Rule Lawyers

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« Reply #45 on: <08-17-11/2010:04> »
I was reading that, and was wondering if you thought the poop swim fell into that catagory. Glad to see what you thought.

As a new GM, but long time player, I followed the rule of cool. Even when I did something so badass that even though there was a lot of stupid stuff involved, I still got out.

Example. My very first SR1 character. Looking through shadowtech, I saw the hydraulic jack for cyber legs. But I did not notice that it was for cyber legs only... So I got some in my meat legs. We started, and after a few hours of playing, my GM noticed what I did. His response was "Um... Okay, those are for cyber legs.... But eff it, I'll figure it out."

So... that resulted in me being able to bound over walls, and take damage from such. And it augmented my kicking ability. Mainly kicking a cybered gangers head off, but me taking a Serious wound from that.
So... It didn't follow the rules, except for the Rule Of Cool.
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« Reply #46 on: <08-17-11/2315:08> »
Rule Of Cool.

Or the Rule of Chow Yun Fat Badassery....

"But I saw him do it in The Killer!"
You can't tell me what toys I can play with.


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« Reply #47 on: <08-17-11/2325:52> »
If it was done in a movie, I can do it too!
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« Reply #48 on: <08-17-11/2336:57> »
Yeah, my group's Elven Bio-Ninja tried something like that, "I saw it in a movie once" and it ended.  Badly.

He admitted it was fair game, however.  I let him roll for it.  He succeeded in everything but the landing.
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« Reply #49 on: <08-17-11/2339:58> »
Yeah... Stuff like that only works sometimes. If a problem comes up, you throw karma at it and hope it goes away.
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« Reply #50 on: <08-18-11/0225:56> »
The Rule of Cool - When the GM and Players enter an argument over the outcome of an action, ask yourselves, how cool will it make my character.

Hahaha, awesome. 

It really is an important rule, imo.  It needn't just apply to making the characters cool, mind you.  Sometimes, a GM needs to make cool stuff just happen as well.

And how cool is rolling around in feces?  Well!


It really isn't.

Note to self: replace Seattle Sewers with Pudding Factory peopled by persons of the scantily-clad persuasion.

They needn't be just human and Elves:  Orgotha, the trollette, might just be the sort to frequent the Pudding Factory.

Crazy, crazy world, Shadowrun is.
"Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup."


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« Reply #51 on: <08-18-11/1808:18> »
The Rule of Cool - When the GM and Players enter an argument over the outcome of an action, ask yourselves, how cool will it make my character.

Hahaha, awesome. 

It really is an important rule, imo.  It needn't just apply to making the characters cool, mind you.  Sometimes, a GM needs to make cool stuff just happen as well.

And how cool is rolling around in feces?  Well!


It really isn't.

I've tripped in a cow pen.

It really isn't.
Life is short, the night is long, and we still have ammo.


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« Reply #52 on: <08-18-11/1831:42> »
Hey, that reminds me of my friend. I bet it's as fun as what he did.

So he heard about 'cow tipping' heh. So he tries to do it DURING THE DAY TIME, and the cow isn't even sleeping it's just sitting there eating grass. So he prepares himself and then full sprints at the cow. (heh doesn't end well let me tell you.)

So he slams into the cow, it's like hitting a break wall at full sprint. Can you image that feeling? oh but that's not all folks! Next the cow looks back at him and kicks him square in the chest sending him flying backwards, and he lands in cow feces.... <.< now I don't know about you but hitting a brick wall and then getting slammed by a kick from a cow would stun me. All my "stun boxes" would fill up probably. XD Anyways, he struggled to breath and after about thirty seconds or so he was able to get out of the cow dodo. <.< Teach him to mess with cows.... especially awakened ones. (lol j/k he would have died if it was awakened irl)

After he told me that story I couldn't stop laughing for well over a minute. Just the image of him cow tipping in the day time was halarious. xD
Having access to Ares Technology isn't so bad, being in a room that's connected to the 'trix with holographic display throughout the whole room isn't bad either. Food, drinks whenever you want it. Over all not bad, but being unable to leave and with a Female Dragon? No Thanks! ~The Captive Man


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« Reply #53 on: <08-18-11/1958:39> »
The Rule of Cool - When the GM and Players enter an argument over the outcome of an action, ask yourselves, how cool will it make my character.

Hahaha, awesome. 

It really is an important rule, imo.  It needn't just apply to making the characters cool, mind you.  Sometimes, a GM needs to make cool stuff just happen as well.

And how cool is rolling around in feces?  Well!


It really isn't.

I've tripped in a cow pen.

It really isn't.
It is, however, almost always funny.
To everyone else.
Like nut shots.


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« Reply #54 on: <08-18-11/2002:22> »
Hey, that reminds me of my friend. I bet it's as fun as what he did.

So he slams into the cow, it's like hitting a break wall at full sprint. Can you image that feeling? oh but that's not all folks! Next the cow looks back at him and kicks him square in the chest sending him flying backwards, and he lands in cow feces.... <.< now I don't know about you but hitting a brick wall and then getting slammed by a kick from a cow would stun me. All my "stun boxes" would fill up probably. XD Anyways, he struggled to breath and after about thirty seconds or so he was able to get out of the cow dodo. <.< Teach him to mess with cows.... especially awakened ones. (lol j/k he would have died if it was awakened irl)

Don't mess with cows.

Edit: linkage fail (and subsequently dropped)
« Last Edit: <08-18-11/2009:00> by Fallen »
"Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup."


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« Reply #55 on: <08-18-11/2011:12> »
Only when it is deserved.... otherwise... ow. That is NOT a good feeling. XD

I'm going to guess the cows with guns song.
Having access to Ares Technology isn't so bad, being in a room that's connected to the 'trix with holographic display throughout the whole room isn't bad either. Food, drinks whenever you want it. Over all not bad, but being unable to leave and with a Female Dragon? No Thanks! ~The Captive Man


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« Reply #56 on: <08-18-11/2021:30> »
I'm going to guess the cows with guns song.

Nah, just a funny vid I have now successfully linked!  ;D
"Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup."