[IC] New Beginnings DUSK

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Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #15 on: <09-17-16/1427:16> »
After recovering and showering, Snow and the client eat a leisurely room-service breakfast before heading to the pool.  The man has some business to conduct by pad and comlink and Snow makes good arm candy for him in her two-piece bathing suit.  The pool is covered in some sort of transparent material that lets light in but keeps the toxic rain from disturbing any of the valued residents of the hotel.  Snow is an attractive woman and several of the guests sharing the pool area notice her, but she is very careful to let everyone know just who she is with.  She swims in the pool and relaxes in the hot tub but comes over to her client several times to sit near him and touch him in ways that he cannot miss that she is interested in him.  Twice, she leaves the lounge chair to get him a drink, feeling his eyes on her as she walks away.  Snow was trained by some very good instructors in the art of seduction and sex and she can move with a sensuous grace when she wants to...............and right now she wants to.
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« Reply #16 on: <09-18-16/0105:47> »

<[Recipient: Sarah Barefoot | Text]: I've got a meeting for a job tonight, so that shrimp scampi is gonna have to wait. Anything I can do to further my training while I'm away?>

Oh poo, I was looking forward to some nice pasta.  What training?  Oh, you mean your initiation?  Silly man, that was done the night we met, I have just enjoying a nice meal and target practice since then.  Good luck, hope you get the job!

The elven woman seems somewhat amused at O'Conner's boldness, and seems to take a moment and make a decision. 

"I can help you with your situation, but nuyen will suffice as payment, in advance."  A request of 6000 is addressed to the runner's commlink."

There is an air of challenge on her face, the unspoken message this time?  "Put up or crawl out, lowlife."


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« Reply #17 on: <09-18-16/0129:14> »
O'Connor sent the money with an amused smirk on his face, *Suck of that, you haughty dandelion eater.* Spite, both towards the woman and his team, was the only reason he was going through with this. A large part of him was screaming at the fact that the tailoring had tripled the price, and now cost as much as Ulrich was charging for that machine gun. He headed deeper into the store to pick out shoes and a pair of leather gloves. While picking them out, he got Sarah's reply. He bristled with indignation, *That conniving bitch! I don't know if I should kill her or fuck her!*

<[Recipient: Sarah Barefoot | Text]: Seriously?! See if you ever get a meal out of me again!>
« Last Edit: <09-18-16/0144:44> by Necrogigas »
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Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #18 on: <09-18-16/0229:43> »
Two hours into the morning, the client folds up his pad and secures it in a safe available to guests before joining Snow to relax in the hot tub for a bit before lunch.  Snow notices when an attractive young couple enters the large room containing the swimming pool and hot tub.  The man is athletic and bronzed and carries himself with the confidence that screams out AAA Corporation.  The woman with him is tall and leggy and when she removes her robe to enter the pool, Snow sees that nature and or a very good surgeon have been kind to her, providing her with a figure that many trivid starlets would be envious of.  After a few laps, the young couple leaves the pool and comes over to the hot tub and the man asks if it would be intrusive to share the large bubbling spa. 

Snow remains cuddled up against her client and listens as the new arrivals talk among themselves.  They are apparently husband and wife and in Seattle from New York on business for the corporation the man works for.  She seems put out that he is going to be away for the afternoon but is mollified when he tells her to go shopping.  Snow's client has a hard time keeping his eyes off the other woman and Snow recognizes lust when she sees it.  Far from being hurt, she is amused as an interesting method comes to mind that might even make her worth more to her client.  When the young couple excuse themselves to back into the larger pool, Snow leans over and whispers into the ear of the man with her.  "You seem quite interested in her.  I confess that she is attractive to me as well.  Do you want her?"

The man turns his face to Snow and she sees a definite desire in his eyes as he nods, obviously excited by the thought of bedding the young wife and even perhaps a bit by the thought of the two women together.  She continues by saying, "I might be able to make that happen.  Can you allow me to offer her some nuyen as an incentive?"  Again the nod.  Snow smiles seductively.  "Let me talk to her"  She stands and shakes a bit to remove some of the water off her, a motion that is clearly more for the effect it has on her client to see her move like that.  She then walks over to the pool, diving in and swimming over to join the other couple.  After a few minutes of talking and swimming together, the husband makes his excuses and leaves the pool, drying off and kissing his wife goodbye before leaving the pool area entirely.  Snow and the woman, Valery, talk for a bit and Valery looks over to where Snow's client is still relaxing in the hot tub.  After some back and forth negotiations, Valery nods her head then smiles before climbing out of the pool and following her husband.

