[5e OOC] Tabula Rasa, Chapters II and III

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« Reply #450 on: <12-16-14/2050:46> »
@rednblack, this is not the approach I was expecting but it should be fun to write.

At least Shadowrun is one of those systems that doesn't penalize splitting the party  8)

How do you want to run the crunch for this?  Are we going to go with some foot-powered version of chase ranges, or something else entirely?  As soon as Ace gets to a well-traveled street, I plan on having him duck into a storefront or cafe.  A cafe would be good, as they always have back doors, and he can just go through the kitchen and out the back, though again, I'd like to avoid calling undo attention if possible.  All this is assuming he doesn't get dinged on his way out the door of the apartment.

Presuming Ace uses his wireless bonus he gets another 6 dice for sprinting due to his hydraulic jacks. 6 extra dice = 1 extra hit. Sorry I couldn't come up with all sixes like I did for Chino.

AGI 9 * 2 for running = 18 meters/turn
4 sprinting hits * 2m/hit = 8 meters/turn
26 meters per turn = 8.67 meters/second = 31.2 kph = 19.4 mph.

A little slow, actually, due to my nerfing movement rates. But it was either that or go with the base rules, which would have Ace running at 27mph without sprinting. Who knows, maybe that would have been more a realistic representation for his bionic legs.

Presume away.  I completely forgot about the hydraulic jacks.  But yes, I would much rather be the T-1000 in this scenario. 



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« Reply #451 on: <12-17-14/0225:51> »
Lots to reply to. I may break this up into multiple posts. Rednblack first.

Surprise rolls for the goons: 3 hits, 2 hits, 3 hits. They're off to an okay start. The human and ork #2 are startled but not surprised when Ace bursts out the door.
Surprise roll for Ace with +3 for being aware: 3 hits, not surprised by the hiding goons.

Human initiative: 9
Ork #2 initiative: 7
Ork #1 initiative: busy picking nose

Zed uses an Intercept interrupt action to take a swing. Ace, based on the IC post, will simply try to outmaneuver and outrun. This is actually a pretty easy test. Agility + Gymnastics, needs two hits. I'm going to say the hydraulic jacks count. If Ace can't get 17 hits on two dice I'm going to let this guy knock Ace's head off.

Agility 9 + Gymnastics 2 + Hydraulic Jacks 6: 5 hits. Ace bobs and weaves and is headed for daylight.

Ork #2 is going to chuck a bottle at Ace. Given his 26 meters/turn, Ace is already 13 meters past him by the time the ork winds up. Bottles aren't really represented on the range chart but I'm going to use Throwing Knives as a baseline. Strength 6 * 2 for short = 12 meters so Ace is already at Medium range. Agility 4 + Throwing Weapons 2 - 1 Medium: 1 hit

Ace dodge is Reaction 4 + Intuition 3 + Running 2: 2 hits. Not pretty but it's enough.

Ace is gone in a cloud of dust. He won't have any trouble outrunning these guys. I'll write up the IC encounter; you can go wherever you want from there.


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« Reply #452 on: <12-17-14/0301:26> »
1. Astral tracking may continue even if the source disappears. If you assense a spirit you can trace it back to its summoner even if the spirit is banished, or fulfills its services, or runs away. Per the table on p. 315, this gets harder over time.
2. Astral communication is LOS while projecting/perceiving. Communication while manifesting is more akin to being physically present, i.e. being within earshot.

@8-bit, not problem getting an order in for a ballistic mask. Good news: the biomonitor and the trodes are 20% off because of PCC's leading position in the electronics industry. Final cost is ¥900 instead of ¥970. Mask will be ready tomorrow.

The assumption was the Ace and Katsina were buying street clothes for everyone. I was thinking ¥200/each for casual walk-around clothes. You can spend ¥500 if you want to look better (an okay suit, or designer jeans and a nice sweater). I had ¥1,200 budgeted for this but let me know if you want to spend more. Katsina and Ace have found their clothing and could technically return their purchases.

@8-bit, wearing an Urban Explorer Jumpsuit under clothing is fine if it's something baggy like a jacket and maybe some ski pants, but it's going to look very bulky under non-winter (or indoor) clothing.

Ryo got back to me. Chino and Doc do NOThave any SINs or lifestyles. They are effectively Street at the moment. This may or may not be a clue about their prior selves.

@Mal, if Ohanzee has a residence he doesn't remember it nor have any record of it.

@Poindexter, Sam has a residence in Boulder listed under his Ralph SIN. I meant to mention this yesterday when I said Sam has a Middle lifestyle "somewhere" but I needed to double-check a few things first.

Did I miss any outstanding questions? Anyone want to earn bonus points by compiling the shopping list into a single OOC post?


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« Reply #453 on: <12-17-14/0314:55> »
Zweiblumen's hack

Please let me know how you have your deck configured and what programs you are running.

1. The hoods are not running silent. You spot their icons.
2. The first is a Renraku Sensei (rating 3) while the other two are Sony Emperors (rating 2).
3. Hacking resist, strongest to weakest (sorry, I know this screws you but it's the order I would have processed them even if your rolls had been reversed): 3 hits, 1 hit, 1 hit glitch. I'm going to turn that glitch into a second free mark.
3a. Edge reroll, per your request: 4 hits
3b. Bad Luck check: 1, lulz!
4. Doc has one mark on Comm #2 and two marks on Comm #3, both of which are rating 2. Conversely, the rating 3 commlink (Comm #1) has a mark on Doc. En garde!

It's late and I deliver my report tomorrow so I'm going to get a fast IC post up to cover Ace and Katsina. If I've left anything unaddressed please let me know and I'll catch up tomorrow.


