
Shadowrun Play => Looking for Games => Topic started by: Poindexter on <08-08-14/1917:34>

Title: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Poindexter on <08-08-14/1917:34>
Ok, folks! Here's where you can start posting character sheets, figuring out who's gonna be prime runners, who's gonna be standard, who's gonna be street, who's gonna be on whose team, who's a lone wolf at the start of things, how you know eachother, if you know eachother, ALL that good shit. I'll put up a list of teams and yall figure out who's what and what teams they're on. I trust yall can handle this all on your own like adults, but if not, one of the GMs will be along to sort it all out.

Have fun yall!

Lusis as Luz
Ishadel as Cinder
Ravensoracle as Alex

Blazrath as Sinbad
Marcus as Helios



Scawire as Dark Chi

Keep in mind that even though these lists look all official and whatnot, they are not. They may be changed at any time with little or no notice, nor reason given. This is NOT first come first serve, even though it may look that way toward the beginning.

oh yeah!
also, lets do a list of contacts. Once you've got one fleshed out, post it up here and it'll be added to the list. Common contacts will only make the whole thing more immersive and realistic. After all, how many street docs ARE there in one city, y'know?
Name: Kenta Matsumoto
Race: Elf
Job: Shinto Shaman Talismonger / Qi Tattoo Artist
Connections: 3

Name: Jeff Penning
Race: Human
Job: Mage Detective in the Paranormal Investigation Department
Connections: 4

Name: Sho Fukui
Race: Elf
Job: Shinto Street Doc / Rigger
Connections: 3
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Marcus on <08-08-14/1929:56>
Ok gents lets chat!
Wanna start with purposed characters?
Here is my concept-

After that a couple quick thoughts-

Do we want to purpose any kinds of systematic trusses? (IE Something don't got past +3d6 init? Don't take your resistance rolls above 20?)
These sorts of things can help keep the field balanced, if some goes to far one direction it can endanger their team.

Common Contacts?

Where do we hang out in New Orleans, what's the in "Club" the "Bar" the "Datahaven"?

What can we as Runners in the big easy do to set our' cities shadows apart from those other shadows?

Jump in Guys the threads feels fine.

Just for the purposes of keeping track-
#-Players-Name/Concept-Type (Status)-Link-
1- triskavanski- Skyhawk-Prime (Purposed)
2- blazrath-Sinbad-Standard(Accepted)
3- scawire- Dark Chi- Street (Accepted)
4- novocrane
5- marcus - Helios- Standard (Accepted)-  (
6- eximius- unkown- Prime (Waiting on sheet)
7- Shiniorigami- Unnamed- Prime (Purposed)
8- reyjinn- Beast- Street(Purposed)- (
9- koshnek-Hammer-Prime (Purposed)
10- Imveros-Lash-Street (Purposed)
11- Lusis-Big Jim- Standard (Purposed)
12- rednblack-Baby Hardcore- Standard (Purposed)- (
13- ishadel - 'cinder' Acosta - Prime (Accepted)
14- yun
15- avpbot
16- ravensoracle- Alex- Prime (Accepted)
17-8-bit -Ghost- Standard- - Reply 139
19- <Open>
20- <Open>

4 Prime- 2 Standard-1 Street.
5 Open Slots
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Scawire on <08-08-14/1932:05>
Here is my character
I was thinking Standard Build and team 2,3, or 4
How he might know people
1) his skill in Shadow Community to know people in the shadows.
2) Other mages he might know if they all go to the same Awakened Only Club in New Orleans. (Just an idea for mages) or another club would work too. Maybe after we get our characters up we should come up with a few clubs we could be known from.



Race: B (Elf, 6 special Att.)
Attributes: A (24)
Magic C (Mystic adept, 3 magic and 5 spells,)
Skills:  D (22)
Nuyen: E (6,000 Y)

Street Name: Dark Chi
Name: Kaito Kuragari
SIN Name: Hisao Daiki
Most Common Call Signs: Mr Grey, Dr Necro
Movement: 6 / 12
Swim: 0
Karma: 0
Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 0
Public Awareness: 0
Japanese Elf Male Age 32
Height 5’11” Weight 162lbs
Composure: 13
Judge Intentions: 13
Lift/Carry: 5
Memory: 10
Nuyen: 2d6 x 40
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Skin: Asian

Physical 4
Mental 7
Social 9
Argetum Coat +1(Must be visible)

BOD: 3
AGI: 3
REA: 4 (5)
STR: 2
CHA: 8
INT: 5
LOG: 5
WIL: 5
EDG: 4
MAG: 6
Adept PP: 4

Derived Attributes
Essence: 6
Initiative: 10 + 2d6
Astral Initiative: 10 + 2d6 (NA)
Matrix Initiative: 10 + 1d6 (AR), 5 +DP +3d6 (cold), 5 + DP + 4d6 (hot)
Physical Damage Track: 10
Stun Damage Track: 11
Armor: 12 + 2 w helmt

Active Skills
Assensing 1 Pool 6
Binding (Man) 4(6) Pool 10(12)
Counter spelling (Combat) 1 (3) Pool 7 ( 9 )
Sneaking(Urban) 1 (3)  Pool 4 (6)
Spell casting (Illusion) 6 (  8  ) Pool 12 (14)
Summoning (Man) 4 (6)  Pool 10 (12)

Knowledge Skills (20 free)
English N
Forensics (Clean Up) 2 (4) Pool 7 (9)
Rumors Mill (Magic Community) 2(4) Pool 7(9)
Magical Theory 2 Pool 7
Magical Threats 1 Pool 6
Spirits 1 Pool 7
Law(CAS) 1(3) Pool 6( 8 )
Police Procedures 2 Pool 7
Religion (Shinto) 1(3) Pool 6 ( 8 )
Shadow Community (personalities) 3 (5) Pool 8 (10)

Contact INFO (24 free + 1 karma)

Name: Kenta Matsumoto
Race: Elf
Job: Shinto Shaman Talismonger / Qi Tattoo Artist
 Location: New Orleans
Known by Dark Chi  from: Grew up at Shinto temple together
C 3 L 4

Name: Nobuo Wakahisa
Race: Elf
Job: Shinto  Master Shaman / Fixer
Location: West of New Orleans in Shinto Temple
Known by Dark Chi  from: Help raising Dark Chi  at the Shinto Temple
C4 L1

Name: Jeff Penning
Race: Human
Job: Mage Detective in the Paranormal Investigation Department
Location: New Orleans
Known by Dark Chi  from: Jeff has ties to the Underground organization of the Shinto Temple, and has been working with Dark Chi  for the last 10 years.
C4 L2

Name: Sho Fukui
Race: Elf
Job: Shinto Street Doc / Rigger
 Location: New Orleans
Known by Dark Chi  from: Grew up at Shinto temple together, and has been driving Dark Chi  around New Orleans, for P.I. work and in Dark Chi’s personal life
C 3 L 4

Stunbolt: Type M Range LOS Damage S Duration I DV F-3
Lightning Bolt Type: P Range: LOS Damage P Duration I DV F-3
Improved Invisibility: Type:P Range: LOS Duration S DV F-1
Physical Mask: Type: P Range: T Duration S DV F-1
Vehicle Mask: Type: P Range: T Duration S DV F-3

Tradition Shinto Drain Will +CHA = 13

Adept Powers (4 PP 20 Karma)
Improved Reflexes R1
Combat Sense R2
Danger Sense R2
Astral Perception

 Positive ( 0 Karma)
Mystic Adept
Low-Light Vision
 Negative (13 Karma)
Prejudiced (Specific, Biased) (Rich people, Live in Luxurious lifestyles)
Insomnia (Basic) (his mind keeps thinking of what he saw in the blood mages basement)

Gear (6,000 + 5 Karma 10,000

Coffen Motel #412
Qualities: Obscure / Difficult to find (+10%),
Cost 550 / Month
1 months paid for (550)

Mortimer of London: Argentum Coat
-Custom Fit (Stack)
Helmet (Black Fedora)

Clothing (75 nuyen)
-2 black Ties
-2 white well off white collared shirts

Unarmed Attack 2S


AR Gloves (Black Leather)
Micro- Transceiver

Name: Ken
Erika Elite
FireWall 4
Data Proc: 4
Device Rating: 4

None yet
Ears and Eyes
Glasses R1 ( Black Shades)
-Image link

Fake SIN R3 (Hisao Daiki)
Fake License R3 (Mystic Adept License)
Fake License R3 (Private Investigator License)

Respirator R2


Elf Shinto Mystic Adept. Wears a tailored Satin Dark Black Suit long coat, black tie, black leather AR gloves, Black Fadora, and off white collared shirts, all well smoking his filter-less hand rolled smokes. Oh ya he is clean shaven and has a slim build

Kaito is a Japanese Elf born to a single mother. Kaito’s mother lived on the streets of New Orleans. At a young age Kaito’s Mother met a member of a Shinto temple, who was gracious enough take the two into the Shinto Temple to live. Well any place seemed better than the streets, and it was. Kaito and his mother lived at a Shinto Temple just west of New Orleans. At the temple Kaito was able to play with other kids and get an education. When Kaito’s magic awakened the Temple shaman where able to test to see what kind of magic was flowing in the veins of Kaito. It turned out that Kaito was a Mystic Adept and the Temple trained him in the ways of magic. Growing up at the temple Kaito was able to make a few friends that to this day are still his friends. Kaito’s two friends now work in New Orleans, one runs a magic shop the other cybered himself up and runs a Street doc clinic. Kaito was drawn more to investigative work, the temple was able to get him a bit of schooling in his field of interest. Also once done his studies a Shinto Master at the Temple was able to get Kaito in touch with a Mage Detective working in the New Orleans area. It turns out the Shinto Temple had some underground ties, the Shinto Master that got Kaito the Law enforcement contact was also able to get Kaito a Fake SIN and a Fake Private Investigator licences. This lead Kaito to get work in his field of interest investigating missing persons, cheating husbands and other small time things. One investigation lead Kaito into a den of Blood Mages the sights he saw that day still haunt his mind to this day. Getting board of the work  Private Investigating gets Kaito he has asked The Shinto Master if he could get Kaito some Shadowrunning work, with a nod the Master is now looking out for jobs that Kaito can do in the shadows.

Street kid
Kaito is a Japanese Elf born to a single mother. Kaito’s Mother Cho Kuragari lived on the streets of New Orleans. Cho would have to beg for food and nuyen, and spend time sleeping in alley ways. When Kaito was only 4 years old he and his mother meet a member of a nearby Shitno Temple. What Kaito and his mother didn’t know was the Shinto monk was able to see Kaito’s mothers aura and tell that she had minor magical powers. It turned out that Cho had a very low magical adept powers she didn’t even know about. She has a magic rating of 1 with a few adept abilities, ( Danger Sense R1, Cloak R1 and Combat Sense R1).
Temple Kid
Kaito’s life at the Temple was a lot better than his life living on the streets. Kaito spent most of his time playing with a few of the other kids at the temple.  At 8 yrs old he had two main friends at the temple Kenta the same age as Kaito and Sho two years older. The three kids would play different thinks like hide and go seek, tag and from time to time would sneak around the temple pretending to be ninjas. The three also had to go to school at the temple to learn basic academic skills just like kids that had real SINs. At 10 years old and every year after the small group of kids at the temple would be tested to see if they had any magical talents. At age 11 Kenta had shown his magical abilities as a Mystic Adept. A year later Kaito showed he had the same abilitie as a Mystic Adept. The two were put into special training at the temple.

Temple Teenager
At age 13 to 18 the three best friends still hung out. When Sho didn’t show any magical talents the other two friends never rub it in that he was not awakened the three still stayed close. Sho being older than the other two was the first to leave the Temple to see the outside world. Sho went to a university where he learned medicine. The two at the temple where able to see Sho when he came back to visit the Temple and keep in contact through their comm links. When Kaito turned 18 he also left the Temple as did Kenta. Both went to different schools. Kaito was into learning about law and other things that would let him become a Private Invesigator. Kenta was more into diving greater into his magic.

School life 18 - 22
After 4 years at school the two went into their fields. Kenta started a small talismonger shop in New Orleans, and Kaito was able to get a PI licence and start digging into cases that walked into his door.
Work 22 - 31
Kaito didn’t have any wheels so he decided to ask his close friend Sho if he would help out. Sho at this time was running a small clinic and was cybered up. Sho is an excellent driver which came in handy for Kaito. Kaito split his fees for his work with Sho so the two got some extra cash from Kaito’s PI job. Well Kaito was doing his PI work one of the heads at the Shinto Temple Mr Wakahisa was able to get Kaito in contact with a local Detective named Jeff Penning. Jeff had strong ties to Mr Wakahisa in some way. Kaito was able help out with Jeff Penning work from time to time, the two are not really friends but do talk from time to time when the other could help with a problem they have. One of the jobs Jeff brought Kaito on still makes it hard for Kaito to sleep. There was a blood mage apartment that that the two stumbled on, inside there were body parts dripping blood hung on the walls that would make most people lose their lunch on the spot. The two were able to bring the blood mage down but to this day Kaito sees that apartment everytime he closes his eyes to go to sleep at night. After a few more years Kaito got bored with the PI life and wanted something new.
Into the Shadows.
At the age of 31 Kaito asked Mr Wakahisa if he was able to get Kaito some work in the field of Shadowrunning. Kaito was not sure if this was something Mr Wakahisa could do. Mr Wakahisa was able to inform Kaito this was a possibility and would get him into the Shadows as soon as he could. With the last few months passing by one which Kaito turned 32 Mr. Wakahisa has yet to get back to him, but Kaito is still hopeful.

Elf Shinto Mystic Adept, That grew up in a Temple out side of town. To bring mystic muscle, the abiltiy to stand in for a face if needed and a few other tricks up his mystic sleeves.

Link: (

EDIT I changed my character to his STREET LEVEL Version so you can find it easier.
EDIT Added a bit more Background to my character.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Poindexter on <08-08-14/1939:10>
How he might know people
1) his skill in Shadow Community to know people in the bus.
2) Other mages he might know if they all go to the same Awakened Only Club in New Orleans. (Just an idea)

Forensics (Clean Up) 2 (4) Pool 7 (9)

Religion (Shinto) 1(3) Pool 6 ( 8 )

There's also those. Not terribly common interests. If someone else shared one, they could know you through that as well.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Scawire on <08-08-14/1944:53>
Saketaro did go to college for a small amount of time before going into so if they are around the same age and went to school that would work to.

If anyone else wants to grow up just west of town in the Shinto Temple that works too. Or if you visited the Temple for a short amount of time that works too.

Also for the magic based runners we could have met at different Talismongers shops around town and talked a bit.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Scawire on <08-08-14/1949:56>
Also if you live in the same part of town, or if your lifestyle match the same building.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Novocrane on <08-08-14/1953:32>
who's a lone wolf at the start of things
We have the option for solo runners?

Nick : Ito "Mirror" Miroku
Rank : Standard
AMS  : late 20s / Troll / M
Role : Scout / Adept Survivalist / Paranatural Advisor
Brief: A former Sydney bikie; Miro bears little of the attitude he cultivated in his youth. While still not the fastest wit, he is quicker to laugh where once he'd be reaching for a weapon, relaxed where he was short fused, and as cautious now as he was reckless before. He ascribes the change to the tutelage of a self-titled koradji he met during lockup - but he keeps anything that came after that meeting to himself. Suffice to say, there aren't any records that corroborate his tale. While ostensibly a knowledgeable paranatural advisor, Mirror refuses to take on runs that involve the twisted arts or dark spirits.
Look : A tall, solidly built troll of mixed descent, with an impressive pair of curling horns on either side of his head. Most often dressed in faded biker leathers, with symbols and a few talismans where your average biker colours would be.
Post : 2-3 times per week, on average.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-08-14/1956:32>
Handle: ?
Name:  Alex Manchester
Rank: Prime
Metatype, sex, age: Orc Male 52

Role: Legwork (Detective), Infiltrator/Combat

Brief concept/history: (One or two paragraphs)

Alex grew up in Texas in a small town that was dying out when he left. He's never taken the time to look but it is probably just a bunch a decrepit buildings on some brokendown back road. He was always ready to leave when he got old enough to get out.

