
Shadowrun Play => Looking for Games => Topic started by: martinchaen on <08-15-14/1011:25>

Title: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-15-14/1011:25>
Hoi, chummers!

I'm sure that by now you've heard there's a lot of nuyen to be made in Chicago, and that fixers like me are always looking for talent to take on work in the CZ. Make no mistake about it, this is seriously dangerous drek, and if you can't hack it you're either dead or worse; and trust me, you don't even want to know what "worse" is up here in Chi-town.

Interested? Apply below, and let's get this show on the road...

The Essentials!
All right, here's the deal; I have been wanted to run a game in Bug City for a while now so I'm hereby officially recruiting for a Play-By-Post game set in Chicago. We will be using custom character creation rules which will be based on the Prime Runner rule set with a twist of Military / Mercenary options. Essentially, this means the following:
1. You will get 50 karma to be spent after character creation
2. Availability limits will be upped to 16
3. The Resources priority will be twice the normal rate for Prime Runners (so, an easy 1,000,000¥ for Resources A, 750k for B, 420k for C, etc)

I will also be using my own Rigger Revamp houserules ( to allow riggers a more direct role in combat; feel free to ask any questions about these rules in linked topic to avoid cluttering this thread.

There are going to be some caveats for the above freedoms, however...

1. As you are expected to be a highly trained team who has worked together for a relatively long time (1 year at the very least), each team member will have to have a specific primary and secondary role. There will be 4+ of you, and this is definitely not a "first come, first serve" kind of game; I'll be choosing the character concepts I feel are most appropriate for the team, so feel free to submit said concepts regardless of what others have posted until I've updated the main post with which roles are filled.

2. I expect all players to familiarize themselves with the Small Unit Tactics chapter of Run & Gun, and for all characters to have some measure of skill in this area; successful teamwork is the key to success for any military unit.

3. Your character should not have any significant shortcomings in terms of their stat line; see this post ( where I provided suggestions of what I would expect a military operative (in this case, a Ranger) to look like if created in the Shadowrun universe. I will favor characters who have average (meaning base +2 or better) attributes across the board with a significant focus on skills, as I firmly believe military operatives are best represented with a specialization in one role as well as secondary and even tertiary areas of expertise.

The Team!
Now that all of that is squared away, these are the roles I want filled (taken straight from Run & Gun). Note that multiple Direct Combatants may be allowed, while I am only looking for one Team Leader (obviously (hopefully)), one magical support character, and one decker/rigger:

Team Leader: 1 of 1 filled; closed
Captain Antala "August" Marquis, Callsign-1 (played by rednblack) (
Primary role: Combat leader, decision maker
Suggested Secondary role(s): Face, shooter

The character: The team leader needs to remain calm and collected when the team comes under fire, and to have the clarity of mind to skillfully direct his team during engagements. This person needs to be capable of seeing opportunities where they present themselves, and to be able to listen to team specialists when they have information that could be critical for the mission. This is not your average gun-bunny psychopath; this is a consummate professional who gets the job done no matter what. When the team leader says go, the team follows.

The player: You should have a good grasp of the unit tactics rules from Run & Gun, and be able to formulate short and concise orders. You are expected to lead the team, so knowledge of military tactics is preferable but not required. Unlike most games, however, your orders are expected to be obeyed, so most importantly don't be a power-hungry dick; respect your team and their strengths and weaknesses, and they will respect you back. Negotiation skills are less likely to be an issue in this game, as you will be dropped into the game having already accepted the mission. That doesn't mean you should completely skimp out on these, as there may be NPC you'll want to interact with along the way who needs to be tricked, negotiated with, or intimidated.

Special Considerations:
You get the Small Unit Tactics knowledge skill and the Leadership active skill at Rating 6 with an appropriate specialization at no cost.

Magic Support: 1 of 1 filled; closed
First Lieutenant Thomas "Nightingale" Robards, Callsign-2 (played by reyjinn) (
Primary role: Force multiplier
Suggested Secondary role(s): Astral recon, Combat medic

The character: The magic support person should be able to assist the team with various combat maneuvers. Being able to enhance the teams infiltration abilities will be key, as the team won't be able to take on all of Chicago by itself; quietly getting into position before a strike can be crucial. A dedicated magician should also be prepared to boost a teams effectiveness in creative ways; using barriers to force melee attackers into prepared fire lanes is a good example of a magician acting as a force multiplier, as is being able to detect the enemy before they detect you. Of course, a combat magician like this will also need to be able to fire a weapon and take a hit.

The player: You'll need to be more than "just" a magician in this game; expect to take hits, and expect background counts. Think carefully about what your spells can do not just for you, but for the team as a whole. I don't need a dedicated combat mage for this team, but someone who can augment the team in creative ways, as well as sling the odd combat mojo will be incredibly useful.

Special Considerations:
You will be allowed to initiate up to two times but must find the Karma for it the usual way
Up to 100,000¥ can be converted to Karma at a 1 Karma : 2,000¥ ratio

Matrix and Drone/Vehicle Support: 1 of 1 filled; closed
Chief Warrant Officer Jack "Wires" Willes, Callsign-3 (played by Ravensoravle) (
Primary role(s): Information Gathering (ISTAR (,_surveillance,_target_acquisition,_and_reconnaissance)), Transport
Suggested Secondary role(s): Any

The character: The matrix monkey for this team needs to be able to deal with noise and protect the teams gear. Top-of-the-line hacking skills will be less critical than in many "normal" gamesm but that doesn't mean that this person is a complete newb, just that the decker in this case is going to be more combat oriented than usual. Since the Matrix support is less of a focus, this person also needs to be the team pilot; able to drive and fly almost any vehicle, this person can provide physical fire support and recon not usually expected in somewhere like downtown Manhattan.

The player: This person needs to be a little bit of a do-it-all; a cross between a dedicated decker and a dedicated rigger, the team Matrix / Vehicle specialist should be able to competently deck and rig, though not (often) at the same time. There will be no dedicated high-end hosts in the Chicago CZ what with there barely being stable matrix connectivity and the fact that most of the old corporate servers haven't been upgraded to the new Matrix protocols yet, so decking will be mostly relegated to keeping the team leader informed about the situation around the team. Rigging will be important, as you'll be the eyes and ears of the team physically; the shooter may be in charge in close proximity of the team, but you'll be able to tell what's going on beyond line of sight. You'll also need to really read and understand the house Rigger Revamp house rules linked above. Post in that thread or PM me with questions.

Special Considerations:
I've got a special treat for you; your very own GMC Banshee T-Bird, complete with a mounted Ares Humvee (aka stats of the Rover Model 2072)! They're not yours alone, of course; the team has been able to afford these toys through various sponsorship and so you'll have to be damned careful with these highly expensive toys. Since you'll need to fulfill both Matrix and Rigger roles, the cost of these two vehicles are included in the role, so all you need to worry about is upgrades for them, as well as the gear to use them and protect them.

Weapon mounts and weapons are not restricted by availability, as they are supplied by Vulcan International

Direct Combatant: 3 of 3 filled, closed
Staff Sergeant Charles Ray "Chuck" Mitchell, Callsign-4 (played by Koshnek) (
Sergeant Jane "Weedy" Smith, Callsign-5 (played by Poindexter) (
Sergeant Thomas "Jack of Hearts" Calhoun, Callsign-6 (played by Blazrath) (

Primary role: Shooter, weapons specialist
Suggested Secondary role(s): Combat medic, scout, other

The character: The direct combatant is the team's muscle in a firefight; this person knows all the tricks in the books when it comes to guns and then some. Charged with keeping an eye out for danger in the physical world and to keep the mage and the matrix monkey safe while they do their thing, the DC will need to be a mix of offensive and defensive abilities. Downtown Chicago is a dangerous, lawless place, and it's not uncommon for elite ground forces to pack heavy munitions going into the Zone; the Direct Combatant should embrace this and feel free to bring out the big guns.

The player: Ever wanted to bring out the heavy weapons? Well, this is your chance; you'll be dropped in a target rich environment, and you'll have the tools to deal with the situation. A military team doesn't need a Rambo, however, so you need to be able to protect your team mates while they do their thing; covering fire can be the name of the game, as can versatility.

Special Considerations:
You, and only you, get to buy gear with availabilities up to 20; yep, that means you can pick up that assault cannon or missile launcher you've always wanted, or those augmentations that have been out of reach forever. It also means you can pick up heavy mil-spec armor, but keep in mind that those things will slow you down; also remember that some bugs love to hunt food with hard outer shells so they can crack the exterior to get to the softer squishy bits. You have been warned :)

EDIT: One person (Poindexter) gets to buy a single weapon (with ammunition) with no availability limit, but must buy all other gear using normal 16 availability limit if this option is chosen

The game!
I'm expecting an average of at least 1 post per working day (Monday through Friday) from each team member; weekends are busy for many of us, so I have no expectations here. If you can't commit to this very basic requirement; don't apply. I'm on Houston time, but have no specific preference in terms of what time zone you're in.

As for game length, I have a very defined mission arc for at least two distinct "missions". I'm working on a third, but depending on your actions in the first two this could very well be a suicide mission ;). I don't really think it's realistic to keep this going for more than the three ops I've got in mind, but you all may surprise me so I won't discount it.

Please post character concepts only at this stage; I'll want character sheets eventually, but for now just give me the following:

Real Name: (Smith will be assigned if your character never knew his or her last name)
Age and Metatype:
Desired Role:
Short Background (two paragraphs):
Short Physical Description (one to two paragraphs):

And with that all said, let the games begin!
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Prime Runner+ team in Chicago
Post by: martinchaen on <08-15-14/1014:08>
Reserving a post for house rules.

Until further notice, all current core books (SR5, Run & Gun, and Street Magic) are allowed.

The following supplements will also be allowed: Assasin's Primer, Gun Heaven 3, Stolen Souls.

I will consider any and all SR4 equipment / rules requests when we get around to actually creating characters.

House Rules:
1. Riggers and Drones/Vehicles
Rigger Revamp (all "preferred" rules apply) (
2. Cyberlimbs
   a. A character is considered to have 5 limbs for the purpose of determining averages; two legs, two arms, and a torso.
   b. Cyberlimb stats affect physical limits only if the limb is used as part of a tests
   c. Cyberlimb stats are averaged with natural stats to determine movement speed
3. Recoil
   a. The errata recoil rules apply
   b. In addition, the "one point of Recoil Compensation" that is gained "when a user begins firing" always applies (SR5 p175)
4. Toxins
   a. The highest rating protective gear/system per vector adds to the Toxin Resistance Test
   b. Immunity to one vector halves the Power of toxins with two vectors
5. Armor modifications
If wearing multiple layers of armor, only modifications made to the outer layer applies except for the following:
   Chemical Seal, Chemical Protection, and Thermal Damping
6. Dice Rolls
   a. will be used as dice roller
   b. Feel free to always roll full dice pools with assumed modifiers; we're on an honor system, so if I need to subtract more dice I'll just do so from your roll, or roll more on my own.
7. Licenses
Licenses are only needed for item categories (Chummer5 is a good guideline for this, but ask if you're unsure)
8. Gear
The Ares Super Squirt, DMSO, and Capsule Rounds will likely be vetoed; against quite a few foes in the CZ these weapons are unlikely to be very effective anyway.
9. Quickened spells
Quickening a spell cost a minimum of [Force] Karma

More to come as you bring them up.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Prime Runner+ team in Chicago
Post by: rednblack on <08-15-14/1230:07>
I'm very interested in this.  A couple notes on a few of your requirements.  Posting M-F is no problem.  Realistically, I will miss a day here and there, but I usually know beforehand when things go to drek, and maintaining an average of one post a day will not be an issue.  I have R&G and the core rule book, but I don't have Gun H(e)aven, or any of the other books, so I will be limited there.  I am familiar with Small Unit Tactics from R&G, but I've never applied them in game.  Thought you should know.

Name: Antala Marquis
Alias: August

Desired Role: Team Leader

Short Background (two paragraphs):
"The dogs of war are sated
Our hearts in our pride do swell
Our enemies lie bleeding at the gates
To rot with our children as well"

-- From graffiti found on a Venezuelan office complex,  signed "August 2049"

Washed up?  A relic?  Too old for the game?  These things are probably true, but if August knows anything it's himself.  After the wanton killing in South and Central America over the decades he's tried the pacifist route, changed his name to Broken Spear, even made his way back to the UCAS to try his hand at family man and eke out what existence he could.  For awhile Chicago looked like as attractive a spot as any, but when 2055 hit, August lost his wife in the chaos that followed, and he knew that if he wanted to stand any chance of protecting his infant twin daughters he was going to have to get out of the CZ and dust off the ordnance.  And it worked.  One man with two children strapped to his back, and he made it out, but not without a trail of bodies in his wake, some of whom were only refugees such as himself trying to protect their own families. 

In 2073 August was idly surfing the news feeds when a picture from Chicago brought him to his knees.  Jen?  It was undoubtedly her.  His wife had aged, but there she was in the corner of the frame, warming her hands by a cook stove.  August spent every last ¥ he had, put the kids with his wife's sister, and went scouting full-time.  Nothing came up.  Nobody seemed to know anything about some aging street rat in Chi-Town.  It was to be expected.  Not knowing what else to do, August signed up with Vulcan International, and while his resume was a few decades dusty, he was able to find some steady work and a team he could trust.  And now he's doing what he does best a midst his new family, caring for them in the way he wishes he could his own blood, but until he knows what happened he can never go home.

Short Physical Description (one to two paragraphs):
Of Caribbean stock, August is lean, almost wiry, and well into his mid-forties.  He has a prominent shrapnel scar starting at his right temple that extends to his shoulder.  He keeps his hair cropped short, doesn't wear a beard, is left-handed, and keeps a row of tattoos up his left arm that proclaims the name and age of every soldier who's ever died under his charge.  On his left hand, he has a tattoo of a circular Greek shield and the text, Νίκη ἢ Θάνατος — ἢ τὰν ἢ ἐπὶ τᾶς, a reminder to him: either with your shield or on it.  He has obvious cyber-eyes, a cyber right hand, and a hearty laugh for someone of his frame -- when he finds occasion to use it. 
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Prime Runner+ team in Chicago
Post by: Poindexter on <08-15-14/1251:31>
question about ware grades; are we still limited to used, std, and alpha at gen?

Also, I'm down for the direct combat/scout role. I've got a couple ideas kicking around.

I'm going for a cross between

Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Prime Runner+ team in Chicago
Post by: Triskavanski on <08-15-14/1313:55>
On the layers of armor, Why doesn't insulation and non-conductivity stack in there? I could see the fire resistance one a bit since the outer clothing could burn.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Prime Runner+ team in Chicago
Post by: Koshnek on <08-15-14/1441:10>
I'd. Sry much like to play the shooter / combat medic! Will post more later tonight when in off work.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Prime Runner+ team in Chicago
Post by: martinchaen on <08-15-14/1558:23>
Awesome concept, man! I love it.

I'll have to review the beta and delta grades to make sure, as I believe the availability bumps those grades apply might put some of the higher end stuff out of reach, but tentatively I'm drawn to say that any grade goes.

The reasoning behind that was that anything that affects direct combat (elemental DV, essentially) would have to be placed on the outer layer of armor, like a greatcoat worn over a jumpsuit. I decided the chemical mods and thermal dampers should be allowed to be worn underneath, as those can be hard to achieve otherwise.

Now, I haven't actually revised that rule after run & Gun was released, so I'll need to do that, but as of right now it stands as is.

Cool as cool, post up your concept. Like I said, no first come first serve, and we might have room for more than one direct combatant.

Also, feel free to come up with suggestions for a name of the outfit; you're not military, so anything goes. Keep it at least somewhat clean, though :-)
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Prime Runner+ team in Chicago
Post by: Poindexter on <08-15-14/1615:15>
Alias: Weedy
Name: Might as well be Weedy for all she knows
Race: Ork  ;) ;)
Role: Direct Combat/Scout
Short Background: Abandoned as a child in the 2050's shortly after everything turned to shit in chicago and forced to raise herself on the streets, Amid the chaos. She was small, quick, fast, and nimble, so she could fit into places and climb up things that most people couldnt. That alone would have allowed her to survive longer than most, but she was also incredibly intelligent, crafty, and creative, allowing her to not just survive on her own, but to thrive. She made a living for herself scavenging equipment from dead soldiers and mercs sent into the combat zone, then selling it back to their employers. It wasn't long before she'd amassed a decent amount of money for herself, as well as a substantial knowledge of not just the city and the various dangers that inhabit it, but also the tactics of those brave enough to venture in, both wise and foolhardy. She decided to spend a huge chunk of change to upgrade herself and begin selling her services as a guide to these men intent on going in. That's where the real money was, especially considering she could continue to do her scavenging business on the side. Not only that, but now she's got a simrig and can start recording and selling her adventures as well. She's all about that jing.

It's been four years since then. Four highly profitable years. She's made good connections with most of the local names on the who's who list, not due to her congeniality, but her reputation, which is immaculate. Never once has she even been accused of fucking up, getting someone killed, leading a group into a trap, nothing. Eventually, her name was heard by August, who hired her on as a temp to perm consultant, eventually becoming permanent. She and August have in the 2 years since then become the best of friends, trusting eachother implicitly. More than anything, she wants to retire peacefully on a ranch and watch horses or sheep or whatever all day from her porch, drinking iced tea like those old ladies in the commercials, but there never seems to be enough money to do that the way she'd like to. Plus, she loves August like the family she never knew by now and if he's going back into bug city, he damn sure aint going without a guide.

It aint all been money and friend makin though. Shit is rough out there in the CZ, and always has been. In her quest to always be faster, always be stronger, she's developed a couple addictions. Y'know? First ya need something to give ya that edge, then ya need somethin ta take it off. Few years go by and you're a regular customer. Could be the fucked up childhood, the fucked up adulthood, or all the drugs, but she hasn't been sleeping very well lately either, despite the fact that she sleeps far more safely these days than she ever has before. Within the last couple weeks, she's also started to get into BTLs. Mainly tripchips, but she also really enjoys moodchips.

Short Physical Description: She's short and small framed, even for an elf, but is covered in taught, cut muscle hardened over years of hard work. Her hands are calloused and she's always bleeding from some minor cut or scrape somewhere on her head, hands, knees, elbows, or something all the time. She wears a minor scowl most of the time, giving off an aura of cold hearted, emotional void although she actually has a warm heart underneath it all. She's one of those elves that just looks like a 14 year old human, and probably will till she starts getting some wrinkles, and she hates it, so she over accentuates her muscular arms and shoulders in her clothing whenever she can, trying to seem very masculine. She's even gone so far as to wear a bright green mohawk up until recently, but since shaving it off 4 days ago, she just has a green streak going down the middle of her buzzed off black hair and is considering growing an afro, but isn't sure how practical that would be. She has dark ebony skin and bright green eyes, a wide short nose, high cheekbones, and a strong wide jaw. 

Not that you'd know what her real face looks like anyway. Realizing that the predominant demographic of mercs and the employers thereof were men and that they had alot more respect for the battle prowess of orks than elves, not to mention far less sexual fetishization thereof, she's been an ork impersonator for about 4 years now. Had the tusks and everything implanted along with the chrome. She's short for an ork, but her Or'zet is flawless. No one, i mean NO ONE, not even August knows she's really an elf. I mean sure, the doc knows, but he's in another country, and frankly, couldn't care less.

In a lake of gasoline, if August said "light a match" she'd do it. Take a bullet? sure. jump on a nade? yup. Snatched up in the jaws of some egg laying horror? If it meant gettin him out? without a second thought. She knows he'd do the same thing for each and every member of the team... and he'd think about it less. August is the only person in the world she truly loves, and she secretly hopes that if he can find his wife out there and reunite his family one day, that they'll let her be a part of it.

She wasn't sure what to think of the cigar smoking "good ol boah'" with the cold eyes when she first met him, but she's figured enough out about him to like him. She doesn't know what he's seen or what he's done, she just knows it was bad enough that he doesn't talk about it BUT that he was too tough to let it snuff out that light in him all the way, like it does most people. She'd never accuse him of it, but she believes he still just might be an idealist underneath all the bullshit. She's never met one of those before.

Jack of Hearts
On one hand, Jack is cool for a human male. He's obviously paid his dues and if his files are accurate, he's seen some shit no one should ever see and came out of it. He's reliable in a fight, and he does his frakkin job without a big deal being made about it. Somethin bout him though. Weedy can't tell if it's his model good looks, his over poetic way of putting everything, the frakkin dragontooth necklace he CANT WAIT to tell you about and show ya the scar from, or the fact that he cares so much about expensive clothing. But something about him rubs her the wrong way. There's no ill will between them, she just knows they're cut from different cloth.

Weedy didn't know orks could GET as old as Wires claims to be and she means to soak up all the wisdom he has to offer before he's out of time. She looks at Wires like a big brother, and the two of them constantly talk shit, slap box, wrestle, and generally fuck with eachother. Wires is really the only one who can make her smile. On the few occasions that Weedy goes out to socialize, it's cause Wires insisted.

Nice to have a medic around, and it's even better when he's a mage. Gale keeps it real professional, like you can tell he's used to being the only one around who HAS any professionalism and leading by example. Weedy likes him cause despite a history of being run through some of the worst wringers this world has to offer him, he still has a decent heart in him. She doesn't really know much about him though as he hasn't really been here long.

Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Prime Runner+ team in Chicago
Post by: grid_hopper on <08-15-14/1624:58>
Did you consider the team member makeup of ongoing games. greenfield was all prime runner options.....
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Prime Runner+ team in Chicago
Post by: martinchaen on <08-15-14/1658:09>
Nice work, Poindexter; I like it. Definitely a Vasquez type hardass, huh? Awesome :-)

I'm not sure what you're asking; would you mind rephrasing the question?

As far as considering other games; no, I did not. This is a game I've had in mind since it was first announced that Season 5 missions would be set in Chicago, and I went back and read the precious source material I had on it. It got me thinking that it would be a cool setting for the team.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Prime Runner+ team in Chicago
Post by: Poindexter on <08-15-14/1708:09>
cool, ill start writing her up.

Just to review...

-prime runner rules
-avail 20 for guns
-double starting cash
-50 extra karma after all is said and done.

Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Prime Runner+ team in Chicago
Post by: martinchaen on <08-15-14/1718:55>
The shooter gets to go Availability 20 for anything, not just guns. Other than that, spot on.

I'd hold off writing the character up completely until after all positions have been filled. Of course, I'm not going to stop you building a character but I'd like everyone to know who their team members are going to be before we delve into character creation.

Unlike a team of (most) runners, these guys and girls are going to be a close-knit team of professional mercs; there might be a hardass or a joker or whatever in the group, but they'll all trust in each other's ability to keep the team alive and get the job done. Because of this, I'd prefer it if everyone held off on building fleshed out characters until they know who the other members are, so the team is built with that in mind instead of as separate components.

Sound good?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Prime Runner+ team in Chicago
Post by: Poindexter on <08-15-14/1720:00>
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Prime Runner+ team in Chicago
Post by: Poindexter on <08-15-14/1723:34>
Will we be using the "Team Lifestyle" rules from page 375 of the core book, since we've been together and closely knit for so long?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (2 of 4+)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-15-14/1730:53>
Ah, good question.

Leave aside lifestyle for now; there's not going to be any luxury or even high lifestyles available to a team of mercs in the in or around Chicago, so I may let you all come up with something or I may design something for you based on the merc company you all may end up working for.

I haven't quite decided if you'll be attached to a bigger organization yet or be freelancers, so any thoughts you all have on this would be appreciated. There'll be pro's and con's with both, of course.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (2 of 4+)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-15-14/1733:31>
Where ware is concerned, your options are somewhat limited due to cash flow issues, but there are several "must haves" in my opinion
Implanted Comm and Smartlink; if I was a military leader in the future, these relatively low cost items would ensure my operatives would be able to communicate better and shoot straighter, both of which are invaluable in a soldier.

the smartlink, i get. But the implanted commlink? I guess i just dont understand the benefit to implanted commlink over datajack allowing you to wirelesly connect to the commlink anyways. They both give DNI, right? it seems like a LOT of risk, i guess i just dont understand the benfit.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (2 of 4+)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-15-14/1735:36>
Ah, good question.

Leave aside lifestyle for now; there's not going to be any luxury or even high lifestyles available to a team of mercs in the in or around Chicago, so I may let you all come up with something or I may design something for you based on the merc company you all may end up working for.

I haven't quite decided if you'll be attached to a bigger organization yet or be freelancers, so any thoughts you all have on this would be appreciated. There'll be pro's and con's with both, of course.

well, if we're going with renblack as the team leader (hope we are) then i think it'd be cool if this were a merc group, founded by him with my money.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (2 of 4+)
Post by: rednblack on <08-15-14/1759:32>
@Martin, thank you, sir. Also, I appreciate waiting until team is composed to build. I may have some questions for the team as I work the kinks out.

@Poindexter, that could be fun, especially since August has never had 2 Nguyen to rub together. Now to come up with a name. . .
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Prime Runner+ team in Chicago
Post by: Triskavanski on <08-15-14/1856:15>
Awesome concept, man! I love it.

I'll have to review the beta and delta grades to make sure, as I believe the availability bumps those grades apply might put some of the higher end stuff out of reach, but tentatively I'm drawn to say that any grade goes.

The reasoning behind that was that anything that affects direct combat (elemental DV, essentially) would have to be placed on the outer layer of armor, like a greatcoat worn over a jumpsuit. I decided the chemical mods and thermal dampers should be allowed to be worn underneath, as those can be hard to achieve otherwise.

Now, I haven't actually revised that rule after run & Gun was released, so I'll need to do that, but as of right now it stands as is.

Cool as cool, post up your concept. Like I said, no first come first serve, and we might have room for more than one direct combatant.

Also, feel free to come up with suggestions for a name of the outfit; you're not military, so anything goes. Keep it at least somewhat clean, though :-)

Ah alright, cause I'm mostly thinking of armor stacks like the london stuff, Not the other thing where you take a lined coat and put it over another lined coat or something like that.

Now with shooter and such, is the combat role allowed to be filled with a magic character or is only the magic slot allowed to be filled by the magic guy?

Because I'm thinking of an (mystic) adept MMA or something type fighter right now. Possibly mystic adept, and uses mostly touch and barrier spells.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (2 of 4+)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-15-14/2009:51>
I'll put it this way, Trisk; you're free to propose a mystic adept for the direct combatant role, but keep in mind:

1. This is Chicago, where a background count of 2 is par for the course. Pretty much anything a Mystic Adept does is likely to involve magic, and so would suffer dice pool penalties.

2. The special considerations for the DC is gear with Availability up to 20; you'd potentially miss out on some sweet gear.

Everyone, since Noise, like Background Count, is almost everpresent in the Containment Zone, where most of the story will take place, consider the following:

1. High rating commlinks will be a necessity

2. Data Jacks reduce Noise

3. I'll likely introduce a house rule that allows you to buy Alpha, Beta, and Deltaware versions of gear, which will serve to raise the equipments functional device rating for the same price increases as for 'ware. I'm working on the details right now.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (2 of 4+)
Post by: Ren on <08-15-14/2027:09>
I'm definitely interested in the game. I will post something in the weekend. I will probably be interested in Direct Combat or Support Mage role.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (2 of 4+)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-15-14/2044:23>
Cool as cool, Ren. I'll keep the thread up for a while until people have had time to digest the information and post concepts, but I'm hoping to have recruiting done by end of next week, with game start soon after.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (2 of 4+)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-15-14/2058:40>
I have an idea for a Rigger/ Fire Support character. Is it a definite that all Matrix needs to be handled by one guy? I'll have to think on it a bit but I think I can do it.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (2 of 4+)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-15-14/2132:16>
I'd say yes, the rigger will also need to be the Decker in this particular game. There's not going to be a lot of hacking involved, I'll be fairly up front about that, because you'll be playing as a team of mercenaries in a hotzone of Noise and old computer tech, not shadowrunners going after paydata for the corps.

Keep in mind the revised rigger rules, and feel free to ask questions in the topic linked in the main post.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (2 of 4+)
Post by: Triskavanski on <08-15-14/2155:18>
For Chicago what is the background count aspected by?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (2 of 4+)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-15-14/2222:43>
So I don't know much about Chicago. Is there actual normal civilization going on, or is it all guns n bugs? I guess I should have googled first. Seems like there's civilzation, but its pretty rough. I think my story will work :-).

I had a couple quick questions. For the fifty karma, are you saying that we can use it before the game starts but after chargen? Buying a positive quality for example would cost twice as much with the 50 karma, but you would have that quality for the first mission?

Second, how are we handling SIN's? Do we need to get good fake ones, or are our actions sanctioned (if we don't get buck wild)? Just curious!

I haven't done this many times, but I took a different approach than I have before. i hope you don't mind, but I liked it :-).

Alias: Chuck, Tex
Name: Charles Ray Mitchell
Metatype: Human
Age: 43
Desired Role: Direct Combat/Medic
Short Background (two paragraphs): "I've seen some drek, boy. I don't know if I'm lucky to be here, or if I'm just that good...I guess it don't matter none." Chuck fell silent as he pulled a drag on his cigar. "I been mercin since I was knee high to a grasshopper's hoop. I reckon ya don't pull through this many op's if ya ain't at least a bit good." He paused and looked at the boy standing in front of him with eyes to give the cutest pup a run for its money. "But it ain't all glam, kid. Frag the trids. It's dirty, and I done more drek than I seen. Its a paycheck to me now. Look into my cold eyes, kid. That'll be you one day if ya sign up. That's if you're good..or lucky. Ya might just end up bug chow."

"It ain't all bad I suppose. I done and I seen some drek, but this makes it all worth it." Chuck took one more drag from his cigar and flicked it at the kids feet. "All these years and I finally get to do some real good, boy. This outfit I'm in now ain't half some soul to it. Now we're here blastin bugs 'n helpin humanity. You make it as long as me, ya just might get to do some good." He stood up and rummaged through his pack, shuffling things around before pulling out a well worn Predator and handing it to the boy. "You're what, 15, 16, boy? I was younger 'n you when my father gave me my first gun. I started out just some backwoods kid outta Texas, and now I splat bugs in Chicago. Ya get good enough with that gun to hit 5 out of 6 shots from 40 meters you give this guy a call." He scribbled contact info on a napkin and handed it to the kid. "I got folks to meet up with now, boy." Chuck stepped away from his seat and shook the boys hand before walking away from dirty little soy taco van. "Good luck, chummer."

Short Physical Description (one to two paragraphs):
Chuck's well built for an older guy. A trained eye might notice he's a little too well built. His head is always kept  buzzed down, and some days his face is clean shaven, but most days the scruff shows that he can't be bothered. His eyes lack the spark you're accustomed to seeing in others, but his face is otherwise ordinary. He has no scars, and all the other bits are remarkably intact for a veteran like him. His laughter booms on the rare occasions when its drawn out. He has a deep, gruff voice with a Texas accent.

Charles "Chuck" Mitchell (
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (2 of 4+)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-15-14/2253:42>
The background count in Chicago would be selected towards violence and death, and not a specific tradition.

Awesome write-up, I really like the tone of the character. Living in Texas myself, I feel like Chuck is someone I could have met on the street somewhere :-)

Most of the information I have on Chicago where Shadowrun is concerned comes from two books: Bug City, and the section on Chicago from Feral Cities. I'll see if I can find some more sources, but I think those are the major ones anyway.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (2 of 4+)
Post by: Triskavanski on <08-15-14/2302:43>
Awesome. That was actually what I was looking for right there, which was the reason I was going MA instead of Mage. Though I might just go Adept.

A lot of the reason I was going MA was to get the barriers and such. I know how to write up with this.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (2 of 4+)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-15-14/2317:51>
I'll need to play with the numbers to see if I can make this work. But basically my idea to get a Combat Rigger/Decker is that I am going to need Skills Priority A to have enough points for skills to go around. Then I'll have to play with numbers to see how to get a Control Rig, RCC and Deck that will work together for the best combo with the leaner resources of a lower priority.

I just have one question at this point.

Can I slave a deck to a RCC so that both don't have to be drek hot gear?

The idea is the Character will get a better RCC for Firewall and Data Processing and get a medicore deck and use the higher attributes for Sleaze and Attack and the lower attributes will be put into Firewall and DP letting the RCC take that load.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (2 of 4+)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-15-14/2341:05>
Fair enough, Trisk, just keep in mind that Mystic Adepts still need a tradition like Magicians, and suffer dice pool penalties just like adepts AND magicians.

In other words, the CZ is not going to be a friendly place for a mystic adept. I'll also note that ranged weapons will likely be the name of the game in this instance. Call it a personal preference given my military background and the story I'll be trying to tell.

Two things to keep in mind:
1. You'll probabbly not need a high end deck for what ha king you will need to do, and agent programs can assist and/or perform some of the needed tasks
2. You get 5 karma to use post-character generation, as if you'd have gained karma from regular gameplay.

Yes, you can slave your RCC to your deck, but you can only have a persona on one of them. I'd strongly suggest looking at agent programs.

Also note the increased resources. Priority B for resources means 750k nuyen... I'm sure you can figure something out, especially seeing as how you've got over 2.5 million nuyen worth of gear for free :-D
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (2 of 4+)
Post by: Triskavanski on <08-16-14/0047:58>
Alias: Thanatos
Desired Role: Combat
Short Background (two paragraphs):

Thanatos (Otherwise known as The Spartan or his real name Leo Theophanes) was once a great cage fighter, though not exactly one you'd see on Pay per view. At least not in any fighting shows that is. While known as The Spartan, he worked a lot in the underground fighting rings, constantly training his fighting proweless. His fighters where brutal and left a number of fighters fairly injured, at least until he met a fairly unheard of fighter known as Unicorn.

Unicorn was a thin man, who work a latex unicorn mask. A real weak looking character. And yet, punch after punch seemed to do very little against the guy, and despite The Spartan's reputation and such, suffered hardly even a scratch. Worse yet, Unicorn struck him with only a finger once, causing The Spartan to fall over, paralyzed.

To make matters worse, even in a small time bout like this, money was at stake. And evidence was showing that The Spartan bet on himself to lose, while in actuality, he had tried to bet on himself winning. Still, the fight, the bets, all of it looked pretty bad for him. He managed to recover and escape, but has had a number of the underground still after him.

If it was any small blessing, the fight was done by the Sinless, so he never aquired a criminal sin for the events, or the events that followed with a number of fighters trying to kill him now. Some for the money, some for the deception, some for the fights they lost against him, some because they believed he was weak.

These constant assassination attempts honed a few of his skills, particularly his ability to kill with just his bare hands, It was then he adopted the name Thanatos and kept with it ever since. Spirits talk with him quite often, telling him things. The doom is upon the world, though not quite what one would think.

The insect spirits have been in chicago for far too long. If they where destroyed, that area could be used to fuel the darkness that grips at him. It is for this reason, he signed up for a military service in Chicago.

Short Physical Description (one to two paragraphs):

Thanatos is a rather muscular man, Not the most muscular human, but certainly not the least. Trinkets tinker around his wrist and neck, multiple holy symbols, some from even fantasy games, all of them made of brass or silver, and often with pieces of jade.

His hair is short, blond and eyes a silverish blue with a rather fierce look in them. Standing at 6'2", and weiging in at 210 lbs, He looks rather rough and tumble.

On his right arm is a gauntlet with runes and other magicy things, the Fist of Heavens.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (2 of 4+)
Post by: Triskavanski on <08-16-14/0050:06>
Fair enough, Trisk, just keep in mind that Mystic Adepts still need a tradition like Magicians, and suffer dice pool penalties just like adepts AND magicians.

In other words, the CZ is not going to be a friendly place for a mystic adept. I'll also note that ranged weapons will likely be the name of the game in this instance. Call it a personal preference given my military background and the story I'll be trying to tell.

Right, that is why I'm taking the Way of the Warrior. My first thing I want to is initiate and pick up the metamagic Domain of the Warrior.

I could instead focus more magicy, with a new character instead, though they'd still be way of the warrior. Possibly someone who specializes in manipulating combat fields.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (2 of 4+)
Post by: Blazrath on <08-16-14/0201:48>
Alias: Vanguard
Desired Role: Direct Combatant/ Tank
Short Background (two paragraphs): Artur Mauer or known as Vanguard by his team mates, was born and raised in the homelands of Sauder-Krupp in some of the meanest streets. While being born an ork set back any career goals he may of had in the German State only slightly, he had no wish to become an intellectual or a professional Corpse in the business sense. He opted when he was 16 to sign his way into the Army, his large size even for an ork fitting well with more Squad Assault Weapons and Pintle Mounted Weapons. He worked his way through minor conflicts and International incidents, but for the 6 years his first contract was set for, he was barely up to the equivalent of Private First Class. Frustrated that even here he can't get away from racism, he left the military lifestyle when he was offered a job in more privatized security.

Vanguard had enough street smarts to know that most of the companies he was working for had him doing shadier shit than the Black Forest, but he didn't care so much. You have to distance yourself from it, make it seem to yourself it was never you, it was the other guy. Its gotten so bad with what he can block out that he has personified his mask and changes his demeanor. He can't lie, he remembers it all, but he is on auto-pilot while the mask is on and he is extremely efficient at his job. While this will take years of counseling to undo all the damage his psyche has taken, he is an ork and doesn't have that long to live anyways. The other thing is, some of his team mates thinks he is at the point of suicidal in that he'll gladly take the bullet and do the sacrifice call for a friend or team mate so they stick around. While this hasn't caused the end of him, the company execs have a running pool on when he is going to die and bonus points for how.

Short Physical Description (one to two paragraphs): Vanguard is seven foot two German descent ork with short brown hair, near black pools for eyes and tusks that have clearly been sharpened for battle. He's lost both of his arms, his right up to the shoulder when a buddy of his blew up in a fireball when the flamer tank ruptured while on a mercenary job in Africa and half of his left when it was crushed to a pulp in a car wreck while he was still in the Army. Other improvements are all over his body, though some are like a replaced liver after the first was shot out in Kuwait or some gear meant to make him better. When in the field he usually has his armor on, though if you ever see him take it off and without clothes on you would see several scars running across his body.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (2 of 4+)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-16-14/0204:02>
Name: Thomas Robards
Human, late 20s/early 30s.

Alias: Nightingale (Gale for short)

Desired Role: Support Mage / Medic

Not So Short Background (two paragraphs): Gale is an army trained medic who specializes in health spells.

Gale awakened shortly before his 18th birthday and upon graduating from high school in Detroit he decided that he wanted to join the army. His parents were adamant that he should apply at Ares as they worked for one of their medical subsidiaries, they of course saw the corp environment as a safe haven with good earning potential and him being a mage might even gain him a full corp citizenship. Gale however felt like his talents would be better served in the military, protecting his fellow countrymen and native soil from would be foreign invaders. The border skirmishes between the CAS and Aztlan were not lost on him and who knew what the NAN might get into their brains to do. “This we’ll defend” was a motto that Gale was quite ready to live his life by.

So Gale went to the recruitment center and enlisted the day after his 18th birthday, the sergeants had him do some tests and it turned out Gale had some damned impressive magical potential. The enlistment process was hastened quite a bit after that and Gale started basic training within a week. He did quite well in basic despite being less physically gifted than most of the other recruits but once the that was done with the army got down with the nitty gritty of extracting every last bit of magic out of him. At first it was no big deal, he got weary but that was to be expected they said. Gale however didn’t recover like he ought to, his fatigue kept building up over the months and his physical condition steadily worsened. In the end it got bad enough that Gale ended up in the infirmary for a few weeks, the doctors however didn’t seem to have a clue about how to improve his situation and after a good long while trying different training methods and various medicine combinations the army finally gave up on him and he received a medical discharge.

Gale was distraught over his failure and had no idea what to do with his life, he was seemingly unable to correctly channel the vast amount of mana available to him so going into the corp life his parents had wanted so badly for him was out of the question. Gale did believe a man of his training would be able to run the shadows and he found his connection through a former army sergeant, a rotten, dirty bastard so bent he couldn’t walk down a straight hallway. Gale ran the shadows for a few years but did not find it to his liking, it might have been his drekhead of a fixer but most of the people Gale had dealings with were the absolute dregs of humanity and that would be putting it mildly. Having had a few years go by without inordinately pushing his limits Gale was in a much better place and had ridden himself of most of the side effects from his army training days. Feeling absolutely fed up with those fragging runner tossers Gale started reaching out to some people he knew from the army and one of them was ready to recommend him to a mercenary outfit heading to Chicago.

Gale was ecstatic to be back in a structured army like environment and for the last year and a half he’s been using his talents in assisting his teammates with survival in the harsh environment of the Chicago Containment Zone.

Short Physical Description (one to two paragraphs): A man of average height and weight, is in his late 20s but looks older because of the age lines in his face and his salt n pepper hair.

I SO want to take both Insomnia and Sensitive System for this guy but I'm afraid it would be just a bit too punishing :)
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (2 of 4+)
Post by: Triskavanski on <08-16-14/0209:53>
Would Blood and Bandages be allowed in? Its of particular use for those who are more medically related
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (2 of 4+)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-16-14/1032:18>
Glad ya like him :p. I was born in Texas and lived here most of my life too. I usually try to go with something a little further from home, but I got to thinking... Isn't a big Texas boy with bigger guns and a med kit just who you want at your side when bugs are coming for you? :D

I'm pretty excited about this game, I think it's gunna be awesome! I remember in the computer game that bugs are pretty nasty... Hoping I get to find out how ugly they are in Chicago ; ).

Chuck will be more combat specialist than medic, but his first aid will definitely be good. I have some good ideas for what I want him to be, but I'm not gunna try to build him unless I get the good word... Don't wanna get too attatched yet :p.

Also the BB book would be cool, they have some interesting rules. I'm good either way though.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (2 of 4+)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-16-14/1055:11>
Hehe, I like it! Former shadowrunner turned merc, I can work with that.

I think I'd be careful with Insomnia and Sensitive System, but I won't stop ya; as long as you can beat that Willpower (2) test consistently you'll be fine :)

Please feel free to post up your concept as I'd say we have room for one more direct combatant (The Humvee seats 6 :) ).

Hehe, good to hear. Also, I'll allow the spells and adept powers from Bullets & Bandages, as well as the qualities. I don't want to further complicate combat in a Play-By-Post, however, so the optional rules won't be used; as a result, most of the gear won't do you much good, but I'll still consider it if there's something you feel is necessary in there (except advanced medkits; they don't have much of a role without the extra rules).

On fake SINs, yes, you'll need them. You're getting twice the prime runner resources; you can afford them :)

That being said, the CZ is a lawless waste, a war-torn hellhole where you'll probably have to worry more about looters, gangers, warlords, critters, and bugs than you'll have to worry about cops checking SINs. Licenses will only be needed for what restricted gear you intend to carry outside the Containment Zone, seeing as how you'll have a VTOL to get you in and out of the Zone.

We now have a team leader (rednblack (, two direct combatants (Poindexter ( and Koshnek (, a support mage (reyjinn (, and possibly a support rigger/decker (Ravensoracle (tentative) (; if the latter comes through on the rigger/decker, I'll potentially pick one more direct combatant and we're ready to begin building characters.

Please keep the following in mind when building characters (once the recruitment thread has been closed...):
Skill overlaps are fine; certain things (like first aid) will be highly useful, and at some point the one person with Lockpick might be busy getting his face eate.... ehem... observing the scenery... when that door really, really needs to be opened. Another person with lockpick (or a big shotgun) could be a good thing. These are just examples, obviously, but try to think of what skills the team might need, and what your character would have picked up.

The reason I'm advocating average and above ratings for all attributes is so you can easily pick up a few ranks and still roll 6-8 dice. I'll be sticking to the difficulty thresholds listed in the book, so Threshold 4 tests (listed as difficult)  is going to be rare. Dice pools in the 10-15 range will likely get you through many obstacles unless you roll terrible, and there'll more often than not be alternate ways of doing things.

And just as a reminder; please do wait until the recruitment thread is closed before putting too much thought into the build. You may very well want or need to change something later.

I'll be waiting for input from Ren and Ravensoracle at the very least before considering closing recruitment. Thanks for the interest, everyone!
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (2 of 4+)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-16-14/1301:38>
Hehe, I like it! Former shadowrunner turned merc, I can work with that.

I think I'd be careful with Insomnia and Sensitive System, but I won't stop ya; as long as you can beat that Willpower (2) test consistently you'll be fine :)
Yeah, taking both would be harsh. I've kinda laid out his negative qualities in my mind and I'm only going to take Insomnia (at 10 karma) not SS, as I said in the bio he's a bit farther ahead with his recovery than when he was running. He's also outspokenly prejudiced against shadowrunners :D

I was thinking about taking Code of honor, where he won't reject medical assistance to anyone who asks for it. Not quite a Hippocratic oath but he is a healer who is the son of healers so it is kinda built into his DNA to help those in need.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (2 of 4+)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-16-14/1419:47>
Alias: Wires

Desired Role: Combat Rigger/ Matrix Support

Not So Short Background (two paragraphs): Wires has been a merc/smuggler all his life. He grew up watching his daddy taking a t-bird at high speeds through some of the roughest mountain passes in the Rockies on smuggling runs. When he was old enough he helped his dad with the family business. When his dad was shot down during a run. Wires moved on to merc work. Being the general tech head he was it wasn't a problem to find those who wanted him for a member of their unit.

Wires tends to be the Wild Card of the group though. He's not reckless  or a danger to his unit in any way but he is kinda out there mentally.

He has the merc bearing and most people that see him says he screams military in appearance. What's funny though is that he's never actually been in a official military unit. He's been a Private Military Contractor basically all of his adult life.

Short Physical Description (one to two paragraphs): First time you guys meet Wires outside of a professional setting you're really not surprised. Wires is setting there watching the latest anime wearing an unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt, Bermuda shorts, flip flops and is eating cocoa puffs from a punch bowl with a wooden stirring spoon. The getup looks totally ridiculous on the Orc. Normally he looks like a squared away merc. Standing at 6 feet 195 lbs and being in military shape, Wires may not be the poster boy of the unit but he fits in the background shots well.

If you see him with his shirt off though you'll know he's a combat veteran. He's got a few bullet holes pockmarking his body  and a rather nasty burn scar across his chest that just crosses the neckline of his t-shirt. He laughs about  his scars though. only saying "That's what you get for being stupid enough to crawl through the belly of an aircraft to repair things as it's getting shot at."

(Not quite the longest description but I wanted to get something out there since everyone had posted. He is a WIP but I think he'll be an asset to the group.)
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (2 of 4+)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-16-14/1452:58>
I'll probably be changing my handle as i just remembered "Pixie" is a racial slur for "elf".
It'd be like playing a troll called trog.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (2 of 4+)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-16-14/1500:33>

the errated avail on the gauss rifle is 24, not 20!!!

thought i was finally gonna get to use one a those things.

Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (2 of 4+)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-16-14/1510:54>
I'll probably be changing my handle as i just remembered "Pixie" is a racial slur for "elf".
It'd be like playing a troll called trog.
She's totally taking it back!
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (2 of 4+)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-16-14/1606:13>
I like that Code of Honor, very zen of you. :)

How about this; as one of two (or more) direct combatants you, and only you, get to buy the 24F Gauss Rifle, but must then follow the normal 16F availability cap for everything else (excluding battery packs and ammo for the Thunderstruck). Your choice.

Also, I loved reyjinn's comment about Pixie; taking it back indeed! But hey, it's obviously up to you.

Sounds solid! I hadn't originally planned on finishing recruitment until end of next week anyway, so if you want to polish it up take your time, no pressure. We're still waiting on a few others as well.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (2 of 4+)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-16-14/1620:07>
How about this; as one of two (or more) direct combatants you, and only you, get to buy the 24F Gauss Rifle, but must then follow the normal 16F availability cap for everything else (excluding battery packs and ammo for the Thunderstruck). Your choice.

Anyone know what page the battery packs and ammo are listed on for this fucker? I can't find it anywhere.

3. Recoil
   a. The errata recoil rules apply
   b. In addition, the "one point of Recoil Compensation" that is gained "when a user begins firing" always applies (SR5 p175)

mind posting a link to these? I feel like I'm gonna need em.

7. Licenses
Licenses are only needed for item categories (Chummer5 is a good guideline for this, but ask if you're unsure)

asking cause im unsure. :)
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-16-14/1624:57>
Battery clips, satchels and backpacks are listed under weapon accessories in RG. Im fairly certain all ammo is listed in RG at the very end of the book, but if its not listed there or in the ammo section, then you can find it in the back of CRB in the ammo section.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-16-14/1639:37>
A list of availability and price the Peak-discharge battery backs is found on Run & Gun p54. Descriptions of the same are found on page 52.

In addition to needing 1 power unit per shot, the Thunderstruck fires normal Assault Cannon rounds. A single power clip is the most cost effective at 400¥ for 10 power units; satchels cost 900¥ and hold 20 power units, while power backpacks cost 2500¥ for only 30 power units.

It seems the writers missed out on AV ammo for Assault Cannons; at least I can't find a reference to cost and stats, though they are mentioned in the fluff.


Essentially, it just means that Recoil resets if you take a simple action other than firing a weapon in an Action Phase. Some people proposed that the old rules required a whole Action Phase to be spent not firing a weapon for recoil to stop accumulating. This won't be the case in this game.

Also, you do know there's a "Modify" button, right? :)

Licenses will only be needed for categories of items, not individual items. One license for all restricted firearms, or cyberware, or pharmaceuticals, etc, instead of one license each for your Ares Light Fire 70 and Remington 990, the implanted Smartlink and simrig, and the Cram and Nitro you're carrying. Make more sense?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-16-14/1647:43>
A list of availability and price the Peak-discharge battery backs is found on Run & Gun p54. Descriptions of the same are found on page 52.

In addition to needing 1 power unit per shot, the Thunderstruck fires normal Assault Cannon rounds. A single power clip is the most cost effective at 400¥ for 10 power units; satchels cost 900¥ and hold 20 power units, while power backpacks cost 2500¥ for only 30 power units.

It seems the writers missed out on AV ammo for Assault Cannons; at least I can't find a reference to cost and stats, though they are mentioned in the fluff.


Essentially, it just means that Recoil resets if you take a simple action other than firing a weapon in an Action Phase. Some people proposed that the old rules required a whole Action Phase to be spent not firing a weapon for recoil to stop accumulating. This won't be the case in this game.

Also, you do know there's a "Modify" button, right? :)

Licenses will only be needed for categories of items, not individual items. One license for all restricted firearms, or cyberware, or pharmaceuticals, etc, instead of one license each for your Ares Light Fire 70 and Remington 990, the implanted Smartlink and simrig, and the Cram and Nitro you're carrying. Make more sense?

gotcha on all of it. sorry bout the multi-posts, ill be better about that in the future.

And, just to clarify. If i never plan on bringing something out of the bug hell area, I don't need to worry bout a license for it?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-16-14/1656:11>
No worries, just thought I'd mention it.

Your base of operations will be outside the CZ, so you'll need licenses for anything that might go off site. In other words, probably not much. ;)
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-16-14/1700:37>
No worries, just thought I'd mention it.

Your base of operations will be outside the CZ, so you'll need licenses for anything that might go off site. In other words, probably not much. ;)

cool, so just to make sure im 100% with you. If ive got a big giant box of guns and some restricted chrome, but all i plan on walking the streets with is my warhawk, all i need licenses for is the hawk, the chrome, and the concealed carry, if i plan to conceal it, right?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-16-14/1710:58>
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-16-14/1723:49>
The name pixie is made further inappropriate by the fact that i've decided in a further attempt to de-cutesify herself, she has become an ork poser.
Finally have an excuse to TAKE that!
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-16-14/1738:39>
Woot. I think I got the numers to work. I THINK.

I'm still working out the kinks. But he has a decent RCC (An MCT Control Web), Level 2 Control Rig, and a Renraku Tsurugi as an implanted deck. He's only got 50k left for gear but he isn't lookin bad so far. I'll post some more of his backstory tonight. It's still churning around in the brainpan.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-16-14/1745:47>
The name pixie is made further inappropriate by the fact that i've decided in a further attempt to de-cutesify herself, she has become an ork poser.
Finally have an excuse to TAKE that!
Hahaha, nice :)
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Blazrath on <08-16-14/1750:36>
I swear if my ork gets in and if he sees through your disguise, I will continuously tease her about being a smaller cousin of his with punches that seem to tickle him and continuously ask her to help him fly. Then I will find a time when you leave your gun, put bright pink sparkles all over it and put a clear coat over the sparkles so you have to either get a new gun or spend days trying to get it off.

Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-16-14/1753:27>
And a replacement Gauss rifle is not something easily found :D
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-16-14/1755:40>

OMFG i almost spit coffee all over the damn monitor.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-16-14/1808:41>
I swear if my ork gets in and if he sees through your disguise, I will continuously tease her about being a smaller cousin of his with punches that seem to tickle him and continuously ask her to help him fly. Then I will find a time when you leave your gun, put bright pink sparkles all over it and put a clear coat over the sparkles so you have to either get a new gun or spend days trying to get it off.


Hey, if you're down to paint the scout in a target rich environment, feel free. Hope those mandibles don't hurt too bad for too long.  ;)
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Blazrath on <08-16-14/1821:15>
I swear if my ork gets in and if he sees through your disguise, I will continuously tease her about being a smaller cousin of his with punches that seem to tickle him and continuously ask her to help him fly. Then I will find a time when you leave your gun, put bright pink sparkles all over it and put a clear coat over the sparkles so you have to either get a new gun or spend days trying to get it off.


Hey, if you're down to paint the scout in a target rich environment, feel free. Hope those mandibles don't hurt too bad for too long.  ;)

Well, this could be before we ever set foot in the city so its not that bad, but still be funny to see her running around with it. Plus, she could always.. Oh wait, she is too small to hide the rifle on her. :P Besides, it would a testament to her sneaking skills if she was able to continuously hide with a bright pink large weapon. lol.

I'm glad I choose to put my Ork up, the Japanese Onotari Arms JP-K50 would of been fun, but this guy sounds better now. :P
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-16-14/1833:33>
My god that rifle is pink...

Anyway. Just as a note, in case it wasn't already obvious; y'all will probably want to invest in a suit of armor capable of mounting a chemical seal. I'd also advise you all to read up on the Pollution (p150) and Radiation (p152) sections of Run & Gun.

Chicago ain't a hospitable place, folks :D
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Triskavanski on <08-16-14/1835:42>
Moving to a longarms character instead of a punchy crushy guy then.

Alias: Hawkeye

Desired Role: Direct Combat/Scout

Short Background (two paragraphs):

Hawkeye, or Charles Hathcock, got a BB gun as a kid for a birthday. This weapon became something of the extension of his own body, striving for the perfection of his ability to hit the smaller and smaller targets. He became particularly well known for some rather impossible shots, such as one target that was through a building and a pane of bullet resistant glass.

He signed up for the chicago zone, with an interest of big game hunting.

Short Physical Description (one to two paragraphs):

Physically, he's rather thin, Keeping his face covered with goggles and a respirator due to his dislike of pollution. His clothing is very skin tight, allowing his movements to be unhindered. black hair, brown eyes.

I'll be working on more when I'm able to think more.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-16-14/1921:54>
My god that rifle is pink...

Anyway. Just as a note, in case it wasn't already obvious; y'all will probably want to invest in a suit of armor capable of mounting a chemical seal. I'd also advise you all to read up on the Pollution (p150) and Radiation (p152) sections of Run & Gun.

Chicago ain't a hospitable place, folks :D
Which armors can do that without having the 'restrictive' quality? Full Body Armor from core seems to be one, but which others? SWAT armor? Hardened Mil-spec and Security armors are both restrictive. My poor little mage isn't quite the physical specimen that the rest of you seem to be :)

On a related note, here I was worrying about how I was going to spend 200k... enter F4 Power focus :D For those special 'Oh, god I'm gonna die!' moments
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-16-14/1939:56>
Redid Wires with a bit more info. I am working on his character sheet right now just to make sure I can squeeze everything in that I want. I will most definitely want some help refining the character sheet since I am trying to cover so many bases.

Alias: Wires
Real Name: Jack Willes
Metatype: Orc
Age: 54

Desired Role: Combat Rigger/ Matrix Support

Not So Short Background (two paragraphs): Wires has been a merc/smuggler all his life. He grew up watching his daddy taking a t-bird at high speeds through some of the roughest mountain passes in the Rockies on smuggling runs. When he was old enough he helped his dad with the family business. When his dad was shot down during a run. Wires moved on to merc work. Being the general tech head he was it wasn't a problem to find those who wanted him for a member of their unit.

Wires tends to be the Wild Card of the group though. He's not reckless or a danger to his unit in any way but he is kinda out there mentally. But he does have a tendency to be a little "Eccentric". That may be the polite word to use. "Just plain batshit crazy" is often a term to describe him by his previous commanders. Some of his maneuvers are somewhat unorthodox and his passengers have been known to need a barfbag every now and then. You better not make a mess in his t-bird though or you'll be polishing the whole damn thing yourself with a toothbrush.

Wires is a complete tech-head. If it has anything to with technology you'll probably see Wires drooling over it. He also spends a great deal of his personal time being a complete nerd. He watches all sorts of manga and cartoons. He reads comicbooks. He is an avid videogamer. Basically he's a kid at heart. Not something you'd expect when you see an orc in his 50's with a crewcut. 

He has the merc bearing and most people that see him says he screams military in appearance. What's funny though is that he's never actually been in a official military unit. He's been a Private Military Contractor basically all of his adult life. He's been with the unit, whatever for it had, for several years (If they have existed that long). Everyone knows he can be trusted with their lives. He'll take any of the younger guys under his wing, especially if they show interest in tech or nerdy passions. Be careful if you do though cause he'll talk your ear off about them.

Short Physical Description (one to two paragraphs): First time you guys meet Wires outside of a professional setting you're really not surprised. Wires is setting there watching the latest anime wearing an unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt, Bermuda shorts, flip flops and is eating cocoa puffs from a punch bowl with a wooden stirring spoon. The getup looks totally ridiculous on the Orc. Normally he looks like a squared away merc. Standing at 6 feet 195 lbs and being in military shape, Wires may not be the poster boy of the unit but he fits in the background shots well.

If you see him with his shirt off though you'll know he's a combat veteran. He's got a few bullet holes pockmarking his body  and a rather nasty burn scar across his chest that just crosses the neckline of his t-shirt. He laughs about  his scars though. Only saying "That's what you get for being stupid enough to crawl through the belly of an aircraft to repair things as it's getting shot at."
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-16-14/2043:02>

I've made the decision to employ you under a larger company; this allows me to make the following changes.

1. No lifestyle purchase is necessary. It is assumed that you all have a Middle lifestyle on company facilities, which will give you access access to Facilities class tool kits for the following skills:
Aeronautic Mechanic
Automotive Mechanic

For purposes of field repairs, you might want to bring along some tool kits just in case. These won't be provided for you.

2. The company you all work for will be Vulcan International, a private military contractor founded in 2049 by Mark Wilhelm of California.

Quote from: Vulcan International Internal Memo: History
General Mark "Hellcat" Wilhelm was born in the early 2020s and saw his home of San Francisco razed at the hands of the Japanese Imperial State in '36. He joined the resistance when he was only 15 years old, and participated in successfully scuttling a JIS warship blockading one of the shipping channels of the San Francisco Bay, an action that landed him in prison for nearly a decade before he bravely escaped. The general saw the ruthless effectiveness of Tsunami, a Private Military Corporation employed by the JIS, up close and personal during the invasion of California and with funds "liberated" from Tsunami safe houses in retaliation for their involvement with JIS operations, created Vulcan International in 2049, focusing on guerrilla operations in hazardous environments.

Fast-forward a few decades to 2075, and Vulcan International is on the cusp of earning an A-Rating by the Corporate Court. With operations in some of the worst locations in the world, including Chicago, Lagos, Bogotá, GeMiTo, the SOX, and Sarajevo, General Wilhelm plans to leverage the organization's operational effectiveness as a tool to gain extraterritoriality. Vulcan International has strict hiring practices that includes physical and mental acuity tests, though they do not discriminate based on gender or race. The company pays well because their people are deployed to some of the worst imaginable places in the world, but enjoy a high mission completion rate due to the exceptional training and equipment their operatives receive.

Welcome to Vulcan, soldier!

Your team will have a unit callsign, which can be agreed upon by yourselves or named by me. The callsign, along with a number, is typically used during operations for the purposes of anonymity. The Team Leader, August, for instance, will be 1, with his second in command being 2, and so on. If your unit callsign was Viper, for instance, you'd be Viper-1 through Viper-6. I'm also assigning ranks to the various operatives, which may or may not indicate chain of command; the team leader will have highest rank (naturally), with the magician being a close second due to the rarity of his abilities. The rest are just being assigned randomly, with the grunts typically being the lowest ranking members of the team. This is not written in stone, though, so feel free to let me know if you as a team decide someone should have higher rank.

Examples of real-world call signs (off the top of my head): Apex, Badger, Hitman, Ogre, Raptor, Viper.

I'll also need a first and last name for everyone; please include these in your respective posts linked from the first page, please. If you don't think your characters would have one, they'll just get a generic "Smith" name when they joined Vulcan International. I'd also appreciate an approximate age and metatype.

Which armors can do that without having the 'restrictive' quality? Full Body Armor from core seems to be one, but which others? SWAT armor? Hardened Mil-spec and Security armors are both restrictive. My poor little mage isn't quite the physical specimen that the rest of you seem to be :)
Let's see;
SWAT armor and Full Body Armor are the only current suits of armor capable of fitting a chemical seal that also aren't Restrictive.

Riot Control Armor, Mil-Spec Armor, and Security Armor are all Restrictive. Remember that Spirits can confer the Movement power on you; just saying ;)

On a related note, here I was worrying about how I was going to spend 200k... enter F4 Power focus :D For those special 'Oh, god I'm gonna die!' moments
Hehehe, and that's only 72k! :)
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-16-14/2116:52>
Quick Question: Am I gonna be responsible for all armament on board the provided vehicles as well as what I carry? I think 750K is awesome but when it comes to it this guy is a resource hog. But he will be good Intel Support for the group.Combat Drones are gonna be a little skimpy the first run though.

Edit: Just reread the first post. So I am changing the question to one for everyone.

What Armaments do you want on the vehicles? Get creative cause nuyen is tight.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-16-14/2135:31>
With three Direct Combatants on the team, you'll be responsible for overwatch and recon more so than direct combat. Once we get closer to character creation completion we'll review in more detail.

Oh, and you won't necessarily be responsible for arming the vehicles yourself; since y'all are a team, I think it's only fair that the others chip in for armaments and capabilities everyone deems necessary on the vehicles.

Everyone, keep the above in mind when we get to character creation; you might want to set aside some cash for "communal" equipment like guns and ammo for the T-Bird and Humvee.

Sound good?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-16-14/2149:46>
Everyone, keep the above in mind when we get to character creation; you might want to set aside some cash for "communal" equipment like guns and ammo for the T-Bird and Humvee.

Sound good?
[GASP] But that might mean reducing my power foci to something less then F4 or carrying fewer than 500 drams of reagents around or fewer than 300 rounds for my Raiden. Unacceptable!

I have no problem keeping up to 20k aside for vehicle mods if needed, having this much monies is a surefire way towards foci addiction anyways.
I'm looking forward to getting into the character optimization with you guys, I'll admit right away that I'm cheesing the char creation steps in the knowledge that I can shore up his physical stats with the extra 50 karma we'll get to throw around.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-16-14/2153:39>
Right now I have 19K to throw at Group Weapons and Drones.

So far I have three Horizon Flying Eyes in addition to the 19K.

Can't wait til we start going through character optimization with everyone. I think that is going to be a blast in and of itself.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Triskavanski on <08-16-14/2201:17>
I suppose you've got all the directies now, and the close range fighter isn't good.

I can't figure out a backstory behind Hawkeye anyways that isn't weak.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-16-14/2209:08>
I've done Chuck's potential priorities, attributes and ware, but I'm pretty much holding off on everything else.

Essence willing, is there a such thing as too much ware in this game? Chuck is looking..Expensive.

Chuck prefers lasers and heavies. You wouldn't want him to punch you, either. That is if I don't have to peel too much money. Ive got 300-350k to play with at the moment.

One question, though. I'm not sure how tis works. If you increase your logic with ware in chargen, does that also increase your available knowledge skill points?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-16-14/2231:18>
[GASP] But that might mean reducing my power foci to something less then F4 or carrying fewer than 500 drams of reagents around or fewer than 300 rounds for my Raiden. Unacceptable!
I know, I'm a total hardass :)

I suppose you've got all the directies now, and the close range fighter isn't good.
Still missing one Direct Combatant, but yeah, a dedicated melee combatant isn't what this team needs considering the focus will be on team maneuvers and closed ranks.

Essence willing, is there a such thing as too much ware in this game? Chuck is looking..Expensive.
Ware makes you more difficult to heal. Other than that, the sky is the limit! Keep in mind that you'll need to arm and modify the vehicles as a group, however.

Chuck prefers lasers and heavies. You wouldn't want him to punch you, either. That is if I don't have to peel too much money. Ive got 300-350k to play with at the moment.

One question, though. I'm not sure how tis works. If you increase your logic with ware in chargen, does that also increase your available knowledge skill points?
Cool! Having someone who can punch someone's lights out if they do get close is not a bad plan b.

As for Logic boosters; no, cyberware is purchased after skill selection, so technically the increased Logic wouldn't add skill points. I think Chummer handles it that way too, so lets go with the least disruptive method.

I'm considering giving you all a bunch of free interest skills, though; I always feel like interest skills get dumped in favour of more "useful" knowledge skills, and I like knowing more about characters through their interest skills. I'll do some math, but I think 25 karma to spend on JUST interest skills should be enough to give you all a wide range of interests. Again, honor system as far as I'm concerned.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Triskavanski on <08-16-14/2256:50>
Alright, I'll try to work on the HK sniper guy then. (The gun that switches between different kinds of guns)
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-16-14/2257:35>
I can still spend 300k on me and leave 20-50k for the team.

I took my difficulty to heal into taking more ware ;D! I think I made choices Chuck would approve of when I bought him ware. Did you decide on grades? He is currently using ware of every grade except beta.

Knowledge skills are hard for me... I always rely on chummer :p. Is there a good list somewhere of what widely accepted knowledge skill are available, and which category they fall under?

Edit: how exactly do slide mounts work? Is the attach speed of acceptable mods for that slot automatically reduced to simple?You buy the mount in the slot and you can more easily attach any acceptable weapon mod to that slot? Let's say gyro-mount. Say you are wearing it and have two under barrel slide mount equipped weapons.

Can you slide mount one weapon off and slide the other on? Within reason :p. I'm obviously not carrying around a MMG and an AC. But say I'm traveling light with an assault and a shotty. If I decide to rig my gyro mount up, can I slide the two in and out?

Doh, re-edit. Only AR and heavy can be gryo-mounted.... Shotties should totally be an option! Ok so I am for whatever reason wearing my gryo mount and carrying two assaults :p.

Triple edit: just realized slide mount reduces swap out to simple, and gyro is already simple. So all around horrible example, but I trust ya get what I'm asking?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-16-14/2304:52>
Yes, all grades are allowed. Consider it the benefit of working for a PMC :)

The availability modifications makes quick work of any crazyness like Rating 4 Deltaware Muscle Replacement...

Slide mounts allow you to carry two accessories and swap them with a simple action.

So, say you take an assault rifle with an underbarrel slide mount; you then buy an underbarrel grenade launcher, and an underbarrel flamethrower. It only takes a simple action to swap the two.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Triskavanski on <08-16-14/2341:39>
Real Name: Charles Hathcock
Age and Metatype: 24, Human
Desired Role: Direct Combat/Scout
Short Background (two paragraphs):

War? I was born into war. No, I didn't pop out and start  strangling people with my umbilical cord. Those who would believe those rumors are fools. But I was born right in the middle of a warzone. The sounds of gunfire, cries of the dead and dieing, rockets screeching through the air, these things where my lullaby.

When I was a kid, the rebel army I was part of had me working as a runner. Taking mailbags of prepared moltov cocktails from location to location. I never knew my parents, never knew if they were part of the army I was working with. The army was my family. Blowing things up, my past time. That is until that day. The day I was left alone.

I don't know what happened, how they could have known, unless someone betrayed us. The first was Mickey, one of my closest friends. The smell of his blood sticks with me to this day, the light fading from his eyes. But he didn't die in vain, he saved me, even though I was rather injured. They all died or disappeared. Understandable with some of their remains being nothing more than a finger or a toe, a shadow on the wall.

I heard rumors. Rumors of my old commander still being alive. That son of a bitch had to be the one. Chasing his slimy ass down, I discovered he had connections to the bug spirits. Well, what better place to start looking for the man then here? I did manage to get a hookup with one the Vulcan recruiters. Timmothy I think his name was, I could be wrong.

And now I'm working with a new team... I'll have to admit I'm suspicious any one of them could possibly be a traitor, but at the same time I swore my allegiance with them. If they don't betray me, I won't betray them, everyone wins.

Short Physical Description (one to two paragraphs):

Charles is a thin man, with fairly short hair and a few scars on his body. He prefers to keep his movements typically unrestricted,
Around his neck is a scarf, which has a number of patches on it, and stitch marks for each confirmed kill, in a type of code that really only hathcock knows.

Slightly superstitious he has a number of trinkets around him, made of silver or jade or some brass, things that promote clensing and protect against taint.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-16-14/2344:11>
Ok, ok. Once more and then I'll stop with the twenty questions.

I don't have much experience with gun specialists like this. I've always assumed you can carry two full sized weapons except maybe a sniper rifle.

If you carry a heavy weapon is it always in your hand, in the car or on the ground, or can you sling it over your back too?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-17-14/0100:17>
I'd say most heavy weapons would be occupying one or both hands if carried with you. LMGs and larger weapons are not typically shoulderslung in my experience; what were you thinking of carrying, specifically?
It's not like you can't carry a smaller, sidearm type weapon, or have a secondary firearm in the vehicle.

Tentatively, I'll make the following comments:
Anything smaller than Heavy Weapons (i.e. Longarms and down to SMGs) can be worn on a sling .

Heavy Weapons will need to be carried with both hands and/or gyromounted, though a second firearm (longarms sized to SMG) can be carried on a sling, and pistols (machine or otherwise) can be holstered. This does mean that the heavy weapon needs to be dropped (or more carefully put on the ground) before another weapon can be drawn and fired; if the heavy weapon is gyromounted, a secondary weapon can be drawn and fired as usual, but I'll count the non-used weapon platform as a distraction or inconvenience that'll impose a -2 dice pool modifier.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-17-14/0124:33>
Can they maybe spend a complex action to put the Gyro mounted Heavy weapon into a backpack position. Then a complex Action to ready it from there.

Wireless bonus: Simple action to ready weapon.

That would take care of the weapon just flopping around
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Triskavanski on <08-17-14/0128:02>
I've updated the sniper/gunner to be a fairly flexible guy, capable of filing all sorts of positions with his HK.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-17-14/0316:01>
Hmm I'm not sure yet. I'm leaning towards that LMG minigun vindicator from RG. It has the right feel, but Chuck can use MMGs so I want to :p. He'll definitely have a cannon. No Gauss though : (.

He'll have a laser pistol and a laser rifle with plenty of packs of various types. Also, a shotgun with FA and enough ammo to use it.

If money isn't an issue, he'll have more toys to shoot. Those are the important ones, though. I imagine he might want a launcher with the bugs around.

Edit: I updated my linked post. I'm not sure if Chuck is actually 43 yet. He could be younger, but he's definitely close to 40 +/-.

Viper sounds cool. Fast, deadly strike. I like Apex too.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-17-14/0543:07>
Is the company gonna help out with ammo as well?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-17-14/1306:01>
Thought I might just share my vision of Wires with you guys and explain how he got his nickname.

( (

Wires was in the belly of a Banshee when it was shot down over  classified location redacted An elecrical fire started in the compartment Wires was in causing him to be branded by the burning cable bundles that surrounded him.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-17-14/1436:05>
Can they maybe spend a complex action to put the Gyro mounted Heavy weapon into a backpack position. Then a complex Action to ready it from there.

Wireless bonus: Simple action to ready weapon.

That would take care of the weapon just flopping around
You know what, I really like that idea; it'd be something like the smartgun harness from Aliens that's highly mobile. I'm not sure about the Complex to ready/stow and Simple to ready/stow if wireless. I'll put up a poll once we get all the players selected. If everyone is good with that it'll be good enough for me.

Thanks for the suggestion!

Hmm I'm not sure yet. I'm leaning towards that LMG minigun vindicator from RG. It has the right feel, but Chuck can use MMGs so I want to :p. He'll definitely have a cannon. No Gauss though : (.
I want to like the Vindicator so bad, but since Run & Gun failed to bring any minigun rules over from Arsenal, I find the weapon to me somewhat pointless. On the upside it has the highest AP of any LMG and the most capacity with it's 200 round belts, but it's availability 24F (which means no Vindicator for you, I'm afraid), has a relatively high base price, and low innate RC.

My money is, and likely will be, on the Krime Wave for the LMG of choice. Extremely low cost, no extraneous accessories you won't use, the highest base DV of all LMGs and equal AP, and although it's base Accuracy of 5 is on the lower end that's nothing an external Smartgun System can't fix.

Also, don't discount an RPK HMG; yes, you can't fire it from a standing position unless you've got crazy STR 10, but it only takes a Free Action to deploy the tripod, and the usual Simple Action to ready the weapon. With a base DV of 12 and a base AP of -4, along with a base RC of 7, this thing packs one hell of a wallop and can continue doing so for one hundred glorious rounds, the equivalent of 5 whole combat turns worth of suppressive fire. Suppressive fire got immensely better in SR5 as it now forces a negative dice pool modifier on your opponents equal to your hits, unless they drop prone or hide behind cover, in which case the rest of your team can take time to flank them or toss some grenades their way. And, it's only 16F :)

He'll have a laser pistol and a laser rifle with plenty of packs of various types. Also, a shotgun with FA and enough ammo to use it.

If money isn't an issue, he'll have more toys to shoot. Those are the important ones, though. I imagine he might want a launcher with the bugs around.
Hehe, right tool for the right job, neh? Just keep in mind that he won't be able to carry a pistol, an assault rifle, a shotgun, a rocket launcher, AND an MG. Well, not without facing massive penalties, of course. For no penalties you'll be limited to one (holstered) pistol, one rifle sized weapon (this includes shotguns and grenade launchers, as well as the smaller rocket launchers like the Aztechnology Striker) on a sling, and one heavy weapon (if said weapon is on a gyromount or deployed on a tripod before it's fired).

Also keep in mind that Laser weapons suffer dispersion when fired in fog. You have been warned.

Is the company gonna help out with ammo as well?
No such thing as a free dinner, my friend. Access to the facilities and free lodging is all you get; gear comes out of your end, and that includes the ammunition your weapons need ;)

Nice; I thought Drax was awesome in the Guardians of the Galaxy movie (I never read the comics, so I can't comment on that), but I like the story for the nickname Wires.


Don't forget to include real names, metatype, and age in your descriptive posts. Thanks.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Triskavanski on <08-17-14/1504:34>
How is Hathcock, Martin?

Need any more parts developed or changed or altered?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-17-14/1514:02>
What's the timeline for Character creation? Will we use this thread or a new one for posting rough drafts?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-17-14/1521:51>
Nooooo..I didn't notice the availability on the vindi! That baby has a cool factor of +10.

Chuck is dissapointed, but he ultimately decides to tote around a MMG instead. He's considering the Tripod HMG option.

Edit: At my computer now, and I noticed I mistakenly listed the essence costs of a couple of my implats as .08 instead of .8. This has thrown a monkey wrench into my plans :p. I'm either going to be super short on money, or drop some ware. Probably drop some ware.

If a weapon comes with Gas-Vent R2, can it be upgraded to R3? I do know once you HAVE gas vent, you're stuck with it.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-17-14/1543:27>
Your character, Trisk, you decide when he's ready ;)

I've asked everyone to hold off on actual character creation until we have the full team. Right now I'm waiting for a couple people to post their concepts, and I expect to make my decision on the last Direct Combatant in the next couple of days.

I figure we'll do a week or so on actual character creation once the team is nailed down, as it'll be more of a cooperative build than a standalone one; this time you'll all be working as a tightly-knit team of brothers- and sisters-in-arms, after all, so it only makes sense to me that the character creation builds on that bond by you all figuring out what your characters strengths, weaknesses, and relationship to each other are as the team you'll be playing.

As for drafts, we'll use this thread. I'd like the OOC thread to consist purely of finished sheets (and for the first post everyone makes to be the sheet for easy reference, so please hold off on posting more than once until everyone has gotten in theirs).

Hehe, I figured you didn't. Sorry to crush your dreams. In SR4, the Vindicator was a mean summabitch, but it lost a lot of teeth in the conversion to SR5, unfortunately.

We'll get around to that when we move to actual character creation and finalization.

As for the Gas-Vent; yes, you can, but you pay the full price for the Rating 3 system. And that's why I prefer weapons with few modifications ;)
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-17-14/1553:05>
That's cool. I just have a basic rough draft now. Simply because I wasn't willing to accept the challenge of this character without making sure I could provide quality product. Sorry if I seem a bit eager. Wires has earwormed his way into my head at the moment and I am so wanting feedback on the rough draft cause I know I am missing something just can't put my finger on it.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-17-14/1558:56>
Yeah same here. I think I can do what I want to with Chuck, although maybe not as well as I'd like :p. I just had a gloriously ridiculous idea for Chuck. I forgot about that 50 karma, so I might just be able to give him that HMG and forget about the tripod :D. If I decide to go with that route, I might just make him a little younger. Well see what happens when we pull our heads together :D.

I like him where he's at now, though. He's got that bigger than he should be look I mentioned without being a Troll suffering from Dwarfism at this point.

Edit: Hmm, what level fog are we talkin about on average (If that's not asking too much :p)? My laser rifle will be fine regardless, but the pistol was going to be my standard one hand weapon for almost all situations except when needing legit weaponry in the city. Although I suppose 1-2 DV with -10 AP and no RC is still pretty rad. Chuck has the dice and edge to back it up.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Blazrath on <08-17-14/1620:17>
Well, it doesn't look like my ork is going to get in unless Martin is going to surprise me. Just seems two heavy machine gunners are too much. So then I propose this character.

Alias: Jack of Hearts
Real Name: Thomas Calhoun
Age and Metatype: 29/ Human
Desired Role: Direct Combatant

Short Background (two paragraphs): "Either of you guys ever walk into a place and just know you shouldn't be there?" The man in grey would say. "I've had that feeling twice. The first time was when I was still in my SAS unit and we were stationed in a little place called Port Augusta. We were in charge of keeping the stretch of road north to Darwin safe. Safe.. Heh, thats a word you never knew there." He would stop, talking a long draw off his port. "Sixteen Missions.. Sixteen Missions in that cursed vehicle and the damn thing was undone by an impromptu mine. Whole back end went up in fire and shrapnel as we lost half the unit right there. Luckily I pulled the 'first to die' seat right next to the side door. I remember when Frank tried to get through the first time, tripped when running out. Damn lucky guy missed a hail of bullets by the skin of his teeth. Poor Frank, got all the Aggro and never hit by a bullet. Ripped to pieces by a Mana Storm three days before shipping out." He would say with a heavy heart.

"That whole operation was a waste of men, but the other time I knew I shouldn't be there was after I left Britain for more greener pastures was a clusterfuck. You know it as the Dragon Civil War, my outfit called it something else. Hell. Literally Hell as there was fire and most likely brimstone everywhere when we were done and the damned were left alive to live through it. A dragon never forgets and Betsy may of been designed for taking on it and its brood, but they honestly don't care. They shipped off men with the base model, letting them think it was just short of a high caliber rifle. It's not. The best you can hope for is clearing the way from Drakes and other shit like that as the tusker sets up the Cannon to knock off some scales and maybe tickle it. That operation went tits up from the word go and many people died. Most of my blokes I used to drink with died in those caves and tunnels, but we did our job. Only reason I'm still around with this is cause I dropped a bomb onto modding Betsy to a Premium Killing Machine." With that, the man in grey would grab something small and hand it to the barkeep. "Another round for the bar. I'm sure I won't lose anymore drinking friends in Chicago."

Short Physical Description (one to two paragraphs): Thomas is similar to the guys that women fall for all the time in the trideos. Tall, dark hair and eyed, musculature and with a British accent, most ladies find it hard not to keep looking at him. In another life, he could of been a model, but years of militarized living has left a couple of things that models do not like having most of the time. Scars from war wounds and tattoos. His favorite scar if asked has to be the one on his left leg where a drake made the mistake to bite down while Thomas was still armed. He keeps the teeth that were still lodged in him when they patched him up on a necklace around. His aura denotes a magical ability, though since he has not showcased breathing fire or summoning a gravel dog, people that notice this correctly assume Adept. You ever ask him when did that happen, he'll always say 'The day the sand became glass and the mountains began to walk.'

Since getting paid more, Thomas's wardrobe, both on the field of battle and off it, have improved greatly. Its nothing too fancy or suggestive, but having mil-spec armor as your dress attire and suits made for you for other times does make you look like you are a cut above the rest. Oh if they could see what he had to do to get that money, most of them would at least flinch. And yet there he is, sitting on a bar stool and drinking his beer with a grin.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-17-14/1741:08>
Just keep in mind that he won't be able to carry a pistol, an assault rifle, a shotgun, a rocket launcher, AND an MG. Well, not without facing massive penalties, of course. For no penalties you'll be limited to one (holstered) pistol, one rifle sized weapon (this includes shotguns and grenade launchers, as well as the smaller rocket launchers like the Aztechnology Striker) on a sling, and one heavy weapon (if said weapon is on a gyromount or deployed on a tripod before it's fired).

Lets talk about these penalties for a moment, eh?
Say i wanna take as my "standard" load: a warhawk, an AK-97, a bow, a knife, a taser, and an old remington 990 throwback. What kind penalties are we talkin bout here? assuming proper holsters, slings, gecko grip, etc. (By the way, thanks for the suggestion in that other thread. Slipped my mind.)

Say i wanna add the gauss rifle. what then?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-17-14/1749:51>
Man, you're going hog wild on the guns, huh?

So you're thinking about taking a taser, a pistol, an assault rifle, a shotgun, a bow, and a knife, and then you want to add an assault cannon on top of that?

Two sidearms I have no issue with, but how do you propose carrying four full-sized weapons, one of which is an assault cannon? For the sake of everyone's sanity, just scale it back. A sidearm, one rifle-sized weapon, and a heavy weapon is going to be more than enough ;)

You'll just have to wait and see on the fog...
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-17-14/1752:24>
Man, you're going hog wild on the guns, huh?

So you're thinking about taking a taser, a pistol, an assault rifle, a shotgun, a bow, and a knife, and then you want to add an assault cannon on top of that?

Two sidearms I have no issue with, but how do you propose carrying four full-sized weapons, one of which is an assault cannon? For the sake of everyone's sanity, just scale it back. A sidearm, one rifle-sized weapon, and a heavy weapon is going to be more than enough ;)

Good point. perhaps when i take the cannon, i leave the AK.

and the more i think about it, the more i realize that the bow would interfere with the sling for the rifle, so those probably dont go in the same loadout.

glad we're talking about this now.

how bout this?

standard loadout- taser, pistol, knife, shotgun, AK
stealth loadout- taser, pistol, knife, shotgun, bow
heavy loadout- taser, pistol, knife, shotgun, cannon
walkin' round loadout- taser, pistol

look better?

Also, ravensoracle, since we got us a rigger, what are the odds of equipment ever being airdropped for us mid-mission. Say, the cannon isn't gonna be feasible to carry around on the way in, but once there, I'll need it, that kinda thing?

Lastly, is the Big Game Hunter armor "full" body armor, assuming im wearing a helmet? the pic sure looks like it is.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-17-14/1804:48>
That's something we'll have to discuss during character creation. I'm not sure if I'll have expenses for an airdrop drone. But maybe we can mod the Banshee with a resupply pod on a bomb mount?

When I played riggers in 4th I use to love the Air resupply drone for gear drops.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Triskavanski on <08-17-14/1811:17>
With my guy, what I'd be looking into is that multi-weapon weapon. So I'd be carrying a gernade launcher, assault rifle, SMG, shotgun, sniper rifle and LMG.. With just one weapon ^^

The weapon would be baby of Charles, with a personalized grip and the like.

For a side arm, I'd want to take an automatic pistol with ammo skip from arsenal which would be loaded with a number of different kinds of bullets. Its kinda based on..
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-17-14/1846:04>
That's something we'll have to discuss during character creation. I'm not sure if I'll have expenses for an airdrop drone. But maybe we can mod the Banshee with a resupply pod on a bomb mount?

When I played riggers in 4th I use to love the Air resupply drone for gear drops.

good point. I'm already having money issues, so i can only IMAGINE what you're going through.
We'd have to spend a good chunk of loot to get the drop drone to the point where i'd feel safe entrusting it with expensive/mission critical equipment.

maybe best to scrap that plan for now...
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Triskavanski on <08-17-14/1852:26>
Well, if the money at character creation is doubled, I really have no problem giving the other half of mine to the rigger and people who would stop me from becoming a red smear.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-17-14/2249:28>
Just to make sure that I am understanding how this is going to work for Wires with combining Rigging and Decking.

Situation 1: (Probably most used scenario)
Wires wants to use the RCC to control drones/vehicles or to jump into them remotely. But he still wants to provide additional Matrix firepower at the same time.

1. So he connects his RCC to the Control Rig and his persona loads on the RCC.
2. To be able to still provide some decking power he slaves his implanted deck to the RCC through the DNI provided with the Control rig and loads his Agent to provide Attack and Sleaze options.
     a. This gives the weaker deck some extra defense in the form of the Master/slave relationship
     b. Since it says an Agent is like a pilot it can be given instructions just like a drone through the RCC
     c. Wires' persona isn't loaded on the deck so he is not able not able to utilize the Attack and Sleaze attributes. The Agent has to do any hacking requiring those attributes.
3. Since the Master connection is being provided by the RCC....
     a. Each character utilizing the Master/Slave relationship counts toward the number of drones the RCC can handle
     b. Other character's comms cannot be slaved to the deck because it is a slave.
     c. With the deck, Banshee, and Humvee being slaved ( Plus 5 other comms ) that means 8 out of the 18 slots provided by a Device Rating 6 RCC.

Situation 2: (Hopefully never happens in combat. Cause this sucks.)
Wires is needing his better skills to break into a device and doesn't want to take any risk relying on the agent's lower numbers. He leaves the RCC as the Master and slaves the deck.

1. Wires has to change the device his persona is loaded on.
     a. Both devices reboot to move the persona.
          a1. This means that all marks are lost. All slaved devices loose Master
          a2. Both devices are out of commision until the end of the next Combat Turn (Aaaaaahhhhhh)
     b. Wires has to re-invite all the other player's comms so they they and the deck are reslaved to the RCC.
          b1. I haven't found anything that say you have to have your persona loaded on the master.
2. Wires persona is loaded on the deck now which means he's a decker and can't jump into the drones.
     a. Drones are connected through the RCC and counts against it's limit since the RCC is still the Master

I am sure I may have more questions arise during gameplay but I wanted to check on these mainly cause this is complicated enough when trying to do both. I just wanted to make sure I understand it

Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-17-14/2327:36>
Any chance of us getting a Level I or II Pi-Tac? I was thinking Level 1 would be fun and flavorful. I think a successful merc group like us would have at least that much :p. I think Level II would be more realistically what we would have at our level. Also, it'd be more fun for our group leader :D.

Edit: Can you add Ruthenium Polymer Coating to a Chameleon suit?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-18-14/0146:21>
original description edited.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-18-14/0152:54>
Wires IC---

"BTL's huh, you know what that shit actually does to the inside of your head right?" Says the Orc with so much headware his skull might as well be chrome.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-18-14/0240:59>
Wires IC---

"BTL's huh, you know what that shit actually does to the inside of your head right?" Says the Orc with so much headware his skull might as well be chrome.

Hand on her holstered warhawk and flashing that giant tusky smile that says "I love you, asshole",  the darkskinned little ork responds, "No, but I know what this does to the inside of a head."
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-18-14/0301:39>
Wires IC---

"BTL's huh, you know what that shit actually does to the inside of your head right?" Says the Orc with so much headware his skull might as well be chrome.

Hand on her holstered warhawk and flashing that giant tusky smile that says "I love you, asshole",  the darkskinned little ork responds, "No, but I know what this does."

Motors bark  their start  sequence on the Banshee. Just having the power on fires up the rest of the system and weapon mounts run system checks. Pretty Impressive sight if you not used to it.

Wires loved these little games they played together and firing up the banshee was just a pissing contest. But he wanted to get the message through.

Wires taps his head, "Do what you want but if you start to falter....well.....lets just say I'll write up a set of BTLs that will scare you drekless then I really go to work on ya. 

Taps his head again "Even I don't run hot unless its life or death. Cause running hot is already life or death."  Wires places a hand on her shoulder. Be Careful, Youngin.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-18-14/0307:48>
Wires IC---

"BTL's huh, you know what that shit actually does to the inside of your head right?" Says the Orc with so much headware his skull might as well be chrome.

Hand on her holstered warhawk and flashing that giant tusky smile that says "I love you, asshole",  the darkskinned little ork responds, "No, but I know what this does."

Motors bark  their start  sequence on the Banshee. Just having the power on fires up the rest of the system and weapon mounts run system checks. Pretty Impressive sight if you not used to it.

Wires loved these little games they played together and firing up the banshee was just a pissing contest. But he wanted to get the message through.

Wires taps his head, "Do what you want but if you start to falter....well.....lets just say I'll write up a set of BTLs that will scare you drekless then I really go to work on ya. 

Taps his head again "Even I don't run hot unless its life or death. Cause running hot is already life or death."  Wires places a hand on her shoulder. Be Careful, Youngin.

"I don't falter, brother. If i did, you'da never met me."

i cant wait till we're all headed to the LZ!
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-18-14/0326:45>

"I don't falter, brother. If i did, you'da never met me."

i cant wait till we're all headed to the LZ!

Just lettin ya know I got your back little orc. Wires then turns his head like he's reviewing some ARO only he can see. But she can still see him watching her from the corner of the eye.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Blazrath on <08-18-14/0331:50>
Awww... She's no longer named Pixie... Damn... And when did we all of the sudden get so many 'orks' O.o
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-18-14/0345:44>
Awww... She's no longer named Pixie... Damn... And when did we all of the sudden get so many 'orks' O.o

its a short life in bug-town. Attracts us types.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Blazrath on <08-18-14/0356:16>
Yep... Very true..

I have a question, even though not in the game yet. If I had guns on individual smart firing platforms, what can I use to remotely control them? Just a regular commlink, control rig or a cyberdeck. My British guy may be coming in with an engineering degree so to speak. :P
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-18-14/0734:29>
Yes, your first example would be a good summary of what normal operations are like.

As for needing to use your own skills over the agents; the cases where that will be necessary is likely going to include enough time to change personas around, and I will allow Teamwork tests between the agent and yourself in both cases if you feel that is necessary.

Commlink is sufficient for remote control.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-18-14/0835:40>
Is there much point in getting a sniper rifle when your cannon shoots as far for more DV and -AP? :p. I needed the money so its gone :-(. Trying to shave down 40k without losing any weapons or armor, haha. That'll leave 10k for team gear..a little less than I had intended, but oh well. After I get this figured out I'll be more or less done playing around til we get together.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Triskavanski on <08-18-14/1009:37>
updated charles a bit more with some personality information.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: rednblack on <08-18-14/1155:57>
Personal information updated

Please keep the following in mind when building characters (once the recruitment thread has been closed...):
Skill overlaps are fine; certain things (like first aid) will be highly useful, and at some point the one person with Lockpick might be busy getting his face eate.... ehem... observing the scenery... when that door really, really needs to be opened. Another person with lockpick (or a big shotgun) could be a good thing. These are just examples, obviously, but try to think of what skills the team might need, and what your character would have picked up.

The reason I'm advocating average and above ratings for all attributes is so you can easily pick up a few ranks and still roll 6-8 dice. I'll be sticking to the difficulty thresholds listed in the book, so Threshold 4 tests (listed as difficult)  is going to be rare. Dice pools in the 10-15 range will likely get you through many obstacles unless you roll terrible, and there'll more often than not be alternate ways of doing things.

Quite a few of the Small Unit Tactics require 6 successes, and while they are teamwork tests please put a couple skill points into that, as I think Martin will be providing plenty of opportunities for their use.  Ok, the hits are cumulative for the SUT tests. Big phew

For unit callsigns, I would be partial to deities of war: Ishtar, Badb -- or Morrigan -- Woden, or Sekhmet.  From Poindexter's youtube clip, maybe we should just go with "Ahnold."

I'm considering giving you all a bunch of free interest skills, though; I always feel like interest skills get dumped in favour of more "useful" knowledge skills, and I like knowing more about characters through their interest skills. I'll do some math, but I think 25 karma to spend on JUST interest skills should be enough to give you all a wide range of interests. Again, honor system as far as I'm concerned.

Very cool.  I will actually have the opportunity of making August a chess-playing classicist.  Should be fun.

Knowledge skills are hard for me... I always rely on chummer :p. Is there a good list somewhere of what widely accepted knowledge skill are available, and which category they fall under?

I haven't found one, and the core rule book is only an somewhat adequate guide, imo.  The examples given on page 89 leave a lot of things to intuition that I think would be logic-based, like Urban Brawl.  I don't follow sports very closely myself, but I work with a lot of basketball fanatics, and those guys encyclopedic knowledge of players and strategy is book-learning if I ever saw it.  But, I guess there's a lot of crossover too when it comes to skills.  Chess is highly intuitive -- recognizing patterns, seeing the board from multiple angles -- but the mathematics, opening theory, and endgame would all be linked to logic, which is how I'm going to treat that skill.  One of the cool things about knowledge skills is that if you can think of it, the skill exists. 

Is there much point in getting a sniper rifle when your cannon shoots as far for more DV and -AP? :p. I needed the money so its gone :-(. Trying to shave down 40k without losing any weapons or armor, haha. That'll leave 10k for team gear..a little less than I had intended, but oh well. After I get this figured out I'll be more or less done playing around til we get together.

My understanding is that cannons are superior to sniper rifles in SR.  If you're going to be spending points on heavy weapons anyway, that's what I would go with.  I think sniper rifles are better for the characters who just have longarms -- shotguns for up close, sniper rifles for mid-range to long-distance. 
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-18-14/1202:45>
Personal information updated

Please keep the following in mind when building characters (once the recruitment thread has been closed...):
Skill overlaps are fine; certain things (like first aid) will be highly useful, and at some point the one person with Lockpick might be busy getting his face eate.... ehem... observing the scenery... when that door really, really needs to be opened. Another person with lockpick (or a big shotgun) could be a good thing. These are just examples, obviously, but try to think of what skills the team might need, and what your character would have picked up.

The reason I'm advocating average and above ratings for all attributes is so you can easily pick up a few ranks and still roll 6-8 dice. I'll be sticking to the difficulty thresholds listed in the book, so Threshold 4 tests (listed as difficult)  is going to be rare. Dice pools in the 10-15 range will likely get you through many obstacles unless you roll terrible, and there'll more often than not be alternate ways of doing things.

Quite a few of the Small Unit Tactics require 6 successes, and while they are teamwork tests please put a couple skill points into that, as I think Martin will be providing plenty of opportunities for their use. 

For unit callsigns, I would be partial to deities of war: Ishtar, Badb -- or Morrigan -- Woden, or Sekhmet.  From Poindexter's youtube clip, maybe we should just go with "Ahnold."
There was a good discussion on Small Unit Tactics recently, let me see if I can find it.

My reading of that section isn't that it functions as a "normal" teamwork test, merely that it uses the same kind of framework for it.

Ah, here we go:

What bothers me is the phrasing in the text versus the summary.

According to the Combat Maneuver Steps box on page 99, the Leader is designated and then rolls his SUT skill. The NEXT step is for team members to roll, using "normal teamwork rules".

As I read the box on page 99, I thought the Leader rolled to initiate the maneuver, and each team member rolled their dice with additional hits from the team leader. Hits from each individual was then totaled, and if the total exceeded the threshold then the maneuver succeeded.

Reading the text, I don't see where the team members would be rolling teamwork for the leader; this seems counterproductive.

The Leadership test as I see it is optional, not mandatory.

So, an example as I would implement it:
PC A, B, C, and D are attempting a combat maneuver with a threshold X.

Step 1: PC A is designated as leader.
Step 2: PC A rolls Small Unit Tactics + Intuition, and gets Y hits
Step 3: PC B, C, and D rolls
This is where the teamwork test is supposed to come in, but there is no "normal" rules for this situation. I'd have each PC roll with the additional Y hits from the leader as bonus dice
Step 4: Count the total number of hits between PCs A through D
Step 5: Apply modifiers as appropriate

So with a skill level of 6 and and average Intuition of 3 for the Team Leader, and 5 team members with average skill and intuition for a total of 6, it can be reasonably expected that the maneuver goes off successfully (3 hits for the leader and 2 for each team member, for a total of 13).

If you treat the SUT skill as a teamwork test, it becomes almost impossible to use for "average" human beings. Assume again a leader with skill 6 and intuition 3, and five team members with skill 3 and intuition 3. Each team member rolls and gets 2 hits, but the leader can only add 6 (maximum rating of his skill), so he gets to roll 9+6=15 dice; certainly not impossible with just under 40% mathematical probability, but that still means such a maneuver would fail 60% of the time (in the long run).

