Date Night ( IC )

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« on: <03-17-15/1644:12> »
Mon.  Dec. 1   20:00

@ Marco  It's taken three weeks and some serious jing to get into this club. But it's the new "In" scene and Marco wants to impress this client, she's new, and as a low level manager with an Az corp. she's the highest paid, highest placed client he's had so far. She, and the client he's bringing here Wed. are the two he's really working on right now so that he can really improve his contact list. He's confident he really looks good right now, the new outfit he splurged on is the latest style in the Arc. And once he steps into the club he knew he was right to spend the jing. The decor is lunar themed and is sleek, clean, and even smells good. The AR overlay is really good, and the staff is dressed as aliens, but sleek, not campy. He has no trouble showing Lela, his client tonight, a good time, and he's impressed with the acoustics, as well as the drinks menu. A success job indeed, he thinks to himself the next morning as he leaves her place.

Wed. Dec 3
Your comm goes goes off while you're getting coffee that afternoon, and you start to answer it with a professional smile, carefully cultivated to appear genuine, and then it freezes as you see who it's from, her, the daemoness, damn. >>Marco, I'm interested in The Stardust. You're taking a client there tonight.<< How she knows that Marco doesn't know, he's swept his apartment, changed his comm three times and swept all his clothes for bugs, the daemon calls him and makes him dance to her tune whenever she wants. >>I'm very interested in it. Who's really in charge of what. Not just the names on the adverts. This should be right up your alley. It's a new club and getting in with the management as a pro wanting to build up a high dollar client list should be easy for you. Just keep doing what you're doing, and make nice, get to know a few of the more upscale party-goers that are there. Yes there are party drugs there, but keep your eye out for any that are being offered by the house. Don't ask about it at all, just keep doing what you're doing, have a good time, make nice, and give me every iota of info you find. I've transferred 4k nuyen into your account to make you look like a serious player. and I'll contact you Thurs morning to find out what you've been able to learn. Don't spend the nuyen in one place. You're buying in, not buying out.<<

@ Blackhat  The Yak are angry. Nakagawa has disappeared, and they're guessing it was from here. She'd been spending every night here for the last two weeks. And was starting to display some unusual traits. Mr Wakasiri had actually sent a crew to bring her in when she hadn't answered her comm. And a member of the Yak wasn't allowed to not answer their comm, and a lieutenant, even a minor one like Nakagawa, was not allowed to disappear without a serious response from the Yak. And he was here as part of that response. To hack into the system to learn whatever secrets he could and find out if they were indeed responsible for taking her. And then his comm is hacked. Hacked because it's a private number running silent. WHO THE HELL! >>Blackhat, you've played both sides very well. But it's only a matter of time before Kasumi finds, or manufactures, data that you were part of RH and you're a dead man. But, I can help you. Give me every bit of info you can find on this club and I can make you disappear completely from the Yak's radar, you'd look like you were dead to them, and I'd give you a new, clean SIN and 10k. <<   
« Last Edit: <04-07-15/1148:40> by ismilealot »
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« Reply #1 on: <03-17-15/1847:19> »
"Yes, demoness it goes without saying... I will do what as you say, thanks for the pocket money." He hang up comlink, no hint of anger or distress in his voice - bees and butterflies.
“Damn! every time this daemon is asking for a favor I want to shoot something. Devil knows why I like that bitch... But she has her uses... My client will be especially pleased tonight”. 

He picked up his Ares Crusader, it was the latest model modified with some extra shock pads for recoil compensation. It was his favorite gun and a great therapeutic tool for anger control. He got dressed and took the elevator down, heading for the local shooting range that was just a short walk from his apartment.

He channeled his negative energies into shooting cardboard targets. These were augmented in AR  to look like the demoness with manually added demon horns and tail. It wasn’t realistic - just a hastily crafted cartoon a technical savvy friend did for him. 

Bam Bam Bam - he aimed for the heart first with a few single shots and after a while he went  for automatic bursts trying to keep the little machine pistol balanced under the recoil. He felt better after emptying a couple of magazines...

At that rate, by the time I get some leverage over the demoness I’ll be a professional marksman. He thought.  With his newly gained tranquility, came acceptance. She is not unreasonable - with that kind of money I could book a VIP booth and I wont feel poor in there.  I can just get my client any goodie that joint has to offer.

