[IC] New Beginnings DUSK

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« Reply #105 on: <10-06-16/0208:32> »
"Don't worry about that," Sammy said with a chuckle, "you're the only one from the team who hasn't seen it.  And if you've seen some of my trids, you actually have as well."
If there was one thing you couldn't be shy about if you worked in trids, and especially as a woman, it was nudity.
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #106 on: <10-10-16/2240:23> »
As the team arrives at the plane Ms. Johnson greets them as warmly as possible, introducing herself as Jane and trying to make them as comfortable as possible.

To O’Conner:
“We won’t have any security issues, we are on a private flight, under corporate protection as far as Assante.  After that security is up to us, which is why you all are here.”

Once everyone has arrived and Jane has waved off Snow’s inoculation offer, she joins them in the cabin of the plane for a little preflight meeting.

“I want to take a moment to get everyone on the same page, I know the last time I saw you all that things were getting a bit tense.  I am usually on the other side of these arrangements, and to be honest, I am not really comfortable in the role, I would rather just be Jane.  Between the pressure of the timetable and that discomfort, my usually friendly banter and snark came out as being a Triple-A bitch and for that I apologize.  We are going to be working closely together so I need to know we are good before that gets started.”


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« Reply #107 on: <10-11-16/0028:31> »
After Jane's throat-clearing, Clem simply bowed to her and said the team was at her disposal. She got seated and ready for the flight to commence.

Sammy followed Clem's statement with a short handshake and a warm introduction, talking to her with a faked sympathy only someone with years of acting behind her can pull off. She took her seat and made sure everything was ready before takeoff.
Self thought

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #108 on: <10-11-16/0131:49> »
Snow barely hears most of the conversation, but is roused by the last bit.  "Good to go here.  I have been doing some cursory research on Lagos and we might need a bunch more Clems and Cons on this trip.  This is some place we are going to.  West coast of Africa.  Somewhere between 10 and 20 million people on a few islands and some coastland.  Most of the people in the Redmond Barrens live better than most of the people in Lagos.  Two main tribes of natives, but lots of minor ones, and just as many languages in use.  No apparent police force and no city government as such, but gangs and corps seem to run their own shows as long as they have the muscle to back them up.  Money is strange and is almost entirely local scrip, called Naira, which runs about 20 to 1 Nuyen.  A travel advisory indicates that we do not want to use any paper naira due to most of it being forged and useless.  There are objects loosely used as a sort of currency that is more widely accepted than the naira, called hawala tokens.  These take the form of almost anything but are carved in specific designs to represent a set amount of naira.  I certainly recommend getting set up with some of that currency.  Remember these words in this order:  Monkey - Fish - Hippo - Parrot - Lion.  These are the designs on the objects.  They are supposed to have the value on the other side of the thing, but it would help to not have to look it up each time.  They are worth 5 - 10 - 50 - 100 - 1000 naira."

"I am still researching things, but would like to try to download some software from Horizon that will let us translate the main language, Yoruba.  I can try for others, but several tour sites indicate that there is no linguasoft for anything but the main language.  Based on some of the prices I have seen, our daily per diem will not cover much, even at an exchange rate of 20 to 1.  Oh yeah, there is matrix support there, but it can be spotty if not on the main island.  I will get us more information and let you know more as I get more.  Any specific requests for me to be looking at?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #109 on: <10-11-16/0142:45> »
Clem shrugged at Snow. "Can you look up our competition, or anything related to what we're looking for?" Clementine then turned over to sammy and asked her "What about you Starlet, can you look up anything magical related to our mission?"

Without a pause, Sammy answered "Not while we're moving. I'll spare you the details, but it could be extremely risky for me to venture out and not know how to come back. Besides, the sheer distance to the place would consume a lot of time trying to find Lagos just to begin with. Better we wait until we land and are in a safe zone before I do anything."
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« Reply #110 on: <10-11-16/0220:34> »
O'Connor settled into his seat as Jane cleared the air, "If this city is as rough as it's made out to be, we're bound to run into a lot of complications along the way. Do you want these problems crushed thoroughly or handled discreetly?"
« Last Edit: <10-11-16/1021:11> by Necrogigas »
"Speech" *Thought* <Matrix> ~Astral~


Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #111 on: <10-11-16/0935:48> »
Snow nods at Clem then looks at Jane.  "I could do more of that if I knew more about the opposition.  Jane, what can you tell us about who or what we are facing there?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #112 on: <10-11-16/1441:06> »
Sam could tell that Jane was being honest--or, at least, significantly more honest than she'd been during the initial meet. He still wasn't entirely sure of her--he'd often felt like it was harder to get a good "read" on elves--but the longer he was with her, the better he'd understand her mannerisms. He still wasn't thrilled about working for (or with) her, but he knew it wouldn't help to antagonize her. She was paying the bills, after all. He gave her a short nod, shifting slightly to adopt a more relaxed posture.

He turned to Snow. "I'm pretty good at picking up languages--can you get me some recordings of this Yoruba?" Once she'd loaded some videos into his 'link, he settled back into his seat, listening and watching.

OOC: Sam has the Linguistics adept power.
Quote from: Street Magic, pages177-178
The Linguistics power combines enhanced memorization and mimicry to allow an adept to pick up a new language after minimal exposure—no Karma expenditure or test required. After (10 – Magic) hours of contact to the new language in use, the adept makes an Intuition + Logic Test using a threshold as noted on the Linguistics Table (p. 177). If successful, the adept develops the Language skill at Rating 1 at no Karma cost. Increasing the skill beyond this point requires normal Karma expenditure, but the base learning time for the adept is halved.

