[5e OOC] Tabula Rasa, Chapters II and III

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« Reply #435 on: <12-16-14/1301:00> »
@Tecumseh: Do we know who Dr. Winters was working for?  The public police report mentioned a co-worker or boss reporting her missing, I'd like to do some digging on those two.  Try to find the node she was last working in that might have her notes and such.

@rednblack/Tecumseh: Do you guys send Doc a message letting him know what's going on?  His agent is running overwatch while he's doing research.
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« Reply #436 on: <12-16-14/1335:14> »
Zed's is the name of the dive bar where APB was seen with this guy. It's not this guy's name, but we can refer to him as Zed if it makes things easier. He confronts Ace and Katsina around 3pm.

I can't IC post for a while but when she goes astral Katsina will find Zed and Ze Orks outside waiting to jump Ace when he comes out. It's unclear which car is his, although hacking his commlink might work if he has a car slaved to it.

I'd rather not have Doc hack the commlink or the car until it's parked and away from the owner.  That way, "Zed" might think it was Ace who nicked it, and that's what I'm going for here.  Of course, that doesn't jive with the "hack a car that won't be missed for awhile" plan, but it does provide some other possible incentives, and as Vincent says, "adapt, I Ching" etc. 

Hmm, not sure what to do about the waiting ambush.  Maybe Katsina can put up 2 physical mask spells?  I'd rather not call 5-0, but maybe we could get Doc to hack some poor slub's comm and make the call from that number?  I don't mind trying to fight it out, but that's probably not the smart call.


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« Reply #437 on: <12-16-14/1342:22> »
Ok, modified list of stuff to buy. Can we assume this is all known as a shopping list without having to do weird space time breaks?

Ballistic Mask -- Availability 6; 970 nuyen cost.
- Biomonitor
- Gas Mask
- Trodes
- Insulation 1

I really need something better looking to wear, but they are all expensive and (I have the feeling) don't fit it that well with the Aspen crowd. They probably wear 20,000 nuyen suits as "comfort" clothes.


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« Reply #438 on: <12-16-14/1359:30> »
Ok, modified list of stuff to buy. Can we assume this is all known as a shopping list without having to do weird space time breaks?

Ballistic Mask -- Availability 6; 970 nuyen cost.
- Biomonitor
- Gas Mask
- Trodes
- Insulation 1

I really need something better looking to wear, but they are all expensive and (I have the feeling) don't fit it that well with the Aspen crowd. They probably wear 20,000 nuyen suits as "comfort" clothes.

I was under the impression that Ace and Kat would be buying outfits for everyone. At the very least we should be able to do 500 ny suits and have Kat make the necessary alterations to make them look pretty damned good if we have the time.


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« Reply #439 on: <12-16-14/1409:48> »
@Tecumseh/Zweiblumen - I'm sorry. I didn't mean it ... Malevolently. (Ba-Dum-Crash!) Just for clarification, though, if the player assigns specific times to an action, the order is still doesn't matter? That was where my confusion came in - he submitted his report IC at around midnight, and then at that point asked if the car was still necessary. But if it's okay to retcon that so that the car heist happens earlier in the day, then we're all good (and really, it's okay even if it takes place at Midnight - so long as it happens before we are discovered in Aspen, it should serve its purpose).

@Zweiblumen/8-bit/Tecumseh - I left the IC vague as to what was ordered so I wouldn't have to update it as the shopping list changes. But Ohanzee will make arrangements for the two items requested.

@Zweiblumen - re: Secure RFID, I might have Doc lock the file, but wireless off and physically hidden should provide some decent operational security. As far as locking the file, I assume that we could use biometric access tied to one or more of the team. The chip may not have the biometric reader built in, but so long as one of us has one, I'm assuming the file itself could be protected with biometrics. Again, this is a rules grey area I think, so it's up to Tecumseh. Speaking of which, does anyone have a biometric reader already? If not, the file lock isn't important enough to purchase one for.

@Tecumseh - I have a few rules questions. I'm not sure if they have community consensus or if I have just missed something in the book or if I should be opening topics in the forums at large for them, but for now at the very least I want to know your ruling:
1. Astral tracking - the book isn't clear what happens if the trail you are following disappears before the tracking is complete. For example, if you spot a summoned spirit and start tracking its connection back to its summoner, and before you locate the summoner the spirit is unsummoned, do you completely lose the trail or can you completely track something just by observing it briefly?
2. Astral communication - is there a range? If I want to communicate with Katsina or Chino, do I have to astrally travel to their vicinity and talk, or can I mentally project that communication from anywhere? In most cases it's moot since Astral travel over the distances we are working with is nearly instant, but in case it comes up I'd like clarification.