Once he was of age he joined the CAS Army and spent 8 years as a military policeman. After his service he bounced around for a few years. Spending time as a private detective or a guard for some small corporations. Then he joined Lonestar as a cop and moved up the ranks until he made detective. He actually spent the last 5 years until he was fired on cases involving many of the shadowrunners he works with today.

When KE won the Seattle contract from Lonestar, Alex was fired before he could work long enough to get his pension. Now he runs the shadows using his skills to stay under the radar of any police.


Alex is old for an orc. 52 years have been hard on him and it shows somewhat in his rough exterior. It seems his salt and pepper hair is gaining more grey by the day. His body has its share of scars and the callouses on his hands make it seem like your getting a handshake with sandpaper. 

But even at his age, Alex is known as a tough old SOB. He may not be in the same shape he was when he first started bootcamp for the CAS Army or when he started his work at Lonestar. But the old codger can still run laps around many of the younger runners today. He works hard to keep himself in shape and he's had years to train his wit. Plus the few additions added by a street doc he know has helped him keep his edge.

Expected Frequency of posting: Will try for daily M-F with a few (very infrequent) gaps of a day or two

Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Poindexter on <08-08-14/1958:39>
who's a lone wolf at the start of things
We have the option for solo runners?

probably not, but i imagine some of you will want to play members of already established teams, while some of you will prefer to roleplay out the forming of a team.

who knows though? We MIGHT do some solo running. This is still VERY MUCH in the planning phase and i dont wanna rule anything out.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Lusis on <08-08-14/2005:05>
I'll throw in Luz:
I'd like to play her as a Prime Runner, please.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Marcus on <08-08-14/2010:49>
who's a lone wolf at the start of things
We have the option for solo runners?
I think its a bad idea, to a great extent as each lone runner sinks a team's number by 1. Unless we simply want to declare one of the teams the Lone wolf team?
How many folks want to do lone runners?
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Lusis on <08-08-14/2015:48>
who's a lone wolf at the start of things
We have the option for solo runners?
I think its a bad idea, to a great extent as each lone runner sinks a team's number by 1. Unless we simply want to declare one of the teams the Lone wolf team?
How many folks want to do lone runners?

It's really tempting,  but even though Luz is a cold hard bitch, she knows meatshields can be useful. :p
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Marcus on <08-08-14/2018:46>
I'm happy with standard. I guess we should try sorting out who wants where while we are at it.
So far I think we have 2 purposed standards Helios and Saketaro, and 2 purposed Prime Runners Alex and luz.
Where does everyone else stand?
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Triskavanski on <08-08-14/2026:39>
For me, I don't really care which team I get into, I've got character designs for all of them.

1: Concept 1 - Prime Runner - Sneak Thief - This guy is like a kinder, has troubles with personal space if you're not a mark. On the field he a little more professional, and his talents revolve around taking things that don't belong to him. Mystic adept - Follows the Way of the magician - typically uses alchemy to create beads that run on timers, a few command items too.

One thing I need to ask about this character is the Metamagic that enhances nimble fingers, if it should actually instead be Light touch?

2: Concept 2 - Prime/Standard - Captain John Cormac - A guy who watched one too many pirate flicks. Tends to be a bit loud and flashy, typically a distraction who forces his way into things. Has an unusual rife, a 1700's flint lock replica, that is said to never miss his target. While a pirate, oddly has little nautical skill.

3: Concept 3 - Grim/Falcon - Same concept, different characters. An assassin that takes in a lot of legal hits, bounties put out by corporations and governments alike. Grim uses a sycthe and more psychological warfare, while Falcon use a lot parkour, climbing and snap blades.

4: Concept 4 - street - Dirt - Dirt is a grungy assassin who's just starting off. Sinless, he doesn't trust many with SINs and has yet to get even a fake one. His primary weapons are a shoe string and a dirty steel knife. Perhaps the one thing that has really helped Dirt get by is his tendency to go for the weak points, but he isn't much of a talker.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: eximius on <08-08-14/2045:14>
I'm out of town so I'm gunna edit in my character details a little later.

I would prefer a Prime Runner for the concept I have in mind. It will be a magician or mystic adept, I haven't decided yet. Details as early as tonight if I can bear typing it out on my phone.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Scawire on <08-08-14/2052:46>
Since I think it is going to be hard to find anyone really wanting to play a Street level character I have posted a STREET LEVEL version Of my character to the same like I have above. He has changed his Street name to Dark Chi since he is not as Dodgy as he was before.

So if we need me to run street level I will.   8)

EDIT adding the link again....... (
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Poindexter on <08-08-14/2056:28>
I LOVE street level characters. The only thing i feel comfortable predicting is that I'll probably be running that group.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-08-14/2057:01>
Added Alex the ex-Lonestar detective to my previous post. I just haven't got contacts finished since I wanted to see how we were going to handle those known between everyone.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Flicker on <08-08-14/2111:45>
Handle: Cinder
Rank: Prime
Age: 20 looks 15
Height: 4'1"
Weight: 58 lbs
Eyes: Gray with Blue Flecks
Hair: Red  Blonde Highlights
Role: Combat Mage
Expected Frequency of posting: At Least Once A Day

Sharla "Cinder" Acosta

Dwarven Combat Mage                               


Body: 3                                 
Agility: 3                               
Reaction: 3   (4)
Strength: 3
Will: 5           (9)
Logic: 4        (5)
Intuition: 4
Charisma: 5
Essence: 5.04
Magic: 6
Edge: 1

Initiative:  7 (8) + 1d6 (2d6)
Astral Initiative: 8 + 2d6

Physical Condition Boxes: 10
Stun Condition Boxes: 11
Over Flow: 3


Mental: 7
Physical: 5
Social: 7


Spell Focus: Health ( Ring ,  Force 5, 4 Successes Increased Willpower)

Cyber/Bio Ware: (Alpha)

Cerebral Booster Rating 1 +1 Logic
Synaptic Booster Rating 1  +1 Reaction +1 Initiative Die
Cyber Eyes. Rating 4  (16)
Image Link  (Free)
Flare Compensation  (1)
Low Light  (2)
Thermographic  (2)
Vision Enhancement Rating 3 (3)
Vision Magnification (2)
Smart link  (3)


College Education
Extraordinary Attribute Magic
Focused Concentration: Rating 5                 
Consummate Professional



Spell Casting: 6
Counter Spelling: 5
Ritual Spell Casting: 3

Conjuring (Group): 5

Arcana: 2
Assensing: 4
Astral Combat: 2

Alchemy: 2
Artificing: 2
Disenchanting: 2


Automatics: 2
Pistols: 2
Blades: 2
Unarmed Combat: 2

Perception: 2
First Aid: 2
Swimming: 1
Etiquette: 2
Negotiation: 2
Computer: 1

Pilot Ground Craft: 1


Magical Theory: 5
Magical Forensics: 5
Magical Threats: 5
Forensics: 5
Para biology: 2
Para zoology: 2


English: N
Spanish: N


Combat Spells:




Increase Reflexes
Increase Willpower


Improved Invisibility


Glue Strip
Mana Barrier
Physical Barrier

Ritual Magic:

Alchemical Preparations:


Name: Kenta Matsumoto (Connections 3, Loyalty 4)
Race: Elf
Job: Shinto Shaman Talismonger / Qi Tattoo Artist

Name: Jeff Penning Connections 4, Loyalty 4)
Race: Human
Job: Mage Detective in the Paranormal Investigation Department

Name: Sho Fukui Connections 3, Loyalty 4)
Race: Elf
Job: Shinto Street Doc / Rigger

Name: Fran Holmes (Connections 4, Loyalty 4)
Race: Dwarf
Job: Fixer

Hermetic Library (Rating 6)
Reagents (Drams 500 Drams)

Erika Elite Commlink   (Device Rating: 4) x2

Armor Jacket (Leather Duster) (Armor 12)

Ares Crusader II.     (MP)   ACC    DV    AP   MODE.   RC   AMMO   AVAIL    COST
                                           5 (7)    7P      -     SA/BF*     2.     40(c)       9R       830¥

Concealable Quick-Draw Holster (Conceal -1, -1 to quick draw threshold )
10 Clips
APDS Ammo: 400
Gel Ammo: 400

Ares Predator 5     (HP )   ACC   DV    AP   MODE.   RC   AMMO  AVAIL    COST
                                          5 (7)    8P    –1   SA/BF*     1      15(c)       5R.       725¥

Concealable Quick-Draw Holster (Conceal -1, -1 to quick draw threshold )
20 Clips
APDS Ammo: 150
Gel Ammo: 150

Normal Clothes (jeans/shirt) x3

Alias: Rachel Hernandez

Fake SIN (UCAS) Rating (5)
Fake Pistol License (5)
Fake Carry & Conceal (5)
Fake Cyber/Bio Ware License. (5)
Fake Magic License. (5)

Life Style: Low

Karma: 0

Nuyen: 875


Age: 20 looks 15
Height: 4'1"
Weight: 58 lbs
Eyes: Gray with Blue Flecks
Hair: Red  Blonde Highlights

Sharla is tan complected as a Spanish American, she appears to be human with waist length hair. She is intelligent and very observant. She has the look of being harsh and hardened by life, and carries herself with a quiet but deadly attitude. But she has a very sarcastic sense of humor when it shows itself. She dresses in combat oriented gear normally but can dress in office attire or a high end socially accepted dress. This all varies on her need for the run or the occasion. She looks like a very small athletic built human but you can see dwarven highlights in her face.


Sharla was about 5 years old when she thinks back, she remembers following Tommy as they ran from the foster home after the bad man took turns beating her and tommy. They had been on the street for 3 days when the bright lights came and took them, she remembers the pain, all that pain it went on and on never stopping. When she woke up it was only for a minute or two, enough to see herself and 5 others strapped to beds and their blood being drained.
     Then that unforgettable day came, 6 strangers showed up with guns barking orders pulling all of them along dragging them out it was so bright and so much sound it was overwhelming. As they were loading all of them into a strange plane the pain came back even stronger. Before she passed out she heard them say Frag she's hit.
     Sharla woke in a bright all white room, it hurt but not as much and it was a different pain, she tried to stand but she was strapped to the bed, just as she started to panic a lady walked in please remain calm. You are strapped down so you don't hurt yourself before I can explain. I am Dr Roans and I was hired to get you back to health. You were kidnapped a while ago along with some others being the basis of some genetic experiments as to why you have more of your human appearance and not dwarven, your blood was used to see what was so different in your DNA. While you were being extracted by a team to be transferred to another corporation you were killed. So the report says but a friend named Fran took a great interest in you since she was not able to have children and you being very special and all alone in the world.
     So she hired me to do your replacement work and rehab. You had to have cyber and bio ware augments to survive and be able to function but the best we could access was used to create the smallest impact to your magical ability. I know this is all overwhelming but please stay calm. The doctor released her straps and introduced Aunt Fran. As Sharla listened she realized this lady wanted to adopt her, to give her a family, give her a life.
     So Sharla worked through her rehab learned how to do everything over again, but also she started school work and magical study. Learning everything she could about practice and theory. As she was growing up she learned Aunt Fran was a fixer she set up contracts for people that weren't always the nicest people. But there were nice people too. She met Lena who taught her how to handle guns and herself in combat. What armor was best and how to judge items of value. Bethany taught her about reagents, foci and how to make them and use them in out of school applications. As college started she learned a lot about forensics mundane and magical, she actually helped Aunt Fran a few times finding evidence of runs going bad most would never see. She expanded her knowledge she learned everything she could on theory and application of forensics and magic, she also went outside of school to learn magical combat from Bethany. So after graduation Sharla did some work for Aunt Fran and also some private consulting and now she is trying to decide where she will go next.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Scawire on <08-08-14/2128:45>
@ lShadel
You can only have Magic Rating x 2 in spells, your magic is 6 so you can only have 12 spells not 14. (Page 98 main books.)

Also careful having more focus rating then your magic rating active at one time you can get a focus addiction for doing that. You can but addictions are not always good to have.

When it comes to Contacts in 5th edition the max you can have for Connection and loyalty total is 7 (ie 6 connection and 1 loyalty) (page 98 main book)

Sorry about that, remember be careful with the new beta Chummer it is still in beta testing stage right now.
Again sorry and welcome to the shadows.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Scawire on <08-08-14/2256:12>
I like my new street level guy, put me down for street level, I'll add what magical help to the street runner as best I can, well ok almost as best I can, got to keep something hidden.... for now.  8)

Well all you runners I hope you all have great fun in this new crazy big group.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Triskavanski on <08-08-14/2308:07>
For me, most of the time I develop very bare basic character ideas, and then begin developing them from there and adding more.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Imveros on <08-09-14/0125:06>
I volunteer as tribute... i mean street level.

I have a cool concept in mind for a street level runner. Are we using the street level rules on page (64) or the street scum rules from page (354) ?
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Marcus on <08-09-14/0158:16>
@lShadel You also have a force 3 sustaining focus sustaining a force 4 spell which doesn't work unless your specifying use of reagents. Which is a dangerous game to play.
Increase Reflexes the spell doesn't raise reaction just initiative.
Increased Attribute (Willpower) the force of the Spell would be 9 not 5 ("The Force of the spell must equal or exceed
the (augmented) value of the Attribute being affected." Core page 288) Again would require reagents.
I'm going to assume that you are purposing this a prime runner-
A fairlight calibine w/ Hot sim comes to 18F availability. (Prime is 15 as I understand it.)
You have -43 karma worth of positive qualities and +3 karma worth of negative qualities, under prime runner your 8 over.
You have 16 karma spent in bonding, and something like atleast 30 karma worth of spells, depending on what magic priority you took, and of course your exceeding max starting spells by magic.
Without priority and karma break down of that character I can't tell you exactly how over spent you are but your over spent.
I'd suggest taking this to the critique boards, I'm sure they can get you straightened out.

@ravensoracle- Where is the aged quality from? Your math looks good to me, but I must be missing a source.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-09-14/0324:37>
@ Marcus Aged comes from the bullets & bandages supplement. If anyone wants to check my math I will send them a copy of my chummer file.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: reyjinn on <08-09-14/0533:02>
Edit for char concept:

Handle: Yohan "Beast" Cabella

Rank (street, std, prime): Street

Metatype, sex, age: Ork, M, 21

Role: Smashing people (and other things) in the face / Face (-ish, no negotiation skill but ~10d6 for con, etiquette, intimidation)

Brief concept/history (One or two paragraphs):
Born and raised on the Streets of New Orleans, Yohan grew up tough and mean. Then he awoke at 14 and grew tougher still. Growing up he ran errands for [Street Gang Name] controlled by Kohana Black-Eagle, saving up enough to buy himself a killer nice bike which is his pride and joy. Kohana's gang is honestly more of a neighborhood watch patrol so there was never any pressure on Yohan to join up per se, the two remain close friends to this day and Yohan still lives in the swatch of the Barrens that [Street Gang] are struggling to keep semi free from the kind of drek that goes on elsewhere with Yohan lending a helping hand where and when he can.

Not really feeling the future prospects of either joining the gang or getting a job at one of their legit operations Yohan has been looking towards getting into running the shadows, soliciting help from his friends Kohana and Slash in finding a potential half-decent fixer.

Appearance: Tall, chiseled muscles, this is a guy you want to take home, only not to meet your mother. Throughout the character creation I had Jax Teller from Sons of Anarchy in mind (only more orky). Long sandy blonde hair worn back and contained by a bandana, bright and alert hazel eyes.

Expected Frequency of posting: Daily (with exceptions for when life decides to get funny, but can always get on phone to check in and give a heads up for those times)

Kohana Black-Eagle, 46 y/o Human, Sioux origins
Gang leader, C2
Former Sioux special forces, teaches his gang and trusted allies the Wildcat fighting style. Followed his girlfriend (later wife) to New Orleans, started up his gang to protect his neighborhood, expanded to create a bit of a safe environment. No saints though, they deal in Cram, Zen, Bliss, protection, book making, etc. Also have several legit operations (for money laundering obviously) such as a Vehicle Mechanic Shop, Bar, Bowling alley.

Slash (stage name), 24 y/o Ork, New Orleans native
Trog Rock Singer, C3
Singer in a prominent local Trog Rock band. A man with connections in the sprawl, if there is an event going down he's invited or can get invited quickly.

