
Shadowrun Missions Living Campaign => Living Campaign Discussion => Topic started by: Bull on <07-11-13/1639:28>

Title: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: Bull on <07-11-13/1639:28>
Still working on getting the FAQ finalized and approved.  In the meantime, since folks want to start making characters, here's a quick run down on what's planned.  Keep in mind this is subject to change, but likely won't.


1)  Banned Qualities

Bad Rep
Code of Honor
Loss of Confidence
Social Stress

Also for Allergies, you can take them, but they have to be for something you can possibly encounter under normal circumstances.  Allergies to Polynesion Killer Bees or Gazelle Meat is not really something that has a chance to ever come up, so you shouldn't go there.

For Addiction, it has to be something that has an actual negative consequence to your character.  Addiction to Stims, Sex, or MMO's all make great Roleplay addictions, and all are real life addictions, but they're not likely to really adversely effect you in a Missions campaign.  So stick with things that actually have an effect when you take them.

Incompetent may be taken, as it effects an entire skill group now and not just a single skill, but it has to be something your character may actually need to use.  So the magic and resonance categories are out for non-mages and technos, and unless your a rigger/mechanic you should probably not take the Mechanical skill group.

2)  Lifestyles

Positive Lifestyle Options are allowed, negative are not since they will likely never come up in Missions play.

3)  Are mind control spells and the like banned?

No.  But keep in mind that spellcasting is noticeable (espeically at a high enough force to actually be sueful), and that these spells are not unobtrusive. People will know something was done to them after the spell wears off, and they will go looking for answers.  So abusing these spells, especially against powerful people, is a quick way to end up in the morgue (or at least making a lot of powerful enemies).  Use these selectively and with extreme caution. (i.e., making a guard go to the bathroom, probably not a problem.  Forcing your Mr. Johnson to pay you extra for the job, or reading his mind to find out who he is?  Probably a problem).

4)  Can I screw over other players?

No.  There is no non-consensual PvP of any kind.  Money is divided evenly, players cannot attack or screw each other over, etc.  Unless all parties agree to it it out of character, and then fine, go to town.  But many Missions games are played at Conventions and Game stores where you're playing with strangers and/or you may have paid good money to get to play.  And when some jackass comes in and screws you over, its not fun.

5)  Wheaton's Law

Don't Be A Dick. 

Seriously.  Do not be a dick.  To the other players.  To the GM.  Don;t hog the game, don;t try and ruin the game, don't treat the other players or GM badly. Almost everything in the FAQ that is not directly geared toward a game rule can technically fall under this header.  Just don't do it.  Your fun is important, but not more important than anyone else's fun. Ever.

6)  Chargen

Mystic Adepts are the wrong cost.  For the time being, assume they are 5 Karma for a Power Point instead of 2.  This may and likely will be superseded when the official SR5 Errata is released.

Dwarves have Thermovision.

Trolls pay double lifestyle cost, but do not pay +50% equipment cost.

All other Chargen rules should apply as usual.


That should be enough to get you started.  Enjoy!


Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: PittsburghRPGA on <07-11-13/1652:17>
How about Allergy - Mild, Airline Air?  I have a player who insists it's a real life allergy.


Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: Bull on <07-11-13/1726:57>
Plenty of things are real life allergies.  The question is, is this something that will come up at least every few game sessions without the GM having to do something implausible?  If not, probably shouldn't take it.
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: The Masked Ferret on <07-11-13/2146:19>
Are we going with the Priorities system? How much Karma?
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: DWC on <07-11-13/2201:10>
Any word on Primes?
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: Bull on <07-11-13/2223:05>
Are we going with the Priorities system? How much Karma?

Since the only chargen is Priority system, yes.  Priority system, base line standard default is used.

Not sure what you mean about how much Karma?
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: Bull on <07-11-13/2224:32>
Any word on Primes?

Prime RUnners and Prime Missions are covered in the FAQ, but since the first Prime won't be out for a little bit yet, I'm not gonna worry about it.  (And I expect a lot of Prime Runners will want to wait till a few expansion books are out anyway, since most character cannot be rebuilt yet)
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: Mara on <07-11-13/2237:37>
Plenty of things are real life allergies.  The question is, is this something that will come up at least every few game sessions without the GM having to do something implausible?  If not, probably shouldn't take it.

Allergy, Mild, Soy is one of my go-to allergies
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: Bull on <07-11-13/2250:45>
Allergy, Mild, Soy is one of my go-to allergies

Note to self, more "Food Fight" style combat scenes in a Stuffer Shack ;)
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: Shamie on <07-11-13/2338:55>

 Allergies to Polynesion Killer Bees or Gazelle Meat is not really something that has a chance to ever come up, so you shouldn't go there.

I use (for other games) a formula for that situation.

Alergy is animal?--------->yes------>is human size?-------> Yes---->then enemies are changelings of that specie (gazelle).
                           |                                                   |-------> No------>|-->  then goes inside canons of enemies (Polynesion Bees)

This gives you Gazelle Changeling with bee Cannons  ;D
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: Bull on <07-12-13/0009:01>
Bravo :)
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: Dinendae on <07-13-13/0045:30>
For Addiction, it has to be something that has an actual negative consequence to your character.  Addiction to Stims, Sex, or MMO's all make great Roleplay addictions, and all are real life addictions, but they're not likely to really adversely effect you in a Missions campaign.  So stick with things that actually have an effect when you take them.

Just to be clear on this: Drugs such as novacoke or bliss are legal for this quality, since they have negative effects once they wear off, correct?
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: Bull on <07-13-13/0254:08>
Yes.  Just be careful.  Drugs are bad for you :)
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: Dinendae on <07-13-13/1951:36>
Yes.  Just be careful.  Drugs are bad for you :)

Huh. I thought Canray would have popped in to sell a PDF by now; we gave him the perfect opening.  ???
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: CanRay on <07-13-13/1959:31>
Not in the forums as much as I used to be for a variety of reasons.   :'(
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: Black on <07-13-13/2223:31>
Not in the forums as much as I used to be for a variety of reasons.   :'(
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: Ricochet on <07-14-13/0919:41>
Not in the forums as much as I used to be for a variety of reasons.   :'(

If those reasons are mostly writing us cool stuff, then we can't be too sad.
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: RelentlessImp on <07-14-13/1254:32>
Yes.  Just be careful.  Drugs are bad for you :)

Insert obligatory "Drugs are good for me!" image.
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: CanRay on <07-14-13/1630:56>
Yes.  Just be careful.  Drugs are bad for you :)
Insert obligatory "Drugs are good for me!" image.
You mean this one?  ;D

Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: Dinendae on <07-14-13/2300:30>
Any idea if martial arts will be Shadowrun Missions legal this time around (once the rules for them are released, that is)?

Also, what about 'crafting' skills such as enchanting? In Season 4, if I remember correctly, such skills were not allowed.
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: Ricochet on <07-15-13/0032:54>
Any idea if martial arts will be Shadowrun Missions legal this time around (once the rules for them are released, that is)?

Also, what about 'crafting' skills such as enchanting? In Season 4, if I remember correctly, such skills were not allowed.

Unless they get a complete revamp this time around, they absolutely won't be.  There was no downside to them in the previous edition.

Not sure on enchanting.
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: Bull on <07-15-13/0201:56>
It will depend heavily on how Martial Arts works.  If there's not a high enough cost, or worse if they're obviously broken (both serious flaws with SR4's system), we won't use them.  SR4's were basically "Hey, free extra stuff!" and worse, there were two or three things you could take which were obviously far, far superior to all others.  It was a heavily imbalanced system,  PLus, the whole Gun Kata thing was amazing amounts of crap :)

As for Enchanting, as far as creating foci and stuff?  No.  Basically, all "ground up creation" stuff is off the table.  Basically, anything that lets you get something for cheap/free is out, simply for balance sake.  WIth the way Downtime works, it wouldn't be fair to every player (and creation skills would quickly become "must haves").

Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: Bull on <07-15-13/0202:51>
As a note though, Preperations are ok.  So Enchanting has some use in SR5.  You just won't be able to make your own orichalcum or foci :)
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: Dinendae on <07-15-13/0236:58>
As a note though, Preperations are ok.  So Enchanting has some use in SR5.  You just won't be able to make your own orichalcum or foci :)

Preparations was what I was wondering about primarily, and thanks for the reply! What about magical lodges/circles of power? Do we need to get those for SRM characters?
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: RelentlessImp on <07-15-13/0905:44>
PLus, the whole Gun Kata thing was amazing amounts of crap :)

Christian Bale in Equilibrium would like to have words with you.

...Shit, I just added to your argument.

Please, please tell us Emotitoys are dead forever. Please? At least for Missions?
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: Bull on <07-15-13/1338:32>
I expect EMotitoys will be hit with the nerf bat and rebalanced, if they return at all in SR5.  Right now they're not in the game, so not an issue :)
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: Michael Chandra on <07-19-13/1321:44>
Question: Some of the Sample characters are somewhat incorrect when it comes to karma, availability violations (rating 5 fake sins), and nuyen, likely due to cyberware/bioware pricechanges and other rulethingies. For example, according to ZeConster the Street Samurai is valued at 672k in gear. How does playing with Sample Characters work in cases where their math is wrong?
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: FastJack on <07-19-13/1408:29>
I expect EMotitoys will be hit with the nerf bat and rebalanced, if they return at all in SR5.  Right now they're not in the game, so not an issue :)
I just had a great mental image of G-Men and DemiGODs walking up to people with Emotitoys and putting a bullet through the toy's CPU.
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: Ghoulfodder on <07-20-13/0737:36>
Not rules related, but how soon would a group have to start playing Season 5 to be involved in the living campaign part of it?

My group is currently plodding along quite happily at the early stages of Season 4, so we're obviously too late to affect anything with what we do on that. A couple of us are quite keen on getting in on 5,  but we also want to continue with the great fun that is 4 and get our money's worth out of SR4. We can't do both so I'd just like to have an idea of how soon we'd have to shelve Season 4 if we do want to do the live version of Season 5.
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: Dr. Meatgrinder on <07-20-13/0817:18>
Not rules related, but how soon would a group have to start playing Season 5 to be involved in the living campaign part of it?

My group is currently plodding along quite happily at the early stages of Season 4, so we're obviously too late to affect anything with what we do on that. A couple of us are quite keen on getting in on 5,  but we also want to continue with the great fun that is 4 and get our money's worth out of SR4. We can't do both so I'd just like to have an idea of how soon we'd have to shelve Season 4 if we do want to do the live version of Season 5.

You'll only see Season 5 (SR5) events at conventions and most organized play sessions, but that isn't an issue for your home table.  If you're planning to play at conventions, your Season 4 characters won't work--Season 5 requires a character reboot, so everyone starts with starting characters and only the SR5 core book.  All the Season 5 SRMs should be released for sale eventually (I imagine some of the CMPs as well).

Actually, you could just play both--you'd be using separate characters anyway.  Play Season 4 at home and Season 5 at cons.  There shouldn't be too many spoilers of the Season 4 arc in the Season 5 arc, because they're in different cities with (almost) all new NPCs.
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: Ricochet on <07-20-13/0934:35>
Not rules related, but how soon would a group have to start playing Season 5 to be involved in the living campaign part of it?

My group is currently plodding along quite happily at the early stages of Season 4, so we're obviously too late to affect anything with what we do on that. A couple of us are quite keen on getting in on 5,  but we also want to continue with the great fun that is 4 and get our money's worth out of SR4. We can't do both so I'd just like to have an idea of how soon we'd have to shelve Season 4 if we do want to do the live version of Season 5.

Mission 1 for season 5 has yet to be released.  (Sprawl Wilds is the closest thing we have.  I think those are actually all season 4 missions, that now include season 5 stats.)  So you still have plenty of time to wait.  I know events at GenCon include missions 1-6 for season 5, so they at least will exist in some kind of beta form by then, but I will be surprised if more than 1 mission is out before Gencon.  (I'm not even sure we'll get 1, but I'm still hoping, since we have that slotted in our play schedule for the Saturday before GenCon.)

I'd guess you could easily not start season 5 until the end of the year and you'll be fine for getting results in to affect events.
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: Redwulfe on <07-20-13/0939:32>
Since it is going to be a bit for prime missions to come out, prime runners from SR 4 can convert over, I have some season 4 missions that I still need to go through, and I have all these SR 4 books I was curious if we could still play the earlier seasons and qualify for prime runner conversion?

Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: Ghoulfodder on <07-20-13/1003:19>
Cheers for the info chaps. We're UK based, and the last con I went to here was pretty ropey, it was basically just a bunch of CCG tournaments with some roleplaying thrown in as an aside. The Cthulu games were all high quality, but that was about it on the RP side. Less said about the Shadowrun game the better. 

So we'll be doing Missions at home.
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: Greenknight046 on <07-20-13/1913:16>
Quick gear-related question...

Since Shadowrun 2050 just re-introduced Dikote coating for weapons and armor, is this something that will be usable for SR5 missions?

I was just looking forward to glazing my combat knife, and it would really suck if something introduced too late for SR4 missions became banned from SR5 missions as well.
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: Ricochet on <07-20-13/2030:08>
2050 isn't a 5th edition book, so if it doesn't come out in one of the 5th edition books on the way, it won't be allowed.  It definitely wouldn't be allowed now, since only the core 5th book is legal.
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: The Masked Ferret on <07-24-13/1325:16>
Looking forward to that FAQ. Just started one of my groups, (my guinea pigs) on creating characters.

Bull, if it would be possible, could we get an official ruling if initiation/submersion during character creation is allowed for SRM?
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: Bull on <07-24-13/2116:21>
No Initiation at Chargen.  Sorry.
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: Ricochet on <07-24-13/2315:03>
If you were putting odds on the Mission FAQ being approved before GenCon, is it better or worse than 50%?  (Same question applies to the first mission or 2 for season 5?)
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: Bull on <07-24-13/2316:51>
FAQ:  Good.  Mission #1, not so good :(  Art and Layout is just tied up with about a dozen projects that HAVE to be done before Gen Con (Because of stuff going to print and what not), so unfotrunatley Missions gets kinda hosed. 

Though I may have some good news to announce soon.
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: Mmurphy on <07-31-13/0006:03>
What about contacts.  What contacts will be used?  I have never played a SR Mission but am going to be at GenCon so I want to do it right.

 8) or at least cheat in a way the Mega Corps or GOD will not discover  8)
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: Bull on <07-31-13/0019:22>
You should earn most of the contacts pretty quickly, but I'll be posting a summary of the Contacts and their Connection Ratings and max starting Loyalty in the next couple days so you can take them at Chargen if you like.
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: Deiko on <08-08-13/1607:21>
A Qualaties question - given the background of the containment zone - is it too large of an area, or perhaps not specific enough - to use as a location for the "Homeground" positive quality?
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: Bull on <08-08-13/1706:17>
Yes.  Th CZ is over 100 square miles (about a 15 KM x 30 KM square).  Far, far too big :)

Home Ground should really be a small neighborhood or district at best.  I'd saw no more than a dozen square blocks (about 1x1 mile).
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: Michael Chandra on <09-11-13/0805:58>
Any news on SRM05-01? I have to announce a new event within 8 days to stick to the 1-month-ahead requirement and am curious if SRM05-01 will be an option, or whether I should instead take one from Sprawl Wilds or Firing Line.
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: Belker on <09-11-13/0851:06>
Any news on SRM05-01? I have to announce a new event within 8 days to stick to the 1-month-ahead requirement and am curious if SRM05-01 will be an option, or whether I should instead take one from Sprawl Wilds or Firing Line.

Michael - talk to Ray. He'll get you access if you've got an upcoming event.
Title: Re: Missions Season 5 FAQ Update (And "Starter FAQ")
Post by: Pollution on <09-11-13/1149:52>
Any news on SRM05-01? I have to announce a new event within 8 days to stick to the 1-month-ahead requirement and am curious if SRM05-01 will be an option, or whether I should instead take one from Sprawl Wilds or Firing Line.

Not an Agent, but my solution was to start with Sprawls, then move on to Firing Line, THEN start S05-E01.  I figure that will give us a good amount of time to get adjusted.

Besides, I hear the skinny on E02 is BAD NEWS for noob runners (Suprise attack with 22 incoming DV at -4 AP....jeebus)