Non rules questions:
1. Does Ohanzee have a known residence? If so, he'd like to check that out while he's flitting around the Astral.

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« Reply #440 on: <12-16-14/1411:32> »
I'd rather not have Doc hack the commlink or the car until it's parked and away from the owner.  That way, "Zed" might think it was Ace who nicked it, and that's what I'm going for here.  Of course, that doesn't jive with the "hack a car that won't be missed for awhile" plan, but it does provide some other possible incentives, and as Vincent says, "adapt, I Ching" etc. 
That works, just send a message to the team IC.  If you can point out the goons, he should be able to crack his 'link and find the car that way.  Once he's found the car, we can stage it so it looks like you nabbed it.
@mal Once Ace sends that message, why don't you chime in with your two cents.  Doc would probably defer to Ohanzee unless timing was critical and he didn't respond.  Dunno how to work matrix communications while you are astral.  Don't think signals from your physical body are getting to your consiousness there, but you mentioned checking your messages frequently so timing could work out.

I was under the impression that Ace and Kat would be buying outfits for everyone. At the very least we should be able to do 500 ny suits and have Kat make the necessary alterations to make them look pretty damned good if we have the time.

This works for me
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« Reply #441 on: <12-16-14/1414:17> »
I was under the impression that Ace and Kat would be buying outfits for everyone. At the very least we should be able to do 500 ny suits and have Kat make the necessary alterations to make them look pretty damned good if we have the time.

This works for me

Agreed; if it's possible to get something completely unarmored that just looks good, then that works for me. I can still wear the jumpsuit underneath it.


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« Reply #442 on: <12-16-14/1421:20> »
@Tecumseh/Zweiblumen - I'm sorry. I didn't mean it ... Malevolently. (Ba-Dum-Crash!) Just for clarification, though, if the player assigns specific times to an action, the order is still doesn't matter? That was where my confusion came in - he submitted his report IC at around midnight, and then at that point asked if the car was still necessary. But if it's okay to retcon that so that the car heist happens earlier in the day, then we're all good (and really, it's okay even if it takes place at Midnight - so long as it happens before we are discovered in Aspen, it should serve its purpose).

I put it at about 7:30pm, not midnight trying to account for my time.  But I can easilly move the "car stolen" line further up in the post with an earlier timestamp :P  I'm not a fan of retconning, but that seems minor enough and I was being a bit aggressive with my time management there. (Assuming @Tecumseh is okay with it ;))
He looks at his local time readout and sees that it's 19:34 already.  He writes up his findings and sends it to the team.
<<<@Team [Doc] There is nothing out in the open that I can find about this artifact.  That data is really well hidden and/or being actively hunted/erased.  I'm hoop deep in data with none of it specific to our target.  However Dr. Winters is another story.  If we can find where she was doing her latest research I'm sure I can get her notes.  Have we found any more info on her residence or office?>>>

<<<@Ohanzee [Doc] You still want a car sent to another city?  I can just grab one from a parking lot at random and get it to set off some alarms once it gets there.>>>

@Zweiblumen/8-bit/Tecumseh - I left the IC vague as to what was ordered so I wouldn't have to update it as the shopping list changes. But Ohanzee will make arrangements for the two items requested.


@Zweiblumen - re: Secure RFID, I might have Doc lock the file, but wireless off and physically hidden should provide some decent operational security. As far as locking the file, I assume that we could use biometric access tied to one or more of the team. The chip may not have the biometric reader built in, but so long as one of us has one, I'm assuming the file itself could be protected with biometrics. Again, this is a rules grey area I think, so it's up to Tecumseh. Speaking of which, does anyone have a biometric reader already? If not, the file lock isn't important enough to purchase one for.

At least Ohanzee and Doc have biomonitors:
@The Crumpled Man: You wake up to a flashing in your Image Link, synchronized to the flashing coming from your cyberarm that's lighting up the cabin of the van. You groggily regain consciousness and instantly regret it, feeling an intense pain in your body, but luckily the cold snow you're lying in is helping to numb it. You finally focus on the display in your eyes and try to piece together what's going on.

>> Biomonitor
>> [X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][ ]
>> Warning: Critical wounds detected. Attempting to stabilize. Please seek immediate attention at your nearest medical facility.

@The Dwarf: You inhale sharply as you come around and begin coughing as pain burns inside your chest. You notice blood on the snow pile coming in through the windows, and feel some of it dripping down your face. You blink a few times, aware of some contacts in your eyes that are projecting an image into your field of vision.

>> Biomonitor
>> [X][X][X][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
>> Warning: Internal injuries detected. Please seek medical attention at your soonest convenience.