Jackson Pollux, 26 y/o Human, New Orleans native
Lone Star Sergeant, C2
Local boy gone legit. Everyone has heard these sad stories of good kids from the hood going over to the corp side for SINs, comfort and general brainwashing. Luckily LocalBoy still remembers where he came from.

Chummer 5 file for perusing if so desired
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Blazrath on <08-09-14/0537:45>
A: Attributes
B: Skills
C: Magic
D: Resources
E: Metatype(Human)

Dylan O'Sullivan 'Sinbad'
B 4/6, A 6/6, R 6/7, S 4/6, W 3/6, L 2/6, I 4/6, C 4/6, ESS 6, EDG 3, M 4

Condition Monitor (P/S):
Armor: 8(10)
Limits: Physical 6, Mental 4, Social 6
Physical Initiative: 10+2d6

Active Skills: Athletics 5, Con 4, Blades 6(+2 Swords), Pistols 3, Survival 3, Navigation 4, Sneaking 4, Perception 4, Intimidation 4, Pilot Watercraft 3

Knowledge Skills: Caribbean Smuggling Routes 3, Mafia 3, Underworld 3
Languages: Sperethiel N, English N, Gaelic 3

Metatype Abilities: None
Positive Qualities: Bilingual, Mentor Spirit(Stag), One Trick Pony
Negative Qualities: Addicted to Foci(Mild), Code of Honor(Articles of Agreement), Distinctive Style(Black Woad Sleeve Tattoos)

Martial Art Styles:
. . La Verdadera Destreza
. . . . Riposte, Yielding Force(Riposte)
. . One Trick Pony
. . . . Barbed Hooks 5,500

Ki Powers:
. . Astral Perception 1.0
. . Critical Strike(Blades) .5
. . Enhanced Accuracy(Blades) .25
. . Improved Reflexes 1.5
. . Improved Sense(Direction Sense) .25
. . Quick Draw(If allowed) .5

. . Qi Focus(Woad Tattoos): 4 (12000)
. . . . Mystic Armor 2

. . Contacts 3
. . . . Low Light Vision, Flare Compensation, Image Link (1375)
. . Auctioneer Business Clothes (1500)
. . Hermes Ikon (3000)
. . Subvocal Mic (50)

. . Cutlass (Acc 7, Reach 1, [Str+2]P, -3 AP) 1000
. . . Punching(Acc Physical, [Str+1])
. . Remington Roomsweeper(Acc 4[5], 7P/9P, -1/+4, 8m) 250
. . . . 24 Regular, 14 Flechette, Laser Sight 1645

. . GMC Outrider (Handle 4, Speed 3, Accel 2, Body 12, Armor 6, Pilot 2, Sensor 2, Seats 8) 21500

. . Kenta Matsumoto: Connection 3, Loyalty 1 (Shinto Shaman Talismonger / Qi Tattoo Artist)
. . Alexandre Telemasco: Connection 4, Loyalty 2 (Romero Fixer/Lawyer)
. . Sandy Douglas: Connection 1, Loyalty 3 (Dockmaster)

. . Fake Sin 3
. . Fake Gun License 4
. . Fake Magic License 4
. . Lifestyle Low 2 Months

Starting Money: 480 + 3d6 + 60
Karma Expenditures: -12 Martial Arts, -17 Positive, +24 Negative, -7 Resources, -1 Knowledge: Louisiana Waterways 0-1, -1 Language: Spanish 0-1, -2 Armorer 0-1, -1 Contacts 1, -8 Attune Foci
Leftover Karma: 0

Articles of Agreement, otherwise known as Charter Party or Pirate Code. Laws in place:
Pirate Code of Conduct 1 - Equal Voting Rights
Pirate Code of Conduct 2 - Fair share of the loot and pirates punishments for those who cheated
Pirate Code of Conduct 3 - Gambling was banned
Pirate Code of Conduct 4 - No lights at night - a pirates sleep should not be disturbed
Pirate Code of Conduct 5 - Each pirate was responsible for the upkeep of their weapons
Pirate Code of Conduct 6 - No Boys or women allowed on board
Pirate Code of Conduct 7 - Penalty for Desertion
Pirate Code of Conduct 8 - No fighting between pirates on board the ship
Pirate Code of Conduct 9 - A Pension according to the severity of wounds
Pirate Code of Conduct 10 - Shares of the loot or booty
Pirate Code of Conduct 11 - Musicians available to play when required

Just thought I'd try to make a new code of conduct.

Dylan was born and raised in Munster, Tir na nOg, a human in Elven nation in a family that had some prominence in the nation. While not a part of the Danaan Mor proper or even a direct blood relative to the representatives, his family still had to have a status to keep up and were more proud to have Elves than Humans born to them. While not the first child and already having Elvish children, the family attention-span for him was slim to none, so hanging out at the docks was the best way to pass time and got him friendly with the sailors. Unfortunately, this lead him down the route of first trying to be a legitimate sailor, then jumping ship in the Caribbean for less legitimate jobs and eventually finding himself part of the crew on The Vengeful Drake, a repurposed research vessel working the Caribbean and rivers heading up into Mainland Confederate States of America for pirating and smuggling routes. Until the main ship was sunk, Dylan had something decent going on with getting a small cut as muscle for different jobs and operating the small skiffs, either for trades or helping Runners.

Currently after the sinking of his captain's pirate ship, he is in New Orleans resting his bones a little with his new ship where he knows he is safe. Sandy may of not liked the lifestyle, but her brother was on the ship when it went down and she tries to make sure he doesn't go down to Davy Jones Locker like her brother. She inherited one of the major docks from her family that tends to have good security due to her standing with the local crime lord, paying protection money to make sure nothing is fire-bombed. Its also a good spot for smugglers due to the lack of city police to come and bust everything, but she doesn't like Dylan to do it. Which is why she tries to throw him legitimate jobs, but they don't really help when the people stiff him on the bill. She's an attractive elf in her mid twenties that likes to worry about people she got close to.

With his job as a smuggler and transporter, you have to deal with the mafia of the city or find yourself wearing a new pair of cement shoes. So he got in good with one of his contacts, but its always business and Alexandre always wants his cut to send back. He is a part of the Romero family, the Creole Mafia homegrown in New Orleans, under the Polish Mafia. On occasion Alexandre has been his legal council for getting him out of trouble as he knows people.

Kenta is his go to person for tattoos, even if its only for shinto usually. With enough of a contribution to the temple, he/she will look the other way and do other styles that not in their culture, but still imbue with power. They do a good job and don't mess up on the line work.

I can play this for standard or make something else.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Scawire on <08-09-14/1212:16>
@ Blazarth
If you are using my talismonger / Qi tattoo artist you might have to keep his Connection rating at 3 since that is still 3 for you or me. Just FYI.

Again have fun in the crazy brain eatting Zombie streets of New Orleans everyone.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Poindexter on <08-09-14/1409:29>
I volunteer as tribute... i mean street level.

I have a cool concept in mind for a street level runner. Are we using the street level rules on page (64) or the street scum rules from page (354) ?
I second that question, if we're doing Street level don't be surprised if we end up with an all-awakened crew.

page 64.

and as for the all awakened thing, yes that IS more viable as per the numbers at street level, but is that appropriate to the theme and setting? The appeal i think of the street game is that you start off FAR less than optimized and (at least in the way this game is theorized) have plenty of time to watch the character grow into more advanced version of itself. Starting everyone off optimized and min/maxxed, while it can work and even be NECESSARY at std and prime runner levels, i feel like can actually cheapen and fuck up the street level. Just my personal opinion, y'know?
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Poindexter on <08-09-14/1413:17>
Also, just so yall know, there is NO RUSH on this. Over in GM world, we're kicking around phrases like "X weeks to develop the setting" and things like that so don't get too antsy on this, y'know? Take some time, and make yourself a character who's really deep and three dimentional. Develop their contacts, history. How do they know the people they know? Family? Ex lovers? former employers? shit like that. You're gonna be playin this one for a minute. Make good and damn sure ya like em. Ya got time...
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: reyjinn on <08-09-14/1734:02>
I volunteer as tribute... i mean street level.

I have a cool concept in mind for a street level runner. Are we using the street level rules on page (64) or the street scum rules from page (354) ?
I second that question, if we're doing Street level don't be surprised if we end up with an all-awakened crew.

page 64.

and as for the all awakened thing, yes that IS more viable as per the numbers at street level, but is that appropriate to the theme and setting? The appeal i think of the street game is that you start off FAR less than optimized and (at least in the way this game is theorized) have plenty of time to watch the character grow into more advanced version of itself. Starting everyone off optimized and min/maxxed, while it can work and even be NECESSARY at std and prime runner levels, i feel like can actually cheapen and fuck up the street level. Just my personal opinion, y'know?

Another thing, that I didn't consider until after I posted, going from street lvl to standard is really only about nuyen. The gap between Street scum and standard is much, much larger. So street level is probably a better idea where teams might eventually get mixed up.

ETA: I think I'll move forward with my Street level Charismatic Ork Biker Adept. Totally ready to switch gears on go for a standard build if the demand for street level spots becomes overwhelming though :)
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Scawire on <08-09-14/1948:34>
I'm totally cool with fleshing out my back story a lot more then the small snip-it I first posted. Since we got sometime I will think about what to write about Dark Chi.

Also would it be a good idea for us players to start to think of hang outs we frequent. Like bars, clubs, pubs, restaurants, malls, parks or other areas. Or do you game masters want to give a few locations that we could choose from for hang outs. Just an idea I don't want to start making places in New Orleans then have the GM mad at what places we where thinking of. I suggest if the GMs have a bit of time they could throw a few clubs to us on this forum and see if anyone likes the location for there back story. Just an idea.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-09-14/2024:17>
Working on some short stories for my character now. Should they be posted in a new post in this thread or added to the post with the character sheet for easy reference? I'm also interested in my character knowing at least some of the others before the game starts. It makes things much easier.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: reyjinn on <08-09-14/2031:09>
I'd suggest adding to original post to avoid clutter, if 15 runners start posting tidbits about themselves we'll get swamped pretty quickly.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Triskavanski on <08-09-14/2059:58>
Would be nice if spoilers worked.

I've almost completed Dirt, a physical adept assassin, who uses basically junk they pick up to kill with them. A standand steak knife, a shoe string, and a lead pipe. Curretly follows Doom.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-09-14/2127:35>
I added a couple of short blurbs to Alex that I have been writing up to get into his head for writing a background.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: reyjinn on <08-09-14/2225:41>
I'm working on 2 contacts that some of you may or may not want to share. I'm more than open to collaborate on their backstory if someone is interested.

1. Gang leader. Former Sioux Special Forces, Imagine he moved down to Nawlins because of a woman, how he ended up in his current position is as of yet unclear. Has been known to teach the Wildcat fighting style to his gang and trusted allies. I've given him a connection rating of 2.

2. Trog rock singer. Just about the coolest cat around, his band is only known locally so far but is well known in the right circles. This is a guy who can get into any party being held (if it's a fat cat party it's not really a party is it?) and more often than not could get his friends in with him. I've given him a connection rating of 3.

I'll keep rolling those guys over in my head, but by all means send me a PM or something if you're interested in sharing them.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Novocrane on <08-09-14/2333:59>
Zen (C3 Male Orc) Humourless Japanese Kenjutsu teacher. Likes to gamble.
Owns a dojo that doubles as a safe house for a number of live-in and travelling students.
Uses: Information, training, safe house
Places to Meet: Dojo, casinos

Mr Kato(C5 Male Human) Canny, smart-mouthed Yakuza, highly placed in the local gumi under [whichever]-rengo.
Second-in-command to the current oyabun; recently offered the chance to carve out his own territory.
Uses: Information, additional contacts
Places to Meet: Restaurants, casinos, bars

Seven7 (C4 (?)) Skilled SIN, license, and ID forger.
Rarely spoken with directly, and never met in person. Rumoured HMHVV Infected.
Uses: Access passes, fake identities, forged documents
Places to Meet: Dead drops, online, techie hangouts (via courier)

I had these contacts from another game that went under, and would like to repurpose them.

Currently working on an ex-corper troll socialite (standard).
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: The Wyrm Ouroboros on <08-10-14/0927:07>
Hawatari is removed.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: rookie01 on <08-10-14/0931:47>
I think it would be great for folks to come up with locals, as a gm its great if characters craft the world that they live in, the only thing I'd advise against is putting it physically somewhere in new Orleans. Some ideas include smugglers, members of krews (magical gangs), swamp folk, NOPD.
Keep in mind that new Orleans doesn't have as large a mega corp presence as say Seattle or New York.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Novocrane on <08-10-14/1022:21>
TWO, are you using 5e, and if so, what rules are you using? They're not the Prime Runner rules on p64, are they?
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Horsemen on <08-10-14/1127:25>
@Novocrane: Most likely it will be those rules but this is something that is still being ironed out.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: rookie01 on <08-10-14/1131:55>
Yeah I think that using 5th ed pg 64 rules will be the simplest. In that case TWO, some of your stuff looks like its from 4th, also starting gear is limited to 16 availability (so I think that rules out some of your delta ware and the suprathyroid gland. I think you should take another pass over Suki and make a few changes.

Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Lusis on <08-10-14/1210:59>
Is betaware allowed for prime runners?
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: rookie01 on <08-10-14/1231:32>
Check the availability 16 or less for prime ,12 or less for normal, 10 or less for street.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: The Wyrm Ouroboros on <08-10-14/1331:25>
Some of them are drawn from 3e, some from 4e.  However, as previously stated, I have no desire to create a new character for this.  My apologies for not making that more clear; I will withdraw.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Marcus on <08-10-14/1557:35>
Some of them are drawn from 3e, some from 4e.  However, as previously stated, I have no desire to create a new character for this.  My apologies for not making that more clear; I will withdraw.
Wyrm what does creating a new character specifically mean to you? Helios is fresh version of an old character of mine, re-created in 5th. If you wish I'm sure we could remake the character fresh into 5th. I'd be happy to help, and I'm sure the folks in Critique would also lend assistance.
I understand if ya wanna drop but I'd prefer to work to find mutually satisfactory conclusion.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Marcus on <08-10-14/1639:26>
Also, just so yall know, there is NO RUSH on this. Over in GM world, we're kicking around phrases like "X weeks to develop the setting" and things like that so don't get too antsy on this, y'know? Take some time, and make yourself a character who's really deep and three dimentional. Develop their contacts, history. How do they know the people they know? Family? Ex lovers? former employers? shit like that. You're gonna be playin this one for a minute. Make good and damn sure ya like em. Ya got time...
Indeed  8)
My plan was to get a character up for everyone which I figured would take awhile, and then work on depth, connections/background, and the conclude with team division once we had a good idea about each character, and a better understand about each player.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Blazrath on <08-10-14/1734:13>
I have a good idea about my character's identity and background, its just the custom ideas I had and hope they are ok that I'm more worried about . Its just I find it funny to picture a serious practicer of the way of the samurai with a katana going against a non-serious, but still as good smuggler fighting with a cutlass and the cutlass eventually beating the guy down. Then the mentor spirit as a stag and quick draw as a power when as far as I know its not a 5e power, but was a 4e power.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: The Wyrm Ouroboros on <08-10-14/1738:04>
Wyrm what does creating a new character specifically mean to you? Helios is fresh version of an old character of mine, re-created in 5th. If you wish I'm sure we could remake the character fresh into 5th. I'd be happy to help, and I'm sure the folks in Critique would also lend assistance.
I understand if ya wanna drop but I'd prefer to work to find mutually satisfactory conclusion.

Let me reword, if that'd be better - I have no intention of reworking, recreating, rebuilding, or otherwise *creating a character, whether that's a brand-new concept or based off an old one.  She cannot be done in the current methodology; she requires a karma build system, as well as qualities which are not yet prepped for 5e, and I am neither interested nor willing to revise her.  Thank you for your offer; I hope you all have fun with the game.

