Deep Black Sea [5e IC]

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« Reply #420 on: <06-05-15/0748:22> »
"Chillax, brothers. We just defeated a whoooole bunch o' heavily armed stormtroops and a blood mage in a battle armorough. Big Daddy Schmitt's gonna manage our safe journey home."

She winks at Dr. Schmitt, smiling at the notion of his precious gift.

"Und dann gemma moi ordentlich an stemma. Und waunst du sogst, du host ka Zeit, dann werde i dei commlink rapen, bis dei Terminkalenda nur mehr Herzal und Hakerl spuckt, mon ami. Comprendre, si?

bnc could have walked on her own, but then, being carried by a muscular, good-looking troll, enjoying the sensation of relative weightlessness, the beautiful color of the auras around her, floating on a cloud of something like a relaxed euphoria... well, there's no reason to complain about that.

She cares little about the spoils (safe for the Fairlight, that is) and allows Krestov to stuff her wherever he chooses to put her. That is, as long as it is a window-seat. She just can't resist the temptation to enjoy the aura of the most alive thing on Earth: the Ocean. She would swim for that herself, if must be. She tries to hold on this moment for as long as she can, because she can already her that twisted demon voice in her head, softly whispering: You know that you acquired a new traumatising experience, little bnc. It's waiting for you, and even Deepweed can't protect you forever.
bnc tells it mentally to shut up, swallows another Whoom! and escapes into a beautiful world of colors, fish and happiness.
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #421 on: <06-06-15/1442:53> »
Krestov took a glance at Slobbertooth after Hank's query about the other workers versus their acquired 'souvenirs',  but the troll didn't need to see the reaction to know the answer that both he, Torrent, and likely even bnc would share.  They were not hired to save the entire facility.  It was a tough call for the Russian, but with a low, quiet sigh, he nodded.

"Hazard Pay"  He mentioned to the janitor quietly as he entered the sub with the gear in tow.  He was about to deposit the stoned out decker in a secure place in the back until she started wigging out, demanding to see the outside and beating her little fists against his chest until he relented, plopping her down in the desired seating.  Turning to Slobbertooth, he nodded again before addressing his transceiver.

"We are all here, Torrent.  When ready"


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« Reply #422 on: <06-06-15/2005:51> »
Once inside, Slobbertooth looked over to Krestov and made a request. "Would you please find out of this ship happens to have a torpedo bay?" To prevent any confusion, he continued. "It seems like a good way to get rid of this bloodmage after I get her out of this suit."

Slobbertooth turned back to the body and started working the corpse out of the new toy for either Torrent or bnc. "Once I'm done with the dead mage, we should probably count up all the ammunition and gear we came out of his mission with."

[spoiler]Oh man, so much counting to do.[/spoiler]
"normal speech"
"under your breath"
" translated foreign language" (Foreign Language)

Sabato Kuroi

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« Reply #423 on: <06-06-15/2049:46> »
"Not gonna lie to you: there are probably more coming.Only this time you will be waiting for them.Without their inside man they will have to enter the facility by force, and I bet they won't like the odds.You have to hold until either Ares or SK forces show up. "

Torrent rarely felt the need for honesty.
I must be sick or something.

"Roger that.On my way."


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« Reply #424 on: <06-07-15/0741:06> »
Maxime #35 of Maximally Effective Mercenaries: That which does not kill you has made a tactical error.

The engineer just nodded, but didn't ask anymore questions. His eyes told Torrent, that he was badly demoralized.
Quickly, the elf joined his team and the sub finally closed its hatches.

The ascend took quite a while. The decompression was uncomfortable but bearable.
bnc enjoyed her speedball mix of drugs - until she glimsed something beyond the walls of their sub. Later, she couldn't say what it was, but the screaming only stopped after Krestov enveloped her in a bear hug and carefully whispered calming nonsense into her ear.
Luckily, no other submarine seemed to be near enough to hear or care about the noise. Krestov used the time to enter one last time a valkyrie pod to finish the therapy he had begun and emerged with a decidedly content expression.

The journey ended inside the dockside warehouse. Hank opened the loading bay and the team had time and space to sort through their newly aquired stuff.

Schmitt took out the Fairlight and made one last call to authorize the payment and waited patiently for one of the team to authorize the return of his safety deposit. He transfered ownership of his commlink to bnc before giving her the sleek little gadget.
"Despite the unfortunate circumstances, it's been a pleasure working with you. I hope you allow me to keep you on my contacts list. There is a lot of work for men and women of your talents. I promise you, the next time won't contain suspended animation as a requirement."

Hank gave the team a court nod: "Maybe we'll see each other again on a run. Take care."

With those words, he returned to the sub with Schmitt. After it had departed, the team were left with a pile of stuff and a perceptibly bad smelling corpse within the armor (which could not be removed during the journey thanks to a lack of torpedo hatches).

Apart from a layer of dust, nothing had changed in the warehouse. The sun was shining through the small transpex windows below the ceiling and even the air smelled remarkably fresh in comparison to what they had been consuming the last few days.

talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #425 on: <06-07-15/1042:02> »
Slobbertooth took a breath of fresh air, wrinkled his nose and quickly put on his respirator. "Alright, Krestov, you're better with this stuff than I am. Could you use your expertise to get this blood mage out of this armor here, or are we gonna have to let that bad mojo stink up the house?"
"normal speech"
"under your breath"
" translated foreign language" (Foreign Language)


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« Reply #426 on: <06-08-15/2038:21> »
Krestov took a long breath once out of the confines of the submarine...then went back to retrieve bnc who was still watching "all the pretty colors" of the water.  Sighing a bit, he allowed his shoulders to slump as he knelt down.  Mission Accomplished He thought quietly to himself as he stood up again, giving a pause and a little grimace as he dug out one last stik-n-shok bullet from his trousers.  Turning to Slobbertooth, the troll finally took off his helmet, his blonde mane coming to rest around his head.

"One bad smell for home enough.  Krestov take a look"  Kneeling down over the armored body, the troll seemed lost in thought as he ran his hands over the various plates and pieces.  Quietly, he rumbled out.  "Armor is familiar, but never got to wear.  Two year good service after finish training, would have gotten use."  Snapping out of it, he reached over to the collar, sliding a couple metal pieces to unlock the helmet.  His thick fingers moved nimbly for a trog like him, and after a few moments the helmet of the blood mage corpse was off, revealing their 'prize'.  Pausing a bit to close the eyes if open, Krestov then resumed the dismantling of the armor, taking great care to remove each piece properly until the job was eventually done.


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« Reply #427 on: <06-09-15/0834:19> »
Slobbertooth took the two Colt TMPs, Ares Alphas, and the prototype laser weapons, removed their ammunition and then placed them in front of bnc. "I assume you've got the tools and skills to take care of these things' security tags and switch their ownership. I'm not sure I'm going to keep the Alpha, but if we don't know the person to get the weapon I'd want, it will have to do."

"I'm going to look for some boxes and a marker to put all this ammunition into."

[spoiler]For acquired SMG ammuntion, after all we found, I'm just going to assume 10 clips of Stick n Shock and 10 clips of regular ammunition between Torrent and myself.

I'm going to post the expendable equipment i came into the mission with here so I don't have to dig back through the OOC thread every time.

- 8 Speedloaders: 2 w/APDS, 4 w/Gell Rounds, 1 w/Hollow Points, 1 w/regular ammunition
- 28 of 40 APDS
- 36 of 70 Gel
- 12 of 20 Hollow points
- 6 Standard ammunition
- 2 Flash Pak
- 3 Thermal Smoke Grenades
- 2 Smoke Grenades
- 3 Flashbangs
Misc Gear
- 5 Light Sticks[/spoiler]

[spoiler]Running tally of attacks, as I'm counting them. WIP obviously
Personal Pistol Ammunition Expenditure
Gel: II
Hollow point:
Standard: VI
Smoke Grenade: I
Flashbang Grenade: III

I'm basically ignoring the epxenditure of the SMGs because we got so many refills of that ammunition throughout the run

Assault Rifle Ammunition Expenditure
Standard (6 magazines): X
Gel (6 magazines):
Flechette (6 magazines):
Ex-Explosive (6 magazines): XI

Also checking the damage monitor at the end of the mission:  -1 Stun


« Last Edit: <06-09-15/1131:09> by SquirrelDude »
"normal speech"
"under your breath"
" translated foreign language" (Foreign Language)


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« Reply #428 on: <06-09-15/1157:22> »
bnc just stares at Slobbertooth. Instead of a response she says: "Do you know that your aura is ... beautiful? It is wunderschön, Slobby."
You take it as a yes.

It takes bnc a while until the "medicine" wears off. What you then experience, is nothing less than a total collapse. Despite her friends' soothing words, she cries and shivers violently. She claws at her forearms, screams, demands to be let alone, only to cry out for Krestov with a pleading tone a couple of minutes later. It takes some time, until she can get hold of herself again. On the next day, she starts working on the weapons and armors with almost mechanic movements, her expression as empty as the still smelling metal shell she's working on.
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #429 on: <06-09-15/1419:36> »
Slobbertooth boxed up the ammunition and loaded them into the car, and then helped Krestov do the same with bnc. As the van pulled away from the facility, Slobbertooth collapsed from exhaustion, proud with his team's performance and satisfied with the payout.

He dreamt of running with a pack of wolves, saving a lost cub, and shooting the frag out of a blood mage with a custom-built Yamaha Raiden.
« Last Edit: <06-09-15/1618:07> by SquirrelDude »
"normal speech"
"under your breath"
" translated foreign language" (Foreign Language)


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« Reply #430 on: <06-09-15/1729:06> »
The van was dangerously full with fun toys and ammunition when the team left the warehouse. A quick look into a business news channel revealed that 20K MUS had just recently been taken over by a subsidiary of Aztech after the stocks had crashed once more and the parent companies had missed the opportunity to buy them back.
Otherwise there was no mention of the team's last mission. It  seemed that "what happened under the black sea, stays under the black sea" held true...
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex