
Shadowrun Play => Looking for Games => Topic started by: Celtibero on <05-18-14/1734:36>

Title: The grass is always greener - PbP 5ed
Post by: Celtibero on <05-18-14/1734:36>
Looking for 2 players to run a campaign about 2 lone star (or KE) police officers, it will be set in 2050 using the "shadowrun 2050" book rules OR 5ed (still deciding and will take the players opinion into account)

think tech noir movies (Alphaville;  Blade Runner; Twelve Monkeys; Dark City; Minority Report;  Ghost in the Shell), the campaign wil revolve around the day to day investigations of a special crime unit that deals with shadowruners, corporate and magical crime.

what to expect:
- RP heavy, some combat but mostly RP.
- 2 to 3 posts per week.

information regarding application:
- first in are not first served
- full concept and small background on application
- 3 to 4 snippet  (very short) giving us a view of the character prior to the story beginning
- I will review the characters and background and i'll make a final call, the campaign will start  in about 2 to 3 weeks from now.
- I will also help any player(s) that want help creating the background and filling in the blanks (via post, pm or skype)

Use of material from 4ed is allowed on a case by case basis (qualities, some gear, etc etc)
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players - 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: Ericen on <05-18-14/1758:03>
Room for a Mage?
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players - 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: Celtibero on <05-18-14/1759:40>
room for anything except riggers probably, surprise me guys, the character is your, i am just the narrator.
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players - 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: Triskavanski on <05-18-14/1810:24>
Well, if we're using 5e/4e stuff.. I've got a quick snippet of a character.

4e Only (could also work in a mix of 4 and 5) - Silver - Ex- Lonestar or Knight Errant, but still often works alongside of them  as a private Eye. - He's a changeling that looks something like a unicorn. Works best as a Ex-Lonestar (Hence the name). Uses twin pistols, but usually just one. smokes and drinks constantly, as well as using his unicorn charm on women from time to time, (Sometimes without his intent)
Silver pulled down the shades to his office, looking out his window. A lone cigaret drifting smoke in the air as a ceiling fan idly spins above his desk, covered with papers, several mention a shaman by the name of Tonto. In the corner sits a guitar next to a old bottle of scotch. made in 2001, a terrible year, but a good year for this particular scotch. The door opens up, as he turns around, looking at the hot piece of action in front of him, her legs going all the way up. She was in trouble, that much was certain, as she pulls out a photograph from her purse. Her doggy was lost, The hell do I look like? A Pet Detective?

Taking a closer look, I notice that it was actually a paranormal critter known as a hellhoud. Damn, this woman was as dumb as she was gorgeous. I'll have to do something, money is tight. My old buddies in the force might have something to say about this, as it wasn't normal.

4+5 mix - Everyman - An adept with powers to change his face, voice, finger prints and the like. has the ability to call up all sorts of measurements and the like by just simply using his eyes.  I'll post a little more on him later.. and my 5e only character.
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: SlowDeck on <05-18-14/1825:04>
I could borrow the books for 4E, I suspect. Need to read certain ones anyway.

Headed to a game in a couple hours anyway, so I'll ask. I think I may surprise with what I come up with  ;)
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: kalarin on <05-18-14/2112:14>
I'd love to get in on something like this :) 2 players sounds like it could be a lot of fun.

Let me have a think, I'll come back to you with a concept later today!

Are the characters going to have an existing relationship? Or will this be built up in game?
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: Celtibero on <05-18-14/2333:21>
built up in game, action would probably start when the team is "formed".
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: SlowDeck on <05-19-14/0101:33>
Okay, I managed to borrow the books. All of them. And the PDFs. And the books for the prior three editions. I current have what felt like a couple hundred pounds of books sitting on my couch. My cats won't stop giving me dirty looks.

