[IC] New Beginnings-Horizon

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Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #450 on: <01-20-15/0037:48> »
Snow will look at Clem.  "My timing?  I am not sure I understand.  And you can talk freely here.  Remember that the room is sealed and I have taken the precaution of shutting down our personal Pitos and isolating our chat to just us.  I really am not as incompetent as it might appear from this morning.  I still do not know how that was done, but I am trying to fix that so it does not happen again.  Now, about my timing?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #451 on: <01-20-15/0108:33> »
Clementine frowned at Ophelia. It seemed that she wanted to get this over with right now and then. Clearly social cues was not her forte, thought the ork. "Now is not the time to talk about issues you have, and if you need to work on your shortcomings, you should do it on your own time, not when the Johnsons are inviting us to a private party of theirs." Clem let a small pause before looking away and saying "But you do what you have to do. Which reminds me, did you find anything about those bugs?" Clementine wasn't expecting any progress on that, but she hoped Snow could at least get that this was the end of that conversation.
Self thought

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #452 on: <01-20-15/0131:53> »
Snow remained silent for a few seconds. "Not much, Boss.  These are pretty much straight-off-the-store-shelf grade drones.  I am still running a program to try to determine who put them here and am hoping the techs I see tonight will be able to help.  Only thing techs love more than tech stuff is a puzzle involving tech stuff.  I figure that turning a few loose on these babies will get results.  I am also still running a sniffer program to see if something was running silent and programmed to pop active when the normal day was done.  Nothing yet, though." 

She uses her 'link to go through the node security channel to contact Crenshaw again.  <Hey, Snow here.  You have not called back and I was wondering if we are still on for tonight.  Like I said earlier, I only have the jeans and tee with me, so is that enough or do I need to go home to get something else?  And my friend has decided that he wants to take a rental to the club and meet us there.  So where are we going first and what time will you pick me up here?>
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #453 on: <01-20-15/0233:47> »
Crenshaw follows Torley, looking rather upset.  "He hasn't mentioned killing me or anything has he?  We didn't really get off on the right foot this morning." Crenshaw introduces Torley to his co-workers and then answers Snow's call.  <I am sure you will look amazing even if you weren't wearing, ah,... I mean, yeah, that will be fine.  I was gonna grab a shower and change after work though, I can pick you up at your hotel right after and your friend can tail us to the club.  It's called the Data Haven.>

By the end of lunch Snow will have exhausted her capabilities of finding any kind of hidden data, instructions or traces on the little bots but not found anything new.  She is also fairly certain that she has erased and reset any pre-programmed instructions they might have had.  She wasn't a rigger, but she was pretty sure no joystick jockey could have hidden something that well in these little bots.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #454 on: <01-20-15/0247:24> »
Snow will see the note from Crenshaw and send one back.  <Thanks for the compliment.  I can shower for you and you can pick me up.  By the way, I can't just call you Crenshaw all night.  Do you have a first name or something else you want me to call you?  Oh, and is breakfast included?>  She will run a quick check of the Data Haven to see what sort of club it is and if there is a dress code and what amenities it offers.

She is a bit non-plussed at Clem's reaction to her.  *I wonder if it has anything to do with her being a Yak and me Vory?  I know that some people can't get past something like that so it might be.*
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #455 on: <01-20-15/0427:15> »
Sammy is also dragged off to lunch by Minnie, who is quite insistent, and since they still need to get the team some alternate looks for me-feeds, she relents.  She is hoping she can convince the troll that her career change is voluntary and not some Hollywood plot to keep metas down.

Sammy liked talking to Minnie, even though she did take some convincing on the fact that she liked being a runner.  Yes, it paid less than a movie star, but they both knew that if you were the star today, nothing said you were still a star tomorrow.  And Sammy found it more interesting than parading half-naked (and sometimes not even that) in front of a bunch of people.  Not having to wear some horny scenarist's idea of female armour did make up for the fact that she made less money.

She did bring up the alternate looks, knowing that Minnie was a good one for these things and not likely to go overboard.  She had seen enough caped crusader wannabes over the years on me-feeds and she really didn't need to join their ranks.
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #456 on: <01-21-15/0857:22> »
Minnie will be glad to help your team fix your looks for the LA runner scene, she has a dwarven protege that she promises to send to them.  When she hears that Sammy is going to be headed to The End of the World for an event, she is initially excited thinking this a return to the spotlight for one of 'her people.'  But she is brought down to earth finding out that she is going for a meet, then says grudgingly, "You are going to need an extreme image change, you are too well known in this town, I would be surprised if the rumor-mill isn't already buzzing about you being on set at Pandora's latest.  If you show up at the End and get recognized you will have a flock of glitterati following you all over town."

When shooting begins again, the scene has shifted to the edge of an icy mountain cliff, Jenny battles the undead alone over the body of her fallen Sherpa companion. Even though it’s a movie, the adrenaline kicks in with the suspense. Suddenly, some elf comes snowboarding down the mountain, swinging a sword. Pyrotechnics blast zombies over the cliff, apparently simulating combat magic (Sammy is NOT impressed). Your attention fades as the story focuses briefly on this guy, who tells Jenny that he’s a mystic knight and he’s here to help her.

