
Shadowrun Play => Character creation and critique => Topic started by: jorgumander on <03-24-14/0930:03>

Title: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: jorgumander on <03-24-14/0930:03>
So, getting back into Shadowrun after a zillion years or so. Still learning, and you folks have been wonderful. Back then I almost always played Hermetics. I love the idea of using logic, science, and formulae to craft your spells and summon your spirits. However, in the last decade or so, I've really gotten better at playing charismatic characters. I also love the idea of intuitive abilities.

So can you help me with a pro vs. con look at the 2 types of magic users we have so far for 5th edition? Because, right now it honestly looks like shaman have all the advantages. They get to summon on the fly, and have social skills, while hermetics have to plan way ahead for no real benefit. Am I missing something?
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Longes on <03-24-14/0937:50>
Everyone gets to summon on the fly.
Shamans: Charisma limits the number of bound spirits, and is used for Social skills. Shamans will have more bound spirits than hermetics.
Hermetics: Logic is used for more skills than charisma is. Hermetics would be better on nonmagical skills.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Michael Chandra on <03-24-14/0947:55>
Shamans are quite good at social activity (and Elves love being Shamans), whereas Hermetics have better Mental Limits so do better at Perception, and can be competent First Aiders.

As for Spirits, they basically got Beasts vs Fire. Fire can attack from a range, can move much faster and dodge better, can Engulf. Meanwhile, Beasts have Animal Control, Concealment, have Fear as base rather than as optional, and are better at Unarmed Combat. Not much of a relevant difference since both sides have Air and Earth Spirits available.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Charasanya on <03-24-14/1030:33>
I think I remember a developer mentioning, that in the upcoming, now current version of Shadowrun, there should have been a greater distinction between the different traditions.

Drain resistance attribute is a factor, but in my opinion not that big a deal. I do hope, that in the inevitably upcoming magic splatbook, there will be options for greater distinction between the hermetic, shamanistic and other upcoming traditions. Logic is quite important for next to all technical and medical skills, as well as mental limit and knowledge skills. Charisma is very important for all social skills, social limit and contacts.

As elves get a rather substantial +2 bonus to charisma, a lot of  players prefer to create shamanistic elves. On the other hand, no race gains a bonus to logic, but that attribute is augmentable via bioware implant, if you choose to take a hit in essence and correspondingly magic rating.

Ultimately it boils down to how you imagine your character and how you want to play him/her. Charming and Intuitive for whom magic is a religious experience, or as a determined logician that calculates magic in rigid formulas and eqations. Its a decision that is as fundamental as gender or race, maybe even moreso.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Michael Chandra on <03-24-14/1054:14>
Not "should have been", but was intended, and it may be in the Magic book.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Bewilderbeast on <03-24-14/1328:00>
Personally, Shaman just feels "better" to me from a power-gamey perspective. It's possible to build a Shadowrunner with no Logic-based skills. Every Shadowrunner out there, however, is going to benefit from a good dice pool for things like Con and Etiquette.

The Logic-based skills; mechanics, demolitions, first aid, etc. are nice to have on a team, but something a shadowrunning team can do without. A guy who can't lie to a cop, though, is going to be dead weight in a lot of situations. I really only make a hermetic mage when I have compelling background reasons to do so for the character in mind, or for when I'm planning on getting some cerebral boosters (which I don't think is a really practical path, so that comes down to a flavor thing, too).
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Michael Chandra on <03-24-14/1329:55>
Me, I can't wait unti we get the Magic book, I really hope it will have an Intuition tradition again. Really want to make a Mystic Adept with Quickening and an Intuition tradition.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: jim1701 on <03-24-14/1336:02>
I really liked the Druids in the 4th edition magic book.  i had a Celtic druid character with a magic lodge that was  miniature stonehenge in the back yard.   ;D
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: faket15 on <03-24-14/1448:50>
I really liked the Druids in the 4th edition magic book.  i had a Celtic druid character with a magic lodge that was  miniature stonehenge in the back yard.   ;D

Which does not make much sense at all. Stonehenge is much older than the Celts. We don't even know wheter the Celts coexisted with the descendants of the people who built it or came after they were already dead. The religion and culture of the people who built it is probably closer to the Basques than the Celts.

Of course, at this point I'm being really annoying, but I've already saw much smaller points about other fields of knowledge being discussed to exhaustion in these forums.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: jorgumander on <03-24-14/1636:47>
haha, I think the discussion of Stonehenge is interesting, however if I understand Shadowrun Magic, it's more "if you believe it helps you, then it helps you" ;)

Like I said earlier, I used to prefer Hermetics, but at this point in my life I'm really leaning towards Shamans. I do like that everyone can summon on the fly, as hermetics used to have to plan ahead to get their elementals, but they got them for much longer. I just prefer how the shaman look at the world and how they tend to treat their spirits right now. But I would like more options for each tradition, and see more traditions added.

I'm SERIOUSLY looking forward to seeing some Norse Tradition magic. Cybervikings RAWR! :)
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Michael Chandra on <03-24-14/1641:18>
I love the Norse Tradition. Had the group run into a Free Valkyrie once that they had to recruit. When the Spirit demanded a million nuyen and their commlinks immediately buzzed "deal", they swallowed hard.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: jorgumander on <03-24-14/1649:01>
I love the Norse Tradition. Had the group run into a Free Valkyrie once that they had to recruit. When the Spirit demanded a million nuyen and their commlinks immediately buzzed "deal", they swallowed hard.

LOL! Nice. What were they recruiting her for? I was thinking of an Einherjar myself. Would give them more questions than answers about the "afterlife" in Shadowrun, as the Einherjar would not answer much about his "past life".

Never thought of a Valkyrie though... I wouldn't mind having one of her for a "mentor spirit" if ya know what I mean? heh
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Michael Chandra on <03-24-14/1652:43>
Their Johnson wanted to have an asset that can change her aura and shape freely and is capable of packing, and taking, a big punch. Also, a constant source of reagents is always nice to have available as way of generating income. A Force 9 Edge 10 Free Spirit quite helps there. (That roll was insane. O_O)
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: RHat on <03-24-14/2043:56>
I think I remember a developer mentioning, that in the upcoming, now current version of Shadowrun, there should have been a greater distinction between the different traditions.

Due to issues of "whoa damn this book is too fragging big already", greater differentiation got put off to the Magic book.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Shinobi Killfist on <03-24-14/2204:41>
Personally, Shaman just feels "better" to me from a power-gamey perspective. It's possible to build a Shadowrunner with no Logic-based skills. Every Shadowrunner out there, however, is going to benefit from a good dice pool for things like Con and Etiquette.

The Logic-based skills; mechanics, demolitions, first aid, etc. are nice to have on a team, but something a shadowrunning team can do without. A guy who can't lie to a cop, though, is going to be dead weight in a lot of situations. I really only make a hermetic mage when I have compelling background reasons to do so for the character in mind, or for when I'm planning on getting some cerebral boosters (which I don't think is a really practical path, so that comes down to a flavor thing, too).

Yes, charisma is a better skill stat than logic.  Logic has more skills, but most of them are either not high value or tied to another archetype so you wont really be using them much.Then in the great design fail of 5e and to a lesser extent 4e charisma just does a shit ton more for magic than logic.  Every single thing in magic that is tied to an attribute is charisma based. Hell even arcana the freaking study of magic got switched to magic because shamans might not be perfect.  Basically if they aren't going to take the time to delineate which stat should be better at what thing in a balanced fashion they should have gone the D&D route and just made all of those items Drain stat.  Want to resist the flaw of your totem, drain stat+willpower, want to see the base DV for a astral combat attack make it drain stat etc.  I'd prefer they broke things up like made all the ritual magic ties be logic, so hermetics could have more watchers/minions, give hermetics arcana while shamans deal better with totems etc.  But as is on a pure power game level Shamans are solidly better than hermetics.  There are tons of reasons to play a hermetic, they just aren't for power game/mechanical reasons. Maybe by the time the magic book comes out they will figure out even if they don't some people like to play hermetics so only catering to shamans isn't in the best interest of the game.  Its all a bunch of little minor things, so it doesn't seem that big but it adds up after a while. 
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: RHat on <03-24-14/2208:02>
Shinobi:  Hermetics can grab Cerebral Boosters for Drain resistance, along with a Pain Editor so they can keep on casting at full Stun drain.  Which is nice.  Logic does need to get it's implications in things like maximum foci back, though.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Shinobi Killfist on <03-24-14/2212:53>
Yeah and shamans can be elves and get a similar drain stat boost with no magic loss, so to me at best that's a wash though honestly i see it as a Shaman win.  and while yes not everyone wants to play an elf, but not everyone wants to play an augmented character.  And the number of foci is an almost pointless add with the new rules on addiction, when it was x2 magic it had some play, but you will hit x1 magic with a 2 logic. 
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: RHat on <03-24-14/2216:40>
Hermetics can still get a slight Drain advantage - 9 attribute instead of 8.  Augmentation is one of the chief advantages to Logic traditions, and nothing is going to be able to change that.  And if you put Logic into the focus addiction formula...
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Mithlas on <03-25-14/1508:00>
Yes, charisma is a better skill stat than logic.  Logic has more skills, but most of them are either not high value or tied to another archetype so you wont really be using them much.

Then in the great design fail of 5e and to a lesser extent 4e charisma just does a shit ton more for magic than logic.  Every single thing in magic that is tied to an attribute is charisma based. Hell even arcana the freaking study of magic got switched to magic because shamans might not be perfect.
Arcana was a Logic stat in 4E. Spellcasting (standard or ritual) and counterspelling doesn't touch the mental attributes until drain (when they're effectively equal for comparison consideration). Summoning is really the only thing that's very heavy in charisma. Astral Combat is and was Willpower.

You may not like hermetics, but a really good mage is one that doesn't have to use magic for everything - sometimes that means Logic for first aid, sometimes that means Charisma for fast talk.

In the end, I think the decision should be made for fluff/character reasons instead of pure numbers - the other factors tend to balance out, anyway.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: RHat on <03-25-14/1850:39>
Mithlas, you DO realize his complaint is that the other factors DON'T balance out in SR5, yes?  Logic lost a lot of it's importance to magical stuff, which is an issue.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Shinobi Killfist on <03-25-14/2201:55>
Pretty much, that.  Yes, it should be made for fluff reasons, and I still made a hermetic in the one game I get to play in instead of run.  But I knew mechanically I was shooting myself in the foot.

 And while one component of astral combat is willpower(the to hit even though logic is astral agility?) the damage part is charisma.  Without a decent charisma astral combat is pointless as a few net hits on nothing damage is still nothing.  While its not the best option, Shamans at least have an astral combat option.  It is the rare hermetic with enough charisma to have astral combat as a viable option. Astral combat is like the perfect example of where they went wrong. They had the opening to make logic the to hit or maybe make mental the limit not mental or social and charisma the damage, that would allow a degree of balance for the mage types. Honestly though to make astral combat viable the to hit probably needed to be magic and make the damage willpower, spirits very quickly scale past the point where you can effectively hit them. 

A quick balance would have been spirits are charisma based, minions(watchers)logic based.  The resist your totem flaw thing could logically go to any stat, but if it kept with charisma give Arcana logic for everything but initiation.  Intuition is hard to work into this one, though in my experience it just ends up being the burly meta stat, and hey it does get astral perception stuff. If they go with 3 stats again, a more fluid for many of these things would work IMO where it is your traditions stat that works for the various items.  It lacks flavor, but they took away the majority of the mechanical flavor in 4e with the universal magical theory idea. 
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: firebug on <03-26-14/0755:08>
A hermetic should still have Charisma unless they've given up on having bound spirits (which is dumb).  Logic is used for defending in Astral Combat though; so shamans may hit harder, but hermetics will be harder to hit.  Not that astral combat matters much anyways.  If you're fighting something on the astral, you're probably better off either just running away or using a mana spell instead of investing in an entirely different (and terribly niche) skill.

Logic is also used to resist mental manipulation spells and all illusion spells.  Seems pretty useful to me.

Also I disagree about logic skills being useless and charisma skills being needed by all.  I see a lot of characters made with either LOG or CHA as a dump stat.  LOG is useful because knowledge skills and first aid can be extremely beneficial, at least as often as the times your low CHA character absolutely must make a Con roll and can't just let the Face do all the talking.

Still, I feel like the fact that elves are so incredibly easy to pick (only need metatype D or higher) and give such a significant bonus to Charisma is upsetting.  It has likely always been this way, so I'm not asking that to change.  But Logic does need something so it doesn't appear to just be worse at first blush.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Michael Chandra on <03-26-14/0901:13>
It's not as if you need massive amounts of bound Spirits, so isn't 3 Charisma plenty? They're near-500 nuyen per service so quite expensive. My brother doesn't even do Binding with his Missions character, the mountie considers it rude.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: ProfessorCirno on <03-27-14/1208:34>
The biggie that keeps getting overlooked is in the defenses and pre-run usefulness.

Plenty of spells are defended using Logic.  All your wireless items are, too - do you want to be That Guy who let the corporate security crack their commlink so they could overhear all the plans?

Charisma is good for facework and drain, certainly, but that shaman is also going to be the one who reveals your locations to security when they mark his commlink and trace his location, then is the one to fireball the rest of you when the wagemage takes over his feeble and puny illogical mind.  Not to mention how useless they are when it comes time for non-face legwork with their low low knowledge skills and low arcana. "Hey shaman, what do you know that could help us out?"  "Uh, I like the Earth?"  "Wow, super useful!  Hey mage, you got anything?"  "I'm basically a walking encyclopedia when it comes to absolutely everything that could ever involve magic."  "Well how about that, a thing we can use!"

