Panzerknacker [IC]

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« Reply #390 on: <12-18-16/0519:44> »
At the warehouse:

Mike shrugged. With two smooth movements he disassembled the Smartgun and dropped the parts on the ground.
"Johnny, you owe me, you owe me big time. Let's go, before they turn the boat into a hot box or something."

At least the description was correct: The old building had lost nearly all it's windows and rubbish was piled up around it. Parking across the street allowed the two orks to glimpse into the building and there was in fact the shape of a mini sub. In front of the old fire brigade three cars were parked: A flashy sports car with overdimensioned spoilers, a pimped out SUV and a Harley. All had been fitted with weapon mounts, containing SMGs.
From inside the house loud troll thrash metal played.

On the island:
There was a pause before the voice answered with a very suffering and tired tone: "I probably won't get rid of you if I don't see you personally, ain't I?"
The buzzer sounded and the door opened.
The insides were stuffed with tribal artifacts and quite a collection of empty bear cases.

Crow looked older than his age suggested. His formerly black hair looked distinctively grey and puffy features told a story of long and hard alcohol abuse.
"So what is this all about - and spare me any sob stories. Who sent you and why are you coming to me."
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #391 on: <12-18-16/1424:52> »
Slobbertooth's Raiden hung from his shoulder as he did his  did his best to move up to a nearby wall of the warehouse without being spotted. He tried to stay away from the bikes for fear or motion or UV sensors that might alert the inhabitants to their presence. He then closed his eyes and did his best to focused himself to try and discover how many targets were active in the warehouse.

Sneaking (Sneak+Agility) [9]: 10d6t5 4
Motion Sense (Perception+Magic) [5]: 12d6t5 3[/spoiler]
"normal speech"
"under your breath"
" translated foreign language" (Foreign Language)


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« Reply #392 on: <12-19-16/0423:01> »
Yael said "We came to speak about a boat house, the one that sent us is right here. Mr Thyme... I erhm forgot to set up a meeting.  I truly appologize mr. Crow I am new at this."


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« Reply #393 on: <12-19-16/1613:55> »
On the island

"Ah, see now, finally a few true words from your mouths." Crow shook a cigarette from a pack he found behind an antique clay pot and lit it with a cheap Zippo.
"Well, than let me assuage these fears: My niece may have caught white fever and think she can just do whatever the hell she likes with property on council land, but this is still SS country. The circle of the eldest can and will evict anyone they suspect won't honor the land properly. All it takes is a message from me.
So don't worry, no one of you vultures will get the boat houses."

In the Barrens
Slobber's magic sense revealed three moving people inside the old fire station. As far as he could tell they were doing playback to the music pounding through the walls.

talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #394 on: <12-19-16/2041:00> »
Slobbertooth raised 3 fingers to indicate to Mike the number of people that were in the building. They could be diplomatic and talk through their issues with the armed idiots that had shown a willingness to threaten violence to get what they wanted or they could not try and fight a troll or they could try to use the element of surprise and fight a troll.

Slobbertooth wanted to fight a troll.

[spoiler]Before I commit to stupidity.

How many doors are there into the garage? Windows? Is their an upstairs that could be reached with some gymnastics?[/spoiler]

"normal speech"
"under your breath"
" translated foreign language" (Foreign Language)


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« Reply #395 on: <12-19-16/2114:37> »
"That is very good to hear, when we got word of this sale I was extremely worried.  My company may be African, but I am from here, my mother's family helped found the Salish Sidhe Nation.  I certainly didn't want any foreign interests getting any more of a foothold here, on Council Island of all places.  After doing my due diligence and discovering such a respected member of the tribe already involved in the sale I came here to support you in your efforts.  Once this foolishness is settled then perhaps for might be amenable to allowing some of my clients the opportunity to experience our culture in a respectful fashion, either with this property or some other.  The people who come to Meteor are looking for this, and pay VERY handsomely for the opportunity."

Flatline is very deferential to Crow, as befitting an Elder. 


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« Reply #396 on: <12-20-16/1215:41> »
bnc was just about sending a message to her team, when she paused. The message read: <@all<how bout we offer him not to nail his hairy balls to the wall if he shuts his
Now she frowns that typical frown of her that almost everyone in the team has witnessed already. It can express many things. This time it expresses that she had clearly underestimated Flatline.
Jeez, Dr. Family Constellations can be one charming wanker.