I'll look them over and have a concept up tomorrow, but I'm considering a decker character.
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: Triskavanski on <05-19-14/1227:44>
Alright a change to the unicorn character, rather than being an ex cop, he's now a newbie cop. So full of life and vigor..
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: Ericen on <05-19-14/1632:43>
Ok here is Crimson's back round hope it is satisfactory,

Constance grew up in the shadow of her parents as they were two of the premiere weapon designers for Ares Macro Technology, they groomed her to follow in their foot steps. But she was always more of a active participant and not a hide in the office type. So when her parents realized she had aptitude for magic it changed their entire world. They applied for corporate approval for her to attend the most prestigious schools for magic. Including MIT&T, Constance devoured this knowledge and practiced non stop to improve herself.
It was her graduation day when the accident happened, somehow a corporate resistance organization found out who was at the school through corporate backing. Deciding to deal them a blow a bomb was set off at the graduation ceremony, most of the corporate children were killed, but Constance and one other child were just severely injured. Constance was forced to have her eyes replaced and a bioware implant to help correct her cognitive brain functions. When question all Constance could remember was seeing the boy tossing his backpack and running away. During her hospital stay she was informed that they bomber was killed during apprehension,
 As soon as she could safely travel she was whisked back to her parents at Ares so she could rehab and decide what was next. Her mother had decided since her daughter was very upset about what happened and how they still had no idea of the radical group that was targeting their home maybe Constance's unique skills could be of use. So after talking with her superiors it was decided after after her healing and rehab were completed she would enter into the Knight Errant academy and strive to move up the ladder and put a end to the corporate raider group that bombed her and her home. When Constance's mother told her of the plan she became excited she can actually use her skills to help her corporation and increase her father and mothers reputation in the corp. The training was grueling and intense. On top of combat skills she had to learn detective skills, forensics and learn them all again from a magical perspective. As her classes progressed she finally met someone that she could look up to as a magical mentor, Colonel Anne Ravenheart.

The colonel was there to teach her magical threat class covering insect spirits and the hive mentality. She spoke in depth about Chicago and the horrors she faced. Constance visibly shuddered at the descriptions of the insect spirits and could not imagine something so evil it even makes a putrid Oder in astral space.
This was the first time she realized that she must make it a priority get a weapon focus for astral combat, she learned to use magic as a vicious weapon to protect her team and family. At the end of her training she graduated with commendations for bravery and commitment.
She was assigned to a special team to find bombers that attacked her and her corporation. She decided the best place to start an investigation was at the beginning so back to MIT&T, after viewing the security footage, talking to faculty she found out there was a local poly club working into the student body and rumor has it they had set several bombs including the first one that changed her life forever. After infiltrating the club since she looked very much like a human she was taken to meet the other members, holding the terrible feelings  inside to not risk the investigation she played along as she was introduced to the members.

After listening she realized this was just a branch and the orders had come from a much higher up in the organization in another country. So she decided she would arrest these scum and figure out how to move the investigation along. So she let fly stunning magic in a wide area and methodically dropped every member, she cuffed them and turned then over. Another pat on the back and a new partner and assignment.
This is when Constance started learning that she would no longer being staying at home in the corporate enclave, she will be out in the wilds. Traveling to other cities and countries trying to make the entire world safe for her corporate home, make the world safe for her mom and dad. Constance's dream was to make her parents proud and she knew the only way to do that was to benefit the beloved corporation.

It did not take a lot of time for her to realize that Knight Errant was the big stick of Ares, and everything they did was not about helping people. But she also knew that her parents were counting on her, she started solving cases that were thought to be unsolvable. She started raising in the ranks, She was a rising star in the ranks of KE.

She would get messages from her parents beaming with pride, she had become quite a detective and was combat tested with normal and magical threats. The entire time she has her eye on the prize. Col Ravenheart's elite special operations unit. Everything from here on out is the process of achieving that goal,
And this is the start for Crimson...
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: Celtibero on <05-19-14/2024:05>
I was talking about the matrix and i actually remembered what used to tick me off about the earlier editions, deckers where sitting at home and mostly they contributed nill to the team when it was down to a field trip, thus if everyone is ok i will be using 5ed rules and timeframe, the 4ed will come in hand for stuff that people want to import from there (and that to which there is no sorcebook yet available)
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: SlowDeck on <05-19-14/2052:27>
Welp. Saves me from learning a new system. I just need it for the fluff now (made a mistake and mentioned that story I'm working on here to the group).

