
Shadowrun Play => Gamemasters' Lounge => Topic started by: Liber Hazen on <09-16-10/1132:27>

Title: PC's famous Last words...
Post by: Liber Hazen on <09-16-10/1132:27>
I ran with a group where the GM had a list of things said by a character before they passed on to the other side. It was funny and I would love to see something like that for Shadowrun. I haven't been keeping a list so I don't have anything to add at the moment. Things that you post should be like the following...

Nightshade (Mage) - "Should I really summon this Fire elemental inside a gas station? Oh well you only live once." Nightshade died as the entire gas station exploded in a petrol fueled fireball.

Please share some of your Player Characters humurous (Darwinian) final moments  8)
Title: Re: PC's famous Last words...
Post by: Chaotic Insane on <09-16-10/1356:41>
Not shadowrun, but we have some good ones.

I think my ex's druid getting killed by a bear trap was just... worthy. XD

The senile, totally batshit crazy, old wizard that was FOR SOME DAMNED REASON up front sucking two fireballs in rapid succession. (One in the surprise round, the first round of combat the enemy sorceress went first for init and cast it again).

OH! And my fighter. DM rolled a 1 on the percentile table of random encounters so it was just ONE big ass rat. One. Not even a dire rat. Not one rat swarm. Just one really big rat. I come up first for initiative and decide to be a punk and just punt the thing.


Four natural ones later from three different players, and I'm on my back, dead, and slightly singed with my buddy's axe in my forehead, and the rat is running for its life laughing it's scruffy little ass off.
Title: Re: PC's famous Last words...
Post by: The Doomed One on <09-16-10/1601:53>
The senile, totally batshit crazy, old wizard that was FOR SOME DAMNED REASON up front sucking two fireballs in rapid succession. (One in the surprise round, the first round of combat the enemy sorceress went first for init and cast it again).
Hey that doesn't count...
he got resurrected

also she was also a vampire.

and those were her only fifth level spells
Title: Re: PC's famous Last words...
Post by: Chaotic Insane on <09-16-10/1651:12>
The senile, totally batshit crazy, old wizard that was FOR SOME DAMNED REASON up front sucking two fireballs in rapid succession. (One in the surprise round, the first round of combat the enemy sorceress went first for init and cast it again).
Hey that doesn't count...
he got resurrected

also she was also a vampire.

and those were her only fifth level spells

Oh it still counts. ESPECIALLY since they weren't her most powerful spells. Damn vampiress.
Title: Re: PC's famous Last words...
Post by: The Doomed One on <09-16-10/1658:16>
The senile, totally batshit crazy, old wizard that was FOR SOME DAMNED REASON up front sucking two fireballs in rapid succession. (One in the surprise round, the first round of combat the enemy sorceress went first for init and cast it again).
Hey that doesn't count...
he got resurrected

also she was also a vampire.

and those were her only fifth level spells

Oh it still counts. ESPECIALLY since they weren't her most powerful spells. Damn vampiress.
Still got that around somewhere so i will check.  So apparently her highest level spell was Greater invisibility, which, if I remember correctly I forgot about it.  I also forgot that fireball was a third level spell.  Also you bunched up so nicely on the top of that tower.
Title: Re: PC's famous Last words...
Post by: FastJack on <09-16-10/1705:29>
Again, not Shadowrun, but a player in my Forgotten Realms campaign a few years back.

Being chased by a dust devil in some ruins, the character turns the corner and sees some stairs leading into darkness. Wanting to put as much distance as possible between him and the dust devil, he tells me he runs for the stairs and jumps down...

... right past the edge of the stairs where they fell off into the 100' cavern below.

Moral of the story? Yep - "Look before you leap." :D
Title: Re: PC's famous Last words...
Post by: Liber Hazen on <09-16-10/1714:32>
@chaoticxinsane That counts. If the character died then it counts :)

@FastJack. That is exactly the type of thing I was talking about. My old D&D GM had pages of those types of stories. We would crack up reading about other characters last moments.
Title: Re: PC's famous Last words...
Post by: Welshman on <09-16-10/1725:58>
"You can never have to much explosives"

This said by the Combat Engineer just before he rolled his skill dice, and then rerolled four sixes (this was under SR1 or 2 when you did that), then rerolled three sixes, then rerolled three sixes, then rerolled two, then one, then one, then one.

The house went boom, the gas main went boom, every gas main on the block went boom, every house on the block went boom.
Title: Re: PC's famous Last words...
Post by: Devil on <09-16-10/1840:43>
"There's something behind me, isn't there?"

"Hey, you've got a red dot on your head."

"Come on. It will be funny!"

"I ain't payin'. You cheated!"
Title: Re: PC's famous Last words...
Post by: Walks Through Walls on <09-16-10/1859:59>
From a shadowrun game  "You are throwing the gernade where? You know we will be in the blast radius."

"Only the edge of it we'll be fine."

The 1st character died in the ensuing blast
Title: Re: PC's famous Last words...
Post by: Wayfinder on <09-17-10/0023:00>
Annoying player wouldn't stop shooting at the Johnson with miracle shooter and making the noise "pew pew". Before the Johnson left he leaned over the table and whispered in the players ear "Beware the grey hound"

Next scene meeting with the sketchy chiphead that had intel on the run. Same player shooting him with miracle shooter (again "pew pew"). Right before the chippy gets spooked and runs from the invisible brain gun of the player he yells "Beware the grey hound"

Stopping at the bar for a drink and to catch up on gossip the bartender. Player begins to shoot everyone in the bar (pew pew pew).
All noise stops in the bar and everyone hears "HONK HONK"

Just then a bus plows through the wall of bar directly into said player

It was ,of course, a "Grey Hound"
Title: Re: PC's famous Last words...
Post by: Tex Muldoon on <09-17-10/0208:57>
If I am going out. I am going out blazing.
Right before dying without firing a single shot.

Gun bunny right before he died.

Title: Re: PC's famous Last words...
Post by: Kubz on <09-25-10/0113:57>
Not shadowrun, but we have some good ones.

I think my ex's druid getting killed by a bear trap was just... worthy. XD

The senile, totally batshit crazy, old wizard that was FOR SOME DAMNED REASON up front sucking two fireballs in rapid succession. (One in the surprise round, the first round of combat the enemy sorceress went first for init and cast it again).

OH! And my fighter. DM rolled a 1 on the percentile table of random encounters so it was just ONE big ass rat. One. Not even a dire rat. Not one rat swarm. Just one really big rat. I come up first for initiative and decide to be a punk and just punt the thing.


Four natural ones later from three different players, and I'm on my back, dead, and slightly singed with my buddy's axe in my forehead, and the rat is running for its life laughing it's scruffy little ass off.

Awesome... just awesome...
Title: Re: PC's famous Last words...
Post by: Mystic on <09-25-10/1256:51>
Buddy of mine from a Vampire: The Masquerade, who was playing a 13th gen, almost brand spaking new Malkavian (sp?) to a rank 4 Get of Fenris Aroun (sp?) said "Look Furface, I dont care WHAT you said, the girl is coming with US!" (complete with finge poke to chest)

Next round: Him=RAGE, RIP, CHOMP, chew-chew-chew, spit, *looks at us*, GRRrrrrrrrrrrrrr *evil look*. US= RUUUUUUNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!

In Shadowrun: Im a combat mage and we are about to be overrun by a gaggle of ghouls in an collapsed subway tunnel (2nd ed). "OK, don't let me hit my head" *Casts HELLBLAST* (rating 10, my magic rating a mere 7.) BOOOMMMWHOOOOSH!!!!!, *FRY* Ghoul SCREEECH, *collapse* party saved, but me failed my drain...dead.  :'(

Star Wars (d6). Quixotic Jedi (in his one TRUE moment of actual force use) "Wait, I *beams*feel a distubance in the force," *just as the bounty hunter throws a thermal detonator among the party....* (we ALL failed our perception rolls.)  :P
Title: Re: PC's famous Last words...
Post by: Lord Scythican on <09-25-10/1315:11>
"Alright Tarrasque, there is no way you can survive the sting of my Vorpal Weapon!" Circa 1992
Title: Re: PC's famous Last words...
Post by: Wolfboy on <10-03-10/2124:34>
wasn't mine, wasn't shadowrun

"Whats the worst that could happen?" as the dwarf cleric kicks the door open.
(Several crossbow bolts and a fireball trap goes off)
"Thats what" Dwarf collapses

Moral: Always let those who can search for traps!
Title: Re: PC's famous Last words...
Post by: Welshman on <10-03-10/2217:06>
Moral: Always let those who can search for traps!


Fighter "Hmm, might be a trap," he says as he looks at the door twenty feet away.

Thief "Yeah well there could be a trap. With this tunnel it could be almost anything, heck the ceiling could fall in when you just touch the door."

Fighter proceeds to pick up the thief and throw him at the door.

Title: Re: PC's famous Last words...
Post by: Inverse on <10-04-10/0200:16>
For once, I'm GMing, and I'm using my mage as the Johnson. One of the PC decides he wants to start hitting on said mage. Said mage has a hair trigger temper, and is starting to get annoyed. I tell him to roll a perception test on how well he notices her increasing level of rage. All ones.  ;D

"So, you wanna see my magic wand?"

the resulting inferno was hilarious.
Title: Re: PC's famous Last words...
Post by: Chaotic Insane on <10-05-10/1438:35>
^ that, that sounds like the kind of innuendo that goes on at our table. XD
Title: Re: PC's famous Last words...
Post by: Usda Beph on <10-05-10/1516:05>
^ that, that sounds like the kind of innuendo that goes on at our table. XD
I have no idea what you're talking about?
“Here, your friend wants to give you some head.” Usda roared as the severed head bounced of the ganger's chest.
Title: Re: PC's famous Last words...
Post by: Jeeves on <10-28-10/1304:01>
"Everyone get behind me!" troll with 20 armor, tanked 40 (combined) damage, killed by a street thug with a taser.

"Cut the blue wire!" man strapped to a bomb, speaking to nervous, color-blind dwarf.

"Not so tough now, are ya?" ork adept, after finding the dead body of his bitter rival. Shortly cut down by gaurdian spirits.

"No hard feelings?" elf face when dealing with enraged ork sammie

"I'm gonna punt the harumen!" player shortly before being murdered senseless by a small harumen

"I demand you bring me that which man was not meant to have!" shaman commanding spirit, who brings him bacon, not the artifact he needed to defend himself from a small paramilitary group.

"My advice, shoot first, shoot last, shoot most, reload and shoot again and THEN you THINK about asking questions." gunslinger before being mauled by an animal that only got mad when he shot it,
Title: Re: PC's famous Last words...
Post by: Angelone on <10-28-10/1432:13>
"I've finished translating the tablet and all it says over and over again is 'Hastur, Hastur, Hastur'"
Title: Re: PC's famous Last words...
Post by: Usda Beph on <10-28-10/1450:35>
"I've finished translating the tablet and all it says over and over again is 'Hastur, Hastur, Hastur'"
Oh Crap Ina Hat!
Title: Re: PC's famous Last words...
Post by: voydangel on <10-28-10/1746:00>
In a group of 2 elves, a human, a troll and an ork. The elves (a face and a high chr mage) convince the rest of the party to do....a bad plan.

"It's an elven plan. It can't fail."

Next session was spent making new characters. The quote has since become a catch phrase in my groups.
Title: Re: PC's famous Last words...
Post by: freddieflatline on <10-28-10/2006:23>
Star Wars RPG (WEG)

Mon Calamari to the rest of the smuggler group he was with in the bar as they face a platoon of Storm Troopers.  "My look at all the pretty white armor!"
Title: Re: PC's famous Last words...
Post by: Nomad Zophiel on <10-29-10/0034:05>
We used to have a saying in Vampire LARPS:

If you're going to take someone out, his last words should be "huh, what the. . ."

Same thing for Runners, really.

Another one:

Other PC: Don't go to the meet, its a trap!
Soon to be dead PC: I know its a trap. I've made it out of all the other ones, haven't I?

Or how about one that happened twice with the same player:
GM: OK, when [lots of obvious Bad Thing effects] start happening, who is not running away?
Soon the be dead PC: *raises hand*

The first time the Bad Thing effects included a 60' serpent breaking out of the ground in a minor earthquake while everything collapsed around the charaters.
The second was in a Vampire/Werewolf LARP where the Big Bad (Nexus Crawler) opened the fight by bringing out the sun and turning the floor into silver blades.
Title: Re: PC's famous Last words...
Post by: larskrygan on <11-02-10/0607:41>
first game of shadowrun(  second edition  at the time ), the group was composed of: one elf shaman bandit, one troll thug, and one human adept.

the troll  glitches on his roll to find an armorer, being illiterate, he enters the premises and ask the kind lady at the desk " where can i buy gun and ammo ? " the lady freaks out and get out of the room, noticing something strange about the place , our dear troll looks at the posters hanging on the walls and with difficulty managed to read : de ... poly... ho shit !!!! he runned like hell  ;D
Title: Re: PC's famous Last words...
Post by: FastJack on <11-02-10/0841:17>
Not sure if it counts, Lars, since the troll got away. ;)
Title: Re: PC's famous Last words...
Post by: Ed on <11-02-10/1107:16>
How about:

'Man, Ghostwalker is pissed.  Let's sneak back to Seattle thru Sioux territory."
Title: Re: PC's famous Last words...
Post by: Jeeves on <11-02-10/1142:07>
My favorite of all time:

Player calls out into a dark room: "Marco!"

this has happened several times, but the person who yells marco is never the one who dies. Friend of mine yelled Marco, i got hit in the face by a ganger with a baseball bat. "POLO!"

second time it happened, another player got attacked and torn to shreds by a succubus.

Title: Re: PC's famous Last words...
Post by: Crossbow on <11-14-10/0526:44>
Thought ya'll might get a kick out of this:
Title: Re: PC's famous Last words...
Post by: AJBuwalda on <11-14-10/0936:25>
I was running a game of Dark Heresy. One of the PC had the idea to snatch one od the cultist and after interogating him for the location of their base stuffed him in the trunk of the car. We did not know why at that point; he said "Trust me" which is a bad thing DH most of the time. Anyway, they arrive at the building and he grabs the guy and explains. He wants to kick in the door, push the cultist in and blow his brains out for intimidation value. Fair enough! He makes a strength check for the door fails terribly while yelling "I'm here to dispense the emperor's judgement." While he is yelling this the door swings open he trips and gets drilled with assault rifles and pistols.
Title: Re: PC's famous Last words...
Post by: voydangel on <11-15-10/1702:32>
At the risk of being crushingly cliche... I recently witnessed a character death and the last words were - quite literally - "oops"

It was amazing.
Title: Re: PC's famous Last words...
Post by: Dead Monky on <11-23-10/1440:39>
Way, way back in one of the first RPG games I ever played, my buddies and I were playing the Palladium RPG.  My character was an insane orgre assassin/necromancer with anarchistic leanings, my one friend (M) had a sadistic and evil changeling diabolist, and my other friend (T) had a goody goody elf with a class I can't remember.  Anyway, we played for a little while with our bizarre little trio until T got tired of M and I wandering off to kill people and burn their houses down.  He got all pissy one day and his character commanded ours to cease being evil and set upon the path of righteousness.  His last words were, "You guys are assholes.  Why can't you be good and help people?"  After that it was just garbled drooling as his zombie served us as pack mule.
Title: Re: PC's famous Last words...
Post by: Angelone on <11-23-10/1829:32>
"Yeah? It's a Koala who cares. What's the Wombrick doing?"

Not mine but it got me anyway "I fire my PAC at it." In a fireworks factory.

GM: The pilot refuses to change course.
Player 1: I shoot him.
GM: He's dead who has pilot rotocraft?
Title: Re: PC's famous Last words...
Post by: mattness on <11-23-10/1927:28>

My group met one (avg lvl 8). Our DM was playing mage. Munchkin warrior was GMin (he was obsessed about tarasque regen, wanted to introduce it just as "moving part of landscape").
Mage declared attack. Threw some shurikens. Rest of group is panicking (our characters were like 2 years old). Mage start to throw knives +4 iirc. One of attacks 20/20.
Critical hit table  (%)
score=100 Death on sight

Guys were arguing for hours (tarasque regen vs crit hit table).
We abandoned those characters, few months later created new characters, didn't work out and since then I don't play on regular basis.
For me - Tarasque => end of RPGing :(
Title: Re: PC's famous Last words...
Post by: Angelone on <11-23-10/1954:28>
Hehe that's one hell of a story though. No one I've played with has let me near a Tarrasque yet.
Title: Re: PC's famous Last words...
Post by: Mystic on <12-08-10/2137:27>
"Oh, we've got them on the run!"

Unit CO, in a Battletech Merc game last Sunday, the round just before three out of five of his 'mechs got trashed including one that his engine cored by a hatchet and one that got his head blowed off.

Two guesses who did the blowed-ing off.