Once back at his apartment he poured himself a glhoop of red wine and made that call. Trying to sound as charming as possible... He called Tammie, the gorgeous elven hostess. He recently managed to sweet talk her into letting him book regular tables at short notice, for a reasonable fee.

Well... hello Tammie.

Yes... what do you want Mr. Black -  I am working. Is it about your table for tonight?... don’t tell me you too are cancelling on me. I trusted you!’

‘No Tammie - on the contrary I liked the club so much I want a VIP booth this time.’

An Upgrade? Sweetie... there is no way you are getting an upgrade - you simply cannot afford it.’

‘Look Tammie... you did me a favor that time- I do you a favor this time. I got this important date tonight... You book me that table and I commit for a 1k minimum spending probably a lot more. You guys just keep the temptations coming, everything you have to offer we’re interested.  I’ll wire 1k in advance and will cover the rest of the bill at the end of the night. Don’t worry I am good for it. 

I don't know... are you sure I can trust you Marco? My bosses will kill me if it is a ruse.

This is your chance to bring a serious roller... Imagine how happy your bosses will be when we start regularly spending that kind of money at your joint. When the client *You* brought in is investing this kind of money... think commissions think promotion.

‘Marco, I didn't know you had, *that* kind of money... I’ll be right back with you with an answer.

He hoped she will go for it. After all, he only spent a couple of hundreds the last time. This time he planned to spend more than ten times as much. Dr. Kawagishi is up for a serious treat... a lot more than his investment...

Dr. Kawagishi was a DocWagon middle manager, and had a strange appetite for excessive entertainment. I think he went into medicine just so he can learn about drugs, thought Marco. He then spent a couple of hours running on his treadmill followed by a long bath, that prepared his body and mind for a night of corruption.
« Last Edit: <03-18-15/0624:16> by gilga »

Herr Brackhaus

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« Reply #2 on: <03-17-15/2315:10> »
It was on a cold winter day that I found myself in Snohomish near the Salish border, outside a place called The Stardust. Mr. Wakshira, my current employer, had had one of his acquaintances arrange the invitation and the ride so there would be no link to the Kanaga-gumi if anyone went looking.

Walking up to the door I displayed my invitation as a public ARO to the bouncers, and tipped my black fedora to them as I walked in. One of them nodded back and pointed to the "Check All Weapons" ARO flashing beside the door. "Big guys" I thought to myself. "Place like this probably needs them, what with everyone flocking out here to see what all the fuss is about."

As I entered the lobby I shook off my lined coat and handed it to the attendant. I then slowly opened my suit jacket in full view of the security guards to make sure they saw me remove the machine pistol from its holster in a non-threatening manner. With my PAN in broadcast mode it took a mere thought to eject the clip from the weapon, and I slipped the clip full of gel rounds into the holster on my back as I placed the now empty weapon onto the counter. "Won't be needing this in here from the looks of things" I smiled at the girl behind the counter.

At first glance the place looked good, and I set my sights on the bar as soon as I I was inside. I sat down in an empty seat with a good view of the room and addressed the bartender. "Pack of Saratogas and two fingers of Jameson. Neat, please." I was about to start casing the Matrix security of the joint when my burner link buzzed in my pocket. "The hell... no one has this number" I thought as I swiped the call into my AR view. Whoever was on the other end had been careful enough to have hidden themselves. "Not for long, my friend." I smiled inwardly as I loaded up my Watcher protocols and accepted the call.

Commcode blocked: >>Blackhat, you've played both sides very well. But it's only a matter of time before Kasumi finds, or manufactures, data that you were part of RH and you're a dead man.<<

Between the intimate knowledge of my operations this person had and the skill at which they'd hidden their icon, all I could do was wait for them to continue to avoid tipping my hand. Confirming that my headware had configured itself correctly, I turned off my AR transfer filters and began sifting through the data flowing back and forth around me.

Commcode blocked: >>But, I can help you. Give me every bit of info you can find on this club and I can make you disappear completely from the Yak's radar, you'd look like you were dead to them, and I'd give you a new, clean SIN and 10k.<<

Whoever was on the other end were good, but not good enough. The Matrix here was solid, and I managed to wrestle the callers commcode from the brilliant data streams that enveloped me in AR. I considered what was being offered while I tagged the commcode with a "Broker" label, making special note of this persons knowledge of recent events before deciding to play it safe in case someone was listening. 10,000¥ and a fake SIN would go a long way to get me out from under the Yakuza, but how reliable was this person when it came to making someone appear dead. For all I knew, they could just actually kill me when it was all over. "No, better to try to negotiate" I thought to myself.