Anyway, here's the character...

Concept: Somewhat sarcastic detective who is having a hard time adjusting to the new bosses and still wants to do things the old way. Not fired yet because he does get results.


Michael Jefferson was born and raised in Tacoma. Both of his parents were Lone Star officers, and he did not hesitate to follow in their footsteps. He graduated the Lone Star training program with unremarkable marks but enough technical skill to qualify for their Matrix division. And then, just as he was about to get his first job, Brackhaven happened. The newly-graduated police officer suddenly found himself without a job. He spent a single week holed up in his apartment and trying to find work elsewhere before finally deciding to sign on with Knight Errant.

Immediately, he came to understand that things would be different. Not the way he was taught. Not the way his parents did it. But the new, Ares-approved Knight Errant way. He did not appreciate having to go through KE's education when he already knew the job, and liked it even less that he was being teased by people younger than him  For the most part, he got along with them. Sure, every once in awhile an accident would happen and his face would collide with one of their faces. But the bad luck seemed to spread, as usually not too long after the KE computers would glitch and the one whose fist met his face would end up assigned to something humiliating, like being used for cavity search practice. But the accidents barely slowed him down and, soon, he passed. Now he's ready for his first assignment... and he hopes his partner isn't one who had an accident.
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: kalarin on <05-20-14/0241:05>
I was talking about the matrix and i actually remembered what used to tick me off about the earlier editions, deckers where sitting at home and mostly they contributed nill to the team when it was down to a field trip, thus if everyone is ok i will be using 5ed rules and timeframe, the 4ed will come in hand for stuff that people want to import from there (and that to which there is no sorcebook yet available)

This makes things a lot easier for me :) when are you wanting details? Do I have a little time to think about this before I submit something?
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: Celtibero on <05-20-14/0403:05>
I was talking about the matrix and i actually remembered what used to tick me off about the earlier editions, deckers where sitting at home and mostly they contributed nill to the team when it was down to a field trip, thus if everyone is ok i will be using 5ed rules and timeframe, the 4ed will come in hand for stuff that people want to import from there (and that to which there is no sorcebook yet available)

This makes things a lot easier for me :) when are you wanting details? Do I have a little time to think about this before I submit something?

plenty of time to think, you guys have more than enough time to develop the character, i am only planning to make the connections (between the characters) 1 week prior to starting the game, like i said, i wanted to make this one into a campaign, the drawback is the slow post rate (I really have too much on my hands atm but i really wanted to tell this story) but that also enables people to think over the options, characters etc etc.
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: Triskavanski on <05-20-14/1346:55>
Well, set in 2075, there is some changes to Silver I'd be doing. First off, going female instead of male. Could still go male if needed. Also.. since lone star is now knight errant, I'm looking at a different name for her being a possibility. There is two forms she could take. One is a Magician the other A Technomancer.

Silver was born into the world, almost pretty much a unicorn child. While the doctors and her parents were shocked, they kinda came to expect this sort of crazy thing happening anyways as her Fairy Godmother. Yes, she did indeed have a Fairy Godmother. An elf shaman by the name of Fitzlebroom Mizo'tok. Weather or not that was the godmothers real name isn't ever clear to most anyone. A seelie from Ti Di Nog, she always tries to be helpful for those under her care, often weather they like it or not.

So at the attempt of making her the most pretty  girl ever, Fitzlebroom ended up causing a surge to happen in the unborn child. This surge of course caused her to be a unicorn, possibly a manifestation of the family's coat of arms

So, despite being born a freak, the enchantments became bound to flesh,  and most people viewed the little unicorn girl as being beautiful or adorable. As time went on, her parents, as she had been told were scientists, suddenly disappeared. Despite the best efforts of the local police, hardly a trace had been found to lead them anywhere. Her grandfather took her in after that, as a former cop himself and began to train her, at her own request, to becoming a cop and finding out what happened to her parents. The only clue she has is the name Torgo, and the remains of a manor where her parents were last seen at. Rather, a distinct lack of the manor being there, only an empty lot.

