So spells still need to be cast, so there will still be a Sorcery + Willpower Test. But once this particular spell (and most Amp Level 1 spells) is cast, the effect is simply a Narrative effect, sustained from one Narration to the next if desired. There is no damage and there are no dice modifiers applied with this spell which is why it is Amp Level 1.
In Anarchy, in general, if a spell is successfully cast, its effects apply without a further test or further opposition. See Confusion or Chaotic World which simply do a thing without worrying about spell resistance, etc. A GM (or the table) can rule that a sustained spell is distracting (-2 to other Tests) or may be difficult to maintain for long, etc.
If it feels like Analyze Truth is overpowered, bear in mind, that this is one Shadow Amp out of your possible 6. There is an economy of resources to consider. That is, Analyze Truth represents one more slot you are not using to melt faces, fly, heal, or debuff enemies.