits(5)=3 (
inittiative -> 5 + 5d6.hits(5)=2 ( -> 7 1IP
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <02-16-13/1857:20>
Initiative (10d6.hits(5)=4) (
Rafa's at 14 IP.
Since we're all aware of this going down and the guards don't, do we get the +6 bonus for surprise?

Rafa'll try to sneak down the stairs so he can jump the guards at the same time as the spirit... Where would the roof access stair be on the map? Same place as the stairs between ground and first floor?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-16-13/1955:21>
Initiative (10d6.hits(5)=4) (
Rafa's at 14 IP.
Since we're all aware of this going down and the guards don't, do we get the +6 bonus for surprise?

Rafa'll try to sneak down the stairs so he can jump the guards at the same time as the spirit... Where would the roof access stair be on the map? Same place as the stairs between ground and first floor?
yes the same place, but it's like fire stairs. 
what i mean is - it's a old rusted iron stairs vertically trough the roof with a small opening on top.
the stairs are made in a way that makes it very hard to come down without making a sound or attracting attention. -4 on stealth.

the spirit does not get the surprise bonus at least not a full one as the attention is on the man he possessed, but Rafa does get a +6 if you jump down  the stairs, but you have to make a Body(1) roll to not fall over or take damage.
they would expect the two smokers coming down so surprise would apply.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <02-17-13/0244:06>
Sounds good.
Just a body roll, no Athletics (incl. bonusses from augs such as synthacardium, balance augmenter) or something?  Anyhow, even with just Body (5) I can buy the single hit if you let me.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <02-17-13/0506:32>
Anything for me on putting the cameras to blank before they start making noise?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-17-13/1409:50>
Anything for me on putting the cameras to blank before they start making noise?
it will be done as soon as the combat breaks lose upstairs.

you roll ini

and then on Sent's mark the Spirit guard will try to Double KO the two guards.
Sent remember that the Spirit has no access to the Skills of the possessed guard.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <02-17-13/1433:50>
yeah, I know, but this is the guardian spirit - it has it's own unarmed combat
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-17-13/1546:59>
yeah, I know, but this is the guardian spirit - it has it's own unarmed combat
We can start combat, Panthers INI pending, but 1st floor will nor battle for a while so Faro can get in at a later moment if needed.
 what do you guys say?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <02-17-13/2004:10>
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <02-18-13/0213:08>
I'll do my camera thing right before combat starts, and I'm not doing anything else but keeping out of the way until it does.  :)

So ready to go.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-18-13/0301:16>
So the battle starts, :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-19-13/1854:00>
Guards ini (
9d6.hits(5) → [2,6,1,2,4,6,4,6,4] = (3) - 12
9d6.hits(5) → [1,2,6,5,5,1,5,5,5] = (6) - 15
9d6.hits(5) → [2,5,5,3,3,3,2,6,6] = (4) - 13
9d6.hits(5) → [5,4,5,1,5,6,5,2,4] = (5) - 14
9d6.hits(5) → [3,6,5,3,1,6,3,4,3] = (3) - 12[/spoiler]

 INI ??? - 12 (

 INI Dogs - 9 and 7 (

as i said Rafa can get a surprise, but the spirit taking over can not, as it is noticeable, at least until you prove me wrong.
tomorrow the battle starts.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <02-20-13/0240:15>
Man, I need sleep. :( Kids are so fun... but a little bit less fun in the middle of the night.
Just so my tired mind gets this right: the spirit will possess the most northern guard when the two patrolling guards turn their backs to him, and will attack them, right?
That'd leave the guard closest to the stairs for Rafa. (at least, on this floor, that we know of)... The door from stairs to hallway, is it closed? (So would Rafa's surprise start when he opens the door to shoot the guard, or can they engage the moment he drops down?)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-20-13/0448:24>
Man, I need sleep. :( Kids are so fun... but a little bit less fun in the middle of the night.
Just so my tired mind gets this right: the spirit will possess the most northern guard when the two patrolling guards turn their backs to him, and will attack them, right?
That'd leave the guard closest to the stairs for Rafa. (at least, on this floor, that we know of)... The door from stairs to hallway, is it closed? (So would Rafa's surprise start when he opens the door to shoot the guard, or can they engage the moment he drops down?)

Not sure if the guards will turn their backs. I do not believe that possession is something that can go unnoticed. My exaple would be taking over the drivers seat by force, expecting that no one will notice. At least as far I know, or got the impresion from the books.
if you disagree, voice it, we can reach a consensus. my views are not cut in stone.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <02-20-13/0512:07>
No, you're absolutely right. Possession is clearly visible unless the spirit has some power to hide it, afaik.
But Caretaker ordered:
Above, at the end of the corridor are four guards. One closer, two patrolling it and one at the farther end. When the two patrolling guards turn adn start moving toward the closer guard poses the one that is standing there, signal when you do and drop the two guards simultaneusly using non-lethal attacks.
Which I understood as: the two patrolling guards walk through the corridor. Once they turn southwards, the spirit will possess the one in the north (so behind their backs & out of their view) and engage them from behind.

Could be I got it all wrong...Or it could also be that they don't turn southwards, in which case the spirit won't engage... Guess if that's the case, Rafa will wait a moment, but if nothing happens, attack the guy in the south. When the others engage (for which they'd have to turn southwards), the spirit will carry out his orders...

But, again, could be I really misunderstood everything. Need sleep!!!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <02-20-13/0514:06>
Addendum: Of course, you're controlling the spirit. If it is confused about its orders, who knows what it'll do.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-20-13/0528:16>
Addendum: Of course, you're controlling the spirit. If it is confused about its orders, who knows what it'll do.
his orders were to posses the guard and report to caretaker, that has happened, now he is waiting for new orders.
Sent put his plan in ooc, but I doubt I should act on it without giving him the chance to change it.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <02-20-13/1400:58>
That's exactly the plan I was describing. If I wasn't clear enough in the IC, we're in the hands of GM :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <02-20-13/1403:51>
two things.
1. Sent isn't anywhere close to that club. Caretaker is.
2. I have no answer for one of the previous questions, thouhg it might have been I didn't ask it. How many people are down there?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <02-20-13/1452:25>
I love playing Rafa :D
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-20-13/1521:16>
two things.
1. Sent isn't anywhere close to that club. Caretaker is.
2. I have no answer for one of the previous questions, thouhg it might have been I didn't ask it. How many people are down there?
Are you sure? You are not sitting in a stripclub downtown LA drinking iced tequila? Must be a mistake on my part.

There are around 40 metas you know of and 2 dogs.

Will roll sec tactics as freya to give you some more info.
Rolls after 1:00 my time, still traveling. :(
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-20-13/1534:49>
I love playing Rafa :D
Could you roll InI +6 for surprise
If you want con as well.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <02-20-13/1623:07>
Rolled Init a while back... (10+4 iirc) but I'll give you another. The second this was just fluff, but yeah, sure, I'll play :)

Init 10 + Surprise 6 -- Cha 2, Con 1, First Impression 2 (16d6.hits(5)=6, 5d6.hits(5)=3) (
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <02-21-13/0157:32>
Just in case I want to jump in at some point:
initiative 8 (8d6.hits(5)=2) (
makes it initiative 10 for me, 2 IP
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-21-13/1750:42>
Rolls after 1:00 my time, still traveling. :(

sorry that it took so long.

still debating with myself if i should use Freya, as it seems we lost Caramell for good.
Dragonfly is busy RL but wants to be part of this so i hope she will rejoin in the combat time.

Pool what you think i should do?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <02-21-13/1804:21>
The guard has his agility and strength bumped by 4 - so he has 4 agility and 4 strength base of each (it can use passive cyberware - such as bone lacing)?
That's above average certainly, just wanted to make sure of that.

also, the spirit could probably charged both of the guards (if they moved the 2 meters away before he finished possession) using the impet to increase the damage or use called shot for damage to increase the damage on of the guard.

also kevlar bone lacing gives +1 not +2 on damage resitance rolls (not that it change anything on number of hits)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-21-13/1826:49>
The guard has his agility and strength bumped by 4 - so he has 4 agility and 4 strength base of each (it can use passive cyberware - such as bone lacing)?
1)That's above average certainly, just wanted to make sure of that.

2)also, the spirit could probably charged both of the guards (if they moved the 2 meters away before he finished possession) using the impet to increase the damage or use called shot for damage to increase the damage on of the guard.

3)also kevlar bone lacing gives +1 not +2 on damage resistance rolls (not that it change anything on number of hits)

1) I know, they are not your average guards,

2) If he had charged he would have lost the surprise. if you want to take over the spirit control, you can, i just thought AalithHUH, or how it was unable to separate the characters so i took it as GM's responsibility, in you i have trust to separate the characters enough. :)

3) i stand corrected, the bonus to Armour changed to Ballistic, my mistake.

You are free to act on IP 1 on the lover floor as you like, and Rafa Can take a finishing move to get over with his guard but i doubt the spirit will manage 2 guards on his own.

Going to make a new map, did you move before combat started?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <02-21-13/1842:56>
Damned... these guys are seriously tough!
Sent, you think the spirit's got those two or does he need Rafa to help out? If he ain't needed, I'm gonna try to set up an ambush for the reinforcements.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-21-13/1908:38>
Damned... these guys are seriously tough!
Sent, you think the spirit's got those two or does he need Rafa to help out? If he ain't needed, I'm gonna try to set up an ambush for the reinforcements.
Sorry i have forgotten to ask you a perception on searching the guards on the roof.

we can correct it now, it will give you a bit more info.
on the other hand Rafa did not take his time to investigate the guards, at least not aske for it and rolled in IC, so again, you decide. :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <02-22-13/0244:08>
If it's something he could find going through their pockets and patting them down, he might have a chance to notice... he didn't stip them down and do a full cavity search.
Base perception (8d6.hits(5)=1) (  [1,1,4,1,3,6,1,2] = (1) makes it a glitch. I didn't add the 3 dice for actively looking or 3 dice for visual perception though. They might fix it...
Your call, it's all good for me.
Invisible Castle's been so good to me for a long time, I guess I had all these lousy rolls coming.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-22-13/0301:14>
If it's something he could find going through their pockets and patting them down, he might have a chance to notice... he didn't stip them down and do a full cavity search.
Base perception (8d6.hits(5)=1) (  [1,1,4,1,3,6,1,2] = (1) makes it a glitch. I didn't add the 3 dice for actively looking or 3 dice for visual perception though. They might fix it...
Your call, it's all good for me.
Invisible Castle's been so good to me for a long time, I guess I had all these lousy rolls coming.
you can fix it, just roll 3 more :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <02-22-13/0343:58>
Fix, fix, fix! (3d6.hits(5)=0)  [2, 2, 4]  (

Okay, 1 hit is still crap, but at least it's not a glitch anymore.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <02-22-13/0444:04>
2) If he had charged he would have lost the surprise. if you want to take over the spirit control, you can, i just thought AalithHUH, or how it was unable to separate the characters so i took it as GM's responsibility, in you i have trust to separate the characters enough. :)

No no - I am perfectly cool directing my astral and physical puppets remotely. :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <02-22-13/0449:46>
Damned... these guys are seriously tough!
Sent, you think the spirit's got those two or does he need Rafa to help out? If he ain't needed, I'm gonna try to set up an ambush for the reinforcements.