N.B.: you might actually want to move this over into the PbP section.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Lusis on <08-10-14/1803:16>
My submission for the PR team:

== Info ==
Street Name: Arclight
Name: Luz de Arco
Movement: 8/16
Karma: 0
Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 0
Public Awareness: 0
Human Female Age 24
Height 6'2" Weight 235 (w/'ware)
Composure: 5
Judge Intentions: 5
Lift/Carry: 9 (60 kg/40 kg)
Memory: 6
Nuyen: 546

== Attributes ==
BOD: 5
AGI: 4
REA: 5
STR: 4
CHA: 2
INT: 3
LOG: 3
WIL: 3
EDG: 5

== Derived Attributes ==
Essence:                   0.40
Initiative:                8 + 1d6
Rigger Initiative:         8 + 1d6
Astral Initiative:         
Matrix AR Initiative:      8 + 1d6
Matrix Cold Initiative:    3 +DP + 3d6
Matrix Hot Initiative:     3 +DP + 4d6
Physical Damage Track:     16
Stun Damage Track:         10

== Limits ==
Physical:                  6
Mental:                    4
Social:                    3
   Custom Ballistic Mask [+1] (Only for intimidation, Must be visible)
   Vashon Island: Sleeping Tiger [+1] (Must be visible)

== Active Skills ==
Armorer                    : 2 [Firearms]           Pool: 5 (7)
Automatics                 : 6                      Pool: 12
Cybertechnology            : 1 [Repair]             Pool: 4 (6)
Electronic Warfare         : 3 [Sensor Operations] Pool: 6 ( 8 )
Etiquette                  : 1                      Pool: 3
First Aid                  : 1                      Pool: 4
Gymnastics                 : 2                      Pool: 8
Impersonation              : 1                      Pool: 3
Intimidation               : 1                      Pool: 3
Perception                 : 3                      Pool: 6
Pilot Ground Craft         : 1 [Bike]               Pool: 6 ( 8 )
Pistols                    : 6                      Pool: 12
Running                    : 2                      Pool: 6
Sneaking                   : 2                      Pool: 6
Swimming                   : 2                      Pool: 6
Throwing Weapons           : 1                      Pool: 7
Unarmed Combat             : 1 [Cyber Implants]     Pool: 7 (9)

== Knowledge Skills ==
Combat Tactics             : 4                      Pool: 7
English                    : N                      Pool: 0
Small Unit Tactics         : 5                      Pool: 8
Spanish                    : N                      Pool: 0
Underworld                 : 3                      Pool: 6

== Qualities ==
Addiction (Mild) (Augmentation)
Consummate Professional
Distinctive Style
Out For Myself
Prejudiced (Common, Biased) (Unaugmented)
Prejudiced (Specific, Radical) (Technomancers)
Weak Immune System

== Lifestyles ==
Bomb Shelter  1 months

== Cyberware/Bioware ==
Cyberears Rating 3
   +Sound Link
   +Audio Enhancement Rating 3
   +Balance Augmenter
   +Select Sound Filter Rating 2
   +Spatial Recognizer
Cybereyes Basic System Rating 3
   +Image Link
   +Thermographic Vision
   +Vision Enhancement Rating 2
   +Vision Magnification
   +Low-Light Vision
   +Flare Compensation
Obvious Full Arm (AGI 6, STR 4, Physical 6) (Left)
   +Customized Agility Rating 6
   +Customized Strength Rating 4
   +Shock Hand
   +Armor Rating 2
Obvious Full Arm (AGI 6, STR 4, Physical 6) (Right)
   +Customized Agility Rating 6
   +Customized Strength Rating 4
   +Shock Hand
   +Armor Rating 2
Obvious Full Leg (AGI 6, STR 4, Physical 6) (Left)
   +Customized Agility Rating 6
   +Customized Strength Rating 4
   +Cyber Holster
   +Hydraulic Jacks Rating 6
   +Armor Rating 2
Obvious Full Leg (AGI 6, STR 4, Physical 6) (Right)
   +Customized Agility Rating 6
   +Customized Strength Rating 4
   +Cyber Holster
   +Hydraulic Jacks Rating 6
   +Armor Rating 2
Obvious Torso (AGI 6, STR 4, Physical 6)
   +Customized Agility Rating 6
   +Customized Strength Rating 4
   +Armor Rating 2
   +Internal Air Tank Rating 1
Olfactory Booster Rating 3
Voice Modulator Rating 3

== Armor ==
--Mission Kit--
Custom Ballistic Mask               2
   +Sensor Array Rating 6
      +Cyberware Scanner
      +MAD Scanner
      +Motion Sensor
      +Radio Signal Scanner
      +Omni-directional Microphone
      +Olfactory Sensor
Vashon Island: Sleeping Tiger       13
   +Custom Fit
   +Electrochromic Clothing
   +Newest Model
   +Nonconductivity 6
   +Ruthenium Polymer Coating 3

--Civilian Kit--
Vashon Island: Synergist Business Line9
   +Custom Fit
   +Nonconductivity 4
   +Concealable Holster
Vashon Island: Synergist Business Line Longcoat3
   +Custom Fit (Stack)

== Weapons ==
Colt Agent Special
   +Hidden Gun Arm Slide
   +Smartgun System, Internal
   Pool: 14  Accuracy: 7   DV: 8P   AP: -   
Grenade: Flash-Bang
   Pool: 5   Accuracy: 6   DV: 10S (10m Radius)   AP: -4   
Grenade: Fragmentation
   Pool: 5   Accuracy: 6   DV: 18P(f) (-1/m)   AP: +5   RC: 2
Grenade: Gas
   Pool: 5   Accuracy: 6   DV: Chemical (10m Radius)   AP: -   
Grenade: Gas
   Pool: 5   Accuracy: 6   DV: Chemical (10m Radius)   AP: -   
Grenade: Thermal Smoke
   Pool: 5   Accuracy: 6   DV: (10m Radius)   AP: -   
Ingram Smartgun X
   +Smartgun System, Internal
   +Sound Suppressor
   Pool: 14   Accuracy: 6   DV: 8P   AP: -   RC: 6
Remington Roomsweeper
   +Smartgun System, Internal
   Pool: 14   Accuracy: 6   DV: 7P   AP: -1   RC: 3
Ruger Super Warhawk
   +Smartgun System, Internal
   Pool: 14   Accuracy: 7   DV: 9P   AP: -2   RC: 3
Savalette Guardian
   +Gas-Vent 3 System
   +Smartgun System, Internal
   Pool: 14   Accuracy: 7   DV: 8P   AP: -1   RC: 6

Shock Hand (x2)
   Pool: 9   Accuracy: 6   DV: 9S(e)   AP: -5   
Spurs (x2)
   Pool: 9   Accuracy: 6   DV: 7P   AP: -2

Tiffani-Defiance Protector
   +Concealable Holster
   +Gecko Grip
   +Laser Sight
   Pool: 13   Accuracy: 6   DV: 7S(e)   AP: -5   RC: 3

Unarmed Attack
   Pool: 7   Accuracy: 6   DV: 4S   AP: -   RC: 3

Yamaha Raiden
   +Shock Pad
   +Smartgun System, Internal
   +Sound Suppressor
   Pool: 14   Accuracy: 8   DV: 11P   AP: -2   RC: 6

== Martial Arts ==
   +Close Quarter Firearms (Pistols)

== Commlink ==
Fairlight Caliban (, , 7, ) [Implanted]
Sony Emperor (, , 2, )

== Gear ==
Ammo: APDS (Heavy Pistols) x18
Ammo: EX-Explosive Rounds (Light Pistols) x32
Ammo: Explosive Rounds (Heavy Pistols) x48
Ammo: Flechette Rounds (Heavy Pistols) x16
Ammo: Regular Ammo (Assault Rifles) x240
Ammo: Regular Ammo (Submachine Guns) x160
Ammo: Taser Dart (Tasers) x6
Crash x3
Fake SIN (Angelines Carrión Lucero) Rating 5
   +Fake License (Restricted Cyberware License) Rating 5
   +Fake License (Firearms License) Rating 5
   +Fake License (Military Weapons License) Rating 5
   +Fake License (Concealed Carry Permit) Rating 5
   +Fake License (Private Investigator License) Rating 5
Fake SIN (Claudia Reyes) Rating 3
   +Fake License (Concealed Carry Permit) Rating 3
   +Fake License (Restricted Cyberware License) Rating 3
   +Fake License (Pistol License) Rating 3
   +Fake License (Automatic Weapons License) Rating 3
   +Fake License (Bounty Hunter's License) Rating 3
Gecko Tape Gloves
Grenade: Flash-Bang
Grenade: Fragmentation
Grenade: Gas
Grenade: Gas
   +Neuro-Stun X
Grenade: Thermal Smoke
Jammer, Area Rating 5
Medkit Rating 3
   +Miniwelder Fuel Canister
Slap Patch, Stim Patch Rating 6 x3
Spare Clip (Yamaha Raiden) x4
Spare Clip (Ingram Smartgun X)x5
Spare Clip (Savalette Guardian)x4
Speed Loader (Ruger Super Warhawk) x2
Speed Loader (Colt Agent Special)
Stealth Tags x10
Stealth Tags x10
   +Motion Sensor
Stealth Tags x10
   +Omni-directional Microphone
Tag Eraser
Thermite Burning Bar
Tool Kit (Cybernetic Repair)
Tool Kit (Gunsmith)

== Vehicles ==
MCT Fly-Spy (Minidrone)
   +Autosoft (Stealth) Rating 2
   +Autosoft (Clearsight) Rating 2
   +Sensor Array Rating 3
      +Laser Microphone
      +Omni-directional Microphone
Suzuki Mirage (Racing Bike)
   +Sensor Array Rating 2

== Description ==
Tall, slim, dark and mysterious; and by that you mean that her expensive upgrades have added a inch or two to her frame, pared away any unnecessary mass, and, well, black never goes out of style. The mystery isn't that she's augmented - her high-dollar outfit is meant to display that proudly - but that her demeanor displays a detachment with a little bit of contempt for those around her.

Looking closer, her cybereyes are a fiery orange gradient of yellow to red. Her ears, while the lobes are still flesh, have the holes filled with 'ware. Long black hair (which oddly looks natural) flows to the side, the side of her head shaved to display the alpha-grade datajack. Her waist seems almost unnaturally thin and long compared to her upper body and hips, and her metal limbs are sleek and long. The ballistic long skirt over her legs is parted, and the neo-kimono style sleeves reveal that a large infusion of scrip made her what she is today.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Marcus on <08-10-14/1854:47>
Just checking-

Where are ya'll at?
Do ya want any help or any discussion?
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: reyjinn on <08-10-14/1938:47>
I've mostly finished up with the Ork biker, transferred him to google docs this morning and I'll post his sheet here in the coming days.
Like I said I'd most like to play in the street group but can easily go to a standard build instead if street has to many applications.

Need to do more work on background, contacts and stuff but that always takes more time then just crunching the numbers.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Imveros on <08-10-14/2144:45>
I've mostly finished up with the Ork biker, transferred him to google docs this morning and I'll post his sheet here in the coming days.
Like I said I'd most like to play in the street group but can easily go to a standard build instead if street has to many applications.

Need to do more work on background, contacts and stuff but that always takes more time then just crunching the numbers.

I'm making a troll biker. You should stay in the street game and we can be bros. Not quite sure on his specifics yet. I have sent a few questions to the GM :)
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Koshnek on <08-11-14/0036:20>
Handle: Hammer
Rank: Prime
Metatype, sex, age: Human, Male, 53
Role: Anti-Magic Combatant
Brief concept/history: Hammer was born somewhere in Europe, but his earliest memories are of London. He grew up in a Catholic orphanage there and awakened at an early age. It was determined that he had great magical potential, so he was taken to train at a location undisclosed to him. It was determined that while his potential was great, his ability was lacking. Hammer was trained in the arts of breaking magic for the organization he would eventually be recruited to: Libra Stratera (Scales of Balance). LS is an anonymous organization which believes magic should serve, protect and benefit humanity.

Hammer takes well to the training and principles of LS, and is successfully recruited as a Breaker. It's all he's known his whole life, but he took to it well. He's free to pursue his own goals whenever hes not on missions as long as he stays true to the principles of LS. He is sent to New Orleans on standby because breakers are in high demand in Chicago, and there were no breakers on standby around the gulf coast. He meets up with his appointed contact in the city and settles into his new life. He's drawn to the shadows to both fund his stay in Chicago and to right any magical wrongs he may encounter.

Appearance: Hammer's face is untouched by the sun but weathered by hardship. If you look into his eyes you get the feeling that he knows everything about you before you've even spoken with him. If you do speak with him, however, he won't say much. His hair is black and kept short, and his eyes are blue.  Hammer is always seen wearing the same ensemble. He is completely covered in black from head to toe patterned with swirls of silver embroidery. During missions he dons a lined coat of similar design. Silver embroidrey swirls around the coat, and it extends nearly down to his feet. Hammer wears a startlingly white ballistic mask underneath the oversized hood of his coat.

Expected Frequency of posting: At least once per day. Weekends may vary, but I don't see a problem. Possibly more often dependent upon the rest of the team.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Triskavanski on <08-11-14/0331:45>
I'm working on Dirt right now, though I'm having a hard time deciding if he should be more focused in the art of stabbing people with knives or spread out amongst lots of different close combat weapons. (Garrote, Blade, Unarmed, Club, and Throwing)
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Poindexter on <08-11-14/0333:54>
As for the characters you're making; They'll all probably work in some way or another and the GMs will be taking great care to ensure that everyone has at least SOME importance to the overarching plot. Now with that being said, it's quite likely that those characters who seem more lifelike, more genuine in their emotions and reactions, more three dimensional...
it's likely that THOSE characters will find themselves a bit more important to the overarching plot, regardless of whether they're street, standard, or prime.

No one's probably gonna tell you you cant play a psycho goofy combat goon, just dont be surprised when the campaign dun really focus on that guy so much, y'know?
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Poindexter on <08-11-14/0336:13>
However, as previously stated, I have no desire to create a new character for this.  My apologies for not making that more clear; I will withdraw.

That's too bad. I feel like the game could have really benefited from your participation, but if it aint fun it aint fun, right?
we'll miss ya, and if you change your mind, you've honestly got a SHIT ton of time to change it back.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: reyjinn on <08-11-14/0422:26>
I've mostly finished up with the Ork biker, transferred him to google docs this morning and I'll post his sheet here in the coming days.
Like I said I'd most like to play in the street group but can easily go to a standard build instead if street has to many applications.

Need to do more work on background, contacts and stuff but that always takes more time then just crunching the numbers.

I'm making a troll biker. You should stay in the street game and we can be bros. Not quite sure on his specifics yet. I have sent a few questions to the GM :)
Sure, that could very well work for me. I'll shoot you a PM with my guys info so we can discuss it without cluttering this thread unnecessarily.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: eximius on <08-11-14/0457:57>
For the record, I will post my character concept sometime tomorrow (hopefully). I just got back from out of state.

For a little preview of the idea, I will give you the super-short backstory: (character) is ex-ira(maybe also ex-Tir Republican Corps?), retired due to some philosophical disagrrement of some violent event, turns to eastern traditions of nonviolence, pilgrimage to tibetan temples interrupted by the maya wall (needs a continuity check to see when it appeared...). so he instead buys a bunch of books on zen/buddhism and studies that. through meditation and tai chi/kung fu he realizes he is a latent awakened individual (just fluff-wise) and becomes a mystic adept. the spirits he conjures are his "past lives".

that is my super rough outline. still no idea why he starts shadowrunning. Anyway, just wanted to get that out there before I fully develop it. (apologies for the poor capitalization and punctuation, I'm on my phone at 4am :))

edit: are custom magic traditions considered okay for missions games (since we'll likely follow missions rules) or should I restrict myself to one of the existing ones? also, does anyone know if artificers can make foci for other traditions? otherwise a custom tradition would maje it awfully hard to have good foci...
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Koshnek on <08-11-14/1009:41>
I had some unused karma, so I bought a point of etiquette. I also dropped astral beacon and prejudiced to pick up sensitive system. I think its more fitting for a character who is magically inferior to most other sorcerers and all other conjurers/enchanters. Grabbed a few more pieces of gear to trick out his lined coat capacity.

An updated link. The old one will still work if you want to compare differences.

Edit: I wasn't keeping up so much with this post. Sorry :p. We're going to be in New Orleans? If so that works well. I imagine there's as much if not more magic going on there :D. Vodou!! Ill just change my stories to reflect that. Also, I realized Chicago was Bug City not Denver. Derp derp. That means New Orleans makes more sense geographically for him too.

Here's the New Orleans link. Its the same just edited for New Orleans instead of Seattle.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Novocrane on <08-11-14/1223:16>
Where are ya'll at?
Do ya want any help or any discussion?
Where to start? As I said, 'ex-corper troll socialite' is the idea in broad terms, and I've been playing around with a (modified) version of ZeldaBravo's build here ( (planning on posting that when I'm happy with it, or close to)

As far as background goes; I'm looking at a former PR role in one of the more meta-friendly megas, reasons to bring that to a close, (from either end) and what happened afterwards. Still fairly vague, tbh - time-frames have been mentioned, so I haven't been prioritising the details as much as I might.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Koshnek on <08-11-14/1250:12>
Can magic be used to permanently alter someone's memory? I was under the impression that effects of spells that aren't permanent fade after the spell is no longer sustained. Control Thoughts then wouldn't erase or create new memories, right? If memories can be magically altered (or even only erased) then that'd more sense for my story and background and also one of my contacts.

Edit: I imagine something like this for my ballistic mask: Except that it's white, and it has respirator and gas mask functions. I don't know the mechanics behind the two, but it seemed reasonable to me that when a switch is flipped, the respirator is closed off and the internal air kicks in.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: martinchaen on <08-11-14/1310:56>
Nice choice of Ballistic Mask, that's my go-to too :)

You can't combine a gas mask and a respirator by RAW, though.
Quote from: SR5 p449
Gas mask:
This air-supplied re-breather completely covers your face and gives you immunity to inhalation-vector toxin attacks (Toxins, Drugs, and BTLs, p. 408). It comes with a one-hour clean-air supply (replacements cost 40 nuyen) and can be attached to larger air tanks. It cannot be combined with a regular respirator.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: eximius on <08-11-14/1317:22>
Can magic be used to permanently alter someone's memory? I was under the impression that effects of spells that aren't permanent fade after the spell is no longer sustained. Control Thoughts then wouldn't erase or create new memories, right? If memories can be magically altered (or even only erased) then that'd more sense for my story and background and also one of my contacts.

Alter Memory was its own spell in 4e IIRC. Control Thoughts and spells like that can certainly be used to make the memory in the present how you want, as long as they don't notice they were being mind controlled (low-force and no evidence), the memory should stick.

One of my favorite custom spells was Mind Freeze - they just freeze in place, including their thoughts. When I drop the sustaining (or they overcome it, as normal for mind manipulation spells), it's as if nothing ever happened to them. The only reason they'd notice is if they notice a 'jitter' in reality when they come to.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Koshnek on <08-11-14/1322:12>
I get what you're saying about the two being unable to be combined. However, that rule was printed before R&G. It was intended to prevent people from wearing a gas mask on top of a respirator :p.

This ballistic mask has a respirator and a gas mask intuitively integrated into its design costing capacity. It's three masks combined into one. Also, if you take the rule a step farther meaning that you can't combine the effects of the two then I'm definitely not breaking that rule. The mask defaults to a respirator state, and the gas mask function has to be manually activated which closes off the respirator filters to insure only internal oxygen is breathed. Edit: Respirators are (supposed) to be fit tested so that they can seal to your face [requiring a clean shave for optimal results]. So closing off the filters and activating the oxygen should be enough to have a functioning gas mask. I don't have any idea how actual gas masks work, however..

I'm not a rule writer or GM, however, so I guess it's not up to me, haha.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: rednblack on <08-11-14/1336:04>
Handle: Baby Hardcore

Rank: Standard

Metatype, sex, age: Human/M/19

Role: Gunslinging Adept

Brief concept/history:
Baby Hardcore's first memory is a group of bikers coming to his house to stand guard while his mom loaded him and his sister up to get the fuck out of dodge.  Three years later it was the same thing, only this time he knew they were called BACA -- Bikers Against Child Abuse -- and the guy put up a little bit more a fight, which didn't end well for him.  A few years after that, he called them himself his mom was all slotted out and hadn't bothered to do anything like laundry or cook for a few days.  They showed up, or whatever, but it's not like there was really a lot they could do, as it wasn't like they had a rich uncle they could go and live with or anything.  So, by fourteen Baby Hardcore took to the streets, and in no time he could squat with the trolls, steal with the street urchins, and take a beating from Lonestar like an Urban Brawl MVP.  He even got himself an adopted family.  There's Midge, an ork who he calls mom, and her girlfriend, Cassie, an elf he calls dad.  They got themselves a nice little spot.  Hell, it doesn't even when the rains hit. . .usually.

But, you don't really wanna hear any of that drek.  That's not the shit that got him in the shadows, and it's not the shit that people are gonna mention if you bring up Baby Hardcore.  You see, this kid, when he was all of seventeen-years-old, got into some of that voodoo, that nasty stuff, and just like Robert Johnson he walked himself to the crossroads, and he asked to be the best.  Jury's still out on whether Baby Hardcore got his end of the bargain -- and the truth is he most certainly didn't -- but one thing is indisputable.  He came back from that trip with a milky right eye.  It gives ya the creeps just to look at it.  And he was awakened after that, all right.  Kid started shooting straight, running fast, and I think we all know how that story's gonna end.  Shame really.  He's barrens street trash, for sure, but he didn't hafta go down that road. 


Baby Hardcore looks like a squatter through and through, with a mop-on-top mohawk, neo-anarchist patches on his clothes, and the kind of tattoos you get from a guy refurbishing some twentieth century tech -- what the hell was a Walkman?  His right eye is completely white, though he sees out of it just fine, thank you very much.  He's completely unaugmented, though he wears enough chains and spikes in his clothes to set any of the scanners on him like he's some cybered up troll street sam.  Still, he's got an innocent smile, a slight gap-tooth, and slightly crooked nose that makes some people just want to take care of him.  He's always treated those people like family.

Expected Frequency of posting:M-F: 1-2 times daily, with rare missed days.  SA-SU: 0
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Novocrane on <08-11-14/1400:26>
This ballistic mask has a respirator and a gas mask intuitively integrated into its design costing capacity
What exactly does that mean to you? I'm not seeing anything that contradicts "cannot be combined".
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Koshnek on <08-11-14/1404:33>
Shades is my fixer. He could be a group contact and so could my talismonger Hana Ryang. My landlord Joe could be a possible contact if you want him as your landlord and have a similar lifestyle to mine. I suppose Middle lifestyle and maybe one or two high lifestyles could be possible as long as they were all extra secure and hard to find. That could still reflect that we live in an appartment building. The High lifestyle or two would live on the top floor "penthouse," while the middle lifestyles would have the nicer rooms.

Connection 6
Shades is the cool cat. Nerves of steel, threads to match and his trade mark cool guy shades. He's well connected and good at his job. If we're playing in New Orleans he could totally have the Cajun dialect. He's smooth enough to drop the accent if hes talking to Mr. Johnson.

Connection 4
Hana Ryang is of Korean descent. She came to New Orleans from Japan in her teens. She would be a practitioner of Shinto, but with the prevalence of Vodou in New Orleans that is her target market. Hammer has done Hana some favors and she knows he's good for the money, so she keeps Christian goods around too. After all, its not like Christianity isn't prevalent in the western hemisphere. If you're in the market for Shinto, Vodou or Christian Theurgy reagents or materials, she would be able to help you out without much trouble. Maybe add the Hermetic tradition to the list? I assume its rather widespread too. I'll leave that one to the players/GM. She would be much less likely to have any materials on hand for other traditions, but she would be willing to get her hands on them for a fee. (I'm new to if this isn't how talismongers work my bad :p).

Connection 3
Joe Miller runs an apartment complex. The place is hard to find and very secure, and the rooms tend to be spacious. In fact, Hammer has an alter set up in his apartment. (I imagine a Christian Theurgist's lodge would be something akin to an alter with a crucified Jesus on the wall behind it. Correct me if I'm wrong :-)). You'd be very hard pressed to find a low lifestyle of higher quality than what Joe has to offer. He knows the tennets but doesn't ask questions. The only thing he cares about is getting paid, on time. His contacts would include anyone involved with Security installment in addition to the standard contacts he would need to run a well kept apartment. (This low lifestyle costs Hammer almost as much as middle).

Connection 2
Chic is my final contact, and it wouldn't make sense for anyone else to know him. If you read his info and think he would fit your character we can get together and figure something out...

Edit: I have one more contact, Lisa, but no one else knows her. It's quite possible she's not even on the same continent as us.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Koshnek on <08-11-14/1417:51>
It seems to me that the rule was written to reinforce the fact that you can't wear two breathing apparatus at once because at the time the rules did not allow for headware with capacity for gear. Perhaps I'm wrong. I don't see why combining the functions of the two together is an issue. A respirator gives you rating (1-6) dice against inhalation vector toxins and a gas mask eliminates inhalation vector toxins for 1(X) (size of air supply) hour(s).

I don't see the conflict. Also, I will only be using one function at a time. However, if this won't be allowed I'll just remove one of the functions and trick it out some other way.

I'm not upset or anything, I just don't see why it wouldn't work. I like to know why's :-).
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: martinchaen on <08-11-14/1425:02>
Core rules have helmets that have capacity (three of them in fact; non-specific helmet accessory, Full Body Armor helmet, and Urban Explorer Jumpsuit helmet). The ballistic mask changes nothing as far as the core rule of not being able to combine a gas mask (which is a full-face mask) with a respirator (which is piece of equipment that only covers your mouth) is concerned.

Just letting you know that there is a specific rule in core that covers this very topic, and if you're going to be playing in a multi-part game where one of the goals of the GMs are to try to enforce as few houserules as possible, you probably want to err on the side of caution.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Koshnek on <08-11-14/1440:01>
I suppose you're right. Also, trodes are listed in core with capacity cost too, so it's not like they weren't expecting to have helmet accessories soon. Now I just need to figure out whether I want a ballistic gas mask or ballistic respirator :p.

Edit: Dropped the respirator and picked up an olfactory sensor so that I know when I need to activate my gas mask. I also upped my vision enhancement by one point will upgrade it's vision enhancement post-chargen (15->17 availability). I had to ditch a couple pieces of gear to cover the cost, but nothing significant.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Koshnek on <08-11-14/1446:36>
I would like an official word on the whole memory altering question. Barring that, how about memory erasing? Hammer would never get any kind of memory altering or mind controlling magic because it doesn't fit his role or the organization he is in. In fact, it technically goes against the organization's principles. However, for his Hunter friend Chic it fits his role within the organization and makes a lot more sense. His role is the preservation of the organization and its anonymity. Without some way to magically erase (and preferably alter) memories the only option to permanently silence someone is to kill them...or imprison them until their death. Neither method is quite subtle. These guys take their anonymity seriously.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: martinchaen on <08-11-14/1521:16>
I doubt you'll get an official answer anytime soon, I'm sorry to say.

Memory altering is tricky. Laes will do the job and even magic like Mind Probe can't retrieve memories. list to Laes if I remember correctly. In SR4 it was possible to erase and alter memories with PAB units (or some such, can't remember off the top of my head, somewhat ironically), but as far as I can remember there was no mind wipe or mind alter spell in 4th or 3rd.

Laes is probably going to be your best here as far as official sources go.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Triskavanski on <08-11-14/1644:49>
I hope Run Faster comes out before we start this up to be honest, provided we'd be allowed to use it. Cause it would give a better collect of qualities (hopefully) for characters. 13 karma is exceedingly annoying to match up.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: reyjinn on <08-11-14/1700:43>
I hope Run Faster comes out before we start this up to be honest, provided we'd be allowed to use it. Cause it would give a better collect of qualities (hopefully) for characters. 13 karma is exceedingly annoying to match up.
Doubt you'd get phonebooked for taking more neg qualities as long as you only get 13 karma for it. My char for example has Spirit Bane, Incompetent and Simsense Vertigo which totals to 17 but I only used 13 of them.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Marcus on <08-11-14/1706:09>
I doubt you'll get an official answer anytime soon, I'm sorry to say.

Memory altering is tricky. Laes will do the job and even magic like Mind Probe can't retrieve memories. list to Laes if I remember correctly. In SR4 it was possible to erase and alter memories with PAB units (or some such, can't remember off the top of my head, somewhat ironically), but as far as I can remember there was no mind wipe or mind alter spell in 4th or 3rd.

Laes is probably going to be your best here as far as official sources go.

This fits with my understanding for the most part, I'd add the PAB units or whatever they were called are slightly more complicated. A brainwashing Hot Sim VR tool. There was some kind of memory lock/encryption unit in 4th, that could do this sort of things, if you Look up bunraku tech, in 4th, that stuff all did this sort of thing. Personality changing tech.
Altering memory is tricky, for sure Laes + DMSO + stun agent, was the method for dropping someone and making sure they didn't recall it. It erased 5 mins worth of memory.

What are you looking to do?
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Marcus on <08-11-14/1720:28>
Influence the Spell can also do it a some limited degree. Wipe out  a couple key piece of the memory with that, and the concept would lose meaning.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-11-14/1726:02>
Programmable Assist Biofeedback Units are found in Unwired on pg 189. I've had psychologist/face character that specialized in PAB in 4th edition. But in game time it can take weeks to reprogram a brain so it isn't really feasible for a quick snatch and grab job. 
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Horsemen on <08-11-14/2051:55>
I would like an official word on the whole memory altering question. Barring that, how about memory erasing? Hammer would never get any kind of memory altering or mind controlling magic because it doesn't fit his role or the organization he is in. In fact, it technically goes against the organization's principles. However, for his Hunter friend Chic it fits his role within the organization and makes a lot more sense. His role is the preservation of the organization and its anonymity. Without some way to magically erase (and preferably alter) memories the only option to permanently silence someone is to kill them...or imprison them until their death. Neither method is quite subtle. These guys take their anonymity seriously.

I will make sure this gets added to the list to discuss between the GMs but Martin is correct it will be a bit before we have an "official" decision within the framework of the New Orleans game.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Novocrane on <08-11-14/2230:17>
Dropped the respirator and picked up an olfactory sensor so that I know when I need to activate my gas mask
I'd go with the respirator, Koshnek. There is one core book inhalation vector toxin that doesn't have contact vector, (nausea gas) which makes +rating versus inhalation vector toxins and no time limit a better general deal in a more street acceptable package. (you will need the olfac, though - gas masks can do it themselves, but respirators can't)
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-11-14/2304:19>
Updated the character with some more background info and contacts. I will work to flesh out the contacts a but more but I just wanted to get them out there if anyone needed such a contact.

Coyote "Drag" Contact 2 2
Drag makes runs all over the CAS. 

Fixer "Johnnie & June" Contact 5 2
While Johnnie & June are two people, They are a couple and work together so closely that they might as well be one. They have a pretty wide variety of connections but specialize in finding the right match between runners and johnsons. They are very uptight when it comes to any sort of doublecross, believing your word is a contrac. They will refuse to work with anyone that betrays an agreement unless extraordinary circumstances occur that would require it. 

ID Manufacturer "Tags" Contact 4 3
Tags isn't located in New Orleans. Alex isn't sure where is is located. He never meats in meatspace. He rarely even meets in VR. Most of his work is done through matrix dead drops.

Street Doc "Doc Morgan" Contact 3 3
Doc Morgan runs a street clinic in the barrens. He's a scholarly older man that lost his license and entire identity in the last crash. He works with runners to pay for his normal clinic work with the poor.

Alex is running a little light on the gear compared to many for a prime runner. Hence the story of why this is.

Also, I would like to work with other players on how we may know one another. He has 14DP for shadow community (personalities) so he may have heard something about your characters. He's tries to keep it on the downlow that he used to be a detective that took cases dealing with runner's. But word may get out if he runs into a runner that recognizes him. His time as a detective was in Seattle though so unless they traveled to New Orleans as well it may be kept quiet. I am not against some good natured ribbing and drama between characters as long as it stay between the characters rather than between the players.

 I have played some very dark gritty games and understand that some players may prefer a fade to black if scenes details are too graphic. We may want to discuss this beforehand just so none of us are caught offguard. 
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Imveros on <08-11-14/2316:32>
Handle: Johny Lash
Rank: Street
Metatype, sex, age: Troll, Male, 20
Role: Physical Security, Tank, eventual Street Sam, Intimidation Machine.
Brief concept/history: Johnny grew up on the streets and was a collector for the local gang. After a few years of collecting "protection payments" he realized he was part of the problem and not the solution. Now he is looking at bigger dreams – maybe be the cowboys of old, ride into town, cause a ruckus, and get more than a few bad guys to reconsider their life choices. If he makes a few friends and a little cred while cleaning the streets, all the better. He needs both, and fast, eventually some souped up little jazzhead is gonna get him...
 That minus the smoke stacks!
Expected Frequency of posting: At least once a day

Full sheet available (
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Marcus on <08-11-14/2337:26>
Imveros- Fighting style are not qualities they fall into their own category, you also got 1 maneuver from the Cowboy way list  when you bought the fighting style.
Why did you take a datajack? Doesn't really matter just curious.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Koshnek on <08-11-14/2354:34>
What I intend to do with memory alteration/erasure? As a character, nothing. My contact Chic protects the organization were a part of as well as it's anonymity. So if he has a way to alter memories he can take non lethal approaches.

Our organization takes it's anoynymitu seriously :p. While they intend to be a benevolent force, they would take life to protect themselves. I don't see them being the kind of people trusting blackmail or coercion. I can look into laes, but I think it was a solution for recent memories only. It wouldn't help him except in the unlikely event that he blundered himself.

If there's no magic in precious editions that work then I suppose I'll have to deal with it :p. Its not like these people are amateurs bragging at the local bar. They believe in what they do and are skilled. Most innocents shouldn't be able to stumble onto their secret anyhow. It'd take a mind probe, a super critically glitches mistake, or a target surviving a hit to spread the knowledge. Matrix rumors can be discredited .. Or ignored to an extent.

I don't understand why a respirator would be better? If most inhalation vector toxins are contact then neither would bp eh? Also respirator wouldn't need the olfactory sensor because he would always have the respirator equipped if he was shadowrunning :p
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Novocrane on <08-12-14/0005:14>
Imveros- Fighting style are not qualities they fall into their own category, you also got 1 maneuver from the Cowboy way list  when you bought the fighting style.
If we're using Missions rules, then they count as specialisations for the skills listed on p135.

I don't understand why a respirator would be better? If most inhalation vector toxins are contact then neither would be eh?
It's debatable, but thus far I haven't seen anyone claim inhalation immunity trumps contact vector, whereas bonus inhalation dice have worked vs inhalation vector.
Also respirator wouldn't need the olfactory sensor because he would always have the respirator equipped if he was shadowrunning :p
"That's not a problem, because I'll never take it off during runs" sounds a mite inflexible for my liking, but that's going to be your thing to deal with. It's just advice.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Koshnek on <08-12-14/0029:18>
I think were misunderstanding each other... Or maybe just I am :p

(I think) you said that respirators are better because almost all inhalation vectors present contact vectors

I said (or meant to say) if that's the case how would either be better than the other (ie mask > respirator or vice versa) if neither protects against contact?

And I didn't mean he'd never take his mask off, but it is his primary ensemble. He has an industrious for disguise and infiltration. The mask wouldn't help there :p. if a situation required his utmost sneaking then he would strip to his second skin. In general though, he'd stick with the mask unless the situation demanded he forego it.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Novocrane on <08-12-14/0044:28>
AFAIK, the argument goes something along the lines of suggesting that there should be one resistance test taken per toxin, rather than one test taken per toxin, per vector. As such, a toxin with two vectors would be treated as a toxin with one vector when faced with immunity, (not much help) while situational bonus dice to resist are included when the correct vector is present.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Imveros on <08-12-14/0105:29>
Imveros- Fighting style are not qualities they fall into their own category, you also got 1 maneuver from the Cowboy way list  when you bought the fighting style.
Why did you take a datajack? Doesn't really matter just curious.

oops forgot to add Knucklebreaker (Blast) right under the cowboy way. I took the datajack for less complicated DNI, Super AR experiences (as mentioned under the DNI section), and just for style. Wanted cyber but couldn't afford anything else ~_~
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Triskavanski on <08-12-14/0113:47>
For me, I default to "What is the worst for me?"

So if I have protection against inhale, and I'm hit by something with inhale/contact, I resist as if it was contact.

HOWEVER, this might not be the case. Its the worst case seneiro and it might be instead..

Gas Grenade - Inhale Vector deployment
Paint Grenade - Contact Vector deployment
Squirt Gun - Contact Vector
Dart Gun - Injection Vector/Contact
Capsle Rounds - Contact Vector
Poisoned weapon - Injection/Contact

In this case, Injection is a specific version of Contact, but the theory is that a Gas Grenade is incapable of providing enough contact to attack via contact vector. Some of it is based off a little bit of my own RL experiences though, when I went through some gas mask training, the Tear gas didn't effect me while I had the mask on (Until I accidentally caused the seal to open a tad.) , but I'm sure if its concentrated enough (Like through a pepper spray) that it would, provided it hit any part of my flesh.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Lusis on <08-12-14/0558:45>
Some good ideas going on in this thread; but for reasons I don't want to drag onto this thread, I'm going to bow out of this campaign. Good luck and don't forget to have fun.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Novocrane on <08-12-14/0635:38>
For me, I default to "What is the worst for me?"
I'm willing to use either; I just haven't been part of a group that used anything else thus far.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: martinchaen on <08-12-14/0659:19>
Yeah, unfortunately by Aaron's reading, the two vector toxin attacks are really ambiguous. On one hand, if you have a gas mask and a lenient GM you could be allowed to use the Immunity to Inhalation to resist an Inhalation/Contact vector toxin. On the other hand, a GM is also entitled to say that since the toxin also has a contact vector you're going to have to take a completely unmodified Toxin Resistance Test, despite being Immune to the effects of one vector.

My table has seen fit to houserule this by using a single test for all toxins, even those with two vectors, but immunity to one vector cuts the toxin power in half. We've also allowed the use of dual resistances, so if you have both a respirator and chemical protection at Rating 6 you get to add 12 dice to your toxin resistance test against something like CS Gas, because you're protected against both vectors. Under core, if you only had a respirator you'd either get 6 dice or 0 dice, depending on the GMs interpretation of the rules, at least according to Aaron.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: reyjinn on <08-12-14/0832:20>
I realise this may be apples to oranges but when compared to addiction tests that seems kinda odd to me. Seeing as if a drug is both physiologically and psychologically addicting you need to take two tests.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: martinchaen on <08-12-14/0845:44>
To be fair, two toxin resistance tests against Narcojet would be utterly debilitating; with a DV of 15S base, you'd be looking at a DV 30S, resisted only with BOD+WIL and a maximum of 6 dice (or immunity). This has the effect of making Immunity much more attractive, at the cost of totally unbalancing toxins in general.

Furthermore, there's little support for requiring two tests in the core rules as far as I'm concerned.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Marcus on <08-12-14/1142:08>
Imveros- Fighting style are not qualities they fall into their own category, you also got 1 maneuver from the Cowboy way list  when you bought the fighting style.
If we're using Missions rules, then they count as specialisations for the skills listed on p135.
Novocrane please read what I say more carefully, nothing I said has any relationship to your statement.
Martials Arts are not qualities b/c that's how they are listed in R&G for the obvious reason that if you want a complete style your paying 27 pts for it, and could not do so if they were a quality. That has no relationship to any specialization, as I did not comment on any such. I simply stated that he got maneuver and should not list them under qualities. Is there something unclear to you about that statement?

Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Marcus on <08-12-14/1143:27>
Some good ideas going on in this thread; but for reasons I don't want to drag onto this thread, I'm going to bow out of this campaign. Good luck and don't forget to have fun.
You sure bro? This is all prelim, nothing dragging we are just killing time. Post what you like.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Marcus on <08-12-14/1201:50>

In this case, Injection is a specific version of Contact, but the theory is that a Gas Grenade is incapable of providing enough contact to attack via contact vector. Some of it is based off a little bit of my own RL experiences though, when I went through some gas mask training, the Tear gas didn't effect me while I had the mask on (Until I accidentally caused the seal to open a tad.) , but I'm sure if its concentrated enough (Like through a pepper spray) that it would, provided it hit any part of my flesh.
I agree you ether have a aerosolized agent or you don't. Maybe if you opened up the grenade, or shot it while it just happened to flying over you, contact may be an issue, but contact stuff was fairly rare last edition, most of the interesting stuff required injection, or DMSO to act as the contact vector conversion, I haven't read those rules in depth in 5th, yet. So I'm not sure, where this is going. I'd say if it came up I'd certainly agree with 1 test per substance per attack if it came up. 
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Koshnek on <08-12-14/1258:09>
I think we might need some word on this too, then. Sorry, I don't mean to be that guy haha x.x. I'll leave my gas mask for now just so I don't have to post Any more links to my char :p.

If you want to get technical though, the contact vector of tear gas comes from the areas the gas mask protects (eyes, nose, mouth, lungs)

Nausea gas is only inhalation.

Pepper punch can be applied as a spray (mace basically). If used as an inhalation vector I would say it is same as tear gas especially because it partially is tear gas. A gas mask should protect against the gaseous form of these three IMO. This is from a realistic point of view after reading about the real substances and not much to do with the actual rules.

Seven-7 and neurostun are both fictitious, so I can't comment. However, by their description Seven7 and the concentrated neurostun x sound like they're designed to cut through protection, so they would definitely require a test if they touched you and you weren't sealed in some kind of suit IMO.  Maybe even the less concentrated forms of neurostun, I'm not sure.

Anyhow, I guess we'll wait to see what the gms think : ).
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Horsemen on <08-12-14/2130:41>
I'll add that to the list and it is not entirely set whether we will or will not be using the Missions Guidelines.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Triskavanski on <08-12-14/2159:34>
One version of Dirt used Sharpshooter, which someone had brought up the more fluff portions that it only says shooting skills in it, and looking at the one called shot I'd be using the most, I noticed that it too only mentioned ranged attacks.

Though I am looking at building a cybered up Mystic Adept who runs around with a vibrosword, and most of his body is now cybernetic.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Novocrane on <08-12-14/2211:35>
Pull back there, champ. This isn't fight night.

You said MAs are not qualities. You're right there. You said they're unrelated to specialisations. That's still in the air. (whereas I thought it was close to settled) By Missions rules, the majority of martial arts fall under skill specialisations, with the option present for all of them to do so.

Quote from: Missions Update 1.1.1
Can we use the Martial Arts as a Specialization from the sidebar on p 135?
Yes, but it only applies to the skill listed in the chart. The optional rule to allow some MA’s to give you two different specializations is not used.

Quote from: Run & Gun
Each style can be used as a skill specialization. Some of
these styles can be a specialization for a combination of skills.
The gamemaster determines if it is allowable for that skill.
Examples: Chakram Fighting can be applied to both the
Exotic Ranged and Melee Weapon skill; Gun Kata can be
applied to both firearms and clubs.

[Skills and MAs list follows: p135 to see yourself]

Now if we're still unclear or you feel I'm not reading what you say, you may want to get a GM to PM me.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Marcus on <08-12-14/2255:11>
[Novocrane please read what I say more carefully, nothing I said has any relationship to your statement. Martials Arts are not qualities b/c that's how they are listed in R&G for the obvious reason that if you want a complete style your paying 27 pts for it, and could not do so if they were a quality. That has no relationship to any specialization, as I did not comment on any such. I simply stated that he got maneuver and should not list them under qualities. Is there something unclear to you about that statement?]
Pull back there, champ. This isn't fight night.

You said MAs are not qualities. You're right there. You said they're unrelated to specialisations. That's still in the air, (whereas I thought it was close to settled) and you not commenting on it does not make it less relevant to bring up. By Missions rules, the majority of martial arts fall under skill specialisations, with the option present for all of them to do so.

Now if we're still unclear or you feel I'm not reading what you say, you may want to get a GM to PM me.

I was not and still am not looking for any conflict. What I do seek is to make sure I am clearly understood. I don't go to a GM  with a problem, I can solve myself. If you feel you would prefer to resolve this that way, that is of course your prerogative, and I am more then happy to address this to a GM. I did not address skill or specialization anywhere in any of these statements. Why? Because there wasn't any problem with the character's skills.

I am fully aware of the new FAQ. Beyond its allowing martial arts it has no relationship to this conversation from my point of view. But clearly you see this as related to specialties. The reason specialties remains nebulous in my guess is that many of the maneuver and MA are not directly unarmed related. Which means we will end up seeing skills with non-standard specialties, any art with clinch being a good example, as that is gymnastic roll, does that mean to get a specialty with that maneuver you have to specialize gymnastics in Subduing or in that MA? I don't know the answer that question, and I am happy I don't have to come up with one. But as the character this whole thing was made to address already had perfectly valid specialty, that required no changes. I continue to fail to any meaningful connection to my previous statements and specialties.  Does this response seem unclear or does it miss represent your opinion?
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Horsemen on <08-13-14/0215:27>
Also as a warning to all we may not end up allowing material from various optional e-books.  All of these are under discussion so to be safe be prepared if we decide not to use one.

As it is we are discussing what to use from R&G and SG.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Triskavanski on <08-13-14/0342:52>
Well, it'll change a lot of my ideas for characters based on what is and isn't allowed.
== Info ==
Street Name: The Skyhawk
Name: Unnamed Character
Movement: 12/24
Karma: 0
Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 0
Public Awareness: 0
Composure: 7
Judge Intentions: 7
Lift/Carry: 7 (60 kg/40 kg)
Memory: 8
Nuyen: 22785

== Priorities ==
Metatype: D - Human or Elf
Attributes: A - 24 Attributes
Special: C - Adept, Magician, or Technomancer
Skills: B - 36 Skills/5 Skill Groups
Resources: E - 100,000¥

== Attributes ==
BOD: 3
AGI: 6
REA: 4
STR: 4
CHA: 3
INT: 4
LOG: 4
WIL: 4
EDG: 3
MAG: 6

== Derived Attributes ==
Essence:                   6
Initiative:                8 + 1d6
Rigger Initiative:         8 + 1d6
Astral Initiative:         8 + 2d6
Matrix AR Initiative:      8 + 1d6
Matrix Cold Initiative:    4 +DP + 3d6
Matrix Hot Initiative:     4 +DP + 4d6
Physical Damage Track:     10
Stun Damage Track:         10

== Limits ==
Physical:                  5
Mental:                    6
Social:                    6
   Custom Ballistic Mask [+1] (Only for intimidation, Must be visible)

== Active Skills ==
Animal Handling            : 0                      Pool: 2
Archery                    : 0                      Pool: 5
Armorer                    : 1 [Firearms]           Pool: 5 (7)
Artisan                    : 1 [Painting]           Pool: 5 (7)
Automatics                 : 0                      Pool: 5
Blades                     : 0                      Pool: 5
Clubs                      : 0                      Pool: 5
Computer                   : 0                      Pool: 3
Con                        : 0                      Pool: 2
Cybercombat                : 0                      Pool: 3
Demolitions                : 2 [Improvised Explosives] Pool: 6 (8)
Disguise                   : 0                      Pool: 3
Diving                     : 0                      Pool: 2
Escape Artist              : 0                      Pool: 5
Etiquette                  : 0                      Pool: 2
First Aid                  : 0                      Pool: 3
Forgery                    : 0                      Pool: 3
Free-Fall                  : 1 [Break-Fall]         Pool: 4 (6)
Gunnery                    : 0                      Pool: 5
Gymnastics                 : 5                      Pool: 13
Hacking                    : 0                      Pool: 3
Hardware                   : 1 [Locks]              Pool: 5 (7)
Heavy Weapons              : 0                      Pool: 5
Impersonation              : 0                      Pool: 2
Instruction                : 0                      Pool: 2
Intimidation               : 0                      Pool: 2
Leadership                 : 0                      Pool: 2
Locksmith                  : 2                      Pool: 8
Longarms                   : 6 [Sniper Rifles]      Pool: 12 (14)
Navigation                 : 0                      Pool: 3
Negotiation                : 0                      Pool: 2
Perception                 : 6 [Visual]             Pool: 15 (17)
Performance                : 0                      Pool: 2
Pilot Ground Craft         : 1 [Wheeled]            Pool: 5 (7)
Pilot Watercraft           : 0                      Pool: 3
Pistols                    : 1 [Semi-Automatics]    Pool: 7 (9)
Running                    : 5                      Pool: 11
Sneaking                   : 3 [Urban]              Pool: 9 (11)
Survival                   : 0                      Pool: 3
Swimming                   : 5                      Pool: 9
Throwing Weapons           : 0                      Pool: 5
Tracking                   : 1 [Urban]              Pool: 5 (7)
Unarmed Combat             : 1                      Pool: 7

