
Shadowrun Play => Play-by-Post => Topic started by: Sichr on <03-29-11/1349:28>

Title: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <03-29-11/1349:28>
Spring is deffinitely comming and nothing should stop it now. Even the sun broke throught clouds late afternoon, putting an end to three days of rain, mists or at least drizzle. At least there is no volcanic ash in the air, as a wind blows from the sea and not from Rainier.
As if anybody cares about the weather theese days

5:30 PM

@Harry: Usually its still early for your third whiskey, you are trying to keep that habbit under controll. When doing usual sightseeing, none of your contacts reveal anything usefull and even Elvis, who is able to forward some local problems to you or give your PAN No. to potential client, has nothing but tired:
"Sorry, got nothing for you buddy, even we have nothing but boring long shifts..."
That would usualy mean that you spend your afternoon sparring in the gym down the street or to take another shot in the privacy of your livingroom, maybe watching that new trid remake of Good, Bad and Ugly.
This timeyou were saved from chosing by comm call from Hun.
"Hey, Harry, dont meant to disturb you in whatever you are doin, and Im not draggin you to Aurora, I know you will find your way if you need to, but there are two gentlemen here who are asking about you , sayin they will wait if you are willing to come..."
Something about the way he said "gentelemen" makes you sure that he meant somebody important who dont want to be named.

@Nikolai: You have just finished prepairs for unwelcomed visit, that would turn your apartment upside down whle looking for some delusional rats. Only rats here are those fried ones...You stacked your stuff to smuggling compartement in your car and then you dispose some platic bags to the garbage cans, just as a cover and, in fact, at least that machine gave you the reason to make some cleaning in your rooms and dispose all those ratburger boxes, soy barr packs and dog food cans...
You spend a minute on the street, watching the sky changing from deep gray to light gray and the sun beams piercing the clouds...and you almost feel like human you once been...but that glimpse of humanity is gone like an uncatchable idea...and you see no point in standing there and watching the sky...
You have a strange feeling, somewhere deep inside...
You run the stairs up to your floor, unconcentrated to that point that you almost run to the old lady who is rushing throught the corridor back to her flat. You dodge her at the very last moment, watching her horrified face from very close distance for one, quite intensive moment, seeing that all in her eyes: that she is really affraid of you and that she is almost panicking, and that she is catched guilty, but you dont know what of...
You mumble your sorries and slam the doors shut behind you, lean agains them, taking some deep breaths. You know these moments...moments your good old hearth tries to speak to you from that chromed prisson of your new body...
You sit on a chair in the kitchen, watching your it is the only one who could understand your feelings...lost in thoughts, trying to calm down. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it does not.
Alarm from your comlink pull you out from that state like waking you up from the dream.
No call, just short text message appears in the link of your googles when you pick it up
"Good evening mr. Schroeder. I believe we should be mutualy helpful, I have some use for your potential. If you are interested in more info, meet me at Aurora ASAP. Tell your name to bartender, he will introduce me."
Who might that be,? Nobody who knows much of your history, he used your fake name...Whatever thoughts you had before, now they are gone, message made you allert and ready as you are used to. At least something to concentrate to.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: deathwishjoe on <03-29-11/1915:24>
Nikolai scratched his head while re-reading the mysterious message hed received.  If it was some sort of job offer at least I'm already packed.  If it was something else... well, he'd find out faster what it was the sooner he got there, he thought to himself as he gathered a few things up for the trip.  Probably a misunderstanding from his fake SIN he got a few months ago...  Or maybe it was the Vory who wanted payback on there recent favor.  Sure he'd been making his interest payments but he hadn't begun touching the principle of the loan he'd gotten from them yet and maybe they were getting impatient.  He wasn't sure if he should call Alexei, his Vory contact or not.  If he'd been black listed by someone in the organization in order to make an example Alexai probably wouldn't tell him about it anyways.  Lets just hope its a job offer.   

He put his worries aside as he pulled the tarp off his parked "thundercloud."  With all the rain they been having recently it was probably a poor choice on his part to buy a vehicle without a built in roof but the salesman had been so persuasive and it was one of the few vehicles he could fit in naturally. 

Looking around to make sure no one is watching, he gathered a few things from the hidden storage compartment under the vehicle.  This was the other reason he purchased the vehicle.  It was always a good idea to have a place to hide a few things.

Nikolai jumps into the front seat of the thundercloud and typed the address into the AR control panel built in and tells it to run on auto pilot while he thinks about the meeting he's going to.  He decides it might be best to at least get some info on the loation hes going to so he calls up Eddie his local Go-Ganger contact. 

"Hey Eddie! You and the guys, eh... recovering from the last night still?  I want ask you about this bar I am going.  Is called 'Ah-ror-ah'."  He pronounces the name carefully to make sure he got it right.

"As you are knowing I am new here.  Eh, what do you know of this place?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <03-30-11/0215:37>
Harry reaches for his commlink when he gets the call from Hun,  Hey man, no problem, I was looking for something to do this afternoon anyway.  tell those Gentlemen I'll be there soon.  And put one ready on the rocks, I'm on my way
He checked the door twice when leaving the house, his father changed the locks long ago and he wasn't sure they where up to modern standards.  So best be carefull.  Walking to his bike he greets the neighbours on the street.
The Suzuki started with a roar and A bit later the Troll walked trough the door into the Aurora.  Not looking at any of the customers he goes straight to the bar says Hi to hun and take's the glass of wiskey standing ready.  So Hun, where are the gentlemen?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <03-30-11/0715:58>
As you fill dhe doorframe, a moment of silence passes, then everything goes back to normal.
You see usual mix of factroy workers and casual drinking companions of yours, some of them chatting, some of them playing cards, watching sports channel on the big trid tank beneath the bar, some of them sleeping on the table...those Hans favourite customers who always have enought money to pay the bill should tak a quick nap before next bottle arrives...the smoke of many flavours.
You take a deep breath...sweet aroma of your almost second home.
As you take your whiskey, Hun nods at you and turns his look to one of the follow with your own eyes.
A robust, well dressed, wellfed man at middle fourties, stands up and approaches you with his hand ready for shake.
You are no stranger in the district, and that means you recognize him for the first look.
William McLister...also called Thorough Bill. 
He is one of major tenants around here, including the place you pay your rent for. You met him at least once personally, when your parents dissapeared a few yoears back. He came with some of his man to tell you personally that he is really sorry for your loss, saying your father was a good man who did a lot for the safety on the streets, and that he would miss him. And he made a clear statement, that he has no problem with updating the apartement contract to your name and that he would be helpfull at the beginning. And that if he finds out something related to that dissapearance, he will let you know.
You see, why he deserved a street name like this...he is not accepting any violence, drugs or BTL crimes happening in the neighborhood of his estates, and those, who violates his rules, always quickly find out, that he is very resourcefull man. It is also said, but that is just street chitchat, that he is on good terms with Stuck and even with Major Monzo.
Shaking your hand (ha has quite firm grip...for a human) he politely invites you to the table:
Good afternoon Mr. Eastwood. Im really glad that you have made a time for this meeting. Im sorry that I always have to meet you under, such circumstances, but even this evening would not be a friendly meeting. Well, lets hope that some day things would improve.
When you come to the table, you see that there is one more person sitting there, almost lost amongst all those orks here. Subtle chineese man, dressed to the suit that seems to be used just for a few occasions, carefully shaved, with glasses that gave him a "professor" look. Not only that but also a high-tech set of chip and datajacks on his temples makes him look at least inpropperly at the place like this. For the first look, he is using some kind of meditation to keep himself calm, but his trembling hands, oversolicitude of his visage, and far-away look in his eyes gave him away.
For your trained eye, he is obviously living through some actual trauma and he is just a step away from breaking down.
"Well, mr. Eastwood, meet mr. Wang. He is one of my tenants, just like you, and he come to me, asking me for help, because his family is in great danger and he didn`t know who else might provide him appropriate assistance. Well, I have one more meeting to attend to, so please, talk to mr. Wong about his problem. If you are, and I believe so, capable of helping him, we will talk about reward later, don`t let those things influence your judgement."
With this words William leaves you at the table alone with Wong and takes the seat at the bar, evidently waiting for someone.

"Hey Lynx, err.. not exactly recovering, the party is sill on HAHAHAA", you hear loud music in the background, and by his voice, Eddie is evidently drunk and loaded, "Aurora, yeah, calm hangout to chill out at the corner of 304th Street E & 132nd Avenue E, if you dont mind a bunch of wageslaves and loosers telling you their sad storries. Owner, Han Skaar, is a thought drunkard, so if he invites you for a drink after the midnight, when the place is empty and he is borring, watch your liver HAHAHA. And if you don`t have enought when you are leaving that hole, came by, we should be able to provide some drinks also HAHAA...."

That leaves an impression of some public place, maybe not too dangerous one, but you never know...
After several minutes, you manage to get there and find a place to park right in front of the bar. There are some bikes standing there and shiny Rover in limo design. No obvious weapons, but it speaks loudly: Dont mess with me, or Ill show you. You got the impression that there is someone in that limo, but you cannot see inside throught mirrored windows. When you enter, humming atmosphere engulfs you. Making your way to the bar, you look around and see what was Eddie talking around. So far, nobody looks dangerous, most of the people minds their own bussines, maybe two or three guys more vigilant than others, evaluating everything with the look of skilled bodyguards.
You made your way to the bar, nods at the bartender and told him your name.
"Oh here you are,. Please, take the seat on that place, right next to that well dressed gentleman. Anything to drink?"
You make your order (Vodka, I suppose, he doesnt seem to have anything non-alcoholic on the tape) and follow his instructions. When you take the place, man next to you turns himself on the stool a bit, just to look at you.
"Welcome, mr. Shroeder. My name is William McLister and,  although we haven`t met before, I know you, just a little, because you are living in one of appartements I own."
Takes a sip from his Ancient Bushmills...
"I`ve heard some crazy stories about you, from your neighbors, but, since I know that you are living single, I dont take them serriously. Th reason we meet here is the fact, that you apparently have some experiences with pit fights. I know that you had shown interrests to join the fights after your arrival to Seattle. I dont care too much about this, unless you make arena in one of my cellars. It is told that you pit fighters are some of the most cruel fighters. And that is exactly what Im looking for. I have responsibilities to my tennants, and I take it very serriously. There was an act of violence, ruthless crime, commited on one of them. I already hired a detective to find out, who did this to one of my liege", you see rising anger isnide that man...he certainly have more than one Irish ascendant...then he look straight to your eyes:
"I want you to cooperate with that detective, and after you find those...dead men, I want You to make them example." he gets the final sip from his glass.
"I want their souls to retail terrible stories in hell about messing with William McLister. If you make it right, we should talk about your needs, make your place, lets say, more comfortable, and I also would grant you half a year free rent. We would also discuss some more concrete payment after you meet with mr. Eastwood, who will lead this investigation. I`m sure that we should figure out something. He is already talking with the victim at that table,"his look directs toward the table where big troll is speaking with somebody who is well covered from view by trolls broad shoulders,"feel free to join him, any more insight to the problem should be usefull."
He turns back to the bartender and shows him his empty glass, with unmistakable "One more" sign.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <03-30-11/0722:19>
Sitting in front of Mister Wang, Harry takes a good close look at him (and a snapshot to store in his little people I met database on his commlink).
Well Mister Wang, my name is Harry, how can I be of service to you?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <03-30-11/0740:05>
"Good evening mr. Eastwood. Like Mc Lister said, my family is in the great danger"...he hardly keeps calm, trying to focus on the matter,"my 12 years old son was kidnapped at the afternoon, some three hours. ago. He went shopping with my wife at Clone Zone, and when they return to their car, my wife was hit by taser, and when she woke up, my son was. gone...gone you understand...he dissapeared without trace!!! Im lost and every minute we spend talking here he may be farther from us. My wife magaged to make it home with pilot assistance some 45 minutes ago. Please, do something. Find my little Hao!!

He finaly broke into cry, his self-control gone.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <03-30-11/0824:09>
Harry sighed, how often had he been truogh this one before, no matter who they are, or what they do, they all cry when telling you how there relative dissapeared.
He reached out to the man putting a hand on his shoulder.  There there mr Wong, Mr. Mc Lister was right to get me over here, Finding lost people is what I do and I must say I'm good at what I do.  Now calm down and help me help you. First get me a picture of your son, then tell me Did your Son have any enemy's?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <03-30-11/0848:38>
"Oh...sorry.", he tries to put himself togehter,"picture of my son, access to everything you need, i would grant you. And about I dont think so...but...there is other problem, one for I didnt contacted Ares KE. My son is...gifted..if you understand me.That kind of gift every corporation is hungry for...I`m pretty sure that he didnt reveal himself publicly, but I cannot be sure..."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <03-30-11/0853:55>
Now there was something Harry could work with.
Mr Wang, I'll get your son back to you, don't you worry.  I'll discuss the financials with mr. Mc Lister.  Just get me your commnumber so I can reach you should I need more info

Noting the number in his commlink, Harry stands up and walks to the bar. 
Hun, I need to make some private calls, mind if I use the backroom?

Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <03-30-11/0918:25>
Be my guest.
It is not the first time Han throws to you the old fashioned keys to secure room in the back of the bar. He usualy uses it for private poker sessions, but it is well equiped to do some more secure bussines dealings also.
You also see McLister on the bar, having a speech with some heavily cybered individual wearing body armor.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <03-30-11/0941:09>
Harry takes the keys and strolls to the backdoor, after taking a quick picture of Mr.Mc Lister and his fellow at the bar.  Walking into the room he feels the familiar air of many a poker night with Hun and the fellows.
He carefully closes the door behind him and sits down in the comfy chair in the back of the room.  Dialing Elvis on his commlink
Hey my man, how are things going?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <03-30-11/0952:52>
Hey pal. Well, I took the car and left the station for the patrol on the streets. Safety is boring, haha, and more to it, it looks like a nice evening and streets are almost clean after that rain, Im always glad to see the spring comming. What about you buddy, can I help you with something?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <03-30-11/0958:48>
yeah I got me a new case here, some asian guy's son has been kidnapped, no ransom requests, I'll send you a picture If you can keep an eye open
Harry sends the picture to Elvis
He was last seen at clonezone about an hour ago.  Kid is a mage of some kind I think so I could use one of those mambo jambo guys, you know any?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <03-30-11/1019:29>
Well, I look what I can find, and deffintely Ill keep my eyes open? You want me to summon official search for the boy? Or you want it discreet way? And about that, we didnt have any reports from that place this afternnoon, except usual routine...
About that mambo jambo...well, there is that guy who owes me one, try it at Junction, ask for Pharm Boi and tell him I sent you and that it would make us clear. He is a bit...problematic maybe, but he could do the job, from what I understand. He managed to survive out there, and eventualy gained himself a kind of fame on the street. But don`t let him too close to your back.
I`ll call you if I dig something about that boy, but Im afraid, its more up to you. Good luck
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <03-30-11/1050:26>
Thanx man Now I owe you one, Keep it on the low for now, father is afraid of to much corp intrest in his son.  I'll Check your guy, see you here tonight for a drink and a game?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <03-30-11/1054:47>
MAybe. My shift ends at 1000PM, so Ill check you by my way home. Have your cache ready  8)
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <03-30-11/1114:30>
See ya later bud
Harry gets up from the seat and walks towards the door.
Entering the bar he first checks if Mr Mc is still there. Then he walks up to Hun and hands him the keys.
Pour me another one mate, it looks like it's gone be a long day for me, Elvis is working till 1, we might stop by later for drinks and cards
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <03-30-11/1128:40>
Mr.McLister is just finishing his drink, it looks like he is done talking. You return keys to Han, who replies:
"That would be pleasure, I`ll mabye join your game if the night starts to be boring, and strip you both from your skin. Who doesnt learn fom his mistakes, he has to repeat them :)"

Mr. Wong is still sitting at his place, staring to the table, quiet. The cybered human, who was talking with Mr. McLister, is looking your direction.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <03-30-11/1132:29>
Before going back to the table, Harry walks over to mr Mc. 
Mr.Mc Lister, you have a second?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <03-30-11/1136:23>
All the evening if its necessary, boy. So what you got?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <03-30-11/1142:45>
Well I don't think this is some random gang action or ransom run.  They knew who they wanted.  Now I promised Mr. Wang to get his son back, and I'm not one to come back on my promisses.  You told me to come talk money to you, I'll need some extra people to get to the bottom of this, it appears magic is involved, and that realy isn't my cup of tea
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <03-30-11/1202:10>
OK. Lets go throught this.
First, meet mr. Shroeder. He would assist you in this case, I hope, and make sure that everybody gets what he deserves. Mr. Schroeder, meet mr. Eastwood.
Second. Like I said before to mr. Schroeder. I take my responsibility to my tenants quite serriously, and this obvious insult must be undone. I would take care of upgrading your household in some options you choose, and i would grant you 6 months rent free. If you need more people, find them, enlist them or contact me, lets say, I may have some names on the list you may find usefull.
For the magic, unfortunately, Im sorry, but you will be on your own, I have nobody to recomend you for this situation.
As for the reward. If you bring mr. Wongs son back, mainly unharmed, and mr. Schroder do his job the way I would like it, the reward would be 30 thousand nuyen. What do you do with this ammount, its up to you. So. Do we have a deal?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <03-30-11/1228:36>
We sure do.
Harry turns to mr Schroeder
Seems we'll be working together, I don't want to know what all this retribution is about, if it comes to it, you'll handle it I trust.
So for now, we know where the boy was last seen and that he is probably a magician of some sort.
I talked to a friend and got the name of a street mage that might be of assistance, let's finish drinks and go check him out
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: deathwishjoe on <03-30-11/1828:49>
"Dont let what our employer say about me fool you.  I am here for moral support only, nothing else.  "  Nikolai says with a smirk.  "Although our employer seems to have ideas much similar to what the Vory think of as moral support."

"hrmmmmm... Magic,  I am not liking the sound of that" Nikolai says as he takes a sip from his shot glass. 

"Alot of people want that kind of power.  So far could be any of them." Nikolai says with a shrug

"Maybe someone see this thing happening or take pictures?  After we pick up this magician we should go and check, da?"

Nikolai downs the rest of his shot abruptly and says "I is ready to go, now."  

Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Boer_Kommando on <03-30-11/2346:16>
‘Pharm Boi’, Gaia did he hate that name. One obscure reference in an interview by a high profile client and the name stuck, mostly only those in the know could place his face to the name. Not that it didn’t help at times, Gaia knows the premium his clients paid for his product and services as well as the blog he started which had a following, it just never sat right…the spotlight wasn’t him, nor was it the small squeaky voice in his head that whispered so many secrets to him.
“Pharm Boi.” The voice on the other end was husky, gruff and had the sound of desperation. Nick answered “I’m here, fraggin’ A train was late to Burley and I had to take the mid-city bus to Mobley Avenue and jump a commuter cab……” The voice was gruffer, possibly a sign of growing desperation “Slot! How close are you, without the travelogue?!” Nick leap up the last of the two steps to the darkly rusted door and knocked twice. “That’s me.”

The creaking of the door sent Nick back before it moaned and popped open upon its old rusted hinges, the dim lights from inside spilling out into the dark and wet alley way. The huge Ork gave Nick a hard glance, with which Nick only replied “Hey. As fast as I could, besides this is a favor. You know I’m not taking new clients.” Nick had decided that after the Tempo incidents of recent past and how the drug scene not only exploded, but got a bit ultra-violent in the process as dealers got greedy. The Ork was guiding Nick along hurriedly down the hallway. The hallway wasn’t just old and dirty with refuse, it was a dumping ground for all manner of electronics and stage lighting….how unimpressive Underworld 93 really was would shatter a lot of wannabe’s hearts. The door was just as unimpressive, black with a fading gold star on it.

Beyond the door is a mix of pissed off musicians pretending to be tuning their instruments, a fidgeting ‘manager’ in an ill-fitting off the rack suit with more wrinkles than creases and a very stern and impatient looking woman in a power suit. And the Client, he was easy to spot, her dark hair matted around her pale face from the sweat pouring out of her pores. “Finally.” The manager in the bad suit says. “I don’t condone this sort of thing in my musicians…” He begins, more for the stern woman than Nick’s ears “….but, you know these things happen, right???? Right.” He gets closer to Nick, and he can smell the fear on him past the knock off cologne. “Look. She’s got a problem…worse than I thought and if she takes as much as she need’s she done. OD, curtain call, you know.” Nick looked at the bad suit “You got my fee? Then no problem.” The suit nodded.
“Back up so I can work.” Nick says as he hovers over the dark haired beauty before resting next to her and holding her head in his hands. Whispering to her he asks in a cooing tone “What’s your poison, baby?” She mumbles back “Bliss or the Crimson.” Smiling in a reassuring manner “How many bumps to make you right?”
The bad suit interrupts “She can’t take that it’ll kill her, and at best she won’t be able to perform.” Nick cuts his eyes at the suit and hisses. “Shut the frag up! I know what I’m doing.” The other musicians pace about excitedly, possibly even angrily as Nick continues. “How many baby? How you take it?” Her eyes tear up and she sobs out “four from a spike.”
Gaia was all Nick could think. “Give me her works, now.” Nick says and the manager quickly produces it. Nick fishes through his large pockets and pulls out a small vial, which he shakes and holds to the light. Next he takes the rubber tube and ties it off on her bicep. Nick prepped the rest including the Zero in the spike. Placing the spike in her hand he cradles her head again. “Ready?” The bad suit interrupts again “You’re going to kill her!” but Nick avoids him “Let’s take this trip together baby, you and me….the Pharm Boi.”

“Pharm Boi?” she asks admiringly. “Yeah.” He says as he helps her push the plunger in, working the spell to ‘Enable’ the Crimson Orchid. As she smiled and the color came back to her face, Nick snuck the earring off her left ear, Rat demanded no less of course from him. The room is full of appreciation as she regains her constitution, some of it genuine if not begrudging due to the circumstances. The lone exception is the stern woman who merely looks at the bad suit and utters harshly “Ten minutes, not a second later.” She leaves promptly after.
Nick left the way he came, via the back alley, with a credchip full of nuyen he decided to skip the public routes and hired a taxi back to Auburn…..his home of  self-imposed exile.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <03-31-11/0217:28>
You got wheels mr.Schroeder?  O and by the way call me Harry, I never got used to Mr.Eastwood
Harry says to Schroeder as they are making there way for the door.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: deathwishjoe on <03-31-11/0237:14>
"I have a how you say...   prozvishche eh...   Ah, Nickname! Eh, you call me Lynx just like drone. Ok Harry"  Nikolai Slaps the troll on the back as they walk out together.  On the way out he makes a breif mental command to have his comlink tell his car to come pick them up at the front. 

"I can give you ride, sure thing! You have address for where we going?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <03-31-11/0255:50>
Well Lynx if your wheels fit a troll, I'll leave my bike here.  We're going to check out the mage man, my friend told me to check the Junction for a guy named pharm boi or something like that.  So aside from moral support what else do you do?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: deathwishjoe on <03-31-11/0419:49>
"As you can see, its a convertable. So plenty of head room!"  He chuckles at his own joke.  You also note that while the vehicle is rather small there is plenty of leg room as well. 

Nikolai grabed on to the roll bar of his thundercloud morgan and jumps in and then gestures for you to do the same in the rear seat behind him.

"Right now, much like yourself I think, I am private contractor. Before I come to this country though, I did work as a prize fighter and I protect important man."  Nikolai puts his goggles on and adjust them for comfort

"You always been private Contractor?" Ask Nikolai as he types in an address for downtown Auburn near "the Junction"

Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <03-31-11/0435:28>
Harry looks at lynx's car and frowns
hmmm doesn't seem to stable to me, I'll follow on my bike.  And as for your question, let's say I got in to the business by accident
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <03-31-11/0714:57>
Road to Junction runs smooth, even if that is  You see what Elvis was talking about. Sky is almost clear and sunset draws almost beautifull patterns, at least at places that are not hidden in building shadows. Traffic is quite dense at this hours, so to get there you need more time to get there. On the other side, Hary on his Suzuki seems to know a lot of bac alleys and shortcuts to keep clear of Stop-ad-go traffic on main streets, and both you vehicles are versatile enought to get throught theese shortcuts without problems. You drive past District Hall and finaly find a place to park your vehicles at the junction. You know this place.
Huge bulk of multilevel buildings, densely interconnected with skybridges, elevators and escalators, forming a complex used both for commercial and for residential purposes.
Many enclosed patios, wide corridors, roof gardens and parks were once meant to create place of harmony, firm point of human coexistence in chaotic urban wilderness. Well, it possibly even was...before men moved in.
Its construction is a history of corruption, abuse of public funds, furious competition and even some sabotages between developers. Not every wall, ceiling or floor was built with use of proper technologies and materials, in adition to that this place is fire-fighter`s nightmare.
Some apartements and even larger areas were abandoned, well, before squatters settled there, and with squatters some more vicious threats came. Some parts of the complex are believed to be haunted, both by magical and technological means, and less than half of Junction is now considered to be "Safe place to live, work and raise childen".
Still, there are many, who embrace all possible advantages this place has to offer. And you are looking for one of those, amongst maybe 3000 people living here...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <03-31-11/0725:42>
From a bit of a distance Harry oversees the Junction, He checks the sky's for drones and the streets for low life bums.  He then turns back to Lynxlet's see wher we can find this Pharm boi, by the description Elvis gave he should be somewhat of a bum like the rest of the people living here.  Oh and when we find him, Elvis warned me to always keep an eye on him, so I got your back if you got mine.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: deathwishjoe on <03-31-11/2158:34>
"what?! Like is he going to attack us?  Like with his magic?"   Nikolai seems truely startled at the thought. 
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <04-01-11/0151:47>
Don't think that's very likely.  It's just that he has some criminal background I think.  Maybe he's a drug addict or something
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: deathwishjoe on <04-01-11/0249:10>
Nikolai looks visably relieved upon hearing the news. He then jumps out of his Thundercloud taking in the sights

"Ok.  How do we find this farm boy.  You have his comm-code, maybe his picture or shall we look for a homeless man with a staw hat?"  
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <04-01-11/0451:25>
Well I don't have any of that so I guess we'll just have to ask around, he should be well known around here
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <04-01-11/1207:08>
Harry takes a good look at his suroundings , trying to pinpoint someone who could help them finding this pharm boi.  He takes his time to assess the people he sees hanging around the junction to be sure he makes no fool of himself asking a stranger in the hood for help.

Etiquette roll: etiquette 3 + Charisma 3 + home ground 2 (3 hits) (
perception: perception 3 + intuition 4+ vision enhancement/sound enhancement 3 (3 hits) (
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <04-01-11/1327:28>
When you look around, you are able to filter out casual visitors and find some men who looks like  they call this place a home...or at least for this week.

Ork man you chose to ask looks like he had at least clear mind, if not the dress, means that you didnt smell alcohol at three meters from him and he looks almost concentrated...Well he deffinitely is not one of those blue collars visiting the shoping mall on their way home to theis wives and children.

Junction "citizen": Char+perception (5d6.hits(5)=1) (

When you start to talk to him, he doesnt seem too surprised by your question and he does not seem to consider you to be a total stranger or, more possibly, a cop, so he answers without big hesitation...

"Pharm-boi, you say...hmm.must be someone new...try the block H...hey...and stay away from second floor when you got there...some xenofob gangstas toke squat in there, they might not like your hornes, if you understand what i mean...
Dont you spare a cigaret or two? Or at least somthing to drink? It is a beautiful why not see it twice huh"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <04-01-11/1335:10>
Harry takes out a pack of smokes from his jacket pocket and offers the Ork one.  "thanx for the advice bro, Ah what the hell, keep the rest of the pack I'm trying to quit anyhow.  We'll make sure to avoid the second floor".  He hands the ork the pack of smokes and turns to Lynx.  "Let's check this H block shall we?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: deathwishjoe on <04-01-11/2053:04>
Nikolai nods his consent "Da, Ready when you are."  
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <04-02-11/0106:28>
With a certain determination in his walk, Harry starts moving up to the H block
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <04-02-11/0948:11>
On your way there you keep an eye on guidelines and guide posts on the walls and columns. You make it it the fifth floor, where is a great hallway conected to every parts of Junction. When you finaly got there, you find that H block is one of those sections built by many different construction companies during a large period of time, finnaly it looks like some crazy architectonical experiment., Stairways, multi level inner parks, empty elevator shafts and most door frames, some areas even opened to the sky, where the roof wasnt finished or fall apart.
Places, where acid rain melts the concrete, forms strange patterns on the floor, and most of places looks like they are cut off from electricity sources, you may heard some generators running there also. Still, this place is inhabbited, you hear loud music comming from some apartements, walls covered by tags, grafitti, and at some places even bullet holes, by the signatures, not just one gang skirmish happens on this turf.
You need to ask one more time to get the right direction, but it seems that when both of you came so far and you know the right words, man you talk to is not willig to deny to ask your question...He is high, also, and that is making him even more willing to share his knowledge.

"Ya Man, that way, third doors to the right."

So you finaly got there. You are standing in front of the doors...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <04-03-11/0123:37>
Harry takes a good look at the door, he listens closely to check for people behind the door
audio perception: intuition (4)+perception (3) +audio enhancement (3) = 10 (10d6.hits(5)=2) (
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: deathwishjoe on <04-03-11/0432:47>
Lynx uses his radar headware to take a look through the door and walls.

radar headware perception roll (4d6.hits(5)=2) (
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <04-05-11/1228:45>
And you see...and hear...nothing at all. Maybe that drunkard just lied to you, maybe PharmBoi left his apartement in hurry just before your arrival...and maybe something wrong happens all the time. The sad fact is, that this leaves you in difficult situation. You dont have what you came for and the ticking.
You may try another contacts maybe...or move forward without the magician. When you reach your vehicles in Junction`s parking lot. You are decided what to do.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: deathwishjoe on <04-05-11/1739:41>
Nikolai dials his fixer Craig "the hookup" to see if he knows anyone who can help them. 

"Hey hookup, I have this job I am doing and we need someone with magic to help us out.  You know anyone who is looking to make some money?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <04-06-11/0229:57>
Harry looks at Linx while he's making the call.  He wants to say something but then closes his mouth again.  He sits down on his bike and waits for his partner to finish his business.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <04-06-11/0402:46>
After waiting a few minutes Harry makes a call himself to Elly.
"hey honey, how are you?  say I have a small question: I'm at a crime scene and I believe there has been some magic mambo jambo been used here, do you know someone who might be able to help me determine what is used here?  Oh and by the way, Elvis finishes his shift at 1 we're meeting in the aurora so if you care for a drink and a game your always welcome
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <04-06-11/0700:18>
Craigs availability: (1d6.hits(4)=1) (
After a short tone, Craig takes the call.
Hallo Lynx. Nice to hear you are still have to call more often, I should have work for you...but there is nothing right now. But What do you need? Magic support? hm... letmeseee:
Intuition(5)+ Shadowruner teams(4)= (9d6.hits(5)=3) (
HMM, there may be some names on my list, currently available...all of them have a good rep but they are nothing cheap. What is the pay? I should know more if the nuyen is good...and Ill take 20% for mediation, as always...

Elly`s availability: (1d6.hits(3)=0) (
You hear automated response:
"Hi Harry. Sorry, I`have a CSI team briefing. I`ll call you back ASAP, or you should leave me a message, if it is not urgent. Bye. Elly"

10 minutes later
Elly`s availability II: (1d6.hits(3)=1) (
"Hi Harry, sorry It was an important meeting and I had to stay focussed. How are you all the day? And what are you doig? We should hang ot somewhere to tell the stories...but Im just a talkative woman. What do you need. Elvis had called short while ago and he told me that you are up to something. You need any help?"
When she heards your question, she silenced for a moment, than she get back:
"Well...thare may be this guy...Griffin McBride. He was part of our team and he was something like mirage, smart, analytical genius, powerfull magician. Well...there was an accident..he lost his wife in hive a while ago, she was a cop also, and he discovered it when he was assensing the crime scene. I dont know exactly what happened, but he was comatose for a while, and since he recovered, he is not what he was before. They released him from the therapy a few weeks ago, Iaint heard about him much more...yet, I should give you his number, you should try. Maybe it should help him to get back to focus on something. [connection shared]
And about that evening with Elvis, count me in. Just send me the coordinates, Ill find out that place...
And Harry...
Take care...Bye"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <04-06-11/0723:39>
Harry turns to Lynx: "hey buddy, I got us a possible mage, used to be a forensics with the star, I'll call him and see if he's any help"
He then forms the number Elly gave him and awaits the reply
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kot on <04-06-11/1559:16>
Griffin hated when Shade stopped. It was always whispering, like a stream of consciousness from some deep, dark metaplane that used him as something akin to a chatroom buddy. But he got used to it. And when Shade went silent, his own thoughts grew louder. And that was not a good thing...
He knew he was broken. He knew his soul was intact - he'd seen it in his own aura, and in the flow of magic through him. He knew his Will was as strong as ever. But he was not himself anymore. Whatever happened there, he remembered it as dimly as a nightmare from seven nights ago. The only thing that didn't leave his mind was the moment it all shattered - when Emma's eyes widened with fear, and the vision turned him inside out. And the furious, righteous anger of the Spirit... He still broke cold sweat feeling it.
It was an epiphany of sorts. That Spirits aren't what he believed they were. Not mindless powers dressing themselves in a figment of his Will and Imagination. But something entirely different. Self-conscious, capable of anger, and bearing a sense of justice... He was guilty back then.
And now he was broke. The payments for the therapy and the house dried out their... his account. And he couldn't just wake up in an empty apartment and tend to the garden all the time. She was there somewhere, and he could find her.
And then his commlink rang. A sign?
He picked up, and the camera from the garden greenhouse focused on him, relying the image to the caller.
"Griffin McBride. Yes, how may I help you?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: deathwishjoe on <04-06-11/1937:24>
Nikolai almost trips when he hears the price "20 percent?! I know my english is not so good but I must have heard you wrong.  Standard finders fee is 10 percent, even managers get 10 percent...   Look I think my associate has found somebody else anyways.  When I see you again we will have talk about this eh.. extortion over a pint of beer.  I see you later"

Looking back at Harry Lynx responds "Good. At least this time we have number to call"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <04-07-11/0249:18>
"hello mr. Mc Griffin, first off let me introduce myself, The name is Harry Eastwood, and I got your number from one of your ex-coworkers, Elly if that rings a bell.  I have a small magical problem and was told you might be able to help me.  It's rather urgent, can we meet somewhere and discus the details?"
Awaiting the reply Harry takes a sip from a small wiskey bottle he carries with him everywhere.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kot on <04-07-11/0349:43>
"Elly... Elly... A smell of cigarettes and cherry lipstick. Head turning whenever a door opens. Mind focused. Yes. I knew her once. Me, or rather someone I must have been before... If she gave you my number, then you have encountered a mystical kind of mystery. A crime? A hidden one? What do you think? Focus... Yes. I'm interested. Where?" The man in the video feed tries to stay focused, but it's almost like he speaks his thoughts aloud. Creepy...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <04-07-11/0408:58>
A Shiver goes down Harry's spine as he talks to Griffin.  He's met a lot of wierd people, but not that many that give him such a feeling of unease.
He takes another sip of his flask before continuing.
"Let's meet at Clone zone mall, I'll tell you more over there, It's also kind off our crime scene, we'll be there in ten minutes, look for the Troll with the hat at Expresso one stop coffee shop"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <04-07-11/0818:43>
Harry stops a moment to think, something he clearly isn't that good with.  He takes another sip of his flask, and turns to Lynx
"Say mate, I aranged a meeting with this Griffin mage guy, but I was thinking we can't go around and check the whole parking lot of a freaking mall.  Should I call Mr. Wong and ask him and his wife to come down there and narrow our search?"
Not waiting for an answer Harry starts calling Mr.Wong, like he asked the question more to himself than to Lynx, just turned to him to not look like an idiot talking to himself. 
"Mr. Wong, could you and your wife come to the mall?  we need to know where exactly your boy got picked up.  meet us at Expresso one stop coffee shop"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <04-07-11/0833:25>
Mr. Wong answers the call imediately:
"Yes? Any news?.........Aha...I think Im not needed there. Give me a second, Ill just take a look into pilots memory...ahh here it is. She parked at the place 1157, at least that is the place she was paying for...well, now tht is kinda strange...the billing service shows that she was paying till 3:15PM till 4:07 and then for 4:18 till 4:33...seems strange, thae car doesnt move for that period, but pilot reports drivers doors opened all that time. Must have been the time she was unconciousness. I hoped it would help. Plese, come in with any further question and reports. Im leavin aurora, mr McLister would drive me home, I need to take care of my wife, but Ill stey in touch. Please hurry, mr. Harry."

He sounded very focused and skilled and was pretty fast when dealing with those data searches. A glimpse of professionality for sure.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kot on <04-07-11/0918:57>
Griffin decided to walk all the way to the mall. It was quite a trip, but he needed that. And the Shadow's whispers suggested that some time ago, he was just too uncertain. On his way he stayed focused, and tried to maintain a facade of normality that would protect him from suspicious looks and security harassment. He wasn't a law enforcement agency worker anymore... He looked at people walking, running, hurrying and driving their time off into nothing. Couldn't understand that, even before. Just like Emma. They usually laughed their ribs off, falling into that leisurely lazy mood while strolling to their favorite little place... Which wasn't there anymore, he noticed. The Shadow went silent as they passed a burned-out shell of a small pre-crash diner. Griffin noticed the AROs that announced what corporate restaurant will be built here...
Quote from: Compulsive - Composure(2) roll
Willpower(5)+Charisma(3) (8d6.hits(5)=3) (
He managed to quench the flood of thoughts that tried to leave his head through his mouth...
"All good things end..." Was all that he said, more to himself, than his whispering companion, getting an odd look from a passing bunch of corporate teenager brats, that burst into off-key laughter as he passed by. He quickened his pace, trying to shorten his exposure to the metahuman crowd, and reach the meeting place as soon as possible. On the way Shadow whispered a few words into his mind's ear louder than usual. And it was a good idea.
Quote from: Casting Hawkeye at Force 2
Spellcasting: Magic(6)+Spellcasting(5)+Mentor(2) (10d6.hits(5)=1) ( I used the wrong dicepool, so I'll roll the remaining dice: additional dice to the previous roll (3d6.hits(5)=1) ( Which is just enough to fit in the Sustaining Focus, and provide a +2 bonus to all Perception tests.
Drain(0/1s): Willpower(5)+Logic(5) (10d6.hits(5)=3) ( As Hawkeye has a Drain Value of Force/2-1, but I think the Drain is always at least 1.
As he formed the spell's pattern in his mind, and infused it with the ambient Mana from his surroundings, his senses sharpened even more, and a flood of smells, colors and sounds attacked his mind. He eased the control over it, and let his brain re-adjust to the new level of awareness.
As such he noticed the Troll right away, but decided to pick up a coffee before approaching him. That was a normal thing to do, and he wanted more than to pass as normal.
"How much money do I have left, Katrina?" The Agent waved at him, irritated, and with a flick of her wrist sent an ARO window into his field of view.
Quote from: Starting NuYen
Starting NuYen: 4d6x100 (4d6=9) (
It wasn't much, but enough until he manages to earn more. He paid for the coffee - the new him liked it black apparently - and approached the troll.
"Griffin McBride. What made you hire a magical investigator?" Griffin without any second thought shook the troll's hand - at least that hasn't changed. He never looked at the shell. Always at the soul...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <04-07-11/0948:46>
Harry took a deep look into the eyes of the stranger suddenly shaking his hand.  He felt sorry for the man though he didn't realy know why.  "A pleasure to meet you mr.Griffin,this is my Associate Mr.Lynx" said Harry pointing to the other man sitting at the table.  "We are here because of a mysterious dissapearance, but let's finish our coffee first and then get to the parking lot, I'll fill you in on the way"
While talking to mr. Griffin Harry pours a sip of his flask into his coffee. 
More to himself then the rest of the world he wisphers "hmmm, think I need a refill hopefully there is a shop on the way to the parking, need smokes too"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <04-08-11/0549:12>
Of course there is a shop. It is a Supermall :)

Just FYI :)  (

When the three of you dive into this world of coulours, spam and atmosphere of spending more money you formely intended to. Luckily you managed to get in the desired parking lot through the street entrance, and dont have to spend your time dodging (or nosing) the crowd inside the shopping area. Elevator got you to the third level, where omnipresent Supermall navigation AR system marks the location of the parking place 1157.
The first thing that strikes you as you enter the place is strange desolation of it. maybe 150 of 500 parking places on this level are occupied. Most of cars are swarmed in the groups around the exit. The closer you get to parking place 1157, the more you feel why.
Not that just the stench of burned petrol, common background odour in places like this, is filling your noses, with growing intensity, like when you are standing near the highway exit during traffic peak. Every oil spill, every crackle in the concrete become sharpened, every mark of putrefy and decomposition is highlighted...the place is givving you creeps.

Now...this is your Crimescene 1.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kot on <04-08-11/0641:34>
Griffin seems even more disconnected with every step he takes. You noticed his eyes widened, and his irises take most of the space. He's taking long, sharply ending breaths through his nose, smelling everything, and his movements remind you of a blind man trying to get by in an unknown territory. He began slowly moving his hands around the place in patterns that made the onlookers a little bit dizzy.
On the other plane he swiftly scoured his surroundings, to better understand the place's aura and find any traces of magic, or strong emotional echoes in the spot his employers were going to. At the same time he slowly weaved three shadowy silhouettes out of the ambient Mana, and infused them with enough power and understanding to serve him. He sent them out to look for anything out of the ordinary on the astral plane...
On the spot he did a thorough search, documenting everything, and looking though every spot he could see, and a few more... With amazing focus and professionalism.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <04-08-11/0652:01>
Harry watched Griffin walking around the scene like a blind man, something about the man told him he knew what he was doing, while in the back of his head, he felt like Griffin was a bit lost here.
As to no break Griffins concentration Harry stood back against a wall in the parking lot, taking a sigaret from his fresh pack and lighting it, "ah well" he thought "tommorow is another day to quit this filty habbit"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <04-08-11/0857:12>
You close your eyes, trying to isolate every impuls comming to your brain from normal senses. When you open your world around you dive into shadows and mists. Usual impression from the astral space is corupted here, like if this place was touched by something alien.
As your little aides spread in all directions, sniffing and searching for clues, your vision become more complex and you realizes some patterns. The centre of ith is on the parking place 1158, but it has affected quite larger area.
First you recognize the presence of very powerfull spirit. Not any element, nor beast. The man, but somehow corrupted and twisted. He was here, some hours before. He used his powers of concealement and confusion...also pretty powerfull ones. You can see his traces even in the direction of the entrance road. There is also the pain and despair, the second comes later. Like a mother that realizes that her child was taken from her. You cannot assense any trace of aura of the child.
You see that mana streams in whole this place are somehow poluted, but it is a long term process, natural one, because this place is constantly beeing poluted by traffic, and the people who are going throught are not exactly full of positive life force, they are under a great influence of memetic manipulation from the shoping zone.
But you manage to recognize that there was an actual intervence that hastes the polution and corruption of the astral space right here on the spot, Unfortunattely, you are not able to see who did it.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <04-08-11/0902:57>
for the visual observation...nothing catches your eyes
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kot on <04-09-11/0548:30>
Griffin finally finished whatever he was doing, turned around, and looked at the two men behind him. He had an expression of utter disgust on his face.
"You have a serious problem here... It was a Toxic spirit. This place - it's polluted, and the state of the Astral here was worsened... on purpose. And the culprit was a Toxic Spirit. One of the more cunning kind, and I can't track it from the echoes he left... This probably means someone's manipulating it, so you have a toxic shaman or mage to find... Let's see wha else we can find. Gods, Shadow, this stuff is... Damn, I'm going to need a shower. Or a lot of bleach." The last past was spoken into the air, to someone or something you can't see...
Sfterwards he obviously waits for your reaction.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <04-09-11/0934:14>
Harry looks at Griffin, from his eyes it is clear he only understood half what was said.  "Well, this seems to be pretty serious then.  Can we count on your help or do you just want your fee for this little investigation and a shower at home?" Not really waiting for a reply, Harry starts going over the crime scene himself observing the parking spot where the Wangs car must have been in detail, looking at the surroundings as if there is anything else to see but brick wall. He takes a small box from his pocket and opens it.  In it you can see some brushes, a bit of powder and some wierd looking little devices.
He starts going over the crime scene like a trained inspector with certain determination.  Once in a while he bends over to take a close look at a spot on the floor, trying to find materials to check for fingerprints and footprints.
In his mind he goes over his forensic manual once again, it had been ages since he last needed that.
Going over manual remembering what to look for: forensics (3)+logic(4) (7d6.hits(5)=2) (
looking around parkinglot: perception 3 + Intuition 4 + visual enhancement 3 + Forensics bg 1 + Griffin's assitance 1 + homeground 2 + Forensics kit 1 (15d6.hits(5)=3) (
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kot on <04-09-11/1059:42>
Griffin doesn't answer - he just joins them in looking through the parking lot, even though it costs him a lot of nerves, with the filthy feeling this place created. After a long moment, he speaks, this time more like a human being.
"I will join you in your search. You don't have any magical support, and I'm not doing anything particular at the moment. So at least I'll help you, and probably make a difference."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: deathwishjoe on <04-11-11/2129:56>
Nikolai looks around adds his eye to help find anything out of the ordinary.  Squating down next to where Mrs Wong was supposedly standing at he touches the ground and rubs some dirt between his mechanical fingers letting his tactile sensors give him a little more info about the substance. 

"Hey, do these tracks look strange to you?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <04-12-11/0156:32>
Harry looks up as Lynx calls out.  Slowly he moves to where Lynx is standing, carefull not to touch anything that might be used in his investigation, as if every little particle of dust might tell the whole story of what happend in the parking lot.  He bend's down neer Lynx taking a carefull look at the tracks
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <04-12-11/0355:58>
What Lynx found are deffinitely some traces. There are traces of dust and rubble, regularly crushed by something that looks like mini tracks. Both of you are staring at that quite puzzled, you have never seen something like that before, and you simply dont recognize that.

Forensic kit has also the recognition software for identifying common traces, and with the connection to right database it would be the matter of seconds to reveal some results.

With the microscope, that is part of the forensic kit, Harry is able to take more pictures for later expertise, and he also found some alien particles in the traces, and you are also able to take samples of it. Their anaylsis, thought, is out of capabilities of this kit.

Besides those traces Lynx have found, routine examination of the closer surroundings reveal:
Lynx`s radar sensor shows, that every parking place have its own RF sensor, comunicating with the gridlink of the parked vehicle. You already know that feed from the sensor goes straight to the vehicle owner`s account as Mr. Wong gave you a few details thanx to this fact.
The place has quite good surveillance, every floor is watched by cameras from multiple angles, so you should be able to get trid view of any scene if you get feeds from them.

And..the training also tells you, that there is huge part of the crime scene missing.
The victims car ;)
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <04-12-11/0628:47>
"Okay, now we got something to go with.  Just need some equipment to make sure we can analyse these traces.  But that's okay, I know someone who might be able to help us with that.  Any of you know a good hacker?  might be handy to get the surveilance footage, and I don't think they are just gone give it to us if we ask" Harry says to Lynx and Griffin
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kot on <04-12-11/0636:51>
"I might help with the equipment. I still know a few people that would be - yes, I think it's a good idea, thank you - willing to let us use the lab. And maybe even help... I might try that at least..." He seemed to talk to someone - or something - else at the same moment.
Griffin sent a mental order to his Watchers, who in turn started scouring the place for resident spirits...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: deathwishjoe on <04-12-11/2206:02>
Lynx seems to pale a bit at the last one sided back and forth from Griffin.  He's more then a little disturbed at the idea of an instaine mage. 

As a private message via his subvocal micro-phone to Harry he says "This mage you found, he is talking to himself?  What have you gotten us into?  Where I am from, there was this homeless Gypsy man who talked to people who weren't there.  Mostly we paid him no mind unless something went missing. Then one day the not real people he talked to tell him to shoot the real people.  He came into the market one day waving a pistol.  I had to stop him before he hurt anyone.  A mage like this would be much more dangerious!"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <04-13-11/0109:12>
Harry replies subvocal to Lynx "Yeah I know, we had need of a magician quickly.  But I trust the woman who gave me his number, he just went trough therapy so should be stable for now, besides all them mambo jambo guy's have issues like this one."
He then talks to both his associates again "So Griffin, you contact your friends to check the samples we got, I'll make a call and try to get us the images from the camera's"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kot on <04-13-11/0346:02>
Griffin peeked a look at his new co-workers and listened to Shade for a while. He nodded to himself, and broke the silence.
"I'm not crazy... I know I sometimes speak my thoughts, and mental conversations aloud. I'm still broken, but I'm not mad. Oh, madness you'd recognize in a mage from a mile. By the fires, and police calling in the big guns probably... So, don't worry. It's like an OCD. I can't do more than try to fight it, but it still slips from time to time. And I'm not talking to imaginary friends. This one is real, a spirit from a far away plane.
He stopped talking, and played with his commlink for a while, making a call to the lab.
"Hello. It's me. I took the job, and we will need to use the lab to check some samples. And take a shower, probably. Toxic background zone... We're on our way."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <04-13-11/0356:12>
A troubled look appears on Harry's face. How the hell did Griffin listen in to the subvocal conversation he wondered. 
"Well I don't think Elly would have told me to contact you if she tought you were crazy, and she's a good judge of character" He reply's to Griffin.
he then makes a call of his own
Hey Sfinx, I know you know some people in the hacking scene.  I need a guy who can get me some footage from a mall security system, you happen to know anyone?  I'll drop the usual fee at the usual place.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <04-13-11/1005:24>
Whoa...for a moment this sounded like an old Griffin. Good to hear you, but...well, it is a bit surprise...what kind of work? What kind of samples? Toxic zone? Griffin...dear colleague...are you sure that you took your pills today?
By the voice you recognize, that the call was taken by one of your former coleague, Hussein Atombe, Ork with A grade in Pathology. He always had a special sense of humor.
As he recognizes you on the incoming feed, he switch for the full AR window, you can see that his hands are taking out stomach from decayed body of apparently drowned woman. Then he opens the stomach with his laser scalpel, taking samples of its content to the Petri dishes...
I am in the middle of the operation, as you can see...but my patient should wait a minute. You were talking about some samples analysis. Well, there is the SOTA spectrometer here in our labs, but as you may heard, we became independent after that LS dethronement, and the aquipement costs a fortune. We may use a little donation to cover our bills, if you understand me. As an old friend, I should give you a price...lets say...300Y for the analysis. You may found our new HQ in the Downtown, ACHE sub level 2, unit S2RC12-CSA. Ill alert the rest of the crew and the security that you are coming. See You.

Sfinx availability: (1d6.hits(4)=1) (
OK. After a second, AR window opened, with the almost real sphinx head, your contacts AR icon.
 Good afternoon mr. Eastwood. Well, with more specifications I`ll see what I can get, but I`m not a fixer. Send me the coordinates, details and desired timeframe of the footage, and I`ll call you ASAP. Price would depend on the security of target nodes and potential risk.

Sphinx obtaining the footage from security cameras in the parking lot Matrix Hangouts(5)+Connection rating (4)+Situation modifier(2): Threshold 6/1Hour: (11d6.hits(5)=5, 11d6.hits(5)=3) (
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kot on <04-13-11/1453:49>
"You know that I do take my medication on schedule. You wrote that annoying program that's password-protected to avoid 'accidental' deleting it. I recognize your file naming pattern... And the crime scene - kidnapping actually, the Aura echo fits - is a Toxic Domain, I'd say Level 3 in Schwartzkopff scale. Obviously it was formed naturally in a polluted parking lot of a big mall, but something - or someone - worsened the effect. And I've found echoes of a Toxic spirit, easily classified as 'spirit of Man'. The sample is an unknown material found on some tracks at the scene, Sherlock. Oh, and check that body again for anomalous pressure signatures. It looks like it was crushed slash drowned by a Water spirit. But with this feed I can't tell for sure. Do you still have an Awakened specialist? Because I remember that Angela quit and took a staff at MIT&T..." He was occupied with the puzzle, so he forgot to say 'thanks', but Shade whispered to him a soothing rant-song, and he agreed with a silent, slight not to do that in person later.
He turned to the two, referring them the outcome of his call, along with the price.
"Though I think it could be possible to put it on my tab and I'll repay them with a favor later. On an unrelated note: It's good to work again. Having a purpose is nice..."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <04-14-11/0203:59>
Glad to hear there is something good about this whole mess.  I have someone looking for the footage of the camera's, off course there will be a fee for that too.  No problem, I just want the Wangs to be reunited and my landlord to be happy.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <04-15-11/0625:09>
Looking at his notes Harry sends sfinx a personal message with the timeframe in wich (according to mr.Wang) the kidnapping should have taken place, allong with the exact parking spot number in the mall.
Well I got someone looking into the video footage, let's drop you off at the lab for the analysis he says to Griffin
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kot on <04-15-11/1541:02>
"Okay. Do you have a car? Since I'm still not allowed to drive, and our sedan was sold to pay the bills... Well, I could retake the test, but I didn't really think of it. Anyway, we need to get there. Oh, and we need to start tracking the victim's car, right? I don't have any police connections... I worked for the Star, before things went to hell... Damn, my case was one of the things that sunk the Star. A hive that they missed..."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <04-16-11/0243:44>
I don't have a car, but if you can fit yourself on the backseat  of my bike I can get you to the lab.  As far as the victims car goes, It is still in the possetion off the victim, so I don't really see what good tracking that car is gone do us.  Maybe we can have a mechanic or something take a look at it and see if he can find out something about what happend to it.  And if it comes to friends on the force, I know some people who might be able to help
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kot on <04-16-11/0450:49>
"Oh, believe me, that car can provide us with all kinds of clues, if we find it not wiped clean. They have a black box, and usually there are lots of evidence material in ones. Not mentioning the astral ones... Oh, and I have no problem with the ride, I even have a helmet."
You notice that it's not a bag - well, not only as he has a small satchel - but a helmet in a case. The Lone Star logo is bleak, like it has been used for years.
"It belonged to a bike patrol officer. One lucky bastard, he gave me this for saving his life when he retired."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <04-16-11/0529:19>
Okay safety first Says Harry as he climbs on his bike, not wearing a helmet.  Before starting it he quickly takes a nip from his small wiskey bottle he bought on the way to the parking lot.  So We go to the lab first or you want to see the car before going to the lab, maybe we can get more samples from the car.  Still I'd like to have a mechanic or someone with more knowledge about cars and stuff to take a look at it first
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kot on <04-16-11/0543:35>
"The car first, thank you. We need to check it out just in case it has any evidence on it."
Griffin obviously wasn't happy with that kind of safety, but he didn't whine, nor call a cab.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <04-18-11/0309:30>
Before starting the bike Harry makes a call to Mr.Lister
Mr. Lister, We are on our way to the Wangs to do some research and forensics on the car, could you send someone over there with a good knowledge about car's, he might see somethings we might otherwise miss.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <04-18-11/1217:54>
Mr. McLister accepts your call immediately:

Good evening Harry. Any news? ...he listens to you...
Well I`ll see what I can think out. Meet you on the place. Good luck.

@Timmy: You are in your workshop, running some simulations on the new design that came to your mind on the afternoon, when the Sun beams throught the clouds and you saw the sceneries with your Eyes. Like ancient Daedalus, you started the drones engine, and climb higher and higher to the skies, not afraid of burning your wings...Auburn, Seattle skyline, the ocean to the west, mountains to the east...lit by evening imposant scenery...and while wathing it an idea came to your mind...just a piece of inspiration right now, without clear contours. You hand over the drone to your sprite, leting him enjoy the fun and beauty, and as you are used to make your mechanical dreams come truth, now you are trying to exploit the idea.
Incoming call is quite unwelcomed disturbance, even from unknown number, you almost tipped it, but you are feeling that you are approaching the creative block, so a little mental detour should open the new point of view, when you get back to your work. So you take the call.

Good evening mr. Miller. This is Bill McLister.

...That name rings the bell, he owns the house you are living in...that man is responsible for customizing the entrance and stairway for your needs after that never met him face to face, but it is him to who your rent checks are going...

Sorry for disturbing you, but it is the matter of life and death and I`m out of options right now. I need you assistance as quickly as possible. Please. Meet mr. Harry Eastwood on this address [GPS Attached] he will brief you in. He should use your expertise. I know your hobby, and I appreciate that I have such technical talent living in one of my house. I was thinking about converting the roof top of the house you are living in to the opened terrace...maybe usable as a landing place. More details about the payment you should discuss with Mr. Eastwood, and for sure we should talk more once the job is done.

He sounded firmly but politely...and he waits your reply...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mwiland on <04-18-11/1404:02>
I have to say I like the idea about the landing terrace.  It could come in handy should I make anything bigger than what I have now.  I appreciate the call for work as you know that I am almost always looking to make my skills useful.  In any event I am on my way.

Timmy loads all his mini drones into his GMC Sandal, commands his Sandal, Doberman and LEBD into his van.  Then rolls himself into his GMC Hermes van, loads up the address into his grid guide and off he goes.  When Timmy arrives on site he pulls up in a van that looks like a package delivery van, now looking for Mr. Eastwood.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <04-18-11/1410:05>
In front of the building Mr. Wang and his family live there is a big troll standing next to a suzuki mirage, He has two companions with him and is clearly waiting for someone
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mwiland on <04-18-11/1527:20>
Timmy, who is dressed simply, parks across the street from the troll and his group, rolls out of his van in his Transys Steed (wheelchair) and approaches the large troll and the group of people around him,  leaving his drones where they are at for now.

Mr. Eastwood I presume?  Timmy says to the large troll. I've been sent by a Mr. McLister to assist you in a situation you are having and are in need on my services.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <04-19-11/0508:53>
As Harry looks down on the man in the wheelchair, he can't hide the suprise and dought in his look.  Well, euuh you're not quiet what I expected but if Mr. Lister says your cool, then your cool.  Harry clearly has a problem finding his words, trying not to insult the man but nog quiet succeeding
erm you now something about car's I guess.  Here is the situation we have a boy that was kidnapped at a mall parking, the wangs who live here are the parents and we think that their wheels might, I'm sorry, their car might have some clues for us.  Has mr.Lister talked to you about pay?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mwiland on <04-19-11/0930:42>
Timmy looks up at Mr. Eastwood over top of his glasses.  Me know something about cars?  You could say that.  I have a few questions first.  Do you have any idea why the boy was kidnapped?  Do you know who the kidnappers are?  Have they made any contact or ransom demands?   Do you know where they might have taken him?  And what have you and your team found out since you were contacted?  About payment, Mr. McLister said that I should discuss that with you.  As for my condition, good things come in small packages.  Believe me when I say that there is more to me than meets the eye.

And where are my manners.  My name is Timmy.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kot on <04-19-11/1539:07>
Griffin smiled hearing that last remark. To his Inner Eye it was obvious... Timmy's aura was surprisingly pure. And since he was a gearhead 'cherry', that had to mean one of two things - he's either a genius, or one of the Virtuakinetics. Either way, he was confident, and to Griffin's knowledge people working in the Shadows don't fake competence. And Shade liked him for some reason...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: deathwishjoe on <04-20-11/0144:23>
Lynx nods at Timmy whent he first meet and then ignores him during the initial greetings for the most part untill Timmy comments about 'good things in small packages' which he chuckles at. 
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <04-20-11/0247:33>
Ok straight to business I'like that.  So what we know is the boy was kidnapped at a parking lot in a mall, His mother was there whit him but she was uncounsious.  We went over there and checked the parking lot, Griffin can fill you in about the magical part of the clues.  After we check the car here we're going to a lab to analyse some traces we found in the lot.  And we have someone working on the camera feeds of the parking lot.  We also found tracks of smart tires in the parking lot.  As for the why, the boy is possibly awakend and Griffin said something about spirits.  There hasn't been any contact with the kidnappers, but since they use at least one vehicle with smart tires and have access to magic We can Assume they are well connected and have some decent cash flow for their operations.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kot on <04-20-11/0406:28>
Griffin does a simple mental exercise that allows him to send the info he has till now to Timmy, along with his notes translated from magical terms to English.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mwiland on <04-20-11/1642:56>
Awakened how magic or matrix?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kot on <04-20-11/1701:24>
Griffin shrugs a little, while Shade laughs in his ear.
"There's only one kind of Awakening other than the one you do in the morning. It's magic. Mages, adepts and lesser talents, and all sort of other critters. You might not like it, but Devil Rats are Awakened too - their ancestors opened up to Magic as soon as it returned. Oh, and as for the victim, there was no sign of any magical activity on his behalf."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <04-20-11/1708:17>
All the father told me was that he had a special talent corps would be intrested in so I assumed magic
Harry Says as he rings the bell that says Wang
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <04-20-11/1727:29>
For a second you all have an intense feeling being watched, next moment hologram of Wong`s face appears in front of you...
Welcome mr. Eastwood. Please, come in..
You hear some heavy locks opened...
 We are living at the second floor, by chance I had a tea prepared. I assume you have came to talk about our son, it would be better to do it in calm, my wife is still unhighned from what happened to them at the mall.
Please, use the stairs, our elevator is...
you take a note of a a slight hesistation, like as he is searching for the right words..
...out of order. We`ll talk abou it later...
You enter the house, continuing your debate on the way up...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mwiland on <04-20-11/1848:02>
Seeing that Timmys wheelchair has smart tires that are able to able to climb stairs he wheels himself up to the second floor after following the rest of the crew up the stairs. 

Timmy looks up at Mr. Eastwood.  Well you know what happens when you assume.  Did you ask Mr. Wang what the child's talent is?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: deathwishjoe on <04-20-11/2101:29>
Nikolai notes Timmy's ability to ascend stairs with a satisfied nod and a grunt. 
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <04-21-11/0300:43>
No I didn't, to me it is all the same.  I'm here to find a child back, those area's I'm not familiar with is the reason I hire experts like you my good man.
Harry says to Timmy as he walks up the stairs
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <04-21-11/1558:23>
When you came to the second floor, doors to the Wongs appartement are already opened. Mr. Wong, still apparently unballanced, Invites you in. When you enter two the design and the genius loci Surprises you. Most of you were probably not expecting the genialy balanced coexistence of traditional Taoistic household side by side with state of the art hardware machinnery and hi-end equipement. You quickly realize, that appartement occupy not just this whole floor level, but expandes to upper floor via multiple caracols. Yet the design place semms to be drawn in clear lines, every space easilly accesible and interconected with others, pieces of technological equipement embeded to the design are not disruptive, more they highlight the symetry, spiritualy this place looks like "Ancient" and "Contemporary" in the jing-jang pattern.
The place seems quiet, but also pulsing with hiden energy. Mr. Wong leads you to the greater room, the almost centre of the apartement. On the west wall, there is small Taoistic shrine, The rest of the walls are covered by multiple artistic caligraphies.
In the center of the room there is low, round table with mattresses and cushions around.
Some aromatic sticks are filling the air with unknown odour, a few candles giving dim light to the room.
Even you, Lynx, feel almost like a human at this place...
The woman sits at the table, chineese origin, mid forties, tired, desperate look in her eyes. She is dressed to light silk tunic, visible tensions of her musculature and hightened temperature, obvious to those of you who posess thermographic vision, announces that she was doing some physical exercise a few moments ago. She holds cup of tea in both hands, watching you approaching. An old men, local but also a stranger in some strange way, sits close to her, studying Trigrams composed on the table in front of him. He is deeply concentrated, hardly even notices your coming.
With internationaly acknowledged gesture of hospitality, Mr. Wong offers you the place at the table, kneel at his own place and fills your cups wit the tea from the traditional pot, that stands on the table.

Gentlemen, meet my wife. Darling, These gentlemens are here to help us to find our child. Do you handle it? ("child" he says with soft, trembling voice...)

Mrs. Wong looks at him, then reaches for his hand and nods firmly.
Her melodic voice gives away a little of trauma she is experiencing.

I would try to answer every your questions, if needed. just please...if you get the feeling, that our situation is hopeless, be honest. There is nothing worse than mothers false hopes...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kot on <04-21-11/1611:51>
Griffin shakes his head, looking her in the eyes.
"There is always Hope, Madam. I've been a hopeless case myself, but now, I'm alive and... whole. And I'm going to help these competent gentlemen find your child." His voice this time is calm, even if he pauses for a second once or twice before continuing.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mwiland on <04-21-11/1617:44>
As Timmy moves through the apartment he can feel the buzz of all the technology in the house and notices a certain zen to the flow of the information flow in the entire apartment.  When Timmy wheels into the meeting room he carefully picks up the pillow on the floor at the spot that he chooses to sit at, picks up his tea and carefully starts to sip it.

Mr. Wong, I have come to understand that your child has a special gift, could you expand on that?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: deathwishjoe on <04-21-11/1656:55>
OOC: I dont think I would have my goggles on at this moment.

perception test: 5 Intuition + 3 perception. (8d6.hits(5)=3) (
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mwiland on <04-21-11/2106:14>
perception test: 5 Intuition + 2 perception (7d6.hits(5)=3) (

Matrix Perception = Computer 2 + Analyze 3 + Technomancer Bonus 2 (7d6.hits(5)=3) (
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <04-22-11/0247:54>
Harry takes a good look around the room.
Visual perception: perception 3 + intuition 4 + vision enhancement 3 + home ground 2 (12d6.hits(5)=4) (
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <04-22-11/1954:31>
The house itself is heavily warded, watchers are present in the area around the house. Inside the house, domena is cleansed, no background count, no astral signatures so far.
Lynx`s aura cathes your eye, before you continue...he is on the edge, one small step from the void, holding weak and soehow desperate grip on last pieces of humanity in himself.

Mrs Wong is awakened, but her talent is on the low level. She would be adept, but she is not developing, Status quo. She is some kind of adept, you are not able to read what powers she is able to use.
Old man is the Taoistic monk. Awakened, developed and cultivated talent. He is not hiding anything, so you are able to assense that he is at least Grade 4 initiate. Mystical adept. Healer. He posess the Sight, and his aura is firm standing Mountain. He came a long way before he got here. To gain more info about himself you would better talk to him, if you want to. He is a friend of the family, spiritual advisor. Not relative.
Also some of the Kaligraphies on the walls have an astral reflection. They are connected to Mrs. Wong.

Technology used in the household is not standard serial production, every little piece is custom made, designed and crafted with some significal features that point to the same designer for all the pieces.

There is too much space in this apartement just for two adult and the kid. At least two more kids are ocupying the place, deducting from the equipement and other circumstantial evidence. there is also the room for person, who is not the part of the familly. Neverthles, nobody else is present.

Upper floor of the apartement is accesible by four metal helix staiways. Silent hum of some machinery and some other sounds may be distinguished from background noise.

Walls of the house are covered with wifi inhibiting material, from outside it is the matrix fortress. You are not able to detect any outgoing signal. Once inside, it is like going beyond the mirror. Wheny you are passing by the elevatro shaft, you see bold matrix (resonance) signatures,but the semantics is completely alien to you. If seen again, you will recognize it.
As you mount the stairs the Reasonance around you is more and more concentrated, your senses are almost overloaded with it. You`ve heard about places like this. This is not artificaly made UV zone, but it may be Resonance well. Also... you see that the elevator shaft is heavily rewired and you can feel the data flow throught that inaccesible space. You have the feeling that the shaft itself should be used as powerfull antena. The further you go, the more difficulty are you able to distinguish physical world from the resonance one. Living at the place like this must posess magnificent potential. You feel like being present in another living node. Neverthless, the resonance seems almost "untouched by the hand of a man". Pure and...alien a bit, with no apparent interest on yourselves.
When you enters the apartement, you are finally able to catch your breath, it was like diving into the deep sea. There are also wifi inhibitors in the walls of apartement, Isolating it from the stairway and elevator shaft.
The machinery in the apartement, in opositre to the outside, complete human. Yet, you are able to see fragments of resonance signature here and there, aparently human one, but it looks almost...unintentional. Every person present in the room is (almost) normal, unEmerged individual..well, except Lynx..(he is not emerged but also he is far from "normal human") It is a bit terryfying presence...or emptiness.

As you expect, when you ask your question, Mr. Wong looks at you:
Well, he is the only one able to use the elevator...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mwiland on <04-23-11/0959:59>
Just a few questions Mr. Wong if I may?  What is the elevator shaft used for? Who do you think might have taken your son?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <04-23-11/1203:25>
We are rather not attempting to anger whoever lives there...Im confident about my knowledge enought to say that that place may be inhabited by some kind of techno-sapient entity. Never met her, thought. Not that I want to. It began maybe one and half year ago. I was serriously thinking about using force to put things to normal state, when its presence became apparent, but my son told me not to. The way he said that...well, I decided to accept our new neighbor and keep ourselves safe as much as possible We had done everything we were able to cover its presence, nearly cutting ourselves from the matrix. Well, I soon find out that my satelite comunication system is running beyond its possible performance...and...
He pauses, looks at his wife, who nods
well, I think we need to be honest to you. You need to see something.
He stands up and walks to the stairs.
Please, understand that this is the very carefully kept secret of mine
he continues as he climbs one of helix stairways.
I was working for Renraku Seattle, hardware R&D laboratories. I was one of people imprissoned in the Arcology during the Shutdownt. I managed to avoid being captured by Deus puppets, recjoined my familly, which was also living in the arcology. Later I`ve found a way to contact some outside help. A group of independent specialists, like yourselves, set up the extraction and were risking their lives to get us out from there. They were helpfull even after, providing full cover and new identity to us, putting our real identities to the Shutdown cassaulties list. Mr.McLister was very helpfull those days. He is the last one who remains from that team. Others are dead, some of them disappeared during crash, even Bill hes left the bussines some years ago, saying that he is far too old for all that mess.

As you follows him to the upper floor, large space opens around you. Different machines, multiple interconected automatic assembly lines, stable hum of the ventilation and air-conditioning, everything  controled by the Nexi connected to large holographic design tool, maybe four meters in diameter, in the centre of the room. Most of you is simply stunned to comment this place, Timmy recognizes the huge, probably hardware manufacturing capacity of SOTA facility in the room using almost whole floor of the building.
You see that the wall separating this space from elevator shaft is pierced by multiple cabel bundles, which are also connected to the Nexi.
Given My experience, I was shocked when this something slipped in through my satelite uplink, cutting throught my firewalls like they were next to nothing. It didnt take any capacity from my node`s performance, rather it improved it to the level no human would be able. The only thing I know about It is that it is consuming waste ammounts of data storrage. I have to upgrade twice a month...but since Im able to gain the profit on the upgrades it made to my equipement, I dont care about it.
Well, now I do not. At the beginning, I was shocked. Like I said, I was ready to alarm KE and give up my whole new life, rather to went throught something like that again. But my son spoke to me. I knew that many children were influenced by Deus, but my son wasnt even concepted in 2059.
Ofcourse we heard some about Emergency phenomena. I put one and one together, and decided to wait and see the further developement. Due to general prejudice, we were very carefull about any leaks. My son was always followed by nanny or my wife, he learned how to hide his talent. Ive provided him with the equipement that should head been used as an explanation if some minor accident happens. Even when we wre educating him at home, we didnt want him to stay isolated, so he was treated like any other well carred normal child. Untill today it worked well.
His room is also up here. None of the other children likes this place too much, it gave them creeps. But Hao loves this place...and I assume he is able to understand this entity, whatever it is. But if it is somehow connected with his dissapearance, I cannotr say. His room is overthere
He points at the doors.
The other rooms are storage and material bay, please avoid them if not unnecessary, inner conditions are strictly controlled. Now, if you want to take a look be my guests, just don`t touch anything. I`ll wait with my wife, you may ask for anything you need, and also, don`t forget to finish your tea.
He smiles politely, and with slight bow he leaves you alone.
Playground is yours.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kot on <04-24-11/0430:10>
Griffin was looking around the place, totally amazed at it's layout and the alien - at least to him - amalgam of technology. Even if he wasn't alerted to that before, he probably would have noticed something - or Shade would. Maybe the purpose behind it, bringing back basic Turing equations back from the ages-old MIT wisdom levels...
"This place does feel inhabited... Hmmm. Anyone there? HAL, are you home?" The little things hurt. Griffin remembered where this last remark came from... When the Technomancer Scare hit, they were almost bored to death by the lack of work, and usually huddled at home, watching pre-crash movies, and their modern remakes. And he grew to like it...
He turned around, trying to quench the painful sadness, and follow Shade's advice. His eyes re-purposed themselves to perceive a whole new spectrum of non-light that had to fill the Astral plane reflecting this place. He scoured it with his Awakened gaze, his eyes in rem-like movements patterning and isolating details his own senses could not discern... He not-looked around, trying to locate any patterns and shreds of emotions that had to be there, and provide him with at least a tiny shard of the child's aura...
Quote from: Assensing - Psychometry
Intuition(4)+Assensing(2)+Specialty(2)+Mentor(2) (10d6.hits(5)=4) (
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <04-24-11/0648:38>
Harry looked at Timmy
well this seems to be your kind of thing, I'll go back downstairs and talk to the wangs, let us know what you can find out
he then turns away and walks back downstairs to his tea.
So Mrs Wang, can you tell me exactly what you remember from your encounter at the mall parking lot?  I know it ain't easy but every detail might help.  Please take your time.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mwiland on <04-24-11/1019:19>
Matrix Perception: Computer 2 + Analyze 3 + Technomancer Bonus 2 (7d6.hits(5)=3) (
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: deathwishjoe on <04-25-11/1909:54>
Remembering the rumors he heard about the renraku arcology, Lynx decides to stay with the team upstairs.  you never know when an AI might go crazy and turn on anybody.  He waves to Harry as he heads downstairs. 
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <04-26-11/1558:30>
@Lynx: When those thoughts come to your mind, you almost feel like being watched by some hungry species that should use your cybernetic body for a puppet show...but that feeling is gone quickly leaving sarcastic..and a little metalic...taste in your mouth.  ;D

@Griffin: You DON`T feel any presence here, only yours and your comrades. What do you see is a place that has a great potential to become void, but, being aspected and taken care of by some powerfull geomancer, it is quite stable. Welll, this place is being cleansed regularily, maybe on week basis, and it makes your work even much easier.You are able to find fragments of aura reflections here and there, and in time you are entering the room, you have a clear image of young boy living here. He is no saint, but no evil. His body is quite healthy, not taken cerelesly. In the room the reflections are brightest. Althought the room looks quite empty, just a bed, table comfortable seat and two wardrobes full of clotches belonging to young, virgin boy at the doorstep of pubescence.
You are able to find samples of hairs, nails, even his favorite pen, quite enought to create the material link if needed, but usable only for a few hours.
There is a place, where he is practicing Tai-chi, its astral reflection affected by hours of drilll, thousands and thousands repeated moves, patiently...and sometimes impatiently, practiced to perfection. You see the reflection of his mother there also, not so strong, as sometimes she was practicing with him, lecturing him, teaching him. Violent outbursts of frustration are only a few, like he is patient student. On the walls, there are many caligraphis strips, most of them written with china ink. You are used to see the reflection of the author in such things, but this time there are none...Except one.

@Timmy: You can almost feel the presence of the entity in the streams of resonance, but is seems like it is not present. Even withiout it, you see a sparkling silicon heaven build in this place. Waste ammounts of data dwells in the nodes, but without apparent structure. Everything is so Alien, hard to understand for a human. It seems like every pice of data and resonance is "marked" with the signature, but it looks like that every part with different symbols. You slowly realized that all tohse symbols are just a part of the signature...still they have something in common, but you are unable to determine what. You are recognizing the signature from the elevator shaft...more pieces to the puzzle, but not enought.
Puzzles. Right. It looks like thousand puzzles of thousand pieces, and all you have is ten pieces, each from different box.
The boys signature is also present, clearly visible and recognizable, If you see it again, you will know it.
When you enter boy`s room, you realize strange thing. Those paintings, caligraphies on the wall, are fragments of the resonance signatue...and they are also carrying hardly recognizable resonance reflection...except one.

@Timmy&Griffin: You found yourself standing...looking at the same picture. Althought the other symbols lacks anything recognizable for human mind, this one looks more like a picture from Rorschach test...Some kind of human mind pattern...

@Harry: Well Im not sure...but let me start from the beginning. We hav ebeen shopping in the Mall as usually. My son loves that place, always says that there is whole world waiting for him. What is spam to me, my son analyzes and plays with, sometimes when Im not around to watch him and tell him to stop. You know, kids. As usually we had been taking a whole afternoon tour around the mall, visiting shops, byuing some necessities, looking for entertainment. He loves that Virtual Castle place, he told me that only at this place he should behave like a normal child while nobody is suspecting him from some wrongdoing. We had a lunch i nthe restaurant, and also Ive visited some more specialized shops, looking for chemicals Im using as compounds fot my inks. Well all that time we were together, only in the Virtual Castle I ussualy wait in the coffee while he is playing his games with others. Well, when we get back to the car, everything is confused and hazy. I remember that it rained ... and we were lost in the mist see that she is concentrating, her eyes fimly closed, making some Tai-ji movements almost uncounsciously. Her voice lowers, resonating as if coming from the distance. You also see that the monk began to swell, the vein is pulsing on his temple, his breathing strenghtens like if he is lifting some heavy weight...
Suddenly he stops, his breathing changes into painfull sound, ynd you can see that he isa pale as the paper, pulsing vein bursts, creating wide hematom, bloody tears starts to drop from his eyes, flashes of mana breaking his skin, stretching his body beyond can hear sinews and muscles tearing inside his body. He maintains to stay calm, and with only soft, painful whispering...
"Sorry Wenquian. This curse is too strong..."
...he collapses. Mr. Wong jumps to him, catching old man before he fell on the ground, laying him down gently...

Mrs Wong, still in the trance, continues without pause:
When Hao got lost in the fog, poisonous, filthy fog, Ive been calling his name and then, I`ve found rotten stock at the edge of the swamp...I rest, alone and desperate, watching voices carrying my boy away...and one of them turns at me, and then the lightnig came from the skies and I fell...
...she blinks, like returning to reality from the nightmare, began to cry, shivering, embracing her belly
...when i woke up...
...she hardly manages to continue
I was alone, laying next to my car...empty...Ive climbed to the seat and commanded it to go home...oh dear my baby mybabymylittleboy
...she cracks out...unable to continue...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <04-28-11/0327:29>
Haven't had a case like this in a long time Harry mumbles to himself, reaching for his wiskey flask.  He hated all that magic stuff  with spirits and all, never was able to understand it.  Luckily he recorded the conversation with Mrs.Wong. 
after opening a subvocal chanel to Griffin Harry got himself together, still under the impression of the old monk going down trying to help Mrs. wong Rememeber.
Hey Griffin, I just talked some more with mrs Wong, thought you could have some use for her description of the events in the parking lot
He then sends a copy of the conversation to Griffin's commlink
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: deathwishjoe on <04-28-11/0338:20>
Nikolai sees his two companions have both moved to stare at and study a single painting.

"Hrmmmm... Looks like two boys, rowing same boat in different directions to me."     
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <04-28-11/0627:39>
@Lynx: As you closes to your companions with the remark sliping of your lips,  you mark significant difference between other drawing and the picture. Not just about its feeling.
You chectk the table to confirm your hypothesis and you find your proof. Amongst some writings and blank pages there are some previsous versions of that picture on the wall. You tajke them, comparin one with another, and yyou came to the solution, that while the every other drawind or caligraphy on the wall was made for the first try, intuitively and precisely, with a certain hand, tghis one was drwn, corrected, redrawn and improved many times...this points you to the conclusion that since the other pages were drawn with the inner inspiration and are showing a perfect understanding to the symbols drawn, this one page is drawn from memory, as if Hao tries to recall something he saw before...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kot on <04-28-11/1428:46>
"That's an ability some spirits have. She might have been swallowed by the toxic manifestation, and even then someone had to bring her down with a spell... Lightning. No, it might have been a Manabolt spell... No, a discharge from a tainted Air spirit. That's more likely. As for here, I didn't find enough, except for one interesting piece... O&O"
Griffin drops the connection, and turns of his commlink, touching the picture with his right index finger... Tasting the echoes of long withered and still blooming emotions on his fingertip, seeing through it the joys, tears and dreams of a virtuakinetic child that has an AI friend... He felt the smell of metal, hot and sharp, fluid and everchanging like quicksilver. He felt something... Grasped it with his seventh sense, and pulled his mind along, trying to open himself to the same feeling the author felt...
Quote from: Assensing
Intuition(4)+Assensing(2)+Psychometry(2)+Mentor(2) (10d6.hits(5)=3) (
Edge Re-roll (7d6.hits(5)=2) (
A Total of 5 hits.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <04-29-11/1257:15>
@Griffin: As you focused your whole concentratio, reaching for your deep reserves, eager to move forward with solving this puzzle, your inner sight range bellow the here and now. As you lay your palm on the image on the wall, to allow your aura directly connect co the autor, it cames all the sudden.
First, you just a little boy with the writing brush in your hand..
Then its is like you pull down the veil...
...and myriads of sensations fell heavy on you like the waterfall, stroboscopic stream of events, pictures, voices, memories....
...hours and days spent by conversations with someone who is both distant and close...
...semantics and symbolic strings even your magical sight is not able to translate, you are getting impresion of something completely inhuman, alien even to spirits and metaplannar entities ...
...months of sleeples nights, filled with hard work, trying to understand the message...
...every part, that is fully comprehended, became part of cypher...
...drawn on the paper, it also reflects its meaning to the partner...
...then the image...
...almost on the edge of subcounsciousness...
...distracting the concentration...
...makes the consonance with alien partner  much more difficult...
???where it cames from???
...trying to figure it out, trying to pull out its disturbing presence to the daylight...
...trying to draw it, to get it out of the mind...
...many attempts made, lot of empty papers crackled, disposed to the waste basket...
...notebook with many liney pages, sitting next to mom in the car driving on the streets...
...coloured lights, sounds, shops, advertisements, spam...
...Guarding the ramparts...
...fighting against creatures of night...
...seeking treasures in deepest dungeons...
...avoiding traps and solving mysterious puzzles...
...hunting in the forrests with ancient elves...
...killing great demon in the furrious battle, sparkling sword in the hand, with the protection of dwarven forged full plate armor...
...and that picture on the walls, floor, hiding amongst the stars, meaningless, nameless, inexpressible... nobody is able to see it...

Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <05-03-11/0720:38>
Harry slowly raised himself from the seet he occupied, walking up the stairs, he puts his head in the room and gently asks the rest of the crew:Everybody got what he needed?  I suggest we move to the lab with Griffin to investigate those samples, oh right Timmy can you check the wangs car?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: deathwishjoe on <05-03-11/1935:12>
"Ready whenever you are,  This seemed to be dead herring anyways"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mwiland on <05-04-11/1319:14>
Wow Timmy thinks to himself, now this is an active area Ill have to remember this so that I can ask around later.  With those signatures remembered.  Timmy is ready to go onto the next step and get on to why they came here, what ever that is.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kot on <05-04-11/1329:57>
Griffin looked around, and finally fixed his sight on Timmy.
"Okay, what about the car? That's what we came here for, right?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-04-11/1429:50>
@Timmy: After Griffins remark you the feeling run throught your mind
"Those guys who can walk, they are always such hasty.",
well you remain silent, continuing your wheeled way to the stairway and further down to the ground level garage.
What you find there is just another common Comet, two Spirits (of Honda) and GMC Bulldog StepVan. Last said looks well cared, but not much used, and it lacks any security upgrades, its just a big and safe van for a big familly.
You consider the Comet would be what you came for, and employs all knowledge, skills, sensors and drones into the search. Amongst a pile of junk and useles things found bellow seats, there are three things that you assume are relevant.

2 pieces of metal, found on the drivers seat. You quickly recognizes taser darts, with no wire, possibly one of more expesive models.

Real paper notebook, with real crayon attached, found in the compartement in the right doors. Quick scan reveals a lot of pictures simillar to those in the boys room, and on the last pages, you see developing versions of that strange image Griffin was can see the developement of the quality and growing certainty in of the hand drawing the image.
On the last page, covered with drawing, is the most precise version of it, done almost with a single draw.

The physical search search done, you decide to look at the car`s "blackbox". Pilot and gridlink are saving every moment passed to most cars detailed by seconds.
When you access the node, you let the stream of inputs flow throught your body and mind, becoming 150 HP beast for the shrug this feeling, you know that, it happens all the time you became the machine.
At the beginning there is wide stream of sensory inputs - radar, front and rear cameras, grid, engine performance, breaks, fuel, electronics, tires reports...every piece of it being like the common sense to you.
It rains, road surface is wet, so you are driving throught the city carefully, correcting some of commands driver gave you. Drivers reflexes are not bad...for a human...

when you`ve parkd at the mall, same place as ever, you became silen, waiting for passengers....maybe 15 minutes after, you are suddenly deaf. Blind...cut off most senses, floating in the silence and darknes...
The only think, that ypu Can feel, is your body. your both front doors opened. Then your receptors cathed hi energy electric discharge, so close to you that you are also hit...

[OOC: resist 3S damage]

5 seconds

Access ID: Authorized Driver (Possible spoof)
Command you to set signal transmition to unknown mode
[mode that you recognize as jamming-on-the-fly]
Driver LOG OFF after 10 seconds

73 seconds after that your senses returns...
There is uncounsciousness woman-driver, laying half body on the front seat. Doosrs are still open.
Grid link and Radar are off, you dont have any connection to wireless world...
You are still tansmitting.

Ten minutes..

[OOC: 5S dumpshock]

Access ID: Authorized Driver
Login Grid
Checking Access ID
Gridlink ON

Command: Take me home

Driver LOG OFF follow...

Confused a bit, you look around, shaking your head slightly...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-07-11/0422:21>
Aftre this part done, whole team decided to move on. There are samples that need to be identified, puzzle that has to be solved...and boy to be found.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <05-08-11/0251:29>
While driving to Griffins Laboratory to analyse the samples from the parking lot, Harry sends a message to Timmy "so Timmy, seeing as you are our matrix man, could you set up a network or something between all of us for secure communications?  That way we can go over what we got till now while driving.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mwiland on <05-08-11/1653:04>
Timmy shares with the group the info he got from the diag on the car.

That shouldnt be any trouble.  They definitely have either a hacker or rigger on their team to work that car like that.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mwiland on <05-08-11/2114:02>
VR Drain = Willpower 4 + Biofeedback Filter 3 (7d6.hits(5)=4) (

Sprite Compiling Rating 4 = Compiling 2 + Resonance 5 (7d6.hits(5)=3) (
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <05-09-11/0312:46>
Harry turns to Timmy If a hacker or rigger took over the car, is it possible for you to trace them?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mwiland on <05-12-11/1306:14>
 Unfortunately no.  Even if I saw the same trace again no.  I can tell you whoever did this hacked it the old fashioned way, this was not done by a technomancer.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-12-11/1313:22>
As you are leaving Wongs house,you all have the bad feeling about the whole thing. Clues, pieces of puzzle, are far too shattered and spread, it is difficult to make nay assumptions now.
Timmy has established secured communication channel, so you are able to discuss your opinions and plans online. You get on/into your vehicles, Griffin takes the seat in the van, as it temperature begans to fall after the sunset. Streets of Seattle never sleeps, shining lights, neons, tens of thousands of windows lining the streets...
Trid Boards, Holographic projections, laser shows fighting each other for the piece of place on the night sky, outshining threal stars with commercial flickering, huge bodies of LTA commuters and Zeppelins, with every piece of surface covered by logos and advertisement, and above that all, distant, shining unmistakable Needle in front of you. You follow Route 164 to the borders of Auburn and then you connect to the interstate 5 Express highway. As you close to the heart of Seattle Downtown.Needle become just one of many monuments, and as you close to ACEH, it remains just a silent memory, as the mass of former Renraku Arcology fills your whole field of view.
You feel like an insect in the shadow of megastructure, and when you enter the gate, that feeling multiplies as you are overhelmed with the vaste space of transit tunnels, with confusing echoes, strange shadows and the memories of dead imprinted in every inch of the structure.
You see some Heavy millitary vehicles, standing on the road posts guarding the entrances to some locations. In the very moment you enter the protected perimeter, Ford LEBD-1 security drone enters your field of view, transmitting the long list of directives, that Pilot programs of your machines is able to download and follow. Tunnels AR displays many couloured AR guidelines.


Drone Perception: Sensor (3) + Clearsight(5,o) (8d6.hits(5)=2) (
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-12-11/1651:56>
@Harry: Travelling to laboratories takes some time, and when you are cruising the Downtown to reach the ACEH, you are receiving the call

Incoming feed: @Sphinx
Well my friend, I have some bad news for you...I will give you a discount for this, lets say 30% down from original price. Ive managed to convince one of my cowboys to hit the malls security feeds for the area you gave me, and what he foung is pretty fucked up security footage that revaals nothing. [Feed attached] More to it, i have him check the whole mall security szstem. The entering gate was fried by EMP, so its malfunction now for maybe 4 hours, and nobody cares, Seems like some inside missunderrstanding, on their security panels they are all green. Since the security cameras are hardwired and there are no edit or hacking traces, I assume that what you see on the feed is some fucking mojo. I feel a bit helpless now, but this interrests me a bit. Call me back iof you need anything, Ill try to give you some edge if I can.

When you play security cams feed you find out that:
Ms. Wong parked her car on the place 1157 at 3:15 PM, and left the car with the boy (Hao Wang is just another young chineese boy, about 12 years old, nothing special about him. He seems to be in the good mood, talking and laughing with his mom.)
4:02 PM: Something goes on, Cloud of nasty looking, unpenetrable fog appears on the garage level, moving towards place 1158. When it stops, Ms. Wongs Comet also disappears.
4:10 PM: Wongs entering the scene., like nothing is going on , they are walking towards theirs car. when they pass by 1158, the fog reaches out and swallows them. They dissapear.
4:18 PM: The cloud of mist moves towards exit. A few second after Wongs commet appears. Ms wong is lying on the drivers seat, lower body out of the doors,.
4:33 PM: Ms. Wong wokes up, managed to get in car, closes the doors. Car leaving.

End of Feed
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <05-13-11/0335:23>
While driving to the lab, Harry sends a message to Sfinx.
Thanx mate, I owe you one, payment will be drop in the regular manner, I'll pass by the locker this evening
Afterwards he transmits the video feet to his fellows
Hey people, got the footage from the mall security, Check it out and let me know if you can make anything of it, this seems to be on Griffin's alley
He then slows down to the requested speed and transmits his fake ID and licenses to the drone.  Stating I'm here on business, have some sample's I need analysed in a forensic lab downtown
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: deathwishjoe on <05-13-11/1919:33>
what does a spirit have in common with a computer AI aside from simply not being alive like you or I?  And what would ether want with this child?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kot on <05-14-11/1110:55>
Griffin with a sigh pokes his commlink to produce an AR that will allow him to feed the drone with his licenses. He looks at Timmy for a second, his face shows that he's concentrating on something else at the same time.
"Everything legal here, no worries."
He takes a moment to make sure his spellcasting license is still valid...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-14-11/1159:57>

With smooth acceleration, drone passes by to other vehicles...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-16-11/1337:11>
As you follow your instructions, you park your vehicles on the secured parking lot. On your way through the tunnesl, stairways, lobbies and elevators you may Admire the commercial beauty of former Renraku Arcology. Even after those years, in the district you are directed at, there are still visible traces of Deus presence. Small memorials of victims, AR Tagged on many places all around you, makes you remember those thousands of deaths quite clearly, doesnt matter if you were a child, student, russian gangster or anything else. Genius loci bridges your personal lives and memories of those days with overhelming


Some of you, Lynx, Griffin, Timmy...feel quite uncomfortable on some places you are passing, to all of you this place gives you creeps. ARO leads you throught commercial area to more Maintenance looking parts of Arcology, and then the elevator takes you further deep into the place. Sometimes you need to look over your shoulder...just to be sure that there is anyone watching you...
You are passing throught 10 checkpoints on your way in, before you finaly reach the ARO:
SubLevel 2 Research Center
Before you make you next steps, sarcastic voice sound from the Corridor to your left

Hey, Griffin...looks like you have found some friends out there. Good to see that you are still able to talk with a normal people. Im expecting you. Please get in.

With this words, frame of light appears on one of the walls, as the hydraulic doors opens and allows you to enter.
Inside you can lounge with some expensive anatomic seats, bar, holotank and a few lower tables. It looks like the furniture is made from materials found in the Arcology, shaped to some weird curves...well it is absolutely comfortable...for now. Behind the bar there are larger opened doors, leading to the corridor, where you can see a few laboratory workers. At the bar, large, tanned man is mixing his drink, looking at you with the mix of curriosity and amusement...

Hi Griffin. Good evening gentlemen. Nice to see you. I`ve heard that you have some traces you need me to help you analyze. Please make yourself comfortable, use the bar if you need or want to, and tell me more. Ah. Yes..those samples...
He calls over his shoulder.
Small drone, all arms, pincers, nano-mechanic tools and sensors appears from the laboratory, floating right bellow the ceiling...waits until you take out the samples, than approaches carrefully, scanning the plastic bags at first. Then it extends some of its arms to take it...
Richard, please, take this samples for the spectral analysis. Gentlemen would wait here for results, so consider this A+ priority task.
Drone leaves as quickly you managed to see just a flash...
Now...this would take a few minutes, so let us sit here and have some conversation. Griffin. Would you introduce me to your new partners? And what is the case you are working on. Im quite currious about what made you leave that cave of yours and brought you back to the daylight..

he looks around the underground lab
well, at least methaphoricaly...

@Sylvia Colindres:

...Breaking News. Young boy was kidnapped when visiting Auburn Supermall. Parking lot security systems are down, familly desperate. Is this the Case of emerged entity kidnaped again? Who is responsible for this? Corporation? Some Laboratory? No clues so far...but Im working on that. Stay with me, Ill stay with you.EB

The message breaks your normal evening. May it be another case? May it be connected with your brother dissapearance? As you know EB, he never blogs any unverified rumours, so he must have much more in his hand than just what he had posted to make the statement.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kot on <05-16-11/1426:56>
"Kidnapping. Literally. Well, I took it as a long shot at keeping the house and continuing my... rehabilitation... Yes, I know... And as I received more information on the case, something struck me. She'd take it without any hesitation. So why shouldn't I?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-16-11/1443:29>
Hell, you are right. Emma was a golden girl with the brave and golden heart. Too bad we are not able to do nothing more now. I know that you have a hope...and Im not the one who will tell you to give it up. Most of my patients end up finding that it is not true the hope dies last. Because they outlived theirs hope at least for some seconds...
Well. World wasnt sleeping while you were away. You better take some time to see what it looks like today...not that it was different...when you feel ready, come back. We still have some relicts of that hive on ice...but I didnt wanted to distract you with memories...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <05-16-11/1707:21>
Sylvia had just downloaded Water Margin and was all settled for a night of mindless entertainment.  It was always fun to see a movie about shadowrunner.  The way they were shown was always good for a laugh.  Sighing, she put the download on her 'link for later viewing and wrote a message to EB.  She has never him or her (even that she wasn't sure about), but (s)he has given her some good leads over the past years.  So she sends him a quick message:

Sounds interesting. I'll have a look into this.  Can you give me some more information?


She also had a look on the matrix to check some news sites to get information that way. ( datasearch (browse 4 -1=3d6 → [4,3,5] = (12) )
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mwiland on <05-16-11/1909:13>
Timmy looks with mild excitement at the small drone that quickly appeared and disappeared.  Then looks at the large tanned man behind the bar, Is there a chance i could get the schematics for that so as I may make one for my own uses?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <05-17-11/0423:04>
As they are waiting for the drone to get his work done, Harry walks to the bar and starts looking for wiskey. 
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-17-11/1418:53>
@Sylvia:  Not too much, baby. Im still searching for the for the boy`s identity, he looks like he doesnt exist. Not him, not his mother, not their car.... Yet there was some hum around the SuperMall and someone is after him...if its good or bad, I dont know. They don`t look like a warparty from what I saw...maybe rescue team or something. Im trying to dig some info on them also, yet I have no confirmed ID`s. Ill keep you posted if you are interrested...just give me what you find and we are OK, right ;)

@Timmy: Well, Richard is quite special to me, I received him as a gift from the friend of mine...some years ago. Ive been trying...well...I never fully understood how it works. He is my little eniigma...and seems like he has a fun of my incompetence...

@Harry: You find it on the forst glance, nice, full, old Old Smugglers right at your reach. As you take it, you hold it to read the label, you are surprised by the date on it. Possitively surprised. As you pur the whiskey to the glass, Atombe is watching you...
You are a cop, aren`t you? Undercover, well trained. I can tell...from whatever...I saw a lot of your type...yet most of them lack that spirit in the eyes you got,  eloquently he nods towards the "Audience room" tag on one of doors in the inner hallway. Other one tells simply "Light" and another one "REACTOR ACCESS SHAFT: KEEP OUT"
There are few others, unlabeled...and also some unlabeled bottles in the bar...
Atombe finishs mixing his dring and moves to one of those the comfortable looking seats. Richard pass throught "Light" a nd disappears with your samples, when they shut.
Well, you are a talkative group. Almost the same as most of my patients. Do you mind if I ask what you are up to? The story Griffin says seems interresting, and since my coleagues are mostly in the terrain, and only a few workers remains here, you need not to fear about any leaks....of course, I would respect your privacy, if you want to. We have probably 10 minutes before the analysis is done...
he leaves the sentence opened...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mwiland on <05-17-11/1537:55>
Timmy politely probes the probe (with the permission of the probe itself) via AR to find out how it works for not only his own knowledge but also for our host.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-17-11/1554:27>
Timmy politely probes the probe (with the permission of the probe itself) via AR to find out how it works for not only his own knowledge but also for our host.

Well the probe lets itself probed for the moment before it leaves with samples...deffinitely it is amaying machine...mor to ii, there is sprite inside of it...and it looks like he is home in there. His resonance signature reads "Richard"
You dont know what Richard is, or where he came from. Maybe the rigger, trapped during the Crash, maybe the fragment of some AI, maybe code born. The important is that Richard is:
Very Clever
Very Systematic
Very Agile
Very Perceptive
Very Hardworking
Very Currious
Very Happy with his current task
(...he was almost boring before you arrived. Everyone else is in terrain and he was left behing with Atombe and his bodies...He saw thousands of them, and there was nothing more to his honest opinion...)

and doing it for free...
CSA Team best friend...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <05-17-11/1642:13>
@Sylvia:  Not too much, baby. Im still searching for the for the boy`s identity, he looks like he doesnt exist. Not him, not his mother, not their car.... Yet there was some hum around the SuperMall and someone is after him...if its good or bad, I dont know. They don`t look like a warparty from what I saw...maybe rescue team or something. Im trying to dig some info on them also, yet I have no confirmed ID`s. Ill keep you posted if you are interrested...just give me what you find and we are OK, right ;)

 You got footage?  Can you forward it to me?  Maybe I know some of those guys
It wasn't all that illogical, as she had been in the shadows for some time, and she did know some people.  Most not in person, but she did try to keep up to date on what happened in the shadows, including a sort of who is who.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mwiland on <05-17-11/2109:46>
@Richard - So what kind of sprite is a Richard?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <05-18-11/0256:52>
Harry takes a sip of his wiskey and turns to Atombe.
Well, it is a rather weird stroy, not much that ats up from my point of view.  For me this is just another find and retrieve mission, although the kidnappers did a rather good job at hiding their tracks.
Harry seems to be in deep thought for a short time, before he continues
the victims seem to be connected to some sort of AI or something, but I'm sure Timmy over there can explain that better then me.  As far as I'm concerned we  are handling with a pro organisation with quiet some pull, seeing they used some sort of magic and at least some very rare form of hacking.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mwiland on <05-22-11/2331:33>
Well ... its really fairly easy to do that kind of hacking with the right skills.  Basically it looks like its had its been spoofed and its logs have been erased for the time period that is missing.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-23-11/0448:56>
@Timmy: My own kind. I have no need of using meat categories anymore, but if you insist, consider myself to be The soul of the Machine

@Harry:Now this seems like an interresting storry. I dont need to tell you to be carefull when dealing with entities like this...just take a look around, we are standing at former Renraku Research Labs, Deus is still imprinted in very matterial of walls...Although Im not familliar with this phenomena directly, we have an expert´in our team who may have some knowledge on its nature. If you keep me posted, Ill inform you once he returns from his operation.

@Sylvia:INCOMING FEED: Auburn SuperMall Parking lot: Security Footage (GPS And Time Stamps attached, dated on today, 1845-1900)
You see three men entering the crimescene. EB was right, they dont seem to look like warparty. Two human and troll males, carefully searching the crimescene, taking samples, obviously searching even for Magical signatures, complete crime scene investigation. They were obviously searching also for security devices, spotting cameras able to view the crimescene. For the first glance, you recognize none of them. Further legwork should provide some fruit in this...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-23-11/1435:30>
Harry is in the middle of the third...drink. You are sitting around the table in those comfortable seats, well, the discussion is almost nonexistent, as majority of the rescue team is lost in thoughts, trying to assembly some scenario from the evidence...well you all seem to have no clue. Whoever kiddnapped the boy, did a good job, almost for sure professional hit. Still, there are things that some of you find disturbing.
Use of Toxic spirit...the foggy background of whole situation...maybe coincidential, maybe purposefull.
Grifffin is still quite confused from the caleidoscopic flashbacks of boys memories, imprinted by the great efoort to draw the right image right way. Watching the picture in the diary doesnt help is the same one, that is for sure, but the consequences are still slipping between his fingers...only the feeling that something quite important is hidden in that...
Lynx is in peace now. Following others, waiting for the right time to do his job, he is more interrested in the weird world of ex-arcology he is for the first many times he was thinking about being in the place like this...would you be able fo fight against it, or would you be consumed by it, became the part of Deus...dozens, maybe houndreds thousands of deaths leaves Lynx counsciousness almost intact...the reality of Grozny and surroundings, irradiated wastelands of Chechnya...there is no place for weak, no place for kindness, humanity. You became a weapon itself...or you those weak that died here...
Harry is trying to recollect his knowledge and habbits, almost helpless by lack of any usefull evidence...he used to work the streets, not labs. Oh yeah. maybe the streets may posess some answers now, but there was no oportunity so far to do it old school way...lets wait for the lab results and we will continue with that...lets hope that results will be at least usefull.
Timmy is fascinated with the laboratory itself. Not just Richard, also the fact that the Lab is built in one of arcology research and developement where possibly Deus was born before he even appears for the first time. Maybe in this chambers demiGOD power of first artifical intelligence, the power beyond imagination even for current AI`s, was unleashed to turn men into machines, human minds into datastorrage space, meat into obsoleteness...

Thoughts were distracted by returning drone.

Holotank on the table in the middle of the room flickers and then shows the running stream of calculations, spectraly analysis, molecule schematics and description. Richard opens comunication channel to Timmy and begins uploading the results to your datastoragte devices.
Combined results with statistics, among other, more common traces, three of traces sticks out:
Particles of Volcanic ash, quite strong presence. Hight presence of many poisonous components...quite agressive samples.
Well, nothing exceptional in some parts of Seattle...unles some special conditions are rainy weather that washes this stuff out odf the streets...and then it may be valid trace...
Traces of two artificial molecules. Identified as:
TSP - trisodium phosphate - this chemical traces are quite old, molecules showl large signs of least 40-50 years
AR AFFF Class B - also just trace amount...not a surprise in fact, due to the biological nature of the stuff...This chemicals are in use for almost hundred of years, yet they are still used where use of the current technology would be just a waste of resources...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <05-23-11/1641:40>
Sylvia went through her short list of contacts.  The only one who might actually know some of these guys was probably Diego.  So she gave him a call.

Hey, Diego, it's Pascale here.  How are you doing?  Say, I have a small problem.  I would like to know some people, but I only have some pictures.

She sends him a still of the scene where everybody's face is visible.

Do you know one of these guys?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mwiland on <05-23-11/2204:38>
Timmy shares the results with the team.

@Our Host Any ideas what these might be used for?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: deathwishjoe on <05-23-11/2221:25>
Lynx decides to run some mantainance and diagnostics programs on his wares.  He takes a seat and then he puts his goggles on and jumps into VR keeping abreast of the meatworld situation with an open window of the point of view from his goggles.  As the software runs through his cyberware it begins testing servos causing slight movements that almost seam to be twitches on his part. 
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kot on <05-24-11/0640:16>
"So, it's a toxic spirit, but volcanic in nature. I'd say an Earth or - less possibly - Fire spirit tainted by the outcome of the eruption. So we're probably dealing with a toxic shaman, or someone who has enough contacts to know one and get his help with the kidnapping."
Griffin paused for a while, considering their options.
"This might get really ugly as soon as we find the right track..."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-24-11/0701:32>
Modulated ex-human voice cames out from rooms audio:
Well if I understand it right, those samples are from traces of smart tires. Its not likely that this this chemicals get on those tires on the road, rather tires may had been in direct contact with them for longer period. As you can see here and here, Richard`s pointers marked some other traces there is also traces of Oil products. Not surprising, taking into consideration that those chamicals: AR AFFF class B, and TSP were used for fire fighting on Oil Platforms, Gas stations, Oil Refining plants etc...
Idea of the toxic spirit is out of my experience, yet I dont think he would left phasical traces...well I cannot be sure.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: deathwishjoe on <05-24-11/2220:46>
Lynx pauses his diagnostic program and breifly jumps out of VR back into his body. 

"Eh, I watch this trideo where these policemen could tell where this bank robbers hide out was becasue of the chemicals and dirt in his foot print.  Would the same thing be working here?"   

Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-25-11/0312:22>
Probably would. Traces of volcanic ash, due to weather condition in given time and area, points to the fact that vehickle must pass throught highly contaminated area before arriving to Crimescene. Geographical location of Crimescene narrows possibilities to Pullyallup Ddistrict. More precise location would be impossible, due to generall geological instabillity of the area.
But presence of specialized chemicals and other traces leads me to conclusion, that the "vehicle`s" residential area would be one of possibilities listed before: Gas station, Raffinery, fuel reserves tank or something like this. It may had been hit by fire in las 10 years. Well, for further specification there are insufficient data, so much was lost in Crash event that there is lack of coverage on this, mostly uninhabited and dangerous, district.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-25-11/1428:54>
Diego`s Availability: 4+ (1d6=3) (
After a minute watching the communication company icon, waiting for connection, the reply comes:
Commcode you are trying to contact is out of the reach at the moment. You may leave the message or try later. Have a nice day...

Seems like you having a bad luck...or Diego has a busy evening. You left him message, hope that he would call back, and you try to find some other way to get desired least the mage seems to have proper training for the job. Maybe there is something on him in secured databases.
You know that Christine seems to always have proper data when working papers, so she might be an option.
Christine`s Availability: 3+ (1d6=3) (

You enter desired commcode and canal opens almost instantly.
"Ola Sylvia. Nice to see you." her icon in the AR window seems to reflect the relaxed mood you can hear in her voice. In the background, you can hear some live music, she apparently have a good time,
"Im here at the top of the world"
she smiles, switchintg the view from the icona to live feed from the place. You can see that she is on the roof of some high building in the city, watching the Sun sets into the mists over the ocean.
Got some plans for the evening? I met this handsome boy here, he should pick you up with the bike...wait Ill ask him...
hihi, like I expected, he lost his cohones when I told him to pick you up at Carbonnada. Blah. I hate this posers. I thought i would never get rid of when I told himk that my best friend rides with Chulos, he is off like the wind...
Ok.I think you are not calling me because of pleasure. So whats the deal, sister?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <05-25-11/1552:24>
"Not really, no.  I'm looking into a missing boy, something like Julio's case.  I've gotten some footage from a group investigating, but I don't know any of them.  Maybe you know some of them?"

I send the footage, just as I did to Diego.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-26-11/1527:14>
@Sylvia:Hmmm...gimmie a minute girl, I may have something for you.
She witch to another canal, leaving you watching her are not even at the third position...she had a good sence of humour and lot of good taste, well maybe a bit pervert...but then again, there is nothing wrong on surged cats...
Like I thought. I had a friend who had a friend who had...ah, sptop that  :D :D ;D...and this friend may have something in common. If you are interrested, I may ask a friend to tell his friend to tell his friend..hey...not again, oh baby I sooo high I can`t help myself :) give you a call. Would you want me to give him the contact on you?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <05-26-11/1625:50>
"Sure, why not."

Anything that can help this kid can maybe help her find her brother.  She had to try.

"And girl, be careful with what you take.  Not everything is safe you know.  Remember that flipside stuff."

Even though she lived on the turf of a gang dealing in BTLs and probably other drugs as well, she didn't take any.  At least not after that one bad BTL she had gotten a couple of years ago.  2 weeks in hospital was more then enough.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-26-11/1739:35>
@Sylvia: OK.So ill see what I can do. If this works well, you owe me a drink, baby. And dont worry, I know my way to put my feet back on the ground.

@Harry: Incoming feed: @Sphinx...accepted...decrypting message...openning canal:
Hey pal. You won`t believe this. Ive been asking around for that footage you needed...and Ive got a call a minute ago from one of my bussines partners, and guess what I saw....You and two more guys on the place youve been asking around, sniffing like you are doing some CSI shit. I know you are up to something, so Ive called her and told her, that I may know some of this guys. She told me, that some chica, who`s been around for a while, shown great interrest to contact you. She sent you her commcode, so if you want to give it a try, here you go [:commcode attached:]...I had done some business with that partner of mine hbefore, so I know her a little. She is at good relationship with Mobs, but she was always quite trustworthy, taking care of her reputation. So I consider that chica would be some street pro or something. Cant tell you much more. Good luck man. Sphinx Out...
...Connection terminated...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <05-29-11/1233:27>
"Thanks Christine.  I'll let you know what develops.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <06-07-11/0601:08>
Harry call's the commcode he recieved from sfinx
"Hi this is Harry Eastwood, got your commcode from a friend who told me you were looking for me, how can I help you?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <06-07-11/1243:26>
"Angeline Lau here," I say, ""I've heard that you're looking for a missing boy, possibly a techno?  I've been watching cases like this for some time now, so maybe I can give you a hand."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mdp on <06-08-11/0359:33>
Hmmm not every day someone offers his help spontanously, I'll send you the coordinates where you can meet us.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <06-08-11/1251:56>
Sure, give me about an hour to get there.  And I have my reasons to help you out.  Lau out."

When the commcall has ended, I go and get my gear.  It's in the ACHE, so nothing too fancy, but I always put a couple of spare changes of clothing in the car, just to cover any eventualities.  My special gear goes in the compartment under the seats and then it's time to go.

"Julio," I shout at my brother, who is home for a change "I'm going out.  Don't wait up for me and remember: be good, and if you're not good, be careful."

It's a standard joke between us and his laugh follows me when I leave the appartment, get in the car and drive away, towards the rest of the group.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <06-25-11/0940:54>
@Sylvia: Eastwood here. OK so here is how we are going to do this. We are now in the lab, just getting some results from crime scene analysis. We will then go back to Auburn, since I have a meeting with my friend, who is with KE, at 2200 in Aurora. Get to that place, We will meet you there, we will share our knowledge and if you are approved to continue with us, you will join the team. Just be there. Bye

Harry stands up, looking around, watching every member of the team:
OK. Seems like we are done here. I have a contact for a girl who seems to be interrested in the case also, she should bring some fresh ideas on the table.
He looks at the doctor
Dr. Atombe. You`ve been very helpfull to our case. I will recomend your work in every oportunity, now it is up to us to deal with our findings a dig that motherfucker out his hole. Ill keep you posted, just in case you are interrested in developement of the case. Good bye.

With this words, Harry places the empty bottle on the bar, turns and walks away. A few minutes after that everyone team is running his engine and moves towards meeting with that girl Harry mentioned. Next stop: Aurora bar, Auburn...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <06-25-11/1422:14>
"Very Well, Mr. Eastwood," Sylvia said as she typed in the new address, "my ETA will be 20 to 30 minutes.  I'll see you there."

turning the car around, she went to the new address.  At least they seemed competent, having enough resources and/or contacts to have lab tests done.  That could always be useful.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kot on <06-25-11/1513:58>
Griffin paused for a second, like he was listening to something - and Atombe noticed that obviously - and also excused himself.
Sorry, that'd be my cue to leave. You know my number, call me if anything comes up. Also, don't worry about me that much. I'm better now. And I have... well, let's call it 'help from the otherside of the veil'. See you, and give my regards to the others.
With a last nod, he left, following Eastwood's footsteps.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <06-25-11/1522:02>
OK Griffin, take care. If you manage to survive this, we may have use for your talent. So take your pills and you`ll be fine ;)
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <06-26-11/1029:08>
Traffic is dense on the evening, there are some speed rstrictions on the highways due to accidents and maintenance, you all managed to get to the Aurora at 21:50, ten minutes before the Harry`s meeting with his Knight Errand contact. Sylvia is already there, and when you enter, Hun throws the keys at Harry without questioning. In the comfort, silence and safety of secured game room team meets latino woman, who is waiting for you.
Harry Eastwood takes the seat, waits until everyone else is comfortable and begin with sthe meeting. You dont know how, but a filled whiskey glass apperas in his right hand...maybe he just toke one from the bar when he was passing by. He doesn`t seem drunk...nor he doesn`t seem sober...a standard posture of a man who is a good friend with the bottle...
Angeline Lau, I suppose. Well, in our call you told me that you may have some clues that should help us in our case. We are following some tracks right now, but we may have use for more informations. You`ve sounded like you have somke personal experience with cases like this one. Why don`t you tell us more, and we will decide if you are bringing enought to the pool to make you part of the team.
With this statement he waits for your answer.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <06-26-11/1248:30>
"That's correct, Mr. Eastwood," Sylvia said, "I've lost my brother a couple of years ago in similar circumstances and since then I've been following these kind of cases.  I know of at least three in the past half year around the Auburn supermall, all using a similar modus operandi."

While explaining, dhe quickly dropped into the astral to have a look at her four companion's auras.
assensing roll (assensing 2 + intuition 4) for four people: -1: harry eastwood -2: Nikolai -3: timmy -4: griffin (6d6.hits(5)=1, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=3, 6d6.hits(5)=1) (
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kot on <06-26-11/1357:58>
Griffin took a seat in the corner, smiling half to himself as he noticed the usual rapid pupil dilation changes that accompany astral scrutiny. He waited till she noticed his aura - bright and strong, unusually so, but looking like a smashed windshield with a chaotic net of fractures connecting into something almost pattern-looking, just beyond the metahuman scope of understanding. He smiled when her eyes widened slightly from the sight. "Good. It was the 'wow!' type of shocked experssion, not the 'wait, his shadow exists on the astral plane' one. She was in a hurry, so she had to miss that. And let's keep it that way, shall we, Shade?"
"I'm Awakened, Miss Lau. A Hermetic Magician in fact. My name is Griffin McBride, you might have heard it already, but I'm... expected to introduce myself properly anyway. I'm an Awakened Forensics specialist, I worked for the Star before their boat went down."
He stands up, with his hand extended, and smiles just enough to pass for a normal metahuman with a mind that's not in pieces. And it all comes to him surprisingly easy... Maybe there was something to it? Maybe faking it will become so natural, that it will not be fake anymore?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <06-26-11/1431:20>
"Miss Lau, adept of the invisible way," Sylvia said, shaking his hand, "and sorry for the scan, it's just a precaution.  One can not be too careful when meeting new people these days."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mwiland on <06-26-11/1446:07>
Timmy wheels himself into the room and takes up an empty space in the room.

My name is Timmy.  Lets say I'm a bit complicated.  With that said Timmy pulls out one of his MCT Fly-Spy Mini-drones and allows it to hover around the room then land on his shoulder.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <06-26-11/1658:15>
Well, so far we know that the boy was technomancer. My coleagues should have more to say about himself, , so they woud tell you their findings themselves.
About the crime scene investigation...we had encountered toxic magic used for the kidnapping. We are not sure about specific powers, but it was very strong in its consequences.
For samples, taken on the place, we have found tracks of smart-tires equiped vehicle, judging from its size possibly a van or a limo. We found presence of some specific chemicals in you may see here:

Particles of Volcanic ash, quite strong presence. Hight presence of many poisonous components...quite agressive samples.
Well, nothing exceptional in some parts of Seattle...unles some special conditions are rainy weather that washes this stuff out odf the streets...and then it may be valid trace...
Traces of two artificial molecules. Identified as:
TSP - trisodium phosphate - this chemical traces are quite old, molecules showl large signs of least 40-50 years
AR AFFF Class B - also just trace amount...not a surprise in fact, due to the biological nature of the stuff...This chemicals are in use for almost hundred of years, yet they are still used where use of the current technology would be just a waste of resources...
AR AFFF class B, and TSP were used for fire fighting on Oil Platforms, Gas stations, Oil Refining plants etc...
Traces of volcanic ash, due to weather condition in given time and area, points to the fact that vehickle must pass throught highly contaminated area before arriving to Crimescene. Geographical location of Crimescene narrows possibilities to Pullyallup Ddistrict. More precise location would be impossible, due to generall geological instabillity of the area.
But presence of specialized chemicals and other traces leads me to conclusion, that the "vehicle`s" residential area would be one of possibilities listed before: Gas station, Raffinery, fuel reserves tank or something like this. It may had been hit by fire in las 10 years. Well, for further specification there are insufficient data, so much was lost in Crash event that there is lack of coverage on this, mostly uninhabited and dangerous, district.

We didnt make any assumptions further, this is what we are working with right now...this, and findings of my coleagues on the nature of the victim. Security footage from the pace reveals nothing...
If I forgot something, Im sure someone would complete our informations.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: deathwishjoe on <06-26-11/1826:47>
Nikolai's aura seems to be very faint and whileyour not certain exactly what sort of modifications hes had you know he's one of the most cybered up street sams you've met. He seems a bit bored at the moment.   

Nikolai nods at the new comer during her introduction. 
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <06-27-11/1444:11>
Sylvia quickly went over the data.
"So, we're looking for a toxic shaman somewhere in Puyallup.  That probably means a van or SUV, not really a limo I would say.  One option is to look for places where there used to be or currently are refineries or gas stations and see if any of those are currently toxic aspected and/or inhabited by a toxic shaman.  I also think we will have to hurry."

She didn't know all that much about toxic shamans, except they weren't nice people and to keep away from them as much as possible.
"The commlink track result was negative," she asked next.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kot on <06-27-11/1528:44>
"There was a bounty on toxic shamans by the Draco Foundation. I'm not saying we should collect, but they have a list of those with possible locations. Maybe the one we're looking for is on it?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <06-28-11/1705:22>
Harry speaking:
I thought about that terrain recon myself, your idea about looking for aspected zones is very good and it would narrow our search. Still, there is very little informations about the Pullyalup district due to Crash and previous events, and I have no contacts in that area...and trying to search whole Pullyallup would take years to accomplish...if you don`t have any other means, Griffin..or you, mis Lau. I suppose if we are going to deal with locals, we better have some knowledge who is who amogst those volcanic wasteland inhabitans...and maybe a skilled negotiator would come handy.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kot on <06-29-11/0421:36>
Griffin looked a little lost in thoughts, but his stupor was broken by Harry's mention of his name. He sighed, put on his goggles, and opened his commlink's Browse program window. His hands went through motions accompanying his rapid eye movement, easily visible even under his optics. It looked a little like a silent piano concert...
"Katrina, could you double-check my findings, please?"
Quote from: Data Search rolls
Data Search(1)+Browse(4)+AnalyticalMind(2) (7d6.hits(5)=5) (
Agent(3)+Browse(4->3) (6d6.hits(5)=1) (
Additional dice from the Agent roll (1d6.hits(5)=0) (
"No, Kat, I don't really need all that forum crap. I'm sure you find it very important, but that's just silly corp-brat speculations on Toxic powers. It's obvious that they don't even know what a spirit power is. I asked you to double check only... Yes, I do think she's a joke sometimes..."
Griffin looked at the rest of the 'team' half-lucidly for a second...
"Oh. I was speaking aloud, did I? I'm sorry, I do that sometimes. Don't worry about it. I went into the Draco Foundation node, and looked for any toxics bounty in Seattle that could be related to this case. Maybe they'll have a possible suspect for us... Wait a second."
He poked the air with his thumb, and switched perception to an outgoing call.
"Say, do you have any of those old astral recon charts of the Pullyalup Barrens sector made in the Star days? I'd be very grateful if you could send me a copy of those. There might be one on Emma's 'link, but they never gave it back. Yes, I was in the asylum by then, I guess that's why. So? Do you have those, or maybe some analysis of that kind?"

Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <06-29-11/1222:08>
"There are none in Carbonada, or I would know about it," Sylvia said, "maybe we can check SeaSource.  I've heard they have a lot of old records gathering dust somewhere, even things from before the awakening.  Maybe that can give some locations of refineries and things like that.  Then we just need someone who's better at searching these things than I am."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kot on <06-29-11/1502:14>
"I managed to scour the crime scene for auras and ambient echoes from the event. It seems we are dealing with people who can command toxic spirits. One of those was involved in the kidnapping, and it was a powerful one. The place itself was a toxic domain, but I didn't ever hear about anyone who commands toxic spirits without following the tainted path, so that option isn't probable. I don't have enough echo sh
We also managed to find some interesting material that provided me with a good image of the child's aura. Though I couldn't make sense of it, as it's not something I encountered before. I think that's because the boy is a virtuakinetic. His psychometric imprints are very different...
If you need more information, I can provide my notes, standard MT&T system."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <07-01-11/1143:53>
"Can you show me how the aura looked," Sylvia asked the mage, "But without the technobabble please.  I learned to see auras, but I didn't went to a fancy college to do so."

Then she turned to Timmy.
"Can you get that data from SeaSource," she asked him, seeing he was the only one with a drone and probably not the close combat specialist, "I guess you're much better in this matrix stuff then I am."

Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kot on <07-01-11/1155:28>
"Bah. That's... Yes. That's probably because I worked with people who didn't understand anything else than 'technobable'. And I can do more than just describe it. Here..."
Griffin reaches into his inner coat pocket and hands her the sketch from the car.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <07-01-11/1208:15>
The moment of silence between two heartbeats.

Everything stops...

Remember this scene, the five of you sitin and standing around the table in the poker game room.

Griffin McBride with the nootebook in his hand
Syslvia Colindress reaching for it
Harry Eastwood sipping from his glass
Timmy opening his AR window to begin the SeaSource search
Lynx, sitting silently at the table, looking a bit bored...

And now roll initiative and roll for surprise, please.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kot on <07-01-11/1224:11>
Quote from: Surprise&Initiative
Surprise Roll (7d6.hits(5)=2) (
Initiative Roll (7d6.hits(5)=4) (
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: deathwishjoe on <07-02-11/2329:47>
surprise roll (12d6.hits(5)=4) (

initiative (12d6.hits(5)=1) (

OOC: although I do have adrenaline surge so the initiative roll wont matter until 1 round after the surprise round. 
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <07-03-11/0430:09>
surprise (7 initiative): 7d6.hits(5) =2 (
initiative 7: 7d6.hits(5)=1 ( => initiative total=8
perception: physical world
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <07-03-11/0811:07>
Harry Eastwood:
Surprise roll: Re(5)+Int(4) (9d6.hits(5)=5) (
Initiative: Re(5)+Int(4) (9d6.hits(5)=2)=11 (
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mwiland on <07-03-11/1211:08>
Surprise int 5, rea 4 9d6.hits(5)=4 (
Initiative int 5, rea 4 9d6.hits(5)=4 (
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <07-11-11/1326:53>
Force x 2+Surprise(6) (22d6.hits(5)=6) (
Force x 2 (16d6.hits(5)=5) (

Initiative Summary:

Sylvia:                             Inc:8 , SC 2
Griffin McBride:           Inc:11, SC 2
Harry Eastwood            Inc:11,SC:5
Timmy:                           Inc 13, SC:4
Lynx:                               Inc:13, SC 4
Harrow:              Inc:21, SC:6

1. IP.
21. In the middle of the room, right upon the centre of the table, the veil between this and the astral world glows for a moment and then, with almost audible scream, it is torn apart.
Mutated creature`s legs breaks though like Battering Ram, crashing the table beneath to splinters, tossing them all around. Suddenly, the air tastes like a poison, even breathing is painfull, bitter...tastes like a wormwood ashes or something like that...
You need to swallow for a few times, the sudden change of pressure in the room almost hurts your ears
As the light bulb explodes, only thing you see for the first is a giant mass, that distantly resembles human body, mistaking tentacles and claws for arms...

Nobody is able to react directly on the Harrow...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <07-11-11/1354:55>
Harry jumps back to prepare for the fight, his hand going under the coat, drawing out troll customized Ruger Super Warhawk...

Body(6)+Will(3) (9d6.hits(5)=3) (
He covers his face with other hand, yet you hear him coughing painfully...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <07-11-11/1458:22>
When the ... well, thing, popped up in the room and the light went out, Laura jumped her vision to the astral plane, as neither her low light vision as her thermovision were of much use.  It could only have come from there.  The smell was bad, but luckily she had her respirator in as it was bad all over Auburn and in fact most of Seattle if the wind didn't come from the sea.

body 3 + willpower 3 + respirator 4 = 10 (10d6.hits(5)=5) (

first action:
Assensing: intuition 4 + assensing 2 = 6 (6d6.hits(5)=2) (
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <07-11-11/1525:39>
@Laura: Harrow - Spirit of Man, twisted by toxic path...this is for have never saw the aura before.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kot on <07-11-11/1736:09>
Griffin reacted surprisingly fast... Something that Shade whispered angrily in his ear made him reach for his respirator, hanging loosely from the shoulder strap. Putting it to his face he fought against his own body that wanted to breathe in those vile fumes...
Body(3)+Willpower(5)+Respirator(6) (14d6.hits(5)=4) (
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: mwiland on <07-12-11/2133:23>
Body(2) + Willpower(4) = 6d6.hits(5)=3 (

As this ... thing slowly came into view Timmy started to caugh as he covered his nose and mouth with his jacket.  While reaching for his Ruger Thunderbolt that he keeps stashed in his chair, he gives his  Fly-Spy a simple command to aim at this ... thing in front of them and record audio and video.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <07-15-11/0756:49>
Quote from: ooc
I assume Lynx is also preparing for fight in the IP..or just sitting at the table, in his case that may looks like the same ;)

IP: 2.
21: The gliterring entity looks at Griffin, raises one of its luminiscent arms, and points it at the Notebook he is still holding in his hand:
"Destroy that image! Tear it apart! Eat it!!!"
Simple command attacks your will, and you begin to swell, as you try hard to overcome the Influence of the Harrow...

Charisma(8)+Magic(8) (16d6.hits(5)=2) Griffin oposes with his Willpower (
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <07-17-11/0417:11>
Deafening sounds came out as Harry pulls the trigger:
Agility(6)+Revolvers(6)+Smartlink(2)+Homeground(2)-Visibility(4)-Toxic air(1) (11d6.hits(5)=4=DV10/-2) (
Agility(6)+Revolvers(6)+Smartlink(2)+Homeground(2)-Visibility(4)-Toxic air(1)+Edge(1) (12d6.hitsopen(5,6)=5=11/-2) (

Ammunition explodes at contact with glittering body, but makes no visible harm. Only the sound somewhere between laugh and obscene offense cames as an answer from the Harrow...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kot on <07-17-11/0505:08>
Quote from: Resisting the Influence power: Willpower(2)
Willpower(5) (5d6.hits(5)=2) (

Griffin looked at the spirit, and raised his respirator for a moment, holding his breath to look at the spirit and calmly say it to it's face.


Then he raised his arm, and sent a powerfull jolt of pure mana to wreak havoc in the material form of the spirit. His arm felt numb, as the magic flowed through it, sending shivers of pain along the neural pathways that served as the magic conduit...

Quote from: Casting Manabolt (9) at the toxic spirit
Spellcasting: Magic(6)+Spellcasting(5)+Edge(3) (14d6.hitsopen(5,6)=6) (
Drain: Willpower(5)+Logic(5) (10d6.hits(5)=4) (
Drain Edge Re-Roll: Edge Reroll (6) (6d6.hits(5)=2) (
Total Damage: 9+net hits (15 max); Total Drain: none up to 11, 1P for each over 11.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <07-17-11/0535:56>
Willpower(8) (8d6.hitsopen(5,6)=5) - Damage taken: 10 (
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <04-11-13/1653:29>
Sylvia quickly realized that things not just got ugly. They are just about to get much uglier. As she saw powefull burst of energy triking the twisted entity, it was like when wind blows the fog away for a second and you field of vision clears. And in that moment of perception, she saw her brother on the place of the enemy. Hurt, tormented. Almost killed by Griffins spell. She just joined the party, never met those guys before, well somethiing in her mind resisted to believe her own senses. In the next moment the creature was back.
Syslvia feel as something wet and warm splashs over her face.
She had to rely on her astral senses, but what she saw left no doubt in her that not everyone in the room was able to deal with spirits wicked mindfuck as good as she was. And that everyone in the room seem to lost someone beloved in the past. Lynx opened Griffins jugular with one smooth movement of the implanted blade, and Sylvia saw madness rising inside of the cybered man.
While Harry enters the fight scene, thing seem to turn better for runners...unless first bullet hit the Timmys drone in flight, the second one raising the man from his wheelchair and throwing him against wall. As he slides off, blood stain from devastating wound in his chest. High caliber bullet tore the life from crippled body, unused handgun just bounced on the floor, as Timmy never had a chance to use it.
Waiting no longer Maria jumps to cover. She saw Lynx turning his madness towards Harry, leaping across the room in insane attack, all blades and spikes. Griffin, escaping his dedly wounded body, slipped into astral, trying to finish the damage he had done to the enemy spirit before. Being brutty hurt, entity obviously decided not to take any further risk and...with the blnk of the eye, it disappeared. One would think induced madness would be gone with it, but Lynx was already too far beyond the point of no return. Trying to sty hidden Sylvia wasnt able to watch the combat of those two men she was a few seconds ago decided to cooperate with. She switches back to her mundane senses. The rest of the meeting was one fuzzy race down the waste tube. Dodging fighting individuals, trying to get close to the exit, being hit a few times and pushed back, and finally jumping down just as as Hun finaly decided to put the end to this, kicked the doors out and saturated the room with his full automatic Moseberg shotgun.
She was in front of the Aurora now, sitting on the bumper of Lynx`s Thundercloud, letting the renewed rain wash down the blood and toxic smell from her, starring down at the book she was able to carry away. The spirit was possitively interrested in destroying it. She turns the notebook in her hands...
Keeping it firmly shut. Deciding what to do next.
And out of the darkness on the street, huge Rover in limo design silently appeared and parked right next to her...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <04-15-13/1841:45>
Rover parked right in front of the entrance. Aurora residents were used to lot of things, and shootout in the lounge bar wasn`t anything extreme.
Well...maybe if they are aware of details, that may change their opinion. But at least half of them was drunk to the level they were barely aware of the incident. And the second half is at this very moment sieging the bar, shouting congratulations, chanting Han`s name and hoping to get a free drink on the hero of the night.
Limo doors opened and a few men stepped out. First and and the second scanned the street. Observing every details they are able to discover, professional movement...
Short after them third man appeared on the sidewalk. As he stepped out of the vehicle, It was obviou that he doesnt belong to the street. The street belongs to him.
Sylvia watches him, as he looks around and then he walks inside. Firm, confident steps proud pose, phlegmatic to the rain falling down on his broad shoulders. He enters the bar, not even letting his bodyguard to walk first, and disappeared from Sylvia`s view. The second bodyguard stayed outside, monitoring the traffic and the crowd, well he didn`t seemed to pay attention to her. The more she was sure she is under vigilant watch.
Silvia almost decided it is time to leave and continue on her own, and began to wonder if she should call the taxi or try to get Lynx`s Thundercloud...but the situation offered the solution itself, as the bodyguard slowly walks closer to her:
Mr. McLister would appreciate if you have a a few minutes to talk with him, Ms. Colindress. He waits for you inside. Also...he calls for the doctor, who would be able to take care of your wounds, if you need any treatment. He should be here ASAP. If you decide to leave, Im instructed to offer you transport to the place  of your choice.
He stands silently, waiting for your decision.

Nick was used to emergency calls at strange hours. Working in Auburn district for some time now introduced him to the world of gunshot wounds, cuts, stabs, beaten bodies, crushed bones, internal bleeding, damaged organs, screwed cyberlimbs, toxic imunity reactions, violent rejection of second hand implants, neural damage from ilegaly modified hardware and IC melted brain tissue. Even magicaly caused damages were Therefore he was not surprised too much by late night doorbell ring. Well, a little surprise  remains...most of his clients use different comnunication channels. Also...Nick didnt recall having this kind of doorbell installed in his appartement at all. When he wakes up he was pretty sure already that this means unusual kind of troubles. Watching the feed from security cameras. Those, on the other hand, he installed after last visit from Tamanous. Guy standing in front of the door didnt looked like common Auburn worker. Not even ganger or some shadowrunner. More like corporate type, suit etc. And he didn seem to be in the need of medical treatment at all. More he seemed to wacth some PAN feed, not exactly paying attention to the surrounding. Behind him, fast sportscar, clean and polished, well nothihng extravagant. Interresting.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <04-16-13/1325:31>
Nick dresses Quickly, easy because his clothes are all similar and change color to suit the days mood today is a dark blue, and answers the door...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <04-16-13/1340:43>
If someone knew her real name, just like that, it was probably a person worth talking to.  And she had a distinct feeling that if this McLister really wanted to see her, there was little escape, except to go home.  Most people wouldn't go there.

"Lead the way to this Mr. McLister," she said to the bodyguard.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <04-17-13/1539:17>
Man at the door seem to be content with the result and is not in button frenzy you recall from some of your patients. He only rings once and waits patiently. When you reach the door, you find him wacthing the rain falling down on the roof of his car, wacthing the raindrops sparkling in the light of holographic ads and public lightning, that still works in this part of the neighborhood. He turs at you when you activate the portal screen, and looks in the camera.
Good evening Mr. Underwood. I`m sorry I am waking you this late but we have a situation in the neighborhood that calls for the doctor and your name was the fiorst that came to mind. Would you be so kind, take necessary equipement and follow me, I have a car here to take you on the place.
He is smooth as a silk, and you are sure, that if you refuse, he would just say good bye and walk away. But you are sure your sleep would be safer if you accept the invitation.

Man nods and walks to the Aurora, opening the door for you and letting you in. She didnt met such gentle bahaviour for a while, specially living in Chulos neighborhood this was extremely unusual, and, in fact, it would please her a bit under other circumstances. This evening she just passes by and enters the Aurora. Another bodyguard, standing at the entrance to the lounge, nods at her to get her attention and invites her inside. She was about to enter, when oder broad man walks out and closes the doors behind himself. He looks around and as you approaches, he looks in your face. Before you reach him, bodyguard clears the nearest table and stands back a bit, to give his employer the space.
Broad man offers you a hand as you approaches, and with slight bow he introduces himself:
Good evening Ms. Collindres. My name is William McLister, please call me Bill for tonight.
He ofers you a seat, waits until you make yourself comfortable and then he sits on the other side of the table.
Almost exactly where we are sitting right now I was talking with Mr. Eastwood and Mr. Schroeder a few hours ago. In fact, I was hiring them to do a little investigation for me. It never came to my mind that I would have to come here once again this evening, only to see them dead and to have the questions I aked still unanswered. In fact, nobody expected that it would lead to such conclusion, and you are the only one who realy knows what happened there. The only one still breathing. So, Sylvia. Tell me what happened there and what the fuck is going on here on my turf!

The outburst at the end was highly unexpected, and as you opposed interrogation techniques before, really well calculated. On less experienced subject, this would be enought, and you are sure that Bill didnt tried hard on this attempt. You are, however, able to stay calm and ready to give him any answer you decide to.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <04-17-13/1641:00>
"Just a moment while i grab my things", Nick returns to his room and gathers up his Medkit  and Cougar Fineblade, which he puts in his backpack then one Syringe of Dopadrine, Bliss, and Slab. " you never know..." puts those into a smaller pack then inside his backpack. "Why did i have to take that damn oath..." he pauses as he recalls a portion of it, "...I will apply dietetic measures for the benefit of the sick according to my ability and judgment; I will keep them from harm and injustice..."

He opens the front door and steps out, "How bad are they?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <04-17-13/1733:34>
Mostly dead, as far as I know.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <04-17-13/1739:47>
"Guess if i mess up they won't be any worse off hehehe.... ugh, sorry..... lets go.." "YOUR NOT FUNNY, stop trying."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <04-17-13/1826:36>
Im sure they won`t. Actualy, I believe their state is the reason why my boss decided to summon you, instead of someone who will be able to help injured man.

Not a muscle more than necessary, nor smile, you can see in the man`s face. Despites this fact, you have intense feeling this mans meaning about your capability is not very high.
As you take your seat, and doors closes, silent engine hum turns into upset rar and the car shoots forward, leaving the mist behind on the place, where rain water vaporizes on the spots where tires drift the road.
Acceleration pushes you into the seating, and you began to search around for safety belts, as you see the driver enjoying your job. Car lacks any kind of manual controlls, and even when you are well aware of miracles of modern technology, look at the driver almost laying down comfortably in his anatomic gyrostabilized seat, with eyes closed like he is sleeping, makes your heart beat a bit faster. The car speeds through dark streets, only raindrops painting pitoresque images on the front window and then, propeled by different inertia, sliping to the top and out of ultra-slippery surface.
Street lightning neons and holograms changes into streak of light, lining the streets you were driving throught. All crossroads green, grid driven traffic seems to move out of your way, and where it was too slow, driver seems to find even the slightest apertures seemingly almost without even using breakes. It is not easy not to start screaming if you got overhelmed by this show of driving skill. On the other hand, despites of what the man said, you realize that you are used to much worse situations. You watch your hands, both raised a bit, as they remain as steady as deficit of alcohol allows them. One shot and you will be ready. You just hope that there will be enought time and place for you to get it before you start.
When car began to slow down, you realize that you are just about a few kilometers form your current home. You recognizes the surrounding, and your suspicion confirms when the Westwind parks next to sturdy looking off road front of the Aurora, one of famous local pubs. At least there will be other things to drink but the water.

Here we are. My employer awaits you inside.

Strange, distorted voice came out from car sound system, driver wastes no time leaving VR to say good bye. From what you see, he has a different kind of liking than you, well the difference is not that big. To everyone his own, goes through your mind as you leave the car.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <04-17-13/2041:19>
i'll shoulder my bag and step inside.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <04-18-13/0653:47>
So, Sylvia. Tell me what happened there and what the fuck is going on here on my turf![/color]

"We decided to meet here, as Mr. Eastwood needed to talk to someone here," she started, "I assume that was you.  But some sort of toxic spirit attacked us, and it turned people against each other.  I saw Lynx kill Griffin, Harry killed Timmy and then those two killed each other.  As the case they were working on also had a toxic element, I'd say there's a link of some kind, although I don't know what.  I'll have to check the aura signatures the thing left behind to get more information."
Title: Re:
Post by: Sichr on <04-18-13/0817:50>
@Sylvia:I see. That stench. I thought it was some kind of chemical weapon. This explains the mess. Although, we weren't supposed to meet. Maybe someone Harry contacted during the investigation. Talking of this, I suppose you have been contated for the same reason. Am I right?
Before you have a chance to answer, you see bodyguard moving forward, contactin one of newcommers. Bill gestures, asking you for patience, and stands up to invite the man. Then he turns back to you.
Questions can wait, meet Dr.Underwood. He is one of my renters. I summoned him to examine the bodies, well as you are eye witness it wont be necessary. Also,
he points at the lounge doors
They are not going anywhere. At least I hope.
@Nick: Well, dr. Underwood, meet Ms. ... Ms. Patient. Please take care of her injuries. I'll make a few calls on the bar, before you are done.

Sattisfied for now, he walks away and the crowd around the bar swallows him. A moment after that you can hear his voice above the others.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <04-19-13/1105:36>
Dr. Underwood looks at Sylvia "She ain't die'in, she can wait." and heads right for the bar, fighting his way through the growing crowd of people in an attempt to get a drink.

Before he walks away Sylvia see's a man Approximately six foot tall maybe a shade over two hundred pounds wearing a Suit vest, (The vest is midnight blue, Dress Shirt a light blue, and the pants are black) his skin is pale white, having gotten little exposure to the sun you assume, and his face is framed by Messy Black hair that reaches his jawline, (Looks like he didn't even brush his hair) and as he turns you see the black pack he is carrying obviously holding something(s).

Nick waves the Bartender "I'll just take a Vodka"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <04-19-13/1149:30>
@Nick: Barman seems to be quite bussy with by delivering Bills order, and you feel touch on your shoulder. As you look behind, bodyguard stands there, offering you chromed pocket flask:
You better use my own reserve. And please, get back to what you are here for. Mr. McLister has very little patience with those who fail to accomplish his wishes.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <04-19-13/1159:14>
Sylvia looked at the back of the doctor and then at the bleeding gash in her arm.
'Is that all medical they could find in this dump,' she thought, 'I can find a better doctor in Carbonado.'
Of course, said doctor would probably be as drink happy as this one,  but as family of a Chulos member, she wouldn't be ignored.  Or if she was, at least not for long.  While the doctor was standing at the bar, she quickly looked on the astral.  One could never know.

now invisible castle is working again: assensing roll.
intuition 4 + assensing 3 =7 (7d6.hits(5)=4) (
not bad, what's our good doctor looks like on the astral  :)
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <04-19-13/1201:25>
Nick flashes his winning smile "Thanks" and returns to Sylvia after taking a swig, "you dont look so bad but i hear there's some others not so lucky?", nick looks her over for injuries.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <04-19-13/1216:44>
@Sylvia:[spoiler]A few modifications, mainly head. After you look asess him, you are pretty sue that he would be better doctor if he gets his drink, then without it. Otherwise, he seem to be helpfull and not he wont willingly hurt anyone, having long record of healed/cured auras on his hands. He is less emotional, more logic oriented in his personality/mind. And deep inside there is some kind of injustice he feels, well you are not able to be more specific[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <04-19-13/1234:04>
"Not really no," Sylvia replied, "two of them went absolutely bananas.  Toxic spirit with mind influence powers."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <04-19-13/1243:03>
Nick takes another drink, caps the flask and returns it to its owner and returns to Sylvia, "Sounds like a party, i suppose i'm supposed to take a look, care to lead the way?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <04-19-13/1341:07>
"They put them in a backroom," Sylvia said, "a couple of stab wounds, a couple of gunshot wounds.  It's not all that difficult.  Can you check on the astral?  If not, I'll do it."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <04-19-13/1344:29>
"Astral shall be your field, i'll have to get my hands dirty"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <04-21-13/0603:12>
Sylvia brought the doctor to the bodies of the people who had been in her team for all about five minutes.
"There they are," she said, before going on the astral to have a look at any signatures that might be left and that could give her some clues as to who or what was responsible for this attack.

assensing, plus using edge.
intuition 4 + assensing 3 + edge 3 =10 (10d6.hitsopen(5,6)=3) (
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <04-21-13/1155:33>
Nick examines the room, [spoiler]Perception 4+, INT 5+, Specialization (+2), Perceptive (+2) = 13
13d6.hits(5)=3 ([/spoiler]

Nick Examines the four bodies,[spoiler]First Aid (without Medpack), 12d6.hits(5)=4, 12d6.hits(5)=7, 12d6.hits(5)=5, 12d6.hits(5)=5 ([/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <04-21-13/1818:07>
@Nick:First thing you realize when you enter the room is that the driver who drove you here wasn`t joking. The place is complete mess and zou cannot remember when you have seen worse. The stench you ascribed to the smoke in the pub is much worse here, and you are glad you took that shot before you entered the poker lounge. From what you see at the first glance the place was used as a game room. Poker table lies shattered all around, as if something exploded on it. body that lies closest to it is a middle aged man with clean cut jugullar. He bled out quite quickly, well the body also shows signs of magic user and by some symptoms show that he possibly left the body before it died. From what you know from medical point of view, this bears no advantage to the mage, well you are not exactly sure about anything connected to magic.
Another body with quite obvious wounds that lead to death is young man. From the wheelchair that lies right next to him he was paraplegic. High caliber bullets entered the chest and caused massive damage inside, tearing two brutal holes in the back as they left the body. No ymstery to solve left.
With this the nice and clean work is over. Another two bodies are in extremely bad shape. quick search reveals: Multiple cuts, blunt weapon wounds, broken bones and stabbings are the start. If this was the fight of two regular men, this would be all. But sides involved were one troll trained by years of police service. In oposite corner, there was heavily augmented man. From what you see He went completely crazy. You suppose it was something like cyberpsychosis in action, cyborg went completely out of control.Some blades were broken during the combat, same as a few cyberware parts. Well from what you can see, even trolls raw power, training and other natural advantages were not enought to avoid lethat wounds. At the end of the fight, it was the cyborg standing victorious. Would be if Han didn`t introduced his slug loaded automatic shotgun. The result is complete destruction of upper torso and head. You would have to use bag if you want all parts together.

@Sylvia: Due to violent nature of recent events you can clearly see that mana on the place is disturbed. This background somehow limits the visibility of details, but you are able to pierce it. The observation also reveals that single and short presence of the spirit left the place tainted. Poisoned somehow.Clearly visible signature of forcefull Griffins spell mixes with highly complex patterns of the spiritual powers inherrited to the toxic being. You are able to recognize most important signs and shapings, any you are sure that if you see the aura or signature again you will recognize it. There is more, weel you would have to consult the results of your observation with some specialist, since yof your knowledge of spirits and toxic magic is sporadic. Still, you are able to recognize that spirits present wasn`t by accident, as it was guided to this place somehow. It also seems that Griffin, before he died, tried to pursuit the spirit to its domain. You are not able to follow these traces, well someone else possibli can.

@Brian: You are qite used to late night alarms, ambushes and training. When you are working out in the field. You don`t expect the same when you are back home and with your family. But old habbits die slow and when your PAN signalized incomming call, you, after a little hesitation, he answered. You didnt recognizte the commcode, well you recognize the face of the calling man quite quickly. Local figure...landlord and estate owner, man who seems to have some real influence here in Auburn.
Good evening Mr. Holt. This is William McLister speaking. I believe we didnt met personaly, but I have some knowledge of you. I have a good reason to believe that your experiences can be usefull for me. I would like to hire you, lets say, as a consultant. The situation and payment we can discuss personaly, Im expecting you at Aurora, local pub. Meet me ASAP please.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <04-21-13/2359:25>
"In my expert opinion, they are all pretty much dead, this one." points to the mage "looks like he left his body before death, if that means anything to you." Nick says wiping his hands, he will take some pictures of the scene and write out the things he discovered for later if needed, then examine the commlinks to confirm/assign names.

"Anywhere else important to look at?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <04-22-13/0148:15>
"Yeah, he tried to follow the spirit," Sylvia said, "but his body was killed before he could get there.  WE need a mage who can follow those trails to find out more.  I'll talk to McLister, he seems to know a lot of people.  And I'll get my camera out of the car so we can take a few shots, like they do with the police.  So try not to disturb too much.  As for more to do, can you do chemical analysis on their blood?  It might give us an idea on what hormones and such spiked when the spirit influenced them and that might give us an edge next time we meet this thing."

She left the doctor with the bodies and went back to the main pub, looking for McLister.
"I need a mage to follow the astral tracks," she said when she got his attention, "I can see them on scene, but I can't follow them.  I can check my contacts, but I'm not sure that would yield quick results and you seem to be very well connected."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <04-22-13/0229:57>
"i can try an analysis but my Chem kit is back at home and may take a while if i even have the materials...if i had a lab maybe an hour and i'd be done. any way i'll need to find something to stick the samples in.

ill check over my Medkit and see if i got something in it to store some samples.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <04-22-13/0514:25>
Brian was worried at first. Late night calls usually meant bad news. Drills and ambushes were not even the worst. His mother’s accident, his father’s stroke, and he could go on with the list. But it was no use delaying them: the events happened anyway and you might be needed, better sooner than later. And the unknown caller ID was a good possibility that this wasn’t family-related so he answered. “Brian Holt.”
While listening to the man on the other end, Brian was slowly overcome by some unexplainable anxiousness. Consultant, my ass, he thought, when people don’t even know what to call you it tends to be something shady. But he always needed the money and McLister’s reputation said that he was a fair employer even if fairly strict. “Of course, Mr. McLister. Let me grab my gear and I’ll be there in 20 minutes max.”

After McLister disconnected, Brian stood up with a sigh then started to prepare. Old habits die hard – he was ready in five minutes. Most of his tools were pre-packed for cases of emergency so he only had to take his armor and the Enfield from the locker. He considered the Hee-Vee-Bar for a moment then decided against it. It was always a risk, carrying that thing with you in the city, even if it was in the shielded compartment.
Brian wondered what McLister was getting at when mentioning his experience. He hoped he would not be sent to a jungle, he had enough of those wet and smelly places for a lifetime. As he wasn’t going to solve this before talking to the man, he brushed the question aside with a shrug as he put the bags in the Humvee and jumped in himself. The Aurora would usually be a good 10 minutes drive but traffic was much better in the night. As the engine roared to life he grinned and felt he would make a good time.

6 minutes later, a big car, painted in urban camo, was braking aggressively in front of the Aurora. A relatively short but incredibly stocky ork jumped out, dressed in clothes also in urban camo colors, and probably armored. Sturdy black boots, black gloves, a black hat, wide glasses and a huge pistol strapped to his waist made his apparel complete. He slammed the door shut, closed the vehicle with a thought and strode into the bar without stopping. He nodded to one of the bodyguards at the door and continued as the man indicated McLister being inside.
When inside, he immediately noticed McLister, talking to a Caribbean woman. As he started in their direction his heavy, thudding steps slowed. Even with the air conditioning on full power, something of a stench still remained. Brian could not quite put a finger on what it was but it made some bad premonition well up inside him. He politely waited for the two to finish their conversation then stepped to the man. “Mr. McLister, I’m Brian Holt. Nice to meet you.”
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <04-22-13/1357:26>
@Brian: He looks straight into your eyes:
That was impressive. Thank you for being able to get here this quick.
He offers you the handshake, then he introduces that Caribean woman he was talking before
Names can be dangerous and don`t want to be impolite. Here, meet Ms. Survivor-And-The-Only-Witness. She was involved in the disturbing situation that happened right here, in our neighborhood. The reason I called for you is not your patriotism, though. It is the fact that toxic magic is involved. From what your concerned neighbours say, you are brave man who faced this threat before. I dont want any decissions yet. I just want to hear what happened here from your point of view. Then, we may talk more.
@Laura Please show Mr. Holt the lounge, I hope he will be able to say something more about things that happened here. Once this is over, be sure I will be gratefull for the testimony you provided so far. I`ll heat up the wire and try to bring in the magician.

@Nick: Lurking around the bodies, debris and all that mess, searching for additional traces and markings that would tell you more about the powers the creature used here, you catch the glimpse of metal debris near the wall oposite to doors. Broken and malfunctional, small fly-spy drone is lying there. Another hight caliber are not mechanic but somehow similar to others around, this thing looks dead. Well there still can be something usefull in its memory. You add it to the pile of another technical items you found in posession of those recently deceased. As you turn to continue the search for further evidnce, you can see man talking to Sylvia and Bill outside the lounge, next to the bar.
You are ablke to stay focused, at least this time, and your patience rewards itself, as you search through troll ennourmous pockets. Among other things...speedloaders, extra bullets of different kind and some picklocks you find also toolkit, that most of all resembles something forensic teams use for the first search of the scene. Includes UV lamp, basic sensor kit used as analyzer, doses for samples, some of them sealed like thy contain something, and a few other usefull tools.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <04-22-13/1532:29>
Brian accepted the handshake with the gloves on, saying with an apologetic voice "Sorry about the gloves, Mr. McLister, most people feel uncomfortable shaking metal hands. Your voice on the comm hinted at urgency, that you needed my expertise here immediately. So what's the situation?"
He nodded politely to the woman who was semi-introduced. Yeah, names can be dangerous all right. Strange how he called me on my regular comm and my name, not the number and name reserved for these kind of jobs. He listened to the man explain briefly what happened, face darkening after the mention of toxic magic. I hoped i left that kind of drek behind me. He was glad that he didn't have to make a decision right at that moment, even as he knew there was no real decision. He coudn't let one of those sick nahualli or someone similar be near his family. It was enough that he had to experience that kind of horror. "I understand the situation is grave so i will check the scene immediately." He turned to the Caribbean woman and addressed her with sympathy in his voice. "Well, Miss, i suspect this was a hard night for you so far. I still have to ask you to bring me back to where it all happened and recount the events as exactly as you can."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <04-22-13/1604:28>
Auburn in the night?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <04-23-13/0331:45>
"I just have to grab something out of the car," Sylvia said, "I'll be right back."
She quickly went outside to her car to get her good camera and went back inside.  When she came back she did an assensing on Mr. Holt, but the turmoil she was in made it difficult for her to actually see something.  She would have to try again later.

"Mr. Holt, if you would follow me," she said, leading him to the lounge room, "I'm Angeline, by the way, and in my line of business often known as Shadow.  Now, I'm going to take some pictures so we keep the datails, and you do whatever it is you are here for.  Quick question, can you see the astral?"

assensing Mr. Holt.  Invisible castle is down again, so using rolz.
farothel: 7D6E5 => 0 | ones: 2 #intuition 4 + assensing 3
I don't see much I think.  At least not a glitch.
Title: Re:
Post by: Sichr on <04-23-13/0622:12>
As you reenter the pub, you realize the usual hum is over and you are meeting constant stream of silence individuals leaving the place, navigated by McListers bodyguards, Han and his crew. They all look really drunk, lost and confused, as they walk away or use some of the omnipresent Grid-guide taxis swarming around the place. Streetwise you are, but not sure if this is display of McListers authority or this house special is really that special.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <04-23-13/0652:04>
“Nice to meet you, Angeline, though I wish it was under better circumstances. Please call me Brian. Or you could call me Bulldog if you prefer that line of names.” As they got nearer to the lounge, the smell became more pronounced. Brian wrinkled his nose. As the smells assaulted his nostrils, so did memories emerging from deep recesses of his mind. Screams of comrades… the staccato of automatic weapons fire… the smell of burning napalm… something howling wildly in the dark jungle…
He shook his head for a moment and looked at Angeline who was waiting for his answer. His mind was working frantically to remember the question before finally coming fully to his senses again. “No, I don’t see the astral world, thank God for that.” His voice hinted at him being truly thankful. “This mess is more than enough in the physical.” Brian looked around in the room, noting the position of and wounds on each body, and the acrid smell of something almost suppressed by the smell of blood.

“Who’s he?” he asked of Angeline, nodding towards the guy going through the items in possession of the bodies. Frag, he messed up the whole scene. Not that he had to do much. He immediately noticed that all of them seemed to be dead because of mundane reasons. The smell of gunpowder, the bloody spur protruding from one of the arms, the bullet-torn holes in them indicated that there was a firefight, and the ugliest form of that – close range. He turned back to the woman. “So, what happened here, really? Could you please recount the events? I don’t want to pry so any details you think I don’t need for checking the scene, please just leave them out.”
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <04-23-13/0745:47>
"Don't worry, I've done debriefings before," Sylvia said, "and I have an eidetic sense memory, so it's not as if I have to forget as that's quite impossible.  The only reason I was about to take pictures of all the small details is to shove under people's noses if needed."
She held up her camera before she started to tell him where everybody was and who had killed, or at least attacked, who.
"There was some sort of toxic spirit that compelled them," she added at the end, "spirit of man I think.  But for that we need a mage who can follow the trails, not just an adept who can just see the astral."

OOC: description is given by Chrona a bit above.  Page 14 of the thread.  As I have eidetic sense memory, I can describe the scene quite accurately, smells and sounds and everything.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <04-23-13/0933:42>
Brian listened to Angeline retelling the events intently. He felt she was still shaken a bit about what happened but admired the ability to put that behind and to revisit the events, so close afterwards. The sudden appearance of the spirit disturbed him, as well as the noxious aura it seemed to emanate. And it must have been a pretty powerful one: a simple appearance usually didn’t cause the instant development of an astral background. The mental influence it exerted also indicated it being strong. Some of the dead guys might have been an easier target but to influence a whole group at once – it was very unnerving.

After the retelling, Brian asked “By the way, do you know the guy checking the bodies? Does he also work for Mr. McLister? It would be nice if you could introduce us.” He was ready to shake hands and exchange a few introductory words before conducting his own search.

The ork didn’t really try to recreate the exact actions of those in the room. He assumed the bodies and other things were already moved so he concentrated on other important issues. The most important of these were to look for residual matter, both from the spirit itself and from the noxious aura it emanated. He noticed the forensic kit that the other man found and turned to him. “Can I use that?” He then gathered any clues he found in the containers not already sealed.
[spoiler]Visual perception: INT(4) + Perception: Visual(6) + Enhancers(3) + Home Ground(2) + Looking(3)
( (
Smells: INT(4) + Perception(4) + Home Ground(2) + Looking(3)
( (
Magical Threats: LOG(3) + Magical Threats: Toxic(4) + Mnemonic Enhancer(2)
( ([/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <04-23-13/1144:16>
"Oh, sure i don't think they will mind." Nick looks the orc over, [spoiler]13D6E5 => 6 | ones: 1, Perception 4+ INT 5+ Specialzation (2)+ Perceptive (+2)[/spoiler]
"My name is Dr. Underwood, or just nick if you would prefer." Nick sticks out his hand .
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <04-23-13/1214:29>
Brian accepted Nick's hand with the same apology he offered McLister. "Name's Brian." Looking at what Nick was doing he asked. "You an investigator?"
The doctor could tell that not only Brian's hand was made of steel. His whole right arm was somehow a little bit bigger than the left, even though Nick suspected that the left hand might also be artificial. The almost soundless whining of servos also came from around the feet. The clothes the ork wore were definitely armored. No hidden weapons could be noticed. What was also telling, that the ork's movement was very fluid despite his size and weight, there obviously was some cybernetic enhancement installed.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <04-23-13/1248:48>
"im afraid not, i usually deal with patients who are still screaming..." Nick lifts the bag of commlinks and the drone that was found. "found their commlinks to hopefully get some info and then there was some sorta spy drone in the corner that i found, oh yeah and none of the bodies have been moved,from the wounds and what ive been told they pretty much Lost their S$@% and went after one another."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <04-23-13/1303:07>
"Like I said, they went bananas from that spirit," Sylvia said, "I'm still not sure why I wasn't affected.  We really need a mage on this.  Move a bit, Nick, will you."
She said the last to the doctor so she could take a picture of Harry's wounds.
"Oh yeah, Brian, meet Nick.  Nick, meet Brian."
She continued to take pictures of the dead people and the surroundings, including the drones and wheelchair.  It was also a way for her to add some details to her memory for later processing.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <04-23-13/1402:26>
"alright Brain i think the room is yours to do your thing." Nick says with the flourish of his hand.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <04-23-13/1456:56>
@Brian:Description of the fight reveals nothing more than you already found out. A few samples and such things may enable you to find out the nature of the toxicity more precisely. But it would reveal only things you already know, since you are master of sniffers :)
You recall that toxic spirits usualy adopt the nature of their "cradle"...the place they had been summoned to this world.This one smells of brimstone and ash, but also of some different flavour, which smells like napalm and petrol.
Use of such influence power as described by Angelica means something different from roaring beasts you are used to meet in field operations. More intrigued and cunning. You would need more informations to be specific but Angelicas guess of somehow twisted human nature in this being may be true.
Also...the ability to Taint the place just by its presence and to wipe out team of professionals by turning them one against the others (well, this you feel was more luck than intention...that crazy cyborg was something you won`t meet every day) speaks of great power. Again, you will need more leads to have better guess.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <04-23-13/1803:18>
They say brimstone and ash are the most often used spices in hell's kitchen. Their smell immediately brought the picture of Mount Rainier to Brian's mind, than the lava flows of Puyallup. That had to be the place, assuming the thing hailed from the Sprawl. Napalm and petrol were a peculiar combination. Petrol was once found throughout the city in abundance so a number of places could be found where it was still there. Napalm was, however, a strictly military material so the place where the spirit came from, must have had military relations in the past. That relation surely would narrow down if he wanted to determine where to look.
[spoiler]Military knowledge if there was any military bases in Puyallup that might have held napalm:
LOG(3) + Military(3) + Mnemonic Enhancer(2)
( (
Area knowledge to narrow down in which neighbourhoods i would start looking for the place:
INT(4) + Area knowledge, Seattle(3) + Mnemonic enhancer(2)
( ([/spoiler]

After going through the room, Brian put two newly sealed evidence containers into Nick's hand. "Think these will be useful for further checks. And you're right, the commlinks might hold some additional information indicating why the spirit attacked, some footage of its actions, and so forth. However this is not my area of expertise: you'd need the services of a hacker for those." He then turned to Angelica. "I think i'm ready to give a preliminary report on my findings to Mr. McLister. Please come with me if you're also interested." With that he returned to the main area of the bar and looked for McLister.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <04-24-13/1648:21>
@Brian: If the place you are searching for is Pouallup, the search would be more than difficult. Terrain and environment is highly unstable, records from the past, maps, locations etc, destroyed by two Crashes and the natural disasters. As far as you know, there is no public Hi-Res map available for the area. Official authorities seem to pay little attention to whats going on there, since the area is mostly too dangerous to allow any commercial activity. Wasteland in the shadow of active volcano. Occasional earthquakes. Acid rains and ashfalls, fires and geysirs bursting ocassionaly anwhere. A few people living there are refugees or criminals who are mostly avoiding contact with outside world. Only a few stable communities known to endure there. No known military instalations.

@All:As you enter the main room, you see that the place is closed and empty, with the only exception of William and his bodyguards. Han is loading the shot glasses into the washing machine, apparently wearing protective gloves and being quite carefull.
William smokes the cigar and between PAN operations he sips his own glass of whiskey. When he hears your steps and the finale of your speech, minimizes the PAN out of the direct sight and turns at you.
Looks like now we can talk. Gentlemen, lady, take a seat. Before you start with your summary, I`d like to inform you that I`ve made a few additional contacts and there are more resources we can use to solve this situation. But before I make the call to arms, I want to know what we are facing and plan my next steps accordingly.
He takes his glass and walks over to the big table, that would be comfortable enought for this late night negotiations.

Incoming message...
Source commcode identified: William McLister (related links available)
Tracing source AcessID location: Auburn, Seattle, 304th Street E &132nd Avenue E
Encryption: Standard PRC protocol
AV check: safe

Possible opening for matrix operations consultant. If you are available at the moment, ping me back. Project currently pending for green, Ill get back to you ASAP.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <04-25-13/0452:17>
After everyone took their seats, Brian started to summarize what he found. “According to the information and physical evidence gathered up till now, and the recounting of events by Angelina, here’s what I suspect. The gathering of people in the room was suddenly and unexpectedly assaulted by a spirit, materializing from astral space. The spirit emitted some kind of aura that caused allergic reaction, reducing the capabilities of those present. It also used some kind of power that enabled it to influence the perceptions and/or actions of those nearby.”

His voice flowed in an impersonal, monotonous tone. The others could see this was not the first time he gave verbal report on something. The sentences followed in a well-composed sequence, listing all points that Brian considered important.

“The massacre of almost all was the result of the latter phenomenon. Although the magician present was able to cause considerable damage to the spirit, causing it to flee, possibly resulting the ending of the influencing power, the situation escalated to the point where only the total annihilation of the participants could finish the conflict.

"According to preliminary tests on residual matter found, the spirit was a type of toxic. I identified parts of its smell: brimstone and ash indicate volcanic origin, napalm shows that the summoner might have access to military equipment, or a place where it was previously stored, and petrol hints at some kind of refilling station for petrol-fuelled craft. Puyallup is a likely place to look for the source. Lab tests and extensive data search might confirm my finds and further narrow down the possible area.

"Also, as Angeline said, the astral signatures show that the spirit was present for a purpose and that makes me conclude this isn’t the last try on the summoner’s part.  Its actions indicate that it has some negative emotion or defined purpose towards the drawing. I base this on its first act being trying to get one of those present to destroy the drawing, which also might be the thing that led the spirit to this place. Other options might be the spirit or the summoner saw one of the participants auras or there is a different item that was looked for.

"My recommendation would be, if further action is to be taken, that a constant astral guard of at least two watcher spirits should be kept up. For astral tracking, a magician with considerable experience should be hired, as the spirit should easily be able to dispatch an inexperienced one. For physical defense, the use of tasers and other electric weapons is suggested. A close-combat specialist adept might also help but I advise caution, as I don’t know yet if the touch of the spirit’s body is harmful or not.”

The ork took a deep breath and finished by saying “That concludes my report on my findings and recommendations for the moment. As I had no access to footage from the deceased’s equipment, and I don’t know the reasons for the meeting, it cannot be considered complete, but this is the best I could do until further information emerges.” With that, he sat back and waited for the others to fill out what he might have missed.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <04-25-13/0505:21>
"That pretty much sums it up unless you wanna know how they killed each other, i also took the liberty of collecting commlinks that we might be able to find something of interest on them, and there seemed to have also been some sorta spy drone that was crippled during the fight that might even hold footage if you know someone who could get at it." Nick coughed a few times into his hand, "Still selling beer?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <04-26-13/0223:01>
Sylvia shook her head at the doctor.  'What's with him and alcohol,' she thought.
"He's right about the toxic spirit and the vulcanic ash," she said, "The others had found some residues on the scene before and analysis showed it to be vulcanic, probably from Puyallup.  It's probably not Carbanado, but that still leaves a lot of territory.  And toxic shamans in Puyallup isn't exactly new either.  I just wonder what a toxic shaman needs a techno for."

She turned to the others.
"The original run was to find back a missing boy," she quickly explained, "probably a technomancer, although we weren't sure yet."
Title: Re:
Post by: Sichr on <04-26-13/0347:16>
William raises his head, as he wants to interrupt.
Yes. That is exactly the case. But before we will continue, I need to say a few things.
First. It is good that your findings support Ms. Angelica`s saying. That means she is not involved in the attack and that she is here for good reasons, whatever they are.
Next, I would like to say that there is nothing that obliges you to continue in this mission. I called both of you here to be sure about what happened here. So far, your job is done. I am already in your debt and the reward for your work would be transfered to your accounts in the moment you leave this place.
Third, I would like to continuie right where I`ve interrupted Angelica so abruptly. There is an insult. An open, bleeding wound. More to it, there is violent act against the peace on my turf. I`ve hired those men to send the message. The message that such disruption against my kinsmen won`t be tolerated. That it would be punished with anger and dedication. I`ve never left any ends loose and this won`t be the case. My men! My coleagues and friends, members of my family, are stalked upon, kidnapped and murdered. My land is spoiled by evil and it is time for me to say THIS ENDS HERE. I believe your motivations are pure in this world and age. That you are honest professionals able to carry my message to those responsible for those fucking deeds. That you will be able to find them, crush them and make them beg for their lives before you end their miserable existence. Ive offered 30 grands to the team you saw massacred in the lounge. Now, I am offering the same ammount for each of you and those who will help, and double of that ammount  for the team as a whole for expenses, gear and reserve.
His voice grows up with every word he said, at the end he was almost shouting. Then he takes a deep breath, and finishes his speech in calm and controlled voice.
Well, this is my offer. You are not obliged to hear it, and I wont force you into danger that obviously lies ahead. So.
It was talmost theatrical, but it has strange oldschool touch lot of things is missing this days. He looks everyone of you, one by one, straight into the eyes, .
Are we partners?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <04-26-13/1236:38>
"With  that much i could move out of my shitty house.... i might even be able to use that to find out the truth....""Im' in"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <04-26-13/1700:08>
Although it was a well-composed speech, Brian felt McLister honestly cared. He didn't care if it was only for his own reputation, or a genuine concern for the people. What mattered was that the man was ready to take responsibility and this appealed to him. He also felt responsible, for his family, for his neighbourhood. And the thought stirred in the back of his mind, that if the thing remained in the vicinity, sooner or later it would find him. And it would be much better if he could choose the time and the place, and would not be on the receiving end of the conflict.
When McLister looked in his eye, he answered without hesitation. "Count me in, Mr. McLister. I'll make sure they won't be able to contaminate this neighbourhood anymore, nor any other for that matter. And i will do everything in my power to bring the taken person back to where he or she belongs."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <04-27-13/0458:23>
"I'm in," Sylvia simply said.  With that amount of money she could live quite some time and continue to search for her brother.  And maybe there was a link between the two cases.  Probably not, but the possibility meant she had to continue this search.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <04-28-13/1039:54>
Incoming message...
Possible opening for matrix operations consultant. If you are available at the moment, ping me back. Project currently pending for green, Ill get back to you ASAP.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <04-28-13/1704:47>
Fang started slightly from his dozing position. Noting that his commlink was signalling a message, he took a look at it in VR, then responded.

@William: Available and ready. Awaiting response.

He got up from his lazing and quickly began gathering the gear he'd likely need while out on the job. Medkits, weaponry and so on.
Title: Re:
Post by: Sichr on <04-29-13/0837:42>
@Fang: If you are in need of transport, use [@driver1] and set up pick up point with him, he would take care of you. If you got your own wheels, meet me and your team ASAP in Aurora, Auburn. Details on site.

@Team: Ok so we are green. Matrix specialist is on his way, Im working on astral scout. You know your mission. If there is anything I can do for you in the meantime, just ask. Otherwise... Good hunting!
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <04-29-13/1102:24>
@William: Understood.

@driver1: Matrix specialist, requesting pickup from outside Casey's, destination at the Aurora.

@Shade: Hey love, going on a job, be gone for a few days I suspect. I'll be in touch when I can.

Having sent off three quick messages, Fang grabbed the equipment he had gathered, strapped his Mossberg on, shrugged on his chameleon cloak,  and began heading down to Casey's. Not too long a walk thankfully, he hopefully wouldn't end up late.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <04-29-13/1656:16>
 Nick orders his car to drive to and park in front of the bar or the nearest spot. and looks at the other two in his group, "Alright we got an address to check out?" Nick also sends his contact info to his new team mates.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <04-29-13/1804:53>
Brian glanced at Nick. "Man, all the info we need might be here on the comms. Before we go anywhere, i'd like to know more about what came before this meeting, what conclusions have the others made. So i think we need to sit tight for a few." With that he turned to Angelina. "You said that this was about someone being abducted. I'd like to know what the others told you about this all. It's OK if we wait for the matrix operative, i understand if you don't like to repeat yourself overmuch. Anyway, please forgive me for a minute."

The ork stood up from the chair and went outside, to his car. He opened it and pulled a shotgun from under the backseat, changing the drum for the one filled with the stick-n-shocks. He then closed the car again and went back inside. "Sorry for the small delay but i took my own advice. If we meet the spirit this will come in handy."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <04-29-13/1831:23>
"sounds like a plan." Nick relaxes and try's to catch up on the rest he missed.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <04-30-13/0655:29>
Fang soon met up with the driver that he had contacted and got the lift to the Aurora. Agreeing with Fang's ideas of punctuality, the driver drove quickly to the Aurora. From what the driver told, apparently at least some of the team were already present. Hopefully there would not be much information to catch up on. One other useful bit of info from the driver was who Fang's new employer was, both in name and appearance.

It wouldn't do to mistake someone else for this 'William McLister'. Could lead to some awkwardness.

After close to half an hour, Fang arrived outside the location. He hesitated briefly, approaching the entrance door. One of the guards opened it, having already been informed that the changeling was coming. Fang's appearance did stand out a fair bit. He was directed to the main room, where he observed a small group of metahumans were already present. One of them matched the description the driver gave of Mr McLister, the second was a human male with messy black hair, the third was the only female of the group and looked like she came from Caribbean descent, the last was a stocky ork in urban camo.

Fang himself certainly stood out when he entered the room. A canid muzzle and ears, thick brown and cream fur over his body, a fluffy tail and digitigrade legs completed the lower half of his body, while the upper half was topped off by scruffy dark brown hair. His outfit made it look like he'd be at home in a rave, and were completed by a set of visor-glasses and headphones. Clawed furry hands emerged from his sleeves.

"Herr McLister? I am Fang. How can I be of assistance?" Fang accessed his English Linguasoft through AR as he spoke, allowing his speech to sound mostly fluent, although carrying the German accent of his upbringing. The formality was to cover the nervousness he still felt while in meatspace. Sniffing subtly, he could pick up the scents of the other and memorised them as best he could to help remember them.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <04-30-13/0747:02>
"A shotgun isn't going to do much against spirits," Sylvia said when she saw Brian come back with it, "now, as for the abduction, from what I've understood of it, it was the son of one of Mr. McLister's tenants.  He appeared to have become a technomancer and he was abducted in the parking lot of the big mall.  His mother managed to get back home with the car on automatic.  I've become involved when I got the footage from the other team investigating the scene from a contact of mine.  They had labs analyse samples they've taken there and they also talked to the parents.  I assume reports of that are on the commlinks."

When another person entered and came towards their table, Sylvia assensed his on the matrix.

assensing on the new one:
intuition 4 + assensing 3 =7 (7d6.hits(5)=2) (
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <04-30-13/0929:17>
the opening door roused Nick, he saw the canine figure walking in. "huh... that's different."
[spoiler]Visual Perception, Perception 4+ INT 5+ Specialization 2+ Perceptive 2 = 13
13d6.hits(5)=4 ([/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <04-30-13/1037:34>
Brian shot a like-you-know-it look at Angeline. “Yeah, but the experience behind it does. I don’t mindlessly load it with flechettes against a heavily armored target. Stick-n-shock slugs in the drum, a wide burst aimed at a vulnerable area to minimize evasive capabilities and maximize damage, and only the strongest spirits will stand in front of a determined warrior.” He sat down among the others and continued with a darkening look. “I did survive quite a few encounters with their kind so I know what takes them down and what’s worth a try. I’d be much happier if I had my Hee-Vee-Bar with me, but that’s not something I usually pack inside the city.”
The ork then listened to her summary, feeling more and more confused. As far as he knew, magic and technology rarely mixed well, and spirits and technomancers represented the pinnacle of those. He had no real experience concerning the latter group but being special meant special reasons, and most importantly, special resources contributed to everything concerning those special beings. He didn’t like how the odds seemed to worsen with almost every step.

It was quite a shock when the newcomer entered the room. What the…? Having been on distant missions when SURGE hit the sprawls, Brian was still not fully used to seeing changelings. And the measure of this one’s difference made it even harder not to feel disturbed. Although the guy – at least Brian thought it was a guy – came in the front door under the scrutiny of McLister’s bodyguard, he also checked him for obvious or hidden weapons, and the presence of armor or obvious cyberware. Cyberlimbs could prove very dangerous: you couldn’t see weapons hidden inside them at first sight.
[spoiler]Perception to notice hidden weapons or armor, or obvious ‘ware: INT(4) + Perception: Visual(6) + Enhancers(3) + Looking(3) + Home Ground(2) (18d6.hits(5)=6) ([/spoiler]
The ork also winced slightly at the introduction. Just the runner name. And it couldn’t really be more obvious… He took a sharp breath and exhaled slowly, waiting for McLister’s reaction.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <04-30-13/1442:20>
[spoiler]OOC: @All: Fang seems to be sporting light armour, possibly rhutenium polymer coated...such as you usually call Chameleon suit. Also he is equiped with Moseberg shotgun.
@Angelica: Fang obviously suffered some of the most serrious forms of Surge you have ever seen. His personality and character traits are somehow affected by misstreatement, well he was able to cope with that and he is self confident and professional, narrow minded being. Analytical approach helps him to overcome emotional difficulties with rational approach, well his instincts are very keen and are closer to his animal brethen than ordinary human. He has no visible augmentation.

@Fang: Man fitting the description of William McLister stands up and turns at you. He is really good in hiding his surprise...
Well well well, lets see who heard the call. Mr. Fan, personally. Even Mr. Smith told me that he knows you more via matrix ways. I can see why now. Well, Im not as picky as some seem to be today and this situation calls for the best, as far as I know. And from what Ive heard, you are pretty good in your branch. So, meet your coleagues, this are people you would be working together if you accept the job, or at least you spend a few minutes if you would want to quit after you do the analysis.
He turns to face everyone of you
Mr. Fang is here to help you with data analysis. I am trying hard to get theat magician we were talking together, so I`ll leave the introductions upon yourself. Also if you are done in the lounge
he scans you quickly for a dissent, finding none he continues
Ill let my boys clean that mess before we attract too much attention.
He nods at one of bodyguard who recognizes the command and leave the room, only to came back with others, wearing protective chemsuits, bringing some body bags, monofilament chainsaws and a high-tech container of something you dont recognize.
Warez found at the bodies, including those previously implanted and skillfully removed by Nick, are lying on the table in front of the team. The doors to the lounge shut behind the three bodyguards and the silence is quickly replaced by screaming of chainsaw propulsion systems...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <04-30-13/1824:58>
[spoiler]Angeline also detects that Fang is fairly healthy, but also feeling nervous and uncomfortable. He is not Awakened.[/spoiler]

Fang looked at the group somewhat nervously. While his facial expression didn't betray much, his body language certainly did. Tail drooping between his legs, ears down.  "As you heard, I am Fang. Herr McLister called me in as a matrix specialist. I'm not likely to refuse the job, but would one of you be willing to divulge on what I might have been called in for?"

None of them seemed to be wearing the look of disgust or contempt that some wore in the presence of 'furries' or 'freaks', which was a bonus. He eyed the warez on the table somewhat curiously as he waited for possible introductions or information.

[spoiler]Detect Active/Passive nodes within 1km.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <05-01-13/0252:17>
"Names Nick, i assume you were called in to take a look at these technological leftovers from the room in which that chainsaw sound is coming from. we got commlinks removed from four bodies plus a spy drone found in the room, none of us have the ability to pry out their secrets as you might be able too." Nick says this while trying to get his hair in order, ineffectively without the use of a comb.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-01-13/0634:46>
Incomming call:
>>Abel Stromhorn: Hi rastaman. I hope you are not too high at the moment. But if you are, enjoy. Listen. There is some hum around the Auburn, one of loal landlords is looking for something special, and amongst other things, he is hiring people with talent. And if I understand correctly, your talent is almost perfect match to what he is looking for. If you are interrested to get some job, call him, his name is Bill McLister. Just mention Ive recomended you, he will know. Send me the postcard if you are to visit some interresting place ;)
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <05-01-13/0820:20>
The ork also greeted Fang. "The name's Brian, or you can call me Bulldog. Nice to meet you." Some uncertainty could be felt from his voice but his actions did not show any of that. He offered his hand, with the glove still on, this time without an explanation.

"We are here to investigate the abduction of someone and to punich those responsible for the act. There was a group earlier that did the same job. Unfortunately, most of them met a premature end when a spirit attacked them out of thin air. The only survivor was a later addition to the group, so we don't know all the details. The hardware in front of you probably contains crucial information about the one that was abducted, any investigation they've already done, and footage about the attack that happened inside that room." Brian waved his left hand in the direction of the lounge. "After getting the information we might need other data searches run and virtual surveillances run. I would also like to know if we can count on you in a... meatspace fight."
The ork turned to the others. "I would also like to ask how much you would be able to contribute in a fight. I would like to know how good you are at stealth and what kind of weapons you confidently use."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <05-01-13/1010:52>
The changeling took the proffered hand carefully, making sure to keep his claws so they wouldn't pierce the ork's hand. Granted that was not really an issue, but Fang was unaware of the cyberlimb. He was already matching scent to name of his new team mates to help remember them. A face is one thing, a scent is another.

He listened carefully as Brian spoke, noting the key points of the briefing. Abductee. Spirit. Lone survivor. Need to go through this hardware, possible data searches and virtual surveillance. Meatspace combat. Meatspace combat?

His thoughts stopped briefly when asked about his abilities outside the Matrix. "Combat-wise I can run a centralised tactical network if required. My personal shotgun is modified for me to use more effectively; with normal weaponry I'm not very competent. I can also cripple the enemy teams through the matrix if they're on there, and I am certainly more skilled at that." The slight smile at the end of that sentence displayed his namesakes to the group. "Incidentally, on a stealth-based task I will be of less use to the group, while my coat will make it harder to find me, my skills in sneaking are less than average."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-01-13/1231:08>
@Fang: Matrix scan reveals standard traffic outside the club, grid,  vehicles, both passing and parked, pedestrians etc. Inside the Aurora there is a few active nodes linked to security and customer service system. Williams encrypted commlink and network he shares with his men is less obvious, but apparent to your piercing matrix senses. Commlinks on the table are in stand-by, online, receiving and transmitting, set in hidden mode but running. Thay seem to be set into slave to some device not present. The broken drone`s node seem to be intact, well it is customized work and you can see technomancers signature slowly fading away from it, as from other commlinks (well the drone seems to be much more "impregnated" by it)
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <05-01-13/1244:57>
"I'm the stealthy one in this group I think," Sylvia said, "and I'm very good at infiltrating into locations I'm not supposed to be, and surveillance of said locations before.  In combat I'm a fair shot with a pistol, not too bad with a knife and I can take on spirits in astral space as well.  But don't ask me to charge straight in with assault rifles.  Oh, the nick's Shadow."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: vinnmun on <05-01-13/1615:23>
It take about 30 minutes before Judah answers the text as he comes down from the astral, hazey from his trip, his cigarello of deepweed lingers of just smoke. The once lit roach, lays there in the tray giving off it's sweet smokey smell, the astral ganj as he would sometimes call it.

@Abel Stromhorn <<Right on mon, respect.>>

The ork struggles a moment to download the contact info, but gets it to work. "Friggen machines..." he snorts and than clicks the commcode for Mclister.

@McLister <<A birdy name Abel told me of job you would have of my skills. Respect.>>

He brushes the ashe off his roach, and leaves it in his orkish mouth, absorbing the rum taste of the wrap.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <05-01-13/1700:45>
"well if we are going over what we can contribute, i have formal medical Educaion so i can keep you all alive. i have strong ties to the area through my family, and i am able to talk my way out of most situations and if that fails, i know how to use a knife." Nick puts his elbows on he table bridging his fingers in front of his face.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-01-13/1702:57>
@Judah: Response is almost immediate.
Respect. U got your own wheels or I send the driver for ya? I need you in Aurora, Auburn as fast as possible, even faster.

@Fang: It took you only a few moments to get the commlinks to reveal their secrets, as there are no active countermeasures in use. The drone you leave for later, this seems to be different level of work and you feel that it may be inhabited somehow.
As for recent data you found there, Commlink that belonged to someone called Griffin McBride reveals quite a treasure, as the man is systematic, skilled investigator, and his data are the best you can find there. You are watching bodyguards carying bodybags full of meat waste away, and you wonder in which one is Griffin now.
Then you tun your focus back into your findings:

Crime scene - The Parking lot:
[spoiler]You have a serious problem here... It was a Toxic spirit. This place - it's polluted, and the state of the Astral here was worsened... on purpose. And the culprit was a Toxic Spirit. One of the more cunning kind, and I can't track it from the echoes he left... This probably means someone's manipulating it, so you have a toxic shaman or mage to find... Let's see wha else we can find. Gods, Shadow, this stuff is... Damn, I'm going to need a shower. Or a lot of bleach...
kidnapping actually, the Aura echo fits - is a Toxic Domain, I'd say Level 3 in Schwartzkopff scale. Obviously it was formed naturally in a polluted parking lot of a big mall, but something - or someone - worsened the effect. And I've found echoes of a Toxic spirit, easily classified as 'spirit of Man'.

There are traces of dust and rubble, regularly crushed by something that looks like mini tracks. Both of you are staring at that quite puzzled, you have never seen something like that before, and you simply dont recognize that.

Forensic kit has also the recognition software for identifying common traces, and with the connection to right database it would be the matter of seconds to reveal some results.

With the microscope, that is part of the forensic kit, Harry is able to take more pictures for later expertise, and he also found some alien particles in the traces, and you are also able to take samples of it. Their anaylsis, thought, is out of capabilities of this kit.

Besides those traces Lynx have found, routine examination of the closer surroundings reveal:
Lynx`s radar sensor shows, that every parking place have its own RF sensor, comunicating with the gridlink of the parked vehicle. You already know that feed from the sensor goes straight to the vehicle owner`s account as Mr. Wong gave you a few details thanx to this fact.
The place has quite good surveillance, every floor is watched by cameras from multiple angles, so you should be able to get trid view of any scene if you get feeds from them.

Crime scene - Security feed:
[spoiler]Well my friend, I have some bad news for you...I will give you a discount for this, lets say 30% down from original price. Ive managed to convince one of my cowboys to hit the malls security feeds for the area you gave me, and what he foung is pretty fucked up security footage that revaals nothing. [Feed attached] More to it, i have him check the whole mall security system. The entering gate was fried by EMP, so its malfunction now for maybe 4 hours, and nobody cares, Seems like some inside missunderrstanding, on their security panels they are all green. Since the security cameras are hardwired and there are no edit or hacking traces, I assume that what you see on the feed is some fucking mojo. I feel a bit helpless now, but this interrests me a bit. Call me back iof you need anything, Ill try to give you some edge if I can.

When you play security cams feed you find out that:
Ms. Wong parked her car on the place 1157 at 3:15 PM, and left the car with the boy (Hao Wang is just another young chineese boy, about 12 years old, nothing special about him. He seems to be in the good mood, talking and laughing with his mom.)
4:02 PM: Something goes on, Cloud of nasty looking, unpenetrable fog appears on the garage level, moving towards place 1158. When it stops, Ms. Wongs Comet also disappears.
4:10 PM: Wongs entering the scene., like nothing is going on , they are walking towards theirs car. when they pass by 1158, the fog reaches out and swallows them. They dissapear.
4:18 PM: The cloud of mist moves towards exit. A few second after Wongs commet appears. Ms wong is lying on the drivers seat, lower body out of the doors,.
4:33 PM: Ms. Wong wokes up, managed to get in car, closes the doors. Car leaving.

End of Feed[/spoiler]

Crime scene: The Car
2 pieces of metal, found on the drivers seat. You quickly recognizes taser darts, with no wire, possibly one of more expesive models.

Real paper notebook, with real crayon attached, found in the compartement in the right doors. Quick scan reveals a lot of pictures simillar to those in the boys room, and on the last pages, you see developing versions of that strange image Griffin was can see the developement of the quality and growing certainty in of the hand drawing the image.
On the last page, covered with drawing, is the most precise version of it, done almost with a single draw.

The physical search search done, you decide to look at the car`s "blackbox". Pilot and gridlink are saving every moment passed to most cars detailed by seconds.

When you access the node, you let the stream of inputs flow throught your body and mind, becoming 150 HP beast for the shrug this feeling, you know that, it happens all the time you became the machine.
At the beginning there is wide stream of sensory inputs - radar, front and rear cameras, grid, engine performance, breaks, fuel, electronics, tires reports...every piece of it being like the common sense to you.
It rains, road surface is wet, so you are driving throught the city carefully, correcting some of commands driver gave you. Drivers reflexes are not bad...for a human...

when you`ve parkd at the mall, same place as ever, you became silen, waiting for passengers....maybe 15 minutes after, you are suddenly deaf. Blind...cut off most senses, floating in the silence and darknes...
The only think, that ypu Can feel, is your body. your both front doors opened. Then your receptors cathed hi energy electric discharge, so close to you that you are also hit...

5 seconds

Access ID: Authorized Driver (Possible spoof)
Command you to set signal transmition to unknown mode
[mode that you recognize as jamming-on-the-fly]
Driver LOG OFF after 10 seconds

73 seconds after that your senses returns...
There is uncounsciousness woman-driver, laying half body on the front seat. Doosrs are still open.
Grid link and Radar are off, you dont have any connection to wireless world...
You are still tansmitting.

Ten minutes..


Access ID: Authorized Driver
Login Grid
Checking Access ID
Gridlink ON

Command: Take me home

Driver LOG OFF follow...

Crime scene - Sample analysis:
[spoiler]Particles of Volcanic ash, quite strong presence. Hight presence of many poisonous components...quite agressive samples.
Well, nothing exceptional in some parts of Seattle...unles some special conditions are rainy weather that washes this stuff out odf the streets...and then it may be valid trace...
Traces of two artificial molecules. Identified as:
TSP - trisodium phosphate - this chemical traces are quite old, molecules showl large signs of least 40-50 years
AR AFFF Class B - also just trace amount...not a surprise in fact, due to the biological nature of the stuff...This chemicals are in use for almost hundred of years, yet they are still used where use of the current technology would be just a waste of resources...

Lab AI interpretation:
Well if I understand it right, those samples are from traces of smart tires. Its not likely that this this chemicals get on those tires on the road, rather tires may had been in direct contact with them for longer period. As you can see here and here, there are also traces of Oil products. Not surprising, taking into consideration that those chamicals: AR AFFF class B, and TSP were used for fire fighting on Oil Platforms, Gas stations, Oil Refining plants etc...
Idea of the toxic spirit is out of my experience, yet I dont think he would left physical traces...well I cannot be sure.
Traces of volcanic ash, due to weather condition in given time and area, points to the fact that vehicle must pass throught highly contaminated area before arriving to Crimescene. Geographical location of Crimescene narrows possibilities to Pullyallup Ddistrict. More precise location would be impossible, due to generall geological instabillity of the area.
But presence of specialized chemicals and other traces leads me to conclusion, that the "vehicle`s" residential area would be one of possibilities listed before: Gas station, Raffinery, fuel reserves tank or something like this. It may had been hit by fire in las 10 years. Well, for further specification there are insufficient data, so much was lost in Crash event that there is lack of coverage on this, mostly uninhabited and dangerous, district.

Victims father :
[spoiler]We are rather not attempting to anger whoever lives there...Im confident about my knowledge enought to say that that place may be inhabited by some kind of techno-sapient entity. Never met her, thought. Not that I want to. It began maybe one and half year ago. I was serriously thinking about using force to put things to normal state, when its presence became apparent, but my son told me not to. The way he said that...well, I decided to accept our new neighbor and keep ourselves safe as much as possible We had done everything we were able to cover its presence, nearly cutting ourselves from the matrix. Well, I soon find out that my satelite comunication system is running beyond its possible performance...and...
He pauses, looks at his wife, who nods
well, I think we need to be honest to you. You need to see something.
He stands up and walks to the stairs.
Please, understand that this is the very carefully kept secret of mine
he continues as he climbs one of helix stairways.
I was working for Renraku Seattle, hardware R&D laboratories. I was one of people imprissoned in the Arcology during the Shutdownt. I managed to avoid being captured by Deus puppets, recjoined my familly, which was also living in the arcology. Later I`ve found a way to contact some outside help. A group of independent specialists, like yourselves, set up the extraction and were risking their lives to get us out from there. They were helpfull even after, providing full cover and new identity to us, putting our real identities to the Shutdown cassaulties list. Mr.McLister was very helpfull those days. He is the last one who remains from that team. Others are dead, some of them disappeared during crash, even Bill hes left the bussines some years ago, saying that he is far too old for all that mess.

As you follows him to the upper floor, large space opens around you. Different machines, multiple interconected automatic assembly lines, stable hum of the ventilation and air-conditioning, everything  controled by the Nexi connected to large holographic design tool, maybe four meters in diameter, in the centre of the room. Most of you is simply stunned to comment this place, Timmy recognizes the huge, probably hardware manufacturing capacity of SOTA facility in the room using almost whole floor of the building.
You see that the wall separating this space from elevator shaft is pierced by multiple cabel bundles, which are also connected to the Nexi.
Given My experience, I was shocked when this something slipped in through my satelite uplink, cutting throught my firewalls like they were next to nothing. It didnt take any capacity from my node`s performance, rather it improved it to the level no human would be able. The only thing I know about It is that it is consuming waste ammounts of data storrage. I have to upgrade twice a month...but since Im able to gain the profit on the upgrades it made to my equipement, I dont care about it.
Well, now I do not. At the beginning, I was shocked. Like I said, I was ready to alarm KE and give up my whole new life, rather to went throught something like that again. But my son spoke to me. I knew that many children were influenced by Deus, but my son wasnt even concepted in 2059.
Ofcourse we heard some about Emergency phenomena. I put one and one together, and decided to wait and see the further developement. Due to general prejudice, we were very carefull about any leaks. My son was always followed by nanny or my wife, he learned how to hide his talent. Ive provided him with the equipement that should head been used as an explanation if some minor accident happens. Even when we wre educating him at home, we didnt want him to stay isolated, so he was treated like any other well carred normal child. Untill today it worked well.
His room is also up here. None of the other children likes this place too much, it gave them creeps. But Hao loves this place...and I assume he is able to understand this entity, whatever it is. But if it is somehow connected with his dissapearance, I cannotr say. His room is overthere
He points at the doors.
The other rooms are storage and material bay, please avoid them if not unnecessary, inner conditions are strictly controlled. Now, if you want to take a look be my guests, just don`t touch anything. I`ll wait with my wife, you may ask for anything you need, and also, don`t forget to finish your tea.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-01-13/1703:27>
Victims mother, only eye witness, present on CS:
[spoiler]Well Im not sure...but let me start from the beginning. We hav ebeen shopping in the Mall as usually. My son loves that place, always says that there is whole world waiting for him. What is spam to me, my son analyzes and plays with, sometimes when Im not around to watch him and tell him to stop. You know, kids. As usually we had been taking a whole afternoon tour around the mall, visiting shops, byuing some necessities, looking for entertainment. He loves that Virtual Castle place, he told me that only at this place he should behave like a normal child while nobody is suspecting him from some wrongdoing. We had a lunch i nthe restaurant, and also Ive visited some more specialized shops, looking for chemicals Im using as compounds fot my inks. Well all that time we were together, only in the Virtual Castle I ussualy wait in the coffee while he is playing his games with others. Well, when we get back to the car, everything is confused and hazy. I remember that it rained ... and we were lost in the mist see that she is concentrating, her eyes fimly closed, making some Tai-ji movements almost uncounsciously. Her voice lowers, resonating as if coming from the distance. You also see that the monk began to swell, the vein is pulsing on his temple, his breathing strenghtens like if he is lifting some heavy weight...
Suddenly he stops, his breathing changes into painfull sound, ynd you can see that he isa pale as the paper, pulsing vein bursts, creating wide hematom, bloody tears starts to drop from his eyes, flashes of mana breaking his skin, stretching his body beyond can hear sinews and muscles tearing inside his body. He maintains to stay calm, and with only soft, painful whispering...
"Sorry Wenquian. This curse is too strong..."
...he collapses. Mr. Wong jumps to him, catching old man before he fell on the ground, laying him down gently...

Mrs Wong, still in the trance, continues without pause:
When Hao got lost in the fog, poisonous, filthy fog, Ive been calling his name and then, I`ve found rotten stock at the edge of the swamp...I rest, alone and desperate, watching voices carrying my boy away...and one of them turns at me, and then the lightnig came from the skies and I fell...
...she blinks, like returning to reality from the nightmare, began to cry, shivering, embracing her belly
...when i woke up...
...she hardly manages to continue
I was alone, laying next to my car...empty...Ive climbed to the seat and commanded it to go home...oh dear my baby mybabymylittleboy
...she cracks out...unable to continue...

Victioms room:
[spoiler]@Griffin: You DON`T feel any presence here, only yours and your comrades. What do you see is a place that has a great potential to become void, but, being aspected and taken care of by some powerfull geomancer, it is quite stable. Welll, this place is being cleansed regularily, maybe on week basis, and it makes your work even much easier.You are able to find fragments of aura reflections here and there, and in time you are entering the room, you have a clear image of young boy living here. He is no saint, but no evil. His body is quite healthy, not taken cerelesly. In the room the reflections are brightest. Althought the room looks quite empty, just a bed, table comfortable seat and two wardrobes full of clotches belonging to young, virgin boy at the doorstep of pubescence.
You are able to find samples of hairs, nails, even his favorite pen, quite enought to create the material link if needed, but usable only for a few hours.
There is a place, where he is practicing Tai-chi, its astral reflection affected by hours of drilll, thousands and thousands repeated moves, patiently...and sometimes impatiently, practiced to perfection. You see the reflection of his mother there also, not so strong, as sometimes she was practicing with him, lecturing him, teaching him. Violent outbursts of frustration are only a few, like he is patient student. On the walls, there are many caligraphis strips, most of them written with china ink. You are used to see the reflection of the author in such things, but this time there are none...Except one.

@Timmy: You can almost feel the presence of the entity in the streams of resonance, but is seems like it is not present. Even withiout it, you see a sparkling silicon heaven build in this place. Waste ammounts of data dwells in the nodes, but without apparent structure. Everything is so Alien, hard to understand for a human. It seems like every pice of data and resonance is "marked" with the signature, but it looks like that every part with different symbols. You slowly realized that all tohse symbols are just a part of the signature...still they have something in common, but you are unable to determine what. You are recognizing the signature from the elevator shaft...more pieces to the puzzle, but not enought.
Puzzles. Right. It looks like thousand puzzles of thousand pieces, and all you have is ten pieces, each from different box.
The boys signature is also present, clearly visible and recognizable, If you see it again, you will know it.
When you enter boy`s room, you realize strange thing. Those paintings, caligraphies on the wall, are fragments of the resonance signatue...and they are also carrying hardly recognizable resonance reflection...except one.

@Timmy&Griffin: You found yourself standing...looking at the same picture. Althought the other symbols lacks anything recognizable for human mind, this one looks more like a picture from Rorschach test...Some kind of human mind pattern...

@Lynx: As you closes to your companions with the remark sliping of your lips,  you mark significant difference between other drawing and the picture. Not just about its feeling.
You chectk the table to confirm your hypothesis and you find your proof. Amongst some writings and blank pages there are some previsous versions of that picture on the wall. You tajke them, comparin one with another, and yyou came to the solution, that while the every other drawind or caligraphy on the wall was made for the first try, intuitively and precisely, with a certain hand, tghis one was drwn, corrected, redrawn and improved many times...this points you to the conclusion that since the other pages were drawn with the inner inspiration and are showing a perfect understanding to the symbols drawn, this one page is drawn from memory, as if Hao tries to recall something he saw before...

Evidence assensing - the drawing:
@Griffin: As you focused your whole concentratio, reaching for your deep reserves, eager to move forward with solving this puzzle, your inner sight range bellow the here and now. As you lay your palm on the image on the wall, to allow your aura directly connect co the autor, it cames all the sudden.
First, you just a little boy with the writing brush in your hand..
Then its is like you pull down the veil...
...and myriads of sensations fell heavy on you like the waterfall, stroboscopic stream of events, pictures, voices, memories....
...hours and days spent by conversations with someone who is both distant and close...
...semantics and symbolic strings even your magical sight is not able to translate, you are getting impresion of something completely inhuman, alien even to spirits and metaplannar entities ...
...months of sleeples nights, filled with hard work, trying to understand the message...
...every part, that is fully comprehended, became part of cypher...
...drawn on the paper, it also reflects its meaning to the partner...
...then the image...
...almost on the edge of subcounsciousness...
...distracting the concentration...
...makes the consonance with alien partner  much more difficult...
...trying to figure it out, trying to pull out its disturbing presence to the daylight...
...trying to draw it, to get it out of the mind...
...many attempts made, lot of empty papers crackled, disposed to the waste basket...
...notebook with many liney pages, sitting next to mom in the car driving on the streets...
...coloured lights, sounds, shops, advertisements, spam...
...Guarding the ramparts...
...fighting against creatures of night...
...seeking treasures in deepest dungeons...
...avoiding traps and solving mysterious puzzles...
...hunting in the forrests with ancient elves...
...killing great demon in the furrious battle, sparkling sword in the hand, with the protection of dwarven forged full plate armor...
...and that picture on the walls, floor, hiding amongst the stars, meaningless, nameless, inexpressible... nobody is able to see it...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: vinnmun on <05-01-13/1838:24>
@Mclister <<I got wheelz, when and where?>>

He slowly gets up to his feet from his slumped back position he had on the floor, against his bed and stretches out a bit.
Title: Re:
Post by: Sichr on <05-02-13/0350:50>
@Judah:  I thought I made myself clear enought. Aurora, Auburn. 5 mins ago was too late.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <05-02-13/0501:28>
After hearing the answers to the questions, Brian wasn't too happy. "In this case i think we should involve one other person in the job, either a close combat specialist, or someone who will accompany me when the 'guns blazing' part will come." Turning to his employer, he asked "Do you have any recommendations or requests, MrMclister?"

The ork then waited for Fang to share what he found on the commlinks.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <05-02-13/0629:20>
Fang's eyes looked unfocused as he went through all the commlink information through AR. He took a seat as he read through it, looking somewhat taken aback by what he was learning. Eventually he began to speak, still sounding distracted as he did so. While he spoke, he began making copies of the information onto his own datachip for later perusal.

"First off, no-one touch the drone. I need to take a closer look at it later; something's off about it." Having provided the warning, he began to actually get into the information. "Most of this information is from an investigator by the name of Griffin McBride. His remains are likely being cleaned out at the moment by Herr McLister's men.

"The first bit of information is of the crime scene at a parking lot. The culprit was a toxic spirit referred to as a "spirit of man". Apparently rated 3 on the "schwartzkopff scale". Apparently this bit of information was directed to you, Fraulein Shadow. He also managed to get a security feed of the event. In short: woman arrives with son and they are happy, some time later an odd cloud of fog appears and moves towards car, car vanishes, woman and child walk in toward car apparently unconcerned, when they walk by the cloud, it reaches out and grabs them, they vanish. Cloud later moves off, woman is seen slumped in her reappeared car, kid is gone. Woman drives off.

"They later took a look at the car and its blackbox. The car itself had some pictures bearing resemblance to something Griffin had been Assensing. The blackbox didn't really show much, other than it had been cut off from the wireless for an amount of time similar to when the fog had been around. Some samples had also been taken from the parking lot as they had alien particles, these were later identified as volcanic ash the lab AI stated as coming from the Pullyallup District.

Later, the father of the kid was interviewed. Not a lot of major information other than genuine care about his kid." And that said kid is a techie, but no need to test this group's capacity for prejudice yet. "One oddity is that his house is infested by a sprite that seems to be at least somewhat benevolent. I suspect said sprite may be residing in the drone, so let's not tempt fate. The motherdoesnt remember too much except describing the event as being lost in a filthy, poisonous fog. Voices carry her son away, lightning comes from the skies and she falls. When she woke up, she was alone, laying next to the car.

"There's information from the victim's room. Astral, resonance and physical. Bot the astral and resonance information link to what looks like a Rorschach picture. The resonance information also shows the present of the sprite; I can't really describe the Astral, we'll need a specialist for that."

The last bit of assenssing information had made the fur on the back of his neck stand on end. "If you want to take your own look at the information, you can. The commlinks can be looked at safely. I can also provide copies of the files if you want. Though I might do that later; I want to try and see what I can get out of this drone if there are no objections."

He was already checking the outside for any obvious dangers. The real information would be within, and he'd have to check if it was safe first. Then perhaps he could log into it and communicate with the sprite. Maybe even bond with it... Hopefully not force it to his will.

[spoiler=Matrix Actions]Analyze Node (Drone): Analyze ( 8 ) + Computer (4) + Technomancer (2) (16d6.hits(5)=4) (

1. Is there a databomb on the node?
2. Is the node encrypted?
4. NULL[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <05-02-13/0912:20>
Having permission to look at the logs and footage, Brian sorted through the info. So, a spirit of man. A Harrow, then. He wasn’t too surprised about what Fang found regarding the lab results and the investigation of the abduction scene. More disturbing was the fact that the attackers mixed tech with magic. The use of EMP and taser crushed his theory of some crazed technophobe shaman in its forming.
The logs, however, made him reach in the recesses of his memory once more. Think, Brian. What does this new info reveal about the attackers?
[spoiler]Magical Threats: LOG(3) + Magical Threats: Toxic(4) + Mnemonic Enhancer(2) (9d6.hits(5)=4) ([/spoiler]

With the new evidence coming up, it seemed to Brian more and more that the drawing was playing some central role in the story. Was that the reason why Hao was taken? Or at least part of it? If yes, the one in the boy’s room must have been some kind of original, and the ones in the notebook were incomplete trials, otherwise the attackers must have had found it in the car. Griffin and Timmy both found something different, something outstanding about that one picture. Like it was done by a different author, a different hand. Or just with a very different mindset.
“OK, guys, here’s what I think. Hao must have seen something – the image in the drawing – somewhere which has importance to those that did the abduction. That both Griffin and Timmy have seen the difference also hints at the picture’s importance. It wasn’t clear for me if Timmy found the lack of a resonance fragment in the picture, or more than just a fragment. What do you think?
“I reckon we have four possible leads for this case.

“First, the lab results, which seem to support my theory about where we can find the spirit. Checking previous fires might be a bit of a stretch, there were a lot of fires in Puyallup. But the particles hinting at firefighting equipment say that we should broaden our search to fire-stations. We could try to get older maps showing fire-stations and gas-stations then go to the neighborhood and do a bit of legwork there. Local gangs might point the right way.

“Second, we probably should consult the metasapient in Wong’s place. This might prove quite risky, not sure that it even wants to communicate with any of us. But it might know more about why and how Hao got involved with this mess. The assensing of the picture hinted at it being some kind of hindrance between the boy and the metasapient.

“Third, we could look for the place where Hao has seen the pattern in the drawing. If you read Griffin’s log about the assensing of the drawing, it seems to me that there might be a connection between the pattern and the Virtual Castle in the mall. It is possible that the image of that is only connected because the boy became obsessed with it, but I think it’s worth a look.

“Fourth, what Griffin mentioned about the personal belongings. That a material link can be produced from those. We could try to follow the link. This of course brings in two additional factors. Whoever sent the spirit to take care of the previous group might think now that he succeeded. If we initiate a magical search, it might prove the opposite. And a ritual team is not cheap, and they should know the risks as I think it is possible that the spirit will appear and try to disrupt the ritual. Therefore it might be simpler to have the magician joining our group assense the boy’s room again and have a spirit look for the boy by the aura fragments found there.”
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: vinnmun on <05-02-13/0934:58>
@McLister <<Right mon, the village, on my way.>>

He never was great at reading text on a hud, babylon's laziness is growing on him, as he thinks. He grabs his helmet and armored jacket. He turns the lights off from his HUD and exits his hazed up apartment, it locks as it closes. He slides on his jacket, wearing cargo pants and the shirt of a modern day Bob Marley, Tono Carlise from Ethiopia,  Goblin Reggae activist for a united Africa.

He goes down to his bike, slaps on his helmet as he straddles his bike and rides off to Aurora Village.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-02-13/1123:07>
@Judah: I said Aurora. Auburn. Aurora village is in Downtown you dickhead. If you do pay that much attention to my words, it would be possibly better if you stay home and get another joint, Ill find someone who will take this serriously.

Bill sounds a bit angry. Just a bit. Enought for you to reconsider whether you want to work for this guy on you don`t .

While in the Aurora:

Brian`s speech was in one moment interrupted by loud face-palm. Bill is talking to someone over the commlink, and he seem a bit unhappy. You decide to continue in your conversation, as his problems are his to solve.
But, when adressed by Brian, William seem to be done with that call and he thinks over your request.
Warrior you say. Well... I can see that this is perfect oportunity for her to shine, and it would be only helpfull to our cause, if she  joins the team. You recall Citizen? The former Auburn Ramblers star? She happen to visit this parts from time to time, and I have possitive info that se is around right now. Ill give her a call. And sorry for that magician I`ve mentioned. He is a bit late and right now Im not sure if he is what we are looking for. Well Ill give him a chance...but be carefull when he arrives, and judge carefully if he would be real help for your team. Ive lost enought men tonight.
He turns away, apparetly up on somethjing, and returns back on the bar.

@Mark: Hello hello, Ms. Citizen. Im afraid I`ve heard much more about you than you had about myslef. Well, lets introduce. My name is William McLister and I happen to own some realities here in Auburn. No need to worry. ik now that your payment discipline is not always shining , but there werent any problems with that. Contrary, I want to offer you the job. It would be dangerous and difficult, but that is exactly where you shine. I need you in the team I am assembling. and I would like to meet you me ASAP in Aurora BAR in Auburn, we are waiting here for you.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <05-02-13/1314:31>
"Hhhmmm..." Nick sits staring up at the ceiling, "well t seems to me that a few of our leads will require back up or a specialist, whereas a stroll through the mall sounds like it would only take one. if you wanna take the others and check on one of those other leads i can see if i can find the mall's importance, cover more ground."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <05-02-13/1337:38>
"I'm not sure if it is best to split up," Sylvia said, "if that spirit or one of his friends comes back, you're a dead man without back-up.  I'm just wondering if it is possible to find back the locations of fire stations in Puyallup after two matrix crashes and god knows what else?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <05-02-13/1345:54>
"yeah dieing is something id like to avoid, finding the old places might be difficult..."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <05-02-13/1418:37>
"I know the ones in Carbanado," Sylvia said, "and I'm also quite sure no toxics are in those.  It might not a bad idea to recheck.  I can do that easily as I live there.  It's going to be difficult in other parts of Puyallup though."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-02-13/1433:36>
@Brian: Going throught the data you wander what they mean. First, abilities that the spirit used in the mall. You recognize those categorized as Confusion and recall soldiers that run stray and shoot each other under influence of this kind of powers. It is somehow different from the power spirit manifested in the lounge, where it apparently used pain and loss still living in memories of the team to send them against each other. The coordination with technological means looks prettyvile now, since most toxic agendas you enocountered across the world fought against technology, against risk that tech pose to the nature and the abuse of such things to harm mother earth. Yet, there are also toxics who are not interrested in some eco terorrism. Those are trying to cripple the society itself, to bring new world order or destroy the order at all. This types are more strategy oriented, the prefere carefully planed operations before action. And, as their nature calls for it, they live amongst people, masked by the society they prey upon. If the spirit is controled by man, there would be far more than just the random act. Well if the spirit is free, uncontrolled, and from what you see it is both powerfull enought and smart to be able to survive in this world, it would be really strange aliance. Even more dangerous, because it would be even more unpredictable in their tactics and action.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-02-13/1448:39>
[spoiler=Matrix Actions]Analyze Node (Drone): Analyze ( 8 ) + Computer (4) + Technomancer (2) (16d6.hits(5)=4) (

1. Is there a databomb on the node?
2. Is the node encrypted?
4. NULL[/spoiler]

1. Nope
2. Yep
3. Machine Sprite inside
4. The bullet damaged transmitters of the drone, only low-capacity transfer is possible (thus Sprite cannot escape)
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: vinnmun on <05-02-13/1507:20>
He laughed, he loved messign with Johnsons since most of them worked for the plague that haunts this world.

@McLister: <<I just fuck with you man. I know where, I'll be there shortly.>>

He bobbed and weaved a bit as he made his way.

[spoiler]Area Knowledge + INT = 7 What the hell is Aurora. (7d6.hits(5)=4) ([/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-02-13/1541:43>
@Judah: ^^^#$##@@%^&&*&(**%$ck
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <05-02-13/1651:55>
The idea of a free toxic spirit deeply bothered Brian. A summoned or a bound spirit would follow orders. Yes, usually to the best of its ability, but there were still orders, beyond which the commitment of such a creature might be less. A free spirit, however, could not be cathegorized inside those boundaries. On the other hand, if a magician had one bound spirit, he probably had another as well.
And if they had to look for a toxic shaman cunningly hiding himself among the normal residents of the city... Well, things got better by the minute now. And what McLister said about their magical support, it didn't fill Brian with an overabundance of confidence and hope. "You know, what they say, MrMclister. We have to work with the tools we can lay our hands on, even if they are not the sharpest ones in the shed. And believe me, a situation like this, it tends to make men serious." Or dead, he added in his thoughts.

Turning back to Nick, he mentioned "I agree with Angeline. If the spirit appears, we probably only have a chance against it if we work together. And for that, you should know about something. There is a certain... animosity between me and toxic spirits. We have a history and that makes both sides hate the other with a vengeance. So, in case we are attacked, i will be a very probable first target, unless the spirit was given a very definite, different order. This might take some heat off of you for a short period, use it well."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <05-02-13/1710:11>
" that wlll be up to our mage to use that time,  and he has proven... less than ideal"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-02-13/1813:28>
@Nick: The video feed of the victims mother questioning shows aparent signs of post-traumatic stress and nervous breakdown. You have the feeling, that no matter how good the healer is, this would take time and comfort to heal, the damage itself not being magicaly, but more psychologicaly induced. You had met such cases befor, and not just once you have been present as a medical overseer when police came to question some of victims hospitalized. Not just once you had seen tjhat cop magicians used hypnosis and some kind of mind probing spells to sucessfully pierce the veil and get some indicies. Well this you know for sure, that this Mind raping is considered least in academic circles. The street, on the other side...that is completely different story
The Roschard like know such images are using in psychology diagnostics, associations reveal quite a lot about the patients mind. Quick datasearch allows you to acess professional network containing database of pictures <> interpretations, including some statistic data etc. What is aparent after first comparation is, that the picture doesnt match any known pattern in the database.

Brian: From evidence you`ve seen so far the abduction was no random crime, but carefully planed action with quite good timing and cover. Even the choice of the location was quite good, as parking lot security doesnt posess real threat to skilled hacker. Professional hit, you would say. You niticed one detail that slipped your attention previously, or you hadnt paid attention to it..After car examination Timmy says, that the car was skillfully manipulated by hacker or rigger, well not by technomancer.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <05-02-13/1839:31>
Nick starts the video over and watches closer,
[spoiler]Medicine 5 +LOG 7 = 12
12d6.hits(5)=5 ([/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <05-03-13/0144:12>
"Bummer for you, good for us," Sylvia said, "and I can see them as well, so I will help our mage.  And don't worry yet, it can just be a personality clash between him and Mr. McLister.  People running the shadows can be a bit quirky and mages even more so."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <05-03-13/0637:29>
Fang eyed the drone with some concern, before pulling out his decoy commlink and a fiberoptic cable. A moment later and his own commlink was on the table, connected to the drone. He took a breath, and then slowly began the negotiations for a sprite's services, his eyes focusing on the matrix.

[spoiler=Matrix Actions]Compiling Machine sprite: Compiling (6) + Resonance ( 8 ) (14d6.hits(5)=3) ( + Machine Sprite Specialisation (2) [forgot that] (2d6.hits(5)=1) ( vs Rating (6) (6d6.hits(5)=0) (

4 net hits = 4 tasks from rating 6 Machine sprite.

Fading DV = Sprite hits = 0.

Extra CFs: Decrypt, Fuzzy Logic Autosoft (Rank 1)[/spoiler]

At least the negotiations went well, the sprite was a machine sprite on its own, and it would be able to decrypt the barrier. This would make his life much easier as he could leave it to do the task while he focused on the team. The sprite itself had oddly taken on the form of a changeling in its own right; its appearance was that of a light-brown furred anthropomorphic canine, with a bone constantly in its mouth. Wearing an outfit that appeared to have come from a steampunk universe, with additional goggles to give it a pilot's outfit, it was ready to accept his request.

@Red: Not really your speciality, but would you mind decrypting the encryption of the node hardwired to the node you currently  are in?

The sprite sent a response in the affirmative and began the first stages of the painstaking decryption process.

[spoiler=Matrix Actions]Issue Remote Command: Decrypt node connected to commlink.

First half hour: Sprite (Red): Initiate Cryptanalysis (threshold 8, 30 minute interval): Electronic Warfare (6) + Decrypt (6) (12d6.hits(5)=4) ( 4/8 hits

Second half hour: Sprite (Red): Electronic Warfare (6) + Decrypt (6) (12d6.hits(5)=2) ( 6/8 hits

Third half hour: Electronic Warfare (6) + Decrypt (6) (12d6.hits(5)=4) ( 10/8 hits.

It will take 90 minutes for the node to be decrypted by the sprite.

At the end all tasks will be consumed and sprite will return to the Resonance.[/spoiler]

"With regards to the metasapient in Herr Wong's place, I can consult with it. It may be more willing to speak to a being of the Resonance. No promises that I'll get the answers willingly, but I should be able to get them one way or another." Fang really hoped he wouldn't have to force the sprite to help them, he felt bad for treating a being of the resonance in such a manner. But it might become necessary if all else fails. Hopefully it was fond of the kid and would help them.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: vinnmun on <05-03-13/0828:09>
Judah eventually makes his way to the Aurora, parking his bike to the side. He slides off his enlarge helmet that looks similar to that of the Predator from the movies. His own personal dreadlocks fall down over his face, black and dirty. He wore a hoop nose ring in his right nostril and a look that could kill. He slips his perception into the astral and takes a glance around and than heads into this pub. Once there, he looks around to find where he is suppose to be.

[spoiler]Assensing - 6 hits
Assensing + INT + Spec = 10 dice (10d6.hits(5)=6) (

Perception - 1 hit
Perception + INT = 8 dice (8d6.hits(5)=1) (

Bars & Clubs - 4 hits
Bars & Clubs + INT = 7 dice (7d6.hits(5)=4) (

Title: Re:
Post by: Sichr on <05-03-13/0909:22>
Aurora bar. Place where existences of all kinds find serenity. There is lot of confusion in the air, just recently emerged cloud of lost memories spreading out to adjacent streets. You notice even some drunks laying down in the alley, sleeping right where they fell down, their aura showing aparent traces of strong intoxication. Alcohol. Nicotine. Laes. Chummers got doped.
That itself would be funny, except for the toxic domain only recently emerged on the spot, spoiling surrounding mana streams in the manner that makes you feel sick. In addition to this, odour of psychotic behaviour and violent masacre completes the scene. You can almost touch traces of fading auras of dead, only recently carried out and loaded to vehicle, that drove them away into oblivion.
Voices sound inside indicating you are expected.
Title: Re:
Post by: Sichr on <05-03-13/0916:34>
Btw. common sense tells you that ghouls and shedims may be on their way, as such domain is like lighthouse to them. Drunkards catched outside would be very lucky if they see the next day.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <05-03-13/1003:44>
Brian looked with a curious look at Fang for a moment. "So, we can take that you're a being of resonance as well? If that is the case we may be lucky. I don't think i could fully understand a metasapient." He was quiet for a moment, then spoke suddenly as if some idea came to him suddenly. "Say, Fang, can you follow a hacker by the signs he left in a system, as a magician can find someone by her aura? If you look back at the log about the car's blackbox, it seems there was a hacker at work there. The sensor cut-off was timed perfectly, so that the car didn't retain any information about what happened during the attack. It's strange though, that the hacker didn't erase the videofeed from the security cameras of the mall."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: vinnmun on <05-03-13/1121:49>
He felt death surrounding this area, the the traces of Babylon's trash has shown its affects in the astral. He notices the gathering in hopes that these were the people he was going to be associated with. "Death surrounds this area and Babylon has cursed it. What is happening?" His English was decent enough, but he kept some bad habits in his speech.

His helmet in hand, a cigarello roach in his mouth, and a look of worry and annoyance in where he happens to be standing at. He looks grizzeled and darkest shade of green you'll probably ever see. He flicks his head as his dreads flow away from his face.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <05-03-13/1134:18>
"May be lucky is the correct phrase. Sprites are sapient, with all the benefits and issues of such. The difficulty is getting around the lack of meatspace knowledge they generally have." He tilted his head to the side in thought as Brian brought up the point of the hacker's behaviour. "It's possible that the camera was inaccessible to the hacker, either due to slaving or range. Or a number of other possibilities. If we get that blackbox though, well I'm not sure how much I can do to be fully honest. Resonance signatures rarely last longer than a couple of hours, and normal hackers don't leave a signature. If they tried a normal hack I might have been able to, but this was a spoof."

He paused, before continuing. "I could try to go to the Resonance itself, but that might take a while, and there is no guarantees if I'll find anything, particularly if it's not a technomancer doing the action. Still, it's worth a try. The problem is that while anyone can do a trace on the matrix, they need an access ID of the target to do so. Think of it like a person disguising their aura to be completely like someone else's."

And if I found a thumbprint lasting as long as that, I'd want to change sides.

"The Resonance always remembers. But I need to know what I'm looking for to get a helpful answer."

As the newcomer entered, the changeling looked up in surprise. He took in the ork's appearance and scent, resisting the urge to wrinkle his nose at the cigarillo. He hoped one of the others would answer the question, as they probably could phrase it in a clearer way than he had before.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-03-13/1743:40>
Ah. The mojo slinger finaly decided to honor us with his presence. Come, come and see before we put the bees to work...
William theatricaly invites newcomer to the lounge.
@Judah:Doors at the end of the bar open, and you are free to enter the lounge. William stands outside, lets you enjoy the scene.
Bodies were already taken away. The place itself is gore. Almost everything is covered by blood. Walls, ceiling, remains of the furniture, the floor. In the middle of the room stands some kind of hitech container, clean, as if it was brought to the scene after the mess was done. You almost hessitate to use your astral sight. Well...apparently that is what you are expected to do...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: vinnmun on <05-03-13/2233:54>
[spoiler]Assensing + int + astral sig spec (10d6.hits(5)=5) ([/spoiler]

Judah flipped on is astral perception as he gave another look though, this time on the inside. He looked through the death in hopes to find a signature lingering to track. He shrugs off the negative as he peers around, entering the lounge.

"So what has happened here thus far?"

Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-04-13/0507:11>
The signature is still here. Fading, but persistent, asi it is imprinted to the toxic taint that was left here. To the level you understand the matter, the spirit was Toxic, Man, powerfull as hell and in Great Form. It was guided here by its Search (well it is not apparent who or what it seeks), and it seems it lures around the group for a while, Conccealed, waiting for the right moment to strike.
Powers that it manifested are those of Materialization, Influence, really twisted version Desire reflection, that seem to affect everone who can see the spirit, showing each one what he wants to see...their lost loved ones in this case...Its Toxic aura seems to polute the place where spirit materializes like environmental dissease, turning the place into toxic domain at the very moment of spirits physical appearance, poisoning everyone around. From what you can see the use of the Desire reflection turned the people inside against each other and made them to kill each other in the most violent manner.Especialy one of them, cyberpsychotic to the level it is almost painfull to watch his traces, losts the controll over himself and went into overkill. There is sole survivor...from what you have seen so far, it is the woman sitting in the bar.
One of spirits oponents was magician. Nutcase, as far as you can say, but powerfull and skilled. His spell turned the spirit on the run, and he set for pursuit, but before he can get too far he got killed by that cyberpsycho. His traces are barely visible now, as he is dead and it fades realy quick. Your guess they will be visible for maybe an hour before disappearing completely, and it may change with magical background of the area the traces goes.

William leaves you to your doing, returning to the table.
@All:It seems that in the end he knows what he is doing. As I have confidence in you, it seems like it would be time for me to leave. I believe you will be able to answer any questions Rastaman has, and that you will be able to continue the way you see fit. Mission budget we were talking about is transfered to Brians account, and I will hold him accountable for the sucess of this mission, for he is one of my tennants and it is his neighborhood the same way as it is mine. When Rastaman is done with his search, tell my men and they will finish the cleaning, and as the nanomachines in that container are designed to decompose every piece of organic tissue they find, I would suggest you to leave the area. They are programmed to stay in that lounge, well...experimental tech...accidents can happen from time to time. Ill send someone to get this place back in order magicaly later, dont waste your time, the clocks ticking and the boy may depend on you...if he is still alive. As soon as Citizen calls back Ill give her your ode, brian, so you can make your own arrangements. Conditions are the same as for everyone othe in the team, dont get fooled by the shine of celebrity. Good hunt.

He waits for your reply, then he takes his hat from the bar, finishes his drink and, accompanied by one of his bodyguards, he leaves the Aurora.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <05-04-13/0709:27>
"So that resonance thing is a bit like when a mage goes to the metaplanes," Sylvia said, beginning to understand, "in that case let's keep it as plan B then and let's see what we can find through more conventional means first."

When the mage came in, she did what she had done for all people, assense his ass.  He didn't say much but was quickly brought to the back room.  While he was there she also activated her masking power.  'Let's appear a bit less magicy at the moment,' she thought.

'Who the hell is McLister,' she wondered when the mage had come back and he started talking about nanotech.  At that point her interest was drawn.  She had always been curious, something which had helped her in her previous life.

"Anybody knows a good place in the vicinity where we can continue the conversation," she asked.

assensing the mage:
intuition 4 + assensing 3 =7 (7d6.hits(5)=2) (

masking my own aura (appearing mundane):
intuition 4 + magic 6 + initiate 2 =12 (12d6.hits(5)=2) (

Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: vinnmun on <05-05-13/1003:18>
"I need to stay here for while." he lights up his roach as a strong stench of deepweed wafs over him. he takes a seat. "Would someone keep watch over my body for awhile? I need find out more, this toxic spirit has some sort of connection i think i can find. It will take some time though." he takes one long puff and places the roach on the table and than exhaled slowly as he slips into the astral. He floats around in hopes to track it's sig.

Assessing + int + spec Astral tracking 1 hour interval (10d6.hits(5), 9d6.hits(5)=[3, 1, 3, 5, 6, 6, 4, 6, 1, 3], [1, 1, 3, 2, 6, 5, 1, 1, 3]) (  6 hits in two hours. any result?

Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <05-05-13/1359:22>
"Don't worry, Mr. McLister, we will take care of it. When Citizen arrives i will fill him in." Brian watched as the man left, then turned to Angeline. "Yes, it is a good idea, let me think about where we should go."
[spoiler=area knowledge]looking for a place with private rooms and tech defense agains eavesdropping, still open for at least a few hours
INT(4) + Area knowledge: Auburn(5) + mnemonic enhancer(2) + Home ground(4) (15d6.hits(5)=9) ([/spoiler]

He then noticed what the mage was about to do, but was late to interrupt him. Not a team player. I can see we will have problems. With an angry expression, he turned to the others. "Do any of you know how we can make our mage pay attention to us, in his current condition? I don't think he would be happy to come back and not finding his body. And he also didn't summon our astral guard."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-05-13/1429:12>
Bodyguard that stayed back to finish the cleaning, watches Judah with increasing suspicion. As mage sits and prepares to leave, McLister`s man jumps on his feet, making a few really quick steps towards rastaman...not fast enought:
He kicks a bar stood angrily, killing it with one vicious blow... then casts one frustrated look at the rest of the team and returns back to his place, uttering some curses, focusing on his PAN. Apparently, this wasn`t planned shift that went much worse than expected. often this happens to people working for Bill.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kouryuu on <05-05-13/1518:31>
Mark stopped his midnight drive for a moment, his comlink had recieved a message and he could use gap he had gained from the go-gang to read it.

... a job? Who would know my real name? Is this work of Travis? In the Aurora, intersting ...

Mark was about to call back as the go-gang turned around the corner.

... This will have to wait. Let's lose the tail first. ...

With that thought in mind the blitz speeded of in the distance leaving the go-gang eating its exhaust fumes. After 10 blocks Mark was sure he had lost the gang, he put the SMG he had prepared for an ambush away and rode of in the direction of the Aurora.

The view was incredible, a well dresesed, well build gentelmen venting his anger on furniture, while a what could only be described as a hippy was sitting in a middle of the establishment.

" someone called me? Ussually I would let my agent set up meetings, but i guess you did say its an urgent matter."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <05-05-13/1608:36>
"I'll have a look," Sylvia said, shifting her vision to the astral.  She only hoped that the mage was still in the building, but of course there was always plan B.
"Hey," she said when she spotted him in the astral, "if you had been listening instead of smoking that stupid shit, you would have heard they're going to launch nanites that devour anything organic.  So get back into your body, move away and then you can come back astrally.  Otherwise we leave your body here and you might not find it back."

OOC: going with the fact that he is still looking at the signatures and not yet out of the building.  If not, let me know and I'll adapt the post (a couple of hits on his face will also alert him that something's going on with his body.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <05-05-13/1721:55>
An ork in urban camo clothes, with an enormous pistol at his side, a shotgun on the table in front of him, obviously angry at someone - probably the guy with the dreadlocks in the chair - turned to the newcomer. "And who might you be? As you can see, we have somewhat of a situation here, and the place is already closed, so i'm not at the top of my patience right now." Barely able to suppress his anger, the ork waited for the answer.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <05-05-13/1728:26>
Fang gagged slightly as he caught the scent of the deepweed, placing a hand over his muzzle. "Do... Do you think he even realised that we are here? As a team that is?" His growing irritation adjusted the tone of his voice, changing the polite nervousness to an angry snarl. The next statement was an almost incoherent mutter. "Going to take that cigarillo and smash it..."

As the newcomer enters, he would see a humanoid animal seated in front of a table with commlinks and a drone on it. He has one clawed, furry hand covering his muzzle as he glares at the hippy. He looks at the newcomer briefly, but is unable to get a scent due to the smell of the deepweed distracting him.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kouryuu on <05-05-13/1737:35>
"Oh You might not be used to this yet" Mark Runs his palm over his face and you see it change shape and his hair and eyes changing Color. With a grin He looks at the group "The name is Mask, Mr. McLister called me here, but if i am not needed i Can go as well, kill some time on the street" He turns around and starts slowly walking toward the door leaving but allowing to be stopped at any moment.  "Some know me as Citizen, but that's only because i look like that Mark Skyborn some of the time" this should be enough to test if he was really introduced by those who know his real identity.

... Just hope i have not said too much and it will not come and haunt me but i doubt this funny looking bunch will do much harm. The Caribbean looked hot, the others the regular misfits from the shadows, let just see what happens next  ...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <05-05-13/1808:18>
"Herr Citizen, please hold. You likely will be needed, and at the very least should be filled in on what is going on. We currently are looking for a different location since this place will be getting cleaned out." The shape and colour change took him by surprise, but given that Fang himself was an animal on two legs, it didn't really say much. "For future reference, I am Fang. The case in a very small nutshell is a kidnapping of a kid, and a toxic spirit."

He took the spy drone and pocketed it, keeping it close so he could easy go in and communicate with the sprite within once his own sprite decrypted the encryption. "Once we move to a better location, we will be able to decide what tasks need to be performed and by whom." He looked at the doctor. "Herr Nick? Are you done with the commlinks for now, or would you like to hold on to them? Herr Bulldog, you probably can explain things better than I can.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-05-13/1819:05>
Bodyguard looks at the team packing with...renewed hope?

Maybe that chick wont have to find another way to fulfill her own needs...maybe this whole evening was OK at the end, easy money, so to say. But that rastamotherfucker is still out and doing his mojo. God dammit. And Bill said he wants them safe and satisfied with whatever they need... one day. one day I`ll show him that he underestimated my potential. But not today. given the mess Ive seen in the lounge...well...better them than myself...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <05-05-13/1824:45>
Seeing the guy change faces was a shock. The new face was, however, one that Brian recognized immediately. Although Urban Brawl was not his favourite sport, he followed its events with a vague attention, and what happened to the local team was a constant topic at family dinners.
The ork took a deep breath to further repress his anger, before talking again. "Mr. McLister told us you were coming but i was expecting a call first, so you appearing here took me by surprise. Sorry, but circumstances require us being more careful than usual. And then, there's him." Waving in the direction of the guy with the dreadlocks, the ork stood up and left the shotgun on the table, then started in the direction of Mask. "I'm Bulldog, and Mr. McLister asked me to debrief you when you arrived. In short, there was an abduction earlier today and a team started to investigate. They gathered here about an hour or two past, and were attacked by a toxic spirit suddenly materializing amidst them. All but one were massacred when the spirit used some mind-control to get them attack each other. We are the replacement team, with two goals: find the person taken and bring him home, and punish those responsible and make sure they don't have the opportunity to repeat this." While he talked, Bulldog watched Mask's reactions carefully. He tried to gouge how the newcomer related to the news about the high-danger job.
"As far as i know, Mr.McLister brought you in as a combat specialist, though i don't know if you are close combat or weapons expert. There are some indicators that the summoner of the spirit didn't work alone, so our expertise might be needed. We also have to make sure that if the spirit attacks next, it doesn't get a chance to repeat the massacre.
"Pay is 30 thousand for each, and we have a decent amount to cover potential costs. We have matrix support... well, and hopefully we have astral too. I need to know if you're in."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kouryuu on <05-05-13/1843:43>
As Bulldog stopped him Mask turned to face the team. He carefully listened to what the Ork had to say while still keeping an eye on the other still present in the Bar.
"Toxic Spirit you say? Sounds interesting. I am definitely in. If we have to speak about specialties, i have a few, and one of them is weapons, but i mus say that in close combat i am not the strongest. I am also good on a Bike, one more think that makes many compare me to Citizen, but for this job please use Mask!" He looked at the team thought a bit and then suggests " I have a Safe-house not far from here we can speak there, there should be  enough space to park all the vehicles that i saw on the way in. i can not promises much of tridoes and any other need fulfillment, but it's safe. will that do for the planning?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <05-05-13/2052:11>
"Sounds great, lets get moving i don't feel like being turned into paste today, and you can keep the comms and such Fang i have no use for them." Nick rises and heads for the exit casting a longing glance at the bar.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <05-06-13/0750:41>
“We still have to wait and see if Shadow can bring our magician back from his… journey. Although I’m somewhat inclined to leave him here it wouldn’t do us good. Currently, he’s the only one that can set up an effective astral guard as a first layer of defense against astral incursions.” Through the annoyance, the others could sense that Bulldog was seriously getting up to speed. He turned to Mask. “Thanks for the offer, I think we will accept it. I’m sure if something happens there, McLister will deem the renovation a justified cost.”
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: vinnmun on <05-06-13/0846:45>
He sighs as he was in mid puff, hearing what Sylvia said, "Longer I wait, the harder it will be for me to track this manipulator." He drops the cigerello into a beverage that looked to be unattended as Fang commented on the smell. He moves to a "safe" spot as he waits for these nanites to do their thing. He will than go back into the astral once this over with and do his tracking.

When asked by Bulldog, he turns is attention and nods, "Judah." and looked over the team ans than at Bulldog, "This place is not safe for us to hang around too too long, even staying in the astral, I only plan to do so for at the most a couple of hours. Death is strong hear, as well as the shadows." He gives off a sense of being chilled, as if he was eerie.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <05-06-13/1159:40>
At last, Bulldog thought. He was still hard pressed not to show his anger. "Well met, Judah, i'm Bulldog. I'd be grateful if you could make the group safer before you start your astral investigation, by calling a couple of watchers that would tell us if any astral presence threatens us. You could also share what you found in the lounge at first glance. We pieced some info together but as i understand you are an expert on signatures so i'm sure you could tell us something new. You could do this while we are on our way to the safehouse Mask offered we could use. Then you could return here and pick up the trail. If i'm not mistaken, such an event would show even after a few hours."

The ork then turned to all of them. "Now i know that most runners don't relate well to authority. I don't want to assume any leadership over any of you. But if we want to survive, we will need some semblance of order, and we definitely will need to tell each other what they need to know. We will need to communicate. We will need to trust each other to some extent." He took a deep breath. "So if any of you feels he isn't a team player, i suggest he tells us now."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <05-06-13/1216:58>
Nick exits the bar and locates his car on the side of the road, he gets in the drivers seat and locks the doors with the windows up, "Last thing i need is to get mugged..... hhmm." he roots through his pack to find the smaller one and takes a long silver object from it that disappears into his vest, this done he checks the news while waiting for the others to leave.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <05-06-13/1318:57>
"Let's first go somewhere a bit safer," Sylvia said to the mage, "nanites won't do anything if you're on the astral, so you can play around here all you want.  Let's go, you can drive with me if you don't have a car yourself.  The safehouse is not all that far from what I've understood and five to ten minutes won't change anything."

She looked at the Ork.
"I don't mind all that much," she said, "I'm used to it, as long as people listen to me when we're breaking into a place, I'll listen when we have to shoot people in the face."

"Lead the way," she said to Mask, "and it's a cool trick you got there.  Quite fun, don't you think."
She did exactly the same thing, changing her face to a reasonable copy of his, before she relaxed back to her own face and quickly looked at the new one in the astral.  Then she walked out of the bar, dragging the mage with her towards her car.

assensing the new one
intuition 4 + assensing 3 =7 (7d6.hits(5)=1) (

@vinnmun: As for that dragging: if you don't want to, you can break free easily, she just grabbed his shirt or jacket or something and pulled him with her.  :)
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: vinnmun on <05-06-13/1426:33>
He gets dragged for a moment and than shrugs off the grab. "Whoa there woman! I got my own wheels!" He than realizes he's just shoving him into her  car for safe keeping while he goes out tracking. "Alright, alright lady!"

[spoiler]((I can only assume that was what you were trying to do.))[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kouryuu on <05-06-13/1530:00>
The Sylvia showed him something he was very familiar, he was pleasantly surprised, but also a bit paranoid, he would have to watch her as he could not know her real face according to his own behavior.

As the group gathered for moving the meet toward his safe-house mark started to think that such a big convoy of vehicles would be a big red pointer towards his safe-house so he scribbled his address on a piece of a paper, then showed it to everybody. after everybody had memorized the short street name and house number. the small piece of paper then was burnt and left for the cleanup to be cleaned away.

... The Carribean one is real bossy, should see not to get on her bad side ...

"Meet you there!" Said Mask putting on his Biker Goggles and his old school biker helmet from the 2050's Urban bawl series and releasing the Facial muscles and putting his face to the old self, also his hair color slowly changed back to the usual black, instead of the bright red he had worn for this occasion.

He did not wait for anyone to follow him and he did not wait for something particular as he left just at the door said " Once you get there knock on the massive doors." And he left the room.

the way over was a fast one, no red lights no cops patrolling, and the tea-cattle was already on the fire as he started the first to arrive.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <05-06-13/1548:11>
Nick had flinched as the one called Mask had knocked on the window showing him the paper with an address on it having been engrossed in an interesting news story, it took a moment for nick to mark the story for later reading then look up the address for directions and then ordered the car to drive to it. Nick was a little familiar with this area of the city, having had a few calls in this area, and made sure to try and keep an eye on his surroundings as the car drove, the last call here had been a gruesome scene of a gang shoot out.

The car parked as close as it could and Nick looked at the building that matched the address given,
[spoiler]Perception 4 +INT 5 + Perceptive +2 +Specialization Visual +2 = 13
13d6.hits(5)=3 ([/spoiler]

Nick then walked up and knocked on the obvious large doors...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <05-06-13/1607:02>
Sylvia drove over as well, changing the colour of the car to something that wouldn't be out of tone in this neighbourhood.  One of the most useful things she had ever put on her car was that colour changing paint.  It could even display logos, perfect in certain areas: put the logo of a gardening firm on the side, the car in khaki, and nobody would look at you twice.  For the Barrens and other such regions she had a rust pattern, so it looked as if the car was only barely functional.

"We're here," she said to the mage, before getting out and walking to the big doors Mask had spoken about, "once inside you can do all the astral wandering you want."

Sort of, just taking you to the safe house and from there you can go tracking to your heart's content.  ;)
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <05-06-13/1636:07>
Bulldog turned to Fang. "I can take you to the safehouse if you don't have a car at hand." He showed the Humvee standing right in front of the bar. "And if you don't mind a 5-minutes detour. I want to grab my heavier gear."

With or without the changeling, he drove back to his house. The only things he took was the battle rifle from the weapons locker, and some clips for it - he had everything else with him already. He sent a message to the team as he started again. >>@Judah: please remember the astral guard. Two watchers should do it, and they only have to notify us by manifesting if there is trouble.<<

After another ten minutes, he was also there at the safehouse.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <05-06-13/1901:20>
Fang had travelled gratefully with Bulldog, not minding the detour as he did so. He was not in a rush, nor did he have any gear of his own to acquire.  The sprite was still decrypting the drone, so there was little he could do there.  As they drove, he added his own opinion quietly. "I have no issues with authority. It's a lot easier to get a job done with a single metahuman in charge than with everyone shouting over each other. And I'm not a leader so I'm happy for someone else to take the role."

As they arrived he noted the other vehicles, then looked at his hand. "... We'll be drawing enough attention without having a changeling around. Pardon me." He pulled up the hood of his chameleon suit, fading somewhat out of sight. Making sure his tail was also in the suit and not outside as it usually was, Fang accompanied Bulldog to the safehouse. "Still here, just drawing less attention. My appearance is somewhat memorable when I'm not hiding it."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kouryuu on <05-06-13/1942:32>
Even though Nick was the first to start the journey and had arrived much sooner then everybody else, he was still only there a few minutes after tea was prepared.

One knock, a short few seconds and the two large doors started to open. To the surprise of the most of the team the big doors revealed an open area, a old warehouse or at least a very big garage that would easily fit 3 Nordkkap's with all 3 trailers. the only vehicles parked inside were 2 Bikes, one of them you recognize as the one Mask was using. Next to it a BMW 2065 Mjöllnir with some heavy modifications was to be seen, but only to those who know their Bikes. Further back a formal Office area was visible, and light in the second story burning, only one rather rusty staircase was giving the arrivals the possibility to join mask in his little safe area of this house.

On enterng all seems old and on it's last leg. the tables old and lost most of it's color, as are the chairs. at one side is a couch that is halfway passable, if you imagine to using it for a nap, but fromlooks it's stil the same shaby and old as everything else. there is also not much of a kitchen to be seen, maybe it's ina different room, but you are greeted By mask here and there is tea on the Table, from the looks of it, not the cheap stuff, but real tea. with is a strong difference fromthe canned soya stuff stored in a cardboard box under the table.

"Feel like at my Home" Mask joked greeting the guests arriving.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <05-07-13/0200:24>
"It's not bad," Sylvia said, "and I've spent time in worse.  Anyways, any problem if we put the cars inside so they are out of sight?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kouryuu on <05-07-13/0226:13>
"Sure, no problem, unless you fancy a zeppelin as transportation,then i would decline :)" Mask answered jokingly. "So who are we still missing? or is this it?" Mask asked as he was not sure if the short meet in the bar was with the whole team or only part, or maybe just the first step in recruitment and also he did not see all the faces from earlier yet.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <05-07-13/0828:49>
Fang saw that Bulldog’s Humvee was an interesting mixture of comfort and safety. Comfortable seats that could be fully set to the person occupying them, and heated, were outfitted with four-point safety belts. The small refrigerator in the back was in contrast with the two gun ports, covered by sliding plates on the outside. The car was a mixture of modern technology and that of the beginning of the century: Bulldog checked something on the dashboard, behind a removable plate which hid multiple buttons and gouges, each without any kind of signs to identify their functions.
From the outside though, the vehicle was nothing but a much-used, bulky vehicle. Its armor plating was reinforced at the front, and minor dents could be seen all over the car. On top, a row of searchlight could radiate a blinding amount of light. The windows were tinted at the moment, so anyone outside couldn’t see what went on inside.

After arriving at the safehouse and rolling inside the building, Bulldog took the Hee-Vee-Bar from somewhere under the back seat. He left the shotgun inside – one big gun should be enough. The battle rifle was obviously used but well-maintained. Those who knew a thing or two about guns could see that the weapon was modded more than once, and some parts must have been changed under the course of its usage.
He looked around thoroughly before going up the steel stairs. He took account of all the entrances that could be seen and all the cover that could be used in case of an attack. He knew safehouses were mostly safe because nobody knew to look for you there, but looked for hidden surveillance and defense equipment anyway.
[spoiler=looking around to know the lay of the land]Perception to notice obvious and hidden things: INT(4) + Perception: Visual(6) + Vision enhancers(3) + Looking(3) (16d6.hits(5)=6) (
Looking for applicable cover and tactics: LOG(3) + Combat tactics: Urban(4) + Mnemonic enhancer(2) (9d6.hits(5)=4) ([/spoiler]

After arriving at the second story, he greeted the others. “Good, I can see everybody is here. As I understand this is the whole team: Shadow, the lone survivor of the previous group, a B&E specialist; Nick, our medic; Fang, matrix specialist; Judah, astral tracker and magical support; and Mask and me for combat support.” Bulldog looked at each of them when he mentioned their names. Determination showed in his eyes. This was obviously something he was committed to do. “If I left some of your relevant talents out, pray tell.”
He then turned to Judah, who luckily didn’t get back to his astral recon yet. “Now, could you tell us, what you have seen in the lounge? Previously we were able to determine that the appearing spirit was a Harrow – a toxic spirit of man – and it used the powers of confusion and concealment, besides some other that could totally mess up the minds of those present. It also emanated a toxic aura both on the astral and the physical world which affected those present negatively, causing some allergic reaction.” He gathered his thoughts before continuing. “I also think we are not facing a simple eco-terrorist. This one uses sound tactics, carefully planned actions. He works with at least a hacker but we cannot rule out he has other helpers.” For Mask and Judah, he summarized his earlier conclusions and the possible paths to pursue. “So, what do you all think, what should we do?”
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: vinnmun on <05-07-13/0944:31>
Before going to a safe, non moving spot in the house, he figured before he darted off in the astral that he should let them know before they do anything else, he agreed with Bulldog.

"This was malicious, what happened at Aurora. A toxic spirit of babylon, a manipulator of the weak minded twisted his influence onto the victims to go insane. One of them, though, was a magician that looked to be fighting that spirit of man, but died in the process by one of the insane. I am going back there to find a trace, see where it leads me, it will take me some hours though."

@BULLDOG: <<Not my my first rodeo mon. I got you.>>

Once he is in a spot where he is no longer moving, he slips into the astral and goes back to the scene and does his thing.

[spoiler]Watcher spirit 1: Magic + Summoning Watcher Spirit 2: Magic + Summoning Buying the hits to resist drain Beast Spirit : Force 6 Magic + Summoning + Power Focus + Spec (13d6.hits(5), 13d6.hits(5), 19d6.hits(5), 7d6.hits(5)=[4, 3, 5, 3, 1, 5, 3, 2, 1, 4, 6, 1, 2], [2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 2, 1, 3, 5, 1, 5, 1], [1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 3, 5, 4, 6, 2, 2, 6, 3, 5, 3, 2], [6, 2, 1, 5, 6, 4, 4]) (

3 Services for Watcher 1, 1 Service for Watcher 2, 1 Service for Beast

Centering + Willpower + Int resisting 6 (11d6.hits(5)=5) (

1 Stun[/spoiler]

Lion - Human Hybrid (Beast) comes about in the astral with sharp claws that can rip anything open. And two human spirits wearing crowns (Watchers) appear.
He tells the watchers to keep an eye on intruders and to warn him and his team, he points out every individual that is on the team. He than tells the werelion looking spirit of beast to be on stand-by. He disappears for now.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <05-07-13/1451:53>
"He could just have said nothing new" Bulldog fumed under his nose then he spoke up. "Do any of you know what this Babylon c... erm, reference meant? I'm not that great on ancient history."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kouryuu on <05-07-13/1904:40>
"I for one suggest that the ones who need rest. There are some who need it,"Mask took a imaginary hat of his head as if a Gentlemen would greet a Lady, "but i understand that some tasks can not wait. I also suggest some one take care of the injuries, magically would be preferable. Does anyone know whether that antisocial element down in the car can that?"

"You are welcome to stay here if you want.I will take the couch, My Lady can use the bad in that room,but for everybody else only the carpet and some bedrolls in the storage are at disposal."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <05-07-13/1916:28>
"That's very generous of you. I would suggest we mostly stay together until this job is done. The more we're in, the greater the danger of being attacked will be. I also suggest taking turns at guard duty, 'cuz if there's noone the watchers can warn, they will avail nothing. I can start. Who will be next?"
Looking at Angeline, he was a bit concerned. "Are you all right? I have a medkit back in the car, i could lend it to Nick and he could take a look. I don't think we can count on Judah to do some magical healing for the next few hours." Bulldog creased his temple. Drek, all those angles to cover. And McLister had to make me responsible. My head is already starting to hurt. He thought about the medkit a little bit longingly.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <05-08-13/0311:31>
"Not to worry, I have my own Medkit" Nick says indicating his pack, "Best get that taken care of before it gets infected." Nick pulls out the kit and looks over the wounds, "Do i have your permission to proceed?"

Nick also quickly trys to figure out the mages Babylon reference...
[spoiler]History 3 + Log 7 + College Education +1 = 11
11d6.hits(5)=4 ([/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-08-13/0350:29>
Just a little time schedule to keep you in picture:
Abduction: cca 14:30PM
Spirit attack: cca 22:00 PM
Current time: cca 23:00 PM

@Judah At least the distraction is over, so you are able to get back to your previous search. You return to the Aurora and enter the lounge, ready to continue where you ended a few minutes back, only to find out that the streams of mana, previously poluted but strong, are serriously weakened on the spot, due to some unnatural activity, and that astral signatures are quickly disappearing right in front of your eyes.
[spoiler]Roll Assensing,
Magical Background -3= Magic Attribute -3, Astral visibility modifier +3-2(Shadow clutter)=+1 , You have +2 bonus for looking for traces you have seen recently
extended test, thresshold 10, interval 1CT. You only have 3 CT`s left before nanomachines create temporary void in the area, destroying everything usefull. From your point of view, leaving the place for clean up was terrible mistake.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: vinnmun on <05-08-13/0715:47>
[spoiler]13d6.hits(5)=3 (
12d6.hits(5)=0 (
11d6.hits(5)=2 (
10d6.hits(5)=5 (

Assensing 5 +Int 4+astral Spec+2 = 13 dice to start with. Tracking what i feel would be the most important ones and than to the least.
Ick....hoping I made it.[/spoiler]

Judah was a bit annoyed as things seem to be gettign weaker. He noticed te count going down as the astral plane got darker. He did not want to be there longer than he should as he scopes the astral in detail.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <05-08-13/0830:12>
Fang shrugged his shoulders at the offer of rest. "I'll be up for at least an hour, probably more. Got to wait for my sprite to decrypt this drone, then take a look in it. I know there's another sprite in there, probably one working for the technomancer on the previous team. It might be able to give us a visual on what happened, and possible more info than the commlinks had. If we get time, I might rest after that, we'll see." That being said, he took a seat in one of the corners of the room, eyes half-lidded as he watched his sprite at work through the AR. "Herr Nick, if you need more medkits later, I'm carrying a couple."