In my experience, to add to this, shaman tend to put all their eggs in one basket - yeah, charisma goes sky high, but will lags behind a bit.  Hermetics on the other hand I notice tend to go more equal on will and logic and end up with better defenses all around.  It also gives dwarves a decent niche.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Cowdragon on <03-27-14/1506:14>
The biggie that keeps getting overlooked is in the defenses and pre-run usefulness.

Plenty of spells are defended using Logic.  All your wireless items are, too - do you want to be That Guy who let the corporate security crack their commlink so they could overhear all the plans?

Charisma is good for facework and drain, certainly, but that shaman is also going to be the one who reveals your locations to security when they mark his commlink and trace his location, then is the one to fireball the rest of you when the wagemage takes over his feeble and puny illogical mind.  Not to mention how useless they are when it comes time for non-face legwork with their low low knowledge skills and low arcana. "Hey shaman, what do you know that could help us out?"  "Uh, I like the Earth?"  "Wow, super useful!  Hey mage, you got anything?"  "I'm basically a walking encyclopedia when it comes to absolutely everything that could ever involve magic."  "Well how about that, a thing we can use!"

In my experience, to add to this, shaman tend to put all their eggs in one basket - yeah, charisma goes sky high, but will lags behind a bit.  Hermetics on the other hand I notice tend to go more equal on will and logic and end up with better defenses all around.  It also gives dwarves a decent niche.

LOL! This is awesome. Making a 2 person Shadowrunning team with a buddy. You may have just changed my mind from Hermetic to Shamanic for my mage dude.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Shinobi Killfist on <03-27-14/2354:51>
The biggie that keeps getting overlooked is in the defenses and pre-run usefulness.

Plenty of spells are defended using Logic.  All your wireless items are, too - do you want to be That Guy who let the corporate security crack their commlink so they could overhear all the plans?

Charisma is good for facework and drain, certainly, but that shaman is also going to be the one who reveals your locations to security when they mark his commlink and trace his location, then is the one to fireball the rest of you when the wagemage takes over his feeble and puny illogical mind.  Not to mention how useless they are when it comes time for non-face legwork with their low low knowledge skills and low arcana. "Hey shaman, what do you know that could help us out?"  "Uh, I like the Earth?"  "Wow, super useful!  Hey mage, you got anything?"  "I'm basically a walking encyclopedia when it comes to absolutely everything that could ever involve magic."  "Well how about that, a thing we can use!"

In my experience, to add to this, shaman tend to put all their eggs in one basket - yeah, charisma goes sky high, but will lags behind a bit.  Hermetics on the other hand I notice tend to go more equal on will and logic and end up with better defenses all around.  It also gives dwarves a decent niche.

There are plenty of charisma defense tests in the game as well.The hermetic ends up with 6-8 more skill points in knowledge skills which is something, but not altogether that massive. On a side note I've never seen a shaman go low/average on willpower.  It might not be 5 because you only have so many points but it generally seems to be as high as hermetics take it.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Longes on <03-28-14/1116:06>
The biggie that keeps getting overlooked is in the defenses and pre-run usefulness.

Plenty of spells are defended using Logic.  All your wireless items are, too - do you want to be That Guy who let the corporate security crack their commlink so they could overhear all the plans?

Charisma is good for facework and drain, certainly, but that shaman is also going to be the one who reveals your locations to security when they mark his commlink and trace his location, then is the one to fireball the rest of you when the wagemage takes over his feeble and puny illogical mind.  Not to mention how useless they are when it comes time for non-face legwork with their low low knowledge skills and low arcana. "Hey shaman, what do you know that could help us out?"  "Uh, I like the Earth?"  "Wow, super useful!  Hey mage, you got anything?"  "I'm basically a walking encyclopedia when it comes to absolutely everything that could ever involve magic."  "Well how about that, a thing we can use!"

In my experience, to add to this, shaman tend to put all their eggs in one basket - yeah, charisma goes sky high, but will lags behind a bit.  Hermetics on the other hand I notice tend to go more equal on will and logic and end up with better defenses all around.  It also gives dwarves a decent niche.

I mean, it's not like we live in 2075 and can just gooogle data search stuff, right? Besides, facing skills are usually used more often than magical knowledge. And also make more impact than magical knowledge.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: ProfessorCirno on <03-29-14/0628:23>
I mean, it's not like we live in 2075 and can just gooogle data search stuff, right? Besides, facing skills are usually used more often than magical knowledge. And also make more impact than magical knowledge.

Computers is also a logic skill  ;)

The use of knowledge skills IS game dependent, I'm not going to argue that.  They aren't useless, either, though.

There are plenty of charisma defense tests in the game as well.The hermetic ends up with 6-8 more skill points in knowledge skills which is something, but not altogether that massive. On a side note I've never seen a shaman go low/average on willpower.  It might not be 5 because you only have so many points but it generally seems to be as high as hermetics take it.

It isn't just more skills, it's also better.  Pretty much all the magic based skills would be academic ones (unless you can find a way to explain why your knowledge of spirits and magical tradition fall into hobbies  ;)).  As far as will goes, most hermetics I've seen are dwarves, so they tend to cap Will instead of Logic - Will 7, Logic 5.  Funny enough, going dwarf could also give you rather ample charisma, or at least ample enough that you can have a healthy enough stable of spirits yourself.

Look, I'm not saying Hermetic is better, and I'm not sure why people seem to be thinking this save this forum's weird obsession with needing ONE RIGHT POST ONE WRONG POST.  I'm saying that Hermetic has a bunch of advantages that tend to get ignored.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Shinobi Killfist on <03-29-14/2311:08>

It isn't just more skills, it's also better.  Pretty much all the magic based skills would be academic ones (unless you can find a way to explain why your knowledge of spirits and magical tradition fall into hobbies  ;)).  As far as will goes, most hermetics I've seen are dwarves, so they tend to cap Will instead of Logic - Will 7, Logic 5.  Funny enough, going dwarf could also give you rather ample charisma, or at least ample enough that you can have a healthy enough stable of spirits yourself.

Look, I'm not saying Hermetic is better, and I'm not sure why people seem to be thinking this save this forum's weird obsession with needing ONE RIGHT POST ONE WRONG POST.  I'm saying that Hermetic has a bunch of advantages that tend to get ignored.

Sure I get that, and logic ties into first aid which is a bit less table dependent.  Logic is useful, but if I were to look at the stats on their own I find charisma to be more useful overall before we get into what effects your magic. As a quick example you pointed out how logic defneds against illusions, and hey that is great  but charisma handles the defense against most social skills, want to not be intimidated that is willpower+charisma.  And  while this is table dependent, we bump into social skill attacks far more often than illusions. Or attribure only tests like judge intentions or composure vs memory.  Again judge intentions and composure come up more otten than memory does in my experience.

And then once we get into what effects your magic it is almost all charisma, though as you point out knowledge skills will be tied to logic more often for things like magic history, threats etc.  On the magic side its actually what I would consider really bad game design, because if you are playing a mage things like can I con good or will I be good at first aid are secondary concerns.  Your primary concern is your magic capabilities and not evenly balancing those two is just crap game design.  I don;t want to overstate it, this doesn't break the game or anything, but when deciding to play a mage there should be solid mechanical reason to play a hermetic instead of a Shaman and Shamans vs hermetic.If you have to go outside magic to start to justify it, you already failed.  The fluff tries to indicate they are equal choices when it comes to magic, the mechanics should support that.

So yes, logic does things.  It just does far less for mages than charisma does.  And if you are going to create a system with a logic tradition and a charisma tradition that should not be.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: teknoide on <04-02-14/0458:30>
Cram + psyche are good for mage too. And with high logic, you can easily beat the addiction test.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: RHat on <04-02-14/0618:46>
Cram + psyche are good for mage too. And with high logic, you can easily beat the addiction test.

Until you don't.   There is a non-zero chance of failure, which means failure is statistically inevitable.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Michael Chandra on <04-02-14/1601:12>
Psyche isn't a problem, really. It's got a Rating of 6, so 5 weeks time. At Threshold 2, you'd have to use it in week 1, 3 AND 5 to risk addiction. How often is that going to happen? Cram has a rating of 4 so 7 weeks, but a threshold of 3 so we're talking week 1/4/7 to face a test. But let's say you use a lot but game the system enough so you only face a threshold of 1. As Psychological, you likely have 11 dice, that's 2048/177147 odds, ~1/86. So once every two~three runs you'd take a test at those odds, which means you have an average of 200 runs or so under your belt when you fail it once.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Reaver on <04-03-14/0019:37>
Psyche isn't a problem, really. It's got a Rating of 6, so 5 weeks time. At Threshold 2, you'd have to use it in week 1, 3 AND 5 to risk addiction. How often is that going to happen? Cram has a rating of 4 so 7 weeks, but a threshold of 3 so we're talking week 1/4/7 to face a test. But let's say you use a lot but game the system enough so you only face a threshold of 1. As Psychological, you likely have 11 dice, that's 2048/177147 odds, ~1/86. So once every two~three runs you'd take a test at those odds, which means you have an average of 200 runs or so under your belt when you fail it once.

Or, blow your first roll and be on the way to addiction in week 1. :D

Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: firebug on <04-03-14/0026:29>
Yeah, but with that luck you'd probably just have gotten mangled in your first run and lost both your arms to critical glitches on the recovery test, so it's whatever.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Reaver on <04-03-14/0030:16>
Hey, with the hundreds of rolls a player has to make during the course of a single run, odds say, that even "sure things" are going to end in outright failure eventually, yet we still come back to the table for more dice abuse the next week :P  (or for me, the next day!)
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Michael Chandra on <04-03-14/0349:13>
Psyche isn't a problem, really. It's got a Rating of 6, so 5 weeks time. At Threshold 2, you'd have to use it in week 1, 3 AND 5 to risk addiction. How often is that going to happen? Cram has a rating of 4 so 7 weeks, but a threshold of 3 so we're talking week 1/4/7 to face a test. But let's say you use a lot but game the system enough so you only face a threshold of 1. As Psychological, you likely have 11 dice, that's 2048/177147 odds, ~1/86. So once every two~three runs you'd take a test at those odds, which means you have an average of 200 runs or so under your belt when you fail it once.

Or, blow your first roll and be on the way to addiction in week 1. :D
That's not possible, since you ONLY roll at the end of week 5 (Psyche) or 7 (Cram), so it'd take you at least 3 runs (or less if you got a run spanning 3+ weeks) before that happens.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Mithlas on <04-03-14/0449:42>
Hey, with the hundreds of rolls a player has to make during the course of a single run, odds say, that even "sure things" are going to end in outright failure eventually, yet we still come back to the table for more dice abuse the next week
"That which cannot occur through happenstance will not occur through intent."
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Taejix on <04-03-14/1006:22>
There is always the option of using Edge to re-roll that 1/86 chance of failure. I wouldn't worry about it too much personally.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Michael Chandra on <04-03-14/1103:03>
I wouldn't allow a player to Edge their way out of an Addiction test.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Reaver on <04-03-14/1531:34>
I wouldn't allow a player to Edge their way out of an Addiction test.

Neither would I.
"You made the Bed, now sleep in it."
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Michael Chandra on <04-03-14/1559:08>
Now lie in it, to die in it's the crime. Speaking of crimes: What DOES your avatar read?
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Reaver on <04-03-14/1616:33>
Now lie in it, to die in it's the crime. Speaking of crimes: What DOES your avatar read?

It's a picture (apparently) of my daughter's new puppy.... (which means... MY new dog in 3 years :-[ )

The caption reads: "Don't make me get up.. I might fall over!"
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Michael Chandra on <04-03-14/1623:45>
Be glad it ain't a cute little Tibetan Mastiff pup, because those turn into this:
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Reaver on <04-03-14/1627:29>
I could live with that :P

I'm a dog lover, and they seem to love me back (judging by how many just wonder up to me)

But my lifestyle is not good for pets.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: ZeConster on <04-03-14/1822:37>
Be glad it ain't a cute little Tibetan Mastiff pup, because those turn into this:
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: RHat on <04-03-14/1938:47>
Be glad it ain't a cute little Tibetan Mastiff pup, because those turn into this:

The hilarious thing?  Mouse is supposed to be huge relative to other members of that breed.  :P
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: martinchaen on <04-04-14/0928:53>
Why on Earth would you disallow a player to use Edge on his Addiction test? Unless you're using Missions rules, which require you to buy hits on "permanent" effects and anything that occurs in downtime, I see absolutely no reason not to allow one of my players to use the resources at his disposal for the benefit of his character...
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: ZeConster on <04-04-14/1034:26>
Why on Earth would you disallow a player to use Edge on his Addiction test? Unless you're using Missions rules, which require you to buy hits on "permanent" effects and anything that occurs in downtime, I see absolutely no reason not to allow one of my players to use the resources at his disposal for the benefit of his character...
I see 2 possible reasons: because addiction tests are too easily cheesed otherwise (if you allow Edge, you're already 80%-90% down the slope towards "allow them to them buy hits"), and because there is already a precedent for not allowing Edge on some tests:
Quote from: Artificing rules
This counts as the culmination of all your work over the days, so you can’t use Edge for this test.
Besides, the only instances where a player cannot avoid an Addiction Test are Jazz (TH 1, both), Kamikaze (TH 2, mental), Nitro (TH 2, both) and Tripchip BTLs (TH 1). Meanwhile, Cram still gives +1D6 Initiative Dice, lasts longer, is cheaper, and can be used 4 weeks in a row followed by a 3-week cooldown without ever having to do an Addiction Test.
Let's use Nitro, the most dangerous drug when it comes to addiction tests, as an example:
And keep in mind this is with Second Chance, which beats Push the Limit for minimizing the chance at few hits unless you've got like 5+ Edge and only 5 base dice (second example: with 8 base dice, 7 Edge gives you a 98.34% with PtL versus 98.33% with SC at beating TH 2 tests), so all you need is 2 Edge for drugs that require both physical and mental tests.

