bnc's basement

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« Reply #15 on: <07-22-18/1627:41> »
"Of course I can't.... got to buy that someone a drink first..." she grinned and accepted the pepper plus.  "Thanks, for the drink, bnc."  She looked for a comfy place to seat and decided to crush near bnc's body. "Perhaps you cannot do so yet, but I am sure that some brainiac would figure it out. I mean, you jump into a car and suddenly you have wheels and engine and a windshield and you suddenly feel things to the point of physical pain when the car is damaged...

So I am thinking if you can have an engine, wheels or a rotor... Why can't you have a freaking dick?
Are penises so complex that they remain beyond our reach? Heh... perhaps I am just too kinky for this world.  Though I am aware that our brains are wired differently, but this is kind of the point. To be someone else but still be yourself."

She is a bit disappointed when the beachboy drone has no genitals. "No sex autosoft I take it?  I'd probably miss a week or two from my life if I had a such a realistic sexdrone... I doubt I'll get out of bed, massage and sex and massage and sex... Then have it cook me a meal when I am hungry, and make a good cocktail or something.  Though, I'll grow bored eventually as AI's are still not as sophisticated as people."

She sighed
"However,  this room is not particularly clean or organized... This makes me a bit suspicious... what DO you use your drones for?"

« Last Edit: <07-22-18/1631:27> by gilga »


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« Reply #16 on: <07-22-18/1731:27> »
"Ah-ah-ah, listen more closely. I said "you can't just". I never said, I can't do it" Hesheit grins. "It's just more ... complicated. Thing is, this is not off-the-shelf-stuff. I'm gonna have to do a lot of hardwiring and programming before this works.
Sit down and be aware that I can see when you touch my dead me."

The drone, too, sits down next to Anna, shifting about until it looks comfortable.

"Okay, you've got access to AR, right? Look!"
bnc shoves an ARO over to you. It's an ad. "Unsurprisingly, Shiawase is doing the best ones. I believe that I could hardwire those cybergenitalia to the drone but reconnect the output streams to the control rig. I believe that I can find descriptions of which ports access which parts of the sensoric cortex. If I can dig up a detailled enough index map, I guess, I could do a a pretty decent male-to-female adaption. This'll need some serious adaption, though. But you know, once you get someone curious... So, what I'm basically gonna do - uhm, are you even interested in the details? Ooh, by the way, you can actually test those things in a VR, though the access is restricted to 5 minutes, and, yeah, it's only virtual. Still, kind of makes me sick."
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #17 on: <07-22-18/1751:28> »
Anna watches the advertisement "This is ahm... bigger than anything I experienced. I bet when you go cyber you are not happy with less than perfect. Though,  I lack the sim module for true VR."
She takes a large gulp from the alcoholic drink and then says with a devious smile... "So... you are going through all this trouble just to give me a good pounding? I must admit that it is kind of romantic.  In a nerdy, twisted way. I like it." That evening turned out to be stranger and stranger, indeed bnc was unlike any other person Anna met. Though, she was not certain if it was a compliment. She was the most interesting one - she had to admit.


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« Reply #18 on: <07-22-18/1829:37> »
"You mean bigger like size-wise? Not necessarily. It's customizable. It's designed in a fashion that you can vary it in sizes between 13 and 30 centimetres. That's roughly, lemme think, 5 to 12 inches. I don't think everyone loves lying in agony for the next 2 days...

Well, anyway. What I - what? Who says I'm doing this for you? I just wanted to show you my awesome drone. This is only one additional feature among others. He's gonna be so frigging awesome, sex will be just a gimmik, barbie."
bnc/the drone looks thoughtful for a moment. "Doing you with a drone would be most decisively the most bizarre thing I've ever done. Even considering is more bizarre than most stuff I have done in my life. You ... you are serious, Anna, aren't you? Oh gosh..."
Anna notices a bizarre thing. The voice is definitely male, but it just somehow sounds still like a girl talking. But maybe it's just because she knows that's the case.
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #19 on: <07-23-18/0028:34> »
Anna giggles a bit embarrassed "These are centimeters... Oh silly me"  Then she nods to indicate that she is serious., and after a short silence she adds."Mindblowing isn't it?... You got me excited - as I never had a lover that was both male and female.  Being excited is the first step toward an incredible experience. Afterall, if you think about sex for a moment - it really is all in our brains. If you only look at it physically then it is really not all that interesting."

