
Off-topic => General Gaming => Topic started by: trea5on on <06-29-11/0214:38>

Title: white wolf games..
Post by: trea5on on <06-29-11/0214:38>
way back in the late mid to late 90's i used to play a lot of vampire the masquerade and other white wolf games. i even got into the live action gaming, was really kinda neat. i really really liked the way they made there supernaturals have realistic idea's of how they'd fit in with society.

anyone here play any white wolf games currently or know if they're still continuing there storylines? i heard somewhere that in vampire cain woke up and killed everyone cuz the authors were mad about the underworld movies ripping them off, lol.

on a side-note, i have heard that there CCG is still very popular and still doing well? it was one i really liked too as it was more of a thinkers game, much like chess. only difference was, the more players, the more interesting and enjoyable it got.
Title: Re: white wolf games..
Post by: The_Gun_Nut on <06-29-11/0730:31>
The original storyline was ended, but WW made a new World of Darkness (called nWoD sometimes) that is still being produced.

Also, there is a hardcore social original WoD MMO being produced by the folks who made EVE online.  Since EVE is a hardcore space game, I think they can do WoD justice.
Title: Re: white wolf games..
Post by: Digital_Viking on <06-29-11/1114:09>
Since EVE is a hardcore space game, I think they can do WoD justice.
Assuming of course they survive this latest PR debacle..
Title: Re: white wolf games..
Post by: Rascal on <06-29-11/1146:08>
nWoD is a great world to explore. Itīs a coherent game these days, not a shitload of different, barely-interlocking systems.
Itīs also placed on a lower level, you donīt have to worry about millennia-old vampires and the such.

But alas, if itīs the storyline/metaplot youīre after White Wolf donīt do that anymore.
Title: Re: white wolf games..
Post by: trea5on on <06-29-11/1319:54>
hmm.. it'd be very interesting to read about this nwod.

i sorta fell off the ww after my live action stint. people were just wayyyy toooo serious about it, really took the fun out of it for me.
Title: Re: white wolf games..
Post by: Blond Goth Girl on <06-29-11/1721:46>
Loved oWoD - been dying to get into it again.  The system was well rounded and flexible.

Title: Re: white wolf games..
Post by: The_Gun_Nut on <06-30-11/0437:29>
Also utterly without anything resembling game balance.  The powers listed made for great storytelling potential, but unless everyone at the table adheres very closely to the overall story consensus (only possible with people giving up any and all narrative control over their characters to the ST), then someone abuses* their powers and everyone else's character gets stomped on and hurt feelings sweep the table.

*i.e. uses their powers as listed.
Title: Re: white wolf games..
Post by: trea5on on <06-30-11/1445:48>
Also utterly without anything resembling game balance.  The powers listed made for great storytelling potential, but unless everyone at the table adheres very closely to the overall story consensus (only possible with people giving up any and all narrative control over their characters to the ST), then someone abuses* their powers and everyone else's character gets stomped on and hurt feelings sweep the table.

*i.e. uses their powers as listed.

Title: Re: white wolf games..
Post by: The_Gun_Nut on <06-30-11/1611:39>
Their first outing with VtM yielded a vampire who could kill anyone on his turn with 30+ attacks, all doing aggravated damage.  With no chance of botching the roll.

The next edition fixed that, but introduced some rather...odd things (I drain the blood of anyone I want at range with no drawbacks? Jawsome!).

The final edition yielded someone (my Giovanni) who could suck the soul from anyone he desired and replace that with a willing slave.  Also, mosquito ghouls (errated, but still).  Also, someone in our group made a hammer that could drop 30+ aggravated damage in a single strike.  Someone else (me, sorry world) had a bevy of spectres floating around him at all times waiting to devour the soul of whomever the master drew out.

My character had a "revolving door" policy on PC death.  Meaning, if their character died, I would suck the soul out of someone nifty, they would inhabit said body and be reborn, again, as a human, then again as a vampire.

Stuff like that.
Title: Re: white wolf games..
Post by: CanRay on <06-30-11/1925:05>
I had a multi-genre game of WoD where my character's car had the highest intimidation ability of the entire group.

'Course, that was a reward for the extensive background I wrote for my character, as well as everything else I wrote up in preparation of the game.
Title: Re: white wolf games..
Post by: SirDelta on <07-01-11/1521:34>
I like Exalted.....