TLDR: there's precedent in the rulebook for not allowing Edge usage on things that take multiple days, and Edge turns Addiction Tests from something to actually worry about a bit into almost 0 risk, without requiring you to actually have more than 2 Edge. Plus you could always use Magic to boost your odds, or use Cram.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: martinchaen on <04-04-14/1150:59>
Fair enough, I can see the mechanics advantage of doing so, but I guess I'm just not fond of having characters deal with addictions, so I see no reason to penalize players who want to dabble with drugs by not allowing them to use the resources at their disposal.

Disallowing the use of Edge may have precedence in the rules, but applying the same principle to Addiction tests is most certainly a house rule in this case, and not one I personally care for.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Shinobi Killfist on <04-04-14/1443:33>
Well if you dabble wit drugs you wont have an addiction test.  If you use drugs to replace other sources of power and therefore use them consistently, yeah you get addiction tests.  And allowing people to basically hand wave them away with an addiction test would be like saying you can spend edge to avoid essence loss form cyber. Addiction is the essence loss of the drug based power source.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: martinchaen on <04-04-14/1452:28>
I disagree wholeheartedly with that statement on the simple basis that you're stating it as fact rather than opinion, even when that opinion clearly goes against the rules. Disallowing the use of edge on Addiction tests is not the rule, rather it is a choice some CMs choose to make; as such, I believe that allowing the use of Edge on Addiction test is staying within the intention of the designers who created the ruleset, and not "handwaving" anything.

I'm fine with you having a preference, but I'd prefer it if you could try to not come across as belittling my opinion when stating yours.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: ZeConster on <04-04-14/1455:42>
I'm fine with you having a preference, but I'd prefer it if you could try to not come across as belittling my opinion when stating yours.
Quick FYI: when you use "no reason to" to describe someone else's preference, you also come across a bit as belittling their opinion.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: martinchaen on <04-04-14/1458:51>
The difference being that I clearly stated a personal preference applying to me abd my table only, whereas others have made sweeping statements that seemingly apply to everyone. In any case, I've said my piece and received the feedback I was seeking, so I'm out.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Shinobi Killfist on <04-04-14/1513:40>
I disagree wholeheartedly with that statement on the simple basis that you're stating it as fact rather than opinion, even when that opinion clearly goes against the rules. Disallowing the use of edge on Addiction tests is not the rule, rather it is a choice some CMs choose to make; as such, I believe that allowing the use of Edge on Addiction test is staying within the intention of the designers who created the ruleset, and not "handwaving" anything.

I'm fine with you having a preference, but I'd prefer it if you could try to not come across as belittling my opinion when stating yours.

It was not meant to belittle, just to express my opinion on the subject. I don't feel the need to put IMO on every statement I make. No one is making sweeping statements that should apply to anyone elses tables, this is a forum unless we are expressly discussing RAW everything we say is out opinion on how we feel things should get handled. And even then its just an opinion on what you think RAW is. 

I am sorry though if my message was misinterpreted. Even without expressly putting in IMO it probably could have been clearer.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: ZeConster on <04-04-14/1544:31>
The difference being that I clearly stated a personal preference applying to me abd my table only, whereas others have made sweeping statements that seemingly apply to everyone.
Yet that is not how your post came across to me - an example of my point that thinking the other side is making sweeping statements because of the way they phrased their personal opinion works both ways.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: teknoide on <04-04-14/1805:43>
For the drugs, don't forget that when you do a test for an addiction test, you have to do all the addiction test for all the addictive substance

So let's imagine : cram, psyche and 5 points of focus

5 weeks 3 addiction tests to do, 6 weeks 3 addictions tests and 7 weeks 3 addictions test to do and so on.

With a bad logic it can be nasty.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: CanRay on <04-04-14/1953:28>
as such, I believe that allowing the use of Edge on Addiction test is staying within the intention of the designers who created the ruleset, and not "handwaving" anything.
As such, maybe talk to said writer!  I'm right here!

I'd suggest basing it on the group and how harsh they want a game (The "Pink Mohawk" vs "Black Trenchcoat" discussions prove that one size does not fit all!).  Hardcore would be no Edge allowed.  A bit easier would allow Edge, but still have the addiction as a major threat.

Shadowrun:  Brony Edition, why are you even using the addiction rules?  Let's get Pinkie Pie loaded on Novacoke, Betameth, and Long Haul and see how long the party can last!  ;D
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Reaver on <04-04-14/2118:44>
<in a high pitched brony voice>
"Nooo-ooo Canray! Drugs are baaad!!!"
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Aranador on <04-05-14/0044:11>
Shadowrun:  Brony Edition, why are you even using the addiction rules?  Let's get Pinkie Pie loaded on Novacoke, Betameth, and Long Haul and see how long the party can last!  ;D

Oh - can we please get an ETA for the Brony edition?  I think I need that ASAP.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: CanRay on <04-05-14/0146:59>
<in a high pitched brony voice>
"Nooo-ooo Canray! Drugs are baaad!!!"
Then why is my drug book selling so well?  *Evil GM Laugh*
Shadowrun:  Brony Edition, why are you even using the addiction rules?  Let's get Pinkie Pie loaded on Novacoke, Betameth, and Long Haul and see how long the party can last!  ;D
Oh - can we please get an ETA for the Brony edition?  I think I need that ASAP.
Half-past never.  The IP negotiations alone would make Toxic Shamans think they've gone insane.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Dinendae on <04-05-14/0205:47>
Then why is my drug book selling so well?  *Evil GM Laugh*

*Waits for the DEA to pay CanRay a 'visit!' ;D
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Reaver on <04-05-14/0214:30>
Then why is my drug book selling so well?  *Evil GM Laugh*

*Waits for the DEA to pay CanRay a 'visit!' ;D

they can't.

Canray is a Canuck.

The best they can do is drool from the border, like a dog staring at a steak....

sides, I hear they have their hands full in Oregon and Washington state....
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Dinendae on <04-05-14/0232:39>

they can't.

Canray is a Canuck.

The best they can do is drool from the border, like a dog staring at a steak....

sides, I hear they have their hands full in Oregon and Washington state....

Curses! Foiled by those pesky borders and international treaty...thingies...!
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Reaver on <04-05-14/0329:57>

they can't.

Canray is a Canuck.

The best they can do is drool from the border, like a dog staring at a steak....

sides, I hear they have their hands full in Oregon and Washington state....

Curses! Foiled by those pesky borders and international treaty...thingies...!

IF you have good cookies..... we can work something out...
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: ProfessorCirno on <04-06-14/0508:55>
I'm all for Edge being used on the addiction test.

Just make the addiction test something that happens during the run when they pop that popper!  :D

...These forums need some sorta evil smiley.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Cowdragon on <04-06-14/0638:59>
I'm all for Edge being used on the addiction test.

