
Shadowrun Play => Play-by-Post => Topic started by: Thvor on <08-09-13/1214:45>

Title: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Thvor on <08-09-13/1214:45>
Thursday, February 7th, 2075 - 17:00

It had been a typical winter's day in Seattle--cold, gray, and damp. It hadn't actually rained, as such, but the sun had never managed to burn through the mist, and the streets glistened wetly under the glow of the city's lights. Beyond the clouds, the sun was slowly approaching the horizon, wearily getting ready to set; the moon, a week or so past full, wouldn't rise until after midnight--not that these sorts of considerations mattered to the wage slaves getting ready to head back to their pitiful homes at the end of the day, unknowingly handing control of the city over to its darker elements for the night.

Out in the Redmond barrens, the weather was slightly better; it had rained in the afternoon, cleaning a bit of the grime from some of the buildings. The cold and the rain worked together to keep the worst of the Snoqualmie River's stench out of the air, despite the light breeze. The clouds were lifting, letting a few final rays from the sun slip through.

[spoiler]Ok, the stage is set; the players may enter, describing what they're up to on this oh-so-typical Thursday evening.

Don't worry about trying to team up at this point; I'll be bringing you guys together soon, I promise. :-)
Edit: Modified to set the stage in the Redmond barrens.
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Chrona on <08-09-13/1235:19>
Armless walked down the streets. Every now and then he saw someone looking into midair, or through someone, or with glazed over eyes. He still didn't really understand what they were supposed to be seeing. The Troll pulled his lined coat tight around himself as he walked, not for the cold but for the staring eyes of those who looked at him, and not their imaginary objects floating in the matrix. Sure they were used to seeing Trolls, even ones with crazy horn formations like his slicked back head decorations, but they weren't used to seeing the giant hand made bow slung over his arm or the spear on his back. The tattoos covering his green hide probably weren't helping.
To a human, the Spear could easily be a small tree trunk but Armless needed it that big, or it wouldn't fit in his hands. Looking up to the sky briefly he wondered how he was going to do in this city, with it's technology and firearms. He had to stay his path though, as it was his tribes way.
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Crossbow on <08-09-13/1422:14>
There is a neighborhood in the Redmond Barrens that nobody talks about.  Actually there are a lot of places in the Barrens that no one talks about, but this part of the Barrens doesn't get talked about because the people that live there want to keep it secret.  The reason they keep it a secret is because the people that live there don't want the world to know that life in this little part of one of the worst hellholes on earth is not really all that bad, it is kind of an oasis in the brutality around it.  In fact the folks that live there call it the Oasis.  It is near enough to Touristville that you can still hear sirens most nights, but a little too deep into the district for the slummers and thrill seekers to risk making the attempt.  The Oasis is not really any better off than the area around it, there is crime and desperation, and rundown buildings, but the folks here care a little more and actually look out for each other when they can.  It is the kind of place that a married Mafia lieutenant can stow the dime piece he keeps on the side with his illegitimate kid if he likes her.  Where a Shadowrunner can have his brother's family move to after the brother takes a bullet for him.

One of the reasons that the Oasis exists is the Harris Clinic, a place where locals can do for real care.  One of the reasons that the thin, awkward looking young man walking out of the Clinic knows he can safely walk these streets without fear is that his name is Devon Harris, he is the son of Dr Maxwell Harris, the founder of the clinic.

Devon knows that after the 12 hour shift he just finished that he really should just go home and sleep, but he also knows that he is going to the 'other' clinic a few blocks away to check on the razorgirl's new mod and spend a few more hours going over rituals in his Lab.  He pops his last Caff-Tab and cracks a new pack, walking a little faster so that he might sleep in his real bed tonight.
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Panzergeist on <08-09-13/2228:19>
There is another neighborhood nearby which people do talk about, but not in glowing terms.  Alan stood on his usual street corner, waiting for customers to come along.  Novacoke, bliss, cram, marijuana- his partner Danny had them all down the street.  Customers would give Alan the money, then head down the street to collect their purchase from the big orc.  Today Alan was agitated- his sister's illness was flaring up again, and money was tight.   He needed business to be good this week.

