
Shadowrun Play => Gamemasters' Lounge => Topic started by: yell-out-mitch on <07-12-11/1422:06>

Title: Humanoid Android
Post by: yell-out-mitch on <07-12-11/1422:06>
Hey so here is the skinny.

I am running a campain and want to have my runners face off against a small army of humanoid robots but I don't know where to find stats or ingormation on robots. A little help would be apreciated!

Posted this in the wrong place he first time. whoops my bad
Title: Re: Humanoid Android
Post by: SirDelta on <07-12-11/1442:34>
Are they just humanoid-shaped, or do they look like obviously robotic humanoids?
You could try the stats for the Akiyama, the Otomo, and the Manservant-3 on pages 120 and 121 of Arsenal.  You would probably have to modify them a bit, though.
Title: Re: Humanoid Android
Post by: CanRay on <07-12-11/1649:32>
Blade Runner-esque Replicants?
Title: Re: Humanoid Android
Post by: JoeNapalm on <07-12-11/1711:36>

"I need ya, Decks. This is a bad one...the worst yet. I need the old Bladerunner."

Ifriti Sophist
Title: Re: Humanoid Android
Post by: yell-out-mitch on <07-12-11/1750:05>
think the cylons from the original battle star galactica, you know big clunky metal with lasers.... on their fraking heads
Title: Re: Humanoid Android
Post by: baronspam on <07-12-11/1844:09>
Are the robots mooks or panic inducing harbingers of pain and suffering?  If the former, just use some mook stats of the appropriate professional rating and call them robots.  If it is more of the later, there are rules for full brain-in-a-jar cyborgs in augmentation and for cyberzombies (creatures with negative essence that are still walking and talking) in . . . well I am alot of help, its in one of the books under a chapter called "Cybermancy".  Imagine a person with 12 points of delta grade 'ware and a whole host of personality problems, will all locations replaced by custom cyberlimbs.  Or use stats for some of the combat drones that exist, like the doberman.
Title: Re: Humanoid Android
Post by: Charybdis on <07-12-11/2023:15>
What Baronspam said.

If it's just a thematic goon-killing spree, then just use the stats for any other goon in the book as appropriate and change the description accordingly:

Eg a basic Mercenary with SMG becomes:
- Humanoid body of chrome and steel with an turret-mounted SMG and Sensor-suite where the head would normally rest. With a robotic *Whirrrrrr* the turret scans the room and locks onto you with a laser pointer.
*roll initiative*