Just make the addiction test something that happens during the run when they pop that popper!  :D

...These forums need some sorta evil smiley.

exactly! I don't know why you would make the test when you were not using the drug. Maybe I'm missing something?
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Michael Chandra on <04-06-14/0745:17>
Because the rules state you take it after a while, which gives you the chance to not over-use and take it easy, wearing the threshold down to doable levels. If you had to take an addiction test on a very addictive drug directly, then it'd become a VERY fast character-demolisher for any character that's not packed to the gills on the resistance attributes.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Cowdragon on <04-06-14/1011:49>
Because the rules state you take it after a while, which gives you the chance to not over-use and take it easy, wearing the threshold down to doable levels. If you had to take an addiction test on a very addictive drug directly, then it'd become a VERY fast character-demolisher for any character that's not packed to the gills on the resistance attributes.

ok ok. I sorta get that. But shouldn't drugs be awful? Honestly, I'd rather not even play with them in the game. Personal preference. But since they are part of the game, make people check during use. Also, won't be any addiction checks for things like foci and stuff. That's silly in my campaign world. :)
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: CanRay on <04-06-14/1210:32>
ok ok. I sorta get that. But shouldn't drugs be awful? Honestly, I'd rather not even play with them in the game. Personal preference. But since they are part of the game, make people check during use. Also, won't be any addiction checks for things like foci and stuff. That's silly in my campaign world. :)
And that's your preference.  Drugs have been a part of Cyberpunk for a long, long time (Case from Neuromancer was tripping through a few parts of Neuromancer, for instance), so they're included, but like everything else it is up to the group to decide what they want to work with and what they don't.

Either way, the rules are there as well for the scuzzballs who will use them when dealing with the PCs, and victims who are just trying to get their next fix.  Dystopia doesn't build itself, after all.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Michael Chandra on <04-06-14/1558:29>
ok ok. I sorta get that. But shouldn't drugs be awful? Honestly, I'd rather not even play with them in the game. Personal preference. But since they are part of the game, make people check during use. Also, won't be any addiction checks for things like foci and stuff. That's silly in my campaign world. :)
Some drugs come with after-effects though. For example, Cram makes you take damage when it wars off, Jazz disorients you, and so on. Psyche is pretty much the only drug without penalties during or after use, aside from the behaviour impact. And Jazz&Nitro pretty much come without a chance to avoid all addiction tests.

And I actually quite like addiction checks for people using more Focus Rating than their Magic Rating at the same time. It's one of the balancing factors in foci use, for starters. It also only kicks in at high Foci amounts AND, unless your mage constantly overdoes it, will only matter at Force 9+ in total active at the same time.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: CanRay on <04-06-14/1729:21>
Some drugs come with after-effects though. For example, Cram makes you take damage when it wars off, Jazz disorients you, and so on. Psyche is pretty much the only drug without penalties during or after use, aside from the behaviour impact. And Jazz&Nitro pretty much come without a chance to avoid all addiction tests.

And I actually quite like addiction checks for people using more Focus Rating than their Magic Rating at the same time. It's one of the balancing factors in foci use, for starters. It also only kicks in at high Foci amounts AND, unless your mage constantly overdoes it, will only matter at Force 9+ in total active at the same time.
Also exceptionally good reasons.  "Everything Has A Price".

In my games as GM, I'd probably allow Edge to be used on Addiction Tests, but then the Edge doesn't come back until the addiction kicks in, or the drug is no longer used.  It still lets people get lucky, but reminds them not to push their luck.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: RHat on <04-06-14/1905:04>
Some drugs come with after-effects though. For example, Cram makes you take damage when it wars off, Jazz disorients you, and so on. Psyche is pretty much the only drug without penalties during or after use, aside from the behaviour impact. And Jazz&Nitro pretty much come without a chance to avoid all addiction tests.

And I actually quite like addiction checks for people using more Focus Rating than their Magic Rating at the same time. It's one of the balancing factors in foci use, for starters. It also only kicks in at high Foci amounts AND, unless your mage constantly overdoes it, will only matter at Force 9+ in total active at the same time.
Also exceptionally good reasons.  "Everything Has A Price".

In my games as GM, I'd probably allow Edge to be used on Addiction Tests, but then the Edge doesn't come back until the addiction kicks in, or the drug is no longer used.  It still lets people get lucky, but reminds them not to push their luck.

See, this sounds like the very definition of "things I don't want to worry about keeping track of".
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: CanRay on <04-06-14/2252:27>
Some drugs come with after-effects though. For example, Cram makes you take damage when it wars off, Jazz disorients you, and so on. Psyche is pretty much the only drug without penalties during or after use, aside from the behaviour impact. And Jazz&Nitro pretty much come without a chance to avoid all addiction tests.

And I actually quite like addiction checks for people using more Focus Rating than their Magic Rating at the same time. It's one of the balancing factors in foci use, for starters. It also only kicks in at high Foci amounts AND, unless your mage constantly overdoes it, will only matter at Force 9+ in total active at the same time.
Also exceptionally good reasons.  "Everything Has A Price".

In my games as GM, I'd probably allow Edge to be used on Addiction Tests, but then the Edge doesn't come back until the addiction kicks in, or the drug is no longer used.  It still lets people get lucky, but reminds them not to push their luck.
See, this sounds like the very definition of "things I don't want to worry about keeping track of".
*Cough*  "In my games as GM..."

One size does not fit all.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: RHat on <04-06-14/2326:06>
Some drugs come with after-effects though. For example, Cram makes you take damage when it wars off, Jazz disorients you, and so on. Psyche is pretty much the only drug without penalties during or after use, aside from the behaviour impact. And Jazz&Nitro pretty much come without a chance to avoid all addiction tests.

And I actually quite like addiction checks for people using more Focus Rating than their Magic Rating at the same time. It's one of the balancing factors in foci use, for starters. It also only kicks in at high Foci amounts AND, unless your mage constantly overdoes it, will only matter at Force 9+ in total active at the same time.
Also exceptionally good reasons.  "Everything Has A Price".

In my games as GM, I'd probably allow Edge to be used on Addiction Tests, but then the Edge doesn't come back until the addiction kicks in, or the drug is no longer used.  It still lets people get lucky, but reminds them not to push their luck.
See, this sounds like the very definition of "things I don't want to worry about keeping track of".
*Cough*  "In my games as GM..."

One size does not fit all.

Very true.   Part of why there's something to be gained from further discussion, eh?
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Cowdragon on <04-10-14/1537:47>
Aaaaah! See? I didn't realize the foci thing was only for when you use over your Magic Rating! I thought it was whenever you used it. Makes more sense now.

Same for letting lowlifes be dystopic! Making more and more sense. I love these topics. Thanks folks!
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Mithlas on <04-10-14/2041:49>
And I actually quite like addiction checks for people using more Focus Rating than their Magic Rating at the same time. It's one of the balancing factors in foci use, for starters. It also only kicks in at high Foci amounts AND, unless your mage constantly overdoes it, will only matter at Force 9+ in total active at the same time.
In totaled Force? That could mean that mages are only using 2 foci (F4 sustaining focus, F3 spellcasting/power focus topping what a Magic 7 individual can handle without addiction tests) at once. Or are you talking about only N foci active at a time, where N <= Logic?
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: MortimerBane on <04-10-14/2053:40>
Don't listen to these guys... The big difference is that...

