Well we all know how magic goes in SR at this point, so I don't imagine anyone will be too surprised to find the new magic book is not well balanced. It's just how the designers and system roll at this point.
They also gave adepts a power to increase mental attributes, so it's basically just a magic buffet free for all at this point.
I have still only glanced through the book, so I am sure there are other elements worth discussion. You can do stuff like aoe heals, aoe buffs, and other things now too. At some point when I have time I will play around with the rules to see if you can create standard spells cheaper on drain just for comparison.
Also, SSDR I just saw there is an ingredient specifically for skills called skill boost, which affects an entire skill. I am now 100% convinced that "affect specific test" has to apply to anything that is a test, which is any dice pool. Otherwise why do both need to exist?
For discussion for those without the book, the wording on the two ingredients:
"Affect specific type of test"
When this ingredient is selected, choose a type
of test. This has to be narrower than a single skill—
for example, Blade attack would be appropriate,
but Close Combat attack would not be. Similarly,
a Lockpicking test could be selected, but not any
Engineering test. All tests of the selected type get
+2 or –2 dice per 1 point of Drain the caster adds.
"Skill boost"
A specific skill must be selected for this spell. The
maximum skill bonus is +4. Drain: Caster rolls a Sorcery
+ Magic (5 – Essence) test; each net hit increases
the skill and the Drain Value of the spell by 1.