Panther -- as in she hits like a Panther Cannon.
Metatype B Cyclops 11
Attributes A 24 Points
Skills E 10 Points
Magic D 1 PP Adept
Resources C 150,000
S 3
A 5(9)
R 5 ( 8 )
B 7
I 5
L 3
C 4
W 3
Edge 4
Magic 4
Essence 4
Nuyen 1643
Built Tough 4
Phobia Snakes
Incompetent Firearms
Impaired Logic
Mentor Spirit Thunderbird
Honor bound Pirate Code
Cyclopean Eye
Thermographic vision
Close Combat (Unarmed) 6
Influence 1
Athletics (Archery) 4
Stealth (Sneak) 1
Con 1
Perception 1
Engineering (Lockpicking) 1
Knowledge Skills
K Pop
Clubs and Bars
Metahuman Activist Organizations
Metahuman History
Seattle Politics
Martial Arts
Sangre y Acero
Kick Attack
Flying Kick
Adept Powers
Increased Reflexes 3
Killing Hands
Wall Running
Critical Strike 1 (Thunderbird)
Augment Rating
Used Muscle Toner 4
Alpha Platelet factory 1
Alpha Bone aug 4
Miles, Renton City Council member 4/4
Chad, Metahuman Rights Organizer 4/4
Kay, Smuggler 4/4
Fake SIN 3
Nissan Jackrabit
Ace of Cups Longcoat
Programmable Camo (2), Gear Access
1 month Low Life
Rating 3 License: Drivers, Adept, Foci, Crossbow
Image link
Steel Falcon Crossbow
Injector bolts 4
Narcoject 4 does
Character Background
Panther is an absolutely adorkable little Cyclops at a little short of 8 feet tall and 635 lbs. She is a young, sinless, political activist that fell into Shadowrunning by accident just a few months ago. She was part of a "Direct Action" team that happened to bring in an "Outside Consultant". A little B&E, a little scuffle, and Panther showed some promise. The Shadowrunner they hired made an introduction to a fixer, and Panther has been picking up jobs since.
Under the hood this is almost the exact same build as Smoke. But without the Stolen Gear quality Panther is 14 skill points behind which shows up in the secondary dice pools. Panther is what I consider a good build, but would be better with Stolen Gear cheese. Backstory needs some more meat on its bones. Family and such. But geeky metahuman rights activist is a nice hook and sells the basic character idea real well.