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« Reply #454 on: <12-17-14/0319:57> »
Ohanzee can't tell if Gloria still has her eyes. She's laying/lying face-down. It's tough to tell eyeballs from the rest of her skull on the astral. Also, she's flatter than usual. She looks pretty... broken.

Holy hell the things I have to write for this game sometimes.


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« Reply #455 on: <12-17-14/0320:56> »
Current shopping list
Clothes: 200¥ per person, ready today

Medkit supplies (qty 4): Avail 0, 400¥, ready today
Total: 1600¥

Binoculars: Avail 0, 50¥, ready today
10 security tags: Avail 3, 5¥, ready today
Ballistic mask (camera, omni mic, radio signal scanner rating 1, micro transceiver): Avail 6, 545¥, ready tomorrow
Total: 600¥

Balaclava: Avail 0, 25¥, ready today
Biometric reader (commlink accessory): Avail 4, 200¥, ready tomorrow
Total: 225¥

Ballistic mask (biomonitor, gas mask, trodes): Avail 6, 900¥, ready tomorrow
Total: 900¥

I never got any feedback on the fly spy, which I can't afford, so I think that's a bust.

ETA I'll reorder the list by requestor tomorrow for clarity and add costs, but I can't do that from my tablet atm.
« Last Edit: <12-17-14/1835:40> by Malevolence »
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« Reply #456 on: <12-17-14/0340:44> »
@8-bit, not problem getting an order in for a ballistic mask. Good news: the biomonitor and the trodes are 20% off because of PCC's leading position in the electronics industry. Final cost is ¥900 instead of ¥970. Mask will be ready tomorrow.

The assumption was the Ace and Katsina were buying street clothes for everyone. I was thinking ¥200/each for casual walk-around clothes. You can spend ¥500 if you want to look better (an okay suit, or designer jeans and a nice sweater). I had ¥1,200 budgeted for this but let me know if you want to spend more. Katsina and Ace have found their clothing and could technically return their purchases.

@8-bit, wearing an Urban Explorer Jumpsuit under clothing is fine if it's something baggy like a jacket and maybe some ski pants, but it's going to look very bulky under non-winter (or indoor) clothing.

All right, noted. Probably better to be "stealthy" (using the term loosely) than armored at this point. Getting stopped by cops and them asking for my SIN would be problematic.

Holy hell the things I have to write for this game sometimes.

The wonderful world of GMing, eh?


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« Reply #457 on: <12-17-14/0810:55> »
@Tecumseh, so are they giving chase?


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« Reply #458 on: <12-17-14/1128:28> »
They will give chase if Ace lures them on, but if Ace keeps running at 20mph then they're going to give up quickly, especially if he heads straight for the central business district.

Another busy day at work today. If all goes well, tomorrow and Friday should be much quieter.


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« Reply #459 on: <12-17-14/1247:07> »
They will give chase if Ace lures them on, but if Ace keeps running at 20mph then they're going to give up quickly, especially if he heads straight for the central business district.

Another busy day at work today. If all goes well, tomorrow and Friday should be much quieter.

Ace will definitely try to lure them on.  Can't have them waiting outside and possibly impeding Katsina's movements.  I'm thinking about faking a fall, to make Ace look like an easy target, but I'm unsure how you would want me to roll that.  I'm thinking AGI+Gymnastics, where hits would add dice modifiers to a Con test?  Or I guess I could just turn around and insult them.  They seem eager enough to cave Ace's head in as is.


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« Reply #460 on: <12-17-14/1258:11> »
The slip is a great idea. Very plausible under the conditions. No need for a Con roll.

I should get cute and make this a Free-Fall test, but I won't. Let's do Agility+Gymnastics. You might want to ping Katsina of your plans so she doesn't freak.

Insulting should work like a charm too.


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« Reply #461 on: <12-17-14/1324:36> »
Gymnastic Roll (Ace takes a tumble): 11d6t5 3

Continuing my habit of rolling 3 hits, no matter how many dice I'm throwing.  That should do it, I'd guess.  Will post IC in a bit.

ETA: I'm making a Perception test to see how well Ace can gauge the potential speed his attackers can make when they come after him.

Perception (How fast can these guys run?): 10d6t5 1

Well, he's probably not going to have a great idea there.
« Last Edit: <12-17-14/1402:00> by rednblack »


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« Reply #462 on: <12-17-14/1425:42> »
Base running rates:

Ace: 18 meters/turn
Orks: 8 meters/turn
Human: 10 meters/turn

Ace can't gauge how well they can sprint, but it's going to take a significant effort for them even to match his jogging rate. He has a 20 meter lead on them at the moment.


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« Reply #463 on: <12-17-14/1459:55> »
I'm busy with work and a few errands today, so I'll be late in responding.

And I hit the 1 on unlucky two times in a row?  Wow, he's earning that chargen karma! (fwiw, that IC link takes me the edge re-roll, but I'll take your word for it :P)
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« Reply #464 on: <12-17-14/1503:46> »
A ruby haze of anger and cuckoldry descends over their eyes as they charge after him.

Hahahahahaha.  Ok, I'm going to forgo any sprinting tests for the moment, and will keep a pace of about 9M at turn until they start to close the distance.  I'd also like to go Full Defense, on the chance there's another bottle, or something else, coming Ace's way in the next round.  Let's see if I have the initiative to do so.

Initiative: 7+2d6 14


Ok, Ace's actions:
Interrupt Action: Full Defense
Free: Run
Simple: Use Simple Device: Ace is going to reroute himself through the alley and take a turn at the earliest convenience to pull the trio out of LOS from the apartment complex
Simple: Send message to Katsina

I'm not sure how long I should keep in initiative order, so when you want to start abstracting things, just let me know.