I'm considering giving you all a bunch of free interest skills, though; I always feel like interest skills get dumped in favour of more "useful" knowledge skills, and I like knowing more about characters through their interest skills. I'll do some math, but I think 25 karma to spend on JUST interest skills should be enough to give you all a wide range of interests. Again, honor system as far as I'm concerned.

Very cool.  I will actually have the opportunity of making August a chess-playing classicist.  Should be fun.
NICE! :)

Knowledge skills are hard for me... I always rely on chummer :p. Is there a good list somewhere of what widely accepted knowledge skill are available, and which category they fall under?

I haven't found one, and the core rule book is only an somewhat adequate guide, imo.  The examples given on page 89 leave a lot of things to intuition that I think would be logic-based, like Urban Brawl.  I don't follow sports very closely myself, but I work with a lot of basketball fanatics, and those guys encyclopedic knowledge of players and strategy is book-learning if I ever saw it.  But, I guess there's a lot of crossover too when it comes to skills.  Chess is highly intuitive -- recognizing patterns, seeing the board from multiple angles -- but the mathematics, opening theory, and endgame would all be linked to logic, which is how I'm going to treat that skill.  One of the cool things about knowledge skills is that if you can think of it, the skill exists.
Chummer has a few good examples; think about what your character would usually know, and if you get stuck I'll help you out, null sheen.

For lists of Interest skills (which are all tied to Intuition, just cause, I guess), try these:

Is there much point in getting a sniper rifle when your cannon shoots as far for more DV and -AP? :p. I needed the money so its gone :-(. Trying to shave down 40k without losing any weapons or armor, haha. That'll leave 10k for team gear..a little less than I had intended, but oh well. After I get this figured out I'll be more or less done playing around til we get together.

My understanding is that cannons are superior to sniper rifles in SR.  If you're going to be spending points on heavy weapons anyway, that's what I would go with.  I think sniper rifles are better for the characters who just have longarms -- shotguns for up close, sniper rifles for mid-range to long-distance.
I'll second this; sniper rifles don't offer significant benefits over assault cannons, beyond the SS vs SA firing mode some are restricted to.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Triskavanski on <08-18-14/1209:39>
I think the biggest reason not to go with Assault cannons is that they seem to all be SS. While some sniper rifles are SA.

And they are also really big.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: rednblack on <08-18-14/1220:05>
There was a good discussion on Small Unit Tactics recently, let me see if I can find it.

My reading of that section isn't that it functions as a "normal" teamwork test, merely that it uses the same kind of framework for it.

Ah, here we go:

What bothers me is the phrasing in the text versus the summary.

According to the Combat Maneuver Steps box on page 99, the Leader is designated and then rolls his SUT skill. The NEXT step is for team members to roll, using "normal teamwork rules".

As I read the box on page 99, I thought the Leader rolled to initiate the maneuver, and each team member rolled their dice with additional hits from the team leader. Hits from each individual was then totaled, and if the total exceeded the threshold then the maneuver succeeded.

Reading the text, I don't see where the team members would be rolling teamwork for the leader; this seems counterproductive.

The Leadership test as I see it is optional, not mandatory.

So, an example as I would implement it:
PC A, B, C, and D are attempting a combat maneuver with a threshold X.

Step 1: PC A is designated as leader.
Step 2: PC A rolls Small Unit Tactics + Intuition, and gets Y hits
Step 3: PC B, C, and D rolls
This is where the teamwork test is supposed to come in, but there is no "normal" rules for this situation. I'd have each PC roll with the additional Y hits from the leader as bonus dice
Step 4: Count the total number of hits between PCs A through D
Step 5: Apply modifiers as appropriate

So with a skill level of 6 and and average Intuition of 3 for the Team Leader, and 5 team members with average skill and intuition for a total of 6, it can be reasonably expected that the maneuver goes off successfully (3 hits for the leader and 2 for each team member, for a total of 13).

If you treat the SUT skill as a teamwork test, it becomes almost impossible to use for "average" human beings. Assume again a leader with skill 6 and intuition 3, and five team members with skill 3 and intuition 3. Each team member rolls and gets 2 hits, but the leader can only add 6 (maximum rating of his skill), so he gets to roll 9+6=15 dice; certainly not impossible with just under 40% mathematical probability, but that still means such a maneuver would fail 60% of the time (in the long run).

You're right.  I just double-checked R&G.  That makes things much more manageable.  That frees up some room in August's intuition, which I appreciate.

I have a question for you, as I start thinking about my attribute allotment.  If August has an AGI 6 and STR 3 and an un-augmented left hand, but a cyber right hand with AGI 3 and STR 6, so long as he has a personalized grip, or whatever, can he use the AGI score from his dominant hand his attack rolls and the STR from his off-hand for recoil comp, assuming he's firing from a standard two-handed grip?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-18-14/1232:54>
Cool, glad we're in agreement; I much prefer you all to actually get some use out of the skill, as I'll fully admit this whole game is in part me wanting to figure out how effective a small team of professional operatives can be when working together and using actual military tactics. Maneuvers like diamond formation and "bounding" overwatch, as well as staggered retreats, were drilled into us as part of my own real-world training.

As far as AGI and STR in the example you gave; with just a hand I would average the stats of your body (or arm, in this case, for AGI 6 and STR 3) with that of the hand (AGI 3 and STR6). Since I'd argue that most of the shooting action uses the arm (at least while firing one-handed, unlike say, using the Weaver stance), the two stats would be added (for a total of 9 in both cases) and then averaged across two (the number of "limbs") involved, for a total of 4.5 (rounded up) = AGI and STR 5.

If you were thinking of doing something like that, I would advice you to drop the STR to 4, and up the AGI of the hand to 5, as that works out most favourably. STR would be ((3+4)/ 2) = 3.5 = 4 (for 2 RC), while AGI would be ((6+5)/2) = 5.5 = 6.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-18-14/1300:43>
Any chance of us getting a Level I or II Pi-Tac? I was thinking Level 1 would be fun and flavorful. I think a successful merc group like us would have at least that much. The Level II would probably be more realistically what we would have at our level. Also, it'd be more fun for our group leader :D.

Edit: Can you add Ruthenium Polymer Coating to a Chameleon suit?

I think this got lost. If it didn't my bad, I don't mean to be all up in your business :p.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-18-14/1305:41>
I'm considering it :)

And no, a chameleon suit already has ruthenium polymers.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-18-14/1320:10>
*Stamps feet* This isn't acceptable! I want +2 sneaking dice and -4 die to be perceived! *Whistles* Oh look at that..I just found like 30k nuyen..

Edit: Yep, I just made the edit and dropping my Ruthenium Polymer coated thermal damped beast of an already Ruthenium Polymer coated chameleon suit put me in the clear nuyen wise :-). I was even able to pick up a couple more rockets! Muahahahahaha...Ok I'm done playin with Chuck until we stick our heads together.

Re-Edit: That's somewhat false. When we get to discussing our character's, Ill have to free up a little more money for explosives. I need to read that chapter too. I'm hoping they're not obscenely expensive because I haven't even looked at their prices . I'm thinking I'm going to have a couple standard...door poppers in addition to one..door obliterator. Then if I can afford it, enough ordnance to take down...anything once or a couple smaller things multiple times :p.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-18-14/1326:07>
Lastly, is the Big Game Hunter armor "full" body armor, assuming im wearing a helmet? the pic sure looks like it is.

I think this may have gotten lost as well.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-18-14/1332:40>
I'm considering giving you all a bunch of free interest skills, though; I always feel like interest skills get dumped in favour of more "useful" knowledge skills, and I like knowing more about characters through their interest skills. I'll do some math, but I think 25 karma to spend on JUST interest skills should be enough to give you all a wide range of interests. Again, honor system as far as I'm concerned.

This is my favorite houserule EVER. I'm treating this like RAW for every game i run from now on.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-18-14/1337:34>
You know what, re-reading the description of the Chameleon Suit I really don't see why it doesn't have the same benefit as the R&G version of the Ruthenium Polymers... The descriptions are almost identical, but the effects are different for some reason.

I'll let you choose; either keep the original effects from Core, or get the R&G version at Rating 2 for the price of the suit.

In other words:
Either you get +2 Physical Limit for the purposes of sneaking, and the option of gaining +2 dice if wirelessly enabled, or
Your opponents get -4 dice (Rating 2 Ruthenium Polymers + Full Suit 2) to spot you across the board.

Yes, the Big Game Hunter could qualify.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: rednblack on <08-18-14/1351:05>

That might work.  Thanks for playing with the numbers.  2 extra RC is always a good thing. 

Another SUT question for you.  Is it possible to use them before combat starts.  For example, the team is moving through the rubble of Chi-Town, and we have to traverse a Linear Danger Zone to reach our objective.  Bounding Overwatch would seem like the way to go, but it requires us to use suppression fire, which we probably wouldn't want to do under the circumstances.  Would there be a way that we can deploy tactically, gain a defensive bonus -- which admittedly should not be as high as the +3/-3 listed as we wouldn't know where fire would be coming from, only that if we were going to ambush some metas it's where we'd set up -- and only fire our weapons should the enemy fire on us?

As may be clear from this post, I picked up a copy of the U.S. Army Ranger Handbook this weekend, and I've been making my way through it to better familiarize myself with how these tactics are employed irl.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-18-14/1408:40>
That's actually a pretty good idea, but I was kidding Martin. I'm not upset :-). I..may have already had a RPC Full body Armor, anyhow.  I was thinking my milspec for battle-heavy encounters, my RPC full body armor for more stealth oriented missions / missions which would benefit most from losing the restricted quality, and then the RPC chameleon for super-sneak weapons light missions. I think the RPC Full body Armor will do fine by itself. Chuck isn't really the weapons light, sneaking type guy anyways. Dropping the RPC Chameleon suit was just the drop in Nuyen I needed too.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-18-14/1412:19>
Sure thing!

As for combat maneuvers, some are definitely intended for use outside or before combat.

In the example you describe, however, Bounding Overwatch, Counter Peel, and Marching Fire, for instance, wouldn't be your go-to for this kind of situation; that's for when you are actually under fire.

Diamond Formation and Travelling Overwatch, however, are perfect for out-of-combat setups; you get a bonus to surprise and initiative, which could help you set up a Counter Peel or a Marching Fire if you do get ambushed.

As for setting up an ambush, you've got the maneuver called Crossfire, which would not only give you more dice on the attack but if you all managed to infiltrate into position you could all also take cover (thus gaining defensive bonuses).

To elaborate on this, in no circumstance will you not be allowed an Ambush test if you were to walk through the back alley on Death Street. Using the Diamond Formation or Marching Fire maneuvers, you could have the team maneuver from cover to cover, and only if you failed the Surprise Test would you actually potentially get shot without getting a Reaction+Intuition defense test.

Hehe, Koshnek, I kinda figured ;)

But the point still stands; I don't think it makes much sense for the chameleon suit to differ so dramatically from the Ruthenium Polymer Coating, especially when considering that the Chameleon Suit description specifically list Ruthenium and an active sensor array as components.

I'm surprised no one has mentioned the Barret yet. You'd think that a Semi-Automatic, 14P -6AP base weapon would get some love...
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-18-14/1453:30>
I have a sniper, but it fires tank rounds...:D.

I don't have a Sniper or Assault rifle, so I was going to get one of the SA/BF models of sniper rifle. Then I realized I have an MMG and a Cannon, so I ditched it to free up some money.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-18-14/1458:34>
I have a sniper, but it fires tank rounds...:D.

I don't have a Sniper or Assault rifle, so I was going to get one of the SA/BF models of sniper rifle. Then I realized I have an MMG and a Cannon, so I ditched it to free up some money.

I don't have a sniper rifle either, but i figure the gauss rifle will take care of that.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: ProfGast on <08-18-14/1503:15>
Figure I'll give this a shot.  AFB so just character concept atm:

"I wouldn't call myself pyromaniac, per se.  After all, a run-of-the-mill pyromaniac would say 'there can never be enough fire.'  I on the other hand say that 'there is a never a situation when an appropriately directed incendiary device will not improve things.'"

"Why am I in this line of work you ask?  The answer is obvious.  The only other jobs that would allow me actively research  incendiaries and explosives on a regular basis are in demolitions and R&D.  Demolitions are a boring and static science, and I've always been too 'hands on' for R&D to stick."

Donovan 'Egg' Mitchell
Aliases: Egg, Egghead, Professor
Metatype: Dwarf

Description:Donovan is an individual who at first-glance looks highly out of place in a combat environment. He is bald, and lacks any sort of facial hair (including eyebrows), which gives him an air of constantly being surprised.  His small stature, pleasant smile, absent-minded demeanor and a pair of pince-nez glasses complete the effect giving you the impression of an academic, rather than a soldier.  This first impression is not in and of itself, wrong. 

However, despite the polite and somewhat overly verbose way he speaks, Egg is someone who has a fire burning in his soul.  A fire he often likes to see spread to others.  He is after all, also a soldier.

Egg is an expert with explosives, incendiaries and IEDs of all types, as well as being a passable hand with automatic weapons.  He doesn't consider himself someone who ascribes to the 'overkill' method of dispatching enemies, but bear in mind his definition of 'overkill' may stray somewhat from most peoples'.  Some people consider 'overkill' any time a smoking crater is left.  Egg believes these sort of people are small-minded at best.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: rednblack on <08-18-14/1514:36>
I was thinking it would make the most sense for August to be an automatics guy, lay down suppressive fire, etc. but I may put those skill points into longarms instead if it would better suit the team.  The Auto-Assault 16 could lay down some wicked suppressive fire.  The thing I worry about is range.  But I'm sure we'll be able to figure it out.  I think the combat specialists should build as big and bad as they want, while the TL and combat mage can shore up some of the gaps.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-18-14/1538:41>
I was thinking it would make the most sense for August to be an automatics guy, lay down suppressive fire, etc. but I may put those skill points into longarms instead if it would better suit the team.  The Auto-Assault 16 could lay down some wicked suppressive fire.  The thing I worry about is range.  But I'm sure we'll be able to figure it out.  I think the combat specialists should build as big and bad as they want, while the TL and combat mage can shore up some of the gaps.

I'm going "point man" with Weedy. She's not going for MAXIMUM bang (cept for special circumstances), instead trying to be prepared for anything since she's gonna have to get by on her own a decent amount of the time. Im pretty sure her std loadout is gonna be taser, pistol, knife, shotgun, AK with grenade launcher, swapping out the AK for the bow or the cannon as needed by the specific job.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: rednblack on <08-18-14/1600:40>
@Poindexter, sounds good. I'm assuming standard load for urban smash and grabs, bow for recon/stealth, and the cannon for bug hunts?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-18-14/1607:44>
@Poindexter, sounds good. I'm assuming standard load for urban smash and grabs, bow for recon/stealth, and the cannon for bug hunts?

If by, "urban smash and grabs" you mean anything inside the CZ, then yes. If we're out in civilized society with cops who expect your weapons to be legally licensed to you and all that mess, she just walks with the taser, the warhawk and an armor vest. Absolutely correct about the other two loadouts, although "bug hunt" can be expanded to cover any expected high threat, high armor target.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-18-14/1645:42>
I am thinking I'll be giving Wires Mnuemonic Enhancers so even a few points in SUT should give him a decent dicepool to aid August.

WIres is probably going to be the lightest running guy when it comes to carried weapons.

In a firefight he's carrying a FN HAR, with a heavy pistol and shock gloves. He'll always have a knife or two on him and maybe the extendable baton. Kinda a light load but he also has an RCC, and a handful of toolkits to carry in addition to all the survival gear everyone else will have.

EDC offduty carry will be a Ruger Super Warhawk and the knives.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-18-14/1709:40>
I just realized this.... But ain't we a group of old bastards? Two in their 40s, one in his 50's. Were fielding half a group of old men! I think our Mage was in his thirties. I'm at dentist on phone so I'm not going to verify at the moment.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-18-14/1723:13>
Weedy is only 19.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-18-14/1733:57>
I'm considering grabbing a lvl 1 skilljack just so i can talk with the locals, so i looked up a bit of the racial breakdown of bug city on wiki and came up with the following eight languages that would statistically be the most useful. They are;  yiddish, italian, german, Polish, spanish, mandarin, tagalog, and korean. Thoughts?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Triskavanski on <08-18-14/1738:54>
There are flaws for being old too. Not that old people have to take them. Just you could if you are old. You know?

Charles carries with him a sniper rifle, if you give him a minute to put it together.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-18-14/1742:55>
Keep your money, Poindexter. I really dislike that linguasofts now require skilljacks, so you just'll need a hotsim modified commlink (or deck or RCC) to use linguasofts.

That being said, people speak English in the CZ. Not knowing the language is not going to be an issue, unless your opponents are speaking a language not know to man...
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-18-14/1746:19>
Sooooooo since Wires is a nerd him speaking N'avi, Mandarin (Browncoats, huh.), and Japanese (cause dubbing gets old.) wouldn't be outta line as interest skills?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: ProfGast on <08-18-14/1750:11>
That being said, people speak English in the CZ. Not knowing the language is not going to be an issue, unless your opponents are speaking a language not know to man...
To be fair, the CZ if anywhere would be the place to hear people saying stuff like Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.  Especially the closer you get to the Cermak Crater.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-18-14/1752:57>
Keep your money, Poindexter. I really dislike that linguasofts now require skilljacks, so you just'll need a hotsim modified commlink (or deck or RCC) to use linguasofts.

That being said, people speak English in the CZ. Not knowing the language is not going to be an issue, unless your opponents are speaking a language not know to man...

WOW THANKS! That saved me 20,000ny and .1 essence! That CHANGES some things...

and the extra languages were just cause i was reading how insular and exclusive the communities in chicago are. Stuff about how not only do the trolls not deal with the dwarves and the polish dont deal with the chinese, but the polish trolls wont even deal with the chinese trolls, nor will the chinese trolls deal with the chinese dwarves. Made it sound like race and background were really important to alot of these people and that individual local languages were fairly prevalent. I wanted her to be able to gather basic info from many sources, but if you really dont think it will be an issue, I'll save the 8000 for the linguasofts, too.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-18-14/1757:02>
Haha, nice. Give him ideas why don't you.... I only have 30 panther rounds, I'm not sure if that'll be enough to drop Cthulu! Also that's how I sound speaking right now.... Whole right side of my face/jaw is numb haha. If it comes down to it, Chuck could have several languages at 1-3 rating. I envision him having been in many conflicts throughout recent history.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: rednblack on <08-18-14/1847:53>
Do it. I'm trying to keep August's social limit high so skill jacks are not in his future though bilingual might be. Let's see what Martin says though too of course
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-18-14/1921:41>
Playing around with ideas for the teams' Drones. I was thinking the big guns would be on the Banshee and the Humvee.

I am kinda intrigued about possibly using 1 Heavy weapon mount as a bomb drop for a storage pod for Air Resupply drops. I keep seeing the scene in Batman: Arkham City where Bruce Wayne gets the batsuit.

For Intel gathering I am thinking of using FlySpy's. Maybe 5 that can spread around our perimeter and help with target identification. 5 drones allow for the 4 compass directions and one above for Overwatch. These would be better with Stealth and Clearsight Autosofts.

Any other ideas?

Edit: I have added Mods to the Banshee and the Humvee

Banshee (6/6 Weapon Mount Slots)- Rigger Adaptation, 2 Heavy Weapon Mounts, 2 Weapon Mounts
Humvee- (3/5 Weapon Mount Slots)- Rigger Adaptation, Heavy Weapon Mount, Weapon Mount
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Triskavanski on <08-18-14/2135:24>

I think I'm going to use this for Charles.

Charles Hathcock (
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-19-14/0116:53>

Sergeant Jane "Weedy" Smith, Callsign-5 (played by Poindexter) (

Holy SHIT dude! I just went back and forth in my head for the name thats gonna be on her fake SIN and i was going back and forth between Jane Smith and Jane Lee BEFORE I READ THIS!

Also, is blazrath in with vanguard? I didn't see his name in the post.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-19-14/0132:49>
Everyone who didn't supply a name as given john or jane smith :p
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Blazrath on <08-19-14/0247:17>

Sergeant Jane "Weedy" Smith, Callsign-5 (played by Poindexter) (

Holy SHIT dude! I just went back and forth in my head for the name thats gonna be on her fake SIN and i was going back and forth between Jane Smith and Jane Lee BEFORE I READ THIS!

Also, is blazrath in with vanguard? I didn't see his name in the post.

Awww... I'm wanted... I'm not officially in yet. There's... There's another guy.. Possible.. I don't know for sure, we'll see. Vanguard may get in, which would be another Ork in the group or you might see Jack of Hearts come in. A humie with skills similar to the Engineer from Team Fortress 2. A lot of dakka dakka with both.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-19-14/0637:10>
Preliminary plans for Gale was to be a buffer first and foremost and carry around a raiden to lay down suppressive fire (not combat spec'ed at all). Now I really want to add some crowd control spells to his repertoire (chaotic world, Mass agony etc).
He can move over to longarms no problem, just saw him as being most useful taking away Def dice from the enemies. But he could do that with spells if I broaden his spell selection.

Also been considering making him a mysad, having more than one turn in a combat round is enticing. Didn't feel like wasting a spell slot on improved reflex to use just on him, you lot have all got either wires or adept reflexes right?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-19-14/1428:26>
Got an idea at the moment with  Trying to figure out the best way to keep Wires combat capable and able to move. I have the Control Rig and other headware, so Wired Reflexes is out of the question. but I've been thinking of giving him Synaptic boosters. I know its kind of weird for a Matrix character to have such an expensive piece of bioware. The idea is that with the booster he would be able to do some things in AR during combat allowing him to keep moving rather than be a hindrance by relying on VR for any initiative boost. This means that I am taking money from a drone pool though.

What do you guys think?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-19-14/1443:10>
Doesn't physically connecting your data jack to an item give you instant access too it? This could allow you to be a sort of combat decker. You can assist us while we get you to location for hard targets, and then protect you while you dive in.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-19-14/1500:55>
Playing around with ideas for the teams' Drones. I was thinking the big guns would be on the Banshee and the Humvee.

I am kinda intrigued about possibly using 1 Heavy weapon mount as a bomb drop for a storage pod for Air Resupply drops. I keep seeing the scene in Batman: Arkham City where Bruce Wayne gets the batsuit.

For Intel gathering I am thinking of using FlySpy's. Maybe 5 that can spread around our perimeter and help with target identification. 5 drones allow for the 4 compass directions and one above for Overwatch. These would be better with Stealth and Clearsight Autosofts.

Any other ideas?

Edit: I have added Mods to the Banshee and the Humvee

Banshee (6/6 Weapon Mount Slots)- Rigger Adaptation, 2 Heavy Weapon Mounts, 2 Weapon Mounts
Humvee- (3/5 Weapon Mount Slots)- Rigger Adaptation, Heavy Weapon Mount, Weapon Mount

Well, its starting to look like i might have some loot left over to throw in after all.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-19-14/1504:33>
Also been considering making him a mysad, having more than one turn in a combat round is enticing. Didn't feel like wasting a spell slot on improved reflex to use just on him, you lot have all got either wires or adept reflexes right?

well, Weedy is probably gonna have wired 1 and keep some jazz on her, but more speed could always be nice, especially considering where we are.

Not only that, but if you went mystic adept, we'd have no one who could astrally project.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-19-14/1505:52>
Playing around with ideas for the teams' Drones. I was thinking the big guns would be on the Banshee and the Humvee.

I am kinda intrigued about possibly using 1 Heavy weapon mount as a bomb drop for a storage pod for Air Resupply drops. I keep seeing the scene in Batman: Arkham City where Bruce Wayne gets the batsuit.

For Intel gathering I am thinking of using FlySpy's. Maybe 5 that can spread around our perimeter and help with target identification. 5 drones allow for the 4 compass directions and one above for Overwatch. These would be better with Stealth and Clearsight Autosofts.

Any other ideas?

Edit: I have added Mods to the Banshee and the Humvee

Banshee (6/6 Weapon Mount Slots)- Rigger Adaptation, 2 Heavy Weapon Mounts, 2 Weapon Mounts
Humvee- (3/5 Weapon Mount Slots)- Rigger Adaptation, Heavy Weapon Mount, Weapon Mount

Well, its starting to look like i might have some loot left over to throw in after all.

I haven't added any weapons yet I was waiting for group consensus on that. It's playing the jigsaw puzzle of funds to get everything I want Wires to be capable of that is fun and frustrating at the same time.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-19-14/1510:58>
What are the weapons limited to on the transportation? Are they 16F or 20F? Is it possible to easily swap our personal weapons in and out of mounts? If not, I'd like an HMG or Cannon mount. I'm assuming I can't get a heavy laser mount due to availability :p.

Also, as far as initiative is concerned, Chuck might as well be an adept. He will have 4d6 dice, and he keeps Cram on hand for missions.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-19-14/1513:30>
Got an idea at the moment with  Trying to figure out the best way to keep Wires combat capable and able to move. I have the Control Rig and other headware, so Wired Reflexes is out of the question. but I've been thinking of giving him Synaptic boosters. I know its kind of weird for a Matrix character to have such an expensive piece of bioware. The idea is that with the booster he would be able to do some things in AR during combat allowing him to keep moving rather than be a hindrance by relying on VR for any initiative boost. This means that I am taking money from a drone pool though.

What do you guys think?

I think Weedy should introduce you to her jazz dealer.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-19-14/1526:50>
Good point Jazz and an auto injector in the Armor is cheaper.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-19-14/1551:24>
Good point Jazz and an auto injector in the Armor is cheaper.

i had considered the auto-injector as well, but doesn't jazz work through inhalation?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-19-14/1553:27>
Maybe use the rules for auto-injector, but it has to go in the helmet to repersent an auto delivery system. What do you think Martinchaen?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-19-14/1556:25>
Welllll...if you look at the description of Pi-Tac, it says that the included autoinjector chest plate allows one dose of any drug you choose to be administered under the selected conditions. I don't remember what the description of auto-injector says, however. The two seem to be similar devices. If this isn't reasonable enough, then DSMO would allow you to autoinject whatever drug you desire wouldn't it? That use would depend on Mr. Martin and how adamant he is about no DSMO.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: rednblack on <08-19-14/1606:03>
Also been considering making him a mysad, having more than one turn in a combat round is enticing. Didn't feel like wasting a spell slot on improved reflex to use just on him, you lot have all got either wires or adept reflexes right?

August will probably have reflex enhancers, but he's unawakened and will not have wired reflexes.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-19-14/1612:16>
I am thinking of getting a 'Dustoff' Medevac drone from Bullets and Bandages. It''l give us a way to get wounded out quick.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Kincaid on <08-19-14/1613:04>
I heartily suggest people looking for a good combat drone option check out the latest enhanced fiction.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-19-14/1616:16>
I am thinking of getting a 'Dustoff' Medevac drone from Bullets and Bandages. It''l give us a way to get wounded out quick.

with a little modding, could it bring gear to us as well?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-19-14/1621:49>
We could at the bare minimum toss a bag in the compartment and take it uot when we put a wounded man in there.

Edit: And talking about wounded the Drag handle is a cheap armor mod that could save a life in combat.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-19-14/1639:07>
I was considering that, too. My strength is pretty high, so I don't think I'd need yall to have them. However, I personally may not be able to come straight to anyone who needs healing. It might be useful to have them so that team members can be carried to healing if healing can't come to them.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-19-14/1657:48>
Not only that, but if you went mystic adept, we'd have no one who could astrally project.
There is that, hadn't even considered it to be honest. Might make being a pure mage worth all by itself. Not that Chicago sounds like a pleasant place to go on a trip through the astral :D

Still, the more I think about it it is kind of a clincher. Scrapping the MysAdept idea and simply adding more spells instead. If I run out of karma and need to start buying formulas for 'learning' with the 50 karma after character creation it might bite into the nuyen I've got to throw into the Drone Fund. Won't know until I've gotten it down on spreadsheet though.

Been leaning towards the Chaos Tradition, Gale feels like it was the Army's insistence on the Hermetic view of magic that was screwing him up during training. You can't lay down a ruler on magic, you just need to embrace the noise and go with the flow.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-19-14/1710:19>
Regarding the Drone fund cause that seems to be involving everyone. Here's an update of what I've got.

I've Modded:
-Banshee with Rigger Adaptation, 2 Heavy Weapon Mounts and 2 Weapon Mounts.
-Humvee with Rigger Adaptation, 1 Heavy Weapon Mount and 3 Weapon Mounts

Drones Bought are 5 Flyspy and a 'Dustoff' Medevac Drone.

I've got a Rating 5 Agent and all the programs available to the RCC and Deck.

I'm a little lean on Autosofts with a R3 FlySpy Stealth and a R3 Clearsight.

The vehicles still need to be armed. I have no weapons bought for the drones or vehicles, but the mounts are available. Those that have better avail may want to purchase the guns for the vehicles. Any other mods or drones will have to come from the fund because I am wiped out with nuyen.

EDIT: What weapons are you guys wanting the vehicles armed with?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Triskavanski on <08-19-14/1802:31>
Would a drone be able to use a HK XM30 and reconfigure it as needed? That would be pretty wicked right there, having some of the dalmations and stuff running around and easily be configurable while in mid air.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-19-14/1818:13>
I'm currently sitting on 14k for the Drone Fund(tm) as I THINK I've bought everything I need (F5 Health sustaining focus) or REALLY want (F4 power focus). Barring anything earth shattering happening when I get extra eyes on this guy consider those 14k yours to play with Ravensoracle :) I can also free up some more cash if needed by having less reagents and stuff like that.

Current spell list:
Detect Magic, extendedHealImproved Invisibility
Analyze MagicStabilizeStealth
ClairvoyanceIncrease Reflexes
Combat SenseIncrease Agility
Detect IndividualIncrease Strength
Mind probe (formula only, not learned yet)Increase Willpower
Detect life, ext (formula only)Detox
Cure Disease

18 total spells, 2 not yet learned and 4 others learned after char creation with the 50 extra karma. Leaving me kinda 'legal' in regards to the Magic x2 number of spells at char creation.
Health specialization for Spellcasting, Snake mentor spirit for help with detection spells.
Any comments on spell selection would be very welcome.

Can unfortunately not find the karma for initiating unless I leave him at Bod 2, which I find less than appealing  :-\

Would a drone be able to use a HK XM30 and reconfigure it as needed? That would be pretty wicked right there, having some of the dalmations and stuff running around and easily be configurable while in mid air.
As cool as that would be it seems super unlikely to me that the drone could manage to move that many parts around.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-19-14/1929:18>
I'm currently sitting on 14k for the Drone Fund(tm) as I THINK I've bought everything I need (F5 Health sustaining focus) or REALLY want (F4 power focus). Barring anything earth shattering happening when I get extra eyes on this guy consider those 14k yours to play with Ravensoracle :) I can also free up some more cash if needed by having less reagents and stuff like that.

Current spell list:
Detect Magic, extendedHealImproved Invisibility
Analyze MagicStabilizeStealth
ClairvoyanceIncrease Reflexes
Combat SenseIncrease Agility
Detect IndividualIncrease Strength
Mind probe (formula only, not learned yet)Increase Willpower
Detect life, ext (formula only)Detox
Cure Disease

18 total spells, 2 not yet learned and 4 others learned after char creation with the 50 extra karma. Leaving me kinda 'legal' in regards to the Magic x2 number of spells at char creation.
Health specialization for Spellcasting, Snake mentor spirit for help with detection spells.
Any comments on spell selection would be very welcome.

Can unfortunately not find the karma for initiating unless I leave him at Bod 2, which I find less than appealing  :-\

Would a drone be able to use a HK XM30 and reconfigure it as needed? That would be pretty wicked right there, having some of the dalmations and stuff running around and easily be configurable while in mid air.
As cool as that would be it seems super unlikely to me that the drone could manage to move that many parts around.

maybe my head is all in the wrong place, but i dont see us needing quite a few of those spells and i see a few glaring omissions, notably detect enemies, mana barrier, and physical barrier. I feel like you could lose detect magic, combat sense, detect individual for em easily. And even though you're not a "burnmage" per se, it couldnt hurt to have A dmg dealing spell, unless that's a conscious choice you made for the character not to have any.

just my 2cents.

EDIT: oh yeah, i think i'll have around 10k for the drone fund.

put whatever guns on em ya want wires, they're your toys. Just make sure you've got enough variety, wiz?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-19-14/2012:48>
maybe my head is all in the wrong place, but i dont see us needing quite a few of those spells and i see a few glaring omissions, notably detect enemies, mana barrier, and physical barrier. I feel like you could lose detect magic, combat sense, detect individual for em easily. And even though you're not a "burnmage" per se, it couldnt hurt to have A dmg dealing spell, unless that's a conscious choice you made for the character not to have any.
Valid points.
I don't like the limitation of Detect Enemies, it only detects those with hostile intentions towards us (or perhaps more specifically the caster) not the nest of bugs we will stumble upon in 5 minutes (by stretching the definition you could perhaps say that the bugs do indeed have hostile intentions towards us all, in the general sense).