The dwarf who will be doing their new looks escorts you individually to the make up area for your new look.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #457 on: <01-21-15/1016:06> »
When it is Snow's turn, she will go with the Dwarf to see what can be done with her.  "Is it enough to just color the hair and perhaps some tinted contacts?  I am really unused to any of this.  I could wear heels to add an inch or two of height.  What do you think?  I am not really that well known down here to begin with."
« Last Edit: <01-21-15/2300:16> by Mercy Merchant »
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« Reply #458 on: <01-21-15/1042:45> »
"We could play up your name and go full-on abino, white hair, pink eyes, maybe some glitter skin?"


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« Reply #459 on: <01-21-15/1053:33> »
Crenshaw follows Torley, looking rather upset.  "He hasn't mentioned killing me or anything has he?  We didn't really get off on the right foot this morning." Crenshaw introduces Torley to his co-workers and then answers Snow's call.

Sam smiled reassuringly at the tech. "I wouldn't worry about it. Sure, Con's a bit intimidating at first, but I think that's mainly a defense mechanism--he's been hurt before, you know? I understand you LA-folks are open and accepting, but there are people up north that still don't like it if someone takes an...unusual path." Sam couldn't resist himself from trying to make Con's evening a little more interesting. "I don't know all the details; like I said, he doesn't like to talk much. But maybe you know someone like him? Make an introduction while you're out tonight?"

Etiquette check, since Sam's hanging with people he's not used to, so needs to use some skill to read the crowd: 13d6.hits(5)=10  :o

Oh, and Invisible Castle's back up!

Sam spent the rest of the lunch chatting amiably with the techs, regaling them with stories of life in Seattle, many of which were actually true--or, at least, close enough.

When it was his turn to receive a new look, he chatted with the dwarven artist for a bit before making his decision. When he emerged, his head was bald and it looked like his nose had been broken, healing slightly crooked. His eyes were also a striking light blue color, almost white in their paleness.

Edit: Added new look.
« Last Edit: <01-22-15/1555:19> by Thvor »
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« Reply #460 on: <01-21-15/1336:03> »
Sammy went for blonde hair, which she had put in a wave instead of just straight.  Some blue contacts, make-up to make her skin more pale and pads in her cheeks so her face looked a bit different finished the disguise.  It was something she could undo and redo herself quite quickly as her work in the biz had given her some experience with make-up and stuff.  It wasn't needed for just walking around, but when they were on a run, she could always use her magic to augment her disguise, or use it to go back to her own look in case it might be interesting to use her fame to get something done.
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #461 on: <01-21-15/1916:18> »
After finishing his meal O'Connor met with the dwarf. He got his hair dyed jet black, with midnight blue lightning bolts to match his pistol. He also wanted to get a fake scar down the length of the left side of his face. To finish things, a bit of latex to his cheekbones and the bridge of his nose to throw off facial recognition. Once complete, he returned to the storage room to resume guard duty. He nodded to Clem, "Miss anything good?"
« Last Edit: <01-21-15/2008:22> by Necrogigas »
"Speech" *Thought* <Matrix> ~Astral~


Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #462 on: <01-21-15/2321:59> »
Snow considers the Dwarf's recommendation and decides to go with it.  *I hope it does not keep me from getting laid tonight.*  After the work is done she looks at the Dwarf, "Very nice, and thank you for your help.  Can you show me how to set this myself?  What about showers?  Also, I am going on a date tonight and there is a chance at intimacy.  Will this stuff last through that?"

Snow returns to the storage room after her session and joins the rest of the team on guard duty.  She turns to Sammy.  "You look great.  What do you think of the albino look she did for me?  And Con, I love the lightning bolts.  So now we can turn on the Pitos, right?  And we should still set them for the two minute delay."  She laughs, "Now I regret even more not going to the fancy place.  I bet the Moonsilver gown would look incredible with this colorization and the glitter.  I could grow to like this."
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #463 on: <01-22-15/0401:32> »
"You look great," Sammy said, "but don't start to like this kind of treatment too much, it can end very quickly.  And yes, if you put on the me-feed, add in a two minute delay, especially if we're out doing something illegal.  If you're just in a club or in a situation like this, it's not really necessary, but maybe do it anyway, just to get into the habit.  One thing we have an advantage here is that quite a lot of people change their looks on a regular, sometimes even daily basis, so the cops won't look too concerned if your looks don't exactly match what's on your SIN."
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #464 on: <01-22-15/0624:52> »
After lunch, Clem waited until everyone had had a go with the makeup department before going last. She had thought long and hard about what would be the best disguise for running in LA. She reasoned that if she dressed up flashy enough, it would be very difficult for anyone to connect Clem and the runner from her feed.

Once it was her turn, the ork decided she wanted to go full-on ganguro, with the dark tan and flashy makeup. She also asked Minnie to bleach her hair pale blonde, with streaks of pink and white. She put a few plastic flowers in her hair as well, put some yellow, neon pink and bright red nail polish on and completed her look with some silver lipstick and lots of white eyeshadow. She also altered the colour scheme on her armour to match this new look of hers. *There is no way anyone will be able to recognize me now* thought Clem as she looked at her new look in the mirror.

When she got back to the team, she made sure to fully understand how to set a 2 minute delay on her Pito feed. She finally felt safe walking around LA, knowing her identity was safe from any recording eyes.
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