MomoCon 2015

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« on: <04-18-15/2053:04> »
Hi all,
So it is coming up again the convention season of fun and games and everything else at a con.
We are at the World Congress Center in Atlanta, GA May 28th-31st 2015 at the third largest convention center in the country.  I have talked to the director of RPGs and he would really like t have more GMs and it isn't too late to volunteer.   And even if you don't want to volunteer we are going to have a few empty table for people to just come in and run one offs if you want.  I do hope that as many folks will come to play the different games.  I will be running other games but will happily run the beginner box/alphaware box sets if there are any takers. 
GM Guy
Catalyst Game Labs Agent


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« Reply #1 on: <05-31-15/2008:07> »

To all that came to MomoCon I wish to say thank you for all of you who came to the event.  I apologize if I was either a) not available to run Shadowrun or b) was not even there when you stopped by.  Momocon is going through some readjustments from the recent move to a new location so we were still trying to do things the old way.  Next year we intend on doing better and I have already talked about scheduling a specific time for a session of Shadowrun with a sign up so if response is high enough we can schedule another session or perhaps adjust the schedule to have more sessions, and one for the other games I run.  Again I say thank you for all who tried to come out and I hope to see you all next year.
GM Guy
Catalyst Game Labs Agent