I'm chaoticxinsane everywhere. PS3 and when I eventually get a 360 (Christmas?

I can hope) that'll be it.
Favorite Games... oh lord. XD
-Shadow Hearts. Just the first one.
-Champions of Norrath and Champions Return To Arms
-Silent Hill 2-5, screw Origins and Shattered Memories, haven't gotten a chance to play the first one.
-Condemned 2: Bloodshot
-Dragon Age: Origins
-Red Dead Redemption (PONIES.)
-Assassins Creed
-Monster Rancher. All of them.
-Pokemon. Between Dad and I we have all of them.
-Final Fantasy 7, 9, and 10
-Lunar. Both of them.
There are others... many, many others...
-Mech Warrior... 4 I think it was?
-DDO (Chrysoberyl Argent, khyber server)
-Guild Wars Prophecies (Silvanus Anamak)
-Guild Wars Nightfall (Eabha Osuiliobhan. Don't quote me on that spelling.)
-D&D (3.5, mostly)
-Will start shadowrun as soon as I get off my lazy bum and finish my gear. I think I'm the holdup right now. XD