The barrier spells could come in handy for sure, no real reason for skipping them. Probably remnants of my thinking when this guy was supposed to be exclusively a buffer bot. Being able to close of one flank or enemy avenue of escape could be really useful.

Now out of those three I could most easily be swayed towards dropping the last two.
I don't really want him to have a combat spell, can't really finger why either, just the way it is. If I would add a spell to directly affect our enemies I'd probably go for Swarm and/or Chaotic World.
If I drop the mentor spirit a lot of those detection spells start to make less sense, Snake isn't really integral to the concept or anything like that.
There are way to many things to choose from  :-[ obviously I need to ponder this further.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-19-14/2022:21>
The problem is trying to figure out the correct mix for the availability and price that give the variety. I'm thinking a couple of the weapon mounts on the Banshee will be Assault Rifles or Auto-Shotguns with under-barrel grenade launchers. The shotguns would give us a choice of slugs or flechettes for crowd control duties. The heavy weapons may have to be limited to LMG's & MMG's the first mission until we can talk a Supply sergeant into giving us something heavier.  I am looking for heavy stuff but I am limited by 16 Avail and I am trying to get the variety without breaking anyones bank, so any suggestions would be appreciated.

Edit: Would a Aztechnology Striker (Extremely light disposable launcher) count toward a heavy or light weapons mount? Nevermind just reread the weapon mount rules
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-19-14/2146:17>
Well, whatever you decide to do Ravens it seems you'll get more nuyen to do it with. I'm almost certain that I forgot to bond my foci, as in as close to 100% as I can get without the spreadsheet in front of me. Now I could hoard those beautiful, beautiful toys until I get the karma to bond them but that seems just a tad selfish.
I've already entered the grieving process for the f4 power focus.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-19-14/2222:37>
For some reason I gave Chuck a bike at some point, so that will free up a some more nuyen. I'm more or less done playing around until we get started, but I'll have 10-20k available for your fund.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-19-14/2323:11>
In an effort to familiarize myself with the rest of the team, since we've been together for so long, I've written out this small thing about Weedy's relationship with each of them.

If any of what i've written about your character seems out of character for how you'd imagined things, lemme know now, as the point of this exercise is for me to really feel like i know these fuckers.

here goes...

In a lake of gasoline, if August said "light a match" she'd do it. Take a bullet? sure. jump on a nade? yup. Snatched up in the jaws of some egg laying horror? If it meant gettin him out? without a second thought. She knows he'd do the same thing for each and every member of the team... and he'd think about it less. August is the only person in the world she truly loves, and she secretly hopes that if he can find his wife out there and reunite his family one day, that they'll let her be a part of it.

She wasn't sure what to think of the cigar smoking "good ol boah'" with the cold eyes when she first met him, but she's figured enough out about him to like him. She doesn't know what he's seen or what he's done, she just knows it was bad enough that he doesn't talk about it BUT that he was too tough to let it snuff out that light in him all the way, like it does most people. She'd never accuse him of it, but she believes he still just might be an idealist underneath all the bullshit. She's never met one of those before.

Jack of Hearts
On one hand, Jack is cool for a human male. He's obviously paid his dues and if his files are accurate, he's seen some shit no one should ever see and came out of it. He's reliable in a fight, and he does his frakkin job without a big deal being made about it. Somethin bout him though. Weedy can't tell if it's his model good looks, his over poetic way of putting everything, the frakkin dragontooth necklace he CANT WAIT to tell you about and show ya the scar from, or the fact that he cares so much about expensive clothing. But something about him rubs her the wrong way. There's no ill will between them, she just knows they're cut from different cloth.

Weedy didn't know orks could GET as old as Wires claims to be and she means to soak up all the wisdom he has to offer before he's out of time. She looks at Wires like a big brother, and the two of them constantly talk shit, slap box, wrestle, and generally fuck with eachother. Wires is really the only one who can make her smile. On the few occasions that Weedy goes out to socialize, it's cause Wires insisted.

Nice to have a medic around, and it's even better when he's a mage. Gale keeps it real professional, like you can tell he's used to being the only one around who HAS any professionalism and leading by example. Weedy likes him cause despite a history of being run through some of the worst wringers this world has to offer him, he still has a decent heart in him. She doesn't really know much about him though as he hasn't really been here long.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-19-14/2352:17>
That works pretty well for me :-). The eyes bit was as much a reference to his essence loss as much as the shit hes been through mercing. He's done some things for his pay he's not proud of, but he's also survived some hairy shit. At this point, though, his essence is low. Single digit hundredths low.

Edit: Chuck is a bit of a medic too. More in the first-aid sense of patching ya up. You merc long enough, you know how to keep yourself from bleeding out. He could perform more medically related procedures if absolutely required. I.E. If the team is beat up and we're spending the night on or own, he could probably pull a bullet out of you or maybe even patch an artery (Hopefully he has some edge left at this point :p). He has enough knowledge that he could probably diagnose bio- or cyberware damage as well.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-20-14/0258:06>
There are way to many things to choose from  :-[ obviously I need to ponder this further.

i've been where you are with Weedy SO MANY times, but i feel like im finally starting to get something to coalesce.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-20-14/0331:14>
I've also done a bit of work on my contacts. Anything yall feel like im horribly missing?

Arms dealer         
L1      C5

Comm is the slickest elf she's ever met. The name is short for communist, cause he's obsessed with the socialist/marxist manifesto and hypes it up every chance he can get. This kid is still young, attractive, and full of himself. Kindof a jerk, but she's been doing business with him for 8 years now under two different identities and she knows she can trust him.

Gang lieutenant     
L1      C4
I purposefully left this guy/girl blank cause i wanted to find out what you were thinking about for the gang atmosphere around here.   
Polish troll union leader
L1      C3

Oskar Pijonowski has a lot of weight to throw around, both literally and figuratively. Yes, the big overweight balding comb over wearing bastard used to box in his youth, but his real strength lies in his complete control of the Chicago steveadore's union, which has control of Monroe harbor, more or less. He doesn't like doing business with weedy, cause she's a woman, and cause she's an ork, AND cause she's black, but they've been doing business and exchanging mutually beneficial information for years now and neither sees any reason to fuck with the formula.

L2      C1
Dookey was never gonna be much more than a junkie. He probably woulda ODd before his 15th birthday if he hadn't offered to fix that car for a hit of cram. Took him 4 weeks to figure out how, but he was so absorbed in it, that by the time he was done, he was more hooked on cars than he could EVER be on cram. Not that the skinny, shifty eyed dwarf stopped crammin, he just likes cars more. He's good with the work he does, and he keeps quiet about it. For some reason, he seems to actually like Weedy, and she can't figure out why. 

Brother Malik
Black panther shaman     
L1      C4 
Chicago has a long history of segregation in one form or another, and Brother Malik is no stranger to any of it. In fact, he's been taught it's history by the spirit of the panther since before he became a field organizer in the movement. This highly intelligent and often beligerant human of african descent has been entirely self educated and will not tolerate lies from anyone. He considers Weedy an "uncle tom" for helping the oppressors in her merc squad rather than using her abilities for the benefit of her african brothers and sisters, but, as with everyone she knows, they keep in contact cause they both need things the other one has from time to time.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Triskavanski on <08-20-14/0415:05>
My contacts, The first would be a Vulcan Recruiter. The rest would probably be other Vulcan employees and such, as the character's story has pretty much all his old crew being dead.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-20-14/0512:11>
There are way to many things to choose from  :-[ obviously I need to ponder this further.

i've been where you are with Weedy SO MANY times, but i feel like im finally starting to get something to coalesce.
At this point I'm just about ready to start from scratch on every spell, foci, quality etc.

Sometimes looking at a piece of blank canvas is the only way.

eta: How are you guys looking essense wise?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-20-14/0832:51>
OK This is what I came up with for the armament of the Vehicles and the money I'll need. Everything else has been paid for. This is just a rough draft so feel free to make suggestions or changes.

====Drone Fund==== 85,700Y Needed

---Humvee Weapons (38650Y Total)---

2x Auto Assault 16's w/ Underbarrel Airburst Grenade Launcher        12,000Y
        300Rds Flechette (shotgun) Ammo                                               1,950Y
          20 HE Mini-Grenades                                                                  2,000Y

Cavalier Arms Crockett EBR                                                               10,300Y
        100 Rds APDS (Sniper Rifle) Ammo                                             1,200Y

Ultamax MMG                                                                                      7,600Y
        300 Rds APDS (MMG) Ammo                                                      3,600Y                                                                     

---Banshee Weapons--- (47,050Y Total) 

10 Fragmentation Rockets  (2,000Y Each)                                        20,000Y
      *Banshee Heavy Weapon Mount can hold 20 Rockets*

Ultamax MMG                                                                                      7,600Y
        300 Rds APDS (MMG) Ammo                                                      3,600Y

2x Auto Assault 16's w/ Underbarrel Airburst Grenade Launcher        12,000Y
        300Rds Flechette (shotgun) Ammo                                               1,950Y
          20 HE Mini-Grenades                                                                  2,000Y

EDIT: I'm floating around 2 Essence with my current loadout.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-20-14/0838:02>
There are way to many things to choose from  :-[ obviously I need to ponder this further.

i've been where you are with Weedy SO MANY times, but i feel like im finally starting to get something to coalesce.
At this point I'm just about ready to start from scratch on every spell, foci, quality etc.

Sometimes looking at a piece of blank canvas is the only way.

eta: How are you guys looking essense wise?

Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-20-14/0911:56>
On an essence related note, can reagents be used for healing spells to blow by the limit imposed by lack of essence in the subject?

(longshot) Is it possible to exchange some of the extra nuyen we got for karma?

As long as I don't say 'fuck everything' in order to get the OP power focus I'll have loads and loads of nuyen for the drone fund. As the character sheet stands right now I could almost float that proposed bill by myself.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-20-14/0951:04>
All right, I need to go through these last few pages (thanks for keeping me buys, guys! :) ) and review, but I'll make my decision on the last team member today (as soon as I get through the pages) and update everyone on outstanding questions.

Let's keep to this thread for actual character generation after I make my last choice, and when everyone's done I'll post up an OOC thread where everyone can post their finalized character sheet as their first (and only) post until everyone's done.

You'll also need to settle on deciding a name for your team, or have me assign you one.

OK, Blazrath, Jack of Hearts is in; the team is now complete.

Another piece of good news; the team will have the benefit of a Level II PI-TAC.

And now, to address some questions that have come up recently:

What are the weapons limited to on the transportation? Are they 16F or 20F? Is it possible to easily swap our personal weapons in and out of mounts? If not, I'd like an HMG or Cannon mount. I'm assuming I can't get a heavy laser mount due to availability :p.
I'll be nice and say that the weapons on the transports will have no limit (go nuts!), but keep in mind you will potentially have to ride this thing over "civilized" airspace, so sporting 4 obvious rocket launchers might be pushing what Corporate run airspace controllers will allow over "civilized" areas. In other words, if you deck out the transport with WAY over the top guns, you may need to fly under the radar.

Weapons won't be "easily" swappable. Once they're on a mount it'll take an extended test to install / remove the weapon, with the threshold differing based on the type of mount to represent the integrated nature of these things. Taking a page from Arsenal, you can choose to make the weapon mounts concealed (meaning they'll be able to pop in and out of the vehicle chassis) for an additional 4,000¥ per mount. This will also allow you to fly through civilized areas without issue.
Installing / Removing weapons tests:
Standard Mount = Armorer (6, 2 hours)
Heavy Mount = Armorer (10, 2 hours)

Welllll...if you look at the description of Pi-Tac, it says that the included autoinjector chest plate allows one dose of any drug you choose to be administered under the selected conditions. I don't remember what the description of auto-injector says, however. The two seem to be similar devices. If this isn't reasonable enough, then DSMO would allow you to autoinject whatever drug you desire wouldn't it? That use would depend on Mr. Martin and how adamant he is about no DSMO.
I'll allow any drug to be used in an auto-injector; I'm just not a fan of DMSO for offensive purposes (and in the CZ it's going to be largely useless anyway, as many creatures are immune to pathogens and/or toxins...).

I heartily suggest people looking for a good combat drone option check out the latest enhanced fiction.
I don't have access to this book, or at least the stats in it because I bought in on DriveThruRPG which, as usual, means I don't have stats, but if anyone can find me the PDF I'd be happy to review it.

I am thinking of getting a 'Dustoff' Medevac drone from Bullets and Bandages. It''l give us a way to get wounded out quick.

with a little modding, could it bring gear to us as well?
Yes, absolutely. If it can carry a metahuman, it can carry gear for resupply. No "drop" though, it'd have to be manually unloaded.

On spell selection, I'll let your team mates comment as well, but I think you're spot on with regards to Detect Magic vs Detect Enemies. A lot of creatures will have hostile intentions, but not directed towards you directly until they detect you in turn. Detect Magic, however, will likely set off a bunch of the big nasties, leaving the rest of the team to detect mundane creatures through more mundane means...

The Increase spells can be useful, but keep in mind that you'll need to cast them at high force for some of these (Force = current Attribute rating). Detect Life in its Extended form is likely going to be highly confusing, because there's a LOT of life in the CZ; this spell will detect ANY lifeform, and between flora and fauna, critters, various metahumans, and other beasties you'll be getting something akin to sensory overload more often than not.

In terms of Detox/Antidote/Cure Disease, I'd probably drop at least one of those, but that's just me. Detox definitely depends on how much Jazz you guys really plan on taking :)

Detect Individual could be highly useful if, say, the team scout gets pulled into an Insect nest by some scouts or something... Just saying :D

Combat Sense would be good on a point man even when SUT is in play, or even on the Team Leader.

I would highly advise against shotguns on the Flyer, simply because they are limited in terms of range. Heavy weapon mounts on the flyer would be best suited to Missile Launchers for when you are Shit Out Of Luck and need to bring the rain, particularly if you make the weapon mounts Concealed (see above). LMGs, MMGs, and HMGs are also good choices; significant bang for your buck. You also need a launcher for the Heavy Mount; just the rockets aren't enough. An Aztechnology Striker is manually loaded (disposable launcher), so you'd need something with a "clip" type to be able to automatically feed it in my opinion.

Choices are of course yours, but I would personally focus on a few really strong weapons instead of many less powerful ones, because you can only fire one of them per Action Phase anyway unless you make some of them manually controlled (door guns, for example).

Also, flamers might be a nice addition to the Humvee :)

Yes, you can use Reagents to set the limit on Health spells. Also, Edge.

Also, I'll allow you (and only you) to convert some cash into karma (as magicians tend to be pretty karma intensive as opposed to cash). Let's say a maxiumum of 100,000¥ into karma, using the usual 1 karma for every 2,000¥, for an additional 50 karma if you go all out. You can also get the Group Initiation discount (10%) since Vulcan International has several other magicians (of almost any tradition) on staff.

In addition to the Small Unit Tactics skill, you'll get the Leadership skill at Rating 6. That's two skills at Rating 6 to make up for some of the sweet toys the others are getting :)
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-20-14/1106:58>
I thought the penalty to healing tests or essence was only -1 dice per 2 full points of essence (so -2 max)? Is there more to the rule that I'm not aware of? If there is, I don't believe its listed in the healing section of the CRB.

To answer the question, the words Essence and Chuck don't really belong in the same sentence. He count's his essence in the hundredths alone.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-20-14/1132:43>
*makes mental note to include critters with Essence Drain powers*
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-20-14/1139:47>
Wut? I didn't know that was a thing :p.

Chummer lists SUT as interest. I'm gunna take it out of my personal pool instead of the 25 though. That means I only had enough points to buy 1 point of Spanish and 1 Point of Japanese or other language. I'm not too familiar with the major conflicts that have happened that he coulda been involved in, so I didn't know which languages I wanted him to have learned.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-20-14/1146:44>
All priority and Karma expenditures are listed on the bottom.

Pdf Character Sheet (

Chummer File

EDIT: Instead of having a huge post I decided to change the sheet to a shared pdf. Less clutter on the board.

Also added a chummer file for ease of use.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-20-14/1149:00>
Nah, many of the healing spells have the essence of the recipient as a limit to your hits. Meaning liberal use of reagents for you bunch of metahlheadz :)
Another reason why Gale will tell you to quit your whining and apply a Hello kitty band aid to the booboo. :D
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-20-14/1154:54>
Wut? I didn't know that was a thing :p.

Chummer lists SUT as interest. I'm gunna take it out of my personal pool instead of the 25 though. That means I only had enough points to buy 1 point of Spanish and 1 Point of Japanese or other language. I'm not too familiar with the major conflicts that have happened that he coulda been involved in, so I didn't know which languages I wanted him to have learned.
I suspect the chummer thing is because it uses intuition not logic. Other than that it doesn't really fit in an interest category I think.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: rednblack on <08-20-14/1238:42>

First, I've played pbp with a few of you before, and I'm really looking forward to being in this campaign with you.  For those I haven't had the pleasure of running with yet, I've really enjoyed hearing what you all have to say, and I think that we're all going to have a lot of fun.  Keep being awesome.

@ravensoracle, I took Skills priority A, so if no one else has the room for gunnery, I'll pop some points in there, so I can make use of some of those toys if you've got to stick with one weapon per phase.  Please advise, and I'll make adjustments accordingly.

Another piece of good news; the team will have the benefit of a Level II PI-TAC.

This is incredibly exciting.

In addition to the Small Unit Tactics skill, you'll get the Leadership skill at Rating 6. That's two skills at Rating 6 to make up for some of the sweet toys the others are getting :)

That's awesome, thank you.  For SUT, I'm assuming the best specialization is urban?  I'm not sure about Leadership yet.  I don't think Inspire would see enough use, as we should get some hefty bonuses for the SUT, but Rally could be great -- who doesn't need more initiative? -- and Direct could be good for those difficult skill tests.  I'm also thinking with what we'll be facing that composure rolls may come into play fairly often.

As for that sweet money, as martin mentioned, I'm probably not going to be as nuyen intensive as the rest of you, but I'm not honestly sure what my extra scratch is going to look like at this point.  I'm going through my options, but I will definitely have something to throw into the drone and heavy weapons fund.  And reyjinn, if there is any chance that you might be able to work with some of the foci, let's not completely rule those out yet.  Again, I've got to wait and see what August looks like, but maybe we can get you some of those sweet toys as well.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-20-14/1258:51>
The bottleneck for me was karma,  which Martin has kindly fixed,  and the danger of getting foci addiction.
So I'm considering a loadout of F5 health sustaining focus + F1 Power focus, that would give him a setup that he can leave in an always on status without worrying about switching out or risking addiction.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-20-14/1320:09>
I still don't see anything about healing affecting limits though? It does mention the caster receiving a dice pool penalty.

Quote from: CRB p. 288
In game terms, [essence] means you take a dice pool modifier equal to the target’s actual Essence minus his maximum Essence (which will turn out to be 0 or a negative number), rounded up.

Does this combine with the -2 listed on the table in the healing section of the book? (-1 dice per 2 full points of essence loss)

Charles "Chuck" Mitchell (

This is Chuck's pre-50 post-chargen karma build. (I'm not sure a more confusing term has been coined :p). I fully intend to take some explosives in my gear, but the amount of nuyen left over is otherwise accurate for use in the drone fund. I'm about to read the chapter on explosives in R&G to see what I need to buy. I intend to initially have 2-3 "door/lock poppers", and one big baddy that can pretty much destroy any door within reason. If the fund's allow for it, I'd also like to have enough ordnance to drop a large building or 2-3 smaller ones. The door poppers are mandatory. Chuck fancies himself a bit of a last-ditch locksmith :p.

Speaking of Drone Fund...How do we feel about a single door mounted heavy laser w/ an external SGS and an improved rangefinder? Listen. I don't know know where that 37k will come from. I don't. But Ill find it somewhere in my build...Ill even find 3 more skill points and a specialization somehow for laser gunnery :p.

Edit: Note that in the picture, Chuck actually buzzes his hair. He also doesn't have any scarring or metal bits sticking out. He does have a datajack, though. Otherwise, I feel ol' Tychus is an accurate representation of what Chuck looks like :D. It's in the notes on my PDF at the bottom, but just in case you miss it there...Now you know ;-).

Also, his Exotic: Lasers should be 7. I left 1 skill point unused to represent this because chummer won't allow me to spend my 7th point. So that'd be 7 + 9 + 1 = 17 instead of 16.

Also, he has priorities A 1000000¥, B Skills 36/5, C Attributes 16, D Human (3), E Mundane. His contacts are a little messed up. | just realized Chummer gave him 6 points instead of 12 for some reason. Ill fix that soon.

I'm thinking I'll use most of his post-chargen Karma to up Body and Will. or Will twice.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-20-14/1330:48>
I still don't see anything about healing affecting limits though? It does mention the caster receiving a dice pool penalty.

Quote from: CRB p. 288
In game terms, [essence] means you take a dice pool modifier equal to the target’s actual Essence minus his maximum Essence (which will turn out to be 0 or a negative number), rounded up.

Does this combine with the -2 listed on the table in the healing section of the book? (-1 dice per 2 full points of essence loss)
In the spell list the spells that have a different limit than Force have it specified in brackets. Heal for example is notated with [Essence].

That is how I understand it at least but I would not hate being wrong.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-20-14/1347:58>
[Essence] under a spell name just means that it follows the specific rules as described on page 287 and 288:

Essence: Low-Essence characters are more difficult to affect with some health spells. It’s hard to put the body back into its natural state when that state has been unnaturally altered. In game terms, this means you take a dice pool modifier equal to the target’s actual Essence minus his maximum Essence (which will turn out to be 0 or a negative number), rounded up.

So, for most of these guys this means you'll be taking a -1 or more dice pool penalty to cast spells on them. If someone has 0.5 Essence left of his total of 6, for instance, this means that casting an [Essence] Health spell on them will incur a dice pool modifier of 0.5-6=-5.5, rounded up to -6. This is why First Aid is a good secondary alternative; the conditions and other modifiers listed on page 208 is not cumulative (at least not in this game) with the penalties for casting spells, as these modifiers could be crippling (-3 for casting a spell in combat conditions, for example, and an additional -2 for 4+ points of Essence lost, for a total of -11...).

In short, healing magic only apply the Essence modifier (as well as any other modifiers for wounds that the caster might have, or for sustaining penalties or the like), whereas First Aid and Medicine only apply the conditional modifiers as appropriate (likely going to be at least a -2, more if the target is Awakened or heavily cybered), but teamwork tests can apply (important!) :)

Also, cool as cool, everyone.

I'll just let you all get to work on creating characters, and weigh in on any questions you might have. This'll be more a "you guys" kinda collaborative phase, but if you need input from me just let me know.

In terms of game start, take your time and make some awesome characters, and we'll get this show on the road when y'all are done.

I'd suggest talking briefly to each other about the roles you see your character filling on the team. For instance, will your guy have close-range firepower and/or full-auto capability (needed for some maneuvers). Who's gonna be the team demo-man, and who's got the sniper role covered? Who can knife someone in a pinch, and who's good in a front-man position (i.e. who can take the most hits and remain standing). That kind of stuff.

Also don't forget skills. Is there a locksmith (beyond Chuck's explosives), and who has the skills to use the electronics kit while Wires unlocks the transponder key lock. For that matter, who's got enough Survival skill to find somewhere to rest up if you get caught out in the CZ without transport, and who knows how to diagnose and repair a faulty cyberarm when it locks up on someone?

Finally, I'd like it if you all used Chummer5 to create the files, but if you're adamant against it I'll take a PDF file and re-create the guy in Chummer5 myself for easy reference.

I will be rolling some of your dice pools for you, such as perception and knowledge skills and maybe the odd Composure test and the like to keep things going. Combat actions will all be done by you, and I expect actions to be declared according to the combat sequence after everyone has rolled initiative (and/or Surprise or Ambush).

All in all, really looking forward to getting this show on the road, but lets do it right from the start so you'll have a great starting point. :)
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-20-14/1412:10>
[Essence] under a spell name just means that it follows the specific rules as described on page 287 and 288:

Essence: Low-Essence characters are more difficult to affect with some health spells. It’s hard to put the body back into its natural state when that state has been unnaturally altered. In game terms, this means you take a dice pool modifier equal to the target’s actual Essence minus his maximum Essence (which will turn out to be 0 or a negative number), rounded up.
OK, in this case I'm quite pleased to be wrong :)

Finally, I'd like it if you all used Chummer5 to create the files, but if you're adamant against it I'll take a PDF file and re-create the guy in Chummer5 myself for easy reference.
I do not dislike Chummer but it seems to dislike running through WINE on my linux laptop. Can get the basic things done in it but some things it just won't do for me, contacts being one thing. But that might never become an issue if my new desktop arrives soon like it is supposed to.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-20-14/1433:00>
Ok, as for the role Weedy is to fill, i plan on taking the outdoors group at 6, as well as perception 6 and sneaking 6. She'll have either an AK/nade launcher, a bow, or the guass rifle on her at all times, as well as a shotgun so her role is a bit malleable. was also planning on taking locksmith at 4 or so. what skill WILL i need to use the electronics kit while Wires unlocks the transponder key lock? lil bitta first aid cant hurt for everyone i think, too.

Finally, I'd like it if you all used Chummer5 to create the files, but if you're adamant against it I'll take a PDF file and re-create the guy in Chummer5 myself for easy reference.

Never used it before. Mind posting a link?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-20-14/1451:27>
Finally, I'd like it if you all used Chummer5 to create the files, but if you're adamant against it I'll take a PDF file and re-create the guy in Chummer5 myself for easy reference.

Never used it before. Mind posting a link?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-20-14/1452:36>
I didn't know if anyone would take lockpicking, so I have a point in it (10 dice) in addition to my little bomb buddies I intend to make.

18 + 3 hardened armor +3 armor with 3 (+3) body to resist damage means I'm probably one of the more hardy individuals in the group. That's 11 automatic hits I believe, with 30 total soak dice. If we decide the restrictive quality is detrimental to our mission for whatever reason, he still has fullbody armor with 15+3+3 armor with a ballistic shield +6 (not two points over str, so no penalty I think) and 3+3 body soak for 33 soak dice. His dodge is a little less impressive: 6 + 3 (+9) for a total of 9(18) dice depending on whether or not I add my agility to the test via interrupt.

His perception die are a little low. He has 8 dice for visual (11 with either helmet) and 6 for hearing (9 with milspec helmet). I think he fits the roll of point man or support fire. (He carries heavies and lasers). I figure his standard loadout would be MMG, Laser, Laser, Knife in boot. A smash n grab type mission would be MMG, Autoshotty, Laser, Knife in boot. HOLY FERK BUGS?! Either Cannon or Launcher, Laser, Laser, and Knife in boot. In town, that'd be reduced to Pistol and knife in boot. I think his pistol and knife are his only legal weapons, haha.

Anyhow, I figure Chuck would be the point man unless someone is better suited. He has the AGI to still move around in milspec respectably well (9/18 movement), the potential dodge to avoid a good bit of damage, and hefty soak. I could be wrong. I'm still unaware of how scary bugs actually are :p. If he's not the point man he's probably the support guy throwing out the bullets and beams.

Chuck has one point (7 dice) in the skillgroup involved with unlocking doors (hardware I think?) listed in the book under security devices. He doesn't have the kit though. I figure the lockpick specialist could get that kit :p.

Edit: His sneak pool is a bit low (10), but he has RPC R4 on his full body armor, so I imagine that will be helpful if we find ourselves in a sneaking mission.

So, basically I'm saying I see him being the guy in front walking through doors. If someone's better suited I'm ok with that. I can see chuck posted behind cover laying down covering fire just as well. He's probably the demo man too, unless someone has that role better filled. I'm quite comfortable just being the heavy guy :p. I feel like hes a respectably competent medic too. I believe he has 20 dice to with his R6 medkit. He is less competent in medicine, cybertech and biotech, but he would do well in a teamwork test
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: rednblack on <08-20-14/1452:56>

August has outdoors 3, sneak 6, and perception 6, so he can comfortably take point with Weedy when applicable, or watch the team's back as the case may be.

As for chummer,

I'm not the most tech savvy individual, and I've found it fairly easy to use.  To keep the build flexible, I have two separate files: 1 for creation, and 1 for career, so that I can go back through the creation file to update as needed, and add the extra karma and nuyen in career mode.  If anyone has an easier way to do that, let me know.

Edit: I don't have lockpick, but I may be able to free up the points.  I'm waiting to see what the rest of the group looks like.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-20-14/1511:56>

You'll also need to settle on deciding a name for your team, or have me assign you one.

Need to think on that one. I have a few ideas but they are either subpar or not appropriate for an open web forum.

Another piece of good news; the team will have the benefit of a Level II PI-TAC.

Very cool. Wires will put it to good use.

What are the weapons limited to on the transportation? Are they 16F or 20F? Is it possible to easily swap our personal weapons in and out of mounts? If not, I'd like an HMG or Cannon mount. I'm assuming I can't get a heavy laser mount due to availability :p.
I'll be nice and say that the weapons on the transports will have no limit (go nuts!), but keep in mind you will potentially have to ride this thing over "civilized" airspace, so sporting 4 obvious rocket launchers might be pushing what Corporate run airspace controllers will allow over "civilized" areas. In other words, if you deck out the transport with WAY over the top guns, you may need to fly under the radar.

Weapons won't be "easily" swappable. Once they're on a mount it'll take an extended test to install / remove the weapon, with the threshold differing based on the type of mount to represent the integrated nature of these things. Taking a page from Arsenal, you can choose to make the weapon mounts concealed (meaning they'll be able to pop in and out of the vehicle chassis) for an additional 4,000¥ per mount. This will also allow you to fly through civilized areas without issue.
Installing / Removing weapons tests:
Standard Mount = Armorer (6, 2 hours)
Heavy Mount = Armorer (10, 2 hours)

Once I get a final tally on nuyen and suggestions from everyone I will rework all of the weapons on the vehicles. I do think that concealable Heavy Weapons Turrets on the Banshee are a good idea so there goes 12,000Y right there from the Drone Fundtm

I would highly advise against shotguns on the Flyer, simply because they are limited in terms of range. Heavy weapon mounts on the flyer would be best suited to Missile Launchers for when you are Shit Out Of Luck and need to bring the rain, particularly if you make the weapon mounts Concealed (see above). LMGs, MMGs, and HMGs are also good choices; significant bang for your buck. You also need a launcher for the Heavy Mount; just the rockets aren't enough. An Aztechnology Striker is manually loaded (disposable launcher), so you'd need something with a "clip" type to be able to automatically feed it in my opinion.

Choices are of course yours, but I would personally focus on a few really strong weapons instead of many less powerful ones, because you can only fire one of them per Action Phase anyway unless you make some of them manually controlled (door guns, for example).

Also, flamers might be a nice addition to the Humvee :)

Flamers would be cool. Might try to fit them in as Under-barrel Accessories to other weapons.The shotguns was just a cut and paste from the Humvee cause I was getting tired and my mind wasn't up to looking at more gun stats at the time.

 I do like having the Dual AA-16's with under-barrel granade launchers on the Humvee though. One will be forward arc and one back. AA-16's rocking Full Auto Wide Choke is just nasty and Flechette Suppressive Fire will keep the roads clear of groups of soft targets. When we don't need the flechette,  we load slugs for Full-Auto awesomeness. Plus we would have the grenade launchers for additional area denial and just to have really big booms. LOL

Also, cool as cool, everyone.

I'll just let you all get to work on creating characters, and weigh in on any questions you might have. This'll be more a "you guys" kinda collaborative phase, but if you need input from me just let me know.

In terms of game start, take your time and make some awesome characters, and we'll get this show on the road when y'all are done.

I'd suggest talking briefly to each other about the roles you see your character filling on the team. For instance, will your guy have close-range firepower and/or full-auto capability (needed for some maneuvers). Who's gonna be the team demo-man, and who's got the sniper role covered? Who can knife someone in a pinch, and who's good in a front-man position (i.e. who can take the most hits and remain standing). That kind of stuff.

Also don't forget skills. Is there a locksmith (beyond Chuck's explosives), and who has the skills to use the electronics kit while Wires unlocks the transponder key lock. For that matter, who's got enough Survival skill to find somewhere to rest up if you get caught out in the CZ without transport, and who knows how to diagnose and repair a faulty cyberarm when it locks up on someone?

I've tried to keep Wires tech skills up and even put a few points so he has no huge glaring weakness when he is out in the Meat world. I've given him at least some points in every tech skill I could squeeze out. Critique is welcome and appreciated.

Finally, I'd like it if you all used Chummer5 to create the files, but if you're adamant against it I'll take a PDF file and re-create the guy in Chummer5 myself for easy reference.

