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« Reply #15 on: <06-28-15/1551:43> »
Hmmm, i think i will go with Ferret on this one - if you only get a reward once then that wont be an incentive at all. Besides Faq states that missions will be counted as "played " so you can't apply it to a character that has already done it. It wont make sense as GMs will also have multiple characters and that would be unfair if he only gets to get the reward once.

Timothy M. Patrick

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« Reply #16 on: <06-28-15/2101:25> »
You only get the GM credit the first time you GM a mission and you can't play it for credit and apply the credit to the same mission. This is still leaps and bounds over the old SR4 rules where you as the GM got nothing for running an event.
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« Reply #17 on: <06-29-15/0059:28> »
ouchies if thats the case then, no wonder shadowrun is very scarce in my area. GMs get none to so little.


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« Reply #18 on: <06-29-15/0435:49> »
Alright, my hardbound pre-ordered and will be arriving next week, missions:check, calendar and log sheets covered. Hmm so the best thing to do is get the whole group to do round robin on GM-ing, so no one gets left out. Is that what you guys do on your home groups? CDT agents?

Timothy M. Patrick

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« Reply #19 on: <06-29-15/0936:46> »
Since the GM gets credit for GM'ing the game the firs time they run it, they are not left out. This would let a home team run the missions and then come to a major con and all be on the same page if that is what you wanted to do.

You can round robin if you wished just to avoid burning out one person running all of your games.
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« Reply #20 on: <06-29-15/1450:28> »
What happens when a character dies at SRM?


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« Reply #21 on: <06-29-15/1527:18> »
What happens when a character dies at SRM?

The character's gear is passed on to his NPC next of kin.

Maybe we could have toe tags made for the players of the dead characters?


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« Reply #22 on: <06-29-15/1546:20> »
What happens when a character dies at SRM?

Bull covered this some time ago:

Also, apparently I need to add this to the FAQ.  You cannot loot fallen players.

this is primarily to avoid "farming".  Player 1 needs cash.  So he gets Player 2 to to join a several games with characters that have lots of expensive or useful gear but minimum Edge.  Player 2 acts fearlessly but recklessly, deliberately getting himself killed.  Player 1 (and friends/teammates) loot body and split the gear and cash each game.

In a home game, I would expect a GM to smack these guys upside the head.  But at a convention, where you will probably be running under different GMs every game?  Totally possible, and the GMs wouldn't even realize this is going on.

So, umm...  Yeah.  Remember, realism sometimes has to take a smoke break when it comes to Organized Play, because there are people who can and will abuse the system every way they can.

Not wishing to sound harsh, but a lot of these questions are covered by the Missions FAQ at the top of this sub-forum.
"His name is Sterling. He’s an ex-pat Brit making a living as a fixer and a hacker in Metropole. He’s a rare blend of upstanding and fun...(so) listen to his experience."
>>Data Trails, p.82

Teutonic Overlord

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« Reply #23 on: <06-29-15/1552:13> »
In my opinion, you should be GMing Shadowrun (especially as an Agent) because you love the game and the personal rewards you get from GMing with a group of individuals who can become lifelong friends.  If you're in it strictly for GM rewards, then you probably have the wrong motivation.

However, Agents receive small rewards, not nearly as healthy as some of the other programs which do exist, but there are some.

I am working to change that, but that shouldn't be the major reason you want to run Shadowrun.

Of course, this is my opinion and everyone has one.

In some areas, in which you have multiple Agents/GMs, it's nice to sit down and play instead of GM., because some of us rarely get a chance to do so.  It's not to get karma for a different character (though that is an obvious side effect), but to be able to play!!
« Last Edit: <06-29-15/1553:57> by sinthalix »
Ray Rigel
Former Shadowrun Missions Developer and Event Coordinator
Catalyst Demo Team

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« Reply #24 on: <06-29-15/1721:49> »
Correct me if I'm wrong, Sinthalix/Ray, but:

My understanding is that while you only get credit for a module once, and you have to take the results on your first time running it (to keep you from cherry picking), those awards are applicable to any and every Missions character you make.
That's just like... your opinion, man.

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« Reply #25 on: <06-29-15/1853:53> »
I see we'll have to further clarify this particular part of the FAQ to make it a little more clear.

My understanding of the intent of it based on both the FAQ and reading the Gamemaster Reward Section in the SRMs:

- The first time you run it, you may choose to count it as played for your personal character (singular and what I also call primary).
- Thereafter, you can run it a million times, but you do not receive the GM Reward because you did not choose to take it the first time.
 - Therefore, though it is not spelled out, if you did NOT take the reward and you play a Mission you already GMed, then your character will receive the normal reward as a player subject to the normal rules.
- Like most people, I have a couple of Missions characters in the event I can actually play and one of them hasn't already played a particular Mission.
-- One of them is my Primary character whom I choose to give the GM rewards.
-- The other one will never receive GM rewards because he is not my primary character.

Now I see this leads to an interesting situation:  what if I already played SRM xx, but haven't GMed it...and now I'm going to GM SRM I get the GM Reward?
- I have no idea if Bull has addressed this or what his intent was, but my initial thought is "No".

If Bull would like to chime in with his original intent, since he's still SRM Developer at this time, he's more than welcome to!

We will discuss this further (as in the FAQ Committee) and address it with a new SRM FAQ.  Please don't ask for an ETA yet, because we have a lot of stuff to cover, and get ready for GenCon.
Ray Rigel
Former Shadowrun Missions Developer and Event Coordinator
Catalyst Demo Team

Dr. Meatgrinder

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« Reply #26 on: <06-29-15/2047:38> »
I see we'll have to further clarify this particular part of the FAQ to make it a little more clear.

My understanding of the intent of it based on both the FAQ and reading the Gamemaster Reward Section in the SRMs:

- The first time you run it, you may choose to count it as played for your personal character (singular and what I also call primary).
- Thereafter, you can run it a million times, but you do not receive the GM Reward because you did not choose to take it the first time.
 - Therefore, though it is not spelled out, if you did NOT take the reward and you play a Mission you already GMed, then your character will receive the normal reward as a player subject to the normal rules.
- Like most people, I have a couple of Missions characters in the event I can actually play and one of them hasn't already played a particular Mission.
-- One of them is my Primary character whom I choose to give the GM rewards.
-- The other one will never receive GM rewards because he is not my primary character.

Now I see this leads to an interesting situation:  what if I already played SRM xx, but haven't GMed it...and now I'm going to GM SRM I get the GM Reward?
- I have no idea if Bull has addressed this or what his intent was, but my initial thought is "No".

If Bull would like to chime in with his original intent, since he's still SRM Developer at this time, he's more than welcome to!

We will discuss this further (as in the FAQ Committee) and address it with a new SRM FAQ.  Please don't ask for an ETA yet, because we have a lot of stuff to cover, and get ready for GenCon.

That really needs to be clarified ASAP in the FAQ, because a lot of those references are to "character" and not "player" on page 4 of the current FAQ, from which I infer that I can get GM credit on each of my 4 characters if I've GMed it 4 times.  (If that changes, I suddenly have 3 non-legal characters and 1 pretty-much-retired primary character.)
Guiding principle for game balance:  Players avoid underpowered stuff and flock to overpowered stuff.
Missions Freelancer (SRM 04-10 Romero & Juliette, SRM 05-01 Chasin' the Wind, SRM 06-06 Falling Angels, PM-02 A Holy Piece of Wetwork)

The Masked Ferret

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« Reply #27 on: <06-29-15/2233:36> »
I am in much the same boat as Dr. Meatgrinder. 6 non-legal characters, including 1 with 90 karma.

Admittedly, I am biased, but I don't see the downside of allowing GMs to get GM credit multiple times per module, but only once per character.

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« Reply #28 on: <06-29-15/2310:10> »
Those of you who know me well, also know I interpret everything in the strictest sense possible.  Therefore, that is the interpretation I have personally used because I read it thus.  We will have this clarified soon.
Ray Rigel
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« Reply #29 on: <06-29-15/2339:28> »
I'll be honest, I didn't really consider folks running a single adventure umpteen times, because ideally, they are the vast minority of GMs running these.  And for GMs running these at conventions or home stores, they should be part of the CDT Agent program, which means they're actually getting credit for running these games as an Agent, which has its own awards out of game.

The idea behind opening this up was so that when you had a GM who ran a regular game at home or at his local game store, he's always the GM and thus doesn't get the opportunity to play much.  And it would kind of suck if he got to go to a gaming convention with some of his game buddies, but was stuck playing a 0 karma character while his buds all have 100+ karma ones, because he was always the GM.

So yeah.  Ideally, the GM just has one character.  Because really, if you're GMing that much anyway, what good are 10 different 100 karma characters ultimately going to do you anyway? 

That was the original intent, at least.