She took another gulp from the drink. "What can I say, you are an exciting person, bnc. It is not the drone that is awesome it is you and how you can leverage it toward something remarkable.  I mean, you can do with this drone so much more than what Saeder-Krupp intended. " 


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« Reply #20 on: <07-23-18/0232:32> »
The drone looks slightly embarassed, though it doesn't blush. "Uhm, at least I hope so. But it's going to need a hell of a lot of modding and I'm not sure if I can get it working. And mind you, it will still not feel like it does for a man. Rewiring sensoric inputs to certain areas of my sensorical cortex is really all I can attempt to do. I will try to abuse my auto-injector to emit hormones - especially testosterone and androstenone - when aroused but I have no clue how good my body will receive then and how strongly I will have to dose it. Fortunately, the basic stuff - you know, adrenaline, serotonine, oxytocine and stuff - is already controlled by the cybergenitalia off-the-shelf. If I can translate the signals of the 'ware into something the control rig can read, it'll be comparatably easy. I still haven't found a way, however, how to simulate the decrease of testosterone after the orgasm. That's basically what makes men want to cuddle after they're done. I might actually end up being aggressive and/or abusive after sex. Also, there's no way to make it..." bnc sighs.
"It's no more than a, uhm, how do you say? It's only half the rent. Still, it's pretty awesome, I guess. If it works. And I have no clue at all what to do with the balls"
She is silent for a moment. An awkward silence.

"I need a drink, Anna."
bnc's body stirs and gets up awkwardly. Then the drone stands in a smooth motion and walks over to the fridge.
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #21 on: <07-23-18/0923:09> »
Anna grins surprised that that idea seems to actually be happening. She thought of a smart thing to say but ignored it as bnc seemed genuinely embarrassed by the thought. "Good morning", she smiled at bnc.


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« Reply #22 on: <07-23-18/1112:00> »
"Morning." She smiles, then catches a well-thrown can out of the air and pops it open. After a long gulp, she turns to Anna.

"But there's so frigging much more to him. Take a look!"

She takes up his hand - the stump is still hidden under the towel, while the chrome hand is lying in a box, hardly recognisable, as the synthskin is undone and it's properly disassembled. "Uh, shit, not done yet ... I thought I could finish it before you come. Would you be nice and let me work just some 20 mins or so? Then we can go out or do girl stuff or whatever. Si?"
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #23 on: <07-23-18/1148:24> »
Anna rolled her eyes and then said "Fine... I'll continue my research or something."  She would watch bnc for a few moments, and then immerse herself in some textbook. She is reading with her glasses and bnc can see her eyes moving but without a physical object in her hands.

For the first time in her life, Anna felt passionate about her craft, it felt strange that there was no structure at all this time. She wanted to study so she did and the textbooks were hard but she needed no external motivation to struggle with them.
She did not need grades, just the company of students roughly her age in her cycles before they turned into drones with too little in common with her.  Anna would be completely immersed and uninterested in the technical bits until bnc snaps her out of it. Which is a drastic change from how she felt in Seattle.

« Last Edit: <07-23-18/1152:06> by gilga »


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« Reply #24 on: <07-23-18/1229:15> »
It didn't take 20 minutes. More like the better part of an hour, but as Anna was studying anyway, bnc confided herself with humming happily and she screwed and molded and tinkered. After some five minutes, she offered Anna an ARO to share the music stream bnc was listening to - some middle-heavy metal that had a good rhythm for working - but otherwise left her pretty much to herself.

Finally, bnc gets up and walks over to James. With a soft click, the hand engages, a mental command locked the security bars. Carefully, almost tenderly, she applies the synthskin shell, then smiles proudly.
[color="red"]"Anna? Do you want to see it?"[/color]
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #25 on: <07-23-18/1232:29> »
She replied "Heh?... Is it ready? because I am getting hungry. "  and then looked with curiosity. "What do you want to show me?"


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« Reply #26 on: <07-23-18/1342:28> »
The drone stretches its hands out. Yael almosed misses the slight change: Between his fingers, some kind of tissue has appeared, giving his hand a fin-like appearance.

"Isn't that wiz? Uhm, now, seeing it from your perspective, it's maybe kind of underwhelming..."
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #27 on: <07-23-18/1431:35> »
Looking not impressed she said "I waited an hour for that? We could have made some fancy latex gloves or anything... what does it do? Can he swim faster now? I mean, I am not even sure if drones can swim at all... No, I am completely lost. Tell me. "
« Last Edit: <07-23-18/1433:53> by gilga »


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« Reply #28 on: <07-23-18/1450:07> »
Slightly less euphoric than before, she says. "Uhm, I can see why you're not impressed. Yes, they are actual finds. I'll attach some to the feet as well. I had the whole fragging thing sealed and whaterproof. Can you believe that those drekheads of engins charge another 16,000 euro just for the drone to be water-proof? My fragging soykaf machine is waterproof. It's just not fair.
This drone is going to be my new body. It can stay under water forever, it has fins, climbing claws" - a pair of hooked claws appear at the back of the hands "will soon have hydraulic-supported jumping, a built-in gun and, well, and a cock. I'm not sure yet as I'm only just beginnen but I think I can mod him up so to run astonishing 80 miles per hour. He can climb, swim, jump and run. And I am him. Do you understand what that means? With this, I'm not only a nove-hot decker and a profound rigger, I'm also a fast and versatile gunman. And I've only just grown-up. Give me ten more years..."
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #29 on: <07-23-18/1503:39> »
"Underwater? Climb... Run... you are like some superhero, how does it go? do you need to study gymnastics for him to do some parkour? Or can you like program him to do so for you?"