BlackHat: >>It seems that someone has been feeding you bad intel, as I am quite sure I know nothing about any duplicitous activity. Your sources were correct about one thing, however; my debt to a certain... organization... is substantial. That being said, my work takes on many different forms and in this case it seems our interests may be aligned. Your offer is interesting but ultimately inadequate, as had I wanted to get away from anyone I would quite simply have left already. So, it seems we find ourselves in a predicament. You want something from me, and I might be prepared to give it to you for the right price. The question is, how strong is your desire?<<

The bartender had returned with the cigarettes and my drink while I was sending my mental commands, and as I leaned back in my chair waiting for a response I took a sip and fished a disposable lighter out of my pockets.
« Last Edit: <03-18-15/0903:29> by Herr Brackhaus »


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« Reply #3 on: <03-18-15/0245:55> »
@ Blackhat  >>My network for intel is already substantial, as I'm sure you can tell. My offer does not need to be any larger as I already have a means of gathering data in place. But I prefer to have many sources of data. It allows me to substantiate information quickly. So the question becomes, how much do you trust Eclipse?<< Around you the music in the club changes to a more intense, driving rhythm and the AR décor changes to match it.
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Herr Brackhaus

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« Reply #4 on: <03-18-15/0927:24> »
As the music and the AR environment changed around me, I lit up a cigarette and took a deep, relaxing drag.

Broker: >>My network for intel is already substantial, as I'm sure you can tell. My offer does not need to be any larger as I already have a means of gathering data in place. But I prefer to have many sources of data. It allows me to substantiate information quickly. So the question becomes, how much do you trust Eclipse?<<

"Someone certainly is sure of themselves," I thought.  "But if this persons network is as good as they say, they wouldn't need me in the first place. Hmm..." I quickly glanced at the icon of my cyberdeck looking for unknown marks, satisfied that I'd found none.

BlackHat: >>I trust Eclipse about as far as I can throw her, which means not at all. But I know her, and I can handle her, if I have to. Strangers, even well informed ones, who cold-call people and make live-or-die offers... I am sure you must have heard the saying "Better the devil you know" at some point in time...<<

I smiled to myself at that moment, and took another drag of my cigarette. "Time to roll the dice."

BlackHat: >>You say you want this information and that your network is extensive, but if things were as you claim you would already have it. That means you have one of two wants; either you want this information quickly, or you specifically want me to get it for you. Both imply that your wants are stronger than mine, which means that for now at least I hold the upper hand. So, forget about the disappearing act and the SIN but make it 30,000¥ in certified cred, and you've got a deal.<<

With the cigarette between my index and middle fingers, I took another sip of my whiskey then tapped my smoke gently with a thumb to get rid of the excess ash.
« Last Edit: <03-18-15/0930:14> by Herr Brackhaus »


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« Reply #5 on: <03-18-15/1244:58> »
Marco suits up with a white suit. A really good one from some high tech fabric that interacts with the AR environment. He does his makeup with a subtle tribute to the clockwork orange. Once he is happy with his makeup he adds a black hat in order to complete his naughty look.

His logistics are carried out flawlessly.  A long auto pilot driven limousine picks him and Dr. Kawagishi to their dinner date just in time. Hello sweetie! he say with genuine excitement as the middle aged physician enters the limousine... Are you ready for the night of your life? He smiles.