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« Reply #443 on: <12-16-14/1700:15> »
@Zweiblumen - Ah, I was going from your earlier OOC estimate that at 12 hours for the research that it would be done at midnight and totally glossed over the actual timestamp in IC.

We have biomonitors (which monitor vitals like heartrate, blood pressure, etc), but they are not biometric readers (which are things like retinal scanners, fingerprint readers, voice identification, etc).
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« Reply #444 on: <12-16-14/1720:40> »
Yeah, as I said earlier, I suffer greatly from RIH syndrome.  Doc'll buy one, toss it on his list.  It can come in handy.  Also seems like someone cut off the good doctors digits specifically to be able to open some biometric readers.  Did Ohanzee happen to notice if she was missing an eye also?
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« Reply #445 on: <12-16-14/1902:31> »
I can make another trip out there. I've been trying to do an IC all day, but work has been more hectic than usual. He was going to pop back in to give you her location so you could check to see if she has a commlink near her, or anything else electronical that might be valuable. You can run with that if you get to an IC before I do.
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« Reply #446 on: <12-16-14/1909:47> »
Perception Test (Don't wanna get sucker-punched or ran over by passing cars): 10d6t5 3

Running Test (Goodbye chumps): 8d6t5 3

With Ace's 9 AGI, that's 24M this CT, barring any conditional modifiers, which I'm sure are coming.  A -3 dice modifier would put Ace at 20M this CT, but even if there aren't any, Ace is not in the same league as unaugmented world-class runners today.

Ace's Running Skill isn't high enough to net him more than 1 Sprinting Test per CT, but here is his Initiative: Initiative: 7+2d6 9

Well, he wouldn't get an extra shot at sprinting anyway.  What an awful roll.  Very glad you can't glitch initiative.


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« Reply #447 on: <12-16-14/1917:18> »
@mal cool, that sounds like a solid plan.

Matrix Initiative 9+4d6: 4d6+9 24
Matrix Perception Looking for the 3 hoods comms Computers(5)+Intution(4)+Qualia(1)+VR(2)+DataJack(1)+SignalScrub(2)-Silent(2)-Wounds(1)-Noise(3)=9: 9d6t5 1

Not much, but if they aren't running silent I'll find them.  If they are here's 2 more searchs (should be able to do that in ~3-6 seconds):
3 more searches: 3#9d6t5 3 3 1
And wow, I'm rolling like shit.  Hopefully those 2 3's will find them.
If I get enough nethits, or they are not running silently I'll want to find out what model each of them are.

A couple of HotF's to use as needed:
HotF to get a mark on each of their comms hacking(6)+logic(9)+VR(2)+Datajack(1)+SignalScrub(2)-Silent(2)-Noise(3)-Wound(1)=14: 3#14d6t5 3 6 8
I honestly only care about the owner of the car, if I can tell which one that is, I'd like to use those all on him, otherwise I'll spread them out.  If that 3 is hitting a high end comm, I'll re-roll it with edge.
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« Reply #448 on: <12-16-14/1924:20> »
@Zweiblumen, I'm hoping Doc can get some hits while they're out running.  If nothing else, it would be nice for Ace to know what he's up against, but if not no big worries.  We know they'll make their way to Zed's eventually, and the cameras there -- if there are any -- will be much easier to hack than most of the other Hosts around.  Even if not, we can put some meat eyes on the place to help Doc work his matrix mojo.


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« Reply #449 on: <12-16-14/2000:17> »
@rednblack, this is not the approach I was expecting but it should be fun to write.

Presuming Ace uses his wireless bonus he gets another 6 dice for sprinting due to his hydraulic jacks. 6 extra dice = 1 extra hit. Sorry I couldn't come up with all sixes like I did for Chino.

AGI 9 * 2 for running = 18 meters/turn
4 sprinting hits * 2m/hit = 8 meters/turn
26 meters per turn = 8.67 meters/second = 31.2 kph = 19.4 mph.

A little slow, actually, due to my nerfing movement rates. But it was either that or go with the base rules, which would have Ace running at 27mph without sprinting. Who knows, maybe that would have been more a realistic representation for his bionic legs.

Naturally, the problem comes down to the abstraction of the rules. The book describes running as "jogging" (allowing you to do other actions) without any intermediary step between that and sprinting. I may have to create that intermediary step at AGI * 2.5 and have sprinting hits added to that. And now that I'm dicking with the math I'm starting to think that the sprinting hits don't add enough meters/turn. But then of course the math breaks down at the extremes because it is linear and not logarithmic. Usain Bolt, presuming 7 AGI + 6 STR + 13 running + 2 spec should be doing the 100m dash in 7 seconds according to the core rules.

Still tied up at work. Taking a little break to pencil this out. I should be back on late tonight.