
Shadowrun Play => Gamemasters' Lounge => Topic started by: Rockopolis on <02-21-11/1111:11>

Title: Challenge Rating?
Post by: Rockopolis on <02-21-11/1111:11>
How do I balance enemies to my group?  Is this something you're supposed to pick up after you've played a while?
Critters or Augmented Animals, for example; how many and which kind are a 'fair' challenge?  Or do I throw in what seems like the correct amount and fudge the dice either way?
Title: Re: Challenge Rating?
Post by: Dakka on <02-21-11/1314:10>
Just go with your gut.  One grunt per PC plus a Lieutenant seems about fair.  If things start going south you can lay off the group Edge, generally PCs will find a way to win. 

The second toughest challenges my team (Samurai, Gun Fu, Mage, Rigger, Troll) ever faced were a 10 man SWAT unit using EX-E Ingram White Knights and Ares Alphas with gas grenades plus Milspec armor.  They had 1 mage.  Our troll took FOURTY TWO bullets to the chest and came out with only stun damage, no serious injury.  When the mage died and 6 of the 10 were toast the last 4 fled.  Fight took place in a shipping yard, so there was cover enough to hide behind and try to avoid machine gun fire while the troll advanced down the middle.

The toughest challenge my team ever faced (we had lost the rigger, so just Samurai, Gun Fu, Mage, Troll) was two squadrons of elite Renraku Red Samurai.  Each was an 800 BP prime runner.  There were 2 each of Mages, Sneaky strikers, Heavy Weapons, and Leaders.  EACH came with at least 4 Edge and wasn't shy about using it.  They came at us from 2 directions and our mission objective was in a crashed vehicle about 2 blocks towards squad A.  Oh yea, they also had a Cyberzombie with 11.95 essence of 'ware.  It was a scheduled meet to exchange packages, but Renraku was chasing our target.  We set up early so Gun Fu and Mage were in a sniper position and lucky enough Gun Fu had a 8P rifle with -7AP APDS ammo which meant any net hits got 16P minimum which broke their Milspec armor (barely).  Our mage was able to channel some counterspelling of their mages casting and used a force 11 stunball to thin their ranks.  They were too spread out for that to be the end of it tho, and Mage eventually went down.  Gun Fu had to first aid him so he wouldn't bleed out.  Eventually we got the package and made a get away.

Both of these challenges seemed a bit ridiculous on paper.  Outnumbered 2 to 1 by heavily armed and armored foes.  I remember thinking early in the fights we were so going to die. 'Runners usually find a way.
Title: Re: Challenge Rating?
Post by: Charybdis on <02-21-11/1846:23>
How do I balance enemies to my group?  Is this something you're supposed to pick up after you've played a while?
Critters or Augmented Animals, for example; how many and which kind are a 'fair' challenge?  Or do I throw in what seems like the correct amount and fudge the dice either way?
There's no simple measure of this, as Shadowrun can mess with you with one lucky dice roll or some good terrain, positioning and tactics.

I have a couple of little comparisons I run through to help me be fair though :)
- Who has the better Weaponry?
- Who has the most combatants?
- Who has Magical support?
- Who has better armour?
- Who has the most favourable terrain?
- Who has the LEAST limitations (capture only, must save VIP, must get physical device etc)

Score 1 point for each of these answers, and tally up the results.
Anything at 3:3 is about fair
Anything at 4:2 is a good advantage
Anything at 5:1 is a MASSIVE advantage
Anything at 6:0 should be a certain victory

Note: I know there are more variables than this, and there are some terrain and limitations that in themselves give an amazing situational advantage.

But like I said, this is a good guideline.  From here, have a few more thoughts about the specific situation at hand:
- Are there any Aces-up-the-sleeve that either side can pull?
- Are there any backup troops on hand?
- Do you have equipment that will specifically work/be nullified by either group? (ie one PC's Reaction is just too high for any grunt to hit)
- Are there any special actions that will be particularly useful here (Stealth, Suppressive Fire, Concealment, Traps...)
etc etc

Shadowrun can swing either way for any fight very quickly, so this is really a judgement call for every encounter. Hopefully the above will help :)
Title: Re: Challenge Rating?
Post by: Tagz on <02-21-11/1912:38>
It takes some time to learn how to balance it out and even once you've done it a while you'll sometimes be thrown a wammie by an unexpectedly effective (or ineffective) combo or tactic.

But the quick and dirty way is this: backup.