Mystery and magic surrounds her, as she strives to become a paranormal investigator for Knight Errent. While tough work, and having to spend some of her own money on modified gear for her unusual body shape, she managed to pass. The hardest part where the boys, each of them enthralled with her due to the enhancements her fairy godmother put on her. As well as the stealth tests.. Her natural beauty causes her to shine, right in the middle of the dark, making stealth practically impossible for her.

 And now a newbie on the force with a shiny new badge, her toughest challenges await her.

Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: Ericen on <05-22-14/1115:41>
Okay snippet master:

I remember listening to my mom telling me the story,
 Mom found out she was pregnant and her and dad were so happy, but they still had the same worries as any meta human parents, do they have to fear their child's suffering. That is when I found out why uncle max and aunt Annette become such close family friends.
They are geneticist for Ares specializing in bioware acceptance, so they offered to help mom and dad, they said with a few gentle bumps the more human traits could show as opposed to dwarven.
    I would appear to be a very short Caucasian girl with light dwarven highlights to my features, if you examine me up close you could eventually figure it out. Mom and dad saw this as a way I could be away from Ares enclave and not be in danger from the purest they call themselves.
   When I was born everyone was looking strangely at my parents, I finally understood they were wondering if my father was really my father. But I knew the truth, and so did anyone else that mattered.
   This is also when mom came to they idea that something Uncle Max and Aunt Annette did to me released the magical talent I have. So even then my parents went beyond normal to help their little girl have a easier life than they did. And without even knowing it created the Combat  Mage I am today.
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: Ericen on <05-22-14/1555:35>
Looking back it is really hard to imagine my parents being able to realize my needs so early in my life before I even knew. They had went out of their way to make friends it seems that I will need my entire life.
   Here enters Gordon Taylor a very interesting elven man that my parents said they new from the old country, what ever that means. They told me to listen to his advice he would teach me the dirty side of magic. The stuff a prim and proper university doesn't teach a student.
   So as I grew to know Gordy as I was told to call him, he started teaching me about combat magic, powerful attack formulas and defensive magics. He said you also need to learn what keeps a Mage alive.
  He said sit Constance, give me the ring your mom and dad gave you. I told him this was my birthday present when I was 10, he said I know that is why were using it. He lit several candles around a drawing he had made on the floor. As I sat and handed him the ring he released it and it started floating in the middle of the circle.
   Concentrate on the ring, imagine all your love, all the wishes your parents have for you, how fast you are going to need to be to outmaneuver a cyber'd enemy. Recite the spell I taught you, focus, concentrate. Recite, as I focused all my emotion all my love for my parents the ring started glowing. The gem sparkling and flaring to a bright light. We both said the spell over and over, I could feel my will shaping the spell, I noticed that Gordy had laid out 5 small rocks that glowed and disappeared the farther we had gotten in the spell.
   Finally we were both drenched in sweat, the ring had settled to the floor, the candles were out and the rocks were gone. Gordy had a huge smile on his face, You my little Crimson just made your first focus. Put on the ring and touch the gem.
