I'm a bit rusty on this but both barriers should stop dual natured creatures on the physical plane. A ghoul can't separate or deactivate their astral and physical forms, so neither plane will halt their progress.
Most other scenarios pretty clearly show the differences between the two.
Things with no astral signature but a physical presence will pass through astral barriers but treat physical barriers as barriers. An astral barrier will not stop a grenade, or instance. An astral barrier will not stop a street Sam from walking up to you with a katana.
Magical things with limited physical presence should be able to go through a physical barrier (if you can see. I don't remember how opaque they are). Mana bolt or stun bolt should be able to pass through, while indirect spells splash on their surface. A manifested spirit can be stopped with a physical barrier, but they can manifest themselves on either side (if they have a couple rounds) by going into the astral to bypass it.
All spells exist in the astral, so an astral barrier should block all magic across it. Even spells on the physical plane exist on the astral plane. This means that an astral barrier across a corporate entrance is going to attempt to dispel or deactivate sustained spells as well.
As I said. I'm rusty and never really specialized in magic, but there are plenty of differences between the two. Hopefully a Hermetic will show up who actually studies the stuff instead of playing by feel and memory.