He blinked, then looked back up at the group. "Before I forget, are there any matrix tasks anyone requires me to take care of? Data gathering, hacking, slaving, and so on?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-08-13/0854:35>
@Judah: At the very last moment Judah managed to catch the right vanishing trace and follow it outside the lounge, where environment is quite clear again. You really don`t envy the guy who has to do the cleansing in there. Outside the lounge, and outside the building itself you get on the right track and follow pattern of spirits traces intertwined with the fading signature of the magician pursuing it. You can see that at first spirit was running for its life, being serriously hurt, and kept somehow straight path. The following magician attempted to get into the engagement range but before he was able to finish his prey, he was deadly hurt and not that this just slowed him down, but also this prevented him from using offensive spells again. As you follow, you can see the mage weakens with every step, suffering great pain and self-denial as he refuses the urge to return to his body and maybe even attempt to heal himself . Something dark in his signature, something malicious, hidden deep inside, forces him to follow his final destiny. End was inevitably closing, when spirit finaly notices the pursuer. From this point, the almost straight path above the city turned into twisted and confusing trace full of curves, hideouts and loopbacks, but good Griffin McBride was still able to follow the track and didn`t lost his prey from sight. He was able to avoid some attempts to get confused or lost, till the final stand, the point from where are no further traces. As you close the point, you can see Griffins signature still lingers around, as if in his final moments he reached deep into his hidden reseves. The surroundings carry traces of furrious combat, some powerfull offensive spells Griffin was able to cast and the energy surrounding the place indicates, that some of those attacks had even sucessfully found their target. Despites this brave effort, you can see that he was already beyond the point of no return. Yet, the frustration and hepelessness is not imprinted as distinctly as you would expect. The traces of the oponent, or oponents, are missing completely from the scene.

As you look around, the area is not very populated here, even wildlife is not too common in this parts. Yet, astral space looks more inhabited by local entities, and there are multiple astral signatures in the area. You recognize some of signs you are in the Puyallup, as you live there and you are somehow familliar with the local astral space, but you lack informations on exact location, nor would you be able to show it exactly on the map. The place itself gives you creeps, but if you want to kow more, you need to look around to find more details.

[spoiler]Roll Assensing
Domain: Toxic Earth 3, Recent violent acts increase the polution of astral space by 1
-4 magic,
Visibility: Background count=-4, Ocassional presence of living= +1, Regular astral activity (-1)
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-08-13/0920:36>
@Fang: Decryption finally gives in and you have first clear and comprehensible output of the drone...
...I see what you are doing there...
...caged here...cannot escape...antena broken...Resonance unavailable...
would you set me free?...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <05-08-13/0952:41>
As Nick took out his medkit, Bulldog turned to him. "Hey man, would you give me some mild painkiller? My head started to hurt just recently." His voice was almost faltering, uncertainty showing.

After he got the medicine, the ork seemingly got himself together. Shaking his head to himself, he thought What was i thinking? A child's life hangs in the balance, no time to rest now. He steeled his resolve and started again. "On a second thought, maybe it isn't the time to rest. Fang, you're right, there are definitely some matrix tasks that you could do. And there are some calls some of us should probably make.
"Let's see our options first. Earlier, i presented four, one of which is underway as our mage surely works his ass off, trying to find the astral footsteps of the spirit. However, we should prepare for the worst, assuming we can't find anything any other way. So, if one of you knows a trusty group of magicians able to do some ritual tracking, it's time to contact them and ask if they are available sometime in the next few hours.
"As for finding where the spirit came from, Fang, you should try and check municipality and public utility records for older maps. We are looking for gas stations and fire-stations, think they should show on both kind of maps. The others should check with any contacts they think could find these records for us. If we find anything, we should plan routes and discuss what we know of possible areas.
"I will also call McLister and ask for Wong's contact. When i have it, we should ask him to let Fang in part of his system, from where he can try and mak contact with the metasapient residing there. Fang, no need for any kind of strong-arming. We don't want to make problems for the Wongs. This is a long shot anyway.
"Lastly, the bigger long shot: Virtual Castle. Checking the system should not prove to be difficult, finding the drawing might be the trick."

Bulldog thought for a moment and added "Oh, and one other thing. Nick, if you have any contacts that could tell you whose Rorschah test the kid's been drawing, it would be a great help."
He looked around the others. "Unfortunately, if we want to keep together, which i strongly advise, we cannot start the physical part of our search. We also have to take care of Judah's body. But be prepared for when we have to move.
"If someone wants to add something, let's hear your ideas."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <05-08-13/1324:37>
Nick sends a picture of the Rorschach test in question to Jacqueline.  a long shot but maybe she is familiar with it.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-08-13/1332:16>
@Nick: Hi Nick I`ve received your picture. You are drunk again? Why don`t you come home and sleep it over. You really need to put yourself together, son...  :) Love you. Be carefull and Good night
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: vinnmun on <05-08-13/1343:21>
Judah, intrigued at what transpired, he looked around at all the regular activity to see if anything matched what the toxic spirit's was.

[spoiler]reroll with proper minuses Assensing dice pool 11 with specialized - 4 = 7 dice (7d6.hits(5)=1) (
SPENDING EDGE TO REROLL (6d6.hits(5)=5) (
5 HITS...BOOM GOES THE DYNAMITE...6 total[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <05-08-13/2029:28>
The changeling nodded at Bulldog. "I'll see what I can find. And don't worry about Herr Wong's metasapient, I don't strong-arm sprites if I can avoid it. I'll be back momentarily." With that his body became limp as he allowed himself to slip into VR for easier performance of matrix tasks. As his living persona activated on the decoy link he carried, he received a message from the sprite residing in the drone. The maps could wait a second, this was more important for the moment.

Fang shuddered at the thought of being cut off from the Matrix, feeling sympathetic to the sprite's plight. @Sprite: I have opened up a path out of here and back to where you can feel the resonance. It's how I started trying to get in in the first place. You are welcome to take the path out of here. Would you recognise visual recordings and if so, are there any currently on the node you are in? I might need information on what caused this level of damage. I can obtain the files myself, just need to know if anything is in there.

@Red: Thank you for your assistance. Please remain on standby, I may need your help again.

Fang's machine sprite nodded at him before fading back into the Resonance. Fang himself began to search through the matrix for the maps that Bulldog requested.

[spoiler=Finding maps]Data Search to find older municipal and public utility maps of the area: Browse ( 8 ) + Data Search (4) + Analytical Mind (2) + HotSim Bonus (2) (16d6.hits(5)=4) ( 4/6 hits (/12 hits if not public)
Browse ( 8 ) + Data Search (4) + Analytical Mind (2) + HotSim Bonus (2) (16d6.hits(5)=6) ( 10/6 hits (/12 hits if not public)
Browse ( 8 ) + Data Search (4) + Analytical Mind (2) + HotSim Bonus (2) (16d6.hits(5)=6) ( 16/12 hits if not public.

Time taken: 2 minutes if publically available, 3 minutes if not.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <05-08-13/2124:36>
Bulldog was latched on his commlink in the following few minutes. Although he desperately wanted to do something meaningful, it was clear to him that until he got more information, more material to work with, he couldn't do any more. So he tried to make sure to get some basic data, on which the others could go on.

@McLister: [spoiler=if not taking the call]In that case, i will send a text message with the same contents.[/spoiler]
"Good evening, Mr. McLister. I'd like to ask something of you. We might need to talk to Mr. Wong, regarding the case, or if all else fails, we might even need to collect material for ritual sorcery in his apartment. I know this would be an awkward situation, as the previous team already was there, and sending a different team might not show the best of pictures. However, we might get some leads there. It isn't important that we meet the Wongs personally - not at first anyway - and only our matrix specialist needs to contact them on the comm.
Could you give us his contact info and notify him of a possible call from Fang sometime in the following hour?"

@Lt. Kevin Jameson (only text): >>Hey, Kevin, it's Brian. On a hot case right now. Heard of any children or techno abductions in the sprawl lately? Vicinity of Puyallup mainly. I'd really appreciate the info. Tell the wife i said hi.<<

After the call and the text, he turned to the others. "I'm not sure what you are used to but we have serious backing for this job. That said, if any of you think that he or she lacks something for the job, needs some equipment in the face of this kind of threat, i can try and get my hands on some mil-spec stuff. Nothing really serious in a short timeframe - say, until tomorrow - probably just ammo or some stock weapons. Still worth a try if you need it."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <05-09-13/0431:40>
Sylvia had stayed silent for a while, making sure the two people out of their bodies were comfortable.  Nothing was worse than coming back in your body finding it ached all over because you just dropped down.
"Don't worry about the bed," she said to Mask, "I only need three hours of sleep anyway and I'll just sleep in my car.  It's not the first time I do this.  I'll take second watch then, so all people who need more sleep can have it uninterupted.  And I can also check the astral should it be necessary."

She looked at Bulldog.
"I know a guy in the power company.  As fire stations have bigger power requirements, maybe they have the locations of older ones somewhere in their database.  And I can ask for a physical check on all the ones in Carbonado."

She got on the comm to Vincent.
"Hey Vince, Pascale here.  Long time no see.  Say, I'm currently looking for a missing boy and we have some leads that go to Puyallup.  Now I was wondering if you had a list somewhere in an old database on all the fire stations that used to be there."

Contacting the power company supervisor contact.  Also, if he doesn't answer, I put this on his voicemail.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-09-13/0516:38>
@Fang:If things like sprites have emotions, you would see the sign of relief on its icon.
...In that case, Ill go... protection countermeasures deactivated...
...damage caused by kinetic projectile, cannot be repaired without external resources...
...recent events from my own recording...
...autopilot interraction, serial vehicle...sedan category...technical data available...
full immersion risky, traces of disconnection and electrical damage found...
...Resonance well located on [node AcessID, GPS]...
...inhabited by Archivist, contact made by myself, while flesh partner does physical  search of the place...
...translation of communication protocol in advanced stage...
...recent confussion, loss of physical being used as interpretter, unscheduled dropp out...
...planes for deffensive tactics and complete lockdown of the node to keep itself protected untill interpretter arrives...escape protocols ready...
...spring is comming at least...
...further history have no connection to recent events...
...saving construction and design patterns database...
...hope to see you again...

Datasearch reveals satelite scanning of the area and even some eco-organizations and public geologic research sponsored by some research institutions. Deeper search reveals some research done in the area by DIMR and UCAS millitary. All maps available contain additional informations based on their purpose and depending on who created them.
All reports show that only a few locations in Pyallup are stable enought to allow permanent settlement. Geological activity is quite high in the area, On e of them being Carbonado, Puaylloup and Loveland. Reported elen presence in Tarislar has been multiply confirmed, but local elves are more nomads then settlers, only a few of them maintains permanent bases.
Infrastructure destroyed after Great Ghost dance was never fully recovered, and Gas stations in the area were the first places to be consumed by furrious fires. The attempts to rebuild this the area were sparce, and most permanent settlements rely on mobile fuel supply, because cisterns can be removed in case of geological activity and minimizes risk of further damage to population in the area. The only static Gas stations are in the Pualoup and, of course, lining the Route 7 and Intercity 161 and 162.
At the bottom level of this, between the lines, are reports of findings of such resources in the vaults and construction sites left abandoned in Hell`s kitchen, mentioned by scavengers and madmen. Scattered amongst lava fields and (mostly toxic) streams of Pualloup river, remains of geothermal plants construction sites lie abandoned, half covered by volcanic ash. There are no maps supporting this, since such people tend to keep their treasures hidden deep in their memories...or they simply never heard of permanent matrix connection...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <05-10-13/0634:15>
@Sprite: Thank you for your assistance. See you in the Resonance. As the sprite faded back into the Resonance, free of his prison, he went over the information that he received, barely suppressing the urge to cheer at the thought of finding another Resonance Well. The other information was also of interest.

The vehicle probably was the one they investigated earlier. Makes sense with the damages, which coincide with Herr Bulldog's earlier theory. He paused over the information over the inhabitant of the well. Archivist... Archivist... Why does that seem familiar? ...Archivist... Wait, I think it's a paragon like 01. May want to be careful then. Seems like it wasn't too long after that the other technomancer was killed.

Having gone over the sprite's information, he went over his research on the maps. Few habitable locations... Elven presence... Unrecovered infrastructure... Gas stations! Pualoup, route 7, intercity 161, intercity 162.  Resources hidden in Hell's Kitchen... They'll want to see this.

Fang allowed himself to sink back into his meatspace body, his eyes focusing as he looks up. "Herr Bulldog. I found the maps you were looking for, quite a bit of information on them. I also spoke with the sprite on this drone." He held up the fly-spy drone. "Not a lot of useful information, although the damage caused to the drone was from a kinetic projectile. Turns out the technomancer also found a Resonance Well, an inhabited one." He wore a slight grin at the news, his fangs on display. "I can check that out later if you want. I also have some maps for you." As he spoke, he requested access through the matrix to Bulldog's commlink. Upon getting it, he transferred the maps to it. He did the same with the others in the room.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-10-13/0719:06>
McLister: No problem, I`ll notify mr. Wang that you will contact him. Here is his comm [Wang`s commcode]

Kevin: Hello Brian, nice to hear you, you have to stop by, I havent seen you for a while. Abducted Techno children? No, I dont remember anything but MCT`s "recruitement" program. I believe every corp has something like that, such talents are rare and usefull. Hell...even we have recruitemnt program for virtuakinetics. But you havent heard about that from me. So no, I dont think I would have any usefull info. I can check out with some people, and call you back if I find out something, if you realy need the info. It make take something to grease the wheel, if you know what I mean, our commo guys are quite greedy...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-10-13/0732:52>
@Sylvia: There is only little I have to do with those barrens, The only powered parts connected to metroplex`s infrastructure is Puyalloup and Loveland ditricts. We have been hit hard by Jormungand and what we recontructed from our archives was only what we needed to restore the power grid in connected parts, and I can post those to you. there are 3 FD stations in Puyallup and one in Loveland. Here are the coordinates[GPS instructions attached]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-10-13/0804:28>
@Judah: You focus your senses deeper in the opalizing astral world, revealing every detail of the scene. The battle was fought here, in the most serrious manner. When griffin was met with opossition, he was already prepared for the encounter and sumonned powerfull spirit to join him in the fight. The traces of oposition were purposefully Cleansed by the winning side.
Althought Griffin died here, signature of his spells and actions still carry enought informations to deduct, that Harrow had also some aid on its side. Griffin and the spirit he called fought against three oponents in total, that means Harrow + 2 unknown. Spells griffin used were actively counterspelled, even if sucessfully hit their targets, didnt do much harm. Griffins magic was also serriously reduced by background of the domain. As Griffin was killed, spirit that fought alongside with him disappeared as quick as possible from the scene back to its metaplane, with no reason to fight and to stay on such place. (Its signature is known to you, Fire elemental f.6, as Griffin was Hermetic) You seek for further traces, something Griffins oponent missed, well the site was cleansed with skill. As far as you know, no spirit possess such power or ability, that means at least one of Harrows aid must have ben metahuman magician. You are almost leaving the place When you notice one more thing. Griffins signature on the place, where his astral body has fallen, seems to disappear in really strange manner, as if being devoured by something.
As your attention focuses on that place, you feel your senses are being fooled. You are being watched, and you are not alone her, that you know for ure, well you do know exact nature of the being present....
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <05-10-13/2153:14>
"No im not drunk again, just sent this over to see if your familiar with it. its seems to be a kind of Rorschach test, any ideas?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <05-11-13/0258:52>
"Good job, Fang. I also have a commcode for you, if you think calling Mr. Wang would help you in some way to access that... erm, resonance well. Just refer to McLister if you call him." With that, Bulldog started to work on the maps, summarizing their information in one file, and weeding ot anything he deemed unnecessary. It is highly unlikely that a toxic domain would remain undetected for long along the major routes. It is possible though that they took the vehicle from one of those stations. The Hell's Kitchen district was hit heaviest by the volcano, and ashfalls are the most common there even today, but looking there would consume a lot of time. We also should find someone knowing the place, a guide, if we go there.
Bulldog shared his thoughts with the others. "At least, 162 goes through Carbonado. Angeline, would you ask your friends to check it, and any old gas stations they know of in Carbonado? They could also check the old fire department buildings. And any luck with that contact of yours?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <05-11-13/0402:41>
"Thanks, Vince," Sylvia said, "they're playing 'die zauberflute' in the opera house.  As soon as we have finished this run, I'll get some tickets and I'll contact you, okay."

"Okay, I'll see you then," Vincent replied.

"I don't have much," she said to Bulldog, "just the locations of three firestations in Puyallup and one in Loveland.  I also know that the old firestation in Carbonada isn't inhabited by a toxic shaman, or otherwise he keeps very well hidden between the squatters."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-11-13/0407:26>
@Nick: Now you surprised me. Give me a minute, I was falling asleep already...
OK. Here I am... Like you said, this looks like Roschach pattern, well I cannot find the match in common database. Well I think you`ve foud that out already by yourself. I have some contacts I can ask about this...must be important if you call me about it late in the night.

You chat for a bit longer, common advises to be carefull and not putting yourself into danger etc. Then Jacquelin disconects, and as you know her, she makes herself some coffee, and get to work. If she promises she would try to find out, she can be like bulldog. You checked Judah for signs of instability, well it seems he is safe and comfortable and then you join Fang and Brian working on maps.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <05-11-13/0648:06>
Fang noted Wang's commcode into a list on his datachip. "I'll contact Herr Wang then and see if I can talk to the metasapient in his system. Also probably ask him about that Resonance Well if I get the chance."

He didn't want to use his decoy 'link for something like this, so he contacted Wang directly. @Wang: "Herr Wang? My name is Fang, Herr McLister told me to contact you? If you are available, I would like to discuss a couple of matters with you. Specifically in regards to a metasapient  in your system. In addition, the team I am working with would like to take a look at your apartment to help find information on your child and ways to trace his location."

[spoiler]If he does not answer, have this be a voicemail with "please respond at the next opportunity." at the end.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-11-13/0747:25>
@Fang: Wang replied instantly. He sounds troubled and exhausted, but he makes and impression that he won`t break down yet.
Good evening mf. Fang. I was expecting your call. Please, ask your questions. The situation is harsh on our family and my wife is in bad shape, so if you can avoid further disturbances I would be gratefull. Mr. Eastwood and his companions were pretty sound when they did their search, and if you want any further details, I hope I would be able to privide you with informations. So...what would you need to know?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: vinnmun on <05-11-13/1212:22>
Judah looks around with that sinking mental feeling, looking for the astral creep as well as orientation. "Comon out you bomboklot of Babylon. I know you around here mon!!!"
[spoiler] CREEPER Assensing -4 Creeper (7d6.hits(5)=0) ( ORIENTATION Assensing -4 Orientation (7d6.hits(5)=1) ( ((bad rolls :( )) [/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kouryuu on <05-11-13/1904:02>
"If you can get me some APDS rounds for my Predator IV i would be grateful to you. 100 of each will do." he said to BullDog before he went to sleep the 2 hour the legwork took. Mark knew he will not be much of  help in it anyway and he definitively needed some rest.

Upon waking up, a good idea stuck Mask like a lightning. he swiftly run out of the room he was sleeping in and asked Fang "You had the coms from the previous team? might i have some? i might use them as fake Sin's or let some of them take one more last job" Mask grinned about the possibility to run under a different name. "So can i have them?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-12-13/0357:23>
@Judah: As you voice your challenge, shadows of surrounding astral space become more aparent. Every curve, every shape in the surrounding become sharp and more detailed, and you watch all those shadows turning towards you, as if the light is outside the circle and you stay in complete darkness. The atmosphere of the site affects your astral senses with many things that werent apparent before...
Griffin, haunted by his own loss and the knowledge of the forthcomming end, fighting his last fight as a martyr who decides to sacrifice everything including his own life to get at least the chance to destroy the Harrow and increase the chance of survival for the kid. His desperation and regret as he realizes that he wont be able to succeed in his mission. Overhelming sensation of madness and sorrow springing from his last moment. Reminds you all and every single failure of your own...
[spoiler]Roll Willpower+Charisma[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <05-12-13/0831:56>
@Wang: "I would like to communicate with the metasapient residing in your system if at all possible, requiring me to have at least limited access. I understand it was a companion of your son? It might have useful information to help track him. We will try to avoid requiring to visit your apartment in person, as I understand you and your wife will not want to be disturbed at the moment. If you are willing, please allow me public user access to your system when I attempt to enter it. I promise I will not agitate the metasapient within. Oh right, one more question, did any members of Herr Eastwood's team mention a Resonance Well to you?" He didn't bother trying to attempt to soothe Wang, Fang was well aware of his lack of ability to be a calming influence.

The changeling blinked in surprise as Mask suddenly ran up to him and asked about the commlinks. He didn't see a problem with it, but Bulldog might want them for something. Not responding as he was mostly focusing on the call with Fang, he pointed at Bulldog with a clawed, furry hand as if saying to ask him. If Bulldog was fine with it, Fang would also probably need to check that nothing bad was attached to them. As soon as he was finished with Wang and the sprite in Wang's system, he'd also need to start setting up matrix security.

Step 1, finish with Wang. Step 2, speak with sprite. Step 3, matrix security, slaving and such. Step 4, check out the SINs and commlinks. Maybe then I can get some rest, not too likely though.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-12-13/0947:04>
@Fang:As for this Resonance well  question, no, I am not aware of such thing being said. Sorry I cannot help you. As for the being inside onr node...thats different story. I may be able to patch a secure account for you, I f you want to meet in VR. That said, I have to warn you that my system is protected by lethal force, and if you stray from reserved space, you will face the consequences. And, Im not sure if there is anyone who would respond your call.
Understand...I`ve survived ACHE incident. I am well aware of threat any sapient consciousness may present, and I ve been trying to eradicate it from my home node with very advanced means. All vain. The being sems to like this place and it found out its way back to system even when it was completely cut from matrix. And for all that time, my son is the only one who seems to be able to communicate, to some extend, with it.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: vinnmun on <05-12-13/0949:10>
Judah staggers a moment as his eyes shift around the astral plane. He starts talking to himself an it grows louder through the astral, "Jah Jah, I am feeling overwhelmed at this time. I know all things come to “pass.” Therefor I ask that you please lift this feeling of being overwhelmed from me, until this time has passed. Bless me Jah, that I may feel free, and light, once again!"

[spoiler]will + cha (9d6.hits(5)=5) ( phew, 5 hits[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-12-13/1009:52>
@Nick: Jacqueline calls you back at about an hour after you sent her the picture. She is apparently completely awake:
Honey? I found something to that picture you sent me. It s not safe to talk this remotely, meet me ASAP back home. I`ll set for cofee.
1st roll Judge intentions
2nd roll Char+Negotiation, Nick`s DP modifier: +2[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-12-13/1021:04>
@Judah: 8d6.hits(5)=4 (
The pressure suddenly eases and shadows retreat, replaced by inhuman voice, whispering from the surrounding area, cold, but smooth...
Your ssssoul is free and you regret nothing. SSStill, you came to this place. What do you ssseek, Rasssstaman?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <05-12-13/1026:53>
ACHE...? Fang was confused by the reference and quickly looked it up.

[spoiler=Matrix actions]Data search on ACHE: Browse ( 8 ) + Data Search (4) + Analytical Mind (2) (14d6.hits(5)=6) ( 6/6 hits[/spoiler]

Huh... Makes sense why he'd be concerned. You'd think I would have found out about this before, but I was pretty young back then.

@Wang: "I understand that the system is protected and will respect your privacy. Please transmit the account information when ready. I will let you know once I am done so you can delete it."

He spoke aloud, looking at Bulldog as he did so, making sure his voice was not picked up in his conversation with Wang. "Herr Bulldog, I have spoken to Herr Wang about the resonance well and to speak to the metasapient in the system. Is there anything else you wish me to ask of him? He mentioned he would like to not be disturbed further, so I doubt he will be receptive to further contact after this."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <05-12-13/1030:00>
Bullgod was not really surprised about the request from Mask. He was used to the scavenging nature of most shadowrunners, and didn't entirelly disagree with what they usually did. He knew that, when you were out in the field on a longer mission, you got your ammo from wherever you could. So, despite feeling that in this case, the question was not appropriate, his voice didn't show any emotion when answering. "These commlinks belonged to the people of our employer so i believe it is his place to decide where they go to. I will forward him your request to keep them, and if he doesn't want to send them to the families of the deciesed, i'm sure he will approve. Until then, we should keep them simply as sources of information."

When he got the info about the working fire departments from Shadow, he put the places on the composed map. "What about the abandoned mines in Carbonado?" he asked her. "Do your friends also go there regularly? Think those might also be worth to take a look at. And don't worry about sending a few hundred nujen their way, if you have to grease the wheels."

He then composed a standard requisition mail to the merc company.
>>From: Brian Holt
To: CWO Julia Davidson
Cc: PrimFort Requisitions Dept.
Subject: Equipment requisition
Priority: Urgent

I got into a mission wher my team is facing heavily armored opponents. Requesting appropriate ammunition for the operation, detailed below. Willing to pay double the standard price according to urgency. Need the ammo by tomorrow, noon at latest, with drop point being in Auburn if possible. If the requested equipment is not readily available on stock, set priority back to standard-low, with normal prices.

Ammunition requested:
- Cased APDS, two standard clips, model: Ares Predator IV
- Cased APDS, high-velocity cartridge, one clip, model: modified Ares HVBR

Please respond ASAP.

Brian Holt<<
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-12-13/1032:47>
@Fang: Welcome then, I hope whatever you find helps to save our son.[link]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <05-12-13/1037:37>
Bulldog's answer to Fang came immediately. "I'm not sure we won't have to disturb Mr. Wang's peace anymore, unless the logs on Griffin's commlink contain an exact enumeration of what we need from Hao's room for the ritual tracking. And for that, we also would need a physical meet, so we can leave that for later, i believe. Let's hope that Judah finds useful information in the astral and we don't have to resort to a ritual team. So as of now, you can just go and check if the metasapient has some information for us."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-12-13/1049:05>
@Bulldog: At this ammount here is no problem, Your ammo would be available almost instantly. I`ll send the currier, send me coordinated for delivery?

@Nick: As bulldog speaks about materials for some ritual to find the boy, the association to Griffin in one sentence. There was more things amongst those things you`ve collected from bodie, and as you retrieved Forensic kit from Harry Eastwood, you found similar case in the McBride`s possession. It is possible, that if he collected any such samples, they will be inside. Lucky that you took it with you so you can check...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: vinnmun on <05-12-13/1100:08>
Judah stood firm, "I look for the truth. Who or what are you? Who summoned such a powerful toxic spirit and for what?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <05-12-13/1110:43>
"I have a good contact with the Chulos," Sylvia said, "I'll check to see what they know.  I know some of them are used by smugglers as they pass the border.  But there are a lot of places nobody comes regularly."

From there it was easy, as she just had to contact her brother.
"Hey Julio," she said when contact was made, "I'm working on a case similar to James' and we're having some issues with a toxic shaman.  Do you or any of your friends know something about any of those taking residence in the mine systems back home?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-12-13/1118:40>
@Judah: Ah. Harrow you ssseek. Then you ssseek death like the one that has fallen here.  I am companion of those doomed. The last one has fed me well and he brought real feast at his end. But I may have an answer for your question. Tell me, Rastaman. What do you offer in exchange?
[spoiler]Feel free to roll Assensing or Magic threats spirits knowledge, or both. DP modifier for Assensing remains the same as the last time... [/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <05-12-13/1132:53>
@Wang: "We will find your son, Herr Wang. Thank you for your time."

Fang noted down the link before allowing himself to rest in full VR once more, his body laying limp against the wall again. He followed the web of the matrix, from node to node, routed all the way to Wang's system. As soon as he entered, he began looking for traces of the resonance, hoping to find a signature of the kid, or of the sprite. It also would leave a trace of his own Resonance, allowing the sprite in the system to instantly recognise what he was. As he searched, he took in the makeup of the node, feeling somewhat out of place with his own icon's appearance.

[spoiler=Matrix Actions]Analyze ( 8 ) + Computer (4) + Technomancer (2) + HotSim (2) (16d6.hits(5)=3) ( How convenient, precisely  the number of hits required.[/spoiler]

Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-12-13/1221:26>
1) The node is built in heart of Resonance well (Apply +4 to all resonance based tests here) Node is sculpted as a Chineese palace. Walls are lined with banners covered by caligraphic symbols, Zen garden looks well kept and the pavilion right where the road takes you is deorated by flowers. You can almost feel their scent, also breeze from the lake, as house is built on the cliff above. To this point you can say that it reflects human nature of the node owner and creator. You are quite sure, newerthless, that other surrounding and sky above, all covered by symbols alien to your mind, strange shapes that do only remotely remind you of earth surface, unknown matrerials and reflections, geometric clouds and symetric reflections in the lake. You are quite sure, on the other side, that normal user would be unaware of those things, and apparently this place was for long time shaped and changed by some Matrix Genius loci.
2) There are no traces of Hao`s signature left in the node...not surprising, taking into consideration that he is missing for many hours now
3) 20d6.hits(5)=5 ( Seeems like you are here alone, there are no other matrix least visible...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <05-12-13/1316:07>
[spoiler]1st roll Judge intentions, INT 5 + CHA 5 = 10d6
10d6.hits(5)=3 (

2nd roll Char+Negotiation, Nick`s DP modifier: +2
Negotiation 4 + CHA 5 + Specialization +2 = 11
11d6.hits(5)=3 ([/spoiler]

Nick looks through the forensic kit for anything useful...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-12-13/1343:54>
@Nick: Jacqueline seems scared, almost threatened by this topic. You know her all your life, and you can recognize when she feels good, when she feels angry. And now, she feels scared. Highly uncomfortable feeling for the lady.
She is not telling you everything. You know her, she is quite chatty, and as youve got her attention you would suppose she would be currious, maybe even inquisitive. She sounds like she wants to talk much more on this topic, but also she restrains herself to this short message. She is not telling you all she knows, but on the other side, that is exactly what she is telling you :)
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: vinnmun on <05-12-13/1350:55>
[spoiler] He's an ork, but whatever. lol

Spirits knowledge (5d6.hits(5)=0) ( huh?

assensing (7d6.hits(5)=1) ( 1 hit assensing[/spoiler]

Judah responds, "Most people have been seeking death lately than. Jah protects me from it, which is why I am hunting it. This Harrow, who or what is he. What be his deal?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-12-13/1410:40>
@Sylvia: Your brother is available at the moment, which means he stays in some civilized parts and that he is not on the smuggler run acros Sioux or Tir. Chulos like to give their young proper education, as far as you kow...
Ola sister. Hold your horses. Like James you say? And toxic shaman? In Carbonado? Well I really doubt that he would be living on our turf, well these suckers are hard to recognize, arent they? I`ll ask around if anyone saw or heard something usefull and call you back. If you pay us a visit, I can tell our guys to give you a tour, so you are safe her. If you find any more informations, I will use them further. Take care, I`ll get back to you as soon as I know something.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-12-13/1423:30>
@Judah: Many questions, many answers. Great knowledge I have, and great knowledge I offer. I will whisper those in your dreams if you allow me, and will accompany you on your hunt. I cannot protect you, though, from consequences of your actions...if you hear my advices and how you use the knowledge is only upon yourself to choose. So tell me Rastaman, do we have a pact?

As you focus on the source of the power around, you finally recognize the being amongst the surrounding chaos. It seems like a shadow, present at the edge of your visual field, almost unnoticeable. From what you have seen on this dmoain before, and what you see now, the being doesn`t belong here the same way you don`t, and its magic power is almost comparable to yours.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: vinnmun on <05-12-13/1445:45>
Judah becomes hesitant for a moment and than prays, "Jah Jah, you hold the light. The light of truth. Please protect me oh Jah." He than looks around, "Show yourself spirit and I will agree. You betray me or Jah, I will bring you down to the pits of hell."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-12-13/1529:46>
@Judah: content, almost selfless, laugh sounds as spirit reveals itself as a shadow cast by yourself on the astral background. You can see as its aure inertwines with yours nad shadow speaks:
Now we are the one. And I would honour thisss pact, asss log asss you would. Firssst...Harrow isss the one who Griffin attacked and fought with ssssuch an effort. His lossss and desssperation wasss the sssweetessst thing I`ve devoured for long...maybe even sssweeter than hisss longing for hisss wife, taken by invae. I told him not to follow, but he found hope in thisss cassse, and wasssn`t lissstening to my advicesss as he did before. To what endsss, I assssk? I`ve never threatened him like thissss.
Thisss Harrow. He knowsss no master, much like mysssself. Born free he hasss his own goalsss and purposssesss that I do not know. But it isss, that I can say, vile and awesssome at itssss terrifying power. We better avoid ssssuch a challenge...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: vinnmun on <05-12-13/1604:46>
"Sounds like fun to me.." he chuckles lightly in his deep orkish voice. "Is this Harrow of this world or some sort of ill projection of Babylon?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-12-13/1621:33>
Judah: Shade looks a bit disappointed by your lack of awe
Thatsss a sssily quessstion.  he spits out There isss no difference between both and both isss true
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <05-12-13/1632:16>
Bulldog looked up some likely place to receive the goods, that was near the safehouse but not too near, and sent them back to Julia.
@Chief: >>Thanks, coordinates are attached. Please designate delivery time. I will transfer payment through usual channels.<<
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-12-13/1639:53>
Judah: Tell me, Rastaman...would you blame the mirror for your uggly face?

@Brian: Adjusted one of our Dalmatian`s patrol route. Package attached. ETA in 20 minutes. Use it well and you owe me a drink for being sofort
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <05-12-13/1936:18>
"Alright everyone i have to step out for a bit, i might have some more info for you when i return." Nick stands, exits to the car driving off to his mothers house, he parks up front and knocks on the front door...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <05-12-13/2012:26>
A Resonance Well... It felt so real, he himself felt so alive as he basked in the hyper-reality of the node. It's so beautiful... So well made. Is this the influence of the sprite, or something Wang inadvertently created? He could feel it enhancing his Resonance powers, perhaps it was time to be more blatant in usage.

As the lack of matrix signature showed up, Fang scowled slightly, an expression that showed on his Living Persona.  Did the sprite remove the signature? Makes sense, but it's rather inconvenient.  He began looking around the node more closely, comparing what he could see, with the list of icons showing up on his commlink. He also prepared his Analyze complex form, and set it to analyzing all icons in the node. He also decided to call in the Machine sprite he had compiled previously; perhaps the metasapient in the system might be more willing to talk with him if he had a sprite on his side.

[spoiler=Matrix Actions]Free Action - Observe in Detail (Current node): Get a list of all icons not currently running Stealth.

Free Action - Threading Analyze: Resonance ( 8 ) + Software (4) + HotSim (2) + Resonance Well (4) (18d6.hits(5)=5) (

Fading DV: 5
Fading Resist test: Resonance ( 8 ) + Intuition (6) + Resonance Well (4) (18d6.hits(5)=6) (
Fading MDV: 0

Simple Action - Set Analyze CF to analyze all icons in node. (Analyze(13) + Computer (4) + Technomancer (2) + HotSim (2) + Resonance Well (4) = 25 dice on an Analyze Icon on each icon in the node, performed secretly by GM).

Simple Action - Call Sprite[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <05-13-13/0206:33>
"I have some people looking around in Carbonara," Sylvia said, "they'll contact me as soon as they know more.  Unless you need me for something, I'll catch some z's."

She made herself comfortable in her car and closed her eyes.

OOC: untill I'm contacted or the safehouse explodes, I'm of to the dreamspace.  :)

Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <05-13-13/0307:29>
About 15 minutes after getting the ETA, Bulldog turned to Mask. "Sorry to increase the commotion around your place but i have to get our ammo. I will be away for about 10 minutes." With that he jumped into the Humvee and drove away. The meeting point was only a 2-minutes drive so he was there a minute or two early. The ork waited in the car, weapon ready beside him, checking if there was any sign of trouble.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: vinnmun on <05-13-13/0830:37>
Judah stands firm, staring at the shade, he wrinkled his astral nose at the question, "No, but I figure it is a valid question since I know nothing of this Harrow, free spirit or not." he glared at the shade even harder "I have seen worse and fought stronger, with Jah's protection. You know where this Harrow lurks?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-13-13/0846:35>
Nooo. I've came here with Griffin, and I will leave this place with you. And asss none of you folowed the Harrow beyond thisss point, I cannot tell you more. Shall we go already? Thisss isss not the good place to ssstay for too long.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: vinnmun on <05-13-13/0922:17>
Judah sighed, "Whatevah mon." He would snap back to his body. He'd wake with a gasp, "Well, that was a trip for sure." he chuckled and than looked around at the team. ((I get to the bulk of the team that is not doing much.)) "So what have we found out?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-14-13/1522:55>
@Brian: Exactly as planned, standard military version of Dalmatian VTOL drone arrived at coordinates. In weapon mount is small container, usefull upgrade from time to time jurryriged by soldiers in the field for special delivery or for situations like this one. You unmounted the cargo and drone left, and you are on your way back to your temporarily base with equipement you`ve asked for.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <05-14-13/1729:12>
After taking the goods fron the drone, Bulldog immediately got back into the car and drove back to the safehouse. Hopping out, he jogged up the stairs and flicked the two clips to Mask. "That's the amount i could get my hands on in such a short time. Use it well."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kouryuu on <05-17-13/1538:04>
Masks enthusiasm had already started to retreat as he was met by Bulldogs answer, so he was a bit prepared to receive such a direct answer, still he mustered all of his strenght to seem easy going and cool  "I do not really need the coms themselves, i am more interested in the SIN's, if they have any, as faking a whole life is almost impossible, but living instead of some one else is easy. I think it would be a waste, but i will leave it up to you ...  "  Mask turns and goes back to his separate room. Sleeping is out of the picture now, he had just made himself look like a scavenger, when, in deed, he had no use for the money or the equipment and he could easily buy himself all he wanted.

When BullDog Left to pick up the shipment, Mask saw the opportunity to get out of the bedroom. So he started to prepare a new batch of tea, ... Good things need time ... thought Mask in the corner of the kitchen. BullDogs sudden returned startled Mask, and only his lightning fast reflexes allowed him to catch the clips BullDog threw at him. "Thanks, will only need some till i get something better," he smiled to BullDog " Like if i fought you, i would get that sweet gun there of your dead corpse and keep mine for later."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-18-13/0455:01>
@Nick: Travelling to Jacqueline`s house doesn`t take too long. Rain continues to fall and streets are lined with umbrellas and rain hats protecting people from acid drops. You park your car in the sub-terrain garage and take the elevator upstairs. Automatic security system recognizes your face biometrics and lets yoi in. When you are ready to knock the doors, Jacqueline suddenly opens, as she was expecting you and was noticed by sensors.She lets you in, and as you enter, she gave a quick look to the corridor. Standard routine...for anyone else but your mother. She lives here, in safety and relative comfort, and you dont recall her being this nervous since your trouble.

Come in.

She shuts the door behind you, and follows as you walk to the kitchen. As promissed, coffee is already prepared in the pot and it has the right temperature. You take your possition on the bar and fill the cup with dark, fragrant, liquid.

As you take the sip, Jacqueline takes the seat against you and looks yat you the way she looks at the patient she has to inform of being ill. With some unexplored, exotic strain of meta-cancer.

Oh Nick. I was so glad when I realized that you are working on something, and this is not another drinking session. I`ve compared the picture with the common database and it reveals nothing, I realized that you possibly did the same...with the same conclussion. So I`ve contacted some of my coleagues and friends with psychiatric specialization. Those who answered told me the same I already know...sometimes they attach even some tips and opinions on that picture...but you know how Roscharch is the patients interpretation that is diagnosed, not the picture itself. And that we all miss here.
Well, here is where it turns ugly.

Jacqueline makes another troubled face.

One of my former coleagues called. I haven`t seen him for maybe ten years or so. He has some Talent and specializes on awakened forms of mind diseases and psychic disorders. And he was seriously focused on research. Well thim man, Dr. Molotob, he asked me, where did I get the picture. He stressed, that we may be in grave danger, and when I told him, that you sent it to me, he immediately asked me to arrange the meeting for you two. He also recomended me to delete the signature, using his own words. from every piece of my equipement and watch carefully who Im talking about. As far as I know, he was involved in some MCT sponsored research, and I consider him credible enought to do as he told me to. Oh Nick. What you got involved in? What does this all mean.
I told him that I`ll meet with you ASAP to find the right time. So...what should I tell him?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-18-13/0528:22>
@Fang:As soon as the sprite emerges in the node and looks around, you can see that it feels really good here and its mood improves equally.
Wow. Nice example of cleaning done right. What can I do for you? This place is much better that cage from which you set me free.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-18-13/0708:02>
@Brian: [KEVIN:] Hey B. Ive asked around about this topic we have tlaked about before. I cannot find too much, as it seems our own guys set the security level higher than usualy, but as far as I know, it seems we got some report that MCT is running some activities in your area. Watch out for those guys and dont get too involved. This guys are some pretty serrious "leave no traces" fuckers.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <05-18-13/0846:06>
@Kevin: >>Thanks for the heads-up man, i owe you one. Can't really bail out of this one but i will keep an eye out for signs when i have to call it a day.<< With that, Bulldog transferred the usual amount to Kevin's account. So, MCT. He didn't have too much to tho with the zaibatsu in the past, but their ruthless and unforgiving reputation reached him as well. I better warn the others.

After arriving back at the safehouse, he was about to tell those present about what he learned. That was when Mask mentioned his dead corpse. The ork stopped mid-step, a curious look on his face, like when you don't know how to react to something. It... He must've meant it as a joke. It must be that. When he decided this, he continued as if nothing happened. "Hey, chummers, i got an interesting piece of information. It seems that for some reason, there is larger than usual MCT activity in the area. I don't know the reasons but we better be sure not to cross those bastards, they are not of the forgiving kind. As i heard, they have the most effective clean-up operations."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <05-18-13/0939:26>
Fang started slightly as the sprite appeared. He hadn't noticed it emerging from the Resonance, having been too busy looking at the icons of the node. @Sprite: It really is nice isn't it? Anyway, I believe there is another sprite here, or possibly even the Archivist you mentioned. Could you help me find it and gets its attention? I need to ask it about a few things.

He hoped the sprite would be willing to help. At the moment nothing was coming up from his Analyze complex form, and he didn't have much more he could do beyond that.

he also hoped that he wouldn't take long. Leaving his body in one position for so long usually led to uncomfortable stiffness afterwards. Plus he wasn't paying attention to meatspace at all; well at least the other runners would know to message him on the Matrix if they needed anything.

Right, need to ask it about that picture Hao was doing, and if it might have any idea how Hao got into this mess. If it wants to be found.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <05-18-13/1009:55>
"Ask him to meet with me as soon as he is able, and don't worry yourself so much its not good for you and enough about my stuff how have you been?..." Nick sits for a while talking to his mother then sets off to return to the group.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <05-18-13/1120:59>
The noise woke Sylvia up, as she had always been a light sleeper.  She got out of the car and walked over.
"So, MCT," she said when she heard the explanation, "They are indeed big ones in the experimentation on technomancers.  But I don't see them working with toxic shamans.  Anything on that?"
The last question was directed to the mage, who had also come back to life.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-20-13/1226:12>
@Fang:I believe he still is here, only doesnt want to be found. You see sprite points his metaphorical finger towards the surrounding landscape I`ve seen some of those symbols before, amongst those data my former master recorded. It is strange. The being was so alien that even I was far from understanding it. Must have been difficult for anyone to communicate meaningfully with it. Well I can`t see it anywhere. Maybe it`s gone. Or, hidding somewhere around here.

(Sprite perception: 3 hits)

You look around where sprite points the symbols, and with raising understanding you discover the unifying pattern in those. There are many more that werent described on the wall in the boys room, but together they form impressive matrix signature.
As your complex form continues to analyze the icons , structure and data inside the node began to appear in astonishing details. Then, amongst others, your complex form discovers something else.
Clasification: Sprite
Additional informations: None available

(Your analyze: 1 net hit)
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-20-13/1514:09>
@Nick: You exit mothers appartement with her honestly concerned
Be carefull.
still in your ears. She has promised to call Dr. Molotob right away and that she will call you when she knows the details of your meeting.
You call the elevator and have a moment untill it arrives.
Well... when your mother says something like that, common sense tells you to follow the edvice ;)
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <05-20-13/2213:11>
Found you... Fang smirked slightly. He didn't have the access ID, but now he knew the sprite was there, perhaps a public message to all icons in the node might work. @AllInNode: I need to speak with you in regards to the technomancer who usually resides where this place can be found. For what it's worth, his name is Hao.

He shrugged slightly at the sprite with him. @Sprite: This is worth a shot. I'm hoping to be able to get some information from this sprite before I leave. I know it's here now.

He hesitated, before adding in his broadcast call. @AllInNode: I am willing to provide services in return for information.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: vinnmun on <05-21-13/1326:30>
He walks over to he group and looks over to Sylvia to answer, "Word in da astral a mon or being name Harrow, is behind the toxic spirits. I traced the signature from Aurora back to Puyallup, however I do not know where specifically, not able to find anything significant for a landmark.There was a battle and both lost. The magician form the club and the toxic spirit." He shrugs as he looks over to the group, "At least we got some where to start." He goes to take a seat somewhere and than remembers something, speaking as if it was nothing, "Also, seems to be another astral being looking to hunt down this Harrow, he doesn't tell me much so I don't know."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-21-13/1415:52>
@Fang: As your message reaches every corner reserved to you for your meeting, you can see the symbols in the virtual surface glitering and shining. Seemingly random patterns of lights and symbols do not make any sense to you. Semantics of the response, if there is any, is completely illegible to your mind.

You see? Alien as it could be. Maybe there is way to talk to it somewhere deep in resonance, but on this level it is the reflection of everything you or I don`t know. I call it Archivist, considering the waste ammount of dataspace it inhabits

You don`t suppose sprite would show feelings, maybe the high resolution of the Well allows the cyber entity to reveal more than you expect and are ready for. Previous sprite report makes more only tried to comprime all those inputs from this place into simple testimony. It seems like mysterious inhabitant is trying to find a way to comunicate. It doesn`t matter if it is intentional act, or unconscious activity. You know that there is something special on how you perceive cyber reality, as crystal clear algorithms of the Zero-One dichotomy gives you special insight into mechanisms behind the veil. But as far as you know, that is not the only way to understand the harmony. Data left by Timmy indicates he followed great inventor, seeking inspiration in the perfection of machine. It is possible that Hao accidentaly found his own way...or something that pointed him to it, in his closest proximity. Living with it. Sleeping with it. Dreaming with it. Longer than he was even aware that he is different.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <05-21-13/1502:13>
"There's no way to narrow it down a bit," Sylvia asked, "Puyallup is big.  I live in part of it, I know."
This was going to take a while, she was sure of it.  checking all of Puyallup would be fun, especially in certain parts.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: vinnmun on <05-21-13/1537:49>
He shakes his head, as his dreads flow side to side. "In the astral, non living things look all the same. Also the area was dirty, astrally..very dark. We can narrow it downa  bit, but it is Puyallup, it's always dirty no matter where you go."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <05-21-13/1632:17>
Bulldog's eyes watered as he tried to make any sense from the words that came from the magician. Dear God, he couldn't make it more complicated even if he tried! To Judah, he said. "Man, try to phrase it in a way so that one that doesn't speak Rastafari understands. For one, Harrow is a classification for a type of toxic spirit, it's a toxic spirit of man. From your words, however, it seems that it wasn't a Harrow, it was the Harrow? Could you tell anything specific from the spirit's signature, like its strength - an estimation on the Schwartzkopf scale if possible -, powers used, any specialities... And what you tell us, it lets me conclude that the place you visited was among streets and houses? 'Cuz honestly, i can't believe you could not discern hardened lava flows from streets. And not just in the place itself, but in the vicinity. If we knew the relative position of the Carbonado hills and two lakes or major lava flows, we could triangulate an estimated position, which would significantly narrow down our AOO." The ork's nostrils almost flared as he made a list of the immediate, basic questions that came to his mind. "And what do you mean, a different astral presence hunting the toxic spirit? Do you suspect this presence will cross our paths if we continue on our current course? Will it pose a threat? 'Cuz the news about MCT was bad enough, if we also have to calculate with an unknown third or fourth party, that will be very problematic and thats an understatement."

Losing his monumentum, mainly because the lack of air in his lungs, Bulldog stood panting and finally let the others cut in.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <05-21-13/2122:30>
Fang shook his head in dismay. @Sprite: I see your point. At the moment, I won't be able to get any good information out of it. I could try to track it down in the Resonance, but failing that, there isn't much I could do; my method of perception doesn't allow me to understand it. Thank you for your assistance all the same, I did learn something of note here. But I think it's time for us to leave now, I should let you go and I need to finish other tasks as well.

Wait... He paused. @Sprite: Okay, maybe there is something I can do.  I'll probably be unresponsive for a period of time, so my apologies.

His icon closed its eyes as he allowed himself to slowly slip into a meditative state, calming his thoughts and feelings so he could think with pure clarity. Breathing slowly, jumbled up emotions and thoughts slowly becoming ordered and clean. His need to understand Archivist, his need to find Hao, his need to be prepared on the matrix for attackers; all ordered themselves appropriately. Zero-One expects nothing less. ... Zero-One? I would request your aid in understanding an entity's communications... Please guide me.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: vinnmun on <05-22-13/0912:23>
"I do not believe it's from MCT. He was a companion of the magician, Griffin from the bar we were at. I am sure we can find the area, especially if we can triangulate da position." he ties his dreads back, "I'll know where it will be once I am's very distinctive, trust."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-22-13/1303:19>
Time is up
@Fang: The answer comes...but completely different from what you`ve expected. One moment you prepares for one moment, you prepare for the meeting with your paragon, entering almost meditative state of mind. Next time, you fall throught the shards of burning pain back to meat.

(Resist HotSim Dumpshock)

Disoriented you look around, to faces of the others, alerted and scared by your violent wake up. You feel complete disorientation, not having even clue what the hell happened.

@Everyone: At the single moment, your team networked commlinks send the message...
Master node offline
Adminitrator access required

...and then they set to standby mode.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <05-22-13/1420:45>
"What the...," Sylvia said, as she immediately put her commlink in a reboot cycle, as she was taught to do when she suspected a hack.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <05-22-13/1659:17>
Bulldog barked at Fang. "Sitrep!"  Sometimes it took a simple stimulus to get someone together. And as he wasnt sure if something happened at Fang's end or theirs, he stood ready for anything.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <05-22-13/1739:22>
[spoiler=Dumpshock]Willpower (2) + Biofeedback Filter (3) (5d6.hits(5)=3) (

Dumpshock MDV = 2P.

Disorientation for 8 minutes. -2 to all actions.

All threaded complex forms vanish.[/spoiler]

Fang let out a loud yelp, his body thrashing slightly as he suddenly felt himself dumped from the matrix, his meatspace awareness rushing to him as his connection was abruptly chopped away. He panted slightly as a small line of blood trickled out of his nose and down his muzzle.


He felt confused, this place wasn't his den, where was he? What time was it? Why did all these people only seem slightly familiar? Wh-

Bulldog's yell cut through the confusion, provoking an immediate response as he rested one clawed hand on his head, feeling somewhat dizzy. "Ow... Shiesse. Ein minuten, bitte." With the dump had gone his connection to the English Linguasoft that he carried. As he spoke, he held up a claw to symbolise his request for Brian to wait a minute.

[spoiler=Reboot]Complex Action - Reboot: System (4) + Response (7) - Disorientation (2) (9d6.hits(5)=3) ( 3/10
System (4) + Response (7) - Disorientation (2) (9d6.hits(5)=3) ( 6/10
System (4) + Response (7) - Disorientation (2) (9d6.hits(5)=3) ( 9/10
System (4) + Response (7) - Disorientation (2) (9d6.hits(5)=2) ( 11/10
Four turns to shut down.

System (4) turns to start rebooting.

Complex Action - Reboot: System (4) + Response (7) - Disorientation (2) (9d6.hits(5)=4) ( 4/10
System (4) + Response (7) - Disorientation (2) (9d6.hits(5)=5) ( 9/10
System (4) + Response (7) - Disorientation (2) (9d6.hits(5)=3) ( 12/10
Three combat turns to finish rebooting.

Total time taken: 21 seconds (33 seconds if needed to shut down first).[/spoiler]

"No information... Unique metasapient..." As he spoke events rushed back to him. The mission, his hanging around on  the node, the incomprehensibility of the Archivist, going to meditate, then everything shattering. He winced as his head throbbed. "Got dumped..." Even as he responded, he was having trouble focusing on faces, and on events. He forced himself to try and breathe slowly to calm down, attempting to flush and restore his connection to the Matrix.

@Wang: Account no longer required... Thank you for your assistance. - Fang
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: vinnmun on <05-22-13/2227:11>
"What in Babylon!!" He turns an jolts up when fang thrashed. His screen shows up a message and would quickly turn his Comm off. He looks over...a bit concerned.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-23-13/1332:40>
@Fang: As you run post boot up diasgnostic to find out what happened, you eliminate one option after another:

Disconnection from AcessID[@Wang]: No Error detected
Archivist countermeasure: None detected
Persona: Fatal error found

Slaved node AcessID[@Nick] unavailable.
Connection lost
Subscription: No response
Persona Crashed
AcesID[@Nick]: unavailable
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <05-23-13/1413:49>
Nick stands in front of the elevator on its way up, "Be careful...." Nick looks around quickly to find a small place to duck into before the elevator arrives, maybe its not a good thing to be seen here...

As he does his commlink shuts down, "This can't be good" as he trys to move outta sight his hand moves up to his vest, "relax your fine"

[spoiler]If there is a place he can move to, to be out of sight of the elevator he will do so.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <05-24-13/0434:07>
"Ah... Oh dear... The changeling murmured as the diagnostic results came up in his vision. He blanched slightly as he noted that Nick's accessID was still unavailable. "Um... Herr Bulldog...? You... Wouldn't happen to know where Herr Nick is, would you?" He was still somewhat disoriented, but struggling as best he can to address the issues in the diagnostic. The reboot did help to a degree at least. "My subscription to his commlink is unresponsive. Probably nothing of concern... But worth being cautious."

He paused as something else occurred to him. "... Also be on guard... If something did happen to Herr Nick... Then they could have traced the connection to me if they have another techno on the job." The headache was mostly gone, and he seemed unaware that there was a thin streak of blood on his muzzle.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-24-13/1137:37>
@Nick: Just a few seconds before elevator arives your Commlink beeps and on it`s display you can see

No signal
service unavailable

You quickly look around as your nervosity grows and when you noticed emergency stairway doors quite close, you jumped there and tried to disappear from the view

1.Roll Perception
2. Roll Infiltration
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <05-24-13/1251:32>
"I have no clue where he is," Sylvia said while she grabbed her medkit from her car, "but first, let me check you out.  You shouldn't be bleeding like that."

if he let's her, first aid roll.
logic 4 + medkit 5 =9 (9d6.hits(5)=4) (

That means that your 2P are healed.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <05-24-13/1350:12>
Bulldog started to swear but cut himself short, addressing the mage. "Judah, can you check around in the astral? I'd like to know if we have some lurkers around the building. Then, if we are safe, can you find Nick by his aura? He might need help." Then he turned to the others. "Spread out, find whatever you can use as cover, and prepare for a possible attack. Fang, i want you to scan for any nodes that might pose a threat - vehicles, hidden commlinks gathering around us, whatever." The ork was already moving, opening the door slowly and carefully, holding his rifle ready to fire, peeking out into the building.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <05-24-13/2259:08>
Nick quickly moves toward the stairwell...

[spoiler]Infiltration Roll: Agl 4 -1 Default = 3
3d6.hits(5)=1 (
Perception Roll: Skill 4 + INT 5 + Perceptive (+2) + 2 Visual = 13
13d6.hits(5)=6 (

and if the visual Specialization doesn't apply,
 11d6.hits(5)=2 ([/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <05-24-13/2322:02>
Fang shook his head at Sylvia as she took out her medkit. "Save your supplies.... This is fairly normal for being forcefully dumped from the matrix. I'll be fine." As Bulldog began calling out orders, the changeling nodded and moved to the room Sylvia had been using earlier, hiding beside the doorway with his shotgun poking around it. Remembering Bulldog's other offer, he began to set up a call to the Resonance. As he did so, the sprite coalesced in front of him in AR, taking the form of what appeared to be a ball of blue light with wings.

@Navi: Please attempt to find the hidden nodes in mutual signal range.

[spoiler=Matrix Actions]Detect Active/Passive nodes in 1km.

Compile Code Sprite rating 6: Compiling (4) + Resonance ( 8 ) - Disorientation (2) (10d6.hits(5)=3) ( vs Rating (6) (6d6.hits(5)=0) (

3 tasks. Fading DV = 0.

Bonus CFs: Scan, Analyze

Issue Command: Detect Hidden Wireless nodes in 1km.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Navi Matrix Actions] Detect Hidden wireless in MSR: Electronic Warfare (6) + Scan (6) (12d6.hits(5)=4) ( 4/15
Electronic Warfare (6) + Scan (6) (12d6.hits(5)=4) ( 8/15
Electronic Warfare (6) + Scan (6) (12d6.hits(5)=3) ( 11/15
Electronic Warfare (6) + Scan (6) (12d6.hits(5)=3) ( 14/15
Electronic Warfare (6) + Scan (6) (12d6.hits(5)=0) ( 14/15 (WOW. 0 successes on 15 dice.)
Electronic Warfare (6) + Scan (6) (12d6.hits(5)=3) ( 17/15

6 combat turns. 18 seconds.[/spoiler]

He was still somewhat out of it and figured the sprite could do a much better job than he ever could at finding the hidden nodes. At the same time, he quickly attempted to get the co-ordinates of Nick's last location before everything fell apart.  Would be able to give the mage an easier area to look at.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-25-13/0548:07>
@Sylvia: Despites Fangs really differen anatomy, you are still able to apply the right treatment, but even with this, Fang proves to be difficult patient. Maybe it has something to do with the fact he is technomancer, since the same type of problems you recall for awakened "patients". But at least bleeding stops .

@Bulldog: Yu carefuly opened the door to the loft to check whole area. Except for missing Nick`s car there seems to everything clear, no sign of danger.

@Fang: Scan reveals standard traffi in the area, including some long range retrans stations placed on the ruooftops. It doesnt take too long for Navi to finish this search,and to standard nodes detected with scan for the first try he adds long summary of AcessID`s running in stealth mode. Complete list is about tens of thousands of AcessIDs long, approx every tenth is running hidden mode. most density of the nodes is in close vincinity of the loft, number decreasing with MSR range. Navi quickly eliminates those who doesn`t fit you request, and the complete list of hidden nodes in 4 km MSR range contains a few thousands matches. You feel even a bit more dizzy watching all those results.

@Nick: You`ve jumped to the doors and enter the stairwell. You tried to close doors behind you silently, as you have some limited view on the coridor and the spot in front of elevator. With almos inaudible "clck" doors shut right in the moment when elevator arived.
Elevator doors opened, with standard computer voice announcement of the floor number. And fom shadows and multiple reflections around the place you are quite sure, that there are two humanoid figures comming out the elevator. You certainly are not able to see any details, but for the moment you had the feeling you noticed reflection on something one of them helds in his hand. You look around for possible escape is up, another is down, and you also notice standard, wired, security 360°view camera monitoring the stairwell.
You are lucky that your mother decided to live in secured appartement complex. Or are you not?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <05-25-13/0643:45>
When Buldog said to spread out and prepare for an attack, Sylvia checked the most likely intrusion spots, going on her own experience in sneaking into places she wasn't welcome.  She had her predator out, but her knife was also loose in it's sheat and she regularly checked the astral as well in case the surprise came from there.  And she could also see people coming from the astral as well, as auras were not as easy to hide than bodies.  You could hide the fact that it was an awakened aura, but not the fact that there was an aura.

perception roll (dicepool for visual and audio are the same, so only making one roll):
intuition 4 + perception 3 + actively checking 3 + enhancers 2 =12 (12d6.hits(5)=2) (

astral perception roll:
intuition 4 + assensing 3 =7 (7d6.hits(5)=1) (
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <05-25-13/0938:30>
Fang whimpered quietly as he noted the string of results that had come up. He already had an headache, he didn't need this swarm of results adding to it. He looked at Navi, feeling somewhat tired and annoyed by current events.

@Navi: Mind sorting out the results a bit? Specify the ones that are wireless smartlinks. I'd like to think we aren't being swarmed this badly.

@Bulldog: Trying to sort through all the results I'm getting at the moment. Either running on hidden is an honoured pastime in this area, there are a lot of people lying low, or we are in serious trouble. Be careful.

[spoiler=Matrix Actions]Issue Command: Search for all wireless smartlinks in MSR


Navi Data Search: Data Search (6) + Scan (6) (12d6.hits(5)=7) ( 7/24
Data Search (6) + Scan (6) (12d6.hits(5)=3) ( 10/24
Data Search (6) + Scan (6) (12d6.hits(5)=2) ( 12/24
Data Search (6) + Scan (6) (12d6.hits(5)=3) ( 15/24
Data Search (6) + Scan (6) (12d6.hits(5)=3) ( 18/24
Data Search (6) + Scan (6) (12d6.hits(5)=1) ( 19/24 GLITCH
Data Search (6) + Scan (6) (12d6.hits(5)=3) ( 21/24
Data Search (6) + Scan (6) (12d6.hits(5)=3) ( 24/24

Remaining tasks: 1.

8 complex actions. About 24 seconds, not accounting for the glitch.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-25-13/1002:12>
Fang: Navi thinks about your request, apparently he figures out what is behind your answer. Than the report changes, as he applies new search criteria. At the end you have a few dozens of commlinks running stealth with the signal high enought to fall into the MSR area. After little hissitation, Navi adds also some bionodes it was able to find in the area. Thhan powerfull sprite shows what you are paying him for. Being able to triangulate signals and extrapolate multiple relations between nodes and such, he is able to show you the overview almost as if you have Telemetrics Infrastructure map of nearest surrounding, cca 100 meters circle, in front of you. From the look of it, it doesn`t seem there are any hidden nodes inside the safehouse, and those you can see are moving indifferently to your location.
Rest of identified commlinks are behind this 100m range. On the other side, as you can see the results, Navi highlites those with attached wireless smartlink signals. Not surprisingly this is almost 100% match.

It doesnt seem there is any immediate threat present, at least from my point of view. I cannot judge the different worlds. Well next time feel free to be more general, Im not the basic CHN subroutine, you know...
Navi seems a bit offended. But just a little bit. And also...self-content and happy that his results possibly surprised you and amazed you a bit...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: vinnmun on <05-25-13/1225:03>
Judah calls upon his force 7 spirit of beast as he flips on his assensing as he looks over to it, "Look around and tell me if anyone that is an enemy to us is looking to attack us." The spirit nods as it scowls the building. Judah scopes the loft a bit before looking out the windows.