She relaxes a bit, and chooses to do something to keep herself busy:
<Slobbertooth <hows it going. u need any help?>>
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #397 on: <12-20-16/1252:44> »
Yael waits for Flatline to finish and stands respectfully to his side, she nods as he speaks and does as he speaks, when he finishes he said "Well, mr. Thyme I do not want to intrude, I believe that despite Crow's admirable attempt to keep a property with such high visibility in respectful hands, his niece is not very interested in selling him the boathouse." She pauses and then adds. " I know my job is to only collect the dry and legal facts so forgive me if I speculate too much in here, but if I lift my head above the legal details, there is an elephant in the room.  It is a fixed price auction, Mr. Crow is interested and his niece is clearly aware of it.  I speculate that the two are not in the best of terms and that despite common sense and traditions,  his niece is going to sell that property to the most Anglo looking person in that auction.
This is why I insisted on Anglo buissness style clothes, thank me later when the property is saved.

What I am trying to say is that perhaps it should be the other way around, Mr. Thyme will purchase the property and shortly after transfer it to mr. Crow at the same price plus legal expenses, that way, everybody wins."

She looked at Crow, and respectfully waited for his response.


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« Reply #398 on: <12-22-16/0622:06> »
Now Crow looked definitely interested: "Well, well. Now that is an interesting idea. So you propose we prepare a contract, so you rent the property and give me a veto right on anyone you want to sublease. No need to transfer it - my niece would only have grounds to appeal the transaction.
That would spare us a lot of trouble with my niece and her damned lawyer husband.

Alright. If we do it like that, I won't move against Meteor and will allow you to give your bid unmolested. Let me just call my council paralegal and he can hammer out a contract."

In the Barrens:
The building was old, but still showed remnants of its former purpose: A half rotten fire escape hung just barely out of reach above Slobbertooth. It looked solid enough to bear his weight and would allow him to enter from the second floor, gaining access to the gallery above the engine hall and therefore getting the high ground.
The alternative would be to shimmy up to the narrow window above him to squeeze into the hall on the ground floor.
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #399 on: <12-22-16/1346:00> »
Slobbertooth made his best attempt to jump up to and pull himself up onto the fire escape.

[spoiler]Gymnastics: 14d6t5 4[/spoiler]
"normal speech"
"under your breath"
" translated foreign language" (Foreign Language)


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« Reply #400 on: <12-22-16/1502:29> »
It didn't take much to pull the old ladder down and for Slobbertooth to quickly climb up into the building.
<<I'll wait right next to the door. Send me a message if you need me or want a distraction from outside.>> Mike quickly sent to the younger ork.

Inside the building, the music was louder, much louder. Slobber could have riverdanced to his vantage point and it wouldn't have mattered.
Down below him the ruined husk of a fire engine had been turned into an improvised stage where the three gangers where - as Slobber now realized - an AR game with virtual instruments. On the opposite side of the hall the stolen sub on its trailer sat.

All three gangers carried weapons on slings strapped across their shoulders. The human carried what looked like a drum fed, fully automatic shotgun. The elf had a weird, blocky looking rifle with a large magazine and disproportionate looking barrel end. The ork, finally, carried what definitely looked like a drum fed grenade launcher.
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #401 on: <12-23-16/1723:52> »
Yael looks at Flatline with anticipation, behaving like an employee that step over the line and took a risk. Hoping that Mr. Thyme will appreciate that kind of behavior.


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« Reply #402 on: <12-24-16/0926:37> »
bnc is beginning to question her abilities of judgement. She was just about to unleash a digital storm of rage upon on Anna (<@Anna<goddamn why dont you tell him that we dont only observe him with a decker but r indeed a professional team of shad), when to her astonishment, Crow accepts her offer.
What the bulldrek's going on here? Oh, darn, this is precisely why I don't do that face thingy stuff. I can't believe he just swallowed that!
Instead, she deletes the messages, and writes: <@Anna<congrats>>
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #403 on: <12-25-16/0900:42> »
Slobbertooth slid up into a good spot, and set up his Yamaha on a tripod.

"Kick over their bikes in the front. That should get their attention. After I drop the one with a grenade launcher, come on in."

Slobbertooth started aiming at the orc.
« Last Edit: <12-25-16/0903:06> by SquirrelDude »
"normal speech"
"under your breath"
" translated foreign language" (Foreign Language)


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« Reply #404 on: <12-26-16/1332:11> »
Seconds later the piercing sound of a car security system sounded above the din of the music. Immediately the elf got up and walked towards the door, gripping his shiny weapon.

You have your surprise action - no defense on the ganger's part. They all wear Armor 9, Human and Elf have Bod 3, Ork has Bod 6

talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex