
Shadowrun Play => Rules and such => Topic started by: brombur on <04-02-18/2128:12>

Title: Gyro Mount? Am I missing something?
Post by: brombur on <04-02-18/2128:12>
I have a player that wants to buy a Gyro mount for his assault rifle. Nothing in the rules disallow this and the RC 6 is great  and it cancels the movement mods but it defines the mount as Heavy and difficult to put on but other than that there is no downside to balance it out. Seems too good. It doesn't have any rules about impacting concealablity or tiring out the wearer. I'm fairly certain that if carrying a riot shield is exhausting that having a third arms with all sorts of machinery has to have some impact.

Is there some set of rules am I missing or is this really all benefit and no downside?
Title: Re: Gyro Mount? Am I missing something?
Post by: Stainless Steel Devil Rat on <04-02-18/2143:07>
Well at the very least there's the assumption that SR is written with the GM's perogative in mind.  You're free to say that there's no concealment penalty for a gyro mount in the same way that there's no concealment penalty for trying to carry a corpse:  successfully concealing it is impossible and therefore concealment is moot.
Title: Re: Gyro Mount? Am I missing something?
Post by: Marcus on <04-02-18/2150:10>
I'd agree a Gyromount is flat out not concealable, and on top of that, anyone who feels that need for the much recoil comp is not someone the authorities are going ok with wandering around their city.

It's just asking for swat team to show up, take it away and the owner along with it, to answer some very pointed questions.
Title: Re: Gyro Mount? Am I missing something?
Post by: Kiirnodel on <04-03-18/0518:45>
Have you seen some of the videos going around of people using a Steadicam harness while firing rifles? That is essentially what a gyromount is.
Title: Re: Gyro Mount? Am I missing something?
Post by: PiXeL01 on <04-03-18/0549:34>
Just watch Aliens and you’ll see how inconcealable a Gyro mount is
Title: Re: Gyro Mount? Am I missing something?
Post by: SunRunner on <04-03-18/0833:48>
Gyro mounts are hard to conceal, I will not say impossible. But anything that would let you hide a Gyro Mount is in itself going to be very obvious. Think Pro sports team mascot suits, I will buy you could hide a Gyro Mount under one of those but well your in a Pro sports team mascot suit and that causes its own set of problems. Same with one of the big trench coats if you kept it closed, granted it would have some noticeable bulges in some places that would tip people off to "Something being underneath it" but it would be moderately hard to determine what was underneath it without close examination or making them open up the trench. Having said all that in both cases something is obviously going on, the question is does anyone around care enough to bother and go look and ask questions.

Its the age old where are you at in SR. Cruising around the barrens no one is blinking at you with your Gyro Mounted Ares Alpha with underslung grenade launcher. They might decide they are gonna try and ambush you to get your sweet ware, but no one is calling the cops. Try that in downtown and KE is gonna be all over you asking ALOT of hard questions unless your Broadcasting some hard core heavy weight security SINS from a AAA or the military.
Title: Re: Gyro Mount? Am I missing something?
Post by: Sphinx on <04-03-18/0938:01>
Don't overlook the Concealability Modifiers table (SR5, p.420). People already get +6 dice to notice an assault rifle. A gyro mount ought to push that up a category or two. Unless you're invisible and/or have a high-Force spirit concealing it.
Title: Re: Gyro Mount? Am I missing something?
Post by: Marcus on <04-03-18/1028:36>

Add an assault rifle to that and I don't see even a highlander tench coat concealing it. If you actually want to wear a mascot outfit that might work but I don't think we have stats for that. lol
Title: Re: Gyro Mount? Am I missing something?
Post by: Stainless Steel Devil Rat on <04-03-18/1150:59>
I have a player that wants to buy a Gyro mount for his assault rifle. Nothing in the rules disallow this and the RC 6 is great  and it cancels the movement mods but it defines the mount as Heavy and difficult to put on but other than that there is no downside to balance it out. Seems too good. It doesn't have any rules about impacting concealablity or tiring out the wearer. I'm fairly certain that if carrying a riot shield is exhausting that having a third arms with all sorts of machinery has to have some impact.

Is there some set of rules am I missing or is this really all benefit and no downside?

In addition to what's already been said, consider that in prior editions the gyro harness did penalize your Dodge Pool... it cut it in half iirc.  You see the machine wants to cancel motion, not just the barrel rise but also your sudden jerking away from danger!

There's a different mechanic in place for 5th edition to avoid getting hit, but as the GM you could insist that the gyro-stabilization of a harness imparts a penalty to dodge tests.  -2 dice or so seems fair to me as it matches (and would stack with) the penalty for avoiding Burst Fire.  Cutting a dodge test dice pool in half tho is way too much in the context of other 5th ed modifiers.
Title: Re: Gyro Mount? Am I missing something?
Post by: brombur on <04-05-18/0842:48>
I missed the concealment table info but that wasn't my primary concern. The item isn't illegal and despite being described as bulky there is nothing in the written rules to reflect that. Sure I could house rule it but that leads to unrest among the players. 
Title: Re: Gyro Mount? Am I missing something?
Post by: Reaver on <04-05-18/2215:25>
I missed the concealment table info but that wasn't my primary concern. The item isn't illegal and despite being described as bulky there is nothing in the written rules to reflect that. Sure I could house rule it but that leads to unrest among the players.

GYRO MOUNT page 432 (bold by me)
"This heavy upper-body harness features
an attached, articulated, motorized gyro-stabilized arm
that mounts an assault rifle or a heavy weapon.
The system
neutralizes up to 6 points of recoil and movement modifiers.
Attaching or removing a weapon from the mount
takes a Simple Action. Putting on a gyro-mount harness
takes about five minutes,
while the quick-release allows
you to get out of it with a Complex Action.
Wireless: Activating the harness’s quick-release with a
wireless signal to exit the harness is a Free Action."

Does any thing there hint that you can hide this item while using it? 

Better yet, does ANYTHING in that write up even hint that it can be concealed?

Sometimes, what the writer considers obvious is never stated.

(And yes, I am an ass)
Title: Re: Gyro Mount? Am I missing something?
Post by: Stainless Steel Devil Rat on <04-05-18/2224:10>
I missed the concealment table info but that wasn't my primary concern. The item isn't illegal and despite being described as bulky there is nothing in the written rules to reflect that. Sure I could house rule it but that leads to unrest among the players.

Wearing a gyro mount has some of the same problems as toting a big honkin' gun does, btw.  There's no possibility of you talking your way out of police trying to detain you for walking around with it in public. "Honestly officer, I use it for hunting!"  So what if it's not even got an R on the availability rating.

1) You can put one there.  Or an F, for that matter, so that the player can't even waste everyone's time trying to go "But I have a permit for it!"
2) Just because the gyro mount may be legal, if you have one you're clearly up to no good.  The cops can still detain you on the spot and keep going over your (fake) SIN and other permits and gear with a fine tooth comb until you they either find something to arrest you for, or you give them no need to continue searching by doing something like trying to run or fight them.
Title: Re: Gyro Mount? Am I missing something?
Post by: PiXeL01 on <04-05-18/2304:11>
Put a huge camera on it? (A weapon in disguise!)
Title: Re: Gyro Mount? Am I missing something?
Post by: Marcus on <04-05-18/2335:10>
i don't think cameras work like that anymore.
Micro drone cameras, cyber eye all work as cameras there no shortage of them,
and the days of the body harnessed camera person are long past.