Alan tried to focus on his work, casually asking passerby if they were looking for any "stuff," but a weird feeling started growing in his head.  It was a feeling of intrusion, as if some foreign presence were in his mind with him.  The feeling grew until it completely preoccupied him, and Alan began pawing at his head and looking around for the source if his discomfort.  Then, even more suddenly than it had come on, the feeling passed. 

His commlink beeped with a message from Danny down the street.  You okay man?  You seem agitated.

I'm fine, thanks for the concern. Alan replied.  He was feeling better.  Time to make some money for Jessica....

Neither Alan, Danny nor anyone else on the street noticed Siegfried standing on the roof of a dilapidated building across the street.  Of course, that wasn't surprising, since Siegfried was invisible.  Robbing drug dealers was lucrative business for a vigilante- at least, lucrative by the standards of someone like Siegfried, who found himself squatting more often than renting.   But the mind probe had shown Alan to be a decent man who was dealing drugs for the noblest of reasons, and that meant he wouldn't be Siegfried's next target.

Siegfried paced to the other side of the building and settled in to watch a different street.  A good target would reveal himself.  It was the barrens- bad people weren't hard to find.
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Thvor on <08-10-13/0828:43>
Armless is a little surprised when a young girl comes up to him. Since she only comes up to his waist, she needs to crane her neck to look up at him; she seems very upset. "Please, sir, can you help me? My da was working and there was an accident...he's trapped...I, I can't..." She stops, clearly fighting back tears, and gently tugs his arm towards a side street.
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Chrona on <08-10-13/1307:39>
"What? Of course! Take me to him." Armless lets her lead him by the arm into the alleyway.
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Thvor on <08-10-13/1611:34>
Moving quickly, the girl leads Armless down a series of alleys. Several spots are tight squeezes for the hulking troll, but he manages to force his way through. Finally, the girl glances back at him, gestures, and disappears around a corner. When he rounds the bend, he finds himself in an open courtyard, maybe twenty meters square, with derelict buildings on all sides. The only exit seems to be they way he came in. There's no sign of the girl--or anyone else.

Suddenly, a voice calls out; the echoes make it hard to identify exactly where the speaker is, but it sounds like he might be near some rubble to the troll's left. "Behold, my brothers; another aberration is pulled from the abyss that surrounds us. What say you? Shall we cleanse it now, or should the demon be allowed to plead for its miserable life?"
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Thvor on <08-10-13/1614:54>
As Siegfried turns away from the drug dealers, a noise draws his attention. Glancing over, he notices two large, black birds perched above a streetlight; it's hard to see them against the gathering shadows, but one of them appears to be looking directly at him. The other fluffs its feathers, then bends and scratches under its wing with its beak.
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Chrona on <08-10-13/1630:42>
"A demon would just strike you down without giving you a chance to run.I am giving you that chance." Armless unslings his spear, "I have not gotten to hunt since leaving the farm." He looks around for the hidden people, likely Humanis or Ancients, whichever bigots he'd run into today. He just hoped they didn't have guns. So loud.

[spoiler]Actively Looking Perception followed by Default Intimidation 2 + Physically Imposing and Armed and Ace in the Hole (Adept) 7 - Opponents outnumber, are prejudiced and result is annoying 5 (9d6.hits(5)=4, 4d6.hits(5)=0) (
Modifiers were based on what I can infer, let me know if I need to roll more dice, less wont change anything[/spoiler]
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Panzergeist on <08-10-13/2036:22>
Siegfried regards the birds with curiosity for several minutes before remembering that he is invisible.  Startled, he opens the doors of perception, allowing himself to see into the astral plane.  After taking a look around, he assenses first the bird that is looking at him, then the other.  "Are these your servants, oh Allfather?  My sword is yours to command." 
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Thvor on <08-10-13/2038:08>
As Armless scans the area, he notes metallic glints from three second-story windows around the courtyard; probably snipers. The speaker, definitely to his left, remains hidden.

A clang behind him makes him turn; he's not too surprised to find that the entrance has been closed off by a rather solid-looking metal gate, topped with what appears to be monofilament wire.

Scornful laughter rolls across the courtyard. "The brute relies upon its strength to save itself, brethren. Is it not as I have told you? See how it prowls like a caged animal. Prepare for the purification."
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Thvor on <08-10-13/2049:59>
The only oddity Siegfried notes in astral is the presence of the birds...or, more precisely, whatever it is which is manifesting as two birds. They share a single astral presence, which is clearly that of a powerful spirit. Into his mind comes the single word, Follow.