I will be rolling some of your dice pools for you, such as perception and knowledge skills and maybe the odd Composure test and the like to keep things going. Combat actions will all be done by you, and I expect actions to be declared according to the combat sequence after everyone has rolled initiative (and/or Surprise or Ambush).

All in all, really looking forward to getting this show on the road, but lets do it right from the start so you'll have a great starting point. :)

I added the Chummer5 file to my character sheet post. I left the pdf so it is easier for others to quickly view Wires without having to load him up.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-20-14/1517:02>
important dice pools for weedy as they stand now.

soak: 26
perception: sight- 13. hearing- 16
sneaking: 15/17 urban + ruthenium rank 2.
ak: 13/15smrtlnk
guass rifle: 16/18smrtlnk
unarmed (lethal): 13
survival: 10 + rad shielding (4), chem seal, chem prot (6), respirator (6) as effective.
tracking: 11
locksmith: 13
Small Unit tactics: 11
area knowledge chicago: 10/12 travel routes
Magical threats: 8/10 bug spirits
first aid: 5
armorer: 7

anything HUGE that the advance scout should have, skillwise, that i forgot?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (5 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-20-14/1521:16>
Once I get a final tally on nuyen and suggestions from everyone I will rework all of the weapons on the vehicles. I do think that concealable Heavy Weapons Turrets on the Banshee are a good idea so there goes 12,000Y right there from the Drone Fundtm

Agreed. WELL worth it. Leave one heavy turret on it unconcealed though, so we dont look suspicious, y'know? If i saw a banshee with NO hvy mounts on it, id assume they were hiding some serious shit in there, and if i had the authority and ability to "pull them over" and look around, I'd do it.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-20-14/1528:20>
Technical skills are non existent for Gale, magic skills take up most of the skill points I had for him and he doesn't even touch enchanting or binding spirits. But improving that somewhat via karma has perhaps become possible.

He's got 2 in Outdoor and Stealth groups, 1 in Athletics.
9d6 in first aid and also carrying a R6 Medkit when needed.
11d6 for shooting Assault Rifles
15d6 for Illusion/Health spells
6d6 for counterspelling with a spec in combat (current plan also initiates twice with Shielding and Absorbing metamagics which helps further)
9d6 for SUT
22d6 for soak (Assuming Bod 2, Bear and 18 armor)

Gale feels quite squishy to me despite his SWAT armor+helmet, I'm going to try to squeeze out one extra point in Body if only for the extra physical damage box.
In combat he can throw out some debuffing illusions, build barriers or lay down covering fire with his Raiden.

Being able to swap out nuyen for karma means I can pretty much select any damned spell I (or you) want and still have cash left for the Drone Fund. Before switching any for karma and buying spell formulas Gale is sitting on 81k nuyen.

Do any of you guys need shoring up in some of the attributes? I'm thinking about doing another one of those damned tables with what spells I'm currently considering so if you see something you feel is missing by all means point it out.

Looking good to me Poindexter
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-20-14/1556:24>
survival: 10 + rad shielding (4), chem seal, chem prot (6), respirator (6) as effective.
Just keep in mind that Chemical Seal pretty much invalidates the need for Chemical Protection and Respirator, unless they're on different sets of armor (plausible); essentially, the seal ensures immunity, while chemical protection and respirator only confers R6 protection.

Now, there's always something to be said for operations that take more than 1 hour, so I can see where your thinking is going :D
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-20-14/1615:33>
Build proposal (leaves ~35k for Drone Fund)

[X] raised with bonus karma, (X) Raised during Char creation

F5 sustaining health focus, F1 power focus. [bonus karma]
Magic tradition: Chaos
Initiate I: Shielding, Initiate II: Absorbing [bonus karma]
Pos qualities: Mentor Spirit (Bear), Focused Concentration 5, Astral Chameleon
Neg qualities: Insomnia (basic), Code of Honor (Never withhold medical aid), Prejudiced (Specific, Outspoken: Shadowrunners), SINner (National, UCAS)

Current spell list:
[Detect Magic, extended]HealImproved InvisibilityMana Barrier
[Combat sense]StabilizeStealthPhysical Barrier
[Detect Individual]Increase ReflexesSwarmBug Zapper
[Increase Willpower]Chaotic World
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-20-14/1623:05>
Hmm. Would it be better to take my Body to 5 from 3 instead of 4 body and 3 will from 2? He has guts, so he has 4 will for the purpose of fear tests anyhow.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-20-14/1636:56>
Now, there's always something to be said for operations that take more than 1 hour, so I can see where your thinking is going :D

EXACTLY. If im going into hell, im a fool to only bring an hour worth of sunscreen.

how do i give myself all the xtra money and karma ive been given on chummer?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-20-14/1650:29>
Did you check the 'Ignore character creation rules' box on the first screen? That would, I believe, allow you to go all willy nilly with regards to Karma/Nuyen.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-20-14/1710:12>
Yep, what reyjinn said
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-20-14/1719:28>
Yeah I forgot to do that. I am going to have to redo my sheet anyway so that I can add the vehicles.

EDIT:  Updated the Character Files with   some changes. Noticed a couple of pieces of gear exceeded Avail.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-20-14/1725:04>
Did you check the 'Ignore character creation rules' box on the first screen? That would, I believe, allow you to go all willy nilly with regards to Karma/Nuyen.

no, i did not. is it too late to go back or would i have to do all of this again?

alos, i cant find the power packs for this gauss rifle in chummer either. anyone know where to look?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-20-14/1731:34>
Right click your weapon and click add accessory. They're called Peak-Discharge Battery Pack, Power Clip/Satchel Power Pack/Power Backpack.

I have also realized that Chummer correctly gave me 6 contact points because I upgraded my Cha to two with Karma. I fixed this by giving myself 2 Cha with build points and upgrading my Will to two with Karma. I'll save those additional contact points for now. So far I've spent 6 on one contact who supplies me with ammo and cigars :p.

Edit: I've dropped my Rocket Launcher. I picked up the 1.2k striker and dropped down to two rockets (One AV, one HE). I needed to pick up 5.5k worth of tools for demolitions. Ill grab some grenades as well.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-20-14/1744:32>
Did you check the 'Ignore character creation rules' box on the first screen? That would, I believe, allow you to go all willy nilly with regards to Karma/Nuyen.

no, i did not. is it too late to go back or would i have to do all of this again?

alos, i cant find the power packs for this gauss rifle in chummer either. anyone know where to look?
I think you have to start over, not entirely sure tho, might be able to finish normal prime runner creation and continue in 'career mode'. Not familiar enough with Chummer to say.
Ammo can also be found in the Gear tab. Didn't realize you could also do it as an accessory but that makes heaps more sense.

Seems like Chummer has SWAT Armor as 'Restrictive' which R&G does not, am I overlooking something or is chummer wrong here? Also seems like it isn't adding up the mods for the SWAT Helmet correctly (have it with: Smartlink [1], Low light vision [1], Flare compensation [1], Respirator R6 [2], Flashlight [1], Trodes [1], Geiger counter [1]).

Is it sufficient to add the chem seal to the armor but not the helmet?
Belatedly saw that the sound suppressor on the Raiden is barrel, integral. I'm assuming gas vent mods are not an option in that case?
As per pg 53 in R&G Shock pad and Sling are not compatible. That seems silly to me. Is there a reason for this that I'm just not seeing?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: rednblack on <08-20-14/1753:01>
A couple questions. First, chummer lists SWAT armor as restrictive, R&G does not. We're going with the latter, correct? Second, do I need to purchase chemical seal for the helmet seperately from the armor proper? I'm assuming so but it never hurts to ask, and it does eat up a lot of capacity on the helmet. As for throne hour limit, I don't see any extra air tanks or whatever listed in R&G. Any chance of house ruling that?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-20-14/1758:48>
A couple questions. First, chummer lists SWAT armor as restrictive, R&G does not. We're going with the latter, correct? Second, do I need to purchase chemical seal for the helmet seperately from the armor proper? I'm assuming so but it never hurts to ask, and it does eat up a lot of capacity on the helmet. As for throne hour limit, I don't see any extra air tanks or whatever listed in R&G. Any chance of house ruling that?
Seems we have much of the same questions, hoping you are wrong about the helmet though, I've already tricked mine out the wazoo.
Page 87 lists 'Internal Air Tank' with capacity [1 per hour] but I just figured that was a gas mask exclusive.

I have also realized that Chummer correctly gave me 6 contact points because I upgraded my Cha to two with Karma.
Is it correct? Buying up Cha with karma and allocating contacts are both in step 7 of the character creation process. Is it just one of those obvious light tap with a phonebook type things that I'm unaware of?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-20-14/1828:41>
SWAT armor being restrictive was a bug that was suppose to be fixed in the last update of Chummer.

I third the question about Chemical Seals on Helmets.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-20-14/1838:21>
Blargh! I just spent like 35 minutes on a reply (mostly research) and it didnt go through!!!  >:(

If SWAT is listed as restrictive for you then you need to update your Chummer5. I think there's an auto update feature, but I'm not sure how it works. I just follow the posted Chummer5 link (found in general discussion board in these forums) and redownload the entire thing. Drag all the files into your standard Chummer5 folder and agree to replace all old files with the new ones. None of your saves get deleted or anything.

Anyhow, ammo isn't listed under weapon accessories only Peak-Discharge Battery Packs. It would be excellent if it did list it there. That is how Hero Lab does it. You can only get ammo under the gear tab. You also cannot find PDBP's under ammo or in the gear tab.

Finally, there are many things in the book that lead me to believe that Chemical Seal only requires capacity in the armor, or at most 2-3 capacity.

1) If you look at the table in CRB it lists Full Body Armor as such:
Full Body Armor - 2000
Full Helmet +500
Chemical Seal +3000
Environment Adaptation +1000

It's presented in a way that makes it seem like you're adding to the cost of the armor itself. The helmet isn't inculded in the book except as an upgrade to the armor.

2) Helmet's specifically say their capacity goes towards accessories like Trodes or Vision accessories. If I'm not mistaken, you're not allowed to modify them with fire protection for example. If that's not reason enough, gas masks are only 2 capacity. At most, I could see chemical seal requiring 3 capacity. I personally don't think it requires any :p.

3) The only mod/accessory that I'm aware of that does require both helmet and armor capacity lists it as such. RIG requires 2 armor capacity and 1 helmet capacity, and they don't work unless both are bought and worn together.

I'm not Mr. GM, but I think the chemical seal cost and capacity is only for the armor.

Rey, I was going by what Martin told me about increasing my Logic with ware and not getting additional Knowledge points. If they're in the same step this might not be the case, I'm not sure. However, I do believe the book lists acquiring contacts in step 7 before spending leftover karma. The problem technically doesn't apply to me any more because I readjusted the way I did things, but I would like to hear everyone's opinion for my future reference :-).
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-20-14/1857:49>
Yeah, I can totally see the logic behind karma bought charisma not helping with contacts.

One other Chummer issue that you guys may or may not share with me (I do not have the newest version) is that Chummer seems to be rounding limits down rather than up. Just a heads up.

eta: by the by, what would you guys recommend reading as prep for having fun in the bug city?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: rednblack on <08-20-14/1920:06>
@Koshnek, that makes sense to me.  I hope you're right.

@reyjinn, internal air tanks are for all sorts of stuff, but they're only listed in SR5 for purchase as ware.  As for reading, I'm curious about this too, as the shadowrun wiki is pretty sparse for Chicago. 
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-20-14/1940:06>
I've made some skill changes. I have realized that I think I'm our only demo guy. This prompted a much more serious revelation: I (still) have Gremlins 2, but I only had 8 dice for demolition. I dropped 2 points of unarmed (12->10), 1 point of intimidation (4[6]->3[5]) and 1 point of medicine (8->7)  for 6 points of demolition (8->12). That ups my glitch threshold to 5 from 3. I feel more comfortable now :p.

Edit: A rundown of my skill pools if anyone is interested. I took out some of the uninteresting ones such as my 1 dice pool for leadership.
BOD 3AGI 5/9REA 3/6STR 4/8CHA 2INT 3Log 3/6WIL 2 EDG 5
Armorer:2 [Firearms]Pool: 8 (10)
Automatics:3Pool: 12
Biotechnology:1Pool: 7
Blades:1Pool: 10
Computer:1Pool: 7
Cybertechnology:1Pool: 7
Demolitions:6Pool: 12
Exotic Ranged Weapon (Lasers):8Pool: 17 (+2 Smart Gun [SG])
First Aid:6Pool: 12 (+2 Quick Healer, +2 to self Symbiotes, +3 or +6 Medkit)
Gunnery:0Pool: 8
Gymnastics:1Pool: 10
Hardware:1Pool: 7
Heavy Weapons:6Pool: 15 (+2 SG)
Intimidation:1 [Physical]Pool: 3 (5)
Locksmith:1Pool: 10
Longarms:3Pool: 12 (+2 SG)
Medicine:1Pool: 7
Perception:3 [Visual]Pool: 6 (8)
Pilot Ground Craft:0Pool: 5
Pilot Watercraft:0Pool: 5
Pistols:3Pool: 12 (+2 SG)
Running:1Pool: 9
Sneaking:1Pool: 10
Software:1Pool: 7
Swimming:1Pool: 9
Throwing Weapons:0Pool: 8
Unarmed Combat:1Pool: 10
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-20-14/1944:34>
I've got 8 dice in demo so I can help with teamwork tests. If I need to change it then I'll have to play with the numbers but for now I think I am set unless someone sees anywhere to improve.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-20-14/2005:53>
chummer is hard.

i have no idea how much karma i have left to spend.

Yeah, I've never figured out where I can see how much karma I have left. One of the reasons why I prefer to still use a spreadsheet.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Blazrath on <08-20-14/2007:37>
So... I didn't notice that I got into the game until now because it was hidden in a edit and buried under many replies. lol.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-20-14/2007:56>
chummer is hard.

i have no idea how much karma i have left to spend.

Yeah, I've never figured out where I can see how much karma I have left. One of the reasons why I prefer to still use a spreadsheet.

ok, just figured that out. its at the bottom of the window.

NOW, im trying to figure out how to spend karma on contacts.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-20-14/2012:09>
So... I didn't notice that I got into the game until now because it was hidden in a edit and buried under many replies. lol.

Mind re-posting the concept for jack of hearts? I missed him somewhere in there.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-20-14/2017:34>
So... I didn't notice that I got into the game until now because it was hidden in a edit and buried under many replies. lol.

Mind re-posting the concept for jack of hearts? I missed him somewhere in there.
Martin is on top of things, link in first post.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-20-14/2021:37>
I just remembered I forgot to respond to a question someone asked about Gunnery.  If anyone wants to drop a couple of points into Gunnery I'd be glad to have the help. Having a dedicated gunner would free me up for some crazy maneuvers and still allow weapons to be fired on the same Action phase. I'm not sure I want to have any manual weapons mounts though. If they are manual then I can not call in the vehicles as remote fire support.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-20-14/2024:58>
Chemical Seals is an armor upgrade, and since it requires a full suit of armor (including helmet) I'd say that it doesn't take any capacity in the helmet.

I'd also argue that the total cost of the RIG upgrade, if anyone is considering it, only costs the listed entry, but takes capacity in both helmet and armor; in other words, you don't need to buy it twice.

Reading Prep:
Bug City (old school SR... 2? Maybe 3rd Edition. Details the events in the '50s following the UB incident)
Feral Cities (4th Edition; describes Chicago as of ... late 60's, early 70's I believe).

Karma used to increase CHA during Step 7 does not give more Contact points.

SWAT armor is not restrictive as per the book.

Houserule: External air tanks can be bought for 40¥ per rating; each rating provides 1 hour of clean air, and the maximum rating is 6. A rating 6 tank would be the equivalent of a modern-day firefighter tank.

Manual operation is an add-on, and doesn't prevent remote operation. Vehicle mounted weapons still uses Gunnery as per updated SR5 core p183:
Vehicle-mounted weapons are fired using Gunnery + Agility [Accuracy] for manual operation, like door guns on mounts, or Gunnery + Logic [Accuracy] for remote operated systems.

So... I didn't notice that I got into the game until now because it was hidden in a edit and buried under many replies. lol.
Hehe, sorry about that, man. Could have sent you a message, but I didn't think of that. I has the dumbs today :)

Anyway, welcome to the team!
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-20-14/2036:11>
I don't have a rig interface, so I can only use gunnery from the door I think. I have a dice pool of 8 right now. If I went body 4 will 3 instead of body 5 after chargen, I could get several points of gunnery. I think  that'd be 11 dice? That's with a manual mount. I'm not sure I can use Logical gunnery.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-20-14/2038:09>
Ok, so i think she's done.

I have WAY more money left over than i thought and can probably throw about 21k into the drone fund. How do i post the chummer file here?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-20-14/2038:54>
You can use a regular commlink to Remote Control a weapon mount; it'd be like using a joystick to fire a videogame turret, or something like that. This would use Logic + Gunnery. Manually operating the gun (if Manual Operation is added (+500¥ per turret) you can use Gunnery + Agility instead.

If the chummer file is less than 256kb, you should be able to add it like a regular attachment. Alternatively, you can upload it to something like Google Drive; let me see if I can set up a shared folder you can all just drop it in.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-20-14/2041:31>
At this point I am thinking of getting the mounts set up the way we want. If the weapons are not Exactly what we want, it is much easier to get the gun later and install it than it is to mod something like the Banshee.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-20-14/2045:51>
Cool as cool, Ravensoracle.

Just FYI; if the team doesn't have a dedicated (i.e. skilled) mechanic and/or armorer, Vulcan International can hire out those services (essentially personnel with Rating 8 skills) for 500¥ per hour of work.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-20-14/2048:30>
You can use a regular commlink to Remote Control a weapon mount; it'd be like using a joystick to fire a videogame turret, or something like that. This would use Logic + Gunnery. Manually operating the gun (if Manual Operation is added (+500¥ per turret) you can use Gunnery + Agility instead.

If the chummer file is less than 256kb, you should be able to add it like a regular attachment. Alternatively, you can upload it to something like Google Drive; let me see if I can set up a shared folder you can all just drop it in.

its JUST over 256
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-20-14/2050:22>
If we get a manual mount, I can focus my initial karma on gunnery if no one has a problem with that. Out of Chargen I could have 10 dice for gunnery, or if I dropped blades and locksmith I could have 10 (+2 specialization). I could spend the next couple of karma rewards boosting my gunnery skill. That'd also let me control the manual mounts, but my pool would be 7 or 7+2 initially with logic gunnery.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-20-14/2055:47>
I wouldn't cut to much to worry about Gunnery. I'll most likely be VR if I have to pilot and shoot which will give me multiple action phases. Just having it as a backup skill should work.

Cool as cool, Ravensoracle.

Just FYI; if the team doesn't have a dedicated (i.e. skilled) mechanic and/or armorer, Vulcan International can hire out those services (essentially personnel with Rating 8 skills) for 500¥ per hour of work.

I have 8 Dice in each engneering skill as well as armorer and Demolitions. I have 7 dice in all biotechs and chemistry. I also took Analytical Mind so that should help in some cases.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-20-14/2058:36>
i threw 2 points into gunnery, so with my 9 agility, that gives me 11 dice right out the gate.
I'll make a lovely backup gunner.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-20-14/2135:04>
As for the name of the company we work for, May i throw "Relic Hunters Ltd" into the mix?
I'm also kinda fond of the word "Werepenguins" but i understand if no one else likes it.  :)
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-20-14/2137:59>
I thought we were only picking our callsign?

Are we allowed to get the device rating 7 comm link? I was going to then I remembered prime is still limited to DR 6, and that comm is DR 7.

Edit: I've corrected some issues with my character sheet, and it also lists the aforementioned skill changes now. I haven't retyped my stories yet, though. Funds are currently just under 30k. I have yet to buy my explosives. I'd like to get an explosives facility, but I can't swing that much out of my resources, so I'm settling for a shop. If anyone wants to go in halfies with me, it would give us a rather nice boost to Demolitions. If not, Ill get it with rewards.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-20-14/2306:20>
I don't have any to spare for a Demolitions facility out of chargen but I'll split it outta rewards. 8 dice to demolitions should allow for decent teamwork test.

Also changed Muscle Toner 2 to Muscle Augmentation 2. It zapped my essence but it upped my Strength so that should help when in the meat.

EDIT: Crap I realized I didn't get a Fake SIN. Are we gonna need one or will a normal SIN suffice for now?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-20-14/2338:24>
I don't have any to spare for a Demolitions facility out of chargen but I'll split it outta rewards. 8 dice to demolitions should allow for decent teamwork test.

Also changed Muscle Toner 2 to Muscle Augmentation 2. It zapped my essence but it upped my Strength so that should help when in the meat.

EDIT: Crap I realized I didn't get a Fake SIN. Are we gonna need one or will a normal SIN suffice for now?

Since this is more of a "merc squad" game and less of a "professional criminal" game, it DOES seem far less suicidal to "run" with your real SIN, if ya have one...
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-21-14/0011:12>
It was suggested to me to get licensed for any R gear I would be carrying around outside the CZ. If all your goodies are legit then it might not matter.

After work tomorrow I'm going to familiarize myself with the explosives section. I believe I saw there is spray foam for explosives. Could one spray foam into a tumbler lock keyhole and destroy the lock and open the door?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: rednblack on <08-21-14/0016:05>
It was suggested to me to get licensed for any R gear I would be carrying around outside the CZ. If all your goodies are legit then it might not matter.

After work tomorrow I'm going to familiarize myself with the explosives after work. I believe I saw there is spray foam for explosives. Could one spray foam into a tumbler lock keyhole and destroy the lock and open the door?

That's my understanding of spray foam. In the absence of a tumbler lock there's always the door hinges as well.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-21-14/0341:31>
It was suggested to me to get licensed for any R gear I would be carrying around outside the CZ. If all your goodies are legit then it might not matter.

After work tomorrow I'm going to familiarize myself with the explosives after work. I believe I saw there is spray foam for explosives. Could one spray foam into a tumbler lock keyhole and destroy the lock and open the door?

That's my understanding of spray foam. In the absence of a tumbler lock there's always the door hinges as well.

the more i read on this subject, the more i feel like i dont really need locksmith.
Out in the CZ, we're not gonna need to open many doors that we need to ever give a shit about again.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-21-14/0527:01>
It was suggested to me to get licensed for any R gear I would be carrying around outside the CZ. If all your goodies are legit then it might not matter.

After work tomorrow I'm going to familiarize myself with the explosives after work. I believe I saw there is spray foam for explosives. Could one spray foam into a tumbler lock keyhole and destroy the lock and open the door?

That's my understanding of spray foam. In the absence of a tumbler lock there's always the door hinges as well.

the more i read on this subject, the more i feel like i dont really need locksmith.
Out in the CZ, we're not gonna need to open many doors that we need to ever give a shit about again.
Only thing I can think of would be being able to enter in a more silent manner. But maybe the fucking mage should just have the silence spell :)
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-21-14/0713:03>
Yes, you only need to pick a callsign; the company you all work for is Vulcan International.

Device Rating is restricted to 6 as per Prime Runner rules.

You can get by with a real SIN, but if you commit what amounts to a crime on corp property you better start running :)

Spray foam explosives (or indeed plastic explosives) can be used to blow locks and hinges off doors. Of course, that's going to be loud...

The Silence spell is an EXCELLENT utility spell.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-21-14/0806:37>
I suspect this might have gotten lost in transition
Quote from: reyjinn
Belatedly saw that the sound suppressor on the Raiden is barrel, integral. I'm assuming gas vent mods are not an option in that case?
As per pg 53 in R&G Shock pad and Sling are not compatible. That seems silly to me. Is there a reason for this that I'm just not seeing?

Also, Chummer and my spreadsheet are off by something like 1200NY (in my favor) and it is driving me absolutely INSANE.
Nevermind, found it. Was missing the cost for the geiger counter in the helmet and Chummer sets the same cost for a LowLight flashlight as a regular one (should be 200 but is 25). Sanity saved for now :)
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-21-14/0914:42>
I actually agree with the Shock Pad and Sling being incompatible; a Shock Pad and a Foregrip, sure, as well as a Sling and a Foregrip. But the Shock Pad and the Sling functions very similarly. My service rifle had a shock absorbing butt stock, and I rarely used my sling to stabilize the weapon while squaring it off against my shoulder when sitting or prone; yes, it's technically doable, but in this case I'll go with two simple words and leave it at that:
Game Balance (TM)

I would also allow you to put a gas vent AND a silencer on a weapon, but you can only use one of them at the same time; switching modes is a free action if the gun is wirelessly enabled, simple action if not.

Also, if everyone has characters ready by this weekend I can review and comment back over the weekend. If not, we'll run chargen into next week and start as soon as everyone is ready. No rush...
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-21-14/0928:14>
Game Balance (TM)
Fair enough, especially since...
I would also allow you to put a gas vent AND a silencer on a weapon, but you can only use one of them at the same time; switching modes is a free action if the gun is wirelessly enabled, simple action if not.
I'll edit the weapons tab and re-upload gale to the drive folder.
Also, if everyone has characters ready by this weekend I can review and comment back over the weekend. If not, we'll run chargen into next week and start as soon as everyone is ready. No rush...
I think I'm mostly done. Only thing is how much cash is needed for the drone fund, Gale has got 37k lying around but could use some of it to pick up the silence spell or a rank of etiquette or some shiny.
Those are all thing that can be done without in order to trick out the Banshee and Humvee as best we can though.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-21-14/0944:19>
I'd say the characters doesn't need to be 100% done; I just need the majority of detail to review. Stuff like equipment is slightly less important for now, and I'm sure most of you will polish all the way until game start anyway :)
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-21-14/0953:54>
Yeah, explosives are loud :p. I have a dice pool of 10 for lockpicking, but I only have a lockpick. If quiet is the goal, then we might want someone who can pick non tumbler locks :p.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-21-14/0957:09>
Are spirits burning the door to sludge loud? If not Gale's got some options :D
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-21-14/1024:29>
Loud in terms of sound? Probably not. Loud as a jetfighter on afterburners for all the awakened critters around? Potentially :)
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Blazrath on <08-21-14/1102:52>
dear gods and goddesses 300,000 is hard to blow through when you are an adept not relying on 'ware. I should have a character sheet done by today for others to see and show where I am missing something.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-21-14/1111:05>
dear gods and goddesses 300,000 is hard to blow through when you are an adept not relying on 'ware. I should have a character sheet done by today for others to see and show where I am missing something.

Oh noes, I have too much money! Woe is me... :D

Keep in mind the team could use some money for vehicle weapons and drones.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: rednblack on <08-21-14/1118:36>
Yeah, explosives are loud :p. I have a dice pool of 10 for lockpicking, but I only have a lockpick. If quiet is the goal, then we might want someone who can pick non tumbler locks :p.

I might be able to spring for a passkey and sequencer to help you out.

August is uploaded.  Still incomplete, but he's getting there.  I'm always open to suggestions.  Going to forgo the cyber right hand, I think.  Right now his essence is just above 5, so if I can keep from losing a point to my social limit, I'll do that.  Also, he's going to have the National SIN quality, but I'm not taking it for karma, as I don't think that is really a negative in this campaign.  He'll still have a high quality fake SIN for limited professional use.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-21-14/1356:59>
Yeah, explosives are loud :p. I have a dice pool of 10 for lockpicking, but I only have a lockpick. If quiet is the goal, then we might want someone who can pick non tumbler locks :p.

I might be able to spring for a passkey and sequencer to help you out.

weedy is gonna have AT LEAST 10 dice in locksmith as well, so i think we're covered on doors between all we've got goin on here.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-21-14/1426:57>
dear gods and goddesses 300,000 is hard to blow through when you are an adept not relying on 'ware. I should have a character sheet done by today for others to see and show where I am missing something.

Oh noes, I have too much money! Woe is me... :D

Keep in mind the team could use some money for vehicle weapons and drones.
Was 200k not enough? Just wondering why you took resources D.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-21-14/1454:35>
OK this is what I am needing in regards to the Drone Fund

MedEvad Drone - 12,000Y PAID

Banshee -
3 Heavy Weapon Mounts -15,000Y PAID
Concealing the Mounts - 12,000Y PAID
Manual Operation - 1,500Y PAID

MitsubishiI Yakusoku MRL - 14,000Y

And whatever auto cannons or HMG is wanted on the other two. Plus ALL Need Ammo

1 Heavy 3 Reg Weapon Mounts - 12,500Y PAID
Concealing Mounts   -16,000Y PAID
Manual Operation  -2,000Y PAID
2x Auto Assault 16's w/ Underbarrel Airburst Grenade Launcher        12,000Y
        300Rds Flechette (shotgun) Ammo                                               1,950Y
          20 HE Mini-Grenades                                                                  2,000Y

Cavalier Arms Crockett EBR                                                               10,300Y
        100 Rds APDS (Sniper Rifle) Ammo                                             1,200Y

Ultamax MMG                                                                                      7,600Y
        300 Rds APDS (MMG) Ammo                                                      3,600Y 

This is what I have so far any and all can be tweeked.

Wires 39,500K -Used
Weedy 20,000K (13,5K Used)
Gale 25,000K (18K Used)
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-21-14/1513:30>
Weedy can throw 20k in to the fund. spend it as you see fit.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-21-14/1520:14>
Weedy can throw 20k in to the fund. spend it as you see fit.
Add 25k from Gale
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-21-14/1706:54>
I see you're only a g short of the autoassault 16's.
Weedy can throw in another thousand if there's nothing else left, but that will leave her with like 150 i think.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-21-14/1716:11>
If we're running short I can drop Muscle replacement from 2 to 1 but that will take away from a lot of skills that would let Wires keep up with you guys in the meat. I just wanted to make sure that the mounts were covered so any weapons we wanted could be added. The weapons listed are my suggestions but it will depend on how much we get together. 
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-21-14/1724:12>
If we're running short I can drop Muscle replacement from 2 to 1 but that will take away from a lot of skills that would let Wires keep up with you guys in the meat. I just wanted to make sure that the mounts were covered so any weapons we wanted could be added. The weapons listed are my suggestions but it will depend on how much we get together.

lets not start pulling things out of ourselves to make the banshee better.
I keep thinking "ALIENS" and how little all the guns on that dropship ultimately mattered.
I know this game aint that, but still.

I AM loosely basing Weedy on Vasquez, y'know?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: rednblack on <08-21-14/1729:31>
I think August is looking at being able to toss ¥50,000 in the pot when everything is said and done.  Will know for sure soon.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Blazrath on <08-21-14/1814:23>
With 300,000 nuyen, I have the Onotari sniper rifle decked out with a lot of shit and I am trying to find a rule saying I can't undermount a shotgun on it. I thought about grenade launcher, but idk the skill necessary for that. I have 4 or 5 Yamaha Raiden gun turrets that have explosive rounds that I need to upgrade software in them for sure. Idk how to do that in chummer 5. Then there is a side arm, knife or sword, light milspec armor and helmet with a lot of upgrades, one focus so far, eighteen months of living quarters, but that will change. Plus random gear and a focus cause I can. So idk how much I can put into pot when done.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: rednblack on <08-21-14/1821:56>
We don't have to worry about lifestyle costs, Blazrath. All of that is provided by our glorious corp.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-21-14/1831:56>
Just one question, how do you propose carrying 4 to 5 gun turrets? The way this team is looking on guns, you'll be hard pressed to carry 1 by yourself, not to mention getting the others to carry more.

You can stash some in the Humvee and Banshee, but keep in mind you may need room in the vehicle for something (or someone) else, too :-)
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Blazrath on <08-21-14/2033:27>

What I first tried to do was make the gun sentry out of a submachine gun. For some reason, it won't let me. Thats about the size though that I figure them to be. I might shave it down to two, but I figured I'd carry one on me with ammo to spare to have support and the others in the humvee to replace it if needs to be left behind or is destroyed. They are small enough to not take that much room when folded up and I'm sure that you can have them wirelessly open them out in a free action. I was also thinking about grabbing a drone myself that would have a weapon mount itself and carry some gear for me. Like a Doberman or the Steel Lynx, like its a pet for him. Just need to get software.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-21-14/2044:30>
Yep, one of those in addition to a normal weapon will be just fine. SMGs and MPs can't take underbarrel accessories, which is why you can't add an SMG or MP to the Smart Firing Platform. The way we'll handle software upgrades is simply by paying the difference in cost; so, the Rating 3 Targeting Autosoft (1500¥) can be upgraded to a Rating 6 Autosoft by paying the difference (another 1500¥). Similarly, the Rating 3 Pilot program (3000¥) can be upgraded to Rating 6 by paying the difference, keeping in mind that Rating 1-3 Agent programs cost Rating * 1000¥, while Rating 4-6 Agent programs cost Rating * 2000 (in other words, an additional 6000¥ to upgrade the Pilot of the SFP).