   My god I moved like lighting, I moved just as I started the thought, he said touch the gem again, the world returned to normal.
   Constance that is how a combat Mage stays alive, next time we work on Armor.
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: ismilealot on <05-24-14/0042:13>
"I'm not particularly a nice girl. And I'm definitely not a "good girl". But, I am most definitely my father's dau. I guess that's what I'm doing sitting here. In this office, at this desk, sorting through the different jobs and their leads.
     Dad was a detective too. But dad was Master Sergeant Andrew Laurence. Detective for the UCAS Navy's Military Police. And I was his stubborn, stupid, ganger dau. I didn't exactly get him killed. That was my boyfriend. He's dead now too. Throat slit in a prison yard fight. I'm glad, glad I put him there, glad he's dead. When my investigations led me to him, and the others in the gang I was in when dad was murdered. I took my boyfriends gun and shot him point blank in the face. The boyfriend I'd left home for when I was 15. The boyfriend that had me in a gang of devil posers. And I was all in alright. Earned my 'tats, and eventually my horns. Stealing, running drugs, whoring if that's what the gang said to do. Back then there wasn't anything I didn't think I'd do for him. Until a chance comment by Tia, Asmodeus girl let me find out it was Johnny that'd killed my dad. My dad, on an undercover job.
        I'm not sorry I shot him in the face. I've never been sorry about that. Just sorry the lying SOB had it reconfigured for him only. He'd had it configured for the both of us  just a month before. Told me he loved me, told me he trusted me, told me sharing his gun was a sign of that. When that gun didn't go off he laughed at me and said, "Stupid slut, you really think I'd trust anybody with my gun." He'd hit me then, hard enough that I hit the back wall. His problem was he didn't kill me with that hit. And I came back at him. We both did a bit of time in the hospital after that.
    But when I got out Tib's took me in. Tib's, my fathers old partner. And the one person as interested in tracking my fathers killer as I was. Tib's is actually the only reason I'm alive. He came in while Johnny and I were trying to kill each other. Johnny would have won. Some of the other members of the gang were there and they would have stepped in to kill me if Johnny'd actually gone down. But that's when Tib's and several other undercover cops came in chasing my dad's killer and a drug ring.
      When I got out of the hosp. Tib's took me in and sponsored me into the academy. And then trained me for undercover work. Said, "You're your father's dau kid. You're a natural at this."
      I can't bring my father back. But, I can be his dau. And thus the paperwork, and today's leads. It was supposed to be hot today. Yuck, I hated how much that made the horns itch when I sweated. Oh well, the horns and the 'tat's helped me blend in the 5th Ward, and that's where I'd be hunting a child serial killer today and everyday until we caught him."
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: Celtibero on <05-29-14/2108:33>
last week, anyone wanting to submit, better do so now ;)
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: griffalo on <06-01-14/1148:43>
Well, I'm pretty much a newbie when it comes to Shadowrun Tabletop, but I was wondering whether pitching a medtech-related concept might work? Was well on his way to becoming a fully licenced DocWagon employee before addiction caused him to be sent packing. I figure he'd be pretty skilled in crime-scene analysis when it came to biological evidence, and also good at patching up his comrades in a pinch?