The birds launch themselves into the air, flying low over the nearby rooftops.
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Chrona on <08-10-13/2117:32>
Armless sighed to himself. He would prefer to not be shot like a rabid dog but he was caged like one. It would take just as long to switch to his bow as it would take the 3 snipers to put three lumps of metal in his skull.
"So I got the most well armed Rascists on the Sprawl, huh?" He dashed forward along the alley, spear in hand, muscles slowly tightening and filling with pure mana. He leaps.

[spoiler]Agility Boost (7d6.hits(5)=1) ( Agility 7 for 6 seconds, 1 DV Drain
Drain Resist for later (9d6.hits(5)=5) ( resisted so long as i dont suddenly have 8 wound penalties in 6 seconds time
Running Jump to Nearest Second floor window, Limit 11, If I miss,there's no lower window to jump through instead and the walls are brick I will attempt to go through the wall at the point I do reach. Limit 6 I'm versus Structure 10, Armour 16 in such a case, so if I don't make it I have included a second jump which is me using my now stuck in speak as a lift up to the original window. (12d6.hits(5)=3, 14d6.hits(5)=7, 12d6.hits(5)=4) ( So I jump 6 Meters, possibly making it to SOME window, your call, if not I hit the wall (or obliterate the window) for 19P at AP - 2 and if I don't break through i jump a further 4 meters from my spear[/spoiler]
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Panzergeist on <08-10-13/2134:21>
"I am yours to command, lord."  Running after the, double raven...he casts a levitate spell, launching himself across a back alley to the next rooftop over.  He continues in this way, running along rooftops while using the spell to clear the spaces between rooftops.  He debates drawing his sword, but he isn't sure if the raven spirit is leading him to battle, or something else. 

[spoiler]So I didn't roll for the invisibility spell before since it was just meant as a plot device, but now that it looks like I might use it....
Improved Invisibility force 2(highest I can sustain for free)- 1 measly success
Drain resistance, 2 boxes- 4 hits, no drain
So I have improved invisibility with 1 hit being sustained- calling me invisible is stretching it a bit.

Levitate, force 4 spellcasting- 8 hits, so effectively 4
Drain, 2 boxes- 4 hits

Currently sustaining improved invis force 2 with 1 hit, and levitate force 4 with 4 hits, no drain so far. 

Running(6) test- 3 hits

Note that I'm running across the rooftops, but using the levitate spell to cross from one rooftop to another, so not using gymnastics.

Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Thvor on <08-12-13/1434:39>
Initiative Count: 19
Armless launches himself forward, his mana-infused muscles enabling him to clear the distance across the courtyard easily. Reaching the far wall, he launches himself upwards, driving his spear into the wall at the peak of his jump.

Initiative Count: 13
Seeing the gargantuan troll charging his direction, the sniper in the window loses his nerve and opens fire.

[spoiler]First, a clarification. Vertical jumps give half a meter per hit, not 2, so Armless's first jump only goes 1.5 meters. Also, it's not spelled out in the 5E RAW, but 4E says that vertical jumps are simple actions, so we've got Armless running (movement) and jumping (simple); due to the timing (and coolness factor), I'm going to allow the attack against the wall as another simple action, rather than the usual complex one. Assuming he gets a chance to follow through with the second jump, he'll make the window he's aiming for, though without the spear.

Second, the sniper's attack: 8d6.hits(5)=4 ( These guys came specifically to fight a troll, so they're using APDS rounds; you're looking at -4 armor piercing and 10P base damage. Also, since this is a long burst, there's a -5 modifier on the defense test.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Chrona on <08-12-13/1600:03>
[spoiler]Defense (5d6.hits(5)=3) (
Forgot i had combat sense (1d6.hits(5)=1) ( yesss adepts ftwwww

Six bullets sped through the alleys dank air, some of them touched the edges of Armless coat, grazing off hand sewn armored patches. Armless paid it no heed, he needed to make this jump before the others opened fire.

Next action on INI 9
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Thvor on <08-12-13/1644:01>
Initiative Count: 10
As the troll weaves through the rain of bullets and starts bounding up the wall, the speaker's voice roars out, "Demon, I bind thee! Hold!"