« Last Edit: <03-18-15/1505:26> by gilga »


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« Reply #6 on: <03-18-15/1715:50> »
@ Blackhat   >>Nice try, I'm amused. 13k and Eclipse gets to lose face in a very well deserved scandal.<<

@ Marco  Dr. Kawagishi starts his evening with his usual drink in the limousine. Debauchery has always suited him well in his opinion. Tammie greets you at the door, the smooth smile and welcome not quite hiding the eagle eye trying to make sure you're not putting her on. You can tell she's not sure, but she does have the cred already on file, so she smiles smoothly and greets you both with the unctuous deference due a heavy hitter. It's a new and heady experience for you. Almost as good as your own personal high. The night goes well, Dr. Kawagishi engages in every pleasure his appetite calls for, and a private booth comes with a privacy ARO and some sound proofing that allow those pleasures to be enjoyed while still very much being part of the club atmosphere. There are all the usual party drugs. But as far as you can tell from his comments even the designer stuff is just some variations on the usual. Nice variations from his responses, but not more than that.
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« Reply #7 on: <03-18-15/1752:00> »
Marco does not do drugs, not with this client, not yet... He is at work right now. Laughing at his jokes making some of his own acting all high, accessible and happy really happy. While Marco is new to this level of service, to his client it is almost casual.

He does have one benefit, Tammie being personally concerned about this gig is eyeing them from time to time... trying to make sure everything goes well. He makes a minute gesture when they make eye contact.. his face expression suddenly change and for a brief moment he sends Tammie his unhappy face. She seemed to have picked it up, as at that moment she reached for her comlink. The gesture was subtle enough so that he did not lose the momentum of the conversation... he get to use his rolling laughter just at the right part, and the two are hitting another round of Saki.

Gosh I like subtle people like Tammie... I almost do not need telepathy with this kind of attention. He thinks to himself.
« Last Edit: <03-18-15/1806:37> by gilga »

Herr Brackhaus

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« Reply #8 on: <03-18-15/1801:20> »
Broker: >>Nice try, I'm amused. 13k and Eclipse gets to lose face in a very well deserved scandal.<<

"What are the odds this person has dirt on the Kanaga-gumi and would waste it to save my sorry hoop?" I wondered as I finished off the whiskey, its light floral and peppered spicy aroma pleasantly permeating my senses. I began tapping my fingers on the bar as I deliberated with myself for a split second, then composed my reply.

BlackHat: >>I am glad to be a source of entertainment to you this evening, but let us not forget that you are the one who came to me, chummer. If that is your final offer then we have nothing further to discuss.<<

I knew posing an ultimatum was a risky move, but at this point there was nothing left except to jump in with both feet. If this Broker went for what I was about to say next I would hopefully be in a perfect situation to deal with Kasumi, and I would have the coin to pay off most of what I owed the Yakuza. If they weren't amenable to making an honest deal, however. "Well, that is a worry for later..." I finished my message and sent mentally sent it hurtling into the Matrix.

BlackHat: >> That being said, I will lower my price to 20,000¥ so long as you also include any and all copies of whatever dirt you have on Eclipse, and as long as you let me deal with her my own way. She is of no use to me dead. Deal or no deal, the choice is yours.<<

While I somewhat anxiously waited for the reply, I began investigating the AR constructs of the club. "One way or another, I've got a job to do."
« Last Edit: <03-18-15/1954:22> by Herr Brackhaus »


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« Reply #9 on: <03-18-15/1817:04> »
@ Blackhat   >>17k and the info stays mine. After all, you haven't hacked the system yet. And by my calculations you should have been in 1min 13sec's ago. Knowledge is true power, something a decker knows all to well, and doesn't let anything stop him from getting. <<
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Herr Brackhaus

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« Reply #10 on: <03-18-15/2045:09> »
Broker: >>17k and the info stays mine. After all, you haven't hacked the system yet. And by my calculations you should have been in 1min 13sec's ago. Knowledge is true power, something a decker knows all to well, and doesn't let anything stop him from getting. <<

BlackHat: >>No deal. 20,000¥ is as low as I'll go, and you and I both know that is a fair asking price. Knowledge might be power, but nothing is free in this world. You know where to leave a message if you change your mind.<<

With the final statement sent I turned the burner comm off and  I issued a few system commands to my deck in order to prepare for the work ahead.

Blackhat: >>Change Operation Mode: Silent. Success<<
Blackhat: >>Load configuration: Controller. Success. Array status nominal at 1-5-5-2. Programs (Stealth | Toolbox) running on virtual machine<<

I curbed my cigarette and pocketed the stub before I quickly made my way from the bar to the restrooms. Finding an unoccupied stall proved easy enough, and I leaned back against the wall before immersing myself fully into the virtual reality known as the Matrix.

Blackhat: >>Hot-sim module engaged. All systems green.<<

As a precaution in case anyone was watching, I let myself drift into the streams of data flowing around me before settling into the the digital representation of the sky above of The Stardust.

