
Shadowrun General => General Discussion => Topic started by: PiXeL01 on <01-15-16/0411:54>

Title: # of slot clarification (Rigger 5)
Post by: PiXeL01 on <01-15-16/0411:54>
As the title says I am seeking a little bit of clarification on the number of slots a vehicle has available.
Must you subtract the already installed modifications or are the mods that came with the design free?

Example could be the Nissan Hound. Should I subtract the two weapon mounts from the available weapon slots or can I add up to (body) more weapon mounts on the thing?
Title: Re: # of slot clarification (Rigger 5)
Post by: Sendaz on <01-15-16/0450:51>
I would suspect you have to subtract the current mounts from your available weapon slots, but I would also wait to talk to Waki about this as I have noticed some vehicles in R5 had their body value changed from other publications, which in turn affected their final Mod slots.

So whether the Nissan Hound still has 15 Body or possibly more/less is the first question I would ask.
Title: Re: # of slot clarification (Rigger 5)
Post by: Herr Brackhaus on <01-15-16/0714:16>
I think of factory vehicle mods like I do weapon mods; if the vehicle or weapon was designed with it from scratch, the mod doesn't take take up space.

So unless Wakshaani says otherwise and amends all the tables for vehicles with "Body (available mod slots)", I'd say go with the simpler solution.
Title: Re: # of slot clarification (Rigger 5)
Post by: Sendaz on <01-15-16/0811:17>
its a fair question because going back to look at it, by my calculation the stuff that came standard with it exceeds the mod weapon slots to even start with.

Hound has 2 Weapon Mount (Internal, Flexible, Manual) and another 2 Weapon Mounts (Internal, Fixed, Remote)

Assuming Medium weapons across the board the first set has a cost of 6 slots each ( 2 for medium mount, +2 for Internal, +1 for flexible and +1 for Manual) so that's 12 slots for that pair.

The next pair comes in a bit cheaper at 4 slots each (2 again for medium mount, +2 for internal and the Fixed and remote options are freebies.) for a total of 8 slots just for that pair.

So that is the equivalent of 20 weapon slots right off the bat, well in excess of what the body would provide by itself. So preset from factory probably does come in before modding.

However it then muddies the water because if the rigger gets these to start, does he really get another 15 slots for further weapon add ons?

Or is it like drones where it should say Body 15 [5-weapon (this is just a number drawn out of a hat for an example)] to reflect that they have 5 more slots available for modding weapon because it already has a sweet package pre-installed?