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General Discussion / Re: Newb to...ALL of this
« Last post by IC3H4MM3R on <09-27-24/0831:04> »
Every site has different coding.

I actually find RPG Crossing a bit overwhelming with all the formatting possibilities. My general strategy is to steal someone else's formatting. (By hitting the "quote" button on the post you like, then copying and pasting the results before editing to make them your own.)

The same general approach works on all play-by-post sites. There are many out there, but Shadowrun games are admittedly not common.
Thanks. Sounds like a good plan.
General Discussion / Re: Newb to...ALL of this
« Last post by Tecumseh on <09-27-24/0201:08> »
Every site has different coding.

I actually find RPG Crossing a bit overwhelming with all the formatting possibilities. My general strategy is to steal someone else's formatting. (By hitting the "quote" button on the post you like, then copying and pasting the results before editing to make them your own.)

The same general approach works on all play-by-post sites. There are many out there, but Shadowrun games are admittedly not common.
General Discussion / Re: Augmented-An SR Magazine?
« Last post by IC3H4MM3R on <09-26-24/1834:31> »
Cool. I didn't even know that was a thing. Shrapnel you say? Guess I need to look that up..
General Discussion / Re: Augmented-An SR Magazine?
« Last post by Michael Chandra on <09-26-24/1739:47> »
Catalyst has been promoting it on their social media. Additionally, the submission site is the same site as where Shrapnel is submitted on.
General Discussion / Re: Augmented-An SR Magazine?
« Last post by FastJack on <09-26-24/1532:10> »
I believe it is legit, so go ahead!
General Discussion / Augmented-An SR Magazine?
« Last post by IC3H4MM3R on <09-26-24/1201:42> »
I started recieving ads on my fb pertaining to SR and this interesting story call came up about "Augmented - An in game Shadowrun Magazine". It looks legit. Is any one here planning on submitting? Anybody heard of it? Not sure if I should post the link or not.
General Discussion / Re: Newb to...ALL of this
« Last post by Aria on <09-24-24/1023:58> »
I think some of it might be subtly different on other forum sites (this one or Dumpshock are the two I know) but it's a good place to start
General Discussion / Re: Newb to...ALL of this
« Last post by IC3H4MM3R on <09-24-24/0952:01> »
This looks like it will be very helpful. Tyvm!
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