== Knowledge Skills ==

== Qualities ==
Addiction (Mild) (Febreeze)
Allergy (Common, Mild) (Pollutants)
Code of Honor (Assassin's Creed)
Consummate Professional
Distinctive Style
Mentor Spirit (Eagle)
Natural Athlete
SINner (National) (British)
Strive For Perfection

== Powers ==
Cloak Rating: 2
Combat Sense Rating: 1
Enhanced Accuracy (skill) (Longarms)
Enhanced Perception Rating: 3
Freefall Rating: 3
Hang Time Rating: 2
Improved Sense (Vision Magnification)
Improved Sense (Low Light)
Improved Sense (Thermal)
Light Body Rating: 2
Stillness Rating: 1
Traceless Walk

== Lifestyles ==
Ted Nugen  1 months

== Armor ==
Chameleon Suit                      9
   +Thermal Damping 4
   +YNT Softweave Armor
Custom Ballistic Mask               2
   +YNT Softweave Armor
   +Respirator Rating 6
   +Vision Enhancement Rating 3
Forearm Guards                      1

== Weapons ==
Grapple Gun
   Pool: 0   Accuracy: 3   DV: 7S   AP: -2   RC: 2
Grenade: Gas
   Pool: 5   Accuracy: 5   DV: Chemical (10m Radius)   AP: -   RC: 2
Grenade: Smoke
   Pool: 5   Accuracy: 5   DV: (10m Radius)   AP: -   RC: 2
Remington 950
   +Imaging Scope
   +Personalized Grip
   +Smartgun System, Internal
   Pool: 12 (14)   Accuracy: 11   DV: 12P   AP: -4   RC: 2
Unarmed Attack
   Pool: 7   Accuracy: 5   DV: 4S   AP: -   RC: 2

== Commlink ==
Transys Avalon (, , 6, )

== Gear ==
Ammo: APDS (Sniper Rifles) x30
Ammo: Regular Ammo (Sniper Rifles) x30
Autopicker Rating 6
Bug Scanner Rating 6
Fake SIN (Logan Price) Rating 5
Gecko Tape Gloves
Grapple Gun
Grenade: Gas x3
Grenade: Smoke x3
Headphones Rating 6
   +Audio Enhancement Rating 3
   +Select Sound Filter Rating 1
   +Spatial Recognizer
Jammer, Area Rating 5
Mapsoft (New Orleans)
Sequencer Rating 5
Standard Rope (100m)
Survival Kit
Tag Eraser
Telescoping Mirror on a Stick
Tool Kit (Demolitions)
White Noise Generator Rating 6

== Vehicles ==
Honda Artemis (Car)
   +Autosoft (Pilot Soft) Rating 6
   +Sensor Array Rating 2

This is a prime runner version of a sniper character. The character often wears a respirator to avoid various sorts of pollutants. Carries around gas grenades filled with frebreeze to cancel out stink and pollutions, to the point he's kinda addicted to it.

His car is often scented with the frebreeze too.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Lusis on <08-13-14/1254:35>
Fuck it, I'm back in. I'm going to use a standard character, Big Jim, a local swamp runner and smuggler.

First draft:

Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: eximius on <08-13-14/2011:05>
I'm about to post my Prime Runner Mystic Adept. In the mean time, I never got an answer on whether the Street Magic rule for keying the Arcane skill to your drain stat was okay. I would (sadly) assume it's not, but I would be remiss to not get an answer.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: eximius on <08-13-14/2356:18>
Also, can we have a troll with an Ares Archon Heavy MP Laser? Someone? haha
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Marcus on <08-14-14/0030:38>
Fuck it, I'm back in. I'm going to use a standard character, Big Jim, a local swamp runner and smuggler.

First draft:
Glad to have you back  8)
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Horsemen on <08-14-14/0147:35>
I'm about to post my Prime Runner Mystic Adept. In the mean time, I never got an answer on whether the Street Magic rule for keying the Arcane skill to your drain stat was okay. I would (sadly) assume it's not, but I would be remiss to not get an answer.

Street Magic, the 4th edition sourcebook?
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: eximius on <08-14-14/1511:28>
I'm about to post my Prime Runner Mystic Adept. In the mean time, I never got an answer on whether the Street Magic rule for keying the Arcane skill to your drain stat was okay. I would (sadly) assume it's not, but I would be remiss to not get an answer.

Street Magic, the 4th edition sourcebook?

Correct. It's one of those things that was omitted from 5e Core and Street Grimoire (like Spell Creation rules) that shouldn't have been. Again, I understand it's a 4e sourcebook, but I thought I'd ask. I kind of assumed we would just use 4e rules where there is no source in 5e (like, well, Spell Creation).
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Lusis on <08-14-14/2100:43>
Big Jim updated:

Would it be reasonable to count the dog as his dependent? I plan to have it follow him everywhere.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Triskavanski on <08-16-14/1602:11>
Had an idea for this character in another game. Prime runner is the idea for this guy, I'll be developing more.

Alias: Thanatos
Desired Role: Combat
Short Background (two paragraphs):

Thanatos (Otherwise known as The Spartan or his real name Leo Theophanes) was once a great cage fighter, though not exactly one you'd see on Pay per view. At least not in any fighting shows that is. While known as The Spartan, he worked a lot in the underground fighting rings, constantly training his fighting proweless. His fighters where brutal and left a number of fighters fairly injured, at least until he met a fairly unheard of fighter known as Unicorn.

Unicorn was a thin man, who work a latex unicorn mask. A real weak looking character. And yet, punch after punch seemed to do very little against the guy, and despite The Spartan's reputation and such, suffered hardly even a scratch. Worse yet, Unicorn struck him with only a finger once, causing The Spartan to fall over, paralyzed.

To make matters worse, even in a small time bout like this, money was at stake. And evidence was showing that The Spartan bet on himself to lose, while in actuality, he had tried to bet on himself winning. Still, the fight, the bets, all of it looked pretty bad for him. He managed to recover and escape, but has had a number of the underground still after him.

If it was any small blessing, the fight was done by the Sinless, so he never aquired a criminal sin for the events, or the events that followed with a number of fighters trying to kill him now. Some for the money, some for the deception, some for the fights they lost against him, some because they believed he was weak.

These constant assassination attempts honed a few of his skills, particularly his ability to kill with just his bare hands, It was then he adopted the name Thanatos and kept with it ever since. Spirits talk with him quite often, telling him things. The doom is upon the world, though not quite what one would think.

The insect spirits have been in chicago for far too long. If they where destroyed, that area could be used to fuel the darkness that grips at him. It is for this reason, he signed up for a military service in Chicago.

Short Physical Description (one to two paragraphs):

Thanatos is a rather muscular man, Not the most muscular human, but certainly not the least. Trinkets tinker around his wrist and neck, multiple holy symbols, some from even fantasy games, all of them made of brass or silver, and often with pieces of jade.

His hair is short, blond and eyes a silverish blue with a rather fierce look in them. Standing at 6'2", and weiging in at 210 lbs, He looks rather rough and tumble.

On his right arm is a gauntlet with runes and other magicy things, the Fist of Heavens.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Poindexter on <08-18-14/1746:53>
Ok, i should have put more organization to this thing, but it aint too late to do so now.

Here's the new rules to make things easier on the GMs.

If you want to be a player in this game, please modify your first post to contain the following information and only the following information.

Rank: (street, std, prime)
Metatype, sex, age:
Brief concept/history: (One or two paragraphs)
Expected Frequency of posting:

Keeping it to this format will make it much easier for us to roll through real quick and see who's been accounted for and who hasn't.

Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Ravensoracle on <08-18-14/1803:18>
Character post Edited

If you need review his character sheet let me know who to PM it to.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Koshnek on <08-18-14/2116:04>
Same here, updated :-).
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Imveros on <08-18-14/2301:31>
updated Johny's post. Though now the post makes very little sense seeing as how now my initial post has runner critique for a runner that doesn't exist there anymore. Would it be easier to start a new thread or have us post these intros in the GM thread or something?
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: rednblack on <08-18-14/2332:29>
Character post updated.  I should note that I'm on page 5, but I would really like to be picked, so arms up and waving and all that.  Thanks!

Contacts below, should anyone want them:

Giles Chapman
Connection: 3
Ever see a troll play the trumpet?  You'd think there's no way they could get their big fingers across those small keys, but Giles does it with style.  He's played in just about every jazz bar in New Orleans, and he's been doing it since before he could drink there.  He's the perfect guy to ask if you're looking for a runner, a fixer, or a connect for any of the various substances that plague the New Orleans streets.  A lot of backroom talk happens at the clubs he plays in, and while business is never discussed around outsiders, he's often invited to sit at tables in between sets, so he gets a pretty good idea of who's running with who these days.  A little deepweed goes a long way to get him talking.  Just don't mention the gangers.  He came up hard, and while he may have a soft spot for others trying to leave that life behind, anyone wearing colors around him is likely to get clocked.

Mistress Eve
Connection: 4
When it comes to local politics, the corps, or the law, Mistress Eve has her fingers in a lot of pies.  She runs Nine Tails, the premiere brothel and S&M club in New Orleans, which is located in the French Quarter.  Her ladies -- and gents -- are clean, the liquor is top shelf, and Mistress Eve is known to make about as much for her information trade as she does with flesh.  Mistress Eve doesn't have friends; she has business associates and marks.  It's good to know on which side of that coin you lie.

Rafael Lanuit
Connection: 4
In New Orleans proper Rafael runs a small kitchen/boat rental storefront on the docks, but the real business is smuggling.  If you want to get something into or out of New Orleans, he probably knows the ways, and can get you to the right palms that need greasing.  He's a gregarious dwarf with a big laugh and a bigger appetite.  "Watch this city, chummer," he has a tendency of saying.  "She'll eat you whole."
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: BetaCAV on <08-19-14/0330:27>
Handle: Stitch
Rank: (street, std, prime) Standard
Metatype, sex, age: Troll, F, Mid-20's
Role: Medic/Face
Brief concept/history: A former Doc-Wagon (or Krash-Kart. if that works better) trauma-medic who got Shadow-curious, and ended up getting squeezed out of her position. Not a professional operator by any means, but has managed to smooth her way into the community with a little help from people she's put back together in the past. She's got a lot to learn about being a runner, but learning is something she's good at.
She's got a Bulldog Step-Van (or equivilant) with a Medical Shop in the back, and has been getting by doing longer-term care than Doc Wagon employed her for. Technically, she's not competing with them, in doing so... but as an Independant Medical Contractor, it's better if she doesn't get in their way in the field. The "Trauma-Truk" is also a little high profile to bring on an actual run, should someone need an embedded medic, but they tend not to complain when arterial spray is painting a wall somewhere. When they think too long about troll-sized hands rummaging in their guts, THAT's when they complain -- but it's a good sign, it means they didn't die.
"Would you prefer a dose of Neo-Demerol for your anesthesia, or an impact to rear of the skull? Very good. Then please lay down, remain still, and as quiet as you can manage. I am attempting to concentrate."
Appearance: She's small for a troll (perhaps owing to being of Japanese descent), nimble, and unusually attractive... but there's no mistaking her for metatype for anything else. She has shoulder-length black hair, with the tips occasionally dyed some shade of neon eye-frag, and an olive-green complexion, with tawny highlights (mostly makeup, but it's also the shade around her horns and subdermal calcification), and gold-flecked dark brown eyes. Not the kind of BattleTrog you usually find mounted on a Vindicator, but--
<<Hot Sim Terminated; Error Message: "Shame on you. Don't make me tell.">>
Expected Frequency of posting:Potentially multiple times daily, aside from alternate weekends.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Triskavanski on <08-19-14/0429:39>
Handle: Fool King
Rank: Prime
Metatype, sex, age: Human, Male, Early 20's
Role: Magician, Grifter, Jewel Thief
Brief concept/history:
Fool King is a master thief, one that has been around for quite a while actually, far longer than this one happened to be alive. While he is know for big flashy theatrics, those who've worked with him know that he does a lot more subtle things in between jewel heists and other big jobs like this. The Theatrics and costume are more to try to draw a persons attention to a place and away from where he doesn't want them to look.

This fool king of course isn't the only one there is, There have been others in the past as well as a few copy cats every now and again.


Normally, Fool King is a very unassuming man. He looks pretty much like he was cast from the background characters of a movie. Someone who just is so plain and ordinary you'd never even realize that he becomes a much more eccentric character.

While on a job, and not in another costume, he's usually wearing a bright white suit and coat. With a quick change though, he could easily transform it into a new color, something that isn't so flashy, or even fairly quickly get out of the clothing. A venician mask covers his face, usually depicting a fool of some kind, along with a crown about his head.

Expected Frequency of posting: pretty darn frequent.

Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: reyjinn on <08-19-14/0756:29>
updated Johny's post. Though now the post makes very little sense seeing as how now my initial post has runner critique for a runner that doesn't exist there anymore. Would it be easier to start a new thread or have us post these intros in the GM thread or something?
Still want Johnny and Beast to be biker bros?
I could see Kohana trying to get Johnny to either start up his own gang ("Nonsense doing this solo, chummer. Need backup if'n you don't want some fraggers to gang up on you.") or getting him to join his own gang.

Edited the first post by myself that I could find with ASL for Beast.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Flicker on <08-19-14/1009:54>
Updated Sharla "Cinder" Acosta
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Shiniorigami on <08-19-14/1754:16>
Alright. This is my first ever stab at a Shadowrun character, so be gentle! I happened to be designing her for a campaign when I found all this. Feedback would be amazing. Also, any ideas on where to take the backstory for her? I have some vague notions; for example, she was once a smuggler before she became a shadowrunner, but there is where it begins and ends. I kind of envision her like Taffy from Dollhouse, if you're picking up what I'm putting down.