[spoiler]Ok, roll logic + willpower. The leader is trying to hit you with a pretty strong Control Actions (18d6.hits(5)=6 (; if he wins, he's going to force you to drop to the ground.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Thvor on <08-12-13/1648:50>
As Devon walks towards his lab, he's surprised to hear gunfire erupt nearby. Being the barrens, random gun shots aren't really unusual, but this sounds like a sustained blast from an assault rifle, which is a bit much, even for this part of Redmond. Pausing, he thinks he can hear shouting as well.
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Chrona on <08-12-13/1730:51>
Initiative Count: 9
[spoiler]mental resist with edge (9d6.hitsopen(5,6)=0) ( sigh
Blades -4 for vital shot +2 DV, Limit 6 (10d6.hits(5)=2) ( 15P AP -2
resisting 15P AP -2 (14d6.hits(5)=3) ( 11 damage, over armour rating, Physical Taken, -3 wound penalties all hit boxes filled,
I go down, bleeding out, death in 6 turns.

Armless felt foreign mana wrap around him and intrude into his body, this was the worst magic. He wouldn't let someone else control him, it was an affront to him and his tribe, like those who would try to control the world with their technology and rules. He stopped his run, having to give up on jumping to the window, contemplated his knives, there was no way he could hit the unseen magician in time. He spun his spear round and did his best to "cut the strings".

The trolls form lies limply in mid air, propped up by his own spear.
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Thvor on <08-12-13/2111:27>
A moment passes after the troll, yelling mightily, impales himself on his spear. Then the air shimmers, and a man steps down from the pile of rubble, releasing the invisibility spell that had concealed him. He's dressed in what looks, charitably, to be a rough parody of old clerical robes--lots of white cloth, gold embroidery, and a long staff. Glancing at the troll's body, he raises his staff and cries out, "Behold, my brothers. The demon has been destroyed."

From the window directly overhead, a voice calls, "Father, what does this mean? You said we needed..."

Glaring in irritation, the pseudo-priest snaps up at the window, "Do not remind me of what I said, Brother Jonah. Did I not tell you that you were to remain still this evening, trusting in the powers the lord has entrusted to me? Was it not you whose faith failed? Were you not weak? Your penance will be severe, oh most lowly worm." Then he calls to the other windows, "Come, brethren. We must seek the lord's counsel." With that, he turns; striding away, he fades back into invisibility.

Wrapped in pain, Armless's vision swims, then fades to black.

As the gunshots fade, Devon hears a loud, pain-filled bellow which could only come from the lungs of a troll. He realizes that he must be close--maybe a block or two away, at most.

Faster, the ravens' voice pulses through Siegfried. Clearing a final alleyway, he sprints across a rooftop and finds himself looking down into a square courtyard. All is silent. Then he sees the ravens flutter down and perch on something near one side. Looking closer, he realizes that it is a troll's body, apparently impaled on a narrow tree, blood slowly trickling down its trunk.
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Crossbow on <08-12-13/2217:23>
Devon is moving before the assault rifle blast completes, someone is going to need help, and quickly. Seeing a kid he knows, he shouts to him "Melvin, run to the clinic and tell Dr. Max to get a room ready, MOVE SON!"

He checks himself a half step when he hears the troll's bellow, but rushes on when after a second, clearly that was a yell of pain and not battle rage. *Hope I won't have to stunbolt the poor guy to treat him* 
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Panzergeist on <08-13-13/0241:01>
Siegfried stops at the lip of the building, his eyes bugging out at the sight of the troll.  The troll's aura makes it clear that he's on the edge of death, and will die slowly without help.  Preparing to float down and save the troll, Siegfried first scans the area for signs of whoever might have committed the crime.  What kind of sick bastard impales a person in a back alley?

[spoiler]Perception (9) [5] roll: 3 hits[/spoiler]
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Thvor on <08-13-13/1029:34>
Melvin glances at Devon, sees the urgency in his face, and takes off running.

Moving quickly and guessing where he's headed by where it sounded like the shooting and the scream had come from, Devon dives down an alleyway, rounds a corner, and finds himself entering a small courtyard between several derelict office buildings, clearly remnants of Redmond's better days. His eyes are drawn immediately to the large troll suspended on what appears to be a massive spear near the far end of the plaza; in the twilight, the troll's unusual green skin and position makes him appear to be someone's grotesque parody of a tree.