Anyway, let me know if you're interested in taking on a newbie who has a better grasp of concept and RP than he currently does of mechanics!
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: Celtibero on <06-01-14/1608:38>
I would have no problem at all in that regard (SR newbie) as long as you make have fun and the character fits the mould I will consider it.

regarding your concept: since you would be working for a law enforcement corporation (Knight Errant), how did you fail docwagon?was the drug abuse discovered? did it went into your file? how did you pass the screening process?
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: griffalo on <06-01-14/1623:14>
I'm thinking that he was fully qualified, but he made a critical error while high. DocWagon didn't want to publicly admit that one of their staff had a substance problem, so he was dismissed. And since he's a medtech, it's possible he knows about ways to fool drug tests.
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: Celtibero on <06-01-14/1930:21>
tell you what, just drop the following (as per OP) in this thread:

- full concept and small background on application
- 3 to 4 snippet  (very short) giving us a view of the character prior to the story beginning

If you need/want i am on skype.
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: Poindexter on <06-01-14/2231:10>
it sounds like fun, im just trying really hard to learn the 5th ed rules like the back of my hand. i dont wanna go gettin it all muddled up in there.
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: ismilealot on <06-01-14/2253:35>
If you want to play Poindexter make a chara. I don't know the rules at all and am struggling to learn them. Celtibero is patient, knowledgeable and an excellent teacher. Make a backstory and throw your hat in the ring.
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: Celtibero on <06-02-14/0435:23>
Poindexter, Smiles is way too kind :) but fact is, knowing the rules like the back of your hand is not a requirement to play on this case, if you want, just submit a character and iŽll take a look at it.
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: Poindexter on <06-02-14/1105:30>
no, i mean that im really consciously trying to learn the 5th ed rules so my face to face game im running goes smoother. I worry that if i start getting conflicting rules going in my head, i'll screw myself up.
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: Ericen on <06-02-14/1242:02>
Just remember everything is a chance to learn more. We use Skype and talk to each other and ask questions of each other. Put up a character and story. You can join us on Skype and talk about the game, rules and characters.
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: Celtibero on <06-02-14/1255:56>
no, i mean that im really consciously trying to learn the 5th ed rules so my face to face game im running goes smoother. I worry that if i start getting conflicting rules going in my head, i'll screw myself up.

You really lost me there pall :)
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: Poindexter on <06-02-14/1354:28>
no, i mean that im really consciously trying to learn the 5th ed rules so my face to face game im running goes smoother. I worry that if i start getting conflicting rules going in my head, i'll screw myself up.

You really lost me there pall :)
then allow me to over-elaborate. :)

I'm rather new to the 5th ed rules and im running a game in person every tuesday. i keep having to look stuff up and it kills the pace of the game.
To counter this, i've been trying to learn the 5th ed rules as well as i can.

i worry that if i start throwing new rules in my brain from another very similar system that it will fuck up my quest, which is to know 5th ed nearly instinctively.
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: Poindexter on <06-02-14/1359:03>
But on the other hand, there is TONS of equipment in 4th ed that hasn't been ported over to 5th yet, so i know nothing about this (sometimes invaluable) stuff.

maybe this would be a good way to learn.

Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: Poindexter on <06-02-14/1400:21>
know what?


deal me in, eh?

I would prefer if someone handed me a character, as it may take me a while to get the 4th ed book, make a character, realize how ive fucked it up, and then fix it, possibly repeating the final two steps a few times.
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: Triskavanski on <06-02-14/1405:50>
Well, we are mostly 5e, instead of 4e.

Guns armor and vehicles don't port over from 4e to five 5e easily.

Some gear, augments, spells and qualities do however.
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: Poindexter on <06-02-14/1510:46>
Well, we are mostly 5e, instead of 4e.

im not sure i follow you here.

you're not saying that some of the characters are 4th and some of them are 5th, are you?
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: Celtibero on <06-02-14/1513:46>
there is a lot of material in 4ed, the mechanics well be using is 5th, but things such as qualities and gear (some of it at least) can be easily ported. it will always be a case by case basis.
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: Poindexter on <06-02-14/1525:52>
So, are you saying i can just make a 5th ed character and it'll work?
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: Celtibero on <06-02-14/1531:43>
OFC ;)
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: Poindexter on <06-02-14/1543:05>
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: Celtibero on <06-02-14/1548:32>
Ofcourse :D
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: Poindexter on <06-02-14/1651:06>
mind if i play Hopeless, then?
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: Celtibero on <06-02-14/2016:08>
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: Poindexter on <06-02-14/2033:16>
name: Hopeless

race   a human
stats  c 16
magic  d 2 aspected hermetic summoner
skills b 36/5
loot   e 700ny+starting cash left over

bod- 2          mental limit- 4
agi- 3        physical limit- 4
rea- 5          social limit- 5
str- 2
wil- 2
log- 3
int- 4
cha- 4
edg- 8
ess- 5 (5.92)
ini- 1d6+9
mag- 4

karma: 25+7unsteady=32
-2escape artist=9

unsteady hands
weak immune system
National SIN UCAS

Interest: corp politics   1
Interest: Nation politics 1
Interest: Music           2
Interest: video games     1
Interest: movies          1         
Street: Gang politics     1
Street:[City] knowledge   2
Academic: Magic theory    1
English (native)
German                    1
Spanish                   1
Or'zet                    1
sperethiel                1