I'll send Tipsy to postpone reinforcements.
My only problem is that they probably will call for help, so yes helping him, will give you more time to search the office.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <02-22-13/0540:46>
How's ths sound?
Guards call for backup. Rafa runs back out the corridor, glues the door shut and crawls back up the roof ladder. Guards + dogs get stopped at the stuck door, Rafa drops gas 'nade on the packed little bunch of guards+dogs. Clean up what's left.
Or maybe a flashbang? Doesn't stay around to hamper the Caretaker and Panther, plus chunky salsa rules... hope Kour's a bit gentle, otherwise the S will turn into P pretty darned quickly in such a tight corridor. Could they really become lethal? seems a little overboard.
Have tipsy prevent 'em from leaving.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <02-22-13/0548:05>
good, but for now shoot a couple gel/stun rounds in the direction of the two guards - you got them pinned in melee combat, so they should be fairly quick to dispose of (once/if you dispose your current one).
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-23-13/1444:00>
sure, no problem.

FYI: Be advised that I will be away from March 13th to March 28th without any internet access.

I hope you did not mean February. :)

are you doing something in this IP or should i skip to the Second and you delay your action?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <02-24-13/0447:26>
sure, no problem.

FYI: Be advised that I will be away from March 13th to March 28th without any internet access.

I hope you did not mean February. :)

are you doing something in this IP or should i skip to the Second and you delay your action?

I'm not sure.  It depends what the guards I can see in the club are doing.  But most probably I'll delay.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sparkling Dragonfly on <02-24-13/1506:33>
Hi there! I am sorry my absence has been this long. I've been totally swallowed by all things related to buying an apartment, getting a bank loan, and organizong repair works... I know it doesn't really serve an excuse.
I am willing to continue, if you will have me.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <02-24-13/1711:22>
All you have to do is post in IC :p
Though, for the moment my advice would be to wait and see how/when the guards downstairs will react...

And if things go as hoped:
Guards upstairs call for backup. Rafa runs back out the corridor, glues the door shut and crawls up the roof ladder. Guards + dogs get stopped at the stuck door, Rafa drops gas 'nade on the packed little bunch of guards+dogs. We clean up what's left.
Does Ahuechei have a gasmask? *grin*
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-26-13/0408:46>
Hi there! I am sorry my absence has been this long. I've been totally swallowed by all things related to buying an apartment, getting a bank loan, and organizong repair works... I know it doesn't really serve an excuse.
I am willing to continue, if you will have me.
You have until tonight to post INI and your first turn actions, then tonight we are moving on with or without your first action.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Caramelle on <02-26-13/1704:42>
Hello guys!
I'm very sorry to inform you - I have to leave this game as I'm just too busy with my work and some other stuff I have to sort out. I loved this story a lot, especially my Freya - she's adorable... :) But for now - I can't promise to be here as much as needed and I feel it's better to say goodbuy than ruin whole game by not posting on time and as much as needed, making other wait for me. It was areal pleasure to be here and I'm happy I'm not a Newbe anymore :D I wish you all to have real fun and - show must go on!  8)

I wish you all good luck and success!
Caramelle :)

PS Rafa - your'e almost perfect guy for Freya... She just don't know that! :D
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <02-26-13/1743:00>
She'll never know what she missed out on!
Too bad you're leaving, I had a lot of fun with Freya in the group and can only imagine how much more there was to be had... Guess I still have Panther to hit on, but man did that treesome look attractive ;)
But I also have to admit I'm selfish enough to be somewhat hopeful that this game might be able to get to a more enjoyable posting speed.
Good luck with real life and other distractions like that. Come back to the PbP's when you got time for the things that really matter! :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <02-27-13/0741:46>
Freya will be missed, as will you be missed Caramelle.
all the best.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <03-03-13/0418:29>
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sparkling Dragonfly on <03-03-13/1049:51>
I must admit I had quite enjoyed you two bantering :) Too bad we'll have to do without it...

My INI roll:
INI = Intuition 2 + Reaction 8 (10d6.hits(5)=4) (

And Xzyl - nope, Ahuechei doesn't have a gas mask on. Would look quite silly and not in the least attractive to those pretty dancing ladies.... ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <03-03-13/1115:35>
Say guys, it's been a while and I'm a bit confused.  :-[  Who are we trying to find/kidnap/kill in this club?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <03-03-13/1122:23>
Say guys, it's been a while and I'm a bit confused.  :-[  Who are we trying to find/kidnap/kill in this club?
after the two guards spoke about how the clubowner and bacchus are planing having Dae here in approximately 12 hours, sent called for a all out attack. It's blurry in IC as well.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <03-03-13/1127:00>
Weren't we here 'cuz this is where the blackmail-footage got sent?
(Which reminds me, did you answer me when I asked whether Rafa saw IR receivers on the roof...)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <03-03-13/1202:51>
I actually found something for me to do during the combat.  I'm not sure if my time has already passed, but I think I had declared a delay, so I can still do something.  And otherwise I'll do it in my second IP.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <03-03-13/1238:42>
Weren't we here 'cuz this is where the blackmail-footage got sent?
(Which reminds me, did you answer me when I asked whether Rafa saw IR receivers on the roof...)

That's what I though also -
we want Rafa to enter the office and look for blackmail material.

downstairs, we'll try to keep the rest of the guards occupied, preferably without dying
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <03-03-13/1341:17>
Unless he's got it on a memory card labeled "Daee's Porn-Trid Blackmail Material" -which is a bit unlikely, not to mention awefully stupid- Rafa's probably gonna need someone (Panther) to dig through computer stuff or something.
I'm guessing we need to clean up the place, which is why the gas-grenade ambush would be great.

Q: Do flashbang grenades have a chunky salsa effect or no?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <03-03-13/1349:36>
Added an init roll for the next CT to the IC spoiler of Rafa's action.

Another Q: Since Rafa's rifle is already out and hanging over his shoulder with a sling, is it a free or a simple action to get it in his hands?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <03-03-13/1455:09>
Oh man... Caretaker is evil... Haha!

But, uhm... you know your spellcasting is obvious for everyone in the room to notice, right?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <03-03-13/1458:25>
That depend if anyone is watching, that's why I waited for them to hear about the troubles and start running toward the doors.
Secondary that is why Achuei (or whatever his name is ;) ) is near.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <03-03-13/1530:41>
Unless he's got it on a memory card labeled "Daee's Porn-Trid Blackmail Material" -which is a bit unlikely, not to mention awefully stupid- Rafa's probably gonna need someone (Panther) to dig through computer stuff or something.
I'm guessing we need to clean up the place, which is why the gas-grenade ambush would be great.

Q: Do flashbang grenades have a chunky salsa effect or no?

I assume, and the problem is that everything we seem to encounter in this city has firewalls that can be boosted with simstar's egos.  :)  At least, it's the only explanation I can find why those firewalls are so high.  ;)
But Panther is not going to walk through the fight until after it is done.  Next time I'll give Rafa one of my two microtapper bugs.  he can just put it into the correct room and I can go from there, without having to be present.  :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <03-03-13/1544:57>
Yeah... -might- be useful to hand those out before we start fighting ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <03-03-13/1709:33>
you did see  a antenna on the roof, but you never investigated it. not even what direction it's pointing :)

taking the gun from shoulder is a normal ready weapon action.

And Yes Care taker just painted himself a big target on the back :)

also the spell affects everybody in the room, Care taker can provide counter-spelling to you all downstairs, but you still will have to roll willpower to resist. of course he will not command you,as he can make up groups as he likes, but if you sucome to the spell he still has control over you :D
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <03-03-13/1731:12>
was anybody at all looking at me in the dark bar full of naked girls, with guards busy with their commlinks?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <03-03-13/1820:05>
was anybody at all looking at me in the dark bar full of naked girls, with guards busy with their commlinks?
Quote from: SRA page 179
Noticing if someone is using a magical skill requires a Perception Test (p. 135) with a
threshold equal to 6 minus the magic’s Force. More powerful magic is easier to spot with
the gathered mana normally appearing as a disturbance or glowing aura in the air around the
caster. The gamemaster should apply additional modifiers as appropriate, or if the perceiver
is Awakened themselves (+2 dice), astrally perceiving (+2 dice), or if a shamanic mask is
evident (+2 dice).
this means that i roll perception -2 for distracted and my threshold is (1) to notice you casting a spell.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <03-04-13/0353:25>
Yikes ... I knew those fluff stories would kill me someday.
Force 1 spell would just as effective, since there is no counterpelling around, there was no need for higher magic.

I was going under impression that unless you take some kind of geas to have to shout your spelling it is not noticable ...
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <03-04-13/0356:35>
Yikes ... I knew those fluff stories would kill me someday.
Force 1 spell would just as effective, since there is no counterpelling around, there was no need for higher magic.

I was going under impression that unless you take some kind of geas to have to shout your spelling it is not noticable ...

you can lover the force if you like :)

giving you this one off, next time you will be surrendered by a group of guards who are quit angry that you cursed their mate. :)

on the other hand they still have to resist your spell and i doubt many will :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <03-04-13/0405:50>
edited, thanks.

that's what I got for having almost no mages in my games and a year break in rules.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <03-04-13/0422:46>
edited, thanks.

that's what I got for having almost no mages in my games and a year break in rules.