Siegfried takes a moment to scan the area, but other than the slow drip of blood, he doesn't see any movement--until a young man runs into the courtyard. He's dressed moderately professionally, and has a pretty rugged-looking bag slung over his shoulder. The look on the man's face is enough to convince Siegfried that he hadn't known what to expect in the plaza.
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Crossbow on <08-13-13/1459:40>
When faced with the scene in the alley, Devon stops for another second from shock, then immediately starts to consider the particulars of the scenario.

"Okay, adult male troll weigh about 225 kilograms, call it 300 since he looks big, need to move him at my walking speed so let's call it a level four."

Casting Levitate, Force 4, Spellcasting + Magic = (12d6.hits(5)=5) ( No problem

Drain Resist is Force- 2S, Logic + Willpower= (10d6.hits(5)=3) ( Good deal.

A magical glow surrounds the 'tree' as it is 'uprooted' and slowly turned over, careful to avoid any incidental contact by the butt of the spear.

"Okay big man, let's make sure you don't bleed out."  Devon says as he professionally works the hulking form.
[limit=6] Logic + First Aid + Medkit Rating - Sustaining spell= (13d6.hits(5)=5) ( Reached threshold in first ten, didn't think I had environment modifiers on this but if I did I still beat them, moving on.

"Now that you aren't gonna die, I think I have time to get you back to the clinic, but let's be sure." Same roll.[limit=6] Logic + First Aid + Medkit Rating - Sustaining spell= (13d6.hits(5)=9) (  Well I should know something. :)

If I can I will start looking for a way out wide enough to get him through, if not I will lift him up high enough to clear the buildings and walk him out by way of the alley I came in, keeping him in sight obviously.
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Panzergeist on <08-13-13/1701:53>
Siegfried deactivates  his invisibility spell, levitates down to ground level, and then deactivates his levitate spell.  "It's okay," he says, "I'm a friend.  And a fellow mage, it would seem.  I can heal him magically- after that we need to get him to the clinic."  Preparing to heal the mysterious troll, Siegfried first assenses his patient.   "He appears to be awakened, as well.  That won't be an issue with my healing spell, but we need to be careful about giving him mundane healing."  So saying, Siegfried gather his mana about him and prepares to heal the troll.

Assensing (9) [6]- 3 hits (
Presumably enough to tell he's awakened, not sure what else that gets me.
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Thvor on <08-13-13/1713:24>
After a careful examination, Devon feels confident that the spear wound is the troll's only wound. That said, it is a significant one--it'd have to be, in order to take down a troll. It seems to have slipped past his natural dermal plating and into his abdomen; somehow, it managed to avoid piercing anything too vital, but the damage is extensive.

When Siegfried scans him magically, he sees that the troll is awakened, with no implants, and rather seriously injured.
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Crossbow on <08-13-13/2001:04>
"Excuse me, but who the hell are you exactly?  Where exactly have you received any medical training?  Why don't you leave this to professionals, he is fine for the moment and I can get him back to my clinic and do this the right way.  You start throwing your voodoo around then I can't do the work on him the way I need to, so back off.  If you want to help, keep the street clear and then run ahead and help my staff start a file on him."  Devon moves between the troll and the strange man letting his spell begin to carry him up over the building.

Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Panzergeist on <08-14-13/0144:30>
Siegfried looks bewildered by this.  Who the heck is this guy?  Okay, he doesn't know who I am, but he gets how this looks to me right?  Aaaand...the gods didn't tell me what to do other than to come here...and he did imply that he'd let me com with him and stay near this troll.  Good enough  "I could ask the same question of you.  I'm not sure what you mean by clearing the streets, but I'll stay with you and guard this man."  Siegfried takes this opportunity to assense the newcomer.

Assensing (9)[6] 3 hits
Also, what does he actually look like?  Siegfried's a young caucasian male orc, fyi.
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Crossbow on <08-14-13/0232:53>
The man is a mixed blood human, slight and Awakened. Wearing foci under the jacket on his arms, I would assume our essence is the same, but Thvor will have to let you know about Magic rating.

Once the confrontation is settled, Devon will completely ignore Siegfried, concentrating on the safe transport of his patient.
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Thvor on <08-14-13/1044:04>
[spoiler]Siegfried can tell that the man between him and the troll is unaugmented, and has just as much magical power as he does. No notable diseases or injuries.

Also, just realized, looking at the assensing table, that Siegfried also saw that the troll had been affected by a fairly strong spell recently. Sorry to not include that earlier.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Panzergeist on <08-14-13/1608:46>
Siegfried also assenses the signature of the spell that has been cast on the troll.  Maybe he'll come across the offending mage again...

3 hits again-
And to clarify, I'm mainly looking for the signature of the spell the bad guy cast on him, assuming it wasn't wiped. 
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Thvor on <08-14-13/1629:40>
Siegfried takes a moment to study the spell's signature. He's unable to determine much about the spell, but he's confident that he'll recognize the caster's signature if he comes across it again.

[spoiler]According to the RAW, reading a signature has a threshold of 3, which allows for future recognition. Getting more details requires more hits.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Crossbow on <08-17-13/2334:14>
Devon is all business as he returns to the Clinic, he uses the opportunity attempt to put the biomonitor on the troll, then realizing he won't get it over the big man's paws, he expertly applies probes from his kit while walking him back through the neighborhood, dictating vitals into his comm while using gauze to staunch the blood flow.  He also checks the troll for a comm or any other ID, he also does a quick switch to astral to verify the patient's awakened status, dictating that as well.  He quickly fires off all that data, including the guess to his size and adds a request to clear the front and get all doors propped open for an extra large patient and to leave the gurney in the treatment room as transport is already taken care of.  Taking a look at the spear, he adds a request for a bone saw at the door in case they have to cut it down to bring the patient in. 

That all done he will finally address Siegfried, "You said you are a friend of his?  What is his name?  Does he have any allergies I should be aware of?"
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Thvor on <08-17-13/2345:52>
As Rand turns to move on through the mall, a reflection on a model cyber-torso catches his eye. In the reflection, he notices someone who quickly ducks out of sight--but the quick glimpse is enough to convince him that someone is following him, and that whoever it is doesn't want him to know it.
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Panzergeist on <08-19-13/2007:00>
Siegfried shakes his head.  "I have never seen him before.  I was commanded by my mentor spirit to help him.  I arrived just as you did.  Now, I can heal him magically, and that should take him about halfway to a full recovery.  Also, I found a spell signature on him as I assensed him- not yours, I don't think, which likely means it's from one of his attackers.  Unfortunately I didn't get a look at the attackers directly." 
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Crossbow on <08-19-13/2137:44>
"Okay, so I was mistaken, fine, I won't need your help with his care, though I might need your help removing the spear, but once we are secure at the clinic you are welcome to return to where we found him and investigate there for any signatures or what have you.  I don't know if you can astrally track, but you should be capable of finding usable evidence of these 'attackers' and can bring it back to me because I can, I should tell you though, I am fairly certain this wound, strangely enough, is self-inflicted."  says Devon

Devon gets the troll to the clinic, if it is possible to float him brushing the ground to get him in without damaging the spear, he will.  Otherwise he will cut it down to about a half meter protruding and get him into a backroom at the clinic and try First Aid after he is able to drop the Levitate spell.

Mental Limit 6 Logic + First Aid + Medkit - Awakened + Edge = (16d6.hitsopen(5,6)=8) (  That is four boxes.

Devon casts the Heal spell Force 8 Heal Limit 8 Spellcasting + Magic + Mentor + Focus = (16d6.hits(5)=5) (, that is 5 more, for 9 total.