Acting group       2
Conjuring group    3
clubs              3   
palming            3
sneaking           4
unarmed combat     2
pilot groundcraft  3
pilot aircraft     2
etiquette          1
artisan            3
assensing          2
perception         5
computer           3
throwing           3
gymnastics         2
arcana             1
running            1
escape artist      1

lifestyle: low

Alphaware Datajack

stun baton
5 high explosive grenades

armor jacket
 flare compensation
 vision magnification

transys avalon commlink
 sim module
subvocal mic
trid projector
ear buds
 sound filter lvl 2
gas mask
trauma patch
200 gel rifle rounds
200 std rifle rounds


-vehicles and drones
MCT rotodrone
 Std weapon mount
  ak-97 with laser sight
 auto-soft lvl 4 ak-97

-contacts       loy    con
fixer            2      4
drug dealer      1      2
street-doc       3      1
mechanic         1      1
Air spirit (4)  2 favors
Man spirit (4)  2 favors
Fire spirit (4) 2 favors

he's young. he's kindof a noob, but he watches his back and he's loyal to his friends. He's terrified of violence to the point of tremors, making him near worthless in a fight, but he compensates for that with spirits and drones. He's never had the attention span to get really good at anything, but he's gotten decent at everything he's ever tried, due to being naturally bright and the luckiest sumbitch he's ever heard of. Been broke his whole life, is broke now, and figures he'll probably die broke. Tries to get by in life by his words and the people he knows, cause he sees thats how the REAL players on this planet do it, he's just never been very good at it.

I freakin LOVE this character, but i aint had the chance to play him yet. (i never play humans)

Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: Celtibero on <06-02-14/2109:13>
ok a few questions on the char:

1- why is he working for Knight Errant?

2- mechanics wise, what's the dice pool for summoning/binding/drain resistance?

3- did he go to the academy? was he a outside consultant (might wanna change the SIN to corporate or corporate-limited, just a suggestion)?

4- how did he end up in a newly formed team of KE? did he screw up? was it (perceived) merit?
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - looking for players PbP 4ed shadowrun 2050 OR 5ed
Post by: Poindexter on <06-02-14/2124:46>

know what?

i uhhhh, sorta forgot this was that "working for KE game".

hehe  ;D

gimme a lil bit, lemme whip sum else up.

sorry for wasting your time with my dumb shit.
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - PbP 5ed
Post by: Celtibero on <06-02-14/2127:28>
no biggie m8 :) game isnt starting tomorrow, thus you have plenty of time to submit a concept, the background and a few very very short stories on the character previous to game starting ;)
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - PbP 5ed
Post by: Poindexter on <06-02-14/2200:41>
so hey, since we work for the pigs, do we still obey the standard availability limits at character gen or are there some exceptions?
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - PbP 5ed
Post by: Celtibero on <06-02-14/2205:05>
standard availability yes, the pigs are also known to be cheapskates when it comes to dealing equipment, maybe a prime unit would get more stuff... lets say this unit is the runt of the litter :D
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - PbP 5ed
Post by: Poindexter on <06-02-14/2210:19>

so far, im making a counterspell specialist.
a spoiled asshole rich kid who believes all the coprorate hype about the SINless.
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - PbP 5ed
Post by: Poindexter on <06-02-14/2254:42>
what about licenses?
do we have to buy fake ones or are we assumed to have real ones?
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - PbP 5ed
Post by: Celtibero on <06-03-14/0917:00>
licenses are free for your SIN (corporate) and they include are extensive for whatever you have (registered mage or mancer, ammo, guns, etc etc).

as for illegal licenses/SINŽs:

1- KE issued -» free but there is the chance some underworld organization or runner may trace them down to KE (not very very liekly but thgere is always the chance of it)

2- acquired trough shadowy means -» not free but they are not traced to KE (and KE and corporations can't trace them to you... same as any runner fake SIN/license).
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - PbP 5ed
Post by: Poindexter on <06-03-14/1211:21>
OK, here goes my first try at making a cop. (eww)

This guy has been pampered by his privileged parents and the corp since the day he was born. He has never known a desire that has gone unfulfilled and it turned him into a horrible person early in life. Initially bullied by his peers for his small stature, funny clothes, and strange taste in music, he responded by changing all those things to match the crowd. He began working out constantly, dressing how the other kids dressed, and listening to the music they listened to. Soon, he was part of the crowd doing the bullying, and nothing much has changed since then. His talent for working with magical energy was discovered at about age 13, not so much a talent for shaping and molding it, but for snuffing it out.