[spoiler] 11 dice = my assensing, 14 dice = spirits (11d6.hits(5)=5, 14d6.hits(5)=4) ( 5 hits on me, 4 hits for the spirit[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <05-25-13/1308:24>
Bulldog went out of the office, down behind the stairs, and started his guard duty. All the while he was racking his brain for a solution. One of the team went offline, and it didn't bode well for the rest of them if someone took him out, either by capturing or by eliminating him. Should've sent someone with him. Although the ork scolded himself inwardly, he wasn't sure it would've been te best course of action. He knew that most of the people had contacts they weren't going to introduce to the rest of the team, and if Nick and one other were separated near their destionation, the team could be two down. Should've at least asked for some emergency contact or a sealed file with the destination. He wasn't satisfied with how he handled things so far.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <05-25-13/2028:43>
Nick takes a moment to note the info on his commlink from his conversation earlier lest he forget them, then quickly makes his way down the staircase to the bottom floor.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-26-13/0707:01>
@Nick: Lights changed to emergency mode, and corridors in the building are lit with dark orange glow and flashing of Emergency Exit signs and pointers. Intercom of the building comes to life with three audible beeps. Soft, calming woman voice reads short message, that from now on will be repeated every 60 seconds:

This is emergency lockdown. Please, stay calm and inside your apartement. Your doors will be locked for your own safety. If you are in common areas, follow the highlited route to security checkpoints. Please. Help us maintain safety in your home. Use intercom systems to report any unknown  citizens or suspicious behavior.Thank you.

Quick look over the shoulder, back to coridor, show you green lights on locks turning to red, changing appartements into cells.

[Current Distance < 10 meters]

@Judah: Beast appears right next to you, alert and ready for hunt. In its astral shapes you can see reflection of every predator and prey on this planet, it depends only upon you what aspect you choose to serve your purposes. With your command, Spirit`s contours blurrs and in the next moment he explodes in myriads of little astral marmots, finding their ways throu cracks in shadows they spread into the surrounding area. for a moment you are receiving overhelming stream of details in  close vicinity of the loft, no astral sparkle avoids your attention, then your beast returns and you can see it gazes with furious hatred into you dark shadow...

There is no danger but yourself, master. You was touched by great evil, and your very essence is in danger now. Watch your steps and call me only in the greatest need, or to help you to fight the demon.

With those words beast jumps out of sight, and you can feel that its aliance with you somehow weakens. You are still in the control, that`s for sure, but you are sure that your relationship with it suffers somehow.
On the other side, in the darkness of your shadow, Shade sneered in disgust.

Weak, poor servants of barely awakened cattle. Pets serving pets. This doesn`t make any sense...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-26-13/1339:32>
Stairwell contest:
Init: 13, 17
Perception: Perception(9)+Actively looking(3)-Interfering sound(2)-Object not in immediate vicinity(2)+Teamwork(3) (11d6.hits(5)=3) (
Thresshold: Normal(2) + Nick`s Infiltration sucessess (+2)=4
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <05-26-13/1414:43>
@Navi: Excuse me as I gaze in awe at your work. This is excellent, thank you. There was no sarcasm in Fang's response. He was genuinely impressed and pleased by the map. It also gave him a fair bit of information on his situation. @Navi: If you can keep it updated, that would be wonderful.

@Bulldog: May not be in as much danger as initially theorised. Stay on guard though. If Herr Nick was taken out... He didn't need to complete the statement, Bulldog probably already knew the security issues if one of them was compromised.

I'll have to keep an eye on this map though so I'll know which nodes to hit in the event of trouble. Still, having the locations of my time in relation to this will be help... ful... Locations. I'm an idiot. Fang quickly accessed the last communication received from Nick's commlink. It'll be out-of-date, but hopefully the node's last known location will appear. Keeping an eye on the telemetry map, the changeling carefully went over the log of communications from slaved nodes, looking for the last packet from Nick's commlink.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-26-13/1445:46>
@Fang: GPS coordinates for last known slaved AcessID[Nick] points to the building on the corner of 3rd St NW and A St NW, northwest from Auburn General Hospital.

From what you recall, the place is about 10 store appartements building for those used to middle and higher class accomodation. Built in in the same time as Auburn Junction urban renewal project, this building is located near Auburn general hospital and offers quite comfortable living to those who can afford it. Since the Auburn Junction is pretty close, estate owner invested fair ammount of nuyens to keep that place safe and secure.

@Everyone: FYI: Loft is located near Casey`s bar, down the SE Lake Moneysmith road and first right, at the end of the 164th Ave SE
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <05-27-13/1017:38>
@Bulldog: Herr Nick's last known location before I was dumped was a building on the corner of 3rd St NW and A St NW. Middle to high class accommodation. Can't get any more precise than that from this information.  If Herr Nick was attacked, the area might be jammed as well. Orders?

He wouldn't be able to do anything if the area was jammed. At least not from his current location. They'd need to take a look on-site. Waiting for orders from the ork, Fang continued watching the telemetric map that Navi was updating.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <05-27-13/1040:06>
Nick quickly moves down the stairwell.

[spoiler]Initiative Roll: 10d6
10d6.hits(5)=4 ( = 14
Infiltration Roll: AGL 4 - 1 = 3
3d6.hits(5)=2 ([/spoiler]

Then starts to run...
[spoiler]Running = 9d6
9d6.hits(5)=2 ( man the roller hates me right now[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-27-13/1156:22>
@Nick: As you sneak of the mezzanine to run down to stairs you hear the two guys talking to each other:

Homolka: Fuck. I cant hear a thing with this bitch shouting around.
Hrubes: Yeah, Homolka.  And the motherfucker nowhere to be seen.
Homolka: Shiiiiiiit. He was supposed to be here. Call the Kukac.
Hrubes: Hey, Kukac. You`r full of shit man. Target fucking disappeared. How the fuck we are supposed to find him now. You told us he would be here....
Homolka:  Why the hell it has to be always like this! RUN!


Distance 10 + 25=25 meters

Seems like you get a little advantage from the start. You run down and pass another mezzanine. As you start another stairs down, you hear doors crashing upstairs.

[spoiler]CT2: INI: Homolka: 13, Hrubes: 18, Nick: 14[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <05-27-13/1201:50>
"oh shit" Nick continues to run...

[spoiler]Initiative: 10
10d6.hits(5)=4 ( = 14[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-27-13/1230:01>
CT: 2, IP:1
@Nick: Two figures appear on the mezanine above you. As you run down the stairway you dont have time to look there so you only hear one of them bends over the railing. His coat grated against the metal
INI: 18
Homolka:There he is! I`ll slow him down!
Weapon he readis weapon sends deep "dang" as it raps the railing

INI: 14: your turn
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <05-27-13/1242:59>
"Sh!# $hi& Sh^+!" and runs

[spoiler]Running 9d6
9d6.hits(5)=7 ( Hell yeah![/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-27-13/1313:25>
INI: 13

Hrubes quickly swings over the railing and bounced across the empty space
AG(6)+Gym(4) (10d6.hits(5)=4) ( means 8 meters at max (more than enought)
Impact resist: Body(6+2)+1+Gymnastics(4)+IMP/2(3) (16d6.hits(5)=8) (

Nick runs down the stairs opposite the mezzanine, he can see one of the men, probably ork, swinging over the railing and jumping across the stairwell. The other one caries some kind of gun, possibly riffle, and preparesx to shoot. Nick accelerates to sprint, a bit disturbed by recent developemnt, and he manages to slip under the jumping guy before he even hits the ground. Or land behing Nick with heavy impact, shaking whole stairway, and leans heavily against wall to stop before he follows nick.

Luckily for Nick, it seems that fear gave him wings, as he bolts down the stairs, he manages to get on the next mezanine before the guy above had a chance to open fire.

IP 2:
Homolka:Fuck. You little....
Barely audible clink from above follows the curse.

INI: 14
@Nick (you may continue running or you can try to leave the well as you are passing by the Emergency Exit. Current level: 4th floor)
If you run you make 41 meters this turn

INI: 13
Hrubes bolts after Nick, trying to catch him
STR(6)+Athletic(4)+Railing(2)+Surface(1) (13d6.hits(5)=3) ( = 31 x 2/3 = 20 meters
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <05-28-13/1348:27>
"bad day Bad Day BAD DAY!!" Nick tries to outpace the ork....

9d6.hits(5)=4 ( that works[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-28-13/1428:59>
Distance to Garrage, L-2: 120 + 40 meters (20 meters/floor) 32 meters vertical (4 meters/floor)

Homolka: Clink you just heard came from carabine being locked on the railing. Hissing sound follows and Homolka begins to rappel down:
STR(6)+Climbing(4)+Assisted(2)+Easy surface(1) (13d6.hits(5)=4) ( (24m Vertical)
STR(6)+Climbing(4)+Assisted(2)+Easy surface(1) (13d6.hits(5)=4) (
He is two floors under Nick, hanging on the steath rope, legs against the railing (mezzanine side), weapon on the sling on his back.

Nick: You run, not looking left or right, no exits matters now. RUN, UNDERWOOD! RUN!
25+41+8=74 m (15m Vertical)

Hrubes: Jump to 28+20+(STR(6)+Running(4)+Railing(2)+Non Slippery surface(1) (13d6.hits(5)=9) (  :o )18 = 66 m (13m vertical)

We got fucking sprint contest here. Those guys take the runnin srrsly!
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-28-13/1455:09>

6. floor                            | <ROPE                 
5. floor                            |                     
4.floor                             |                     
3.floor                Hrubes> |3m> Nick>
2.floor                             |                     
1.floor=Ground level   Homolka
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <05-28-13/1458:56>
Nick Draws out his knife slashing at the rope as he runs past...

[spoiler]Blades 4 + AGL 4 + Specialized Knives +2  and -2 for running= 8
8d6.hits(5)=3 (
re rolled got the same

so thats 3P at -1AP plus my 3 hits
sorry forgot the damage part and i had one more die i didnt roll... oh well
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-28-13/1532:54>
Homolka tries to bounce from the railing when he saw the glimpse of the blade. Pushing hard...
Reaction(6)+Strenght(6)-jumping back with poor base(6)-Blind spot(2) (4d6.hits(5)=2) (
But not enought to reach oposite side of the well...

Hrubes: INI(11) (11d6.hits(5)=0) ( 11
Homolka: ShiiiiiiiiTHUMP (i/m)
8P comming:
Body(6+2)+1+Gymnastics(4)+IMP/2(3) (16d6.hits(5)=6) ( 2P taken
INI(11) (11d6.hits(5)=6) ( INI: 17
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <05-28-13/1539:39>
"good thing i keep this on me"

[spoiler]Initiative: 10
10d6.hits(5)=1 ( oh cra....
Running: 9d6
9d6.hits(5)=3 ([/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-28-13/1609:52>
IP 1
INI 17 Homolka: Catches breath for the third try, You little brat I promiss...

INI 11
Hrubes: STR(6)+Running(4)+Railing(2)+Non Slippery surface(1) (13d6.hits(5)=2) (
not enought to meet Sprinting On The Stairs thresshold (3):
AGI(6)+Ath(4) (10d6.hits(5)=5) ( (at least he didnt fell)

@Nick: You hear the Ork behind you breathing, his steps sounds louder and louder as he sprints behind you. You almost feel his hand on your back, as he is trying to catch you. You take sharp left to another stairway, using the railing to increase your momentum, and you hear orks hand slipping on the railing and riht after that he landslides to avoid hitting the wall running. You dont have time for relief, well something gloating  was seen for a second on your face.

Nicks running distance/IP: 25 +6 = 31/3 = +11


6. floor                            | <ROPE                 
5. floor                            |                     
4.floor                             |                     
3.floor                Hrubes>14m>
2.floor                          Nick>                         
1.floor=Ground level                           
-1floor                                 >Doors to the Garrage l1 (residents)
+2floor               Homolka     >Doors to the Garrage l2 (visitors)
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <05-28-13/1614:44>
"f^*k... f&*k... fu.." Nick goes as fast as he can...

[spoiler]Running: 9d6
9d6.hits(5)=3 ( at least i'm not tripping...[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-28-13/1634:27>

INI 17
Homolka: Body(6)+Will(4) (10d6.hits(5)=4) (
Ork down bellow make it on his knees and then he stands up. He looks pissed off. Even if you dont have time to observe in details or Judge intentions, you are quite sure he wishes no good for you, Nick.

INI 11
STR(6)+Running(4)+Railing(2)+Non Slippery surface(1) (13d6.hits(5)=2) (


AGI(6)+Gym(4) (10d6.hits(5)=4) (

Orks starts to continue the pursuit only to mis the third stair he intended to step on. You hear as he tries to maintain ballance while his heel slips a few more stairs down, making him achieve almost acrobatic possition. Tripping you say...

Meanwhile Nick:


6. floor                            | <ROPE                 
5. floor                            |                     
4.floor                             |                     
3.floor                Hrubes>26m>
1.floor=Ground level  >Nick 
-1floor                                 >Doors to the Garrage l1 (residents)
+2floor               Homolka     >Doors to the Garrage l2 (visitors)
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <05-28-13/1640:43>
Nick slows down and trys the door at the ground level...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-28-13/1642:18>
Combat mode OFF
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-28-13/1647:44>
@Nick: You can see a few people talking with guards at the reception of the appartement complex. As you enter the hallway, one of guards looks at you and waves his hand:

Good evening doctor Underwood. Good you are safe. Please get over here, we have an emergency lockdown and there is an intruder somewhere in the building. Get some cofee and wait with others, at least you dont get wet from the rain if you have to wait outside.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <05-28-13/1652:08>
"Sounds Delightful" Nick tries to remember if he has seen this guard here before....

[spoiler]Memory: 11
11d6.hits(5)=5 (

and tries to Judge if he is being honest: 10
10d6.hits(5)=4 ([/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-28-13/1653:16>
Answer is yes in both cases
(but nice that you are paranoid enought to ask)
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <05-28-13/1656:21>
"There are Two intruders! i was just chased down here by two Orcs from the fifth floor and they were both armed, please check the cameras if you could" Nick moves away from the stairwell to the desk.. quickly hiding his knife behind him....

Sh&^ do i need a drink...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-28-13/1712:26>
That wont be possible. Mitsuhama even rerouted traffic from adjacent streets, and Shiftleader told us their strike team defuses the situation. Must be some high profile criminal, they are occupying our systems for almost half an hour. Seems they pinpoint him just a moment back, its less than a minute the alarm started. Good you made it here. Two orks you say?
He gestures and his mates take possitions from where they can clearly target at the emergency exit, weapons ready
Good you made it here. Well better we wait for that MCT strike team, we hadn`t seen them yet but you know those guys, they are real badasses when it comes to criminals. Maybe they wanted to use you to get out of here. Everyone around knows you, you will be valuable hostage.

The guy is completely spotless. The treining they receive must be complete brainwashing. Or he was born that way. You`ve heard enought stories about cops...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <05-28-13/1716:27>
"Well that's a relief, i'm going to go outside for some air, let me know if something changes..." Nick exits the front door and looks around...

[spoiler]Perception: 13
13d6.hits(5)=1 ( Don't See Sh^% Captain[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-28-13/1723:33>
Eee, that wont be possible. We are ordered to keept the doors locked. I cannot let you out.

He looks like a puppy that just made a puddle on your prescious new floor, but apparently an order is an order.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <05-28-13/1731:00>
"Sir.... Open this door... ive had far too CRAPPY a day ... to not be able to take a breather... ive just come from a Murder scene where the only survivor Lay Barely clinging to life and no matter what i did i could feel that life slipping away slowly.... until it was gone... like the echos of a voice in the mountians... Open This Door so that i may have a moment to myself and perhaps let this rain cleanse the shame i feel off of my weary bones."

Should have been a goddam writer....

[spoiler]Leadership 4 + CHA 5 = 9d6
9d6.hits(5)=1 ( Crap...
use an edge to re roll missed dice...
8d6.hits(5)=2 ( Ugh...
so 3 total

Plus forgotten modifiers...
3d6.hits(5)=2 (
so 5 Grand total[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-28-13/1816:13>
@Nick: Behind the guard you see elevator moving down, stopping in the 2nd level.
Will(3)+Negotiation(2) (5d6.hits(5)=1) (

OK Ok. I understand you Doctor Underwood. This is awfull situation. I understand what you are going throught...well I think you know better what you need. I would be glad to see you again, have a good night.

Elevator begins to move down...
as the guard escorts you to the main entrance...entering the numbers on the keypad and the pressing his finger against the reader:
This is just for emergency bu I understand this may be the case...
Doors open...
both entrance
and the elevator on the other side of the hallway...
Two figures steps out of the elevator.
Hey. What the fuc...
the rest of the sentence is cut off by doors closing behind you.
The guard on the other side of the doors looks really, really confused, as he turns to those guys with the question in his eyes.
You see Homolka pulling out his weapon...
and you don`t think you need to see the rest of it...

There is a rainy night outside, and the street is completely clear of vehicles.
Your commlink beeps and is ON
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <05-28-13/1817:41>
Timelines synchronized
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <05-28-13/1819:33>
 Calls Group<<Hey I need a Pick up quick!! i got MCT hot on my Arse!!!>> and Nick bolts off down the street....

 Nick also sends the info he noted earlier to Fang.... just in case...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <05-29-13/0154:23>
Shadow had been standing watch, circulating around the building to make sure nobody could sneak up on them.  When she heard Nick's call, she quickly went back to the vehicles.
"Mine has chameleon coating," she said to the others, "but if some of the other vehicles has it as well, or if someone else is a better driver than I am, you can drive."

There was no question in her mind about going or not going.  You did not leave a buddy behind.  This had been drilled into her mind, mostly because those left behind could be made to talk, or if dead, examined.  But still, it made for loyal teams if they knew that all possible measures would be taken to ensure they wouldn't fall in enemy hand.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <05-29-13/0452:35>
"Mask and his bike are better suited for a quick in-and-out grab and to lose any possible followers. Meanwhile, we should go in my car, waiting nearby to see if heavier support is needed. And we shouldn't leave anyone here unprotected, we all should go." Bulldog went to his car, which was parked next to Shadow's, waiting to see if the others agreed with his assessment. He gave the command to the car to open and start up, just in case. The Humvee's engine growled menacingly.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <05-29-13/0724:23>
Fang holstered the Mossberg on his back as he received Nick's communication. @Navi: Right. Time for me to get back to work. Thank you for your assistance. I'll call you when I likely will need your help again.

[spoiler=Matrix Action]Simple Action - Dismiss Sprite.[/spoiler]

He quickly moved to the front door, seeing outside it that Bulldog was starting up his Humvee. He pulled on his chameleon suit as he exited the house, joining the ork. "I'll try to keep track of Herr Nick's location. He's, understandably, still on the move." His disembodied voice came from beside the ork. "I'll stick to your orders, chief." He knew they needed to get the doctor.Not only was it poor teamwork to leave a member behind, but that commlink could be used to trace them if a technomancer got it. He could unsubscribe it, but it was still a risk.

@Nick: We're coming, just hang on.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: vinnmun on <05-29-13/1215:02>
Judah hops in the back of Sylvia's vehicle, "I'll get over to him faster." He relaxes himself as he closes his eyes as he slips his body into the astral. The physical realms his his astral self behind as calls upon the two watcher spirits. He tells one, "Find Nick.." gives off a mental image of Nick, "at the corner of 3rd St NW and A St NW" Judah than tells the other wateer spirit to look over his body. As the other watcher spirit flies to the destination, Judah will follow and offer assistance if he has an idea where nick could be, knowing they can get their astrally a lot faster.

[spoiler]2d6 = search power 6d6 = Edge + Int + no navigation 7d6 = Area Knowledge (2d6.hits(5)=0, 6d6.hitsopen(5,6)=3, 7d6.hits(5)=4) (

0 on the search, 3 hits on navigation, 4 area knowledge[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <05-29-13/1307:50>
Bulldog glared at Judah for a moment, as he vanished into the Rover. "We are going with both cars." he said to Shadow, then he hopped in the drivers seat, putting his battle rifle to his right. "Fang, back seat please, it has nice gun ports for your Mossberg." While the others entered, he was already looking at an AR city map, devising several routes between here and their destination, as well as possible escape routes toward the interstate and Redmond Barrens.
[spoiler=devising routes]navigation: INT(4) + Navigation(2) + Home Ground(2) + AR(2) (10d6.hits(5)=3) (
area knowledge: INT(4) + Area knowledge: Auburn(5) + Mnemonic Enhancer(2) + Home Ground(4) (15d6.hits(5)=9) ( I'm at home  :P
combat tactics: LOG(2) + Combat tactics: Urban(5) + Mnemonic Enhancer(2) (9d6.hits(5)=0) ( I don't really care.  :o
I assumed for the first test it's AR-enhanced, if not, please disregard last two dice.
Combat tactics was for determining where i would place interception teams if i seriously wanted to get someone, i'll try to avoid those places with the routes.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <05-29-13/2236:16>
Fang nodded as he slipped into the back seat, disabling his chameleon suit and mounted his mossberg in the gun port.

Right, now to prepare for possible combat.

@Navi: Oh Navi... I need to borrow you for a moment. Please encrypt communications between my bionode, and [Nick's Commlink].

Upon making his request of the sprite, he allowed himself to slip into the warmth of VR, feeling his processes speeding up as he did so. He pulled out his Command program, feeling it glow and draw a line between his node and that of his Mossberg. He decided to tinker a bit with it,  improving it asmuch as he could for combat situations.

[spoiler=Matrix Actions]Simple Action- Call Sprite

Simple Action - Issue Command

Free Action - Switch Interface Mode

Free Action - Threading Command Resonance (8) + Software (4) + Analytical Mind (2) + HotSim (2) (16d6.hits(5)=6) ( Taking 6 hits.
Command CF = 14.

Fading DV = 6P
Resonance (8) + Intuition (6) (14d6.hits(5)=5) (
Fading MDV = 1P

Damage track = 3P. Wound Penalty = -1.[/spoiler]

Fang gasped as he felt the slight shock, wiping some of the new blood off his muzzle. Straining as he attempted to perceive the real world while still in VR, he managed to set up the medkit for remote use before returning back to his work in VR. His next task was to begin a new complex form, taking shape in his clawed hands as a map of everyone's position.

[spoiler=Matrix Actions]Threading TacNet: Resonance (8) + Software (4) + Analytical Mind (2) + HotSim (2) - Sustaining (2) - Wounds (1) (13d6.hits(5)=3) ( Accepting 2 hits.

Fading DV = 2P
Resonance (8) + Intuition (6) (14d6.hits(5)=4) (
Fading MDV = 0[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Tactical Network Info]Tactical Network Rating 2. Adds N-2 dice to appropriate rolls (see Unwired 125). N is equal to the number of contributing team members.

To be a contributing team member, have four sensor channels (natural, cybernetic or sensor system) linked to your commlink (again, Unwired 125).

Fang is a contributing team member (Sensor channels: 5 (sight, sound, scent, low light, spatial recogniser))

Bulldog is a contributing team member (Sensor channels: 4 (image link, sound, spatial recogniser, improved rangefinder)

Mask is a contributing team member (Sensor Channels: 4 (sight, sound, scent, low light.)

Judah is a contributing team member (Sensor Channels: 4(image link, sound, ultrasound, vision magnification))

Shadow is a contributing team member (Sensor Channels: 4 (image link, vision magnification, sound, directional microphone))

Nick is NOT a contributing team member (Out of range.)

TacNet bonus = +2 to all members.

Let me know if I forgot any sensor channels.[/spoiler]

@Shadow: I can Remote Control your vehicle if you want to be ready to take out any attackers. Let me know if you're fine with that.
Title: Re:
Post by: Sichr on <05-30-13/0108:30>
Looks like the sooner you get your real doctor back, the better.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <05-31-13/1202:33>
"Sure, go ahead," Sylvia said to him, "I'll keep an eye out for anyone following us.  I've done that before, so I know what to look for."

While the car was driven for her, she could use the free time to check the mirrors for cars or moterbikes following them.  She even made a point of checking the astral from time to time, to check for spirits or projecting mages following, or in the rare case that she would miss a car or bike following (she had a very good memory, but one could always miss something), maybe auras that came back.

intuition 4 + perception 3 + vision enhancement 2 + actively looking 3 =12 (12d6.hits(5)=4, 12d6.hits(5)=5, 12d6.hits(5)=6, 12d6.hits(5)=3) (

I think I see you, whoever you are. :)

intuition 4 + assensing 3 =7 (7d6.hits(5)=3, 7d6.hits(5)=2, 7d6.hits(5)=4, 7d6.hits(5)=2) (

Even in the astral I see pretty well.  :)
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <05-31-13/1339:42>
[spoiler=notes]As I don’t think we can even get close to the reasonable high-end speed (170 km/h) of our vehicles inside the traffic, while not on the interstates, I used the threshold modification where I felt Bulldog would feel inclined to get over the “safe” speed of zig-zagging between cars. Also, as written on p.62, SR4A, under Buying Hits, if our GM allows, I could buy the necessary hits on the tests for TH3 or below (dice pool is 14). I rolled all tests though as I’m not sure Sichr would allow it in this situation. (I certainly wouldn’t, at least at the four highlighted places.)
For the perception tests, I didn’t apply my visual specialization.[/spoiler]
Bulldog activated the spoof chip and changed the license plate of the car. As soon as Fang was strapped in and the garage door open, he shot out of the safehouse with screeching tires. Time was of the essence so he used all his talent to zig-zag between cars in the light traffic of the night. He commanded the autopilot to constantly look for the signs of patrols and anyone following them. Meanwhile, he turned down all the unnecessary parts of the AR display, allowing only those elements that were helping his driving and navigation.
[spoiler=tests]First stretch, speed up 50%, TH3: REA(8 ) + Pilot ground craft: car(3) + AR(1) + Home ground(2) + TacNet(2) (16d6.hits(5)=4) ([/spoiler]

As he neared Cassey’s, Bulldog slowed down a bit. He knew the place was usually packed, so traffic must be thicker there. He took special care to watch out for drunks suddenly stepping in front of him.
[spoiler=tests]Second stretch, TH3: REA(8 ) + Pilot ground craft: car(3) + AR(1) + Home ground(2) + TacNet(2) (16d6.hits(5)=4) (
vs. shadowing: INT(4) + Perception(4) + Radar sensor(6) + Home ground(2) + TacNet(2) (18d6.hits(5)=5) ([/spoiler]

He kept the relatively reasonable speed as he neared the T-cross. The tires screamed in protest because he refused to take the turn at a crawl. He saw in the rearview, Fang straining against the harness in the back seat as the change of direction swung him to the side.
[spoiler=tests]Third stretch, TH2: REA(8 ) + Pilot ground craft: car(3) + AR(1) + Home ground(2) + TacNet(2) (16d6.hits(5)=2) (
Fourth stretch, TH3: REA(8 ) + Pilot ground craft: car(3) + AR(1) + Home ground(2) + TacNet(2) (16d6.hits(5)=4) (
vs. shadowing: INT(4) + Perception(4) + Radar sensor(6) + Home ground(2) + TacNet(2) (18d6.hits(5)=2) ([/spoiler]

Then it was an almost straight run to the serpentine. The engine roared as the Humvee raced down Lake Holm Road. Bulldog kept his eyes on the road as well as his surroundings: he wouldn’t have liked any nasty surprise suddenly appearing.
While speeding towards their destination, he sent a message to Fang. >>Can you register the car in the TacNet as well? It has the needed amount of input and I might have to transfer control to the autopilot, it should benefit from other viewpoints as well.<<
[spoiler=tests]Fifth stretch, speed up 50%, TH3: REA(8 ) + Pilot ground craft: car(3) + AR(1) + Home ground(2) + TacNet(2) (16d6.hits(5)=4) (
Sixth stretch, speed up 50%, TH3: REA(8 ) + Pilot ground craft: car(3) + AR(1) + Home ground(2) + TacNet(2) (16d6.hits(5)=5) (
Seventh stretch, speed up 50%, TH3: REA(8 ) + Pilot ground craft: car(3) + AR(1) + Home ground(2) + TacNet(2) (16d6.hits(5)=5) (
Eighth stretch, speed up 50%, TH3: REA(8 ) + Pilot ground craft: car(3) + AR(1) + Home ground(2) + TacNet(2) (16d6.hits(5)=5) (
vs. shadowing: INT(4) + Perception(4) + Radar sensor(6) + Home ground(2) + TacNet(2) (18d6.hits(5)=6) ([/spoiler]

He used the hand-break heavily on the serpentine, barely missing a car on the second turn. Fang got a close look from above on the scared face of the sedan’s driver, as the wind rising in the Humvee’s wake rocked the smaller car slightly. ”Cutoff or Black Diamond?” he asked of Shadow on the comm. ”I suggest the latter.”
[spoiler=tests]Ninth stretch, TH4: REA(8 ) + Pilot ground craft: car(3) + AR(1) + Home ground(2) + TacNet(2) (16d6.hits(5)=2) (
using edge: 14d6.hits(5)=3 ([/spoiler]

The end of the serpentine was suddenly there. Bulldog worked on the steering wheel, using the hand-brake to take the turn again, leaving cursing pedestrians behind. Then he just needed the answer from Shadow to know when to turn next.
[spoiler=tests]Tenth stretch, TH3: REA(8 ) + Pilot ground craft: car(3) + AR(1) + Home ground(2) + TacNet(2) (16d6.hits(5)=6) (
vs. shadowing: INT(4) + Perception(4) + Radar sensor(6) + Home ground(2) + TacNet(2) (18d6.hits(5)=9) ([/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <06-01-13/0033:11>
Upon getting permission to drive from Shadow, Fang sent a message to the spoof ship to morph the license plate. Once he noted his moving position, Fang got Shadow's car to take off, following closely behind Bulldog's car. He watched the tactical display as well as the vehicle sensors for any possible dangers or paths needed to be taken. he did his best to make sure that Shadow was as closely behind Bulldog as possible.

[spoiler=Test 1]First stretch, speed up 50%, TH3-1 (VR): Command (14) + 2 (TacNet) - 1 (Defaulting) - 1 (Wound penalty) (14d6.hits(5)=4)+1 ([/spoiler]

Noting that Bulldog was slowing down, Fang did the same with Shadow's car. @Shadow: Sorry if this is slightly bumpy by the way.. He made sure to keep track and closely mimic Bulldog's movements, not trusting the sensors in this weather. Nonetheless, he made a token attempt and watching for idiots walking on the road to avoid.

[spoiler=Test 2]Second stretch, slow to base, TH3-1 (VR): Command(14) + TacNet (2) - Defaulting(1) - 1 (Wound penalty) (14d6.hits(5)=5)+0 (
vs Shadowing: Sensor(2) + Perception (5) + TacNet(2) - 1 (Wound penalty) (8d6.hits(5)=3) ([/spoiler]

Fang matched Bulldog's speed, not even noticing how his meatspace body was being tossed around slightly from the harsh turns. As Bulldog screeched around the T-cross, Fang attempted to keep up with him.

[spoiler=Test 3-4]Third stretch: TH2-1 (VR): Command(14) + TacNet (2) - Defaulting(1) - 1 (Wound penalty) (14d6.hits(5)=3)+1 (
Fourth stretch: TH3-1 (VR): Command(14) + TacNet (2) - Defaulting(1) - 1 (Wound penalty) (14d6.hits(5)=1)+1 (
vs Shadowing: Sensor(2) + Perception (5) + TacNet(2) - 1 (Wound penalty) (8d6.hits(5)=4) ([/spoiler]

Fang slammed on the speed to try and keep up with Bulldog's Humvee. Watching through the sensors as best he could. The message surprised him. @Bulldog: I'm uh... Actually driving for Shadow right now. Give me a moment.

@Navi: Alright. Stop encryption for now. I need subscription space for another thing. Thank you though.

[spoiler=Matrix Actions and Tests 5-8]Issue Command [Navi]: Disable Encryption

Issue Command [Humvee]: Change Slaved Node to [Fang's Bionode].

Humvee is now part of the TacNet! If it has 4 or more sensors it gets a +2 bonus to all relevant rolls!

Fifth Stretch, speed up 50%, TH3-1 (VR): Command(14) + TacNet (2) - Defaulting(1) - Wound Penalty (1) (14d6.hits(5)=5)+1 (
Sixth Stretch, speed up 50%, TH3-1 (VR): Command(14) + TacNet (2) - Defaulting(1) - Wound Penalty (1) (14d6.hits(5)=6)+1 (
Seventh Stretch, speed up 50%, TH3-1 (VR): Command(14) + TacNet (2) - Defaulting(1) - Wound Penalty (1) (14d6.hits(5)=7)+0 (
Eighth Stretch, speed up 50%, TH3-1 (VR): Command(14) + TacNet (2) - Defaulting(1) - Wound Penalty (1) (14d6.hits(5)=4)+0 (
vs Shadowing: Sensor(2) + Perception (5) + TacNet(2) - 1 (Wound penalty) (8d6.hits(5)=1) ([/spoiler]

Fang yelped with surprise in the matrix as Bulldog used the handbrake, following suit in an attempt to not crash into the Humvee

[spoiler=Test 9]Ninth Stretch, TH4-1 (VR): Command(14) + TacNet (2) - Defaulting(1) - Wound Penalty (1) (14d6.hits(5)=6)+2 ([/spoiler]

I'm beginning to remember why I don't like driving... Fang thought to himself. As the humvee ahead took another screeching turn, Fang did his best to make sure the Rover managed it without crashing. Shadow probably wouldn't appreciate that.

[spoiler=Test 10]Tenth Stretch, TH3-1 (VR): Command(14) + TacNet (2) - Defaulting(1) - Wound Penalty (1) (14d6.hits(5)=3)+2 (
vs Shadowing: Sensor(2) + Perception (5) + TacNet(2) - 1 (Wound penalty) (8d6.hits(5)=5) ([/spoiler]

@Bulldog: Lead the way.

[spoiler=HotSim rolls]Add as +<result> to each driving rolls.

HotSim Bonus (2) (2d6.hits(5)=1, 2d6.hits(5)=0, 2d6.hits(5)=1, 2d6.hits(5)=1, 2d6.hits(5)=1, 2d6.hits(5)=1, 2d6.hits(5)=0, 2d6.hits(5)=0, 2d6.hits(5)=2, 2d6.hits(5)=2) (
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <06-01-13/2047:15>
"ok Hurry up if you could" Nick Runs across streets and through alleys trying to make his escape..

[spoiler]Dont have my sheet so cant roll[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <06-02-13/1047:01>
Grid Traffic controll:
Device rating - Security(4)+GridSensors(4)+Clearsight(3)-Weather conditions(2)-Traffic density(1) (8d6.hits(5)=2, 8d6.hits(5)=1, 8d6.hits(5)=3, 8d6.hits(5)=2) (

@Motorized Crew: Garrage gate opened and two SUV`s bolted into the night. Mask was working something on his bike, and bids you farewell, he will catch up with you on the way.
Tight alley didn`t offer too much opportunity for the driving magic, so drivers just pushed the pedal and hope that everyone in the way would jump away. As a convoy merges with the traffic on the main street, thins changed a bit. More stunts, acceleration, sharp breakes.
For Brian this was fun, he never did otherwise. Fan and Judah were out in their own worlds, so they didnt mid it that much.
Shadow, was a bit strange to sit in the car and watch the wheel turning all by itself. It was even less comfortable, as she knew, that in case of accident the driver is in the other car so he would be safe. OR, in case Brian didnt make it, they will simply all end up on one pile of scrapped metal. She decided to pay more attention to their surroundings to avoid such thoughts.

As both cars were passing by Cassey`s they had to deal with more dense traffic. People comming and leaving, and some of them even a bit high, werent prepared for two armoured SUVs jumping out of the night and disappear again in the rain, leaving only stench of burned gass and tires. Some bikers have their Vikings parked on the sidewalk, and as Brian avoids one slower car, with no other options left he barrely missed those,. But no harm done. Some gang members outside the bar shouted and het on their feet, well second car passing right after gave them cool splash as the car passes the pool by the road, and that seem to calm them down. Especialy when those not hit by the dirty, oily water, exploded in laugh.
Right after the crosroad the first sweat appeared on Sylvias forehead. As Brian made his way to the right dirrection with no mercy, forcing some cars to hit the breakes or to move to other stripe, he creatred enought distosion in the traffic that the sittuation was much more difficult for Fang. He had to avoid the tight spot by driving in the oposite dirrection for a few seconds, and when he barrely misses fully-loaded trailer to finaly get into right side of the road. Shadow has the image if chrommed grating and bouncers before her eyes a little biit longer than she would love to.
Both cars speed up the road , having only a little problems avoiding light traffic. 1:AM, half of the shift in Boening, rainy night, there are only those who have to be on the roads. Truck drivers, taxis,trash vans and maybe a few other professionals. It wasnt as dense to threaten fat sunning SUVs, but it wasn`t the empty road.
As serpentines down to the river closed Brian gets almost relaxed behind the wheel...
Car running in the opposite side, suddenly appearing behind the curve took him all by the surprise

Expression in the face of the driver, when first SUV avoids him from his right is worth remembering. Only thing that calms Brian down on the situation is the fact that even if he didn`t made it, they would probably not fly too far in this forested area.
Shadow watches the whole situation with increasing nervosity, as it almost looked like Fang is leaving her alone. She was almost ready to take the wheel and try to override it, trying at least to save her life or die by her own hand, but Fang surprised her with swift zigzag, and they passed the  sedan from its right. Shadow for sure has much more time to observe driver and by the moment of their closest passing, she knew for sure poor man pissed himself.

And suddenly, they were out of the curves and forrested arrea and there was clear view on the Auburn - Echo lake cotoff road, standing above the terrain like some ancient viaduct. As the crossroads and ramps closed, they knew they would have to choose.
Traffic on the highway would possibly be more dense than on side roads they were just passing, well multiple stripes are amking it spread and you all know, that by this time you may launch street race up there with only little obstacles Also, the Highway surface is hydrophopic and with the micro drainage, it is highly possible that the road would be completely dry. Well, for those races most time cops are paid to look away, otherwise the security network on the highway is much denser, with grid sensor combined with gates, aerial surveillance drones and omnipresent highway patrolls. It is possible to avoid their attention, at least for the short distance, And thios crew need only about 4 kms, but the risk is high.
On the other side, continuing by the SE Auburn Black Diamond road means continuing on the same way as you do untill now, as the traffic would be heavier as you close to the centre of the district. The surveilance increases also, but far less than on the highway. This road takes you almost exactly to the place you need to be, depending on the direction Nick is running. The distance you need to drive is the same.

@Fang During the long sprint following the T-crossroad you can see that thre was some minor accident following your entrée. Before you reach the end of the straight way...
[spoiler]Roll Matrix perception.[/spoiler]

@Nick: You start to run again to get out of the house ,and you hear strange pitching sound and screams of pain behind your back, even throught those doors. You are on the 3rd st. NW. To the left you you would get to Auburn hospital, to the right there is monorail track. About 120 meters south there is monorail station. If you run straight a few meters more, you can get to main road with quite dense traffic, which you can see from here. If you across the street you can get to some entrance to Auburn Junction. You know this place, because lots of yours patients home visit, at least those more adventurous types, happened here.
Quote from: IC p.4
Huge bulk of multilevel buildings, densely interconnected with skybridges, elevators and escalators, forming a complex used both for commercial and for residential purposes.
Many enclosed patios, wide corridors, roof gardens and parks were once meant to create place of harmony, firm point of human coexistence in chaotic urban wilderness. Well, it possibly even was...before men moved in.
Its construction is a history of corruption, abuse of public funds, furious competition and even some sabotages between developers. Not every wall, ceiling or floor was built with use of proper technologies and materials, in adition to that this place is fire-fighter`s nightmare.
Some apartements and even larger areas were abandoned, well, before squatters settled there, and with squatters some more vicious threats came. Some parts of the complex are believed to be haunted, both by magical and technological means, and less than half of Junction is now considered to be "Safe place to live, work and raise childen".
Still, there are many, who embrace all possible advantages this place has to offer. Maybe 3000 people living here...

@Judah: You know exactly where to go, and it doesnt surprise you that you are on the spot faster than you spirit puppy. The street is calm and quiet at the time of your arrival, only a few watchers visible guarding the appartement complex. And, of course, there is Nick, running for his life from the buildings entrance. His aura shows great disturbances, not that he would need healing, but he is eveidently under heavy pressure and even when you se ehope and faith in his aura, you also see fear and doubt.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <06-02-13/1124:34>
Promissed time table (for planning purposes):

0= Nick calls for help
+4CTs= Mechanized Crew departing the garrage, Judah meets Nick (astraly)
+4+19 CTs: Road selection
+4+19+24 CTs: Arrival via Black Diamond (same speed as now). Highway time depends on speed.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <06-02-13/1823:16>
[spoiler=Matrix Perception]Computer (4) + Analyze (8) + HotSim (2) + Technomancer (2) - Sustaining Command (2) - Wounds (1) (13d6.hits(5)=5 (

Whoops. Forgot to remove the 10 dice part. Just take the first result.[/spoiler]

Fang felt mildly sheepish as he noted the accident that he had caused. He hoped his body wasn't in  too bad a state from the somewhat wild ride, even if he didn't notice it while in the warmth of VR.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kouryuu on <06-03-13/1844:03>
The night got more and more interesting, good that he picked up the call when he did,
"Nick is in trouble?" You could see Masks interest in the situation, "What are we waiting for?" he started to move down to his Bikes. he unpacked the Armour stashed away on the BMW and started to get ready. he knew he would need some time to get into combat gear, to prepare to drive full speed in the rain so any benefit he could get out from being ready for a the driving and the possible fighting he would take.

Just as mask had finished putting on his full body armor, a remodeled version of what is used by the KE in case of a riot, he saw the others driving away in their humvees. Mas did not know how long it would take him to get ready for combat, but he knew he would be much faster on the road as the others, and with this thought he got on his bike.

The streets were deserted, almost no traffic and easy driving. the engine of the BMW roared in the night and Mask was on his way to rescue Nick, passing Cassie he saw a small accident and a few bikers wet to the bone warming themselves by the fire. Nothing more unusual was seen until there was a Sedan in run into a street light on the opposite side of the road, the driver was still in shock.

Just as He was closing in on Nick Mask said over the comlink "Right there with you in a sec, be ready for a fast getaway!" just as Mask pulled his bike in the last gear on to the street leading to the hospital, noticing in front a traffic reroute away from where he should go, this slowed him down to perceive the situation a bit more.

REA(7 ) + Pilot ground craft: Bike(6) + Home ground(2) + TacNet(2) + Handling(3) (20d6.hits(5)=5, 20d6.hits(5)=4, 20d6.hits(5)=7, 20d6.hits(5)=5, 20d6.hits(5)=12, 20d6.hits(5)=5, 20d6.hits(5)=5, 20d6.hits(5)=7, 20d6.hits(5)=8, 20d6.hits(5)=9, 20d6.hits(5)=5) (
[spoiler] Driving double speed, except n the harder spots, where Mask would slow down.
Thressholds as Follow:
2 / 3 / 2 / 3 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 4 / 3
Modifyed threshhold:
4 / 4 / 4 / 4 / 4 / 4 / 4 / 4 / 4 / 4 / 4
all TRH met even after taking away 1 die for handling, as it is 2 not 3 for this bike[/spoiler]

Rolled 4xPerception and 4xShadowing as i was a bit confused about  what you wanted - Shadowing and what others rolled - Perception
Mask tries to not to be noticed and still looks around.
INT(4 ) + Shadowing(3) + Home ground(2) + TacNet(2) ------------------------- 4xShadowing roll (Driver): Cassey`s, T-cross, SE Lake Holm RD, SE Auburn Black Diamond RD entry (11d6.hits(5)=4, 11d6.hits(5)=4, 11d6.hits(5)=3, 11d6.hits(5)=4) (

INT(4 ) + Perception(4) + Home ground(2) + TacNet(2) ------------------------- 4xShadowing roll (Driver): Cassey`s, T-cross, SE Lake Holm RD, SE Auburn Black Diamond RD entry (12d6.hits(5)=2, 12d6.hits(5)=4, 12d6.hits(5)=2, 12d6.hits(5)=4) (

[spoiler]INT(4 ) + Perception(4) + Home ground(2) + TacNet(2) + Actively looking 3 ---------- ways to get trough the blockade/reroute. (15d6.hits(5)=3) ([/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: vinnmun on <06-03-13/1859:39>
Judah looked around through the astral, seeing Nick running. He looked intentively via astral for anyone chasing Nick so he can deal with them.

[spoiler]Assensing + Int + Spec (11d6.hits(5)=2) ([/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <06-03-13/2027:56>
Fang quickly realised he wouldn't be able to fight and drive at the same time. He couldn't remote control his car and gun simultaneously. Better to get some assistance.

@Navi: Thank you for your help so far, I just need you to do one more thing before you leave. Please conceal [Wang's Commcode] within my English linguasoft.

[spoiler=Matrix Actions]Simple Action - Issue Command: Steganography to conceal information within English Linguasoft.


Navi Complex Action: Steganography.

Tasks remaining: 0.[/spoiler]

Fang watched briefly as the sprite faded back into the Matrix, then he got to work. Time to call back Red for some assistance in driving.

[spoiler=Matrix Actions]Compile Machine 9 Sprite: Compiling (6) + Resonance (8) + HotSim (2) + Specialisation [Machine Sprite] (2) - Sustaining (2) - Wounds (1) (15d6.hits(5)=5) ( + Paragon bonus [01] (1) (1d6.hits(5)=0) ( vs Rating (9) (9d6.hits(5)=3) (

Bonus CFs: Targeting (Longarms), Maneouvre (Groundcraft), Clearsight

Tasks: 2
Fading DV: 6P
Fading Resistance Test: Intuition (6) + Resonance (8) (14d6.hits(5)=8) (
Fading MDV: 0P[/spoiler]

Fang didn't even notice any strain from the negotiations as a much more hi-res version of the machine sprite he had spoken to earlier materialised in front of him. @Red: I don't need you to do anything for the moment, so please stand by. I might need you to take over driving in a little bit. Or to engage in combat using [Mossberg].
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Nathen on <06-04-13/0139:17>
Nick runs forward to the crowded street, hoping to lose himself in the mass of humanity. He try's to mix in a bit then ducts into what looks like an eatery...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <06-08-13/0957:40>
Updated time table (for planning purposes):

0= Nick calls for help
+3CT Nick reaches the main street (C St NW)
+4CTs= Mechanized Crew departing the garrage, Judah meets Nick (astraly)
+4+10CTs: Mask reaches the Road selection...
+4+19 CTs: Mechanized Crew reaches the Road selection
+4+22 CTs: ETA for Mask (Black Diamond, same speed, Highway can be faster)

+4+19+21CTs: Arrival via Black Diamond (same speed as now). Highway time depends on speed.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <06-08-13/1033:20>
@Shadow: You have oportunity to scan every detail of surrounding area with your own senses. Except for some details, like those gangers bathed were from Blood Mountain Boys. They are far from their turf, well that possibly doesnt mean too much, as they are highway gang and they hardly stay at one places for too long. Anyway, you know their current turf is a bit north, Route 169. Under other circumstances it would be tempting to find out what they are up to, but right now it would have to wait. Focused on them, You`ve almost missed Mask on her heavy bike wheeling ahead. The bike is obviously faster, and more versatile when it comes to road races. Mask seem to be just a part of it, protected by the armor and completely focused on the road.
The accident caused by Fang`s lack of remorse when entering the main road doesnt seem too harsh, mostly sheets and plasts, well you can see traffic lights and AROws along the road changing as the Grid updates infomations.
By that time, you notice increased activity in the SUV`s node

@Fang: You notice the data incoming to one of devices in Shadow`s car: GridLink. You are fully aware that this device can quickly bypass any user-set privileges and the car network architecture to become Master node and feed the autopilot with scripted commands...or to allow direct remote control in case car is equiped for such purposes. The device can only be turned off or disabled by hardware means, and is directly wired to the main car control node. The data transfer between GridLink device and Car node is encrypted (Encryption r.4)

[spoiler]VR INItiative would be appropriate[/spoiler]

@Nick: As you run under the rail you hear the tires whizzing in the underground garrage and soon car speeds out of it. It parks in fron of the entrance and you can head doors slamming, as the car starts to move again. You take deep breath and start running a bit faster once again. The traffic on  the street is light at this time and weather, and it sure as hell isn`t overcrowded there on the sidewalks, but at ĺeast some bars, holes, should be opened, and you know exatly such places around...

[spoiler]Shadowing roll would be appropriate. Don`t forget Homeground etc...[/spoiler]

@Judah:You follow Nick over the short distandce to the main street. It seems the side street he is currently passing is closed for some reason, no traffic, no pedestrians on the sidewalks...except for one car and two men just running out of the building and geting on.
it is impossible to see tzhe inside of the car from your possition, so you change your position a bit. Before doors closes you can see one more man there as a driver. All of them look mundane and have some vivid communication. Doors closes and car ridef forward, following Nick, who almost get to the main street. As you follow them, you suddenly feel another presence on the scene, and you see spirit of water of medium power joining the hunt.

Thisss would be fun...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <06-08-13/1653:48>
"Hey, Fang," Shadow said, "are you doing something special on my car's node?  It's starting to get more active."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kouryuu on <06-08-13/1806:54>
The Road so far has been Easy driving for Mask, for one it was night and there were no bullets flying his direction as well. a few places it had been on the limit, but then only nearly, and at all difficult places he had slowed down, if driving way over the speed limit can be called normal. AS he turned over to the highway he new that the driving would be even more easy and fast, but he might get locked on my Grind or worse,he might get attention from a patrol.
A quick call was necessary to the only friend he had made in the shadows the only lasting runner relationship, he and His girl had with, Silver. so he pressed on with driving while activating the quick-dial function of his comlink "Hey Silver, I know you are still awake stealing someones account or something, but i need your help here. If you could get into Grind Lock for me and take the heat of my trail, you can be sure i will be very thankful, as this is a life and death situation on the Job." Witch meant a lot for what they had gone trough. " You know my account, deduct as much as much as you think is appropriate for the job you get done. also if you see two Humvee's on the target-list, can you help them too, as they are on the way there as well, but remember that i am much faster and the priority ONE!" He added BullDogs ComCode so Silver had a connection with the others as well "here if you need them talking, but be nice, this one wears his pants way too stiff."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <06-08-13/1815:19>
Uh oh...

@Shadow: Um... Not to my knowledge. Something is happening with your GridLink. If you have a way to disable it, now would be a good time.

[spoiler=Initiative]Intuition (6) + Intuition (6) + VR (1) + Overclocking Bonus (1) - Wounds (1) - Sustaining (2) (11d6.hits(5)=2) (

Initiative score: 13+2 = 15.

IPs: 4


Rating (9) + Rating (9) (18d6.hits(5)=8) (

Red (Machine Sprite) Initiative: 18+8 = 26

IPs: 3[/spoiler]

Fang was expressing his distaste with the Gridlink interference by cursing harshly in his home tongue. Encrypted. I'm probably going to need to fix this myself, don't have the energy to keep negotiating with sprites.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <06-08-13/1831:25>
@Mask: WhoHOA. You just won me 50 bucks, you know. I bet you would call, when I saw you passing by. Your SUV friends brought some fun to this evening, washing that Blood Mountain dirt. LOL They didn`t stop yelling yet. Traffic control you say. Well I`can look into it, got some backdoors around. Just tell me if you leave local grid. And watch for pursuits, Knights are eager to show their balls
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kouryuu on <06-08-13/1851:39>

Mask was happy to hear back from Silver.
"You know me, like these fools would ever catch me on a bike. Wont leave Local Grid, need just to get to Auburn General on full throttle, then make a retreat. Just need you to make sure they are chasing my tracks as far from me as possible, you know the drill right?

Also if by seeing me you meant that you are at Casie's, give out a round on my name and the Auburn Ramblers, you can put it on my tab as always."

With this his attention turned back to the road ahead, it might be a easy track to drive, but at these speeds it is a suicide waiting to happen even a single mistake can get you killed in mili-seconds.

Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <06-08-13/1957:50>
@Fang: VR Initiative: Agent(4)+Device Rating(4) (8d6.hits(5)=2) ( = Ini: 10
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kouryuu on <06-08-13/2008:39>
Mask was sure Silver would work his magic so he turned on the highway and let the bike go way over the speed limit it was supposed to go. Tripple the speed of the original limiter flying down the road and trying to avoid the patrols who most likely would not be even close to catching him. the first part was geting on the highway itself, a few hard corners and you are on, then it's time to fly, the cars he over took almost seemed like driving in the oposite direction, if mask would not know the reallity and the speed he was pushing his BMW he would consider this kind of thing. fearing to even peak at the speedometer or even to blink Mask put most of the highway behind and it was time to  leave for the final stretch.
"Be right there, just a few sec." he said over his com to Nick as he came on the C st NW. and kept on speeding towards the 3rd street along the monorail line.

Soon Racing would stop, and the fun part would start.

As soon he is near the 3rd street, he starts taking in the surroundings to see if he can find the attackers and Nick

Quote from: OOC
4xDriving tests: (19d6.hits(5)=5, 19d6.hits(5)=5, 19d6.hits(5)=7, 19d6.hits(5)=12) ([spoiler]Thressholds as Follow: 3(+2) / 1(+4) / 4(+1) / 3(+2) Modifyed threshhold: 5 / 5 / 5 / 5[/spoiler]

2xShadowing roll (Driver):(11d6.hits(5)=5, 11d6.hits(5)=4) ([spoiler]
3rd street NW [/spoiler]

Actively looking for attackers and for Nick: (15d6.hits(5)=7) (
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <06-08-13/2059:45>
Let's get to work.

@Red: Pilot [Shadow's Car Node] to follow after [Bulldog's Car], please.

The controls were in position for the sprite to take control as soon as the order was received. In the meantime, Fang began threading up a trace complex form to follow the subscription link between the car and the GridLink controller. He wouldn't need to decrypt it, and if need be he could hammer as required.As an afterthought, he set his analyze form to check out the icons in the car node in an attempt to find the GridLink controller. If that icon was found, he could use the AccessID to get in if needed. Although it might be better to use it as a different thing to trace.

He shrugged off the more minor strain of threading together the trace form, concentrating through the previous aches that he had inflicted on himself earlier. As he set his analyze form to check out the icons, the machine sprite took over at the controls, making use of his autosoft equivalents to drive the car more elegantly than Fang was.

[spoiler=Matrix Actions]Red - Delay until receiving command

Fang - Issue Command (Simple Action): @Red: "Pilot [Shadow's Car Node] to follow after [Bulldog's Car]."

Fang - Threading Track (Free Action): Software (4) + Resonance (8) + Analytical Mind (2) - Sustaining (2) - Wounds (1) (11d6.hits(5)=3) (

Accept 0 hits.

Fang - Threading Track (Bonus Free Action from Multiprocessing) Software (4) + Resonance (8) + Analytical Mind (2) - Sustaining (2) - Wounds (1) (11d6.hits(5)=4) (

Accept 4 hits.

Fading DV: 4S
Intuition (6) + Resonance (8) (14d6.hits(5)=5) (
Fading MDV: 0S

Fang - Set Analyze to Passive analyze all icons in node (Simple Action): (GM makes rolls. Computer (4) + Analyse ( 8 ) + HotSim (2) + Technomancer (2) - Sustaining (4) - Wounds (1) = 9 dice.) Main purpose is to find the GridLink controller's icon.


Red: Remote Control the car. (Drive actions as appropriate.)[/spoiler]

Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <06-10-13/0621:49>
Bulldog saw the bike taking them over and the TacNet confirmed it was Mask. He automatically stepped on the gas, following the bike, when he saw it went on towards the highway. So be it. he thought and kept up as much as he could. Despite that he took the turns of the ramp with some care.
[spoiler=1st stretch]TH3: REA(8 ) + Pilot Ground Craft: Car(3) + AR(1) + TacNet(2) + Home Ground(2) (16d6.hits(5)=8) ([/spoiler]
When he reached the highway, his smile widened. Although he was used to tight streets and off-road environment, he couldn’t help enjoying the rush of adrenaline as he sped past the nighttime traffic. He took special care to look for anything checking the traffic on the highway, it wouldn’t help getting into a chase while Nick needed their help.
[spoiler=2nd stretch]TH3 (+100% speed): REA(8 ) + Pilot Ground Craft: Car(3) + AR(1) + TacNet(2) + Home Ground(2) (16d6.hits(5)=4) (
vs. Shadowing: INT(4) + Perception(4) + Radar(6) + TacNet(2) + Home Ground(2) (18d6.hits(5)=7) ([/spoiler]
He knew the exit would be treacherous, so he slowed down considerably. He lost sight of Mask’s bike long before reaching this point but he still knew his destination. He intended to drive that way but first he needed to know what the situation was. ”Mask, what’s the situation over there? Did you already pick up Nick?”
[spoiler=3rd stretch]TH4: REA(8 ) + Pilot Ground Craft: Car(3) + AR(1) + TacNet(2) + Home Ground(2) (16d6.hits(5)=8) (
note: i didn’t roll for the fourth stretch because i think by the time we came off the highway, Mask will have already reached Nick’s position[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: vinnmun on <06-10-13/0902:18>
[spoiler]Magic 7 + Summmon 6 + Rating 4 focus = 17 (17d6.hits(5)=10) (
Force 5 Spirit of Man (5d6.hits(5)=2) (
Centering + will + int to resist 4 stun (11d6.hits(5)=3) (

8 Services, force 5 spirit of man

take 1 stun, at 3 stun, so now at -1 to actions

Judah looks over to the spirit, "Slow your roll!" He begins praying to Jah and summons a skinny Indonesian fellow, a Spirit of Man. He squints a bit feeling that light surge of pain and tries to shake it off. He commands, "Protect Nick from astral danger and keep him concealed." Judah would in the mean time keep on alert and an eye on this Shade of his.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <06-10-13/1252:14>
@Judah: Spirit is not as willing as you are used to, as it seems that somethig is worrying him:
[spoiler]Edge(5) (5d6.hits(5)=2) (
Reroll 6(1) (1d6.hits(5)=0) ( Two services less[/spoiler]
He hears his task and with no answer he leaves to fulfill it. apparently he is glad that he don`t have to stay close to you.

Agent actions:
Log On[Vehicle Control Node]: Admin account (Complex Action)
Free action(no action, your turn)
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <06-10-13/1319:31>
"Give me a second," Shadow said.  She slaved the car to her own PAN, cursing that she hadn't done so before they left as she usually did, and let her analyse and firewall programs loose on the car's system.  She also put a lock on the system that only Fang, his sprite and the vehicle's sensors could sent or receive data.

OOC: analyse rolls to check the car's system by logging in and letting my analyse + firewall on it (difficulty is the enemy's stealth).  Using a script that goes as follows:
1) Scan the icon last scanned.
2) If enemy, put system on alert, warn Fang
3) if no enemy, go back to 1)
I'll put in 10 rolls (with 4 IP, it shouldn't take too long).
It is BTW a copy of the script that runs on my own commlink all the time, although as respons it has reboot.

firewall 4 + analyse 6 =10 (10d6.hits(5)=2, 10d6.hits(5)=4, 10d6.hits(5)=6, 10d6.hits(5)=3, 10d6.hits(5)=4, 10d6.hits(5)=2, 10d6.hits(5)=4, 10d6.hits(5)=2, 10d6.hits(5)=3, 10d6.hits(5)=6) (

As I don't know how those systems work exactly, if I can rewire something with the hardware skill, I have that one.

Title: Re:
Post by: Sichr on <06-11-13/0451:45>
@Fang: Your analyze starts to feed you with informations. Most of it are diagnostic, sensor input and control data used by autopilot and direct control interface for driver, this mostly provided by linked devices. Pilot is also runing, simply monitoring the sensor input and standing ready for the case of emergency situation, but otherwise in stand-by mode. GridLink/GridGuide system continues to feed the interface with traffic data, functions as normal. Increased activity a few seconds ago was QTRTM ( :) ) agent. It runs no programs amd it follows script. It is classical agent, so it has no pilot rating/autosofts, it is, AFAYK, designed to override the external input and issue scripted commands to pilot. Its AccessID is known to you, it is Rating 4 and Adaptability upgrade.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <06-16-13/0653:29>
Node: CT1 IP 1

Red: Ini 26
Fang: Ini 15
Shadow: 11 - Node slaved to Sylvia/Fang, spoof chip activation
QTRTM Agent: Ini 10
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <06-16-13/0657:50>
Water spirit: Ini 11
Spirit on Man: Ini ???
Judah: Ini ???
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <06-16-13/0811:38>
If the sprite could show emotions, Red would likely be expressing his displeasure with the agent infringing on his controls. Nevertheless, he still attempted to impotently control the car as requested by his meat partner. Fang himself began attempting to trace the subscription the  agent had followed to the car's node, pulling out his recently prepared Track CF to do so.

[spoiler=Matrix Actions]Red: Remote Control.

Fang (Free Action): Stop Sustaining Command

Fang (Complex Action): Track (4) + Computer (4) + HotSim (2) - Sustain TacNet (2) - Wounds (1) (7d6.hits(5)=4) ( Threshold is 10.

Remove dice from penalties as needed. Redirect trace does not work unless done by a CF.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <06-16-13/0854:23>
Ini 10:
Quick Threat Response Tracffic Management Agent Uses its admin privileges to Slave the node to its AccesID.
Command is:
Rejected as AcessID does not have privileges for this action
Agent is....confused a bit...this wasn`t suposed to happen. But it is adaptive enought to try to find solution...or at least the cause. Before it dials Grod Control Center, It checks if it is in the right car:
Car ID: no match found
Well the cars AcessID was changed till the last time.If it can, Agent would appology itself and bows out of the Gridlink node. A few seconds later, following agents exit trace and the check routine it used, Fang identifies Grids Control Center AcessID (at least for this area)
SUV is, once again, under control of the crew, and the race against time continues.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <06-16-13/1955:28>
Shadow's vehicle promptly jerked into motion as the agent left the node. Red had taken over full control of the vehicle. As a high rating sprite, it was quite skilled in driving, moreso than its meat partner was. The vehicle took the ramp with ease, following the vehicle its meat partner was in. Fang recorded the AccessID for later use in his datachip, having some difficulty in recording it due to the short time he had memorising it, and the distractions of wounds.

[spoiler=First test]TH3: Command (9) + Pilot Groundcraft (9) (18d6.hits(5)=6) (


Fang: Free action to stop sustaining Track
Fang: Bonus Free Action to thread Edit: Software (4) + Resonance (8) + Analytical Mind (2) - Sustaining TacNet (2) - Wounds (1) (11d6.hits(5)=4) (
Take 4 Successes.