Send in a small group.  If they get turned to swiss cheese send in another group of the same guys, only this time a couple more.  Lots of ways to make this happen in game: last man standing radios for help, biomonitors on the guards alert others, etc.

But really, unlike lots of other systems SR really makes tactics a powerful thing.  A group that takes cover, coordinates their efforts (shoot the mage first, etc), falls back to superior positioning, etc, can be more dangerous equipped with holdouts then go-gangers who stand out in the open with LMGs.
Title: Re: Challenge Rating?
Post by: Loki on <02-23-11/0008:44>
Also know your players. If you've players who can come with bizarre yet effective tactics on the fly you can throw more at them.
Title: Re: Challenge Rating?
Post by: CanRay on <02-23-11/0107:55>
Of course, if you come up with the weird and wonderful...

I once had a lawn stand up and start beating on the group's safehouse in LA.
Title: Re: Challenge Rating?
Post by: aimlessfreak on <02-23-11/0108:44>
Of course, if you come up with the weird and wonderful...

I once had a lawn stand up and start beating on the group's safehouse in LA.

Earth spirit?
Title: Re: Challenge Rating?
Post by: CanRay on <02-23-11/0112:05>
Plant Spirit, actually.

They had just extracted Goofy from DisneyLand, and found out why they call it "The Magic Kingdom".  The Mouseketeers having a group trained in SWAT, wielding SMGs and driving Jaguar Sports Cars with LMGs mounted in them also surprised the group.
Title: Re: Challenge Rating?
Post by: Charybdis on <02-23-11/1852:07>
Plant Spirit, actually.

They had just extracted Goofy from DisneyLand, and found out why they call it "The Magic Kingdom".  The Mouseketeers having a group trained in SWAT, wielding SMGs and driving Jaguar Sports Cars with LMGs mounted in them also surprised the group.
Well, now we know why Disney land is so damned expensive. They're training paramilitary groups!
Title: Re: Challenge Rating?
Post by: CanRay on <02-23-11/1917:25>
Actually, according to rumor, DisneyLand and DisneyWorld are designed with extensive bomb shelters in them, as they were built during the Cold War.  Their security is also extensive, yet discrete.

By Shadowrun time, I can easily see them having SWAT teams and magicians summoning swarms of Watcher Spirits to keep a watchout.  Even their Special Effects Magicians with Magic of 1 or 2 can summon those easily.

The people in the suits are still heavily abused, however.
Title: Re: Challenge Rating?
Post by: Charybdis on <02-23-11/1955:08>
Actually, according to rumor, DisneyLand and DisneyWorld are designed with extensive bomb shelters in them, as they were built during the Cold War.  Their security is also extensive, yet discrete.
I'd believe it. Walt was a bit of a mad hatter. Brilliant...but crazy :D

By Shadowrun time, I can easily see them having SWAT teams and magicians summoning swarms of Watcher Spirits to keep a watchout.  Even their Special Effects Magicians with Magic of 1 or 2 can summon those easily.
Any magician (even Shadowrun special effects guys) can be upgraded in short order to make Runners' lives difficult.
Actually stage magicians especially.... Have you seen the Drain on a Trid Phantasm spell?  :o
Title: Re: Challenge Rating?
Post by: James McMurray on <02-24-11/1155:58>
I've been thinking about this same question as I get ramped up for our new campaign. I tend to look at these things mathematically. for example:

Look at each PC's reaction. This will be his baseline defense against most physical attacks and helps determine the appropriate accuracy for the NPCs. Since expected results from a die roll are Pool / 3, an average foe should have an accuracy equal to the average reaction in the group * 3. If it's a melee foe they should have skill at least equal to the average of the group. This means that on average they can expect 0 net hits. Weaker foes should have fewer base dice, while stronger foes should have more.

You can do the same with damage ratings and soak, willpower + counterspelling for many spells, and the NPCs' defensive pools.

One thing to keep in mind is action advantage. If there are a lot of enemies in the fight the numbers should reflect that, because more dice rolls means more defensive penalties for multiple attacks combined with more chances to roll really high.