Hermetics like pie while,

Shamanics prefer cookies!

That is all.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Michael Chandra on <04-10-14/2055:22>
And I actually quite like addiction checks for people using more Focus Rating than their Magic Rating at the same time. It's one of the balancing factors in foci use, for starters. It also only kicks in at high Foci amounts AND, unless your mage constantly overdoes it, will only matter at Force 9+ in total active at the same time.
In totaled Force? That could mean that mages are only using 2 foci (F4 sustaining focus, F3 spellcasting/power focus topping what a Magic 7 individual can handle without addiction tests) at once. Or are you talking about only N foci active at a time, where N <= Logic?
In Totaled Force, which makes Power Foci and Quickening quite interesting choices. It's almost-explicit in the rules.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: RHat on <04-10-14/2056:42>
And I actually quite like addiction checks for people using more Focus Rating than their Magic Rating at the same time. It's one of the balancing factors in foci use, for starters. It also only kicks in at high Foci amounts AND, unless your mage constantly overdoes it, will only matter at Force 9+ in total active at the same time.
In totaled Force? That could mean that mages are only using 2 foci (F4 sustaining focus, F3 spellcasting/power focus topping what a Magic 7 individual can handle without addiction tests) at once. Or are you talking about only N foci active at a time, where N <= Logic?

It's totaled Force.  And in SR5, how many foci you can have active at once is instead based upon Magic.

Would be good to get Logic back into the equation somehow; perhaps it should be Logic+Magic total Force before addiction sets in, with Logic acting as a bonus to the Addiction test?
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: ZeConster on <04-10-14/2057:19>
And I actually quite like addiction checks for people using more Focus Rating than their Magic Rating at the same time. It's one of the balancing factors in foci use, for starters. It also only kicks in at high Foci amounts AND, unless your mage constantly overdoes it, will only matter at Force 9+ in total active at the same time.
In totaled Force? That could mean that mages are only using 2 foci (F4 sustaining focus, F3 spellcasting/power focus topping what a Magic 7 individual can handle without addiction tests) at once. Or are you talking about only N foci active at a time, where N <= Logic?
You're making some leaps I don't quite follow, I'm afraid. Why would they specifically use an F4 sustaining focus and an F3 spellcasting/power focus? There's lots of other foci combinations they could use.
And no, it's not about the number of foci, but about the total Force of the foci you have active, just like in the Addiction Test table:
Quote from: Page 319 (emphasis mine)
Typically, it’s not a danger as long as the total Force of your active foci isn’t greater than your Magic rating.
Quote from: Page 414
SubstanceAddiction RatingAddiction Threshold
Focus Addiction   total Force of all active foci   2
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Mithlas on <04-10-14/2150:56>
I've got to use something for an example. I'm aware the limiter is Magic in 5E, I was thinking 4E at the time. Regardless, I do prefer the inclusion of Logic in 4E.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: ProfessorCirno on <04-11-14/0724:00>
Having Logic be related to something Magic based would be nice.  I think the idea was for it to be tied to skills, but it doesn't really work out all that amazingly well.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: firebug on <04-11-14/0733:43>
Logic should be beneficial to one of the three skillgroups.  As is, Shamans are naturally inclined towards spirits (from having a higher bound cap, and even just in flavor).  Charisma is usually the "spiritual tradition" stat.  I'd like them to make Logic the alchemy/formulae/enchanting one, as it would fit with the flavor well, then I dunno.  Have Intuition be best fitted to spellcasting and ritual spellcasting.  It's actually already what you use to decrease the time needed to learn new spells.

Logic is currently used for Arcana, or at least that's how it's listed, but that doesn't seem to actually be the case.  Making foci formulae uses MAG, and I don't think 5th has rules for making spells or anything with spirit formulae.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Reaver on <04-11-14/2110:20>
Not currently no.

But back in 2 and 3e there was all sorts of stuff you could do with a spirit formula....

We might see that return.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Blackwatch on <05-09-14/0647:10>
Be glad it ain't a cute little Tibetan Mastiff pup, because those turn into this:

Gorgeous creatures... and I'd love to own one... though I would HATE cleaning up all the shedding... holy bajebus my vacuum cleaner would commit suicide. It's already threatening to leave me and my pup is a short-hair mixed breed.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Tarislar on <05-14-14/2014:46>
Hermetic - Logic based Magicians are useful for a few roles I've found.

1.  Doctor
2.  Back up Decker
3.  Troll

But yeah, as a whole, none of that is as common is the whole Shaman/Face/Elf combo.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: RHat on <05-14-14/2129:00>
Hermetic - Logic based Magicians are useful for a few roles I've found.

1.  Doctor
2.  Back up Decker
3.  Troll

But yeah, as a whole, none of that is as common is the whole Shaman/Face/Elf combo.

Another option:  Drone rigger.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Csjarrat on <05-15-14/1441:01>
Hermetic - Logic based Magicians are useful for a few roles I've found.

1.  Doctor
2.  Back up Decker
3.  Troll

But yeah, as a whole, none of that is as common is the whole Shaman/Face/Elf combo.

Another option:  Drone rigger.
that'd be interesting. finding the cash for that might be tight at chargen though
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Tenlaar on <05-15-14/1451:54>
I've played around with a rigger/alchemist idea a while back, I should revisit it now that I have a better grasp on character creation. A rigger with a couple of drones carrying preparations for physical barrier, ice sheet, a mana based stack spell or two, maybe a converted Fix...
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Tarislar on <05-17-14/2013:37>
Another option:  Drone rigger.
I freely admit I'm not up on my rigging, but, wouldn't the essence cost for a VCR be bad for a magician ?
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: RHat on <05-17-14/2028:10>
Another option:  Drone rigger.
I freely admit I'm not up on my rigging, but, wouldn't the essence cost for a VCR be bad for a magician ?

Sure ,but the control rig is only needed to jump in; I specified drone rigger as the notion is that this character wouldn't jumpp in.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Tarislar on <05-17-14/2045:52>
Sure ,but the control rig is only needed to jump in; I specified drone rigger as the notion is that this character wouldn't jumpp in.
Okay, so a guy at a terminal.  Like I said, I'm not up on "rigging" at all.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Demon_Bob on <05-18-14/1536:33>
Be glad it ain't a cute little Tibetan Mastiff pup, because those turn into this:
Dependent - Dog   With size determining cost.
Can't find any 5th ed rules for ally yet.  :'(
Yup, yup its Mouse.
Although it more like a huge Alaskan Malamute.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Sincereagape on <05-19-14/1219:00>
From a thematic stand point, the influx of Elven Shamans seems incorrect.  Traditionally, from classic SR stories and history -- Elves have always been hermetic in nature.  Elven culture from both Tir's has always focused on Elves using science and logic for their magic rather then charisma and shaman magic.

