Tangled Currents - Lizzie

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Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #720 on: <03-20-17/0933:10> »
Thursday 13 June 2075 1015 You have No Idea Where

When you get your head through, you feel water hitting your face as if it is raining.  From next to you, Sian says "Open your eyes slowly, Isla.   You have completed the hardest part." 

As you open your eyes you notice two things right away;  Sian sitting cross-legged in front of you and the water raining down on your head is a dark blue.  "Alright.  From here it is easy.  All you need to do is wish yourself here and it will happen.  Once you have penetrated the shield this much, it will accept you.  Come on up."

As easy as thought, you are standing on what appears to be solid ground.  There is a steady light rain of blue water falling on you and collecting in rivulets to flow off somewhere, although you do see a couple of small puddles here and there.  Sian holds her hands out to the rain then motions for you to sit next to her.  "We do not need to travel farther to get what you need."  When you are seated, she continues.  "These drops are power, Isla.  The smaller the drop the less power.  The small streams are concentrated power, as are the puddles.  Each can provide you with the power for your spells.  In this form it is simply here.  You will need to grasp it and absorb the power if you wish to use it.  You must be very careful in your selection, though.  Not enough power and your spell will fail, but too much power is even worse, especially at your level of experience.  It can be quite intoxicating and addictive and the power can take you if you are not careful.  For a start, I do not want you to try to absorb any of the power, but you are going to learn how to see it so that you can.  I am going to describe something to you and then tell you to do it."

"I am going to take you through the small steps first.  Are you ready?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #721 on: <03-21-17/0852:29> »
I take a deep cleansing breath and nod at Sian.  I'm ready.  Let's begin.
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“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
― Lewis Carroll

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #722 on: <03-21-17/0952:44> »
Thursday 13 June 2075 1015 You have No Idea Where

Sian smiles at you.  "As it is right now, you cannot really tell which drops are too small or to large so you will have to slow them down to a speed that allows you to select the correct one for your purpose."  She gives a slight laugh at the expression on your face. "Do not fret, it is easier than it sounds.  After all, power exists to be used and the plane will not resist your will too much if using the power is your intent.  You will need a key word; one of your choosing and one that you will remember.  This word is necessary but can be any word, real or nonsensical, so long as you use the same word every time.  So, now I would like you to choose a word and focus your will to stopping the flow of the drops."
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #723 on: <03-22-17/2314:38> »
A word?  Like just any word?  Could it be "and" or does it need to be something I'm not going to say much? Can it be a made up word?  Ooh, I know can it be shirak? I say smiling at Sian.
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“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
― Lewis Carroll

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #724 on: <03-22-17/2337:00> »
Thursday 13 June 2075 1015 You have No Idea Where

Sian smiles and puts a hand on your shoulder.  "That word will do, yes.  Now focus your will and stop the flow of time."

As you focus you see the drops slow then stop falling.  "Good, Isla, good.  Now you can select the drops you need for your desired spell.  Let us practice with a light spell, so you can see into the pit.  This is a very minor spell so you will only need a small drop of power.  You get it by reaching out and grasping, just you did for the killing spell, earlier, remember?  That spell was mostly me, but this time I want you to do the work.  The power can be retained in your body  for a short period of time, which means that if you know of a second spell you want to cast right away, you can take two drops and then use them one after the other.  Do not let the power go too long unused because it will break out and do harm to you.  Remember that power exists to be used, not stored.  The law of using power does not apply to this plane, so you can store it and not use it right away."

"OK, reach out and grasp a small drop and squeeze it into your hand.  That will allow you to absorb the power.  This drop will do for your light spell, so go ahead."
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #725 on: <03-26-17/1413:50> »
Okay then, shirak, I say.  I watch for a moment in mute surprise as the rain slows enough to watch the individual droplets slide by at a snails pace.  I focus on the drop and reach out to grasp it.  I will it to become a pearl of cool, incandescent light in my hand picturing the rays slipping through my fingers as if trying to hold a tiny sun.
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“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
― Lewis Carroll

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #726 on: <03-26-17/1941:56> »
Thursday 13 June 2075 1015 You have No Idea Where

As desired, light tries to escape from between your fingers and it shines brightly when you open your hand.  "Very nice, Isla, very nicely done.  On this plane there is no passage of time relative to the one you were on so the spell has not really started yet.  The power that you put into it will fuel the spell for a number of minutes after you return.  What else do you think might help you in your task to assist the unfortunate traveler?  If you need two spells, you might as well get power for both while you are here.  At your skill level, you will not be able to cast both spells at the same same time, so just grab and absorb the power and cast it after you get back and actually release the power in the light spell.  You can absorb some bit of power and keep it for a short bit of time.  The amount and how long will increase as you learn more.  Right now you will be limited.  So, think, what other sort of spell would be be of use?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #727 on: <03-26-17/2107:16> »
Some sort of levitation spell.  I don't know it normally but if it is like the light spells then I should be able to get the woman out of the pit.
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“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
― Lewis Carroll