Snow swims to the edge of the pool and climbs out to return to the spa, where she glides over to her client.  "We are in luck.  It seems that she likes to shop and her allowance is a bit small for her tastes.  She will be at the room in twenty minutes and it will cost you less than you were willing to pay.  Shall we?"

They leave the pool area after collecting the man's pad from the safe, returning to the penthouse.  Sure enough, Valery is at the door precisely when she had said she would be and the next two hours are amazing as Snow's client is pleased beyond his expectations.  He is particularly aroused when Snow and Valery see to each other while he recovers.  All in all, it is an enjoyable time, but Valery eventually needs to return to her room to be ready to greet her husband when he returns and Snow and her client have to begin getting ready for the business dinner.
« Last Edit: <09-18-16/1128:16> by Mercy Merchant »
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« Reply #19 on: <09-18-16/0436:28> »
Sammy made sure she arrived a bit early.  She had send the code to the rest of the team but she wasn't sure if it would work with them, so she wanted to be there early and go in as a group.  She was wearing an elegant business suit in dark blue, but with some green accents, like at the collar.  It wasn't the latest in fashion, but a suit like that was classy enough to stay something you could wear for more than one season.  Her Zoé handbag nicely went with the colour and in it she could carry her taser.  She always brought that, as she didn't want to rely solely on magic to defend herself.  Now she only had to wait for the rest of the group and then they could see what the Johnson wanted.
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #20 on: <09-18-16/2215:12> »
O'Conner was quite surprised when the clerk, now all genuine smiles, takes the shoes and gloves from his hands.

"Something in gray I think, to better match the suit.  Gunmetal seems to suit you."

A man appears with a device which he quickly scans the runner with, then he starts reading off measurements, seemingly to no one until he finishes, then O'Conner notices a curtain move and hears someone in the back out of sight.  The man moves to a wall and begins looking through longcoats.  By this time the elf is back, with a much nicer set of gloves and shoes, along with some other accessories.  Out of the back a pretty young dwarf comes with several garments on hangers.

The next few hours are a bit of a blur, the three manage to effectively triple team him, not only getting him properly dressed, but groomed as well.  The assistants proving to be capable barbers, facialists and manicurists while the actual sewing was being done.

When he walks out, he is not only wearing the suit, but a few tasteful and masculine pieces of jewelry that he suspects would feed a large ork family in the Barrens for a month.  Miss Sophia (the elf) hands him two garment bags. "There is an extra shirt in there, white, with a jacket for when you would prefer to stand out.  My card in there as well Mr Danvers, feel free to contact me the next time you need anything.  You would be amazed at what my team could do with a little notice."  The second bag must have his old clothes, their unremarked contents and somewhat cheaper covering clearly identifying them.


The club looks unassuming from the outside, but you realize that you’re being scrutinized the moment you step up to the door.  Inside, they request you check your guns and other weapons, then a gorgeous hostess in a skin-tight cocktail dress leads you into the club proper. It’s quiet, and the aroma of cigar smoke, expensive rum, and money drifts through the air. In private rooms, you catch glimpses of a few famous faces—Mafia dons rubbing elbows with trid stars and high-ranking corporate officials. The hostess leads you down a couple of wood-paneled corridors to a small room and asks if she can bring you any refreshments.


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« Reply #21 on: <09-19-16/0001:10> »
O'Connor took stock of his appearance in one of the shops many mirrors. The long coat and suit were black with a few grey accents. He took Sophia's advice and went with gunmetal shoes and gloves. The tailoring accentuated his lithe build without making him seem scrawny. When the subject of jewelry had come up, he'd been worried that they'd try to force gaudy baubles onto him. Luckily that wasn't the case, and he actually quit liked the onyx studs, and the silver and white gold rings. All in all O'Connor looked like a new man.