The system is going to be somewhat larger than you envision, though; a tripod provides 6 points of RC, while the SFP provides 5 points of RC. With an assault rifle mounted on it; you can mount a sling on one and wear it across your back, but carrying more than that in addition to your primary weapon will be difficult at best.

I'll also allow belted ammunition on the SFP, similar to how we'll deal with vehicle weapon mounts (for simplicity). Once a weapon is mounted on a vehicle weapon mount, it becomes an extended Armorer test with a threshold of 6 for standard and 10 for heavy mounts, with an interval of 2 hours to install or remove weapons. This will represent the effort needed to change the feeding mechanism and various other theoretical obstacles that could arise from having weapons mounted on vehicles. The same will apply to the SFP, with the standard Wireless bonus of using Remote Control to fire the weapon applying as normal.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-21-14/2122:43>
Wires only has the Flyspies and the medevac for drones so any other Drone support would be nice. If Wires needs the big guns he'll call in the Humvee and the Banshee. Drone-wise Wires is going for Intel gathering. He will most likely be spending most of his in game money filling the void from lack of drones and autosofts.

A Large chunk of my money went to the Control Rig, RCC, Deck and Agent so we will be well covered when it comes to Electronic Intelligence and Warfare Operations.

EDIT:Added the latest pdf which matches the Chummer file into the Cry Havoc File for ease of reference
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Blazrath on <08-21-14/2147:49>
I'll do both with a sling in case we ever need to bring one into the field and have the other in case we need it. 300 rounds of explosive should be good and they'll have all of that. Then was going to grab the safe targeting system with the photo system to keep my team members safe while its firing away unless you think its not necessary. Do I need to grab an agent for the turrets, cause I thought just setting the perimeters for what can and can not be shot at with my commlink was enough?

Then I guess it was kind of buried in the text, but can a sniper rifle that is more like an assault rifle have an under-mounted weapon?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-21-14/2203:45>
Sniper rifles have underbarrel mounts unless specifically noted.

Belts for SFPs will only be 100 round capacity. Standard vehicle weapon mounts can do 250 rounds on a single belt, while heavy mounts can do 500 rounds per belt.

The SFP comes with a Pilot 3 program, and the Safe target system would allow you to safely tell it to fire on anything that moves within its arc of fire without firing on your team.

With a Rating 3 Pilot and a Rating 3 Targeting Autosoft, the SFP only rolls 6 dice on the attack. By spending the nuyen to upgrade the Pilot and Targeting Autosofts, you can up this to 12. Keep in mind it will only roll 3 dice to spot targets that are sneaking without a Clearsight Autosoft.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Blazrath on <08-22-14/0043:33>
This is what I have so far with spent gear and points. Any of you guys have something I am missing or need to have?

Alias: Jack of Hearts
Real Name: Thomas Calhoun

BOD: 4, AGI: 6/7, REA: 5/7, STR: 3, CHA: 4, INT: 4, LOG: 3, WIL: 3, EDG: 3, MAG: 4*
Limits: Physical 7, Mental 5, Social 6

P. Qualities: Indomitable(Physical), Mentor Spirit(Dragonslayer: +2 Intimidate), Natural Athlete
N. Qualities: Addiction(Mild: Alcohol), Code of Honor(Warrior Code(Never kill an Unarmed Person)), Insomniac(Basic), SINner(National: Britain)*
*Sometime you don't want your past to always follow you.

Skills(Total dice): Athletics 5, Armorer 8, Automatics 9, Blades 10, Con 10 (+2 Seduction)*, Etiquette 6, Gunnery 11, Gymnastics 14, Intimidation 10, Longarms 15 (+2 Sniper Rifles), Palming 10(+2 Ledgermain), Perception 8, Performance 6, Pilot Walker 9, Pistols 9, Running 10, Sneaking 11, Survival 7, Swimming 8, Unarmed Combat 8

Knowledge(Total Dice): Alcohol 7, Combat Tactics 7, Card Gaming 6, German 2, English N, Small Unit Tactics 7

Adept Powers:
Enhanced Accuracy(Longarms): Free
Danger Sense(2): 1 Free, .25
Nimble Fingers: .25
Improved Reflexes(1): 1.5
Improved Ability Skill(Longarms 2): 1.0
Improved Physical Abilities(Agility): 1.0

Hardened Mil-Spec Battle Armor: Light
. . Custom Fit
. . Gear Access
. . Restrictive
. . Chemical Seal
. . Radiation Shield (Rating 3)
. . Fire Resistance (Rating 3)
Hardened Mil-Spec Battle Armor: Helmet
. . Smartlink
. . Low Light
. . Image Link
. . Flare Compensation
. . Thermographic Vision
. . Radiation Shielding (Rating 3)
Auctioneer Business Clothes
(Zoe: Heritage 8, Armante Suit, Mortimer of London: Berwick Suit and Ulysses Coat are not on him, but fluff wise he does still own them)

Onotari Arms JP-K50 'Matilda'
. . Shock Pad
. . Gas Vent System 3
. . Smart Gun System(Internal)
. . Imaging Scope
. . . . Vision Enhancement 3
. . Spare Clip x 5
. . Sling
. . Flashlight
. . 20 Ex-explosive Ammo, 20 APDS Ammo, 10 Stick-n-Shock Ammo, 50 Explosive Ammo, 50 Regular Ammo
Yamaha Raiden x 2
. . Sound Surpressor
. . Smart Gun System(Internal)
. . Smart Firing Platform
. . . . Pilot 6
. . . . Targetting 6
. . . . Clearsoft 6
. . Spare Clip x 2
. . Sling
. . Safe Target System(Base and Image Recognition Capabilities)
. . 600 Explosive Ammo
Savalette Guardian
. . Smart Gun System(Internal)
. . Gas Vent System 3
. . Personalized Grip(I just put it as 100)
. . Spare Clip x 4
. . 10 Flare Rounds, 50 Regular Ammo
Combat Knife

. . Climbing Gear
. . 10 Light Sticks
. . Qi Focus 4 (Improved Reflexes 2) tattoo
. . Fairlight Caliban
. . Satellite Link
. . Sub-vocal Link
. . Trid Projector
. . Deck of Cards(400 nuyen)
. . . . Figured it would give me a very good quality deck with unique artwork

. . Steel Lynx Combat Drone 'Max'
. . . . Heavy Weapon Mount
. . . . . . Shiawese Armaments Nemesis
. . . . . . . . Safe Target(Base, Additional set of data, Image Recognition System, Additional set of data)
. . . . . . . . Gas Vent System 3
. . . . . . . . 500 Explosive Rounds
. . . . Sensor Array(3)
. . . . Rigger Interface

. . London Flat (Medium) 6 months
. . . . Extra Secure
. . 2 Level 6 Fake SINs
. . 6 Level 6 Licenses(2 Adept, 2 Firearms, 2 Restrictive Armor)

All of this leaves me with 55,965 nuyen left. Now, I am pretty sure I should upgrade the drone to make Max better and yes, the rigger can go in. There's a reason why the rigger interface is there. :P But what do you guys think?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-22-14/0356:25>
Looks good. A few things though.
The caliban is dr7, prime restrictions of dr6 apply.
Martin already confirmed that the shock pad and sling are incompatible (as per the table on pg 53(?) of r&g). If the shock pad comes as standard with the gun that might change things, not my call of course.
Like rednblack (iirc) said you don't 'need' to pay for lifestyle but if you want it for fluff that is of course your choice.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-22-14/0809:45>
Just keep in mind that your warrior code could end up putting you in a situation where you shooting the "person" who is about to attack you with his bare hands (and just happens to be a Flesh Form Insect Spirit). Something to keep in mind, is all.

Also remember that Warrior's Code specifies the following in addition to your quote (emphasis mine):
"take lethal action against an opponent who is unaware or unprepared for an attack (i.e., a guard who doesn’t know the runner is there), or knowingly take an action that could kill someone who is defenseless (i.e., from a stray bullet or allow someone to be killed from a sniper shot). The character loses 1 Karma per unarmed or defenseless person that they kill or allow to be killed through their actions."

In other words, if you knowingly let one of your team mates kill a defenseless or unaware person, your code of honor still applies. No negative quality is going to be without consequence in my game.

This also means that anyone who takes the SINner quality WILL take a cut of their earnings as per the appropriate level of the quality, in this case going to Vulcan International as a tax for equipment and facility usage, medical coverage, and the like.

Also keep in mind that the Banshee has a seating capacity of 12, at least 6 of which will be taken up by the Humvee if you decide to air-transport it. The Humvee only has a seating capacity of 6, and large combat drones take up a seat just like a normal metahuman. That means the seating capacity of your vehicles are going to shrink dramatically the more drones you have and want to transport, to the point where you're going to have to sacrifice storage space for other things, including objectives (potentially). For every seat you exceed the capacity by, the vehicle in question will take a -1 Handling (off and on road), a -1 Speed, and a -1 Acceleration, to a minimum of 1. You have been warned. Medium drones will take up 1/2 seat per drone (rounded up if odd numbers), while Small and smaller drones will not take up any seating capacity (unless you all go bat-shit crazy on them...).
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Blazrath on <08-22-14/1026:29>
Looks good. A few things though.
The caliban is dr7, prime restrictions of dr6 apply.
Martin already confirmed that the shock pad and sling are incompatible (as per the table on pg 53(?) of r&g). If the shock pad comes as standard with the gun that might change things, not my call of course.
Like rednblack (iirc) said you don't 'need' to pay for lifestyle but if you want it for fluff that is of course your choice.

I'll change it go down one.
While it is true they are incompatible for the Recoil, the weapon still comes with the shockpad and I gave it a sling mostly for the 'Ease of transport' and 'Harder to lose or drop' Aspect. So probably just a note.
Well, we are all mercs. Do we plan on dieing while on the job or do we plan on moving on after a while? My character wants to move on.

Just keep in mind that your warrior code could end up putting you in a situation where you shooting the "person" who is about to attack you with his bare hands (and just happens to be a Flesh Form Insect Spirit). Something to keep in mind, is all.

Also remember that Warrior's Code specifies the following in addition to your quote (emphasis mine):
"take lethal action against an opponent who is unaware or unprepared for an attack (i.e., a guard who doesn’t know the runner is there), or knowingly take an action that could kill someone who is defenseless (i.e., from a stray bullet or allow someone to be killed from a sniper shot). The character loses 1 Karma per unarmed or defenseless person that they kill or allow to be killed through their actions."

In other words, if you knowingly let one of your team mates kill a defenseless or unaware person, your code of honor still applies. No negative quality is going to be without consequence in my game.

This also means that anyone who takes the SINner quality WILL take a cut of their earnings as per the appropriate level of the quality, in this case going to Vulcan International as a tax for equipment and facility usage, medical coverage, and the like.

Also keep in mind that the Banshee has a seating capacity of 12, at least 6 of which will be taken up by the Humvee if you decide to air-transport it. The Humvee only has a seating capacity of 6, and large combat drones take up a seat just like a normal metahuman. That means the seating capacity of your vehicles are going to shrink dramatically the more drones you have and want to transport, to the point where you're going to have to sacrifice storage space for other things, including objectives (potentially). For every seat you exceed the capacity by, the vehicle in question will take a -1 Handling (off and on road), a -1 Speed, and a -1 Acceleration, to a minimum of 1. You have been warned. Medium drones will take up 1/2 seat per drone (rounded up if odd numbers), while Small and smaller drones will not take up any seating capacity (unless you all go bat-shit crazy on them...).

Yeah, but by that definition the person is 'armed' with magic as he has a way of being lethal very easily. I mean, people that are martial arts masters can be considered armed and lethal, to which Military Personnel with the training have been convicted on Manslaughter just defending themselves with what they knew. Its up to you though, if thats the case I need to choose something else.

Then with the group package, if you are specifying that I need to have all three of those, then why is it only 15 points for three things I can't do unlike others and why does it have 'or'. By how the quality is made and how the Assassin Creed is later broken down into subsections, it looked to me that you choose one of them as what you don't kill, not all three, which is why I chose I would never kill an unarmed person, which that definition is very loosely worded. As for the bold text, I'll take the penalty if that happens.

Then, in Chummer 5 it shows that there is smuggling compartments and that the steel lynx can take one. How much storage would say a human sized compartment have?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-22-14/1038:28>
To me, the emphasis is on the *intent* of the action; in the case of my previous example, you'd be potentially taking "lethal action" against what your character would likely think of as an "unarmed person", and that is what matters in this case.

I will likely keep characters with Code of Honor to a somewhat high standard, so if you want to avoid complications I suggest taking a different negative quality. Code of Honor, like Uncouth and Uneducated, can be difficult to work with, in my experience, and as a trained killer it might be tricky for you to work around your Code.

All three conditions for Warrior's Code apply.

I wouldn't personally allow a human-sized smuggling compartment in drones; those are more geared towards vehicles. I'd allow the cyberware equivalent which is about the size of a large breadbox.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Blazrath on <08-22-14/1109:51>
I'll probably be changing this out for other qualities(I originally had an Allergy to Sand. Not a Physical one, just that mentally, being around it made me feel like it was all over me again and that I needed to itch myself and get it off, so tell me now if thats not a common mild.), but what if someone that was an adept, chose warrior code and had the see astrally power. Would he then be able to tell that the person coming at him with its fists and such was magically imbued and then consider them armed and deadly?

Thats fine with the breadbox, means some ammo can be stored.

What about paying for a latches on the back of the humvee to put some larger drones. Much like where a tire goes(and could still be underneath some drones), it could potentially be secured outside to free up space inside. Bad idea, not functional? Also, most tires now go underneath the vehicle, so the drone should not be in the way of that.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: rednblack on <08-22-14/1110:20>
@Martin, as for the SINner quality, what if I don't take it for karma?  My idea with August would be that because he's had to move around so much, and doesn't have any experience working the shadows, has been a merc for almost three decades, that he would probably have a SIN.  Now, there would be in-game benefits to that.  He would have a legit SIN to do business with, and he would not have to worry about his fake being flagged should he go to a fancy restaurant, etc.  I can see a cost being imposed there, in terms of taxes,but if that's the case, I think I will take the karma for it.

It could also be fun to give August the 25 point Corporate SINner quality, and have him technically be "under contract" for another outfit, which he deserted years ago when he decided to become a pacifist, but that might bring things to the game that you'd rather avoid.  If that sounds fun to you, and the team won't hate me for it -- which admittedly they might after you start doing your evil GM thing -- it might be a route worth exploring.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-22-14/1118:35>
Hahaha, Blazrath. I like the sand "allergy"; after four years in Afghanistan, I think I qualify for that one myself. If you had astral perception (and were astrally perceiving at the time; keep in mind you don't get the astral as an overlay, it essentially replaces your sight and you take a -2 modifier to physical actions while perceiving), that could change things for sure. Insect Spirits, at least Flesh Forms, are capable of masking themselves through Masking and Realistic Form, so it's not a guarantee in the above example, at least.

An exterior drone mount would essentially take up weapon mounts, which there is currently no more capacity for.

Hmm... If you want it for the flavour only you can just note on your sheet that you have a SIN from somewhere, but it might not even be functional anymore. If you take it and actually use it for something (like the aformentioned dinner or for cashing in a bounty on a toxic sham... ehem... never mind that!), then it counts as a benefit and the tax applies. You are certainly free to take the karma for it.

I'd prefer to avoid the Corp SINer route as a means to complicate things simply because in my opinion the team is likely to trust you and I like the background you've got so far. I honestly don't think these guys would even be phased by the fact that you could be corp born; you've seen some of the worst places in the world together, so the fact that you're from Ares originally probably wouldn't matter much.

In any case, I probably wouldn't use it to cause the kind of friction mentioned in the flavour text for the quality in this case, because you all are not shadowrunners like the book presumes.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: rednblack on <08-22-14/1130:50>
Hmm... If you want it for the flavour only you can just note on your sheet that you have a SIN from somewhere, but it might not even be functional anymore. If you take it and actually use it for something (like the aformentioned dinner or for cashing in a bounty on a toxic sham... ehem... never mind that!), then it counts as a benefit and the tax applies. You are certainly free to take the karma for it.

I'd prefer to avoid the Corp SINer route as a means to complicate things simply because in my opinion the team is likely to trust you and I like the background you've got so far. I honestly don't think these guys would even be phased by the fact that you could be corp born; you've seen some of the worst places in the world together, so the fact that you're from Ares originally probably wouldn't matter much.

In any case, I probably wouldn't use it to cause the kind of friction mentioned in the flavour text for the quality in this case, because you all are not shadowrunners like the book presumes.

Works for me.  I'll take National SIN, get the bonus, and the tax, and call it good.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-22-14/1140:50>
Hmm... If you want it for the flavour only you can just note on your sheet that you have a SIN from somewhere, but it might not even be functional anymore. If you take it and actually use it for something (like the aformentioned dinner or for cashing in a bounty on a toxic sham... ehem... never mind that!), then it counts as a benefit and the tax applies.

I've been turning this over in my head since taxes started being discussed last night. How come fake SINs dont pay taxes? I mean, i get it with the throwaway rank 1's and all, but a rank 6 fake SIN basically IS a real SIN, so how come ya dont pay taxes on it? If my fake SIN 6 robs a convenience store, ive got problems with the law, right? So how come that doesnt apply to tax evasion?

I'd prefer to avoid the Corp SINer route as a means to complicate things simply because in my opinion the team is likely to trust you and I like the background you've got so far. I honestly don't think these guys would even be phased by the fact that you could be corp born; you've seen some of the worst places in the world together, so the fact that you're from Ares originally probably wouldn't matter much.

Agreed. August would have to be a bug spirit in disguise for Weedy to distrust him, and even then, she'd hear his side of the story before she left (not killed) him.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: rednblack on <08-22-14/1146:59>
August has just shy of ¥40,000 to add to the team fun(d).
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Blazrath on <08-22-14/1221:20>
Alright, sounds like its a go on the sand allergy. Then I noticed that there are enemies also. Is that allowed or no. Either is fine with me, its just I need to keep the karma balance so to speak. Lol.

I honestly doubt that Jack would mind if there eas a runner from Ares, its if he ran Sauder-Krupp that there may of been an issue. He gets all of his fun toys from there and it be awkward being in a team while he was talking to his fixer. Like Weedy said, he is cut from a differencloth than most.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-22-14/1307:00>
Looks like I'll be switching out Warriors Code as well.  Now to come up with Qualities that will make up the difference.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-22-14/1404:11>
Meanwhile Gale will be keeping his Code of Honor like a Baws! So make sure to kill our targets real good, otherwise Martin might force me to heal them :)
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-22-14/1411:29>
Enemies is an SR4 thing, and no, I won't be allowing that for this game. Pretty much everything that moves in the parts of Chicago you'll be going to are going to be hostile at best :)
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Blazrath on <08-22-14/2045:09>
Good, good. Then in a post a while back I saw that you were thinking about giving us 25 karma for use in only knowledges. Is that law or no?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-22-14/2049:03>
The 25 karma is in, but only for Interest skills. The rest (Professional, Academic, Street, and Languages) come from your regular allocation.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-22-14/2058:54>
The 25 karma is in, but only for Interest skills. The rest (Professional, Academic, Street, and Languages) come from your regular allocation.

i used mine on vintage toys 5 and 1950's rock 4.  :)

Cause how can she NOT be a fan of little richard?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-22-14/2109:02>
The 25 karma is in, but only for Interest skills. The rest (Professional, Academic, Street, and Languages) come from your regular allocation.

So I need to change the Na'vi, Madarin, and Japanese out since I bought a point each of them with the Interest points. Namely cause Mandarin comes from browncoats, will change to klingon if that will help.) Japanese because who wants to listen to dubbing. And Na'vi because come on it's Na'vi.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Blazrath on <08-23-14/0127:46>
I swapped out my knowledge points so that I could have the interests paid for with the karma and then other ones with the skill points. This is what I ended up with.

Alcohol 7*, Combat Tactics 7, Card Games 6*, German 8, English N, Small Unit Tactics 7*, Literature 6, Sports 8*, Firearms 6
* paid for by the extra extra karma and that chummer5 says they are interests.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-23-14/1008:15>
Hey, are we using RG explosives rules? If so can I pay for the materials to cook my own toys? Then after the gAme is ready to start I can make all the appropriate rolls before we start?  Also how much boom do you think a lock would require? I was thinking about using spray foam for tumbler locks. I don't think locks have structure or armor rating to go by.

I might need to change one or two of my knowledge skills for explosive knowledges

Edit: Also, I'm going to try to purchase enough explosives to level a five story building. That'd let me knock out a couple smaller buildings as well. I'm going to get enough explosives to knock out a bank vault level door, and enough spray foam to pop several locks or lesser doors. That's assuming funds allow for it. I'm on a limited budget right now :O.

How do you feel about me constructing a few.."claymores?" Again, if funds allow for it :p. I think im playing with like 15k for explosives to leave 10k for drones. I saw the prices but I didn't do any calculations, so I'm really not sure how much its going to cost me.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-23-14/1035:22>
@Blazrath, don't know how Martin wants to rule it but I don't think SUT is meant to be an interest knowledge skill. Suspect it got lumped in there in Chummer because it uses the intuition attribute.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-23-14/1139:37>
i took SUT as a profession skill.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: rednblack on <08-23-14/1157:09>
I coded a lot of August's interest skills as academic, but would be happy to change that. August is an autodidact, though he isn't a very gifted or natural one, so there are lots of gaps in his knowledge. I'm still massaging some of the numbers, but I see his knowledge base as very uneven. He might be able to tell you all about the condotierri and the birth of gunpowder, but doesn't know anything about the monarchies of the same period. I see him having a similar grip on philosophy where his knowledge is completely dependent on his interests: Plato but not Aristotle, etc.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-23-14/1311:31>
Yeah, Small Unit Tactics is not an "interest" per se; it uses Intuition, but it's very much a "combat" skill. I have no idea why they didn't just make it an Active Skill.

Also, knowledge skills still cost [Rating] Karma, so I have no idea how you got 25 karma to spread that far. I'll take a look later.

Also keep in mind that all skills are capped at 6 as per normal character generation rules. Professional is what you all are :)

Nah, I'm not going to send you in to destroy any buildings, and I can't be bothered getting into the math of the Advanced Demo Rules. I'll make up something for locks, but you can absolutely use foam explosives for that. Also a no on cooking your own explosives; that's what you have Vulcan International for, supplying you with the gear you need.

Nice! Never heard the term autodidact before, so learned something new today :)

I'll be going through the character sheets that have been uploaded tonight, and let y'all know if there are any issues.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-23-14/1330:53>
I'll be going through the character sheets that have been uploaded tonight, and let ya'll know if there are any issues.

im gonna re-send weedy as ive made a couple changes.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Blazrath on <08-23-14/1338:21>
I put down total dice pools and such like that. In reality, you take away 3 or 4 points off of that and you'll get the amount of points that were used. So I took out firearms and put the points into Small Unit Tactics so that I at least know somewhat of what you guys are talking about with what you want to do. Then I used the extra karma to get News, which is considered an interest.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-23-14/1346:02>
I'll be going through the character sheets that have been uploaded tonight, and let ya'll know if there are any issues.

im gonna re-send weedy as ive made a couple changes.

Same, discovered an error in Gale's sheet yesterday and since Chummer doesn't allow me to save the career mode to a new file it dictates a totally new sheet.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-23-14/1355:09>
OK cool. I won't have to change any knowledge skills then. I like it better this way, anyhow. His demo stays in the secondary range like this. I think I lost sight a little bit because bombs sounded cool :p.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-23-14/1416:21>
ok, i went back to the googledoc and it seems most of us, myself included fucked it up.

somehow, it thinks all these chummer files we've uploaded are audio files. For those of yall who did it right, would ya mind educating the rest of us?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-23-14/1424:17>
That's google being silly. I think you could e.g. download Gale's file into your chummer folder and then open it up to take a look see.

Same, discovered an error in Gale's sheet yesterday and since Chummer doesn't allow me to save the career mode to a new file it dictates a totally new sheet.
Regarding this, I'll need to reduce Gale's contribution to the Drone&Vehicle fund to 23k instead of 25k. Sorry Raven :)
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-23-14/1428:58>
That's google being silly. I think you could e.g. download Gale's file into your chummer folder and then open it up to take a look see.

oh, thanks.

Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-23-14/1430:38>
Interesting, Poindexter. I'm just using Google Drive for Windows, so I've got a folder with y'alls files in it.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-23-14/1434:55>
I am holding off on the Drone Fund for the moment until characters are closer to finished. It looks like we'll be able to afford the Mounts and I'll get the guns and ammo out of whats left. I've got a good idea now of what to get so it won't take long after we get the final tally from everyone to finish it up and post it.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-23-14/1440:42>
Sorry for the delay. I hope to have my explosives paid for sometime tomorrow so that I can give you a total. If not tomorrow then definitely Monday! My skills and gear and armor and such should be accurate.

For my national sin, Texas is in the CAS right?.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-23-14/1443:45>
I am holding off on the Drone Fund for the moment until characters are closer to finished. It looks like we'll be able to afford the Mounts and I'll get the guns and ammo out of whats left. I've got a good idea now of what to get so it won't take long after we get the final tally from everyone to finish it up and post it.

Weedy is 100% done and locked in. consider her 20k a certainty.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-23-14/1447:28>
hey martin, i been lookin and i cant find the two books you recommended i read. mind repeating that for me?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Blazrath on <08-23-14/1500:52>
Right now, after dropping my drone and getting some stuff, I have around 67,750 left over that could be put into the drone fund, but we'll see after he gets done. I need to update the character sheet, but that will be done soon.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-23-14/1726:50>
hey martin, i been lookin and i cant find the two books you recommended i read. mind repeating that for me?

Not to butt in here but one of the books he mentioned was Feral Cities which is 4th edition and has some 50 pages on Chicago. I read it this week and it is quite enlightening. I believe the other one was Bug City which he wasn't sure from what edition (either 2nd or 3rd I think), haven't read that one yet and I'm not really sure how much relevant info it can add to what is already in Feral Cities.

Anyone care to comment on how whether Bug City add anything significant to what is in Feral Cities?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-23-14/1732:28>
I have Feral Cities. I was hoping the Bug City was in a box of old gaming books I picked up a couple years ago but I haven't found it. Feral Cities is definitely a worthwhile read.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-23-14/1742:33>
Bug City adds the background for the events that made Chicago what it is; I just checked and it's a 2nd Edition book set in 2055. Essentially, it describes everything that happened in Chicago when the hive in the Universal Brotherhood was discovered and subsequently nuked to oblivion, thus creating the Cermak crater. It's absolutely not required reading, but if you intend your character to have good knowledge of what happened to Chicago it's definitely a good read.

Feral Cities have much more updated information (i.e. late 60s, early 70s info).
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-24-14/0117:47>
Well, i intend her to have good knowledge of the area, and of bug spirits.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-24-14/0157:53>
I am thinking I may swap out my Chicago area knowledge skill with Area knowledge: North American Smuggling routes to reflect his childhood smuggling with his dad.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-24-14/0500:52>
Well, i intend her to have good knowledge of the area, and of bug spirits.
Yeah, I saw that an in a fit of metagaming changed Gale's specialization to Toxic Magic instead of Bugs. Weedy would have known more about the bugs than he anyways.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-25-14/0003:59>
How do you feel about tamping or shaping? Tamping makes a blast directional and doubles the force in that direction by using a strong material to redirect the blast (AKA Claymore mines! :p). Shaping is similar to lesser effect if I understood the rules correctly. You make a demo test and improve the DV based on your hits, and the effect of shaping also makes the blast directional.

If not I'll just ignore the RG rules completely as suggested :p.

Core rules allow for shaping, so tamping isn't necessary. No need to complicate our lives by pulling one rule out of CRB.

Edit: What kind of structure + armor do I need to use for a tumbler lock? I gotta determine what rating spray foam to buy. I'm not going to bother with # of kilos because it's a lock. You can only fit so much foam in there. If 1 kilo of spray foam can't pop a lock, I'm going to say 2 kilo's wont even fit into the lock...

Edit 2: Bug City gives very nice description of the different types of bug spirits. I thought it was better than SG in that respect.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-25-14/0010:08>
Well, i intend her to have good knowledge of the area, and of bug spirits.
Yeah, I saw that an in a fit of metagaming changed Gale's specialization to Toxic Magic instead of Bugs. Weedy would have known more about the bugs than he anyways.

from what im reading in feral cities, there's gonna be PLENTY of that, too.

also, dude.
have you read that shit?

have you SEEN what happens to mages if they spend long enough in chicago with a near 100% certainty rate? You might wanna check that out.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-25-14/0239:29>
Ok, so I think I know what I'm going to buy explosives-wise. Also, if I can't cook my own explosives then there is no need for an explosives shop or facility. I'll drop it, and that will free up 5k. I still have the tool kit, so that will cover any arming and disarming needs.

Let me first see if my understanding of explosive's is as solid as I think it is.

First, the DV and AP rules for explosives:

Quote from: CRB p. 436
An explosive’s Damage Value is calculated as its Rating (modified by the Demolitions Test, if you made one) times the square root of the number of kilograms used (rounded down). The Blast value for a circular explosion is –2 per meter, while the Blast value for a directional explosion (up to 60 degrees in a specific direction) is –1 per meter. When explosives are attached directly to a target, the target’s armor is halved; otherwise the explosive has an AP value of –2.

Quote from: CRB p. 198
Before rolling the barrier’s damage resistance test, adjust the modified Damage Value to reflect the type of attack, as noted on the Damaging Barriers Table.
This modified value is x2 DV for explosives.

Quote from: CRB p. 198-9
Resolve the Damage Resistance Test by rolling the barrier’s Structure + Armor. Barriers ignore Stun damage. Apply the remaining DV as damage to the barrier. If the total boxes of damage are greater than or equal to the Structure rating, the attack has made a hole in the structure. Each hole is one square meter per increment of Structure rating. For example, an attack that dealt 30 net points of damage to a Structure 15 barrier would create a 2-square-meter hole.

Going by the table in the book, your basic security door is 8 structure and 12 armor. If I place an explosive on this door the armor rating is cut in half to 6. So this is 8 structure + 6 armor rating for 14 total soak dice for the door's damage resistance test. 14/3 = almost 5 average hits. To blow a 1m hole through this door I would need to deal on average 8 structure + 5 net hits=13 DV.

At this point, the net hits from the door's resistance test have already increased the explosives damage needed to punch a hole, so I would only need to do an additional 8 damage to punch a 2m hole through the same door or 21 total DV. Because explosive damage vs barriers = (2)Rating x (Square Root)Kilos, one kilo of rating 11 plastic should on average punch a 2m hole through an average security door, right? I don't have to compensate for troll size, so a 2m hole should be sufficient space for the whole team to run through.

That is before any tests. I could make an unassisted test of 12 dice for 4 average net hits (therefore +8 DV vs barriers). That would give us the potential of at least poking a small hole through higher level materials too.

In that case, I'm thinking about picking up three kilos of rating 11 plastic explosive. I'm assuming 1 kilo is a "Brick" of explosive. Therefore I could use 3 bricks separately or at once in some kind of pinch. Altogether, 3 kilos of rating 11 would be 40dv vs a barrier. That's 3300 nuyen. + 1 detonator per brick = 3525 nuyen.

One kilo of rating rating 19 plastic + 1 detonator = 1975 nuyen. That would get us through 2m of armored/reinforced material by the same calculations (14 structure, 24 armor).

If you guys think we might run into any "hardened" material (Given description is for blast bunkers) with 16+ structure and 32+ armor, then I could pick up 1 Kilo of rating 25 plastic + 1 detonator for 2575 Nuyen. That's 50 DV -1/2 AP worth of barrier damage. That's also 2/3 the damage to destroy an appartment or 1/2 the damage to destroy a medium house in RG, so I think that it should be enough to get us through any wall we might encounter.

All calculations were made with base DV of explosions sans demo test and average soak rolls without buying hits.

That would be 5 kilos of explosives and detonators plus a can or two of spray foam for locks.

Total cost for the 5 bricks is 8075. If you take of 5000 for the shop, then I'm 3075 in the hole from my currently shared build for chuck. Assuming rating 6 spray foam is adequate for popping locks, then 2 kilos of spray foam and detonators would be another 1350 nuyen for 9225 total or 4225 in the hole.