I know how you feel, i know that matrix is a dark room for me, i have found a good material for it, but still i do not think i can do magic like you do Matrix.

If you ever have any Magic related questions just shoot, i will get back to you ASAP, had my share of mages in my games so i know a thing or two :)

Edit: Now they only need 1 hit to resist :D, Force is limiting your roll to max 1 hit :) this is the way it works for spells like mob mind.
For combat spells force is base damage. will get the paragraphing one min.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <03-04-13/0432:02>
Quote from: SRA page 182
A spell’s Force limits the number of hits (not net hits) that can be
achieved on the Spellcasting Test. So if you cast a Force 3 spell and get
5 hits, only 3 of those hits count. In other words, Force has a limiting
effect on spells—the more oomph you put into the spell, the better
you can succeed with it. This limitation does not apply to Edge dice
that are used to boost a spell.

Just FYI, half of them will probably not be affected, if you are lucky that is
one more "One off", as it seems that you really have not been casting anything for a while, and it's my fault.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <03-04-13/0438:14>
that should be enough to start a bar fight, and I might capture few guards as well.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <03-04-13/0545:13>
F2 would still have threshold 4, so pretty hard to see with  the penalties for perception. (Which should be more than -2 distracted... I'm guessing the strip joint isn't really that brightly lit.)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <03-04-13/0546:50>
plus it's not obvious sign, partial cover etc. but I really don't want to be found out.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <03-04-13/0549:27>
Awwww, I was hoping Rafa'd finally have an excuse to gas you all and then blame you for still not having gasmasks with you.

Ah well, the moment will come. Those guard still are pretty darned tough.

Oh, repeat question again:
1. Do flash grenades have chunky salsa effect?
1b. If they do (I think they do), would you houserule in something preventing it from being lethal? Seems kind of silly otherwise.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <03-04-13/0701:45>
@ sent, they will have other modifier as well,but that was from the top of my head to point out that it would be easy

@Xzy not sure what effect you speak off, but they will definitively be dizzy and disoriented for a CT or two. if they fail to resist it :)
and gas and flash bangs will not cause overflow or will cause stun overflow that never turns in physical. there will be exclusions like gassing some one into a coma for the rest of his life, but i regard this stun overflow only for bulldogging damage not confusion.

Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <03-04-13/0736:52>
No, no, no. Chunky salsa's the name for the effect of using grenades or other area weapons in confined spaces: the blast bounces off of walls repeatedly, increasing damage.
In case of a flashbang exploding in a 2m wide hallway, the damage would be, uhm, I think about 38S, -3AP.... So yeah, good to know they won't overflow to physical... (And that's ignoring bouncing from the ceiling.)

But we still have to see how this all turns out, could be it won't even come up.

Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <03-04-13/0742:15>
I doubt flash-bangs have chunky salsa as they have hardly any explosion.  Chunky salsa is because fragments ricochet of the walls back into people, but flash bangs have no fragments (or very few) as it's just a flash and a loud noise.  So for me there is no chunky salsa, but that's just my opinion.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <03-06-13/1201:58>
Chunky salsa is more about the shockwave/explosion itself being bounced than fragments (in which case, it would only work on frag grenades, not HE's)... For stun grenades it would be the sound being echoed over and over and enhanced that way.
Anyhow, that's how the RAW work as far as I understand it. But I agree, it's waaaaay too excessive.
I'd just like to know ahead of time how we want this to work, so I know which grenade to pick when it's neccesary.

And, uhm, Kour, you gonna move... or you still waiting on Dragonfly?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <03-06-13/1825:05>
And, uhm, Kour, you gonna move... or you still waiting on Dragonfly?
yep i would like for her to post, but i will update tomorrow anyway it plays out as the ppl downstairs are not really yet in CT
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <03-09-13/0434:08>
I'm not sure if I mentioned it already, but I'll be out of town with no internet access from the 13th of March until the 28th.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <03-09-13/1750:28>
Posted Rafa's 3rd IP action a week ago...
Wounded guard needs to defend against 5 hits melee. Posted init for next CT too.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <03-09-13/1840:22>
Posted Rafa's 3rd IP action a week ago...
Wounded guard needs to defend against 5 hits melee. Posted init for next CT too.
Sorry missed it  :-[
will do updates first thing tomorrow, after a long sleep o Sunday :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <03-10-13/0617:57>
I've reposted my first action.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <03-10-13/0626:14>
I've reposted my first action.
yeah i know :) sorry you were still green, my fault.
you are free to do what you like in IC as downstairs there is not combat yet :)
later today i intend to get response to Rafa's 3rd IP and start a new CT

Every one INI for CT 2
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <03-11-13/1527:55>
initiative - 5 + 5d6.hits(5)=4 ( -> 9
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sparkling Dragonfly on <03-12-13/0519:18>
Initiative:  Intution 2 + reaction 8 (10d6.hits(5)=4) ( = 14
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <03-12-13/1639:27>
Enjoy your combat.  I'll be back in two weeks.  8)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <03-12-13/1656:04>
Have a nice vacation!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <03-12-13/1816:19>
Enjoy your combat.  I'll be back in two weeks.  8)

by the speed i am able to move it forward you will be back and the combat will be still ongoing :(
Wish you the best vacation ever! ;D
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sparkling Dragonfly on <03-12-13/1913:20>
Have a great time, farothel!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <03-22-13/0250:49>
So, euhm, we waiting for Faro, calling it quits, ...?
Last IC's been almost 2 weeks ago.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <03-22-13/0447:58>

I'm trying to understand.

1. I rolled multiple hits on spellcasting test, yet because the Force of the spell was 1, I was allowed to take only 1 hit.
2. guard roll their resistance with willpower, you say none of them withstood, but there is at least one guard that have rolled 2.
3. does it mean that the the strenght of the spell can be no greater then 1 net hit (had it been physical spell or something in the description related to the net hits) or you made a mistake, and those that rolled at least one hit, have saved against the spell.
4. there were two critical glitches among those rolls
5. guard can spend 1 complex action per combat turn trying to shake the spell, do they have to roll 1 hit or is it cumulative? why cumulative if so?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <03-22-13/0450:41>
also my idea was to start a bar fight, and if only guards are affected it won't happen (they already know magic is at work), i'd like to catch few guards (always nice to take out some), but I was hoping that the circle  will cover few civilians nearby.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <03-22-13/0501:21>

I'm trying to understand.

1. I rolled multiple hits on spellcasting test, yet because the Force of the spell was 1, I was allowed to take only 1 hit.
2. guard roll their resistance with willpower, you say none of them withstood, but there is at least one guard that have rolled 2.
3. does it mean that the the strenght of the spell can be no greater then 1 net hit (had it been physical spell or something in the description related to the net hits) or you made a mistake, and those that rolled at least one hit, have saved against the spell.
4. there were two critical glitches among those rolls
5. guard can spend 1 complex action per combat turn trying to shake the spell, do they have to roll 1 hit or is it cumulative? why cumulative if so?

the thing is, manipulation spells are successful if the net-hits on spellcasting are above resisting, if spell-casting roll is less then force it fails.
each CTxForce the victim can shake the spell rolling willpower+ Counter-spelling when the cumulative hits reach the net hits of the spell casting test they are free. mind Manipulation was a bit different then physical manipulation spells they have to reach 2 hits on the cumulative test
so the roll that rolled 2 hits for example needs one additional hit to get free, but the ones that crit glitched become more controlled instead they need 4 hits each to break free.

Area spells are ForceXmeters radius, so you could only get the guards and i doubt even the guards would stand that close, you always can take away dice from the spell-casting test to increase the radius. or cast in a higher force, you can still use the "one off" i gave you when telling you about the force 1,sorry for the mistake in mind manipulation. so you are welcome to reroll if you like.

i hope i have clears it up, if you have questions post it here or pm me i will try explain it.

i still have 20 min to post before my boss kills me for overusing the break time. :(
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <03-22-13/0602:19>
Kour, I think you made a mistake:
It's an aimed area spell though, no? So if caretaker aims it at some gangers drinking at the bar, the guards aren't in the radius.
Also, F1 means limits it to 1 hit maximum, regardless of spellcasting test; so anyone scoring a single hit resists the spell... (which is why I'd have gone for F2, personally)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <03-22-13/0633:28>
Kour, I think you made a mistake:
It's an aimed area spell though, no? So if caretaker aims it at some gangers drinking at the bar, the guards aren't in the radius.
Also, F1 means limits it to 1 hit maximum, regardless of spellcasting test; so anyone scoring a single hit resists the spell... (which is why I'd have gone for F2, personally)
true, i fucked up, if the hits are limited the net hits are limited too. :( my mistake

Sent if you like, reroll the whole spell, point an area - targets, any other decidions are up to you, clean sleet so to say, do as you like, even if you want to keep the old roll it's ok with me.

i need to stop making posts after midnight :(

i worked 3 days on this one, i have so much free time an my hands :D

Sorry it looks that i will be away most of the time till April as i have the two jobs to juggle,starting from April i will go full time to one and i should have much more free time on my hands for life and SR included.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <03-23-13/0540:17>
So, Ahuechei and combat spirit are up!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <03-23-13/0817:56>
no change on my part, let's roll with that force 1 spell, they probably wouldn't notice force 2, but it's better safe then sorry.
I'd rather put the center of the spell over some gangers, with possibly 1-2 guards inside the range. (in other words, I'd pickup the most crowded place so the greatest number of people would be inside the range) - quanity over quality
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <03-25-13/0606:50>
Rafa is up :) as is Ahuechei, we still can do Downstairs and upstairs separate.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <03-28-13/1108:48>
As I've said in all the other games, I'm back and as soon as I had a decent night's sleep, ready to go.  I'm not sure where we are in the combat and what the result is of Panther's interception of the guard's commlink signals, but if she managed to get the conversations, she could direct the rest of the team.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <03-29-13/0742:02>

i think she meant the the perception

by the way excellent roll Dragonfly
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <03-29-13/0747:06>

i think she meant the the perception

by the way excellent roll Dragonfly

I've modified my post.

BTW: anything on the commtraffic of the gangers?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <03-29-13/0819:01>

i think she meant the the perception

by the way excellent roll Dragonfly

I've modified my post.