Drain check is 4S, Logic + Willpower = (10d6.hits(5)=4) (  Aces, no stun

Pretty snazzy, of course then we apply antibiotic ointment to the cut after he is stitched up and give him a bad rash.   ::) >:( :o :)

Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Chrona on <08-20-13/1119:40>
The green Troll struggles to open his eyes, seeing a tiled ceiling above him, he quickly realizes he is alive, has been moved and is in doors. As he looks down, his face fills with rage as he begins to tear off any monitoring devices, needles, IV drips, medkits or other such devices, and swings on large, muscled arm into the nearest piece of medical equipment, crushing it or sending it flying depending on size and stability. "GET YOUR EVIL AWAY FROM ME. YOU SHALL NOT INVADE ME WITH YOUR MACHINES AND CHROME AS YOUR FALSE PRIEST INVADED ME WITH HIS MAGIC" He bellows, not caring about tearing stitches or anything other than his treatment being the second directly religious affront to him that day.
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Crossbow on <08-21-13/0737:03>
When the troll start to wake up, if he is not properly retrained, Devon will get himself and any staff back.  They are heroic, but not stupid, unless they have someone at the moment who can engage him, everyone there knows not to get hurt trying to help a nutjob.

"There is nothing evil happening here, and you don't look like you can afford any chrome anyway!  I am not involved with the person who attacked you, I saved your life, but if you keep trying to break my equipment I WILL PUT YOUR HOOP BACK DOWN PRETTY QUICK!"

Casting a Force 6 Increased Reflexes spell on myself, Force 6 Spell (16d6.hits (5)=6) (,  Drain from Force 6 Spell (10d6.hits(5)=4) ( caught a little taste on that one, but he is confident he can put the troll down if he needs to now, though he hopes the display alone will back him off.  +6 to Init w/ 4d6 dice
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Chrona on <08-21-13/1156:04>
"One does not need to prepare for battle if he is innocent!" The Troll rises from the hospital bed to tower over the mage doctor, the display of magic further aggravating him after his attack.

[spoiler]Ini (3d6=10) ( Initiative score 20.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Panzergeist on <08-22-13/2019:22>
A startled Siegfried rushes into the room.  "Easy brother!  You're safe in a clinic now.  We didn't catch the people who attacked you, but this doctor saved your life!" 

[spoiler]  Rolled two 3's and two 1's for initiative, for a total of 21.  Also can you glitch initiative?  Also not clear what pass we're on, if any.  [/spoiler] 
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Thvor on <08-22-13/2135:51>
As he left, he traced his way past where he guessed his would-be unseen watcher scurried away, sniffing for anything unusual as he went. Even if he didn't get anything now, he'd be watching for his new friend to return.

Given the popularity of the mall and the general press of bodies, it's impossible for Rand to identify the stranger's scent, even with his sensor--there're just too many human scents to chose from.

As he continues through the mall, he can't shake the feeling that his watcher is still nearby, though he doesn't see him again.
[spoiler]Novocrane, it's your decision how long Rand stays at the mall and how he leaves (main exit, back way, etc.) How does Rand want to deal with his tail?[/spoiler]
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Crossbow on <08-22-13/2218:13>
"Dude, you are in the Barrens!  We prepare for battle to shop for groceries!"

(OOC: Had an Edgar Friendly moment, sue me :) )
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Chrona on <08-23-13/1518:00>
Breathing heavily in his rage Armless turns towards the Ork who is  suddenly ahead of him in the corridor, a fist all most following. Seeing his tusks and build he stops, his breathing steadying itself as he lowers his fists.