I'm still working out the kinks for Shadowrun, but this system has worked well for me in other dice pool games like Exalted and Scion.
Title: Re: Challenge Rating?
Post by: Dakka on <02-24-11/1315:45>
Your math is way WAY off.  If I have a reaction of 5 dice and you have an accuracy of 15 dice you are VIRTUALLY GUARENTEED to hit every time.  Remember, the defending character also rolls his reaction and gets an expected result of reaction/3 in hits.  If you want bad guys that generally miss then their agility plus whatever weapon skill should be equal to the highest reaction in the group, or even just Agility = Reaction and let the weapon skill carry them over.  That way both sides are rolling roughly the same amount of dice and the results are 50/50.
Title: Re: Challenge Rating?
Post by: James McMurray on <02-24-11/1331:58>
Yeah, sorry. That's a holdover from before I changed the thrust of that paragraph from damage to accuracy.

Here's what I've got so far, where the bolded values are the averages of that stat for the PCs.

Weak foe:
Reaction = physical attack accuracy - 3
Ballistic Soak = (physical damage * 3) - 3
Physical Attack = reaction - 3
Impact Damage = (impact soak / 3) - 1
Ballistic Damage = (ballistic soak / 3) - 1

Average foe:
As weak Foe but without the minuses.

Superior Foe:
As average foe +3 reaction, +3 ballistic soak, +6 accuracy, +2 damage.
Title: Re: Challenge Rating?
Post by: Man Who Walks At Night on <03-02-11/2154:59>
Also, keep in mind, its perfectly OK that each encounter is not balanced, its not supposed to, its not a movie scripted to have a specific outcome of each fight.

My runners often have a bunch of encounters during the run where they easily demolish the foes, if every encounter was an even match, few people would survive the shadowrunning business. 4 generations (editions) of shadowrun has taught me that its the stupid runners who die, not those without enough firepower or reaction, and I implement that in my campaigns, as long as my players play it smart and safe, they can usually survive without being blown up, but combat is not the main focus of my campaigns, in fact, we sometimes have entire sessions (10+ hours) without combat, or with minimal combat.

But really, just go with the flow, backup is one solution, but keep in mind combat in SR is really fast, 30 seconds - 1 minute and its often over, backup is usually not THAT fast, except spirits - they are always good for backup :) - Don't make combat the determining factor between a successful run and a failure, use it as one of many obstacles needed to overcome to succeed, as long as you stick to that, you don't need to worry about balance too much and will soon learn to judge what is good opposition against your players.

Oh, and of course, changing stats of enemies on the fly, fudging with the dice etc all works as well, if you have a group of players who accept that kind of thing from their gamemaster, my players trust me to be fair and to do whatever is needed to keep the game fun and challenging.
Title: Re: Challenge Rating?
Post by: CanRay on <03-02-11/2200:24>
Spirits make great back-up, ambushers...

Once, I threw a lawn at my group to throw them off their game.  It worked.

Another time, it was Jesus beating them with his crucifix.
Title: Re: Challenge Rating?
Post by: Charybdis on <03-03-11/0613:19>
Spirits make great back-up, ambushers...
Also, concealed sentry guns (Narcoet, gas spray, SMG, LMG, Assault Cannon)...these can scale to your game, no problem.
Title: Re: Challenge Rating?
Post by: Man Who Walks At Night on <03-03-11/1151:49>
Also, concealed sentry guns (Narcoet, gas spray, SMG, LMG, Assault Cannon)...these can scale to your game, no problem.

Yup, but it has to make some sense for them to be there - just like it has to make some sense why the 4 ganger kids trying to steal the runners newly bought trollsized back of chinese food has wired reflexes lvl 2 and assault rifles :P - Id rather let my runners win a fight than scale the opposition to a point where it makes no sense :)
Title: Re: Challenge Rating?
Post by: Dakka on <03-03-11/1237:39>
For gangers in an alley sure.  For a climactic battle?  I think the OP was referring to the larger scale battles, not stuff like getting mugged.  Sidenote, who is dumb enough to mug a troll for a bag of chinese food?
Title: Re: Challenge Rating?
Post by: James McMurray on <03-03-11/1245:33>
Sidenote, who is dumb enough to mug a troll for a bag of chinese food?

The guy that nobody likes but who is desperate to fulfill his gang initiation so he can "be respected"?
Title: Re: Challenge Rating?
Post by: Man Who Walks At Night on <03-03-11/1603:00>
Sidenote, who is dumb enough to mug a troll for a bag of chinese food?

The guy that nobody likes but who is desperate to fulfill his gang initiation so he can "be respected"?

Excactly :)
Title: Re: Challenge Rating?
Post by: Man Who Walks At Night on <03-03-11/1605:50>
For gangers in an alley sure.  For a climactic battle?  I think the OP was referring to the larger scale battles, not stuff like getting mugged.

It still needs to make sense - I never just pile on enemies because I want a climatic battle, to me it still needs to make sense.

Two teams of highly trained cybered up elite units with heavy magic supports showing up to recover a 10k data-file doesn't for instance :)
Title: Re: Challenge Rating?
Post by: Rockopolis on <03-03-11/1957:17>
Sidenote, who is dumb enough to mug a troll for a bag of chinese food?
Chinese ghouls?
Title: Re: Challenge Rating?
Post by: CanRay on <03-03-11/2014:38>
Sidenote, who is dumb enough to mug a troll for a bag of chinese food?
A hungry Troll?

A gang of Orks?

Gang Initiation?

Shadowrunners on the down low and can't get to their hidden reserves because of monitoring?
Title: Re: Challenge Rating?
Post by: Charybdis on <03-03-11/2038:37>
Sidenote, who is dumb enough to mug a troll for a bag of chinese food?
A hungry Troll?

A gang of Orks?

Gang Initiation?

Shadowrunners on the down low and can't get to their hidden reserves because of monitoring?
Once played a very low-power SR game (2nd ed, I think) where we literally started as no-good gangers.

We would definitely have tried to mug the troll for food.....
Title: Re: Challenge Rating?
Post by: CanRay on <03-03-11/2109:41>
I'd love to play a Ghettopunk campaign.

But, then again, I'd be happy to play rather than GM.
Title: Re: Challenge Rating?
Post by: Dakka on <03-04-11/0337:05>
For gangers in an alley sure.  For a climactic battle?  I think the OP was referring to the larger scale battles, not stuff like getting mugged.

It still needs to make sense - I never just pile on enemies because I want a climatic battle, to me it still needs to make sense.

Two teams of highly trained cybered up elite units with heavy magic supports showing up to recover a 10k data-file doesn't for instance :)

Just because someone is paynig a runner team 10k to get a data file doesn't mean that's what it's worth to the company it was stolen from.  Or the perception of weakness in security could be enough to send the elite team after a break in.  There's plenty of reasons to heap on the bad guys for a final showdown, just have to pick your poison.
Title: Re: Challenge Rating?
Post by: Dakka on <03-04-11/0337:31>
Sidenote, who is dumb enough to mug a troll for a bag of chinese food?
A hungry Troll?

A gang of Orks?

Gang Initiation?

Shadowrunners on the down low and can't get to their hidden reserves because of monitoring?
Once played a very low-power SR game (2nd ed, I think) where we literally started as no-good gangers.

We would definitely have tried to mug the troll for food.....

I really hope I am never this hungry  ;D
Title: Re: Challenge Rating?
Post by: Man Who Walks At Night on <03-04-11/0646:47>
The troll beat up the gangers pretty badly btw (as would be expected by a troll physical adept versus 4 lowlife gangers)

Once back to the hide-out where the other runners where waiting, a huge (2 hours long) role-playing argument started between the runners about whether or not he should just have handed over the bag to the poor gangers and bought a new one.

Was a good time as a GM, I just sat back and watched - I love when my players create their own content :)
Title: Re: Challenge Rating?
Post by: CanRay on <03-04-11/1117:47>
The troll beat up the gangers pretty badly btw (as would be expected by a troll physical adept versus 4 lowlife gangers)

Once back to the hide-out where the other runners where waiting, a huge (2 hours long) role-playing argument started between the runners about whether or not he should just have handed over the bag to the poor gangers and bought a new one.

Was a good time as a GM, I just sat back and watched - I love when my players create their own content :)
I want to be in your group.
Title: Re: Challenge Rating?
Post by: Man Who Walks At Night on <03-04-11/1149:13>
The same troll later "interrogated" a Yakuza member to death - and decided to depose of it by first doing a good old Sicilian necktie and then dropping it in front of a yakuza restaurant. To avoid being recognized by cameras, he drove past a Nuke'em burger drive through, and used the paper bag from his order to put over his head :P

This of course let to him later (when the group put him in charge of getting them some disguises for a little b&e job) coming back to the group with 5 over sized paper bags from the local burger join with holes cut in them for eyes and mouth - not all of them entirely clean of soy-ketchup and melted soy-cheese - and didn't understand their reaction when he gave them one each to hide their identity for the job :P
Title: Re: Challenge Rating?
Post by: Exodus on <03-16-11/0221:32>
First post here, nice place.

I agree with the folks that say the challenge has to make sense. I've never actually played shadowrun and I've only GM'd a little bit so far but keeping things reasonable has done wonders. My feeling is if the PCs are thrashing the opposition and otherwise breezing past runs than their reputations should reflect that, thereby resulting in tougher runs with greater reward and more intrigue. If the opposite is true then their runs will become less intense.

I've found Shadowrun to reward planning and tactics more than having buckets of die at your disposal. I've had a starting 400BP character manage to wipe out a 6-man Red Samurai fireteam after being left behind by the team and out of ammo for his only weapon, a Heavy Pistol
Title: Re: Challenge Rating?
Post by: Charybdis on <03-16-11/2121:38>
I've found Shadowrun to reward planning and tactics more than having buckets of die at your disposal. I've had a starting 400BP character manage to wipe out a 6-man Red Samurai fireteam after being left behind by the team and out of ammo for his only weapon, a Heavy Pistol
I'm guessing that there were some other environment hazards at the PC's disposal..... all of which fall under GM control for the Challenge rating scenario....
Title: Re: Challenge Rating?
Post by: Exodus on <03-16-11/2144:56>
Without going into too much detail (unless asked) the fireteam overkill was to get the players to stop playing Shadowrun like DnD 4thedition. They were literally looting the factory. One even took a monosaw to the legs of a machine that was bolted into the floor. I was trying to express to them the need to get in, do the job, and get out. It was their first Shadowrun game, we had a talk about how Shadowrun wasn't based on crawl dungeon-> kill things -> take their stuff -> Level up.

It was less about there being environmental hazards available than the player found unique uses for what I'd described to give the place flavor and I allowed it, mostly because the player wasn't quite as loot-happy.
Title: Re: Challenge Rating?
Post by: tzizimine on <09-28-11/1827:52>
I have been GMing for about 20 years (I know, not a lot of experience compared to some), starting with AD&D 2nd Ed, then WOD, SR2, SR3, D&D 3.5, Pathfinder and now SR4. This is what I do for challenge ratings, starting with individuals

First, I use the Karma Build System for both PCs and NPCs in SR4. The reasoning for this is that you can reverse engineer a character's stats and get a definitive Karma amount.

Disclaimer #1: It is entirely possible to spend lots of Karma on non-combat related skills, equipment, etc and Karma is not an exclusive challenge rating indicator, only an experience indicator.

Second, when building a NPC, I look at the average Karma for the party, including the amount that they started with. For the game I am currently running now, which is low-powered, that is starting of 650 + 15 karma so far, so 665 karma. This number is comparable, not equal, to the average experience the NPC has.

To give a better example, using this idea, I also have a scale of Karma to lifespan

Birth to Childhood: 0 - 150
Childhood to Adolescence: 150 - 250
Adolescence to Early Adult: 250 - 350 (350 is the Karma for the Average Joe)
Mildly Experienced Adult (Rookie Cop, Ganger, etc): 450
Experience Adult (Cop, Ganger Lt., etc): 550-750
Very Experienced Adult (Veteran, Gang Leader, etc): 750-950
EXTREMELY Experienced Adult: 950+

Once the Karma amount is determined, usually half goes into attributes, about 10% to cash, and the remaining divided among skills, qualities and contacts. The availability of equipment I limit the build to is 1 / 33.3 Karma over 350 (so 750 Karma = Availability: 12, 750-350 = 400 / 33.3 = 12)

Disclaimer #2: When building NPCs this way, it is vitally important that you build them as detailed as characters. That includes lifestyles, clothing, the Made Man quality for Mafia/Yakuza, etc. This does make it time consuming. As such, I try to build different attribute/race builds and then different quality/skill/special attribute/General Contacts (Street Contact #1, Corp Contact #3, etc) and gear builds, then mix and match them kinda like Packs

When doing the actual building, some of the common things to keep in mind for combat effectiveness are:

Agility & Reaction (as most combat is ranged)
Body & Willpower (for damage tracks)
The other attributes only come up when the concept requires it, but otherwise, I try to keep at Racial average

Dodge (a must!!)
Perception (another must!!)
Etiquette (at least a little)
Unarmed Combat (or the Close Combat Group as appropriate)
Pistols (or the Firearms Group or other ranged attack skill as appropriate)
Their primary language (which instead of Native, I house-rule it Rating 4 for free)
At least one other language
At least 3 Knowledge skills appropriate to their career (sometimes it's just Professional Skill 1,2 & 3)

Disclaimer #3: When using qualities like School of Hard Knocks or College Education, I apply the rank modifier after the normal skill is purchased with Karma. And don't be afraid of Specializations. I use them ALL the time.

Lifestyle (at least 1 month, but no more than 3 months, unless the build actually owns a lifestyle)
Armor (limited by Body and as appropriate to the build. Average Joes rarely wear armor... the fools)
Commlink (this is usually accompanied with the Basic+ Program package, AR gloves and Glasses or Contact Lens with Image Link and often Smartlink, Earbud (with no options), and the Encrypt Program)
A vehicle of some kind
An appropriate weapon (which is often the Ares Predator IV with 2 clips of Regular Ammo)

Magic / Resonance:
For spellcasters, a number of spells at least equal to their Spellcasting/Ritual Sorcery skill, but rarely more than 3x that.
For adepts, I house-rule the 20 Karma per Power Point, so it's rare to have a Magic of 5+, but rarely more than 1.5x Magic in Power Points
Technomancers: 10% of the Karma total in Complex Forms
Initiation / Submersion / Foci: ONLY if the build requires it

At least 3, the first with Loyalty of 3+ (the significant other, family member, best friend, etc) and two others at Loyalty 1-2. For no man is an island. Social builds (like most contacts) have 10-20 contacts but listed as 10 Street Contacts (C: 1 / L: 1), 5 Corp Contacts (C: 2 / L: 1), etc.

Once the character is built, I go back through and determine all the appropriate dice pools.

Somethings to watch for when totaling dice pools:
Attack dice pools (Don't forget Smartlink, hence Ares Predator IV... damn cheap for Smartlink)
Reaction (and the best combinations for Block / Parry / Dodge for melee)
DV values for their weapons (and Resist Dice Pool Types, i.e. Body + Ballistic, Body + Impact or half, Body alone, Willpower alone, etc)
Damage Compensation and/or Recoil Compensation
Infiltration & Perception dice pools (same for Analyze, Scan Encrypt and Stealth Commlink Pools)
Damage Tracks

Some of the things I have noticed is...
If the build is melee based, make sure to give them a good Running skill to sprint across the room (either to charge or get to cover).
If the build isn't good with the Matrix and does not need it, consider multiple disposable commlinks (but this makes Smartlink difficult) or a mook agent (kinda rare / expensive)
If the build ends up with more than 1 physical Initiative Pass, and they are not combat monsters, keep 1 IP reserved for a Full Defense

Once you have the build, with all of the dice pools, compare it the PC that closely matches the build (hacker vs. hacker, rigger vs. rigger, street sam vs. street sam). If the build has less dice in the important dice pools, it is good for a disposable goon. If it's about 50/50, then a legitimate threat. If the build beats the PC is every dice pool, then it's going to be one hell of a fight.

Now for the final disclaimer...

This method takes a lot of work... a whole lot of work... probably more than most are willing to spend. While I personally prefer a sense of completeness (makes even the most cookie-cutter goon seem more organic), don't be afraid to leave a number of parts open and use the same template for many different types of NPCs.

After all, what real difference between a Rusty Stiletto Ork and a Scatterbrain Ork isn't going to be covered with Personal Interest 1 & 2 and a splash of paint? Or Knight Errant Human vs. Competent Security Guard Human with Police Procedures vs. Security Procedures? 

Typically the goons I create are around 500 karma, with street lieutenants around 550-600 and real threats around equal to the party average.

Lastly, this method works well with metahumans and other playable options from the RC. When it comes to animals & spirits, I reverse engineer the build back to Karma to see where it stands, but the critter powers and weaknesses do not translate over well. The best I have found so far is trying to mimic the powers as adept powers, but it's not seemless (however, Sapience, or lack thereof, doesn't come up as much as you might think... after all, if you're not using hell hounds to attack / harass the party, what else are they there for.)

I hope that helps...
Title: Re: Challenge Rating?
Post by: Mason on <09-28-11/2323:23>
Another time, it was Jesus beating them with his crucifix.

Seriously? Please tell us how that went down!  ;D
Title: Re: Challenge Rating?
Post by: CanRay on <09-29-11/0110:16>
Another time, it was Jesus beating them with his crucifix.
Seriously? Please tell us how that went down!  ;D
I was running during the Gubernatorial election in 2070 Seattle.  The group was hired to extract a kid from an orphanage, no explanation given or asked for.