BTW: anything on the commtraffic of the gangers?

there will be when it's turn, but some are under Caretakers spell :)

Also Faro your ini for this round would come in handy :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <03-30-13/0801:12>

Also Faro your ini for this round would come in handy :)

Sorry, I wasn't aware there was a new round already.  I've just read things over quickly.

Anyways, here it is: initiative 8 (8d6.hits(5) =4) (
so that's initiative 12 for me and 2 IP
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <04-01-13/1006:15>
sorry it took so ling but now the IC is up
Caretaker is up and panther has still her simple action left.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <04-01-13/1013:32>
sorry it took so ling but now the IC is up
Caretaker is up and panther has still her simple action left.

Before I decide what to do, what's the result of my perception test and do I get any comm traffic?

Also, I'm still monitoring the guard's frequency.  What are they saying?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <04-01-13/1020:20>
sorry it took so ling but now the IC is up
Caretaker is up and panther has still her simple action left.

Before I decide what to do, what's the result of my perception test and do I get any comm traffic?

Also, I'm still monitoring the guard's frequency.  What are they saying?
they are not saying much as half of them are under a spell some are streaming the footage some have been knocked down by their mates

also the perception check netted that the Guards are former Lone start employees or, what could be worse, still employed by star.
the reinforcement time also indicates that they are still under the corp.

i hoped that the bits i put up in IC were good enough,but they still had to be 6-8 words long as pre combat rules.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <04-01-13/1222:35>
So if I'm still on the guards' net, what do I have to roll to put a feedback loop on that thing (you know, the beeping tone you sometimes get when someone is talking into a microphone and standing in front of the sound system).
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <04-01-13/1259:39>
So if I'm still on the guards' net, what do I have to roll to put a feedback loop on that thing (you know, the beeping tone you sometimes get when someone is talking into a microphone and standing in front of the sound system).
hacking and edit roll :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <04-04-13/0445:48>
Sooo..... Caretaker's up, right?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <04-04-13/0517:01>
Sooo..... Caretaker's up, right?
and a dodge from you :P
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <04-04-13/0914:19>
He's charging from one end of the hallway to the other end in a single IP? Can't see the map now, but ain't that kinda fast?
Also, afaik, if he's breaking away from melee with Ougoun , it gets a free attack, if it hits, the guard can't get away.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <04-04-13/0939:10>
He's charging from one end of the hallway to the other end in a single IP? Can't see the map now, but ain't that kinda fast?
Also, afaik, if he's breaking away from melee with Ougoun , it gets a free attack, if it hits, the guard can't get away.
yep that all is coming up,i think he can make the 20 m in one IP running running. Do you mean a attack of opportunity? Like in Pathfinder? I am not sure there is one if there is please point me to a reference as on a quick look i did not see one, will check it back home once more though. and if there is Oughoun will defiantly get one free attack.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <04-04-13/1010:34>
Quote from: SR4A pg161
If movement takes a character within one meter of an opponent, and the character attempts to pass by without attacking the opponent, that opponent can spend a Free Action to take a free melee attack. This rule also applies to characters who are attempting to move out of melee combat. If the opponent has a weapon ready, he uses his normal melee weapon skill rating; otherwise, he uses Unarmed Combat skill. This attack follows all of the normal rules for melee combat (see p. 156). If the character attempting to pass takes damage, he is intercepted and cannot continue his movement.

And I'm certain he can do the 20m in one CT... but in one IP for Rafa?
Normal movement rate for normal humans while walking = 10m/CT, running 25m/CT.
Now if the guy's got one 1IP/CT, he can make it in one IP... for him. Assuming the speed of 25m/CT and 4IPs, the guard runs at 6.25m/IP. He should reach Rafa by IP4. By that time, Rafa's had 2 more IP's.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <04-04-13/1016:08>
Quote from: SR4A pg161
If movement takes a character within one meter of an opponent, and the character attempts to pass by without attacking the opponent, that opponent can spend a Free Action to take a free melee attack. This rule also applies to characters who are attempting to move out of melee combat. If the opponent has a weapon ready, he uses his normal melee weapon skill rating; otherwise, he uses Unarmed Combat skill. This attack follows all of the normal rules for melee combat (see p. 156). If the character attempting to pass takes damage, he is intercepted and cannot continue his movement.

And I'm certain he can do the 20m in one CT... but in one IP for Rafa?
Normal movement rate for normal humans while walking = 10m/CT, running 25m/CT.
Now if the guy's got one 1IP/CT, he can make it in one IP... for him. Assuming the speed of 25m/CT and 4IPs, the guard runs at 6.25m/IP. He should reach Rafa by IP4. By that time, Rafa's had 2 more IP's.
true so he will attack as the last one, as he has 2 IP's but still has all his actions left

and thanks for the quote.  ;D missed it somehow cheking up on charge and melee combat
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <04-08-13/1925:34>
Sentinemodo is up.
sorry for the delay, :(
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <04-09-13/0444:16>
yeah, it's me. I'll get to it asap (which doesn't tell when unfortunatelly, but soon)

sorry about the delay.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <04-09-13/0455:29>
yeah, it's me. I'll get to it asap (which doesn't tell when unfortunatelly, but soon)

sorry about the delay.
No need to apologise, it's me too,
the king of slow GMing  :(
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <04-16-13/0308:56>
So, I say we either play this game or end this game.
Tired of this fucking purgatory status.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <04-16-13/1551:04>
Back from Germany, will post tomorrow.  and i will try to get it rolling in a consistent way again as it was when i started it. So it's fun not torture. :(
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <04-19-13/1420:35>
Rafa is up

from now on we are in CT only on the 2nd floor to cut the waiting down and as soon as it changes we roll ini.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <04-22-13/1800:29>
As the group starts to move downstairs the fight keep on getting more out of hand as only 2 guards are not enough to get the crowd under control. then you hear a loud roar from the backstage direction and some customers start to scream as Over-sized muscle packed Doberman with Black fur appear on stage.

Less then 30 sec after the Loop was started by Panther it is disabled, there is no doubt that there is some spider in the node of the club. the

Gangers are still too busy kicking each other in the gut to call up Bacchus.

In astral there are still no sign of spirits or astrally projecting mages.

Quote from: OOC
What do you do?

Wow, Kour, unless this is really happening in a couple of seconds, not so fast please. Still got actions to do and plan to do it way faster.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <04-23-13/1128:29>
I'll wait with posting until Xzyl catches up in time... with magic reinforcement incoming, each second is precious and we'll be in combat mode back anytime anyway...

Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <04-23-13/1406:40>
Oh, lol, I was waiting for you...(and Dragonfly ?)

If you guys are set to run, great! I'll move Rafa down the stairs.
Was your rat still keeping others from heading towards the stairs? Could be useful should some guards decide to come in your direction.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <04-23-13/1412:25>
I don't know if Dragon fly will be on for a while she is moving apartments  and doing some repairs for it at this moment as she has to move until the 1st may, so i guess she will be not be much on for the next 2 weeks, but i will give her a heads up.

i am moving as well but i think i will be posting anyway :D
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <04-24-13/0640:36>
Xzylvador make leadership roll.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <04-24-13/0740:25>
Do I get any bonusses for having a beat-up hostage with a hunting pressed to his face?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <04-24-13/0746:56>
Do I get any bonusses for having a beat-up hostage with a hunting pressed to his face?
as much as disadvantage as there is a massive bar-fight and most attention is on two oversize Doberman. just roll the leadership skill with no bonuses,  first impression would work though.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <04-24-13/0759:42>
Well, that's why I posted about the time thing, hoping this'd be before the dobermans...
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <04-24-13/0804:30>
Well, that's why I posted about the time thing, hoping this'd be before the dobermans...
the dobermans came out in the same CT as you shot the guard, so they mad the presence one CT before you if we were in combat, sorry to say so.

Also the possessed guard did not come with you.

Did you record things you see? like the fight or what happened on the roof?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <04-24-13/0814:51>
Hey. Why did You went down? You're supposed to. Go to cheeck The Office The possessed guard were standing about.  :(
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <04-24-13/0816:18>
 :D He came to collect you and trap the whole team on the 2nd floor.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sparkling Dragonfly on <04-24-13/0827:53>
Guys, can you imagine? I haven't slept in days, and it is not because of partying, but because of repairing walls, scrubbing them, painting them - and cleaning up all that mess in between...
From what I can see, we need to get Panther in the net so she can find the data (if it is there at all), right?
What if Ahuechei takes Panther and escorts her upstairs as if she were a celebrity incognito he needs to get out of the fighting crowd? That is, if Rafa draws their attention away from the stairs so we don't appear as working together. Rafa might be the average ork, , but Ahuechei with his tribal tattoos is easy to spot and remember.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <04-24-13/0836:25>
Sorry... Rafa just thinks it's faster to look for it with a team (technically, there's still 4 team members downstairs) than by himself... He doesn't even know what to look for, is it a datachip, a commlink, on a node that needs to be hacked into.
He just doesn't think we have the time for getting you guys outside, then finding out he can't find the thing or needs to do some technical stuff he can't handle and needing to find a way to get you guy back upstairs... all the while watching his back in case the guards come up the stairs.

Dobermans: Sorry, must've misinterpreted. They are real meat dogs, right? Not the drone variant?

Cybereye footage: Never really thought about it. First thought that popped in my head would be that he buffers the last hour or so. Not longer in case it can be used against you, but long enough that he should have a chance to store or forward footage he'd consider valuable.

Roll:  Rafa: 5D6E5 => [ 6; 6; 2; 2; 4; => 2 success(es) against 5 ] = 2
Rolled on (, group name Horizon.

@Dragonfly, yeah, I can imagine, did that last year... And now got a new appartment where I can start all over again.  Delaying that for the moment, ugh!
You guys "fleeing" upstairs is exactly what you should do... asap.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <04-24-13/0842:05>
Doberman are real animals - rolled knowledge skill for dragonfly - she notices the green pars and together with the things Caretakers said about the dogs recalls that there are chimeras - doberman with added plant genetics that are grown in tubes for using them as biodrones, but these have no cyberware, or the watcher did not see some at least. these are normal genetically rearranged dogs. :D

also i am waiting on what you do :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <04-24-13/1211:15>
wouldn't Rafa have to roll intimidation instead of leadership?  Holding a gun against someone's head?  8)

As for how to proceed.  If upstairs is cleared out (and knowing Rafa, it probably is) we can all go upstairs, I locate the servers, rip the the memory out to check out later and we go back to our hotel, where I have faraday cages waiting.  And we shoot anything that comes between us and said servers.  How does that sound for simple plans?  :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <04-24-13/1213:03>
there is Tipsy blocking the doors form the stairs side.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <04-24-13/1425:13>
wouldn't Rafa have to roll intimidation instead of leadership?  Holding a gun against someone's head?  8)

For the ones not taking part in the fight, sure intimidation would work, but, to get the messahe over the noise and chaos happening would need to get some order some attention to him.

At least that is how I interpret it
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <04-24-13/1440:40>
Hey, 2 hits ain't bad at all! I'm proud of Rafa!

According to the UWB scan, upstairs should be clear save for the possessed guard, so Panther should be clear to do her thing, while the rest help search, and your back should be covered with Caretaker taking care (pun intended) of any magic threats when/if they appear and Ahuechei with the physical stuff, should anyone get past Rafa and Tipsy (though, please come help if Rafa needs backup!!!).
And I'm fine with using Leadership! (At least Rafa has that skill, so: @Sent: Quiet, you! :p)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sparkling Dragonfly on <04-24-13/2014:06>
Ok, let's go upstairs!  ;D
Let's see what we encounter there...
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <04-29-13/1521:35>
Sent you going out or upstairs?

it seems that the rest is going up.

Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <04-30-13/0913:15>
Xzyl - you got any idea on how to escape?
Since you begun to think and act independently to the orders you're given, I do hope you know you take responsibility now.
The plan was to to let you inside, provide enough distraction downstairs so you can do your job and let you escape through your own means.

Mind you I was hoping that if you don't know a thing about hardware, the stream from your cybereyes or googles would be sufficient for Panther to guide you. and if you'll get close enough she will be able to hack the thing using you commlink as a common signal range or even slot it inside if you need direct link.

going upstairs is suicide .. I don't mind, as I have a good enough religious backup to welcome the other side, and I know Rafa will escape, but what about Panther? Caretaker certainly isn't good at jumping down form the roofs I don't expect her to be any better.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <04-30-13/1030:34>
Rafa's 'plan' is to try and get out before backup arrives, and he thinks there's more chance of that happening if everyone (especially the tech-girl) is looking instead of just him. He also didn't really have a lot of time to think about it either, this just made most sense when the team first entered the building and that's the plan he sticked with.
Unlike Caretaker, he doesn't have religious backup enough to want to be all by himself when the cavalry arrives. ;p

The whole rafa doing hardware-stuff thing is all if, if, if. But IF it doesn't work or he can't find it or the room's wifi shielded (iirc his UWB scanner didn't get to see inside), we don't have another chance of getting you guys back in and upstairs.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <04-30-13/1356:22>
We're there now and we need to move on.  I've just rolled some search and after spending an edge point it wasn't all that bad.  ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sparkling Dragonfly on <05-02-13/0619:45>
Situation changes, as do plans. If Caretaker's plan was based on a succesful infiltration given enouggh time, the presence of police and reinforcement arriving shortly does change things. And Rafa on his own really isn't the fastest way to getting the materials we're after - assuming they are indeed there for taking, not on somebody who is scheduled to arrive to meet Daee. Now our objective  is to get out as soon as (in)humanly possible. Whoever's in charge.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <05-05-13/1628:36>
And the downstairs?
The Breathtaker gas (Arsenal 83) and smoke grenades go off? How do the guards and dogs respond? Rafa will hold his breath -relying on the Oxyrush nanites- and trigger the Flash Pak on his left shoulder when it starts.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <05-05-13/1651:25>
before i make big explanaitinon i wouldlike to know what goes on,

so is Rafa staying downstairs?

witch rooms is Is Panther searching who is searching where? so on. whats the plan?

for now i assume you have just thrown your grenades and they just arrived upstairs. so what now?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <05-06-13/0152:07>
Obvious things like toilets and such I don't search, and for the rest: rooms with locks are first one the list.  Next are the rooms that look like they might logically contain the datacenter.  I have as knowledge skill matrix security procedures if needed (and data havens).
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <05-06-13/0351:07>
for me interesting is how you go about searching the room that was not seen my UWB? you will have to search for a door for it :)
 is it first on the list? or do you search private stages first? also there is the Office.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <05-06-13/0533:29>
Yeah, Rafa's staying downstairs, afaik so is Tipsy, still at the door to keep people from going up.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <05-06-13/1320:56>
for me interesting is how you go about searching the room that was not seen my UWB? you will have to search for a door for it :)
 is it first on the list? or do you search private stages first? also there is the Office.

If we know a location known as the Office, I'll take that one first.  Then it's just a systematic search, door after door.  I should be able to recognise matrix hardware (even big nodes) quite easily.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <05-06-13/1545:15>
Ok anybody joins, what do the others do?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <05-10-13/1137:31>
I think I gave you enough time to say what and how you search the 2nd floor. :)

As far as I got it Panther is searching the office and our bodyguard is helping. A also asume panther is the first one to open. the door to the office. And caretacker is letting some steam out for being out voted on the action plan.

Last few hours  before the next IC push. :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <05-12-13/0737:12>
Rafa actually wanted to prevent any security people from leaving. When the smoke pops, he activates his chameleon coating, waits for the gas to take effect, then drops his hostage and shoots/beats down any security staff.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <05-12-13/0833:02>
Rafa actually wanted to prevent any security people from leaving. When the smoke pops, he activates his chameleon coating, waits for the gas to take effect, then drops his hostage and shoots/beats down any security staff.
ok, do you have a way to down them in a crowd of escaping people?

Tell me how did you imagine it, i will think if its doable, as pre smoke they will not see you attack, but will you see them, as the crowd is one big blob on thermal and you nee# to score 4 to percieve them with UWB. But knowing you, you might think of a way. :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <05-12-13/1430:45>
Well, in a couple seconds, they went from being in control and superior numbers and position, to being blind and having their lungs burned out by gas.
I kind of imagined they'd at least be a bit surprised, confused and disoriented (and coughing their lungs out). Not that they'd all orderly and immediately find the most orderly and effective way towards the exit, especially with a terrified and/or angry crowd stumbling in the way.
Assuming they soak 2 points (average roll for 6 body), they're at a -6 penalty just for pain&suffering and another -4 for the smoke. So to even stand a small chance of distinguishing anything of their surroundings, they'd need a perception dicepool of more than 10.
Meanwhile, Rafa is prepared and pretty much unhindered, taking a -2 at most while using a thermal and/or ultrasound vision (not a UWB scanner) to engage an enemy that's pretty much crippled to uselessness...

Could be I imagined it wrong, though... So tell IC what it does look like and I'll see what Rafa can do about it.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <05-12-13/1618:23>
they are in the middle in the crowd who storms out while the weakest fall on the floor. there is general confusion.

you definitively get the surprise attack here, the question is if you can hit them in the middle of the crowd.

let's do it like a skill check, if you score 4 hits at -2 you down them, make 4 rolls for the 4 guards
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <05-13-13/0555:49>
What skill?
And 4 hits? That's quite a lot for hitting defenseless people! They have 18 dice ranged defense?
What am I rolling, what's this mean, what are you trying to accomplish? I honestly don't get it.
Would it be easier if I just toss a flashbang towards the exit and do some more stun damage and drop the entire room instead?
How and what are the dogs doing, by the way?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <05-13-13/0631:59>
What skill?
And 4 hits? That's quite a lot for hitting defenseless people! They have 18 dice ranged defense?
What am I rolling, what's this mean, what are you trying to accomplish? I honestly don't get it.
Would it be easier if I just toss a flashbang towards the exit and do some more stun damage and drop the entire room instead?
How and what are the dogs doing, by the way?

this is hitting the guards without hitting the other people, normal attack roll with all your bonuses and -2, you might get 4 shots off before most people get out of the doors, and you have 4 guards to down.

simply put - imagine hitting 4 exact targets in the middle of a 30 man inside a few sec, it's a chaos but because of the chaos its difficult to take the shots and hit what you want to hit.

it's the way i see it. i do not know, if you have a different view on the situation please explain your view. and we will come to a middle ground. :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <05-13-13/0709:13>
My view is that 2 seconds is the amount of time most people will simply stand perplexed at what's happening. And then the suffocating begins...
Yet here, with no visibility whatsoever and stumbling over collapsed or into panicked people the whole establishment is evacuated in 2 seconds?
That's just what I have trouble believing.
But you're the GM... If you say they did fire drills with full smoke effects and audience every day and the whole being gassed and causing chaos thing doesn't slow them down... Okay then.

4 shots normally take Rafa 2 seconds.
Okay, I can get that you say "well, there's a lot of chaos, so taking aim on those shots takes a bit longer". But then that should be taken into account, no? Then those shots are carefully aimed shots instead of snapshots, no?

8 Agi, 4 Skill, +2 smartgun, -2 visibility (12d6.hits(5)=4, 12d6.hits(5)=5, 12d6.hits(5)=3, 12d6.hits(5)=2) (
Though to be clear, Rafa's original "plan" was based on simple RAW, where he'd be shooting 12 dice and the guards would be at 0 dice defense...
Since this is different now, if there's a way Rafa sees an opportunity to stop them with more reliability, like standing near the exit and just hitting on the head of every guard-looking guy trying to squeeze past, that seems easier. Heck, he'd get those attacks as free actions.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <05-13-13/0713:38>
My view is that 2 seconds is the amount of time most people will simply stand perplexed at what's happening. And then the suffocating begins...
Yet here, with no visibility whatsoever and stumbling over collapsed or into panicked people the whole establishment is evacuated in 2 seconds?
That's just what I have trouble believing.
But you're the GM... If you say they did fire drills with full smoke effects and audience every day and the whole being gassed and causing chaos thing doesn't slow them down... Okay then.

4 shots normally take Rafa 2 seconds.
Okay, I can get that you say "well, there's a lot of chaos, so taking aim on those shots takes a bit longer". But then that should be taken into account, no? Then those shots are carefully aimed shots instead of snapshots, no?

8 Agi, 4 Skill, +2 smartgun, -2 visibility (12d6.hits(5)=4, 12d6.hits(5)=5, 12d6.hits(5)=3, 12d6.hits(5)=2) (
Though to be clear, Rafa's original "plan" was based on simple RAW, where he'd be shooting 12 dice and the guards would be at 0 dice defense...
Since this is different now, if there's a way Rafa sees an opportunity to stop them with more reliability, like standing near the exit and just hitting on the head of every guard-looking guy trying to squeeze past, that seems easier. Heck, he'd get those attacks as free actions.

i might disagree with the 2 sec. 4 shots SR RAW is 4 simple actions, 2 CT's =6 sec. :)

but ......

ok i think i get where we have a small difference :)

i thought you wait for your team to get up and then start shooting when both grenades are already few sec ongoing. My mistake, if you shoot while your team goes upstairs, you have clear shots. :) that's why i asked how you see it, as because of me we have long gaps between posts and ideas get twisted :(

so assuming you got 2 shots as surprise round, and default for them, you got 2 down,then using the fiorst 2 rolls with the chaos, you get the other 2,

will this work for you?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <05-13-13/0849:35>
Sorry, I think you're mistaken for the time thing:
1 CT is 3 seconds.
Rafa gets 3 IP's per CT.
Per IP you can fire 2 shots (simple actions) at Semi-Auto.
So that's 6 rounds in 3 seconds, or 2 per second.

How I see it/what I thought happened:
Rafa watches the team moving. When they were a few seconds from reaching the stairs, he starts the countdown on the grenades.
Team reaches stairs and are out of smoke/gas range, grenades go *poof* in the middle of the club, catching all guards with their pants down and Rafa standing smack in the middle, armed and ready to take 'em down while their crippled.
How are the dogs doing?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <05-13-13/0855:54>
Sorry, I think you're mistaken for the time thing:
1 CT is 3 seconds.
Rafa gets 3 IP's per CT.
Per IP you can fire 2 shots (simple actions) at Semi-Auto.
So that's 6 rounds in 3 seconds, or 2 per second.

How I see it/what I thought happened:
Rafa watches the team moving. When they were a few seconds from reaching the stairs, he starts the countdown on the grenades.
Team reaches stairs and are out of smoke/gas range, grenades go *poof* in the middle of the club, catching all guards with their pants down and Rafa standing smack in the middle, armed and ready to take 'em down while their crippled.
How are the dogs doing?

OK math checks out :D,
and you are good to go :)

in this order you can take them easily, also the dogs are on the stage, they rolled badly because of their smell affinity and would go down from gas more rapid, but it would take longer then 3 sec, so you are free to help them as well :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <05-19-13/0725:37>
Still Your move ...

Be warned, now that there has been an attack on a public space, PuebSec will be notified.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <05-19-13/1043:56>
If I have to roll something, let me know.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <05-19-13/1605:25>
So, what's the situation downstairs?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <05-19-13/1842:44>
If I have to roll something, let me know.
perception with Actively looking.
to find a way to open the door.

So, what's the situation downstairs?

Most people fled the area, some who were not so lucky did not make it as far and collapsed inside.
at the moment only sound is coming from the people outside, some of them crying, some yelling, some just discussing what just happened.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <05-20-13/0422:32>
If I have to roll something, let me know.
perception with Actively looking.
to find a way to open the door.

intuition 4 + perception 3 + activily looking 3 + vision enhancement 2 =12 (12d6.hits(5)=3) (
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <05-20-13/0801:20>
If I have to roll something, let me know.
perception with Actively looking.
to find a way to open the door.

intuition 4 + perception 3 + activily looking 3 + vision enhancement 2 =12 (12d6.hits(5)=3) (
You find that the doors are on a central axes and  that one of the pictures act like a switch to  release the doors for movement.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <06-08-13/0941:40>
I have to make a apology. 

I have not been active over the last year. The activity I  have maintained can not really called activity. Last few month I basically  was just able to post on weekends. That's not active enough in my book. I have reached a decision that either I have to step up to the plate and post every evening, or stop putting players trough this slow game. Until July I will my best to make at least a post pre day. Starting today with a IC post as soon I reach a pc.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <06-10-13/1642:38>
Panther, Ahuechei, Caretaker, what do they do? who searches who looks after the tech guy?

Xzylavador if you still here, what do Rafa do?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <06-12-13/0830:25>
ok, just noticed you rolled for perception.

So the results are as follow. You do not see any similarities to the guards or gangers, but he strike you more like a techy.

the perception i rolled for you entering the room.

you notice the equipment, it is similar to the one on the roof of the hotel you were at just a hour ago, the same set up, all the wires going up to the roof. there is a old terminal that shows no node, but there is a port jack in it. there is also a key board and simple controls to work it from outside. other then that this looks like any room a techy feels at home, a lot of running devices, and it looks this is the central matrix hub, and the clubs node would be near here as well.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <06-12-13/1225:11>
Question before I reply IC: is the equipment portable?  With this I mean: can I take it with me and have a quiet look later, where there's likely to be less disturbances?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <06-12-13/1350:25>
Question before I reply IC: is the equipment portable?  With this I mean: can I take it with me and have a quiet look later, where there's likely to be less disturbances?

Short - You would strongly doubt that the device is like 3m*4m*2m - huge

Long - it would take as long  to separate every cable from it and get the big thing down to stairs as to drive from one side of town to the other, not really feasible, other then that this seems to be from 2025 or something like that.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <06-12-13/1401:10>
Question before I reply IC: is the equipment portable?  With this I mean: can I take it with me and have a quiet look later, where there's likely to be less disturbances?

Short - You would strongly doubt that the device is like 3m*4m*2m - huge

Long - it would take as long  to separate every cable from it and get the big thing down to stairs as to drive from one side of town to the other, not really feasible, other then that this seems to be from 2025 or something like that.

Let's go the fast way then, intimidating the current techie just to give up the passwords.  ;D
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <06-16-13/0445:41>
I have to make a apology. 

I have not been active over the last year. The activity I  have maintained can not really called activity. Last few month I basically  was just able to post on weekends. That's not active enough in my book. I have reached a decision that either I have to step up to the plate and post every evening, or stop putting players trough this slow game. Until July I will my best to make at least a post pre day. Starting today with a IC post as soon I reach a pc.

Kour,  I am sorry to say that, but I'm bowing out from the game. For the time it was a fun game for me. Now I don't remember skills, stats, spells, but most importantly I don't remember the Caretaker's story, attitude, cliches - for all practical means I don't remember how to play him, other way than roll dices.

Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <06-17-13/1625:09>
OK, Sorry to hear,

What leaves us with Faro and Dragon :)

any suggestions? do we just get some fresh blood or ...?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <06-18-13/1354:18>
I actually really, really, miss this game... but I'll be honest and admit that you suddenly vanishing without a word and having progressed only like 5 minutes of SR-time in over half a year RL have seriously demotivated me.
If you're actually serious about putting this game (which was really, really awesome while it lasted) back on its rails, I'll gladly play (and I hope Sent will do so too)...
But I really don't want to get my hopes up and see them squashed again in a couple of weeks.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <06-18-13/1421:27>
I am serious, about it, i an doing it, and until now i have posted at least once every day, but i will tell you straight that in July i will be in Germany for 2 weeks, so i am not sure if there will be hold ups, but i will post as often as i can :)

except that period, a post in a day is a minimum i promise you.  :)
i have been not true to the work of a GM for the last half year.

That is what I intend to change.

Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sparkling Dragonfly on <06-18-13/1643:23>
I'd be happy to continue, and that's all I have to say at the moment.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <06-19-13/0126:48>
Same here, although I will have to recheck the objectives to see what we were supposed to do here.  I can already say I probably won't be online much in the following periods:
21-26 Juli
31 August to 9 September
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <06-20-13/1136:31>
Mandatory GM post.

So Panther and Aheuechei are stunned by the small box flying troughtheir grasp.  The form of Caretaker thinking of some enlightment to share at this occasion. and Rafa looting downstairs.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <06-22-13/1222:53>
Roll INI + 3 for surprise test
The value to beat is 11, if you do not beat that, make a blade -1 attack roll or default on exotic melee weapons.

The man is aware of you and, in a way, is expecting you to make a move.

Data chips are common items. Just like usb flash drives at the moment. You will be able to have a look at them everywhere you want. Comlinks have readers for them as well. So you do not have to stick around viewing the contents. And just hope there is a chip with the footage in the bunch you collected.

Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <06-22-13/1357:25>
Roll INI + 3 for surprise test
The value to beat is 11, if you do not beat that, make a blade -1 attack roll or default on exotic melee weapons.

The man is aware of you and, in a way, is expecting you to make a move.

Data chips are common items. Just like usb flash drives at the moment. You will be able to have a look at them everywhere you want. Comlinks have readers for them as well. So you do not have to stick around viewing the contents. And just hope there is a chip with the footage in the bunch you collected.

initiative 8 +3 =11 (11d6.hits(5)=3) (
I'm not sure what you meant with the INI.  If it's  a regular initiative test, I make it (as that's 8 + your hits, which is 11).  If I have to get 11 hits, I don't get it.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <06-22-13/1608:12>
Roll INI + 3 for surprise test
The value to beat is 11, if you do not beat that, make a blade -1 attack roll or default on exotic melee weapons.

The man is aware of you and, in a way, is expecting you to make a move.

Data chips are common items. Just like usb flash drives at the moment. You will be able to have a look at them everywhere you want. Comlinks have readers for them as well. So you do not have to stick around viewing the contents. And just hope there is a chip with the footage in the bunch you collected.

initiative 8 +3 =11 (11d6.hits(5)=3) (
I'm not sure what you meant with the INI.  If it's  a regular initiative test, I make it (as that's 8 + your hits, which is 11).  If I have to get 11 hits, I don't get it.

Surprise basically is opposed INI roll with bonus dice for the one making the surprising action.

You got him.