Blackhat: >>Operation successful: Hide.<<
Blackhat: >>Load configuration: Flanker. Success. Array status nominal at 1-4-5-2. Programs (Exploit | Stealth) running on virtual machine<<

I turned my attention to the digital Stardust and got to work casing the security system of the club.


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« Reply #11 on: <03-18-15/2104:18> »
[Dec. 3, 2075, ~3:00 PM,  O'Haggen's Clothing and Boutique, Touristville Plaza, The Barrens, Seattle]

[/b]" on, frag it, this wasn't supposed to be this hard to figure out!"[/b]

The frustrated cry of the short human, Arc, followed by a stomp of the foot and a rustle of the curtains of the changing room she was in, filled the immediate area as she revealed herself.  It was the day of the initial pull of the job the three heroes of the Barrens--Feathers, Wanderer, and Arc-- had been hired for by the ever enigmatic employer Sam Webster, and through acts of indecision and blatant procrastination, the human and the elf had realized they still needed to get clothes of taste.  They had little to go on, but enough: the Stardust was a cosmic space-themed club, though some pictures off social media hosts revealed to Arc that the dress was aesthetically less like the xenomorphic space horror she had initially envisioned....more Star Trek.

Needless to say, the two were having little luck finding something.  This time, Arc had an almost comically ill-fitting dress with Rings of Saturn motifs around the skirt, the garment swishing about her legs whilst bunching tightly around her middle.  She smacked her head, flustered, groaning as the smack of her metal right hand connected with her forehead.  "ow...any luck, omae?  Oh...nevermind.."  She took one glance at the elf, covering her mouth to hide her impending burst of laughter.  " more go or this ain't working..."

Grabbing the last item on the rack, the human disappeared into the changing room, hastily swapping out and donning the garment.  It took a bit, the girl trying to figure out how to get the thrice fragged thing on, but once she did and she glanced in her AR-enhanced mirror, she paused, tilting her head.  Titled Scion of Andromeda, the light blue dress hugged tightly and flatteringly to her figure, ending just above the knee with a slit up the left leg.  The arms were left bare, the fabric seeming to flow into the deltoid curvature, ending in a high collar and wrapping around her chest not unlike a tunic, a decorative armor piece over the left shoulder.  A flattering patch on the right side of her waist was missing, revealing bare skin between the hips and ribcage but leaving her stomach covered, a rich violet belt resting on her hips.  Knee high boots framing her calves covered her feet, and a few bracelets on each wrist completed the ensemble.  Turns out, the whole deal was meant for a party, as it was designed to interact with environs, shimmering and giving off light not unlike glowsticks.

Arc was stunned, mostly because it fit her, and then again because she didn't hate it.  "Y...mind checking on this...?"


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« Reply #12 on: <03-18-15/2314:10> »
Yo, Doc, Marco giggled, we want something special.  He went to the Bar, looked at the Barman like he owned the place and said. Bill! (He knew the name from the AR interface), can you make us something... special... he thoguht for a moment Yes, that space shots... the glowing ones...

Apollo 17? asked the barman.

Yes Yes, these ones,  I heard they are great!   He extend his hand with a 100 dollar bill as a tip. Have them extra strong, and keep them coming until we beg you to stop. He sent Bill his happy smile as he carried the first two shots himself.

Prior to drinking he activates the glasses - *10* - *9* - *8* - *7* - *6* - *5* - *4* -*3* -*2*- *1* liftoff cried the AR decore. Even a drinking glass is wireless... oh my he thought to himself. The shot triggered some chemical reaction and turned into a glowing green fluid after at the 'liftoff' moment.

At the very same moment the two emptied the small glass. It is their specialty he later said. I asked them to keep them coming... if you have the capacity for another lunar mission... We can even go over the entire Apollo program. They laughed.