Fading DV: 4S
Fading Resist Test: Intuition (6) + Resonance (8) (14d6.hits(5)=4) (
Fading MDV: 0S

Fang: Complex Action to create file with AccessID in it: Computer (4) + Edit (4) + HotSim (2) - Sustaining TacNet (2) - Wounds (1) (7d6.hits(5)=0) (
...Well that was embarassing.

Fang: Complex Action to create file with AccessID in it: Computer (4) + Edit (4) + HotSim (2) - Sustaining TacNet (2) - Wounds (1) (7d6.hits(5)=0) (

Fang: Complex Action to create file with AccessID in it: Computer (4) + Edit (4) + HotSim (2) - Sustaining TacNet (2) - Wounds (1) (7d6.hits(5)=2) (
There! I don't want to talk about it. I'm just going to cry in the corner now.

Fang: Free action to stop sustaining Edit.[/spoiler]

As the Humvee ahead sped up, Shadow's Rover followed suit as it entered onto the highway, the sprite almost looking bored as it drove the vehicle.

[spoiler=Second Test]Red: TH3 (+100% Speed): Command (9) + Pilot Groundcraft (9) (18d6.hits(5)=6) ([/spoiler]

The sprite kept up behind the Humvee with little difficulty as it assimilated the controls; elegantly taking the same exit that Bulldog had.

[spoiler=Third Test]TH4: Command (9) + Pilot Groundcraft (9) (18d6.hits(5)=9) ([/spoiler]

@Nick: What's your status? We're closing in on your position.

Fang knew he'd need to do something about his wounds eventually. It would be best to let the team's doctor take a look at it first though.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <06-17-13/1326:08>
Monitoring the node, she saw that the activity lowered again as the car started following the other one.  Apparently the matrix specialist wasn't all that bad, she thought as she checked her rear-view mirror again.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <06-18-13/1702:48>
Updated time table (for planning purposes):

0= Nick calls for help
+3CT Nick reaches the main street (C St NW) tries to hide: Thresshold 6 (Nicks Shadowing on the homeground 4+2=6 ) (INT(5)+Area knowledge(5)+AR overlay(1) (11d6.hits(5)=2) (
INT(5)+Defaul Shadowing(4)+Area Knowledge(1)+Home Ground(2) (12d6.hits(5)=1) (

+4CTs= Mechanized Crew departing the garrage, Judah meets Nick (astraly)
+5CTs= Pursuing enemy reaches the main street: Shadowing roll: Shadowing((Teamwork+2+2)+10) (14d6.hits(5)=4) = 3/6 Nethits (
+7CTs= Water Spirit appears on the street
+8CTs= Judas summons the Spirit on Man and commands him to hide and protect Nick
+14CTs: Mask reaches the Road selection...
+18 ... +20 CTs: Gridlink Intermezzo
+23 CTs: Mechanized Crew reaches the Road selection
+25 STs: 2nd Chase turn for Nick:
INT(5)+Area knowledge(5)+AR overlay(1) (11d6.hits(5)=3) (
INT(5)+Defaul Shadowing(4)+Area Knowledge(1)+Home Ground(2) (12d6.hits(5)=6) (

MCT Pusrsuit team:
Teamwork: Shadowing(10) (10d6.hits(5)=5, 10d6.hits(5)=3) (
INT(5)Shadowing(3)+Street sensor aid(2)+Teamwork(max.3) (13d6.hits(5)=3) (
3 net hits for Nick=0/6 for strike team. It seems that good doctor used his knowledge of local bars and pubs well. His pursuers lost sight on him and need to trace him by other means now. He breathes deeply and plans his next step alowing to stay safe until rest of the team arrives. He notices Mask cruising the street but decides not to make direct connection as he can see Homolka talking to people across the street.

+26 CTs: ETA for Mask
+42 CTs: Mechanized crew arrival
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <09-08-13/1421:03>
Nick managed to slip into almost toxic atmosphere of the bar right before the car with his pursuers appeared on the crossroad. Well trained moves helped him to get to the bar and with the fresh cold soy beer in his hand he watches Homolka and Hrubes step out the vehicle and begin to work the street. Using some kind of badge and obvious authority, they ask around, one side of the street each. There is no crowd at this time of the night, mostly drunkards, junkies, squatters and usual street mix. He is quite well known around here, which can be usefull for him, well he is sure that as soon as those two start tossing nuyen to support their threats the countdown of his freedom would end pretty quick. He needs a plce to evade this tail. He notices Mask driving slowly down the street, well he decides to avoid direct confrontation. He is quite sure that he would be able to get into the bus station and throught adjacent entrance to the Auburn Junction complex, maze that offers a lots of opportunities to get rid of his MCT fellows.

@Mask: As you approach meeting point you slow down and observe the street as you would possible brawl arena. Parked vehicles and casual pedestrians are sorted out by single look, a few possible threats are nothing more than standard street crimionals, deep below your level of interrest. At the next crossroad black SUV enters the traffic and parks next to sidewalk. Two orks stepping out are much closer to your league. Nick is nowhere to see around, so you think about your alternatives, when you receive the message.
@Mask: I am moving to Auburn Junction, entrance next to Auburn station. Those guys are annoying, but they also know something. I have some patients in junction, we may use the environment to our advantage.

Auburn Junction. Infamous place, more for the corruption and dangers hidden in the area, than the safe housing promissed by developers. Thing like this happens, when Brackhaven industries are involved. As you plan your own way to the place, you notice your sensors marking some aerial targets in the are, with no further specifications. Nothing on the grid, besides the roads around the next block are blocked and traffic rerouted due to accident.

@Fang, Brian, Sylvia: As you are following Mask about the minute later, you are aware of the situation and make your own plans for deployment.

@Judah: You can see your spirit cloaking Nick from astral sight and fooling senses of those watching, so he is difficult to find. Opononets spirit, who is trying to locate Nick with its powers, has some difficult work due to character of the place. The street lies on the crossroad of meta/human lives. Auburn bus station has witnessed hopes, failures, desperation, birth and death in almost every thinkable way and the background of this site is like that, changing like tides, flowing like rivers. From your experience you are quite sure, that in the are would dwell at least few free astral beings and that passing the thresshold would be less difficult at the spot than somewhere else. Voodoo has some special uses and meanings for places like this, well those things know just from stories. To the south lies the Auburn junction, place where domains mix like in some sewer, clean spots providing oportunity for good life lying right next to broken places, that were almost taken back by wild nature. You are well aware that not just one menace found its lair in there, well the maze is so complicated that nobody can sucessfully clean tha complex.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: vinnmun on <09-09-13/1948:07>
Judah hangs tight and keeps an eye on nick and any astral enemies.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <09-10-13/0920:01>
Bulldog’s thoughts raced as he tried to figure out how exactly to help Nick. The two unidentified drones Mask’s sensors picked up bothered him, they needed all surveillance down or rerouted so that Nick couldn’t be followed later, through footage. They needed to negate enemy recon, a distraction and a pickup team, and a way out where the SUV couldn’t follow.
[spoiler]Checking for routes to tight for a SUV but good for a motorcycle, I’d like to use Area Knowledge as a complimentary skill to help with navigation:
INT(4) + Area knowledge: Seattle, Auburn(5) + Mnemonic enhancer(2) + Home Ground(4) (15d6.hits(5)=4) (
INT(4) + Navigation(2) + Home Ground(2) (8d6.hits(5)=4) ( (+Area knowledge hits(4) (4d6.hits(5)=1) (, if that test can help, and still not a glitch)[/spoiler]

”Fang, can you check street surveillance and those two drones up there? We need to have eyes away from Nick. Shadow, when we act, can you position your ride between Nick and the one looking for him and ask the guy some questions, to cover for Nick when he makes his move? Mask, I think you’re best suited for pickup, I’m currently looking for a route where you can easily shake potential pursuit. And Judah…” Frag, he can’t hear us! ”…forget him, he will probably know better what to do in astral. I will position so I can come help anytime or go and cut off pursuit.
“Any better ideas? We don’t have much time to plan.”
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <09-10-13/2336:12>
@Bulldog, Sylvia: "Ah... I'm actually driving Sylvia's vehicle right now. Or well, my sprite is. Sylvia might need to take over the controls for that." At Bulldog's other request his persona gave a frown. "I'll see what I can do about surveillance and the drones

Within the comfort of VR, leaving Red to drive for now, he looked around for other nearby nodes already marking off the presence of his teammate's commlinks, the cars, and the drones. Having done that he reached deep into the core of his Resonance, feeling for the part of his core that was fuelled by his analytical side, infusing it with more power. Having done so, he began to look at the drones with a calculating gaze, pushing his Resonance into it to get information.

[spoiler=Matrix Actions]Detect Active/Passive Nodes within 1km.
Threading Analyze: Software (4) + Logic (4) + Analytical Mind (2) - Wounds (1) (10d6.hits(5)=3) (
Take 3 hits.

Fading DV: 3P
Fading resist: Intuition (6) + Resonance (8) (14d6.hits(5)=4) (
Fading MDV: 0P

Analyze Drone 1: Computer (4) + Analyze (11) + HotSim (2) + Technomancer (2) - Sustaining Tacnet (2) - Wounds (1) (16d6.hits(5)=5) (
Hit 1: Data Bomb T/F
Hit 2:  Encryption T/F
Hits 3-5: NULL

Analyze Drone 2: Computer (4) + Analyze (11) + HotSim (2) + Technomancer (2) - Sustaining Tacnet (2) - Wounds (1) (16d6.hits(5)=8) ( (Oh jeez)
Hit 1: Data Bomb T/F
Hit 2: Encryption T/F
Hits 3-8: NULL[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <09-11-13/0137:08>
"Just park me as close as possible to that SUV," she said over the comm, "if it's those guys that have just gotten out, I'll have to distract them on foot.  But it should be easy."
'They're men after all,' she didn't say out loud.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Kouryuu on <09-11-13/1325:12>
Having His new team mates judge the situation, Mask decided to investigate a bit more before making his way towards the point Where he could pick up Nick.

Putting his Sensors on full power he passed the SUV and the two men hoping his UWB would tell him much more about them.
@team >> you reading this?<< he made sure they are getting the newest feed, just before accelerating towards his destination. The drones could be fast, but he doubted they could be as fast as he was going.  AS soon as he was around the corner  he texted Nick >> Extraction in 5 min, in that place<<

Quote from: OOC
Perception 4 + Int 4 + Enchantments 3 + actively looking 3 + home-ground 2 (16d6.hits(5)=4) (
Pilot 1 + Sensors 6 >>>instead use real rating in this order>>>> +Ultrawideband Radar Rating 4 +Camera Rating 2 [Ultrasound, Vision Enhancement 3] +Olfactory Sensor Rating 6 +Radio Signal Scanner Rating 6 +Microphone Rating 6 [Audio Enhancement 3, Select Sound Filter 3] (7d6.hits(5)=1, 7d6.hits(5)=4, 7d6.hits(5)=3, 7d6.hits(5)=1, 7d6.hits(5)=2) (
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <09-15-13/0617:08>
Your combined network draws the combined overlay prety quick. Feeding your AR overlays with navigation markers, LOS indicators and possible fields of fire, it also accesses as many databases as it can to download maps for adjacent buildings. Not so up-to-date for Junction, but good enought to provide you some advantage. It also alerts you that another train is arriving in 2 minutes.

Matrix Stealth (14d6.hits(5)=1, 14d6.hits(5)=4) (
Drones are running hidden, so it took some time for you to find.
Nodes are equiped with some military grade masking routines, but you are able to bypass the camouflage and get detailed observation about their node.
Protected by Firewall that not even hit the streets yet , the drones node is also encrypted, and so is their signal. Even without cryptoanalysis you are able to see that node is protected by virtual minefield and IC operates within the node. Both nodes shows traces of Resonance signature.
Without decryption, further details are unknown to you, except for one last...both drones are slaved to some kind of tactical network supported by local GRID.
From what you know so far, MCT is using some serrious resources for this operation, at least in this limited area.

Grid link in Sylvia`s car shows warning about rhe traffic being rerouted due to accident in the area and offers some alternative routes.
@Mask: Because of this, streets are quite clear of traffic in the close vicinity of the residence building Nick was visiting. The only moving vehicles on the street is that black SUV and your bike. Something on that fact does make you less comfortable. Even less safe you feel when you spot the drone cruising above. There are two Nimrods, ruthenium coating makes them barely visible to common folk. You know this T-Bird hunters only from hearsay and Desert Wars trid show. Those things are quite new, capable of carying heavy weaponry, VTOL jets. By our guess their maneuverability in the closed streets and around the buildings would not allow them to go at full speed, still, those things are dangerous threat. You are not able to identify  their arsenal so far.
Your UWB also reveals thick armor protecting the SUV and two hidden weapon mounts. About those two guys you cannot say more than those guys have some full body augmentations and are armed.

@Judah: As you follow Nick and keep an eye on the spirit searching for him you can see that:
Searching for Nick (2d6.hits(5)=1) (
Water spirit is a bit disturbed by the background on the street surrouding Auburn station and Junction. Having your own spirit actively concealing Nick doesnt help him, so it sems that so far the spirit didn`t get any closer. You know that this takes some time, so you feel a bit relaxed on this part. From what you see, the Water spirit is fresh off-shore, and the summoners aura is still visible on it.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <09-15-13/1246:17>
After parking, Sylvia quickly changed her looks a bit, so she was blonde and with tanned skin, before she got out and walked towards the orks.  As she got closer, she opened an AR window.  She had her knife and Predator in her purse, just in case.
"Oh, hey, Carey," she said quite loud, in a high pitched voice, "Long time since I heard from you.  How are you, girl?  And is your camera down again?  You really should have it looked at, you know."

With her dumb blonde act, she was making herself as non-treatening as possible.  And as most people who wanted to get close to someone to check him or her out or to follow was trying to be sneaky, this opposite would hopefully throw them off-balance.  As she walked past, she eyeballed them to see what they were carrying, plus also an astral recon.

checking out if they are carrying weapons, armour, or other important stuff, and if so, what kinds.
intuition 4 + perception 3 + actively looking 3 + vision enhancers 2 =12 (12d6.hits(5)=2, 12d6.hits(5)=3) (

astral check.
intuition 4 + assensing 3 =7 (7d6.hits(5)=4, 7d6.hits(5)=2) (

Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <09-15-13/1513:25>
Brian was awestruck when he saw the amount of hardware showing up on the AR screens the TacNet composed. He suspected that even if this wasn't just the tip of the iceberg, there were still hidden things under the water. His sergeant always said you had to have an ace up your sleeves, you had to have reserves. Brian wasn't the best at these things, but he unconsciously learned the basics, listening to the sergeant. He tried to piece it all together: the movement of the drones, the movement of the guys pursuing Nick, and he tried to deduce where the reserves might be placed, and if there were blind spots in the enemy's net.
[spoiler=combat tactics]LOG(3) + Combat tactics, urban(5) + Mnemonic enhancer(2) + TacNet(2) + Home ground(4) (16d6.hits(5)=2) ([/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <09-15-13/1615:42>
@Brian: Judging from your experience assets you can see used by MCT for this operation means there is some kind of special operations team involved. So far you have three operatives with mechanized support. The fact that they are using GRID to their advantage is not surprising, but from everything you just saw this was quite hasty setup, the fact that Nick was able to get away from the residental complex indicates that the lockdown is pretty improvised. And as it looks like catching Nick is their only target,  and the fact that they are now dealing with unexpected situation...the fact that doctor would be able tou outrun two hunters, your guess is that pursuers are using everything they have on site. Drones are unable to operate in enclosed areas, due to their size, so they would have to stay outside the Junction.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <09-15-13/1826:05>
"Shiiiit..." The quiet curse came across the team's channel, Fang wasn't bothering to censor his thoughts. "Why the bloody hell are MCT so interested in this area? Those two drones are matrix powerhouses... And a Technomancer has been messing with them too... This could take some work." And hopefully I know just the sprite who might be willing to help me out... But first.

He focused back in meatspace, his vision flicking over to the Augmented Reality that he saw normally as he reached into his pack and set up his medkit for remote usage. Not the best position for it,  but the  injuries he had sustained were becoming mildly distracting. Having finished the setup, he slipped back into the warmth of Virtual Reality,  flitting over to his icon in the node of Shadow's car. He found his sprite at the controls and informed it that he would take over.

"I can handle this for now... I need you to go over and use [device:medkit] to help fix some of the damage I've recently sustained .If you could take care of that before you go, I'd be very grateful."

[spoiler]Free Action: Switch Interface Mode
Set up Medkit
Free Action:  Switch Interface Mode
Simple Action: Issue Command
Complex Action: Remote Control.[/spoiler]

The sprite was slightly confused over the control system within the medkit, having no training in actual medicine. However the guide within the medkit's node was very forthcoming with information and quickly advised the poor sprite on how to treat a metahuman's body. It wasn't able to treat all the damage, but the vast  majority was taken care of. Its final task complete, it retreated back into the Resonance, letting its link with Fang fall as it did so.

[spoiler=Red Matrix Actions]Complex Action: Log on to [Medkit Node]
Complex Action: First Aid - Command (9) + Medkit (6) - Remote (2) - Poor Conditions (2) - Technomancer (2) (9d6.hits(5)=2) ( (2 hits)
Two damage boxes treated.[/spoiler]

Fang felt both the distraction from his physical damage with some relief, and a bit of sadness as the Sprite departed. It was like saying goodbye to a friend. He knew he would see the sprite again, but it was still somewhat depressing. Nevertheless, he had a job to do, and he needed a Sprite's assistance, but not the one he had before. This would require a different kind altogether. While he steered the vehicle to park in the position requested, he prepared for his next goal.

His first task was to release his concentration on the Resonance strengthening his analytical capabilities. At the moment it was not really necessary, and he needed to be able to concentrate. Sustaining the Tactical Network was already a distraction. Sadly his first attempt failed as the sprite ignored his entreaties, giving him a flat refusal. He winced at the sharp stab of pain he felt from the force behind the refusal, noting he'd need to fix that later. His second attempt was mildly painful, but actually successful.

[spoiler]Compiling Rating 9 Data Sprite (Optional Powers: Sniffer, Defuse, Stealth): Resonance (8) + Compiling (6) + HotSim (2) + Paragon (1) - Sustaining TacNet (2) (15d6.hits(5)=3) ( (3 hits)
Rating 9 (9) (9d6.hits(5)=4) ( (4 hits)
0 net hits

Fading DV: 8P
Fading Resist: Resonance (8) + Intuition (6) (14d6.hits(5)=6) (
Fading DV: 2P

Compiling Rating 8 Data Sprite (Optional Powers: Sniffer, Defuse): Resonance (8) + Compiling (6) + HotSim (2) + Paragon (1) - Sustaining TacNet (2) - Wounds (1) (14d6.hits(5)=4) ( (4 hits)
Rating (8) (8d6.hits(5)=2) ( (2 hits)
2 net hits

Fading DV: 4S
Fading Resist: Resonance (8) + Intuition (6) (14d6.hits(5)=3) (
Fading MDV: 1S[/spoiler]

The sprite took form beside him, it was Navi again, but looking more... Detailed. Stronger. Possibly with more Resonance channelled from his attempts. He smiled at the Sprite as he controlled the car. "Hello again, Navi. I have a different set of tasks for you this time. Please remain on standby while I set things up."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: vinnmun on <09-17-13/2037:04>
Judah looks over to his water spirit, "Keep concealment up on ourselves and Nick. Allow Nick more running." ((Using Movement power)) Judah keeps an eye in the area and flies up 10 meters up and look around.

[spoiler]assense + intuition + astral sig spec (11d6.hits(5)=3) ( 3 hits in astral perception.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <09-19-13/1047:28>
@all: "I think we have better chance inside the Junction. The drones can't enter, and we can hinder the two hunters by closing doors in front of them, creating distractions, or if all else fails, taking them out directly. Mask and i can enter the building and prepare, while Shadow draws the pursuer's attantion away. So, what do you say, inside or outside?" Brian's voice radiated urgency. "We need to decide and act now, MCT tries to make ends meet with whatever resources they have at the location, but reinforcements can arrive soon."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <09-20-13/1848:29>
@All: "Inside. I can't deal with those drones as easily as I'd like to be able to. It'll be too dangerous to remain in their vision as I'm fairly sure it's feeding directly back to MCT." The text appeared in the team's AR windows as Fang transmitted. "While you guys head in, what would you like me to do? I can try to do something about the drones if you want, but if you have any other orders I'll be happy to comply. And is there some way to let our resident mage know of our strategy?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <09-21-13/0523:30>
@Sylvia Homolka looks at you saying:
You halucinating, bitch?
[Nick`s picture appears on your PAN]
Have you seen this guy?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <09-22-13/1452:59>
She made a show of looking at the picture.
"Nope," she said, "Looks kinda cute though."
She giggled after saying that.

If needed, a con roll
charisma 5 + con 4 + 2 first impression =11 (11d6.hits(5)=4) (
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <09-22-13/1625:08>
@all: "Fang, can you make one of the drones think its sensors picked up Nick somewhere down the street, turning into one of the crossing streets stealthily? It could provide the necessary window to move him." Thinking about the situation, he would have been really glad for a mage with illusions but they had to manage with Judah doing astral overwatch. He was already going on with the plans. @Mask: "Meet me at the nearest entrance to Junction." He sent the coordinates as he parked the car nearby. @all: "Anybody has some maps from inside?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <09-22-13/2317:13>
@Bulldog: Just so you know, that'll be akin to hacking it, and by extension hacking the MCT device hosting it. I probably could, but it might take me a bit. Maps on the other hand..." In the node of Sylvia's car, he turned to the Data Sprite. @Navi: "Would you mind awfully decrypting the signal from either [Drone 1] or [Drone 2] between it and its Master node? I might need to access it later, and having the encryption down would help a lot." He tilted his persona's head to the side thoughtfully.

As he finished speaking, he began reaching into the Resonance to form a complex form  that would allow him to start tracking down the maps desired. All it would take was a thread of Resonance, and a little effort...

[spoiler]Simple Action Issue Command - Decrypt Node until done. THEN
Simple Action Issue Command - Defuse all data bombs on node.

Free Action Threading Browse: Software (4) + Resonance (8 ) + Analytical Mind (2) - Sustaining TacNet (2) (12d6.hits(5)=3) (
Take 3 hits.

Fading DV: 3P
Fading Resist: Intuition (6) + Resonance (8 ) (14d6.hits(5)=3) (
Fading MDV: 0P

Time lapsed: 1 second[/spoiler]

Having done that, he began sending himself all around the information network that was the Matrix, searching every nook and cranny for the best maps of the Junction he could find. Knowing they were on a schedule, he began speeding this up to be done as quickly as possible.

[spoiler]Data Search - Entire Matrix - Maps of Junction, interval of 30 seconds: Browse (11) + Data Search (4) + HotSim (2) + Analytical Mind (2) - Sustaining TacNet (2) (13d6.hits(5)=4) ( (3 hits, total 3)
Browse (11) + Data Search (4) + HotSim (2) + Analytical Mind (2) - Sustaining TacNet (2) (13d6.hits(5)=5) ( (5 hits, total 8, public threshold reached in 1 minute)
Browse (11) + Data Search (4) + HotSim (2) + Analytical Mind (2) - Sustaining TacNet (2) (13d6.hits(5)=3) ( (3 hits, total 11) [GLITCH]
Browse (11) + Data Search (4) + HotSim (2) + Analytical Mind (2) - Sustaining TacNet (2) (13d6.hits(5)=2) ( (2 hits, total 13, limited threshold reached in 2  minutes) [GLITCH]
Browse (11) + Data Search (4) + HotSim (2) + Analytical Mind (2) - Sustaining TacNet (2) (13d6.hits(5)=3) ( (2 hits, total 15)
Browse (11) + Data Search (4) + HotSim (2) + Analytical Mind (2) - Sustaining TacNet (2) (13d6.hits(5)=4) ( (4 hits, total 19) [GLITCH]
Browse (11) + Data Search (4) + HotSim (2) + Analytical Mind (2) - Sustaining TacNet (2) (13d6.hits(5)=6) ( (6 hits, total 25, hidden threshold reached in 3 minutes, 30 seconds)

EDIT: Just noticed I forgot wound penalties. Will remove final dice from each roll.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Navi Actions]Initiate Cryptanalysis,Signal between [Drone 1] and [Master], Interval of 1 Combat Turn: Decrypt (8 ) + E-War (8 ) (16d6.hits(5)=3) ( (3 hits, Encrypt 1)
Decrypt (8 ) + E-War (8 ) (16d6.hits(5)=5) ( (5 hits, total of 8, encrypt 2-4)
Decrypt (8 ) + E-War (8 ) (16d6.hits(5)=3) ( (3 hits, total of 11, encrypt 5)
Decrypt (8 ) + E-War (8 ) (16d6.hits(5)=5) ( (5 hits, total of 16, encrypt 6-8)
Decrypt (8 ) + E-War (8 ) (16d6.hits(5)=7) ( (7 hits, total of 23, encrypt 9-11)
3 seconds. Encrypt 1
6 seconds. Encrypt 2-4
9 seconds. Encrypt 5
12 seconds. Encrypt 6-8
15 seconds. Encrypt 9-11.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <09-23-13/1343:59>
@Sylvia: Your secondary sight rewveals that Homolka is completely non-emotional towards you. In fact, there are very low emotional disturbance on his aure. The less of those, the more of black holes caused by cybernetic replacements. Additionaly to augmented eyes, this guy has his bones laced, wired reflexes and also muscles augmented, all the same or above shadows professional version. In addition, he shows some kind of mental conditioning, that allows him to stay focused on his task with minimal distraction, always sharp and analyzing the situation.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <09-23-13/1354:59>
@Fang: To your surprise, there is no IC in encryption, and your sprite is finaly able to decrypt the signal. in differences between signal and node encryption you recognize the method used to encrypt those nodes is much more advanced and would take hours to break...if there is enought time before the key changes.

You connect detailed Junction maps you collected to your Tacnet complex form, allowing the team to use it to your full advantage.
(increase Tacnet rating by 1)
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <09-25-13/1114:33>
Nick observes situation while walking the Auburn station <=> Junction skybridge. He notices Mask turnig around the corner and also Sylvia intercepting one of the hunters. AR window become much more clear after Fang took control and replaces SPAM with TacNet overlay. He marks the pick-up randez-vous point with Mask and Brian and plans the safest route through the Junction to reach that place. Despites the fact he knows the neighborhood, he was surprised how namy other secret/parkour/climbing/sneaky passages tacnet proposed. He planned carefully, avoiding known dangerous and open places, and goes on.
@Team: ETA 2 minutes. Hang on.

@Sylvia: Your answer was heard, judged:
Char(3)+Negotiation(3)+Lie Detection Software(6)(12d6.hits(5)=4) ( (2d6.hits(5)=0) (

Subject is: Suspicious = -1
Result is: Annoying = -1
Removing last two dices from Sylvia roll[spoiler] (you see, I am good guy, removed two 1`s)[/spoiler]

Military grade SIN ID system(5) (5d6.hits(5)=1) (
Angeline Lau SIN(3) (3d6.hits(5)=1) (


You sure, Miss Lau?

Char(3)+Intimidation(3)+Physicaly Imposing wielding Assault riffle under the trench coat(+3+2)+Tacnet(2) (13d6.hits(5)=2) (
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <09-25-13/1312:09>
Brian quickly changed the shotgun from drum to clip feed, then threw it in a bag, before he got out of the Humvee. @Fang: "Fang, if Judah comes to, let him out of the car." He closed the vehicle, then with a dynamic walk, he took his place near the rendezvous point, to be able to intercept anyone on Nick's trail. @all: "Bulldog in position." He held the bag on his shoulder, zipper slightly open, leaning against a wall, so it would take only a moment to get the shotgun out.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <09-25-13/1436:24>
"Off course, you silly man," Sylvia giggled, "I would remember a cutie like that, now would I."

add some edge to get this to work.
charisma 5 + con 4 + 2 first impression -2 penalty + 3 edge =12 (12d6.hitsopen(5,6)=4) (
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <09-25-13/1638:05>
OK then. Ping me if you meet this man and beware, this evil doctor is dangerous criminal conected with Tamanous

once again he tries to scarry you

Char(3)+Intimidation(3)+Physicaly Imposing wielding Assault riffle under the trench coat(+3+2)+Tacnet(2) (13d6.hits(5)=3) (

and turns away.

@Brian: From your position you observe surroundings for possible covers and hasty exits, as you can see Nick as red dot on your tactical map, almost as you can see through walls. you notice Mask, parking his combat bike close. He catches the attention of some locals, but most of them just mind their own business and watch the sidewalk, trying to stay away from any troubles, only ones who looks at Urban Brawler directyl is a few young gangers from junction, well those know their level on the food chain, rather admire the bike than trying to do something stupid. Sylvia seems to have fun with pursuers, she jumped into her role quickly and easily and succesfully delays Homolka enought to make Hrubes stop on the other sidewalk and wait, until his partner finishes this, so they are able to keep their line on the street. As you view Nick`s vectors of approach, you see that he sucessfully avoids Eyes-From-Above. You feel a bit disappointed, you almost get trigger-finger almost start to itch, well you know better what such things lead to. And shooting in Junction won`t bring the boy back home.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <09-25-13/1829:58>
I could bear with this kind of disappointment for the rest of my life, Brian thought. He shook his head slightly at the thought. He was starting to like easy jobs too much. I'm getting soft. He looked around again, using both his eyes and the TacNet's information. Nick... Mask... gangers... MCT goons... the odd person up too late for his own good... Where was fragging Knight Errant? He probably already knew the answer, but he had to know if they were to expect this phenomenon at every turn, so he sent a short text to Kevin, marking it as urgent. He knew the man usually left his comm on, it was a job thing for Kevin.

@Kevin: >>Man, remember what we talked about earlier tonight? I see some uniforms i'm not too happy about. Call me back ASAP if you can talk.<<
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <09-25-13/1847:32>
Mask, Brian: Nick is moving much faster than expected, at least according to Tacnet. Strange thing, and even more strange is, that even when his possition appears to match randez-vous coordinates, he is nowhere to be seen
[spoiler]Roll visual perception please, with -5 mod, thresshold to notice him amongst other people is 3[/spoiler]

@Judah: From your position you keep nice viev on surrounding area, you can see Sylvia using her astral sight when talking to the stranger who is looking for Nick. Via mental link to your spirit you can see Nick carefully choosing his way through Junction, arriving at the place near one of Junction exits, his aura shows signs of stress but also increasing hope and relief. Enemy spirit is onfusigly searching the area but it is unable to find a single trace. Sattisfied, you decide if it is time to get back to your shoes, or if there is anything more you can do from this place.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <09-25-13/1851:59>
@Brian: [KEVIN:]Can you be more specific? Dont tell me you ran into those MCT guys we have been talking previously. Any names or faces to those uniforms? Maybe I can at least give you some intel on them, but I serriously doubt it. looks like they have some kind of situation running near Auburn station. You involved?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <09-25-13/2040:08>
@Bulldog: Acknowledged.

@Navi: Navi, would you do me a favour and get  me a reading on the traffic between [Drone1] and [Master] now that you've decrypted the signal? Need to get a trail to follow.

Having sent out his messages, he also left one on Judah's commlink. @Judah: When you see this message, ping me so I can let you out of the car. While he did this, the little winged ball of light flew toward the subscription trail, and began flying around it, attempting to get a reading.

[spoiler]Issue Command: Capture Wireless Signal


Navi - Capture Wireless Signal: 7d6.hits(5)=1 ( Fail!
Navi - Capture Wireless Signal Retry: Sniffer (8) - Defaulting (1) - Retry (2) (5d6.hits(5)=1) ( Fail! Again![/spoiler]

The sprite sent him an apologetic response in the negative as it faded from view, its services used up. It had not been able to capture the  signal. Hard to complain, it wasn't really up the sprite's alley in the way of skills. He'd have to do it himself. First he let go of the enhancement he was using on one of his abilities, then he began weaving a new  one from the Resonance. Having done so, he began listening to the subscription trail of his own accord.

[spoiler]Threading Sniffer: Software (4) + Resonance (8) + Analytical Mind (2) - Wounds (1) - Sustaining TacNet (2) (11d6.hits(5)=4) (
Take 4 hits

Fading DV: 4S
Fading Resist: Intuition (6) + Resonance (8) (14d6.hits(5)=5) (
Fading MDV: 0S

Capture Wireless Signal: Sniffer (4) + Hacking (8) + HotSim (2) - Sustaining TacNet (2) - Wounds (1) (11d6.hits(5)=3) ( Success![/spoiler]

He had managed to get in. As he did so, he began examining all the communication  between the drone and its master, simply reading it.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <09-26-13/0153:30>
As soon as they were away, Sylvia subvocalised to the rest of the team:
@all: They're coming again.  I've checked them out and on one at least I've seen heavy modifications.  Cyber-eys, but also bone lacing, wired reflexes and muscle augmentations.  I've also seen some mental conditioning, maybe an attention co-processor or enchephalon or something like that.

As soon as she had done that, she ducked in a small alley or portal where she was out of sight and shifted her hear and skin colour again, flipped her fake SIN from her Angeline Lau persona to Pascale Caragiorgio, and walked back out, now staying a bit behind the guys, but following them.  To make sure she didn't went to fast, she stopped at shop windows to see what was inside.  The disguise was not much, but it was all she could do at the moment and it would fool casual inspection if she didn't come to close.  This would include the drones.

To fool those she bought a baseball cap at one of the shops and put it on.  Now at least they wouldn't be able to see her face.

the shift I do takes 4 combat turns (hair from blonde to brown, skin from caucasion to brown)
If there are no shops, or if they are closed, let me know.  But if we're close to a station, I assume that I can buy a baseball cap in one of those small shops you always find around stations.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <09-26-13/0658:42>
@Kevin: ”OK, I won’t tell you. Still, if you know anything about the situation around the station, or these two corp razorboys, I’d very much appreciate it.” Bulldog sent the footage about the two MCT guys to Kevin. He made sure the pictures were not those made from Shadow’s viewpoint, what might have compromised her, rather ones that Mask took when first noticing those two.  He also asked Nick for any names he might have heard, for these two, and forwarded those as well. ”By the way, what the frag are those MCT guys doing in Knight Errant jurisdiction, with MilSpec equipment?”
[spoiler=names]I checked and Nick heard one of the men call the other Homolka, and they mentioned the name Kukac, who is probably some kind of hacker. Bulldog will forward all this to Kevin if Nick gives the names.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <09-26-13/1338:08>
@Brian: No match found for those names or biometrics, probably some black ops foot soldiers. For the Knight...well,There is nothing more on the security network that there is car accident close to Junction, that the traffic has been rerouted and situation is under control. By my opinion, if you ask those guys about their competencies, they will show you some kind of KE or LS Officer badge. I mean some kind of bulletproof SIN. And than they add you to their targets list. My advice is: Do not engage, I repeat, do not engage. But we both know you have your own head. If you get any more details, or some real player, I`ll be in touch, unless, OFC, you become hot potato.

While reading the messsage, you notice Nick passing by in unnatural speed...he seems to be at one place now and at another right after. You have feeling he nods at you when he passes by, before he reaches your humvee.
Looks like your man is almost safe home.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <09-26-13/1420:29>
Nick feels he would need another drink after this is done It seems nobody is paying attention to him, world around him moving like slo-mo trid, well he is moving towards meeting point. Once he gets there, he looks around to find his mates, and he notices Mask on his bike and even Brian watching the hallway, not paying attention to himself. They must be on guard to eliminate his followers, if any. Goot that they are so focused. Nick Nods and speeds forward to reach his planned destination, Brians off-road.

@Brian:OK you can let me in now, I`am next to your car.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <09-26-13/1749:12>
Bulldog knew it would be strange if the car opened to let apparently noone in. "Wait for me, i'll be there in seconds." He swore in a low tone under his nose, then returned to the car. He opened the driver's door, looking around again, leaving a few seconds for Nick to climb in and get to shotgun position, then he also got in. >>Ready to leave, guys.<< he texted to the others, checking their acknowledgement before leaving the place.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <09-26-13/1801:59>
Everyone gets the message
@Judah: You see Nick boarding the vehicle, seems like your mission was successfull so far.
[spoiler]Everyone one last post before the scene is concluded[/spoiler]

@Fang: Listening the feed between drone and its master, you see constant stream of:
[Target Analyze Results].  Which compose of biometrics, voice pattern in some cases, AccessID, GPS, timestamp, thermographic scan, query on FaceID database and its result,

Another packet

It seems that drones are very independent and autonomous in their operations, as there are no Commands or signs of Jacking-in. Layout of the data is more complicated than from standard Agent or Pilot program, well not as complicated as Sprite would be. It is highly probable that Automatic programs are fed with more than a few "Options".
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <09-26-13/1820:32>
Bulldog drove away in his usual, dynamic style, but was very careful not to go over legal limits. He didn't want to draw unnecessary attention.
A lot happened in the last half hour, which added to their already considerable amount of problems. MCT was not a welcome guest to the scene, when they disregarded laws this blatantly, it meant that the situation was important to them. The ork wanted some time, to think in relative calm. @all: "Let's get back to base."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <09-26-13/1958:16>
Fang's preparations for tracking the drones to their master was interrupted by the message from Bulldog.

@Bulldog: That makes  it easier. Good work. Wasn't relishing poking my head  into an MCT master node.

@Shadow: Get in your car and ping me, I'll take the wheel again. He released his hold on the Sniffer complex form, maintaining the tactical network in case they were attacked. If the doctor qualified, he would have started receiving tactical information once he entered within range. As soon as Shadow entered her car and pinged him, Fang took control of her vehicle, following Bulldog's back to base. Hopefully he could do something about the bleeding soon, use of the Resonance had caused him a couple of injuries.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <09-27-13/0128:46>
"Roger, roger," Sylvia said, mimicking the voice of those comic relief droids she had seen in a re-make of Star Wars she had seen once.  She walked back to her car, making sure the two guys she had been talking to were nowhere to be seen.
"We can drive back more slowly, no," she said to Fang when she was back in her car, "just let GridGuide run us on auto-pilot, follow traffic rules and blend in with the wage-slaves.  Sounds like the safest option to me right now."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: vinnmun on <09-27-13/2005:52>
Judah quickly finds his body and lets his spirit go. He comes back into the physical with his eyes open and seeing the inside of Sylvia's car, "We be bad like yaz no!?" he says with a smile, "We heading back to hideout?" He asks Sylvia.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <09-28-13/0444:28>
"I guess so," Sylvia said, "we have what we came here for."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <09-28-13/0648:36>
@Shadow: My driving wasn't that bad  was it? The tone of his message indicated mild  amusement. @Shadow: But fine, I'll relinquish control to GridGuide. Probably the smart choice, unfortunately.

He withdrew his hands from the control display in the node, allowing it to vanish as he sent a command for the car to resume autopilot operations. With the GridGuide, the car would be fine unless anything bad popped up. Having ensured that was done, he allowed himself to sink back into AR, allowing his icon in Sylvia's node to become inactive. As he did so, he got a not so pleasant reminder of the damage his body had sustained in manipulating the Resonance.

"Ow..." He murmured quietly, sitting back up and holding his head with one furry hand. He looked at the other occupants in Bulldog's SUV. "How bad do I look?" He asked aloud, coughing slightly. HE could feel some dried blood on his muzzle, but little else currently, still settling back into his meat body.

@Shadow: Car's all yours.

[spoiler]Issue Command - Shadow's Car: Autopilot.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <09-28-13/0852:47>
@Max: Man oh man. Looks like you`ve had some harsh times dealing with this situation. Let me check you first, then we can discuss the news.

Ah...I see you`ve tried to patch yourself alone. Nice try, for the machine. At least it did not hurt you any more.

Log(7)+First Aid(5)+Medkit(6)-Conditions(Average, car with High Amenities, safe speed=-1)-Technomancer(2) (15d6.hits(5)=6, 15d6.hits(5)=2, 15d6.hits(5)=2) (
Log(7)+First Aid(5)+Medkit(6)-Conditions(Average, car with High Amenities, safe speed=-1)-Technomancer(2) Edge re-roll 2x (15d6.hits(5)=5, 15d6.hits(5)=5) (

Your special physiology and virtuakisesics makes this a bit difficult, well I think you should be OK now. With some luck, well I am sure at your debt, for you being able to react so quickly.

All of you. Thanks. I hope this was exception in this mission.

Nick looks he finaly gets his good mood back.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <09-28-13/1535:29>
OK Time is UP!

Scene concluded.

Everyone replenishes 2 points of edge, one for taking each`s part in success, be that driving, knowledge-mining and coordination, dealing with matrix threats, providing brilliant distraction, greasing and infusing whole plan by magical means. Second point is for succeeding in this scene without wiolence.
Nick receives 1 more, because the fact he was able to escape the building left me in complete awe. That was...unexpected at least.
Now, the part is comming I would

Beloved sons, beloved parents.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <09-28-13/1803:08>
Nick packs the medkit and makes himself comfortable in the seating. Pulling out little silver flask from his pocket, he took a deep drink. Not even coughing he hides it back, then turns to others in the vehicle. Since every member is still on tacnet, everyone is able to hear and see clearly and attend to this meeting.

Like I said, I need to thank you for your quick response, and also I need to apology for the lack of precaution on this trip...well I didnt expect any troubles visiting my mother, obviously I was wrong.
He takes a pause.
I still wonder what those guys wanted from me.
Neverthless... whole affair was not for nothing. Mother let the drawing we found in the Hao`s notebook around some professional circles. It turns out it is not the Roscharch diagram, as I`ve considered it to be. No, this hypothesis leads nowhere. On the other side, She got almost instant feedback from one of her former coleagues. He was warning her of the grave danger connected to the drawing and also told her to move this topic out from the matrix. That was the reason she wanted me to visit her personaly, she wanted to warn me. She also told me that ths Dr. Molotob asked her to set up meeting with him ASAP, so we may be able to get some usefull intel from him. Just to be able to extrapolate, do we have any other leads?


(Fang`s special)
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <09-28-13/1811:05>
"Except for the fact that the one who caused all that trouble is somewhere in Puyallup, not much," Sylvia said as her car drove itself, guided by GridGuide, "so I guess it's our best shot at the moment."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <09-29-13/0320:18>
We have some contact there? I`ve never been to Puayllup...well except for sightseeing flight around Mt. Rainier once during the study. Not much to be seen, though, just geysirs, fires, lava and poisoned water.
hm. They call the place Hell`s Kitchen. Quite fits.
Otherwivse I know some charitable organizations offering internships in their centers in more populated areas, still, the place is a mess.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <09-29-13/0412:36>
"I have no contact in Puyallup, but i believe Shadow has, and has already asked them to take a look around. Until we get an answer from them, our best shot might be this Molotob person." Bulldog was glad they could save Nick from his predicament, but didn't like where this case evolved, and this could be heard from his voice. "By the way, good job on getting out of that building ahead of those two. They are probably MCT Black Ops. And the company took an increasing interest in technomancers, so that might be their connection to our case."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <09-29-13/0444:12>
MCT you say. Hm...Jacqueline has said that that doctor who wants to meet me works on some kind of MCT sponsored research. But why would they try to grab me when we are about to meet anyway? That doesn`t make any sense.

Nick looks out of the window confused, his analztical mind trying to find some pattern in this.

To the moment of silence, you suddenly hear beeping of incoming call. As none of your commlinks appear to be the source, you finaly find it to be one of commlinks you collected in Aurora. By the name this belonged to Harry Eastwood.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <09-29-13/0604:00>
"Thank you Herr Doctor..." Fang murmured as Nick fixed him up. He relaxed in the seat, somewhat mentally  tired  from his efforts, but keeping an eye on  the TacNet. "Those drones were heavily souped up, also autonomous. I detected a touch of Resonance on them as well, so MCT is employing technomancy in this area as well. They were also doing facial recognition checks from what I could get." He trailed off as the commlink began beeping. He went through the ones he had picked up until he grabbed Eastwood's one.

"Ah... Wonderful. Does someone else want to take this? Please?" He resisted the urge to recoil from it. It'd be easier to focus on possibly tracing the call if he wasn't talking, if it became necessary. Which it probably will be. Those drones have me paranoid.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <09-29-13/0724:27>
Nick looks at the commlink like he would at the landmine...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <09-29-13/0738:49>
second beep

         Incoming call...


Answer                  Refuse
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <09-29-13/1531:55>
"Give it to me, Fang. And watch out for any 'trix attacks." Bulldog switched the Humvee to autopilot but kept his left hand on the wheel, just in case. With the right, he reached back for the beeping gadget. "Speak!" he barked into the comm when he took it.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <09-29-13/1533:54>

...voice is filtered and distorted by some kind of masking device...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <09-29-13/1551:24>
Frag, i should've counted on this possibility. Bulldog didn't like to break the bad news to people, when they arrived from a mission, fewer than they set out, and he had a few of those. You could never get used to it, and even though this might be a complete stranger, his stomach churned. "Not really. Colleague of his." In a sense this was the truth. Bulldog considered Harry, a fellow shadowrunner, who worked on the same case previously, if not really a colleague, but a distant companion.
"Who's asking?" He also sent a quick text to Fang, simply willing it. >>Try to trace the call.<<
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <09-29-13/1554:25>
Me, I am asking. Tell Harry I got some intel for him so he should call me back.
The sharp end of the sentence gives Brian a clear sign he have to interupt thespeaker abruptly or the call would end.
From another point of Fang have full acess to Westwoods commlink, he can access stored contacts and protcols anytime he wants.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <09-29-13/1634:06>
"That... won't be possible." Bulldog was a bit lost at what he should say to the stranger. He wished Shadow was here, she was more expert on negotiations. But sometimes, you just had to work with what you got. And he didn't really know too much but honesty. "Look, i don't know who he was to you but he's dead. But he was onto something big, something, that threatens lots of people in Auburn. Toxics. If you have intel on that topic, we intend to finish what he began, so i'm ready to buy that from you."
[spoiler]Think the closest thing is negotiation. And i will spend a point of Edge beforehand.
CHA(3) + Negotiation(1) + EDGE(3) (7d6.hitsopen(5,6)=5) ([/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <09-29-13/1640:02>
Dead you say...well, such things happen. On the other hand...if you have money, I have intel. And I think you are talking about the same case I was working on. Look...
I`ve been doing analysis of camera feeds from the place he calls Crime Scene. Nothing interresting that you possibly don`t already know, well I extended my search a bit and I found some interresting trace. So what is it worth for you?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <09-29-13/1742:23>
This is important. Even if i don't know him, i must get that intel. Frag, i don't really know 'going rates' for these kinds of things! "I hope it will be interesting, otherwise it really isn't worth too much, is it? But 'Crime Scene' might ring a bell. So i say a thousand."
[spoiler]CHA(3) + Negotiation(1) + TacNet(2) (6d6.hits(5)=3) ([/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <09-29-13/2028:23>
Fang frowned thoughtfully at the commlink and logged into it, remaining silent as Bulldog took the call, slipping back into VR. He reached into the Resonance and drew out a thread to act as a complex form, using it to search through the data on the node for a match to who the caller might be. He winced at the slight strain, sometimes shrugging off the pain didn't work so well.

He was glad Bulldog took the call. He had no interest in trying to keep a caller on the line. @Bulldog: Keep him on, I'll try to see who he is...

[spoiler]Analyze Icon (Caller): Analyze (8) + Computer (4) + HotSim (2) + Technomancer (2) (16d6.hits(5)=4) ( (forgot to take two dice away. Remove end dice. 4 hits.
1. AccessID
2. Commcode


Threading Browse: Resonance (8) + Software (4) (12d6.hits(5)=3) ( Forgot to take two dice away. Remove two end dice. Two hits.
Take 2 hits.

Fading DV: 2S
Fading Resist: Resonance (8) + Intuition (6) (14d6.hits(5)=1) ( -.- Forgot to take two dice away. Remove two end dice. One hit.
Fading MDV: 1S

Data Search for contact list: Browse (2) + Data Search (4) + HotSim (2) + Analytical Mind (2) - Sustaining TacNet (2) (8d6.hits(5)=1) ( (1 hit, total of 1)
Browse (2) + Data Search (4) + HotSim (2) + Analytical Mind (2) - Sustaining TacNet (2) (8d6.hits(5)=3) ( (3 hits, total of 4)
Browse (2) + Data Search (4) + HotSim (2) + Analytical Mind (2) - Sustaining TacNet (2) (8d6.hits(5)=3) ( (3 hits, total of 7)
3 seconds.
Assuming that it isn't all that hidden.

Data Search through contact list for matching commcode: Browse (2) + Data Search (4) + HotSim (2) + Analytical Mind (2) - Sustaining TacNet (2) (8d6.hits(5)=3) ( (3 hits, total of 3)
Browse (2) + Data Search (4) + HotSim (2) + Analytical Mind (2) - Sustaining TacNet (2) (8d6.hits(5)=2) ( (2 hits, total of 5)
Browse (2) + Data Search (4) + HotSim (2) + Analytical Mind (2) - Sustaining TacNet (2) (8d6.hits(5)=2) ( (2 hits, total of 7)
3 seconds.
Again, assuming it isn't all that hidden.

May I trace the call subscription back to the other end? If so, what penalties will I be at for doing so?[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <09-30-13/0728:48>
Cha(4)+Neg(2) (5d6.hits(5)=0) (
We have deal. Once you transfer money to [account no.] [file] will be available for download. feel free to rate me 5on ShadowRating net, if you like what you get.
Bye chummer.

Sfinx hangs the call.

Fang: Commcode sfinx is using Stealth and multiple proxies to hide his real AccessID. You will need to trace the call back its source. Well,this can be done almost anytime, his commcodevis stored in the memory with encryption keys included for this channel. Protocol reveals that Harry was talking with this contact twice during last few hours, one outgoing, one incoming call. This call is second incoming.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <09-30-13/1333:55>
That was surprisingly easy. I either paid too much or the guy just needed the money as much as we need the intel. Bulldog wired the payment to the account given by Sfinx, then downloaded the file to Harry's comm. "Fang, we got us a file, probably containing intel about the original abduction scene. Check it for nasty surprises before opening it." He took driving back from the autopilot, he liked to be in control of the car.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <09-30-13/1522:10>
@Fang: Quick scan shows that file contains:
- No malware
- Databomb set to destroy the original file after (1) download

Which means no problems for you.

Acessing the file automaticaly runs basic Mapsoft ( , asking for NavStar or GRID connection. You are sure you have quite secure connecion, allowing it to acess your own mapsoft or establishing secured line for another source.

Once connected the file shows the feed from security cameras from Crime Scene...the same you had already seen when studying data collected by previous team. Feed shows just the mist in the parking lot. Outside cameras reveal nothing more, like the target is well concealed by some means. From what you say so far, and text comments from Sfinx also suggests, the magic may be involved which he is unable to penetrate.
Than the area marked on the map stretches and adjacent streets are shown. Working with the expected size of the car, by previous team identified as van by tracks left on the parking lot, some alleys are eliminated, while position of every traffic camera is marked on the map. Browsing feeds from closest neighborhoods reveal nothing, looks like the magic was still employed.
Here Sfinx began to do what he was paid for: assessing the situation based on his own experiences. Extensive use of magic would also draws attention, and it is much safer to use multiple means of protection, combining those or alternate one with another.
Analyzing camera malfunctions in the surrounding area show lots of cases in incriminating time, and it takes  further analysis to eliminate random patterns. 
Analyzing case by case, Sfinx found some feeds were damaged by camera neutralizer. It wasn`t in the closest vicinity of Super Mall, well he supposes that it can be connected to the case...or at least that someone can test this lead. 
Additional analysis show, that even if the subject was evading the attention by some other means, trying to avoid camera`s field of view etc, one of possible routes seem much less random than others, and isolating this one shows that subject was heading  south, towards Puyallup, where the trace ends due to thin spread traffic control system. 
Well last possible location of such malfunction was located on Pioneer Way E (162), and there is no more signs of such malfunctions after the point where Patterson Road E connects to it.
If you consider your money well spent, leave the reference on
You got my number.

Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <09-30-13/1529:14>
Reminds me something
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <09-30-13/1945:20>
@All: Curious... This Sfinx person was worth it from the looks of it. Fang watched the feed curiously as it eliminated possible paths. No way he could have done it so easily, not that he'd admit it. @All: He's used  the feed we got and extrapolated the possible path the kidnappers could have taken. It terminates at Pioneer Way E and Patterson Road E. Perhaps we should take a look around there? He slipped back into AR, trying not to think about the fact he had just injured himself post-medical attention.

"Let's hope there aren't more MCT drones around there. I don't even want to think about trying to actually deal with them." He muttered under his breath.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <10-01-13/0147:53>
"Maybe we better talk to that doctor first," Sylvia said, "just rushing in will only get us ambushed."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <10-01-13/1102:57>
Bulldog answered Shadow's proposition thoughtfully. @all: "You may be right, but at least we should try to check how far that intersection is from where Judah followed the astral tracks. If we find some landmark that is possible to recognize from the astral, he might check if the neighborhood rings some bells. Anyway, i'd usually say that we should start with the phone call, and the meeting that probably comes from that, but today's events tell me that might be a more dangerous venue. Still, the call is the quicker, and if we can reach the doctor in the middle of the night, it's for the better."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <10-01-13/1222:36>
At least we don`t have to expect more MCT drones there, as if they are involved, they would simply turn off the GRID and they wouldn`t need to use such devices to blind the cameras. I also like to say the more we know about what we are facing, the better.

Like an answer on this words, another call is incoming. Nick smiles...
Speak of the devil...
He reaches for the pan button to receive the call
Hi Jackque...
...suddenly he loses blood from his face, pupils enlarged, sweating all over he stares at the AR window only he can see...
...Oh my god...
with the quick move he connects the call to Tacnet so everyone can follow...
Darkened room, normal dinning room, lit only by a few candles...
naked woman, standing on tiptoe in front of the camera hanging by the handcuffs on her can see blood, but it doesnt seem that she is severely injured, just superficial wounds that bleed enought to draw some mystical images with her blood...
...pentagram around her, like she is being prepared for some kind of ritual...
smooth, cultivated voice saying:

Good doctor Underwood. Finally. First...let me expres my surprise and amazement at your ability to escape my companions. That was...highly unexpected, I must say. Fortunately, I don`t have to relly just on such means, because, as you may already feel, mother and child bond is very strong even without using magic to find you. Your miraculous escape forced me to resort to more drastical means, despites I hate to do such things to my former colleague and friend.
It seems to me that you possess some very interresting knowledge and I would like to ask you to share it with me. Come back to your mother`s appartement and we would talk about those facts and about the possible ways you both can continue your existence on this world. Afterall, you are both skilled experts in your profession and you have shown some interresting bonus potentials.
Just so you cannot say I didn`t warn you...if you hessitate with your visit for more than half an hour, I promiss you to use every piece of her body, every drop of her blood and every scream of her pain exploit the bond between you and her, to find you, to reveal your secrets, and to destroy your body and enslave your soul the ways far beyond your mundane imagination. Time, dear doctor Underwood, is ticking.

AR window shuts as call ends.

Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <10-01-13/1329:57>
"What the hell was that," Shadow asked when the call was done, "What sick mind would do such a thing?  And what do you know that they want?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: vinnmun on <10-01-13/1906:02>
"What the bomboclat is this?" He watches the call a bit stunned and once that was over, "What the frag, what we do?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <10-02-13/0022:19>
Nick is far from calm, but skilled doctor inside of him took control, like if he operates somebodys heart under artilery barrage. He took out his flask and takes anoher deep drink. As he screws the cap, his unusually silent and hoarse voice can be heard...
There is no way I can be wrong. This must have been doctor Molotob. Former colleague, magical talent, MCT sponsored research...this all fits. But what is he after? I don't know. The only thing he knows about our task is that picture mother sent him for assessment.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <10-02-13/0149:02>
"So MCT has found something in that picture," Sylvia said, "and thinks we know more.  So what now?  Pay them a visit?  What's the address?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <10-02-13/0247:07>
The same place I have just escaped. And there is no way I can avoid this. Too much is at stake.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <10-02-13/1859:40>
Fang looked horrified at what had been transmitted through the TacNet. @All: Shall we go back then? Fang queried. @All: Herr Judah, is there a way to safely disrupt whatever ritual that this person might be planning to perform on Herr Nick's mother? Fang indicated the  approximate location of the building that Nick escaped from on the map he had downloaded of the area, setting it up as a waypoint. @Bulldog: Orders, chief?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <10-03-13/0521:40>
Bulldog was outraged. Using Nick's mother this way, it was a thing he couldn't forgive. His voice was full of repressed aggression. @all: This ain't look good. Nick don't really have a choice, and ours is tough too. We either let him go back alone, and try to go on with our job, then, if we are able to get to the depth of this before MCT, we can use whatever they want as a bargaining chip, or we go back, and will face a hell of a fight." There was, of course, a third option, which he didn't say on purpose. He wouldn't let that happen. "In the latter case, we'll have to face those two goons, the magician, whatever bodyguards he brought with him, the MilSpec drones, and the spider in the building."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <10-03-13/0556:50>
"Okay, first we have to find out what else there is in the building," Sylvia said as she opened a search window, "Nick, do you know if there are any corporations in the building.  My idea is to have Nick go in on his own, to make it look as if he's alone, but we have gone in separately before.  That way we can stay below the radar until needed.  Also, I don't think those drones can enter the building, so we will only have to deal with them on the way out.  That's why I don't want them to know us before we start shooting things.  We have blueprints, right?"

datasearch roll to find a list of companies in the building, and any other information that might be useful for infiltration.  I made 10 rolls, as I'm not sure how many are needed (extended test or not) and I don't have my books here.  Just use what's needed.
datasearch 2 + browse 4 =6 (6d6.hits(5)=3, 6d6.hits(5)=3, 6d6.hits(5)=1, 6d6.hits(5)=0, 6d6.hits(5)=3, 6d6.hits(5)=3, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=1, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=3) (
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <10-03-13/1258:38>
It is residental complex. No shops, no businesses there. Inhabitants pay for their calm. And safety. When I was leaving there was some kind of lockdown on the complex. I suppose it cannot be enforced for too long, but at this time of night, there won`t be too many visitors outside of apartements.

Before he continues he points at some places on the map of the building you have all visible on your AR...

Three levels of underground parking, acessible from here and here, main entrance here, two elevator and emergency stairway shafts here and here and external escape walkways with ladders here, here and here, he points at the sides of the building.
Jacqueline lives at 5th floor.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <10-04-13/0217:02>
"Here, let me see this," Sylvia said as she opened the blueprints and other information in an AR window and started muttering to herself, "most likely entry points... maybe here and here... but they will be guarded... Maybe this way... it's an option."

She also checked if any of the apartments were for sale or for rent.  That could also give a way in.

logic + security procedures roll to find places where we can enter without being detected and ways to get to the apartment we have to be in.
logic 4 + security procedures 6 =10 (10d6.hits(5)=2) (
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <10-04-13/1416:52>
Seems like they already decided. But i have to make sure, make it conscious. Bulldog tried to attract the others' attention. @all: "So, you suggest that we go through with this? Get in, get her out?" Another aspect came to his mind. "And here's something to consider before you answer. She might not be in there anymore. We go in force, she's not there... you do the math. Just to see clear, i don't know what that drawing was on the ground, if it truly has anything to do with magic, or was just done for effect. Nick, you sure it was your mother's apartment?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <10-04-13/1441:53>
Yes, I have been there just a few minutes ago. He must have taken her right after I left the flat.

@Judah: Not exactly able to watch the AR show, but strangely entangled to your perception by your pact, your astral companion simply enjoys the view with the feelings of pure pleassure.

Niiccee, niicceee I ssseeeeee....another sssservant of the Dark King....ssstrange friendsss you have, sssoo dissstant but ssssso clossse
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <10-04-13/1531:09>
I think he would say something if he is aware I wasn`t working alone. I didn`t tell anything to Jacquelin, so he would expect me and just me to be there. And I will go there. Alone. I will try to talk some sense into this man. Maybe he will slip some of his knowledge to me. On the other side, if it is true what Ive heard about MCT and their black ops, I don`t think he would just let us go.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: vinnmun on <10-04-13/1951:05>
"I have no clue what ritual he is performing, unfortunately not specialized in that area." His new companion speaks in the astral, Judah's face looks perturbed and than refocused. "I can look around in the astral a little deeper and scout the building to see if she is still there." He shrugs, "Just a suggestion."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <10-05-13/1245:24>
"Be carefull," Sylvia said, "if he's doing those kinds of rituals, he might have spirit protection.  And Nick, you're not going alone.  I mean, you are going in alone, but we'll be somewhere close by to take action if necessary.  If I can find an appartment that's for sale or rent, we can get two people close by by pretending to be interested in that.  Say, Fang, can you set up a network that's difficult to detect so we can listen in."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <10-05-13/1303:01>
First, buildings layout
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <10-05-13/1304:05>
Floor layut for the 5th floor, where Jacqueline`s appartement is located
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <10-05-13/1311:32>
And the appartment floorplan (thx Fabled Environments):

Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <10-05-13/1353:10>
Nick check his watches.

Sylvia. It`s half past midnight. I believe it would be difficult right now to call the meeting with real estate broker. To the other point...every appartement is equipped with house intercomm terminal. I believe guys who were after me were using it to declare state of emergency and lockdown on the building.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <10-05-13/1432:14>
"Then we'll have to do it the difficult way," Sylvia said, "sneaking in through one of the windows.  Let me see which one doesn't give on the street."
She looked at the plans again to see which window, preferably into one of the bedrooms, she could use that wasn't visible from the street.

It's probably mentioned already, but is there a window that doesn't give on the street? And on which floor where they again?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <10-05-13/1450:14>
There is balcony acessible from living room.
it is like

10th                     Penthouses, access to rooftop terace
9th                        street
8th                        L/R
7th                        street
6th                        L/R
5th floor                Street
4th floor                L/R
3rd floor               street
2nd floor               left/right side of the building
1st floor                 balcony to the street (towards Junction)
Ground level         no balcony

Ahh and sorry, I didn`t deleted windows on the left side of the appartement is shared wall with next appartement on the floor.

Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: vinnmun on <10-05-13/1523:54>
"I shall be fine, I'll summon some assistance when we do this. If i only had time." He sighs and then listens to the planning attentively.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <10-05-13/1534:36>
"Main bedroom window looks the best," Sylvia said, "unfortunately it's at the street side, but not too many people will look up to the fifth floor.  I'll have to check at the location itself, but if there's a balcony above, it's the best.  Any of you guys are good climbers?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <10-06-13/0432:53>
"What, you really want to climb five floors in front of the watching eyes of the drones, with no cover whatsoever? I'd advise against it, unless Fang can take the drones over, which he wasn't too happy about earlier." Bulldog added. "Nick, what can you tell us about the installed security: cameras and sensors? Fang, when we go in, we will need a clear way. There probably is a security spider in the building. Can you make our presence unknown to him, or wrestle the controls from him at the least?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <10-06-13/0944:59>
@Ren: Well if you are asking... There are two guards down at the lobby and another two patroling around the building. They are accompanied with Dobermans, and I have seen a few other drones, like Rotordrones. Equipped with non-lethal weapons. Penthouses in tenth floor have their own security, as far as I know. The rest of the building if connected to ARC in the lobby and also PANICBUTTON ofcourse. KE have response time up to 2 minutes. I don`t know nothing more about the system architecture than that there are maglocks all around the building, biometric scanner at the elevators and main entrance, cameras at main corridors and stairways and remote controled lock on every floor and appartement entrance doors. And, that intercomm system I`ve mentioned. I didnt pid more attention to this, since I have all privileges I need to enter and get to Jacquelins appartement. state of emergency my SIN usually allows me some freedom of movement in most objects like this, in case that medical assistance is needed.

@Sylvia: Balcons and outer perimeter would probably be protected by combination of visual and movement sensors. Probably average level, as this is far from hi-profile targets you have been trained for. Also, there is more than this entrance. One service exit/entry point is in the lobby, back of the building, leading to service room.
Detailed maps you have show that there are air vents, that are used to pump the fresh air in and fumes out of the underground garrages. Those shafts are shared for Apartement house`s and Junction`s underground areas, and leads to the set of hatches and gratings built in the roadway between the two. You recall thermohraphic imagery from Mask who was cruising the street, showing warm air blowing throught them like infrared geysirs.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <10-06-13/1452:54>
"You might have a point, Bulldog," Sylvia said, "although I don't think it would be that much of a problem.  We can also take the backdoor into the building, although then we will have to get in through the front door of the appartment.  Or go through the air vents, although I assume they would be smart enough to make them too small at some point.  Maybe the backdoor is the best.  At least then we can use the stairs.  And maybe visit the control room for the building's cameras and such.  Fang can have fun with those."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <10-06-13/1815:25>
@All: Taking control of the building's security systems is something I can handle. I'm assuming it's a localised network, which would mean you or I would need a visit to the control room. However, remember that once we take over the control room, we'll be working on a timer. Let's see if it actually is isolated first... He closed his eyes as he settled back into VR. He drew into his Resonance as he began shooting from data trail to data trail, looking for information on whether the security system at <Nick's Mother's Building> is wired or wireless.

[spoiler]Data Search, Information on Matrix Security in Building: Browse (8) + Data Search (4) + Analytical Mind (2) + HotSim (2) - Specialised Information(1) (15d6.hits(5)=4) ( (4 hits, total 4)
Browse (8) + Data Search (4) + Analytical Mind (2) + HotSim (2) - Specialised Information(1) (15d6.hits(5)=4) ( (4 hits, total 8, public threshold reached)
Browse (8) + Data Search (4) + Analytical Mind (2) + HotSim (2) - Specialised Information(1) (15d6.hits(5)=3) ( (3 hits, total 11)
Browse (8) + Data Search (4) + Analytical Mind (2) + HotSim (2) - Specialised Information(1) (15d6.hits(5)=3) ( (3 hits, total 14, limited threshold reached)
Browse (8) + Data Search (4) + Analytical Mind (2) + HotSim (2) - Specialised Information(1) (15d6.hits(5)=5) ( (5 hits, total  18)
Browse (8) + Data Search (4) + Analytical Mind (2) + HotSim (2) - Specialised Information(1) (15d6.hits(5)=5) ( (5 hits, total 23)
Browse (8) + Data Search (4) + Analytical Mind (2) + HotSim (2) - Specialised Information(1) (15d6.hits(5)=3) ( (3 hits, total 26, hidden threshold reached)
Public: 2 minutes.
Limited: 4 minutes.
Hidden: 7 minutes.[/spoiler]

@All: If it  is indeed isolated, I'll need to head on-site. The last thing we need is for someone to remove the wireless adapter mid-rescue. And you guys will have other jobs to  take care of. Unless one of you is willing to attempt to somehow persuade the spider to work with us.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <10-09-13/0410:56>
"I can probably get you into the control room," Sylvia said, "but I think it's easier just to knock the spider out and replace him.  Maybe use his equipment, so you don't have to hack in, but can simply continue.  But that's something we'll have to see on site.  Fist we have to get in.  So we use the back door and Nick goes through the front?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <10-13-13/1028:19>
@Fang: Datasearch brings you from marketinhg materials, speaking of completely accessible appartement housing with no restriction for third-party providers, secured internal wireless network accessible only to Residents, with the possibility to invite friend, partner or relative by granting them access to each appartements home terminal, On demand, more secured network can be set-up for residents, restricted to their appartements or shared spaces. Building is also equiped with hard-wired system of intercomm terminals, that is connected to security system of the building.
For the latter you are able to dig up ARC technology provider, which is regional supplier, AA class regional company called G4S. You take note that their Physical security branch delivers guards.
The building is listed to be PANICBUTTON connected, every appartement has their own trigger linked to ARC and Knight Errant Seattle Customer Service Emergency Hotline (KE-SCEH).
Further details are for internal use only and kept on he network separated from meshwork and thus inacessible by general Datasearch means. More details may be gained by on-site recon...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <10-15-13/0608:26>
@All: That knocking out option might be best. They do have an isolated network of sorts. Perhaps interrogate the spider a bit before knocking him out.. He followed up the suggestion with the rest of the information he had found on his mass search. @All: At the very least, it looks like I'll need to go with being physically in the control room. I can dominate the camera systems and the like, but you'll still need to not set off any of the residents here.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <10-15-13/1424:25>
Hey, you know... Nick reads your resume in AR ...I am this "relative". You see. I have access to Jacquelin`s terminal. Would that be of any use?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <10-16-13/0236:02>
"It might be, but you have to be in her apartment for that," Sylvia said, "and therefore in the presence of the guy, so I assume your ability to do something will be limited at that time.  Here's a plan.  All but Nick go in through the back door, where we put Fang in the control room so he can start working his way in.  We signal Nick and he goes in through the front door and up to the apartment, where we wait outside the door to come crashing the party should it be necessary, while Fang keeps an eye out on things.  Nick has his comm running so we can follow the conversation.  Sounds like a plan?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <10-16-13/0556:31>
”Hope you’re not forgetting the corp hacker that might still be inside. And about waiting in the corridor: if I were the man inside, I’d set one of my guards outside, otherwise my line of sight would be gravely limited.” Bulldog creased his brow. ”We could still wait on the same floor, in the stairwell, but that also carries some minimal risk. Also, don’t count on a running comm. The first thing I’d do would be shutting down all communication, even if I don’t know about my ‘guest’ having his own people, just as a precaution. If I don’t forget this, I don’t think he will. And this is a mage we’re talking about, so there probably will be astral security. How can we handle that without alerting him?”
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <10-16-13/0732:22>
"you can't," Sylvia said, "if you kill it or dismiss a spirit, the summoner will feel it.  He won't know what happened, but he will feel that the spirit is gone.  Fortunately, if I recall correctly, as soon as a spirit goes outside of line of sight of the mage, he can't do much more then the task given to him.  But this is an apartment building with people in it who might have visitors, so I think astral assistance will be limited to the apartment itself.  Otherwise it will start warning for every person coming into the corridor, or worse, attacking them.  I don't think that will last a long time before people started using their panicbuttons to report aggressive spirit activity."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <10-16-13/1039:07>
@All: At the very least, we'll need to incapacitate the corp hacker. Otherwise, even without control of the system, he can still send out an alert. And I can't just sneak in to an isolated system, the only access point will probably be in the control room. He shrugged. @All: Knock him out. Tie him up, make sure there's no way for him to contact anyone. Does anyone have a headjammer?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <10-16-13/1337:30>
"No, but I have neurostun and lael," Sylvia said, "that should be enough to keep him asleep for some time."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <10-16-13/1420:15>
You are right Sylvia, well I dont need to be operating my commlink while inside, it would be enought if I am  just there and Fang uses my commlink as bridge.
As Brian follows..
well this is also right...remember when I meet those guys for the first time I was suddenly cut out of signal, by whatever means they use. And if I remember this right, those two thugs were asking their assistant for directions, and he points them to me using cameras on stairway. Hell this is ugly setting...I bet those back doors will aslo be protected somehow, nobody leaves glaring holes like this...only as as a trap. Are you able to waltz in through there with spider still on duty?
Nick analyzes the situation, using something from his diagnostic skills trained by his medical career.
I wonder if there was real estate spider on duty when he was tracking me. Guards I met on my escape seemed to be completely oblivious of me being the target. Molotob had to have his own support present.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <10-16-13/1539:31>
"Nick, do you know if the building has a seperate generator, even if it's only an emergency one," Sylvia suddenly asked.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <10-16-13/1609:27>
Hm...nope? I dont recall any outages but I cannot confirm this.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <10-16-13/1635:14>
As Molotob's name left Nick's mouth, Bulldog just remembered something. It might be a long shot, but worth a try, so he sent another message Kevin, marked urgent. >>Man, sorry to bother you again at this hour, but i got some new info. You said to check back with you if someone more remarkable popped up besides those black ops guys. Well, there's this guy [attached picture, cut from the comm trid feed], some Dr. Molotob, allegedly a researcher, and magical talent. Know anything about him? Word for the wise: be extra careful if you have to ask others, this is one extremely mean bastard. And the same corp as i mentioned before.<<

He then got back to the others. "Well, i seriously doubt they had a home spider in the system besides the one helping out those two goons. These are the guys that made KE reroute traffic around the area to make looking for you easier. I think they might have posed as official law-enforcement to building security and completely took over." He thought for a moment. "And Nick is right, of course. Waltzing in under the eyes of a watchful spider might not be healthy. Fang, is there some possibility of using Nick's hardware as he approaches the building to get some access? I doubt the panicbutton signals are hardwired, there has to be some signal going in and out of there. Or as he says, he has regular access, as a guest, can't you use that to get a hold of the system from afar?" Drek, drones outside, spider inside... i hate when things get this complicated. Just for a moment, Bulldog missed the simplicity of the real jungle.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <10-17-13/1211:11>
As for the traffic rerouting...they possibly didn`t needed KE. Grid is MCT asset, so its thei own turf.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <10-18-13/2131:00>
@All: As a guest he'd only have user access. However if he has his 'link broadcasting or at  least on, I can use it as a bridge as long as the system isn't purely hardwired; thank you for reminding me. As long as the system isn't heavily encrypted, then I will be able to get in. He paused. @All: However there is likely little to nothing I can do about PANICBUTTON, so you'll need to be careful. Depending on how things are, I may also need someone to guard my body while I'm doing this.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <10-19-13/0510:06>
"First of all I need to have a look at that backdoor, to see what security there is like," Sylvia said, "Then we sneak in, deliver Fang at the spider desk and Nick goes in while we wait as close as possible.  Then we just need to find a way for Nick to let us know we are needed.  Any ideas?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <10-19-13/0528:40>
Maybe it is time to turn the cars back then, so you can see for yourself?
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <10-22-13/1338:42>
"okay, let's go," Sylvia said, "we can plan untill we're all old, but no plan survives first contact with the enemy so improv is not a bad idea.  Nick, where to?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <10-22-13/1602:29>
Bulldog slowed down and turned at the next street, starting to roll back to where Nick’s mother lived. ”Judah, can you make us invisible? If we wanted to sneak in, that would make our job so much easier.”
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <10-23-13/1410:21>
@Sylvia: [color=navy]Back the way we have just arrived. I think it would be better to park our vehicles outside the "no traffic" GRID zone.[/color]

@Brian: A few minutes after you sent your request to Kevin, you get your response. Datafile is heavily encrypted and obviously protected by virtual minefield, good that you know your private security routine.
Next time you send me this kind of data without any security measures, it would be the last time I hear of you, pal. Neverthless. That name rang the bell. In the past doctor was kind of star in certain circles, his metapsychiatric research was aiming at aural diagnosis and psychometry. After Renraku incident he was heavily involved in providing post-traumatic care, leading and coordinating a few research and assistance teams in refugee camps. After whole affair was dealth with, he continued on research of certain Deus`s victims post-traumatic state. I tell you a little secret...most of those researches were UCAS army sponsored, and he was one of our best in understanding otaku phenomena. Well...his methods were more and more out of box and since army his superiors weren`t ready to be linked to some Metamengele case, they gave him serious warning about the way he conducts his research. He took it as a signal to leave and, as investigations have shown, he paid for his own extraction. His research data and a few subject also disappeared overnight, rest of them being killed by VX released into laboratory vent system. As a target, he is one of the TOP on some lists, and some resources indicate whole extraction was financed and planned by MCT. Rumor is that he is connected to their infamous Project Rose Garden, whatever it is. If you are up to face this guy, be extremely carreful, he deals with some kind of dark arts. But if you are, by a chance, able to catch him alive, there is huge bounty if you can make it to the extraction point in one piece. And remember what I said earlier about these MCT blackops teams...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: vinnmun on <10-23-13/2203:51>
Judah ways his options and retorts, "Yes, but i feel you'll need some more muscle, that i can apply. I'll have the spirit of my ancestors take over my body to help you out better."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <10-24-13/0925:25>
Bulldog swallowed hard. He suspected that Molotob would mean serious business but not this serious. He replied to Kevin after he digested all that information, this time taking care to use the encryption protocols he always did in their business communication. >>Thanks, man, this was more than I expected. Hope you don’t get into too much trouble for getting all this. I’m really grateful, and I owe you one. I don’t really think that I want to get drawn into the bounty situation, but it’s not exclusively my choice. If I do, can you give me who to contact about the extraction? For your decent cut of course.<< Parallel to the message, Bulldog wired 500 nujen to the account Kevin was using for this purpose. He felt just owing him one wasn’t enough for his trouble.

After that, he got back to the others. ”I received some new intel I think all of you should know about.” He re-encrypted the data he got from Kevin, using the team’s encryption protocols, then forwarded the info to the team, careful to delete any reference to the source as well as any personal references before that.
While they pondered the info, he thought back on his military days. Even though the Archology Shutdown was years before his time, the veterans couldn’t help retelling stories of those events, just to educate the younger soldiers. One of them might’ve dropped something in connection to Molotob, even if it wasn’t his name. Info about top secret projects sometimes seeped through layers of secrecy, finding its way to the simple rank and file soldiers.
[spoiler=tests]Note: I wasn’t sure which of the following tests was appropriate here, so I rolled both.
memory test: LOG(3) + WIL(5) (6d6.hits(5)=2) ( and the missig two (2d6.hits(5)=0) (
military knowledge: LOG(3) + Military(3) + Mnemonic enhancer(2) (8d6.hits(5)=1) ([/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <10-24-13/1120:26>
@Brian: Well, if you manage to take him down. I`ll have extraction team ready to pick him up somewhere out of the spotlight. If you manage to return dear doctor to his former employer, means UcaS, well, let`s say I will owe you instead. Hell...even his current facelift and every detail you can get from him would be more than expected, and if you need to ice him, do so. This for sure is not one of the good guys, if you understand me...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <10-24-13/1325:51>
"It's clear that he has something to do with technomancer research," Sylvia said after going through the information, "let's first try to get in and then we'll see about him.  First we have to put our vehicles somewhere legal where we can leave at a moment's notice."
She went on to search for such a spot, driving slowly and within the limits.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <10-25-13/1518:44>
The Junction being planned to be not just residental zone, but also shopping mall, the parking lot was incorporated to the plans, both underground and surface. Underground parts are off-limits ever since, due to underwater leaks, criminal hideouts and more dark places. It is also told to be connected to Underground somehow, well it takes guide to get on the right track. For your purposes this poses unnecesary additional risk. Surface parking, on the other side, provides exactly what you need. There is slight chance, that your cars will be stolen, but, on the other side, it takes someone pretty stupid to try to steal two almost military-like vehicles, good chance someone that stupid wont be able to break in. On the other side you can have your wheels about 70 meters around the corner, ready for hasty getaway. You are aware, that the place is in the drones line of sight, so Nick steps out of the vehicle on last traffic lights:

I will continue on foot from here, sty in touch. I will walk towards main entrance, cautiously, but like desperate.

As he walks to the rainy night, you can see him taking his flask out again, unseparable friend and companion of good doctor Underwood.
Rest of the team continues to the parking. At least you can be sure, that rain also limits the view range for Nimrods and it helps you keep your deployment unnoticed...

Nicccccceeeee. I feeel darknessss comming for your friend, reaching out for him with lussst and hunger...I love the ssssmelll of human ssssacriffficccce in the time of incoming midnight...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <10-27-13/1720:06>
@All: Fraulein Shadow, Herr Bulldog. Lead on when you're ready. Fang transmitted through the tacnet. @All: Herr Judah, if you have a magical way to conceal us, now would be a good time to do so. Remember we're going silent, so we won't be able to maintain electronic communication. Fang had already switched off his commlink. His bionode was undetectable, but that didn't mean his team's commlinks were. @All: As for this arschloch's actions with technomancers... We'll see.

[spoiler=German]Arschloch: Vulgar insult targeted at male. Translates to 'asshole'.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <10-28-13/0359:02>
The rain came in handy, Sylvia thought as she quickly changed gear  It would limit the number of people on the streets and more importantly, it would limit the number of police as they would stay close to their hot coffee and doughnuts.  Another advantage was that it would limit the sensor there would be around the building, although this worked both ways.

She got out of the car, now with her chameleon suit, although it wasn't active yet.  She only activated it as soon as they got close enough to the building so the building's cameras could see them.  She also activated her thermal damping and put one commlink completely off and the other on hidden.
"I'll go a bit ahead and check things out," she whispered to the others, "I'll let you know when it's safe."

She moved on, slowly and checking for sensors to avoid them. She also checked the astral from time to time.  It wouldn't do to avoid cameras and get caught by a spirit.  She didn't expect any in a residential building, but she also didn't got where she was now by taking chances.

agility 6 + infiltration 4 =10 (10d6.hits(5)=3) (
+2 due to thermal damping (for those sensors that pick this up): thermal damping (2d6.hits(5)=1) (

perception tests to detect me are a -4 due to chameleon suit

perception (to see and avoid cameras, guards and other sensors):
intuition 4 + perception 3 + active 3 + enhancement 2 =12 (12d6.hits(5)=4) (

Non-Linear Junction Detector rating 4 (to pick up signals close by):
Non-Linear Junction Detector r4 (8d6.hits(5)=1) (

astral perception:
intuition 4 + perception 3 =7 (7d6.hits(5)=4) (
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <10-28-13/0710:23>
Bulldog made sure that none of the previously seen MCT drones were in line of sight when he let Nick out of the car. It wouldn’t be wise to give their vehicles away that soon.
[spoiler=perception]INT(4) + Perception: visual(6) + Enhancers(3) + Active(3) + TacNet(2) – chameleon(4) (14d6.hits(5)=5) (
Note: I assumed that the chameleon coating and rain modifiers are not compatible, so I counted the worse of the two. (Just imagine, the processors of the coating would be hard pressed to keep up with the raindrops’ dynamically changing pattern.)[/spoiler]

After taking care of that, he followed Shadow and parked behind her. He also suited up for stealth, the chameleon suit off. He prepared his battle rifle for the operation, checking the clip and the chamber, skinlink, smartlink. The pre-op preparation started to up his adrenaline levels in a Pavlovian way, although it would be complete when the op really started. He checked his other equipment, nodding when he found everything was in perfectly working order, and set all his stuff except the commlinks in wireless mode, working through his skinlink adaptation.
@all: “Fang, be prepared to use Nick’s comm to get into the building’s system. I reckon you won’t have too much time, and I think you will have to at least let us in before we can do anything. Also, do you have any hardware we can slot in the security room, to ensure your connection while we act a couple of stories higher?”

While they let Shadow do her recon, he also thought back to the picture, the manners, the symbol on the floor, and what Kevin told him about Molotob. Maybe this would bring forward some association on what kind of threat they were bound to meet up there.
[spoiler=knowledge test]LOG(3) + Magical threats(2) + Mnemonic(2) (7d6.hits(5)=2) (
Note: I assumed it is not toxic, if yes, here’s the specialization dice: toxic(2) (2d6.hits(5)=1) ([/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <10-28-13/0802:55>
@Brian: In this line of work, Molotob had to have perfect understanding of human mind even without use of magic. Nick isnt exactly flawless character so there is some risk Molotob would have upper hand in conversation that will inevitably occur. It is highly possible that he specializes in his line of work even further, so you should be really aware of various brain raping methods.

@Sylvia: You seem to be fine for now. In junction, some windows are lit. In the appartement building across the street only a few, it seems that most inhabitants do not fell amongst night-life types...and that partial annoyance  caused by raised alarm is far gone and forgot. Only the lobby is fully lit and you can see that black SUV parking next to the main entrance. Nick, walking on foot, is still behind the corner, invisible from that point.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <10-29-13/0835:49>
Sylvia went around the back to the back entrance Nick had told them about.  With the lobby completely lit and probably with a couple of guards somewhere, it wouldn't do to go that way.  For now she just wanted to locate the cameras and sensors in order to know which ones they would have to loop to work without problems.  That would be Fang's task.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <10-30-13/0503:16>
A clawed, furry hand entered Bulldog's field of vision. It was holding an optical tap. "You can use this. But remember that if anyone finds it, they can just remove it and probably will send an alarm." On that note, perhaps he could try something.His eyes  became slightly unfocused as he cast his matrix senses out, finding both hidden and visible nodes around him, using the Resonance to thread together a complex form that would allow him to manipulate the  Matrix into  seeing all the nodes around him, settling into the warmth of VR as he did so. Less than half a minute later he was back in AR.

[spoiler]Detect Active/Passive nodes in 1km.

Threading Scan: Software (4) + Resonance (8) + Analytical Mind (2) (14d6.hits(5)=4) (
Take 4 hits.

Fading DV: 4S
Fading Resist: Intuition (6) + Resonance (8) (14d6.hits(5)=5) (
Fading MDV: 0S

Detect Hidden Nodes in 1km: Electronic Warfare (2) + Scan (4) + HotSim (2) (8d6.hits(5)=3) ( 3/15 hits.
Electronic Warfare (2) + Scan (4) + HotSim (2) (8d6.hits(5)=1) ( 4/15
Electronic Warfare (2) + Scan (4) + HotSim (2) (8d6.hits(5)=1) ( 5/15
Electronic Warfare (2) + Scan (4) + HotSim (2) (8d6.hits(5)=3) ( 8/15
Electronic Warfare (2) + Scan (4) + HotSim (2) (8d6.hits(5)=0) ( 8/15
url=]Electronic Warfare (2) + Scan (4) + HotSim (2) (8d6.hits(5)=2)[/url] 1015
Electronic Warfare (2) + Scan (4) + HotSim (2) (8d6.hits(5)=2) ( 12/15
Electronic Warfare (2) + Scan (4) + HotSim (2) (8d6.hits(5)=2) ( 14/15
Electronic Warfare (2) + Scan (4) + HotSim (2) (8d6.hits(5)=2) ( 16/15

And that's why I should use a sprite in the future. Time taken:  27 seconds.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: vinnmun on <11-02-13/1716:42>
Judah takes a deep breathe and concentrates on summoning a force 6 beast spirit. He turn to it with his astral perception. "Keep the team concealed and assist them in combat with my body."

[spoiler]1) Beast spirit Spec + Spellcasting + magic + power focus 2) Spirit resisting 3) Centering + wilpower + intuition (19d6.hits(5)=5, 6d6.hits(5)=3, 11d6.hits(5)=9) ([/spoiler]

He awaits for the spirit to possess him.

[spoiler]Intuition + willpower vs. force 6 x 2 (9d6.hits(5)=3, 12d6.hits(5)=7) ([/spoiler]

His eyes go white and has more of a feral facial expression on his ork face.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <11-12-13/1350:25>
@Sylvia: Across the street you can see cave of the underground garage entrance, blocked only by gate sensor and currently retracted emergency roadblocks. A few more meters away from you there is a building entrance. Lights are standard, doors are closed, there are no signs of unusual activities except for AR signs showing local grid is unavailable and suggesting good citizens to walk around.

@Fang: You can detect long list of nodes currently in mutual signal range with you. Quite a lot matches the result of the previous search 20 minutes ago, some are new. To gain any usefull knowledge, you will need to analyze those results with further query/parameters

@Brian: It is hard to recognize the masked silhouette against the dark night sky, but you manage to catch the glimpse of blurred movement pasing one of lit windows, and you are quite sure that those drones are circling around the building about 6 floors aboe the ground, which means one floor above your target level. It would still be hard to target them directly from this distance, as it is more instinctive feeling than reliable "lock on target"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <11-12-13/1437:36>
"Nothing here," Sylvia said over the comm, "only an arrow asking people to get around as local network is down.  Anything else you guys have seen?  Matrix or magical?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <11-12-13/1512:00>
@Sylvia: While you wait for response from others, you continue your observation, trying not to draw any attention [roll perception/infiltration, you may want to wait unless you agree on the terms posted in OOC and how you will proceed, but good perception roll may be helpfull in the Security skill check]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <11-12-13/1700:46>
Fang's eye twitched as he gazed at the long list of nodes. No, fuck it. Navi is better at this than me. He slipped back in the warmth of VR as he began negotiations through the Resonance to gain the services of a Data Sprite.

[spoiler]Compiling Rating 6 Data Sprite (Defuse, Sniffer): Resonance (8) + Compiling (6) + HotSim (2) + Paragon (1) - Sustaining (2) (15d6.hits(5)=9) (
Rating 6 (6d6.hits(5)=1) (

Tasks: EIGHT

Fading DV: 2S
Fading Resist: Resonance (8) + Intuition (6) (14d6.hits(5)=5) (
Fading MDV: 0S[/spoiler]

Negotiations had gone much in his favour as the familiar flying  ball of light took form in his bionode.

@Navi: Can you map out a list of the nodes within mutual signal range of <bionode>? I'm trying to search for a specific one and I'm a bit overwhelmed by the information. With your help I might be able to find the target.

Having done that he set his Analyze complex form to search through all the nodes he had discovered in MSR to try and find one which matched the parameters of the building in front of him.

[spoiler]This would end up being an MPT on all the nodes in range. For what it's worth I currently have 14 (Computer (4) + Analyze ( 8 ) + Technomancer Bonus (2)  + HotSim (2) - Sustaining (2)) dice for each check if you want to do it. If you want me to trade dice for hits, here are the asked questions:
1. Are you the node I'm looking for? Y/N
2. Data Bomb Y/N
3.Encryption Y/N[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <11-13-13/1346:36>
@Judah: As the beast took over the controll, you feel the endless urge for the hunt. It seems there is lot to do around here. As your and spirits thoughts and auras overlay, you feel the animal furry streaming into your veins and mind. Suddenly, even your dark friend disapperas somewhere behind the field of view. You are not sure what plan is it preparing, but with its presence suppressed you feel much more comfortable. As there is only little need for the spirit to act right now, it lets you in controll, not even fights for it. It knows that its time will come. Soon enought...

@Sylvia: You can see the housing is quite safe, possibly due to its neighborhood. The ground level windows are enforced with artist designed, almost rustical, but obviously quite firm gratings
Above the ground level you can see ring of laser beam detectors, that would possibly raise alarm every time somebody is trying to climb the wall. Above, you can see almost randomly placed clusters of cameras and motion sensors, covering most of outer layer. Since they are above street lights level, you are sure they have thermographic or low-light enhancements instaled. While it seems inpenetrable for the rookie, you know that this density of sensors is:
Pretty difficult to handle without hi-powered Nexus
Pretty cahllenging for maintenace
No so reliable due to weather and agressive nature of the envinmental polution. It is possible that acid rain like the one currently falling from sky puts some of this clusters out of service
The price of this sensor field would be astronomical if at least some of those are not dummies of whole field is equiped by low level sensors. You expect average sensitivity at best.
Bad thing is, that this clusters seem to be all ported to hardwired racks built in the plaster.
From this point the best sensors you notice are surrounding Garrage entry and main entrance of the building, which seems to be equiped with either low-grade UWB or at least weapons/cyberware detection frame.
The company providing security to this building had done good job, well aparently the budget didnt allowed them to turn the place into corporate-like stronghold.
Educated guess: SR:4 + 3 additional sensors
What you dont know how good their spider is, and he can shuffle the cards a bit. In the field like this, the intimate knowledge is essential, as you need to know the blind spots to be able extrapolate and also some "bad habbits" whole network or its parts has.

@Brian: Those two military grade drones increase threat level drasticaly in this situation, and you cannot see theat black car Homolka and Kukac were using. If your oponents are in charge of the operation the way Nick described it, they would hardly allow local security crew to wander around the building with spider in hi seat. No. They would use their authority to set guards to firm possitions to allow them to run their own game on this turf. In that case, whole personel would be on site and they wont rely on distant support. Also...with legal access to almost every network around, they wont need a hacker,  while the drones and the car would suggest the presence of rigger. He may be able to cover both fields, but you know one cannot excell in both fields. Some of your good friends being parts of mechanized crew, you know they prefer safety of their own armored seats instead of running around the battlefield.

@Fang ...working...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <11-18-13/1600:47>
@Fang: You are watching the list of nodes reducing, as Navi triangulates theeir possition and eliminates those outside given perimeter. You end up with surprisingly short list. as it looks like the wireless inhibition woks quite well and most appartments take advantage of the opportunity to set up secured home network. This private networks seem to be linked to meshwork through hi-powered satelite uplink antena on the roof. Transceiver is using strong encryption procedures, well cryptologic algorithm are just a nibble above the street level..
A few more nodes appear on AR overlay as you watch the window, Some belongs to more frivolous residents.
Two of them being previously identified Nimrods. You cannot find that grid supported tactical network used for their controll, but you locate different node with similar signature as those drones.
You calculate that this node was previously offline or was using grid as cover, now Navi`s search pinpoint its location in the underground parking lot below the building, where the G.R.I.D doesn`t extent.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <11-23-13/0426:20>
How curious... I wonder what that node below is... Fang's icon frowned briefly as it began sending threads of Resonance to investigate the node underground.

[spoiler]Matrix Perception test on underground node:Analyze (8) + Computer (4) + HotSim (2) + Technomancer (2) - Sustaining (2) (14d6.hits(5)=5) (
1. What are you?
2. Do you have a Data Bomb attached?
3. Are you encrypted?
4-5. NULL[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <11-23-13/0900:06>
Stealth (12d6.hits(5)=5) (

You are not sure if you can trust your eyes, but you are not able to gain any info about the node so far.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <11-24-13/1837:54>
Fang frowned. This level of difficulty garnering information was rather unusual... Perhaps another try? Resonance strands once again looped toward the node, investigating it.

[spoiler]Analyze (8) + Computer (4) + HotSim (2) + Technomancer (2) - Sustaining (2) - Trying again (2) (12d6.hits(5)=6) (

Take that!

1. Do you have a Data Bomb attached?
2. Are you encrypted?
3. What are you?
4-6. NULL[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <11-25-13/0159:25>
Sylvia came back to the rest of the group.
"I have good news and bad news," She said, "The bad news is that security looks like it has been put there by competent people, with multiple sensors and stuff like that.  The good news is that this is probably just advertising and half of the sensors are dummies.  Otherwise they have the same type of security triple A's put on their top secret research facilities.  Which is a lot for a simple apartment block.  But I think it's doable, if we move carefully.  Now, who will go with me to take over all those fancy cameras and such?  Preferably people with some experience in this kind of work."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <11-25-13/0449:15>
”I won’t let you go alone, and I have experience in this kind of thing, even if I used it mainly in the jungles.” Bulldog’s reply was immediate. ”Judah, I remember something mentioned about some background count. That means a watcher won’t cut it, can you send one of your spirits in with us? Shadow, I know you can see what happens in astral but we need overwatch that can do something about the astral guards.”
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <11-25-13/1408:11>
@Fang: 1) Yes.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <11-25-13/1543:11>
Sylvia took out her dagger.
"This can cut through spirits just as well as metahumans," she said, before putting it back, "but some extra help can always be useful.  I won't have the time to check the astral contineously, so a spirit would be useful.  And with a spirit we can keep the concealment up while on the inside."
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <11-26-13/0437:47>
Perhaps when I get more time I might explore that later... Fang thought to himself, discounting the underground node. He didn't feel like dealing with not-immediately important data bombs. He instead turned his attention to the two above-ground drones.

[spoiler]MPT on drone 1: Analyze (8) + Computer (4) + HotSim (2) + Technomancer (2) - Sustaining (2) (14d6.hits(5)=4) (
MPT on drone 2: Analyze (8) + Computer (4) + HotSim (2) + Technomancer (2) - Sustaining (2) (14d6.hits(5)=4) ([/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <11-26-13/0724:00>
Same results as in previous attempt when you meet those drones for the First time, near Auburn bus station.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <11-26-13/0732:31>
Nodes are equiped with some military grade masking routines, but you are able to bypass the camouflage and get detailed observation about their node.
Protected by Firewall that not even hit the streets yet , the drones node is also encrypted, and so is their signal. Even without cryptoanalysis you are able to see that node is protected by virtual minefield and IC operates within the node. Both nodes shows traces of Resonance signature.
Without decryption, further details are unknown to you...

Ok. Sorry for repast, this was the best I can do on my phone. Everything that has been said before applies on nodes now.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <11-28-13/0219:47>
Fang's persona scowled. @All: There isn't much I can do about the drones unfortunately. They're extremely heavily encrypted and data bombed. I can try to hack their master node, but chances are that's going to be even more impossible. You're on your own for this unfortunately.

@Navi: Can you decrypt the communications between either of the drones and its master node if it has one?

[spoiler]Initiate Cryptanalysis: Electronic Warfare (6) + Decrypt (6) (12d6.hits(5)=0) ( 0/?
Electronic Warfare (6) + Decrypt (6) (12d6.hits(5)=4) ( 4/? (R1 and R2 encryption down after 6 seconds)
Electronic Warfare (6) + Decrypt (6) (12d6.hits(5)=3) ( 7/? (R3 encryption down after 9 seconds)
Electronic Warfare (6) + Decrypt (6) (12d6.hits(5)=4) ( 11/? (R4 and R5 encryption down after 12 seconds)
Electronic Warfare (6) + Decrypt (6) (12d6.hits(5)=3) ( 14/? (R6 and R7 encryption down after 15 seconds)
Electronic Warfare (6) + Decrypt (6) (12d6.hits(5)=7) ( 21/? (R8, R9 and R10 encryption down after 18 seconds)[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <12-05-13/0147:08>
From Nick they knew what kind of security they had on their doors, down to the model of the card readers and such.  It was always useful to have insider knowledge and this time she didn't even have to intimidate or seduce people to get it.  Waiting until there was a gap in the drone coverage, they ran towards the backdoor.

Having spotted a number of cameras, first of all Sylvia put up her camera neutraliser so it could do it's magic, setting it up at a spot she had selected before.  It should have to block the cameras pointed towards the back door.  With that done she moved on towards the door, checking if Bulldog was still following and then she started her magic on the door, first checking for any fancy stuff with her Non-Linear Junction Detector.  It wouldn't do to bypass the maglock on the door only to find that there was another device that triggered an alarm.  Better to scan first.

I have 2IP/CT.

infiltration roll:
agility 6 + infiltration 4 =10 (10d6.hits(5)=4) (
so that's 4 dice extra for Bulldog (from which he can only use 3 if I'm right).

camera neutraliser (device rating x2 =8):
camera neutraliser 4 =8 (8d6.hits(5)=3) (
treshold is 2 (3 for microcameras, see arsenal p59) so it will block the camera at the door.

Non-Linear Junction Detector (device rating x2 =8):
Non-Linear Junction Detector 4 =8 (8d6.hits(5)=4) (
again arsenal p59:
Th is handheld device emits microwave signals and detects the refl ected harmonic signals given off by electronics. It is commonly used to scan for RFID tags, microsensors, microdrones, bombs, and other hidden devices, and can even detect electronics that are not powered. Th e range of this device is limited, however, to only 2 meters.

I've chameleon armour + thermal damping, I've normally neutralised the camera pointing at the door and I check for any funny electronics (even optical) devices before opening the door.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <12-05-13/0618:00>
Bulldog followed Shadow at the appropriate distance – not too close to bump into her if she suddenly stopped but not too far so he could help her out immediately if she needed it – in a half-crouch. He knew the drones represented the brunt of the threat outside, so he watched the sky carefully, keeping the gun at his chest, while she fiddled with her gear.
The weather was making their approach somewhat easier. The rain reduced useful visual range, as well as reducing thermal signatures. It would be a different thing inside, as they would leave easily distinguishable, wet prints on the ground. They had to be quick about their jobs, lest some guard noticed this prematurely.
[spoiler=infiltration]Notes: I have 3 IPs/CT. I have urban camo (-2 on visual). If this is already part of the test to beat the Security rating, I’ll spend Edge to reroll; if not, please disregard the Edge spending.
AGI(5) + Infiltration(3) + Home Ground(2) + Teamwork(3) + TacNet(1) (14d6.hits(5)=4) (
With Edge: AGI(5) + Infiltration(3) + Home Ground(2) + Teamwork(3) + TacNet(1) - hits(4) (10d6.hits(5)=2) (, 6 hits altogether.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <12-20-13/1649:25>
As Nick crossess the road and most attention focuses on him, you can see even one of drones stop flying around the building and hovers in the air, watching Nick`s every movement, Sylvia catches the wind and begin her movement. First part is difficult not because She and Brian have to move out in open, but because it is quite a long distance to run around the building to get to the back doors. Thanks to prolonged window, caused by one drone missing in the perimeter, Sylvia and Brian safely reaches the point from where they have clear view on doors and are able to find the cover while the second drone flies over. From this point, Infiltration team is observing the doors, trying to figure out possible risks and options of entering the building through here.

SR(4)+S(3=1)+SP(5)-Rain(2) (8d6.hits(5)=4) (

Team net hits: 5
Security net hits: 0

Please roll for perception (-2 visibility, Thresshold 2)
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <12-21-13/1230:19>
"That's one down," Sylvia wispered to Bulldog, "but the difficult part has to come."

intuition 4 + perception 3 + enhancement 2 - 2 visibility =7 (7d6.hits(5)=2) (
I just make the treshold
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <12-21-13/1426:49>
@Sylvia&Brian: There is Motion senor right above the doors. Possibly just to turn on the light. Well that seems to be enought to cause troubles in this situation.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <12-22-13/0750:03>
@Fang: By the time Nick approaches the entry of the building you have signals decrypted and successfully tapped. You can see  qulitative change in the signal of one Nimrod, as it approaches Nick and focuses on him. Previously fragmented and irregular signal providing just sensor readings from the drone and some basic tactical information changes to strong and powerful feed of, as your experiences tells you, jumped-in rigger taking control of the drone.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <12-22-13/1214:27>
[spoiler=perception]INT(4) + Perception: Visual(6) + Enhancement(3) - modifiers(2)
Note: as invisible castle is down, i rolled physically, got 2 hits. If you have an alternative site that is easy to use, please tell me and i'll roll there.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <12-22-13/1238:06>
"Shit, motion sensor," Shadow whispered to Bulldog, "wait here, I'll take it out."
As soon as the drone was past, she moved slowly into it's field.  She had done this before, moving very slowly not to trip the sensor.  When she got there she started to work to remove the sensor from the network

infiltration roll to get to the sensor:
agility 6 + infiltration 4 =10 (10d6.hits(5)=5) (
hardware roll to take it out.
logic 4 + hardware 4 =8 (8d6.hits(5)=2) (

Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <12-26-13/1001:19>
Sylvia approaches the doors carefully. Her Non-linear junction detector informs her about presence of magnetic lock on the doors and standard alarm security system. RFID on the doors inform you that Security is provided by G4S company. As Fang has done his homework, Sylvia has informations on most devices they use in their facilities, so she are able to pinpoint the one matching the device detected (Plans or Reference Material: Augmented Reality Enhanced +2)

Only thing that stands now between her and inside of the building is some electronic tasks to be done. While she is working on the motion sensor, Timer warns her of approaching drone flying above. She presses herself against the wall, trying to be invisible, and it looks like she almost is, as drone continues on without any sign of alert. She still feels a bit uncomfortable, but she continues her work with sensor.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <12-26-13/1008:10>
Meanwhile Fang, tapping the signal from the second drone, is watching Nick standing in front of the doors. There is sign of two figures approaching from inside, well Nick is not in haste, he rather takes out his flask and gulps one more time, waiting for those two to come for him. He does seem nervous a bit, well he does his best to hide it and to pretend professional calm. And to give his partners a few additional moments for theis action.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <12-27-13/0535:17>
As soon as she arrived at the sensor, she started working on the sensor.  It was a model she had seen before and with the plans Fang had provided, it was easily disabled.  The alarm was a bit trickier, but it too yielded fairly easy after a couple of minutes.  The drones kept coming over, but with the concealment power of the spirit, her thermal damping and the rain and darkness, she knew they would have trouble seeing her.  And running back every time they would come over would take way too much time and had its own risks.  No, the best way was to keep going and hope for the best.
"Alarm is down, moving to the maglock," she subvocalised to the rest of the team.

The maglock was of a type that she hadn't seen before, but again, with the plans, she had it opened up very quickly.  As she wasn't sure her sequencer would be up to the task - she had planned on getting a better one for some time now, but never gotten around to search - she decided to open it up herself.  It might take a bit longer, but she was fairly certain she wouldn't trip any alarms, while if the sequencer didn't get it right, it would flag the attempt to the spider and the drones might come down for a closer look.  But then the door opened.

"I have the door open," she subvocalised, "Bulldog, wait for the next drone pass and then join me here."

I've made 10 rolls to start with, knowing I would have to roll the same thing a couple of times.
logc 4 + hardware 4 - 1 condictions + 2 AR plans =9 (9d6.hits(5)=4, 9d6.hits(5)=3, 9d6.hits(5)=5, 9d6.hits(5)=3, 9d6.hits(5)=2, 9d6.hits(5)=5, 9d6.hits(5)=1, 9d6.hits(5)=2, 9d6.hits(5)=1, 9d6.hits(5)=2) (
none are glitches.

So with the two hits I already had on the motion sensor, I have it down in 2 combat turns (first roll is 4 hits).

rewire the alarm (treshold 5 /minute): 2 minutes, for 8 hits (rolls 2 and 3)

Opening Maglock:
Remove casing: Thresshold 6/Ct (3 Ct, for 10 hits (rolls 4-6)
Avoid antitampering system: 2 (1 hit (roll 7) )
use edge to reroll misses:
logc 4 + hardware 4 - 1 condictions + 2 AR plans =9 (8d6.hits(5)=3) (
4 hits in total.

I'll open the door manually: treshold 6 (3 Ct, rolls 9-10 and the first of the new batch).

logc 4 + hardware 4 - 1 condictions + 2 AR plans =9 (9d6.hits(5)=3, 9d6.hits(5)=4, 9d6.hits(5)=3) (
second roll on this new batch is a glicth, but I don't need it, as I'm in with the first one.

Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <12-27-13/0821:37>
First, buildings layout

Doors are open and you are free to enter the Service room. When you enter, to your right there are doors labeled Laundry, to your right you can see Staff labeled doors. Room is lit by econommic lightning, not enought to read but enought to avoid stumblibg over various boxes and bags with dirty linen, cleansers, and other petty equipement usefull to run the appartement building.

Behind the wall right across the room you can hear hum of elevator shaft, looks like one of elevators just set off to upper floors.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <01-06-14/0122:12>
As soon as Bulldog was also at the door, Shadow moved on, slowly now they were inside the building, but still with enough speed so they would be in place as soon as Nick needed them.  Looking around for more sensors or security people, she moved to the service rooms, where normally the security people would be.  And if not, at least the main server for the security systems would be there and from there they would be able to take over the security of the building.

infiltration roll:
agility 6 + infiltration 4 =10 (10d6.hits(5) =5) (
so that's 5 dice extra for Bulldog (from which he can only use 3 if I'm right).

perception roll, just for good measure.
intuition 4 + perception 3 + active 3 + enhancement 2 =12 (12d6.hits(5)=5) (
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <01-06-14/0757:44>
Bulldog followed Shadow’s lead gladly. He felt better that way, excluded from the immediate decisions, like which way to go. For a moment, he missed his old sergeant, who always seemed to know just what to do. And Shadow seemed similarly competent.
[spoiler=second infiltration]AGI(5) + Infiltration(3) + Home Ground(2) + Teamwork(3) (13d6.hits(5)=3) (
Note: I assume the TacNet doesn’t give us a bonus inside the building, as we have only two people and that is not enough for it.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <01-09-14/0113:22>
"2 guys behind the desk," Shadow whispered to Bulldog, "alive, but bound.  Holographic receptionist."

security procedures:
logic 4 + security procedures 6 + 2 bonus =12 (12d6.hits(5) =3) (
in case corporate specialisation counts:
corporate specialisation 2 (2d6.hits(5) =1) (
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <01-09-14/0257:59>
Bulldog stopped and nodded to himself then answered on the comm. "Look out for sensors both directed to the entrance and the elevators/stairs. A holo can't fool you up close but they still wanna know if someone found out. I'd also look for the first layer of magical security here, maybe a watcher?"
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <01-09-14/1435:00>
Reception desk seems like something you`ve seen before.  First lazer of deffense, built in sensors and probablz some Tear gass capsules. Thing is, this desk is always conected to main security framework, are even if it is slaved device, it may provide the opportunity for Fang to get in.
You will need to avoid detection or fool the ID system to approach it.

Next infiltration roll
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <01-13-14/0122:42>
"Looks like our best way in," Shadow whispered to Bulldog.  She had a quick look and moved in using what looked like a dead zone in the sensor grid guarding the desk.  If they could put Fang behind it so he wasn't seen from the street, and if those doctor's guards kept unwanted out, the hologram could keep doing the desk while Fang coordinated the team.

agility 6 + infiltration 4 =10 (10d6.hits(5)=4) (
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <01-13-14/0653:11>
Bulldog followed Shadow, watching for her signals, as well as her six, letting the runner seemingly more adept at tech take care of tech as needed.
[spoiler=infiltration]AGI(5) + Infiltration(3) + Home ground(2) + Teamwork(3) (13d6.hits(5)=5) ([/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <01-13-14/1254:24>
SR(4)+SP(5)+Sensors(2)-Concealement(5) (6d6.hits(5)=2) (

Sylvia succesfully avoids all sensors built into the sentry desk and possitions herself behind the desk, invissible from the street, with clear view on elevators and stairway doors. The desk itself is robust construction made out of steel sheets, and she guess that it would be as difficult to open as keypad casing outside. If any of sheets is removed, the optical tap Fang gave to Bulldog would be possible to install.

Opening Security desk:
Remove casing: Thresshold 8/Ct
Avoid antitampering system: 3

Optical Tap is device is used to tap  beroptic lines, so that data transferring over them may be intercepted. A clip-on coupler places a micro-bend in the cable so that light signals may be captured (without interrupting the signal). This requires a Hardware + Logic (2) Test. The tapper can then perform an Intercept Traffic operation.

Team net hits: 9 out of 10
Security net hits: 0
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <01-14-14/1327:11>
Sylvia looked at the desk and started to remove the casing, carefully to avoid setting up any alarms.  Since this was a maintenance panel, there would be some security on it but not so much as to impede easy access in case of trouble.  As soon as she had the panel open, she opened it just a little bit and took off her goggles with her other hand.  She used the small camera that was located on them to look into the panel without having to open it completely.

Spotting a sensor that would warn if the panel was opened, she was pleased to see that it hadn't tripped yet.  Now she knew where to open it so it wouldn't trigger, she motioned for Bulldog to keep the panel so that it wouldn't give an alarm, and she set to disable the sensor.  That was quickly done and the next thing was to add the optical tap.  Again, it was fairly easy to put it in.

"Bug placed," she subvocalised, "Fang, you're on."

Opening Security desk:
Remove casing: Thresshold 8/Ct
Avoid antitampering system: 3

Assuming that all rolls are hardware rolls.
logic 4 + hardware 4 + 2 AR plans =10 (10d6.hits(5)=5, 10d6.hits(5)=3, 10d6.hits(5)=4, 10d6.hits(5)=5, 10d6.hits(5)=2, 10d6.hits(5)=4, 10d6.hits(5)=3, 10d6.hits(5)=1, 10d6.hits(5)=4, 10d6.hits(5)=6) (

remove casing: 8 successes needed, so that's rolls 1 and 2 (5 and 3 hits), so in 2 CTs I have the casing off.

Then the antitampering system: Roll 3, 4 hits, so that should be okay.

Installing the optical tap: Roll 4, 5 hits, so again enough.

I have the feeling Invisible castle liked me this time.  :)
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <01-14-14/1440:11>
As soon as you are done you are ready to proceed. You feel there is only little step, and you will get close enought to intercept on Nick, Jacquelinne, and whatever the malevolent doctor is doing to them.

@Fang: You are in
Marix perception before we can proceed.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <01-14-14/2057:43>
Time to do my part...

Fang frowned through VR as he switched from watching the drone's feed over to Sylvia's tap. Resonance gathered around the eyes of his icon  in  the form of a visor, giving him the information he sought. He released his concentration on the tactical network; it was useless with the team split up as it is.

[spoiler]Analyze (8) + Computer (4) + HotSim (2) + Technomancer (2) (16d6.hits(5)=8) (

Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <01-16-14/1715:21>
Fang logs into the optical tap and sets his matrix senses to full forward.
He immediately notices that the architecture of the PLTG is much more complex than it being just single node.

Device planted by Sylvia seem to tap the line that connects one of sensors placed to the desk to its core. From matrix perspective, he can see ring of other peripheral devices, all wired and slaved to the same node.
The desk itself seem to be one of fifteen segements of security cluster. As node itself is not running stealth, nor is it encrypted, designers probably thought wired access is safe enought, you are able to spot IC patrolling the node and multiple control consoles, each of those seem to have different purpose.
The firewall has the standard security rating.
As always, there is a catch.
Whole cluster node seems to be wire-linked to another node, and everything you see leads you to the conclusion, that the relationship between those two is Master - Slave...any you seem to have access only to the slaved one.

                                  Master Node
Slaved        Security cluster node (IC, 15 segments/Consoles)
Slaved                 Peripheral devices/Sensors
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <01-18-14/1301:37>
Fang eyed the node , giving a predatorial grin. Let's get to work...

First off he channeled the Resonance into his vision of the matrix, analysing the node for any defences to be aware of, or weaknesses to exploit. He requested that Navi also do it, perhaps she would get some extra information.

Second he began threading the Resonance into his icon, making it even more capable of fading  into the  crowd despite its appearance. The process was painful, but necessary.

Lastly he began channeling Resonance into his icon again, improving his capabilities at taking advantage of weaknesses in defences.

[spoiler]Complex - Matrix Perception Test: Analyze (8) + Computer (4) + Technomancer (2) + HotSim (2) (16d6.hits(5)=2) (
1. Presence of Data Bomb Y/N
2. Encryption Y/N
Simple - Issue Command (Matrix Perception Test)
Navi - Complex - Matrix Perception Test: Analyze (6) + Computer (6) (12d6.hits(5)=3) (
1.Presence of Data Bomb Y/N
2. Encryption Y/N
3. Misc

Free - Threading Stealth: Resonance (8) + Software (4) + Analytical Mind (2) (14d6.hits(5)=5) (
Take 5 hits.

Fade DV: 5S
Fade resist: Resonance (8) + Intuition (6) (14d6.hits(5)=3) (
Fade MDV: 2S

Free - Threading Exploit: Software (4) + Resonance (6) + Analytical Mind (2) (14d6.hits(5)=5) ( (removing the last two dice for sustaining Stealth)
Take 4 hits

Fade DV: 4S
Fade Resist: Intuition (6) + Resonance (8) (14d6.hits(5)=5) (
Fade MDV: 0S[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <01-19-14/1301:53>
Encryption: Null
         Firewall: Null

      IC seems to operate in the node just for random ammount of time, than it uploads itself somewhere else.
      IC has Security level Access
      Traces of resonance signature inside the node = Possitive
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <01-19-14/1938:00>
Fang allowed the Resonance to flow through him, staring directly at the firewall in the node. He immediately sent streams of Resonance into the code to the firewall, seeking a weakness, an exploit, a way to get in through any means necessary. I will have entrance.

[spoiler]Complex (Extended) - Hacking on the Fly (Admin level): Exploit (13) + Hacking (6) + Exploit Spec (2) + HotSim (2) - Sustaining (2) (21d6.hits(5)=10) ( (10/? hits, Firewall 1-2 breached)
Exploit (13) + Hacking (6) + Exploit Spec (2) + HotSim (2) - Sustaining (2) (21d6.hits(5)=7) ( (17/? hits, Firewall 3-9 breached)

Stealth is at 14. Yes I accounted for the +2 threshold from hacking a slaved node.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <01-20-14/0647:47>
Firewall 4 breached after 1.05 sec. Fang is in.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <01-20-14/0915:29>
Fang looked around the inside of the node cautiously, examining the topology as his eyes glowed with the power of Resonance again. Then he closed his eyes, sending out waves of Resonance all over the  node to gather  information. He wanted to gather as much information as possible so he found the correct path and didn't set off any traps whilst doing so. He left the complex form to continue independently scanning the node as he waited for results.

[spoiler]Scan Node (Systematic): Setting Analyze CF to independently scan all icons in the node (essentially making a Matrix Perception Test on every icon as part of Analyze Icon). For sake of brevity, just make the rolls where it would be appropriate and let me know what I find. It'll take a number of Initiative Passes equal to all the stuff in the node, divided by two. For the record, I'm specifically looking for things running Analyze, the node's Analyze, and whichever linked node would be the master node. But if anything else is relevant, let me know.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <01-20-14/1626:37>
Fang is inside secured cluster node and it is obvious for the first glance, that the owner of the node considered it safe enought to leave guard dutties on IC and spider on duty. Who seems to be Off duty at the moment, by the way. As Analyze CF continues to feed him with data about the icons in the node, You can see that every one of those consoles belong to one level of the building (11above+3 underground, one for the outer perimeter) and it associates camera and sensor feeds, alarms, door locks and fire sensors, each in one interface window on the cosole. Node itself is designed in the shape of the building, and each cluster segment is represented on the place you can find one of central security desk, like the one in the lobby.
Master/Cluster connection is one way connection, on the other side, and you cannot use the account you created for yourself here to access the master node.
There are two consoles with virtual minefield. The one linked to the top level, and the one linked outer perimeter.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <01-21-14/1505:55>
Fang eyed the minefield in distaste. I can't ask Navi to engage with that. She's not built for that sort of thing... I'll need someone more accustomed to it.

@Navi: "Go rest. I'll compile you again when needed. At the moment I have a dangerous task and  I'd rather not put you at risk."[/i]

As he felt Navi return to the Resonance, he focused into it himself, calling upon strands to reach to the other side, calling upon a sprite better built to survive anything and everything. "Aveline, I need your help!"

In  the node, a new sprite took form. A redheaded woman with pigtails, dressed as a captain of a city guard, complete with sword, shield and plate mail armor. Fang looked at, wearing a somewhat apologetic expression. @Aveline: "I hate to ask this, as it's so dangerous,  but I need something done about these minefields and you're the best sprite for it. I need you  to trigger the minefield so that I can ask Navi to investigate the consoles, and she's not as durable as you are. You might have to set them off yourself and take the blast so be careful."

[spoiler]Dismiss Sprite

Compile Rating 6 Paladin Sprite (Expert Defence R3, Analyze): Resonance (8) + Compiling (6) + HotSim (2) (16d6.hits(5)=6) (
Rating (6) (6d6.hits(5)=2) (

4 tasks

Fade DV: 4S
Fade Resist: Resonance (8) + Intuition (6) (14d6.hits(5)=4) (
Fade MDV: 0S

Issue Command: "Remove the two minefields."[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <01-25-14/1659:37>
Please make the defuse roll
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <01-26-14/0053:49>
The withering look the sprite gave him made Fang flush. He was going about this the wrong way, and the sprite wanted him to know it. @Aveline: Okay fine. I'll defuse them, can you keep me safe while I do so?

The sprite looked much more approving of that . Fang sighed, gathering Resonance into a new form. One perfectly suited towards handling the minefield. He didn't do it often, but sometimes it was necessary.

[spoiler]Seeing as I've been forgetting the sustaining, let's assume I stopped sustaining.

Threading Defuse: Resonance (8) + Software (4) + Analytical Mind (2) (14d6.hits(5)=1) (
No. Take 0.
Resonance (8) + Software (4) + Analytical Mind (2) (14d6.hits(5)=5) (
Much better. Take 5.

Fading DV: 5S
Fading Resist: Resonance (8) + Intuition (6) (14d6.hits(5)=5) (
Fading MDV: 0S

Issue Command: Castling

Aveline Action: Castling on Fang

Defuse Data Bomb: Hacking (6) + Defuse (5) + HotSim (2) (13d6.hits(5)=4) ([/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <01-26-14/1235:31>
8d6.hits(5)=3 (

One defused, one to go...
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <01-26-14/1255:05>
Fang looked at the other bomb and gulped nervously before sending threads of Resonance towards it in order to defuse it. Aveline remained nearby, ready to give protection in case the bomb detonated, and to snicker at his nervous behaviour.

I get no respect... Fang thought gloomily as he focused the strands, channeling more and more at the bomb until it was practically immersed in Resonance.

[spoiler]Defuse: Hacking (6) + Defuse (5) + HotSim (2) (13d6.hits(5)=8) (

o.o I think I might have defused it...[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <01-26-14/1422:29>
Security systems of the building are completely under Fangs controll. He was able to defuse second databomb in no time and console surrenders to his will. It took about 6 seconds to achieve this, and Fang is able to give infiltration team greenlight to move freely and provide them with informations and feed from security systems. It is possible to establish tacnet once again.

Two ways up to 5th level:

Fang has access to elevator camera, well he is not able to take controll over it or any other piece infrastructure (pipes, electric lines etc), nor does he have control or access to buildings communication system.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <01-26-14/1605:15>
@Team: I have vision, but not control. That would require direct access to the master node of the building. Also cannot control communications from here.

He thanked Aveline and let her retire back into the Resonance. He wanted a new friend for this task. Navi was all well and good, but he needed someone else's skillset. He cast his invitation into the Resonance for a sprite whose activities went to the baseline of code itself. A sprite grudgingly responded to the request, taking form as a white wolf with odd red markings and a shield on its back. It sat, waiting for a request.

@Amaterasu: Would you remove <image of Sylvia>, <image of Bulldog>, <image of Judah> from any of the recordings in this node cluster?

[spoiler]Stop sustaining Defuse

Compile Sprite - Code sprite R6 (Corrupt, Scan): Compiling (6) + Resonance (8) + Hotsim (2) + Paragon (1) (17d6.hits(5)=3) (
Rating (6) (6d6.hits(5)=2) (

1 task. Ouch.

Fading DV: 4S
Fading Resist: Intuition (6) + Resonance (8) (14d6.hits(5)=3) (
Fading MDV: 1S
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Ren on <01-27-14/0503:13>
Bulldog smirked contentedly. ”Good job, Fang, now give us a visual from the two staircases and the target level. Also, can you determine where we need to go for you to take over control? And if it is possible, restore the TacNet, we need every advantage we can get.” Restlessness started to overwhelm him, so he calmed himself with a few deep breaths. So far they didn’t encounter any crisis in this op, but they had to be ready. There was almost always a point where plans fell apart, and contingencies or improvisation had to take their place. Stop fidgeting, maggots! He smirked again, as he heard his drill sergeant’s voice almost clearly in his head, and waited for Fang’s intel patiently.
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <01-27-14/1253:16>
@Team: "Give me a few more seconds, I'll see if I can do something about communications."

Fang looked at the node connection through to the master node, allowing Resonance to veil his vision with any and all information he could clean of it.

[spoiler]Matrix Perception test on Master Node: Analyze (8) + Computer (4) + HotSim (2) + Technomancer (2) - Wounds (1) (15d6.hits(5)=6) (
1. Data Bomb Y/N
2. Encryption Y/N
3. Are any Resonance Trails familiar?
4. Alert status[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: Sichr on <01-27-14/1308:42>
1) no bombs
2) no encryption
3) Astral signature present. In fact it is the sam that you have seen on some of security consoles in your node...(lobby, 5th floor, perimeter and building sensors)
4) no alert
5) IC resident
6) Technomancer present in the node
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: MaxKojote on <01-27-14/1333:59>
Drek... This is going to be difficult. Time to push myself to my limits... Fang channeled large amounts of Resonance into himself, in an attempt to  become effectively invisible and capable of tearing through any firewall. It took some time, but he eventually felt ready and began to send powered threads of Resonance into the firewall of the master node, seeking a weak point to enter through.

[spoiler]Threading Stealth: Three attempts I took zero successes (one IP). Then this.
Computer (4) + Resonance (8) + Analytical Mind (2) - Wounds (1) (13d6.hits(5)=6) (
Take 6 successes.

Fading DV: 6S
Fade Resist: Intuition (6) + Resonance (8) (14d6.hits(5)=6) (
Fading MDV: 0S

Stealth: 14

Threading Exploit: 9 attempts I took zero successes (3 IPs). Then this.
Computer (4) + Resonance (8) + Analytical Mind (2) - Wounds (1) - sustaining (2) (11d6.hits(5)=4) (
Take 4 successes

Fading DV: 4S
Fading Resist: Intuition (6) + Resonance (8) (14d6.hits(5)=7) (
Fading MDV: 0S


Hacking on the Fly (admin): Hacking (6) + Exploit Spec (2) + Exploit (12) + Hotsim (2) - Sustaining (2) - Wounds (1) (19d6.hits(5)=10) ( (10/?, Firewalls 1-4 breached)
Hacking (6) + Exploit Spec (2) + Exploit (12) + Hotsim (2) - Sustaining (2) - Wounds (1) (19d6.hits(5)=5) ( (15/?, Firewalls 5-9 beached)
Hacking (6) + Exploit Spec (2) + Exploit (12) + Hotsim (2) - Sustaining (2) - Wounds (1) (19d6.hits(5)=4) ( (19/?, Firewalls 10-13 breached)[/spoiler]
Title: Re: IC Auburn: Logrolling
Post by: farothel on <01-27-14/1513:56>
Shadow was waiting for Fang to do his part so they could move on.  It was difficult, but her record was twelve hours in a ditch before she had a sufficient amount of time between two guards to move on.  But that didn't mean she liked it.  For now she kept silent, letting him do his job without extra distractions.