Will do IC in a hour. :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <06-22-13/1716:41>
Kour, Rafa will search the bodies but only take things that are actually valuable and seem worth the bother of erasing tags, wiping traces, tracking down a buyer and selling it without getting involved in anything that might've been done with it.
So basically, from what I read, that's just the credsticks and maybe the comms if Panther's got a use for 'em.
Weapons that've been used for god-knows-what or belonged to security forces (unless they're incredibly rare and expensive), fter losing percentages for being second-hand, of questionable origin, potential used in crimes or on record with law enforcement... doesn't seem worth the trouble.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <06-22-13/1950:37>
Kour, Rafa will search the bodies but only take things that are actually valuable and seem worth the bother of erasing tags, wiping traces, tracking down a buyer and selling it without getting involved in anything that might've been done with it.
So basically, from what I read, that's just the credsticks and maybe the comms if Panther's got a use for 'em.
Weapons that've been used for god-knows-what or belonged to security forces (unless they're incredibly rare and expensive), fter losing percentages for being second-hand, of questionable origin, potential used in crimes or on record with law enforcement... doesn't seem worth the trouble.
copy that, will prepare a list,

on to make an IC post :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <06-26-13/0158:12>
Kouryuu: I don't remember, but there were cameras in the main room, right?

If so, I'll quickly check (if there's the time) to see if they run into that old server and if so, I'll wreck it so they can't get the footage.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <06-26-13/0431:31>
Kouryuu: I don't remember, but there were cameras in the main room, right?

If so, I'll quickly check (if there's the time) to see if they run into that old server and if so, I'll wreck it so they can't get the footage.
there are cameras, but as the man said, the old server has limited recording capabilities - namly it can only record footage on chips, and you are taking them all, right?
on the other hand, if you believe he was bluffing...  ;D

Cyber-eyes and eye recording units in LA, not very popular aye?

So if you intend to get rid of all the footage, it could be difficult. what footage they might have got?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <06-26-13/1237:29>
Just the 'official' footage.  The police will check that out I guess, although our good friend will not be able to say much.  I'll just put a couple of bullets into it just to make sure.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <07-02-13/0529:38>
Nice to see how well we have started to be active here, i am sorry i did not push myself so hard  :-[

at the moment though i would like to say that we need more voices here:

Dragonfly, you still with us?

not sure if only me and Rafa can make it much further without the input of the other runners. :)

Will see tonight, waiting for some conversation decision making, so on. :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <07-03-13/0114:40>
I'm still here  :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <07-05-13/0500:16>
Dragonfly promised to post soon. :)
also she will get the Body of Caretaker, who is missing in the astral, so that might be a good reason why Ahuechei has taking so long. :D

Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <07-07-13/1545:00>
*nudge dragonfly*
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <07-07-13/2206:09>
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <07-08-13/0111:15>
Just and advance warning: from 21 until 26 of July I will be on holiday with limited internet access (if at all).  I will try to post during that time, but I'm not sure if I will be able to.  So not to worry if you don't hear from me during that week.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <07-08-13/1405:22>
Oh, right. Vacation.
Mine's from August 1 'til 15. Don't expect much -if any- activity from me that time.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <07-08-13/1516:45>
Oh, right. Vacation.
Mine's from August 1 'til 15. Don't expect much -if any- activity from me that time.

Mine will not come, for at least a year :(

but i will be in thetherlands on the weekend 24th, 25th August,
Dragonfly as well and Carramell if you remember Her :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <07-10-13/0459:14>
You hear some sounds coming from downstairs, time is passing.

Taking a second look on the building across you notice some movement in the window.

Perception check, you both made the first secret roll, but what you notice is up to you. )

Nudge nudge ...
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sparkling Dragonfly on <07-10-13/0850:17>
Hello! I'm posting in between guiding two tourist groups, more than 50 pax each. That's so damn hard! I can barely speak when I'm done shouting for them to hear for 8 hours straight.
Kour,bringing Caretaker as you asked (although I haven't really understood what happened to him, not that Ahu would anyway :P).
Do I have to roll anything?
Have a great day, all!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <07-10-13/0920:56>
Caretaker is at he moment in the astral world, his spirit is somewhere else. but his body is still here and so it would seem unnaturally cold of any of you to leave his body behind, as at this moment he could be fighting for you all in the astral who knows.

you can roll perception, or for jumping jumping/clinging.
it's up to you what you want to do next.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <07-10-13/1441:17>
Passive Visual Perception (11d6.hits(5)=4) (
Visual perception. Add zero ( hits for actively looking, Rafa was looking to see if the way was safe or no. I just miss rolling dice ;)

Jumping (14d6.hits(5)=6) (
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <07-14-13/0505:31>
Passive Visual Perception (11d6.hits(5)=4) (
Visual perception. Add zero ( hits for actively looking, Rafa was looking to see if the way was safe or no. I just miss rolling dice ;)

Jumping (14d6.hits(5)=6) (
the building looks safe. You notice some youth, possibly in gang colors. A jump down there would make enough noise to notice.

@all sorry for the late reply. Just returned home from germany and it took more out of me then expected. IcC will be later today.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <07-20-13/0355:55>
 I will be gone from tomorrow the 21st until the 26th (included).  I'm not sure if I will have internet access, but even if I have it, I will only be online rarely.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <07-20-13/0649:33>
Sorry, i was AFAK for this week, but had a lot to do at work, and the thing that i run the company car of the road di d not help.

will make a post tonight and return to normal posting rate.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <07-25-13/1648:21>
Street (or alley) down below quiet?
If so, I say we head down and get away.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <07-26-13/0749:05>
I'm following Rafa.  He's the expert in this.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <07-26-13/1001:38>
Street (or alley) down below quiet?
If so, I say we head down and get away.

it's quite,but it is only leading to the front of the club, the backside is blocked by a large building you can keep on going over this one and try getting down on the other side, you can get down right there,but it will lead you out alongside the club, and you can go trough the building itself. you can also see that there is one more 1 story building next to this, so you could keep running over the roofs. it's up to you.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <08-01-13/1905:00>
You can cross 2 buildings going straight, after that you would have to climb up 1 floor.
after the second house you can go into back allies that would lead you out the other way.
the drone gives you feed on 3 marked cars driving towards the Club you were just inside.

Great post everyone.
Roll Edge+Edge tests
if you glitch; crit glitch or have no hits, -> roll gymnastics.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <08-02-13/0126:05>
edge 2 + edge 2 =4 (4d6.hits(5)=1) (
it's a glitch though, but I'll spend an edge point to remove the glitch, as I don't have gymnastics either.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <08-02-13/0457:57>
edge 2 + edge 2 =4 (4d6.hits(5)=1) (
it's a glitch though, but I'll spend an edge point to remove the glitch, as I don't have gymnastics either.
No need for that, this is more like allowing you to see what happens on the roof :) see IC

please roll Agility only instead of Gymnastics if you do not have it or Dodge at a -3 disatwantage, witch ever is higher
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <08-02-13/1138:57>
edge 2 + edge 2 =4 (4d6.hits(5)=1) (
it's a glitch though, but I'll spend an edge point to remove the glitch, as I don't have gymnastics either.
No need for that, this is more like allowing you to see what happens on the roof :) see IC

please roll Agility only instead of Gymnastics if you do not have it or Dodge at a -3 disatwantage, witch ever is higher

It's the same, actually.
agility -1 (default) =3 (3d6.hits(5)=1) (
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <08-02-13/1204:55>
Edge + Edge (6d6.hits(5)=2) (

Reminder: I'm on vacation since yesterday until the 15th. Have internet in the lodgelobby here, but the pool, mediteranean sea and free alcohol are slightly more alluring than PbP's (not to mention the wrath of the misses if I spend too much time on my tablet is something I desperately seek to avoid).
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <08-02-13/1301:53>
have fun  :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sparkling Dragonfly on <08-06-13/1026:19>
* Edge + edge (10d6.hits(5)=4) (

Vacation! Sounds so absolutely alluring! Enjoy your time!
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <08-09-13/0935:15>
Ugh. Completely forgot about bike being in Seattle. Been waaaay too long since the arrival scene and I couldn't find it back quick enough (tablet + on vacation) so I went by memory.... apparently a wrong memory.

Gonna delete Rafa's incorrect post. You guys write somethng else that makes sense if you like.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <08-09-13/1243:50>
What a week.  No time to catch my breath, even this weekend has 7 events that i need to attend.And the remainig August seems will be worse.

Sorry I have been inactive again.

Rafa and the others came in a Rover 2068. Ahechei on a bike. Both are parked 1 block away, and you are about halfway there. None of you knows what is happeming with Caretaker, high enough rolls on according knowlage skill would give you some insight. Your perception was good enough to. Notice Freya in the crowd, later gatting in the nightsky and driving off.

Hope this gives you the approximate background to go on. :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sparkling Dragonfly on <08-11-13/0344:52>
Hold on Kouryuu!  ;)
Edited my post. Waiting on you both to make the decision.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <08-11-13/1940:40>
Waitong as well.
What you do next?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <08-15-13/1712:46>
Xyzlavador, If you are driving what i suspect, roll reaction, INI and Pilot groundcraft.

The same goes for Dragonfly, if she takes her Bike.

Also describe how you are driving, who is in front or side, so on....
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <08-16-13/0454:27>
Reaction, Intuition, Pilot Groundcraft (6d6.hits(5)=1, 4d6.hits(5)=2, 7d6.hits(5)=2) (    Oops, forgot the vehicle itself: Handling +1 (1d6.hits(5)=1) ( Makes the pilot test 3 hits.
Reaction test is a glitch (not critical).

That said, if the car's got autopilot, he'd probably just activate that, letting the car do the driving nice & easy according to traffic rules while he tries to reach Desperado.
If it doesn't have a pilot to do the driving, he'll just calmly drive, Rafa doesn't see a need to race or run from anything and tries not to draw attention.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sparkling Dragonfly on <08-18-13/1304:05>
Reaction: Reaction 8 (8d6.hits(5)=1) (
oops.... Must be tired and distracted  :-[
INI Intuition 2 (2d6.hits(5)=0) (

erm... maybe I should stop rolling the dice?  :o

Pilot Groundcraft Reaction 8 + Pilot Groundcraft 1 + Handling 2 (11d6.hits(5)=1) (

Yup. Should have stopped!

Ahu is on his bike and following the car at a reasonable distance, using the radar.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <08-18-13/1338:16>
Kour: assuming we get to the hotel without any problems, what do I have to roll to get to the information on the chips?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <08-20-13/1449:46>
I did not see any new IC, except one, i hope to be removed very soon, so i railroad you to the next event, if you wanted to do or say anything more consider it not possible anymore.

Panther, the chip needs some adjustments to be read by modern readers, nothing too difficult, just one hit on a hardware check and you can buy the hit anyway.

