(I.C) Cleaning Up the Band

  • 90 Replies

Walks Through Walls

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  • Ace Runner
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  • Posts: 1033
« Reply #90 on: <10-21-10/1918:23> »
Axe sees on his cam that the crowd parts as a figure walks up to the make shift stage. He takes a mike and announces, "Welcome all of you to today's meeting. I know we are going to have a fun time. As you all know the man keeps us all down. ........" He continues on his rant of the evils of the corporations and how there is a need for a new world order. You see that Josh is in the front row of the crowd as you try to pan around
"Walking through walls isn't tough..... if you know where the doors are."
"It's not being seen that is the trick."

Walks Through Walls