That evening O'Connor parked a few blocks away from the club. His shitty little Honda would break the illusion that the suit presented. He arrived about ten minutes before the meet. As he approached, he saw that Sammy was the only one that had arrived ahead of him. He approached her, wondering how she'd react to his new duds, "Evening, Starlet. This is the second job you've lined up for us. Ever thought about becoming a fixer?"
« Last Edit: <09-19-16/0345:39> by Necrogigas »
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« Reply #22 on: <09-19-16/0242:14> »
"Actually it was me and Sam," Sammy admitted, "but he and technology have a relationship which works best if they keep a wary distance from each other, so I send it on.  Nice suit, by the way.  The colour combination suits you.  I mostly go with Zoé, but I might have to check out the Vashion store if they are that good at matching a suit and colour to people.  I wonder how you would look like in their 'Ace of Spades' bomber jacket?"
She was impressed with O'Connor, as she had had some reservations about how he would show up here.
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #23 on: <09-19-16/0447:03> »
*The suit's black and grey. Isn't that the default color for men?* O'Connor brushed the thought aside, Starlet knew far more about fashion that he ever would. She probably saw something he didn't. Speaking of fashion, "Answer something for me. The frag is wrong with you high society types? Every other store I came across was peddling this god awful Gagastic drek. I don't know if you could even call it clothing. It was like if you gave a ten year old a whole arts-and-crafts store and told them to go hog wild."
« Last Edit: <09-19-16/0516:02> by Necrogigas »
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« Reply #24 on: <09-19-16/0529:59> »
"I must admit you got me there," Sammy said, "that's one fashion trend I've never understood.  Which is why I normally go for Zoé.  Those pieces are classic, like your suit.  Things you can still wear after a couple of years.  Those Gagaistic dresses are party dresses: things for at parties, but not for business meetings.  I also don't think you'll see many of those in this club."

She felt lucky he hadn't decided to make a statement and go for one of those.
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #25 on: <09-19-16/0704:34> »
Preoccupied by her own tardiness, Clem hadn't noticed O'Connor's new clothes. She almost mistook him for some upper-class commoner Sammy was making conversation with, but quickly recognized the voice. She surprised herself thinking the man could look decent, and reluctantly admitted that she could envision a universe in which she might have some physical attraction to him, but instantly swore to herself never to let anyone know about this.

The ork nodded at the group and simply exclaimed "This is a change of scenery!" as she looked at the physical adept. Turning back to the rest of the group, she asked Sammy "Is there anything we should know about this Johnson before we walk in?"
Self thought


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« Reply #26 on: <09-19-16/0808:39> »
"I don't know much either," Sammy had to admit, "but the message came through a trusted channel.  And I assume she's awakened, although I'm not sure how exactly."
Due to the secretive nature of the Club, she was a bit reluctant to explain just how they knew the Johnson.  In fact, they might even have met before when Sammy was at the Club, although she wasn't sure about that.
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #27 on: <09-19-16/1619:24> »
Sam was a little surprised when he got to the club to find that he was the last one there. Smiling at the hostess, he asked for a martini, then joined the group, waiting for their Johnson to reveal herself.
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« Reply #28 on: <09-19-16/1720:02> »
As soon as everybody was there, Sammy brought them inside.  In the hall, she checked in her taser as requested.  It was just a more visible defense weapon, as her best defense was her magic, but she wouldn't be using any here as she was sure this club had excellent magical security.  When asked for drinks she asked for Perrier as she wanted to keep her head clear.  Maybe afterwards she could indulge, but business first.
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #29 on: <09-19-16/2009:33> »
O'Connor checked his weapons in at the front. He'd made sure the tailor left a few inches in the sleeves of the long coat so that he could still use his hidden arm slides. With a bit of dramatic flare O'Connor extended his arms down to his sides as he activated the slides and dropped Lightning of the Storm into either hand. He flipped the guns around and handed them over butt first. He toyed with the idea of trying to sneak his holdout, Peashooter, in, but figured that a swanky place like this had multiple MAD scanners all over the place and turning it over as well. Finally he pulled out the knife he had sheathed on his hip. The look on the host's face was priceless. For a laugh, O'Connor made a show of patty himself down pretending to make sure he hadn't forgotten any other weapons. Once they were ensconced in their meeting room, O'Connor ordered a whiskey on the rocks.
"Speech" *Thought* <Matrix> ~Astral~