All others keep your guns close to you, the adventure goes on!

or more precise down a dark alley .........  ::)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <08-20-13/1505:18>
Panther, the chip needs some adjustments to be read by modern readers, nothing too difficult, just one hit on a hardware check and you can buy the hit anyway.

Then this is what I'm occupying myself with.  So I have some information, either what we're tasked to find, or something I might be able to sell to someone.  ;)

EDIT: just PM me with some results (if I have the time) and I'll work them into a post.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <08-20-13/1525:37>
LeroyHudson made me laugh :)
And remonded me that this game begun in January 2012 - bit of a time ...
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <08-20-13/1756:04>
LeroyHudson made me laugh :)
And remonded me that this game begun in January 2012 - bit of a time ...

We have a Lurker :)
How have you been Sentinemodo? How is life treating you?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <08-21-13/1817:02>
highs and downs as usual

just got back from my vacation (that was high) and got another flu (that is down)
other than that my girl is begining to talk (well for now she just 'say' brmm brmm when you ask her what an auto does and she closely emulate dog or cow) and work is more then pleasant (when you're on a vacation)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <08-21-13/1946:45>
Perception everybody! I need to know how well you can see the other group in a partly lit crossing.

Time flies, I had to change to a regular hour work with a lot of overtime, and by just looking back it seems like yesterday you made the announcment. Well she is a small Angel now, enjoy.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <08-22-13/0116:15>
Perception everybody! I need to know how well you can see the other group in a partly lit crossing.

I have both low-light and thermo vision, if that counts for something?
intuition 4 + perception 3 + vision enhancers 2 -2 wound =7 (7d6.hits(5)=0) (
although apparently I'm as blind as a bat, even with thermo and low-light.  Probably too occupied with the drones.
@Kour: I've done some matrix perception tests in the IC to get informaton about the drones.  :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <08-22-13/0312:33>
Passive Visual Perception (11d6.hits(5)=4) ( got thermal, low-light, ultrasound and magnification should any apply.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <08-22-13/1630:14>
Passive Visual Perception (11d6.hits(5)=4) ( got thermal, low-light, ultrasound and magnification should any apply.

To you they seem more like a military unit then a gang, even if they are are acting loosely they all have chosen good and defend-able positions. their stature and moments indicate they they are well over the normal street thug level fitness wise. you also notice a van parked half a block away with the engine running.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <08-22-13/1656:33>
@Kour: I've done some matrix perception tests in the IC to get informaton about the drones.  :)

Have not forgotten you. :)

my first round action (simple action/drone, and I have 2 IP, so 4 simple actions): matrix perception on the four drones.
computer 4 + analyse 6 - 2 wound =8 (8d6.hits(5)=3, 8d6.hits(5)=5, 8d6.hits(5)=0, 8d6.hits(5)=4) (
For all I want in order (depending on the hits I have I will get more or less information):
-access ID of person controlling them
-firewall rating
-analyse program rating
-current software running

@Kour: If I need to roll for negotiation or something, let me know.

From what you gather from the drones you look at they all seem to be the same. and the access ID for the 3 also is the same.
All have R4 all around soft and firewall.
Soft you detect at first glance is:
Targeting; clearsight; analyse and TacNet.
There could be more, but you would need a deeper look on the drones(basically more hits for more information :) )

You do not need to roll for social, except you want to try to avoid hostilities by talking your way out, then etiquette would be a good start - Headhunter or Shadowruner(also similar) apply.
Caretaker has never used his real name, at least not in IC, so there is no need for a con Roll, you just do not know who they are after.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <08-22-13/1706:16>
One thing i forgot:
the drones are Rotordrones with AK's that's about all Rafa could tell combining his sight and drone/weapon knowlage
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sparkling Dragonfly on <08-25-13/1400:45>
Intuition 2 + Perception 4 + Visual enchantments 3 + Actively looking 3 (12d6.hits(5)=5) (

Yes, we really don't know who they're after, but they did mention a fairly unpleasant dwarf's ass, so the logical assumption is the only dwarf in our company. Probably :)

Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <08-26-13/0730:04>
Perception (11d6.hits(5)=2) (
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <08-27-13/1154:25>
your perception?

tonight moving forward, Dragonfly has the best score, but she also has the most negative modifiers :(

if you want do something, say something before the other team makes a move, this is your last chance.
perception and their move will be at the same time, :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <08-27-13/1234:35>
I have done my perception roll.  It's right under your post asking for one.  But I had 0 hits (luckily no glitch).

BTW: I'm still in the car, so I should be partially protected.  And I'm not going to do anything before they act, but then I have a couple of things up my sleeve.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <08-27-13/1526:09>
I have done my perception roll.  It's right under your post asking for one.  But I had 0 hits (luckily no glitch).

BTW: I'm still in the car, so I should be partially protected.  And I'm not going to do anything before they act, but then I have a couple of things up my sleeve.
actually needed a new one, but you would have a -4 for being in the car anyway, so i think it's not a big chance you could beat Ahuechei :(

also just a note: The Rover has taken 7 out of 15 damage boxes. it has been hit hard and is definitely in no shape to outrun the City-master, but you can still use it and it still provides good cover.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <08-27-13/1549:46>
Given that he has more hits then I would have dice, I guess so  :(

I'll just use the parts that are still more or less in one piece as cover and extra armour.  ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <09-01-13/0505:33>
Defense should be successful (The troll should have 2 extra dice for reach, I think, but even with those Rafa's defense scores at least an equal amount of hits).  Agility 7 + Blade 4 + charging 2 + martial arts knockdown 1 + reach 2 + Extra speed on the charge bonus 1(optional - reserved for player characters)
Throw is an opposed test, Troll rolls Str + Unarmed vs Rafa's 7 hits. He's thrown a number of meters equal to net hits and takes stun damage accordingly.
Since I don't know the result, I'll let you fluff.
Was late and i really did not want to onshot Rafa, took off too much dice from the roll, wont hold back anymore though.  :P

So You Want to throw Akuma(troll) that is charging at you with 53m/s and is like 250kg?

You bet this is gona be difficult.

This time around i will not hold off and will use the full dicepool,
also i thing that the situation calls for small modifiers - 3 on your test but +2 for damage because of his reach, size and speed.
your 7 hits stay anyway :)
and you succed
please feel free to post that way you see this happening. if i would do a direction dice would decide the place where The troll would land and i would be very disappointed if he lands on the Rover with Caretaker and Panther inside.

Quote from: OOC
Str 13 + unarmed 4 (17d6.hits(5)=3) (
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <09-01-13/1055:11>
It's not so much throwing as it is a redirect. The troll's high speed would probably even make it easier. Lots of martial arts use an attackers own momentum against them. Just have to mess up his balance for a bit and he'll be flying out of course. Movement speed is per pass instead of turn, by the way.
Modifiers to damage? Never heard of those. Don't mind a GM rule for flavor. is is that really in the books?
Gonna wait for you to make a call on Sent/Caretakers actions first, though.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <09-04-13/1719:10>
Sorry for the Deus EX interlude - As Dragonfly so beautifully called it  ::)

Back on track with it,

Sent if you read this, i hope you do not mind me not killing CareTaker, as i love Com-backs, even if only as NPC's and the team have some more Fun.

Also any time you decide to join up again, you are welcome. the same for Caramell, if she is still around.

Any questions is ok, as i know this all has been confusing not only for your characters.  :-[
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <09-04-13/1732:14>
Nah, I'm with you. Hard to write an IC reason for stuff happening OOC.
Personally, I don't mind just pretending nothing happened and carrying on... but doing it this way creates much more opportunity for you to use later :)
You gonna be recruiting? Unless I'm mistaken, we're just 2 fighters and a hacker now. Not much of a runner team.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <09-04-13/1751:12>
You gonna be recruiting? Unless I'm mistaken, we're just 2 fighters and a hacker now. Not much of a runner team.
not sure, need to find a lot of reason why some one will tag along back to seattle, when your job in LA ends.
But i might start the recruiting this weekenend, as i am under a lot of work this week.

sorry for the hold up :(
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Sentinemodo on <09-04-13/1824:07>
Sorry for the Deus EX interlude - As Dragonfly so beautifully called it  ::)

Back on track with it,

Sent if you read this, i hope you do not mind me not killing CareTaker, as i love Com-backs, even if only as NPC's and the team have some more Fun.

Also any time you decide to join up again, you are welcome. the same for Caramell, if she is still around.

Any questions is ok, as i know this all has been confusing not only for your characters.  :-[

Nah, that's your game, your npc now.
But I'll be lurking.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <09-05-13/0303:20>
All work and no games make Kouryuu go something something something
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <09-05-13/0304:58>
Yeah, one question: what happened to those drones?   I could do with a few extra  :)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <09-05-13/0846:18>
All work and no games make Kouryuu go something something something
We had a Tender for 60k for today, had to work on it every free moment, 4 hours ago i submitted it, so now i have more free time, at least i will as soon as i finisch all other tasks that have been pilling up in the meantime.  :-\

At least my response rate should be back to at least once a day :)

The drones are still there , as is the Ares Roadmaster, they just are aiming at the car they came here on.

so what do you do?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <09-11-13/1412:49>
Can we still do something when those drones start-up?  I have the ID of one, so I can use spoof command to make it stop.  And I can use my own drone to attack one of theirs (that's what it's for actually).
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <09-11-13/1429:54>
Can we still do something when those drones start-up?  I have the ID of one, so I can use spoof command to make it stop.  And I can use my own drone to attack one of theirs (that's what it's for actually).
sure, roll and post. Should be able to respond today.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <09-11-13/1639:44>
Wait, why are you engaging the drones? They're attacking the retreating roadmaster... not us... right?
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: farothel on <09-11-13/1642:32>
to own them afterwards, duh.  ;)
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <09-11-13/2125:35>
to own them afterwards, duh.  ;)
if you can get them, i remember a cursing Ork last time you tried something similar :D
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Kouryuu on <09-18-13/0809:56>
Sorry for my absence,

Busy with work until 25.09

if i may i will make my rolls with real dice or just buy hits, so i can post from phone my GMing as well.

Hope you are alright with it?

Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <09-18-13/0818:32>
If I didn't trust my GM to play correctly, I wouldn't be playing at all.
Title: Re: [OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!
Post by: Xzylvador on <09-18-13/0845:43>
<some minor edits to my last IC>

Q: Dragonfly still playing? Been a while since last IC...