He has earned every bit of his bad rep as a cold, brutal, and effective hunter of the awakened. He is especially cold hearted when it comes to the SINless, but really shows no empathy to anyone, including his trophy wife and three children, aged 3,5, and 12. He enjoys them for the same reason he enjoys his SK bentley C (which he can hardly drive); because they make him look important and scary to other people. Same with the giant full auto shotgun on a gyro mount he keeps in the trunk, but has never needed to fire. It LOOKS impressive.

This is the kind of person i simply hate in real life and i thought it'd be fun to get inside his head and see what makes this kinda asshole tick.

here's his stats

Arthur Deacon
Age: 27
White male

race   a human 9
stats  b 20
magic  d aspected spellcaster
skills e 18
loot   c 140,000 2180 left

bod- 3            mental limit: 4
agi- 3            physical limit: 5
rea- 4            social limit: 7/8/9
str- 3            init: 1d6+9
wil- 3            Astral init: 2d6+10
log- 2            Notoriety: 3
int- 5
cha- 6
edg- 7
ess- 6
mag- 6

karma: 25+9dep=34+9lpt=43+7badrep=50

dependants +9
low pain tolerance +9
bad rep +7 (cold, brutal, merciless)
photographic memory -6
Corporate SIN 0

English (native)
sperethiel             3
Profession: magical threats 3
profession: magic theory  3
Street: gang ID   3
[city] knowledge  2

Counterspelling    6
gymnastics         2
intimidate         2
perception         2
Assensing          6
longarms           1
running            1
unarmed            1
etiquette          1
tracking           1
computer           1
sneaking           1
first aid          1
pilot groundcar    1

lifestyle: High extra secure

Enfield AS-7 smartgun
 laser sight (top)
 gyro mount
 2 extra drum

balistic mask +2
 flare comp
 gas mask
st ppp arm kit +1
st ppp leg kit +1
Argentum Coat 10/+4
Armor Vest 9

combat counterspell focus Ring lvl 4
illusion counterspell focus Headband lvl 2
manipulation counterspell focus Wand lvl 3
Transys Avalon
 sim mod
contacts (2)
 vision magnification
5 sets plasteel restraints
monofilament chainsaw
10 tranq patches (6)
box explosive shotgun ammo (6)
box std shotgun ammo (76)
box gel shotgun ammo (76)

basic docwagon contract

SK Bentley C
Suzuki Mirage

MCT fly-spy

-contacts       loy    con
Assistant DA     2      5
ganger           1      2
talismonger      2      3
cram fiend       2      1
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - PbP 5ed
Post by: Poindexter on <06-03-14/1213:16>
and yes, that IS correct, he has no spells, nor the spellcasting skill.
i don't ever intend to get it for him.

this guy is strictly countermagic.
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - PbP 5ed
Post by: Triskavanski on <06-03-14/1403:28>
Well, thats a good way of being aspected then
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - PbP 5ed
Post by: Poindexter on <06-14-14/0210:26>
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - PbP 5ed
Post by: Triskavanski on <06-14-14/1730:32>
He's been busy with opening a resturant recently and hasn't been on for a few days.
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - PbP 5ed
Post by: Poindexter on <06-14-14/1811:38>
thats pretty cool.
Title: Re: The grass is always greener - PbP 5ed
Post by: Triskavanski on <06-28-14/1716:56>
Well I haven't seen him on skype since the 10th.