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #728 on: <03-26-17/2242:48> »
Thursday 13 June 2075 1015 You have No Idea Where

Sian chuckles.  "Yes, levitation would be a good spell to have for this situation.  Unfortunately, it is a bit beyond your capability just now.  You could cast the spell, certainly, but the amount of weight that you could lift is far less than the woman is likely to weigh.  Baby steps, Isla, baby steps.  Remember, the spell that you used to kill the ghouls was mostly me showing you what is possible with enough power.  No, let's consider something a bit more physical than a levitate, but similar in effect.  I would recommend conjuring some sort of rope.  And conjuring materials is a different sort of spell entirely than creating light.  At your experience, you do not want to try to create large things because they will fall apart very quickly.  Even minor creations will not last long.  As you increase in experience, some smaller things can be permanent and you can make larger, temporary things, and so on.  As it is, your rope will last a number of minutes, so you will need to plan your use wisely or risk the person you are helping falling again.  Do you see what I am getting at?  There are fewer rules than your normal Astral magics have, but then more rules in some ways.  It can be confusing and only trial and error will show you the right way.  But more and more practice equals gaining experience in the craft and that means that you will be able to use more power and more powerful spells."

"But I am here only to advise and teach, not command.  Sometimes one learns the most by failing.  Just remember that a life might hang in the balance.  What do you desire to do?  If it is the rope, you will need to absorb a bit more power than you did for the light spell, so choose a slightly larger drop of power.  If you want to try something else, I will let you and we will see what happens."
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #729 on: <03-27-17/1453:16> »
Okay before I grab the power, how do I get back to where I was and how do I get to this place again in the future?
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“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
― Lewis Carroll

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #730 on: <03-28-17/0233:28> »
Thursday 13 June 2075 1015 You have No Idea Where

"The getting back to the other plane is easy.  As long as you do not move from where you came through you will go back to where you came from.  Moving on this plane can be dangerous for someone not skilled in it, but it is yet another thing that is easier as you get stronger.  To get here, you just force an opening like you did this time and you can do that from almost anywhere.  For now, you can access all the power you need from wherever you come through.  Once you get more used to things, ask me to guide you along the paths to where the greater power lies and I will be happy to take you there and show you more of the mysteries of this place.  As for your second question, you can reach this place from anywhere on your plane.  it will not be the exact same location that you are sitting in now, but it will be somewhere on the plane of power.  Remember that for a while every time you come here will be painful and I must warn you that too many visits without spacing them apart can do odd things to your body.  Please do not come here more than a couple of times a day once we leave your initial training.  Come to see me if you think that you are ready to go more often so that I can evaluate your readiness.  This restriction does not apply while you are on the path with me."
« Last Edit: <03-28-17/0235:13> by Mercy Merchant »
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« Reply #731 on: <04-01-17/1335:11> »
What is the mechanism for leaving here?  Do I just wish myself back?  Do I have to make another hole?  When I want to return how do I form the pinhole that you created for me?  Do I will it like the spell?
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“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
― Lewis Carroll

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #732 on: <04-03-17/1050:35> »
Thursday 13 June 2075 1015 You have No Idea Where

Sian nods.  "Yes, it is just the reverse of how you got here.  You can create the small hole this time, though.  Just imagine it and then demand that the power open it for you.  Once you can see the small hole, then you can return to the path.  Again, it will hurt.  The pain is a reminder that nothing worth while should come free or easy or without pain.  It will make mastering it that much more satisfying.  When you are ready, grab and absorb the power and return to the path."
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #733 on: <04-05-17/2354:50> »
Okay so that's fairly intuitive.  shirak. I command time to slow again and reach for another droplet a bit larger than that last and focus on absorbing and containing the power.  Once I feel like I have enough control to keep it from slipping away I focus on the hole in space.  I demand that it widen for me and allow me to step forth into the "real" world.  I step to the edge of the pit and look into it to see what manner of creature I might be saving.
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“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
― Lewis Carroll

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #734 on: <04-06-17/0107:15> »
Thursday 13 June 2075 1015 You have No Idea Where

Despite what Sian said, the pain does not seem any less this time than when you came through the other way. and your body feels like someone very large has been stomping all over you.  Holding the light out over the edge of the pit, you can see a bit down to where a shadowy form stands just at the very edge of what you can see.  The effect is to hide any features.  You also see that the walls of the pit are covered with sharp spikes.  The figure at the bottom of the pit holds up an arm and waves it at you.  "Thanks for, look at those spikes.  No wonder I got all cut up when I fell in.  So, can you get me out?"

"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>