"... All right... You are not them. They would just as soon lynch you as me.." He turns to the doctor who had treated him a large hand extended. "I apologize for my anger... The devices you used are an af- they do not agree with my religion and I passed my battle rage from my run in with the racists earlier on to you and yours." his expression is no longer twisted with anger and just still and solemn.
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Crossbow on <08-23-13/1954:05>
Devon looks at the hand up at his eye-level, and after taking a moment to think it through, awkwardly reaches up to manage a shake of it.  "I will not apologize for doing everything I could to save you, but I can understand a person having unusual beliefs, and The Protector knows something of battle rage." said Devon as he relaxes a bit, then sighs, "You being a tribal, I am guessing you don't have much money to pay for treatment?"
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Chrona on <08-23-13/2006:25>
"For my Pilgrimage I have simply what ever was on my person when you found me. I do not have any of the "nuyen" people use. Any of my items can be taken as payment if you wish, though i would request not my Bow or Spear, if i am to not starve." He turned to the Ork, "My name is Armless.. apparently. I was named as such by a man saying he fixed things around the city. I do not completely understand yet. What I do know is there is a powerful and religiously driven mage attempting to use mind controlling magic on metas," He spits into the corner as if speaking of something that dirties his tongue, ignorant of clinical sterility, "I stopped myself before he made me do anything."
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Panzergeist on <08-23-13/2347:23>
"Yes," Siegfried says, "I've seen the signature of that spell he cast on you.  I'm pretty sure I'll recognize it if I see it again.  Did they say who they were, or anything that might identify them?"
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Chrona on <08-24-13/1250:57>
"Just Semi-Christian Verbatim, seeking the lords council, and the like."
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Crossbow on <08-25-13/1940:57>
"Like I said before, if you want to return to the scene and look around, it might be possible to track down the attackers by something left there." Devon puts some marks in a chart and gets the troll's belongings, looking it over for anything that might fetch some kind of compensation for his work and supplies before returning to Armless.  He begins to usher them out, trying to leave the clinic for the second time today.
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Chrona on <08-25-13/1959:40>
Taking back his gear the Troll does not mention his handshake being ignored by the doctor and is calmly ushered from the premises. "I do not wish to look for them, they are beyond my ability to hunt and they feel they have had their taste of Metahuman blood for today. That will be good enough. Revenge is for fools."
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Crossbow on <08-25-13/2147:58>
"Well, they may not be beyond my ability.  If there are Humanis goons operating in The Oasis they need to be dealt with, there are too many meta families that live here, with kids and elderly." nodding towards and waving at Mrs. Nash, an old orc lady in her forties who was just arriving to help put the babies in the nursery down.

"You don't do revenge?  Fine, come with me anyway, call it compensation for services rendered, that's how it works around here.  I need you to make sure if we find anything it matches your attackers and not some random squatter."  Devon heads back to where he found Armless, intentionally following the sporadic drops of troll's blood on the street.
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Chrona on <08-25-13/2156:15>
"Very well, if service is what you wish." Laying the spear on the ground, Armless drops to his hands and knees in front of Devon, "I pledge my services and protection to you, Doctor, until you deem my debt repaid."

He then follows Devon to the scene of his attack, not sure where it is from here.
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Panzergeist on <08-25-13/2229:02>
"Revenge may be a poor motive," Siegfried opines, "but if they attacked you for no particular reason, they'll be attacking others as well.  The police don't do much for folks here in the barrens; it's up to us to keep the streets safe.  Well, not safe really, but at least survivable.  I'll go with you two." 
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Crossbow on <08-26-13/0011:20>
Devon stops in shock at the troll's display.  When he rises again, Devon responds jokingly, "Please don't do that anymore, I have enough height issues, I don't need to know that you have to get that low to be eye level." 
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Chrona on <08-26-13/0017:37>
"It is a tradition,most of my Tribe are metas but not all are trolls. I shall warn you before I must perform one again."
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Panzergeist on <08-28-13/1640:42>
"Alright then, let's go take a look at the scene of the crime."  Siegfried starts heading out of the clinic, back to where they found Armless. 
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Thvor on <08-29-13/1656:29>
Thursday, February 7th, 2075 - 21:00
The troll, the orc, and the human walking through the streets don't attract too much attention, except from those who had seen Devon pushing the troll's body a few hours earlier. Most of those, however, know Devon (or at least of him), and so are just glad to have such a capable doctor around. After a while, they reach the mouth of the alley leading to the courtyard, the last of the streetlights casting a pale glow around them.

After strolling through the mall for a while, vainly trying to catch another glimpse of whoever was following him, Rand decides to head out to get something to eat.

I'm doing a bit of a pull to get Rand's timeline synced back up with the rest of the group. Novocrane, if you want to fill in the details of what he's done in the last four hours, please go for it. And you can also pick where you want some grub. :)
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Crossbow on <09-01-13/1745:42>
"First let's see if your attackers left anything besides spell residue, if they were waiting in ambush they could have left any number of traces we could track."  Devon says, beginning a detailed visual search. 

6d6.hits(5)=0 ( no glitch

Unless I get some bonus dice I probably don't find much, but I am good at directing the others to search. :)
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Thvor on <09-26-13/1454:04>
GM Announcement: Game temporarily paused.
Title: Re: [IC] Liminal Spaces
Post by: Thvor on <11-19-13/1441:14>
GM Announcement: I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to close this game. I've realized that I simply don't have enough time right now to do a proper job of GM'ing a game, and that's simply not fair to the players.