Edit: How about two "claymores?" Rating 25 shaped claymores would be 25 base DV -2 AP. I was thinking 5000 for the two kilos of rating 25 plastic, plus 150 for two detonators, and 600 for two rating 3 motion sensors. That'd be 5750 extra nuyen for potential ambush situations. The price and DV is actually in line with using a rocket too.'s a mine.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-25-14/0410:46>
Well, i intend her to have good knowledge of the area, and of bug spirits.
Yeah, I saw that an in a fit of metagaming changed Gale's specialization to Toxic Magic instead of Bugs. Weedy would have known more about the bugs than he anyways.

from what im reading in feral cities, there's gonna be PLENTY of that, too.

also, dude.
have you read that shit?

have you SEEN what happens to mages if they spend long enough in chicago with a near 100% certainty rate? You might wanna check that out.
Yep, read that with growing horror :)
One of the reasons why Gale will stick to band-aids and his Raiden whenever possible. Doing magic in the CZ ain't no joke.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-25-14/0424:21>
Well, i intend her to have good knowledge of the area, and of bug spirits.
Yeah, I saw that an in a fit of metagaming changed Gale's specialization to Toxic Magic instead of Bugs. Weedy would have known more about the bugs than he anyways.

from what im reading in feral cities, there's gonna be PLENTY of that, too.

also, dude.
have you read that shit?

have you SEEN what happens to mages if they spend long enough in chicago with a near 100% certainty rate? You might wanna check that out.
Yep, read that with growing horror :)
One of the reasons why Gale will stick to band-aids and his Raiden whenever possible. Doing magic in the CZ ain't no joke.

I think it took a good deal of convincing for Weedy to be cool with a mage on the team. I feel like she's seen quite a few fall off in her day.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-25-14/0444:01>
Well, i intend her to have good knowledge of the area, and of bug spirits.
Yeah, I saw that an in a fit of metagaming changed Gale's specialization to Toxic Magic instead of Bugs. Weedy would have known more about the bugs than he anyways.

from what im reading in feral cities, there's gonna be PLENTY of that, too.

also, dude.
have you read that shit?

have you SEEN what happens to mages if they spend long enough in chicago with a near 100% certainty rate? You might wanna check that out.
Yep, read that with growing horror :)
One of the reasons why Gale will stick to band-aids and his Raiden whenever possible. Doing magic in the CZ ain't no joke.

I think it took a good deal of convincing for Weedy to be cool with a mage on the team. I feel like she's seen quite a few fall off in her day.
They're just so darn useful until you need to put a bullet in the back of their head.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-25-14/0505:07>
Well, i intend her to have good knowledge of the area, and of bug spirits.
Yeah, I saw that an in a fit of metagaming changed Gale's specialization to Toxic Magic instead of Bugs. Weedy would have known more about the bugs than he anyways.

from what im reading in feral cities, there's gonna be PLENTY of that, too.

also, dude.
have you read that shit?

have you SEEN what happens to mages if they spend long enough in chicago with a near 100% certainty rate? You might wanna check that out.
Yep, read that with growing horror :)
One of the reasons why Gale will stick to band-aids and his Raiden whenever possible. Doing magic in the CZ ain't no joke.

I think it took a good deal of convincing for Weedy to be cool with a mage on the team. I feel like she's seen quite a few fall off in her day.
They're just so darn useful until you need to put a bullet in the back of their head.

and by then its too late and might not kill em anyways.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-25-14/0835:54>
Yep, those calculations look good, Koshnek. For smaller stuff like locks I'll do some thinking, but you may also want to not blow up every door you see, just cause noise ;)

All right, I didn't get around to completing the review of sheets this weekend, so I'll be doing that today. Any further questions I missed, just let me know.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: rednblack on <08-25-14/0930:01>
@martin, what's your feelings on Brand Loyalty at the manufacturer level? Can I find an Ares brand commlink with the same features and a similar price to other models, or is it a trap quality?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-25-14/0934:29>
Brand Loyalty is great for Deckers, not so much for anyone else. That's my thoughts.

Book doesn't specifically state that you can find alternate "Brand X" type equipment for existing pieces of gear. I'd be disinclined to allow it, simply because it becomes way to useful for the measly amount of karma you pay for it.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: rednblack on <08-25-14/1103:14>
@martin, that sounds fair.  I was wondering how the hell it would be useful for much of anyone-- unless you can get Ares everything -- but I wasn't thinking about deckers.  That makes some sense.

Edit: I'm going to list my contacts below.  Once we get the OOC thread going, I will add them to the bottom of the char sheet.

Taproot: 5/2 (Information broker and doc contact)
Taproot is a major player in the Chicago Anarchist Collective, and he knew August prior to the troubles in '55.  The two used to be close, and August had been a guest speaker at some of Taproot's collective teach-ins, where he would share his experiences as a merc in South America, and the California Free State.  Now that August is a merc again, things have been a little more strained between the two, and August probably feels more loyalty toward Taproot than the latter feels toward him.  Still, Taproot has a good finger on the pulse of Chicago, and on more than one run August has utilized the ABC's medical skills when things went completely south.  August has also been known to provide some security for CAC functions, completely off the books.  Taproot may or may not be interested in August's skills for further training of his own specialists.

Danya Schickler 5/5 (Vulcan International Informations Specialist)
A fellow elf in her late 40s, Danya is August's eyes and ears at Vulcan International.  She keeps him apprised of the goings ons, the political intrigues at corp headquarters, and what might be coming down the pipe.  A fellow chess player, Danya and August have regular games when he's at HQ, and they will often play correspondence games when he's out on missions -- which is also how they code messages, should the need arise: >>QxQ+, for instance tells August he'd better get out of Dodge.

Nutter 2/1 (Drug Dealer)
Nutter loves to call August "old man," or "pops," whenever they meet up, which admittedly isn't all that often now that August uses with less reckless abandon than when he was in his 20s.  The relationship is a friendly one, though entirely business in character.  Nutter seems like a good kid, though, and hey, he even gets in the odd shipment of cigars to add to his lineup of Cram and Novocoke.  Sometimes, they've even been humidified.

Royal T 4/1 (Smuggler)
A consummate professional, Royal T knows the best ways in and out of the wall.  While August may not agree with this ork makes his living, as far as he knows Royal T hasn't crossed the bounds into the truly abhorrent, and it pays to know the things a professional criminal knows.  An expert on turf, the players, and no-go zones, Royal T has made himself useful more than once.  August can only hope he never finds himself crossways with the guy.  It would be a shame to have to put him down.

Hallifax Borne 3/2 (Bartender)
Hallifax runs August's favorite bar, The Review.  Political deals, business deals, runs, it all goes down at The Review, and Hallifax knows just enough names to be useful.  He's a dwarf with an obvious cyber arm and an expensive cigar habit, and he just so happens to keep a fairly diverse whiskey selection.

Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-25-14/2351:07>
Mad the few changes that were recommended by Martin. others changes are being considered for changes to happen in game. Name upping some autosoft weaknesses

I will get a better and more detailed list of my contacts out tomorrow. What does the rest of the games status look like?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-26-14/0018:44>
I will get a better and more detailed list of my contacts out tomorrow. What does the rest of the games status look like?

alls i gotta do is finish fleshing out my gang leader contact and shore up a few minor issues with my armor, and weedy is good to go.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: rednblack on <08-26-14/1232:48>
August is ready to go, but before we finally call everything finished, it might be good to see where our respective chars are for their expertise and skills.  This way we can shore up any weaknesses and make sure all bases are covered.

Automatics: 13/15 (Assault Rifles) (+2 Wireless)
Heavy Weapons: 11/13 (Grenade Launchers)
Face Duties: Negotiation 9, Intimidation 10, Influence Group 9, Leadership 11/13 (Direct)
Sneak: 12/14 (urban) (-4 modifier to spot) (+3 Wireless V. heat-based detection)
Perception: 11/13 (Visual) (+2 Wireless visual, auditory)
Small Unit Tactics: 11/13 (Urban)
First Aid: 6
Outdoor Group: 6

Gangs 7/9 (Street gangs)
Parazoology: 7/9 (N. America)
Military: 9/11 (Special Forces)
Sperethiel: 9
Area Knowledge, Chicago: 10/12 (CZ)

I believe that I have the karma to pick up one more skill at 2 or buy a specialization.  I can also drop LOG by 1 to get another die in INT, which will up SUT, but I think that with this group we should be able to hit a 6 threshold as is.  I'm not opposed, though, depending on what you guys think. 
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-26-14/1249:54>

shotgun   13
pistol   15
ak 15
gauss 18
bow 12
gunnery 11
locksmith 10
nades 15
unarmed  13

sneaking 17(urban)
perception 17 (hearing +gear)
survival 10
Tactics 10 (urban)
Chicago knowledge 10
bug knowledge 11
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-26-14/1254:49>
Gale does magic stuff well, and other stuff not as well.

(all magic dicepools include F1 power foci which will not apply anywhere we have to deal with BC >1 (as far as my understanding goes))
Active skills
Spellcasting 13(15) (illusion, health)
Summoning 11(13) (fire)
Counterspelling 12(14) (Combat) Also shielding and absorption metamagics
Banishing 12
Assensing 10(12) (Aura reading)
First aid 9
Perception 9
Sneaking 5
Survival 8
Tracking 7
Automatics 9(11) (Assault rifles)
Knowledge skills
SUT 8(10) (Urban)
Parazoology 5(7) (N. America)
Parabotony 5(7) (N. America)
Magical Threats 6(8 ) (Toxic Magic)

August and Gale also have contacts that probably know one another. Gale has a C1L2 ABC nurse/orderly contact from the Trinity(?) clinic. My thinking was that Gale volunteered at the clinic whenever he had the time. Other than that his only contact is a talismonger, haven't nailed down whether he/she is local or from Vulcan.

I'll also put forth 'Pony' as our callsign...
no? damn, thought that would be such an easy sell.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-26-14/1445:21>
Wires is a skilled hacker and pilot. He's got some skill in a number of technical areas. And he can somewhat handle himself when not in the cockpit.

-== Active Skills ==
Aeronautics Mechanic 8
Armorer 8
Automatics 6
Automotive Mechanic 8
Biotechnology 7
Blades 6
Chemistry 7
Clubs 6
Computer 10
Con 4
Cybercombat 12
Cybertechnology 7
Demolitions  8
Electronic Warfare 12
First Aid 7
Gunnery[Ballistic] 11 (13)
Gymnastics 6
Hacking 12
Hardware 10
Industrial Mechanic 8
Locksmith 6
Longarms  6
Medicine  7
Nautical Mechanic 8
Navigation 5
Negotiation 4
Perception 10
Pilot Aircraft[Vectored Thrust] 10 (12)
Pilot Ground Craft[Wheeled] 10 (12)
Pilot Walker[Remote Operation] 10 (12)
Pilot Watercraft 5
Pistols  6
Running 6
Sneaking[Urban] 11 (13)
Software 10
Survival 4
Swimming 6
Throwing Weapons 4
Tracking 5
Unarmed Combat 6

== Knowledge Skills ==
Area Knowledge: North American Smuggling Routes 9
Chess 8
CombatSign 9
Comics & Manga 10
Data Havens [Matrix] 8 (10)
Engineering 13
English N               
Firearms 9
Japanese 8
Mandarin 8
Military 11
Na'vi  8
Or'zet 10
SciFi & Fantasy Movies 9
Security Tactics 12
Small Unit Tactics 11
TradeCraft 11
Video Games 9

"For PONY!!!!!!" with Wires interests you knwo he is going to use that.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: rednblack on <08-26-14/1448:36>
Also, how are we doing on group fund money?  Looks like August may have some more to spare, but if we're in good shape, I'll get him some additional ware.

Looking good, guys.  I'm not seeing a lot of holes.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-26-14/1605:23>
With all that extra karma and nuyen we had better not have any glaring weaknesses :)
That said, Gale could definitely have been more well rounded. Getting 2 initiation grades and shiny foci was simply too tempting :D
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: rednblack on <08-26-14/1641:11>
@reyjinn, I bet they do. I wonder if your doc contact has stitched August up on occasion. Maybe the whole lot of us.

@revensoracle, another chess player! At least now August has a way to pass the time when not on watch.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-26-14/2025:00>
@rednblack I added that skill just cause August had it. I figured August would have talked him in to at least learning the basics.

@ all I hope we are started before this weekend. I will be away from the internet Fri-Mon while I attend a biker rally. I MAY have internet through the phone but the rally is not near a town so it is unlikely. besides Bike, Booze, and Babes will most likely win out for those few days sorry.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-26-14/2121:28>
Enjoy! I ride a Triumph Rocket III myself :)
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-26-14/2221:48>
I submitted a finished chummer5 file to the folder. Did anyone take any radiation protection into account? Chemical seal should deal with any pollutants and chemicals, but Radiation can't be resisted except by radiation shielding. I remember reading in the book that Toxic mages inhabit chicago and the CZ, and there's also the Cermak crater. I don't know if we're going there, but I hope not :p. We might need to get radiation suits if that happens, lol.

I have two contacts. One is a fixer, Mr. Burns, who I grabbed primarily to provide me with the cigars Chuck requires :p. He can also acquire weapons and ammo. He is 5 C/1L. My other contact is Rusty, who I am going to assume is our VI Requisitions Officer. If not for our unit, then he is just one I know here in Chicago. He is 4 C/2 L.

My Skill Pools and Attributes(Within parentheses is situational ware bonus, and after a slash is a permanent ware bonus):

BOD 4(7)AGI 5/9REA 3/6STR 4/8CHA 2INT 3(2)Log 3/6WIL 3(4) EDG 5
Armorer:2 [Firearms]Pool: 8 ( 10 )
Automatics:3Pool: 12
Biotechnology:1Pool: 7
Blades:1Pool: 10
Computer:1Pool: 7
Cybertechnology:1Pool: 7
Demolitions:6Pool: 12
Exotic Ranged Weapon (Lasers):7Pool: 17 ( +2 Smart Gun [SG], +1 reflex recorder )
First Aid:6Pool: 12 ( +2 Quick Healer, +2 to self Symbiotes, +3 or +6 Medkit )
Gunnery:1Pool: 10
Gymnastics:1Pool: 10
Hardware:1Pool: 7
Heavy Weapons:6Pool: 15 ( +2 SG )
Intimidation:1 [Physical]Pool: 3 ( 5 )
Locksmith:1Pool: 10
Longarms:3Pool: 12 ( +2 SG )
Medicine:1Pool: 7
Perception:3 [Visual]Pool: 6 ( 8 )
Pilot Ground Craft:0Pool: 5
Pilot Watercraft:0Pool: 5
Pistols:3Pool: 12 ( +2 SG )
Running:1Pool: 9
Sneaking:1Pool: 10
Software:1Pool: 7
Swimming:1Pool: 9
Throwing Weapons:1Pool: 10
Unarmed Combat:1Pool: 10

Combat Tactics:1Pool: 7
English:NPool: N
Firearms:1 [Heavy Weapons]Pool: 7 ( 9 )
News:2 [Technology]Pool: 5 ( 7 )
Reading:1 [Westerns]Pool: 4 ( 6 )
Religion:1 [Christianity]Pool: 7 ( 9 )
Small Unit Tactics:6Pool: 9
Spanish:1Pool: 4
Tobacco:2 [Cigars]Pool: 5 ( 7 )

Edit: How do you want to handle my cigar supply? Chuck only smokes quality cigars. In fact, he cuts one out of each batch he receives and lights it up to insure their quality. He'd be quite upset if he found out he was puffing some synth drek. He also keeps one especially high quality ("Cuban?") cigar on hand for himself to smoke after a difficult mission. He'd also supply similar cigars for any team member(s) willing to indulge in his ritual. I was thinking maybe a lifestyle type penalty similar to the National sinner quality possibly. We could possibly further that with an edge roll (5d6 for Chuck) to see if my guy pulls through with acceptable cigars. Such a roll couldn't be edge'd...because it is already an edge roll :p.

If he is forced to smoke shit cigars, then he is imposed upon by a psychological addiction penalty that cant be removed until he gets a new batch of appropriate cigars in addition to the possible physical addiction penalty he could suffer if he chooses not to smoke that shit.

Also, I have allocated 12k to the team fund. I apologize for taking so long to narrow it down. Chuck should be 100% complete now.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: rednblack on <08-26-14/2231:03>
@Ravensoracle, indeed he would have.  Chess players in general are a pretty zealous bunch.  Enjoy the weekend, man!  Sounds like fun.

@All, I will out myself from Friday morning through late on Monday. 
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-26-14/2235:38>
Also, how are we doing on group fund money?  Looks like August may have some more to spare, but if we're in good shape, I'll get him some additional ware.

Looking good, guys.  I'm not seeing a lot of holes.

Sorry I missed this post. Really I am not sure yet. Once the characters are set let me know how much is left. What is the absolute minimum you want me to use and how much extra you might be able to spare. Once I get a final tally, I'll spend the minimum on weapons and whats to spare on ammo. and try to give some back if I can.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Blazrath on <08-26-14/2246:51>
This is total Dice, not rating.
Armorer: 8
Automatics: 9
Blades: 10
Con(Seduction): 10(12)
Escape Artist: 9
Etiquette: 6
Gunnery: 11
Gymnastics: 14
Intimidation: 10
Long Arms(Sniper Rifles): 15(17)
Palming(Ledgermain): 10(12)
Perception: 8
Performance: 6
Pistols: 9
Running: 10
Sneaking: 11
Survival: 7
Swimming: 8
Unarmed Combat: 8

Alcohol: 7
Card Gaming: 6
Combat Tactics: 7
English: N
German: 8
Literature: 6
News: 7
Small Unit Tactics: 7
Sports: 8

Twister: 3/5 Journalist
Carla Schultz or by her moniker 'Twister' on the net and to most people is blonde elf that seems to always be everywhere at once and gets the best dirt. She may be short for an elf, but she more than makes it up in her attitude and unwillingness to let someone stop her when she gets traction. Well, almost no one. So far Thomas is the only one that has gotten her to stop, much to her chagrin. She still gets in his face and yells and screams like a woman severely pissed off, but through it all they can be seen and sometimes even heard quite clearly that they are together and in it for the longhaul. So far there is a competition on who can get their place of retirement paid off the fastest. Winner gets to choose and loser has to deal with it. Currently Thomas is in the lead with a flat in London that is very nice, while Carla is going for a beach house.

Nicholas Jolland: 3/3 Fixer
A war buddy while stationed in Australia, when Thomas left for mercenary work, Nicholas went corporate like his father and has been making a fine living. They stayed friends through out as they were part of a small few that were a part of the original crew. He even threw Thomas a bone right before the Dragon Civil War to get in on the winning side and get some gear that most people don't get to play with. Nicholas is Thomas' main man on getting gear as so far he hasn't been let down.

Shanghai Noon: 4/1 Smuggler
More a pirate than a smuggler, Shanghai Noon has not let anyone know his real name in years. While he no longer does pirating, he still has an armada around the world doing business for him. Its through this that Thomas has had to make a business relationship with the Pirate Lord to get him into and out of places most people find difficult. While they are not friends, every now and again Thomas will play some cards with him and his high commanders with high stakes. Debts have been made, money has spilled over the tables, but Thomas is currently clear of any debts and has none to him.

Snow: 3/2 Intelligence Officer
The woman known as Snow has on occassion been Thomas' handler for very delicate missions. They have a little bit of a social life outside of work so that they better know each other, but she has been seen mostly as cold and aloof. it doesn't help that she tries to dress more like and act like a man, which to her dismay causes more teasing from Thomas. Currently she would be running a different OP, but she knows if she wishes to talk that he is there and vice versa. Plus, she has saved his skin a couple of times with giving him more up to date info than what normally is given.

I've been also told by a friend to buy more ammo than what I have right now and I trust him, so I need to get more ammo.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-26-14/2308:46>
@Raven: If you miss my edit above, I have allocated 12k to the team fund.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-26-14/2309:31>
Did anyone take any radiation protection into account? Chemical seal should deal with any pollutants and chemicals, but Radiation can't be resisted except by radiation shielding. I remember reading in the book that Toxic mages inhabit chicago and the CZ, and there's also the Cermak crater. I don't know if we're going there, but I hope not :p. We might need to get radiation suits if that happens, lol.

I took a decent amount of rad protection in my main armor. Also got a handheld gieger counter, so I'll know how bad its getting before i start growing assholes on my neck.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-26-14/2317:21>
Haha, yeah. I took a geiger in each of my helmets. Radiation is NASTY. Nothing protects against it except radiation protection, so I want to be very aware of I'm approaching it.

Quote from: p 105 SG
Radiation attacks cause Physical damage. Armor provides no dice to resist Radiation damage, unless it has an upgrade to provide Radiation resistance, which provides dice equal to its rating for the Damage Resistance Test and the following Toxin Resistance Test. Treat every Radiation attack that hits as a toxin causing Nausea (see Toxins, p. 408, SR5) with a DV equal to net hits of the attack (before the Damage Resistance roll).

See? Nasty :p. If a toxic character hits you with radiation, you want protection!
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Blazrath on <08-26-14/2330:02>
I grabbed it on both my helmet and main body. lol. So I should be good there.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-26-14/2332:23>
I just moved around some of my gear to up radiation protection.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-26-14/2358:38>
Haha, yeah. I took a geiger in each of my helmets. Radiation is NASTY. Nothing protects against it except radiation protection, so I want to be very aware of I'm approaching it.

Quote from: p 105 SG
Radiation attacks cause Physical damage. Armor provides no dice to resist Radiation damage, unless it has an upgrade to provide Radiation resistance, which provides dice equal to its rating for the Damage Resistance Test and the following Toxin Resistance Test. Treat every Radiation attack that hits as a toxin causing Nausea (see Toxins, p. 408, SR5) with a DV equal to net hits of the attack (before the Damage Resistance roll).

The RAW dont seem to work here. The way im reading this, I'd get the +3 body from my bone lacing on this roll, as it IS a roll to resist dmg, but i dont think its RAI.
Dun feel like the bone lace should make me any more resistant to radiation.


either way, after reading the actual rules on it, i think i may ditch the ruthenium fibers in favor of more rad prot.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-27-14/0419:40>
Yeah, I took R6 rad shielding on the armor and a geiger counter in the helmet. Nasty, nasty stuff.

@Raven, from my perspective you shouldn't hesitate to spend every nuyen that comes into the D&V fund. Nothing exists that is called having too much ammo :D
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-27-14/0704:28>
I'd allow pretty much any augmentation that adds to your BOD for the purposes of Damage Resistance; after all, lacing your bones with titanium might protect your bone marrow from getting irradiated or some such nonsense :)

But yeah, the geiger counters and radiation protection might come in handy...

I must have overlooked that; I'll allow Radiation Shielding in the Armor, but not the Helmet. Think of it as a consequence of requiring that Chemical Seal only be bought for the Armor.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: rednblack on <08-27-14/1253:20>
Updated August to get some rad protection -- thanks guys -- and tooled around with August's ware, getting him cerebral enhancers, and then dropping his logic to 3 (4) and upping his Will to 4.  Also got him some skillwires (automatics) and used the rest of my karma to buy a specialization in gunnery.  Will ballistics be the best bet there, or would something else be better?  I'm not sure what our rig looks like.  If that's not needed, I can gladly find a specialization elsewhere.  Otherwise, done.

Edit: 50,000 in group fund.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-27-14/1257:26>
Im just waiting on martin's decision on what to do with my armor and helmet.
after that, i may or may not mod the armor a bit, but im ready to go.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-27-14/1459:24>
Coolio; sounds like we've just got polish left, and the drone fund, so I'll prep the rest of the intro stuff and get an OOC and IC post up tomorrow, most likely.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-27-14/1619:01>
Coolio; sounds like we've just got polish left, and the drone fund, so I'll prep the rest of the intro stuff and get an OOC and IC post up tomorrow, most likely.

 :D :D :D :D :D
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-27-14/1658:06>
Since everyone has polished their characters since the last time I posted can I get a final tally listed on the text document that I just added to the google drive folder. I'll edit the list I have so far into the doc.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-27-14/1713:32>
Since everyone has polished their characters since the last time I posted can I get a final tally listed on the text document that I just added to the google drive folder. I'll edit the list I have so far into the doc.

weedy's share is the same. 20k, spend it anyway you'd like.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-27-14/1754:43>
Since everyone has polished their characters since the last time I posted can I get a final tally listed on the text document that I just added to the google drive folder. I'll edit the list I have so far into the doc.

weedy's share is the same. 20k, spend it anyway you'd like.
Ditto for the 25k from Gale, he's got all the gear he needs.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-27-14/1850:31>
I've got all the money we have so far spent. Once I find out from Blazrath how much Jack of hearts has for the fund I can buy the ammo for the Banshee. I'm looking over my own funds to upgrade the Banshee and Humvee Pilot programs but it is getting tight so we may have to upgrade them in game or I can drop a gun. Not sure which at this point. Any critique on the choice of armament is welcome.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Koshnek on <08-27-14/1940:16>
The only things I need to know to be 100% final are about exploding locks and my cigars :p. If my spray foam is too weak I'm sure I can combine the two cans into one of adequate strength without affecting my contribution to the drone fund. I assume the cigar fee can come outta my remaining 2k and also not affect it, but I wanted to be sure first.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-27-14/1946:54>
I have just one question left. Just thought of it.

Would Wires have to pay for an electrochromatic t-shirt if it had no game bonuses and was just for adding humor to the game?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Blazrath on <08-27-14/2122:06>
I must have overlooked that; I'll allow Radiation Shielding in the Armor, but not the Helmet. Think of it as a consequence of requiring that Chemical Seal only be bought for the Armor.

As far as I can tell from the books, chemical seal only has to be put on the armor to get the full effect, but if that's how its going to be played then I'll just transfer 2 out of three to the armor because I had free space on the armor and add more to the helmet. Not that much of a difference, but the full body should be protected from chemical and radiation somewhat.

To everyone else, is there anything you guys think I need and how much is needed for the drone fund? Cause I have money to dump and may do some creative accounting. Immoral Mathematics will come later.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-27-14/2144:54>
All the guns are paid for except for Airburst links on the underbarrel grenade launchers on the Humvee. Beyond that I have some ammo bought for the Humvee but nothing for the Banshee. If I have more to spare I'll throw a few thousand at upgrading the pilots on the vehicles. I'm also a little lean on autosofts but I will be spending the first batch of money I get on upgrading those.

On a positive note ,We have a rating 5 Agent to be a hacker-in-a-box.

I am thinking about 10K to buy ammo for the guass rifle and machine gun on the Banshee. Each rocket costs 2-3K each plus any guidance system to turn it into a missile if we want missiles. If we have extra then I will upgrade all of the Pilots and get autosofts for firing all of the weapons.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-27-14/2149:48>
I am thinking about 10K to buy ammo for the guass rifle and machine gun on the Banshee.

We've got a guass rifle on the banshee?!
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-27-14/2156:49>
Without Jack of Hearts amount added we have around 140K for the drone fund. You think I was gonna let you guys have all the fun with the heavy weaponry. I am thinking a Gauss round from 1km up should be a game changer.  ;D
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-27-14/2247:09>
Yeah, good stuff. Chemical seal and Radiation Shielding goes on the armor, things like sensors and vision enhancement goes on the helmet (or the armor too, if you feel like it). Just no double dipping for armor enhancements like nonconductivity and fire resistance unless you're actually also carrying a shield or some such.

I would strongly recommend upgrading autosofts :)
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-27-14/2253:29>
If no one objects then I will use some of the drone fund to pay for the autosofts or use the drone fund to pay fro the medevac and use the money from it to upgrade autosofts. I really don't want to drop anymore equipment I have unless absolutely necessary.

EDIT: Used the 12,000Y that I paid for the raising the Pilots on the vehicles and Drones.
Pilot Upgrades:
Banshee 4 to 6 - 4,000Y PAID
Humvee 2 to 5 - 6,000Y PAID
FlySpy 3 to 4 - 2,000Y PAID

 I am waiting to see how much blazrath has to give to the fund for ammo and targeting autosofts. I have Manuever softs for the Banshee and the Humvee. A clearsight that should work on them all and Stealth for the flyspys. Anyone willing to look over my character and see where I can scrounge more nuyen without taking a major hit to his abilities ?

What would it take to give a pilot program a personality similar to the weapon personality avail. Just fort adding a personality to interact with when dealing with the pilot program?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Blazrath on <08-28-14/0111:42>
Raven, how much would it cost to upgrade all of the software and ammo and such?
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-28-14/0120:04>
Currently working on that at this moment I will be posting it up very soon

Edit exact number needed is 82,100Y. If we can't  get that then we need to figuer out what we pay for and what we don't/

All math is spelled out in the txt form I put in teh cry havoc folder
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-28-14/0203:48>
Just finished with my wishlist. If we need the money the first to go will mostl ike be the medevac drone @ 12,000Y.    Now keep in mind the ammo listed does not fill all of the belts and mounts we could spend a good deal more doing that but we will get there
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-28-14/0315:48>
I can free up a few thousand nuyen from Gale by shifting stuff around. I'll check the math tonight and let you know how much.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: rednblack on <08-28-14/1258:04>
Some cursory thoughts on drone fund:

Maybe lose the Crockett EBR and associated ammo on humvee?  That's 11,500 right there.  If we really need to take a long-distance shot from the humvee, we can probably get Weedy to set up with her Gauss and call it good.

Maybe drop fragmentation rockets altogether, and drop the count on anti-vehicle to 3, high explosive to 2, or vice versa.  I want to remain flexible, but that seems like an awful lot of firepower, and if we need to soften up targets from the air like that, I would think we could negotiate for higher pay due to resource depletion.  Rockets ain't cheap, after all.  If so, that would shave off another 21,900

Those are the things that come to mind, but I know you're already running us pretty lean, ravensoracle.


August can toss in an extra 10,000,but much more than that is going to start messing with his stats.

Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-28-14/1325:36>
i'd hate to lose the drop drone, but you know what you're doing. I trust you.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: reyjinn on <08-28-14/1329:56>
I found an extra 12k that Gale can do without, by all means pencil it in for the drone fund.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-28-14/1408:25>
If it gets to the point where you'll need more than a couple rockets and a few hundred rounds of HMG ammo and you AREN'T hightailing it outta there, you're probably all dead anyway...

Ehem... I mean, sure, load'em up! :D
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-28-14/1528:56>
I dropped the Frag rockets and pulled back on the HE rockets to 3. I have added Gales 12K and August's 10K then we need exactly 38,600Y from blazrath's character and we will be very well armed and equipped. We'll have decent Pilots and Autosofts. We'll have the Medevac. And we'll get to keep all of the heavy weaponry on the vehicles. At this point I will remove more ammo if we need to cut any more costs. The Drone fund doc has been updated.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-28-14/1608:09>
We'll have the Medevac.

Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: rednblack on <08-28-14/1613:52>
We'll have the Medevac.


Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-28-14/2225:08>
I am having to re-input all of the data into a new chummer file because I forgot to check the little box that skips chargen requirements.

Just to give you guys an idea of what type of money our little company is throwing around. I have not yet added ammo from the drone fund but I have all the drones and vehicles listed as well as 650K of Wires gear and we are clearing almost 3.4 Million nuyen plus each of your own gear loadouts. Wow, never thought I'd be playing with those kind of funds just starting a campaign. Anyways just a little note that I thought you guys might get a kick out of.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: rednblack on <08-28-14/2245:55>
@Ravensoracle, wow. With that kind of a load out just think of what were going to be expected to do. Stay frosty, guys.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Blazrath on <08-28-14/2313:40>
So, because I told my friend about this game and that someone here was trying to build a character like Vasquez, I shifted around nuyen and a skill point to be more like Hudson. Which in mechanical terms means Comms and Bypassing locks and such. I don't have the greatest dicepool, but I do have the gear to back it up and more gear in case being subtle is not working. Plus, you never know when you need a welding torch. :P

So I'm putting in about 50,000 nuyen into the drone fund unless people think I am missing something. Got my main weapon, secondary weapon, melee weapon, turrets, armor, gear for primary, secondary and tertiary skills and other small things that makes the character whole.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <08-29-14/0811:18>
All right, working on the OOC and IC posts later today, overtime has been a killer these past few days.

Looking good folks; and yes, stay frosty. There are plenty of things that go bump in the night in Chi-Town...
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <08-31-14/2312:15>
DAMMIT! I just remembered how cold it gets in chicago and how i didn't take anything with insulation. Well, I've got survival at 6, so hopefully i should be ok. Hopefully, we'll start off in the summer and I'll be able to afford another set of winter armor before i need it.
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <09-01-14/0013:56>
Hehe, to quote my favourite GM whenever we would ask things like that:

"Roll your Edge..."
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: martinchaen on <09-01-14/0924:12>
All right, IC and OOC threads are up; if you have any unanswered questions, post them in the OOC thread along with your character sheets.

Again, please let everyone post their sheets before posting a second time; I want everyone (myself included) to be able to easily reference each others characters on the first post of the OOC thread.

rednblack, you'll have the honors of the first IC post; everyone else is enjoying their bbq :)

OOC thread:
IC thread:
Title: Re: [SR5] PBP recruitment for Chicago Prime Runner+ team (6 of 6)
Post by: Poindexter on <09-01-14/1245:32>