
Shadowrun General => General Discussion => Topic started by: &#24525; on <11-25-19/2039:23>

Title: Plan 9/10
Post by: &#24525; on <11-25-19/2039:23>
Does anyone know who wrote the fluff bits for Plan 9 & 10 and their "living situation"?
Title: Re: Plan 9/10
Post by: &#24525; on <11-28-19/0312:06>
Nada? Shame, I really wanted to get into the nitty-gritty of it all.
Title: Re: Plan 9/10
Post by: PiXeL01 on <01-08-20/0747:16>
He/she/they/whatever-the-identification-by-now is probably written up little by little by the Collective SR Writing Corp, just like all the other Characters in the books.
Title: Re: Plan 9/10
Post by: Wakshaani on <01-09-20/0553:46>
It's a general thing. All the writers do Plan 9/10 stuff.

Who originally started that bit? Not sure.

But if you have questions about ol' Planners, feel free to ask!
Title: Re: Plan 9/10
Post by: CanRay on <01-09-20/1610:51>
Plan 9 is one of my "Author Avatars", which is why I don't write books and chapters using his "voice", because of the problems people have with Author Avatars.  So, go ahead, ask.
Title: Re: Plan 9/10
Post by: Carmody on <01-16-20/1210:25>
Hi Guys, I have a general question regarding Plan 10: he appears for the first time in Storm Front,where he is a headcase on Mars that contacts Orbital DK.

But in the following books, he seems to be the AI that infects Plan 9.
However, as far as I know, Plan 9 never went to Mars. As far as I remember (I cannot find back the reference) Plan 9 was infected on earth, around the same time than FastJack.

@CanRay: could you clarify this for me?
Title: Re: Plan 9/10
Post by: CanRay on <01-16-20/1345:25>
I just said he was one of my author avatars, not that I knew everything about him.

Paranoid little fragger, he has more character creation stories than The Joker hopped up on Adderall with a Methamphetamine chaser.
Title: Re: Plan 9/10
Post by: Wakshaani on <01-16-20/1356:25>
Plan 10 shares a body with Plan 9.

Whether or not Plan 10 used to have another body and, if so, what happened to it? That's a good question.

Title: Re: Plan 9/10
Post by: Carmody on <01-17-20/0440:20>
Ok, shall I assume that's something that is not defined on your side, or not shared (yet)?