The only WoD game I looked at in any depth was the new Hunter.  The Vigil, I believe it was called.  That looked like it could be a very interesting horror or "normal people stepping up to face the supernatural" type game.
Title: Re: white wolf games..
Post by: The_Gun_Nut on <07-01-11/2042:01>
It is.

One of the things I like best about it is the section that deals with how the world deals with hunters of the supernatural, i.e. crazy quasi-terrorist people running around burning down stuff.  And how to avoid getting on the radar.
Title: Re: white wolf games..
Post by: baronspam on <07-08-11/2252:49>
Since EVE is a hardcore space game, I think they can do WoD justice.
Assuming of course they survive this latest PR debacle..

PR Debacle?  I haven't played Eve in a couple of years.  Did the boys at CCP do something dumb?

Also, is the World of Darkness MMO actually going forward?  It was announced years ago but CCP has had it in a holding pattern for a loooong time.
Title: Re: white wolf games..
Post by: The_Gun_Nut on <07-09-11/1101:03>
I saw some gameplay footage several months ago, don't know anything else, though.
Title: Re: white wolf games..
Post by: Digital_Viking on <07-09-11/1137:29>
Since EVE is a hardcore space game, I think they can do WoD justice.
Assuming of course they survive this latest PR debacle..

PR Debacle?  I haven't played Eve in a couple of years.  Did the boys at CCP do something dumb?

Also, is the World of Darkness MMO actually going forward?  It was announced years ago but CCP has had it in a holding pattern for a loooong time.

I'll dig up the articles later, but basically they started selling in game items for ridiculous prices in real world money (65 dollars for a t shirt your avatar could wear) but what got folks riled and started protests in Jita was a leaked internal memo that said CCP was planning to sell ships, ammo,weapons and other game affecting items for real world cash.
Title: Re: white wolf games..
Post by: The_Gun_Nut on <07-09-11/1146:33>
Title: Re: white wolf games..
Post by: DWC on <07-11-11/1009:25>
Once they made game play time (an RL purchasable commodity) into a tradeable game commodity, the end began.  As soon as I can buy something for 15 dollars that I can sell in game for a few hundred million ISK, I was essentially handed the option of putting my Orca on my AmEx.
Title: Re: white wolf games..
Post by: Digital_Viking on <07-11-11/1102:21>
Once they made game play time (an RL purchasable commodity) into a tradeable game commodity, the end began.  As soon as I can buy something for 15 dollars that I can sell in game for a few hundred million ISK, I was essentially handed the option of putting my Orca on my AmEx.
To a large degree yes, but there was still the illusion of it not being buying items for real world cash, plus the limited availibility of items based on the market. However the internal memo was putting a lie to the illusion and jumping over the availibility factor as well. Thus the outcry and the emergency flying of CSM members to smooth the ruffled feathers.
Title: Re: white wolf games..
Post by: Bull on <07-11-11/2141:40>
Oh no!  The Emperor has no clothes!

I think Eve players were just delusional in the first place.

Title: Re: white wolf games..
Post by: Wolfboy on <07-12-11/1828:26>
i miss my OWoD game, but it was a mixed VTM, WTA, Hunter game that i played like it was live action SR with my micro werewolf pack as runners.....hey the story teller thought it was a good idea considering we were in a Sabbat held city
Title: Re: white wolf games..
Post by: Totes on <08-19-11/2207:55>
I've played a lot of oWoD Werewolf, and a bit of Vampire, but thats about it.

I have some of the nWoD stuff and a lot of the 2nd Ed Exalted stuff, but I've never managed to play it due to a) lack of interest from local groups and b) Playing a silly amount of SR  ;D
Title: Re: white wolf games..
Post by: Angelone on <08-21-11/1600:29>
OWoD is great fun. Had some epic mixed games. I personally like MtA the best.

NWoD is interesting I haven't actually gotten to play it yet.
Title: Re: white wolf games..
Post by: BSOD on <08-25-11/1507:50>
I've played some nWoD changeling and the various nWoD games are quite popular where I play. On the whole they seem to be really good.
Title: Re: white wolf games..
Post by: TheWanderingJewels on <11-15-11/1225:11>
oWoD played up the angst factor the point of profound irritation and distraction. The Whole Harano thing for the Werewolves was laughable on the face of it. Hell Wraith: The Oblivion hada stat called Angst fer crying out loud.

The only game I liked out of the Bunch was Mage...and with nWod....pretty much the same
Title: Re: white wolf games..
Post by: JustADude on <11-15-11/1921:23>
oWoD played up the angst factor the point of profound irritation and distraction. The Whole Harano thing for the Werewolves was laughable on the face of it. Hell Wraith: The Oblivion hada stat called Angst fer crying out loud.

The only game I liked out of the Bunch was Mage...and with nWod....pretty much the same

Actually, if you did Vampire: The Masquerade you weren't at all limited to angsty-emo types. Especially not if you played Brujah to type... and double-especially if you played a Sabbat campaign and picked Brujah Antitribu.

There's nothing quite like riding on a motorcycle behind a Tzimisce with an H.R. Geiger fetish, zipping up and down the street outside a Camarilla hideout while decapitating random civilians with your dual-wielded Body Armory bastard swords, just as a way to draw the Cammies inside out so you can detonate the white-phosphorous IEDs you planted outside the entrance.

Ahhh... good times. Good times.
Title: Re: white wolf games..
Post by: KarmaInferno on <11-17-11/0001:14>
Actually, if you did Vampire: The Masquerade you weren't at all limited to angsty-emo types.

No, you weren't, but the game tended to attract those types in droves.

Especially the LARPs. Oh god. the LARPs.

The only one I willingly attended was one that A) friends were running so I knew it would be at least well run and B) was a Dark Ages setting so none of this Masquerade crap.

A whole bunch of the angsty emo types showed up for that game too, but when they tried to play in their usual ways with the typical mincing subtle insults, one got his head immediately lopped off by a greatsword. Followed by another's throat getting ripped out and a third being thrown out a window. All by one NPC. The look on their faces was priceless.

Title: Re: white wolf games..
Post by: JustADude on <11-17-11/0056:26>
Actually, if you did Vampire: The Masquerade you weren't at all limited to angsty-emo types.

No, you weren't, but the game tended to attract those types in droves.

Especially the LARPs. Oh god. the LARPs.

The only one I willingly attended was one that A) friends were running so I knew it would be at least well run and B) was a Dark Ages setting so none of this Masquerade crap.

A whole bunch of the angsty emo types showed up for that game too, but when they tried to play in their usual ways with the typical mincing subtle insults, one got his head immediately lopped off by a greatsword. Followed by another's throat getting ripped out and a third being thrown out a window. All by one NPC. The look on their faces was priceless.



That's why I eventually stopped playing. Still, there were a few good times along the way so I regret nothing. Well, except maybe not following through on some of my more... creative... threats, but as the Evil Overlord List says, shooting is good enough for my enemies.

Sounds like we had much the same thing in mind with our characters. That's why I stuck to Brujah, Tzimisce, Lasombra, and the occasional heavily psychotic Malkavian. My favorite character (same one that involved in the IED story) actually threw one of the other PCs into a bonfire because the guy (Tremere Anti, IIRC) was playing like it was a Cammie game and wouldn't stop jibing about how much better he was than my filthy, crude, uneducated Brujah. I got bonus XP for it.
Title: Re: white wolf games..
Post by: TheWanderingJewels on <11-17-11/0954:37>
Again: Why I went in for Mage: The Ascension. Virtual Adept with all the classic cyberpunk traits. The more Classic Ann Rice Emo types had no clue how to deal with me
Title: Re: white wolf games..
Post by: Digital_Viking on <11-17-11/1040:32>
Sounds like we had much the same thing in mind with our characters. That's why I stuck to Brujah, Tzimisce, Lasombra, and the occasional heavily psychotic Malkavian. My favorite character (same one that involved in the IED story) actually threw one of the other PCs into a bonfire because the guy (Tremere Anti, IIRC) was playing like it was a Cammie game and wouldn't stop jibing about how much better he was than my filthy, crude, uneducated Brujah. I got bonus XP for it.

Gangrels were great for playing against the "velvet wearing emo vamp" stereotype too.
Title: Re: white wolf games..
Post by: JustADude on <11-17-11/1539:42>
Again: Why I went in for Mage: The Ascension. Virtual Adept with all the classic cyberpunk traits. The more Classic Ann Rice Emo types had no clue how to deal with me

And most Mages don't, either. I was walking around in the late 90s with a VA with an artificial arm with a Trinary Computer built into it and a 'Virtual Display' that had spells stored as macro icons.

If I were doing it today, I'd say it was a Trinary version of Android and the spells were either Apps or Widgets.

Gangrels were great for playing against the "velvet wearing emo vamp" stereotype too.

Ah, yes, forgot about the Gangrel.  ;D
Title: Re: white wolf games..
Post by: CanRay on <11-17-11/1821:05>
I miss my Street Racing, Sci-Fi Addicted Son of Æther.  His '69 Lincoln Continental Four-Door Convertible had the highest Intimidation ability of anyone in the group.  Including the vampires and werewolves combined.  Nobody messed with the car.

I was also well on my way to getting an AI put into her, too, when I had to move.   :'(
Title: Re: white wolf games..
Post by: The_Gun_Nut on <11-17-11/2121:08>
Let's face it.  Mage (in every incarnation) flat out slaps the other supernaturals (and WoD games) in the face with their "I make up the rules now" approach to mage powers.

One of my favorite toons was my Euthanatos who could "teleport" using Entropy 3.  Enchanted a business card for a taxi company in town.  Every time he raised the card near the road and called "TAXI" one of that company's cabs just happened to be there to take him wherever he wanted.

Not to mention all the times vampires "accidentally" staked themselves when he was nearby.  Priceless.
Title: Re: white wolf games..
Post by: CanRay on <11-17-11/2258:00>
A vampire made the mistake of trying to steal my character's car.

After the car intimidated him badly, I dropped him into the oil pit, and he raised up encased in carbonite.  So I made him a decoration behind the drum set of the character's heavy metal/magical community neutral zone club.
Title: Re: white wolf games..
Post by: Blond Goth Girl on <11-19-11/1328:00>
I personally like oWoD with the in-depth detail that they have for their world and many types of characters.  The other thing I like is how the system is set up like SR with attribute + skill.

Never bothered with nWoD since the old one isn't broken so to speak.  Plus I have just about every supplement for oWoD.  My frugality prevents me from investing more money.

After a 1.5 year campaign of SR4, our group is gearing up for a Dark Ages and beyond game.
Title: Re: white wolf games..
Post by: The_Gun_Nut on <11-21-11/1236:15>
NWoD does have a few advantages over the old one.  Notably:

- regular people can be more than just fodder

- powers and abilities of all supernaturals are a bit more balanced and do not immediately destroy versimilitude (could happen often)

- world not coming to an end because of goofy crap

- NPC's do things that make more sense (see "goofy crap" above)

Most importantly

- vampires are not cursed by god to be UberSuperAwesomesauce (bwa?)

- werewolves are not chumps whining about the end of days and doing nothing concrete about it

- mages are not as INSTANT WIN vs. other supernaturals as they were (though, honestly, they are still pretty WIN)

- wraiths are NPC's ("I'm dead and can't affect anything real?  I'm playing this why?")

- changelings ULTIMATE COSMIC POWAA gone (mages actually get a run for their money from these guys)
Title: Re: white wolf games..
Post by: KarmaInferno on <11-23-11/1119:44>
Does it still attract emo whiny goth players though?

Title: Re: white wolf games..
Post by: CanRay on <11-23-11/1129:50>
Does it still attract emo whiny goth players though?

*Shakes Magic 8-Ball*  Signs point to "Yes"  *Looks around, throws 8-Ball at random person, hitting them in the head, and runs off laughing*
Title: Re: white wolf games..
Post by: BSOD on <12-29-11/1323:36>
Wraiths are now sort of remade as Geists although compared to the other settings it's fairly bad.
Title: Re: white wolf games..
Post by: farothel on <12-30-11/0538:43>
After a 1.5 year campaign of SR4, our group is gearing up for a Dark Ages and beyond game.

We're currently doing the transylvanian cronicles.  It's quite fun, especially since the group has the following members:
-Capadocian (going to be hunted by the Giovanni soon): Saracen Vizier
-Salubri (already hunted by the Tremere): Danish noble in the order of Shanticleer
-Liahnan (going to be extinct by 1400 or so): druid
-Gangrel (me): ex-monk turned crusader

We've also done some Mage: the awakening and that was a lot of fun too, although that could also have been because we tend to make what I call disfunctional parties.
And I really like the Lunars from exalted.  Maybe I have a think for shapeshifters (gangrel, lunars, thyrsus mages).