Prime Runner

A - Skills, 46/10
B - Attributes, 20
C - Metatype: Elf (3)
D - Resources, 50k nuyen
E - Magic: N/A

Body - 1/6 (+1) = 2/6
Agility - 2/7 (+2) = 4/7
Reaction - 1/6 (+4) = 5/6
Strength - 1/6  (+0) = 1/6
Willpower - 1/6 (+2) = 3/6
Logic - 1/6 (+2) = 3/6
Intuition - 1/6 (+3) = 4/6
Charisma - 3/8 (+5) = 8/8

Edge - 1/6 (+3) = 4/7 (+1 to max; lucky)
Essence - 6
Initiative - REA + INT

Racial Bonus: Low-light vision

Karma: 35 (starting) - 23 (lucky, first impressions) + 10 (allergy) + 15 (code of honor) - 30 (home ground: on the lam, you know a guy and the transporter) = 7 total

Positive Qualities
Lucky (+1 edge max, 11 karma)
First Impressions (+2 to the dice pool for social tests)
Home Ground: On the Lam (+2 intuition + knowledge to safely and quickly hide)
Home Ground: You Know a Guy (+2 street cred for negotiations on her home turf)
Home Ground: The Transporter (+2 to dice pool for evasion tests)

Negative Qualities -
Allergy: Common, Mild - Pollen (-2 dice for physical tests)
Code of Honor: Children

Skills -

46 skill points, 14 language & knowledge points

Active Skills -
Con 6/12
Impersonation 4/12
Etiquette 4/12
Negotiation 6/12
Perception 3/12
Tracking 4/12
Escape Artist 5/12
Pistols 4/12
Sneaking 5/12
Lockpicking 5/12

Knowledge & Language -

Corporate Politics 1
Street Gangs 1
[City] Knowledge 2
Smuggling Routes 2
Fences 1
World Politics 1
Sixth World History 1

English N
Sperethiel 2
German 2

Stuff -

Fichetti Security 600 (2)
Fichetti Tiffani Needler (1)
Concealable Holster (2)
Flechette Rounds (50)
Regular Rounds (100)
Smoke Grenades (25)

Evening Gowns (2)
Armored Clothing (1)

Lockpick Set (2)
Respirator, Rating 6 (1)
Flashlight (2)
Survival Kit (2)
Climbing Gear (1)
DocWagon Contract, Gold (paid, 1 year)
Trauma Patch (5)

Red Ruskovski, Fence - LOY 2, CON 4
Race: Elf

Martinique, Smuggler - LOY 3, CON 3
Race: Human

Alice Loyola, Arms Dealer - LOY 1, CON 1
Race: Ork

Derek Tachigawa, Fixer - LOY 3, CON 3
Race: Human
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Triskavanski on <08-19-14/1814:51>
One thing I have to ask, is the way of a magician's digital celerity enhancement Would this actually be "Light Touch" instead?
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: reyjinn on <08-19-14/1822:00>
Positive Qualities
Lucky (+1 edge max, 11 karma)
First Impressions (+2 to the dice pool for social tests)
Home Ground: On the Lam (+2 intuition + knowledge to safely and quickly hide)
Home Ground: You Know a Guy (+2 street cred for negotiations on her home turf)
Home Ground: The Transporter (+2 to dice pool for evasion tests)
I believe you are taking too many positive qualities, as I understand it the limit is 35 karma used on positive qualities for a prime runner.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Marcus on <08-19-14/2009:14>
Updated Sharla "Cinder" Acosta

Looks good to me.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Shiniorigami on <08-19-14/2013:17>
Oh! So the negative qualities don't balance it out? I thought by taking Code of Honor and a mild allergy, she'd be able to take on more positive qualities, but perhaps not.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: reyjinn on <08-19-14/2020:41>
Oh! So the negative qualities don't balance it out? I thought by taking Code of Honor and a mild allergy, she'd be able to take on more positive qualities, but perhaps not.
According to my understanding of the rules there is a hard cap for positive and negative qualities of 13, 25, 35 for street, standard and prime respectively.

Is there any chance that you could edit your first post (the one with the list of runners) if people sent you the direct link to there respective post in PM or something? Would be nice to have a centralized location from which to go to each concept post.
Or was that perhaps something that Poindexter had planned to do in the first post once people had gotten their post into a half way decent format?
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Marcus on <08-19-14/2116:58>
Alright. This is my first ever stab at a Shadowrun character, so be gentle! I happened to be designing her for a campaign when I found all this. Feedback would be amazing. Also, any ideas on where to take the backstory for her? I have some vague notions; for example, she was once a smuggler before she became a shadowrunner, but there is where it begins and ends. I kind of envision her like Taffy from Dollhouse, if you're picking up what I'm putting down.

What is that that you want this character to do? State wise it looks like a face and a little infiltratorish, my suggestion is to take this to the character critique board, just cut and paste into a thread there, I'm happy to go over it here, but the critique board can be very helpful in shaping a concept into able to do exactly what you want it to do. Beyond the qualities thing which was already mentioned I don't see any system issues. I hope that helps.

@reyjinn I would be happy to.

Oh! So the negative qualities don't balance it out? I thought by taking Code of Honor and a mild allergy, she'd be able to take on more positive qualities, but perhaps not.
If you balance qualities it just means you have the full 35 karma pool to spend else where, but the max amount of qualities you can take at prime is 35 (that's -35 and +35 which would total to 0 and give you the full 35. ).
Does that make sense?
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Imveros on <08-19-14/2242:26>
updated Johny's post. Though now the post makes very little sense seeing as how now my initial post has runner critique for a runner that doesn't exist there anymore. Would it be easier to start a new thread or have us post these intros in the GM thread or something?
Still want Johnny and Beast to be biker bros?
I could see Kohana trying to get Johnny to either start up his own gang ("Nonsense doing this solo, chummer. Need backup if'n you don't want some fraggers to gang up on you.") or getting him to join his own gang.

Edited the first post by myself that I could find with ASL for Beast.

Yeah i would love for them to be buddies. I took your gang leader contact, so it is easy to assume we've me and maybe done a few low level jobs together. Though it does seem like we would be starting a buddy cop movie and not a shadowrun XD
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Shiniorigami on <08-19-14/2253:32>

Makes total sense. And that sounds like a better idea. I was in a rush when I threw up the sheet. And yeah, I'm going for a face/infiltrator type of character. I'll have to rework the sheet tomorrow and post it in the critique thread.

Also, thank you as well @reyjinn.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Novocrane on <08-19-14/2300:51>
Oh! So the negative qualities don't balance it out? I thought by taking Code of Honor and a mild allergy, she'd be able to take on more positive qualities, but perhaps not.
If you balance qualities it just means you have the full 35 karma pool to spend else where, but the max amount of qualities you can take at prime is 35 (that's -35 and +35 which would total to 0 and give you the full 35. ).
I'm not against house ruling it, but that's somewhat removed from what Prime Runners get with qualities and karma.

• Karma: Each player receives 35 Karma to customize characters (maximum of 70 Karma).

• Follow all other rules for Character Creation/Advancement as laid out in this chapter.


Additionally, at creation characters can only possess at most 25 Karma worth of Positive Qualities and 25 Karma worth of Negative Qualities.
There's no other way of gaining karma during chargen but to take negative qualities, but it doesn't automatically follow that the positive quality cap is increased.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Marcus on <08-20-14/0308:51>
Oh! So the negative qualities don't balance it out? I thought by taking Code of Honor and a mild allergy, she'd be able to take on more positive qualities, but perhaps not.
If you balance qualities it just means you have the full 35 karma pool to spend else where, but the max amount of qualities you can take at prime is 35 (that's -35 and +35 which would total to 0 and give you the full 35. ).
I'm not against house ruling it, but that's somewhat removed from what Prime Runners get with qualities and karma.

• Karma: Each player receives 35 Karma to customize characters (maximum of 70 Karma).

• Follow all other rules for Character Creation/Advancement as laid out in this chapter.


Additionally, at creation characters can only possess at most 25 Karma worth of Positive Qualities and 25 Karma worth of Negative Qualities.
There's no other way of gaining karma during chargen but to take negative qualities, but it doesn't automatically follow that the positive quality cap is increased.

Should a GM agree with you Novocrane I have no doubt they can speak up and correct this. But I can't see it working any other way consider 35+25 = 60 not 70 where as  35+35 does. Thus making Max 70 make sense.
I think there are plenty of unaddressed issue with prime, can they go above Alpha, can they use Cash to Karma? All things a GM needs to address should those questions arise. I don't have an opinion on those matters ether way, as they have no effect on my concept, but they could effect this character.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Novocrane on <08-20-14/0319:56>
I can't see it working any other way consider 35+25 = 60 not 70 where as  35+35 does.
I think you've completely misunderstood what I said there.

Maximum 70 karma - 35 free karma = 35 karma of negative qualities

35 karma of negative qualities != 35 karma of positive qualities
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Triskavanski on <08-20-14/0518:24>
One thing I have to ask, is the way of a magician's digital celerity enhancement Would this actually be "Light Touch" instead?

Got this little blip here from earlier.

The enhancement seems to be based off Light Touch, but incorrectly uses Nimble Fingers.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Marcus on <08-20-14/2346:36>
I can't see it working any other way consider 35+25 = 60 not 70 where as  35+35 does.
I think you've completely misunderstood what I said there.

Maximum 70 karma - 35 free karma = 35 karma of negative qualities

35 karma of negative qualities != 35 karma of positive qualities

While a strict look at the rules might conclude that, they could just as easily conclude as has always been the case in SR, that qualities can should be able to balance. In all the editions of this game I've played, I don't ever recall not being able to balance qualities by the rules. If you prefer I'm sure a GM can give us an answer to this point. But beyond a GM call  I don't see any value in further discussion of this point.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Scawire on <08-25-14/1523:27>
I just edited Dark Chi with a bit more info to his background.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: 8-bit on <08-25-14/1639:35>
I have a few questions. First, how does this work? Do we post character sheets and a GM who wants to host a game messages the people in a team? Just a little clarification would be nice. Second, about how many people are there on a team? Or is that up to the GM? Finally, is this still open for new characters? If so, I might add a character here.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: reyjinn on <08-25-14/1712:52>
I have a few questions. First, how does this work? Do we post character sheets and a GM who wants to host a game messages the people in a team? Just a little clarification would be nice. Second, about how many people are there on a team? Or is that up to the GM? Finally, is this still open for new characters? If so, I might add a character here.

A GM might be along to clarify better but for now I'll have to do :)
The idea is for multiple GMs to work together on creating a world for multiple teams to run in. As far as I know the idea was to have at least one prime team, one street team and fill up with standard, around 5 runners per team. That might change depending on demand.
This is still in planning stages so there have been no lines drawn in regards to houserules, books allowed, etc as far as I know.
So by all means draw up a character concept and post it here. This [ ] is a post by poindexter about how the GMs want your concept post to look like. Marcus has also graciously taken on the responsibility to add direct links to concept posts in his original post on page 1 so DM-ing him the link to your concept post would also be a good idea.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: 8-bit on <08-28-14/1611:27>
Handle: Ghost
Rank: Standard
Metatype, sex, age: Elf, Male, 19
Role: Combat - Kind of a cybered gunslinger
Brief concept/history: Ghost, or his real name, Julius was taken form his wageslave parents when he was about 15. He doesn't remember anything about his life before Aztechknowledgy took him under their wing to train him to be a killing machine in the war between Aztlan and Amazonia. He was given some training and then cybered up to make him "more effective". He was sent out to most likely die, but he exceeded all expectations, becoming an extremely talented sniper. However, this led to him being fairly alienated from his fellow comrades, and he pretty much stopped caring what others thought of him.

After the war, this did not help him fit in within Aztechknowledgy society, and his extreme prejudice against any type of magic probably did not help him. He was given a few choices, well, three really. Stay, change your ways and fit in. Stay, don't change, and be terminated as not useful. Or, go out there and do some of our dirty work in the shadows, but if you try to work against us, things won't go so well. You can imagine which choice Julius chose.

Appearance: 5' 11",  a very lithe build. Although he could be considered handsome, his complete lack of social graces or empathy for others makes him seem cold and somewhat alien. That may also be due to the massive amounts of cyberware that make him seem more and less metahuman. He has short brown hair, and his cybereyes are a (normal) green.

Expected Frequency of posting: At least once a day, possibly more depending on the amount of schoolwork I have.


If you need me to post a character sheet, I can do that. If so, I'll edit this post with a link to the sheet.

Edit: Also, not sure if you guys are allowing people to submit more than one character. I only submitted one for now, but I am interested in what the answer would be.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Raven Runner on <08-29-14/1352:13>
Okay, I'm in...pretty flexible on character concept.  Here's a bunch of thoughts though, I'll try and keep each one brief and can go into more detail later.  If you like (or dislike) something I'm all for feedback, and if none of these seem like a good fit I can really play anything pretty well...though I do play more serious/high functioning characters rather than goofy shoot-em up types, and I'm particular about following rules but more into concept and story then intense number I'll go with the gas mask or the face mask or whatever, no preference :)

1 Infiltration/Sniper: ex-military, stealth character with sniping/pistols/hand to hand, big picture person who can cover the whole area with sniper fire or sneak in through the back while staying in close communication with team...could be a primary or a support type character.  Probably going with bioware for RP reasons, but could be cyber.

2 Face: Fair leader whit very good social skills, loosely based of Malcolm Reynolds (Firefly).  Represents the team and takes the lead on negotiations, also keeps the team organized and on track if need be.  Requires a certain amount of trust and respect from team, and in exchange tries to make sure team members get what they need...probably money but depends on individual character motivations.  Might be from out of town.

3 Close Combat Adept/Vampire: Street kid learning to control thirst for blood/violence, and atone for past actions.  Loosely based on Angel (from TV show of same name).  Powerful and slightly unbalanced combatant with some social skills trying to find his path.  Looking to make friends but just might suck your blood out when you're sleeping ;)  Would need to check with GM's about playing 5e vampire.

4 Vehicle/Weapons Spec: Old concept, good with cars and guns, runs black market garage, good support character for team, lots of contacts for getting, guns, ammo, favorite electric toothbrush, you name it.  Not the best combatant but can hold her own.

5 Another Face: High society Elf, with VERY good social skills, who works with runners on the side, able to handle self in combat, has to keep low profile to avoid past enemies, mysterious and surprising character with more back story that team won't know about at start, so have to work some things out with GM and character sheet might not be public info.

6 Agent: So I've always wanted to try and play a Jason Bourne...ex-agent who looses memory and wakes up in the gutter with skills, athletic, hand to hand combat, good with guns, very stealthy and smart...would probably be prime character stats but starting out as a street style character with out much for gear or contacts, and GM would need to be involved in back story.

That's it for now, stoked about this epic idea!  Way to go folks and mad props to the GM's!

Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: qazcake on <08-29-14/2329:36>
Any more room for a standard character in any of the groups?
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Imveros on <08-30-14/0118:28>
10- Imveros-Lash-Street (Purposed)

How does one go from purposed to accepted?
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Scawire on <08-30-14/1317:10>
@ qazcake, I think there is room for a Standard built character, not 100% on that. I'd say throw your hat in and see how it goes.

@Imveros, The way I see it is you change from Purposed to Accepted once the Poindexter puts your runner into one of the teams on page one. Just wait and see, I'm betting the GMs are very busy right now trying to get the story, backdrop and linking of all teams worked out, so they may take sometime to get back to us.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Poindexter on <08-30-14/1357:16>
@ qazcake, I think there is room for a Standard built character, not 100% on that. I'd say throw your hat in and see how it goes.

@Imveros, The way I see it is you change from Purposed to Accepted once the Poindexter puts your runner into one of the teams on page one. Just wait and see, I'm betting the GMs are very busy right now trying to get the story, backdrop and linking of all teams worked out, so they may take sometime to get back to us.

what he said.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Marcus on <08-30-14/1608:50>
10- Imveros-Lash-Street (Purposed)

How does one go from purposed to accepted?

Get Poindexter to add you to the OP :) is how I have been running it. Though I think pretty much everyone who has posted is in at this point.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Poindexter on <08-31-14/2301:07>
It seems ive lost all the GMs for this thing. Let's consider this dead until further notice.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: 8-bit on <08-31-14/2329:15>
It seems ive lost all the GMs for this thing. Let's consider this dead until further notice.

Damn, I've been super eager to join a PbP game. Thanks for letting us know.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Imveros on <09-01-14/2153:36>
that's sad to hear :(

Well it was a good diversion while it lasted.

Any particular reason it fell apart? Or was it just too ambitious to start with?
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Raven Runner on <09-01-14/2227:42>
Hmm...I was really liking this idea...I don't think we should scrap it just because the GM's might not exist yet...

Let's keep an eye on this and see if some more GM's pick it up.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Horsemen on <09-23-14/0605:29>
Sorry all.

I had a major life emergency that kept me occupied for the better part of a month.

I'm back and still willing to do this but I will need to talk with Poindexter.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Imveros on <09-23-14/1033:47>
 Poindexter is trying to run a two team PBP right now. Maybe he could use a hand for that? (
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: 8-bit on <09-23-14/1104:56>
Sorry all.

I had a major life emergency that kept me occupied for the better part of a month.

I'm back and still willing to do this but I will need to talk with Poindexter.

We can all understand, I just hope that your crisis is over and everything is well.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Horsemen on <09-23-14/1410:37>
It is, thank you. 
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Poindexter on <09-24-14/2030:26>
Poindexter is trying to run a two team PBP right now. Maybe he could use a hand for that? (

I think im just gonna try this first and see how it goes. if i feel good about it, ill move onto the rather herculean project of designing a city and running a MUD in it.
Title: Re: Massive multi-team 5th ed PbP Runner discussion thread.
Post by: Horsemen on <09-25-14/0000:35>
Fair enough.  It is a huge commitment with a large amount of prep work on the front end of it.

Good luck with the smaller game.