Shaman magic has always been reserved for native American nations, Jamaican influence, in essence other cultures that have always had some type of spiritual or religious reasoning behind them in relation to spirits, demons, and dieties.

From a statistical point of view, having an influx of Elf Shamans makes total sense due to the natural charisma boost. But there is something about having an heavy increase in elf shamans that seems 'Un-Shadowrun' from a thematic sense. 
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: GoodbyeSoberDay on <05-19-14/1512:24>
From a thematic stand point, the influx of Elven Shamans seems incorrect.  Traditionally, from classic SR stories and history -- Elves have always been hermetic in nature.  Elven culture from both Tir's has always focused on Elves using science and logic for their magic rather then charisma and shaman magic.

Shaman magic has always been reserved for native American nations, Jamaican influence, in essence other cultures that have always had some type of spiritual or religious reasoning behind them in relation to spirits, demons, and dieties.

From a statistical point of view, having an influx of Elf Shamans makes total sense due to the natural charisma boost. But there is something about having an heavy increase in elf shamans that seems 'Un-Shadowrun' from a thematic sense.
You identified the main problem here: The mechanics don't align with the theme.  Why would elves choose to focus on hermetic magic?  Why wouldn't they utilize their natural force of personality, which they can identify in-game (at least at a qualitative level), in their dealings with the astral?  At a certain point wouldn't shamanic elven traditions pop up, then slowly begin to dominate, as a consequence of the way magic actually works?

IMO it's easier to tweak the theme a little bit than it is to ignore the disconnect.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Whiskeyjack on <05-19-14/1632:35>
From a thematic stand point, the influx of Elven Shamans seems incorrect.  Traditionally, from classic SR stories and history -- Elves have always been hermetic in nature.  Elven culture from both Tir's has always focused on Elves using science and logic for their magic rather then charisma and shaman magic.

Shaman magic has always been reserved for native American nations, Jamaican influence, in essence other cultures that have always had some type of spiritual or religious reasoning behind them in relation to spirits, demons, and dieties.

From a statistical point of view, having an influx of Elf Shamans makes total sense due to the natural charisma boost. But there is something about having an heavy increase in elf shamans that seems 'Un-Shadowrun' from a thematic sense.
This might be missing the forest for the trees - in other words, I'd say there are plenty of elves that came from Shamanic-type cultures, like Amerind, Jamaican, African religion, etc.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Mithlas on <05-19-14/1855:49>
From a thematic stand point, the influx of Elven Shamans seems incorrect.  Traditionally, from classic SR stories and history -- Elves have always been hermetic in nature.  Elven culture from both Tir's has always focused on Elves using science and logic for their magic rather then charisma and shaman magic.

From a statistical point of view, having an influx of Elf Shamans makes total sense due to the natural charisma boost. But there is something about having an heavy increase in elf shamans that seems 'Un-Shadowrun' from a thematic sense.
I think it's just not min-maxed, there's nothing necessarily thematically wrong about it. The idea of an old line of science (or magic) relying on logic (which by parts of its definition can be recorded and passed down) would have an advantage over a more intuition/charisma 'abstract force of will' focus which would not have such an advantage.

I don't actually know about elves in the Tirs focusing on Logic any more than other metatypes like Orks or Dwarves, but there's one possibility that's consistent with the core books and all else I know of Shadowrun.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: RHat on <05-19-14/2046:13>
Elven culture from both Tir's has always focused on Elves using science and logic for their magic rather then charisma and shaman magic.

Before you say "both Tirs", you may wish to double check the drain stat for Path of the Wheel.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Sincereagape on <05-20-14/0858:08>

I stand corrected.

I sold all of my old Shadowrun RPG books and now only have the novels and the 5th edition supplements that have been released (Core Rulebook, Splintered States, GM screen.)  Was the Path of the Wheel in Street Magic (4th or any of the other supplments from previous editions)

@Mithlas, Whiskey Jack, Goodbye Sober Day -- I am mostly going off Shadowrun Cannon, and the FASA Shadowrun novels. Most of the Elves in the older stories were mostly hermedic mages.  Hart, Laverty, Ehran, Kylar Luppas, Meyer (Headhunters), (Dragon Heart Trilogy), even Harlequin.

I can't remember many elves that were based off the shamanic traditions. 

@Whisky -- That type of magic would he druidic in nature or Path of the Wheel like RHAT mentioned, not Shamanistic. 

It just seems like every elf mage made on these boards is a shaman, and traditionally that has not fit the Elven archtype of a mage in the SR universe.  I just dont' see an elf walking around with totem based foci, or with the attire of a shaman.  I do however seem them more thematically dressed or fitting the them of a hermetic. 

I hope elf shamans do not become a watered down, over used archtype. 
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Michael Chandra on <05-20-14/0907:32>
Just wait until the Street Grimoire hits, and people will start picking other ones.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Whiskeyjack on <05-20-14/1250:11>
Just wait until the Street Grimoire hits, and people will start picking other ones.
I've ported stuff from 4e pretty easily for a game, including Guardian and Plant spirits. Really wanted to play an Azzie elf nahauilli.

@Mithlas, Whiskey Jack, Goodbye Sober Day -- I am mostly going off Shadowrun Cannon, and the FASA Shadowrun novels. Most of the Elves in the older stories were mostly hermedic mages.  Hart, Laverty, Ehran, Kylar Luppas, Meyer (Headhunters), (Dragon Heart Trilogy), even Harlequin.

I can't remember many elves that were based off the shamanic traditions. 

@Whisky -- That type of magic would he druidic in nature or Path of the Wheel like RHAT mentioned, not Shamanistic. 

It just seems like every elf mage made on these boards is a shaman, and traditionally that has not fit the Elven archtype of a mage in the SR universe.  I just dont' see an elf walking around with totem based foci, or with the attire of a shaman.  I do however seem them more thematically dressed or fitting the them of a hermetic. 

I hope elf shamans do not become a watered down, over used archtype. 

But the fact of the matter still is: from a mechanical optimization standpoint, elf + Charisma tradition is a really good combo. Currently the only official Charisma tradition is Shamanism, and hence why the elf shaman is (and has been, since 4th) a big (sometimes overdone) trope.I expect to see diversity with more Charisma traditions, but I also expect a lot of people to pick Elf + Charisma tradition as an easy way to throw the most dice possible.
Title: Re: Hermetic verses Shaman
Post by: Tarislar on <05-20-14/1352:01>
The Sinsearach & Manitoo tribes are probably quite full of Elven Shaman.

The "Hermatic" issue is not "Elvish" IMHO, its "Immortal-Elvish"........ Those 2 Dozen or so seem to favor "Wizardry" because they didn't grow up in the "Americas" but plenty of "regular" elves born since the Awakening will not have that ancient bias & would be influenced by how they grew up instead.