« Last Edit: <03-20-15/1500:37> by gilga »


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« Reply #13 on: <03-19-15/0146:05> »
@ Blackhat As you immerse yourself in the matrix, the rush that accompanies it is a familiar caress. Soon everything else is forgotten as you manipulate the streams of data, sifting, eliminating and marking relevant information. Soon you're able to identify the clubs security systems. But, anyone can do that. You're here to identify the security that they think is unhackable. By the time you're done you've found it, but no trace of Kanagawa San is there. Well, that's something to tell the Yak at least.
« Last Edit: <03-19-15/1442:03> by ismilealot »
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Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #14 on: <03-19-15/0241:19> »
Yelena shares her friend's frustration.  In her entire life she could count the number of times she had worn a really nice dress on one hand.  Some of the clothes they had seen were just too silly and most of the rest just too.............something else.  So far the pair had been to three different shops that advertised as catering to the party crowd.  Yelena had already had a good laugh trying to imagine what sort of party.  "Arc, girls on serious drugs to think these get them laid.  But, if they are right, I have serious doubts about viability of respective races to survive with any sort of intelligent gene pool."  She cannot help but giggle at Arc's Rings of Saturn look, and more than willing to laugh at her own selection.  She is very surprised when her friend comes out of the dressing room in the last gown.  She motions with her hand for Arc to turn around in circles.  "Arc.  Is good.  Is very good.  Emphasize figure and hide at same time.  Hint of this and that.  Very nice on you.  I think rigger man would like.  Why not invite to club to escort us?  I could arrange to leave you alone for a bit while there if want."  She shake her head.  "But nothing here for Yelena.  We can try more, but might have to wear dress already own."

Leaving the store after making Arc's purchases, they go out into the mall, heading to the next shop on the list for party apparel.  Suddenly, a small shop almost hidden in a side corridor catches her eye.  Yelena takes her friend's arm and turns down the hall and into the shop.  A small oriental woman of undoubtedly great age sits on a stool near the entrance to the extremely small store.  Several racks of dresses compete with a few shelves for the available space.  The woman barely looks up from a book she is reading.  *A book!  Who reads books anymore?*  "Arc.  Yelena would like to look here for a bit." 

She walks about, touching the material and holding it up to her to look at herself in the standing mirror.  A young oriental woman comes through a beaded curtain at the rear of the shop and asks if she can be of assistance.  She and Yelena talk for a few minutes and the young woman nods and says,  "I think we have just what you are looking for."  She disappears back through the curtain, returning with a dress over her arm.  As she shakes the dress out, she says, "This is an older style, but it is simple and still very attractive when the right person wears it.  It is called a cheongsam dress and was once very common in my homeland.  Now not so much as most girls want new things.  New styles are so popular.  But this will look good on you.  Try it on." 

The woman leads Yelena through the beads to a tiny dressing room where she put the dress on.  She returns to the front of the shop to look in the mirror and get Arc's opinion.  The dress hugs and accentuates her curves, falling to mid-thigh with a slit up the left side.  Embroidered white herons decorate the front and back of the light violet dress, perfectly setting off Yelena's own snow white hair and violet eyes. Three gold clasps hold the front together, leaving small gaps that hint at the cleavage beneath.  The girl finds a fabric flower of the same light violet as the dress and puts it in Yelena's hair just behind her ear.  She admires her work and says, "Not too much of anything else.  Light makeup and some gloss for the lips will be enough.  People will wonder who you are and want you.  I have some slippers and a small clutch here that will go perfectly.  The dress was made by hand and is good quality.  It will last a long time if you treat it well.  What do you think?"

Yelena turns to Arc.  "What think?  I like it, do you?"  She turns back to the young woman, pointing to a longer style on one of the racks.  "You have this in longer version, like one over there?  I actually thinking that better for Yelena."  The woman does indeed have one of the same color and Yelena goes to the dressing room to try it on.  When she gets back to the mirror in the shop she looks at herself then smiles, nodding.  The dress still clings to and accentuates her figure, but reveals little.  It falls to the floor and the nearly waist high slit on the left side shows a lot of leg.  The sleeves go to the middle of her upper arms and the neckline is extremely demure.  "This better for Yelena.  I like very much, even more than other."

She turns to the clerk and indicates that she will take the dress, slippers, clutch, and flower.  Turning to Arc, she shakes her head and says, "Now why take all day to find one dress?  Well, are ready for club?  I call Feathers to remind him."  Yelena sends a message to their friend.  <Feathers.  Yelena.  Just a reminder we going to club.  You my date, maybe Arc too, if cannot get rigger man to go with.  Meet you at entrance at 8.  Ta.>
« Last Edit: <03-19-15/1020:33> by Mercy Merchant »
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