Tangled Currents - Sam Chat

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« Reply #30 on: <05-02-16/0726:45> »
Thursday, 21 November, 0607; Alki Beach, Downtown Seattle

The body hit the floor below with an ugly wet thud...and then got to its feet, staggered aimless for a moment, and finally collapsed and was still. A few moments of silence were followed by the girls' screams.

Bengal ran in the front door, and seeing his friend dead, began looking around for threats. Unfortunately, he left the door open behind him and some sort of purple fiery blast followed him through, striking him on the back and setting his clothing afire.

Blue Dragon ran into his room and slanmed the door behind him.

The two topless teens kept screaming.


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  • Omae
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  • Posts: 505
« Reply #31 on: <05-04-16/0105:48> »
Thursday, 21 November, 0607; Alki Beach, Downtown Seattle

Sam cursed under his breath as the magical display rocked the downstairs area.

Well that's fantastic.  No rails up here means precious little cover too.

He dropped into a low crouch keeping his back to the wall next to Blue Dragon's bedroom door.  He kept his attention mainly focused on the entrances to the area, but he kept half an eye on the two screaming girls.  You know, just in case they turned out to be like Bumper too.


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« Reply #32 on: <05-04-16/1517:35> »
Thursday, 21 November, 0607; Alki Beach, Downtown Seattle

Bengal was running in circles, fanning the flames the engulfed him.

Two women in gypsy dresses and ballistic vests came in through the front door just as a Korean man with a huge knife ran screaming in from somewhere at the back of the condo, throwing himself at them.

And then from beyond the closed door, filtering through the incessant screams of the two girls, was a bloodcurdling shriek of terror that might have been Blue Dragon.


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  • Omae
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  • Posts: 505
« Reply #33 on: <05-08-16/0155:29> »
Thursday, 21 November, 0607; Alki Beach, Downtown Seattle

Sam cursed under his breath giving a quick scan at the combatants downstairs before spinning around and heading for the door.

Let's see what these hinges are made out of...

With one hand on the doorhandle he rammed his shoulder into the door aiming to get it open in the fastest way possible, whether or not it was locked.


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« Reply #34 on: <05-10-16/1715:50> »
Thursday, 21 November, 0607; Alki Beach, Downtown Seattle

Sam pushed the locked door open like it was cardboard.

On the other side was a floor-to-ceiling window that looked out over the pool and lots of other backyard pools behind other flashy condos.

At head height there was a bloody smudge. It matched the bloody bruise on Blue Dragon's face. Maybe he'd forgotten he'd had reinforced glass installed in his bedroom. For protection.

The reason he'd wanted through the window so badly was shuffling toward him, its back to Sam.

It was tall, and mostly bipedal. It had a lot of fur. And when it realized the sound it had heard was the door opening, it turned and Sam saw that it also had a lot of teeth.