So Sam'll be immersed in these videos (assuming local television; obviously, instructional videos would help, though I'm not sure if those exist in-game) for about five hours of the flights. I'm not sure what threshold level to use for the language (common is 1, uncommon is 2, and obscure is 3), though I'm assuming uncommon or obscure.

INT[5] + LOG[2]: 7d6t5 2

...Hrm. Guess it's GM's discretion on whether or not Sam can pick up the basics of Yoruba on the flight.
Colors: Speech Thoughts Matrix Astral

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« Reply #113 on: <10-11-16/2125:53> »
"In case you don't remember, the elf we are looking for goes by the name of Samriel Lockwood, but that could be fake.  I do have an image of him, nasty looking critter, but he should be easy to spot in Lagos."  She passes Snow a glossy scan of a heavily muscled elf with silver cybereyes and short cropped gray hair.  "As for what I know about him, that is it, a name and a face, which is why I had to move fast before one of them changed.  But remember he is not the target, we need to recover my employer's property, it looks like a cross between an armillary sphere and a navigational sextant. In the center is a sphere, and the sphere is mounted on a staff, which is intricately carved with spiraling designs and glyphs.  If that sounds confusing, don't worry, I will know it when I see it."

"There will be some linguasofts for Yoruba on sale at the terminal in Assante, probably the only place you can get anything decent for the language, along with some of the other common tongues like French."

Turning to O'Conner "When we are on the ground in Lagos, I don't need a trail of blood following me everywhere I go, so let's avoid that.  As a general ROE let's call it, fire if fired upon, nothing gratuitous and follow my orders, okay?"

With it relatively apparent that the hard feelings are settled, Jane will signal the pilot to begin takeoff.  "It is a long way to Cairo, so you might want to get some sleep, I know I do."

[spoiler]That will not succeed, Yoruba is definitely obscure, making it difficult you Snow to find good source material.  In the future, if you want to try thi again, I will want to see a datasearch from Snow, BEFORE you make your roll.[/spoiler]


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« Reply #114 on: <10-11-16/2238:46> »
With the rules of engagement clear to everyone, Clem was certainly satisfied that everything was taken care of before their departure. The ork asked Snow to let her know if she found anything, and then plopped herself in a seat, making herself as comfortable as she could. The street samurai was eager to catch some rest on the flight, certain she would need to be awake and somewhat rested once they touched down.

Sammy also made herself comfortable, taking a vacant seat towards the tail end of the plane. The ex trid star also wanted to rest her head and relax, but the situation with Marcus and his new conquest (or was it the other way around?) made it difficult for the spell caster to fall asleep. Nevertheless, despite the anxiety making her breathing even more difficult, she eventually was lulled to sleep by the steady rhythm of her respirator.
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Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #115 on: <10-12-16/0109:46> »
Snow shakes her head at the face.  "Sorry, Sam, most of what I got so far is just tourist fluff.  Apparently, there is little to nothing of any detailed record about the native tribal languages in Lagos.  It may be our best bet to get the linguasofts and study them when we have time.  Sorry I cannot do more on short notice.  I have been busy since very early yesterday morning and could use some rest.  I will try again in a bit."
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #116 on: <10-12-16/0449:01> »
O'Connor shrugged, "Fine. You're the boss, you call the shots. A fight's going to break out sooner or later, despite what you want. This place is some kind of super Barrens, right? Strength is the only language drek-bags like me understand, and violence is our prefered currency. We need to be seen as sharks, not minnows. Things like submission, hesitation, or mercy are only going to paint us as targets. That'll cause us bigger problems in the long run. We can't ever back down, and when a fight does break out we need to put down all resistance, hard."
« Last Edit: <10-12-16/0712:14> by Necrogigas »
"Speech" *Thought* <Matrix> ~Astral~



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« Reply #117 on: <10-12-16/1002:16> »
Clem decided to ignore O'Connor's comment. She thought it was best not to press Jane on the issue, and knew she wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger if such a situation arose.

Sammy, however, decided to intervene.  "Like Jane said, better not to leave a trail of blood following us wherever we go. There are many ways we can go about Lagos without drawing unnecessary attention on ourselves."
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« Reply #118 on: <10-12-16/1040:08> »
At Snow's comment, Sam was disappointed, but figured there'd be plenty of time for him to pick up the local lingo. As others were settling in, he moved over to the Johnson.

"So, Jane--what's our play? Corporate shill? Rich pleasure seeker? Group of bleeding-hearts looking to set up a soup kitchen?" He said this last with a slight, lopsided grin; it was obviously a joke.
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« Reply #119 on: <10-14-16/2241:08> »
"Don't get it twisted hot shot, we are going to be lucky if a bunch of oyibos like us aren't having problems all the time, I am just saying that I don't need you putting a bullet in the head of the first Area Boy that steps up to us for a bribe.  That is attention we don't need, we are there to work, not take over."

Turning to Sam, she thinks a moment before she answers, "We can't really pull of any of those, so let's just play it straight, we are looking for a guy, and we will reward those who help us.  We are all working too far out of our element to try and run a scam, and we don't know what we will be running into."