The Underage Female Ninja-Wannabe got arrested for walking around with Katanas and not having parents on record for her SIN, so she was stuck there as well.  (Had to get the group back together somehow.).

Anyhow, they get there, do some basic recon, and find it's not going to be as easy as they thought.  It was a Catholic Orphanage run by Nuns ('Nuff said), and was Aspected to the Christian Tradition of Magic, limiting the Magician in the group (A Hermetic Mage, IIRC) ability to be useful in any way.  He still went in astrally, and saw small little spiritual Cherubs everywhere (Watcher Spirits), and when he started getting towards the children, he felt a presence behind him, "You turn around astrally and see Jesus on his Crucifix.  He is watching you.  Intently."  "Yeah, time to leave."

So, the team went in, and the Troll unshackled the Ninja Girl, then started for the target when...

"You turn away from her, and suddenly see Jesus crucified on the wall.  He gets down off the cross, puts in on one shoulder, and seems to slowly move forward as if the great weight of the wood is almost too heavy to bear.  Despite the apparently slow motion, you cannot move and realize that it's just your perception that's slow.  Suddenly, time comes back into reality, and you see the giant cross of wood swing in a blur and smash you..."  *Rolls Abound*  "Through a wall."

I was rather disappointed that no one said, "Jesus is back, and boy is he pissed!"
Title: Re: Challenge Rating?
Post by: Zilfer on <09-29-11/1902:14>
Another time, it was Jesus beating them with his crucifix.
Seriously? Please tell us how that went down!  ;D
I was running during the Gubernatorial election in 2070 Seattle.  The group was hired to extract a kid from an orphanage, no explanation given or asked for.

The Underage Female Ninja-Wannabe got arrested for walking around with Katanas and not having parents on record for her SIN, so she was stuck there as well.  (Had to get the group back together somehow.).

Anyhow, they get there, do some basic recon, and find it's not going to be as easy as they thought.  It was a Catholic Orphanage run by Nuns ('Nuff said), and was Aspected to the Christian Tradition of Magic, limiting the Magician in the group (A Hermetic Mage, IIRC) ability to be useful in any way.  He still went in astrally, and saw small little spiritual Cherubs everywhere (Watcher Spirits), and when he started getting towards the children, he felt a presence behind him, "You turn around astrally and see Jesus on his Crucifix.  He is watching you.  Intently."  "Yeah, time to leave."

So, the team went in, and the Troll unshackled the Ninja Girl, then started for the target when...

"You turn away from her, and suddenly see Jesus crucified on the wall.  He gets down off the cross, puts in on one shoulder, and seems to slowly move forward as if the great weight of the wood is almost too heavy to bear.  Despite the apparently slow motion, you cannot move and realize that it's just your perception that's slow.  Suddenly, time comes back into reality, and you see the giant cross of wood swing in a blur and smash you..."  *Rolls Abound*  "Through a wall."

I was rather disappointed that no one said, "Jesus is back, and boy is he pissed!"

That's when i say... what the hell just happened!?!?!?

And I'm curious, what the hell did just happen? (was jesus supposed to be Jesus? xD if so what the hell was he doing there. XD)
Title: Re: Challenge Rating?
Post by: Mason on <09-29-11/1941:41>
It was a spirit of Man, I am sure.
Title: Re: Challenge Rating?
Post by: CanRay on <09-29-11/2009:15>
Christian magic doesn't have Spirits of Man, they do, however, have Spirits of Guidance.

Guidance Spirits:  Oracles, dream guides, and even ancestral spirits—guidance spirits embody knowledge and omens, and are trusted (if confusing) advisers.

Effectively, yeah, the Nun that was magically enabled saw Jesus as guarding all the little children so, He was.  Or, rather, a spirit in the form of Jesus was.  The spirit usually helped the children with problems and nightmares and so on, but...  Yeah, touch one of the kids and Jesus is going to beat you like a moneychanger!

The magician in the group was able to handle the aspected area enough to banish the spirit, but yeah, the character never did live down Jesus beating his hoop through a wall.

Maybe I'll throw a pissed off Gandhi after them someday.  Or make a Washington, FDC adventure that animates the Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials?  Ooooooooooooooooo, the Iwo Jima Memorial!!!  I know exactly where they can plant that flag in a new place!  ;D